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I posted some of this story before, I would like to read any feedback.
Dave Haverchuck was a pretty normal guy, at age 28 he looked normal weighing in at 185 lbs at 6'2''. He was single but not because he had to be, he had dated a lot but had decided it was easier to have one-night stand type relationships. He had a normal job as a video game programmer, to all who saw him he seemed pretty boring. But that didn't last long, three years after getting his job at EA he made a prototype for a game he'd been thinking of since college. When he submitted it, it went over extremely well. The heads decided they wanted to start development immediately and hired a few big name stars to voice the main characters. Not long after, the game was released and it was a smash hit gaining all previously set records in sales. After the games huge success Dave found himself being called for interviews and being headhunted by all the large game publishers.

Dave was able to essentially name the price for his new job, but they wanted him to move across the country from his home in New York to a new place in San Diego. Dave decided it was worth it for the amount of money he would be receiving and the warmer weather he would be experiencing in California. So with his mind made up Dave moved out West to San Diego in hopes he could repeat the success of his last game. When he arrived in San Diego he discovered that the house the company had bought for him to move into was far superior to the apartment he had in New York. He got all of his belongings out of the moving van and once unpacked realized he didn't have nearly enough things to fill his new house.

Dave went to bed for the first time in his new empty house and was out instantly after his long day. Dave woke up the next day at noon in his new home for the first time. During his shower Dave decided to use the first day of his settling in week to head down to Ikea and get some new furniture. He realized he didn't know where anything was in San Diego. His immediate reaction was to look it up on Google maps, but was disappointed when he remembered he didn't get his Internet hooked up for another week. So he called the number the man he had met once he arrived in San Diego had given him. It rang three times then a woman with a very soft voice answered.

"Hello?” said the woman.

"Hi, is this Emily? The Human Resources guy told me too call you if I had any questions.” Dave responded.

"Oh. Ah, yeah this is Emily, I assume your David?” Emily sounded like she was caught off guard by Dave's call.

"Yeah, I was wondering does San Diego have an Ikea?” Dave said feeling as though he may have interrupted something.

"Um, yes it's on..."Emily paused for second realizing Dave knew none of the street names. "You know what, no matter what I tell you you'll likely get lost." Dave had to laugh a little about that one. He hadn't thought about that. "Why don't you just look it up on Google?” Emily asked in hopes of not having to go out and show the new guy around.

Dave responded with, "I don't have any Internet here at my place and it doesn't get installed 'til next week."

"Well I guess I'll have to just drive you there myself.” Emily said finally giving in and offering him a ride in her new truck.

"I think that will work fine. Do you have a van or a truck or something with enough space for some furniture?” Dave asked hoping he didn't have to pay to have whatever he bought delivered.

"I bought a truck last week it should be able to carry whatever furniture you decide to get."

"Okay sounds good. You know my address, come over whenever you're ready"

"See you in a few minutes.” with that Emily hung up the phone and started getting ready to pick up the new guy.

At Dave's place, Dave was excited because he was going to meet his first San Diego lady. His excitement was amplified by the fact that she sounded really hot. Dave had been in a bit of a sexual slump since his game came out he was just way too busy to get any "company". Dave was hoping this Emily was as hot as she sounded and that she's single. Dave went back upstairs and got dressed, a few minutes later Emily showed up at his door. When he answered he saw she was almost exactly what he hoped she'd look like. Emily was 29 years old around, she was 5' 10'' tall, and she had shoulder length naturally red hair and bright green eyes. She had c-cup tits and a perfect ass. Emily knew how to show off her assets as she wore a tight dark blue dress that ended just a few inches down from her ass.

"Hey I'm Emily. Are you ready to go now?” Emily said shortly after Dave opened the door.

"Yeah I'm ready." With that Dave slipped on his shoes and made his way out to Emily's truck.

