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The story of Adam1992 continues when he turns 22. Please see Slave which starts the story of Adam1992.

Adam1992 was jolted awake before dawn when a dick started thrusting into him. Adam was bound as usual so that he could not move, but his legs were spread wide in case anyone should need him. He kept his eyes closed as the dick pounded into him again and again. Adam might have even liked it if he'd been a little more awake, but his sleep had been frequently interrupted last night by sporadic visitors seeking his legendary ass for comfort.

The man on top of him was grunting now, saying “Oh, fuck,” over and over as he rutted into Adam's hole. His cum spurted in deep and the man rocked slowly in and out until he collapsed and became a heavy weight on Adam's chest. Finally, the man moved, pulled out abruptly and was gone, leaving only his cum which now dripped slowly from Adam's hole.

Adam tried to go back to sleep but couldn't stop thinking about the significance of the new day. He had been created 22 years ago, born into the world to be perhaps one of the great fuck slaves. Only his master knew that this was creation day, it was in the ownership papers which authenticated Adam's creation and status as a fuck slave.

His master Alan had purchased Adam for a great deal of money a little over five years previous. Adam had adjusted well after a somewhat iffy six month probationary period and then settled into becoming one of the certifiably great fuck slaves. He had met every task presented, had serviced over a thousand for the first time at the age of eighteen, and had met that goal and a lot more, time and time again over the years. Adam was always ready for use and his master, Alan, was very generous in lending him to his friends by allowing them and anyone they wanted to use Adam when they wished.

Fridays and Saturdays were open dates unless Alan had specific plans for Adam. That meant that an appointment was not necessary, perhaps a wait in line, but one could show up at any hour and be serviced. Alan wanted Adam to be tough enough to withstand the large parties and that took training so he encouraged his friends to feel free to use Adam. He was in top shape and Alan thought he must have insides made of cast iron to take on as many dicks as he did.

Adam mostly liked the events he was taken to. He liked the ways a dick felt in his ass, liked the feeling of being full and the thought of all those men giving him their cum was such a turn on. He'd been born to like fucking and that combined with the drugs that Alan provided made for a content fuck slave. The only time Adam was unhappy, was when master denied him the ability to come himself. Adam craved the sensation and wanted to feel it all the time, but master was convinced that Adam would perform better if he was denied on most days. Reaching orgasm was strictly limited to large events where motivation helped him to continue after long, arduous hours of continual fucking.

As Adam thought back, he realized how much the events blended together, how similar they were, and the only event he could remember with real clarity had happened when he had just turned 21. Alan had made a wager with another slave owner who thought that his slave could service more dicks than Alan's slave could. This was a matter of honor so Alan prepped and coddled his slave in preparation. Adam was given extra exercise and weight training time with a special personal trainer. A menu was developed for optimum health benefits with the extra incentive of tasting wonderful. Adam was given motivational talks where the importance of winning the event for his master was emphasized, and a steady stream of dicks was provided to fuck Adam day and night for an entire month before the big day.

The event was held outdoors at the country estate of one of the most influential billionaires in the country. It was offered as neutral territory for the ultimate head to head fuck off between Adam and his twenty year old rival Andre1994. Both slaves were extraordinarily beautiful, and in incredible physical condition, and both had proven themselves at large, prestigious parties. Both slaves were fine pieces of ass and super great fucks.

A large tent was provided to house the slaves,and a staging area was created inside where both would provide service. Each slave would be placed on their backs on cushioned platforms so that their ass was accessible at the right height that men could walk up and put their dicks right in and start fucking the slaves. Their legs were spread wide and pulled up and attached to posts on either side of the platform. The slaves arms and body were strapped to the platform keeping them immobile from the neck down. Large cum buckets were placed at the end of each platform. Finally a partition was built between the platforms so that the slaves could not see each other. An electronic counter was placed on each platform which automatically counted each man who stepped up to be serviced. Monitors were stationed on both sides of the partition to assure that everything went smoothly and fairly.

The event started promptly at six in the evening and would not end until one of the slaves could not go on. Each man would have five minutes and would then have to move on and get back in line if they wanted more. House slaves served drinks and food to those in line. A string of live bands had been scheduled to play for the entire event. Those invited arrived mid-afternoon and socialized and began lining up late in the afternoon. Others who wished to attend were charged an admittance fee which entitled them to get in line after the invitees. There was somewhat of a rock concert atmosphere. Both slaves were well known for their skills and so many wanted to fuck them and have stories to tell their grandchildren.

Promptly at six the contest began as the first man in each line walked to the platform and thrust their dicks in their slave and started fucking them. The next few in line were just behind and cheered each other on. On the first round most of the men fucked hard and came fast. The cum bucket filled rapidly as dick after dick was thrust into their slave of choice. Anonymous men fucked them hard and fast, leaving their cum deep in those pretty holes. Hours passed and hundreds shoved their dicks into the cum filled holes, thrusting in and out, over and over again, many so excited that they were ready to cum in under thirty seconds.

From Adam's perspective, he was focused and determined and by the time he felt the first dick in his hole, the drugs he'd been given earlier had kicked in and his own dick ached with want and need, and he felt an overwhelming need for more and more dick to poke him. He was very vocal about what he wanted and spoke a steady stream of demands to the men who waited to fuck him. He screamed, “Fuck me,” over and over, and begged them to fuck him harder, and told them he wanted their cum, told them to fill him with their cum.

Adam was frantic and screamed for his own release but was tied down and could not service himself. He begged to come, pleaded for someone to suck him. There was another much shorter line for dick suckers, those just interested in tasting Adam's dick and hopefully his cum if they were so lucky. They stood at the side of the platform and sucked Adam while dick after dick fucked into his ass. He groaned and writhed and pushed up into the mouth sucking him and tried to get more dick with his ass, and screamed while his body shook every time he came and his cum filled another anonymous mouth.

