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Reed comes to visit
It was after midnight when Silk got home. Michael had dropped her off with a promise to come back later after the crisis at the station was fixed. Silk knew this could take a while and decided to go to bed. Michael would come in and get in bed with her when he had finished up. He had a key to the door.

Silk came in and quickly undressed and went to bed. She fell asleep rather quickly. Sometime later she felt someone climb into bed with her and began to caress her body, she thought it was Michael. When she didn’t wake up fast enough the caressing stopped and she felt the person leave the bed and fell back to sleep totally unaware of whom really had been in bed with her.

Reed heard her come in and didn’t want to scare her so he waited until she went to sleep. Once asleep, he got into bed with her and began running his hands up and down her familiar body. He noticed that she had filled out a little bit and smiled to himself. She needed a few extra pounds. Finally when she didn’t wake up, Reed gave up and left her bed. He had hoped to awaken her in the manner he used to use and make love to her. Instead he went and climbed into bed himself in her guest room. Tomorrow he would surprise her.

Michael looked at his watch as he left the station and saw that it was just after 4. He swore to himself and head towards his truck. Once inside, he started the motor and headed towards Silk’s apartment. It was just going on 4:30 when he undressed and climbed into bed with her. She sighed as he pulled her near.

“Hmmmm, I love you,” she whispered and fell asleep again.

He wondered if she realized what she was saying. They hadn’t really talked of love much. She told him she loved him in the throws of passion but he knew not to take that too seriously. He knew he loved her without a doubt, but as of yet had not shared this with her. He wanted to be sure of their love before he handed her his heart. With a sigh, he settled down to sleep for a few hours.

About 8, Silk woke up and felt Michael’s arms around her. That was something she liked about sleeping with him. He always held her or at least touched her in some way while they slept. She rolled over to watch him sleep. She noticed a stray lock of hair had fallen in his eyes and reached up to move it. He needed a haircut she noted. She laid her hand on his cheek and caressed his face. Finally he opened his eyes and smiled at her.

“Good morning, beautiful,” He told her.

“Good morning yourself, sleepyhead,” she giggled back. “Did you get in late?”

With a yawn he answered, “About 4:30. It took forever to find the problem. I will probably get my ass reamed by Mr. Barton. We were off air for 23 minutes total.”

“Oh no, will you get fined?”

“No this is the school’s problem. It was cause by faulty parts. Shawn didn’t even know he was off air. It was still coming over the earphones. It just wasn’t going out over the airwaves. The school will have to pay the fine on this one,” he told her.

“Well good thing they called you. It could have gone on all night otherwise. Maybe we should listen from now on,” she offered.

“Maybe, but right now all I want to do is molest you. I wanted you last night but got interrupted,” he told her as he snaked his hand up her top and found her warm breasts.

“Hmmmm sounds like a good idea,” she purred.

Michael lifted her top to see her nipples. He loved the way they got hard at the slightest touch. Next he brought his mouth down on them and began to suck them. Gentle at first but them with more pressure until she was moaning. While he did this, his hand had also found its way down her body to her panties and once inside them, he found her already wet and ready for him. Gently he inserted a finger inside her and began to stroke her in the way he knew drove her mad. Her moaning had stopped and she had begun the panting that was her trademark response when she was close to exploding.

“Don’t let go yet,” he hissed in her ear and then resumed his assault on her breasts, now sucking them in a not so gentle manner.

“Yes, Master,” she panted and began to arch her back.

Just as she was close to losing it totally, Michael pulled his hand out of her panties and brought his finger up to her lips, indicating that he wanted her to suck his finger. She took his finger between her lips and sucked his finger clean using her mouth and tongue to complete the task.

“Damn!” He swore, “You sure can do that well little one. Let see how well you can do this,” he said as he whisked her thong panties off and rolled her over on to her back. In one smooth move, he parted her legs and entered her to the hilt.

This movement caused her to groan out loud, “Ahhh, Michael, ahhh yes please.” Then as he began to plunge deeply into her, “Please Michael, I need to cum.”