The whole way from Dave’s house to Ikea Dave peppered Emily with questions about San Diego and the company they both worked for. Emily answered every one of his questions. Then Dave began asking more personal questions like "How long have you lived in San Diego?" and he finally asked her if she was seeing anybody. Emily hesitated for a moment and decided to answer his question "Nope." Was all she said with a little smile forming in the corner of her mouth. Dave found her simple answer hilarious as he had expected a long explanation of her last relationship but instead it was just the one word.

Once Dave finished laughing he decided he was done with his questions for now. They drove in silence for maybe a minute before they were at the Ikea. They went in and half an hour later came out hauling several large boxes, which contained strangely named Swedish furniture. With the help of one of the stronger employees they loaded all the boxes into Emily's truck and drove off back to Dave's.

When they arrived at Dave's place they unloaded all the boxes. Using a trolley Dave had gotten for moving some of his larger things they got all the boxes into the house. Dave asked Emily if she was willing to help him assemble his new Swedish furniture. She smiled and thought since she had nothing else going on she might as well help Dave out. She nodded and they got down to work. A few hours later and they had finished assembling the furniture. By now it was getting late and Emily had to get home before it got dark (She had a fear of driving in the dark alone).

They said their goodbyes and before Emily left Dave asked her, "Do you want to go out and get some lunch tomorrow?"

Emily was surprised by Dave's abrupt question, but she answered him anyway, "Uh, sure I'll come by and pick you up around eleven then I can show you my favorite lunch place."

Dave said it sounded great and Emily left to avoid being caught in the dark. Dave was enthused that he was able to get a date for only his third day in San Diego. Dave was pretty wiped from his busy day and fell asleep the minute he laid down. Dave had set his alarm for nine thirty so he would be able to get ready before Emily showed up. When his alarm went off Dave woke up and quickly got showered and dressed. He spent the next hour thinking about what he would talk about with Emily and hoped she was into the same things he was.

Emily showed up right on time, today Emily decided to wear a black blazer over a red silk blouse with a tight fitting skirt a little longer than the day before, today the end was almost at her knee. "Hey Dave, you ready for lunch?” Emily asked while smiling after Dave opened the door.

"Yeah I'm starving.” Dave replied and they set off today they decided to take Dave’s car because they weren't going to haul anything today. Dave had a rental car the company got for him, it was a silver 2009 Prius. They got in and Emily drove them to her favorite lunch spot. Dave had expected a fancy restaurant full of people dressed like Emily. But instead they rolled up at a chip truck near Qualcomm Stadium that served almost anything deepfryable. Emily asked Dave What he wanted and just said to get him whatever she was getting.

Five minutes later Emily Came back with possibly the greatest sandwich Dave had ever seen. They began eating their masterpieces and started talking. "So what kind of things are you into?" Dave asked trying to get an idea if she was as nerdy as him.

"Well when I'm not working I like to read and watch Television. I really enjoy just being able to relax and not worry about anything. What about You?" Emily answered between bites.

"I do that to, I probably don't read as much as you but I enjoy reading on occasion. What kinds of books do you read?" Dave answered glad they had similar hobbies.

"Well, you'll probably laugh at me but the last book I read was a Star Wars book.” Emily responded embarrassed by her choice of literature.

Dave was thrilled his favorite thing in the world was Star Wars "Don't be embarrassed I like that you’re a nerd like me. Which book did you read?" Dave asked hoping he had read the same one.

Emily was relieved that Dave liked her nerdiness "The last book I read was 'Shadows of Mindor' it was pretty good have you read that one?"

"Yeah it's pretty good Shadowspawn made a really good villain but someone should have killed him before he got away."

"Yeah I liked how they had all the good guys back together after the movies. That gravity gun they used on Luke's ship sounded insane."

"Which movie was your favorite?" Dave asked hoping she didn't say any movies from the prequel trilogy.

"My favorite would probably have to be 'Empire' it was just an all around awesome movie."

"That's my favorite too, it was a little darker and it had more memorable scenes than the other two." Dave responded, enthused they both liked the same movie.

That's when they locked eyes and kissed lightly at first not sure if the other person was really into it. But when they felt each other kissing back they really got into it. After a few minutes of making out they stopped and there was a brief silence before Dave asked, "Do you want to come back to my place for a drink?"