Breaks were not provided but slaves were allowed to receive water, power drinks and drugs of choice at all times. Adam's handler's kept him well hydrated and energized with drinks and lots of drugs. His dick was rock hard and constantly aching for more attention. Mostly though, Adam craved dick, and that he got, one after another, fucking him, using him, filling him with cum until his hole was huge and gaping. Still they lined up to fuck him and many were now on seconds, getting drunk, socializing and having a great time while slowly moving towards the front of the line.

At the 24 hour mark, the time was announced and cheers went up. There were new faces in line, first timers who were in an out fast as well as second, third and even fourth timers. Each slave had been fucked by at least 500 men and both were still eager for more.

The new faces didn't last long, finally putting their dick in and coming almost immediately. They were called 30 second wonders and the others loved them because the line moved much faster then. The handlers loved it because it made their slave's numbers better. It wasn't about numbers though, it was about stamina, about total lack of sleep or rest of any kind, with only power drinks and stimulants to sustain them. In the end it really came down to resolve and at this event, Adam was the most committed, winning after three and a half days of non-stop fucking, still ready to go after somewhere between 1500-2000 dicks had pounded into his ass. At the end, men were using their full five minutes because they'd already fucked him a couple of times. These men dove in, fucking hard, relentlessly, trying to come but usually getting back in line until they succeeded.

Adam's rival passed out at the three and a half day mark and they couldn't revive him. He heard men saying he'd lost a lot of blood and the drugs couldn't help him anymore. Adam was simply more used to being fucked constantly and his constant arousal kept him going. He was at his peak at the age of 21.

Adam had also come countless times, but after three and a half days he still wanted more and when it was over he was given a sedative before they unstrapped him and he was able to sit quietly at his master's feet, chained to his leash, while his master received the kudos and glory for the win, and a large dildo as part of the awards ceremony. Alan raised the dildo over his head, smiling as the crowd roared it's approval and started chanting, “Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him.”

Alan told Adam to kneel on all fours, then with much flourish, he took the dildo and shoved it in Adam's ass in one fast, hard movement. A few inches of the dildo still stuck out, so Alan hit the end of the dildo hard a few times, knocking it in another few inches so that only a small part still stuck out. He then pulled Adam's head back hard for emphasis and said to him, “A nice big hard dick for you, slut. You love it don't you?”

“Yes, master,” Adam choked back, his head still pulled way back.

Alan said to the crowd, “He says he likes it,” and a great cheer went up and the crowd laughed and clapped and asked when they could fuck him again.

After the event, the doctor ordered that Adam rest and be kept from fucking for two to three weeks. Alan decided to show his frustration with Adam's lack of perfection by making sure that he was constantly face fucked for a couple of weeks. To this end he strapped Adam into a cushioned platform with his head and arms fastened into a tall stock device so that Adams mouth was available for use but the rest of his body was blocked so that no one would be tempted to try and fuck him. Jon had a really tough job keeping him cleaned up and fed and watered.

It was a tough few weeks for Adam who was not allowed out of the stock for three weeks while he serviced a pretty steady stream of dick to suck. It was also difficult to sleep with his head hanging down and he'd started to hallucinate and to talk to himself. After three weeks, Alan finally got over being angry and let Adam go back to his old routine, and he even allowed him to sleep more because he didn't like Adam hallucinating and acting crazy.

After that, Adam finally recovered from the event and started healing properly. Alan was ignoring him and it worried Adam who was now constantly afraid that Alan would tire of him. Adam would soon be 22 and old and he hoped Alan still wanted him. Alan hadn't wanted him for a blow job or to fuck him for weeks and things didn't look good from Adam's perspective.

After a long lunch one day with some of his best friends, and a week before Adam turned 22, Alan had a lot to think about. The following week he was attending the slave event where he'd acquired Adam. His friends had advised him that Adam was old now and had been around too much and that people were tired of him and wanted a nice new, young ass to play with. They mostly thought Alan should sell Adam for whatever he could get for him and put that towards a new slave. One friend advised him to get a new slave but to also keep Adam and rent him out to those who didn't want to own their slave but wanted one to use from time to time, that it would be financially advantageous to do so. It was currently quite fashionable to provide slave services at parties, even at dinner parties.

Alan thought that Adam had a good three years in him as a prime fuck slut, albeit to a new crowd of b listers, but still that was a good market. After that, he'd be reduced to c then d class and finally would be almost worthless by the age of thirty. By then he'd be sold to someone rather unsavory who would use Adam ruthlessly, squeezing every dime he could out of him and end up killing him in one way or another sooner rather than later.

Adam's creation day anniversary, the day he turned 22 was just another day in the workings of his master's household. It was the day after that was momentous to both of them. Alan attended the elite slave event with a couple of friends and spent a great deal of time looking at the merchandise. Alan and one of his friends were both in the market for a great fuck slave and this was the place to look. They saw several demonstrations in between lunching and socializing, but Alan hadn't been impressed the way he needed to be to actually make a purchase.

Alan finally found his inspiration mid-afternoon when he saw a gorgeous, slim, very young looking boy being brought out for a demonstration. His name was Anton1998, and he was just 17 but legal according to the new rules passed by the legislature the year before. The boy was pretty and above all prime, with blond hair, a slim, lightly muscled, tallish body, and a nice sized dick.

The boy's pink lips looked beautiful around the big dick thrusting into his mouth and when the man came, the boy swallowed his cum and licked his lips and smiled. His expression abruptly changed when a man behind him shoved his dick into the boy's ass in one fast movement eliciting a moan and a look of pure joy on the boy's gorgeous face, which became even more beautiful as the man fucked into him hard. Anton had a sweet voice too, which made soft little grunting noises as the man fucked him. As the man fucked him harder, Anton panted and moaned “Fuck, yeah, fuck me,” over and over.

The man fucked Anton for a few minutes then held on tight to his hips, fucking in harder and faster while grunting loudly. The boy moaned and his head went back and he held perfectly still when the man stopped moving while balls deep in his ass, then groaned loudly as his dick pulsed hot cum into the boy's ass. The man pulled out and spread Anton's ass cheeks to show the audience the cum now dripping slowly out of his tight hole.

