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Bestiality I found on the net
Up, Boy, Up! by Richard Mountbatten

Chapter 1

The alarm went off with its usual piercing scream. At first there was
no reaction from the two blanket-covered forms in the huge bed, but
then a slender shapely arm appeared out of the tangled mass of bedding
and began to grope blindly across the bedside table, knocking over the
alarm clock as numb fingers managed to still the racket. The arm
collapsed back onto the bed and for several more minutes silence
reigned in the room.

Then two big blue eyes blinked open, half hidden by a thick mass of
blonde hair that spilled in a golden cascade over one of the pillows.
Jill Andersen focused foggily as she stared at the clock, shook her
head and focused again.

"Oh, for God's sake, Bob," she said, "something must be wrong with the
clock. It went off a half hour early." Her eyes slowly closed.

"Mmmmm, yeh," her husband murmured in a sleep-thickened voice. "I set
it that way." He moved over closer to his wife and slid an arm around
her, cupping one of her firm young breasts in the palm of his hand.
"Gives us time for a little conjugal bliss before I run off to slave at
the salt mines."

Jill's big blue eyes flew open again, filled with apprehension this
time. "What?" she said anxiously. "B-but ... Bob, we made love just
last night." The dull throbbing ache up between her thighs wouldn't let
her forget that.

"Last night was last night," Bob replied, his voice sounding more awake
now. His hand squeezed her softly resilient breast a little tighter,
and she could feel a slight growing pressure underneath his pajamas
where his loins pressed against her buttocks. A sick feeling shot
through her. Oh, not again. Not so soon, she moaned to herself. God, it
was only hours ago that I forced myself to lie patiently beneath his
sweating body. And now so soon again? It's just too much to ask!

"Now stop that!" she ordered as his other hand began to slip up
underneath her flimsy nightgown. She tried to wiggle away from his
insistent touch but his arms were too strong.

"Come on, baby," he said, his hot breath blowing against her sensitive
ear lobe. "It's a beautiful morning. Let's start the day out right with
a little loving."

"No, no," she said, struggling harder. "I-it's not right! It's not even
dark. I-I just can't do it when it's light like this. It's ... sick!"

She felt his body stiffen at her last words, and his grip slacken
around her. Sensing his gaze on her, the young wife turned her head
quickly around, and saw that his eyes were cold.

"I think you're the one that's sick," he said in an icy voice. He
rolled away from her and got out of bed. "Maybe you could make my
breakfast, if it won't make you sick that is." His back was to her as
he spoke, shoulders rigid in surpressed anger. He went on, talking
almost to himself. "Might as well go to work a little early. Maybe I
can make some points with the boss, even if I can't make points at

"Oh, honey, don't talk like that," Jill said with tears in her eyes.
"You know I don't want to hurt you. It's just that it's so hard for me

"Well it's not so easy for me either," he snapped turning towards her
as he spoke. Recoiling inside as she saw the bitterness in his eyes,
the tortured young wife turned away with a sob and buried her face in
the pillow. She heard her husband mumble a few more angry words, and
then the bathroom door slammed behind him.

The sobbing blonde lay facing the wall, wishing the day didn't have to
start this way. Maybe there was some truth in what her husband said!
Maybe there was something unhealthy in her that kept her from
responding fully to his male advances! But he bore some of the blame
too, she thought defiantly to herself, and her mind automatically went
back to their wedding night.

Jill Anderson had been very carefully, very repressively raised by her
parents. Her mother was a dried up defeated woman, plowed under by her
domineering husband. Jill's father had spouted bible, sin, and hellfire
to her ever since she could remember. He particularly raged against the
temptations of the flesh and forbade her to go out unchaperoned with
boys. It had been a shock to Jill when one day at the tender age of
eleven she discovered his secret cache of pornographic pictures. The
young girl had stared in horror at the strange positions and lewd
postures portrayed by the people in the photographs, and her confused
mind had tried to match them up with the grunts of male pleasure and
the desperately painful pleadings of her mother that issued from behind
her parents bedroom door night after night.

And then when she was fourteen years old her father had unexpectedly
made her sit on his lap one night. His brutal hands had ranged over her
budding young body, lingering on her already lusty breasts while he had
warned her what God would do to her if she let boys touch her here ...
or here ... or here ... and all this time her mother was in the same
room, watching, her face constantly changing expression as shame for
her daughter battled with hate for her husband.

Jill had blossomed early. When she was sixteen she looked twenty, with
high proud breasts, sleekly swelling hips and long graceful legs. The
amateurish pantings and gropings of her young male classmates had only
intensified her already deeply rooted fear of sex. What a relief it had
been then to meet Bob. It had been her freshman year in college, and
Bob was several years older than her, already a senior. Jill was swept
off her feet by his suave, sophisticated manner, and even more by his
obvious kindness and consideration for her. In particular, he had been
patient and gentle with her right from their first date, never pressing
her sexually, always stopping at the first sign of her resistance.

Soon Jill found herself for the first time in her life kissing a boy
and enjoying it. And as time went on she was amazed at the sensual
little flutters that raced through her body when Bob's strong hands
caressed her excitedly throbbing breasts, always through her clothes of

And then one night, one warm summer night, she and Bob were lying out
on the grass under a full moon. They both had consumed some champagne
at a party earlier in the evening, and Jill found that her head was
slightly giddy so that somehow the feel of his hands stealing over her
body was especially vivid, almost electric. Her dreamy mind did not
notice when he reached back up under her sweater and released the catch
on her brassiere, or when he slid the sweater up in front of that the
white shimmering mounds of her full naked breasts were presented to his
hungry gaze. Then, almost in a trance of excitement and uncertainty,
she felt fingers up under her skirt, sliding over the smooth material
of her bikini panties. A low moan of half-conscious pleasure broke from
the young virgin's wetly parted lips as she felt the first delightful
pressure against the sensitive mound up between her legs and her thighs
fell limply, automatically, open to give easier access to the caressing
hands that were sending sharp little darts of wild pleasure through her
fire-washed body. Bob's patient fingers were at the leg-band of her
panties, worming under the confining elastic as the tip of his
outstretched index finger dipped like a burning knife into the moistly
heated channel up between her legs. Jill moaned with the knowledge that
she wanted that finger deep up inside her hungering young vagina,
wanted to be made love to!

She looked over at Bob, love washing over her like a tidal wave, and
then her heart froze within her as she saw the look of sheer lust that
was twisting his features, making him look almost like her father that
evening when he had forced her to sit in his lap.

The frightened young girl tore herself away from his grasp and quickly
forced her passion tortured mind and body back under control. It hadn't
mattered to Bob, who just thought of it as virginal shyness, after all,
they were going to be married in a month anyhow, and he could wait. And
Jill buried the episode in her mind, attributing her resistance to
normal modesty. As it was, she loved the handsome student so much that
nothing could have kept her from marrying him.

And then on the day of their wedding night! Jill had spent several
hours with the Minister before the ceremony, listening as the elderly
man told her how beautiful her first night with her husband could be,
how God would be present with them. So when the wedding was over, when
they had finally escaped from the wild reception that Bob's fraternity
brothers had given for them, when they were finally in the bedroom of
their honeymoon cottage by the lake, Jill had expected heavenly music,
sweet perfumes, tender words, and ... the rest her virginal young mind
could only guess at.

How terrifyingly different it was! Bob was drunk! She had never seen
him like this. His fraternity friends had kept pouring alcohol down him
all night and dragging him off into corners where they seemed to be
telling some kind of jokes. In her innocence Jill couldn't understand
why some of the young men kept snickering and looking over at her as
they talked to her new husband. And then Bob had started looking at
her, too, a strange fire in his eyes.

When she and her husband got to the cabin, Jill went into the bathroom
with her overnight bag and changed into the beautiful sheer nightgown
she'd bought just for the occasion. Then she stepped timidly back into
the bedroom to share the sacrament of their marriage with her husband.

Bob's drunken eyes bulged from his head as they took in the ravishing
image standing before him. He had never seen Jill naked before, and the
transparent material of her nightgown left nothing to the imagination.
An inarticulate animal sound came from Ws lust-distorted mouth.

"Do-do you like me, darling?" Jill asked hesitantly. Bob's only answer
had been to lurch drunkenly toward her and crush her fearfully
trembling young body to him; his saliva-covered mouth smashed down
against hers, pressing her lips painfully back against her teeth.

"Be gentle. Oh God, Bob, please be gentle," Jill pleaded vainly, but
her sex-maddened husband began to tug at the nightgown that stood
between him and his goal, finally succeeding in ripping the beautiful
material from her and ruining it forever. His head dropped to her naked
breasts and his wet ovalled lips closed around the tiny virginal tips
of her nipples. She gasped as his teeth sank in so tightly that blood
seeped on the surface of her unblemished flesh. The frightened
youngster fought against the pain, fought to understand, and then
somehow they were on the bed. Bob struggled from his clothes, and then
for the first time in her young life she saw it! An erect male penis!

It was huge! The virginal bride stared with a horrified fascination at
this enormous thing that she was supposed to take up inside her body.
She saw her husband positioning the obscenely swollen shaft before the
tight little vaginal opening, and she knew it would never fit.

"Oh, please be careful, don't hurt me, don't hurt me!" she pleaded with
the lust-driven stranger crouched above her trembling form. This wasn't
how it was supposed to be!

And then with an animal groan, he drove his wildly throbbing cock into
her without preparation, without mercy, aware only of his own drunken
need. The impaled young girl's shrill scream had knifed out into the
room, but Bob went on ramming his long hard penis further and further
into her with each stroke, oblivious to the agony he was causing his
innocent young wife.

Jill struggled vainly against the pain for several minutes before
discovering that it wasn't so bad if she just let her muscles relax. A
tremendous awareness of how much this was like what her mother had gone
through came over her and for a time she felt it was her brutal father
rocking over her. She shuddered in horror and revulsion.

Then to her amazement the first trickles of painful pleasure began to
radiate out from her plundered young cunt as it became more accustomed
to the alien presence inside. A guilty feeling of lust swept over her,
burning lewd associations into her young mind that would last forever.
An obscene knowledge of her own body started to form along with the
feeling that she was involved in something depraved and sinful and
perverted ... and beginning to love it.

No ... she was not the person she had thought she was, nor was Bob, for
he was dragging her into evil ways, the evil ways of her parents. And
the terrible thing was that she wanted to shout, to scream for him to
go on with his now-pleasurable ravishment of her body. For she could
feel the possibility of some great final orgasmic goal within her for
which she was ready to trade all her years of careful moral training.

But then Bob roared and his body stiffened and she felt his wildly
jerking penis grow in spasms up inside her heatedly throbbing vagina
and his cum, hot and unendless, shot up into her, filling her belly
with a burning wetness. A compelling lewdness swept through her
hopelessly aroused body, a feeling that she had never known before. At
that moment the young bride felt herself teetering on the edge of an
abyss and knew she would---at this minute gladly abandon all her
training and fall wanton and lewd into a deep valley of sensuality and
never return if only he would take her over the peak and make her cum.
She felt her body alive and tingling with this unholy electricity
causing her hips to grind in an alien animal way as she reached for
something ... that vague promise of release!

It was then that Bob grunted and his body relaxed, and all of his
sodden alcoholic weight pressed down on her nakedly trembling breasts
... and he passed out.

It was quite a struggle to get him off her, but he finally rolled over
and began snoring loudly. The unsatisfied young bride was left lying
naked on the bed, a horrible guilt combined with shame and anger
sweeping over her. She was humiliated! In a moment of sensual weakness
she had offered up all of her cherished beliefs to her husband to do
with as he would, and he had used her as a faceless receptacle for his
lust. Never again, she promised herself! Never again would she let her
treacherous body trick her into hungering after the goals of lust!

And she had kept her word to herself, dutifully letting Bob make love
to her when he demanded it, but permitting herself very little
satisfaction from the despised act. Bob had been confused at first by
her unresponsiveness and then later angered. He could remember almost
nothing of their wedding night, and Jill had never been able to force
herself to speak about it. The young husband became more and more
frustrated and lately had been trying to force her into degrading acts,
things she knew were wrong and sinful. It had been that way last night,
and she was afraid it might be that way again. He had been becoming
more and more violent and rough in his lovemaking, and she was a little
frightened of him, which was one extra reason she didn't want him to
make love to her this morning.

Suddenly she was jerked from her revery by the sound of the bathroom
door opening. She quickly closed her eyes, feigning sleep. From under
her eyelashes she could see Bob walking towards the bed and with a stab
of panic realized he was completely naked, his face clouded by anger!
Oh please God, no ... she breathed silently, and then sharply drew in
her breath as she felt Bob roughly pull back the blankets, uncovering
her body.

"Bob ..." she began, pretending to be only half awake. She fought to
control her mounting fear. Then the frightened young wife shrank back
instinctively as her husband's hands began to roughly roam over her
quivering body, pulling up the edges of her nightgown to reveal her
panty-clad hips.

"No, Bob, no ..." she began piteously, desperately trying to squirm

"Shut up and be still," Bob snarled angrily, and something in his tone
made her heart freeze. She had never seen her husband in quite this
state before and didn't know what he might be capable of.

The frustrated young man pulled her nightgown completely up and over
her head and threw it angrily into a corner. He began struggling with
the hooks of the brassiere she insisted on wearing to bed, and finally
succeeded in pulling it away from her soft white breasts. Then, shoving
his hands under the tight elastic waistband of his wife's panties he
rolled them down over the ripe curves of her hips until she was
completely naked, her satiny flesh shining lustrously in the soft
morning light. Jill lay perfectly still on the bed, hardly daring to
breathe, afraid of making him angrier than he already was.

And to her surprise he was gentle.

Bob hovered over her a second, his breath catching in his throat as he
was his wife lying naked beneath him in the full light of day. He had
almost forgotten how beautiful she was, and his excited gaze moved
passionately over her lushly ripened body, drinking in the way the
delicately shaded hollows contrasted with the long alabaster curves of
her thighs, lingering over the delicate molded hips and richly swelling

The lustful young husband's hands began to follow his eyes and traded
hotly down his wife's frightened body, his fingers sliding slowly along
her gently quivering thighs and easing tenderly back and forth in the
soft crevice between. His hands pressed upwards, traveling cautiously,
tracing a slowly narrowing circle over the ivory flesh until with a
sudden electric contact they brushed against the first softly curling
hairs of her vaginal mound.

Jill winced, her long silky legs stirring slightly from the unwanted
stimulus of his touch. Her arms stiffened in resistance but her pelvis
tilted upwards independently in unconscious reaction to his probing
hand. With an effort the young wife willed her loins to retreat and her
naked buttocks sank back down into the mattress in an effort to escape
his advances.

Bob withdrew his fingers, not wanting to force his passage prematurely.
His strong hands slid around and under her softly warm hips, cupping
her satiny buttocks and caressing them until they began to flex
involuntarily in a slow circular motion.

Jill could hardly believe her own reactions. It felt ... it felt ...
good! She felt her breath catch in her throat and her mind short
circuited under the maddening caress of her husband's fingers. She just
had to accept the ecstasy of his touch. Once more his hands slid
upwards and moved with a sudden directness to her softly curling pubic
hair, his warm palm pressing flat against the moistly throbbing hill of
her vaginal mound, his strong pulse merging with the rhythmic beat of
her throbbing organs. This time there was no resistance and Bob gently
pressed his outstretched middle finger up between the sensitive cuntal
lips, sending a spasmodic wave of joy through the young blonde's love-
starved body lying beneath him.

"Oooooohhhh ... ooooohhhhh ..." Jill crooned, hardly able to believe it
was her own voice that was gasping out this unconscious cry of

Bob began to move his middle finger in a circular motion inside the
wetly gleaming furrow of her pussy in ever widening sweeps, spreading
the moist tendrils of her pubic hair and stroking the pulsing lips of
her blood-swollen cunt. Working upwards, his fingers finally came into
contact with her erect little clitoris.

"Oh God! Aaaahhhhh ...!" Jill moaned, her mouth falling open. Her long
legs bucked up from the surprising thrill of his touch as he teased his
finger over the vitally sensitive knob, driving bolts of pleasure
through his wife's twitching body. It was incredible! Bob could feel
the hot center of her loins flexing wildly, almost begging him to fuck
her. His eyes stared at the enticing pinkness of her openly receptive
pussy, fascinated by the way her outer pussy lips formed a fleshy
collar around the faintly contracting petal-shaped vaginal hole. The
sight of the pink folds drove him wild with passion.

Some rational part of his brain kept warning the young man to control
himself. He had not won his prize yet, and his hope for conquest was
still teetering on the edge of the full acceptance he had so long
desired. But that last spark of reason was suddenly drowned in a flood
of ungovernable lust as he looked down at the mouth-watering feast
spread open below him. With an inarticulate cry of passion Bob bent
impulsively forward and buried his head between his wife's widespread
thighs, shooting his tongue snake-like into her warm moist depths.

"Aaaaahhhhh! Oooooooh!" Jill cried as she felt the first searing
contact of Bob's long wet tongue against her helplessly open vagina.
She looked down in horrified disbelief at the obscene spectacle of her
husband's dark head rammed grotesquely between her up-drawn thighs. A
spasm of revulsion shot through her and she desperately tried to squirm
free, but his fingers held her tightly, pressing painfully into her
flesh, holding the unprotected plane of her fearfully cringing vagina
wide open to Ws disgusting attack.

"Nooooo ... oh God, noooo ... it's wrong, it's wrong ...!" she sobbed
as he stabbed his heavy tongue once more into her defenseless vagina.
Oh, God! Oh, God! Why did he have to turn it into this? Why did he have
to spoil it all again? she thought wildly to herself as she struggled
to get free. Finally Jill managed to tangle her fingers in his hair and
yank his obscenely dripping face up from between her cringing thighs.
For just that one moment his iron grip on her loosened and she twisted
free and rolled heavily to the floor. The outraged young blonde was on
her feet in an instant, looking down at her confused husband.

"You ... you filthy animal!" she screamed. "How could you? How could
you turn it into that?" Then she saw the anger beginning to build in
his eyes and she ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

"You fucking iceberg," Bob shouted after her. "You'll never learn what
it's all about. Too bad you can't take lessons. Hell, I'd even pay for
them." He was silent after that and a few minutes later Jill heard the
front door slam and knew she was now alone in the house. Her chin
quivered for a moment and then she began sobbing uncontrollably.

It was a long time before the shattered young wife got herself under
control. Plan after desperate plan was born in her mind only to die
again. She didn't know what she and Bob were going to do about this
horrible problem between them but she did know one thing: she loved him
and would do almost anything to stay with him, "anything" that is
except become an animal. No ... she wouldn't leave him, not ever. But
would he stay with her? Right at that moment she would have gladly
shared him with half the women in the world if she could just keep one
little bit for herself.

The heart-broken young bride wandered disconsolately around the bedroom
before finally realizing she didn't have any clothes on. Going to the
dresser she took out her white shorts and halter and mechanically put
them on. She would go out and work in the yard, she thought to herself.
It always made her feel better when she was in the garden, and tonight
when Bob came home she would have his favorite meal all prepared for
him. But deep in her heart she knew that would not be enough. It would
take a lot more than a good dinner to heal the widening breach between
her and her beloved husband.

Chapter 2

"Goddamn!" the big burly man said excitedly, "would you look at that
tight little ass!" He let the curtain fall back across his front window
and turned to the young woman sprawled on a couch on the other side of
the room. "I'm gonna have that, I'm gonna fuck that or my name ain't
Bill Reagan." He licked his lips and the parted the curtains slightly
again to continue his observation of Jill Andersen as she puttered
around in her garden, across the street.

"How about Rumplestiltskin?" the girl asked suddenly.

"Huh," Reagan said absentmindedly as he kept his eyes glued to Jill's
lush figure. "Whadda you talking about anyhow?"

"Well you're going to need a new name, because you're just not going to
make it into little miss chastity across the street, so how about

Reagan turned from the window, a scowl twisting his heavy features.
"That's about enough out of you. When I want comedy I'll turn on the
T.V." His eyes went back to the window.

"Keeee-rist, she's bending over! It oughta be against the law to wear
shorts like that in public. I think I'm gonna cum in my pants."

"That's as good a place as any," the young woman said, 'cause you're
not going to cum in her. I don't think even her husband has that honor.
I talked to him a couple of times, and he's about the horniest bastard
I've ever seen."

"You're pushing your luck with your big mouth," Reagan said over his
shoulder, unable to tear his eyes away from the window. "Did you ever
see any broad old Bill Reagan couldn't have when he had his mind made

"No, I guess I haven't," she answered, then giving a little shudder,
she murmured to herself, "God help them."

Reagan turned back from the window, his face thoughtful. He was a big
man, about fifty years old with grizzly hair and a heavy build. His
face wasn't ugly but there was a certain coarse hardness about it that
made others not want to look at him too long. He looked down at the
girl he'd been speaking too. She was about twenty-seven or twenty-eight
years old with long black hair. There was a dark smoldering beauty
about her that was most noticeable when she moved, every motion seeing
to signal some secret sensual invitation. Her eyes were curious; dark,
lustrous, but somehow dull, as if she were masking her spirit behind a
cloudy curtain. She was not alone, but was gently stroking the powerful
head of a huge German shepherd sitting next to her.

"You say you've met her husband?" Reagan said thoughtfully. Then, not
waiting for an answer, "And you say he's horny ..." The big man paused.
"I think I know how I'm going to get into his luscious little wife.
He's going to help me and he doesn't even know it."

"Sure, sure, give him five bucks, and he'll slip you the key to his
front door," the girl said sarcastically.

"You're the key to his front door," Reagan said, pointing his thick
forefinger at her. "You're gonna lead him down the garden path."

"Hey, now wait a minute," the girl said heatedly. "How did I get
involved in this. Can't you go out and get your own ass?"

"Shut up and listen. You're gonna get him to fuck you, and then we're
gonna use that to pressure the little lady. And don't give me any of
your lip, Mae," he said threateningly as the girl started to open her
mouth. But she couldn't resist needling the bully standing over her.

"Oh, all right, all right. Just promise me I won't have to fuck you for
a month. Hell, maybe I'll even like it. He's pretty good-looking."
She tried to dodge as Reagan stepped forward, but his heavy palm
crashed against her face. The dazed girl stood awkwardly a moment, her
hand moving slowly up to her reddened cheek.

"You didn't have to do that Uncle Bill. It's just that I don't care
very much for men, you know that."

Bill Reagan looked down at his niece, satisfied that she had learned
her lesson. Damn, she was a beautiful piece, he thought to himself.
What a bit of luck when his sister had died. He'd griped at first when
he'd had to take in the homeless orphan. She was a skinny kid then, but
had soon started to bloom. He'd broken her in right. What a fight it
had been those first few times. He'd had to be pretty rough, but he'd
trained her just like he liked them. She'd turned out a little strange
though, hard and cynical ... and then there was her thing with the dog
... and that gave him an idea.

"Tell you what, Mae," he said in a somewhat conciliatory tone. "You
play ball with me in this and I'll give you a little reward. You can
have Hector for an hour."

The girl's eyes suddenly became very alert.

"When?" she asked sharply.

"Why, right now, and maybe again after you've done what I asked you."
Then he saw the changes start to come over her face. It always amazed
him that she could get so worked up over such a thing, but he had to
admit, just watching her and the dog got him worked up too, and he
always insisted on watching. She was a weirdo all right. Would you
believe it? The only thing that really turned her on was fucking his
dog, Hector!

