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A story of sexual awakenings. A young teen dreams about her algebra teacher. But what does she discover about him during a scheduled tutoring session? - a submission of the "dreams" writers' competition.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story was written as a submission of the writers' competition by 'eljs' and 'J Jackass Tails'. It is a fictional telling of a sexual awakening by a young
teen. Among the criteria of the submissions is thematic associations with the song:
"All I Have To Do Is Dream", sung popularly by Roy Orbison, the Everly Brothers, and
others. Another criterion is the central character in narrative perspective must be the
opposite sex of the author. I pose the usual disclaimer that the posted themes for
this story will not suit the tastes and preferences of all the readers at XXNX.

"In your dreams, Peggy Sue. Mr. Rodmann would have no more to do with a little frump like you than he would fuck his own grandmother."

Cheryl let out a giggle with a response. "Considering how hot that man is, his grandmother might just be one strutting babe."

They both laughed. But 14 year old Peggy Sue did not appreciate the insinuation of the earlier remark. "Mr. Rodmann is our algebra teacher. I would never expect him to have anything to do with any of us the way you make it sound."

Clarice was the girl who derided Peggy Sue. She let out an intentional unfriendly cackle. "Oh come on there, kiddo. Just look at yourself. You practically went into heat there watching him." From the vantage point of the girls, Mr. Rodmann wore only baggy sports shorts, x-training shoes with white anklet socks, old fashioned style tortoise shell rimmed sunglasses, and a baseball cap not really concealing a white head band very well. He was tanned, fit, nice furry sculpted pectorals for not especially broad shoulders, respectable biceps for otherwise lean tough-looking arms. Toned abs with just a hint of midriff were furry especially about the navel, but the graze plunged below the belt in ways that could inspire the fertile imaginations of teen girls at a time of new awakenings. The hem of his shorts was too low for not revealing enough of great powerful hairy legs.

It was an unusually warm humid day in late October. The 9th grade girls were walking home after field hockey practice. Hollis Rodmann was an assistant coach for varsity soccer, and on days he felt he had not exercised himself in practice as well as the boys on the team, he would run one or two laps around the track. Covered in a sheen of profuse sweat, he recognized his students at the periphery of the campus and waved to them as he sauntered off to the boys locker room, breathing hard - lots of pit hair there.

Clarice continued on with her taunting tone. "Peggy Sue is going to have to change her panties when she gets home." Peggy Sue just shot her a contemptuous glare in return.

Cheryl's focus was still on the 1/2 dressed man they had just witnessed. "I would love to be able to follow him into the showers."

Clarice brightened with the contemplation. "If he is the only one there, do you suppose he does those hygenic things they say boys won't do in front of each other, but only in the privacy of their bathrooms at home?"

"You mean like stick a corner of the bar of soap up their bung holes and open wide to rinse real carefully?"

"Well we don't clean that obviously back there ourselves. But I am told that boys avoid cleaning there altogether because it is considered a gay signal." All 3 giggled now. "And if he is uncut, now he could pull back his foreskin to wash himself under there and make sure he doesn't ferment a skim of cheese."

"Ewwwww. I can almost understand why boys would not want to show each other doing that. But if he has real privacy, he could jack off in there."

The high pitched laughter and chortles continued. "I'll bet he has a great looking dick. And if that nice furry tummy indicates anything, I'll bet he sports a real man's nest of dick weed."

"Yeah, I have been told that boys don't spend much time in the showers cleaning their packages, because for more than just a few seconds, that is considered a gay signal. Now if he is the only one there, he could lather up that bush and shuffle that dick and sac of balls all about and every which way, rinse the man stuff off with all the hot water to his heart's content."

"OhmiGod, that would be such an amazing sight to behold. If someone were to upload it to YouTube, it would get a gazillion hits." The laughter of the girls almost started to assume a convulsive tone.

Cheryl bantered on. "Do you remember when Miss Venusload told us in western history last week about the image of the sensual woman that started in the humanist traditions of the Renaissance times, last week."

"Yeah, so?"

"I really think the emphasis all along should have been on the sensual man."

"If he is a built hunk and a dreamboat like Mr. Rodmann, you got that right."


When Peggy Sue got home, she felt rejected again by her peers at school. Actually Clarice had noticed things about how she felt that she did not think people would notice. It was true that for less than a minute her pulse raced and her breathing became shallow. But she felt certain the other girls experienced the same physiological response. She took off all her clothes and looked at herself in the full length mirror of her bedroom door. Was she really such a 'frump'?

Her tits were developing almost at or better than most of the girls of her year. She had just been fitted with a B-cup bra and did not require much padding to fill out the form fitted garment. Her waist had spread a little and she had shaped out a small but oval ass, when other girls about her age still seemed to have the buns of a little boy. The makings of an hour glass were clearly evident. If only she could get proper hairstyling and her mother would stop with the stupid barrets. Her wardrobe was such a fiasco, she did not even want to think about it. Her menstruation has been in good cyclical order for what as her friends say "has been like forever."

She did not put clothes back on. She merely wrapped herself in her terry cloth robe and dove into her homework assignments comfortably. A year earlier, their parents had argued about her proper attire at dinner time. Her father had asserted that she should be dressed at the table as she chose. His argument was that if the top priority in her life was to be her schoolwork, she should be supported as such in many ways including optimum comfort. If it was good enough for her to immerse herself in her studies after her shower in only her robe and a towel wrapped around her hair, then on school nights she should be allowed to be seated at the dinner table that way. Her mother contradicted that was inappropriate.

As usual, her mother won the argument, and she had to dress at least in informal relaxation for dinner.


When Peggy Sue was a little girl of 8, she happened to be walking to the kitchen from her bedroom and walked by the bathroom when her father was inside taking his usual Saturday night shower, so the bathroom would be free for her mother before church the next morning. She heard him make loud grunts and then moans. She ran to her mother. "I think there is something wrong with Daddy. He needs help."

"No hon, there is nothing wrong with Daddy. He just has a funny way of enjoying his shower. When you are older and better able to understand it, I will tell you."

Last year, her mother explained to Peggy Sue her father's moaning in the shower and it shocked her at first, and then she came to resent her mother. "Your father is masturbating in there. I have asked him to stop being so vocal about it because he is embarrassing his family for it. We have talked to you about boys and girls your age and how your hormones take off. Your father and I are going to do our damndest to be sympathetic. You know you can talk to us about anything. Well, it is as if your father's hormones have never settled down much, but mine have. I really do my best to please him, but at the end of the day and night, I just don't have the energy."

Peggy Sue could not accept her mother's explanation. Here their daughter was at a time in her life when she was expected to displace all her feelings and sense of physical excitements for other responsibilities. By contrast, her parents were together, as so many of her friends' were not, and they had license to connubial bliss. Who did her mother think she was? She was supposed to be partner to her father in all things related to physical intimacy. She should make the effort to fulfill her father's needs no matter how urgent or elevated. If her mother did not have the stamina to keep up with the man she was committed to in love and matrimony, then she should see a doctor.

That night, she had a dream that she heard her father moaning in his masturbation even from within her bedroom. It kept getting louder. But the moans started to become cries of distress, much like those of the nightmarish Jack Nicholson character in "THE SHINING". Worse yet, he was calling out to her. "Oh Peggy Sue, I need your help. Please come to me and help me."

"Oh Dad, what's wrong? Wait! I'm coming." In her dream, the young teen seems to have trouble pulling her bed covers away. Somehow her nightie gets tangled in them and she desperately appreciates that the only way she is going to be able to free herself from the jumble of restraint is to pull her nightie off herself.

"Oh please Peggy Sue. I love you so much and I need you to help me now."

"I love you too, Dad. Please wait and I will be right there to help you." It is an effort for the teen in her nocturnal fantasy to arise from her bed, even though she is as naked as on the day she was introduced to her parents in the world. Even though she attempts to sprint across her bedroom to its door, every step seems a tiny increment in the goal of reaching her destination. When she finally reaches the bathroom door and opens it, the normal scale of her momentum is restored and she is able to bound through even nearly knocking through the shower curtain into the tub.

"Oh Peggy Sue, what took you so long? I need you to come to me, now." Oddly, the voice behind the shower curtain seems different from what she knew to be her father's, but somehow strangely familiar. She tears back the shower curtain and is delivered a jolt of adrenaline for the sight of the soaking man under the rush of hot water from the shower head is not her father, but Mr. Rodmann, all glistening from shower soak, the curl of his chest hairs all stretched out by the weight of the wetness, smiling at her.

She awoke by jerking herself upright and gasping. She had broken out in a sweat with an odor that was more unpleasant than usual. She was angry that the sound slumber she craved was interrupted by such an annoying dream. She impatiently lifted off her nightie, bundled it up into a ball in her fists, and lifted it to her nose. "Pewww!" She tossed it away. She was going to sleep nude in her bed for the rest of that night in an effort to enjoy some much needed deep sleep. Screw this house, screw her parents, screw the girls at school, and screw school. When she got up the next morning. she resolved that she would not bother to take the time to wrap herself in her robe to the shower. She would just stomp to the bathroom her natural self and if her parents said something about it, she would tell them to fuck off. The next morning she saw her father as she was about to step into the bathroom sitting in their small living room as usual in just his underwear, reading the morning paper with his coffee and orange juice. Still fatigued, he did not bother to look up, thereby missing the encounter of his daughter in the regalia of the nudity of a female in wondrous transformation to well-heeled womanhood. It was only just after the bathroom door clicked that she heard her father greet her. "Good morning, Peggy Sue."

"Good morning, Dad."


That day, she could not get the dream out of her mind. Hours later, it did not seem so obnoxious to her. In algebra class, just as briefly as the day before, her breathing became shallow and her pulse raced for the whole of the 40 minutes. She did not really hear a word Mr. Rodmann was saying, but she was tuned in more than usual to the conviction in his voice. The confidence in his classroom oratory was almost as song-like as an impresario's. He regaled to students how to sort out thorny equations as if he was mastering the riddles of the Sphinx and recounting the wisdom of the sages from time immemorial. It was a symphony of spoken authority, never talked down to, but bursting enthusiasm by one desperate to pass on skills of great utility to new generations. By the end of that class, the admonition of her taunting neighbor Clarice from the day before held true. No mistaking, now she did need to change her panties.

