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A story I found on the net and wanted to share
Lisa's Stepmother by Author Unknown

Chapter 1

The big German shepherd sat back on his haunches with ears erect and
eyes aglow, watching the shapely blonde girl move busily about the
kitchen. Her visible, soft white flesh, even that hidden beneath her
skimpy bikini, like the tossing of her shoulder-length golden hair,
pleased him with its quivering apples to her every graceful motion. Her
aromatic feminine scent filled his keen nostrils, stirring his interest
more than the smell of the foods she prepared, and occasionally lie
would wander close to her, brushing against the silken warmth of her
long naked legs.

Shirley Douglas hardly noticed the lovable dog's ingenuous display of
affection, except when she nearly stumbled over him and reprimanded her
animal house-guest to lie down in the corner. His flattened ears and
tail-between-legs reaction as he obeyed also went unseen by the
curvaceous, twenty-five year old bride of six months -- her flustered
young mind was that preoccupied with unhappiness.

How long could she go on this way? God, she could hardly call it a
marriage, nor had it been anything faintly resembling one from their
wedding night on ... unless security and material wealth could replace
conjugal bed relations. Long since, Shirley had distressfully concluded
that they could not, though they had been prime reasons in her marrying
a man twice her age. Not that Frank Douglas had been any stranger to
her. She had served as his private secretary for over two years, but
aside from business, their close association had never gone beyond the
platonic stage, even when she accompanied him on week-long business
trips of the small electronics firm he owned and operated with an
efficient hand.

He had always treated her with the utmost respect -- a gentleman of the
first order, as her dead mom would have said -- and perhaps that was
why Shirley's feeling toward him slipped into the category of extreme
admiration without ever touching at love. A widower of five years
himself, Frank Douglas had astounded her that evening at dinner when he
had very quietly proposed that they marry. He knew she could never love
him, that is, not in the same manner she would undoubtedly feel toward
a younger, more desirable man, he had calmly admitted, but he vowed
security and abundant kindness, plus the very limit of his ardent
capabilities, should she want them. Sex was of relative unimportance to
him, he'd shyly assured her, promising that he would always leave that
department up to her. In short, he very much needed and wanted her, no
longer as a secretary, but as his wife!

Remembering it all vividly, the dazzling, blue-eyed young blonde
recalled how thrilled and honored she had felt, and how stupid she must
have looked in her wordless astonishment as she sat there in dazed
silence listening to his quiet and almost humble proposal. Lisa, his
daughter, was seventeen, he had gone on, graduating from high school in
June. She would either be going off to college or, if she had her way,
marrying young Paul Fulton. In any event, shortly she'd be flying from
the nest to leave him rattling alone around that big house. Above all,
he abhorred the thought of that aloneness, but not anyone could
eliminate it. Some might lessen it ... but she, as his wife, could make
it an impossibility!

Shirley had been too dumbfounded, overawed by his offer to answer him
that night, and gently smiling he'd said that he understood and was
willing to wait for a few days for her to consider. Of course, what he
could not have known, for she had never discussed her personal life
with him, was that the only man she had ever loved would be his age had
Viet Nam not claimed him!

Shirley had lived the life of an Army brat. Her father had been an army
career officer and most of her life was spent on U.S. posts throughout
the world. By the time she'd reached eighteen, she had attended so many
different schools she couldn't remember them all, hated the military
existence with a passion, and especially the young shave-tail
Lieutenants a girl had to date if she wanted any social life.
Invariably, they had been conceited and arrogant, all with one main
objective in mind: To strip a girl's panties away as soon as possible
and plunge their lust-hardened penises up between her defenseless legs.
She'd been no prude, but neither had she seen the necessity of dropping
to the level of a camp follower, and that was when she had met Major
George Waldon. He'd been handsome, straight and slender as a bayonet,
looking ten years younger than his forty-five, and finally, a genius at
making love. Whatever she'd learned or knew sexually, George had taught
her ... that beautiful man she had immediately fallen hopelessly in
love with ... taught her carefully and with the ultimate of skill,
keening her young passions on the whetted edge of never-ending desire.
Their plans together had been lifelong ... and then he had suddenly
been torn away from her, never to come back!

Was it any great wonder that she should draw a parallel between Frank
Douglas, a man of similar age, and the lover who had brought her so
much happiness? That same night and with few second thoughts, Shirley
had excitedly made her decision. Security and kindness Frank had
offered. There'd been no doubt in her mind of their assurance, but more
important, she had measured by memory the experienced ability of an
older man who knew how to truly love a girl! The following morning in
his office she had given him her "yes" answer ... and he'd not even
tried to kiss her!

It'd been a private quickie wedding in Las Vegas without so much as
Lisa's knowing, a weekend in which Shirley had eagerly looked forward
to the intimate dynamics of sensual love once more, but ... they'd
never happened! All else had been heavenly, up to that moment when he'd
possessively cradled himself between her hungering thighs after kissing
her all over in almost reverent exaltation ... and suddenly she'd
realized that his huge penis was almost limp! Shocked disbelief could
hardly explain the frustrated feelings she had known at that moment.
Earlier, it'd been like some remarkable phenomenon the equal of which
she'd never seen in its long, sinewy thickness, as hard and erotically
menacing as a God's promise ... then ... nothing!

He'd embarrassedly wept, moving away from her and turning his back.
Shirley had tried to console him, forcing her own needful arousal into
the background with soothing whispers of understanding. He'd been so
long without physical love, she'd breathed into his ear; there was
nothing for him to fret over or be ashamed of ... in the morning it
would be different ... but it hadn't been, nor were the dozen attempts
that followed, no matter how she tried to inspire him. Once, in near-
desperation, she'd begun to move down over his big, age-softening body
with oral intentions, but he had caught hold of her and stopped it
there, suddenly bolting from the bed and their room to leave her not
only in frustration, but shamefully so. He'd despised her sincere
aggressiveness as perverted and wanton, she felt certain, and although
there were a few more futile tries made on his part, Shirley had
forcibly controlled her desire, resigning herself to the fact that
their marriage had been a terrible, terrible mistake.

Lately, he had taken to sleeping in another room, or drinking himself
into oblivion after dinner, and that generally in his study. How he
managed to carry on with his company demands amazed her, he was
drinking so heavily, but he did ... and now Vincent Rivers, with his
dog, Nomad, had arrived on the scene as business house-guests ... a
business Shirley didn't like the least little bit.

The beautiful animal, she had immediately taken to; who wouldn't? He
was a handsome, lovable dog. There was actually an acute sense of over-
intelligence about him which gave her an odd sensation, almost as if
she were in the presence of a human being when he was with her. But his
master ...?

Frank had told her Vince Rivers was coming, nothing more. The moment
she'd seen the white Continental swerve into the drive and the too-
handsome, sleek-looking, well-dressed young man alight with an athletic
flourish of movement, something unpleasant had happened in her sex-
starved belly. There hadn't been time to analyze it then and in the
three days he had been with them, Lisa's belligerent attitude had kept
Shirley so on edge that she could concern herself with nothing else.
The vivacious young teenager despised her stepmother -- there was no
denying that, anymore than she could question the fact that Frank
Douglas' resentful daughter was using every means she could devise to
drive her from under their roof.

And Vincent Rivers gave her a distinct feeling of sexual uneasiness,
made her blush and squirm beneath the steady gaze of his lewdly
undressing dark eyes. She guessed him to be between thirty-two and
thirty-six, an unscrupulous bastard with women and as shady as an elm
tree. Yet he had Nomad, a magnificently lovable speciman of animal, and
their association confused her. The beautiful dog was not in keeping
with Rivers' obvious rakish character. Nomad was gentle and love beamed
radiantly from his big brown eyes, not exactly the emotion a man like
Vince Rivers would inspire, nor be able to instill in such a noble
beast. Where or how Frank had met this man, Shirley had no idea, but
the basis of his being there had to do with his buying a half-interest
in Douglas Electronics, a very disheartening thought!

Perhaps it was that questionable gift called woman's intuition which
had made her cringe at Frank's revelation, or maybe it was the fact
that she'd been associated with the business herself that long. Anyway,
she'd tried to talk to her half-drunken husband, not necessary to
discourage the affiliation with Rivers as much as to make Frank realize
what he was doing! After all was said and done, Douglas Electronics was
his baby!

"I've had it! Had it ... you hear, Shirley? Right up to the top of my
head I've had it!" Frank had replied, never looking in her direction,
never really raising his voice in emphasis as he walked around their
... her ... bedroom finding the clothes he wanted. "Rivers wants
Douglas Electronics. He sits on a fortune left to him by his
grandfather. He's young, vigorous, full of hopes and ideas! I like that
... because he reminds me of myself ... but I'm too old to do the
things I want for the company. He shows his money and he's in, Shirley
... top man! I ... we, if you
want to, we'll go to Europe ... play in the sun-lands ... anything, I
don't care! But ... I've had it! I want to get away from Los Angeles
and the Valley altogether!"

Shirley hadn't pressed. There'd been much more in the tone of his voice
than what he'd actually said. She knew he felt uselessly old and
incapable, but perhaps more than he, Shirley realized why. At that
moment, she could have cried for him, for both of them, because she did
love him in her own way ... she did! But the company was his, all his
to do with however he pleased. Not once in their six month marriage had
there been anything but the indulgent husband offering security and the
kindness he had proposed to her. Drunk? Yes, most of the time lately,
until it had become nearly unbearable between Lisa and herself, and
without any way Shirley could conceive of easing that building tension

The distraught young wife could hear her husband's daughter splashing
in the swimming pool as she finished with the canapes. The girl's boy
friend, Paul Fulton, had not come by as he'd promised earlier that
morning on the telephone. Shirley had overheard part of Lisa's
conversation and the teenager's mention of a two o'clock swim date. It
was now nearly four and the blonde girl imagined her stepdaughter to be
as razor-sharp angry as the jagged edge of a tin can, the way she
usually found her.

From the beginning, Lisa had not tried to hide her open contempt for
Shirley, invariably addressing her as "Stepmother" whether they were
alone or the house was filled with people. Shirley doubted that Frank
had even noticed the venom that literally dripped from his daughter's
pretty lips, or the bitterness gleaming in her lovely onyx eyes when
the seventeen year old came in contact with her. There was no question
but what she thought Shirley had married her father only for the money
and security he offered, partial reasons the vibrant blonde woman would
never deny, but never in the cold calculating light she knew that Lisa
saw it all. How could she explain to an embittered girl who hated her
the truth of her feelings toward Frank, and this ... unexpected torment
that was ruining both of their lives? God, she couldn't! No matter how
hard she tried, and Lord knows, she'd never stopped trying -- there was
just no way of reaching Lisa. Even at that moment, the preparations she
was engaged in were for her stepdaughter's graduation pool-party only a
few hours off.

Shirley turned away from the counter, wishing that Frank hadn't
insisted on making an almost social event of it. She, herself, had
wanted to confine the affair just to Lisa's teenage friends, but her
husband had felt it was a good time for parents and neighborhood
friends to get together for a "blast" as he put it, and there was no
reasoning with him these alcoholic days.

Actually, it hadn't been necessary for her to bother with any of the
preparations. The hired help who were due any minute would have looked
after it all. Frank had endowed her with ample people to keep her from
ever using her dainty little hands in the kitchen, but she had done it
because she wanted to! God, she had to keep doing something to occupy
her mind ... either that, or start running as fast and as far as she
could away from there ... and she wasn't quite ready to throw in the
towel yet ... but how much longer could she go on this way?

Nomad whimpered from his corner of the kitchen, attracting her
attention and Shirley smiled over at him, remembering her unnecessary
shortness with him moments before. He was such a sensitive animal. His
big brown eyes seemed to be pleading with her for just one kind word,
his beautiful ears like regal spires on a crown.

"Oh, come here, baby ... Shirley's sorry," the curvaceous, long-haired
girl half-whispered, dropping onto her lushly rounded haunches as he
quickly trotted toward her and she took his handsome head between
small, slender hands. "She didn't mean to scold you, darling, you're
such a lovable guy." She leaned close, kissing him between the eyes,
the affectionate act actually surprising her ... but he was such an
adorable animal. Instantly, his long, pink tongue licked out to brush
warmly over her lips in answer, a second surprising emotion flickering
inside her. "Well ... you old lover, you!" she softly exclaimed,
smiling as she straightened up, still fondly petting his massive head.
"Let's see if we can find something for you in the fridge before
Shirley takes a bath."

Nomad trotted along beside her, brushing against her naked thigh as if
he couldn't get close enough, she thought, pleased at his warm display
of attachment. She found the left-over end of a roast, little more than
a tidbit for his gargantuan appetite and she couldn't help but laugh as
he gulped it away in several bites of his powerful jaws. Then, he went
to his bowl of drinking water while she stood watching, at the same
time deciding against the swim she had planned on earlier. For certain,
Lisa wouldn't welcome her presence, and she doubted their relationship
would stand much more strain without bursting at the seams. Better that
she bathe and rest a little to be ready for whatever stress the evening
could hold in store.

Nomad whined behind her when she walked off toward her bedroom with a
heavy sigh. Shirley heard it and turned to see him staring
questioningly after her. Again, she smiled, her mood immediately
brightening at the longing expression on the big darling's handsome
face. "Well, come on if you want to, baby," she invited him. "I guess
we both need each other's company."

He barked, not loud, but as if he were actually answering her. He
quickly responded, brushing his strong, furry body against the smooth
naked flesh of her leg every step of the way into her bedroom, a
welcome feeling of companionship stirring pleasantly inside the forlorn
young bride. She couldn't help but think of his master as she closed
the door behind them, then again petted his great head.

"How did that sleazy man ever come by you Nomad?" Shirley asked aloud,
reaching up behind her back to unfasten her bikini halter. "Somehow,
you two just don't go together ... unless I have the charming Mr.
Vincent Rivers figured all wrong ..."

Nomad sat back on the soft plush bedroom carpeting to watch her quickly
stripping away her swimsuit, knowing from past experience that she
would be soft and white-looking to him, the nakedness of her with
nothing hidden causing his mouth to open as he began to quietly pant.
He watched her full-rounded curves quiver and sway to her undressing
movements, her pretty smile for him warm and real. Then he saw that the
long golden hair of her head was of a lighter shade than the fringing
curls between her smooth white thighs, and the sight of those long
tresses tossing with the ripples of her softly curved body pleased him.

Shirley couldn't help but study the remarkable dog while she drew water
and prepared her bath. He had followed her into the large tiled
bathroom to take up an observing position nearby, lying down on the
shag rug. He was such an affectionate and genial animal, to say nothing
of his striking beauty and intelligence ... and those eyes, almost
human, she mused, for the first time sensing a flushing twinge in her
cheeks at the way they were avidly staring at her.

Lord, what a ridiculous thought, the naked blonde beauty reasoned,
climbing into the tub. Then, the soothing warm water blended with her
preference of scented bath toiletry, slowly made her forget everything
for a few luxurious minutes. She caressed the fluffy suds over her
full, voluptuously rounded breasts, feeling their tiny pink nipples
budding firmly to her own touch, her denied young body stirring
sensuously as if provoked by the gentle hand of her lover. Memories of
her wonderful Major rushed to mind, but she drove them back, yet not
before a series of rippling delights tingled through her sensitive
loins and quickly aroused belly.

God, this would never do! She would only get herself worked up into a
helpless state of excitement, and there was no darling George to
satisfy the almost spontaneous heat building in her love-starved young
body! She climbed from the tub, refusing to even let herself think
until she was certain the tormentful interlude had passed ... but it
hadn't ... nor could she keep erotic reveries from worming into her
conscious mind! She could see her dead lover's virile nakedness as
clearly as if he were standing before her ... remembering how he had
made love to her ... and she to him ... his long thick length of
swollen male hardness rushing wildly up into her soft, craving belly
... or sucked eagerly into her wanting mouth ... his skilled tongue
licking feverishly between her legs ... oh God, yes, that was it,
intoxicating enchantment ... his magnificent, licking tongue!

Damn! I've got to stop this! Got to!

Nomad watched closely the movements of his hostess' glistening shapely
body as she climbed from the tub and began to quickly towel herself,
his sharp sense of smell detecting the sudden heated scent her female
nakedness had begun to breathe into the room. It was not one he was
unfamiliar with, and even before this he had picked up its exciting
aroma when he had gotten near her. He felt the reflexive heavy weight
come alive and grow in his own fetal loins as he watched her turn and
look at her reflection in the glassed walls of the room.

For a moment, Shirley stood statuesquely, admittedly taking pleasure in
the harmonious balance of her alluring young curves, a sensation of
narcissism strong in her mind-aroused belly. She was well aware of her
own physical charms, and had always secretly been excited by them ...
the full and pink nipple-capped breasts and slender waist sweeping into
the flare of her generously arched hips and smoothly rounded thighs.
How her loving Major had revered her long legs ... like those of a
goddess, he'd said, and the shape of her calves, slender ankles and
tiny feet, kissing them all over ... just as Frank had done the night
of their wedding.

With her fingertip, outlined the secret milky whiteness her bikini had
covered, remembering how that intimate flesh had fascinated her new
husband. He'd kissed it all, the resilient mounds of her firm, uptilted
breasts, the creamy, unsunned ovals of her breasts, kissed and
caressed with panting breaths of excitement ... and then ... what had
happened? Oh God, she didn't want to remember that ordeal ... and she
dropped her eyes to the satiny stretch of untanned skin covering her
flaring hips and the soft little bowl of her lower belly where the
gossamer triangle of sparse, blondish hair began to curl up over her
pussy mound and down along the fleshy vaginal lips, tiny quivers of
mounting excitement tippling feverishly through her.

She had no intentions of denying herself any longer! She was anything
but super-human, and her own love-making was better than none at all
... far better than anything she'd known the past six months! Not that
this was the first time she'd had to resort to her own fingers for
release since her gallant Major, but she'd truly tried to control her
desire as well as the unwanted method after marrying Frank.

Shirley dropped the bath towel and sighed with a visible tremble,
stroking her own caressing hands downward over her hips as she
passionately eyed the mirror. Her soft, short breaths increased in
their intensity with the brushing of her small hands inward toward the
smooth base of her trembling belly to the sensitively pulsating mound
of flesh beneath its silky covering. She taunted the aching mound,
pressuring her extended fingers inward, and the pinkness of her already
moistened vaginal slit briefly mesmerized her.

Oh God! I have to ... have to! I can't stand it another minute!

Nomad whined, suddenly commanding the naked young wife's desire-filled
attention. Almost shamefully, Shirley stopped her lewd, sensual
caresses, to look at him through sparkling blue eyes incited with self-
lust. "Just never mind! You don't have to watch if you don't want to!"
she said, then smiled lovingly at him. "But there are some things,
darling ... some things that a girl has to do once in awhile ... and
this is my once-in-awhile!" She moved toward him and he wagged his
tail, licking his long pink tongue around his jaws, then at her soft,
sweet-smelling hand when she bent down to brush it over his head.

She couldn't help but wonder if, or what, he might be actually thinking
as his big brown eyes seemed to sweep all over her nakedness with an
incredulous greed she told herself was in his eyes. Then, a sensation
of exhibitionism fired the stimulation eating at her as she stood there
posing lewdly before those gleaming animal orbs.

