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When Chris left my house, I felt like I had made a mistake. I shouldn’t have let him leave like that. I should’ve have let him come inside. I should’ve forgiven him - he did seem sincere. But I didn’t. I let him go away again. It was weird, because as I watched Chris walk to his car, I had this bad feeling that I wouldn’t see him for a long time. The more I thought about it, the more it chilled my blood. I wanted to yell for him to come back, but for some stupid reason, I was so focused on trying to keep whatever pride I had left. Now I was thinking that pride may have officially ended things between me and Chris forever.

It was almost a quarter to midnight when Chris left and I went back into my house. My mother was already sleep and the house was very quiet. I went to my bedroom and tried to continue studying. I thought about calling Chris on his cell phone, to ask him to come back. But I didn’t. I was too afraid that he would say no - or that he wouldn’t say anything at all and just hang up. I was worried about Chris. He seemed so sad when I saw him. I know that he didn’t tell me all the things he really wanted to say to me, which why I wasn’t too receptive toward him. I just hoped that I didn’t cause him too much pain - even though he had caused me a lot of pain. Even though I was extra angry at him, I still loved him, and I still hoped that he felt the same way about me.

I couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night. My head was just filled with Chris and I couldn’t close my eyes without seeing his face or hearing his voice. I really wanted to talk to him, and I don’t know why I was so afraid to talk to him, but for some reason, I felt like calling him that night wouldn’t be the best idea. I hoped that I would be able to see him the next day at school and then at detention. I went to bed praying that I would see him the next day. I prayed that my feeling that I wouldn’t see him for a long time wasn’t true. I really hoped it wasn’t true.

* * *
My fears grew when Chris didn’t come to school the next day. A big part of me was expecting that to happen, because shit like that always happens to me. The more I pray for something to happen, the opposite happens and fucks everything up. I snuck around the art building during lunch, hoping that Mr. Wilson or one of the other teachers didn’t catch me with my cell phone and called Chris. The phone rang about five times before picking up. I was excited when I thought I was about to hear Chris’ voice - but it was just his voicemail: “Yo, this is Chris. You know what to do...” There was a short beep and I started to talk.

“Chris it’s me,” I said, trying to talk low so that nobody could hear me - even though there was no one around, but loud enough so that Chris would be able to recognize my voice. “I don’t know if you’re phone is off, or you’re just ignoring me. I hope it’s the first...anyway... I just wanted to say thank-you for coming over to my house last night. I know I was actin’ a little...dumb or whatever, but I’m glad you came. Call me back. I hope that you’re okay... I just wanted you to know that I still care about you, even after what happened. If you want to talk to me, just call me anytime.” I was thinking about saying “I love you,” but I didn’t think that would be the best idea. I hung up the phone, and as I turned around I was shocked to see a girl standing behind me.

She was attractive; she wore a tight, black midriff shirt, dark blue jeans that accentuated her round hips; her hair was shoulder-length and jet-black, which matched the color of her large, seductive eyes. She appeared feminine in appearance, but masculine in the way she stood; she stared at me with those dark eyes of her and I was starting to feel a little nervous. I’d never really seen her around campus before. She looked too old to be a freshman or sophomore, so she had to either be a junior or senior. “Chris, huh?” she asked.

“I was talkin’ to a friend,” I explained to her. I don’t know why I said that to her. It really shouldn’t have mattered who I was talking to - she shouldn’t have been eavesdropping on my phone conversation.

“Right,” she said, pulling a cigarette out of her pocket, “ ‘Friend’.” The girl pulled a lighter out of her pocket and lit the cigarette. She did all of this with her eyes still locked on me. I was wondering what she was thinking about. “Was that Chris Green you were talkin’ to?” she asked.

“No,” I said.

“Really? `Cause I hear you’ve been fuckin’ him - or he’s been fuckin’ you - or that you’ve been fuckin’ each other,” she answered. “Your name is Brandon right?”

I wanted to say no, but I wasn’t able to come up with a fake name fast enough. “Yeah,” I replied.

The girl nodded her head. “Thought so.”

“Chris isn’t my boyfriend.” I don’t know why I volunteered that information either, it just kinda slipped out.