Alan was impressed by how hot the performance had been. His dick wanted very much to get into that boy's ass, and he wanted to see those lips wrapped around and sucking his dick. Alan told his friends that he was bidding on Anton and they told him they hoped he won and that they got invited to the first Anton party. Alan thought for sure he had a winner.

Despite his young age and beauty, Anton went for quite a bit less than Adam had. Alan knew that a slave like Adam didn't come along every day, but he thought that Anton was a good second choice and definitely worth the price paid. His friends would be delighted to have new ass to fuck. He wondered how Adam would react to the new slave, and to the idea that Adam's role would now be different, that he was basically being replaced by a younger model. He'd make sure Jon kept them separated so they couldn't get into trouble. Alan kind of liked the idea of poking Adam with the news, and thought a little jealousy, and a little fear, might be fun and good for a few laughs. He rather liked having the power to control his slaves and in being their entire world.

After he had been showered and been fed by Jon, Adam almost drifted off to sleep. It was about nine at night and Adam was tired and had serviced a string or men in the afternoon. He was almost asleep when his master walked into the room. Jon quickly woke Adam, just in time for him to see a boy on a leash crawling in after his master.

“Good evening, Adam and Jon. This is Anton, my new fuck slave. He is the new primary fuck slave in this house. Jon, you will care for both him and Adam, but care of Anton will take priority. You will take him to the room I showed you the other day and secure him to bring to me after I'm done with Adam. Put Adam on a leash now and I'll bring him to my room.”

Adam crawled after his master down the long hallway. He was shocked, and very scared. How could master replace him, how? I am only 22. I am at my prime, he thought, despairing of his fate. When Alan closed the door he sat down in a comfortable and told Adam to suck him while he told him the new rules. As always, Alan kept Adam's head down deep in his groin while he was sucked.

Adam sucked Alan the way he knew he liked, softly and sensually, prolonging the pleasure for a long time. “You're a good cock sucker, Adam, and I intend for you to keep sucking my cock in the future, unless Anton sucks it better, we shall see. Use your tongue a little more, would you, mmm, yeah.”

“Okay, slut, Anton is here now so things will be changing. You're an old slut now and not as valuable, and people are tired of you and want fresh ass to fuck. I thought about selling you. Bitch, go a little slower, I don't want to fucking come until I'm done talking.” Adam slowed down and just sucked gently as Alan pushed Adam's head down, his fingers pulling his hair hard.

“That's better, I want a great orgasm so I can last longer when I fuck Anton later.”

Hearing this, Adam wanted to cry. Master wanted Anton more than him. Master didn't want him anymore. Adam continued sucking determined to suck his dick better than he ever had before.

“So, anyway, I thought about selling you, but I decided you were still a great piece of ass with a few good years left in you, so I've decided that I'll be renting you out for events. They won't be A list events, more like B list, though a few A listers may want you for a night just to say they had that ass of yours, if you know what I mean.” He slapped Adam's ass and laughed.

“I'll be renting you out on a regular basis. Jon will take care of you and each rental client will be legally responsible for you while you are in their possession. You will consider them as masters and they will treat you like the fuck slut you are. Okay, suck harder now, bitch. I want to choke you with my cum. Do it and make it good.”

When he was done, Alan picked up Adam's head by the hair and pulled him off of his dick. He slapped his face with his other hand, then slapped it again and said, “I don't think you did your best for me, slut. Now get off of me before I change my mind and decide to sell you.”

When Jon arrived at Alan's summoning, he said to him, “Take the slut away, Jon. His first rental event is tomorrow evening, for the whole evening, a mid-sized dinner party. You'll be driven there later tomorrow afternoon. Make sure the slut is looking good and give him a full dose because he'll need it at his advanced age. After you strap the slut in, bring me Anton because I'm gonna fuck him. Oh, Adam, do you understand everything I've told you?”

“Yes, master.”

“Get him out of here,” Alan said waving Jon away dismissively. “Don't forget the butt plug.”

The next afternoon Adam crawled next to Jon and a courier from Alan's attorney's office who carried the legal papers allowing Adam1992 to spend the evening away from his master. Time would expire the following day at 3 p.m.

The host provided a slave to assist him with Adam if he wished and showed them where to wait and prepare before the event. Lavish food was provided and Jon made Adam eat well and dosed him shortly before the event began at six. Adam was placed naked on a long dining table and made to lie on a long cushion. He was told to remain still through dinner and to do whatever the host or guests asked him to. Adam was heavily made up as the host requested and looked beautiful in the dim twinkling lights in the dining room.

About half an hour into the dinner, the drugs really kicked in and Adam wanted desperately to both come and feel dick inside him. Hands were all over him while dinner was served. Every part of his body was caressed, fingers found their way deep into his ass and he started wiggling around and breathing heavily. Someone remarked, “I think our slut is getting restless.”

There was a murmur of appreciation as the host said, “Gentlemen, you may begin with dessert when you wish,” indicating Adam.

Someone said, “I want him to suck me while I eat cake off of his back.”

The man got up on the table and turned Adam over onto his stomach. He put a slice of cake on Adam's back then picked him up by the head and moved closer to him and told Adam to open up and pushed his dick in his mouth. He fucked Adam's mouth then leaned over and dug into the cake with a fork and started eating it. When the man had eaten half the cake he started pushing in faster then sat up and fucked Adam's mouth hard until he came deep with a loud groan.

Another man climbed behind Adam, spread his legs and pushed into Adam's ass. The man ate the rest of the cake while he fucked Adam. When he was finished with him and pulled out, the host suggested that they put the slut on the floor and have him suck off everyone in a circle. Adam was more than ready to go and sucked every dick that was put into his mouth. The men passed him around until he'd sucked them all for a minute or two, then just as another dick was in his mouth, he felt a dick shove into his ass, driving in and out hard, over and over until there was cum in his mouth and another dick was fucking in and out, and the dick in his ass shot cum in deep.