"Y-you can even watch, darling ... watch me do it to myself if you
want!" she whispered raspily, that lurid thought heaping unneeded coals
onto the glowing bed of desire licking hungrily inside her incited
loins and belly. "Come with me, Nomad baby!" she excitedly whispered,
leading him back into the bedroom. "Sit right there where you can see
good, young man, and watch Shirley make herself cum like an erupting

The massive German shepherd stayed beside her, not following, but
crowding his big strong body against the warm naked flesh of her thigh
as she walked, the emanating scent of her body-heat saturating his
sensitive nostrils. He waited, watching her climb onto the bed, her
soft curves dancing for him with every movement ... and then she was
lying on her back and breathing heavily, no longer looking in his
direction. He saw her long white legs spread open in a crab-like
position, her small hand moving down between them to the curl-fringed
pink opening of her loins. Intently, he locked his eyes on her pussy,
seeing her fingers beginning to work in a taunting, circling motion,
tiny sighs of delight coming from her parted lips as her lush white
buttocks rose and fell on the bed to accompany her rhythmically probing
fingers ... and that was when he effortlessly hopped up onto the bed!

The unexpected move took Shirley wholly by surprise. It abruptly
stopped her lurid cunt-fingering, momentarily shattering her sensuous
mood as she stared down between her quite obscenely spread legs to see
the powerful animal move forward between them, and she could only stare
in astonished wonderment! She drew away her hand almost in
embarrassment, and raised up onto her forearms. Certainly, he hadn't
frightened her ... simply startled her with his unexpected action ...
but there was also his lewd position between her yawning thighs to

Something held her back from ordering the huge dog away as she watched
in lascivious fascination, her widened blue eyes mirroring the
bewildering, heated impulses inside her. His loving brown ones were
sweeping over her exposed female charms as if he were actually
engorging a physical hunger, much like her own, she thought as she
gaped, breathlessly captivated. And then, he began moving in even
closer up over her, dropping his beautiful head to suddenly lick out
with a searing, liquid tongue against the satiny flesh of her softly
spasming belly!

Shirley gasped out at the unthought-of hot contact, the immediate
parchiness in her throat causing her to swallow with a gulping sound as
the pink length of abrasive animal-flesh began to lick wetly over her
tremoring, muscle-tightening belly! The sensations he immediately
aroused were unmeasurable and she felt helpless beneath them as again
and again he did it. She lay there beneath the intoxicating length of
his moist animalish caresses, his fervent tongue causing incredible
sensations of unknown desire to spiral blindingly through her body,
wildly feeding tier lustful yearning!

Ooohhh ... this was beyond the fantastic! He was acting like a lover
... and she had no intentions of stopping him! Just ... just how far
would he go if she let him? My God! The dog's long damp tongue was now
licking with hot possessiveness up over the quivering flesh of her
belly, working higher and higher until it was truly laving the ripely
swelling undersides of her desire-filled breasts! With a tenderness she
couldn't believe, he washed up over each of them in turn, narrowing in
closer and closer on the tiny straining buds of their pink nipples!
Shirley couldn't hold back the moan escaping her when his claiming dog-
tongue hotly grazed the desire-hardened tips, first one and then the
other, sending thrills of obscene enticement soaring through her
nakedly quivering body!

Ooohhh, Lord! She should stop him ... not let it go any further! It was
utterly salacious! Wh-what was she thinking or.

Then suddenly he stopped! Disappointment welled up inside Shirley and
she raised her head higher to see the hulking German shepherd backing
down between her wide-open legs. She bit at her lower lip to keep from
calling him back ... then, as she watched, he poised his massive head
between her lewdly spread thighs and slowly lowered it, his hot animal
breaths teasing against the fringe of silky blonde hair there!

Mesmerized, the keyed-up young wife shivered in disbelief when his cold
wet nose brushed against the warm sensitive flesh of her soft inner-
thighs ... gasping to its contact with the pouting pink lips of her
susceptible pussy! She heard his little whimper as he sniffed at her
sensually aroused loins, his long nose probing at her vulnerable pussy-
flesh with inconceivable familiarity! Shirley felt the moist coolness
of it beginning to explore the smooth valley between her spread-apart
buttocks, and then the fearfully shying lips of her puckered anus!

"Ooohhhh!" the luridly positioned young bride gasped in bewildered
excitement. "Y-you handsome devil! Just what are you up to?"

The dog's hot tongue, as if in answer, shot out to lick feverishly up
and down her deep nether crevice, centering on her snug little anal
mouth, the worming tip wiggling between the clasping, baby-like lips!
Again, Shirley gasped out in lust-charging captivation as his tongue
began to lick wetly at the narrow pink cuntal split between her
obscenely held-open thighs! Involuntary moans gurgled up into her
parched throat, responsive tremors fluttering over her naked white
flesh as he laved fluidly upward over the full length of her passion-
moistened cunt! Ooohhhh Lord ... what wild sensations ... and they were
stabbing inward to penetrate to the very nerve center of her
tremulously Tired belly!

He didn't stop, nor did she want him to! His searing animal-tongue
began to spread between the resilient, swollen lips of her curl-framed
pussy with tong, intensive sweeps, splaying the erotic pink flesh,
pausing finally to lunge with an assailing twirl far up into the heated
depths of her ardently throbbing vagina! Shirley choked, her desire-
filled young body convulsing as she dropped flat onto her back,
writhing in ungovernable enchantment to his incessant oral love-making,
mindlessly drawing her legs back to give the handsome beast full access
to her steaming loins!

From the beginning of his obscenely beautiful love-making, the too-long
denied young wife had been helpless, unable to resist the intoxicating
thrills his pleasureful tongue was generating through her sex-starved
body. Her moaning increased beneath his unceasing licking, her lust-
inflamed mind slipping into a nirvana of pure sensuality. He too whined
as his ravishing animal-tongue grazed and bathed her unresisting loins,
from the tiny circle of her anus tingling upward through the hot wet
crevice of her sensation-infused cunt. At the peak, it hesitated, his
skill perplexing her when it abruptly flicked at the quivering bud of
her clitoris, forcing a groan of enrapturing shock to burst from her

Time lost its meaning! On and on it went, nothing else in the world of
the least importance, nothing except the magnificent, relentless tongue
licking maddeningly through and over her burning, passion-wet cuntal
flesh until she was gasping and writhing in her feverish nakedness
beneath it!

"Ooohhh ... ooohhh ... ooohhh ... Shirley groaned in throaty sounds as
Nomad flicked his tongue in a fervid, spearing coil up beyond the
clasping mouth of her long-unused vaginal passage! "Oooohhh ... yes ...
yes, darling! Do it ... do it for Shirley, lover! Make me cuuummmmmm!"

With an animalistic whine of her own, the lust-crazed blonde girl drew
her knees lewdly back further to her pulsating breasts, and reaching
down between them to grasp the dog's ears, pulling his long nose down
tight into her wetly clutching vagina! His sizzling tongue raced up the
hot, greedy channel like a loving whip, his canine whimpers mixing with
hers to his fierce, lashing penetration of the glistening flesh between
her wantonly gaping thighs and buttocks.

"Damn ... yes! Oh, lick it, darling! Lick the fire out of my pussy!"
she hissed again, raising her head higher to stare down between her
luridly drawn-up thighs and elevated loins to watch whatever she could
of the forbidden, bestial picture! Almost frantic impulses of burning
passion charged through her at the obscene spectacle! Her wide-split
cunt was flushed to a. blood-engorged redness, its raw flesh the most
lust-enthralling sight she could remember! Her hair-lined cuntal lips
were spread like a ravenous mouth with Nomad's long animal-nose thrust
right up into the tight, slippery sheath of her inflamed vagina! She
could feel his powerful jaws working when he opened them wider, working
his tongue like a huge throbbing cock, stretching the elasticized
entrance as he burrowed it wildly up into her quaking belly, reaching
new intimate depths with every exotic lunge! Frantically, she began to
pull at his great furry head while thrusting her omniverously devouring
loins up at him, tucking his long tongue like a thick, fur-covered cock
farther and farther up into her screaming cunt!

Shirley never heard the pained whimper the big animal made. She was too
overwhelmed by the unique sensations of his raging tongue-tip smoothing
against, then trying to worm its way into the little clam-like mouth of
her cervix, incredible impulses of shattering intensity convulsing her
naked young body! Ooohhh ... she was going to cum! He'd done it ...
with his beautiful long nose shoved right into her clasping pussy-flesh
and his magnificent tongue stabbing like a hot flame at her sensitive

Deliriously, the love-hungering young bride clutched at the dog's head,
forcing his phallic nose another fraction of an inch up into the hotly
throbbing passage. She grasped mindlessly at his ears as she lustfully
humped her wide-split loins up onto his buried animal-face and felt the
insane ecstasy of his scorching tongue caressing and spearing deep up
between her quivering legs.

"Ooohhh Goddd ... I'm cuummmiiinnnggg ... babbyyyyyy!" Shirley cried,
hauling almost savagely at Nomad's handsome head as she tucked it in
wanton passion, the bubble of sensuous excitement bursting inside her
to deluge her spasming nakedness with exhaustive ripplings of orgasmic
fulfillment ...!

Chapter 2

Lisa slipped the white terry-cloth shift on over the brief bikini she
had bought especially for her party. With a flourish she freed her long
raven hair, shook it out and began to brush with intentions of up-
sweeping it into a practical pony-tail. She smiled to herself as she
visualized the expression her boy friend Paul would undoubtedly light
up with at first glimpse of her teeny-weeny black bikini. At least, she
hoped he would; she'd bought it with him in mind. While it actually
provided all of the conventional coveting society demanded, it had been
designed to provoke the male senses more than nakedness ever could ...
depending, of course, on what one had in mind.

The vivacious, dark-eyed teenager sipped at her vodka-tonic as she sat
before her vanity adeptly styling her coiffure, the little cogs of her
mind working right along in unison. She'd been more disappointed than
angry when Paul hadn't shown up for their private swim-date earlier,
but he'd put her at ease with a phone call, belated as it was. A sudden
interview for a position at one of the local banks had come up and he'd
only had a few minutes to make it. Consequently, he hadn't been able to
call her until after, and as always, the handsome lamb had been full of
apologies. It had been something his father had arranged for him with
the bank manager, a business acquaintance Paul had said, but he really
had no idea what his chances were of getting the position.

She hoped to God he didn't have any! Lisa could think of nothing more
devastating than a life with a banker-husband and living close to
everything she wanted to get away from ... well, maybe not everything
... not daddy, anyway ... but Paul's doting, religious parents, and
that crafty bitch Shirley who had hoodwinked her father into marrying
her. The thought of an existence amidst them was nauseating. Oh, the
Valley was a tremendous area all right, but a few thousand miles
separating them would be a hell of a lot better, especially between
shrewd Shirley and herself. Her mom had probably turned over in her
grave, poor darling, and there was no question but what that blonde
whore had daddy well on the way to becoming an alcoholic. Of course, he
realized his mistake now, after it was too late ... saw her for what
she was, but she'd already sunk in her fangs. No matter which way he
turned, she was going to financially bleed him, and as much as
anything, Lisa didn't want to be on hand to watch that. God, she might
throttle her with her own little hands!

The well-proportioned teenager gulped from her glass as if to wash away
the mounting, never-absent resentment she couldn't help but feel for
her "stepmother." She was hardly a drinker, but for the last year her
father had permitted her one or two before dinner if she wanted them.
She preferred the non-lingering effects of a little marijuana, though
Paul got uptight when she even mentioned it, so she'd been careful to
only sneak a joint in now and then with her girl friends.

Lisa had long since made up her mind that nothing was going to go wrong
between Paul Fulton and herself. She loved him and had for several
years, even knew way back then that she was going to marry him the
moment he was out of college, and now he was! He had his degree, was a
financial specialist, and she didn't intend that all of those long
years of waiting while he prepared himself should be wasted with him
ending up in some crummy bank job! There were bigger and more beautiful
things in store for them, she felt certain!

Tonight was going to be one of those spectacular events ... a happening
... because she intended to give him the virginity she'd been carefully
saving for that moment when they both arrived! And they had! The
education bit was now behind them. She had no desire to go on and be
anything but Paul Fulton's wife, and he possessed the credential which
could and would support them! They'd get married right away and use the
trust fund her mom had left her for a start ... go east somewhere ... a
couple of thousand miles at the least, far from all of this and the
bitch of a "stepmother" who had kept her from her own father's wedding!

But she didn't want to think of Shirley, or any of the immediate
environment suffocating her... only Paul ... the way he kissed her ...
the myriad times she had unwantingly pressed his creeping hand from
between her hot thighs, or away from the swollen fullness of her
straining breasts ... feeling his throbbing hardness against her
aroused, soft belly when he held her tightly against him! Those were
the ultimate things in her life, and tonight she'd show him with no
limits, right in the back seat of his car, the tiny bikini she was
wearing not only the enticing prop which was going to seduce him, but
the easiest garment in the world to be rid of in an emergency!

* * * *

Vincent Rivers enjoyed meeting new people, they were all potential
contributors to his livelihood. He enjoyed flashing his practiced
smile, holding a wife's hand a second too long, watching the way they
made over Nomad. Women, hungry wives, had always intrigued him in veins
even going beyond sex, specifically gold ones, though that sensual
sport invariably played a part in the final accomplishment.

He was pleased with the multitude of female guests milling about Frank
Douglas' pool-side, hardly noticing their male companions as he quietly
sat in a deck chair, arising only when someone chose to introduce him.
Nomad lay stretched out, leashed beside him. It wasn't quite time to
let the powerful German shepherd do his Geiger-counter thing, though
Vince had no doubts but what he would in grand style. The mutt hadn't
failed him yet ... and he'd thought he was being taken in that poker
game ... that fucking gypsy ...

A teenage dollie jumped into the pool and came up with one firm, white
breast exposed, causing his heavy loins to stir reflexively while the
other kids laughed heartily, one boy making an attempt to help the
unembarrassed girl conceal the resilient nipple-tipped mound back
inside the wisp of her bathing suit brassiere. He watched their hell-
raising antics, the enticing young chicks constantly pulling and
tugging at their tiny bikinis, the fellows paying no attention. Maybe
he was more highly sexed, he thought as he went through the motion of
lighting a cigarette, confident that his smile was more handsome than
lecherous ...

And then, she made her appearance, the belle of the occasion, Miss Lisa
Douglas ... and wearing a black bikini that was nothing short of
nothing! On a body like hers, it could be called "inciting to not!"
Damn! When she turned from him he saw that about two inches of her deep
young ass-crevice was on display, and any man could hardly ignore the
voluptuously rounded ovals of those full teenage buttocks ... unless he
was looking at her stepmother! Christ knows, he'd feasted his eyes on
the both of them enough the past few days, but only in wishful
thinking. Right now he had no intentions of lousing up his big score
with daddy, and making a pass at his women-folk could sure as hell do
it. On the other hand, should either one of those dolls give him the
eyes, which wasn't likely, he was damn certain he wouldn't pass it up.

What surprised the casually dressed, roving-eyed house guest was that
lovely blonde Shirley Douglas seemed to be on the up and up. At first,
he'd figured her for a cool, seductive operator who was putting her own
bite on the old boy and using her ass as the tender trap, but that
wasn't adding up. They didn't even sleep together, and Frank was zonked
most of the time. Still, they got on great together, no outward
animosity, with her always right there to look after his wants and
needs. A crazy frigging setup ... a luscious broad like her with no
obvious cock keeping her happy ... or maybe she was a lez! Could be!
She certainly chilled him right from the beginning. But if she was,
little Lisa wasn't her partner, not the way those two got on.

It was obvious that the kid had no use for her "stepmother" ... and the
way she could spit out that word, like it was burning acid in her
pretty teenage mouth. Yeah, Lisa was jealous, all right, or it might
just be that the kid didn't like the cut Shirley would get of the
family jewels should something happen to daddy. Well, neither of them
were going to have too much worrying over that end of it. He intended
to help alleviate their problem and damned soon, as quick as he was
satisfied that he had Frank Douglas' signature down pat and he could
lay his hand on a company check.

Speak of the devil ... Vince saw the big grey-haired man walk onto the
scene wearing swim-trunks and a broad gun, with a drink in his hand. He
was tall with heavy shoulders, but softening, a layer of tanned flab
and the beginning of a paunch showing his age. Once, he'd probably been
quite athletic, Vince thought, watching his mark shaking hands and
spreading greetings around amongst smiling, drinking friends. Everyone
seemed to like the old boy, or at least they were pretending to ... and
why not, invited to a free bash like this, servants and the whole
smear. Lucky bastard, sitting on his pot of gold ... while he walked
around with fifty bucks in his pocket and the goddamn finance company
trying to locate his Continental. Shit, he had to make his move soon

A burst of rock sounds filled with twilight, drowning out some of the
laughter and voices. Vince watched Lisa with her wide-eyed, skinny boy
friend join some of the other teenagers in a series of sensual
gyrations they camouflaged under the term "dancing." Paul Fulton
reminded him of a jack-o'-lantern the way he was grinning and bug-
eyeing the curvy young bitch's near-naked breasts, and Christ, Vince
couldn't blame him much. Those firm full mounds were doing a mind-
bending dance all their own, like the half-revealed ovals of her
rounded ass-cheeks, and there weren't too many of the older male
generation present who were missing the attraction. Not that the pool-
side was lacking in sexy young female pulchritude, but Lisa Douglas was
by far the star, over-shadowed only by her blonde stepmother and she
was hiding her voluptuous charms beneath a silky summer-slack outfit as
she moved among the guests.

Vince felt his penis stir agitatedly in his pants as he watched the
generous curves of the provocative teenager ripple and sway temptingly
to the rhythm of the music. Christ, what a delight it'd be to sink his
thick cock between those, young, tender thighs. He wondered if she was
a virgin? Probably not ... rarities these days ... but was she wasting
it on that scrawny bastard, Fulton? Shit, he didn't look as if he'd
know what to do with it ... and she was a friendly kid, too, at least
she had been so far with him. No come-on or anything like that, but no
chill the way blonde Shirley stirred him, either ...

Nomad's sudden whimper beside him caught Vince River's attention. He
looked down to see the big animal staring in the direction of an
approaching redhead. She was smiling down at the mutt, a shapely doll
about his own age, Vince appraised, her over-abundance of breasts
straining the multi-colored halter trying to harness them. Her hips and
thighs were just a little meaty, but maybe it was the tightness of the
shorts she was wearing. Christ, the outline of her pussy-lips was as
distinct as the part in his hair!

She bent down and petted the dog, giving Vince an ample display of deep
white cleavage before beaming him a smile. "You're Vincent Rivers,
aren't you? I'm Anita Parsons, next door neighbor," she introduced
herself as he stood up catching her hand to hold in a gentle pressure.
"I've already met Nomad. He's dropped by for a snack a couple of times

I'll bet, Vince thought, nodding and smiling as she rambled on. So, the
old Geiger-counter was working true to form ... and her hubby was an
attorney ... probably with some loot stashed, too, but nothing like
daddy Frank was sitting on. Well, she would do for a romp or two if
nothing better turned up, the slick con-artist decided, fileing her
into his mental archives. And she was turning it on for him like a
whore on holiday ... Then a couple more neighborhood wives joined her,
all with special attentions for the lecherous mutt who always got the
gravy before he did, and by the looks of things the four-legged cock-
hound had really been getting around.