“Still doesn’t mean you’re not fuckin’ him,” the girl responded.

“Who are you? I mean what’s your name?”

Breathing out a cloud of toxic smoke, she said softly, “Eve.” She looked like somebody who would be named Eve.

“I haven’t seen you around here much,” I said.

“`Cause I hate goin’ to this fuckin’ school.” Eve dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.

“You’re not supposed to be smokin’ on campus,” I told her. I don’t know why I said that other than I didn’t know what else to say to her. For some reason being around her intimidated me. She was tall for a girl, but still a few inches shorter than me, perhaps 5’10 or around that area.

b “You’re not supposed to be usin’ cell phones either,” Eve said. “We’re even.” She looked at me for a few seconds, as though studying me. “You and Chris don’t seem like a good match,” she said bluntly.

“We’re not a good match,” I told her. “But I still like him anyway.”

“Does he like you?”

“You like to get in other people’s business don’t you?” I asked, only a little bit on the defensive.

“Just a little. Does he like you?”

“I’m not sure,” I said. “Sometimes he does. Sometimes he doesn’t.”

“How nice and dysfunctional.” Eve responded. “Makes me kinda glad I don’t got a boyfriend.” The bell rang, signaling for the class to start again soon. “I’ll see you later, B. And don’t worry, you’ll hear from him soon.” She smiled as me, as though she were sharing an inside joke with me. Before I could say anything back, Eve turned and walked away. I wondered who she was and why she had really come to talk to me. She had come to me like a stranger in a dark alley that knew my secrets and my life and disappeared before I could find out who she really was. I was kinda intrigued by her.

I stood there, not knowing what to do, hoping that in the next second, Chris would return my phone call and tell me that he loved me. But of course none of that would ever happen. Not to say that it couldn’t happen - it just wouldn't happen. Chris would never say he loved me, and the more that I hoped he would, the more he wouldn’t. I really wondered what he was doing.

“Is there anything else I can get you?” The waiter asked.

I was sittin’ at a table by myself, after finishin’ eatin’ a hamburger, just lookin’ out the window at the people walkin’ along on the street, when I saw him standin’ over me, smilin’ at me with those perfect-ass white teeth of his. He looked like one of those clean-cut model-lookin’ dudes you would see up in those girl magazines; he was kinda tall and thin, but not too skinny. His little name tag said “Aaron” on it. He didn’t look like somebody who would be named Aaron. “No, nothin’ else,” I told him.

Aaron smiled at me. “I haven’t seen you in here before,” he said to me. “Everybody else in here comes in everyday. But you, you’re different.” His voice kinda sounded like he was from Mississippi or Texas, or one of those Southern places. But this was Cali, so I don’t know where he got that accent from.

“Never been in here before,”

“You from `round here?” he asked. I could tell he was definitely interested in talkin’ to me. I really wasn’t up for talkin’ to anybody at the moment.

“No. Six hours up north. Oakdale.”

“Really? What you come down here for?” Aaron asked.

“Nowhere else to go,” I told him. “Had to leave and there wasn’t nowhere else to go.”

“That’s why I’m here too,” Aaron said. “Somethin’ bad happened back where you came from?”

I didn’t say anything, I just looked at him. I think he got the hint. “Sorry if I’m askin’ too many questions,” Aaron said. He looked all embarrassed and shit. “I’ll be back with your check.”

“Good,” I said. When I looked around the small, fucked-up looking restaurant, I saw that I was there wasn’t that many people, maybe about six: two big trucker lookin’ dudes, stained shirts and beards bigger than their faces; a cracked-out lookin’ ho-type broad with high heels and a crooked blond wig drinkin’ coffee with this other broad that look like she had on clown make-up. I didn’t realize how fucked up the place was when I first walked in. The place was dirty as fuck and smelled like they kept a bunch of fuckin’ dead cows in the kitchen or somethin’. I wanted to leave right then, but I really didn’t have any fuckin’ where to go. Aaron came back with my check. He didn’t have that cute smile on his face like he did before, he kinda looked like he was scared of me or somethin’. I found myself actually feelin’ kinda guilty.