Reagan had owned the dog for several years. For his own amusement he
had trained the animal to have a sexual preference for human females.
Of course, he had used Mae in the training, along with a couple of
prostitutes. She had rebelled at first, and he'd had to use a little
force. But once she had gotten into it she was really hooked, always
following the dog around with her eyes, and he knew damned well she'd
have Hector fucking her all day long if he let her. But Reagan rationed
the big animal out carefully so that he could keep his hold over his
niece, knowing she would do anything for a chance to have that long
animal cock in her!

He laughed at the hungry look in Mae's eyes. She wouldn't dare move
towards the dog until he gave his permission.

"Yeh, baby, right now, right here in front of old Uncle Bill," Reagan
laughed knowing she hated to have him watching when the dog fucked her.
But that was the only way he ever let her do it. He decided to have a
little more fun with her.

"On the other hand," he said in mock seriousness, "maybe we should wait
until after you've had a crack at the young stud across the street. We
wouldn't want you to get all worn out now and disappointed ..." A look
of dismay came over Mae's face and she broke in.

"Oh, no, no, I won't disappoint him, I promise. I can fuck all the
time, Uncle Bill, I swear." There was a look of desperate pleading in
the girl's passion-hungry eyes.

"What?" he thundered back. "That's not what you tell me when I want a
little. You're always too tired or too busy. You wouldn't want me to
think you'd prefer someone else, would you?"

For a second the pleading girl's face flushed with rage. God, how she
hated this pig, she thought to herself. For years he'd tortured her,
humiliated her, lowered her to the status of a slave. If only she could
get away from him. But he'd warned her what would happen if she ever
tried to leave him, promising to follow her to the ends of the earth if
necessary, promising she'd wish she were dead before he finished with
her. And there was the dog, too. She knew she could never leave Hector,
and he was Bill Reagan's dog, fiercely loyal to him. The lovely dark-
haired girl gritted her teeth and begged again just as she knew he
wanted her to. The only thing that would be able to still this special
burning hunger up between her legs was that marvelous tapered penis of
her animal lover and she must have it at any cost.

"Oh, please let Hector fuck me! For God's sake, please!"

"Ya really want it bad, don'cha baby," Reagan sneered down at her now-
kneeling form. "But how ya goin' to do any fucking with your clothes
on. You get naked and I'll decide whether your goin' to get any or

Reagan began to laugh in delight as the beautiful woman before him tore
frantically at her clothes. Damn, this thing she had about the dog was
stronger than any dope addict's habit. He watched in undisguised
enjoyment as more and more of her beautiful body came into view.
Christ, she was really built! Mae had her blouse off and was fumbling
behind her with the clasp of her brassiere. It came loose and she flung
the flimsy halter away from her impatiently, allowing her high full
breasts to swing free. Her uncle took in their lush ripeness greedily,
watching as the cooler air in the room caused the tiny nipples to leap
instantly into erect hardness.

Her skirt fell in a loose pile around her ankles and she kicked free of
it, wearing only her little silk bikini panties now. Reagan watched
avidly as her thumbs hooked in the elastic waistband and in one smooth
motion pulled the flimsy briefs down to her ankles. When she
straightened up again, she stood before him completely naked,
attempting to hide nothing from his gaze. Her skin was a rich creamy
color, set off by the perfect dark triangle of sparse pussy hair over
her pubic area. With her every movement the sleek muscles of her belly
and thighs rippled sensuously, causing the light to play in ever
changing patterns over her voluptuous body.

Reagan never had been able to hold back a gasp of awe each time he saw
his niece in her nakedness. Damn, she was all any normal man could
want, he thought, but then, he wasn't really like other men. His
greatest enjoyment was to find proud innocent young women and break
them to his will, and he had broken Mae long ago. Now she was his tool,
his instrument, to help him trap others in his cruel web, the men as
well as the women. Yes, the men too, like that lousy snob across the
street with the pretty blonde wife. Reagan knew that type; young
college graduates that wouldn't give men like Bill Reagan the time of
day, much less let him get close to his wife. Well he'd show the son of
a bitch. He'd ruin him and for the crowning blow he'd fuck that prudish
little wife of his right in front of his eyes! Reagan had tried to say
hello to that little bitch out in front of the house one day but she
had made some excuse and gone inside, like she was afraid of him. Well
he'd give her something to be afraid of! His thoughts were interrupted
by Mae's voice.

"Now ...? Can I have him now?" she asked desperately.

"Always thinking of yourself, aren't ya baby? And what do you think
your old Uncle Bill is gonna be doin' while you're havin' your fun,
except standin' here all lost and lonely."

"Wh-what do you mean," Mae asked in confusion.

"I mean you're gonna have to earn your little dog-fuck in advance.
You're gonna have to suck my cock."

A look of revulsion passed over Mae's beautiful face. She'd sucked a
lot of cocks before and generally liked it. But the thought of being
forced to suck her vile tormentor's hated penis under these conditions,
being used like a dirty whore before he'd let her have what was so
important to her caused a tight ball of anger to form in her seething
stomach. She thought of refusing, but it was too late now. The near
prospect of the beautiful fucking she might be getting from the German
shepherd in just a few minutes was already lighting an uncontrollable
fire deep up inside her waiting belly.

"I'll do it," she rapped out, gritting her teeth.

"That's really nice of you," Reagan said with false good humor. "I'm
really a lucky man. How many other uncles have nieces that are so
loving and thoughtful." Then his voice changed. "Now get over here you
stupid bitch and let's see how you suck, because if you don't do a good
job you're not gonna get no animal nookie."

With that the big man turned and walked leisurely to a big easy chair
and relaxed back into it.

"Now come on, baby. Give your old uncle some of those sweet lips." He
grinned and motioned for her to come over then, held up one hand in a
warning gesture as she started to get to her feet.

"Nope," he ordered, "I want you to walk over here on your knees ...
MOVE," he roared when she hesitated. The humiliated girl dropped to her
knees obediently, her face now an expressionless mask, her hatred
seething impotently inside her. Reagan straightened his legs as she
approached and spread them apart so she could move between them,
sliding down in the chair at the same time so that his buttocks were
resting on the forward edge.

As Mae crawled between his knees the big man tangled his hands in her
lustrous dark hair and pulled her head down, grinding his crotch up
against her face so that she could feel the hardness of his already
erect penis beneath the material of his pants. She closed her eyes in
bitter submission, knowing that now she had no choice but to go ahead
without a fight.

"Pull it out for me, baby," her uncle hissed through leering lips,
twisting her hair in his hands until the trapped girl thought he would
rip it from her head by the roots.

The humiliated niece reached forward hurriedly to do his bidding,
anxious to escape the pain, and fumbled with the zipper on his pants to
release the hidden cock throbbing beneath.

"Hurry up, hurry up," Reagan shouted cruelly from above when she had
trouble in unzipping his fly. "I'm gonna cum in my pants before you
even get there."

Finally, after Mae had fumbled for another moment the huge fleshy staff
burst out through the open fly. Reagan took her hand and forced it
around the thick fleshy staff, making her skin it back so that the
lust-swollen head popped out from the thick foreskin a few scant inches
from her hooded eyes. Then his coarse fingers were at her lips prying
them open so that the soft spongy flesh of his cock rubbed lightly
against her teeth. With a shudder, the nakedly crouching girl stared
down the entire length of his long rigid penis. It was incredibly

The helpless captive hesitated a moment, sickened by the thought of her
mouth being used as a receptacle of lust by her hated uncle and of the
lewd sperm he was going to pump down her unwilling throat. But then, he
twisted her hair cruelly again and, as her mouth opened automatically
from the pain, the thick pole of hot flesh rammed forward into the
moist saliva of her mouth. She could feel the huge pulsating cock-head
sliding wetly up the full length of her tongue inside, the tiny
droplets of lubricating fluid seeping from it filling the warm cavern
between her cheeks with its pungent salty taste.

Reagan's hips began a slow undulation on the chair, his eagerly
throbbing penis sliding in and out of the kneeling young woman's mouth
with a lewd sucking sound as he guided her head with his meaty hands
wrapped tightly in her hair. He leaned down to watch the puffing of her
cheeks as he pushed his lust-thickened cock between her clasping lips,
his grin widening each time he heard her grunt as he rammed it into her
helplessly trapped face. It was an exciting picture---the subserviently
kneeling girl's helpless face being held tightly between his two huge
hands while his saliva-glistening penis fucked its way in and out
between her straining red lips causing her to groan in submission
between his legs below. Then he looked up and made a signal with his
head to the huge German shepherd.

"Okay, Hector," he leered. "Let's see you climb up on that beautiful
ass and fuck the hell out of her!"

The big dog had been increasingly nervous over the last few minutes. He
had gotten to his feet in excitement as Mae began undressing, the sight
of her beautiful naked body causing the blood to begin rushing through
his veins, in tingling anticipation. He had mounted her many times
before, and he wondered in his animal mind if he would once again have
the chance. But he knew he must wait for a signal. His master had
trained him long ago to remain still, ready and waiting until the order
was finally given, but it was difficult, and his front legs shifted
excitedly, his ears slanting alertly forward as small whining sounds
came from his massive throat.

Hector watched, perplexed, as Mae crawled between his master's knees,
and the sight of her swelling white buttocks pointed back in his
direction were almost more than the eager animal could stand. He could
see the soft tuft of hair high up between her thighs that masked his
hoped-for goal, and his sharp nose detected the faint odor of musky
feminine excitement coming from those familiar depths.

Finally the signal! The big animal heard his master's passion-distorted
voice urging him on towards the swelling half-moon buttocks thrust back
towards him in open invitation.

Hector moved forward slowly, not completely understanding what was
happening this time. He moved up behind the laboring girl, his head
extending cautiously as he pushed his nose up between the nakedly
crouching brunette's firm white thighs. Mae's entire body shuddered as
she felt the first long-hoped-for wet touch against her waiting

Reagan also waited in expectation. The full-length mirror across the
room gave him a perfect view up his niece's defenseless buttocks and he
watched avidly as his pet approached closer and closer. Mae started to
mumble some encouraging words to the dog around the thick shaft of
Reagan's cock and for a moment he felt the pressure lessen around its
bloated length.

"Keep sucking bitch," he growled, "or the dog goes away." He grinned in
triumph as she obediently went back to her slave-like sucking, looking
lecherously down as his long hardened penis continued to saw
rhythmically in and out of her ovalled mouth. The very sight of it
caused his loins to tense and jerk into her face until it looked as
though he were sinking the full length of his monstrous rod all the way
down her throat. Almost all of it seemed to disappear with each hard
thrust he made until only a little stretch showed white and glistening,
protruding from between her lips.

Reagan looked back up at the mirror just in time to see Hector's thick
tongue snake out and lick wetly up the wide split crevice between Mae's
buttocks, the tip burrowing slightly, into the tiny ring of her anus.
The kneeling girl's body jerked as if from an electric shock as the
beloved tongue dug into her most sensitive flesh. Then Hector began
lapping the narrow pink slit up between her thighs in earnest. He ran
his tongue wetly the full length of it, from the tiny sensation-bud of
her clitoris, up the fluted pink edges of her cunt and over the tightly
puckered anus. His great tongue spread through the soft hair-covered
swelling like a knife through hot butter. It flicked relentlessly
between the girl's widespread thighs, stopping sporadically to curl its
way deep into her quivering vaginal opening. Mae's whole body was
trembling in wanton excitement now, and Reagan could feel her mouth
tightening in spasmodic rhythm around the head of his swollen cock as
she began to put her heart into sucking.

The lust-maddened girl started to moan incoherently, the sounds
bubbling obscenely from where her lips clasped tightly around Reagan's
long throbbing cock. All the while, the giant dog-tongue continued to
thrust relentlessly up Mae's moist passageway, and she reached
desperately behind her with one hand to spread the ivory globes of her
buttocks in order to give the salivating beast full access to her tiny
anal ring.

The tongue lashed her for another long moment, and then the giant
animal began to crowd in hard against her. What he wanted was plain,
and the moaning girl obediently raised her naked ass-cheeks even
higher, bending before the panting dog in abject surrender while her
face remained firmly anchored to her Uncle's huge penis that fucked
relentlessly in and out of her mouth.

Reagan watched spellbound in the mirror as his huge pet mounted Mae's
passionately offered buttocks and locked his strong forelegs around her
slender waist. Dripping, the glistening long scarlet penis slipped from
the hairy sheath under the animal's belly, the tapered point slipping
and dancing into the hot wet crevice as Hector trembled and jerked,
trying to bury his gleaming shaft in the kneeling girl's body.

Sobbing in desperation, Mae shifted her round buttocks, in a crazed
effort to capture the lengthening dog-cock, trying to sheathe the long
scarlet organ in her tightly contracting cunt. The sharp tip missed and
slid up to find a momentary purchase in her anus, then attempted to
enter. But Mae gave a little cry and tensed automatically to evade the
sliding prod. Having tasted success, Hector returned immediately to the
attack and thrust blindly, the thin point sliding unsuccessfully along
the entire length of her wetly heated cuntal crevice. The hot scarlet
of the jabbing canine penis contrasted lewdly with the fever-pink of
the girl's passion-inflamed genitals, as her cuntal lips spread open
under the relentless pressure of the still unhoused dog-cock rubbing so
madly between them.

In final desperation Mae reached back with one hand to grasp the
slippery organ and guide it to the little opening of her moistly
throbbing slit. Sensing victory Hector rammed forward, parting her
pussy lips wider and wider with each forward thrust of his long animal
penis. Reagan watched in awe as the German shepherd humped wildly and
buried his huge red shaft deep up into the squirming girl's grasping
cuntal passage. The massive organ slithered forward with a rush until
it was sunk to the hilt, the hairy balls swinging below in the open
space created by her widespread thighs.

Mae gave a low moan of relief as Hector began fucking rhythmically into
her. The quivering girl undulated her nakedly kneeling body and moved
her buttocks in lewd circles, abandoning herself to the delicious
animal fucking she was receiving from behind. Her face was contorted in
rapture, and her large taut breasts danced beneath her writhing torso,
moving in time to the dog's skewering cock, a relentless hot poker of
glistening flesh, buried itself deep up into her belly.

Each powerful thrust from the slaving animal behind rammed the girl's
lewdly writhing body forward onto Reagan's lust-swollen cock. The
girl's passion-drugged mind began to wander. Nothing really mattered
but that wonderfully long animal penis fucking up into her burning
pussy, and she wished she could devote all her attention to it. But the
only way she could get rid of her uncle's hotly pulsating cock in her
mouth was to suck and lick it until he came. The submissively kneeling
girl began sucking to please, running her tongue wetly around and
around the desire-swollen head and flicking her tongue-tip teasingly
into the tiny open slit at the end of the moist glans. She could feel
his penis throbbing as if it had a life of its own, and she knew it
would erupt at any moment into a great gushing fountain of white hot
cum that would spurt into her mouth and throat in a never-ending
stream. Then she would be free, free to concentrate on the incredible
sensations she was receiving from the fiery cock of her animal-lover

Mae's head bobbed up and down slavishly over the thick shaft of flesh,
sucking to end it, sucking to draw the thick milky semen from it until
she killed it. Her uncle twisted and groaned above her, raining
obscenities down at the top of her dark head and watching with delight
the stretched oval of her full young lips straining at Ms penis as
though it were a stick of peppermint candy. The girl worked on and on,
pinned between the two rutting males, the man in front and the big dog
behind, the very helplessness and humiliation of her position beginning
to cause strange masochistic sensations to grow erotically in her
churning belly.

Reagan's face writhed in pleasurable agony as Mae's tongue made the
head of his cock jerk and throb like some chained animal wanting to be
free. He watched hypnotized as the flesh of her lips was pulled out
grotesquely on the out-stroke, clinging to the saliva-coated shaft of
his penis as she sucked hungrily, all her concentration now on the task
before her. Looking over his niece's laboring shoulders, Reagan stared
with obscene delight into the wild animal eyes of his own dog as it
fucked relentlessly into the spasming female body before him. It was
almost as if his wildly pulsating cock in her mouth was somehow
connecting him to the unnatural coupling of his niece and Hector, and
an obscene thrill shot through his mind.

"Suck it baby, suck it," he hissed, closing his eyes and pretending for
the moment that it was the blonde bitch across the street who was
hunched like this before him. Goddamn, he'd like to have her here,
ramming it deep into her aristocratic little throat. By God, he'd shove
it all the way down to her tonsils when he did get her and then pump
his cum down her throat, filling that little belly of hers until she

Without warning, Reagan's pelvis began pistoning wildly, each tremor
ramming his long rigid cock deeper and deeper inside Mae's voraciously
sucking mouth. The gasping girl could feel his lust-thickened hardness
throbbing against her cheeks and tongue, and she knew this was it. He
was going to cum in her mouth! The ultimate humiliation was being
forced on her.

But she wanted to get it over with. She wanted to end this degradation
and she sucked hungrily, her mouth salivating as it never had before,
while sharp bolts of forbidden pleasure shot upwards from her animal-
filled cunt.

Her uncle groaned above her, flailing his head and ramming deep into
her throat, while he held her lust-contorted face in the prison of his
heavy hands. Suddenly his cock began to jerk and a second later it
spewed gushes of thick white cum deep into her throat. Mae groaned as
she continued sucking and her Adam's apple bobbed quickly up and down,
trying to keep pace with the spewing sperm that jetted rhythmically
into the warm confines of her mouth. Clasping her lips in a tight
elastic ring around the ejaculating member, the beautiful young woman
swallowed madly, swirling her tongue around and around the swollen
cock-head. She wanted to suck him dry, to hurt him, to punish him for
the bitter humiliation he had subjected her to. She mistook his groans
of pleasure for pain and spurred herself on to greater effort. It went
on and on and she thought it would never end, until finally the hands
clamped at the sides of her head fell away, and the giant throbbing
cock gave one last spurt and slipped loosely from her mouth.

Mae went completely out of her mind now that she was able to
concentrate on the wild sensations that Hector's cock was pounding into
her. Looking back over her shoulder at the hunching animal, the wildly
excited young beauty called back lewd exhortations.

"Oh God, fuck harder, faster! Come on darling, fuck your Mae ... cum in
me... I want you to fill me with your animal cum ...!"

The obscenely swaying girl was no longer human but a quivering mass of
sweating lust-deranged flesh that begged to be subjected. She was
reveling in being screwed by tills panting beast, even if it was in
front of her hated uncle, and she ground her body back against his
hairy jerking loins like another animal.

Reagan continued watching the salacious spectacle in fascination, his
thick depleted cock lying limply on his thigh. Tiny rivulets of
moisture were building in the crevice of the girl's nakedly rotating
buttocks and they glistened in the light as they ran slowly down the
backs of her straining thighs.

Suddenly the unmistakable signal of sensual fulfillment sprayed through
Mae's seething loins like the prickling of a million needles, gnawing
at the base of her belly with the lewd promise of frenzied orgasmic
rapture. The sex-maddened girl moaned helplessly as she neared the
jagged edges of her mounting climax and rammed back even harder into
the long wet cock that slithered mercilessly into the grateful little
hole up between her bucking thighs.

Abruptly the passion-stunned girl raised her head to wail out a
guttural animalish groan from deep in her throat. Her glazed eyes grew
large and unseeing.

"Ooooohhh ... oooohhhh ... God, lover... I can't stand it! I'm going
mad! Oh, fuck me, fuck me with your beautiful cock!"

Then her voice died in a strangled mixture of sob and sigh as the first
wild spasm of her orgasm struck, and she shrieked, thrusting her wildly
convulsing loins back against the raging dog-cock in a desperate lunge.
Hector responded with a forward stab just as his huge hardened cock
began to jerk up inside her convulsing young belly and spew its hotly
foaming animal sperm in liquid jets deep up into her contracting cunt.

Again, the sex-maddened girl screamed out, her tautened buttocks
reacting convulsively to the lewd animal explosion filling her raging
belly and loins. Her head was flailing wildly in her final bliss and
her black hair whipped from side to side in a smoky cloud. A lewd
combination of human-animal liquid passion trickled warmly from the
nakedly kneeling girl's still sucking cuntal mouth and dripped in white
pools onto the floor below. Then the exhausted girl groaned softly and
collapsed forward onto the carpet, Hector's softening penis slipping
loosely from her flooded cunt with a lewd wet sound.

The big dog stood above her for a moment and then his massive head
lowered and he began obscenely licking the remnants of cum from the
girl's twitching young buttocks.

All was quiet for a moment except for Mae's exhausted panting and then
the sound of clapping filled the room. Mae wearily raised her head and
saw that her uncle was applauding.

"What a show! You two should be fucking up on the stage," he jeered.
Mae turned her head away, not able to look at her lewd tormentor. But
Reagan got to his feet, buttoning his pants and went over to her
prostrate body.

"Okay, on your feet," he said and reaching down he seized her by one
arm and pulled her roughly erect.

"One down and one to go," he said. "Or have you forgotten our little
deal. In exchange for fucking Hector you have to go out and lay Mr.
High-and-Mighty from across the street. Now come on, you haven't got
all day. I know that he usually stops at that little cocktail lounge
over on Grand Avenue on his way home from work. You're gonna be there
and you're gonna score, is that understood?"

Nodding numbly, the girl bent to pick up her scattered clothing. She
headed for the door into the hall, Reagan's last taunting works
floating after her.

"And take a shower! You stink like a bitch in heat.

Chapter 3

"For heavens sake, go on home, Bob," Mr. Aubrey said affectionately.
"Everyone else left an hour ago."

"In just a few minutes, sir," Bob answered. He looked up and smiled. "I
wanted to finish the Davis account. It's due tomorrow." That should
sound good to the old boy, he thought.

Mr. Aubrey came over and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I really appreciate that kind of thinking, Bob," the older man said.
"You know, it's hard to find young men today who have the sense of duty
and hard work that you do."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Aubrey," Bob said, managing to manufacture a
modest blush. "But this company has been good to me and the least I can
do is to get my work in on time."

"The company is only good to you because you earn it, my boy," Mr.
Aubrey replied. Then his voice became a little more confidential.

"And I can promise you that if you keep up this level of work it will
be made well worth your while. My partner and I are getting along in
years and we're going to need bright young men to carry on for us."

Bob smiled gratefully and turned back to the papers spread out on his
desk. He made the last few necessary entries and then began filing the
documents back in their folder. When would the old bastard come right
out and say something about the vice presidency, he thought to himself?
Sometimes he wondered if the old fox wasn't cleverer than he looked and
was just stringing them all along, all the bright young men in the
office who were working so hard to knife one another in the back.

But no, the opening for the vice-presidency was real. Someone was going
to get it and it might as well be him. Not that he didn't have
competition. That damn Tom Brewer, for instance, the conniving bastard.
He was always buttering up old Aubrey and once he had even taken credit
for some of Bob's work. And he sure had some help from that bitchy
little wife of his. Bob ground his teeth as he remembered how she had
played up to Aubrey at the company party, her big tits practically
failing out of her low-cut dress. The old bastard hadn't been able to
take his eyes off her fucking knobs all night, what with the way she
kept pushing up against him and simpering. Bob wouldn't be surprised if
the little whore would let the old boy fuck her, hell, maybe she
already had! A bolt of alarm shot through him at the thought. That
would give Tom Brewer a real head start at the vice-presidency.