Vince unleashed the whimpering German shepherd, watching with inner
delight the way he began brushing up against the trio in turn to
brighten the atmosphere with some scarlet faces. Then, he was off to
rub the thighs of a few more, Vince making his excuses and following
along to keep score. Christ, the bastard had really been doing all
right for himself, though only Anita Parsons looked like anything worth
following up. But guests were still arriving, and the party was getting
livelier and bawdier; lots of goodies could happen yet. A couple trying
to dance with the younger group suddenly fell into the pool. The
teenagers were getting more disgusted by the minute. Oh, that
generation gap. Vince grinned to himself ... and then, he saw Paul
Fulton leading Shirley by the hand to the dance area and Lisa's eyes
glaring like a pair of jeweled flame-throwers! Yeah, things were
getting wilder and wilder, all right!

* * * *

Frank Douglas wasn't too surprised after he'd raised his hands and
asked for quiet, then beckoned his only child to his side, putting his
arm affectionately around her slender young waist to feel her recoil.
He knew he was drunk and that she hated that, and that she regarded
most of their neighbors and friends as a generation of hypocrites with
their booze and sleezy infidelities, practicing a "do as I say, and not
as I do," philosophy on their children. He was well aware of all that,
plus her dislike of Shirley and lack of respect for him in marrying
her. But he was in hopes that when he handed her the keys to the new
convertible parked in the drive which he'd bought her as a graduation
present, she would understand he loved her, and above all that he
wanted her to love him as she always had ...

Lisa smiled, thanked him, then kissed his cheek while everyone clapped,
the cold little imprint of her lips lingering there long after the
party was back in full swing. Frank went to the bar and replenished his
Scotch on the rocks, bantering meaningless words with grinning-faced
guests, feeling empty inside. He saw Lisa in her white shift now,
pulling at Paul Fulton's arm as if she were trying to drag him away
from dancing with Shirley.

"We're all leaving ... come on, Paul!" Frank heard his teenage daughter
snap. "This party's getting to be a drag ... isn't that right,
stepmother? Come on, hon, I'll let you be the first to drive my
consolation prize. We're all going to Jerry's!"

Christ, what had happened to his whole goddamn world? Had he been that
wrong in thinking he was entitled to a second helping of happiness
after Mavis died? It wasn't as if he'd rushed out like a madman with
his cock in his hand looking for someone to stick it into. He'd waited
for five years, five lonely years that he never would've been able to
endure if it hadn't been for Lisa, along with his work. Then, his
blonde angel had come along, but even when he realized that he was
crazy in love with her, he'd waited, letting it grow on him, not
wanting to make an ass of himself or hurt anyone. And in the end, he'd
done just that ... wound up an impotent old fool hurting everyone

He watched his beautiful young wife move gracefully away from the
teenagers without a word back at his embittered daughter, immediately
smiling and joining a circle of older guests. Christ, how he loved her,
but he loved his daughter Lisa too, and how could he take sides? He'd
hoped that somehow they'd be able to work it out between them, that
gradually Lisa's jealous rancor would mellow, but it hadn't, and he
knew that Shirley had bent over backward to reach the girl.

Damn, his Shirley was such a luscious beauty. He'd never forget their
wedding night when he'd seen her for the first time all breathtakingly
naked. Spellbound, he'd stood there stating at her lying on the bed
like a sculptured statue of a goddess come to life, waiting for him to
come and take her. His heavy cock had burst into the hardness of an
anvil, he remembered, throbbing and hurting with its long denial. He'd
been gasping, almost choking as he crawled onto the bed, afraid to
touch her for fear she might shatter, or dissolve right before his eyes
... And then, he'd kissed her all over, every secret inch of her soft
intimate curves and smooth hollows with a hungering reverence that
seemed to drain the sap from his very bones! His loins had pulsated
with a torment the likes of which he'd never imagined, and though the
aching desire to thrust his lust-swollen cock up into her waiting hot
belly had been a near-insanity inside him ... he knew he couldn't ...
she was too precious ... too delicately gorgeous to violate!

A fixation? That's what Doc Gordon had told him ...

"Nothing unusual about it, Frank," he'd said. "Men who revere rather
than love a woman often get hung-up this way. But I wouldn't worry too
much about it. Give it a little time, fellow ... remember, you're fifty
like me, and you've suddenly walked back into the Garden of Eden." He'd
laughed. "Some of these young apples can really give you a belly ache,
and they don't have to be green either ..."

There'd been more ... nothing of value. He'd gone to a bar and drank
himself into a lusty state, then taxied home, leaving his car behind,
determined to do what he'd finally come to realize she really wanted
him to do, make passionate love to her! God, how excited she'd been,
sensuously offering that beautiful white body up to him ... and even
moving down over him to suck his refusing limp penis into hardness for
both of them ... but he couldn't let her! He just couldn't let her ...
she was too beautiful.

Someone said something, addressing him directly and the big man nodded
and laughed. He hardly knew what was going on around him. Christ, he
was drunk ... and that was the best part ... not knowing what was going
on around you. He wandered off, knowing he was staggering, but making a
special effort. Maybe Lisa was right, the party was getting to be a
drag, especially for incapable old men. He'd go to his study where he
could drink in quiet and think about Shirley. What the hell did he care
about these neighborhood scrubs? Nothing ... not really, and his
daughter's cold kiss still clung to his cheek ... Christ, how he hoped
Rivers would take the operation of the business off his hands ... maybe
then he and Shirley ... maybe ... just maybe ...

* * * *

Shirley had drunk more than usual, but she wasn't sorry. God knows, she
really needed its effects to keep her going this horrible night. Frank
had just gone off into the house and there wasn't much doubt what his
intentions were. Lisa had hurt him deeply, damn her. What she needed
was a good face slapping and someone to bring her to her senses. Oh,
Shirley didn't care about the way the embittered girl had acted with
her; that was unimportant, but with her own father and in front of
everyone ... My consolation prize ...! What a wicked thing to say ...
and the way she'd acted because Paul had asked her, Shirley, to dance!

Nothing had gone right all evening for the unhappy blonde wife, though
she had anticipated most of it. All the same, she'd been careful not to
let the guests read it like an open book on her face. Not that she
personally cared about appearances, but for Frank and Lisa's sake, yes,
she did. And to make matters just a little worse, she had seen the way
Nomad was being friendly with some of the neighbor wives, an odd
sensation of jealousy gnawing at the base of her belly. Maybe, she'd
been a little too free in letting Mr. Rivers' pet out to roam around.
Anita Parsons had been making over him every chance she got all
evening, and Nomad had responded by rubbing up against her ... God ...
had that red-headed bitch taken advantage of him too?

"They've changed the music to something a little more in keeping with
my era, Mrs. Douglas ... would you care to try it once?" Vincent
Rivers' voice jarred Shirley from her thoughts. She half-turned to see
his too-handsome face smiling confidently down at her. Simultaneously,
Nomad trotted up, whimpering, and began to brush affectionately against
her legs.

"Well, hello, darling ... where've you been all evening?" she managed,
bending down to pet his great animal-head, her mind racing like an
atomic engine. She knew she was blushing when she straightened. "Th-
They never forget the hand that feeds them, do they?"

"No ... of course not, and I'm sure you've fed him well ... taken the
best of care of him while I've been following your husband around the
plant, Shirley," he said, actually using her given name for the first
time. "You're very kind and I appreciate it, but I think I'd like it
better if you danced with me."

She could think of no way to refuse her house guest, and after all, it
was a little ridiculous, wasn't it? At last surveillance, this was
supposed to be a party, and there were some thirty other people milling
around ... She let him take her hand and draw her possessively inside
his arms. He didn't dance ... he floated, and that was certainly what
she would have expected from Vince Rivers. Not one tiny mistake as she
sensed herself seeming to blend with his lean, tall frame to the
pleasing rhythm of the music; yet he didn't clutch at her, nor
suggestively press against the soft give of her enjoying body as she
feared he might. It'd been so long since she'd danced this way ... and
the liquor, warm in her belly, was excitingly spurring her on.

"Do you do everything as well as you dance, Shirley?" he whispered down
into her ear.

She felt herself starching to the question, made a misstep and
stumbled. He caught her gracefully, smoothing back into basic steps.
She said: "I'm not very accomplished, Mr. Rivers. I suppose you'd just
have to call me a ... loyal housewife?"

"The backbone of the world they tell me," he replied. "But then, like
Kinsey, I like to find things out for myself. He tells a raft of
secrets regarding loyal housewives."

Shirley swallowed tightly, but not from his words as much as the more
possessive hold he had taken around her. For the first time, she felt
the undeniable swell of his hardening male flesh snug against the
resilience of her soft belly. She looked up at him, her defensive blue
eyes fighting his shifty dark ones. "You've got the wrong wife, Mr.
Riven," she hissed, but not before the sensation of his lengthening
hardness stirred whiskey-roused impulses to flutter through her man-
denied young loins.

"No ... I've just got a girl who's made up her mind to dislike me," he
replied, still smiling. "She likes my dog but she despises me."

"Your dog wears his heart on his collar, Mr. Rivers. There's nothing
pretentious about him."

"And me? Am I some sort of vampire?"

"Some sort, but I haven't figured that out yet," Shirley replied as the
song ended and she backed out of his arms. "Maybe I will if you're here
a few more days."

"And maybe you're just trying to protect what the virgin does," Rivers
said, wishing immediately that he hadn't. Christ, she was sharp ...

Shirley laughed. "Virgin? Let's not make the game too complicated, Mr.
Rivers. Virgins are your meat, as the saying goes. No ... no ... you
have bigger stakes in mind than innocent little girls, and I'll remind
you that I'm not one of them. Be careful, sir! Be careful! Frank
Douglas isn't without people who love him!"

Chapter 3

Vince Rivers stared after the sensually flowing curves of Shirley
Douglas with lustful eyes as the young blonde wife walked away from him
to bid good night to some guests who were leaving. He knew there was a
noticeable bulge in the front of his trousers if any of the
neighborhood bitches cared to take a look. Maybe it would give them a
little charge, but he could care less now. Anita Parsons and entourage
were no longer even considerations ... not after the way Nomad's unique
indicator had beamed through to him! Christ, he still could hardly
believe it, but when the goddamn mutt began to rub up against them,
there was no question ... at least, the frigging hound had never given
him a bum steer yet!

His loins had begun to churn hotly from the mere thought of the dog
getting to that gorgeous display of female flesh, his lecherous plans
rapidly charting a new course that he hadn't thought was navigable. He
smiled inwardly as he watched Shirley's voluptuous figure glide toward
the house with bewitching quivers, accompanying her guests with others
joining and tossing in their good nights. Yeah, this cruise had
suddenly taken on a whole new aspect for him ... not that the scenery
hadn't been dazzling all the way, but there was nothing like docking in
an unexpected, exotic port to really get the flavor of the natives!

Shirley could hardly keep her mind on what she was saying, she was that
angry with Vince Rivers' brazen pass ... and he was supposed to be a
friend and business associate of Frank's, to say nothing of being a
guest in their house! Somehow, she managed to maintain her smile and
exchange pleasantries with departing neighbors and friends, until
finally everyone had left but the caterers who were looking to the
cleaning up. God, she was never so happy to see an evening come to an
end ... the way Lisa had acted ... and Frank getting drunk, then just
walking off without so much as a good night to anyone.

She had feared that Rivers might wait around until the others were
gone, then try to pick up where he'd left off, but thank God, he
hadn't, and she assumed that he'd gone to his room. Damn, but she had
certainly pegged him for the louse he was, hadn't she! Poor Frank ...
she had to think of some way to keep him from making any sort of deal
with that man! He was dishonest and she was positive of it! The way her
husband was drinking, he was just no match for Vincent Rivers.

She found Frank passed out and snoring loudly in his study. With little
tears in her eyes, Shirley went to the linen closet and got a blanket
to cover him, then made herself a nightcap, and wearily walked to her
bedroom. Sighing, she dropped onto the edge of the bed to sip from the
glass and try to unwind. Almost immediately her surroundings brought to
mind the forbidden lustful performance she had given herself to with
Nomad only hours before ... and as lewd and obscene as it had been, she
wasn't sorry ... even knew that she would do it again if given the

Little tremors of excitement, which had continued to smolder inside
Shirley ever since the handsome animal's love-making, grew with
intensity as she remembered the pleasureful sensations he had brought
her. Even dancing with the German shepherd's despicable master had
helped to stimulate her more when the hot feel of his hardening penis
had begun to throb against her soft belly. Though she was ashamed at
the mere thought of her weakness, the confused and love-hungry girl
couldn't deny that it was true.

She finished her drink and with another long sigh arose to undress.
Absent-mindedly, she moved about the room, shutting off the air-
conditioner and opening the patio doors slightly, her mind unable to
ignore the tormenting glow of carnal arousal still simmering in the
depths of her sensuous young body. Then, as she was reaching up behind
to unfasten her brassiere, she heard the scratching on her door!

A warm sensation of excitement raced through Shirley as she stood there
in white nylon panties and lace brassiere staring at the locked
barrier. Of course, it couldn't be anyone else ... not scratching ...
and there it was again! She moved quickly toward it, silently
withdrawing the bolt and opening it just a crack to peak. It was! She
saw the brilliant sparkle of his soft brown eyes reflecting the glow
from her vanity lamp, and then he whimpered up at her. Without a word,
Shirley opened the door wide enough for him to enter, closing and
locking it quickly behind him, then turned to drop down on her smooth
rounded haunches, taking his big head between her slender white hands.

"You big darling!" she whispered, her breaths quickening as she kissed
him on the nose. "How did you know that I needed you so badly again

* * * *

Vince Rivers watched it all from the darkness of his cracked-open
doorway. He grinned lecherously to himself as he saw his dog enter the
woman's bedroom and her door close without a sound. Like clockwork, he
thought, reaching down to lewdly stroke a hand over his desire-swollen
penis cramped inside his pants and shorts. But not for long, the
scheming forgery artist mused, backing inside to snap on a fight and
begin to strip.

He'd give the mutt a little time to swing into his act and just hope
she didn't change her mind and close the patio door he'd watched her
open from the shadows of his own pool-side verandah. If she did, he'd
have to figure something else, because he was damn sure going to get in
there ... but the element of surprise ... just walking right in to
catch her with the tucking dog right at it! Christ, this was going to
be the brass ring ... and big daddy was stoned to his ass in the study
... perfect!

Naked, Vince Rivers slipped on a robe, tying the belt around him so
that it held the swollen length of his long thick cock up snug against
his lean belly, then walked out into the evening darkness. He could see
the faint glow of her light showing through the narrow space of the
still opened patio door. He moved stealthily toward it, his own
breathing sounding like a bellows to him in his lustful excitement.
Then, he saw them!

Jesus Christ! For a moment, he could only stand there with his eyes
riveted on the wild goddamn performance taking place on the bed, and he
couldn't help but remember the first time he'd seen Nomad working on
that gambling gypsy's slob of a wife in their carnival sideshow! Except
the long, widespread white legs the mutt was between at the moment
belonged to a luscious young beauty who was anything but a slob! Never
in his fucking life had he seen such an array of smooth, rounded
curves, and never had his aching hard cock ever throbbed more anxiously
to be buried hilt-deep in a bitch's hot, sheathing pussy!

From where he stood, Rivers couldn't see that intoxicating part of her
anatomy, only a portion of the gilt her blonde pubic hair offered, but
the way Nomad was licking between those crab-like spread thighs, he
knew he was going to revel in it! Then, she was drawing those same
smoothly rounded thighs up and back, still yawning open as she reached
down between them to catch hold of the mutt's ears, the generous arch
of her hips and nakedly revealed buttocks beginning an upthrusting
tucking motion that caused her lush, pink-nippled breasts to quiver
like heaping mounds of marshmallow!

He walked in!

Nomad raised his head and growled with a show of gleaming white fangs.
Shirley choked out a gasp, not seeing him at first, then jerking her
head to twist around, her long blonde hair flailing with the effort!

"Oh! Oh, my God!" she rasped, her blue eyes widening in shocked horror,
her every word and reaction exactly as he'd anticipated, except that
she didn't scream, or try to scramble from the bed, just laid there as
if suddenly frozen into her obscenely inviting position.

"Excuse me, but this is the whore of the manor's room, isn't it?" Vince
said, grinning lecherously down at her, unable to resist using the
upper hand he knew he held after her "loyal wife" routine earlier, and
the way she'd been chilling him for three days. "I hope I haven't
interrupted anything sacred ..."

Shirley could only gape up at the horrible apparition standing beside
her bed and grinning down at her lustfully exposed nakedness with an
expression of conquering lechery. Undiluted panic, made up of
spontaneous shame, shock and helplessness, raged frantically through
her. She thought of screaming, but she couldn't make a sound. Nomad's
deep-throated growls reached her and she wondered why the dog didn't
leap on his master and tear that grinning face to pieces! She
remembered her husband Frank dead-drunk in the study! And Lisa wasn't
even in the house.

"Out, mutt!" Rivers was ordering, moving backward to pull the patio
door open wider. "Out! You've had your fun and games ... now it's time
for the master, boy! Move! Get out!"

Reluctantly, Nomad backed from between her lewdly upraised thighs and
bounded down to the floor, only half looking back with flattened ears
and a growl as Vince Rivers closed the door behind him. Slowly then,
Shirley lowered her long naked legs to the bed, drawing them together
protectively as she stared in growing, unhidable dread at the too-
handsome man who had suddenly invaded and somehow held control over her
most intimate life!

"Wh-what do you think you ... you're going to do?" she heard her own
voice ridiculously whine as he began to pull at his robe.

Rivers sniggered. "Well, for openers I thought I might take up where
the mutt left off ... You know, eat some of that hard-to-get pussy of
yours. Then I had in mind fucking you cross-eyed! Any objections, Mrs.

Shirley moaned as if she'd been jabbed with a series of tiny stabbing
needles, the lewd sounds of his pornographic words and lustful
intentions sending confusing, apprehensive chills racing frantically
over her naked flesh.

"Y-You can't! My God, you can't!" she gasped, raising to her elbows as
he jerked open his robe, her widened blue eyes level with the long
thick length of his blood-filled hardness falling into its menacing
right-angled position to the lean hairy slenderness of his naked loins.
Below, at its widened base, Shirley saw the massive bulge of his sperm-
filled testicles, and she couldn't resist centering her eyes on the
reddishly bulbous head half-hidden in its thick foreskin, with a tiny
pearlish drop of his semen oozing from its little end-slit.

"You like it, Mrs. Douglas?" he taunted, reaching down to lewdly grasp
the husky length and begin to stroke it, tugging its sheathing foreskin
back to reveal the blood-engorged head in its entirety. "Suckable, eh?
Even better than the tucking mutt's, right? Makes your mouth water." He
laughed and kneed his way up onto the bed, moving toward her feet, the
waggling shaft of his huge cock ever facing her in her elbowed

"Oh please ... please don't, Vince ... I'm sorry ... sorry for
everything!" Shirley suddenly gasped. "Pleaseeeeee ... I beg you, don't
... for Frank's sake ... he's your friend!" she whined as he took her
feet and spread them apart, his eyes gleaming and his lips stretched
wide in a lecherous grin the equal of which she'd never seen. Wider, he
forced them, until her long legs were spread as open as they'd
willingly been for Nomad, and the pink inner-flesh of her moist cuntal
split was completely exposed to him! "Oh ... oh don't ... I can't fight
you ... but you know you shouldn't ... no matter what, you know it's
wrong, damn you!"