“Not yet, my pet,” He told her in the perfectly controlled voice that she knew so well. Then he picked her and in one smooth motion, flipped them over so that they were facing the end of the bed with her on top. “Ride me and I’ll let you cum,” he told her as he removed her top and her grabbed a handful of her breasts.

She started to ride him as he massaged her breasts the way she liked. This brought her closer very quickly. Just as she was almost there, she heard a familiar voice and almost jumped off Michael when she looked up and saw Reed.

“What the fuck is this?” Reed asked, standing in the doorway surveying the scene that lay before him.

Michael grabbed her hips, held her in place and hissed, “Stay,” as he looked up and saw Reed. He knew Reed from pictures that he had seen around Silk’s apartment. He also grabbed her hands and would not let her shield herself from Reed.

“So this is the prick that you’re whoring for now. I should have known, blond hair. Are his eyes green too?” Reed sneered.

“No, liar, my eyes are blue. As for the rest, so what, now do you mind leaving us our privacy? “Michael ground out, “I owe Silk an orgasm and you just interrupted it.”

“Yea I do mind, what if I just stand here and watch?” Reed smarted off.

This caused Michael to laugh, “Suit your self, liar. Watch me rock her world then, I don’t really care,” and with that Michael grabbed her hips and began to move her slightly. Then to Silk he said, “Just pretend he is not there emerald eyes. Close your eyes and ride me. Come on Silk bring your self off.”

Silk knew it was futile to argue. Michael would have his way and this time his way seemed to be letting Reed watch him make her cum. If she didn’t ride, he would just flip them over and take her that way and she would be punished later for disobeying. She began to slowly ride him, but could not take her eyes off Reed. She could feel the pressure build, but kept it at bay. Michael had grabbed her breasts again, but this time it was not driving her mad like before.

Michael knew she was well trained enough to obey but wondered if she could let go with her ex starring as he was, judging her. He also noticed that she was starring back at Reed. Michael knew instinctively that she was embarrassed and if she was going to cum, he was going to have to cheat a little so to speak. This in mind, he reached up and pushed his finger into her mouth. She took it without hesitation and began to suck it like it was a cock; the action brought a moan to her lips and a shift in her body.

She couldn’t break eye contact with Reed and felt her orgasm become farther away. Then Michael stuck his finger in her mouth and she couldn’t help sucking it or the moan that came to her lips as she finally gave into Michael and closed her eyes. She also sped up the pace a little as she thought to herself that this wasn’t fair; Michael was cheating.

With a big smile on his face, Michael knew he was winning now and pulled his finger out of her mouth. Next he cheated a little more as he rimmed her tight asshole. Then he pressed it into her a little and her eyes popped open, only this time she was starring at him. He held his hand still and let her lusty nature take a hold of her.

She felt him rim her behind with his wet finger and wondered what he was up to now. Then she felt it enter her and her eyes popped open. She looked into his eyes; he had her total attention now. She knew the routine and began to move her body so that she was caressing her asshole with his finger. This brought her to orgasm quickly. Even the word, slut from Reed could not distract her from her goal. She was really close now and without any thought to Reed, she asked, “May I cum Master?”

“Only if you kiss me when you do, slave,” Michael answered her in a clear voice that Reed was sure to hear.

She rode him a bit longer and then leaned down and captured his mouth. He brought his other hand up and cupped her face to return the kiss. With that she let go and exploded.

At this point, Reed gave up and walked away. He went into the guest room and slammed the door behind him. The sound of voices and what sounded like sex had woken him up earlier. Expecting to find Silk possibly playing with herself, he got up and walked into her room hoping to join her. Once there he was greatly shocked to find her riding atop of another man. Reed knew she was seeing someone else, but didn’t expect what he found when he walked in her bedroom. The little whore was truly sleeping with someone else.