Damn, why couldn't his own wife, Jill be a little more helpful? But no,
she always had to be her pure, superior, frigid self. She'd really
blown it at the party. It had been clear from the start that his
lecherous employer really had it on for Jill but she had been cold and
remote. Strange thing about the old boy though---horny old bastard that
he was---he demanded faultless behavior from his employees. He was
always talking about the loose Godless morals of the younger
generation, and he'd fired one of the most promising members of his
staff on the strength of a rumor that he was about to be named co-
respondent in a divorce case. Only a rumor!

"What's the matter, Bob, something bothering you?"

The resentful young men jerked out of his revery to realize that he had
been scowling as he was thinking and he quickly put a smile back on his

"No, sir, just going over the account in my mind to make sure I didn't
miss anything." What you had to do to make a living these days.

"Well, let's close it up then," Mr. Aubrey said with satisfaction. "Why
don't you let me give you a lift home?"

"Why thank you very much, sir," Bob said, really flattered. It wasn't
often the old boy made such an offer. Maybe his stock was riding a
little higher than he had thought. Bob managed to keep up an amiable
conversation with his boss all the way down to the executive parking
area in the basement of the building, doing his best to think up
replies to the old goat's rambling inanities. Yes, he really wasn't
doing so bad for a young man of twenty-six. Just four years out of
college and already in line for a vice-presidency at one of the most
prestigious firms in town.

The ambitious young man continued feeding his dreams as he relaxed back
against the luxurious cushions in Mr. Aubrey's huge Continental. He
could already imagine himself with a car like this. It wasn't all idle
dreaming either. Mr. Aubrey liked to see his executives looking
prosperous and he paid them enough so that they could afford it. "Looks
good to the customers," he had said one day and he was right. Some of
the richest people in the city let Aubrey Investments handle their
financial matters, and they felt reassured by the obvious air of
prosperity about the place.

"How's the little lady?" Mr. Aubrey abruptly asked as he guided the big
car through the afternoon traffic.

"Why, uh, fine sir," Bob answered, not knowing what his employer might
be leading up to.

"There's nothing quite as important to a young man on his way up as a
loyal intelligent wife," Aubrey said. "You know, Bob," he added, "I
haven't had much of a chance to get to know your wife."

There it was, Bob thought. The old boy was fishing for an invitation.
What for? he wondered.
Was it out of lechery, or was he serious about wanting to make sure
that Bob had a woman who could give him moral support in the vice-
presidency? There was no choice but to play along with him and invite
him to the house. But not now, for God's sake. Not after that mess this
morning. He knew how long it took Jill to get over things like that and
he was worried she could not help but make a bad impression on his boss
tonight. No, he wanted a chance to prepare her first, tell her what to
do and say to the old bastard.

"That's really a shame, Mr. Aubrey," he said. "Jill talks about you all
the time. I guess you made quite an impression on her at the company
party. Do you think you would be free some night to come over for

"Why I'd love to my boy. It's really a treat to eat out after you've
been married as long as I have. One gets a little tired of the same old
meals at home day after day." Bob found himself thinking that meals
probably weren't the only thing at home Mr. Aubrey was tired of. He'd
met that old cow of a wife of his and he wondered how Aubrey could
climb into bed with her, not that he was any prize himself. It wasn't
hard to understand why the old boy chased around after his employees'
wives and Bob figured he'd do the same thing himself if he were in
Aubrey's position. If Jill would only cooperate, up to a point of
course. Bob didn't know what he'd do if the old goat really tried to
seduce Jill. She'd just have to learn how to string him along.

"Well, let's see, Mr. Aubrey. How about next week, say Tuesday. Would
that be all right with you?"

"Why certainly, my boy. But maybe we'd better drop in on your little
lady and make sure it's all right with her."

"I'm afraid she's over at her mother's this afternoon," Bob said,
thinking fast. "I'll ask her when she gets back tonight and let you
know first thing in the morning." He could see that the older man was
disappointed, but that was better than having him come in right now and
seeing the tension between him and Jill.

They were driving through the suburbs now and Bob decided it would be
better to keep Mr. Aubrey completely away from the house this evening,
and besides, he needed a drink.

"Do you think you could drop me off at the shopping center," he asked.
"I have a few errands to run and it's only a couple of blocks from

Bob was relieved when he was finally out of the car and watching Mr.
Aubrey drive away. Hell, he really did need a drink. There was a small
cocktail lounge nestled back in a comer of the huge shopping center,
and Bob generally stopped there on the way home to get his nerves under
control after a day's civil war at the office.

"Hi, Mr. Andersen," the bartender said as the young regular walked
through the door into the softly lit bar.

"Hi, Harry, make it the usual. No, make it a double."

"Hard day, huh?"

"Yeah," Bob muttered, not wanting to go into details. It had been a
hard day right from the beginning. His mind went back to that fiasco
this morning with Jill. Christ, when was she going to grow up and start
Teaming what it was all about. Who'd had ever thought she'd turn out to
be frigid? Hell, the way she had responded to their necking before they
were married had led him to expect something else. True, she had never
gone all the way, but he'd figured she was just saving it for her
wedding night. As it was, she didn't have anything to save. What a
shame, with a body like that, he thought, and his cock jerked a little
in his pants at the memory of her nude perfection this morning. He'd
almost made it, almost got her to respond. A sensible man would have
tried her out before they got married, but what the hell, he really
couldn't help himself. He had to admit it, he loved the girl and there
was no other way about it. There was nothing to do but keep trying, and
hoping that things would get better, but God, he was horny! And it
wouldn't help when he told his prissy wife she was going to have to
play up to old Aubrey. She just didn't seem to understand the realities
of modern day life.

"Hi, neighbor," a throaty voice purred next to his ear.

Bob turned in surprise and saw that a beautiful young woman had sat
down on the empty stool next to him.

"Neighbor ...?" he said slowly, and then he placed her. Sure it was
that girl who lived across the street with that weird old guy who had
the dog. Some kind of relative.

"Yeah---neighbors," he said. "but I'm afraid I don't remember your ..."

"Mae," she said again in that throaty voice, "just call me Mae."

Damn, she was really easy to look at, he thought to himself, and
wondered why he had paid so little attention to her before. He faintly
remembered having spoken to her in front of his house one day although
she had seemed different then, kind of vague and withdrawn. But now,
some kind of smoky sensuality seemed to emanate from her. She was
wearing a simple black sheath dress, cut low in the front, drawing his
attention to the way her firmly ripened breasts jutted forward in a
high taut curve ... and the way her lustrous black hair fell over one
side of her face, setting off her darkly inviting eyes. She sure was a
contrast to his blonde wife, he thought, and the novelty made her seem
even more attractive.

"You come in here often?" he asked, looking for conversation.

"Only when I'm lonely," she answered, and he was silent for a moment,
not knowing how to take that.

"Another double, Harry," he said, then turned to the girl. "Something
for you?"

"I'll have whatever you're having," she said and let her eyes play
boldly over his face. Bob began to get a little nervous under her gaze
and downed half his drink as soon as Harry brought it. The liquor made
him feel better.

"How long you been living across the street?" he asked.

"Oh, years and years. Ever since my mother died and Uncle Bill took me
in." So, Bob thought, it was her uncle.

"Strange we never got to know one another, living across the street,"
Bob said, the liquor making him bolder.

"I guess we haven't been lucky," she purred ... until now." She leaned
towards him and the top of her dress fell open a little giving him an
unimpeded view of her magnificent cleavage. Christ, was he imagining it
or was the girl propositioning him? Perhaps he'd better just find out.

"Maybe we'll get to know one another better, a lot better, and soon."

"I think I'd like that," she said in a half-dreamy voice, her eyes
staring moodily at the bar top. She reached over and drew the nail of
one finger in an aimless pattern across the back of Bob's hand. The
reaction of his body to this simple gesture was amazing. He could feel
a thousand tiny tingles spreading over his skin at her touch and an
ominous hardness began to form inside his pants. Mae looked around her

"I don't like bars," she said. "They're too dark and too ... crowded.
Why don't we go over to my place for a quiet drink ... and listen to
some records."

"But won't your uncle mind if we crash in on him?"

"He's out of town for a couple of days," she lied, looking straight at
him with those huge smoky eyes. Bob had a feeling that he should steady
himself, that he could fall into those mysterious depths and never come
up again. Damn, here it was, an open proposition. What was he going to
do? His natural physical reaction was to go with this beautiful
stranger and to count himself lucky. Things like this didn't happen to
a man every day, at least not to him. On the other hand he was a
married man, but that immediately brought back to him the humiliating
events of this morning, and he found himself getting angry again at the
thought of his wife. What the hell, it would serve her right, and he
could always change his mind if he thought the situation was getting
out of hand. All he would have to do is just go out the front door of
this mysterious creature's house and cross the street to his own home.
If he could force himself, that is.

"All of a sudden I don't like bars either," he said. He stood up
abruptly, hoping his partial erection didn't show and put a five dollar
bill on the bar.

"Keep the change, Harry," he said. For some reason he wanted to seem
more reckless than he really was. Mae stood up too and preceded him out
the door without a word, not noticing that Bob turned as he followed
her and threw a conspiratorial wink at the amazed Harry.

As soon as they were outside, Bob started to head for the street he
lived on, but Mae took him by the arm and led him into a side street.

"Let's go the back way," she said. "It's a lot shorter, and more
private." The confused young husband almost sighed in his relief. It
would have been touchy to walk openly right past his own house and go
into another with this seductively sexy woman. Mae had thrown a light
wrap around her bare shoulders as they left the bar, but nothing could
disguise the wonderfully sinuous motion of her provocative young body
as she walked. Bob couldn't take his eyes from her hips as they gently
swayed before him. There was something special, strange almost, about
this lovely woman.

They walked down the alley behind her house, and a couple of minutes
later the anxious young man found himself in an ordinary suburban
kitchen. He followed Mae into a well-furnished living room and took the
seat she offered him. There was a large bar in one corner of the room
with row on row of bottles.

"Want a drink?" she asked.

"Sure, my usual I suppose. Scotch on the rocks."

"Oh come on," she said with a sultry laugh that sent chills up and down
Bob's spine. "Let's be a little different today." She reached up and
pulled down a strangely shaped bottle filled with a thick green liquid.
"This is a very special Pernod," she said, "made with absinthe. It's
outlawed now but I like it."

Without waiting for an answer from Bob she poured two glasses full of
the liquor, then filled them the rest of the way with water. The thick
green color turned to a milky white as the water was added, fascinating
Bob, and he decided he wanted to try it. Mae dropped in a few ice cubes
and handed him his glass.

"Cheers," she said and drank. Bob followed her lead and took an
experimental sip. It tasted like licorice and went down smoothly. He
drank some more.

"Like it?"

"Fine, but it doesn't seem all that powerful."

"Powerful enough," she said. Then after a short pause, "It's an
aphrodisiac you know."

The young husband almost choked on his drink, but Mae kept on talking,
a queer smile playing over her lips.

"It sneaks up and hits you when you least expect it. Never makes you
dull or sleepy like alcohol, just a smooth mellow feeling that stays
with you. And it heightens the senses."

The nervous young man began to wonder what he was getting into, but he
decided to put up a bold front and quickly drained the rest of his
drink. He held up his glass for more.

"It's your turn to make the drinks," Mae said. "Meanwhile I want to get
into something more comfortable." She put her glass on the bar and
walked towards a wide archway that led into the hall while Bob moved
behind the bar and poured the drinks. He put a little more in his this
time, admitting to himself that it did have a nice soft effect. Already
he was feeling light-headed and a "don't give a damn" feeling was
spreading over him. In fact, he was feeling a helluva lot better than
he had in a long time. He took a good-sized slug of his drink and
walked out from behind the bar and then his thoughts were cut short by
Mae's voice coming from the other room.

"Why don't you put some music on while I change," she said. The shock
of hearing an unexpected voice made Bob realize in what a far away
place the liquor had already put him. He mumbled an okay and walked
over to the record player. It was near the big archway, and he couldn't
help but notice a movement down at the end of the hall, and he saw with
a shock that he was looking into a bedroom, the bedroom where Mae was
changing her clothes.

The embarrassed young man looked down quickly and fumblingly put on a
record. Soft. music filled the room. He didn't want to be a peeping
Tom, but what the hell, she must have known he would be able to see her
from the record player. She must have set it up that way or why
wouldn't she have closed the door?

Bob quickly took a large drink from his glass, noticing that with each
further sip of the milky white liquid the cares that had been weighing
on him ever since he left home this morning seemed to be slipping
further and further away. A strange confidence that he had never
possessed before seemed to be seeping magically through his blood, so
smoothly that he had hardly noticed the change. He marveled at the
effect. It was as if his senses were wrapped in a soundproof cocoon of
heightened awareness.

He looked up again just in time to see this strange girl he had
followed home drop her simple black dress to the floor. His cock
lurched inside his pants as her voluptuous young body came into view.
She was moving slowly, almost theatrically, as if she knew his eyes
were on her. But even so there were no lewd or obscene movements on her
part. She didn't need them; the natural sensuality of her lush body was
enough in itself.

As the unintentional voyeur watched breathlessly, Mae turned her back
towards him and bent over to pick up her dress from the floor. The
fully rounded moons of her buttocks came into sight, and he had a
tantalizing view of the narrow nylon strip of her panties slipping
teasingly into the crevice of her buttocks as she stooped. The panties
remained caught between her ass-cheeks as she straightened up to fold
her dress.

The mesmerized young husband watched with bated breath as his beautiful
neighbor walked across the room to a closet, her tautly rounded
buttocks jiggling slightly as she moved. It was a graceful easy walk
that reminded Bob of a leopard he had seen once in a zoo. Yes, there
was a lithe suppleness about this strange girl that dripped sex and
forbidden pleasures. He judged that she must be two or three years
older than himself, but she still had the body of a twenty year old.

One thing was certain; he could not back down now. That would make him
appear to be a gutless coward in front of this fascinating creature.
Still, from somewhere in its back files, his mind fished out the word
"infidelity" and flashed it across his conscience. Yes, this was
infidelity but damn it, it was as much Jill's fault as his. If she
weren't so unresponsive to his advances he'd be home right now where he

His mind droned on, the subversive white liquid he had been drinking
rationalizing away all the defenses he would normally have. The
straying young husband watched Mae more intently now as she turned back
from the closet dressed only in her brassiere, garter belt, panties,
and high-heeled shoes, the thin veneer of the stockings shining silkily
in the soft light of the room.

It suddenly occurred to him that he'd like to take her like that, with
her stockings and high heels still on. He had never fucked a woman that
way, and though he had sometimes tried playfully to pull Jill down on
the bed when she was undressing, she had always pushed him away in her
best puritanical manner and continued her undressing in the bathroom.
How many times had he seen his own wife naked? Not many! She seemed to
have a thing about it he could not understand.

This woman was different. Her every movement shouted out that she knew
what her sensual young body was for and that she would not hesitate to
use it in bed. There could be no doubt about that!

The nervous young husband pulled his handkerchief from his pocket and
wiped it across his brow to absorb the tiny beads of perspiration that
were beginning to form there from the tenseness of his body. With an
effort, he tore himself away from his watching and moved quickly to the
bat to pour himself another drink, pouring it quickly and drinking it
down before the ice had even cooled it properly. He needed it now; the
painfully throbbing erection in his pants had risen to almost its full
height. The tight restricting material of his shorts hurt, and he
pushed down, allowing his thick eager cock to slip out one leg band
into the greater looseness of his trousers. For the moment, it helped.

"Bob," he suddenly heard that excitingly throaty voice from the other
room, "Please bring me my drink."

Behind the bar Bob jumped slightly from the unexpected sound, almost
knocking over his glass. He had been too immersed in his own half-
drugged thoughts to be prepared for the sudden summons.

"Bob," she repeated again, "Please?"

"Y-Yes," he stammered back, "Right away."

"Well hurry, it's lonely and dry in here."

The flustered young man flushed as he tried to force his fully erect
cock back into the tightness of his shorts. How could he walk into the
room like this? It was too obvious. After a moment's struggle he got it
pushed down the best he could, then picked up the two drinks and headed
for the bedroom. No thought of resisting remained in his mind now, only
a little self doubt. Could he handle this woman?

Mae looked up at him as he came into the bedroom and smiled slowly. She
was wearing a light nylon robe now, that came just to the tops of her
thighs. The robe was tied very loosely, and it was obvious that she had
shed the brassiere and panties while he was mixing the drinks. She
still had on the garter belt, sheer silk stockings, and high heeled
shoes. The deep cleavage of her breasts showed without impediment at
the top.

"Mmmmmmmm." She grinned after sipping from the glass he handed her.
"You're learning quickly. Just the right amount."

"I've been practicing on myself," Bob answered, raising his glass
towards her. He suddenly found he wasn't nervous at all, but felt
instead a growing power and self-confidence that he had never
experienced before. He felt marvelous, as if he had finally found the
true strength within himself, a strength that had been dormant all this
time he had been married to Jill, all this time he had been catering to
her prudish school-girl ideas about making love. He knew that making
love to this woman who stood almost naked before him was going to
change him, and perhaps nothing less would ever satisfy Mm again.

Mae lowered her eyes for a moment to the bulge at the front of his
trousers. Her smile deepened and two dimples appeared on her cheeks.

"We're going to like one another," she said with a twinkle in her eye.
"I can tell."

"Very observant," he said a little self-consciously. "I didn't think
you'd notice."

"How could I miss something like that? You're quite a man."

She settled herself back on the edge of the big bed, leaning back on
her elbows. The short robe rode up over her full sensuous thighs,
exposing the soft silky down of the pubic mound at the base of her
smooth white belly. She patted the bed beside her, indicating that he
should sit down.

"Well," she said after he had settled himself. "Tell me something about
yourself. You know, I really know very little about you---or your

Bob was taken aback for a moment. What was there to say about himself
or Jill either, for that matter? But before he could answer she said,
"No, it isn't really important now. We can talk about that later---when
we already know each other in more interesting ways ... Do you like the

"It makes me less inhibited, I will say that," he kidded, reaching over
with one hand and tracing tiny circles with his nails over the
whiteness of her stomach.

Mae shivered for a moment at this first contact of his fingers against
her soft flesh.

"Mmmm, it makes you a lot braver, too. At first, at the bar, I didn't
know if you would come home with me. "

"That was centuries ago," he smiled over at her, feeling a slight flush
from the liquor. "Shall I get you another drink?"

"There's some in the cabinet." She pointed to a corner of the room.
"You'll find everything you need there, including ice."

Bob rose, taking her glass from her hand and glanced down at her thinly
bearded vaginal lips clearly visible up between her slightly parted
legs. It did not make him at all uncomfortable to look at her like
this, and a pleased smile crossed over his face as she opened her
thighs a little more. She was clearly excited; the first tiny dewdrops
of moisture were rising between her legs and glistening in the tight
narrow vaginal slit as she exposed herself to him. He hurried with the
drinks, the impatient heat in his own body rising rapidly.

When Bob returned to the side of the bed with the drinks, his
seductress had loosened the front of her robe even more, exposing her
large full breasts and their ruby-ripe nipples.

"God, you're beautiful," he muttered, staring down at her seductive
nakedness with the drinks still in his hands. He could see that her
eyes were dilated a little from excitement, and it was all he could do
to keep from dropping to his knees in front of her and locking his lips
to her sweet little pussy at this very moment, but he held himself
back, sensing that she needed more. This woman would know what making
love was all about, and she wasn't the kind one just jumped on top of
and rammed it into without preparing her well. The reward should
definitely be worth the torture of waiting.

"You're not so bad yourself," she said huskily as she reached for the
drink he handed her. "In fact, you're a very handsome young man."

"I'm not that young," he said quickly, "almost as old as you."

"Have you had many women? Other than your wife I mean?" She asked the
question matter-of-factly as though it were a perfectly normal piece of

"Enough," he said, leaning over her and kissing her lightly on the lips
as if to show he had been doing this kind of thing all his life.

She pushed him away for a moment.

"Here, put my drink on the table or we'll spill it."

The aroused young man took both drinks and quickly put them on the
table by the bed, then leaned over her again, pressing his lips tightly
down against hers. She reached up and curled her arms around him to
pull him down on her, and one of his legs jammed tightly between her
open thighs. She was wonderfully supple and soft, and her voluptuous
body was glued against his as though she were part of him. Her thigh
moved up against his groin, scraping against his painful hardness as he
ground his lips hungrily into hers. He could feel the wetness from the
seminal fluid that was seeping from the lust-swollen tip of his excited
penis. It smeared against his leg inside his trousers, and he wondered
if she could feel the dampness through the material.

Her thigh continued massaging against him with a practiced thoroughness
until he thought the head of his cock would explode. It was jerking now
as though he would cum at the slightest extra pressure.

Bob thrust his tongue far into her mouth, and she sucked gently on it,
nibbling with sharp little bites of her teeth that sent chills running
the length of his spine. To escape for a moment that overpowering
teasing sensation, the shaken young man pulled his lips away and placed
his cheek against her hair, thinking guiltily for a moment of Jill and
how shocked she would be if she could see him now, stretched over the
almost naked body of their seductive neighbor. Her girlish innocence
wouldn't believe it; she just didn't know infidelity existed.

"Is your wife good in bed?" Mae suddenly asked, as if she had been
reading his thoughts.

"She's too inexperienced," he answered without wanting to get too far
into the subject.

"I'll teach you some things you can take home to her," she promised
softly, breathing heavily into his ear. "Come on, let's get naked."

He realized suddenly that she was quivering beneath him, and that her
thighs had parted even more and were pressing impatiently on each side
of his hips.

"You want to fuck me, don't you?" she asked, breathing even more

"Yes, God, yes, I want to," he answered, the lewd words exciting him
all the more since they came from her throat.

"Then tell me!"

"I want to fuck you!"

"How?" she groaned beneath him.

"Deep, deep and hard. I want to fuck you like you've never been fucked

"Oh God," she moaned, almost throwing him from her squirming body. "Get
your clothes off before I die."

The excited Bob rose from the bed and began desperately stripping his
clothes from his body. A slight tinge of self-consciousness came over
him as he dropped his trousers and shorts and stood over her as she lay
nakedly back and waiting on the bed, his cock standing out in full
erection in front of him.

She lifted her body slightly and pulled away the flimsy robe she had
been wearing, leaving her with nothing on but her garter belt and hose.
Her black high heeled shoes had fallen to the floor with a double thud
that sounded almost as one, they had come so close together. She looked
up at him standing starkly nude above her, and her eyes riveted on his
long hard penis standing proudly out in the air'. For a long moment she
watched its throbbing blood-filled head and then said:

"It's beautiful. I want to feel it deep inside me, twisting around deep
in my cunt. Oh God, I want you to fuck me with it!"

The now panting Bob lay down on the bed beside the beautiful naked
woman, dragging her over to him with his strong arms. He moved one hand
down to her smooth rounded buttocks cupping their beautifully shaped
firmness. Her naked young body was warm and soft against his as she
raised her face to him and locked her mouth to his while her hand
searched down between their bodies, groping towards his rock-hard

Bob could only gasp as her cool fingers closed around his stiffness,
and he pressed his head forward to moistly return her kiss. Her odor
was maddening, a perfume he didn't recognize, but one that reminded him
of dark jungle glades. The now panting woman crushed the full length of
her velvety body against his and ground her pelvis tightly into him.
Then she twisted almost frantically and pulled him over on top of her,
opening her legs wide to take him between them.