At lunch, as luck would have it, Mr. Rodmann was assigned to be a monitor in the cafeteria that day. She did not listen to a word the girls and boy she was sitting with have to say, but had her eyes trained on the teacher the whole time. Near the end of the hour, she approached him not sure what she was going to say. She stuttered and stumbled trying to articulate a confusion about her recent algebra assignment.

"Young lady, I do not think you understood what I said in class today very well. You seem to be distracted with other issues. I understand, we all have our off days and you seem to be someone who tries her best. You know how eager I am to tutor students one-on-one. . . But you know I have my coaching duties at this season. You have field hockey practice?" The teen nodded. "Ok! Why don't we schedule a short meeting this afternoon in my home room classroom. If that is not enough, remember I have an open house for math tutoring every Saturday afternoon at my little home. So let 's meet at my home room, say between 4:30 - 5:00." She nodded again. He beamed a sunny smile and gave her an infectious pat of encouragement on her shoulder blades. She melted into a swoon of gooseflesh and electric heat that especially settled into her growing pair and between her legs.

At field hockey practice, she could not concentrate and could not do anything right including retain her appropriate position on the field. Her coach yelled at her. "Kid, I told you about the importance of ingesting a lot of fluids well before the beginning of practice, especially if it is your time of the month. The heat today is getting to you much more than it should. Get to the showers now and be better prepared for tomorrow." She showered in cool and tepid water, but still could not help from tingling all over in her nakedness with the prospect of the upcoming interview with a profound masculine presence.


She was at Mr. Rodmann's home room classroom just before 4:30. She waited patiently rummaging through the classroom, checking through the math books he kept there. Some of them seemed to be very advanced. She looked under the desk seat racks to find doodling pads some students had left behind. Inserted between pages were printouts of porn, obviously left behind for friends to view. Vanilla and anal sex between younger men and presumed MILFs seemed to be the flavor of the month ~ very unoriginal.

It seemed that appointment would commence past schedule. In her boredom, she canvassed the top drawer of her teacher's desk. She found photos of some teachers, some of them with him posed among them. She found pictures of his blond former fiancee who Peggy Sue thought resembled the late Farah Fawcett. In one, she was clad in only her bra and pantie thong. She was smiling radiantly reaching back as if to unclasp her bra. The teen wondered how many months and years she would have to wait before she would be at the age where it was considered routine for couples to be sexually active even if not married?

But in the back, she found photos of Bruce Sideways, a friendly younger man who had been with the PE staff in the town for a couple of years right out of college. He was a few pounds on the chunky side, but sported a trim beard and moustache which the girls thought an emblem of appealing maturity. Some of the pictures were of the 2 assistant coaches with arms around each other or arms draped around each others' shoulders, a beer in the other hand by one or both. Why so many pictures like this? She found a woodsy outdoor picture in the middle of the pile which showed Bruce bare chested as she pulled it up, but he seemed to still to be bare some below the belt as more than 1/2 the photo was being revealed to her.

"What are you being such a bitch about?"

It sounded like her teacher and that appointment was finally going to ensue after 5:00 PM. They sounded like they were still a little way down the hall, so coolly and quietly, the young student was able to return contents back into the drawer and noiselessly close it before she was caught in a brazen breech of privacy.

"We've been away from all those boys for nearly an hour."

"Where do you come off thinking I am a bitch. I am coming back to your classroom the way you asked me, am I not?"

"You're just pissed off because there were still PE staff using the showers when we were there."

Peggy Sue just froze, but she did not want to freeze. If Bruce Sideways was going to come into his classroom with him, then her teacher probably forgot about their tutoring appointment. But somehow spying on the 2 was going to be so much more interesting than reminding him of their brush with algebra, even if the student and teacher would ultimately be alone together. She did some quick thinking and remembered that on that floor there were 2 doors to every classroom. One into the other side of the supply and cloak closets. She could peek at the 2 for awhile, and then quietly escape out to the hall to knock at the classroom door while the 2 of them were in the middle of who knows what. The sense of delicious mischief was overwhelming.

She managed to sneak in to the closet and close one of the wide doors so it was only open a crack just as the 2 stepped into the classroom.

"No don't sit down there, cutie." Bruce had started to seat himself at one of the attached desk seats at the front of the classroom.

"What, are you too much of a stud to sit on a teacher's lap at his desk chair?"

The heavier man picked himself up and inched his way over to the teacher by his institutional desk. "The way you order me around, you have the nerve to call me a bitch?"

"Shut up and let me get my groping paws on you." The man in the chair pulled at the short haired dark blond heavier man and he practically fell into his lap. The man in the lap of the other wrapped his heavy arms around his shoulders and their heads moved into open mouths for deep kissing. More than lips, tongues clashed and explored, moving in and out, they would pull back every 20 seconds or so for an affectionate juicy smack.

Even more interesting to Peggy Sue was the hand of her teacher firmly gripping the inside of one of the thighs of the man seated on his lap. Its intention was obviously to move up to the end of the thigh where male anatomy was situated between the legs and in an evident state of momentous excitement against the fabric of the man's jeans. Outside of maybe still life porn representations, Peggy Sue had never seen this behavior between people of the generally bulkier sex and it served as an entertainment of greater fascination and deserving of more focused observation than any other that had been presented to her to date. If being voyeur to such spectacles between men of substance was to be the brunt of her life's experiences in their remainder, then it would be a life of enriched fulfillments. More than her pulse racing, her heart pounded in the anticipation of revelatory explicit renderings ahead.

Those renderings were not the slightest disappointment to her. Captivated into a sort of hypnotized spell, her eyes followed the details of the fingers of her teacher's hand move up and now gently embrace the fabric that covered the orbs that festered the millions of microscopic seeds to wriggling life within the man seated on his lap. The palm and fingers boldly moved up the pillar of aroused male flesh so stretched and bound by the inhibition of below the belt garments. It was all too apparent that despite firm attentive caresses, an organ writhing below the fabric suffered from terrible constraints. But wait, her teacher's fingers started to fumble with the opening of the zipper. Could it be that blessed liberation was in store for torrid masculine presence?

She watched with a sense of enlivened celebration and emotional triumph as her teacher was able to pull down the zipper, but the organs of interest were still bound by their constraints. By tactile explorations alone the fingers worked their way into the fly and perhaps a boxer fly? Peggy Sue could not know for sure. She was at one with the intentions and enthralling purposes of the 2 men she was spying on. But as fingers curled in presumed grip of the excited flesh that was in need of liberation, Bruce seated on the lap of the man who must be his lover breathed a shuddering sigh of unmistakable pleasure. Fingers alternately curled and straightened and a hand grip shifted about. This was to be a moment in Peggy Sue's life almost as significant as her first period. At long last she would be witness to a living male penis in all its glory of excited straining arousal ~ the throbbing cock that is at the heart of so many girls erotic ardor. The hand tugged at what was in its embrace and just as something seemed to emerge what would next be in full view, this was the moment that books fell from a shelf above her on the closet. Shuffling against just a couple of jackets or coats, Peggy Sue must have rustled items that were not well secured in place.

She heard Bruce jump off her teacher's lap and try to obscure released body parts again and zip up. She tried to make a hasty exit through the door from the closet out into the hall but was appalled to find that it was locked from the inside. From where she stood in darkness, she could not be sure how to unlock the door or even if she was able.

"Hello in there." Mr. Rodmann was calling out to anyone concealed in a seedy den of secret witnessing - an almost cowardly cover for anyone who would surreptitiously leer at acts between people of such personal intimacy normally functioning in scrupulous privacy.

Busted! There was no other way for the adolescent student to think about it. There was no escape. Moments ago, she was about to behold a live spectacle of such enthralling erotic human endeavor, it was grist for a dream mill she would never have been able to conjure until now. But as she stepped from the cramped closet to reveal herself to lovers just seconds earlier in passionate embrace, she was living a nightmare of guilt, shame, and nerves on edge for the raw fear of bitter consternations directed toward her.

When the spying culprit was sighted by the teacher he just shook his head in dismay. "Bruce, I cannot be sure if you have ever been introduced to Peggy Sue?"

The other man broke out into a forced smile. "At some point I am sure I have been. It is always a great pleasure to be acquainted with the many pretty young ladies who are students here." It was obvious to the other 2 that Bruce was being obsequious.

"Indeed! The young lady had schedued a tutoring session with me just now. In an unforgivable lapse of occupational memory, I failed to make that appointment. I owe you both a bigger apology than Peggy Sue owes us." He signaled the student to be seated at the front most desk seat. "Bruce, if you don't mind, I would like to be alone wih my student for a few minutes."

Bruce left them with mannered expressions of greeting on exit oddly incongruous to an unusually embarrassing moment. "So nice to see you again, Peggy Sue."

The teacher rolled his chair from behind his desk to directly in front of his seated student. "Now, Peggy Sue, it is getting late and I would like to make up our tutoring session tomorrow evening. Just before practice I checked your progress in this class and you are getting along with a constant C. I think you could do better. This is what I would like to do about it. I have your email address and I want to send a message that will be read by your parents. I want them to agree to an extended tutoring session tomorrow evening where you would be my guest for dinner here on the school campus. I'll get pizza or something. I would make sure you are home no later than 8:30 to finish your other assignments. I will notify them about the Saturday sessions at my home. You kids often don't like this, but parents are welcome then too. I am going to recommend that you be present at least one Saturday a month. Now is this all agreeable, to you?"

She nodded up and down again. Her pulse was racing.

"Please don't just nod, Peggy Sue."

"Yes, Mr. Rodmann. I think it could work for me. It might depend on what my other homework assignments are tomorrow night."

"Fine, thank you, if we get this far, we will consider that tomorrow night. " Now the teacher leaned over in his chair to make sure his young student was looking at him directly in the eye. "Now Peggy Sue, I think you know between us that tomorrow night I would like us to talk more than about your progress as a student. It is up to you if you would also like to talk about what you saw here this afternoon. . . I will just say now that the conduct of Mr. Sideways and myself was inappropriate on school grounds. It is your right as to whether or not you want to report us. I would probably lose my job. I think I could get Mr. Sideways to keep his."

The teenage student broke out into a frown and then soft little sobs. "I wouldn't want any of that to happen."

"Ok, I apologize to you for so many things, most especially that I have upset you now. Please try to stop crying. It would help us both if you could start to think about this situation with objective reason and not so much emotion. Again, I am so sorry. We could start to forget about this now, or we could talk about it tomorrow."