There were about forty for dinner and they all did Adam at least twice before the late night guests arrived. Drinks and more food were served and Adam was passed around for everyone to taste. Groups of three or four would fuck him and hand him over to another small group when they'd fucked his ass and his mouth and pumped their cum into him. He was in such demand that he was fucked in two's all the time and sometimes there were three or four dicks shoving into him.

When Adam quieted down, Jon would re-dose him and he started begging for more dick much to the amusement of the guests who were more than happy to help him out. A group of three picked Adam up and placed him on a table so that his ass hung over the edge. Two of them pushed their dicks into Adam's huge, slippery hole and started pumping in hard as Adam groaned and begged for more. Someone climbed up on the table and yelled to the crowd, “We can hear him,” and promptly pushed his dick down Adam's throat, effectively quieting him to groans and grunts as all three men fucked him, rocking his body, and finally coming in a last hard slam deep inside.

Finally, in the early morning hours, a group circled Adam as he was made to bend over a small table, ass in the air ready to be fucked. One group took turns fucking his mouth, and one group fucked his ass. Others jacked off, turned on by watching, shooting their cum over Adam's back until rivers of cum dripped from him. His ass was a river of cum too as men jacked off and came one by one in his ass, their dicks pulsing cum deep as they groaned and slapped his ass as they pulled out sated, and Adam begged for more.

By mid morning, Adam lay on the floor while men pushed his legs back and fucked him. Most of the guests had left but there were stragglers and a few very late night guests who had arrived after the bars closed and wanted a piece of the slut they'd heard about. They were drunk and took a long time fucking Adam as he begged them not to stop. Men were drinking coffee now, sobering up but many still wanted one last go with him, so they lingered and waited until there was an opening in the circle.

Adam was due to be returned at three in the afternoon and at two the host made the last call announcement. After being fucked by a few hundred men, the twenty or so men still there all fucked Adam's ass for a short while or fucked his mouth and eventually they spilled their cum into him, crying out in pleasure as their dicks twitched and pulsed. The host finally had to cut them off so Jon could get Adam into his cage.

When Alan's driver arrived, Adam was at least caged if not yet over his desire for dick. He was put into the trunk as usual and very little was heard of him screaming for more dick. When they arrived at the mansion, Adam was still pleading for more dick so Jon had to ball gag him and give him a pill that would eventually calm him down. Adam was taken to his room and remained gagged and was tightly bound to a device that allowed no movement and no escape and a hood put over his head until he calmed down.

Later that evening, Jon cleaned Adam up, fed him and bound him to his bed, fuckable and ready as master wanted. George and the cook slipped in at about ten and fucked a now blindfolded and gagged Adam. They decided they liked him that way, completely helpless and that he truly resembled the cum bucket that he was.

Occasionally, Alan wanted to fuck Adam or be sucked and he was brutal when he fucked him. He always came in Adam's mouth before fucking him so he could last a long time and give his ass a workout. Alan also wanted to fuck Adam right after an event knowing that Adam was fucked out and probably sore, but he got a perverse pleasure in knowing that fucking Adam so hard was causing him pain, somehow that felt good to Alan. Adam would be summoned after being cleaned up and ordered to suck Alan's dick and then Alan went to town fucking Adam. He liked to use huge dildos and shove them roughly up Adam's ass, smiling when he thought Adam cringed and knowing that Adam could not, would not, protest. So he'd slam the dildo in and out, over and over again, then thrust his own dick in, sometimes along with another, smaller dildo so that Adam was stretched wide and gaping, and Alan would fuck Adam with the dildo and his dick, making sure to really slam the dildo in hard. When he was done he'd slap Adam's ass then turn him around and slap his face several times, so hard he knocked Adam down, then he'd pick him up by the hair and bend Adam over and slam the dildo hard into Adam's ass, even hitting the end of it to make it go deeper then telling Adam he was not to remove the dildo unless someone wanted to fuck him.

Before Adam was leashed and forced to crawl away with the dildo hurting him with every movement, Alan would ask Adam “Are you grateful that I fucked you so well, and are you more grateful still that my cum is inside you and will stay with you because I am good enough to stuff a dildo up your ass to prevent my precious cum from leaking out?”

“Yes, master.”

Alan would smirk and tell Jon, “Take the slut away and bring me my beautiful Anton.”

Word spread about Alan's rent a fuck slut and he was quite popular for a while with the B and C list sets. They weren't quite as refined as the A listers and not so kind to Adam. The rental contract stated that Adam was to be returned to his owner unmarked. That meant that any pain inflicted had to be done without any visible marks. Adam had not been trained to be a pain slut, so he was really not prepared to experience so much pain in the hands of a few.

The B listers mainly stuck to straight fucking and sucking, but the C listers had a few other ideas. When Adam was 24, he started to get the C list events with a few B list, and an occasional A list event as a kind of nostalgia moment. Alan didn't really care who it was, he just wanted to make money. Adam had more than earned his keep over the years, but if he could make more off of Adam's ass then why not.

For his part, Adam knew he was getting close to the end but there was nothing he could do about it. He was still in good shape and still beautiful but men tire so easily of the same pretty face and look elsewhere frequently. Still, Adam was very depressed about his situation but even more afraid of having a new, unknown master who might really hurt him. He was bred for fucking, not pain.

Alan had hired Adam out to be part of a two day celebration put on by a sadist society as part of their annual meeting. The event was held each year at the secluded estate of one of the founding members. Adam would just be one of many fuck sluts hired as entertainment. Alan did bring it to their attention that Adam was not a pain slut, had no training in that, and would only be leased as a fuck slut. The renters agreed saying that they hired many fuck sluts as well as pain sluts and the groups were completely separate. They assured Alan that Adam would be returned unhurt and unmarked, none the worse for wear.

Adam was to be on his knees taking dicks in his ass for the entire two days. He would start out as an attraction while he still looked good and then switched over to the glory holes probably after the first day. Sluts were well used at the event, but there was always a need for more ass for the glory holes. They were provided for the general population who paid entry to the event and demonstrations of various types of pain and bondage. Twenty or so sluts were lined up and tightly bound to keep them in position and their asses placed behind holes so that they could be fucked and fucked again for as long as someone wanted to fuck that ass.