"Yes" Emily responded still a little short on breath.

They went back to Dave's and Dave made them both Rum and Cokes. They sat on the couch and sipped their drinks, Emily was the first one to break the silence this time. "What kind of music do you like?” Emily was hoping he liked old school rock n roll like her.

"Well I like a few different kinds of music I like heavy stuff and light stuff but my favorite will always be rock. My favorite band of all time is definitely The Who." Dave responded happy Emily was finally initiating the conversation.

"I feel the same way, The Who are so great my favorite album is definitely Tommy it was just so awesome." Emily said surprised at just how much the two of them had in common.

That's when Emily built up the courage to slide right up next to Dave and restart their make out session from earlier. Only this time Emily began taking off clothes. She took off her jacket and threw it on a nearby chair, never stopping her kissing Dave. Dave noticed Emily taking off her jacket and did the same himself, then they each undid the other's shirt and threw them on their chosen chairs.

They stopped kissing for a moment when they each took off their bottoms and threw them on the piles they were making. That's when Dave looked down and saw the greatest sight of his life Emily was standing in front of him in only her bra and panties, which just so happened to be Batman themed. Emily Looked down and saw something as well not just the bulge building up, but the Joker themed boxers he had decided to wear.

This made them both laugh uncontrollably, which was followed by a return to kissing. They made out for several minutes more then Dave went for his big move when he went behind her back and undid her bra. He thought maybe she'd react negatively but all she did was move her arms forward and slid off her bra. Dave froze for a second when he saw real life breasts for the first time in five months.

Emily decided to take advantage of the opportunity and removed David's boxers. She hadn't seen a real cock in almost four months and she thought she might be rusty. It wasn't long before she was sure she wasn't. She began stroking up and down Dave's length, after a few strokes Dave put his hand in her panties and started rubbing her clit. He noticed she had shaved almost all the hair off except for a tiny patch above her vagina.

Soon Emily spotted the precum slip out the head of Dave's dick and she leaned over and licked it up. Dave had an idea that he had wanted to try for a while. He slid Emily's panties the rest of the way off and laid down on his back and motioned for her to climb on top with her face on his cock and her pussy in his face. Dave alternated between sucking on her clit, sticking his tongue in her vagina and licking the whole thing. Emily wasn't ready for how good Dave was at oral, within three minutes she orgasmed. Dave Kept sucking as her juices leaked down on to his face. He could feel her shuddering and finally stopped to let her catch her breath. After a minute Dave felt Emily grab his cock and began giving her side of the sixty-nine. They laid there for several more minutes with Emily sucking and rubbing Dave's cock and Dave's system on Emily's Vagina, until they each orgasmed at almost the same time. With large bursts of sperm oozing from his cock into Emily's mouth, while a steady flow fell on Dave from her vagina.

Emily got up off of Dave, she stood up looked at him and wiped his cum that had slipped out of her mouth off her chin and slid her cum covered finger in her mouth. "That was awesome, I was hoping it would last a bit longer though" Dave said smiling up at Emily from his place on the couch.

"I usually don't do that on the first date, but I felt a real connection. We have the same taste in so many things. I have never met someone so similar to me." Emily said relieved that she finally got it off her chest. At that moment Dave stood up and went to Emily and kissed her holding her tightly. They then walked hand in hand up to Dave's room and fell asleep together.

The next morning Dave woke up first and very confidently walked down naked into his new kitchen and made some breakfast. Around a minute before the food was finished Emily walked down the stairs wearing Dave's robe. She saw Dave's choice in wardrobe and decided to join him. They ate their food and when finished Dave calmly stated, "I really stink, I need a shower. Will you join me?"

"I believe I will join you Mister Haverchuck." Emily said smiling at Dave across the table.