It pissed him off greatly and then he saw that the man had blond hair, he totally blew his lid. That woman beating piss ant, Neil had blond hair. Reed wouldn’t be surprise if the prick had green eyes too. Then the asshole had the gall to not get up or show any modesty, smart off to him and then asked him to leave the room while they finished. Reed tried to shame Silk by refusing to leave the room, but the prick made her finish anyway. At first Reed thought by watching, she couldn’t finish and then the asshole stuck his finger in her mouth and then up her ass and totally distracted her and made her cum while Reed watched and the little slut seemed to enjoy the whole thing.

Then the words that they had last spoken sunk in to Reed’s raged mind as he stomped around the room and he realized just what they had said. She had called the prick master and asked permission to cum and he has gave her permission and called her slave. What in the hell had that little slut gotten herself into, Reed wondered? Could she really be acting as this man’s slave? Reed was going to find out.

In the other room, they were still lying together on the bed in the same position. Michael was stroking her back to calm her down. Silk glanced at the door to see if Reed was still there, she was glad to note he had left. Then she heard him stomping around in the room next to hers. Where had he come from and when did he get there, she wondered out loud.

“I don’t know, but that was very rude of the liar. I am proud of you for obeying though,” Michael answered back.

She smiled at the compliment, pride shooting thought her, “You cheated though, Master.”

“How’s that?”

“By making me suck your finger and then sticking it up my ass. You know my weaknesses and exploited them to the fullest,” she told him.

He grinned at her, “You liked it. Besides you wouldn’t have cum if I hadn’t helped you. You couldn’t get over him and pay attention to the task at hand. You should be thanking me instead of bitching.”

Mockingly she replied, “Forgive me Master, you are correct. Thank you for helping me overcome Reed.”

With a swat to her behind, he pushed her off of him, “Wench, you will pay for your insolence, I assure you.” He then got up and went into the bathroom for a shower.

She knew he expected her to follow, so she grabbed a robe and went to shower. They had their normal shower and afterwards she was toweling her hair and Michael told her he had an idea. Silk sighed to herself. Michael’s ideas always seemed to be lessons for Silk.

Quietly Michael told her of his plan and with a laugh Silk agreed. Next they went back to the bedroom and Michael dug through the drawer she had given him for clean jeans. After putting them on, he went to her closet and selected a shirt from the few he kept there. Then he put on his shoes and socks and grabbed his jacket, kissed her good-bye and walked out of the bedroom.

“Bye slave,” he told her as he walked out of the bedroom.

“Bye Master,” she whispered back.

As he turned the corner to the living room towards the door, Reed was in the kitchen and saw him.

“Going so soon,” Reed asked Michael.

“Bye liar,” was all Michael would say.

Once he was gone, Reed went back to Silk bedroom. There he found her sitting on her bed in a transparent robe. She looked so sexy, still glowing from sex and wet from her shower. God help him, he still desired her even after watching her with that ass. Then she looked up at him with that look and Reed knew he was sunk.

Following Michael’s orders, Silk played the game to the hilt. From lowered lashed, she watched Reed looking at her, taking in her fresh fucked and wet from the shower look. Two things he had told her made a woman look so sexy. Once she saw the raw desire in his eyes, she knew she had a chance. Then when she met his eyes, she saw that her task was to be a sure thing. Now she just had to figure out how to get what she wanted, or what Michael wanted as the case was.

“What may I ask is going on here? Did you really call him Master and are you really his slave? Silk I want answers.” Reed started in.

The light bulb lit, she could taste success, “If I answer your questions, will you make love to me. I haven’t have normal sex in a really long time,” she asked in a soft voice.

The tone of her voice melted him totally but he tried to stall her, “After you just fucked him, you have got to be kidding. I don’t do sloppy seconds.”

“I showered and douched, it isn’t sloppy,” she told him with a pout as she lowered her robe, baring her body to him.

With that she had him caught and she gazed into his eyes as his lips met hers. When he lowered her back on the bed, she glanced at the clock. Michael had given her an hour to seduce Reed. It had only taken her fifteen. She only had forty-five minutes to go. She hoped he want to kiss and touch a little. Michael wanted them in the act when he walked in.

As he kissed her, his mind screamed no, but his body said yes and he couldn’t ignore it, but he did ask, “Are you that man’s slave, Silk?”