A lewdly grinning Bill Reagan sat on the other side of the bedroom
wall, watching through a small opening. He held a camera in one hand
and ,from time to time he raised it to photograph the nakedly writhing
pair on the bed. He knew they could not see him even though he could
make out every detail of everything they did.

Damn, he thought, his little niece really was fantastic in bed!

He felt a slight twinge of jealousy as he studied her passion-distorted
face. She obviously wasn't faking it, and he wondered why she never
reacted this way to him when he forced her to open her thighs to him.
The watching Reagan had never realized she could screw like this, other
than with the dog. Well, when this young punk had finished with her
today he would try her out himself and see how she came across.

He raised the camera again. He had plans for these pictures. They were
going to help him get into his little blonde neighbor's pants, the wife
of this bastard who was screwing his niece half to death just in the
other room.

The big man leaned back with the contented thought of Jill's long slim
legs wrapped lightly around him as he shoved into her. He would fuck
her within an inch of her life. By God, he'd show her what a piece of
tail was, and she'd never forget it as long as she lived.

He could feel his cock hardening at the lewd thought and he turned his
attention back to the two bodies struggling on the big bed before him.
Small beads of sweat began to form on his brow from the excitement he
always felt when he watched other people fucking.

Mae also was amazed at her reactions. She had looked on the seduction
of this young neighbor as an onerous duty forced on her by her hated
uncle, but found to her surprise that she was enjoying it, more than
she ever thought she would be able to with a man. She had been
brutalized sexually ever since she could remember by Reagan, and the
only bright spot of affection in her life had been the dog, Hector. Now
this young man's patience and gentleness were having their affect, and
her body was responding with a wild enthusiasm, in a way she had only
thought possible with Hector. How different it was from the gut-
wrenching disgust she felt when her brutal uncle forced his perversions
on her.

In mounting excitement Mae crushed Bob to her and ran her hands
searchingly down over his hard young body, eagerly exploring all of
him. His cock was resting hard against her thighs, pressed into the
narrow crevice of her hair-lined vaginal slit. She arched her body for
a moment levering both her and Bob up off the bed with the strength of
her back and, reaching down under her buttocks with both hands, she
pulled her wetly throbbing pussy lips slowly apart, giving his penis
greater contact with her most sensitive flesh. Then she relaxed,
dropping her nakedly quivering body back onto the bed, his rigid member
trapped tightly between her thighs.

This new pressure against his aching cock shot pinwheels of sensation
through the young husband's reeling mind. He forced his hands
underneath the shoulders of the beautiful woman lying trapped beneath
him and ran them down the soft curves of her spine moving almost
imperceptibly as she undulated her body up against him in a slow
teasing rhythm. Her tautened muscles rippled sinuously just under her
velvety skin, indicating the powerful strength hidden in her lush young
body. The cords in her thighs tensed against his hips, and he wondered
how her legs would feel later when they wrapped around him in passion -
when he had his long thick hardness planted deep up inside her
hungering belly.

"Oh God, you feel nice," she whispered, and squirmed her smooth flat
belly close up against him. Her nails scratched slowly across his back
leaving small red welts in their wake.

Bob pushed his hands farther down beneath her, once again cupping her
soft warm buttocks in the palms of his hands as he pulled her naked
virginal plane up tighter against him. He undulated his body slowly,
sliding his hardened shaft of flesh up and down her widespread slit,
sensing her growing hotter and more aroused with each passing second.
Mae's hips began a more desperate rotation up against his loins until,
without warning, her legs snaked out wide on either side of his body
and her calves locked tightly against the backs of his thighs, pulling
him closer into her.

"Oh, fuck me now, darling, fuck me now," she moaned into his mouth, her
eyes clenched tightly shut, her pelvis grinding with a savage

The gasping young husband started to move but she beat him to it. Her
hands came down between their merged bodies and circled around his
hotly throbbing cock, guiding it between the hair-lined lips of her
desire-moistened cunt. Bob groaned above her as he felt her scrape his
cock-head up and down in the soft warm flesh up between her legs,
parting her silken vaginal hair with the pulsating blood-filled tip of
his penis. The dark pubic curls grazed teasingly against his penis,
forcing it to an even greater hardness until it ached from the
excruciating pressure.

He couldn't hold back for another second!

Wildly aroused, Bob flicked his hips forward with a sudden powerful
thrust that drove his thick rigid cock into the hotly gaping mouth of
Mae's pussy with a flesh-splitting force.

"Ooooohh," she moaned beneath him, and he felt the warm elastic-like
cuntal sheath slip wetly over his rampant penis. His desire-swollen
cock-head entered her tight little pussy, with a slight pop, as though
she were a virgin being taken for the first time, but he instinctively
sensed that she could control her vaginal muscles and make it this
tight every time. He knew he wasn't going to let a woman like this get
away for long, and mentally vowed that this would not be the last time
they made love.

His long thick cock pushed up her warmly waiting cunt to the full
depths of her belly. She was almost too tight at first and caused his
rigidly throbbing member to ache, but her hot clasping passage soon
became moist and slippery from her cuntal secretions and he fucked in
and out of her easily.

In his excitement, he rammed forward like a bull and felt his cum-
filled balls slap hard against her upturned ass-cheeks. Mae screamed
below him, a low animal scream of pain and ecstasy, and twisted
momentarily to escape the sudden unexpected pain. Her cry of protest
only excited him more and he thrust harder, screwing his pelvis tighter
into her loins so there was no escape for the helplessly skewered

The triumphant young man lay still for a moment to let the pain of his
sudden thrust subside, proud that he could hurt her that way. He had
gained the upper hand because he knew that he had hurt her, and she
could not hurt him back in return. It was the age-old plight of woman,
and would always make her subject to man. Bob reveled for a moment in
the power he possessed over this beautiful woman, impaled nakedly
beneath him, and he flexed the hot pulsing head of his cock a little
deeper, bringing another low moan from between her clenched teeth.

Damn, the bastard's really fucking her good, Bill Reagan mused from his
vantage point in the other room as he watched the hard fleshy cock of
his young neighbor disappear to the hilt between his niece's widespread
thighs. He wondered with a half-cruel smile on his lips what the kid
was going to look like when he saw his own wife being fucked within an
inch of her life by someone he hardly knew, namely himself, Bill
Reagan. An obscene thrill rippled through him at the thought of ramming
it into that stuck-up little bitch's cunt. She was going to get it

In the bedroom the lust-inflamed Bob began fucking his thick fiery cock
like a madman into the voluptuously squirming flesh beneath him. Mae
strained back now, arching her hungry loins up at him in spite of the
pain, lifting them both a few inches off the squeaking mattress with
the strength of each of her answering upward thrusts. She moaned
ceaselessly beneath his pounding body, opening and closing her legs
around his hips as she worked her pussy up and down his long rigid cock
in the chanting rhythm of intercourse as old as mankind. Her mouth
gaped open wide, her head flailing from side to side on the mattress in
wild abandon.

"Oooooooh God, it's good, it's good ... Shove your finger in my ass!
Make me scream, make me scream!"

Bob obediently reached down between her nakedly thrashing buttocks as
he continued to piston relentlessly in and out of her wetly clasping
cunt. His hand explored the deep crevice between her straining ass-
cheeks, stretching it wide, searching with the tip of his outstretched
middle finger for her tight little anus.

Suddenly he found it!

A small rivulet of warm moisture was running down in the damp crevice
between her buttocks from her cunt above where his long hard shaft was
fucking as mercilessly into her. It had moistened the tightly puckered
hole, lubricating it slightly as he probed experimentally with his
fingertip. He pushed harder, feeling it give a little and then suddenly
the elastic nether ring gave way completely and his finger slid in up
to the first knuckle. The lewdly impaled girl jumped forward, almost
crawling on her back across the bed to escape the first blinding pain.

"Aaaaaahhhh, God it hurts!"

He thrust again, sinking in to the second knuckle.

"Ooooohhh, yessss, yessssss! ... Hurt me, hurt me more!"

In spite of the pain he felt her suddenly begin screwing her
frantically squirming buttocks back on his impaling finger until it was
sunk in to the palm of his hand. He jiggled his finger inside, rotating
it around in her warm buttery rectum. Through the thin wall that
separated her tight young cunt from her anus, he could feel the
underside of his own cock sliding in and out of her vaginal passage and
he began to match that rhythm with his extended finger, skewering her
between the two as she groaned under him. His nail momentarily caught
the tender flesh of her anus and she jerked, but then she recaptured
the rhythm, opening her legs wider over the bed to give him greater
access to the ravishing of her loins.

The excited young man could feel his pulsating cock growing and
expanding inside her wetly clasping pussy until he was sure it would
burst from the inexorable pleasure building in his testicles as they
slapped against her naked trembling buttocks below. The pleasure was
just too incredibly intense and he knew he couldn't hold back much
longer; she had to cum soon. To excite her even more he rose a bit high
on her so that his long thick penis was scraping her clitoris with
every stroke.

"Oh ... oh ... oh ..." she chanted out, digging her nails into his
sides. Her fingers slid lower and desperately clutched at his nakedly
pumping buttocks in an attempt to pull him ever deeper into her. Her
passion-wracked body twitched and writhed beneath his long smooth
strokes, her face contorted with lust, mouth working, nostrils flared,
soft deep moans coming from her throat. Bob could feel her warmly
quivering cuntal flesh holding him in, sucking and pulling at his hot,
almost bursting cock.

He rammed into her from his very toes and sent the last inch of his
thickness plundering into her wildly clasping pussy, pulling a fresh
ecstatic groan from her lips with each new thrust, making her open her
eyes to stare up at him with a lust-glazed look.

"Aaaaaggghhh ... wonderful, wonder ... aaaaaaahhhhh ..." she gasped and
raised her smooth rounded buttocks up off the bed to give him more
leverage as he pushed into her with all the strength of his hips and
thighs. His loins moved in and out of her nakedly gyrating pelvis,
aiming at that hot clasping chasm in the center, pistoning in with
strong muscular regularity. Despite the shortness of his own breath,
the thought of being able to hold her under such a spell spurred him
on. He watched her face, glorying in his power to draw different
expressions of passion from it while he moved over her as if she were
some kind of instrument responding to invisible fingers on its

By now Bob's loins were aflame, consumed with a fiercely burning desire
which swept through him in great hot gusts of passion and pleasure. He
gasped and quivered as he fucked into the writhing body below, reveling
in the feel of her flesh, her beautiful flesh, the supple flesh of this
darkly sensuous woman.

"Ooooohhh ... ooooohhhhh, hard ... harder ... fuck me harder!" Mae
cried out, her desire seemingly insatiable. She begged and pleaded,
gasping as if she had burst her throat. She was nearing her climax, and
her body had become something demonic, her legs spread wide as she
twisted and contorted, urging him on. Bob was amazed at how hot her
body felt and watched in amazement as she whipped her head wildly from
side to side, her mouth open in complete abandonment. She swung her
thighs up and clasped his waist in a vise-like grip, pulling him deeper
and deeper into her convulsing young cunt with each powerful thrust of
his loins.

"Aaaaggghhh ... I'm cumming ... I'm cumming NOW ... NOW ... NOW ... Yes
... fuck me ... ram your hard cock into me ... ooooohhh ..." her voice
trailed off into a whisper as she jerked for several long moments and
then began to relax from the release of her orgasm.

The intensity of Mae's orgasm acted like a spur to Bob's own potential
climax, and he dug his lust-thickened cock deeply into the still-
quivering cunt beneath him, screwing into her twitching young pussy
like a relentless drill, crashing up to her cervix with his long
pulsating penis. Mae continued to gasp and pant beneath him as little
flutters of a second impending orgasm washed over her belly and thighs.
still highly excited, she moved under him passionately.

"It's so goooood, it's so goooooood," she murmured. "Fill me now, fuck
me hard, let me have it. Fill me with it ... fill me ... fill

She was gasping for breath as she rocked her hips up against the
powerful lunges of his penis. He thrust savagely, high and hard,
searing up through her passage, resting at the apex of his drive and
holding there for just a second before withdrawing for another thrust
... and another. Knowing now that he was on the verge of cumming, the
triumphant young man made one last mighty stab into her wetly
convulsing vagina and let his white hot seminal fluid surge deep into
her belly.

"Oh Christ ... I'm cumming, baby, I'm cumming ... ooooohhhh ...
aaaaaaggghhh!" he moaned. The dark-haired woman groaned beneath him as
she felt the warm seating flood of his hot liquid sperm jetting deep up
into the waiting depths of her love-starved vagina. A delicious warmth
spread through the whole inside of her sperm-hungry belly, a warmth
that rapidly became a billowing ball of flame that made her cum again.
It went on a seeming eternity, but finally he gave one last final groan
and collapsed on her gasping body. With the last of his strength Bob
rolled slowly from the satiated woman beneath, his already shrinking
penis slipping noisily from her semen-soaked vaginal slit. They lay
gasping side by side on the rumpled bed.

Bill Reagan got up silently from his seat on the other side of the
wall, feeling his now fully aroused penis pressing painfully up towards
the belt of his trousers. He had all the pictures he wanted Later he
would enjoy showing them to Mae and taunting her with questions about
how it felt to be fucked by this young stud. But the most important
thing was the power the pictures gave him over this smart aleck kid and
his delectable little wife, Bill Reagan was positive now that he would
soon be fucking her harder than she had ever been fucked before in her
life. An evil grin twisted his heavy lips.

Chapter 4

The next morning the weather was very nice, and after Bob had left for
the office Jill decided to do a little work in the garden again. So she
put on her halter and tight white shorts and was soon out in the front
yard, kneeling as she bent forward to loosen the earth around the roots
of her favorite rose bushes.

The young blonde housewife let her mind drift lazily from one subject
to another as she worked and before long she found herself thinking
about Bob, or rather, about her and Bob. He had come home late last
night, muttering something about having to work late at the office. He
would have phoned he had said, but for some reason he couldn't get
through on the line. And he had been in such a strange mood last night,
so absent-minded and withdrawn. Jill had feared a resumption of the
bitter battle that had started that morning, the usual battle over sex,
but Bob had never once brought it up, and she certainly was happy to
let the whole nasty mess fade away.

Perhaps he had been feeling guilty last night, Jill mused. He certainly
had been unusually solicitous. Usually when they had a fight the proud
young man brooded for a day or two, but even though there hadn't been
much conversation between them during the evening Bob had been kind and
thoughtful when they did speak.

Well, he should feel guilty, the blonde young housewife thought as she
sunk her fingers into the rich warm earth, savoring the feel of it.
That scene yesterday morning was just too much! It was bad enough that
he had to think up such filthy sexual perversions, but to try to make
her a part of them was inexcusable. His own wife!

Well, her mother had told her over and over again about men's animal
nature, and mother had been right. They only had one thing on their
minds! Maybe it had been better in the old days when married men could
go out to the houses of prostitution that flourished in every town and
hire women to put up with their sick demands. At least that took some
of the pressure away from their wives. Still ... she remembered a
little guiltily how she had begun to respond to Bob yesterday morning
before he had forced his head so lewdly down between her thighs and
rained those perverted kisses on her vagina. She shuddered as an almost
electric tingle rippled through her loins at the memory.

The lovely young woman sat back on her heels, and her face became
thoughtful. She wondered ... was she fighting too hard? Certainly it
was commendable to try to live a moral life, but after all, she was a
married woman. She remembered the love-filled pleasure she had
experienced under Bob's strong young hands before they were married. It
had all seemed so innocent then, and in her mind it an had seemed to
point to some ultimate fulfillment of love and trust that would take
place between her and her husband-to-be when they were finally married.
But the brutish animalistic reality of their wedding night had put an
end to all that ... or had it?

Maybe the breach that had opened between her and her husband that night
was healing. Maybe that's why it had felt so different yesterday
morning as Bob had gently, thoughtfully brought her to a peak of
passionate readiness that she hadn't even known could exist. The
horrid, lewd, sinful thought had already crept into her mind that when
Bob had put his tongue ... there ... it had actually felt good. Jill
felt little goose-bumps ripple over her skin as she dared for a moment
to savor the forbidden memory.

Maybe she wasn't as good as she thought. Maybe all those desires and
passions that Bob called normal were slumbering somewhere deep down
inside her just waiting for a chance to get out. It would certainly
make life a lot easier, the pensive young housewife thought to herself.
That was the only real problem between herself and Bob. Yes, if she
could just cut loose ... and for just an instant she had a clear
impression in her mind of the infinite possibilities of sheer sensual
pleasure ...

"Oh," she cried and spun around on her heels. She had suddenly got the
horrible feeling that someone was just behind her,

And there was!

The young blonde froze in shock, her heart in her throat. She was
eyeball to eyeball with a huge German shepherd, his massive head only
inches from hers. And next to the shepherd were the trouser-clad legs
of a man. Her eyes traveled upwards.

"Oh, Mr. Reagan," she said a little breathlessly. "you gave me such a
start. I didn't hear you come up at all."

The man standing above Jill didn't say a word, just kept looking
silently down at the kneeling young woman. Jill was silent a moment
too, not knowing what to say. Even though she didn't know Mr. Reagan
very well she found it hard to like him. it was nothing she could put
her finger on, no reason to dislike the older man, except maybe his
eyes. They were so cold and cruel.

Jill glanced back towards the dog. He hadn't moved an inch and she
couldn't help but compare his eyes with those of his master. Yes, there
was something frightening in those canine eyes, but it was a free
animal wildness instead of the practiced callousness of Bill Reagan.

Jill felt more intimidated crouched down on the ground before her two
unexpected guests, so she got quickly to her feet. Reagan continued
looking at her for another moment then wet his lips to speak.

"We, uh, saw you workin' out here and thought we'd come over and visit
a little."

"We?" Jill asked.

"Sure, me and Hector. He's been wanting to get to know you for a long

The young blonde's hand automatically dropped to the head of the
beautiful animal before her. Strange how Mr. Reagan said "we" when he
talked about the dog, almost as if he thought of him as human too. She
absent-mindedly caressed Hector's ears while she thought and then
flinched backwards as Hector stretched his head forward and rammed his
nose up between her legs, sniffing.

"Haw, haw, told ya he wanted to get to know ya better," Reagan
guffawed. Jill flushed crimson and decided that she definitely disliked
Mr. Bill Reagan.

Hector walked behind the angry young woman and repeated his performance
from behind. Then, satisfied, he came back around in front of Jill and
sat down, looking up at her, his mouth open a little to give his tongue

"Well I'll be damned, I think he likes you," Reagan said in honest
surprise. "it isn't often he takes to someone so fast."

And it was true. There was something about this beautiful young human
female that pleased the big dog. She smelled of kindness and patience
and ... she smelled a little like Mae to Hector, and he was happy his
master had brought him over here.

Her personal victory with the dog had made Jill feel a little more
tolerant of Bill Reagan.

"It was nice of you to come over, Mr. Reagan," she said. "I'm afraid my
husband and I don't get around the neighborhood much. I guess we aren't
very good neighbors."

"Never too late to start," Reagan said. "But I do hear a lot of good
things about your husband from Mae."

"Mae?" said Jill.

"Yeh, my niece. You musta seen her over at my place."

Jill had seen a woman over at Reagan's place. A lovely dark-haired
woman about twenty-seven or eight years old.

"I didn't know my husband knew your niece," said the surprised young

"Sure, they're thicker than fleas. Thought you knew. That's why Hector
and I came over. We can see you when you're workin' out here in the
garden and thought it just might be a good idea to get to know you a
little better, seeing as how my niece and your husband are such good

Jill flushed a little. It was embarrassing being told by a near
stranger that your own husband was "thicker than fleas" with his niece,
but more than that, she didn't like the idea of this coarse man
watching her from across the street. And what was he getting at? Was he
trying to intimate that there was something between Bob and, what was
her name? Mae? But that was too ridiculous! The old guy was probably
just not very sophisticated in his conversation. He had probably seen
Bob say hello to his niece one day and built it up in his mind. But
still, maybe she had better just check.

"Well, it looks like my husband is a better neighbor than I am, Mr.
Reagan," she said affably. "How long have they known each other?"

"Oh, just a couple 'a days, I guess, but that husband of yours sure
seems to have made a powerful impression on Mae. She was talkin' about
him all morning."

"All morning?"

"Sure, about how nice he was to her last night."

"Last night!" Jill said, unable to keep the shock out of her voice. So
that's where Bob had been last night, and that was why he had seemed so
guilty! The confused young woman felt sick and dizzy for a moment and
thought she might fall, but she used all her will power to pull herself
together. Even so it was a moment longer before she could speak.

An evil pleasure was seething through Bill Reagan. It amused him to
play the simpleton like this and seem to innocently betray to this
woman her husband's indiscretions. But this proud little bitch was
going to find out before very long that he was a lot smarter than he
looked. Smart enough to have her laid out naked in front of him before
very much longer if he played his cards right.

"Well, Mr. Reagan," Jill managed bravely, "I hope I'll have a chance to
meet your niece too, she really sounds like a lovely person."

"Oh, she is, she is. As I said, that's kind o' why Hector and I came on
over. We figured since Mae and your husband are such good friends, we
should get to know you too. What do you think about that, Mrs.
Anderson, or should I call you Jill?"

The shocks were coming too thick and fast for the bewildered young
bade. Was this coarse man actually getting fresh with her? No, it must
be her imagination, he was simple and harmless enough. It was just that
the shock of hearing about Bob and this ... Mae ...

But wait a minute! She was being a little ridiculous to go jumping to
conclusions this way. Why listen to a near stranger, and one who seemed
so odd? There probably was some rational explanation for all this, and
she didn't want to act like some brainless ninny out of a soap opera.
But she did know one thing. She was going to have this whole thing out
with Bob as soon as he came home tonight!

"Well, Mr. Reagan, Jill said firmly, "It's been nice talking to you but
I do have a lot of things to do inside the house now, so I'll have to
say goodbye. Maybe we'll have a chance to talk again some day," she
added a little coldly.

A spasm of frustration shot through Reagan. Maybe he had overplayed his
hand a little. Well he wasn't finished yet. The most important thing
was to keep her talking.

"You know, you're a pretty lucky young couple. Mae was tellin' me all
about that big investment outfit downtown that your husband works for
and how he has a chance to become a vice-president." Reagan had beaten
and coerced Mae this morning to get all of the information he could
about anything Bob had told her last night.

That was a telling blow to Jill. Bob wanted to keep confidential his
hopes for the vice-presidency and she thought she, his wife, was the
only one who knew. But now it looked like he was passing the
information out freely to the girls he met on the street.

"Well thank you very much, Mr. Reagan," the unhappy young woman said,
"but I really must go now." She started to turn toward the house but
the neighbor's gruff voice stopped her in her tracks.

"It's really too bad though that your husband is going to lose his

"Wh-What did you say?" Jill managed.

"You mean you didn't know?" Reagan asked in mock surprise. "Sure, he's
gonna get fired this afternoon, sure as shootin'"

"H-How do you know that?" Jill asked in confusion.

"Why, because o' these pictures I got here." Reagan dipped his hand in
his coat pocket and brought out a small flat packet. "As soon as I take
these down to his boss, you're husband is gonna be lookin' for another

"Why, I don't know what you're talking about. Let me see that," and
Jill made a grab for the packet, but Reagan pulled it back just out of

"Oh, I couldn't do that, Mrs. Andersen," Reagan said. "I'm not supposed
to show these to anyone but Mr. Aubrey."