“Here you go,” he said in that cute little accent of his. Aaron turned to walk away, but I stopped.

“Where you from?” I asked. “You don’t sound like you’re from around here either.”

Aaron turned around slowly. He looked at me for a few seconds, and then that smile returned to his face. “Louisiana,” he said.

“Long ass way from Louisiana,” I told him. “Why’d you come all the way out here?”

The smile disappeared from Aaron’s face again. “Had to get away. Couldn’t stay there anymore.” He lowered his eyes. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a twenty, stickin’ it in the little leather check-book Aaron placed in front of my table.

“I know what you mean,” I said.

Aaron looked at me again for a couple of seconds. “You mind if I ask you what your name is?”

A part of me didn’t want to tell him, but there was a part of me that wanted to. “Chris,” I said.

“I had a friend named Chris,” Aaron said softly. He looked off into space for a quick second like he was rememberin’ somethin’.

“That your real name?” I asked, looking at his name-tag.

Aaron looked down at it and then back at me, a bit of worry on his good-lookin’ face. “No,” he said. “It’s my middle name.”

“What’s your first name?” I asked.

Aaron didn’t answer me. “I’ll be back with your change,” I said. He walked away and I watched him. He looked really good from the back; the khaki pants he was wearin’ really made his ass seem nice and round. Not that it looked better than Brandon’s, but it still looked good. Brandon. I’d been tryin’ to not think about his ass (literally and figuratively) but the more I tried, the more I thought about him. By now, he should’ve been in detention, do what fucked up things Wilson had him and the others doin’. I wondered if B was thinkin’ `bout me, if he missed me bein’ there. I missed seein’ his face, even though it was only about half a day since I last saw him. I wish shit hadn’t gone down like the way it did between us. I wished I was with him now instead of at this junky-ass place, eatin’ stale-ass hamburgers. I wanted to go back home, but there was no home left me back there. There was nothin’ left for me back there, especially B. I had to deal with shit all by myself now. For a while, I just sat there daydreamin’ when Aaron finally came back to my table.

“Here’s your change, Chris.” I’d almost forgotten that I told him my name. Now I wished I hadn’t, since he didn’t tell me his. I gave him two dollars as a tip and took the rest. I was gonna need to spend the little cash I had wisely, or else my ass was gonna end up really fucked. I got up from my table and was about to head out the door, when Aaron asked me, “Will you come back?”

I turned around. Some of the other people in the restaurant was lookin’ at me like I had did somethin’ wrong or somethin’. For some reason, all eyes were on me. “Don’t think so,” I told him.

“I thought so,” Aaron said. He pulled a wet wash cloth out of his apron and started to wipe the table clean. I watched him for a few seconds, and then left.


“Down!” Wilson ordered.

The five of us had been doing pushovers for ten minutes. We were on one hundred and twenty nine, and we had one hundred and seventy one to go. I couldn’t believe I had done so many pushups. I had expected both arms to rip off at the shoulder after number twenty-five. My head was pounding and sweat-drops were stinging my eyes. It took a whole lotta energy that I basically didn’t have to drop down to the grass.

Mr. Wilson walked in front of me. I saw his mud-stained, sized twelve sneakers directly in front of my face. When I looked up, I saw him looking down at me, those big muscular arms of his crossed in front of each other, his baseball cap covering his face, but I knew he was staring down at me with those evil blue eyes of his. “Up!” Wilson yelled.

The five of us: Billy Anderson, Scott Howard, Jason Coleman, Luke Block, and myself pushed ourselves up, so that are arms were completely straight. I felt like all the muscle in both of my arms was going to tear right then and there. Everyone else looked like they were about to drop dead too, even Billy, who never seemed to be affected by any of this. Every muscle in his arm was bulging and flexing; his teeth were gritted, and he had this fierce look in his eyes, like he was determined not to show any pain on his face. I looked around at the others. Jason looked like he was in as much pain as I was. When he saw me looking at him, he quickly averted his eyes in another direction; Scott had his eyes closed and his lips were trembling; Luke was pretty much the only that really didn’t look too tired. I wondered how Chris would’ve looked like if he was here. I wished he was here. I wished I could’ve seen him right then.