Outside, Nomad stalked the darkness of the grounds, though they might
have been flooded in sunlight for him. Animal rage seethed inside his
powerful muscular body, as well as unfulfilled ruttish desire. This was
not a new torment for him to be confronted with by his master, but
before it had never seemed to matter as it did this time. He had very
much wanted to mate with the golden-haired female, and he couldn't rid
himself of that desire. Eventually, the huge, handsome animal found
himself a place in the shadow of a bush to lie down, and with open,
panting jaws he lay there watching, his feral loins throbbing heavily
with the aroused instinct his golden-female had inspired within him.

"Spread 'em, baby ... spread 'em wide for me!" Rivers taunted inside
the bedroom, moving up between Shirley's smooth open legs until his
face was only inches above the curl-fringed flesh of her vulnerable
loins. He stiffened out, pressuring the hardened length of his long
thick cock down into the give of the sheeted mattress as he ogled the
wet pink delicacy of Frank Douglas' own private cunt!

She was panting loudly now from her parted lips, her head raised, and
her eyes wide as she began to squirm, with the full white columns of
her satiny thighs stretched apart to capacity, the glistening crevice
of her sparse, hair-fringed pussy starting to rotate in little circles
as if her ass-cheeks were resting on a lazy susan! Goddamn ... that
mutt had really worked her up! The gorgeous bitch couldn't help
herself, even though he knew fucking well that she'd kill him if she

Rivers laid his thumbs on either side of her fleshy cunt-lips, the
gossamer texture of her golden pubic hair sending a wild charge of
excitement ripping through him. He heard her moan at the erogenous
contact, and then louder as he began to churn and massage those
sensitive lips against one another, the heady essence of her stimulated
desire filling his flaring nostrils. He pinched and taunted, chafing
the tiny erect bud of her clitoris between his fingers until her hips
began to jerk and writhe convulsively, her flat belly tensing with
muscular spasms, her breath choking out in ragged gasps.

He drew his thumbs lower then, down to the full white ovals of her
gyrating ass-cheeks, easing them into the deep smooth crevice as he
cupped his big palms over their soft hot flesh. Again, the fired-up
blonde moaned out as he slowly spread those luscious buttocks wide
until he could clearly see the puckered mouth of her tightly clenched
anus. Christ, what a cock-throbbing
sight ... not a single hair around it ... like a
baby's pink-pursed lips!

Shirley had never felt more debased and utterly helpless in her life.
Yet even in the shame of the obscenities this man was committing on her
defenselessly exposed loins, she knew that she would beg him not to
stop if she had to Nomad had so inflamed her passionate need. And then,
he was burrowing his face into the sensitive area between her wide-
split buttocks, until she suddenly felt the worming heat of his long,
wet tongue against her sensitive inner-cheeks, licking along the smooth
crease to the tiny lips of her clenched little anus!

Mewling sounds of mindless desire escaped her parted lips when the
stiffened tip of his hot wet tongue began to probe and worm its way
lustfully up into her resistant anal ring. She drew back her thighs,
groaning in tempo to this lurid tongue, beginning to orally fuck her
there, suddenly reaching down around her hips with both hands, pulling
her up-turned buttocks wider apart to help his penetration.

Rivers stopped and raised his head to see her beautiful, desire-
contorted face and the way her head had begun to toss from side to
side. Then she stopped moving, her glazed blue eyes focusing pleadingly
on him, and he grinned down at her with a lecherous dominance. "You
bitch!" he hissed. "You want me to stop now? Well ... do you?"

"Oooohhh ... no ... nooooo ... please don't stop ... don't stop,"
Shirley gasped almost pathetically. "Ohhhh damn you ... please! "

Rivers snickered and dropped his head once more, gaping down at the
delicious sight of her young wifely loins between milk-white thighs so
vulnerably exposed to his any whim. The pink dewy flesh of her
partially hidden pussy-slit beneath the wispy, golden curls sent a
salacious shiver up his naked back. "It's a gem of a cunt you have
here, Mrs. Douglas," he whispered loud enough for her to hear him. "I
might even be tempted into eating it for you if I was asked properly,"
he went on, tauntingly blowing his hot breath against her animal-roused
loins. "But maybe you'd rather I didn't ..."

"Do it! I-I want you to," the blindly excited Shirley breathed down at
him, still raised to her elbows, her expression wantonly slack.

"You want me to what, Shirley baby?" he tormented, lecherously
regarding the tight narrow split slicing erotically downward from the
puffy little swell of her pubic mound, down between her full-rounded
thighs to the firm ovals of her buttocks, their separating crease wet
from his tonguing caresses.

"Oh damn you, Vince Rivers! Do it!" she hissed in a tremoring tone.
"Please, lick it! Suck it ... eat my pussy for me! Make me cum ... I've
got to cummmmmm!

"That's better, bitch!" he spewed deridingly up at her, sadistic
sensations racing through him. "Let's drop the fucking pretense and get
down to being the animals we are, eh! All right, baby ... bring those
pretty white fingers down here and spread it open for me! Come on!" he
snapped, his wet lips suddenly closing over the soft swell of her mound
at the base of her quivering belly.

"Ooohhhh ... Vince!" Shirley lurched and groaned, sensing his hot wet
mouth following downward along the hair-lined slit of her electrified
cunt, fervently kissing, until his searing tongue parted her wispy
pubic curls and began to flick lizard-like at the sensuously flushed
vaginal opening!

Every muscle in the trapped young bride's voluptuous body responded to
Rivers' lustfully goading tongue against the pussy-lips his dog had
already set aflame, choking moans of salacious delight gurgling from
the depths of her throat. Consciously, she smoothed her slender hands
over the swollen white mounds of her heaving breasts, stroking downward
over her smooth belly, finally bringing them to rest on either side of
her blood-flushed cunt-lips.

She could hear Vince Rivers' panting gasps and feel his hot breath
against her tingling loins. Shamelessly, she spread her cuntal lips
open to him with lewdly splaying fingers, her soft hands grazing his
cheeks as he grunted and drew his hot, moistened tongue up through the
openly revealed pink flesh.

"Yes ... like that ... like that, darling!" Shirley gasped. "Oh God yes
... lick it good for me, lover! Suck it! Bite it ... anything ...!"

Rivers' conniving brain reveled in its lust. Christ, he'd hit the
jackpot this time! The gorgeous doll was starved for sex, a bottled-up
lust-pot inside the most curvaceous, mind-bending body he had ever
seen! He raised his head and gaped down at the blonde-fringed wet lips
she held lewdly opened for him, its glistening flesh entirely exposed
to the ravenous gleam of his greedy eyes. Hot spasms of rakish desire
convulsed through him and he ground his aching cock down hard into the
bedding beneath him. She began to whimper for more as he stared at her
finger-spread pussy-slit shirting moistly in its viscid arousal. Her
tight cunt mouth was actually twitching as she squirmed her impassioned
loins upward toward his face. He dropped his head, burying his face in
the hot, curl-enframed softness, plunging the full length of his tongue
deep up into the clasping depths of her seething tight vaginal passage!

Her gaspings and writhings immediately growing more intense, Shirley
moaned out her sensual elation, unintelligible words of pleasure
dribbling from her lush pink lips. Vince felt her hands suddenly
clutching at his head, her fingers winding tightly in his hair. She
groaned and whimpered, pulling his face forcefully into the widespread
young flesh of her steaming cunt. He sensed the toss of her head
flailing back and forth on the bed as he speared his tongue up into the
heated liquid depths of her ravenously sucking passage. She ground her
rounded, voluptuous hips downward reflexively, her buttocks digging
into the softness of the mattress, squirming wildly as bleating animal-
like mewls burst from between her clenched white teeth. Then she thrust
her naked loins up to him again, pressing his face into the wet,
vertical mouth up between her open thighs, its seething vaginal walls
opening and closing around his rhythmically thrusting tongue, pulling
at it in a greedy, starving action that he couldn't believe!

Christ, she was all gone! He'd never seen a cunt so hot in his goddamn
life ... and growing wilder with each passing second as she strained
toward climax. It struck him then that he wasn't ready for that to
happen yet and he withdrew his long probing tongue to lick upward
through the fluid pink pussy-flesh. He flicked its tip lashingly
enroute, circling her tiny erect clitoris, then engulfing all with
widespread lips, sucking the hot inner folds of soft flesh deep into
the cavern of his pleasure-giving mouth.

"Oh God ... ooohh ... don't stop ... don't ever stop, damn you!"
Shirley wantonly hissed.

Rivers grinned inwardly, raising his eyes to lock on his hostess' lust-
twisted expression, her lovely blonde head still flailing slowly at a
set, rhythmic pace as her fingers wound tighter in his hair. Christ,
she was trying to direct his mouth back to the tight ovalled opening of
her hungrily nibbling vagina. His big hands moved upward over the
smooth white flatness of her belly to the rounded softness of her
palpitating breasts, cupping harshly into their fleshy give, his
fingers rolling the tiny hardened nipples between them as he glued his
lips to the passion-slippery hole between her legs and burned his
lashing tongue up into her loins.

Shirley squealed in sensual delight, at the same time caressing his
cheeks with her hands, flitting from his hair to his face and back,
hating and loving him at the same time, Vince Rivers knew. Now! Now it
was her turn, this loyal wife-bitch! He never lost contact with her
loins, his mouth fastened to the sizzling wet vaginal lips between her
obscenely spread thighs as he got to his knees and began to luridly
work around up over her. He both heard and felt her breathing quicken
to his obvious intentions, but once he'd placed his knees on either
side of her naked ribs, then folded his arms in under her thighs with
fingers strategically tugging at her flushed cunt-lips and smoothly
ovalled ass-cheeks, he knew she wasn't going to resist.

Yes ... oh God, yes, she was a bitch and there was no denying that,
Shirley accused herself, but that was of no relative importance with
the maddening sensations of basic lust frantically devouring her loins
and belly. Only the sudden sight of hardened cock and sperm-bloated
balls hanging heavily above her face registered in her mind. She stared
up at the long thick hardness, her mouth beginning to water as lustful
memories of her dead Major danced somewhere in the background of her
thoughts. Reaching up, she curled her fingers around the hot sinewy
length and began to stroke its heavy foreskin back and forth, watching
the hairy sac of his testicles lewdly sway to her ministrations. Oh
God! She raised her head and drew the length of blue-veined penis
downward, her eyes feasting on its huge bulbous head as she pulled back
the foreskin ... and with her ovalled mouth wide open, encircled it
hungrily with hot clasping lips, trying to capture too much of it at
first inside her anxiously salivating mouth!

In her mindless desire, Shirley sucked it so deep in her mouth that it
nearly choked her, but she twisted her head enough to catch her breath
and then began feverishly running her tongue up and down the soft,
sensitive underside, feeling it throb and pulse to her hot oral caress.
Immediately, she tasted the sweet pungent tang of his sperm oozing from
the tiny slit at its tip when she wormed her tongue into it. She cupped
his cum-bloated balls in the small palms of her hands while little
explosions of blinding passion burst inside her. Then, he began to move
up and down, tucking his loins in and out of her tightly locked lips in
lewd cadence to his tongue probing in her seething cunt below!

Ooohhh ... the utter debasement of what she was doing ... and what he
was doing to her ... the shame of his tonguing her cunt ... the
unforgivable obscenity of sucking his cock ... she could kill him ...
she loved him! Maddeningly, Shirley's brain raced as she sucked
hungrily at his lust-hardened rod of male-flesh that she was working to
the very back of her throat just as George had taught her! She could
hear the lewd wet sucking sounds as he slavered at her nakedly inflamed
loins, could feet his big hands beneath her, clutching the soft rounded
cheeks of her buttocks as he burrowed his ravaging tongue deeper and
deeper up into her greedily clasping cunt.

She tried to think of what she would do after this, but it was
impossible. Her vagina was aflame with the licking tongues of
passionate fire consuming her! Suddenly, she felt his finger massaging
the tiny puckered ring of her anal mouth and knew what was coming. Her
breath quickened and she forgot everything as with a painful little
stab he pushed his finger inward and she felt it worming right up into
her hot Spongy rectum to the palm of his big, extended hand!

"Uuuunnngggghhhhh," Shirley grunted around the expanding cock-flesh in
her mouth, her lips and tongue momentarily stopping their loving
caresses as his sudden invasion of her anal passage caused her body to
spiral toward the pinnacle of climax. She felt his mouth sucked tight
to the blood-swollen lips of her vagina, his deep-thrusting tongue
swirling and lashing the sensitive walls in rhythm to his pummeling
ringer in her rectum, and she began to nurse the hot thickness of his
lengthy cock with all her know-how, her cheeks lewdly hollowing and
swelling, while her soft belly rose and fell frenziedly as she pulled
at him!

Never in her adult life had the denied young wife known greater
sensations of wanton passion ... not even with her Major ... and
certainly never with her husband Frank! She wanted his cum, the no-good
bastard who was fucking his wonderful cock into her mouth! God yes, she
wanted that! He had to, she thought desperately, her soft lips clasped
tightly around the throbbing, blood-filled head of his cock, her tongue
working feverishly to tease his orgasm from him! And simultaneously,
deep inside her, the violent spasms of passion-fired ecstasy began. She
squeezed at his lust-inflated balls with both hands, then raked her
nails beneath them as she strained to the urgency of her own cumming.

He swore, and swore again, his loins jerking, the massive head of his
cock swelling in her hungrily sucking mouth! And then it came! It shot
into the back of her throat in wild spurts of teeming, cream-like
liquid, gush after gush of the sweet, acid-tasting hotness, joined by
the convulsive tremors of her hips as her own climax erupted in a
blinding explosion of erotic bliss deep within her tongue-spread loins.

"I'm cumming! 0h God, I'm cummmmmmming!" she groaned out around the
swollen rod of spending male flesh in her mouth. And again and again he
spewed his hot jets of viscous cum deep into her throat, and she
groaned as she continued sucking hungrily, her Adam's apple bobbing
obscenely to the swallowing of the boiling semen flooding into the warm
wet softness of her mouth.

Chapter 4

"Did you have to be quite so nice to my stepmother?" Lisa snapped, not
looking in her boy friend's direction, but off at the city's lights
below. Beyond was the ocean with a moon to fight it, the reflection
like gleaming light on a treasure chest of glittering gems. And she'd
wanted all of her plans to sparkle with the same blinding facets.

"Dammit, do you have to keep calling her your 'stepmother' as if she
were some kind of witch?" Paul Fulton retaliated, trying to measure in
his young mind what could possibly be wrong with such a beautiful
woman. "I-I mean ... well ... after all, Lisa, she is your father's
wife, and he seems to be happy."

"Ha! How would he know that? He's been drunk since the day he married
her! She's making an alcoholic of him!"

"I don't believe that!" the youth interrupted before she could finish.
He shifted in his seat. "He's doing it to hide something ... his own
problem! I don't know anything about it, but I'll bet Shirley isn't to
blame the way you see it ...!"

"Shirley? Shirley! You mean you're calling her by her first name now?"

"Oh, for Christ sake, Lisa, don't be stupid ..."

"Shirley! That's what you said."

"Well, that's her name, isn't it? Not 'stepmother'!" Paul Fulton
snapped, thoroughly disgusted with the attitude this girl he loved had
adopted toward a person whom he felt sure was totally innocent. "Why
don't you grow up, Lisa? For God's sake ...!"

"Yes, for God's sake!" she interrupted, never-before-known anger for
him raging inside her. "You dumb ass, Paul! And after what I had
planned for us tonight! Well ... you've killed that! What would you
like to try for seconds?"

"Oooohhh ..." he managed, quickly imagining what she might mean. Had
she really meant that ...? Christ! "Look, I only said that ..."

"I know what you said ... and what you meant ... and where your
feelings seem to lie, Mr. Fulton!" she said, nestling down in the
bucket seat and folding her arms in her lap. "Now, if you will, please
... take me home."


"Take me home!" she ordered with sharpness.

"But, honey, you won't listen."

"You listen! This is my car and I've asked you to drive me home! Will
you, please?" she insisted, never wanting him to, fighting the tears
dimming her eyes, wishing she knew why she was doing it.

"Yeah! You bet your ass I will! I'll take you home, Lisa, and for good
unless you wake up!" Paul spat, kicking the motor into action.

Neither of them spoke again throughout the race-driving trip to the
Douglas home, though Lisa almost desperately searched her young,
wretched mind for an opening. Damn, she didn't want their evening to
end this way ... she'd had such beautiful, intimate plans, her whole
body alive with tiny quivers of anticipation all afternoon and evening
... until that bitch had interfered! But when Paul didn't speak, or try
to smooth things over in the first few minutes, she knew he wasn't
about to. Oh, she wasn't worried over the 'I'll take you home for
good!' business ... they'd gone through that before ... but the other,
their love-making, her wild decision to give him her virginity being
thwarted and hopeless now, she realized, was causing the tears that
were nearly blinding her.

He swung into their drive with a squeal of tires, cut the engine and
hopped out of the car without as much as a good night! Lisa gasped
aloud as she sat uptight to watch his slender form move through the
darkness to his own car. She couldn't believe it, he'd never before
been quite so angry! She fought the urge to call out after him. Never!
Damn him ... damn him! And then, with another screech of rubber, he was
gone, the roar of his car motor gradually fading, until it was absorbed
by the quiet night surrounding her.

Lisa cried then in her frustration and rage. She slammed from the shiny
new "consolation prize" her father had given her and ran toward the
house, her teenage brain whirling with one vindictive thought after
another ...

Nomad watched from a secluded position beside the building. He had
heard the vehicle's approach and the closing of its metal door, the
noises of human life drawing him from his brooding place beside the
bush. Immediately the big German shepherd recognized them, saw the male
leave with no voice sounds passing between them, then the young female
with the long dark hair running toward the house, little unhappy
whimpers coming from her. For a long moment, he stood in the shadows,
then silently retraced his steps to the rear of the building,
approaching the still closed door where his master was with the golden-
haired female he liked so much.

Anger seethed inside the powerful animal as through a small area where
the glass was not covered he saw the grinning man's nakedly stripped
body standing beside the bed where the pretty golden one lay just as he
had been made to leave her. The human phallus of his master hung limp
and the face of the soft naked female was turned from him. They made
sounds to each other, but those noises held no meaning for the
embittered, witnessing animal ...

"Christ, you're something else, Mrs. Douglas. I haven't been sucked-off
like that in years!" Vince Rivers lewdly tormented, his hands on his
naked hips as he stared down at the sprawled, still spasming loveliness
of the young wife whom he knew was suffering the full shameful effects
of her infidelity.

"G-Get out ... please ... for God's sake, leave me alone!" Shirley
managed in a broken tone, sitting up and reaching for the sheet to
cover herself.

Rivers caught at it, tugging it out of her grasp. "Hey ... not so fast,
baby! Let's not cover up all the sexy scenery, eh? Old Vince isn't
finished yet ... not by a damn sight. Remember, bitch? He's going to
fuck you cross-eyed."

"No! No more!" Shirley exclaimed, trying to get up from the bed, but he
was on top of her, pressing her helpless body back down to the mattress
and holding her there. She tried to struggle, but it was useless. And
then, he sniggered in her face, his strong, hairy leg locking over her
hips and loins to easily subdue her. She felt the flaccid length of his
spent penis and the wiry hair of his muscular loins grinding against
the sensitive, smooth flesh of her hip and thigh. "Oh God, please ...
no more, Vince ... I beg you.

"There now, pussy-girl, don't get all disappointed. In a minute this
cock'll be harder than a ramrod!" he hissed at her. "In the meantime,
let's play kissey games," he taunted, beginning to knead one sore,
swollen breast with his hand.