The young student struggled to fight back tears. "Why are you apologizing? What I saw you doing with Bru . . Mr. Sideways was beautiful. I was the one who was the mean little sneak, spying on you." The young teen so flooded with hormones was in a tangle of mixed feelings. They only upset her more and the sobs surfaced again.

The teacher tried to tone down his voice to generate a more soothing effect. "Oh young lady, that is a sweet and very precocious thing to say. It is nothing to weep about. You may have bad feelings for, as you say, 'spying' on us, but if you learn constructive things from your mistakes, it will all work out better in the end. There may be something beautiful about what you were able to see this afternoon. If you really feel that way, then I humbly thank you for your appreciation. You will learn there is always a time and place for everything in life. I made the mistake of bad choices in time and place."

The teacher had developed good skills in oration right down to a bedside manner. His choice of words and overall tone was having the desired effect on the teen. "Now I only want that you brighten up and go home and concentrate on your studies. Check on your email in the next hour or 2. If it helps, for a little while, think about the things this afternoon that you think are beautiful. Forget about any mistakes any of us made for the next day or so. Even more than algebra, Peggy Sue, I want my students and all young people your age to know that mistakes and our bad conduct toward others are to be learned from. Never allow guilt and shame to control our lives. Never inflict guilt and shame on others except in the rare instance where we must to protect ourselves. Guilt and shame corrupt our dreams. Without them we can dream sweet dreams."

The teacher smiled more to himself than to the student with whom he shared very candid and personal conversation. "I am a very reckless man who enjoys the adventure of taking risks far beyond prudent calcuation - even more than mathematical calculation." He chuckled. "I think you witnessed some of that this afternoon. I don't know if you are old enough to understand what I am saying, but please be much more prudent than I am for the rest of the day and don't take any unnecessary risks. Then you might be able to dream sweet dreams tonight, my friend. One day you will learn how beneficial good dreaming can be to all of us."

The teacher smiled and patted his young student's girlish hands. She melted again in a flush of warmth and a swoon of gooseflesh.


The young teen left the school grounds to walk home on her own. A janitor allowed her to use one of the administration phones to call her mother to say she was on the way, now that it was nearly dark. Cell phones had become cheap and convenient. Why could they not let her have one now?

Her mind was overwhelmed with a flood of questions. Is Mr. Rodmann gay? How could that be if he had just been engaged to a beautiful woman? When he was talking with Bruce in the hall about other people using the showers late in the afternoon, did that mean they would have liked to have had sex in the boys locker room? If the books had not dropped from the shelf in the closet, and she would have been able to see Bruce's captive cock freed and pulled from his pants, what would have happened next? That question sent the teen's pulse racing again. The question was a catalyst for a whole slew of followup questions involving an almost endless number of permutations involving explicit acts of intimacy between grown men.
Most important of all, if they include discussion of today's events in tomorrow evening's extended appointment, will Mr. Rodmann reveal more about his personal life? If so, than that would be an opportunity not worth passing up. Peggy Sue thought about what her teacher had to say about guilt and shame. Her sense of both was now past tense where her furtive and secret observations were concerned. If anything, she felt cheated for being denied an almost nonexistent voyeur's paradise into the passions of men who commit themselves to each others' bodies in any way they can achieve maximum pleasures. For the love of life and its spirits, they both might have been naked when they achieved the most intense carnal gratifications with each other. For the loss of such enrichening dramatic entertainments, she felt entitled.

True to form, Mr. Rodmann's email message arrived seeking approval of their daughter's appointment with him the following evening. The teen's parents were impressed with the solicitous attention he seemed to have in Peggy Sue's academic progress. They readily agreed and applied their signatures to a hardcopy that their daughter would bring to the school the next day. They were generous and included a $20 bill.

That night, the teen had a strange dream that drifted in and out in lucidity and for her ability to recollect later on. It involved Mr. Rodmann, her father, a deceased uncle whom she thought of fondly for kindnesses to a litte girl, 2 or 3 older boys with whom she was only casually acquainted at school, and her mother who was shockingly derided by the males just mentioned and a host of others. She woke the next morning with the folds of her nightie above her tits and about her neck. She was not sweating with the same intensity as the dream of the previous night. But she found that her legs were spread wide open and bent at the knees. The nipples of her newly bloomed tits were rigid and sensitive. The buildup of fluids at the sumptuous places between her legs had all the heady aroma and texture of formidable feminine arousal. Those parts had the distinctive slightly aching and needy feel about them and Peggy Sue set about attending to them in digital function to satisfying peaks in shudders of warm pleasure.

When that sense of giddy fluster subsided, she noticed on her satellite clock that it was only about another 1/2 hour before the beginning of sunrise. She arose out of her bed in her nudity. It had been another too warm night for the time of the year and she would be done with her shower before her parents arose. When she walked close to the bathroom door, she noticed it was closed and over the din of the running water from the sink, she heard her father clear his throat. She was about to scoot back into her bedroom, but decided "to hell with it." Within seconds, he opened the door in just his underwear with an expression of surprise to encounter his daughter in her complete exposure. She scooted by him to open the shower curtain but then lowered the toilet seat that her father had left up to seat herself on it.

"Peggy Sue, are you alright? You look a little damp and peaked. Is it your time of the month, hon? We could call the school and tell them you won't be in today or will be arriving late."

"No Daddy, I am fine. It was just such another warm night again, I wanted to take my shower early."

The parent started to hear the piddling noise prompted by his naked daughter on the toilet and in a flash of embarrassment for being rude in not observing his daughter's privacy, he closed the bathroom door. From the other side he spoke more loudly. "I want you to go back to bed after your shower, sweetheart. Get up a little late and I will drive you to school."

"Thanks, Dad."

After her shower and she opened the bathroom to return to her bedroom, to her surprise, her father was waiting for her on the other side of the door with a sort of cunning lit up expression on his face. "Now Peggy Sue, you know how no matter what age you are or are going to be, you will always be my beautiful girl. You're a sweet kid and as far as I am concerned, you should be entitled to traipse around our small home however you like. But Mom is more old fashioned than young people today. When not in the privacy of your room or in the bathroom, she has this weird idea that you should always be wearing at least a robe. Now I so respect your mother's efforts to make a nice home for us, I ask that you honor her wishes on this point."

"I know Dad. I will. I just thought no one was up, yet." She only was holding the bath towel up to her front. In the back, she was still bare so as she stepped past him back to her bedroom, he could see how her woman like ass would move.

He called out to her again just before she reached her bedroom door. "You know, I remember we used to have a little girl who lived here. When we told her it was her bath time, she would throw off all her clothes every which way and terrorize us tearing around our house like some little devil on too much coffee. I miss that and I miss that little girl."

Peggy Sue turned around and smiled at her father. "I remember that and I remember that little girl. Sometimes I miss her too. But you and I will never forget her, will we Dad?"

"Not in a 1000 lifetimes, gorgeous. Sweet dreams for another hour or more."

Back in her room and climbing back in her bed still nude, she thought to herself, why couldn't Mom be as nice to her as Dad.


Peggy Sue shined through the next day with sort of a radiant confidence that was unusual for her, to say the least. Her carefully selected outfit included an odd item of party clothes that others noticed seemed to have the effect of her attractively blending in with the sharper dressed girls. Those girls looked and said nothing. However more than one teacher passing her would say something like "you are looking especially nice and chipper this morning, Peggy Sue."

"Thank you!"

Between classes, she would make a point of approaching boys at their lockers and asking them about the new games for their X-boxes and Wiis. She wanted to know who was making the best progress in their impromptu skate board competitions and assured them that as soon as the field hockey season was over, she would take time to watch them. This was a girl who seemed to them had joined "the eyes cast down" crowd. She had suddenly blossomed into a grinning flirt. Especially coming from one they noticed as "coming along so nice", they liked the sudden switch. More than one boy had his gender organ prompted to stir and enliven in appreciation to the new interest.

She smiled at Mr. Rodmann when she handed in her math homework. She had spent an hour longer with it than usual the night before and sincerely felt she understood. She enjoyed her class for the information imparted as well as her teacher's style of presentation. She noticed that there were moments when her pulse would race.

She was focused and motivated at field hockey practice. Never a sterling athlete, she assisted her scrimmage team with many assists on goals. Her coach was tuned into the energetic difference from the day before. "Great improvement kid. Let 's see that kind of moxie on game days." She curtailed her shower more than she would have liked to. She felt those sparks of tingle as the hot water ran over her, and she did not want other girls to see evidence of her physical feelings.


At 4:30 sharp, Mr. Rodmann was also seated next to the young teen in one of the student desk/chairs he had arranged to be next to flush with his student's. Some papers were set to one side on the smooth surface. The odor of just a hint of his cologne mixed with the warm soapy scent of his recent shower set the young woman to tingling again, especially about all her womanish places.

"Now I have checked through both your assignments of the last 2 nights, young lady. I may have underestimated your comprehension. You got a C+ and and then a B+. That makes me feel so much better about you." He smiled infectiously at his student seated in such close proximity. She immersed herself in his smile. She was so profoundly attracted to the hazel eyes that shone with wisdom, sensitivity, and just a touch of rakish mischief. His not too short curly light brown hair with blond highlights was always so appealing, no matter how "bad hair day" askew and the sweet small vulnerability of a bald spot at the top and back. His moustache with the not quite "Mexican" growth corners lent itself to a daring quality to someone who was already a jumble of masculine intrusions.

The teacher was no unfeeling lout. The look of sadness and neediness in the young teen's eyes disturbed him. "Peggy Sue, it is not appropriate for me and somewhat against policy for us to have that other talk about you and me. But I am going to take another one of those risks we spoke of yesterday and I am really going to get into it with you."

He noticed a tear forming at the corner of her eye. "Come here, sweetie. Come to my teacher's chair with me." The image of Bruce in his lap was still fresh in her mind and she sprinted to do the same. Seconds later he was rocking her in his safe warm arms, being smooched on her cheeks.

"I know so much more about kids your age than my students think I do. You should have seen me at the PTA meeting just after this year started. I let the parents have it. I told them that as teachers of kids your age we cannot give you many critical things you need to do well in school. Yes you need discipline and boundaries. But even more than younger children by a few years, you need constant physical affection. Yes, even the boys. You struggle with so many changes and are nagged by so many unending impulses, you need constant loving attention from your parents, for affirmative self-esteem and to help cope with the mixed signals and feelings of confusion. If they cannot provide it, then they are to see to it that brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or close family friends are there to provide a constant stream of sugar, unrelentingly.