“Down,” Wilson commanded again. The five of us dropped to the ground all at once. Wilson started to make us go faster, up and down, quicker and quicker each time. It only took us about five more minutes to finish three hundred push-ups. I didn’t believe my body was capable of handling so much torture. I could barely move when we were finished and I had probably sweated a whole ocean on that football field. The only upside I could see was that I was on my way to becoming really inshape.

“Same time tomorrow,” Wilson said. He walked off. I just lied flat on the grass, looking up at the sky, which was quickly changing reddish-purple. It was becoming sunset. Once again I got that feeling that Chris was very far away and that I wasn’t going to see him for a long time. I kept trying to dismiss it, but it really wouldn’t go away.

“Get your ass up, Newman,” Billy said to me. He stood over me, a tall muscular figure blocking the setting sun. “We’re goin’ to the lockers.” I didn’t want to move, I just wanted to lie there, but I forced myself to get up. “Where’s your boyfriend?” he asked with a sneer on his handsome face.

“Fuck off, Billy,” I said. I was really tired and wasn’t up for his shit at the moment.

In the locker room, I took off my clothes slowly. My arms were completely sore; I knew that tomorrow morning, I wasn’t going to be able to move them at all. I looked down at the opposite end of the locker bank, at Chris’ locker. I kept hopin’ that he would show up, that he would pop up out of nowhere, but of course he never did.

Luke came up to me, naked, a towel draped over his shoulder, going diagonally down his chest. His large uncut dick surrounded by his thick pubic bush, swung left and right like a clock pendulum. He looked perfect as usual. If my body were functioning like normal, my dick probably would’ve gotten hard. “You okay?” he asked.

“Not really. I feel like shit,” I said.

I could hear the other guys talking and laughing, and the sound of shower water hitting the tiles. I really didn’t feel like seeing any of them. I just wanted to go home, go right to bed and think about Chris all night long. “You takin’ a shower?” Luke asked.

Shaking my head, I said, “Not today. I’ll take one when I get home. I just really don’t wanna be here right now.”

“Wait about ten minutes,” Luke said, “I’ll take you home.”

“You don’t have to,” I replied.

“I want to,” Luke responded back. “Wait for me.” He turned and walked toward the shower stalls. I looked at his perfect, round hairy ass move so beautifully as he walked toward the stalls. That time my dick did start to get hard, but only by a little.

After I got dressed, I waited for Luke outside the gym. By that then, it was already close to six-thirty in the evening. The sun was about to be completely down soon. I kept expecting to see Chris’ white truck in the parking lot, but it wasn’t there. I pulled out my cell-phone to see if Chris had left any messages for me while I at detention. He hadn’t. Not one call. I was seriously disappointed. I thought about calling him again, but I figured what was the point. If Chris wanted to talk to me, he would. I left him a message over five hours ago. That was more than enough time for him to call me back. Obviously I figured that he didn’t want to talk to me - and if he didn’t want to talk to me, then that was fine. I’d live. Fifteen minutes passed before Luke finally came out, drying off his hair with his damp towel. “You ready to go?” he asked. For some reason, I checked around one more time for sign of Chris’ truck, but I didn’t it and I didn’t see him.

“Yeah,” I said to Luke, trying to hide my disappointment, “I am.”

* * *

I just sat in my truck, in the parkin’ lot of the restaurant, nowhere to go and nothin’ to do. I saw a black cat searchin’ through some cardboard boxes and garbage. The cat came out with a fuckin’ dead rat danglin’ out of its fuckin’ mouth. It was the grossest shit I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why I was just sittin’ there in that parkin’ lot. Part of me just wanted to turn the engine on and drive my ass back home. But I had to keep rememberin’ that I couldn’t just go back home. I didn’t wanna go back home.