Dave and Emily walked over to the bathroom and occasionally each would sneak a look at the others "naughty bits". They got to the bathroom and Dave started up the shower, "After you madam" Dave said with a wide smile on his face. Emily stepped past him, gently brushing against his stiff boner and entered the warm water. She immediately rinsed herself down and began putting in the shampoo. Dave stepped into the shower and with a grin on his face said, "You didn't think this would just be a shower did you?”

Emily rinsed out the shampoo and turned around, she looked down at Dave's erect cock and smiled back at him. They kissed hard again and started playing with each other. Emily turned back around and bent over so Dave had a full view of her ass and cunt, Dave stepped toward her and slowly slid his cock into her wet pussy. She held onto the showerhead as Dave rammed his stiff cock deep into her. She began moaning with each thrust of Dave's cock, she started tightening up flexing her vaginal muscles as an orgasm was approaching. She came and Dave stopped thrusting while Emily Writhed on his cock when she stopped she got down onto her knees and took Dave's cock into her mouth and worked it until a big glob of sperm came out and she swallowed. They both soaped themselves up and once they were all clean Dave shut off the water and they both stepped out and dried off.

Emily got dressed and went home leaving her phone number so Dave could call later. Dave was very happy, he had sex for the first time in months and he was with someone almost like a female version of himself. At four o'clock Dave called Emily so they could setup their next date, they decided to go out for dinner later that night. Emily knew a place downtown and she was going to pick him up in her truck. Dave had dressed in a suit as Emily told him the place was kind of fancy. Emily showed up at six to take him out for only their second date.

David opened the door and saw Emily and he became excited about the thought of what could happen later that night. He may have become a little too excited as he started tenting in the front of his pants. It wasn't long before Emily noticed the action downstairs, she saw him blush when he noticed she was looking. "We still have about forty minutes until we have to be at the restaurant,” Emily said with a devious smile on her face.

David smiled back and led her into the house. Emily began kissing Dave while she unbuttoned his pants, they fell to the floor around his ankles and she sat him down on the couch. She removed his boxers and began sucking his cock she stroked up and down just long enough to get it hard. She stood up and slid her panties off from under her dress she turned around and backed up until her crotch was hovered just above Dave's hard cock. She slowly lowered herself down and began moaning lightly when the tip began penetrating. She slowly lowered until the whole thing was in, she began rising and lowering slowly at first but speeding up.

Dave had seen a move while watching porn and decided to try it. He sat her down and lifted her legs straight up he began quickly thrusting his hard cock in her soaked cunt. He went fast and pounded Emily's soaking cunt, she quickly began moaning louder and David could hear the slapping each time his pelvis hit her ass. He kept thrusting and she had no choice but to sit there moaning as David's hard cock forced it's way in her hot cunt. Dave could feel his orgasm just about coming so he let Emily's legs down, she got down on her knees and started sucking his cock until a huge glob of cum flew into her mouth and she swallowed.

Emily Got up off the floor and walked to the bathroom. Dave was happy but was really hungry now. Emily came back out just as beautiful as when she arrived, they went out and got in Emily's truck. They made it to the restaurant and had their meal, they talked like the night before. They talked about their likes and dislikes, where they grew up (Emily was a San Diego native, Dave was from Yonkers) and then it came to relationships.

Emily was the first one to share, she had had a few boyfriends in her life. She went out with her last one for eight months before she found out he was cheating on her. She broke up with him and spent almost four months alone. Now it was Dave's turn, Dave hadn't had many traditional girlfriends, his last one was in college. He told her about the length of one-night stands and then his break like hers.

They had so many things in common they were both a little shocked. She was happy David and her had shared so much that night and felt their relationship was really strengthening. They paid their bill and went out to Emily's truck, they drove to Emily's house this time. They arrived and it was getting dark, they went inside and they sat down on her couch. When they sat down Dave asked, "Before we met when was the last time you. Uh. Did 'it'?" starting a more intimate conversation than the one in the restaurant.

"Well, I broke up with my last boyfriend four months ago and we had sex for the last time a week before we broke up." Emily responded.

"Is there anything sexually that you would like me to do? Anything that you're a big fan of or something you've always wanted to try?"