If they do not do their job, then people your age and a little older will seek out both lots of affection and sexual release from other sources that are inappropriate and risky. The consequences for both sexes can be devastating for the rest of their lives. If they have those needs fulfilled, at least in large order, then they can enjoy sweet dreams both day and night. Then both boys and girls can dream for the brass ring and have the confidence to reach for it.

I followed up a couple of questions. Yeah that kind of attention can increase the sexual tensions. They should make it their job that you have plenty of time and venue of privacy for you, for your satisfying release - both boys and girls. Most people there thought I was nuts. But a couple of teachers and mothers came up to me later and thanked me for exhibiting some guts there that evening."

The young almost pint sized teen in his arms hugged him even closer. "Oh Mr. Rodmann, you are so smart."

"Not so smart, my little friend. Just someone who has a mission to learn from my life - to listen to my dreams. Now, let 's talk about your feelings. Do you have any questions about Bruce and me?"

The girl in the teacher's lap straightened up in a sense of genuine curiosity. "Yes Mr. Rodmann, are you gay?"

The teacher smiled and hugged his student again before answering. "I don't think it would make a difference to you if I am, and that is nice. For tonight, please call me 'Skip.' I recently found out I am gay, but I also am str8 at the same time. I think I am more str8 than gay, because as Fabienne put it, 'I will go nuts if I don't get some pussy after a while.'"

The teen giggled and broke out in a wide grin. The tone in her voice started to take on a litany of quick gesticulations. "You mean the woman you were going to marry knows about you and Bruce? I didn't know you could be str8 and gay at the same time? That 's so cool. When did you and . . ."

Her teacher interrupted. "Whoao, whoao, there young lady. One question and one topic at a time. First, I need to tell you how much better you look with a smile on your face. Yes Fabienne was the first to know when Bruce and I became intimate. She congratulated me. She said our love will broaden my horizons. When we were together she said it was so frustrating. It was always about 'math, math, math'. Poor Fabienne! She tried to yank me out of a box and criticized herself when she thought she failed. But she succeeded in so many little ways, I just never showed her that."

"Why did you break up with her?"

"For a lot of reasons, sweetheart. I do not want to tell most of them because I was ashamed of myself for them. Remember what I said about guilt and shame. A couple of weeks after we were apart, I sent her a long email message and wrote what I was ashamed of myself for. That helped me get through it. It was very hard for me to fall out of love with her. But I did. But I still love her so much and I need her friendship. I love all my students. But in the last 2 days, I have learned I can count on your friendship. In subtle and not too obvious ways, I will need your friendship Peggy Sue, for years to come."

The teen pressed herself into her teacher's chest. "Oh Mr. Rod . . . Skip, you will have my friendship in my dreams - I hope yours too."

"But you think I am skirting around the whole issue of Bruce Sideways, don't you?"

She lifted herself up and nodded up and down with the biggest grin yet.

"Well when Fabienne and I were together during the last sort of dark days of our relationship at the beginning of the year about 2 months ago, we had a coaches meeting still sweating in the main mens PE office. Bruce and I still stayed behind to talk with the 2 scheduling people. There seemed to have been some screw up conflicts with some of the girls games, which has since been sorted out. There were only about 4 of us in the showers. Bruce was under the shower head next to me and I guess when the other 2 were not looking, he flashed me a gay cruise."

She looked up to show her teacher a puzzled expression.

"Well let me shorten the explanation by saying that when a dude is naked in a locker room setting, a cruise is when he is ogled up and down with interest by another man who is checking his ass, dick, nuts, maybe his tuft of weed, and then looked in the eye in a way that shows the naked dude that the other likes what he sees. Well Bruce did that to me, and I found myself liking it. We both waited until the 2 guys stepped from the shower, and I mean I thrust my hips around and flaunted washing my package and then the crack between my ass cheeks so that he could get a real close look. He tried to make a pass at me later when we were dressing. I whispered, 'no, maybe later.'"

Peggy Sue sat up and shook her teacher's shoulder. She had something to say. She wanted him to know that she knew more about this matter than what he thought. "Peggy Taleteller has an older gay cousin who tells her almost everything. She adores him."

She spoke with the most confident tone of conviction in her voice of the afternoon up until then. "She has shown us pictures of him. He is so cute he is dreamy. He lives in the city where there are a lot of gay men and he goes to the gym where about 1/2 the other members are gay. He told her he doesn't cruise other men so much, but loves to be looked at by them. He spends a lot of time naked in the locker room. She says when he isn't taking a long shower, he spends the maximum amount of time with other guys in the sauna, peeing into a urinal, using a sink to shave, weighing himself at the scales, or having long conversations with friends.

She told us he figured out tricks for getting looks and I guess cruises from other guys. If he thought most of the other guys assigned to nearby lockers were into other guys the way he is, after he would come back from his workout all sweaty, he would take off all his gym clothes and take out his towel and shampoo and combs, then he would pretend he was having trouble closing his locker door before he could walk to the shower room." The teen was nearly convulsing with titters and giggles.

"Get a grip girl. Don't giggle out on me now. What happened next?"

"Well, of course all the other men would look to see what the problem was. But he would pretend he needed to put some strength into shaking that door, so the other guys would get to see his muscles tweak and his dick shake and flop about. . . Hee! Hee!. . . And he would also do that thing where he would keep clenching and relaxing his ass cheeks quickly. Even though the pictures I have seen of him are always with his ass covered, that must have been a show that even all the girls would enjoy looking at. Anyway, he would get the looks he wanted.

I think you and Bruce should get guest passes to the gyms in the city and maybe get cruised hanging out naked in the locker room or maybe cruise other men."

The teacher hugged and kissed the teen in his arms, once again. "Now that shows the kind of imagination and sense of humor a girl your age should have. It should be a part of your dreams. As a suggestion to a friend which I will take up with Bruce, it is a very thoughtful and generous gesture."

Peggy Sue was starting to get impatient. "So when did you and Bruce finally start kissing and when did, you know, you start having sex?" The teen spoke over her teacher who had started to answer, but she was determined to vocalize her litany of questions to its conclusions. "And what kind of sex did you start with and when did you move on to other things?. What kinds of positions have you tried?"

Her teacher looked a little astonished at his student. "You really want to know the gammit of our sex lives, don't you? Don't you want something left for your imagination and dreams?"

"Just a little. You told me I should not be ashamed. Now I wish I had seen you with Bruce's cock in your hand and seen whatever else you 2 were going to do together, from when I was inside that closet." She pointed in the direction of the closet. Her other hand was trying to wrap its fingers around her teacher's own cock covered as it was by Dockers and whatever else.

The adult man liked the feel of the hand of the young girl that was exploring the length of his straining aroused organ, even though she was applying too much pressure. He had to collect his thoughts. "I tell you what. Maybe some evening I could get Bruce to come up here with me again and we could proceed with a repeat performance. You would be alerted in advance and safely hidden away to watch the whole show uninterrupted, this time.

"What did you plan on doing?"

"I figured this desk was just the right height. I planned on getting him on his back and raising his legs so that his ankles or calves would be on my shoulders. That way he would be doubled over and propped up just enough so that when I was standing behind the desk, it would be real easy for me to fuck him up his ass."

"Would you both have been naked?"

"That was my intention. But maybe it would be more fun for you if you watched him fuck me?"

She looked at him with wanderlust and sincerity. "Oh Skip, either way, that would be just dreamy."

"Good! Well let it sit with your dreams." He moved into whisper loudly into her ear and she allowed herself to be entranced by the hot breath as it hit her ear, cheek, and neck. "If it really happens, compare the reality with what you had dreamed about. Do you like the feel of my hard cock under my pants?"

She nodded again in the affirmative.

"You would like me to show it to you, wouldn't you?"

"Oh Skip! I am not sure, but I think I may have dreamed that one already."

"It would at least be a daydream fulfilled."

"Oh yes, please!"

"Would you want to see it just by having it pulled out, or instead from my having gotten naked?"

"Oh Skip would you do that? Yes, naked, please!"

He breathed hard on her neck before he asked her the next question. "I would never have to touch you when it happened, but would you be willing to get naked with me?"

There was a pause. "I would want us to hug if we got naked together. It would be dreamy if you would hold me that way. But I am not sure I am pretty enough for you."

The teacher suddenly pulled away and looked his young partner directly in the eye. She had stopped tugging at his masculine organ. "Don't say such a stupid thing. Of course you are pretty and sexy enough for me. I have had you on my lap for how long, now? Do you think I would have gotten hard if I didn't have a little goddess in the making on my lap? My hormones have ramped down compared to those of my students. I wouldn't get aroused by just any girl or guy."

They hugged again and lips met. She started to point her tongue and try to insert it into his mouth right away. He pulled away and placed his forefinger to her lips, encouraging her to purse them. The two sets of lips met again and just explored each other for a minute. He opened his mouth slightly and she followed his example. Tongue tips met, tasted each other, and tasted soft lips. More tongue from both explored slowly.

Suddenly the teacher pulled away. "I know a place where you can get me naked and we can have comfortable privacy if a janitor isn't hanging around. . . How about the little bed in the nurses station?"

They gathered books and his briefcase. On their way, Peggy Sue put her books in her locker. That gave her both free hands to feel about the front of her teacher's pants. But on their way, they encounterd another teacher and Peggy Sue had to straighten up and act demure.

"Staying behind to grade papers again, Pete?"

"You bet. Glad to get it done before returning home. Good evening, Peggy Sue."

"Hello Mr. Guyser."

"We were staying behind for some extra tutoring. But her recent homework shows she is getting the hang of it better than I thought."

"Glad to hear it, Skip. Goodnight"

Out of earshot, "do you think I am getting the hang of your other tutoring?"

"You are a remarkable student."

"Well, why won't you tutor me about Bruce Sideways?"

"We keep getting distracted. About a week after I knew Fabienne and I were through, we kissed in the faculty parking lot. Part of the thrill for us then was that we might get caught. A couple of times earlier in the locker room, we dried each other off with our towels and then while we were still naked I caressed his shoulders and back. There was a football coach and one of the janitors just 3 aisles away and other coaches in the main PE office. Those were the first times we saw each other get hard. Now, I think most of the faculty including the PE people know we are an item."


They had arrived at the nurse station and there were tell tale signs that the janitor had already been through. The student assumed an extraordinary confidence now. "Get on the bed so I can undress you."