I heard a beep comin’ from my pocket. At first I didn’t know what that sound was. It beeped like three more times and I realized that it was my cell phone. I pulled it out of my pocket. It said I had one new message. The battery was runnin’ low, so I didn’t know how much time I had before the shit would cut off on me. “Who the fuck left me a message?” I thought. I didn’t remember hearin’ my phone ring at all. But maybe that was `cause I had the radio on so fuckin’ loud when I was drivin’. The only person that probably would’ve called me was B. While I wanted to listen to the message and see it if it was from him, I didn’t wanna get my hopes up to high and it turned out to be somebody else or somethin’. The battery light flashed, tellin’ me that the phone was gonna shut off soon. I clicked the voicemail button and listened.

“Chris it’s me...” My heart kinda skipped when I realized that it was Brandon’s voice. I listened carefully. “I don’t know if your phone is off or if you’re just ignoring me...I just wanted to say thank-you for coming over last night...” There was a bit of static and I couldn’t hear that well. I tried to listen, but the static got louder and louder. “...I just wanted you to know...” The static got super loud and I couldn’t hear shit. I kept tryin’ to adjust the antenna but it wouldn’t work. I couldn’t hear anything. About two seconds later, the phone cut off completely. I tried turnin’ it back on, but the shit wouldn’t work.

“FUCK!” I screamed. I tossed the fuckin’ phone on the seat right next to me and slammed my fist on the horn, makin’ a loud ass noise that fuckin’ scared that stupid ass black cat. “What the fuck did he say?” I asked myself. I wanted to know the rest of what B was talkin’ about. It kinda sounded like he wasn’t mad at me anymore and that he wanted to talk to me again. The stupid fuckin’ phone messed up before he got to the important shit. I got out of the car and walked back to the fuckin’ restaurant. When I went inside, the place was completely empty inside. It was only about six-thirty and already the place was empty. Aaron was goin’ around takin’ the plates off each table and cleaning the counter tops. He stopped when he saw me come in.

“You’re back,” he said in that attractive Southern drawl of his. “You forget somethin’?”

“Do you gotta pay phone up in here?” I asked.

“Doesn’t work,” Aaron answered. “Who are you tryin’ to call?”

“Somebody,” I said defensively. “You got a phone or somethin’ I could use? Is there another pay phone or somethin’ around here? I really need to use the phone.”

“There is a phone here,” Aaron said, “but it won’t allow you to call outside this area code. Sorry.”

“Shit!” I yelled. I felt like fuckin’ breakin’ somethin’. It took a whole lot for me not to lose control right then.

“Well,” Aaron said, kinda bashfully, “I live kinda close to here. If you want to, you can use the phone at my place.”

I was more than a bit suspicious when Aaron said that. Yeah, he seemed like an okay dude, but he could also be a crazy-ass psycho fuck. Or he just wanted me to come over so we could fuck. I could tell that he was into dudes, and I think he’d already suspected that I was into dudes too. He was cute and all, but I definitely wasn’t up for doin’ anything with him, especially if there was a chance that I could get back together with B again. I wasn’t gonna fuck things up for the second time in a row. I was about to say no to Aaron, but I was really fuckin’ desperate at that moment, and I really didn’t give a fuck whose phone I was usin’, as long as I could talk with Brandon. “Are you finished here?” I asked.

“In a couple of minutes,” Aaron said. He smiled and returned to quickly wipin’ off the counter tops. Yeah, I could really tell that he wanted me to come over and hit skins, but I wasn’t goin’ to. I was just gonna call Brandon and see what was up with him. I hadn’t even thought about what I was gonna say to B when I talked to him though. Just `cause he called, doesn’t really mean that he wants to get back together with me. I mean, I was hopin’ that he did. If he did, I don’t know what I was gonna do. I mean, I didn’t know if I could just hop in the truck and drive six to seven hours back to Oakdale. I still had nowhere to live; I couldn’t live with Brandon; Billy was off doin’ whatever the fuck he was doin’. Scott, well maybe I could stay at his house for a night or two, but I would still be homeless, and I knew for damn sure that I wasn’t gonna go back to my dad’s house. I’d rather fuckin’ slit both of my wrists before I did that.

“Okay,” Aaron said, “I’m done. Just let me set the alarm and we can go.” We can go. He said that like we were really goin’ together or somethin’. I hope he wasn’t gettin’ his hopes up too much, `cause if he was, he would be seriously sad.