She arched her back to press her chest into him and lifted her chin to give him her neck and as his mouth found her tender spot, she told him, “Yes, I am, Reed.”

“Why,” was his only answer?

“I have always been interested in that sort of thing. He found me, and told me that he was into it too and asked if I wanted to be his slave. I accepted,” she told him as she caressed his back and ass, while letting him have his way with her breasts and neck.

“So what does this mean for us,” he asked her. He couldn’t stop himself even though his mind still screamed no he needed her too badly.

What is this we business, she wondered hotly. There is no we. He dumped her not the other way around. She almost slapped his face and told him to get off her, but then he grabbed her collar ring and tugged it and she remember Michael and what he had asked her to do, so she told him, “It doesn’t mean anything for us, there is no us.”

“I see,” he said sadly, then, “So is this your collar?”

“Yes it is, why”

He wanted to say more, but he didn’t want to piss her off and have her pull away now, so all he said was, “Just asking.” He than began to kiss her again. He would have her at least this one last time.

She was glad when he went back to making love. She was feeling very uncertain and didn’t want to continue talking. Her emotions were raw. She thought she felt nothing for Reed anymore, until she saw him in the doorway. She hoped Michael knew what he was doing, because she sure didn’t.

Reed kissed and caressed her body with abandon. His mind was crazed at the feel and smell of her. He knew he would be quick so he told her, “Unless you want this to be quick, you better suck me off first. It’s been a long time for me”

Of course, she thought but all she said was, “No problem, I’d like that.” She knew he would be quick, so it was a logical answer. She could suck him off and he would remain hard afterwards.

She pushed him over on to his back and looked at the clock again, thirty minutes left. She pulled his shorts down and off in one fluid movement and threw them to the floor. Next she took him in her mouth and hoped he was clean, Michael had really spoiled her. As she orally manipulated him, she decided that he wasn’t too bad. It didn’t take much before he exploded in her mouth. She swallowed even though she didn’t want to.

“My god, Silk, that was intense. How do you do that?” He asked her.

With a shrug she answered, “I don’t know, just good I guess.”

She scooted back up to lie next to him, and kissed him on the lips. He kissed her back, but only on the lips, he wouldn’t open his mouth and Silk remembered he was strange like that about kissing after she sucked him. Silk thought to press the issue as again Michael had spoiled her. He would kiss her no matter what. Michael had no hang ups like that. Finally as he made his way to her breast, she gave up on the idea.

Reed kissed her breasts and began to make love to her. This time he would pleasure her totally and she would not have to beg for her release. He would make sure she came many times before he had his. With this in mind, he kissed his way down her body and made his way between her legs. He then noticed that she was shaved. The look excited him, but he figured that it was for the prick.

“Did you shave yourself for that asshole?” He asked.

Opps, she had forgotten about that, “Yes, I do, slaves are always clean shaven unless their Masters want them hairy. Michael likes his slaves clean,” she told him with pride.

“Michael, so that’s his name? I figured it was some gay name like Neil,” he bit out.

His words stung her. Neil was a mistake he never let her live down. She really hated it thrown in her face all the time. It took all her control not to get up and leave the room. She kept thinking of Michael to keep herself from leaving. As she was thinking on this, Reed had begun to lick her and finally with Michael in her mind, she gave into the feelings that Reed’s tongue was invoking.

Reed knew that Neil was a sore point with her, but he just didn’t care. She picked that loser not him. He had never asked her to sleep with him. Thinking back, he should have known she was a tramp, she jumped Neil the first chance she got and now she hooked up with another just like him from the sounds of it. Oh well I guess, he thought to himself, she was not his anymore as she put it. Just get a little piece of the slut and get on with life. He only came up here to visit her because he had leave time and nothing to do for a week and ever since the time he called her and a man had answered, he was curious to find out what was going on. Now he knew. He wondered if she would tell the prick that she slept with him, probably not.