Jill's mind was spinning, It would kill Bob if anything happened to his
job. It wouldn't make her any to happy either; she had been looking
forward to the new dimensions of comfort and luxury that would come
their way if Bob got the promotion. It might just be possible that this
old simpleton had something damaging to Bob in that packet. She had to
find out, so she made her voice softer and asked sweetly,

"After all, Mr. Reagan, I'm his wife. Don't you think I have the right
to see something that could affect my husband so much?"

Reagan pretended to be thinking. "Well, I don't know. One thing's for
sure, I wouldn't want to open this up right out here in the open. Maybe
in there ..." he waved vaguely towards the front door of Jill's house.
The young blonde hesitated a second. Under normal conditions she
wouldn't let a man like this in the house with her, but this was an
emergency. And there was the dog. His presence somehow reassured the
desperate young wife.

"Then please come in, Mr. Reagan," she said anxiously and taking his
arm she led him to the door. He seemed to resist a little but allowed
himself to be coaxed, and Jill breathed a sigh of relief when she at
last had him inside the living room.

"Now may I see what it is that you have?" she asked, holding out her
hand. Reagan immediately handed her the packet, a strangely cruel grin
coming over his face. Jill impatiently tore the wrapping open and
pulled out the nearly two dozen glossy color photographs inside.

"My God!" she exclaimed as she saw the first of them. It showed in lewd
detail the bodies of a man and woman locked together in sexual

And the man was her own husband!

"Like 'em baby?" Reagan asked in a harsh steely voice, very unlike the
one he had used out in front of the house.

"They're ... terrible," Jill gasped out as she looked at two or three
others. She couldn't go on, her eyes were fastened with hypnotic
intensity on a photograph that showed her husband's swollen penis
disappearing deep up inside the wetly glistening pink vagina of a woman
she recognized as Mr. Reagan's niece.

"Terrible?" Reagan said sarcastically. "I think they're pretty damn
good. It was hard as hell to get them to come out so well in that dim

"You-You mean you took these yourself?" Jill asked unbelievingly.

"Damn right, baby, and I'm going to take them down to your precious
husband's whimpy little boss." And Jill knew he meant it.

Jill's mind reeled from the unbelievable revelations of the past few
moments. She felt a terrible pain in her heart as she looked at these
obscene pictures of her own husband wrapped tightly in a lewd sexual
embrace with another woman. And the most painful thing was that she had
only herself to blame. Perhaps if she had been more understanding about
his sexual needs he wouldn't have been driven to infidelity. Her
stubbornness and her pride had helped bring their marriage to this. And
even worse; because of this inexorable chain of events her husband was
now going to lose the job he had worked so hard for. There would be no
vice-presidency! There would be no better life! And she was as much to
blame as him!

Guilt and jealousy and betrayal spun a mad dance in the young blonde's
unhappy mind. What could she do? Was there any way to save her
husband's position, because if he were fired under a cloud of disgrace
she knew he would never be able to find another job in the investment

"Oh, Mr. Reagan," she pleaded, "please don't take those pictures to Mr.
Aubrey. That would ruin my husband."

"You're damn right, baby, and that's just what I'm after."

"But why?" was her anguished plea.

"Why? I'll tell you why," Reagan said self-righteously. "Because that
precious husband of yours snuck in my house and fucked my niece, and
I'm going to see that he pays."

"I won't let you do it," Jill cried and desperately tore the
photographs in half. Reagan just stood there and smiled while she
continued to shred the pictures until only tiny pieces were left. He
cooly smiled and drew another packet from his pocket.

"Thought you might do that," he said, "so I made copies, and, of
course, I have the negatives."

Jill's beautiful blonde head fell forward in sobbing defeat, then she
tried once again.

"Won't you sell them to me, Mr. Reagan. I have some money saved, and I
could make it well worth your while. I'll give you a thousand dollars
for the pictures and the negatives."

"What! Sell the virtue of my niece for money," Reagan roared in mock
anger. "What kind of person do you take me for?" He subsided a little
and then slowly stroked his chin as if he had just got an idea. "There
may be another way," he said thoughtfully.

"Oh, what?" the desperate young wife asked. "I'll do anything to keep
those pictures from Mr. Aubrey."

"Anything?" Reagan said, and a leering grin slowly spread over his
heavy features. It was a moment before Jill began to suspect what he
meant and her hand went to her throat in horror.

"An eye for an eye," Reagan said menacingly. "Your husband fucked my
niece, I'll fuck his wife."

"No! I could never do a thing like that!" Jill gasped out. "Anything
else, I'll do anything else, but not that!"

"Sorry baby, it's that or nothing," the big man said. He slipped the
packet back in his pocket and started for the door.

"Wait!" Jill said in anguish. "You can't go, you can't do that to my

Reagan turned just in front of the door. "Change your mind?" he asked.

"I-I don't know," Jill said weakly. "Just don't go yet." She walked
shakily over to the liquor cabinet and reached for the bottle of
bourbon. She set a glass down on the counter top and, with trembling
hands, poured it nearly full of the amber liquid. With a shudder she
raised the glass to her quivering lips and took a long drink, then
coughed as the burning liquor poured searingly down her throat. The
distraught young woman gratefully felt an almost immediate numbness
creep through her body and she took another drink. When the glass was
empty she poured it full again.

Could she do it? Could she give herself sexually to this horrible man?
Maybe if she had enough to drink. After all, she owed it to her husband
to try to protect his future any way she could. And sacrificing herself
to this ... animal might be the only way to atone for her past behavior
in denying her husband his conjugal rights. She poured herself one last
drink and downed it almost without stopping for air. Then, drawing in a
deep breath she slowly turned to face Reagan.

"All right, Mr. Reagan," she said with as much dignity as she could
muster. "I'll do what you say if you promise not to take those pictures
to Mr. Aubrey."

Reagan smiled in triumph and made a low mocking bow. "I was hoping
you'd see it my way," and he waved his arm towards the bedroom door.
"After you, my dear."

The defeated young woman walked quickly into the bedroom, not wanting
to give herself too much time to think. A lump rose in her throat as
she looked down at the king-sized bed she shared with her husband, a
feeling of sacrilege coming over her. The door closed behind them, and
she turned to see that she was now shut into the bedroom with her
horrible neighbor and his German shepherd.

"Is the dog going to be here when you ...?" she asked in surprise and

"Of course," Reagan said with a grin. "He goes everywhere with me. He
hasn't left my side for years."

It seemed the final blow to the proud young blonde that her humiliation
would be witnessed by anyone, even a dog.

"Okay, enough playing around," Reagan said in his harsh voice. "Get
those clothes off and let's see what you look like in the nude." With
these words the big man started to unbuckle his own belt while he
kicked his shoes off.

Jill pressed herself tightly back against the wall as she watched him
stripping his clothes from his body. This was it. It was no longer
something that was going to happen; it was happening. She wanted to
close her eyes and shut out the horror, but she was too frightened that
he would move toward her without her knowing it. In just a few seconds
Reagan stood in front of her completely naked, his thick hard cock
already standing out from his belly, looking like the heavy shaft of
some medieval weapon. He turned to face her and with a lewd grin on his
lips began stroking the heavy uncircumcised foreskin back and forth
over the hard bulbous head.

"Like that honey?" he smiled, obviously enjoying the brutal torment he
was subjecting her to. Jill could see the cruel glint of sadism glowing
in his ugly little eyes like a burning ember and she felt like a
trapped insect being drawn into the flame.

"Bet your husband never had anything like that to stuff in you," he
said, continuing his tormenting of the horrified girl, gleefully
watching the contorted expressions of paralyzing fear cross over her
lovely young face. Jill was completely frozen against the wall as she
watched the lewd man still stroking himself before her. Against her
will her eyes dropped again to the hard fleshy penis he held in his

God, it was so thick!

In spite of her fear the mesmerized young woman found herself wondering
how any woman could take such a monstrously large thing inside her
without being split completely apart.

His eagerly throbbing penis was big and he knew it, and Reagan stood
for a moment longer reveling in the fear the size of his fully erect
penis was bringing to her eyes.

He started slowly toward her.

"D-Don't touch me," Jill finally managed to stammer through her
paralyzing fear. She knew it was too late for escape, that she had
agreed to let this horrible man ravish her helpless body but still
something in her cried out against it.

"Are you gonna take off those clothes or do I have to do it for you?"

Jill stood motionless, all hope gone. There was nothing she could do
against his brutal strength. She was alone and completely at his mercy
to do with as he wished.

He reached out his thick meaty hands and with a quick jerk drew her
quaking young body suddenly against him, cupping her face in his palms.
With an evil triumphant leer he pressed his wet lips tightly down over
hers and thrust his tongue into the depths of her mouth. The horrified
young blonde stood limply in front of him, feeling his hard naked penis
digging into her quivering stomach. A last faint thought of trying to
tear herself away from this brute flickered feebly through her mind but
faded with the pain of his fingers digging into the sides of her face.

"That's a girl," he breathed into her mouth. "The old man's gonna do it
to you nice and easy."

The trapped young bride was dimly aware of his hands leaving her face
and snaking around to the snap at the back of her halter. With one
quick jerk he opened it, and Jill gasped as she felt the rush of cool
air against her suddenly naked skin. She heard her tormentor mutter a
loud sigh of lusty appreciation as the halter fell to the floor and her
full white breasts burst free. Reagan dropped to his knees in front of
her as she swayed above him, hooking his fingers in the elastic
waistband of her shorts and panties and pulled them slowly down over
her softly rounded buttocks before letting them drop in a meager pile
around her ankles.

There was nothing left. She stood nakedly defenseless before him while
he kneeled panting in front of her. Nausea came over the young wife and
she swayed dangerously, almost losing her balance as she felt his wetly
heated lips pressing tightly into the sensitive flesh of her belly. The
sudden wet contact of his tongue gouging into her navel sent a chill
racing the length of her spine, and she automatically reached forward,
locking her hands in his hair to keep from falling. Reagan mistook this
for a sign of sexual surrender and dropped his lips to her lower
abdomen, spreading her soft blonde pussy hair with his thumbs and
flicking his tongue lizard-like into her moistly flowering vaginal

Jill jumped from the sudden electrifying contact with her tiny budding
clitoris, and losing her balance, fell back towards the bed. The edge
of the mattress caught her behind the knees and she sprawled flat on
her back, her legs opening wide as she landed.

Bill Reagan leaped forward and caught her in that position as she
kicked to close her legs. He clamped his sweating palms against the
soft insides of her thighs and held her there, legs spread wide apart,
eyes open in abject terror. She struggled to close her legs, but it was
a hopeless one-sided battle. Looking down through the deep cleft
between her high upstanding breasts the young blonde could see him
hunched on all fours between her widespread thighs grinning up at her
like a beast of prey about to pounce on some fear-stricken victim. Her
naked vaginal flesh was presented up to his leering face in defenseless
sacrifice, As the terrified girl lay frozen to the mattress, her
humiliation complete, she watched Reagan's thick tongue slowly circling
his lips in nervous preparation for the ravishment about to take place.
Oh God! This was a thousand times worse than what Bob had tried to do
to her. She silently screamed, wanting to escape, but fear held her

Again he placed his palms flat against the insides of her thighs, his
thumbs resting on the soft fleshy flanges of her fearfully cringing
cunt. Then with a slow torturing outwards movement he drew the ragged
pink tips slowly apart exposing the moistly quivering slit to his
merciless gaze. He looked at it greedily for a moment and then with an
animal-like groan dropped his head and buried his long slippery tongue
full length into the warm throbbing walls of her pussy.

The horrified young wife jerked, a soul-searing moan escaping from deep
in her chest while her buttocks ground down into the mattress in a
futile attempt to escape this maddening assault of her helpless

"Oh God! Ooooooh. No, you mustn't ... Ooooooooohhh!" she whimpered
under his depraved attack. Her head was up off the mattress watching
this nightmare in horrified disbelief as his head began rocking up and
down in greedy feast between her widespread legs below.

"It can't be, it can't be," she groaned over and over to herself in
undisguised humiliation. Jill's head fell back on the mattress and
flailed helplessly from side to side as his tongue began lewdly fucking
in and out of her involuntarily dilating vaginal lips. Reagan's hands
groped up over her flat little belly and dug harshly into the soft
warmth of breasts, his fingers rolling the hardening nipples between
them in unrelenting fury. As his mouth and tongue worked animal-like,
slobbering over her widespread cunt, his eyes remained wide open,
watching in arrogant delight the contortions of her face up through the
quivering white mounds of her breasts. He was waiting, waiting for the
first signs of her body's total surrender to his tongue and lips.

Jill lay frozen in abject submission to the depraved outrages he was
subjecting her helplessly trapped body to. There was nothing she could
do and great tears of humiliation and shame welled in her eyes. Random
pictures of her husband flickered through her mind as she listened to
the vile wet sucking sounds Bill Reagan was making as he licked and
sucked her wetly pulsating vagina. Oh God, how could she ever face her
husband again after allowing her body to be used by this cruel inhuman
stranger hunched on all fours down between her cruelly spread legs? He
was defiling her as she had never thought possible, humiliating her
beyond her wildest imagination, and there was nothing she could do but
lie beneath him and accept any degradation he wanted to force on her
without so much as a scream in protest. And no matter how unfair it
was, it was inexcusable when a woman was unfaithful to her husband,
whatever the circumstances. She was shamed, ruined! Oh God, why did Bob
have to make love to his niece? Why did he have to deceive his own wife
and leave her at the mercy of this lust crazed beast? Jill had never
felt so alone and helpless in her entire life.

Reagan kept his eyes locked on his victim's beautiful face as he
continued his torturing tongue-thrusts deep up into her warmly
quivering cunt. He watched the helpless tears falling over her cheeks
with cruel satisfaction. The goddamn little bitch, this would teach her
to run around in her yard with those sexy shorts on, teasing the hell
out of a man. So, she thought she was too good for the likes of him, he
thought bitterly, giving an extra hard thrust with his tongue. Well,
he'd show her. Before the day was over she'd be crawling to him on her
knees begging for more. And by God, she'd get it, more than she could

Chuckling softly to himself the big man brought his hands down and
pushed them under the backs of her knees. He lifted her legs and pushed
them up over her voluptuous young body so the kneecaps touched her
breasts and exposed her whole vaginal plane to his lustful gaze. This
would get her, he thought, grinning as he flicked the tip of his tongue
into her tightly puckered anus, nestled just below the gaping mouth of
her hair-lined cunt.

The unexpected wet searing contact with the sensitive rubbery opening
brought a long low moan of humiliated anguish from Jill's tortured
lips. She clenched her eyes tightly shut and her lips bared back over
her teeth from the electric sensation that went racing out of control
through her sensually awakening body.

"Oooooooh, God, don't, please don't," she whimpered, trying desperately
to screw her buttocks back down from the hotly flicking tongue licking
without mercy at her puckering anal ring. Reagan's only answer was a
lewd chuckle and a further stab into the tight fleshy ring.

"Aaaaaggh," Jill groaned again as small goose-bumps of erotic pleasure
rippled across her heaving belly and softly quivering breasts. To her
growing horror she began to realize that in spite of her terror and
revulsion at the obscene things Reagan was doing to her, tiny wisps of
forbidden delight were starting to ripple deep down in her belly. Oh
God, she thought in despair, that would be the ultimate humiliation, to
have her body respond to this monster's obscene caresses. She would
never let that happen, she vowed; and gritting her teeth with
determination, she rigidly surpressed every bit of sensation inside her
plundered body.

Reagan looked up in surprise as he felt her go cold and dead on him.
What the hell had happened? He knew damn well she had been on the verge
of surrendering completely to his unwanted stimulation. One look at her
set determined face was enough to give him his answer. He would get no
response from her now even if he cut her up into pieces!

A blinding flash of rage went through the thwarted ravager's cruel
mind. It would just not be the same if she lay there stoically enduring
all he did to her. The victory would be hers, not his. He almost
reached out to hit the cold young housewife, but then an idea came to

"Hector," he called sharply as he turned back towards his giant

The big dog alertly responded. Earlier, he had obediently gone to one
comer of the room to lie down, knowing his master seldom liked to be
disturbed at times like this. All the same, it had upset the handsome
animal as he watched Reagan strip the clothes from the beautiful woman
who had smelled so nice out on the lawn. Having mounted many women by
now, Hector no longer had any desire for females of his own species.
There was something infinitely more exciting about the smooth white
human bodies that tiled him with an overpowering animal lust whenever
he saw them naked before him. Nevertheless, Hector had forced himself
to he quietly while his master dropped down on his knees, Ms head
plunging towards that warmly scented hole up between his new friend's
full white thighs. The dog was a little confused by the conflicting
odors of fear and sex in the room, but he had experienced that before
when his master got his cruel hands on a woman.

Hector leaped to his feet when Reagan called, not sure what the big man
wanted, his ears pointing forward expectantly his muscles bunched
tightly waiting for a command.

"Get over here," Reagan growled, "and lick this bitchy cunt light out
of her mind." Reagan's meaty fingers spread open Jill's wetly throbbing
pussy-lips for the dog to see and moved out of the way so the big
animal could crowd in between the determined girl's now rigid thighs.

Jill lay stiffly still, staring fixedly at the ceiling, aware that
Reagan had stopped mouthing her genitals but determined to pay no
attention to anything he might do. Suddenly a wetly burning sensation
of unbelievable proportions burst at the lips of the girl's vagina and
sent a bolt of wild pleasure careening insanely over her shuddering
nerve-paths. Her back arched automatically and a low gurgling moan came
from her lips. Then it happened again, even more overpowering this
time, causing her muscles to spasm uncontrollably.

Jill looked up in awe, searching for the source of this incredible
stimulation that was tearing her body from her and saw to her horror
Hector's long wet tongue shoot out for a third time and bury its
burning wetness far up inside the sensitive folds of her wildly
fluttering pussy. The dog licked on and on, his huge tongue parting the
soft pink vaginal flesh as if it were made of butter, digging deep,
deep into the fearfully cowering young wife's most intimate recesses.

Jill sobbed helplessly before this unnatural attack, and suddenly, in
spite of all her determination she felt her sensually awakening body
begin to desert her. Her buttocks jerked involuntarily towards that
beautifully licking tongue which was sending helpless waves of
delicious sensation coursing over her raw nerves.

"Oh no ... No ... I can't, I can't!" she cried as the cruel realization
of her loss of control suddenly hit her with its fun impact, bunging
further cries of shame and humiliation at the thought, not only of this
perverted act being forced on her, but the even more frightening and
shameful realization that her traitorous young body was suddenly
enjoying it. She clenched her teeth tightly together and fought with
all her will against the flashing sparks of sensation between her legs
that threatened to burst into sudden uncontrollable flame and devour
her in her helplessness. But it was a losing battle and she knew it as
the big dog continued to lick ceaselessly at her naked cuntal flesh.

And then ... after a long moment of desperate struggle within her
tortured and confused mind---the dam burst!

The blonde young beauty's shamelessly aroused body jerked once and then
began a slow abandoned movement up against that thrusting tongue. Her
hands reached up automatically to seize the great German shepherd by
the ears and pull his long slippery tongue deeper into her quivering
widespread cunt. Forgotten were the thoughts of her husband, forgotten
was the humiliation. All that mattered now were the delicious shafts of
pleasure racing through her flesh like tiny lances of an unbelievably
beautiful fire.

Reagan stood by the bed lewdly stroking his thick pulsating penis as he
grinned down at the moaning young bride's helpless surrender to the
dog's obscene licking of her tight little pussy. He watched in delight
as Hector's relentless tongue sliced through the soft blonde pubic
hair, moist now from the obscene mixture of vaginal secretions and
canine saliva. Jill's hips ground up into the animal face above her in
a mindless hypnotic rhythm of Just. She was lost now, Reagan gloated
while he excitedly watched the wantonness twist her lovely face.

Yes, by God, it wouldn't be long, he sensed with excitement, until he
rammed it deep into that tight little cunt of hers and shot his eager
sperm all the way up into her belly. He could not help laughing as he
watched his Own dog lapping this arrogant little cunt into an abject
whimpering submission. By God, she wasn't too good for him anymore, she
was just a little bitch screaming to be fucked by any cock she could
get her hands on. Well, he gloated with obscene delight, she'd get it
alright ... and get it good!

Chapter 5

Jill squirmed and bucked under the maddening torture of that flicking
animal tongue until she thought her pounding heart would burst through
her ribs. A strange growing pressure she had never in her whole life
felt before was building somewhere deep up inside her heaving belly,
and she knew vaguely that she was probably approaching orgasm. It would
be the first time ever for her and the eager young wife felt it coming
nearer with trembling anticipation, her hands frantically guiding the
dog's big head deeper and deeper between her wildly bucking thighs. Oh,
oh, it was almost here, just another second, a few more burning swipes
of that fabulous tongue ... And then ... then ... it was gone!

"W-What?" she said in surprise, lifting her head from the pillow,
needing to know what had caused that terrible absence between her legs.
With a groan of dismay, she saw that Reagan had his hands wrapped
tightly in Hector's collar, pulling hard, trying to drag the animal
away from her frantically quivering pussy.

"Goddamn it, get out of there," the big man snarled at the reluctant
dog. Jill could now see that the animal's huge scarlet penis had begun
to protrude in expectation from the hairy sheath below his belly, and a
tremor of lewd fear swept over her. Oh God, she needed, she needed ...
something ... anything, to quench this burning fire up inside her love-
starved vagina. She twisted helplessly in passionate hunger on the
mattress, moaning - fighting the insane urge to dig her fingers deep
into her own hungering vaginal flesh.

"Oh God, W-Why did you take him away? Let him finish, let him finish
... I almost ... she pleaded in delirium.

"Hold on baby," Reagan leered. "I got just what you need."

"Oh, please hurry, please hurry," Jill begged, hardly knowing what she
was saying, aware only of this new need, this new craving that had
invaded her hopelessly aroused body and made it a complete stranger to
her. She pressed her thighs tightly together to try to contain the fire
that burned within, but the pressure against her passionately swollen
cuntal lips only made her groan in increased frustration. Hector made
one last lunge towards Jill, his own passion further ignited by the
pleading tone of her words.

"Goddamn it, I told you to get over there!" Reagan roared and for the
first time in his life he kicked the dog. Hector howled in pain and
disbelief and for an instant a terrible rage filled his fierce heart.
All his animal instincts told him to attack this cruel man who had
kicked him, who was tearing him from the pleading female writhing
nakedly on the bed. But his training proved stronger and, after a
moment's hesitation, the big dog slunk back over to the comer and lay
down. In an effort to still his rage he put Ms massive head meekly on
his paws, but a terrible bitterness was growing inside him, a
bitterness strange to the loyal animal.

Reagan turned towards Jill, his eyes blazing. Despite her need, the
wildly excited young blonde closed her eyes for a moment to shut out
the humiliation of lying naked and defenseless under his cold cruel
gaze. It would have been far better with the dog, she thought.

"Okay, baby, now I'm gonna fuck ya," Reagan breathed hoarsely and moved
toward her. Jill lay still, her thighs still open wide, her own breath
rasping painfully in her throat. Once more her eyes fixed on that huge
pole of flesh jutting from Reagan's belly, and her stomach quivered and
heaved as though it were already sunk deep inside her. She lay
hypnotized as that huge pulsating organ approached closer and closer,
paralyzed like a bird frozen with fear before the slithering attack of
a snake.