Jon would accompany and take care of Adam. For this event he would only be given a dose of uppers as needed and would be provided food and water as needed. He was expected to take only a ten minute break twice during the first day to eat and drink and be dosed. When Adam was in the glory holes there would be no breaks at all but Jon would be allowed to feed, water and drug him as necessary while he was being fucked.

Adam was not told what he was in store for so he saw this as just another party. He hoped to be able to come and felt a little excited that so many dicks would be fucking him. Adam lived for his master and for long, hard dicks fucking his ass. He was a bred and born natural fuck slut so let the real fucking begin.

Adam was placed next to a huge fountain, on a platform with a table so he could be bent over the table and fucked. He made his entrance to quite a nice crowd of men curious about the slut's billing as the iron slut. Adam was heavily made up and walked seductively up the steps to the platform then bent over the table and wiggled his ass seductively. Two masked men came up to him and bound his spread legs to the table, ass out to the crowd and beckoned the crowd to form a line and start fucking him.

The crowd cheered and the line formed and the first man up shoved his dick way up Adam's ass and started pumping in hard while holding Adam's hips steady. He came after just a minute with a loud “Fuck, yeah,” as he pressed Adam's ass into the table and drove his dick in deep as it pulsed streams of cum into Adam. The crowd cheered again when he pulled out and spread Adam's ass cheeks apart, showing them the first sign of cum dripping out of his ass.

That was the beginning and between then and about two in the morning, a couple of hundred men experienced the joys of pumping their cum into Adam's ass. The crowd at this event was just getting going at two am though. The two masked men untied Adam and moved him to the fountain where they made him kneel down and spread out his arms and legs and bound him to circular stakes in the edge of the fountain and on the ground. A thick padded collar was placed around Adam's neck and a long leather strap around the collar.

Adam didn't know what to think of this arrangement and it scared him. What were they going to do to him? He thought about it and felt a dick in his ass and it felt good so he just let it go and enjoyed being fucked, anticipating feeling more cum dripping down his legs. Before the man was finished though, he had picked up the leather strap and was now tightening it around Adam's neck. There was enough room between Adam and the fountain to move Adam back and forth, and as soon as the man tightened the strap, a man stepped between his arms, opened Adam's mouth and thrust his dick in deep and started pumping in and out hard.

The man behind him kept fucking him while he tightened and loosened the strap. Adam could not breathe most of the time and he gasped and choked each time he was allowed air. This went on until the man fucking him finally came. The dick in his mouth kept on pounding in and then Adam felt another dick in his ass and felt the strap tighten again and he could do nothing to stop it since his wrists were bound. He felt the man come deep in his throat and he couldn't breathe and couldn't swallow so the cum just poured out of his open mouth while the man at his back fucked him so hard his body rocked back and forth. Adam felt a hand stroke his dick and jack him hard and fast as the strap kept tightening around his neck. His mouth was open trying to breathe and he was being fucked hard but he felt the orgasm coming in fast and hard as he'd ever felt. Adam was somewhere between heaven and hell as he felt himself dying but at the same time felt something so strong, so powerful, so intensely beautiful that he didn't care if he died, if he could just have that orgasm first, and then he was coming and it was the best thing he'd ever felt.

The man let up on the strap and Adam could breathe. He felt cum dripping out as the man pulled out and felt another dick start fucking him. The strap remained unused and the man just fucked him, coming in just a minute or two. Another dick slid in and Adam felt strong hands push his body forward so that his head was over the fountain. He could feel the spray from the fountain tickling his face. Two strong hands then lifted his head, pulling it forward then plunging his whole head underwater, holding it there as Adam struggled. The hands were too strong though and when he was close to passing out, the hands suddenly pulled his head up and he raggedly sucked in air, gasping and then holding the air he'd just breathed in when he felt the hands push his head back under the water.

The hands kept pushing his head in and out of the water. Adam felt someone cum then felt another dick slam into his ass while he hovered somewhere between life and death, completely at the mercy of the hands that held his head. Several dicks fucked his ass and spit hot cum inside him before the hands let him go and he could breathe again. Adam was terrified all of this would happen again but he was powerless to stop it. Why would his master let this happen to him?

The crowd loved the show that Adam was putting on. He was obviously an amateur at this type of submission but the crowd loved it, and of course they loved fucking his beautiful ass. That particular type of torture went on for another three hours as close to a hundred men fucked his ass and mouth and alternated strangling him and drowning him. When they were done and he was unshackled, Adam collapsed and was given a break.

The powers that be decided to put Adam in the glory holes a little ahead of schedule because he seemed so traumatized by the events thus far. Jon gave Adam a large dose of uppers and hoped the glory holes wouldn't prove to be a problem. He would at least stay with him and hopefully no one would try and hurt him.

Adam was tied up so that the only movement possible was head movement so he could eat and drink. The rest of his body was bound tightly so that he wouldn't move from the right position in back of the hole where men would fuck his ass. After he was tied up, Adam's body was pushed back against the hole and he was bound again to the wall so his ass would stay in place.

No sooner had they finished than the first dick slid in, testing the give by thrusting in harder and harder until the man achieved a steady tempo as he fucked Adam's anonymous ass. He heard the man grunt and stop moving as he came. Adam could feel the hot cum deep inside and feel the man's dick twitch as he shot the last bit in. He pulled right out and immediately another dick was there, fucking hard and fast, coming all at once as the man cursed saying, “Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” over and over.

Adam entered the glory holes at about three am and was bound there for the next day and a half, taking dick after dick, and load after load of cum. There was no place for the cum to go except down his legs, down and around his feet and dripping into the floor below where it pooled with the cum from all the other slaves in the glory holes. They were lined up in a long row without partitions, all bound the same way, all quietly taking being fucked over and over again for days.

The fucking continued hour after hour. Jon did the best he could for Adam, forcing him to drink water, giving him more uppers and making him drink power drinks. The longer it went on, the more debauched it became. Adam frequently felt two dicks in his ass, and many times three since his hole was huge and could easily accommodate three dicks pumping into him.