Reed kept licking her through two orgasms and when she was coming down from the second one, he slid up her body and entered her a little too roughly. She flinched because of the pain, Michael was rough, but not like this. Reed began to thrust into her and she grabbed his shoulders and sunk her nails into him. He jerked his head up and glared at her.

“It’s like that, is it?” He asked and brought his mouth down to her breast and grabbed her nipple in his teeth, biting down.

This made her explode much to his surprise and she hissed, “Yes that’s how it is,” and drug her nails down his back to his buttocks, leaving a trail of scratches in her wake.

“Bitch,” he hissed around her nipple. “They better not bleed.”

In response, she gave him a snotty look and grabbed his sides with her nails. She put pressure and gave him a snotty smile.

“You think so, I can give you much more that you can handle, you little slut,” he told her and then grabbed her legs and pinned them above her head so that each of his thrusts was hitting bottom. He then began to slam into very hard.

She laughed to herself, Michael was much bigger than Reed, so she was used to the deep thrusts. She had come to like the deep thrusts. Reed was not hurting her in the least bit, but hell, she let him believe and so she dug her nails in to his shoulders again.

He thought she would cry out and so he was surprised when she seemed to bare it. She even dug her nails into him again. Then slut exploded again and he knew she wasn’t in pain at all. Reed decided not to stop though because he was enjoying it. He would keep this up until she begged him to stop then he thought he might take her anally, for now he’d taunt her a little.
“Doesn’t feel good to cum without asking,” he taunted?

“Yes,” she answered. She wanted to say that she didn’t always have to ask, but that might mess up Michael’s plan.

“Are you enjoying this?”

“Yes, why?” She asked.

“So you really like it rough? I think I give it to you rough in your ass next then. What do you say to that?” He sneered.

She smiled to herself, hearing the front door opening and told him, “If you really want to.”

He slammed it in her and thought about just how tight her ass was and then asked, “You really want it that way?”

“What way it that Silk,” Stacie asked as she came around the bed. “I like it most anyway. Who is this delectable male, Silk?” She sank to her knees beside their heads and smiled at Reed.

Reed stopped dead in his tracks and turned slightly to see the door. There was another female standing there. “Who are they? More of your slut friends, Silk,” he asked starting to get up.

“Don’t get up on our account, honey,” Cyndee said in a sassy tone “Just keep on fucking, we do like to watch.”

With a laugh, Silk said, “These are my slave sisters. They probable came over to take me to breakfast,” she looked up at Stacie and winked. “We do that on the weekends, our Master likes us to be friends.”

“Do you think we could sample him too Silk?” Stacie asked as she begun to remove her shirt while taking a seat in the window seat next to the bed. She then pulled up her skirt and began to touch herself. She wore no panties.

Reed thought to himself, why not. Three sluts who wanted to play, sure, why not. “Okay ladies, you talked me into it,” he told them.

Over his shoulder, Silk saw Michael enter the room. She saw what looked like a look of hurt cross his face briefly and then he smiled at her and winked. She smiled back. She then looked at Cyndee, who was undressing also. Cyndee then came around the bed and began to kiss Reed who lifted up off her chest, letting go of her legs. She saw Michael approaching the bed and tensed for Reed’s reaction.

“So you like my slaves liar? Want to fuck em’ do you?” Michael asked as he sat down on the window seat and pulled Stacie over his lap.

“What the hell is going on,” Reed said, pulling away from Cyndee but remaining on top of Silk. He would not give the prick that satisfaction. Let the prick watch just as he had made him watch earlier.

“I thought we could all party together. I have three slaves and you seem to be hard up, so I thought an orgy was a perfect idea,” Michael told him as he swatted Stacie’s behind making it turn red immediately.

“And why, pray tell, would I need your hand outs? I already have this one. She practically raped me the moment you were gone. Begged me for normal sex. I think she likes cumming without all the games.”

“You think so huh?” He said to Reed in a cold voice, and then to Silk, he ordered, “Silk did he cum yet?”

“Once, in my mouth. I sucked him to prolong the sex Master,” she answered obediently.

“Did you swallow?”