Reagan bent down over her nakedly trembling young body and fastened his
teeth harshly into the nipple of her heaving left breast. The weeping
blonde bride groaned and attempted to twist away from that sudden sharp
torture, but his hands held her tight, playing over her soft thighs and
hips. As his lips roamed wetly over the white palpitating mounds, a
blissful twitch descended feather-like to her loins below and the half-
smothered girl once again felt her treacherous buttocks begin a slow
impatient grinding down into the mattress.

"I got a hot one on my hands," Reagan chortled as his lips slithered
over the most sensitive parts of her body, his eyes hard with a strange
mixture of greed and desire. "I'm gonna fuck you like you never been
fucked before. You're gonna twist and squirm when this cock of mine
sinks into your belly. You're gonna beg and scream for it."

Jill froze under the prodding of his obscene words, their very lewdness
strangely exciting her. But still she struggled within herself against
this final surrender that would mean her total subjugation.

"Open up, honey, I'm comin' in," Reagan leered in triumph above her,
and knowing she had no other choice, quivering half in fear, half in
anticipation, the helpless young wife spread her thighs obediently.
Reagan levered up over her, his arms stiff, his hands on her shoulders.
Then reaching down with one hand, he guided Ws eagerly throbbing cock
forward with his fingers and used the thick rubbery head to part her
hair-lined vaginal lips. The terrified girl turned her head to one side
on the mattress, closing her eyes with a shudder as she felt his
throbbing cock-head make contact against the sensitive outer flesh of
her pussy. She held her breath for what seemed an eternity, not daring
to breathe, lying still in utter subjugation before him. It was out of
her hands now, no more decisions to make. Whatever would happen, would

"Ooooooooh," she breathed as she felt a harsh pressure nudging against
her tightly elastic vaginal opening.

He pushed.

"Aaaaaagh," she moaned as the lust-swollen tip slipped through, cruelly
stretching her vagina until Jill felt as though her thighs would split
apart from the relentless pressure. With that sharp searing pain all
the accumulated passion fled from her system, and now she only wanted
to escape the horrible impalement that lay ahead.

"Oh, God no, please, you're hurting me, you're hurting me!" Jill was
suddenly screaming almost at the top of her voice. Wide-eyed with fear
she saw Reagan grin sadistically above her. Oh God, he was killing her
and enjoying it! He was enjoying watching her suffer as she writhed
beneath the slow relentless penetration of her almost virginal vagina!
Suddenly the grin on his face faded to be replaced by a took of sheer
raw lust. Christ, the big man thought to himself, he couldn't stand it
any more. The sight of this panting moaning young wife spread-eagled
beneath him with his massive cock-head disappearing into her pussy-hair
was driving him almost insane.

He had to fuck her, he had to, and quick!

And with that he fell forward, his weight smashing her full firm
breasts back against her chest. In the same movement he thrust his hips
forward and his long thick cock tore into her tight little cunt like a
raging freight train, pushing her moistly heated vaginal flesh before
it in tippling waves, sliding in with one smooth rush until with a loud
smack his sperm-laden balls smacked into her tightly clenched ass-

"Oh God, Oh God!" the tortured girl cried beneath him. She had never
been so filled in her life, and his hotly throbbing cock felt as though
it had ripped her vagina into a thousand tiny shreds. He had speared
into her without mercy or concern for injury and now his long impaling
rod of male flesh lay sunk deep in her pain-wracked belly, filling it
to the bursting point. There wasn't one tiny fleshy ridge on that fiery
shaft that she could not feel as it pressed tightly into her, enclosed
in her moist warm cuntal sheath like a sword that had been sliced
cruelly into it's helpless victim's belly. Jill lay still, afraid to
move because of the pain it might bring, aware that Reagan was hovering
motionless above her. Neither made a sound for a long moment until
suddenly the fearfully tensed girl felt a throb deep up inside as
Reagan flexed his lust-thickened penis, jerking it another inch up into
her burning vagina.

"Uhhhhhhh," she grunted breathlessly, her face contorting with this new

"Told ya I'd stretch out that tight little cunt for ya," he said
tormentingly above her, then he flexed again.

"Aaaaaaggggghhhh," she groaned more deeply this time, the cords in her
neck standing out starkly.

"Like it?" Reagan grinned down in lewd delight at the tormented
expression on her face. There was no answer.

"Like it, I said?" he snarled more menacingly this time, flexing again.

"Oooooooohhh, yes, yes," she cried, afraid to offend him. The pain was

"Beg then," he hissed contemptuously above her.

"W-What?" was all the anguished girl could manage.

"Beg me!" he said with greater arrogance.

"Beg you for what?" Jill asked pitifully in terrified confusion.

"Beg me to fuck you, now!" and he throbbed his hardened thickness deep
up inside her belly once again.

"Oooooh, God, no, don't, don't, I can't, I can't!" Jill fought with all
her courage to escape this ultimate humiliation, knowing it would be
the final surrender, and she would never be able to escape the terrible
memory of it. Her pride was the only thing she had left and she must
never let it go. This vile man had taken everything else, including her
fidelity to her husband. Yes, everything else was gone, gone. She
couldn't let him have the pleasure of hearing her beg too, she just
couldn't. But he flexed deeper in her, digging his fingers painfully
into her shoulders at the same time.

"Do it, bitch," he commanded. "Beg!" She cringed before the savage fire
burning in his eyes.

"Oh God," she sobbed helplessly, her resistance broken by her pain and
helplessness. "Do it to me, do it to me."

"Not like that, say 'fuck me,'" he demanded.

"Oh, fuck me!" she hissed through tightly clenched teeth, tears gushing
from her eyes as she spat out the lewd obscene words. Her humiliation
and degradation were now complete! She had let herself lose control
over all she knew was right, and she wished she were dead. Never again
would she know the innocence that had still been hers only this
morning. She was an adulterous whore now, she was lost! The bitter
words bored into her mind---whore, whore!

There was no hope, nothing mattered but that huge fleshy shaft buried
deep up inside her adulterous vagina. Well if that's the way it had to
be she would accept it, surrender herself to it and let it bring from
her the pleasures she had denied herself all her life. Just like the
whore she now was!

Bill Reagan sensed the loss of the last remaining ounce of resistance
and self-respect left in his victim's soul. Clamping his wet lips
suddenly right down over her mouth he began a slow rocking motion
between her widespread thighs. He could feel her tight narrow pussy
passage widening slightly with each short smooth stroke, and he knew it
shouldn't take long now to turn this innocent young bride into a raw
squealing mass of helpless desire. He had sensed this by the way she
had responded to Hector's tongue. This little bitch might think she was
a sweet conservative wife, faithful to her husband, but underneath all
that sexual conservatism Reagan had detected a latent hot streak that
had just never been turned on before. Well, he'd turn it on today and
he could think of nothing better than to have a sexy little bitch like
this in the neighborhood so that he could sneak over and grab a piece
whenever he got the urge.

Jill's body began to involuntarily react. There was no longer any
reason to fight the lewd flames of desire coursing through her veins,
the battle had already been lost, and even the humiliating thought of
her total surrender sent perverse chills running along the base of her
spine as she felt the slow rhythm of Bill Reagan's long thick cock
skewering wetly up into her flowering cuntal flesh. Her whole body
nakedly twitched and writhed beneath him, and she groaned incessantly
up into the moistness of his mouth, shoving her tongue with sudden
abandon deep into his throat. Low hums of passionate servile acceptance
spilled from her in torrents as her face contorted with passion, mouth
working, neck straining, nostrils flared, a light sweat breaking out on
her forehead under the now disheveled blonde hair.

Reagan slipped his hands down her sides and slid them under the naked
globes of her sensuously moving buttocks, digging his fingers harshly
into the soft warm flesh. He remembered with lust-inciting clarity the
tight shorts she had worn so often out in the front yard as well as the
thoughts he had had of holding her like this, and the realization that
her beautiful little ass-cheeks were now his to do with as he wished
drove him to greater frenzy. Her pumping young buttocks were flexing
and unflexing, jerking under his fingers as he pressed cruelly into
them. With a groan the big man pulled the moaning young wife harder up
into Ws loins and felt her thighs open a little more in response, her
moist cunt flowering open to receive his pistoning cock deeper and
deeper up inside her belly.

The abandoned young housewife realized the pain was gone now, and her
legs on either side of the madly impaling shaft were jerking and
quivering in uncontrolled abandon. She kept her eyes closed and worked
her wet tongue up into Reagan's mouth, all the while mewling soft
sounds of velvety pleasure. In her neck and thighs the tendons stood
out hard and tense as she writhed in complete wantonness beneath her
tormentor, nothing in her mind but the delicious sensation of lying
beneath this stranger who was fucking her against her will ... and now
she wanted to give back to him the same pleasure he was giving her.

Slaving above her, Reagan moved suddenly into longer smoother strokes
that brought his rigidly pulsating cock almost all the way out of her
tight clasping vagina on the out-stroke. Then he began thrusting
forward into her eagerly uplifted buttocks until he could feel his
balls slap harshly against her unprotected anus. To cause the young
wife further humiliation, Reagan slid his hand down over her
frantically pumping buttocks, searching for her tiny puckered anus
cradled so invitingly below. He found its muscular warmth and could
feel the puckering little anal mouth working rhythmically with the
movements of her buttocks as they pushed up against his loins. With a
quick jab of his outstretched finger the cruel rapist pushed in hard,
feeling the rubbery flesh yield before his attack.

"Ooooooh, the surprised girl gasped, the sound tumbling from her lips
in painful protest. Reagan thrust harder, taking pleasure in her sounds
of pain.

"Ooooooooooohhh! She groaned louder this time at the further outrage
against her defenseless rectum, but there was no respite. Reagan worked
his finger around inside, stretching her hot spongy flesh wider and
wider as he ground into her. He inserted another finger and felt the
last resistance give way as he rammed his extended fingers into the
soft warm depths, listening with delight as the twisting girl's sharp
cries of pain slowed into gentle whimpers. Gradually she began to moan
with pleasure as her anus slowly became accustomed to the unnatural

Reagan smiled triumphantly into her wetly sucking mouth as lie felt the
now delirious young wife begin tentatively screwing her buttocks back
onto his fingers while he probed around inside her tight rectal
opening. She was now hopelessly impaled between his massive throbbing
cock in her vagina and the two fingers shoved tightly into her rectum.
Mewling beneath him, she began twisting and squealing in utter abandon
under the double ravishment of her loins.

The sweating Reagan slid his other hand up from Jill's pumping buttocks
to the point where his lust-thickened cock was fucking wetly in and out
of her tight young pussy to feel her soft hair-lined folds of flesh
clinging to his pistoning hardness. He fondled and played with her
moistly quivering pussy-lips without slowing his jackhammer strokes,
while he brought wilder moans of abandoned sensation from her passion-
twisted lips. He was almost going out of his mind now at the feet of
her widening vaginal passage flowering in greedy desire as her hot
little cunt tried to swallow the whole of his long thick hardness.

The sweating Reagan quickened his thrusts while the girl's sex-maddened
body undulated wildly beneath him, making each new stroke hot and
pulsating and deep. She was getting ready to cum, there was no doubt
about it as her legs jerked up on either side of him, her back
beginning to arch. With a wet popping sound he ripped Ms fingers from
her rectum and put his hands behind her knees, forcing them up and over
so that her kneecaps were pressed tightly down into the mattress on
either side of her head, rolling her into a helpless ball of primordial
lust. Her wide-stretched young pussy was completely open to him now as
his pile-driving loins smacked brutally into her hot fleshy slit.

"Oh, oh, oh," the wild-eyed blonde wife chanted rhythmically beneath
him, her face contorted in an unrecognizable mask of completely'
abandoned passion. Muttering obscenities, the laboring Reagan quickened
his stroke, grinding hard and deep, boring far up into her secret
hidden recesses, searching out the most secret comers of her womb. Her
large fleshy breasts below heaved and quivered and their tiny hardened
nipples seemed so elongated now they looked as if they were about to
pop from her flesh.

Suddenly the nakedly moaning young bride shivered under him! He. looked
down and saw her glazed eyes open in a, blind, frightened, half-
comprehending stare.

"Oh God," she shrieked. "Oh God! I'm cumming ... cumming ...

And then he felt her wildly twitching cunt open up and a warm wet flood
gush out around his pistoning cock. Reagan thrust faster, digging deep,
deep up inside her rippling belly, wanting her to remember this all her
life. Bucking madly, the wailing girl jerked up towards him several
times, her cuntal lips nibbling and sucking at his thick pistoning
penis as if she were trying to milk him dry. This added stimulation
drove Reagan to new heights of passion, and he made one last desperate
thrust into the mass of convulsing pussy flesh beneath him. Suddenly he
felt an explosion deep in his drum-tight balls as a burning stream of
molten sperm shot madly the length of his madly jerking cock, jetting
wetly far up into her quivering cuntal passage. Their combined juices
mingled lewdly for a moment far up inside her womb and then gushed out
white and thick around the base of his still ejaculating penis.

Jill shuddered one last time, lost in the joy of her first orgasm,
feeling as if she had been rocketed to some fabulous new universe, all
shooting stars and fiery suns. She hung in this magic land for a moment
and then went suddenly limp, her legs splaying obscenely out on either
side of Reagan's still pumping form. The ecstatic young housewife's
naked body was beaten and bruised as it had never been before, but she
felt complete, satiated, a whole woman at last. For long moments she
lay in her private paradise until her bubble was burst by Reagan's
smirking comment.

"Ya like it, baby?"

With a sickening wrench Jill remembered where she was and who was lying
on top of her, his thick penis still buried deep up inside her gently
palpitating vagina. A feeling of nausea came over her as she realized
what a disgusting picture she must make with her legs obscenely spread
and her breasts smashed flat by the heavy weight that lay upon her like
a smothering stone. She had been fucked and fucked good, just as he had
said she would be, but right now all the exhausted young woman wanted
was to be left alone with this crude creature out of her house so that
she could try to find some way to come to terms with her own
reawakening conscience.

"Yes, Mr. Reagan," she said coldly. "I liked it. Now please go, I think
you have everything from me you wanted."

"Why, is that any way to talk to a neighbor and bedmate?" Reagan
mocked. Nevertheless, he rolled heavily from her aching body, his limp
depleted cock slithering wetly with an obscene popping noise from her
forever stretched cunt. The humiliated young woman lay silently, not
even attempting to cover her nakedness as her ravisher slowly pulled
his clothes back on. Finally he was ready, and he turned to his dog.

"Come on, Hector," he called. "I think we've about wore out our welcome
here," and he laughed raucously as he started towards the door.

"Wait a moment," Jill cried out, propping herself up on her elbows, her
legs still lewdly open. "What about the pictures? You said you would
give them to me."

"Oh, no, baby, I only said I wouldn't take them down to your beloved
husband's boss, not today anyway. And just to play fair with you, if I
ever do get an urge to go see the old goat, I'll stop over to see you
first. Who knows, maybe we'll be able to make another deal."

The shocked young housewife lay there in disbelieving horror. Had it
all been for nothing, this obscene abuse of her body? Would this
horrible man use the threat of those pictures to force her to give in
to his depravities again and again? In her despair she was unable to
say another word as Reagan walked jauntily out the bedroom door giving
her one last mocking wave of his brawny arm. Hector followed
reluctantly, turning his big head once in the doorway to look longingly
at the naked girl stretched out in unwanting provocation on the bed.

Chapter 6

Jill lay there for nearly an hour, letting her mind slowly sort itself
out, not wanting to rush her thoughts. Never having been so aroused or
climaxed before in her life, the satiated young blonde was amazed that
it took so long for her body to come completely down from such a high
plateau of sexual stimulation. For nearly a half hour she felt little
tremors and quivers of left-over passion deep up inside her plundered
genitals and her warmly tingling breasts were still swollen and tender.
Eventually a strange lassitude crept over her and she almost fell

It was only by exerting all of her will power that the tired young
blonde forced herself back to full consciousness, knowing she had a lot
to straighten out. The decisions she made in the next hour undoubtedly
would have an enormous effect on the entire rest of her life.

Strange how clear her mind was. There was no lingering horror in her
mind of the events of the last couple of hours, just a touch of disgust
at Reagan's crudeness. She'd been fucked! Yes, fucked! It was possible
to use the word now without the revulsion it had previously kindled in
her. She'd been fucked---she'd responded she'd cum! She was just like
the rest of womankind, no longer in her special little world.

In a kind of detached awe Jill's mind returned to the incredible
sensations she had experienced in her passion, the experiences Bob had
promised her but that she had never had the courage to reach out for.
Well, no wonder, she thought, it was like blowing up a dam and letting
out the raging flood waters, or touching off the trigger of a bomb. A
lot of destruction could be released along with the passion. How much
easier and simpler life was without letting oneself be buffeted and
tossed by the incredible waves of hunger and longing and lust that she
had just been through.

Or was it easier? Jill thought to herself, her arms locked behind her
blonde head, her eyes staring thoughtfully up at the ceiling. A
tingling feeling in her breath made her conscious that they were being
pulled tautly upwards and she let herself like it. Hadn't this
savagery---this wantonness---been locked up in her all the time,
seething just below the surface, the tenseness growing in her as the
pressure built and built over the years. The only way to hold that
waiting explosion in was to grow a thicker and thicker shell, like some
of the tight, bitter old maids she had met. No, it was obviously better
to let it all out, Jill thought, but God, not with Reagan! And his dog!
If it could only have been her beloved Bob instead of her gross
neighbor who had finally had her twisting and groveling and begging for
more beneath his massive cock.

Yes, the young blonde thought to herself unhappily, that was the thing
that really bothered her; her infidelity to her husband, the fact that
she had given to another man something she had never given the man she
married her completely abandoned self. It didn't even matter that she
had been indirectly forced into her unfaithful act by Bob sleeping with
Reagan's niece. It was her own lack of loving response to her husband
that had driven him to another woman, and Jill knew she would never
quite forgive herself. But she would try to make it up to him, she
vowed. She would be the wife he bad always dreamed of and do her best
to enrich his life, for now she had something new to give him. Her
sensuality! It hadn't really existed before today, but now she knew she
would never be the same again. She was a different person, a whole
person, and could never imagine falling back into the old safe, dead
life she had lived so long.

It occurred to the newly liberated young woman that she still probably
had a lot to learn about her new awareness of sex and the first thing
to do was to see what condition her equipment was in. Reagan had given
her an awful pounding with that huge weapon of his, and she could not
repress a little shiver from running over her flesh at the excitingly
vile memory.

"Oww," Jill said as her fingers probed experimentally at her slightly
swollen cuntal lips. She was a little more careful the next time, and
found to her satisfaction that nothing seemed to be tom, just a little
sore and tender. But her whole pussy area up between her legs was wet
and slippery with Reagan's lewd sperm, so the young blonde got shakily
to her feet and went into the bathroom to wash it off, thinking that if
it were Bob's cum she would leave it on and let it soak its love-filled
potency deep into her body.

When she came out of the bathroom, the bemused young woman put her
bathrobe on over her naked body, but didn't bother to tie it shut. She
wandered around the house for some time, not thinking of anything in
particular, until she became aware of the slight stimulation that crept
up from her newly awakened loins as her thighs rubbed lightly together
with each step. She continued to walk, but now was fully conscious of
the delicious feelings stealing over her, radiating out from that hot
little center up between her legs until it felt as if she had a big
ball of warmth inside her belly.

The young blonde bride had to sit down. She was feeling a little weak
and her legs were shaking so she lay back in the chair, her breathing
ragged, her legs straight out in front of her. Then she bent her neck
to look down and at the same time she opened her trembling thighs so
that the thin robe fell softly away from her loins, exposing her pubic
mound to her fascinated gaze. Almost of their own volition her hands
slid down over her smoothly rounded lower belly and her fingers crept
in to gently part her sparse blonde pussy hair. She gasped as her
fingers touched her wetly throbbing cunt, that secret part of her from
which had radiated so much incredible pleasure only hours before.

The slightly panting young woman placed the edge of each of her hands
against the outside of her cuntal lips and began to squeeze the two
scarlet ribbons of flesh tightly together, and then to rub them lewdly
up and down against one another. Tiny drops of lubricating fluid were
squeezed from between the moistly trembling swelling as Jill watched
fascinated, great waves of warm pleasure washing over her, as much from
the lewd sight as from the pressure.

God, she had never done anything as wicked as this before in her life,
the excited young blonde thought. But now she had the perfect
justification. It had not been her fault that her carefully controlled
passions had been suddenly stirred into full-blown life. She had been
forced, raped really---changed against her will---so that now she could
feel a certain guiltlessness about reveling in the erotic pleasures
that could come from her shamelessly aroused body.

Jill experimentally inserted her extended middle finger inside the
tight cuntal lips and ran it slowly up and down the hotly liquid slit,
finally stopping to press firmly on her tiny protruding clitoris.

"Aaaaaahhhh," the dazed young blonde could not help gasping out at the
pleasurable shock of her own touch. Her finger began to move more
quickly now, madly circling her clitoris, sliding wetly up and down the
burning slit between her widespread thighs, trembling occasionally at
the petal-shaped entrance to her waiting vagina. Oh God, she thought,
her mind just a collection of disconnected flickering images, she was
just about to do this expressly forbidden thing, she would finger fuck
herself until She came ... until she experienced again that incredible
internal explosion she had known for the first time this very
afternoon. Yes, it was time to get to know her ripened body---train it
so that it would be ready for her beloved husband, Bob. She ...

The now hoarsely gasping young wife froze in her chair, her hand
motionless. Had she heard a noise? She listened intently for a moment
but all was silent, so once again her head fell back wantonly against
the chair, her nakedly rounded buttocks resting of the forward edge,
her long shapely legs spread in a rigid "vee". The outstretched finger
of her right hand resumed making lewd sucking sounds as it slid wetly
around inside her passion-soaked cunt. Then she froze again. It was a
noise at the front door. A steady scratching sound accompanied by a low
whining! For several seconds the aroused young woman remained lying
back in the chair, her body demanding that she finger herself to
completion. Then an incredible thought was born in her mind, and she
stood up, letting her finger slide from her eagerly pulsing pussy and
tightening the robe around her body before moving towards the door. The
sounds from outside were louder now, and the still trembling blonde
hesitated a moment with her hand on the knob, fearful of what she might
find there. She swung the door open.

It was Hector.

Chapter 7

When Reagan walked out Jill's front door he was feeling on top of the
world. His shoulders were back, his arms swinging jauntily, his lips
whistling a happy tune. He had just won at his favorite sport;
seduction, or to be more exact, semi-rape. In contrast to his confident
swagger, Hector, his big German shepherd was a picture of dejection as
he trailed reluctantly after the big man. This afternoon had brought
some shocks for the beautiful animal. His master had first encouraged
him to begin a sexual act with a woman and then had pulled him away in
the middle of it. And to cap it off, the man he had followed faithfully
for years had kicked him. Resentment battled with duty and training in
the dog's confused mind while he followed his master as he had always
been expected to do. Only this time the now wary animal was careful to
keep out of the way of his boot.

"Mae! Mae, where the fuck are you?" Reagan roared as he slammed the
front door of his house behind him. It was a moment before his sultry
dark-haired niece appeared from a back room and stood silently waiting
to see what her hated uncle had to say.

"You can take that Rumplestiltskin crap of yours and stuff it up your
ass," the big man roared happily. "My name is still Bill Reagan. I gave
that snotty little bitch across the street the screwing of her life."