"Well I would kind of like to try having complete control some time."

"How about you can control it tonight" This was perfect for David. He was still kind of tired from earlier in the evening so he decided to lie down and let Emily do the work. He took off his clothes and lied on the couch in only his boxers. Emily was excited about being in control again, she started taking off her clothes slowly teasing David. She danced around and turned it into a strip tease, she could see he was really enjoying the show.

She was down to only her underwear and decided she would make him take it off she walked over to him and he reached out to take off her clothes. She swatted away his hands and told him "No, with your teeth." Dave had no choice but to stand up and use his teeth to unlatch her bra and threw it away, stopping for a moment to suck on her right nipple getting a surprised shudder out of her. He moved down to her panties and removed them using only his teeth, which was surprisingly difficult. He let go of her panties and let them fall to the floor around her ankles.

Emily grabbed the back of David's head and pushed his face into her crotch. He began licking and sucking on her moist clit feeling her shudder under the force of each stroke of his tongue. He put two fingers in and started fingering her while stimulating her clit with his tongue. She began moaning loudly and he knew he was doing a good job. Emily pulled his head back and he took out his fingers, she stood him up and led him to the stairs.

They walked upstairs to Emily's bedroom and Emily lied down on the end of the bed, she was going to direct the action and she knew exactly what she wanted. She motioned for Dave to come over, she sat up and grabbed him by the cock she started sucking on his cock getting it lubed up and hard. She popped him out of her mouth and pulled it towards her warm wet cunt. Dave got really excited but decided to let Emily control the action like he did the night before.

The moment the head of Dave's dick touched the opening to Emily's vagina he had the sudden urge to thrust forward but held himself back to allow her control. Then it was in and the wait was over, Emily reached forward and grabbed Dave's ass cheeks and used that to control his pace she'd started him out slow. The feeling was amazing for the both of them they had been so built up from all the activity. Forcing David's cock deep into her cunt with each thrust Emily was having a great time and from the look on his face he was having a better time. Soon Emily began speeding up as she started squeezing his ass hard and he could tell she was about to cum.

She kept him going as she got closer and she began, Emily started moaning speeding up Dave's thrusts. She came and stopped holding his ass and laid back, Dave slowed down his thrusts waiting to see if she'd recover and soon she stuck out her hands and patted down on the bed beside her. Dave stopped thrusting and took his now soaking wet cock out of Emily's pussy. He sat down where she told him to and she sat up she pushed him back so now he was lying down. Emily stood up and hovered over his face for a moment then lowered herself.

Then she was on top of him, Dave began his usual maneuvers but she stopped him. She wanted him to work on her asshole, he stuck his tongue in her ass and coated it in slippery saliva. He didn't know if he was doing it right but he soon knew the answer as she began grinding and moaning on top of him. He stuck his tongue in further and felt her shudder, he continued playing with Emily's asshole using only his tongue. After a couple of minutes in this new position Emily stood back up and got off the bed. She walked to the end of the bed and coated Dave's cock in a layer of saliva. She gave him a quick blowjob bobbing her head only a couple of times to get his cock rock hard and slippery. Then Emily climbed over Dave and slowly lowered her tight ass onto his dick, she went slowly until she had taken the whole thing to the hilt.

That's when she started bouncing up and down on Dave's cock. The tightness of her ass was the greatest thing he had ever experienced. He began thrusting opposite to her, each time she'd go down he'd thrust up. Emily was moaning even louder than before. She was a fan of anal and she knew how much guys loved it. She rode up and down Dave's cock for several minutes, until she orgasmed and clenched around Dave’s cock they stayed connected for several seconds until Emily got off and started sucking his cock, it only took a couple of strokes and he came. Emily once again swallowed the whole load. They crawled into bed exhausted and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-24 22:11:24
fJ2ONS I think this is a real great blog article. Cool.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-09-13 15:47:03
Your Site Is Great!,

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-21 12:44:18
It is a very good thing,

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-21 10:25:30
Help me to find the,

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-21 08:06:41
So where it to find,

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