Shirley's whole being recoiled at the nauseating thought of kissing
him, the fleeting realization that she could actually suck his lustful
penis with a passionate hunger, yet cringe at the idea of letting her
lips touch his almost making her scream out. Again, she struggled, her
sickened mind desperately working.

"Listen to me, please!" she rasped. "Frank is very apt to come to that
door ... he does when he wakes up after drinking ...!"

"Then I'll duck out the way I came in. No sweat, baby ..."

"Oh please, Vince ... he'll kill us both if he ever finds us this way!"
Shirley begged, ready to say anything in her desperation. "L-Let's not
take chances ... there'll be other opportunities ... please?"

Yeah ... maybe she was right, the lustfully keyed-up con-artist gave it
second thought. It wouldn't be very fucking smart to blow his operation
over a piece of tail ... not after what she'd just said about their
being other opportunities ... though his cock was aching again to worm
deep up into that tight little pussy he'd just licked into a frenzy.
But he needed this hit -- he was bad-broke. Yeah, she was right -- that
hot sweet cunt would keep for him.

Nomad backed away from the patio door when he saw his master get up
from the bed and the golden-haired one cover herself with the white
bedding. Only seconds before, he had been ready to charge through the
glass, his fury was so great at the man who was cruelly holding her
down, and at the same time he had heard a clicking sound off to his
right. Instinctively, the big animal who had become totally familiar
with the surroundings, recognized it as the door being opened ajar to
the younger, dark-haired female's room. He moved hungrily toward it ...

Lisa was nothing short of riding a marijuana high when she crawled
naked onto her bed in the darkness. She had smoked two joints, one
after the other, knowing she had overdone it, but at least she was no
longer torn up inside from Paul's unforgivable performance, or the way
he had ruined her passionate plans. She had hoped, too, that the grass
might help soothe the sensual impulses in her soft belly and loins
which she had been intentionally feeding with erotic thoughts most of
the day. But they still smoldered there, more intense if anything,
almost as if the pot had worked in the opposite direction.

Oh Paul ... why did we have to fight ... tonight of all nights? The
aroused young teenager groaned to herself in the darkness. She moved
restlessly, smoothing her shapely legs against the soft sheets beneath
her, the quivering movements of her firm full breasts erotically adding
to her excitement. The irresistible urge to feel and caress them was
more than the hungering girl wanted to deny as she narcissistically
smoothed her small hands around over their soft resilience, gently
massaging their lush fullness and teasing the tiny nipples with little
pinching tweaks into straining buds of hardness. Her breathing
increased as she brushed her hands sensuously down over her narrow
waist and the rounded curve of her hips, then inward toward the base of
her smooth flat belly to the sensitive mound of silky, hair-sprinkled
flesh. There she pressured tauntingly, her slender young fingers
exploring, the light dampness to her fingertip at the peak of her
vaginal slit sending a feverish little tremor of excitement tingling up
her spine.

Damn, she was going to do it herself ... had to if she were ever going
to get any sleep this night! God, she was so hot, and Paul had been
such an idiot! She would have let him ... wanted him to ... yes wanted
him to be the first boy to ever fuck her! Ooohhh ... just thinking the
lewd four-letter word sent further sensations of self-lust rippling
through her. Yes, she would have felt his long hard cock, played with
it and gotten to know it, while he slipped his fingers up into her hot,
needful pussy ... and then they would have fucked! Fucked!

Nomad's keen ears immediately picked up the siblant vibrations of the
young girl's rapid human breathing as he moved noiselessly in through
the opened patio doorway, until he saw her on the bed in her spread-
legged position, the darkness no obstacle to him. Her small hand was
busy between her parted legs, slender fingers moving tauntingly up and
down and sometimes in a circular motion at the slitted opening there,
little hissing sighs coming from within her. He watched her rounded
feminine buttocks lift from the bed to cooperate with her lewdly
stroking hand, the sight very similar to the one he had seen the
golden-haired human make earlier that day. He sensed his blood heating
at the vision of her lovely nakedness and what she was doing to it, his
heavy loins reflexively quivering as he took several more steps into
the room ...

A darker movement in the shadows caught Lisa's attention and with a
gasp, she quickly snapped on her bed lamp. The pot she had smoked
dulled what would have been an automatic reaction, and as she
recognized her intruder the voluptuously naked girl realized she still
lay in her lewd position, her fingers insinuated between the tight-
flushed lips of her exposed pussy! Oh, thank God, it hadn't been anyone

"And ... and just what do you want in here, young man?" she whispered,
something of a lustful little smile tugging at her drug-laxed mouth as
she raised up on the elbow of her free arm, while she continued to
tease slowly with her middle finger at the narrow strip of glistening
pink flesh between her curl-fringed vaginal lips. Already, lurid
impulses of excitement were flitting pell-mell in her soft smooth belly
and desire-infused young loins at the sensual thought of having an
audience watching her do it to herself ... especially one that couldn't
talk! "All right, handsome, and I won't even charge you admission!"

Other thoughts bordering on the obscene, but too wild for her to yet
organize in her pot-dazed mind, raced through the vivacious teenager's
head as she suddenly hopped up from the bed to close and lock her patio
door, carefully drawing the drapes so not even a crevice of light could
be seen from outside. Then quickly reassuming her lewdly spread-open
position on the bed, she raised her head to look excitedly down at the
big German shepherd standing at the foot of her bed. Her dark eyes
gleamed as she stared into the deep brown pools of seeming wonder, his
tail giving a friendly wag.

"Come up here, big boy... come on ... up on the bed with Lisa! She
wants to show you something you might like," the naked young virgin
heard herself whisper hoarsely, the thought of her obscene intentions
firing her lust like a second stage rocket booster.

Lisa's heart gave a little leap as the dog effortlessly bounced up onto
the bed, his powerful massiveness never so ominous as at that moment
when she gaped down between her scissored-open white thighs at his huge
furry body, second thoughts making themselves known in her glazed mind!

Nomad sensed the girl's sudden apprehension and whimpered as if to
reassure her, still wagging his furry arched tail, though he
instinctively knew that the demands of his craving loins would not
allow him to be driven off or denied this time. Fiery blood pounded
through his lithe animal body as he slowly moved up between the smooth
white columns of her open legs until he was hovering over her and her
head dropped back onto the pillow, her pretty eyes wide and gaping in
confused arousal.

God, he didn't seem to need any coaxing, the dark-haired girl silently
told herself, her anxiety of seconds before leaving her as quickly as
it had struck, the bestial sight of him standing there between her open
thighs and over her naked, soft body reminding her of the book she had
read that the girls had excitedly passed around at school. Was that
where she'd suddenly gotten her lustful notion? She remembered the
German shepherd's name, Caesar, and the way he had brought wild animal
love to young wives in the Valley, licking their pussies and ... and
actually fucking them from behind! God, she'd read and re-read it,
making herself cum every night for two weeks!

Oh! Oh, he was going to ... and he did ... abruptly lowering his great
head to lick out with his hot, wet tongue against the naked flesh of
her soft trembling belly! Lisa felt the searing sensation of his
brushing tongue all the way to the very center of her virginal loins.
She gaped with rounded eyes and gasping breaths as the burning wet
coral length licked just as Caesar had done to his excited girls at the
sensitive flesh of her muscle-tensed belly!

Over and over he did it, the heated wetness of its pink flesh
broadening almost affectionately against her tingling skin. With raised
head, her gasping breaths causing her full uptilted breasts to heavily
rise and fall, Lisa strained to see the laving tongue inching slowly
upward over her helpless body. Oh God, was it possible? Ooohhh ... he
was tongue-lapping the rounded underside of one ripely swelling breast,
then creeping upward over it toward its bursting little nipple!

Lisa couldn't restrain the gasping moan when his feverish licking
actually encompassed the highly sensitive bud to send unknown spasms of
carnal delight charging through her young naked body! Ooohhh ... just
like in the book ... and she'd never believed it could really happen
... thought of it all as just a wild story! But it was ... and she
could only hope he would do everything ... everything ... the way
Caesar had done!

Nomad's deep-throated whimper broke into her drugged thoughts and she
saw him backing down in the bed between her widely gaping legs. Lisa
followed him with her small hands, intending to entice him if need be
... but it wasn't necessary! Her breath caught in her throat as she
raised higher to watch him poise there, his handsome head between and
above the juncture of her open thighs!

Oh Caesar ... Nomad ... whatever your name is, darling! Do it ...
please do it for me? "Y-Yesssss ... do it for me, Nomad lover! I want
you to!" Lisa heard herself beg aloud, her hands ready to move down to
her excited young pussy and tease him with it, but his massive head
lowered until she could feel the heat of his animal-breath pantingly
taunting the wispy dark curls covering her there. His wet nose coolly
brushed the soft flesh of her trembling inner-thighs ... and then, the
blood-flushed lips of her pussy slit. She heard his throaty whine as he
sniffed between her legs, knowing then that he'd sensed her human
female arousal, passages from the enlightening book repeating
themselves nearly verbatim in her brain, she had read it so many times!
It was like going to see a movie of a novel one had enjoyed, except
that this was more vivid and real because it was actually happening to
her! And there was no director to spoil or change it -- she was the
director if need be, but as she felt his wet, seething tongue beginning
to lick at the narrow pink split between her spread white thighs, the
curvaceous teenager knew there would be no reason to interfere! She was
being loved by a brute animal, and she trembled and groaned in a
wanting and unknowing mindlessness to his fluid tongue beginning its
hot wet ravaging of her virginal pussy-flesh.

Lisa gasped and squirmed beneath the lewd fire of this forbidden
delight, watching with raised head as the dog relentlessly speared its
tongue through the raw liquid pinkness of her tight girlish cunt as if
it had been programmed. She felt its sleek wetness raking hotly over
the sensitive ring of her tiny puckered anus, laving up and down
through the smooth nether crease again and again before returning to
her inexperienced pussy. Then, it worked there, a gentle ravisher,
never stopping, and at last worming up into her untouched vagina with a
trespassing curl that caused her to convulse deliciously with its lewd
penetration right up into her soft female depths!

Seconds later, he found the tiny bud of her quivering clitoris and she
thought she'd scream out with rapture! She lay writhing beneath his
magnificent animal-tongue in a way she could only describe from
remembered parts of the beautiful book she'd read. It was all true ...
oh, so true ... and she'd never really believed it! How wonderful the
workings of the universe ... for if she hadn't argued with Paul ... if
her stepmother hadn't danced with him ... if Vince Rivers hadn't come
there ... ooohhh! It was all part of a lewd master-plan, like her
reading of CAESAR, and because of every one of those perfect happenings
she was lying here beneath this dog's lust-inciting tongue!

But suddenly, he was moving away! Backing down farther between her legs
and gazing at her with those limpid brown eyes. Lisa's attractive
teenage face branched out into a knowing smile, a sensuous expression
of lust seeking its outlet, her eager young mind convinced by words
read, her feverish loins childishly starving in their adult beauty!

"I know what you want now, baby!" she lewdly whispered, suddenly
turning over onto her belly and twisting her head so that she could
talk to the German shepherd behind her. "This way now, right, lover?"
she hissed, drawing her knees up behind her and spreading them wide as
she lowered her head to elevate her rounded white teenage buttocks the
more to be sure and entice him. "Like this, baby? Am I doing it right?
A-am I? Oh God, Nomad lover, don't let me down now! This is what I
want!" And she reached back with one hand to enticingly pat the ovalled
cheek of one full buttock! "Do it, darling, do it! Fuck Lisa ... she
needs your big wonderful cock!"

An intense sensation of tremulous excitement held the youthful girl
enthralled as the massive dog's furry body crowded hotly in behind her
elevated buttocks. Suddenly, he raised up on his hind legs, his strong
forelegs grasping at her lewdly offered hips. God, he was! Yes! He was
mounting her, she realized in apprehensive fascination, trying to twist
her head to look back! He ... he was going to ... going to fuck her
virginal pussy ... just the way Caesar did!

Lisa's lustfully confused brain spun with the incredible luridness of
the thought, as she trembled in her vulnerable nakedness to the
breathtaking impulses his lashing tongue had enkindled in her chaste
young loins. Then, through her drugged haze, the teenager caught the
reflection of their obscenely locked position in her full-length
dressing mirror, and she groaned aloud at the licentious sight. The
forbidden bestiality of the huge German shepherd astride the spread
white mounds of her rounded buttocks caused wild shocks of burning
desire to whip through her impassioned young body.

Then she gaped in breathless astonishment at the spectacle of his huge
scarlet dog-cock emerging from its long sheath, wet and hard, the
tapered head waggling and dancing forward as it moved close to probe
the tight pink split of her fervently aroused pussy! She felt his
strong animal body jerk against the supplely yielding flesh of her
buttocks, saw his thick red length of blood-filled animal hardness
trying to penetrate the tiny mouth of her tight, unfucked vagina!

A growl from the depths of his throat came down to her, his forepaws
gripping more tightly the soft sensitive flesh of her naked hips as he
thrustingly staggered on his hind legs, eagerly trying to bury the
sleek throbbing rod of glistening dog-cock up inside her half-cringing
pussy from behind!

Whether it was the fierceness in his throaty growl or the abrupt
realization of what she was actually doing, Lisa didn't know, but
suddenly a choking wave of fear swept through her at the thought of his
huge hardened penis ramming painfully up into her virginal cuntal
passage! With a low little whine, she attempted to move on hands and
knees out of his grasp, but a more savage growl from him stopped her
and she hardly dared to breathe as his grip tightened even more at her
narrow waist and the arch of her naked hips! Her firm young breasts
quivered and swayed beneath her chest from the jarring force of his
powerful loins trying to seat themselves against her helplessly
upraised buttocks!

"W-wait, baby ... I-I'm afraid ...!" Lisa heard herself whimper to the
hot feel of his long and pointed cock probing wetly back between her
nakedly elevated ass-cheeks and outward spread thighs!

But the dog didn't wait, and whatever thoughts she had were abruptly
wiped away when she sensed the nose of his hard animal-penis prodding
at the tight wet mouth of her defenselessly spread vagina! An icy chill
of physical fear raced up her teenage spine and once more she
desperately tried to squirm away from the vise-like grip of his
encircling paws, but it was futile! Like an impaling lace, the solid
thickness of his long animal-cock spread the soft hair-fringed lips and
forced its way up into her passion-slick little vaginal passage with a
slight wet popping sound, rippling the smoothly yielding walls wide
apart before its bevel-tipped hardness!

Lisa gasped for lost breath as the huge length of swollen dog cock
stretched and filled her young cuntal passage with a stuffing torment,
its pointed end stabbing sharply up against the tender mouth of her
youthful cervix! Again, she choked out a wailing gasp while the
powerful dog mounting her from behind whimpered his own sound of
triumph, then began to animalistically hump his powerful flanks as he
fucked up into her!

The dark-haired girl's mind was a whirlpool of never-before-experienced
sensations! Her marijuana-fogged head vibrated with the pounding blood
racing through her self-incited brain, while her curvaceous teenage
body, bent nakedly before the fucking German shepherd, quivered and
convulsed in the throes of incredible sensuous torment. Her tight
vaginal passage felt as if it had been pierced with a sharpened,
pointed log, though simultaneously, weird spasms of intensively
building passion filled her loins ... lustful desire the equal of which
she'd never even imagined!

Yet she couldn't help but wonder if his huge burrowing cock hadn't
ripped her wide open! She'd felt the thin membrane of her maidenhead
give way with a burst of knife-like pain, and suddenly she had begun to
feel a mass of hot wetness there as if she were profusely bleeding! She
tried to look down between her legs to examine more closely but his
battering charges as he clutched possessively at her naked waist and
hips made it impossible! Thrusting! Thrusting! Like a searing firebrand
it slithered in and out of her wildly clasping young cuntal channel,
spreading the virginal passage open wider and wider as he hammered the
long, pulsating cock deeper and deeper up between her helplessly spread

Nomad had angrily felt her resistance at first, just as he sensed it
draining from her naked, human flesh now as he watched the upper
portion of her smooth, tapered back drop away before him until her
pretty face and young white breasts were flattened down against the
bedding, the rounded mounds of her resilient buttocks raised
submissively to his assault. At last, he was going to know the powerful
release of his throbbing loins after being denied twice that day.

He felt his long, rut-hardened penis slipping forward with a wet plunge
until it was entirely buried in the clutching moist heat of her tightly
clinging female passage, his swollen, sperm-laden testicles swinging
down and slapping hard against the soft dampness of her dark-curling
pubic hair. Unceasingly, he bucked and battered into the hotly yielding
cuntal flesh, hearing her little moaning sounds and feeling the
trembling nakedness of her soft white buttocks flattening up against
his hard belly as he attempted to skewer her onto the last remaining
inch of his thickly swelling rod of hot animal flesh!

There was hardly time for Lisa to dwell on the pain or know any regret
for her obscene seduction of the handsome massive dog with the mind-
shattering sensations his enormous canine cock immediately set off
inside her. At first, his savage thrust up into her virginal loins
nearly blinded her with the excruciating agony of its huge hardness
bursting into her. But that short-lived torment passed and only the
indescribable presence of his long thick penis plowing open the tight,
resistant flesh of her thoroughly deflowered vagina registered in the
young teenager's mind!

She felt the texture of his sleek animal coat beneath his belly
brushing teasingly against the smooth mounds of her naked ass-cheeks!
Remembering, she gaped at the mirror in bug-eyed fascination as the
burning, scarlet rod raced forward with a wet, fierce charge, pistoning
to the very hilt up into the clutching wetness of her friction-fired
young cunt! At the same time she saw and felt his heavy sperm-bloated
balls swing punishingly down to smack against the flat softness beneath
her raven pussy-hair as he fucked into her from behind!

Her head jarring from his every bestial, breast-jiggling thrust, the
gasping teenager tried to concentrate on the long scarlet cock-length
battering into her when she moved in salacious tempo back to meet his
powerful rhythmic strokes! Wild sensations of unbearable lust saturated
her nakedly slaving body as she thrust backward onto the ever-
thickening cock digging still deeper up into her feverishly quivering
belly from behind! Without mercy, his great muscular beauty pummeled
the soft white cheeks of her widespread buttocks, his huge reaming cock
a relentless shaft of glistening red joy sinking to its full capacity
up into her sensuously enlightened belly! With uncontrollable gasps of
passion, Lisa rotated her lewdly working ass-cheeks back at the dog in
an obscene frenzy, wantonly grinding her clinging vaginal sheath down
over the length of his cunt-piercing animal-flesh!

The warning beaconed through her lust-inflamed body like generated
electric shocks, the unmistakable signal of the erotic climax. It
rippled through the churning depths of her unseasoned loins with
flashes of stabbing delight, licking hotly at the base of her quivering
belly with an unequaled promise of rapture. Like the animal who was
fucking her, she whined in the desperate reach for her elusive orgasm,
gaping hungrily at the mirror to see Nomad's thick wet cock
disappearing up between the soft whiteness of her absorbing buttocks,
his furious fucking timed in quickened, jerky animal strokes! She saw
her own pink cuntal flesh clinging wetly to his huge rigidity when he
pulled out of her, then vanishing up inside again with his thrusting
cudgel, his heavy cum-bloated bails below slapping loudly against the
spread-open lips of her tingling pussy!

The teenager's pot-incited brain reeled in the torrent of her mindless
passion, her glazed dark eyes feasting on the sensuous spectacle of her
full young breasts quivering and swaying to the German shepherd's
beautiful furry body, as she raised part way up on her elbows. She saw
her own disheveled black hair flailing when she tossed her head in
cadence to the moans of gasping enchantment hissing from her chest!