“Yes Master,” came another response.

“And how many times if any, did the liar make you cum?” He asked of her while giving Reed a triumphant look.

“More times than you gave her this morning,” said Reed interrupting her.

“Twice from oral, once from biting my nipple and once from regular sex,” she answered anyway.

“Wow, impressive liar. I am really impressed. She cums like crazy when allowed a free rein, doesn’t she though? Wettest slave I have ever seen,” Michael told him.

“Want to watch her enjoy a real man? I won’t have to beat her to achieve it either,” Reed, taunted him.

Silk saw Michael’s jaw tense and he pushed Stacie from his lap as he stood up. He was not into beating women as Reed was insinuating. Michael hated guys like that.

With gritted teeth he barked to Cyndee with his hand out, “Crop, slave,” and then to Reed, “If you think you can, prove it. Make her enjoy it like a normal.” Cyndee handed him the crop and he knelt next to the bed by their heads. “Go for it liar.”

Reed grabbed her legs up again and began to thrust into her. She glance up to Michael and Reed said, “No, look at me,” so she met his eyes after Michael gave her an approving nod.

“You don’t have my permission to let go Silk,” Michael said in a low voice next to her ear that Silk knew all to well. The voice meant he was pissed and in total control. He was very hard on her and her sister slaves when in this mood. They usually ended up slightly bruised during these moods.

“Yeah right, we’ll see about that,” Reed responded and kissed her mouth deeply. She always lost it when they kissed like that.

After about ten minutes, Reed was fed up and after another five, he gave in, “Okay you win. Let her cum now. I’ll play your games,” Reed conceded.

With no change in the look on his face, Michael stood up, “Lift up off her chest and press into her deeply.” He told Reed who did as he ordered. “Okay hold still and grab her hands, hold them tightly so she can’t scratch you.” Then to her, “Silk look at me.”

She did as instructed.

“Watch and learn Reed. This is the difference between me and Neil,” and with that Michael brought the crop down across her breasts.

Reed felt the reaction in her pussy. She gripped him tightly and he could swear she got wetter.

Michael hit her breasts again, not hard, but with enough pressure that she felt the sting. “Cum slave,” he ordered.

With one more swipe of the crop, she did as ordered. As she let go she moaned loudly in pleasure and struggled with Reed for her hands. She wanted to scratch his legs, but Reed held her firm. Finally she came down off the high her orgasm had produced and found everyone watching her. Her eyes flew to Michaels and found reassurance in his gaze.

When she came, Reed thought a volcano had went off. She began to milk him and he thought he would lose it for a moment. Finally the feeling subsided and Reed was impressed.

“Damn, that was wild. How did you do that?” Reed asked Michael.

“That was the difference between beating a women and controlling one. I control everything about my slaves including their orgasms. That’s why I am their Master,” Michael told him smugly.

“I think I am beginning to see,” Reed said in a defeated tone. “What did you have in mind for this orgy of yours,” Reed then asked.

“Well,” said Michael in a devilish tone, “Since you already have her ready, how about you flip over on your back and we’ll both take her and then the other two in turn.”

“Can she handle that?” Reed asked, not believing she could. Wow, she had become experienced.

“Flip her and find out,” was Michael’s only reply.

Reed did as he said, once on his back the little redhead came and offered him her little red muff. Reed wondered at the hair as he helped her settle over his face and started licking her. Silk had set up and was rubbing her middle against Reed and kissing Stacie.

Michael went around the bed and opened the bedside table for the anal lube he kept in the drawer. He squirted a large amount on his finger and then turned and climbed up on the bed behind Silk and Reed. Once there, he grabbed hair and pulled her back for a kiss. He shoved his tongue down her throat and when she kissed him back, he shoved his finger up her ass. At this she gave a low moan and pressed herself onto Reed deeper. Next he broke the kiss and shoved her forward onto Reed’s chest. She ducked to the side as to not knock into her slave sister. Michael again smiled with pride at how well trained she was.

“Ready, little one,” He asked her.

“Yes Master,” she begged. Her body shook with anticipation.