Sometimes Adam felt a dick slip in while another was already fucking him. It would push in once, twitch and pulse as the man spit his cum into Adam then vanish while the other man just continued fucking him until he came. Adam knew when fresh arrivals showed up because they started out fucking him as hard as they could but they came in thirty seconds or less. There were lots of those and quite a few who jacked off while watching all the holes being fucked and when they were ready, put just the head of their dicks in his hole and shot their cum, their dicks jerking against his hole.

After Adam had been fucked in one hole or another by roughly 2000 dicks for two days straight, his contractual obligation was finally up. His cage was brought to the glory hole staging area where he was untied and put into his cage. Outside the event Jon was met by Alan's driver and Adam was loaded into the trunk. He was quiet, exhausted after being used so hard.

When they got to Alan's mansion, George told Jon that Alan wanted Adam cleaned up and ready to go for a courtesy fuck for three men who might be wanting Adam's services at an event they were holding. When Jon told George that Adam was out of it, George told him that he'd better get it together because Alan was not in a good mood.

Jon did the best he could. He held Adam up while he showered, then put a little make up on his eyes, and gave him huge doses of uppers, vitamins, a bit of an aphrodisiac, and a nutritional power drink. Adam wasn't speaking at all and seemed to have his mind far away from the real world. Jon told Adam he would be used by a few men who were interested in leasing him so to do a good job because that's what master wanted.

Over the years, Alan had grown more fond of pushing Adam to the outer limits of endurance, he pushed Adam's buttons and tried to make him crash and burn because it was quite the power trip to hold Adam's life in his hands like that. It turned Alan on and he couldn't wait for the day's games to begin.

He'd picked immediately after Adam returned from the latest event because he knew how tired Adam would be. Alan had picked three men who he knew would punish Adam hard physically. Adam would either rise to it or crash hard. Either way, Alan would be there and watching and Adam would know that he had to please his master. Alan smiled at that thought and went along to Adam's room as soon as his guests arrived.

Adam was lying on his back on a cushioned platform in the corner of the blue room. The lights were dimmed more than usual with just a couple of spotlights highlighting the staging area. Adam was unfettered because Alan wanted Adam to participate and he also wanted the men to physically be all over Adam, overwhelming him with brute force especially if he complained at all. A slut like Adam should never complain about being fucked too much. What else was he good for?

Drinks were served when everyone got to the blue room. Alan pointed to Adam and said, “Here's my slut, gentlemen. He will give you just a taste of what he will provide at your event. The only thing not allowed is marking him in any way.”

Adam was lying down and not moving so Alan looked over at Jon and said, “Is he ready or not?”

Jon was about to speak when Adam said, “Fuck me.”

Everyone looked at him. He was on all fours facing the men. The spots shining down on him enhanced his beauty. Adam wiggled his ass and said, “Fuck me. Put it in me.” He opened his mouth and ran his tongue around and over his lips then murmured “Put your dick here, put two in if you want.”

Adam was breathing heavily as he turned slowly to show them his ass. He wiggled a little then reached back, spread his ass cheeks, showing off his hole, and said, “Stick it in.”

Adam waited expectantly and when no one moved he got up and walked up to one of the men and started rutting into his side while panting and saying how much he needed a dick in him. The man he was rutting slapped him away then backhanded Adam's face hard. When Adam fell down, all three men picked him up and threw him on the platform, one shoving a finger up Adam's ass and slapping him with his other hand. Adam screamed and said, “Put it in me, fuck me, now,” as another man pulled his dick out, put his hand on Adam's neck and held him down and thrust his dick deep in Adam's throat, and fucked it over and over, going deep with each thrust. Adam grunted over and over and sucked the dick in his mouth and his body writhed violently on the bed.

Two of the now naked men, pushed Adam's legs back and one man held them while the other put his dick in Adam and started fucking him fast while pushing down hard on Adam's legs. He fucked Adam for a couple of minutes then came deep as he groaned loudly. The man holding Adam's legs put his dick in Adam and fucked him fast and furiously while the man fucking Adam's mouth was moaning loudly and squeezed Adam's neck while he shot his cum down Adam's throat.

Adam gagged and coughed but was pushing back, meeting the tempo of the man fucking him and begging the man to fuck him harder. The two other men were holding Adam down while the man fucking him held on to Adam's ass and fucked him hard and fast, grunting as he savagely pounded in. Adam kept trying to get away from the hands holding him down but the harder he fought, the harder they held him. One of them told Adam, “This is what a real fuck is, slut, and just you wait when we start sloppy seconds.” All three of them laughed as the man kept pounding into a wiggling Adam, finally coming with a loud grunt while holding hard on to Adam's ass while his dick pumped his cum deep inside.

The man pulled out abruptly and slapped Adam's ass hard and said, “Ready for the real fucking, slut. Who's up next?”

“Me,” one of the men said gleefully. “Hold him down, guys.”

The man lifted Adam's ass up and put his dick into his cum filled ass and drove in hard, pulling out all the way then driving back in. He did this over and over while Adam told him over and over to fuck him harder. Adam was on his stomach and one of the men picked his head up and told Adam to open up and then thrust into his open mouth hitting the back of Adam's throat over and over when the other man kept pounding into Adam's ass. The third man held Adam's hands behind his back and pressed down so he couldn't move them. Adam's head was pulled way back as the man fucked into his mouth. They both fucked Adam this way for a good twenty minutes, all of them grunting and breathing hard until they were finally ready to finish, both of them thrusting as fast as they could until the man in Adam's ass finally came deep. Adam felt the cum running out of him as the man fucking his mouth finally came, pulling Adam's head even farther back as he squirted his cum into Adam's wide open mouth.

The other man immediately started in on Adam's ass and complained how sloppy it was. Someone handed him a dildo and he pulled out and pushed the dildo roughly into Adam's ass, then thrust in next to it and fucked in hard. Adam started whimpering softly while one of the men pulled Adam's arms above his head and sat on them watching the man fucking him. The third man watched and occasionally slapped Adam's ass while he was being fucked. The man driving into Adam had a lot of stamina and went for over half an hour, going deep into Adam over and over, not caring that the leaking cum had turned a muddy color. He fucked him hard and slow, soft and relentlessly telling Adam what a fucking dirty slut he was, and how when he was done with him, he wanted Adam to kiss his ass for giving him such a great fucking.