"Ooohhhhh ... damnnnn ... you beautiful brute ... just like the book!
00hhh ... fuck me, loverrrrr ... give it to meee hardddd! Hard, Nomad
... harrddd!" Lisa bleated in choking, wanton joy. "Fuck it! Fuck it,

The very animalish whine in her tone made Nomad understand to the
depths of his loving instincts the pleasure he was bringing her. He
whimpered back in response as he thrust frenziedly up into her from
behind, struggling on his hind legs to move in closer. He felt the
eager backward plunges of her soft wet human cunt hotly sheathing his
aching hardness. The burning heat of her tight young mating passage was
clenching greedily at his throbbing cock, causing the great pressure to
being swirling deep in his heavy loins. He sensed the dribbling wetness
against them that trickled down the soft smooth backs of her thighs
from where he fucked into her, and saw the thin, sheen-like film of
perspiration gathered on her naked white curves beneath him. His own
tongue hung loosely from his open jaws in heated frenzy. The moment of
release was almost there!

Abruptly, Lisa raised her sensuously lax face to cry out a throaty,
inhuman sound from deep inside her chest, Her lust-dimmed eyes grew
round and totally blank! "Ooohhh ... ooohhh ... I'm going to explode,
darling ... ! I-I'm mad! Do it for meeeee ... make me cum ... or I'll
die ... make me cum ... lover ... cuumm!"

And instinctively, Nomad knew, as he fucked with pile-driving fury into
her quivering hot flesh. All of his past training seeming to culminate
in his skillful animal-loins, his mental bank guiding the increased
hammering he pounded up into her newly initiated young cunt from
behind. He heard her voice choke into a strangled blend of sob and
sigh, saw her head tossing wildly from side to side, her dark midnight
hair flailing as she began the first convulsions of release!

Lisa skewered her passionately undulating buttocks back onto his long
thick rod of pulsating hardness with a bitch wantonness she never even
imagined existed! The first spasm of her climax jolted her and she
moaned, slamming her rounded white ass-cheeks back hard against the
lust-quenching dog-cock with a desperate lunge! At the same second,
Nomad retaliated with a forward thrust and deep-chested growl, his
massive, burning hardness beginning to spew its seething animal sperm
deep up into her soft constricting belly with long, hard spurts.

"Oooooh! OOOOOHHHHHHH!" Lisa cried out passionately, her jerking
buttocks beginning to contract convulsively to the insane eruption
bursting hotly in her teenage belly and loins! She threw her head from
side to side with her naked hips in overwhelming, erotic bliss ... at
last opening her eyes at the mirror to see the combination of human-
animal cum oozing whitely from her tightly clenching, but no longer
virginal, cunt which was still clasping and milking hungrily at her
animal-lover's deflating penis. The rivulets of their sticky white
secretions ran hotly down the satin-like columns of her inner thighs
... and when she could no longer watch, she fell forward onto her
breasts, gasping a sigh of heavenly joy ... and it was hours later when
she awakened that Lisa moved from that position to cuddle against the
sleeping German shepherd beside her ...

Chapter 5

Shirley refused to think. She arose, showered and dressed because she
knew she had to, almost thankful that something was driving her. They
had a new cook, and how would she know Frank took his eggs at three and
one-half minutes unless she was told? His toast had to be dark, almost
burned, and if the bacon wasn't crisp without being scorched, everyone
knew about it.

Fortunately, the breakfast table was empty when she passed through to
the kitchen and smiled at the robust woman named Rachael who handed her
a cup of coffee before she could hardly say good-morning.

"You like a little something in it maybe, Miz Douglas?"

"No ... well ... yes, I think so this morning, Rachael," Shirley
replied, slipping into the narrow seat of the breakfast nook. "Yes ...
there's some brandy up there in the cupboard right above you. I would
like a splash."

"Of course you would, honey!" the big, dark-faced woman replied.
"You're like. me, ain't you? In the morning ... first thing ... just a
nip or so to give you a lift."

"Thank you," Shirley answered, feeling a warm relationship immediately
with the sparkling, dark-eyed woman. "I-I didn't sleep too well."

"I know ... I know ... especially with guests in the house," the big
woman said, chuckling and moving around the kitchen as if she'd laid
undeniable claim. "I thought we'd have scrambled eggs and bacon, honey,
with a little hominy, just not paying any attention to what they think
they want ..."

"Oh Rachael, Mr. Douglas always has two eggs dropped for a ..."

"I know, I know, sugar-lamb. But this morning he gets his eggs
scrambled with hominy and bacon ... and I bet he loves it!" she
confidently said, chuckling in a vein of warmth Shirley wished she
could feel. "Tell you, baby, we girls have to do our thing our way, but
we tell them it's theirs eh? It's either that or women's lib ... and
me, I kind of like being dominated by my man."

Shirley listened to her heart-warming chuckle as she worked over the
stove, the confident and invigorating sound inspiring a growth of equal
strength inside her! God, she wasn't an animal, or a whore, was she?
Certainly, Vince Rivers was no less a man for what he'd done last night
... then why should she be any less a woman? She hadn't really been
taken ... defeated ... raped! She'd given herself to it ... wanted it
... with every lustful twinge he'd brought her! She was just as guilty,
but no more than he ... and as innocent over the breakfast table.

Shirley stood up, a warmth surging through her as she went to their new
cook and kissed her on the cheek. "I-I don't know where you've been,
but I've needed you for a long time," the young wife whispered with

"Ohhhhh ... well now ... I don't know what you did last night, baby ...
but it was never all that bad either!" Rachael answered, wrapping her
big arm around the smaller girl. "You just hold your head right up
there with the best of 'em, honey. Anybody with a face and a body as
pretty as yours don't have to take no back seats, eh?"

Again, Shirley kissed her, then eased away to walk into the dining room
wearing an almost unseeing, confident smile, her young mind alert from
the splash of brandy she'd had in her coffee.

Lisa and Nomad came in through the opposite door simultaneously with
Shirley. The new wife seemed to be the only one at the breakfast table
who was smiling. Frank looked like living death with his hangover.
Vince Rivers merely watched her with eyes that seemed to lecherously
gloat, reminding the blonde girl of 'the cat who ate the canary' ... a
rather apt phrase she mused as Frank stood to graciously seat her and
their too-handsome guest dittoed for Lisa.

"Daddy ... I-I want to apologize for last night ... the way I acted,"
the dark-haired teenager spoke out suddenly leaning toward her father
and reaching for his hand. "I-I was wretched and ... and I know it! I'm
sorry. It was a beautiful gift and I love it ... it's much more than I

The blank expression on Frank's face was probably one of less
astonishment than the stunned one on her own, Shirley absently
measured. For a moment, she couldn't help but wonder if she'd heard
correctly, but when she saw the tears sparkling in the vivacious young
beauty's onyx eyes, she was certain.

"Well ... ah ... that's all right, baby ... you were just a little
upset is all," Frank replied, his big squared face breaking into a
handsome, elated smile. He patted her small hand, then beamed his smile
toward Shirley. "W-We understand, don't we, honey?"

"Yes ... yes, of course," the surprised bride responded, more than
pleased, if not a little startled, at being included in what was
actually a personal situation between father and daughter. Shirley
swallowed at the abrupt lump rising in her own throat. It was just
another one of the many ways Frank chose to show Lisa his insistence
that she recognize his new wife's place in his life and their family

"I-I want to apologize to you, too, Shirley," the attractive teenager
quickly followed, training those tear-dimmed, almond-shaped eyes
levelly onto her. "I-I've ... I've been terrible ... like a spoiled
brat and ... and I'm ashamed. I-If you'll both forgive me, I-I promise
to make it up to you."

Shirley was speechless, unable to hold back the tiny rivulets of tears
trickling down her cheeks. Frank's happy smile alone was enough to have
brought them, but Lisa's added expression of sincere regret was too
much. She had to excuse herself for a few moments.

Vince Rivers watched it all with inner amusement, sitting back in his
chair and sipping at his coffee. Some fucking soap opera ... 'A Day
with the Douglas Family' or, 'Her Bladder's Too Close To Her Tear
Ducts'! Big daddy, you're a dumb stoop, Rivers thought, and if you
could've seen your honey's mouth stuffed with my hard cock last night
you'd begin to get the picture. But just as well that you are a dummy,
because that's going to make it a hell of a lot easier for me ... and
today's the day, I'm thinking.

At the same time, the scheming con man was as much taken up with the
way his pet, Nomad, was clinging to the side of the curvaceous young
Lisa. This was something new, and there was no question but what the
big animal was following his telltale routine of thigh-rubbing! Vince
watched the way the pretty teenager still leaned onto the table as she
talked softly to her father, his greedy eyes too filled with the sight
of her full young breasts rippling beneath the silky blouse she wore to
hear anything that passed between them. She obviously wasn't wearing a
brassiere -- the little hardened nipples of those lushly quivering
mounds showed in clear ovalled shadows straining against the sheer
material of her blouse. The sexy bitch! As sure as hell, the mutt had
scored with her! And maybe. last night! Sure, what else? That's where
he'd been all night -- in her room!

"There now, baby, it's all okay," Frank Douglas said, patting his
daughter's small white hand reassuringly. Even in the torments of his
hangover, the big man couldn't remember when he'd felt as good. "Look
now, you dry those pretty eyes ... and promise me you and Shirley'll
get aquainted today."

Lisa smiled through her tears. "I promise, daddy," she whispered. "Now,
I better go powder my nose."

Frank watched her trip lightly from the room with Rivers' German
shepherd not a half-step behind her. Christ, he had no idea what ever
had come over her, but he wasn't about to question it. This might just
be one of the happiest days in his life ... if he could just find
himself man enough to be a real husband to his young bride.

"It takes a lot of inner something to do what she just did right in
front of a stranger, Frank," Vince Rivers said, interrupting the older
man's plaguing, never absent shame. "You should be proud of her. She's
a fine, lovely girl."

"Damn, you don't know how proud I am of her, Vince ... of them both ...
and I guess I don't have to tell you that it's been a trying six
months," Frank replied with a shake of his head. Then in a lowered
voice, "But I think it's going to iron itself out between them now ...
Yes, I think it is."

"You're a lucky man having two beautiful young women who love you," the
younger one said, doubting very much that the booze-blooded old fool
decorating the head of his table had the slightest notion his guest was
laughing up his sleeve ... and that was putting it mildly.

But Shirley, re-entering the room with Lisa and Nomad behind her,
easily read Vince Rivers' ridiculing tone of voice, and a sharp
sensation of shame clutched at her belly. God, no matter what, she
could never really forgive herself for the sluttish way she'd betrayed
her wonderful husband last night with this evil man. She might learn to
live with the salacious memory of it, but there was no way she could
ever atone for it.

"No, don't get up, darling," Shirley said. "We can seat ourselves this
time, can't we, Lisa?"

"I think so," the younger girl gaily answered, her winning smile almost
secretly radiant. In truth, she couldn't remember when she'd felt so
unburdened of petty hates and animosities, all of the vicious little
hang-ups which had been needling her for months now... and she knew
deep in her heart that only Nomad was responsible! He had gloriously
made a woman of her -- a thrilling enlightenment that she had awakened
to that brilliant summer morning like the bursting rays of the sun at
dawn! God, she was happy, and she reached beneath the table to pet the
massive head of the animal resting against her thigh who had made it
all possible. "We ... Shirley and I ... are going shopping together
sometime today!" she beamed at her father. "We haven't planned it out
yet, but we'll probably be spending some of your money, daddy."

"Great! That's what it's for, eh Vince?" Frank replied, grinning from
eat to ear. "And speaking of money ... how's the plant beginning to
look to you, young man? I don't like to sit on deals too long."

"I know what you mean, Frank," Rivers replied, assuming his business
disguise. "Quite honestly, I've pretty much made up my mind ...
favorably that is, if you still want a partner. I'd like a couple more
days to check over my notes before I call in my own attorneys to handle
the legal end for me."

"Of course ... I don't want to push you ... but well, I'm anxious to
unload the operating end of things," Shirley heard her husband say, a
stronger impulse of uneasiness gripping her stomach. She couldn't help
but think of an innocent lamb being led to slaughter as she watched the
expressions on both men's faces. God, someway, somehow, no matter what
it cost her, she had to bring Frank to his senses, make him know the
type of man he was dealing with.

"Good mornin', everyone! Here it is and I'm sorry to have kept you all
waiting so long!" Rachael beamed, wheeling in a cart filled with
covered dishes and fresh coffee. "We've got scrambled eggs, bacon,
hominy and tons of toast on the menu this morning, and anybody that
doesn't like that breakfast just ain't hungry!"

Shirley swallowed tightly as the big woman chuckled, then winked at
her. She looked at Frank to watch his reactions, tensing as her
husband's eyes began to widen beneath a furrowed, questioning brow.

"Hominy?" he repeated.

"Yes sir! Ain't nothin' lie it to stick to your ribs and keep a man
going! You agree, Mr. Douglas?" the smiling, robust woman put to him.

"Hell yes, I agree!" Frank exclaimed, his face broadening in a warm
grin. "I haven't had hominy in twenty years!" Then, to Shirley, "It's
about time we got a real cook around this place, honey."

* * * *

It really hadn't dawned on Shirley until after Frank and Vince Rivers
had left for the plant in their separate cars. Lisa had decided on a
swim, asked her to join in, but the troubled young bride had wanted
some time alone to decide just what she was going to do to stop Vince
Rivers from really swindling the husband she loved, and she was
positive that those were Rivers' crooked intentions. If anyone in that
house knew their guest for what he was, she did! Her excuse with Lisa
of having several letters to write was readily accepted, and after
picking up a cup of coffee laced with brandy from Rachael, she had gone
to her room, thinking en route of the argument Lisa had told her she
and Paul had and that the teenager would like to discuss girl-to-girl
with her.

Shirley had entered her bedroom wearing an elated smile at just the
thought of Lisa wanting to discuss her love-life with her. She couldn't
remember being any more happy over an unexpected turn of events than
she was at the beautiful girl's show of character at the breakfast
table. And she was truly sorry ... that was the marvelous thing of it
all, the gorgeous young angel had felt it, said it, and meant it! Who
said the younger generation lacked depth?

Whatever had happened to make that embittered teenager do a complete
about face? Shirley wondered as she seated herself in front of her
vanity and sipped at the spiked, hot coffee. The so-called argument
with Paul? Certainly, they must have endured a few of those after all
the years they'd been going together. No ... that wasn't it directly,
even though it might have played a part. No ... it was almost as if
she'd been taken into womanhood over night ... the way a lover, or a
husband might sweep her up out of the world of juvenility with sensual
love ...!

That was the precise second that the dawning stroke raised a rash of
goose-flesh over Shirley Douglas' soft, smooth curves! Nomad? Nomad?
Was it possible? In all of the hullabaloo at breakfast Shirley had
actually lost contact with the handsome German shepherd, remembering
now that never once had he come to her, but had remained lovingly
crowding Lisa's young thighs everywhere she went! In fact, he was with
her right at that moment!

An emotion of unexplainable jealousy washed through the troubled
housewife as she bolted to her feet and went to the pool-side doors to
look out. He was! Lisa was stretched out face down on a towel, lying on
the deck, and Nomad was crowded as close as he could get to her
curvaceous young body! Oh God! There wasn't any doubt about it! That
damn little teenage witch had used him! No wonder she was so lovingly
gracious this morning! She'd seduced Nomad like some wanton slut, and
had been purifying her shameful act behind open expressions of lesser

* * * *

Frank Douglas sat behind the wheel of his Caddy that morning hardly
realizing he was suffering from the usual pangs of hangover. Hell, he
couldn't remember when he'd felt so damn buoyant at this time of day!
The whole goddamn world had suddenly taken on a new glow ... well,
almost the whole world! If he could just somehow devise a way to whip
his impotency. Damn he knew that she loved him, wanted him to make ...
oh hell, wanted him to fuck her! That's what he meant, wasn't it? Yeah
... and if he could only shake that enervating sensation which seemed
to suck the sap from his very bones when he looked down at her lying
there goddess-beautiful in her soft white nakedness beneath him! If
only he could!

He'd been good with Mavis ... and he'd always been a man with the few
extra-curricular women he'd had! What in Christ's name had happened to
him? He tried to think about it as he drove toward Douglas Electronics
through the heavy traffic, and each time he ended with a vision of
Shirley's intoxicating white beauty spread open and waiting for him,
his loins seeming to shrivel at the violating thought!

Frank shook his head as he paused the powerful vehicle in the maze
before a boulevard traffic-light, the feeling of a newfound family
closeness never stronger inside him; yet he knew to walk into his
beautiful Shirley's bedroom for the sex that was always ready and
waiting for him would end in a total disaster. He was too old! That was
the whole goddamn problem! And how long could an impotent old man hold
a young, enchanting beauty like Shirley? With young men such as Rivers
around ... not long! And even if there wasn't a Rivers, he wouldn't,
couldn't blame her for finding her own man, could he?

The thought sickened him. He drove slowly, clinging in the right-hand
lane, as if that were the line where he and all has-beens belonged.
Vehicles swerved past him, young people drinking coffee and putting on
lip-rouge to the reflections of sun-visor mirrors. One girl had her
head buried in the lap of her male driver, as if she might be ... and
that gave him a stir deep in his loins. Maybe she was the wife of his
next-door neighbor, and this was the way another errant husband managed
it with her! He tried to maneuver his Caddy up beside them, but they
were too far ahead and he never saw them again.

Frank found a cigar and lighted it. Oddly enough, his usual hangover
wasn't up to torturous standards this morning. Rachael's hominy, maybe.
He smiled to himself. Some gal, he thought, just what his divided home
had needed for a tong time. He eased over into the faster lane with a
feeling that it was time to do something with spirit. Yeah, it was
that, all right. Vince Rivers might just hold the answers for him ...
for them. Once he'd taken over the helm, Shirley and he could try a new
environment, get away from everything just the two of them. Somehow, he
felt sure that would do it, though he'd miss the old plant -- it'd damn
near been his whole life. But something had to happen, and today
couldn't be too soon! Yeah, it was his day ... hell, he knew it was,
absolutely knew it!

He thought of Lisa and the way she'd done a complete about face at the
breakfast table. Christ, he'd been proud of his pretty daughter, but
all along he'd known in his heart that she was made of better material
then what she'd shown these past months. She'd wind up marrying young
Fulton shortly, he felt certain of that, and then it would be just
Shirley and himself ... not that he wanted to be rid of his daughter.
Hell no, it wasn't that, but it was what the girt wanted, he knew, and
he'd bet that hardly a moment went by in a day when she wasn't thinking
about Paul Fulton ...

In fact, at that very moment, Lisa's young, sensuously awakened mind
was occupied with just such thoughts. She lay belly-down, very still
beneath the sun's warmth glowing down over her almost naked teenage
body. She wore the bikini she'd bought for her graduation party, its
tininess exactly what she wanted for sun bathing. Her brassiere strap
was unfastened behind and she felt the full soft mounds of her rounded
breasts squashing out beneath her, just as she sensed Nomad's furry
animal presence crowded against her smooth thigh. Somewhere, a bird
sang, the only sound to interrupt the peaceful, quiet stillness of the

In her new sense of happy relief, the dark-eyed girl had tried to empty
her mind of everything, but it wasn't possible. Paul was always there.
Would he call her after last night ... or come by, perhaps? And how
would she ever explain to him now the absent seal of her virginity when
that time came ... or could she bluff it?