Michael shoved a few inches into her and felt her quiver with excitement. He noticed she was holding her breath. That was a no-no, but under the circumstances he understood and let her go till he had entered her all the way. Finally he hissed in her ear, “Breathe slave.”

Realizing she was holding it, she sucked in a breath and said, “Sorry Master, it was so intense I forgot.”

Once settled, Michael said, “Are you ready Reed?”

“Yes,” came a muffled reply from Reed.

Silk arched her body up to Michael as he had taught her to do when they played liked this. He liked to talk to her and have her talk back. She looked back into his eyes and he smiled at her as he began to thrust in and out of her asshole.

“Feel alright, slave?” He asked her after a few strokes.

“Yes Master. It feels wonderful.”

“Good, are you close yet?”

She wondered if he would hold her back from cumming. She didn’t know if she could hold off like this. “Not just yet, I can feel it building though,” she told him.

“Let me know when,” he told her and increased the pace of his thrusts. To Reed he called, “How’s it feel Reed?”

“Great, just prefect. It tastes wonderful too,” Reed laughed.

“Only the best man, only the best,” Michael gloated.

Michael’s thrusts were beginning to cause a reaction in Silk. She knew she could cum just from him but with Reed in her also, it was an added bonus, a bonus that was bringing her close rapidly. Finally she looked back at Michael.

“Now Master.” was all she asked?

Michael leaned down to her ear and hissed, “Now, little one.”

As she let go, Michael whispered to her, “I love you Silk.”

Reed was impressed when he felt her cum. It felt like someone turned on a vibrator and a hose inside her. He pushed the redhead off his face and grabbed on to Silk’s breasts and started milking them to help intensify her orgasm. She really got off on that in the past and now Reed wanted to help her get as much out of this a possible.

Finally the feelings subsided and Silk slumped down on Reed’s chest. Michael knew she had reached her limit for a while and pulled out of her. Next her pulled her off of Reed and laid her next them on the bed. He kissed her and whispered in her ear that she had done well. She smiled weakly back at him.

Michael then swatted Cyndee on the ass, “Mount up slave.”

With a yelp of glee and a yes Master, Cyndee mounted Reed. She leaned forward for Michael to enter her from behind. As Michael shoved into her, she sighed with pleasure.

Reed laughed at the blond’s eagerness. She was a hot little number and almost as wet as Silk had been when they started. When Michael entered her, Reed felt her squeeze him like a vice.

“Shit that’s tight. How do you do it Michael?” Reed asked of him.

“They do exercises to keep tight,” Michael told his as he began thrusting in and out of Cyndee.

As Silk watched the whole thing, Stacie climbed up next to Silk and pulled her into her lap to stroke her back to calm her down as Master Michael often did. She knew that Silk’s orgasms were extremely intense and after about 4 or 5 of them, she was spent for a while. Stacie usually took care of her at times like this. Stacie really loved her slave sister.

Silk liked it when Stacie took care of her. She liked Cyndee too, but she really felt close to Stacie. After a bit, Silk was feeling back to normal and began to stroke Stacie’s body and prep her for her turn with Reed and Michael. Stacie like Silk had a really tight asshole so she needed lube where Cyndee never did. Silk sat up and grabbed the lube that Michael had left on the bedside table and applied a generous amount to her finger. Next she coated Stacie’s asshole and inserted her finger. Finally she felt Stacie loosen up and knew she was ready for her turn.

Reed watched Silk and the redhead cuddle and play with each other. As they played, his attention was again drawn to the hair between the redhead’s legs. Hadn’t Silk said that Michael liked them shaved? While she was well trimmed, she was far from shaved. He just had to ask, “Hey Michael, Silk said you liked your err,” he had trouble with the word slave, “women shaved, but that red haired one has bush. May I ask why?”

“I allow her to kept it because it is very sexy. Red hair makes a sexy bush, looks very sluty too. I make her keep it trimmed short because it pleases me to see it, but sometimes I make her shave it all the way off. Just depends on my mood. The other two are made to keep it fully shaved as black is all too common,” he informed Reed, “And Reed, they are slaves. You can call them that too, I allow it,” he added with a laugh.