"How nice for you both," Mae said acidly. She would never forgive her
uncle for the brutal manner in which he had pried information from her
about her evening with Bob Andersen, that "snotty little bitch's"

"What's this?" Reagan asked, his brows raising in mock surprise. "Do I
detect a tone of jealousy in your wise-ass reply. Well let me tell you
something, little niece, you got something to be jealous of. Maybe I
should send you over to take some lessons." The black haired beauty
said nothing in return, and Reagan swept on into the living room and
flopped wearily down into a chair.

"Whew, getting a little old, I guess. That wild piece of tail took a
lot out of me. Maybe I need a drink. Make me one, Mae," he ordered pre-
emptorily. Still without a word Mae walked over to the bar to do his
bidding, knowing better than to annoy her brutal uncle.

"Maybe you should draw a bath for me too, while you're on your feet.
The hot water'll relax the old bones, and then maybe later I'll fuck
you, just for the sake of comparison." Reagan looked lasciviously over
at his beautiful niece, thinking how nice it would be to have both
these lovely women in the same day. They were now both his helpless
slaves, his to violate whenever he wished.

While Mae was drawing Reagan's bath, Hector went over behind the couch
and lay down, his head stretched out on his forepaws. His troubled
canine eyes stared emptily into space as disturbing images of the
exciting taste, smell and sight of the nakedly writhing female across
the street flickered through his mind. The big dog had mounted a lot of
women in the past, enough to know what he had missed, and he greatly
resented being pulled so rudely away from the passionately aroused
young blonde. The handsome animal kept nervously changing his position,
glancing over from time to time to where his master was lounging back
in an easy chair enjoying his drink. Like any human, the loyal animal
felt guilty about his subversive thoughts.

"Your bath is ready, oh master," Mae said coldly as she came back into
the room.

"About time," Reagan said good-humoredly as he got to his feet and
stretched mightily, his joints cracking. "Make me another drink and
bring it into the bathroom, okay?" He walked regally toward the hall,
heading for the bathroom, and cruelly pinched one of Mae's breasts as
he went by. Her face turned red with rage and hatred behind his back,
and she found herself wishing she had put acid in the bath water. The
seething young girl went back to the bar and mixed her uncle another
drink. It took her a moment to get herself enough under control so that
she would be able to take it to him without throwing it in his face.

As Mae's footsteps faded away down the hall, Hector found himself alone
and, for the first time in his life, he began to think of disobeying
his master. The big dog got up and paced nervously around the empty
room, his nails clicking sharply against the hardwood, vaguely aware of
an irritable burning in his unfulfilled hairy loins that fired his
natural instincts and impelled his animal thoughts across the street to
the female he remembered lying nakedly on the bed. He looked up
quickly, guilt flooding his eyes as he heard someone come back in the
room, but it was only Mae.

"Hello, beautiful," Mae crooned softly as she came up to the animal she
loved so much. It was not often she had the chance to be alone with
him, so she knelt down and put her arms around Hector's powerful neck
and kissed him lovingly on the head. Hector's tongue shot out and
licked Mae's face in response, his big heart overflowing with love. He
had mated with Mae many times at Reagan's orders and might naturally
have been expected to transfer his yearnings to her, but his mind was
now on a single track. He wanted to finish what he had started with the
soft sweet-smelling human female across the street so he moved away
from Mae and headed for the front door.

"What is it, baby?" Mae asked in surprise. She got to her feet and
followed the restless German shepherd into the entrance hall. He turned
his handsome head pleadingly toward her and then scratched at the door
with one paw, whining for attention at the same time.

"You want out?" Mae asked in surprise. This was the first time she had
ever seen Hector want to leave the house without Reagan. "No, no, baby,
that sonofabitch master of yours wouldn't like it if you went out
alone." Her words only made the dog scratch harder at the door and
whine more pleadingly. Mae was about to order him back into the living
room when she became curious. Just why did he want out anyhow? On an
impulse she suddenly opened the front door and without hesitation
Hector pranced quickly outside and headed across the street, not
looking back once.

Mae closed the front door and went to the window, the same one from
which Reagan had been watching the innocent young bride just yesterday
morning. She watched as Hector went up to the front door of the
Anderson's house and began scratching furiously at the wooden panel. It
looked for some time as if no one was going to answer, but then she saw
the door swing open. Jill Anderson was standing inside, wrapped tightly
in a housecoat. The young housewife looked down in surprise when she
saw the big dog and seemed to hesitate a moment, but she finally
stepped aside to let the animal in and closed the door behind him.

Mae sucked in a deep breath and bit her lip anger, fear, jealousy, and
love all battling to take possession of her. She could hear her uncle
humming to himself contentedly in the bathroom, and a thoughtful look
came into her eyes. He would be out of the way for some time so she let
the curtain fall back into place and headed for the front door herself.
In a moment she was outside, heading for the house across the street.

* * *

"Well, uh ... hello Mr. Hector," Jill said lamely as she looked down at
the big dog standing in front of her. "Very nice of you to come over
and see me. I'm sorry that I'm not better dressed ..." She let her
voice fade away, tired of the game she was playing. The lovely young
blonde reached out a cautious hand and petted the huge animal
experimentally on the head. Immediately he moved closer to her,
standing on his hind legs, his front paws on her breast and before she
realized his intention his warm moist tongue quickly darted out to
brush hotly against her lips. In a natural reaction Jill drew back,
surprised but not repelled, the loving wet contact sending deeply into
the wide brown eyes, taking his handsome head between her hands. He had
kissed her and he knew it!

Jill couldn't move and again the dog kissed her, and then he whimpered,
an almost pleading sound. The young blonde jumped back, in shocked
awareness that she had come within an inch of returning the animal's
kiss! Damn, what was the matter with her, she thought wildly and again
the dog whined, sensing the heat kindling in her belly and loins.

"Oh, Hector ... Hector ... what am I going to do with you?" the shaken
young wife asked in bewilderment, but she was not fooling herself. What
had she been doing when she let the dog in anyhow? And wasn't it her
memories of that big hot tongue that had helped her to decide to open
the door? Christ, she was about to explode inside; she couldn't think.
What she needed was a drink before completely losing her wits!

Hector watched the young woman's every trembling move as she headed for
the bar, never straying too far from her side, his stimulated senses
picking up her want and need. He could smell the piquant aroma of fluid
heat from her human beauty just as he had tasted it on her mouth. He
wanted to move towards her but the big animal was confused, always
accustomed to having his master give him the orders when it was time to
mate with humans.

Jill refused to sit down and he stalked her like a shadow, sometimes
getting close enough to brush against her, but she would slip away.
Many times she refilled her glass and drained it, her soft warm body
quivering when he crowded against her. She began to speak to him in a
gentle crooning voice and her female sexual aura grew stronger and
stronger until he knew a powerful throbbing in his heated flanks. And
then finally she sat down, drawing his eager head into her lap so that
the hot spicy fragrance rising from up between her warm resilient legs
saturated his trained animal in senses.

"Oh, you rotten seducer," Jill moaned, cradling the big head. He almost
seemed more than a dog, there was something so almost elegantly human
about his maleness! He enchanted her and she knew why ... rank lust
gleamed in his rounded animal eyes!

"You want to make an animal out of me too, don't you? You want to
finish what you started this morning ... and ... and God help me, so do
I!" The young housewife's brain swam from the liquor, but her sensual
excitement burned on undiminished. Oh, God, nothing could lessen that
... only to have a male bring her to completion. And the only male
present was ...

Jill twisted in her seat, absolutely aflame with desire, a total
seething wetness between her legs. And worst of all she knew Hector
sensed it and was merely waiting ...

"Oooooohhh ..." she moaned aloud, once more pushing the dog away and
getting to her feet. She needed another drink and she walked unsteadily
to the bar.

"Would you like a drink, Mr. Hector," she asked with an insane little
giggle. "What's that? You don't drink? Oh, what a shame," she
continued. "But perhaps you would like to come into the bedroom and let
me show you my etchings ... Mr. Hector ..." Her voice died away on a
strangled note and the tortured young blonde walked swiftly towards the
bedroom, not even looking downwards at the dog who followed anxiously
on her heels.

The huge German shepherd instinctively discerned the pretty young
blonde woman's anxiety, but then he too was unsettled, not knowing what
he was supposed to do. He followed her into the bedroom and sat on his
haunches watching her as she feverishly began to strip away her
clothing. She had stopped speaking to him, and she made herself naked
before him as if he did not exist until the radiant whiteness of her
human female body was completely exposed, the rounded lush curves
causing the big animal to wait with pantingly open jaws. He saw in her
female beauty all the hidden secrets he had come to know with the
others, and his trained eyes riveted on the sparse golden triangle
partially hiding that hot little crevice he remembered from earlier in
the day.

Jill lay down tremblingly on the bed, wondering if she might go
completely out of her mind from the feverish sensations raging within
that seething fluid channel up between her legs. She lay back, panting,
her trembling thighs spread partially open, her fingertips tracing up
over her rib cage to her full tingling breasts until they found the
small hardened pink nipples and fiercely fondled them. All the while
her eyes searched the burning ones of the dog waiting and whining at
the foot of the bed.

Hector felt a throbbing quiver in his powerful loins, transmitted to
him by the torrid craving in Jill's eyes. His heart pounded in his
broad chest, and he wondered why she made him wait ...

"Now, lover ... come up here to me!" Jill said with a trembling voice.
"Come up here and love me ..."

In one effortless leap Hector was on the bed, poised like a statue as
he looked down at the anxiously waiting woman, ardently surveying her
exposed nakedness, and then he lowered his head towards his long-sought
goal. Jill heard his animalistic little whine and felt his cool wet
nose brushed against the flame-filled flesh of her inner thighs.

"Oh... Oh God!" she moaned and lifted her hips up toward the big dog.
He whimpered again as he sniffed, and in near frantic passion she
opened her legs wider, unable to keep back the sudden gasp as she felt
his damp nose move lower and brush wetly against her sensitive little

"Aaaaaaaaggghhh!" she blurted the moment that irresistible tongue shot
deep up between her widely spread buttocks to lick excitingly up and
down the smooth fleshy split around her anal mouth. The blonde young
housewife lost track of time as the blissful titillation went on down
between her thighs, knowing only that she never wanted that rapturous
animal tongue to stop. She felt the wet searing lickings move up over
her pulsating cuntal lips, tracing the thin hair-lined edges until they
lapped wetly over her hotly tremoring clitoris. Again and again he did
it, his fire-filled tongue spreading through her softly yielding cuntal
flesh like a knife through soft butter. The tongue lapped on and on, at
last lunging in a darting curl far up into her deliriously craving
vaginal mouth! The lust-crazed girl moaned, spasming with ecstasy
beneath the oral loving, her liquor-hazed eyes lustfully feeding on the
incredibly obscene spectacle taking place between her widespread thighs

Oooooohhh ... she would cum a dozen times, the lewdly sprawled young
housewife giddily moaned, the long thick tongue sending incredible
sensations throughout her hotly smoldering nakedness. Her gasping mewls
increased as again and again the scorching wet tongue eagerly grazed
through and over her quiveringly upraised loins, from her tightly
puckered little anus upward through her moistly glistening pussy
crevice and at its peak stabbing in through the heated outer flesh to
flick maddeningly at her tiny palpitating clitoris, fanning the growing
flames inside her like a bellows.

How long it went on without letup Jill in her erotic intoxication did
not know, caring only that it continue as the heavenly tongue licked on
and on, causing her to whimper and squirm beneath it.

"Next hell want to fuck you, you know," the unexpected female voice
rang out.

Jill froze in shock, her whole body going rigid. Her eyes had been
closed for the last five minutes and had not noticed the bedroom door
slowly open. She searched wildly about the room until her gaze came to
rest on a dark-haired young woman leaning nonchalantly against the
wall, her arms folded over her chest. It took the amazed young
housewife a moment to recognize the intruder.

It was Mae, Reagan's niece, the woman who had seduced her husband!

With a shriek of shame and fear Jill tried desperately to pull the edge
of the bedspread up over her shamefully naked body but succeeded only
in coveting half. of herself, leaving her left breast and thigh
exposed. Hector too had not noticed Mae's entrance, his normally keen
senses focused entirely on the task before him, but now he hopped down
from the bed and went to Mae's side, nuzzling her hand affectionately.

"W-What are you doing in here?" Jill asked haltingly.

"I saw the dog coming over here and I thought ... well, I knew what
that meant."

Jill colored at the words, totally humiliated at being caught in the
middle of her perverse act. Mae came closer to the bed.

"Hector is my only real lover, you. know, and I thought it might put us
on a little more equal footing. I took your male and you took mine. But
it's just a loan."

"Yes," Jill said in sudden anger, "You seduced my husband! You helped
force me into this ..."

"I was forced myself, on the orders of my uncle, and he can be very
persuasive. I think you had the chance to get to know him a little

Jill blushed again at Mae's words, having almost forgotten in her
passion of the last couple of hours how horribly this day had begun.
She watched Mae with a little less hostility as the dark-haired woman
came closer and finally sat on the edge of the bed next to her.

"You know, we're all in my uncle's power, and that's what he lives for.
He has those photographs to control your husband and you---he has the
dog to control me. And did you know, that's my house he's living in
across the street. It was my mother's before she died, and she left it
to me, but he's taken it over like everything else I have ... even my

Then she added, "I'm sorry I had to be part of the trap you fell into,
but I'm not sorry about sleeping with your husband. It was a beautiful

A twinge of jealousy shot through Jill, but she reasoned that she had
better be careful about throwing stones. Already in one day she had
made passionate love to a relative stranger and had been lying babbling
in insane pleasure under the lingual caresses of a dog!

"What do you mean, your uncle controls you with the dog," Jill asked,
wanting to change the subject.

"Because the dog is my lover, as I said before. My uncle only lets me
have Hector when I've done something that pleases him." Mae let her
smoky eyes move over the younger girl's half-covered body. "You're very
beautiful," she said simply. "Why don't you let your husband make love
to you?" And her hand reached out and settled gently on Jill's naked
left breast. The startled blonde could not keep from sharply drawing in
her breath at the unexpected tingling contact, and she was reminded by
the strength of the erotic signals running through her just how close
she had been to having an orgasm, only seconds before Mae's arrival. If
this woman had not come in, she would have known the second orgasm of
her life. Now ...

"I ... That's all changed now," she said hurriedly. "I was wrong
before, and I'm going to make it up to Bob. Something strange happened
to me today ..." she waved her hand weakly towards the dog, wondering
why she made no move to push Mae's tantalizing fingers from her breast
where they were now sliding gently over her hardening nipples.

"Yes," the dark-haired beauty said, "for all his brutality my uncle has
a way of bringing out the hidden passions in a woman's body, or maybe
it's just precisely because of that ... his brutality. Did you let
Hector fuck you yet?" she suddenly asked.

"Fucked ..." Jill stumbled over the lewd word. "You mean he ..." she
asked hesitantly.

"Just like a man, only better. And have you ever made love to a woman?"
Jill was vaguely aware that her beautiful neighbor was leaning closer
to her and that her hand was bringing sharp flashes of pleasure from
her swollen breasts. What was it about this strange person that seemed
to confuse her thoughts and make her so wildly aware of her own body?
Perhaps it had something to do with the slow steady hypnotic way she
spoke and the dark sultry depths of her eyes. No wonder Bob had
succumbed, she thought to herself in rising helpless panic.

"No," she answered weakly, "I've never made love to a dog, and I've
never made love to a woman." Her only answer was a knowing warm smile
from Mae that made the younger girl feel as if her insides had melted,
but melted in fire. She had never been so aroused in her life, and a
part of her mind sensed that if she had not been on the verge of
reaching her climax from Hector's licking she would probably tell this
lovely creature that, no thank you, she didn't want any of what she was
selling. But instead she lay on the bed breathing raggedly, watching
the older woman as she slowly stood up and reached behind her to unzip
the light dress she was wearing. It fell to the floor with a whisper
and Jill saw that she had been wearing nothing underneath. A gasp came
from the young blonde's lips as she saw unveiled for the first time the
dark naked beauty of her voluptuous neighbor.

"Before today is over you'll know it all," Mae said lovingly,
soothingly. "You'll know all about dogs and all about women."

"Oooooooh, Mae," Jill whimpered, more and more aware of the raging fire
in her unfulfilled loins. She made no objection as the darkly beautiful
woman lay down next to her, but to Jill's inexperienced surprise, Mae
positioned herself with her head at the opposite end of the bed so that
her face was opposite Jill's wetly throbbing vagina and her own loins
lay only about a foot and a half from the young wife's desire-misted
eyes. Oh God, Jill thought tremblingly, this exciting creature must be
getting ready to lick my pussy, just as Hector did, and does that mean
that I'll have to do the same for her? Jill wet her lips in horrified
fascination as she looked over at the voluptuously naked female body
lying full length next to hers.

Hector too watched intently. He had gone to the corner of the room when
Mae had come in, wondering if she were here to punish him for his
disobedience to his master. But no, she had never been the one to
punish him, and the big dog soon forgot his fears as his interests
quickly became aroused by the sound of heavy breathing coming from the
two naked women on the big bed. They lay on their sides facing one
another, but now he could see the smaller blonde one raise her top leg,
bending it at the knee with her foot resting on the mattress so that he
could clearly make out her blonde-fringed vaginal slit. And then the
dark-haired woman he knew so well gently slid her hand down between
those open legs and her fingers worked gently into that wetly heated
slit. They played there for a moment before she withdrew them, and then
her lovely face slowly lowered to the other girl's wetly shining pussy
crevice where he had been licking moments before.

Mae had made love to women many times in her life, usually forced into
it by Reagan as he watched in voyeuristic enjoyment, but this time it
was different. Mae didn't know just what it was that drew her to the
innocent young housewife lying tremblingly next to her, but she had a
tremendous desire to give her pleasure. Perhaps it was her shining
blonde beauty, perhaps it was the memory of the passionate evening she
had spent with the other girl's husband, perhaps it had something to do
with the wildly erotic scene that she had walked into just a few
minutes ago. Whatever it was, she could never recall ever wanting to
taste and love a pussy this much. Her eyes feasted on the narrow pink
ribbon of flesh between Jill's blonde-fringed cunt-lips and she rested
her cheek on the hot trembling flesh of her neighbor's satin thigh,
close enough for her lips and nose to be tickled by the wispy silken
strands curling of pussy hair so invitingly outward. They were all in
this together, she, Jill, and her young husband, and even Hector. All
victims of her uncle, all locked together now in a sinister ring of
shared sexual pleasure.

All this while, utterly lewd salacious sensations charged through
Jill's naked body, her belly and cunt seething with lustful desire. Oh,
this beautiful woman, this lovely creature was going to lick the
burning need from her pussy! The young blonde had never in her life
dared think of engaging in such an act; being made love to by another
girl. It was lesbianism ... yes, that's what it was---contrary to
everything she'd ever believed ... sinful, yet she wanted it. Yes, she
wanted it and had to have it!

The golden-haired wife watched with intoxicated amazement as that
lovely dark head nestled lovingly deep down between her widespread
thighs and then, yes ... ! She was nearly overcome with the incredibly
erotic tremors that rippled through her vibrant young body as the wet
magic contact of Mae's experienced tongue made its first searing
contact with her seething cunt-lips. The older woman began to lick in
long rushing strokes, all the way from the bottom of her vaginal
crevice to the top, not entering but causing Jill to thrust her loins
eagerly forward with each tantalizing caress against her wildly
sensitive pussy.

Mae's own feverish loins began to come alive with impish tongues of
lustful flame as she hungrily pressed her lips deeper into the warm
succulent pussy flesh of the squirming young wife. Immediately her
mouth became open and hot, all stabbing tongue, as it invaded the
smoldering liquid flesh beneath. Ardently her eager tongue lashed out
at the tiny erect clitoris, then back down again, darting everywhere
inside Jill's hotly writhing pussy. The young blonde's delirious moans
of happiness and lurid wet sluicing sounds filled the room as hot
vaginal secretions mixed with Mae's saliva.

Jill moaned and squirmed to the rapturous mouthing of her burning cunt,
ripples of fantastic sensation spasmodically twitching her tautly
curved body. Panting explosively, the passion-wracked young blonde
spread her legs open as wide as possible and thrust her steaming loins
lewdly forward to bring the magic tongue tighter into her wide-splayed
cuntal mouth. She could hear Mae's answering gasps under her, sucking
the air in short surges, but never breaking the fervent contact of her
fervent lips and tongue. Even her nose was buried ... immersed in the
tight pink folds of her lover's pussy. After the wonderful tonguing
Jill had received less than a half-hour before from Hector, it didn't
take the moaning young housewife long to reach the very pinnacle of her
sexual excitement. Suddenly a white hot spark of flame was triggered in
her convulsing belly and screaming loins!

"Ooooohhh ... ooooohhh, Maeeeeee! I'm ... I'm cccuuumminnnggg ...!"

The beautiful young wife's voice trailed off in a choking whine
somewhere between a sob and a sigh, then broke out once again into a
thin high pitched wail as ecstasy deluged her nakedly spasming body.
Intense sensations swept through the flailing girl's body as she
writhed in the throes of sweet agony, jerking and tremoring. But she
never lost contact with that open sucking mouth glued so tightly to her
climaxing cunt, and the flickering tongue continued to play over her
frenetically tremoring clitoris, sending waves of electric delights
flashing towards her swooning brain. On and on, the two beautiful women
writhed together in a hot naked embrace, oblivious of everything but
their own ecstasy, oblivious even to the pair of human eyes staring
awe-struck through the bedroom window.

Not even the dog noticed.

Chapter 8

Holy Christ, Bill Reagan muttered to himself. He was bent over by the
side of the Andersen house peering in at a point where the curtains to
the bedroom window did not quite meet, his eyes glued to the lewd
spectacle of his niece and the hot little Andersen bitch writhing
together in lesbian ecstasy. Despite a lifetime devoted to lechery, the
big man had never seen two women go at it with quite this much energy
and he might have remained at the window watching to the end if a evil
idea hadn't suddenly popped up in his cruel mind.

Reagan straightened and moved quickly back toward the street, almost
running. In less than a minute he was inside his own house fumbling
with the phone book, looking for a number. Then he was dialing, waiting

"Hello? Aubrey Investments? May I speak to Mr. Andersen, please ... Mr.
Andersen? This is Bill Reagan, your neighbor across the street ...
Right ... I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your wife has had
an accident ... No ... No ... She's okay but I think maybe you'd better
come home as soon as possible ... Right ... Okay, then, I'll be waiting
for you out in front ... good-bye." Reagan hung up the phone, a grin of
evil delight creasing his beefy features. He went to the bar and poured
a drink, knowing he would have a few minutes before Bob Andersen got
home so that he could savor in his mind what was going to happen in
just a short while. Strange how one's mood can change so sharply, he
thought to himself. Just ten minutes ago he'd been in a rage. Lying
back in the tub, Reagan had noticed Ws glass was empty and had called
for Mae to make him another one. There had been no response so that big
man had roared again, but only quiet answered him. There had been
murder in his heart as he heaved dripping from the water and stormed
into the living room dripping like some huge sea monster, and it hadn't
helped when he found the house was empty, even his dog gone. Reagan
dried and dressed quickly, muttering curses and promises to himself of
what he would do to both Mae and the dog.