Nomad stirred beside her, his big muscular body immediately bringing
back exciting secret memories of their beautiful party, and the way she
had awakened this morning tightly cuddled against him. Tiny thrills of
lingering arousal provocatively smoldered in her sensitive loins and
softly tingling belly. She thought of the little bruises on her tight,
fleshy vaginal lips she'd discovered this morning and the almost
pleasant feeling of soreness deep in the intimate channel between her
legs. She had examined herself thoroughly the first thing to be sure
his huge hardness hadn't torn her anywhere, and it hadn't. The
wonderful love-making darling, she excitedly mused as she lay there
reveling in the warm sunshine while her still passion-infused young
mind continued to feed the glow she had opened her eyes to with her
handsome animal lover masterfully cuddling her close.

There was little use trying to deny it, the erotically stimulated Lisa
knew deeply within herself as she rolled onto her back, laying her
bikini brassiere loosely over her palpitating young breasts. She had to
have more! Seconds, as some of the guys might say! God, she just had to
seduce him into doing it to her one more time ... and there was no time
like the present!

Chapter 6

Once the initial shock of realizing that she had definitely hit upon
the truth had passed, Shirley Douglas forced herself to calmly
deliberate. She sent for more coffee and the brandy bottle, which
Rachael quickly brought; then she seated herself in a comfortable
boudoir chair near the opened doors where she could see Lisa's lithe
teenage form stretched out beside that of the big German shepherd.

Try as she might, the blonde haired young wife couldn't rid herself of
the jealous pangs gnawing at her, but as well was she determined to
accept the fact the Nomad's promiscuity was inevitable! After all, he
was only an animal, a magnificent one to say the least, yet still just
a dog. And there wasn't any doubt in her mind now but what he'd been
spreading his sensual favors quite freely among neighboring wives such
as Anita Parsons, that ... that big-fitted bitch! Oh, just the thought
of her seducing the handsome darling made Shirley's blood boil, but she
wasn't going to waste her time thinking about her ... No, there was
more to Nomad's beautiful, almost trained love-making, than what she
had ever imagined!

How had Vince Rivers known last night that she and his pet dog were ...
were actually doing things, or that Nomad had been with her? He had
walked in through the open patio doors at precisely the opportune
moment. Yes, he'd even been dressed ... or undressed ... and ready his
... his huge penis hard -- as if it had all been part of a plan! Of
course, it was! Whatever other scheming dishonesty their guest was up
to, Vince Rivers was a practicing lecher who used the innocent,
affection-hungered Nomad to help him in blackmailing defenseless wives
... and undoubtedly girls like Lisa!

It came back to Shirley suddenly the way he had been ogling the
teenager at breakfast earlier! Of course! He was measuring Nomad's new
attachment to Lisa, and if everything she was deducing was true, the
distraught wife realized that it had to have happened between her
husband's daughter and the beautiful animal last night ... after Vince
had driven the dog from her room!

Again, the green-eyed monster jabbed its claws into Shirley as she
thought of the handsome brute ardently licking his loving tongue over
and through Lisa's girlish loins just as he'd done to her. Even though
the lewd mental picture raised both anxiety and envy inside the
voluptuous blonde bride, she couldn't help but imagine the tremendous
sensations it must have brought the inexperienced girl -- and Shirley
felt certain that the vivacious teenager was definitely that.

It was true that Lisa had been bitter and hateful to her the past six
months, but never had she shown any sluttish qualities, and if she were
any less than a 'nice' girl, a young man of Paul Fulton's caliber
wouldn't be hanging around. No, Lisa was anything but one of the free-
loving younger generation, perhaps even a virgin, and Shirley didn't
intend that a louse tike Vince Rivers was going to get to her! But how
could she warn the unsuspecting girl without bringing everything right
out in the open?

Shirley sipped at her brandy-laced coffee while she sat absently
admiring Lisa's almost naked, delicately tanned young curves. The
brandy churned warmly in her belly, flushing a light tinge to her
smooth cheeks. She saw Nomad stir in his closeness against the younger
girl's shapely fun thigh, and then Lisa rolled onto her back, her firm,
rounded white breasts exposed for the brief moment it took to arrange
her loose brassiere. The tiny, berry-like nipples cresting the lush
mounds were visible to Shirley for just that fleeting second, their
intimate revelation sending a little sensation of unusual incitement
rippling through her sensitive loins to register in her brain. The
unexpected impulse more than surprised her; it even embarrassed her
when she realized it had been caused by the mere glimpse of her step-
daughter's ripe young breasts!

Lord, brandy in the morning could do wild things to a girl, Shirley
reasoned, a little quiver rippling up her spine. All the same, it had
done remarkable things too, toward lessening the guilty feeling she'd
crawled out of bed with earlier. And it had made it possible for her to
face Vince Rivers over the breakfast table with her head held high
while her husband sat there with both of them. On top of that, it was
going to fortify whatever courage it took to approach Lisa and talk
girt-to-girl with her before Vince Rivers could trap the unsuspecting
beauty in -- to a lecherous compromise she would be too frightened to
deny him!

Determined, Shirley bounced from the chair and began to undress,
quickly finding a bikini to slip into. As she rapidly shed her dress
and finally brassiere and panties, habitually watching the smooth
ripples of her own softly rounded curves mirrored in her vanity, the
long-haired blonde mentally planned the approach she would use. But
even if everything else failed and there was no way she could
delicately warn her husband's unaware daughter, then she would come
right out and lay the whole picture before the teenager, regardless of
what it might cost her own self! Lisa had said she was sorry, that she
wanted to be friends, and this was going to be the first test of that
friendship ... especially if Shirley had to tell the truth of what
happened between her and their unscrupulous house guest last night.

The young wife returned to the open patio doors as she fastened her
bikini bra-strap from behind, then began to arrange the fullness of her
amply rounded breasts into comfortable position inside the concealing
garment. Once more, knife-like pangs of jealousy raked her inwardly as
she saw the curvaceous Lisa sitting upright and leaning forward, her
bikini top fallen away to completely expose the jutting twin mounds of
white resilience swaying provocatively with her movements. Their round
pink nipples seemed strained into a tight hardness visible even from
that distance, as holding Nomad's massive head between her small hands,
Lisa kissed him between the eyes!

A little painful gasp caught in the blonde woman's throat, the keen
blades of unwanted jealousy stabbing at her tensed belly once more when
she saw the handsome animal's dog-tongue lick out to pinkly caress
Lisa's firm young breasts with loving affection! Oh God! And then,
Frank's daughter quickly bounded to her feet, securing her swimsuit top
and smiling excitedly down at Nomad's open-jawed, tail-wagging beauty
... both of them walking rapidly toward Lisa's patio door with the
massive German shepherd rubbing against her naked thigh as if he
couldn't get close enough.

Shirley unconsciously whimpered aloud as she poured straight brandy
into her empty coffee cup with a shaking hand, then raised it to her
lips, swallowing it away in two fast gulps. She stood there for a long
moment staring through the opened doorway and seeing nothing as the
effects of the strong stimulant surged through her. They, whoever they
were, could laugh at women's intuition, but through her own gift of it
she knew unquestionably what was going to happen in Lisa's bedroom! She
had seen it in the girl's sparkling dark eyes, and sensed her erotic
arousal in the straining little buds peaking her ripe young breasts!

Unreasonable ripples of sensuality churned within her own susceptible
loins and soft belly at the inciting mental scenes her knowing brain
was uncontrollably projecting on the screen of her mind! She started to
pour more brandy into the cup, then thought better of that. Instead,
she stepped outside to see that Lisa's doors were closed ... but maybe
she hadn't locked the main one off the hallway! If she had, then
Shirley would hammer on it until the girl opened it!

* * * *

The fire-filled emotions eating at Lisa had done nothing short of blind
her! She had to have Nomad's huge dog-cock once more, racing up into
her hotly excited vagina in all its sleek, slippery hardness, filling
her belly and saturating her with those lust-intoxicating sensations
when she came! Maybe she was evil, she didn't know or care as she
stripped away her brief bikini and stood in trembling, desire-inspired
nakedness before the beautiful animal watching her every move with
erect, velvety ears.

Just the sight of him standing and waiting, as if he knew exactly what
was about to happen, sent frantic charges of erotic excitement soaring
through the teenage girl. She moved closer to him, spreading her
shapely legs in a wide obscene stance. Then, bending her knees, she
smoothed her small hands down over her arched hips and inward between
her wide-open thighs to lewdly spread with extended fingers the flushed
curl-fringed lips of her cuntal split until its moistened pinkness was
exposed to the eagerly staring dog.

"C-Come on, baby! Lick it, for Lisa! Run that gorgeous tongue through
her hot pussy!" the dark-haired girl luridly hissed, her lush lips
wetly open, her onyx eyes sparkling with tile teenaged lust simmering
inside her. Just the audible sound of the obscene word coming from her
own mouth excited her all the more. "Do it, darling! Lick my cunt for
me! Then, you can fuck me again! Shove your handsome cock right up into
my hot pussy-hole!"

Those were the same sensually stimulating words which sordidly reached
Shirley's ears as she stood still in the hallway holding Lisa's
unlocked door pressed inches inward! She swallowed, her mouth and
throat as dry as a desert, standing rigid there and afraid to move, but
knowing she had to, Lisa's salacious request echoing and re-echoing in
her own liquor-aroused brain. Slowly, the blonde girl eased the door
further inward to peek around it and see Nomad move forward between her
stepdaughter's naked wide-stanced legs, the curvaceous girl's obscene
pose, with her slender white hands holding open the hair-lined lips of
her girlish pussy, sending wild sensations of unbelievable excitement
charging through Shirley!

With wagging tail, Nomad was obeying, lifting his gallant head and
suddenly out the length of his long wet tongue to lick up through the
sensitive pink flesh Lisa revealed to him! Shirley watched the shudder
of unhidable passion ripple over the lovely teenager's naked curves as
she thrust her young loins forward to the German shepherd's avid
tongue, a thrill of sympathetic response rippling over her own near-
naked body!

"Do it! Do it! More, lover! Lick it ... tongue it good for me!" Lisa
gasped, squatting even lower and working her softly curved hips and
buttocks upward in an obscene arch of movement against his wet laving
tongue. "Oh, you're even better than any Caesar could ever be, darling!
I love you! You're real, and right here, licking my hot pussy for me
... and this is only the beginning."

Shirley had to brace herself against the door-casing to keep from
failing, or at least staggering. She sensed the heated wetness seeping
down between her swollen, blood-flushed vaginal lips to flood her
bikini briefs as she played voyeur, her heart pounding to every lust-
throbbing word tumbling from Lisa's hissing mouth. Silently, she eased
inside to stand there, closing the door behind her without a sound,
still unnoticed by Lisa who now stood in her lewd, knees-bent position
with her undulating white buttocks toward Shirley, Nomad's view cut off
by the teenager's offered loins he was eagerly licking!

The heavily breathing young wife couldn't comprehend the lascivious
emotions this wanton spectacle was causing to electrify her passionate
young body! Instead of reproach or anger she was beset from the first
witnessing view with a series of feverish erotic impulses, the urge
almost overwhelming to rush forward and clasp the beautiful girl's
smooth white nakedness hungrily against her!

Suddenly, Lisa saw her stepmother's reflection in the full-length
dresser mirror, the eyes of both girls meeting there in a shocked
clash, Lisa's lust-fired dark ones rounding into horror while Shirley's
sensuously incited sparkle expressed a compassionate understanding that
the younger girl never saw! She whirled out of her sordid stance,
staggering, her firm high-set breasts quivering and her long hair
wildly tossing as she faced Shirley open-mouthed gaping in abject
mortification. Nomad growled, then recognized their intruder and began
to wag his tail.

"M-My God! You ... you've been spying on me!" Lisa hissed, making no
motion to cover her exposed young curves, the full impact of her trauma
yet to have its effect in the shamed debasement rapidly engulfing her.

Shirley realized this and above all wanted to avoid the sobbing
reaction she was certain was only seconds away. "No ... no, baby! I
wouldn't do that to you ... not ever!" she softly exclaimed, moving
toward the enticing naked girl who could only stare at her in momentary
numbed disbelief. "I just wanted to talk with you, darling ... and your
door was unlocked ..."

"You're lying! Y-You were spying, like ... like a voyeur ... trying to
see what you could!" Lisa gasped out, her voice beginning to rise
shrilly. "My God ... I can't believe it! You ...! Well, did you see
what we were doing? I-I was letting him ... no, making lam lick between
my legs!" she half-wailed. "Yes, he was licking my cunt, Stepmother!
I'm an animal, aren't I? Why don't you go out and call Daddy right now
so that you can tell him?"

Shirley slapped her hard, a red blotch immediately appearing on the
younger girl's almost translucent white cheek, the force of the blow
causing Lisa to reel backwards, her naked curves rippling with the
stinging jar. For another moment, the girl could only stare wide-eyed
at the beautiful angered face of the bikinied blonde before her; then
she broke, starting to slump downward toward the floor, burying her
face in her hands, but Shirley caught her first.

Gently, the young wife drew the sobbing teenager's soft nakedness
inside her arms, pressing the crying girl's face willingly against the
exposed softness of her shoulder. She smoothed her hand around Lisa's
narrow waist and then caressed upward over her back, the contact with
Lisa's silken flesh excitingly provoking. The lush, dark-nippled mounds
of Lisa's full ripe breasts were flattened nakedly against her own and
the intoxicating desire to stroke her hand down over the girl's ovalled
white buttocks below was nearly uncontrollable.

Shirley held the convulsing Lisa's head with one hand while the other
continued to soothingly caress the younger girl's naked back. "There
now, honey, let's get hold of ourselves," she whispered. "You must
believe me, baby ... I wouldn't do anything in the world that would
hurt you! And yes, I know what you were doing ... because ... I've done
it with that darling dog, too! So you see, you're not the only one."

It was seconds before the words of her father's new young wife
penetrated the wall of shame and despair crushing down on Lisa, but
when they did she sensed a little tremor of rekindled sensuality
flicker through her. Slowly, she raised her head, her breathing still
catching but her tears stopped. She looked into the sultry blue eyes of
the voluptuous woman holding her inside her arms, suddenly confident
that the other was not lying.

"But ... but you have Daddy, Shirley. You only said that to make me
feel better."

"I said it because it's true, baby, and if that handsome lover over
there could speak, he'd tell you so," Shirley replied in a soft tone.
Reluctantly, she backed away from the lovely naked girl, but catching
hold of one hand led her over to the bed where they sat down on the
edge side by side. "Now ... I'm going to tell you everything, Lisa,
because I trust you, and I want us to be very close from now on. But
there's something you must know before it's too late ...!"

Shirley minced no words as she unfolded it all to her husband's stunned
daughter, revealing from the beginning the whole story of Frank's
sexual problem and the nonexistent love-making side of their marriage.
In a calm voice, she told Lisa of her own little party with Nomad and
of the wonderful pleasure-bringing release he had brought her, and
finally of her lustful oral act with Vince Rivers the night before.

"Y-You mean that ... that he uses Nomad to help him ... score with
girls?" Lisa gaspingly whispered.

"I'm sure of it, baby. Can't you see the position you'd be in ...
afraid if you didn't submit to him that he'd make a scandal out of it
one way or another?" Shirley pointed out. Then, looking at Nomad who
had stretched himself out on the floor and was unwaveringly eyeing
them, "And that big lamb, I believe, has been trained in his love-
making ... which doesn't make him any the less beautiful at it, does

Lisa smiled, shyly, but with a sparkling sincerity, the fact that she
still sat in revealing nakedness not in the least shameful to her ...
not before this beautiful, unveiled person who had just confided the
most intimate secrets of her personal life to her. "No ... no it
doesn't," she agreed squeezing Shirley's warm hand inside both of her
own, the new trust she felt growing inside her for her father's young
wife matched only by the sensuously stimulating thought that they
shared the same erotically forbidden intimacy in the massive, handsome
animal watching them. "I-I was a virgin, too, Shirley ... not even Paul
has done it to me yet. I-I was going to let him last night, but then we
had a fight and ... and I was so upset and so ... so hot I-I just
couldn't resist seducing that dog into it ... at least, I thought I was
seducing him, but now I'm not so sure after what you've told me."

It struck Shirley what the younger girl was really saying then! She
hadn't had only oral relations with Nomad, but he had ... had actually
fucked her! The realization set off a wild little spasm of feverish
sensations spiraling through her simmering loins, Lisa's naked
closeness adding heatedly to them.

"Y-You mean ... Nomad did it to you ... put his ... oh damn ... fucked
you?" Shirley stammered, at last blurting it out in a throaty whisper.

Lisa sensed the flushing thrill at her gorgeous blonde stepmother's use
of the four-letter word, but was at the same time surprised at her
question. She whispered back, "I told you ... I was a virgin, Shirley
... but I thought you said that you and he ...?" She paused there,
knowing by the expression in the other's eager eyes that he had not.
"You only let him ... lick you down there?"

"I-I never realized that he'd go any further!" Shirley gasped. "I-I
just never realized it ...!" she repeated, looking down at the
powerful, love-bringing animal who lay quite placidly watching them.
"If I had ...!"

When she didn't finish, Lisa hotly said, "You would have let him, I
know! You poor darling ... with Daddy like that, and me being the
little bitch I've been to you ...!"

"Oh, don't say that, honey!" Shirley whispered, quickly slipping her
arm around the tiny wasp-waist of the girl beside her, drawing Lisa's
lithe teenage nakedness warmly against her. With deep-felt affection,
the blonde beauty pressed her soft lips against the cheek she had
slapped. "I'm sorry, Lisa baby. I didn't mean to slap you," she
breathed against the velvet-like flesh, unable to hold her other hand
from finding the satiny little bowl of Lisa's naked belly. "Can you
forgive me, darling?"

Tiny trembles of delicious fascination shivered over the younger girl
at the older woman's loving words and caressing touch. She managed to
twist her face until it was confronting Shirley's, then, she reached
down and gently raised the heavily breathing blonde's soft hand up to
the fullness of her passion-swelling breasts, holding and pressing it
wantingly against one yielding white mound as she meaningfully kissed
Shirley's lust moist lips.

Surges of hot passion flow from each into the other through their
erogenous points of fleshy contact, yet neither would have admitted
that their lustful emotions bordered on a perversion. In the other,
each had suddenly found an intimate relationship that supplanted a tag
so shallow as lesbianism. They were not in love with one another in
some warped way, but knew a sharing love fused by the handsome German
shepherd who was so interestedly watching their every move.

"Darling ... get out of your bikini!" Lisa excitedly pressed, getting
to her feet and moving between Shirley's legs to lean over her shoulder
and unfasten her bra-strap. Her soft dangling breasts brushed against
Shirley's cheeks and the older woman kissed the smooth valley between
them, at the same time moving one hand down between the younger girl's
rounded white thighs. With knowing gentleness, she warmly cupped her
whole hand over the fleshy resilience of Lisa's dark-curled pussy-mound
and vaginal lips still wet from Nomad's lewd tonguing, her middle-
finger caressing at the very outer circle of the girl's tiny anal ring.
She heard Lisa's gasp at the erotic caress, and then the teenager was
lowering to her knees between Shirley's legs as she drew away her
bikini bra. "Oh ... you have such beautiful breasts, Shirley!"