The man finally came, rutting wildly and grunting as he shot his cum in deep. When he pulled out he twisted the dildo and shoved it in and out a few times and laughing when Adam whimpered.

After watching, Alan needed to be serviced and he told the men just to give him a moment to come in his slut and then they could talk business. He thrust into Adam with dildo still inserted and fucked him mercilessly, hard, deep and fast for a good five minutes before he came deep while slapping Adam over and over. Alan pulled out then pulled out the dildo and shoved it hard all the way back into Adam's hole. He asked the others to help him get it all the way in and they all pounded on the dildo until it was barely visible, only just peeking out from Adam's hole. Alan gave Adam a final hard slap and one of the men pissed into Adam's mouth and forcing him to swallow.

Alan laughed and said “Well as you gentlemen can see, this slut is an excellent cum bucket and he takes piss well too. Make sure you swallow all of it, slut.”

Alan asked the men if they could use Adam for their event, and they said they thought their guests would enjoy him, particularly if he came into the event fresh with plenty of energy. Alan assured them that Adam would of course be fresh for their event, and right now had just ended a two day marathon so he was a bit tired. The men understood and Adam was booked for an event about a month away.

When the men left, Alan told Jon to do something with Adam, and to make sure he was ready to go in a little over a week for an all night party with a guest list of 200. He would give Adam a few days off to recover but expected him to service a few people by the end of the week, and he expected a great blow job for himself in the morning. Before he left, Alan went over to Adam, picked his head up by his hair and looked deep into his eyes. “Did you like being so well fucked, slut?”

“Yes, master.”

Adam's life went on like that for a few years. Alan booked event after event and made a nice sum from his slut. Adam was considered really old now at age 28, and was definitely D list ass, although still a very pretty D list slut. The parties were rougher though, the participants unsophisticated and more crude in the way they used Adam. When he came back from one event with bruises around his neck and all over his body, Alan had to decide whether it was time to just sell him and be done with it. Adam really had served his useful purpose and it was becoming less and less viable to rent out an old, used up slut.

Alan finally decided to sell Adam but first he would host a final fuck the slut party for his A list friends over a long weekend so as many as possible could attend. The party was billed as the last chance to put your dick in a great fuck slut's ass. Alan set out a lavish buffet and had extra slaves to serve both food and themselves to those sure to be waiting in a line somewhere for the main attraction. The event would be taped so as to preserve the last best effort of one of the great fuck sluts.

Adam was made up carefully and at 28 he was still beautiful. Jon dosed him heavily and made sure Adam was well rested for the party so that he would be at his best for the finale. He would remain naked and wear his collar as always, and he would crawl in after Alan who would have him leashed for the grand entrance. The plan was to let groups do what they would with Adam, to just let the festivities evolve in a natural, organic way.

Alan didn't tell Adam that this was the last party or that he would be sold to the highest bidder a few days after the party ended. Adam wondered why his master was having his own party with Adam as the entertainment. Adam hadn't been the main player for his master for a few years. For some reason his master wanted him again and Adam vowed to make his master proud.

The party was a great success, everyone had fun and Adam was well used. At least fifteen hundred dicks fucked that mouth and that great ass one more time. Alan had Jon up the doses of uppers and enhancers so that Adam was always energetic and very much needing a dick in him at all times. For two long days, Adam fucked every dick presented, then begged for more. He was fucked two and three dicks at a time by the second day, begging for more so he could really feel it and then demanded they fuck him hard.

His hole was huge and so inviting with cum constantly dripping out. There was a constant stream of new arrivals who lined up, drinking and socializing before getting their first go at that ass, so excited to be there that they didn't last more than a minute before shooting load after load of cum into that gaping hole. A group would get hold of Adam for a while and give it to him good and then he'd be passed on to another group. The older crowd tended to stick together as did the younger guests who fucked that ass the hardest and longest, fucking him with three or four dicks at once.

Adam screamed for more, nothing kept him down and that's because Jon was dosing him every couple of hours to maintain him. At one point, Adam screamed to everyone at the party that he'd fuck 'em all. People cheered as the rough estimates of the number of times fucked kept rising. A few groups wanted things a little rougher and someone provided a tie and the started choking Adam as they fucked him both in his ass and mouth. They laughed when he coughed and gasped when they let up and then tightened up and choked him again.

One group just wanted Adam to lie on the floor while they jacked off and laced his body with their cum. Another group kept a cum bucket while they fucked him and when they were done with him they poured some of it all over Adam, and then put a funnel in his ass and slowly poured the cum in until it completely overflowed. They had bent Adam over a table with his head touching the floor, his legs on the table and his ass straight up in the air. When his ass was full of cum, a dildo was inserted in his ass and pushed in and out causing cum to run out and down Adam's back. The guys doing that were super drunk and thought it was hilarious. They kept it up until they ran out of cum then passed Adam along to another group. Late in the second day, around four am, things had really quieted down and the only people not resting were circled around Adam, who had been laid on a table with his ass at the end so he could be fucked while they stood up.

The cum bucket under him was full but two more men stepped up after the last man fucking Adam had finally cum with a long groan while slowly fucking his hole. Both men put their dicks in Adam's ass and pushed in as far as they could then pumped him hard. It was pretty quiet and the cum being pushed in and out made a sloshing sound. While they were at it, someone got up on the table and picked up Adam's head and squirted his cum into Adam's open mouth. When he was done, he asked someone to hold Adam's head up and pull it back, and then the man pissed into Adam's mouth in a long stream. Someone else thought that was a great idea and soon there was a line of men who pissed in long streams into Adam's mouth while someone held his head and someone kept his mouth open. There were two lines then, a fuck line and a piss line. It was sure easier than trying to get into a bathroom to piss.