For a while he had believed that Mae had finally run off with the
animal, but a short search convinced him that she had taken nothing
with her, not even her purse. That's when he got the idea his two
missing servants might have gone across the street. Why they would do
that he had no idea, but he didn't like his victims getting together.
In unity there is strength and Reagan always liked to be the strongest
thing going.

When he finally crossed the street, some inborn sense cautioned him
against going straight up to the door to knock, so he had begun trying
the windows until he had struck the jackpot. Now all he had to do was
wait until young Andersen showed up and he would have more fun than
he'd had in years.

Reagan went back outside but didn't return to the bedroom window. It
was hard, but he knew it would be best to wait near the front of the
house for Andersen. He still had ears, however, and from time to time
he thought he could hear strangled moans and high-pitched cries coming
from the back of the house.

* * *

Mae's naked belly was beginning to boil as her head worked slavishly
between her blonde companion's shuddering thighs. The older girl could
feel her own excited vaginal muscles clutching and releasing of their
own volition as the hotly throbbing area between her legs became
saturated with her liquid passion. It was clear that something was
going to have to be done about her own needs soon, but she hated to
give up the obscene delight she was receiving from her lovely
neighbor's endlessly climaxing cunt. Thrusting her tongue deep up into
Jill's hungrily gaping pussy, Mae slowly rose to her knees, spreading
them to climb down over the blonde young girl's exquisitely curved
nakedness, positioning herself so that her exposed cunt and widespread
buttocks were directly over Jill's face. The younger girl whimpered
under her, and Mae waited patiently to see what her response would be
to the moist hungry genitals poised so invitingly near.

To Jill the sensual display of Mae's pinkly glistening cunt lips only a
tongue's length away, was a mouth watering sight. She knew what was
expected of her and what she wanted to do, but she was still having
difficulty breathing, no longer certain whether she had cum or was
cumming, she had climaxed so many times. Her very strength was sapped
by the constantly spiraling sensations that ripped periodically through
her erotically trembling body. Her heart pounded, her mind seemed to
float on clouds of bliss, nothing else mattered but the endless ecstasy

The huge German shepherd, Hector, had watched the two nakedly squirming
bodies on the bed with white-hot interest, his trained animal instincts
making him keenly aware of what they were doing. Now as he saw his
familiar Mae crawl up on her hands and knees, her face buried between
the golden-haired girl's widely yawning legs, his eyes locked hungrily
onto his dark-haired friend's upraised buttocks. It was almost as if
their nakedly spread beauty was calling his name. The big animal's
nostrils were filled with the hot scent of passion flowing from between
the two women's lewdly writhing bodies and new life stirred in Hector's
hairy loins as he rose to his feet and moved pantingly toward the bed.

Both girls felt his weight as he jumped up next to them but only Jill
could see his handsome face as it moved in to sniff hungrily at Mae's
exposed genitals. The black wet tip of his nose actually touched the
dark-haired girl's tiny puckered anal lips.

"Ooooooohhh God, is that what I think it is?" Mae gasped, tier mouth
breaking contact with Jill's wetly raging pussy for the first time. She
drew a much needed breath.

"It's---It's Hector's nose!" Jill gasped, her heart leaping at the
sight of the big animal. "Was it cold?"

"Like an ice cube," Mae said with a small passionate shudder. "H-He's
sniffing my asshole, isn't he?"

"Yes," the fascinated young blonde replied, feeling her excitement
lewdly mount at the spectacular view above her.

"I ... I think he wants to ... fuck me," Mae gasped out. "He generally
starts by smelling your ... Aaaaaaaaah."

The dark-haired woman never had a chance to finish her sentence as
Hector's long thick tongue snaked wetly up into her lust-fired loins.
She trembled before its laving heat as it teased with hot curling
flicks up into her moist cuntal flesh and stabbed deliciously at her
budding clitoris.

From below, Jill watched in amazement as she looked up at Mae's hair-
shadowed loins, the thin pink lips of her wetly gleaming pussy only
inches away. Hector's huge tongue seemed to blot out the light as it
dug insistently past the tender outer flanges, sinking deep up into the
inner warmth. Mae jerked above her from the ecstasy of the dog's
preparatory caresses and then gyrated sensuously back against the
stabbing tongue.

"Ohhhhhhhhh, God ... reach up and guide his cock into me, Jill," the
older girl lewdly cried. "I've got to have it ... got to ..."

Jill looked back but the dog's penis was nowhere in sight so she
reached cautiously back to grasp its hairy sheath with her fingers,
feeling the thickening hardness growing excitedly inside. While she
crooned soft reassuring sounds to the dog she tenderly massaged the
heavy animal cock, gasping as the scarlet cone-shaped shaft suddenly
emerged, warm, wet, and glistening.

The panting animal immediately mounted Mae's longing hips, working in
close on his hind legs above Jill's face, his huge cock dancing madly
in the passion-soaked crevice between the lewdly offered buttocks.

"Do it, Jill, please ... Help him get into me! Mae feverishly begged,
obscenely undulating her ass-cheeks back in search of the hardened
spear of animal flesh, wanting it to fill her sizzling vaginal passage.
She tried to look back between her legs to watch, but all she could see
were Jill's nakedly swollen breasts, then her frantic eyes found the
dresser mirror and she could see it all reflected as she saw Jill's
hand guiding that long pointed rod of animal flesh toward her pink wet
cuntal passage. She felt Hector's forelegs grip tightly around her
naked waist, then sensed the first seating contact with her hungrily
clasping pussy mouth.

"Now, Hector, do it! Fuck Mae ... fuck her! And then ... Oh God, then
... I want you to fuck me ...!" Jill hardly recognized her own wanton
voice, hoarse with an all-consuming lust.

Never in his young life had Bob Andersen seen such an unbelievable
sight. He forgot to breathe as his stunned eyes took in the obscene
three-way spectacle before him, and worst of all, there was no doubt
that it was his own supposedly innocent wife lying on the bottom of the
pile of squirming flesh and hammering fur.

He had taken a taxi home, begging the driver to hurry no matter how
many traffic laws he broke. Bill Reagan was waiting for him as he
bounced out of the cab, carelessly throwing the driver a ten dollar
bill. Reagan led him inside, whispering that everything was all right,
but the young husband's heart froze as he heard what he thought were
moans of pain coming from the bedroom.

And now this! Bob entered the room just in time to see Hector's
glistening dog-cock ram rapid-fire into Mae's wetly grinding pussy. He
watched in horrified disbelief as his wife's sweet young lips reached
up and began to sensuously mouth the hairy animal balls above her face.
And what was that she had said? Fuck me next! That was it, she had
asked the animal to fuck her too. The shocked young man started forward
toward the bed but he staggered and had to catch hold of the door

It was Hector who first saw the two men and he quickly pulled his
glistening animal hardness from Mae's voraciously grasping pussy and
leaped down from the bed.

"Hector, what's the matter," the young blonde asked, and then she saw
them too.

"Oh God, where did he go with that beautiful cock?" Mae lewdly gasped
out. Then noticing that Jill was squirmingly trying to push out from
underneath her she asked, "What's wrong, Jill ...?"

"Oh, oh, look," the younger girl moaningly exclaimed, pointing a
trembling finger toward the door. Mae froze as she saw her hated uncle
and Jill's white-faced young husband. Finally Bob found his voice.

"Wh-What's going on here?" he asked his cringing young wife as she
tried desperately to cover her nakedness with her arms. "Good God," he
asked. "Is this what you do with your afternoons? For Christ's sake, I-
I, no wonder you don't come on to me. You like women ... and dogs. Yes
... that's it, you don't like men at all."

"Hold on now," Reagan said in his loud coarse voice, "you've got it all
wrong, buddy. Your little lady is the wildest cock hound I've ever had
the pleasure to climb on top of."

"What!" Bob roared in surprised rage. "You mean you've been sleeping
with my wife!" He moved menacingly toward the big man, but Reagan held
up his meaty palm.

"Careful there, tiger," he warned, pointing down to the now snarling
Hector. "One wrong move and you're going to have fangs all over your
throat. And if you want another reason to behave, I just happen to have
a couple of dozen photographs of you and my charming niece together in
the sack. It's only my charitable nature that keeps me from showing
them to your boss. He could add them to the collection of pornography
that I'll bet he keeps."

Bob stopped short, the threats coming home to him. He knew this
sonofabitch had him where it hurt. He stood steaming for a moment and
then whirled suddenly toward his wife, needing someone to vent his rage
and humiliation on, and she was sure handy. As soon as the pitifully
frightened young woman saw the terrible look on her husband's face she

"Oh Bob, it's true, he blackmailed me into it. He said he would take
the pictures to Mr. Aubrey and get your fired."

"Very good of you to sacrifice yourself, baby, but from what this smug
bastard says you gave him back a little more than he had a right to
expect. Maybe that's what I should have done, blackmailed you. Would
you have turned on for me then, your own husband? And maybe the dog
blackmailed you too. What did he have on us? Did he find something in
our garbage maybe? And Christ, what about the milkman, is he in on this

The heartbroken young wife started to open her mouth to say something
but then realizing the hopelessness of it all she simply collapsed on
the bed in a sobbing heap of pink quivering nakedness. This only
further enraged her husband because now he was cast in the role of an
oppressor. As he looked down at the helpless figure of his mortified
young wife he found that his anger was mixing strangely inside him with
a kind of wild sexual stimulation. The whole thing had an aura of
perverted sensuality about it, but all he knew was that the conflicting
emotions building and building inside him needed a way out.

"All right, bitch," he hissed coldly. "You've been fucked and sucked
and licked by the whole rest of the neighborhood. It's time the guy who
pays all the bills gets his share." And to his blonde wife's shock and
horror he began pulling wildly at Ws clothes. My God, was he going to
take her right there in front of all these people? She shrank back on
the bed but it was no use. Her now naked young husband grabbed her by
her long blonde hair and pulled her toward him.

"One little peep out of you, wife dear, and I'm going to toss you right
into the street ... naked!" And with that the enraged young man fell
forward on her, his giant penis standing out in front of him like an
avenging weapon. With merciless strength he pried opened his petrified
young wife's trembling thighs and forced his body between them. Then,
without the least preparation he rammed his swollen cock all the way to
the hilt up inside her fear-tautened belly and began fucking into her
at once with long hard strokes.

To Jill's surprise, her husband's brutal assault caused her no physical
pain since her wet little cunt had been well prepared first by Hector
and then by Mae. But her gentle young soul was filled with pain as she
looked up into her husband's scornful eyes and slow tears ran down her
face. She hadn't wanted it to be like this when he took her. Now that
she had discovered her hidden sensuality she had wanted to give herself
lovingly, passionately to him, not in a room full of people with only
hate between them.

But despite her personal misery the sobbing young wife could not
control the automatic reaction of her trembling genitals. For the last
hour she had been working up to fever pitch, her pussy brought to a
quivering hunger by various tongues and mouths that only a huge male
penis could satisfy, and there it was, right now, deep up inside her,
ramming and pumping. Despite herself the guilty young blonde felt her
arms and legs automatically reaching up to snake around her husband's
powerful young body, pulling him tightly against her as her hips began
a wanton grinding up against his thrusting loins. Small passionate
whimpering sounds tumbled from between her tightly clenched teeth.

Holy God, her amazed husband thought above her as he looked down at the
now sensuously twisting body of his supposedly frigid young wife. Never
had he seen her like this, her eyes glazed and unseeing, her fingers
clutching spasmodically at his shoulders and, God, was he imagining it
or was her tight little cunt milking and nibbling at his painfully
swollen penis. Christ, and he'd only just started!

Passion began to replace anger in the mind of the surprised and pleased
young man, causing him to ram into his moaning wife with a will,
stroking all the way up to the end of her wetly sucking pussy so that
he could feel his balls pounding hard against the smooth flesh of her

Bill Reagan watched the touching family scene before him in amused
fascination. Christ, that young stud was really laying into her, as
well as he had done with Mae the other night. But Reagan had seen
people make love many times before and quickly grew bored, wanting
something a little more exciting, a little more perverse. His beady
eyes lit on his dog, Hector, who was trying to remain inconspicuous in
a corner, afraid of what his master might do to ham because of his

"Hector, get your ass over here," Reagan snarled and the big dog got to
his feet and nervously approached.

"Okay, you son of a bitch," Reagan said harshly, and he twisted one of
Hector's ears until the animal howled. "You want to go out catting
around, looking for your own tail, there it is over there," and he
indicated the struggling married couple on the big bed.

"Come on, you dumb shit," he said and pushed the dog roughly toward the
bed. "Come on, fuck her, fuck her!"

The confused dog moved uncertainly toward the bed, recognizing those
last few words. He was to mount the female with the yellow hair, the
one who's sex-hole he had lapped so recently. But how was he to do it?
Already there was a man on top of her, blocking him from his goal. He
looked back uncertainly at Ws master to see if he had misunderstood the
order, but Reagan aimed a fierce kick at him and Hector jumped quickly
up on the bed.

In his confusion the dog began to revert to the law of the wild and he
growled menacingly at the man who had mounted the woman who was to be
Ms. It took a moment for the preoccupied Bob to notice the blood-
chilling sound, but then he turned his head to find himself face to
face with a huge snarling German shepherd. He froze for a moment, not
knowing what to do but not ready to give up the marvelous fucking he
was getting from his incredibly turned on wife either.

"Turn Jill over, turn her over," said the quick-thinking Mae who had
seen her uncle send the dog over to the bed. Bob didn't know quite what
she meant for a second, but decided he had better do something while he
was still in one piece. Wrapping his arms around his wildly fucking
young wife, he rolled over so that she ended up on top of him,
straddling his throbbing hardness like a bronc-rider in a rodeo.

"W-What?" exclaimed the young blonde, amazed to find herself suddenly
on top.

"Take it easy, honey, we have somebody that wants to join us," Bob said
thickly. An at once he had realized what it was Mae was suggesting they
do, and great roaring sensations of lust thundered in his veins as the
whole salacious picture became clear to him. "Come on, baby, lift your
ass a little higher," he commanded, and he placed her in position with
his strong hands. He looked bravely into the wild eyes of the big dog,
then said, "Come on, Hector boy! Crawl up on her butt! Let's double-
fuck her together!"

Jill was puzzled at first until she felt Hector's strong forelegs start
to circle her hips and the soft fur of his belly rubbing against her
naked ass-cheeks, and then she knew he had mounted her. She could
imagine the huge, dripping, tapered penis sliding out, preparing to
fuck her. But she was filled back there. There wasn't anyplace left but

"Oh God, no, Bob. You can't let him take me in the anus. He'll tear me
wide open!"

"It doesn't look like we have any choice, baby. Try to stop him now and
one of us is going to lose an arm. Come on, get that ass up in the

"Oh ... oh ... Bob ... Hector," Jill choked out as she felt the
animal's searing hardness trailing through the widespread crevice
between her vulnerably open buttocks. She was aware that Bob's cock was
thrusting paralyzingly up into her from below. "Please, darlings, don't
hurt me!"

Bob was almost out of his mind with pleasure as he fucked up into his
cringing young wife's wetly clasping pussy. "Just hold tight and
relax," he warned her. "He'll find what he's after and there's nothing
we can do about it."

And he did! Jill sensed the beveled, needle-like tip of the German
shepherd's cock catch suddenly in her rectum and worm just up inside.
She sucked in her breath, remembering from watching the animal pound
into Mae that he had no gentle motions. Hector humped forward ... again
... and again ... and again ... his huge hardened cock grinding further
into her defensively puckering anus with each merciless thrust, sending
waves of pleasure-pain screeching through the wailing young housewife's
overloaded nerves.

"Aaaaaggggghhhhh," the shocked young woman gurgled, her head flailing
helplessly from side to side. She tried to shake the punishing lance
from her obscenely stretched rectum, but Hector's firmly clutching
forepaws made that impossible. Oh, God, there was nothing to do but
endure it ... to endure both of them, dog and man fucking into both her
painfully distended passages at the same time!

If it hadn't been for the flames of passion that Bob's earlier fucking
had reawakened in her hotly raging belly it just wouldn't have been
bearable. But then to the amazement of the hopelessly trapped young
woman, the pain started to recede and a strange masochistic sensation
began to invade her doubly filled loins. A animal-like hungering
wildness came over her as she could feel the two cocks, one human, the
other animal, fucking into her simultaneously. Moaning and whimpering
in a crazed building passion, the wild-eyed young woman tried to move
with the double-tucking tempo as the two males began to ram up into her
in matching rhythm, their lust-swollen cocks disappearing in
syncopation up inside her wet searing holes.

"Oh, oooohhhhh, sweet lovers! Yes ... fuck me ...! Fill me with your
hard cocks," the lust-dominated young woman frantically begged.

Bill Reagan could not keep from laughing out loud as he watched the
obscenely locked trio humping madly together on the bed. This was all
his doing, he knew. He had made all these people and the dog, too, into
his puppets who would do what he ordered, take any position he put them
in. He wondered if he should make his niece take part in this lewd
drama before him. But when he looked around she was nowhere to be
found. Her dress was missing too. Well, no matter. He would have plenty
of time later to make her pay for sneaking out without his orders. He
turned his attention back to the bed.

Jill knew that her orgasm was not far away and she ground her Pumping
ass-cheeks frantically back against Hector's hairy loins at the same
time pounding her pelvis down hard against her husband's long thrusting
cock fucking up into her from beneath. She wanted them all to come
together ... Then Hector whimpered behind her, his powerful body
quivering in ecstasy, and his boiling sperm began to shoot bullet-like
up into Jill's tightly clasping rectum.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh ... fuck me ... fuck me hard!" the beautiful young
blonde cried in wad abandon. "Ohhhhhhhh ... Oh God ... I can feel both
of your cocks so good inside me! Aaaaahhhhh, faster, faster!" Her
unseeing blue eyes grew wider and wider ... until it happened! "Now ...
Noooowwwwww ... I-I-I'm cummingggggggg ...!

Once more Jill felt Hector's scorching jets of animal-cum flooding her
backsides in a never ending stream up inside her belly while enchanting
spasms of incredible joy rocketed through her insanely convulsing
loins. She could feel every contraction of that long thick cock as it
rifled its load of seething animal-sperm deep up into her greedily
milking little rectum.

Then Bob groaned beneath her, swearing obscenely as she plunged her
wildly-sucking cunt down onto his thick towering hardness. The
transformed young wife held her husband's cock completely absorbed
inside her hungrily milking channel, undulating her hips in furious
little circles while his huge pumping shaft began spitting its fiery
surges of semen far up into the hidden recesses of her wondrously
absorbing belly.

Jill held it fast, imprisoning her husband's cock tightly within the
hot clutching walls of her pussy, sucking and pulling at it, her own
orgasmic secretions pooling with his as spasm after wild spasm engulfed
the blonde-haired young wife's furiously twisting body.

And then it was over. Jill collapsed forward on her husband's heaving
chest as the last of his sperm drained from him. Hector fell back away
from her still quivering young buttocks and stood uncertainly for a
moment, his huge red penis already shrinking back up inside his belly.
The young couple lay alone, unable to speak, their breath rasping
harshly in their throats.

"That'll do for openers," said Reagan, his cold hard voice breaking
into the thoughts of the exhausted young couple. "Now it's gonna be my
turn." He leered down at Jill who was so tired that she could only look
up at him uncomprehendingly.

"Oh no it's not uncle dear," said a voice behind Reagan, and he spun
quickly around to find that Mae had re-entered the room. She had
stacked a small pile of celluloid strips in a big ashtray and held a
flaming match a few inches away from them.

"I found the pictures you took of me and Bob," the dark-haired young
woman said coolly. "They're all destroyed now, all except these
negatives and they'll be gone in a second. You're not going to bother
these people any more, you dirty bastard. They're decent people, too
good for you. You're less than dog shit under their feet. You can do
anything you like to me, but I'm not going to help you harm other

"Mae ..." Reagan said warningly. "So help me, if your burn those
negatives you'll wish you had gone up in flames instead." He started to
move toward his niece, but before he could reach her, she thrust the
burning match into the pile of film. They caught at once and flared
brightly for two or three seconds and then they were gone, just a small
pile of glowing embers.

Reagan looked down unbelievingly as he saw his hold over the naked
young couple disappear.

"Why ... you ... bitch!" he ground out from between clenched teeth and
leaping forward he caught his niece by the shoulder and drew his huge
fist back to smash her in the face.

But he never made it!

A streak of dark fur launched itself through the air and savage fangs
clamped shut around Reagan's upraised arm while infuriated growls
filled the room. Hector had had enough. Something had finally snapped
in the huge animal's mind as he saw his brutal master about to attack
the female he had mounted so many times ... his mate!

"God ...!" Reagan howled in pain. "Get this animal off of me! Help,
help!" Then he was screaming in terror as Hector's teeth tore at his
shoulders, and the fear-crazed man tried to protect his throat from the
vicious attack, knowing his life would be lost if the animal ever
succeeded in breaking through the protective circle of his arms.

"Back, back!" Mae shouted as she tugged at Hector's collar and little
by little she forced the embittered animal back. Finally Hector quieted
under her commands and stood facing Reagan threateningly, his hackles
still raised and fierce growls coming from deep in his chest.

"The only reason I didn't let him kill you," Mae told the shattered
Reagan, "is that I didn't want the dog to be destroyed. But I'll tell
you this, you dirty bastard, if I ever see you around here again, I'll
sic the dog on you and help him myself. I want you out of my house!
Now! Today! And I want you to leave everything there that you can't
carry with you!"

Reagan said nothing in return but only stood there clutching his
bleeding arms and shoulders, an uncomprehending look on his face as if
to ask, "Could this be happening to me?"

"And one more thing," Mae continued. "If you should ever get any funny
ideas about getting back at me, don't forget that I know all the rotten
things you've done over the last ten years---enough to get you locked
up for a long time. So get out of town! Don't even look back!"

The beautiful young woman motioned toward the door, looking for all the
world like some kind of war goddess as she reined in the huge dog with
one hand, her eyes flaring fire. Reagan walked gingerly around her, one
last spark of hate flaring in his eyes---and then he was gone.

"D-Do you think he'll stay away?" Jill asked timidly, looking like a
big-eyed child as she stared admiringly up at her beautiful friend and

"I think so," Mae said firmly. "He knows that I know some pretty bad
... things ... about him. Anyhow, he's lost his dog, and he's lost
face. I think maybe he'll look for greener pastures."

"Well, anyhow," she added, her face softening. "I know it's been a hard
day, but I wonder if I could ask you to put me and Hector up for the
night, until my dear uncle has time to clear out."

It was Bob who spoke this time. "Sure," he said as he got to his feet,
unashamedly standing before the beautiful young woman, his strong body
naked before her gaze. "Stay the night, stay the week, stay a year. We
owe you a lot." He smiled and reached out a hand to this woman that he
had come to know so well. He knew that underneath her hard cold
exterior she was just a soft tender wanting woman, a woman who craved
love and gentleness, and he was ready to give that to her. No, that was
wrong! Both he and his new found wife were ready to give this strange
woman the love and security she needed. They would make a team, and
when his own stamina failed, he knew he would get plenty of help from
the huge German shepherd that now stood so docilely before them. He
reached down to help his beautiful naked blonde wife to her feet and
then all four of them moved together warmly, naturally. Bob reached
down to pet the head of the dog.

"Thanks, Hector," he said.

The End

anonymous readerReport 

2011-06-11 15:05:13
That was a very boring ending for this story.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-05-20 20:02:39
i love this story, i wish there was more.

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