"The day we kissed, we drove back to my place in his car. He had his hands all over me. Inside the little house I rent, we immediately started undressing each other. Well when we got down to boxers, his chubby cute guy was peeking out of his fly. We had both been dripping and leaking. You do know what it means when turned on boys and men leak, don't you?"

"I want to see it." She had both of his shoes and socks off and was unbuttoning his shirt.

"Well, we were naked together for the first time outside of the locker room and we just sat and lied down on each other on my sofa. We both wanted to just explore what was there for each other. We sniffed and rubbed. I don't know what I was expecting, but a man is just as soft as a woman mostly, only there is more of him. Soft body hair seems to be a bonus to the touch."

Peggy Sue had his shirt off and was pulling off his tank top style undershirt. He was about to be bare chested. She immediately plunged her hands into his dense chest hair and massaged all about. "Oh Skip, you are so soft and warm." She moved in to rub her face all about and kiss his nipples. The teacher had one of his large hands patting her hair at the back of her head.

"We kept tugging, sniffing, kissing and sucking at each others' hard cocks. Eventually we were sort of just below the belt and between the legs to each others faces. What people call 69ing. I was on top"

The teen was reminded that what had really been secret from her all her life. She unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his trouser but before unzipping, found his bulge again. It seemed longer than she expected and pleased that she could feel it throb and grow even more when she massaged it. What intrigued her most of all was the amount of warmth that emanated out of just human flesh even through the fabric that covered it. That experience more than any other triggered the warm wet heat to flow from her own sex. Her thoughts were spontaneous. "No wonder the girls like these things to pump up into their snatching pussies. Now I know why some older girls brag that they even love them ploughing into their shit holes."

The teacher had stopped talking, noticing his young partner's focus on his body. She pulled down the zipper and tugging his pant legs to pull off his trousers away from his feet was not difficult. The outline of his 8 inch bulging cock was visible and little wet spots were apparent near the band of his boxers. She was attracted to hairy strong thighs, but that was not going to be her focus right then. With her right hand, she slipped it through his fly to cop a feel of smooth almost searing velvet flesh, noting the little rises of pulsing veins, all for the first time in her life.

The last garment had to come off. She could see the bouncing twitches and flinches of excitement of the most enticing small animal she had ever encountered. She tugged at the band and pulled down the one remaining covering. The musk of it hit her nostrils instantly. She wanted to sniff more. She bit her lower lip as to try and curtail overwhelming desire. It was odd but deliciously protruding warm flesh. It was all nestled in a dense but very disheveled growth of what instinct told her must be the softest fuzzy most fragrant long hairs for personal enjoyments. She surrendered to her impulses and dropped her head into the mess of masculine corpus. She sniffed, kissed, licked, lightly sucked, and gently fondled in slow exploration all she beheld there. From the salty sauce at the end of his cock down through even his furry crotch to his surprisingly sweet smelling and pungent tasting pucker, she wanted to acquaint herself with all in its every centimeter.

She finally raised her head from between her teacher's legs and smiled. "Bruce Sideways is a very lucky man. I am jealous."

"Does what a man have square with your dreams?"

"Oh it is much better than what I have dreamed for. But then I never dreamed for a man as sexy as you are." She was rubbing his turgid flesh on her face and neck.

"Sexy is as sexy does. Peggy Sue, if you really want to enjoy my cock and feel it in other places, you should take off all your own clothes."

It was as if the suggestion was a sort of profound epiphany. There was no hesitation now. He lifted himself to help her gently remove all her clothes except her underwear. Unsnapping her bra was almost effortless. But as her straps fell away, she placed her arms and forearms over the supporting fabric. She shot her teacher her best effort at a coquettish look.

"Oh come on my little goddess, show me the sweet fruit we both know you have.

"Do you really think I am a goddess?"

"If you aren't now, you will be soon."

The sexy look she shot the naked man she was straddling was comically exaggerated. "If you are a good boy and, . . . . you promise to keep that appointment in your home room where I can watch you and Bruce fucking together."

"You little blackmailer. Deal! Now show me that awesome pair you have got." His broad grin broke into a serious expession when he pulled away the support garment himself. He reached slowly and gently cupped the underside of her lovely pair, but his fondles progressed to firm unabashed groping. The teen suffered a moment of anxiety that her metamorphosing womanhood was not sufficient for her mature partner.

Her worries were instantly dispelled. "Oh I miss a gorgeous woman's beautiful tits so much. You realize that is what you have, don't you Peggy Sue?" She was too immersed in hypnotic erotic feelings to answer. He raised himself to suck and lick the delicious soft flesh from the sides and undersides. He left for last the very pointy nubs that were perked up. He sucked and nibbled there with the ardor of a very hungry immensely overgrown male baby. He felt the young lithe body he had connected to twinge and jerk in shots of delightful sensation.

The teen sensed the older man with his large fingers of one hand caress her soft skin down and beyond her young tummy to a new garden yet to be explored by any males - new in the sense as a brilliant butterfly to be admired from a freshly emerged chrysalis. She focused on those fingers with their intentions of the most inimate acquaintances: the dense warm liquid that covered soft hairs, bulging lips, and a swelling love button.

In a soft sighing voice, "oh yes please! That feels so nice. Pull it down and get me naked now." Her panties were down to her knees and she adjusted and shifted herself so that they could be pulled away altogether. Before tossing them aside, the older man bunched them up to his nose and inhaled deeply, obviously very pleased for the experience. That gesture made her feel the most beautiful and appreciated yet.

She adjusted herself over him so that all the still sopping wet charms lingered just over his head and mouth and she could reach for his throbbing enchanting cock. "Oh I didn't realize until just now how right Fabienne is. I need your pussy now so much Peggy Sue." With deft tounge and fingers first to either side of her lips, then the lips themselves, before wiggles of soft tongue against her aching love button, the squealing explosion of dense heat and the tingling fit that started between her legs rose up quicker than she had anticipated. When she awoke completely to lucid consciousness she humped and ground the whole commotion into her partner's face. He grunted his approval and appreciation.

As the teen worked her partner's bucking and twitching cock, he had adjusted her slightly spreading ass. She squeaked little notes of pleasure as he kissed, sucked, and fingered the rim of her tasty pucker. She still had plenty of conscious focus to stroke, kiss, and lick about the heated flesh that prompted new desires between her legs even though the mannish one eyed monster was several inches away. That one eye was stretching and dilating a little bigger by the second.

"Peggy Sue, if you want to make me cum, you are doing a great job."

She suddenly felt much of the flesh about his shaft, head, and about his piss slit become very tender. Her little fists felt the strongest throbs yet. The first streak of ripe smelling slightly congealed jizz squirted at least 5 inches into the air landing on his lower tummy and the upper end of his bush. The second streak spurted almost as far. She watched as 6 or 7 little spurts followed, dripping down his shaft on to her hands, but at least 10 less intense throbs followed that were dry. She was fascinated that his grunts and moans of pleasure accompanied mostly just his dry throbs. Pulling her hands away, she tasted the cooling sauce on her fingers. It was a little more bitter than she expected and seemed to taste of a mix of ingedients including even a touch of cleaning fluid.

Her ass wiggled as she reached for tissues and paper towels at the nurse stand. She started in with her gesticulated observations and questions but noticed how relaxed the stretched out naked man on the bed looked. "You look like you enjoyed that. Your cum smells funky but nice - like your warm insides churn sauce ground up from super ripe veggies and fruit. It tastes a little bitter though. It was really hot to make you do that from your awesome cock." She was scooping up dabs of the discharge and tasting them off her fingers. "What does it taste like to you when you give Bruce a bj?"

"Well my little goddess, I never sucked cock until I became intimate with Bruce just weeks ago. His semen tastes better than I thought. It tastes earthy and rich. I like it fresh from the pee hole as Bruce's cock is spraying the warm stuff in my mouth on my tongue, my palette, or best of all, back to my throat. That 's the way I like to eat it. More than a few seconds on the outside, it does not appeal to me."

By now she had him and herself cleaned off, more or less. She gently pushed him some so she could lie next to and up against the exuding warmth of the naked man. She made the effort to make sure his bigger warm arms were covering her to her greatest satisfaction. "You know, I don't think I will ever give a boy a blow job until I am certain he is going to be nice to me and do his best to care about me."

"That is a very sensible objective, Peggy Sue. You should never give such personal favors to any boy or man unless you are certain that he is trustworthy to be completely appreciative and discrete about your kindnesses. It is something else you can dream on."

"Maybe I would give a gay boy a blow job so he could teach me what boys and men like best. I don't know any gay couples among the boys at our school. I guess there aren't any." She felt her partner stiffen a little.

"Oh Skip, do you and Bruce know something I don't?" She scrambled to hover over him with her tits hanging down over the hairs of her partner's chest. Her eyes were wide open with urgency. "Oh I could never tell a living soul about a hidden away boy."

"You mean a boy in the closet."

"Yeah, this place is awful about that sort of thing. I mean there are lots of girls like me who think its really cool. But there are too many stuck up bitches here who would want to be mean about it like most of the boys, especially some really creepy jerks."

"I get that you are sensitive and could never be anything but discrete about people who would not completely fit in here."

"I DON'T completely fit in here. Any boy I found out to be gay would be sort of in my club. He would be part of the out club."

"Peggy Sue, you could fufill a dream of forming a new 'in' club of your own choosing."

"I don't care about that. I want to know who the gay boys are?"

"Why? So then you could confront them about it and embarrass them."

"No. It is true I would approach them to be friends. But I would try to be friendly in a way that they could feel comfortable and trust me. They would come to think of me as someone who loves them no matter what. Then they could tell me whatever they wanted without anything bad happening as a result."

The teacher wrapped his arms around his warm naked student again. He pressed against her and gave her more than one big smooch on the cheek. "Aspiring to be friendly, warm, and kind to the underdogs of our society is an admirable dream. It may be your most difficult to fulfill. You will have to constantly work on it over the years. If you have the courage to master those social skills, you will be an authority on all of them. . . Ok, I will tell you what I know, but don't make any trouble for anyone,"

"The teen frantically crossed herself. I promise, Skip. Who do you know about?"

"A week ago we had a couple visit us at Bruce's place. He has known them and sort of mentored them for over a year now. Carlson Guyser and Chuckie Coxswain in the 11th grade were our guests."

"You mean Carlson on varsity basketball who is the nephew of Mr. Guyser and Chuckie on varsity wrestling are a gay couple? They both have girlfriends, though."