Another few hours and the party was over. Adam had come down from the drugs and after Jon got him showered and cleaned up, Adam was chained in and promptly fell into a long, deep sleep. A few people trickled in to fuck Adam during that time but not even that woke him. They fucked him anyway. He was an old slut who needed his sleep.

It was mid afternoon when Adam finally woke up. Jon made him eat and drink water and cleaned him up since he had more cum leaking out of his ass. Alan wanted Adam brought to his suite at four pm and Jon leashed Adam up and they moved slowly to see Alan. When Jon was gone, Alan told Adam to suck him like he always did.

Alan told Adam that he'd been a decent fuck slut over the years, but that he was old now, and even leasing his services was no longer lucrative enough to bother with. He was holding Adam's head down tightly in his groin. Adam was scared hearing this and tried to get up but Alan wouldn't let him and in fact told Adam to suck him harder, now, or else, and to listen to him and to not stop sucking him.

Adam was terrified now but kept on while his master spoke some more. “I'm close to filling your mouth with my cum, slut. Suck me harder and faster. that, keep going. So, what I've decided is that I'll be putting you up for auction the day after tomorrow. I know you'll miss being pampered like you've been while you've been here, but that's not really my concern. Um, almost there, harder, slut, don't slow down now. You know how to suck me better than that. Come on, fucker, ahhh, yeah, swallow it, slut.”

Alan pulled out and as usual wiped his dick off on Adam's face. “The morning after tomorrow, Jon will take you to the weekly slave auction and you'll be sold to a new master. Your ass damn well better bring me a nice chunk of change. Well, we'll pretty you up and maybe they won't notice how old you are. I probably waited too long.”

Adam knelt at his master's feet, eyes downcast, and he was trembling. This was the worst possible thing that could happen. His master didn't want him, and bad things would be happening. Adam had heard the stories at a very young age about what happened when fuck slaves got old. He thought his master cared for him but he didn't. Alan spoke again but Adam's eyes remained downcast because he knew his master would be displeased if he looked him in the eye. Adam didn't want to upset him any more.

“Okay, slut, so starting now, everyone in the household will be entitled to a goodbye fuck, and you are to service all of them. Do you understand everything I've told you? This is goodbye.”

“Yes, master.”

“I'll be in for a goodbye fuck too. Good, Jon, there you are. Get the slut out of here and make him pretty for the staff who'll be fucking him.”

One by one the staff came to Adam's room and found him laid out for them to fuck, and fuck him they did, some sneaking back in for seconds. He had been bound to a stock, head and ass ready to fuck, and was left that way until the night before he was to leave his master. After most of the staff had fucked him at least once, Alan came for his last fuck. He looked at the half filled cum bowl on the floor between Adam's outstretched legs, and remarked that he'd barely been touched by the looks of the cum bucket.

Alan took his sweet time and fucked Adam for an hour or so, and leaving bruises after he slapped him again and again. He slammed into Adam one last time, unloading his cum in spurts, grunting and slapping Adam's ass, then pulling out and wiping his dick across Adam's ass. He went and stood in front of Adam's face and slapped his cheek and said, “Are you grateful you felt my cum one last time?”

“Yes, master.”

“I thought so,” Alan said. “After they take you away tomorrow morning, I'm moving my new young fuck slut, Jason, here to this room. I can't wait to feel his tight little hole around my dick. Jason loves dick and I'm sure he'll be grateful for mine.”

The next morning, Jon had Adam shower, and dressed him in tight jeans and a tee shirt and made him get into his cage. Adam was taken to the auctioneer and Jon and the driver left after saying goodbye to Adam who cried when they left. The auctioneer chained him to a stake and placed his cage in back of the stake. People milled around all morning looking over the slaves. The people looking could only afford third rate slaves and at his advanced age and frequency of use Adam was considered sub prime.

Men talked about Adam while standing right in front of him. A lot of what they said scared him. Some wondered if a fuck slave could be a pain slave too, and there was quite a bit of debate about that, but someone pointed out that he was a pretty slut so probably wouldn't be very good with pain at this point in his life.

Adam was taken to the auction block at mid afternoon. His pants were pulled down then pulled back up. The bidders wanted to see his dick before they bid on him. There was general agreement that he had a great dick anyway.

Adam was sold for five thousand dollars to a man in a decent looking suit which gave Adam some amount of hope that he might be a man of character who would know how to use a fuck slut. He heard the man say to another, “Get him in his cage and put him in the trunk. I don't want him smelling up my car.”

Adam was kept in his cage and carried into what he could see was a good sized house, not a mansion, but nice enough. He was carried down to a windowless basement room where his cage was opened and his was told to get onto a bed and was then chained by one wrist to a ring in the concrete wall. The room was not large and not painted or decorated. There was only a bed and various tables and other covered pieces in the dimly lit room. There was a basic bathroom right next to where his bed was and he was told he could use it even while chained.

A man brought him food and water and told him to keep the glass and to get more water from the bathroom. He was told he should lie down and sleep and the master would send for him in the morning. The man left and locked the door from the outside. There would be no escaping from this room.

The lights stayed on all night but Adam was used to that. He fell asleep soon after the man left. The bed was comfortable enough and he liked not being so tightly bound. He could move around a little and it felt good. Adam was very tired though, and thought only briefly about his situation. He didn't know what to expect and hoped that he was now owned by a good master. Adam drifted off, a slave with a new home, but without a home. He'd never wondered what a real home might be like, or what it might be like to be free. What would I ever do with all that time and no idea what to do, he wondered. I'd rather have a master, and a purpose. Freedom has no rules and I like rules.

Adam sighed, feeling warm in his new bed. He hoped for the best and would be ready in the morning to do whatever his master wished, anything at all to make him happy.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-03-20 08:17:08
went to a party, 7 guys fucked my mouth and cum a lot in it, than 3 of them fill me up with there pee. party next week more guys to suck

anonymous readerReport 

2012-03-18 01:48:30
I wanna have piss in my mouth I'm 16 black and down to be a whit guys lil cock slave 9789953061

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