“I’ll wait outside,” I told him.

It was pretty much already night when I went outside. And it was cold too. I wish I had brought a fuckin’ jacket or somethin’. I looked down and saw that same black cat from the parkin’ lot just staring up at me, with scary-ass yellow eyes. It was just standin’ there watchin’ me. “Get the fuck away,” I yelled. The thing got scared and ran across the street in fuckin’ record time. Moments later, Aaron came out of the door and locked it behind him.

“I live down this street,” Aaron said, pointing up the road.

“I’m parked in the lot,” I told him. “C’mon.”

Aaron walked along with me to my truck. I started to get butterflies in my stomach. I didn’t know why. I just had this feelin’ that somethin’ bad was gonna happen.


“What are you thinkin’ about?” Luke asked me.

“Nobody,” I said.

“I asked ‘what’ you were thinkin’ about, not ‘who’,” Luke responded.

“Nothing. I’m not thinking about anything.” I was really hoping that Luke wasn’t going to ask me any more questions for the rest of the drive to my house. I really didn’t want to talk at all.

Luke pulled up to my driveway about ten minutes later. All the lights in the house were off, meaning that my mother wasn’t home. Of all times, I wished she was home. “Your mom home?” Luke asked.

“Don’t think so,” I whispered. I knew what was coming next. He was going to ask if he could come inside of my house - just to hang out or somethin’.”

“Is it okay if I come inside?” Luke asked. “Just to hang out for a little bit?”

“I’m kinda sleepy,” I told him. “I wouldn’t be much fun. Plus there’s nothin’ to do in my house.”

“I can just watch you sleep,” Luke said, smiling. Even though it was mostly dark, I could still see his smile clearly. What Luke just said was something I wished Chris would’ve said to me. “We don’t got to do anything,” Luke continued. “I just wanna hang with you for a while.” I don’t know why he wasn’t straightforward and just say, “I just wanna fuck and then go home.” Because I knew that was all he really wanted to do. Guys never just wanted to ‘hang out’ with me. I wanted to say no to Luke. But it had almost been a week and a half since I last got laid. Even though I was still sore all over, I was still horny. I don’t know. Luke was a nice guy, with a really hot face and an even better body. I didn’t want him to think I was more interested in him than I really was.

“Just for a little while,” I told him.

“That’s good enough for me,” Luke said.
I felt really nervous bringing Luke into my house. I didn’t know what I was expecting to happen, and I didn’t know what he was expecting to happen. My fears started to grow even more, when Luke asked, “Where’s your room?”

My heart started to beat loudly in the silence of the house. “Down the hall this way,” I said. I turned on some lights so that we could see the way to my bedroom. We entered my room and I made sure that I kept the door open just a little bit; for some reason it just made me feel a little bit more comfortable with the door slightly ajar.

“You got a nice room,” Luke said.

“You don’t have to say that,” I said. “There’s nothing special in here.” I wanted to lay down on my bed, but I was afraid that Luke would lie on the bed next to me, and things would start moving a lot faster than I wanted them to. Chris was still on my mind the whole time; I was really worried about doing something that might further jeopardize me and Chris’ relationship - even though at the moment, me and Chris didn’t have a relationship. I watched Luke as he looked through the books on my shelf, and the CDs on my desk. I sat down on the edge of my bed. “What do you wanna do?” I asked. The way I asked that question sounded more sexual than I had wanted it to. Luke turned around and looked at me.

“Doesn’t matter to me,” Luke said. “If you really want me to go, I can leave.”

“No. You’re already here now.” I was really getting nervous now. I wish I had more self-control. I regretted inviting Luke into my house. Now I was probably going to do something I shouldn’t do. Luke stepped up to me, so that his crotch was almost directly in front of my face. He laid me back on the bed. My heart beat quickened again. Very gently, Luke untied my shoes, pulling both my socks and shoes off very slowly. Luke crawled up on the bed, hovering over me. His hands found my belt and he started to unbuckle it even slower than he untied my shoes. I watched him as he did this, and his eyes were on me the whole time. I did feel guilty for allowing this to happen, but the more I thought about it, I was able to reason out this situation.