"Patty Sapphokund and Junebug Flowerbud are lesbian lovers. Both couples paired off more than 2 years ago."

"Get out of here. That is so cool. I could never tell anybody about that. They could be so ruined."

"Yes they could, my little friend. Whatever you could do to join others in friendly support if they are ever caught would be generous and helpful beyond measure.

But because I always try to learn from students I love, I will tell you what happened. Bruce was trying to be hospitable and offered the boys a beer. Many kids that age aren't used to even a small amount of alcohol. Well somehow the coversation turned to Bruce's and my new sex lives. The 2 boys became a little over-excited and told us they would like to show us something. We tried to dissuade them and tell them we knew it all. They were kissing and hugging and I could see the hard bulges under their jeans. I signaled Bruce, let them have their way - hormones in overdrive. Between kisses, they were undressing each other."

"Nooooo! Whoao! You mean Carlson and Chuckie got naked and put on a sex show for you?"

"Simmer down! Carlson was completely bare while Chuckie still had more than 1/2 his clothes on. But once they were both rolling around on Bruce's carpet, the remainder of Chuckie's clothes seemed to peel away. Well they rolled around, kissed, and sort of humped each other. Carlson positioned himself so that he was able to suck on Chuckie's cock and nuts some, but he quickly moved on to spreading cheeks, kissing, and tonguing Chuckie's bung hole. Kind of like what I did to you just now."

"I liked that."

"Well we soon learned that was just the prelude to Chuckie being fucked there."

"That must have felt wonderful."

"Let me tell you what happened. Chuckie the wrestler made it seem like he was being pinned face down. But Carlson would prop up his partner's ass by reaching under and pushing him up some by his cock. He hovered over him so that he could poke the end of his cock into Chuckie's puckered bung hole just a little way, then pull it out, and then poke it back in over and over. We could see it happen with nothing blocking. Every time Carlson would poke his cock into Chuckie's little hole, Chuckie's body below the waist would shake and quiver some, like a little vibration. Chuckie would bark this little grunt every time. Bruce said he had never seen anything like it."

"Oh that must have been a wonderful thing to see. I wish I had been there."

"Well we are going to talk about your voyeur fetish before I take you home tonight. Then they commenced to some good old fashioned ass fucking. They showed us at least a 1/2 dozen positions. Carlson hovered over him wih Chuckie faced down, Carlson fucked Chuckie in several variants of the missionary position. They would get in a lot of open mouthed kissing that way. Carlson would fuck him on their sides, propping up Chuckie's free leg. But no matter what position Carlson fucked Chuckie, Chuckie would complain, 'harder!'

Well I just could not understand that because Carlson has to be at least an inch longer than I am and almost as thick. Chuckie looked like he was getting drilled pretty good to me. Finally, Carlson sat on the sofa. Chuckie stood over him with his front facing us and slowly bent over to seat himself so that his ass would be impaled on to Carlson's cock.

Once they were sitting the way they both wanted, Chuckie would lift himself up almost to the point where Carlson's cock would pull out, then he would let himself just drop on to Carlson's pubic bone below him. He would grunt his pleasure. Now he was happy. He did this over and over again. But Carlson started to hump up and thrust to meet Chuckie's drops down on to the big tool of flesh in him. Between the noise of the impact of their bodies and and the grunts and groans they would wail on every one of those impacts, it was getting very noisy. It went on like this for another five minutes before you could see Carlson sort of twisting around and moaning louder. I now realize he was getting close at this point."

The naked teen did not want to interrupt but cast extreme facial expressions noting her keen interest in the narration.

"Carlson had been sort of reaching around and playing with Chuckie's ample nuts when he could. Chuckie had started stroking his own 6 incher in the last couple of minutes, I guess. But Carlson started slowing down and grunting louder than ever. Well I guess when Chuckie started to feel Carlson's warm wet load shoot so far up him, that set him off. I mean Bruce and I did not find where Chuckie's first streak of jizz landed until the next day - on the carpet the other side of the coffee table from the sofa. He spurted out a couple of other shots with some pretty good distance as well. While the 2 young athletes were still groaning from their ejaculations, Bruce hurried into the kitchen to get warm wet sponges and paper towels. He did not want cum stains on his furniture and believe me there was a lot of cum.

We hustled Chuckie into the bathroom and the shower before Carlson's humongous load completely careened from his loving manhole. Carlson joined him.

I would like to take a break before I finish this story, Peggy Sue. We ought to get something to eat. I have some Chinese carryout in the fridge in the teachers lounge. We can heat it in the micrwave there."

"Are we going to fool around anymore?"

"I don't know how much time we will have. There are other things I want to tell you." They were tossing the towels and tissues with stale sexual discharges in a plastic bag that the teacher would take with him to dispose of elsewhere. He noticed a small makeup kit on the nurses stand and picked it up. "I am going to give you some beauty secrets."

Peggy Sue was only 1/2 joking. "You mean you are going to give me beauty tips instead of fucking me?"

"I want to talk to you about being fucked in the conventional sense." He collected his keys out of his trousers pocket. He gave her the spare blanket at the station to wrap around herself and picked up a towel for himself.

He peered out the room to make sure the halls were clear. He signaled the teen to follow him. He would signal her to halt and scoot along to peer around the next corner for any undesirable encounters with janitors. He would signal the all clear to follow him. The teen being able to watch her teacher in motion completely bare-assed this way was worth the whole evening in its own right.


When they finally reached the teachers area, Peggy Sue was beaming. "You know nice looking people like you should not be allowed to wear clothes here. You are much too cute and nice to look at to ever be wearing anything at all. You remind me of my father. He looks better in just his underwear than wearing anything more than that."

"Young lady, one day you will have the choice of joining a nudist colony. In the meantime, learn to live without that privilege." He had his key at the teachers men's room. Once unlocked, the door opened, and the light on, Peggy Sue made a beeline for the 2 urinals. Her teacher was checking the contents of the makeup kit at one of the sinks. She stood directly behind one. It seemed a little high up to her. She looked all around them and then started flushing them. When one would finish flushing, she would flush the other.

"Would you leave those contraptions alone?"

"Cut me some slack. I've only seen these things in pictures, TV, and the movies. When am I going to see another one in real life again?

"Just wait a minute, will you? As soon as we are finished with this, you will be able to see a naked man use one in real life, just like in the locker rooms. I'll need to go. Now would you pick up the blanket off the floor before one of us slips on it and kills oneself?"

He had her wipe off what he thought was too much eye liner. He had been an assistant director at college theater. Fabienne and other heavies in his life had instructed him on their makeup secrets. In the mirror, he showed her how to apply the liner more subtly. He showed her how to use a very natural shade of eyeshadow lightly and use a shade that stood out more for parties. He recommended she use a brighter shade of lipstick, but not too bright and wet looking.

When they were done, the teen with a blanket wrapped around her looked in the mirror. "Wow! If you were my boyfriend or husband, I would make it your job to put on my face."

"Don't ever count on someone else to do something like that for you."

When the naked teacher stepped up to one of the urinals, his pupil stood right by his side. Several inches shorter, she made sure she adjusted herself where she could peer into the gap of a few inches between him and the rim of the plumbing, so she could position some observation of her instructor clasping his dick with fingers of both his hands and the piss as it streamed from his pee hole into the bowl sagging below.

He turned his face toward her and frowned. "You're even worse than Fabienne."

She giggled in response, not moving her eyes however, determined to deprive him all privacy in a very personal function. She watched carefully the whole episode in male urination, including the last spurts of stream to assure an empty bladder, his shaking off any remaining drops of discharge as he flushed, his release of the organ as he pulled away. She used one of the stalls as he washed his hands.

They were both hungry and ate the reheated food greedily. At her prompting, he spoke of his own dreams to her. He became wistful and almost enthusiastic as he contemplated a scenario of happiness of what could be.

"I would want to be a big college nerd at a respected university, as much as I love my students here."

"You are too sexy to be a nerd."

"Thank you, but I am a devoted nerd at heart. It would mean being accepted as a Phd. candidate, so I could be awarded a teaching fellowship. I would drown myself in the vision of Gottfried Liebniz and Issac Newton. I would teach college level calculus and acquaint myself with all its latest applications. But I fear the loves of my life like a former fashion model turned marketing specialist and a PE instructor would never follow me and love the rhythms of music that rock my world. I would have to be the attentive master of their sex lives to hold their attention in that kind of rarified setting"

"Why not just go there and find a beautiful woman or super smart gay man and listen to your math music with them? You could be the masters of each others sex lives."

"That 's very thoughtful. He grasped at the arms and shoulders of the burping teen only wrapped in a blanket and nudged her into his lap. She nodded affirmatively when he asked her if the food was appetizing. "But I fear the prospects for your suggestion might be dim. I would not want to be alone living a life of such cerebral richness." He bent so that the side of his face was flush with the teen's and rocked her at the shoulders. "It is good to daydream constructively if we can develop a plan for our dreams to become at least a little fulfilled. It is not a bad idea to have at least a little Walter Mitty with us."

"Walter who?"

"Never mind. . . But what is this dream you have of watching others have sex, especially men having gay sex?"

"Well you said I could watch you and Bruce fuck in your home room, didn't you?"

"I will do my best to arrange an incident for that one time. But how do you think you will be able to watch any couples having sex on any regular basis?"

He watched his naked student shift her eyes around as her mind reached to conjure a plausible explanation for an unlikely social circumstance. "Well if sexy people in love feel that they can trust me . . . "

"Sweetie, even if you find people who are into exhibiting their sexual prowess to others, there are laws and rules about what can be revealed to 14 year old young women. With all the prejudices and possible scrutiny that younger gay men can incur, they will not assume the risks that I do, no matter how much they come to trust and love you, lovable as you are. I am afraid you will need to defer that dream."

The naked teen bounded off the lap of her one night stand paramour. She sat down next to him not gently, but in a huff. Her brow was furrowed and eyes widened with a sensibility of genuine outrage with injustice. "My parents and people at this school tell me I am grown up enough to do all sorts of things that they think we should do. But whatever I want to do and some of my friends want to do, NO! They say we aren't old enough to do those things." Her sense of being wronged was so acute, that even tears started to well up in her eyes.

The teacher tried to shift his speaking style to his soothing tone. "Peggy Sue, welcome to the world of double standards. But I have to admit, it is especially bad for people your age. Teachers who teach your grades are more sympathetic to the horseshit they shovel your way than you may think they are. But they are afraid that if they express any sympathy toward you, you will take advantage of them for it."