Ignoring Michael’s last remark, he looking back at the redhead’s bush and agreed, “I see what you mean. It does give off a slut look.”

Michael had been slowing thrusting into Cyndee waiting for her to build. Cyndee took longer than the other two to explode. It made for some interesting fun in a slave, but sometimes he liked Silk’s tendency to let go so easily. Finally he could tell that Cyndee was getting close. She started moaning and whimpering.

“Are you close, slave,” he asked her?

“Almost there, Master,” she moaned, “May I cum when I get there?”

“Yes you may, but be sure to not bite,” he told her. She had a bad habit of biting.

After about five more minutes, she dropped her head and arched her back in the way that signaled Michael that she was going to explode. Michael noted to himself as he had on many other occasions, each slave had a tell tail sign that told him that they were close. With Silk it was her panting, quivering, and the look in her eyes. They would cloud over so to speak, and when she came, she would moan loudly. With Stacie, she would breathe really heavy and her eyes would roll back in her head and then when she let go, she would squeal. Lastly, Cyndee, who arched her back and dropped her head and then when she let go she would bite and scream.

Cyndee was having a good time, she really like Silk’s ex boyfriend. He was so cute and even though he was not into the lifestyle, Cyndee would like to spend some time with him. Maybe Master Michael would let her and Stacie stay the night with him. She finally she felt her orgasm come on and leaned back and gave Master the signal that she was about to cum. He reached up and grabbed her throat, applying a little pressure. This seemed to help her cum better and also helped her not to bite.

Reed felt her cum but it was not as intense as Silk’s had been. Reed knew he would last till all the girls were done as long as they didn’t cum like Silk. As Cyndee came, he saw Michael grab her throat, so, she liked breath play. Reed knew a little about that. He dated a girl off the base who liked that. He helped her orgasm just as he has Silks by milking her breasts. He liked her tits. They were so perky, must be fake, he thought to himself.

Finally she was finished and Michael pulled out of her as she lay to the side and rolled off Reed and into Silk’s lap. Stacie was looking rather eager so Michael teased, “You sure you want this, slave?

“Yes please Master,” Stacie begged, “I want it bad.”

“Bad enough to clean your slave sister’s mess off of Reed before you start?” he asked? He really liked it when slaves licked the juices from each other off of the cock they were riding. Turned him on even more when it was his cock, so he was sure Reed would get a kick out it.

“Yes Master,” she moaned. Stacie was so turned on from watching and Silk playing with her ass that she would have done anything Master suggested. She began to lick Reed all over his crotch and then finally attacked his cock. Once it was clean, she sat back on her heels and looked again at Michael.

“Now may I have a ride, Master, please?”

“Mount up, slave,” he told her

Reed was going out of his mind by this time. Not only was he having sex with three women but also she had just blown him like he never felt before. He almost lost it when she attacked him; thank god she stopped. Now she was mounting him. Damn she was tight too. Lucky bastard.

She mounted Reed and Michael took the opportunity to give Silk another kiss. He liked kissing her, but he did this just to flaunt it in Reed’s face. Once Stacie was settled, he used his finger to be sure she was ready and once he was sure, he entered her slowly.

(This is not finished as of yet so keep checking back for it's updates. I can only write so much before I run out of steam. Thanks)

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-23 23:53:35
m3CIHp A round of applause for your article.Really thank you! Great.


2007-09-27 01:27:27
I am impressed with how well this is written. How you have a slight bit of overlap from the point of view of the other character. And you describe everything in such a way it makes perfect sense. Keep up the amazing work,


2007-07-16 17:06:29
mmm..... can't wait to see more....


2007-06-22 12:57:57
excellent stories but its been quite a while since you posted the last one. Is there more on the way?Perhaps a novel?


2007-06-11 19:22:53
God, I really love this story. I hope to be a sub in this kind of relationship when I'm older. Uhhh, that would be splendid.

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