I don’t know why I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn’t with Chris anymore. I had called him earlier and he hadn’t responded back to me. If he wanted to fix things between us, he would’ve called. He would’ve come to school; he would be over my house right, taking off my belt instead of Luke. But he wasn’t. Chris was probably at his house, doing whatever it was he was doin’ or maybe somewhere else doing God knows what. He could’ve made things better between us, but he didn’t.

Luke snatched my belt out of the loops of my jeans in one hard jerk. He bent down over me, his sexy, muscular body pressed up against mine. I could smell his sharp, clean, masculine scent surrounding me, and I could feel his big dick through his jeans rubbing up against mine. Luke put both of his large hands on each side of my face, brought his lips close, and grazed them across my mouth. That was just enough to make me get extra hard. Luke kissed me, a firm but gentle kiss, very slow and passionate. The soreness in my body started to disappear almost immediately. Luke slipped his tongue in my mouth, very carefully, and started to caress my tongue with his. I closed my eyes and the tension in my body continued to fade away gradually, but steadily.

Kissing Luke was such a different experience than kissing Chris. Not that Luke was better - well, I wasn’t completely sure. I really loved kissing Chris, but as Luke kissed me, it felt like he was really kissing me, like Luke wanted to share himself completely with me, unlike Chris, who always kept a part of himself from me whenever he kissed, as though he didn’t want me to know how much he truly cared about me. Luke searched inside of my open jeans and found my dick. He grasped it tightly and squeezed, all while he was roaming my mouth with his tongue. I placed my hands underneath Luke’s shirt and felt his hard abs and his muscular, hairy chest. I’d never felt a hairy chest before, and it felt really good. I loved the way his soft chest hair felt against my palms. I squeezed his nipples and Luke arched his back. I felt his body really heating up. Suddenly, Luke stopped and asked:

“Are you thinkin’ about me?”

He looked down at me with genuine eyes. “Yeah, I am.”

“You’re not thinkin’ about anybody else right now, are you?” Luke questioned.

“No,” I told him. Only half of that was a lie.

Luke kissed me again. “Good.”

He pulled my shirt slowly over my head, exposing my bare chest. Afterward, Luke removed his own shirt. His torso looked so incredibly perfect. Luke placed his hand directly on the center of my chest. “Your heart is beatin’ really fast,” he said.

“I’m nervous,” I told him.

“We don’t have to do this,” Luke said.

“I want to,” I said.

Luke smiled. “Good.”

He kissed me again, much longer than the other times. And then he started to lick slowly down my chest, around my nipples, down my stomach, past my navel, to my waist. I was startled when my cell phone began to ring just as Luke was preparing to take off my pants. Luke reached into my pocket and retrieved my phone. He threw it across the room so that I couldn’t get to it. “Luke I have to answer...” I thought it might be Chris calling me. I hoped it was Chris calling me. I tried to get up, but Luke was too heavy and he wouldn’t let me move.

“Don’t worry about that right now,” Luke said. He kissed me again. Luke dragged my jeans all the way off my legs and tossed them on the floor. I listened to my phone as it continued to ring over and over. I really prayed that it wasn’t Chris who was calling me, but I had a really strong feeling that it was him. Luke stepped out of his own jeans and underwear, standing completely naked in front of me. His large, ten inch dick was rock hard, and the large head was half-way exposed from the hood. Luke climbed back on top of me, our naked bodies grinding on each other. My phone rang two more times and then went silent. As Luke kissed me, first on my lips, and then all over my body, I prayed that Chris hadn’t been on the other end of the phone. I really hoped I hadn’t missed my chance to talk to him.

To Be Continued..

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-24 05:13:43
Ik Luke is really hot and muscular and sexy but fuck him Brandon should've answered when Chris called him

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-07-06 10:22:52
I know ur Hot as Hell! Luke! Fucked off!! U bith BTW I like dis part

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-02-20 12:10:45
Where can I get the complete story

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-01 04:34:28
Fuck Luke. I love Chris and so does B.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-01 18:34:19
Question: why is Brandon NEVER able to fucking say NO. Think I've had enough of these now. Thanx

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