"They're right! We will, . . . and we should."

The teacher looked at his pupil directly in the eye and continued in his quieter tone. He gripped her by the shoulders but realized her ornery mood would not allow him to coax her back into his lap. "We all have to cope with indignities in life. We do that best with the love and support of family and friends, and if we are lucky, the sex we share with lovers. I want to tell you the rest of the story about what happened between the young guests of Bruce and myself.

Carlson and Chuckie came out of the bathroom after their showers still drying off with their towels. They were gracious with the compliments we gave them for their little showtime exhibition as they returned to the sofa and for a minute or so to organize the clothes they had so brazenly divested themselves from less than an hour earlier. But as we returned to conversation about the athletic programs at the school or some other boring trifle, they wrapped their nude selves into each other and wound themselves hugging and kissing into the most affectionate cuddle bunnies I have ever seen.

Now mind you, I had always thought I had been a regular honey pot of sweet good lovings to the women in my life from Fabienne on back. But this 30 something was put to shame by a couple of buck naked young dudes roughly 1/2 my age. I called Fabienne the next day to tell her about what had so impressed me that evening so as to get through the guilt of realizing I had not been loving enough for both of us. She reminded me that I should always remember that I can learn important lessons from almost anyone. Both Bruce and I were very affected by what we saw."

"What were some of things they did?"

"They would switch off having one clinging with his arms wrapped around the other in a tight hug, his head against the other's chest as if listening to his heart beat. The young one being clung to would caress his partner all about his head, face, neck, shoulders, and back ~ lots of warm pressed embraces, soft kisses, looks and coos of genuine endearments. Those kids can show each other real love. Sure, they got each other hard, but they would grip little strokes of lover's arousal for affectionate encouragements more than any sexual intention. It was the way they would move against each other. The toned bodies of young skin and muscle were like subjects for compelling photographic artistic studies of male nudes."

All the talk of love and affection had softened the naked student's mood. She had climbed back on to her teacher's lap and prompted one of his hands to softly stroke her tits and tummy. "It sounds like that must have been something dreamy to watch."

"Yes, Peggy Sue, this is the sort of love you should dream for yourself. We all need to work very hard to make those dreams happen for ourselves. This is the way these 2 cope in a world that can erupt into brutal hostilities. They carry what so many would regard as a terrible secret. They deflect the visions of horrible reprisals by nurturing each other with all this intense warmth and physical closeness. For the time being, they have succeeded to earn reputations of good citizenship from school administration, teachers, and their peers among the students."

As a naked couple in a seeming mis-matched one night stand, the teen hugged hard into the warm torso of her somewhat older lover. He responded by rocking the young woman and kissing the top of her head with noisy sucking smooches, patting it with enough energy as if to try to pass the warmth of his hands into her cranium. "I would like you to love me that way."

The teacher switched to his quieter tone again. "Peggy Sue, I am your algebra teacher. After tonight, outside of an agreement to exhibit myself to you on one occasion, I cannot be your lover or partner in sex and intimacy in any way. I am not going to bust through your cherry and take your virginity tonight. I will do the best I can to be a valued friend to you, but I need for you to be a friend to me by being a diligent student. I know you need so much more. I want you to pay attention so we can start to devise a plan where you can find that love and affection, and yes, later some pleasurable safe sex."

"I won't be able to find anyone to love me that way."

"Hey! Hey! I don't want to hear that from you. You have too much going for you to underestimate yourself. You are very bright, sensitive, kind, and I just showed you how attractive you can make yourself. Now you are going to need to be a good judge of character. You should find a mature boy who is comfortable with his own needs for heavy duty loving. You will both be very turned on by each other but don't pressure each other into situations that could create disappointment. Be relaxed and interested in good humor about how you acheive orgasms."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Take it in stride when you relate to each other about your masturbation experiences. You don't necessecarily have to be there. If you provide him a relaxed and safe place to open up, believe me, telling you how and when he beats off will be one of his favorite things to talk to you about."

The teen's face lit up. "That's right. Be interested. If you show him that is something you enjoy about him and are demonstrative in your affections, he will come back doing what he can to smother you with love. Show him how, but make sure that doesn't make him feel entitled about how you 'put out' Make sure he knows you are in charge, there. . . . Now you are not going to be able relate to any boy like this right away. What is your relationship with your parents like?"

"My mother is someone who thinks I should do things she asks me and I obey her rules. Dad I think wants me to be happy, but he wishes I was still a little girl."

"You are always going to have some little girl in you. You said something about his hanging out in his underwear. If he is relaxing in the house that way, don't be afraid to climb up in his lap then and be insistent that you need his affection."

At first the teen giggled, but then she looked up at her teacher with the most serious expression of the evening. "If we were not sitting here naked tonight, I would not tell you this. My Dad jerks off in the shower and he is noisy about it. Mom admitted to me that he does not get enough sex from her. If I sit on his lap, I think I might cause him to grow a boner."

"Peggy Sue, I do not mean to be rude, but even if your parents are fucking like rabbits, your Dad would be just as inclined or not to spring a boner. Boners are more an involuntary neurological thing than anything else. It may never happen, but if it does, show him you understand by not saying anything but just hug him. You are glad that your Dad is a healthy man and show him that makes you happy. With smiles and kisses let him know that he has nothing to be embarrassed about with you. He will get that your love for him is unconditional. I think you have the potential for a lasting bond of intimacy that could do you both good."

"Ewwww, my parents fucking like rabbits. I so don't need that picture. But at the same time, if it really happened, I think I would sleep feeling happier and safer in my bed at night."

"That is your need for the bonds of love among the people you love to be strong and projected to you. If your mother sees the bond that is growing between you and your dad, she may be attracted to the affection she sees and becomes more loving toward you too. You might be surprised at how your relationship with her turns around. These are your parents Peggy Sue. As you are getting older, their expectations for your assumption of more responsibility increases. But you still need them. That doesn't change. They are making more demands on you as you get older. Make demands on them in their parental roles to shower you with love. If they are making claims that they are approachable about all your issues, then hold them to them. If your initiatives in insisting on closer bonds in your family work out, than those successes can be very empowering to you. You will find that you are building new abilities to translate your dreams into workable realities. Your parents will know that you were the source of an overall improvement in your home and they will be very proud of you."

"But I want sex. I don't want to just love the man I have sex with. But I want to love people who make each other happy for the good sex they enjoy."

"Of course you do. And you want to cultivate friendships with broad minded people who, like you, celebrate the passionate fun side of human experience. If you can start to build close relationships with your parents, don't be afraid to tell them about your sexual urge and how it affects your opinion of people. Ask them about their feelings when they were your age."

"Early this morning Dad saw me naked for the first time in I don't know how long. He calls me beautiful and gorgeous."

"Smart man! He loves you so much and you should tap into it. Those kinds of personal issues about privacy within families are very different in homes. I suppose in your house, it would not be very appropriate if you encountered your father nude, huh?"

The teen responded with a sideways curled mouth incredulous look. "With my Mom, are you kidding? Do you think I should be able to?"

"I would not press the issue. If the 3 of you become relaxed and very supportive, barriers like that might melt away, but don't count on it. I come from a prudish home, but when Fabienne still goes to visit her parents, she can talk to either one of them in their bedroom as they are taking off their clothes to take a shower or bath. All the wide open policy nearly came to an end when she was just a couple of years older than you are. Her 2 older brothers broke a lamp in their dining room when they were both chasing each other naked as jay birds in a towel snapping fight. She stepped right up to her father and took full responsibility. She told him she had taunted them and egged them on. They were grounded for weeks, but she could not stand the idea of them not being able to look at each other in just their undies or stripped down nekkid. Now the 3 of them plus their 2 wives are thick as thieves."

The teen sighed.

"I know kid. You want that kind of intimacy for yourself. You need to dream on it. Start reaching out to your parents for affection, especially your father. Start flirting with boys you are attracted to who you think might treat you well." He grabbed hold of the makeup kit again. "Come back to our teachers' guy room with me before we get ready to go back and get dressed."

He led her into a stall and gently led her to seat herself on the toilet seat. "Now my little goddess, it is not just your sweet pair that will appeal to boys."

She thrust herself to the front of the seat with her legs wide open. "They will want to get at my pussy. Do you think I should get waxed?"

"That 's up to you my little goddess friend. But I will just tell you from what I can see, you look awful sweet just the way you are."

She slid further back on the toilet seat. "When my dad saw me this morning, I was sitting on the pot in our bathroom just the way I am sitting now. I started to pee and I guess he was just being polite or something, because he closed the bathroom door. I wished he had watched me the whole time even after I stopped." The naked teen started to pee now. "Please watch me do this. It makes me feel sexy."

The naked man stood above her and watched intently. She in turn enjoyed watching her partner's length of appealing handsome man organ twitch involuntarily in response to a spectacle with erotic overtones. When through, she reached for a swatch of toilet paper, but he moved her hand aside and pulled segments of the roll off himself. He crouched down and took the bunched segments of the soft roll clutched in his fingers and instead of wiping along her nether lips about the opening of her tiny pee hole, he patted the soft paper about to gently absorb any excess liquid. He dropped the damp bunch into the bowl, reached to flush, and moved his head into the zone of recent urination.

"Oh yes, kiss and lick me down there. Show me how much you enjoyed watching me pee." The acoustics in the room full of plumbing promoted audible smacks by the older man's oral attentions to the teen's nascent sex. He lifted himself to briefly step to a sink to wash his hands.

"No doubt you will make some young man very happy watching you pee before long."

"Do you know what? There are other people who could make me feel sexy and I might make happy too. Do you know Gigi Gardin?"

"Yeah, she was a pretty good student of mine. She is in the 12th grade now, isn't she?"

"Yes. She is a sort of intern for the girls gym teachers in the fall so she is often in the locker room when when the younger jr. varsity girls come in after practice. Even many of the boys know she has the hairiest bush of any of the girls in school."

"No shit!?!" The older naked man stepped back to the stall with his seated student with a look of keen interest on his face. "She's grown out a real fluffed mat of beaver pelt, huh?"

"l'll say! I don't think she has ever trimmed down there. I think she is always keeping an eye out for the girls who can't help themselves but get a good look. She comes up to me naked all the time real friendly. She asks me about our practice and the schedule of games. Sometimes she has recently showered and she is a little crouched so her towel can wipe between her legs and I can really look to see how her pussy lips move and and the long dark hairs shuffle around."

"You verbally paint an enchanting picture, Peggy Sue."

"What is even better, a couple of times she has asked me to walk to the shower room with her. She asks me questions from under the shower head next to mine and I can see her lather up all that awesome pussy in a scrubbed down shampoo. Then I get to watch as she slowly moves to rinse off just a little bit at a time."

"Unless she is a total tease, maybe this is someone you could enjoy some close intimacy with, my little goddess ~ have an older girl mentor you."

"I don't have a cellphone to text her with. But I was thinking maybe I could drop little love notes into her locker. I would just about kill to watch her pee. Then I would feel super sexy to have her watch me. I would love to stick my face into all that soft fur and just sniff real deep."

"Now be careful. Don't be so forward. She is there with you younger girls because she wants to show off her developed woman stuff and see who among you is admiring. But she could be just a tease and a bitch. If she is actually propositioned, you could be the butt of fun for her and other girls. Instead, flirt with her in the locker room and other places at school. If she flirts back and ultimately makes a pass at you, great. Soon you could be getting high by sniffing her to your heart's content. If she gets testy or starts to tease you in an unfriendly way, its over. Ignore her."

"I thought this might mean I am a lesbian. But you taught me that even if Gigi and I were having sex, I could still look for boys who have a nice big cock."

The naked teacher suddenly realized he was without a prop he wanted to use with his student. He went back to the sink and retrieved the makeup kit. Now young lady, let 's get a close look at what some young man or maybe even Gigi will enjoy one day." He was glad the mirror that accompanied the kit was slightly magnified. "Good! keep the legs wide open so that your sweet lips down there part and you don't need to use your fingers much to show off your cute little vagina. . . You have a nice little opening at your maidenhead."

"My doctor showed me how I could do stretching exercises so that it would be open enough to be able to use the 'pearls' during my periods." The teen suddenly realized her naked teacher may not be familiar with the finer points of a younger girl's menstruation. "That is a type of tampon for girls like me who haven't had periods for many years. . . I was thinking maybe if I continued to stretch my hymen, it would hardly be there anymore and a nice man like you could fuck me with his big cock without making me bleed. But sometimes I think the drama would be more exciting. I would like to get a boy so horny, his big cock would come crashing through and make me bleed and be sore."

"Peggy Sue that is going to depend in part on the boy you select. There is no reason you should not dream different dreams about how you lose it. But that is the point. Once you lose it, you won't get it back. Maybe you ought to enjoy it while you have it. You ought to use a compact mirror all the time and use your fingers to explore all the beautiful woman parts down there. How does it feel to you when you touch and finger your hymen? When you are intimate with that special young man, make sure he has a pen light or a laser pointer light so that he can explore all that breathtaking and beautiful detail for himself. What will it feel like when he touches your hymen? Maybe you could teach him to do those stretching exercises for you. He would apply just enough pressure where it felt good, but not too much to really hurt you."

"That sounds just dreamy, but I want to be able to get a cock or fingers up there so I can feel them moving inside of me. That is the dreamiest of all." She pulled his head back toward her so she could kiss his small bald spot. "You touch my hymen and stretch me there. . . Touch me all over down there."

The teacher poked at the maidenhead membrane to see how much of the tip of his forefinger he could slip through it. She grasped the back of his head so that he could start to lick and suck about her in completely relaxed familiarity. All the heated tingles reawakened and she delighted to all the twinges of thick pleasure that were like shots of delicious heat to as far as her scalp and toes. He quickly had to adjust his crouching stance because she directed a free hand evidently to pleasure his own bursting extension of male ardor. He stroked briskly without inhibition or strategic consideration for a measured physiological experience. Suction, moving lips, and sweeps of tongue against a swollen young clitoris brought her to the edge of a fevered loss of control. It was the ripe odor of fresh streaks of mannish sauce that careened her over into those spells of quivering heat that bathed her in a cool fire of feminine bliss that adsorbed every pore of nude super sensitive skin. When she was restored to a conventional sensibility, she slid herself off the toilet seat and on to the warmth of her much older naked lover lying on the men's room floor.

"Peggy Sue, it is nearly 8:00. We have to gather up our effects and depart in a way that no one would ever know we were here.

Having flushed again and carefully washed away any traces of male emission, the teen flushed one of the urinals one last time. As they turned out the light and he locked the door of the small restroom, she waved her final goodbyes to the 2 plumbing fixtures designed to flush away wastes of just the male of our species. "Bye! bye!"


With the bag of empty oriental food containers and associated utensils, make up kit, towels, keys, and the teen wrapped in the same blanket again, they made their way 1/2 way across the building complex back to the nurses station. First they dressed. As the teen bent over above the waist so that her tits could fall into place comfortably into the cups of supporting fabric aided by her teacher, he suffered a moment of loss for all the special instances of intimacy he had shared with Fabienne and earlier loves. Her bra once again snapped into place, he kissed her shoulders and gave her one last long hug.

The makeup kit back in its place, the little bed remade, all evidence of lovemaking to be absconded by the odd couple, back in their clothes, it was as if they had never thrown themselves into a brief torrid affair. On the way to the student's locker, "Peggy Sue, I am going to give you a pass on tonight's assignment. Work on the studies of your other classes. But I would like you to come to my workshop this Saturday afternoon."

It was raining as the teacher drove the teen the few blocks back to her home. The heat wave was breaking. "Bruce."

"You have your own computer and your own passwords, right? I will send you an email about when I think I can arrange for that event. Afterword, I will tell him about how you watched us. When I tell him what a sweet, discrete, and funny fetish girl you are, he will be excited about what happened. But remember my friend, dream about that and all the more important things in your life. Most important of all, dream without guilt or shame. Then you will dream sweet dreams."

That night she dreamed she had won a prize at school and could be awarded anything she wanted. To honor her award, Gigi Gardin and other girls kidnapped struggling 'Skip' Rodmann. They overwhelmed him and he could not keep them from stripping him naked. They tied him to a somewhat larger bed in the nurses station. The bed had posts so that they could easily tie him spread eagled with tight knots using silk scarves, one each at both of his wrists and ankles. The dreamer made sure the naked man in constraints watched carefully as she stripped all her own clothes off. As she fondled the dick, nuts, and associated weed of the man tied down to the bed to make certain he was in full arousal, Gigi Gardin was to one side urging her on. When she looked back down at the defenseless naked man bound and helpless, he suddenly assumed the face of her father.

"He should be made to follow through. He must abide by his promises." Gigi was adament sitting in a nurse's chair. When next the dreamer looked on her captive, he had the face of Bruce Sideways.

"You want fingers and hard throbbing cocks up there. Now is your chance to lose it."

Peggy Sue grabbed the hot pulsing cock and straddled herself over the midsection of the bound spread eagled prisoner such that his firm but pliant cockhead was pressed up against the stretching membrane of maidenhead that obstructed entry to a yearning, but as yet to be experienced tight little love hole. He would struggle to break the posture. But she would always be able to follow and restore the flush position of exercised body parts. She looked directly into the eyes of 'Skip' Rodmann below her, shaking his head back and forth in serious negation.

"Oh yes you must. You must break through and take it."


All I Have To Do Is Dream
Roy Orbison / Everly Brothers

When I want you in my arms
When I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dream
Dream, dream, dream
When I feel blue in the night
And I want you to hold me tight
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dream

I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine
Anytime night or day
Only trouble is, gee whiz
I'm dreamin' my life away

I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dream
Dream, dream, dream, dream
Dream, dream
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dream

I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dream
Dream, dream, dream, dream
Dream, dream
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dream

Dream, dream, dream

But what is the outcome of all this? Does the teacher keep his promise to his student that she will be voyeur to him and his gay lover fucking? If so, are there other interesting developments from that event? Is this truly the end of physical intimacy between teacher and student at Saturday afternoon sessions or otherwise? Does she successfully develop an affectionate relationship between her and her father? If so, how far does it go and what is he wearing if not just his underwear? Does she find a boyfriend with whom she enjoys any kind of sexual activity? Does he rupture her hymen? Is she able to find couples, especially young gay men who will exhibit acts of sexual intimacy to her? Does she flirt with Gigi Gardin and does this lead to a lesbian relationship with her? Is she able to enjoy special gratifications from her peeing fetish?

The answer to these and other questions are in the dreams of my readers. OR, perhaps my readers would like a second chapter that reveals answers to some of the questions. Comment suggestions for an upcoming chapter or PM me.

Sweet dreams, all.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-08 09:04:23
Very impressive!!! . i felt as if i were going to cum reading it. I'm a bisexual nymphomaniac. I wish i could have a personal conversation with you. I must say you are very articulate. there are great stories on here but the careless, and effortless cogent stories are the only ones that make me feel submissive...idk why. keep going, please?

anonymous readerReport 

2013-05-24 02:52:06
... lol I'm black and wouldn't touch that hatrliyse with a ten foot pole. And where in the hell do you guys live that you see black women with this 2012? It looks like something from a hair show or book of hatrliyses circa 1996. Anonymous said... So only black people are on Maury? Get the fuck out of here....Like I said Racist as fuck.... And I haven't seen this hatrliyse since the 90's myself...So yeah pretty fucking stupid, but then again, we are on sims 3 blog. A bunch european sheltered white people with sticks of there azzes, and racist stupid perceptions.... Anonymous said... Ok so this is not my favorite hairdo by Peggy, but you MUST cut her some slack. She made everything from fabulous to "Please rip out my eyeballs" and quite frankly there isn't too much more she can create. I agree with all of the above comments! The whole 'black hair' comment was way out of line, and if it wasn't racist is was for DA^N SURE 100% ignorant and very prejudice--no black person would E

anonymous readerReport 

2011-08-01 09:52:42



2011-05-16 14:29:19
To onehandedtypist below. I am sorry if my naming criteria distracted from the quality of the story. Readers feel free to instruct me on this point of fiction writing.

Perhaps there should have been a criterion for the length of entries. There was none. The muses inform me on quantity of content. I write no less or more. I respect that of all writers. Under other circumstances, I might have serialized here, but the criteria specified "a" story.


2011-05-16 14:26:35
To onehandedtypist below. I am sorry if my naming criteria distracted from the quality of the story. Readers feel free to instruct me on this point of fiction writing.

Perhaps there should have been a criterion for the length of entries. There was none. The muses inform me on quantity of content. I write no less or more. I respect that of all writers. Under other circumstances, I might have serialized here, but the criteria specified "a" story.

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