It was the young blonde wife's turn to gasp as Lisa leaned forward to
kiss and tongue their exposed nakedness, suddenly sucking one tight
pink nipple between her pursed young lips, the tip of a baby-like
tongue lovingly worrying it.

"Oh ... ooohhh Lisa!" Shirley gasped, taking the girl's face between
her trembling hands and raising it to be tenderly kissed on the lips.
"We'll always be friends like this, won't we?"

"Yes ... I'm sure of it, at least for my part we will. Now, stand up so
I can roll these down!" Lisa whispered. "You've got a wonderful
surprise coming to you!"

Shirley did, refusing to think, thankful for all the brandy churning
with warm persuasion inside her. She felt her bikini briefs slipping
down her long naked legs and lowered her head to see the beautiful girl
before her sitting back on her heels, her soft young hands warmly
clasping the outer fullness of her stepmother's thighs as if drinking
in the naked sight before her.

"Oh Shirley, you're so lovely! I've never seen a body as beautiful as
yours ... and that golden pussy-hair! It makes me want to nuzzle my
face right into it!"

The ardently excited Shirley would never have stopped the girl had she
advanced to do it -- she couldn't have, the sensations of exquisite
feminine passion were so strong between them, but at that moment she
was content that her stepdaughter didn't want to nuzzle her, though she
hardly knew why.

"Wh-What surprise? Y-You said I had ... Shirley said, remembering.

"And you have! Climb up onto the bed! I'm going to help!" the teenager

Nomad had never taken his eyes from the two female humans he now
thought of with equal affection. Their stimulating white nakedness let
him instinctively know that pleasureful delights would soon be his. He
watched through half-closed, but never disinterested eyes, his head
resting on the floor between his outstretched forepaws. His heavy loins
stirred beneath him at the sight of their white, uncovered beauty, the
tiny whimper echoing up into his throat expressing his longing to be

"Did you hear that, Shirley?" Lisa whispered. "He knows! And he's
waiting! Get up a little farther and spread your legs more!"

"Lisa ... God! Are you sure ...?"

"Honey, don't be afraid! I was a virgin, remember? He's beautiful,
believe me!"

"But ... but ...?"

"No buts!" the teenager exclaimed, crawling onto the bed beside her and
affectionately stroking her hand down over Shirley's sloping back. "If
anyone ever needed a dose of love, you do, and I'm going to see that
you get it! Come on, Nomad baby ... up here with us! That's it ... up!
Up! That-a-boy! Now ... up here, darling ... mount her!" Lisa hissed,
suddenly moving close and rising to her knees.

Shirley gasped as she felt the dark-haired teenager's small hands
suddenly gripping at her elevated buttocks and spreading ... pulling
them apart!

"There! Have you ever seen anything more enticing than that, you
handsome lecher? Come on, come on, get up there and fuck her, darling!
Make her happy with your great big cock!"

Chapter 7

Vince Rivers penned the name out expertly once more. He smiled to
himself as he examined it, satisfied with his authentic skill. An hour
before, he'd managed to steal a company check from the bookkeeper's
desk while she was out for coffee. He'd chosen one twenty pages ahead,
carefully tugging it along the perforated lines, then used her little
check-machine which inserted the amount in red-embossed lettering
before he left her office. He was confident that no one had seen him,
and even if they had there wasn't a soul in that plant who would
question Vincent Rivers.

In the office that Frank had allotted him, Rivers studied the oblong
piece of valuable paper with intent eyes. Twenty-three thousand-eight-
hundred-and-forty-seven, he read the embossed figures. Had he grabbed
enough? Yeah, no use being stupidly greedy. Anything over twenty-grand
could raise a telephone call from a bank exec, he knew from experience,
but it was not apt to in this operation. The Douglas company wrote a
lot of twenty-five-G checks. He shouldn't have any trouble passing it
... But the forgery artist's mind wasn't exactly on his work.

That voluptuous little bitch! Nomad had gotten to her and he knew it!
Christ, what an enchanting hunting-ground this was to pass up! His cock
still ached with the idea of plunging it belly-deep into Shirley
Douglas' hot pussy, to say nothing of lovely young Lisa's! That teenage
bitch! What a fuck she'd be! Something to really scratch on his score
card! He remembered the exposure of her tight, young ass-crevice at the
party the night before, and the way her full ripe breasts had strained
at the bit behind the thin strip of cloth hiding them, and his loins

Maybe it wasn't too late either, he thought, trying to carefully
analyze the actions of the mutt that morning at the breakfast table.
Goddamn! He would visualize her stripped and lying there helplessly
open, her young teenaged cunt vulnerably gaping up at him! What the
hell, why not? Big Daddy was off someplace in the plant ... and he had
his own wagon available! Less than thirty-minutes drive ... he could be
gone to lunch if Frank wanted to know! Yeah, why not? In fact, he
better, the way his cock was pounding. But first things first!

He slipped off his jacket and seated himself at the typewriter, rolling
the stolen check into it. Carefully, he dated and punched in his own
name as the bearer; then he went to the desk, took a scrap of paper and
practiced Frank Douglas' signature several times before finally
scrawling it at the bottom of the check.

Perfect! Rivers grinned to himself. Now, for a little needed
entertainment. A light breeze from the opened window ruffled the few
papers on his desk as he went into the adjoining lavatory and washed
his hands. His mind continued to race lecherously with lustful thoughts
of Lisa Douglas' curvaceous young body. His heavy penis stirred
goatishly in his pants and he grinned into the mirror as he slipped on
his jacket once more.

"Okay, doll-baby, here comes old Vince for a taste of that tight pussy
the mutt sampled last night!" he said under his breath, walking out the
office door...

* * * *

Passionate sensations charged through Shirley as with her naked
buttocks raised high and her tremoring thighs widespread, she twisted
her head with cheek pressed against the pillow to watch what was
happening behind her lewdly positioned body. She saw Nomad standing
with ears erect and lax-jawed, his lengthy pink tongue hanging loose to
one side while his huge brown eyes gleamed in their fixed stare at her
excitedly displayed loins. At the same time, she saw and felt her
stepdaughter's small hands on the stretched white ovals of her ass-
cheeks luridly spreading them wider apart.

The teenager's onyx eyes danced with lustful sparks at the intriguingly
sensual beauty of Shirley's exposed cuntal flesh. The tiny puckered
mouth of her anus was pink and smooth just above the fleshy, blonde-
fringed folds of her soft-looking pussy, the tight slit revealing just
a thin line of its moist pink inner-flesh. She sensed her own girlish
loins and belly tingle with excitement, electrified by the alluring
sight, her mouth actually watering with a desire she was too aroused by
to be ashamed of! And before Nomad could move in closer, Lisa
mindlessly lowered her own head as if magnetically drawn.

An intense shiver rippled over Shirley's smooth, naked body when she
felt the younger girl's face nuzzling warmly between the soft inner
cheeks of her wide-stretched buttocks ... then the breath-taking
sensations her moist lips incited pressing hotly against the sensitive
folds of her clasped little anal mouth! Lisa's tongue-tip quickly
followed to lick and probe, pressuring and worming up into the muscle-
controlled opening while Shirley gasped in lewd pleasure beneath the
delightful mouthing. She heard Nomad's whimper then and felt Lisa's
delicious manipulations stop.

"Okay, okay, lover!" Lisa hotly whispered. "Don't be jealous ... I just
couldn't help myself! That's it ... right in close, darling ... you
know how."

Automatically, Shirley tried to spread her straining thighs even wider,
salaciously picturing the obscene positioning of her own voluptuous
nakedness in her desire-inflamed mind's eye. She heard the massive
animal's panting and sensed his hot breaths against her lushly offered
white mounds. Abruptly, she felt his familiar tongue's wet heat
slithering into the velvety nether crevice separating her ass-cheeks.
She moaned aloud at the fiery contact, immediate impulses of lust
stabbing ever stronger through her erotically seeping pussy and
quivering belly.

The impassioned young wife felt her new stepdaughter's small hands
eagerly clutching at her upthrust buttocks, gently pulling the
resilient mounds ever farther apart to give the loving animal full
access to her sensitive little anus! His laving tongue began to caress
it lewdly, then moved wetly down to splay open her blood-swollen cuntal
lips, grazing the seething pink flesh on its way to her erect little
clitoral bud! She gasped in her lust-building joy, straining her knees
another fraction of an inch apart to open the throbbing pink slit
between her thighs wider to the big handsome dog. His long, curling
animal-tongue thrust repeatedly, sweeping in a liquid flame through the
sizzling wet flesh and flicking at the hungrily grasping mouth of her
vagina, inciting her loins to a more intensive sexual heat ... before
he suddenly moved into the position she had been almost fearfully

Shirley couldn't help but tense up as Nomad's huge furry body crowded
in behind her excitedly raised buttocks, aware that he was standing on
his hind legs, his powerful forelegs gripping at the nakedly flaring
flesh of her hips. She craned her neck with her cheek still against the
pillow to gape wildly back at him! God, he was ... he was going to fuck
her, and Lisa was pressing him on!

"That's it, lover ... do it for Shirley like you did for me! She needs
your big handsome cock, sweetheart!" the teenager luridly whispered
while she stroked the dog's broad back. "Don't be frightened, Shirley!
I know you're going to love it as much as I did!"

Shirley's brandy-grogged brain spun with the unbelievable obscenity of
it! Inwardly, she was as tense as a bowstring, her naked flesh
trembling to the feverish stimulation both Lisa's and Nomad's magic
tongues had fired in her receptive loins. Then suddenly, in her
stepdaughter's dressing mirror, she was seeing the salacious spectacle
of their lewd positions, an uncontrollable gasp of base sensuality
escaping her at the bestial sight!

"Look, Shirley! Can you see it in the mirror? His cock ... it's getting
hard!" Lisa hissingly exclaimed, watching through wildly fired young
eyes the glistening scarlet length slipping wetly out from its long
furry sleeve. The young girl bent as close as she could to see its
tapered thickness waggling forward inch by inch, its bevel-tipped head
almost reaching to probe Shirley's moist pink-slitted pussy!

Shirley felt the German shepherd's powerful animal-body stagger against
her smooth buttocks and saw his dangling, hardening cock trying to seat
itself in the vertical crevice of her upturned vagina! She heard his
loud, almost desperate whine as his forepaws clutched tighter at her
hips and he jerked and stumbled on his hind legs, trying to thrust the
huge throbbing spear of raw hardness up inside her palpitating cuntal

While she stared at it all in the mirror, Shirley could hear Lisa's
loud breathing blending with her own. She shifted her lustfully
elevated buttocks in little circles back at the still growing animal
penis, the tension inside her reaching a nearly unbearable point! Oh
God, she had to have it ... that long thick beautiful dog-cock burning
right up into the passionate channel of her hotly throbbing cunt.

"I'll help him!" Lisa suddenly offered, reaching down between their
awkwardly gyrating bodies to gently grasp Nomad's hot slippery hardness
in her fingers, the wet searing feel of it like an electric shock
charging through her teenage body! The dog whimpered a low guttural
sound at the contact as she lovingly squeezed and tried to stroke it
before spreading Shirley's silken blonde pussy-hair with its cone-
shaped head, guiding the hot tip up into her small, desire-drenched
vaginal mouth.

Abruptly, the massive animal humped forward, bursting his solid cock
from Lisa's grasp to plunge the long thick rod of penile hardness up
into Shirley's vulnerable vagina while the younger girl lustfully
watched! She saw it stretching the fleshy cuntal lips wider and wider,
knowing it was doing the same inside Shirley's sensitive vagina,
remembering how the hard, burning length had driven deep up into the
churning heat of her own virginal belly!

To Shirley, the mirror was like a pornographic film and she gaped at it
in lust-fired fascination. She saw as well as felt the huge, reddish
length of blood-swollen dog-flesh slither forward with a savage charge,
burying itself to the very hilt in her shockingly stretched vagina! At
the same time, she both felt and saw her animal-lover's heavy, sperm-
bloated balls swing down solidly to slap against her blonde pussy curls
as her breath rushed from her lungs!

The expanding sensation of progressively increasing impalement
registered seconds later, exploding through her loins, and she grunted
out in combined pleasure-pain, "Unngghhh! Oh ... oh God, Lisa!" Her
glazed eyes gaped blindly as the panting German shepherd began to fuck
rapidly in powerful, rhythmic thrusts up into her from behind! Her head
jarring from his every flesh-rippling lunge, Shirley concentrated on
the reflected bestial picture his long, thick rod of huge scarlet cock
made plunging lewdly up into her as she began to move in feverish tempo
back to meet his mind-shattering animal strokes!

Lisa, her bedroom, the very world itself nothing existed except the
intoxicating sensations of lust spreading through the young wife's
sensuously slaving body heaving backward onto the ever-thickening dog-
cock skewering deeper and deeper up into her raging, flame-filled
belly. Furiously, Nomad's muscular animal beauty battered and thudded
with resounding slaps against her roundly yielding ass-cheeks, his
pulsating dog-cock a shaft of hot liquid fire driving to its full
length up into unreached depths in her greedily clasping vagina!
Whining uncontrollably, she rotated her buttocks lewdly back at him in
a mounting, sluttish furor, grinding her clasping vaginal sheath back
over the cunt-filling hugeness of his animal-cock in anticipated

Nomad did not have to be told that he was pleasing the pretty golden-
haired female bent over bitch-like before him. He knew by the
responsive movements of her soft white body as he hammered
instinctively up into her hot slippery mating hole while she thrust her
soft, hair-fringed cunt back onto his aching hardness. The wet heat of
her tight human channel was clutching greedily at it, as much as had
the dark-haired girl's last night. His tongue hung loose and dripping
from his open jaws with the fierce pressure growing inside his raging
loins. Suddenly, he saw the younger, dark-haired one's naked white body
crawling upward on the bed, but he paid little attention. Only his
thundering hardness roaring up into the hotly milking core between the
golden female's long white legs meant anything to him!

"Oh Shirley ... your face ... you look so happy!" the young virgin
whispered, leaning down close to her. "I didn't lie to you, did I? Is a
man's cock as good, darling? Please tell me!"

"Oh ... oh Lisa ... don't ask me now! It wouldn't be fair! But it's
beautiful ... everything you said ... and more!" Shirley gasped, her
lengthy blonde hair flailing as she uncontrollably tossed her head from
side to side with the sensuous rapture Nomad was bringing her.

Vaguely then, she realized that Lisa was positioning herself on her
back before her face, spreading her shapely young legs wide apart and
inching her smooth teenage hips downward until her raven-haired loins
were directly below Shirley's face, laying part-way back then, her
small hands stroking down over the smooth white flesh of her flat belly
and rounded hips, moving inward with slender fingers extended toward
the pouting, hair-fringed cunt lips, its moistened, thin-lined pinkness
peeking erotically from between!

Further excited by this new lustful sight, Shirley tried to hold her
head steady, a nearly impossible feat with Nomad's pummeling cock
racing with trip-hammer velocity up into her steaming pussy-hole and
quivering belly. The young impassioned bride sensed her mouth grow wet
with a singular hungering desire as Lisa's fingers slowly spread the
soft tight cuntal lips apart from either side, the pink inner flesh of
her pussy moistly sparkling, separating viscidly before Shirley's eager
eyes. The vibrant weighty feel of her own swollen breasts quivering and
swaying beneath her only amplified the intensive feelings saturating
her prostrated nakedness, as, slave-like, she drank the erotic display
of young teenage cuntal flesh purposefully exposed to her.

Lisa held it flowered so that the wet inner folds and delicate pink
petals were completely revealed in a lewd shimmering exhibition, her
tiny clitoris erectly quivering, the babyish slit of her urethra
clearly visible, while the ovalled lips of her tight vaginal mouth
worked with a newly awakened hunger. The sparsely framing dark curls
bordering the desire-moistened pinkness were in sharp contrast with the
smooth whiteness of the girl's belly, widespread thighs and ovalled
ass-cheeks with the tiny puckered anus nestled entrancingly between,
and it was more than Shirley could resist -- even had she wanted to!

"Please, darling ... do it for me!" Lisa passionately whispered. "Only
Nomad ever has ... but I'd love you forever if you would! Oh please,
Shirley, lick my pussy ... I'm so hot."

Had her young stepdaughter not said one word, the carnally inflamed
wife realized that she would have done it anyway, though she had never
even conceived of such a lewd thing before! But Lisa's pleading request
served to add unneeded fuel to the bed of erotic coals blazing hotly
within her naked body. Though it might seem that she hesitated as she
lowered her face closer and closer toward the teenager's uplifted
loins, it was only to feast her devouring eyes on the intoxicating
girl's alluring genitals! She had never been this close to another
girl's cunt, nor had she touched one except her own before Lisa's
earlier. Then, the teenager's hands moved away, the tightly resilient
outer lips folding back in their youth to kiss one another, leaving a
narrow pink slit that was the more entrancing to Shirley!

She eagerly examined its rather long curving line downward to where it
joined the rounded white ovals of Lisa's buttocks, just above the tiny
crinkled mouth of the teenager's little anus. A heady essence ... the
perfume of desirous female heat stung Shirley's nostrils then, causing
them to flare excitedly as she felt Lisa suddenly reaching beneath her
to cup her swollen, nipple-straining breasts! Something equal to white-
hot flame raged through the young wife as she used her thumbs to spread
open her stepdaughter's passion-flushed pussy-lips and then thrust her
tongue deep into the simmering, liquid flesh between her trembling

While Lisa's lithe body squirmed in naked delight and moans of lust-
charged joy gurgled up from her youthful throat, Shirley's brain
whirled in the overwhelming passion seizing all control from her cock-
stuffed vagina. She whined into the lust-heated flesh of Lisa's splayed
pussy at the wild animal-tucking she was getting from behind, while her
tongue licked and probed its way over the secret, pungent tasting
delicacy. It wormed its way up inside the desire-swollen walls of the
younger girl's seething vagina, feeling the youthful greediness
clutching hungrily as she twirled and jabbed the wet little invader!
Then, she wiggled its tip into the tiny urethral slit, taunting it for
a moment before dropping down to do the same to the gasping girl's
puckered little rectal opening. Then with a final up-sweeping lick,
Shirley focused her blinding passion on the teenager's palpitating
clitoris, caressing and stabbing at the tiny erect bud, sucking it
between her softly pouting lips to nip and worry with the fine edges of
her white teeth.

"Oh God! Oh God! God! God!" Lisa gasped out in blinded passion,
squirming in sensuous delight beneath Shirley's lewdly searching
tongue. "Don't ever stop, darling ... please? I'll lick your pussy any
time you ask me ... honest! 0h honest! Uuuuuhhh ... lick it ... suck it
... oooohhhh!"

... Vince Rivers relaxed as he leaned against the door frame watching,
his face stretched into a distorted grin of rank lechery. His cock,
which had never really gone soft since admiring Lisa's hidden breasts
at the breakfast table, was now a throbbing, hardened demon bent inside
the confines of his imprisoning pants. Christ almighty, he couldn't
have asked for anything more if he'd hired the show!

Swinging into the drive, he'd begun to think carefully when he'd seen
Rachael heading off, figuring the cook was probably going to grocery
shop and wondering, as he nodded at her, who else was in the house. Was
Lisa at home? Where was Shirley? He'd combed the place, the pool and
all the likely spots before checking bedrooms. Then, at the kid's door
he'd heard the sounds! Imagine ... unlocked ... with this incredible
fuck circus going on! And man, did he have it figured wrong! There was
plenty of lez tie-up between these two luscious dolls ... by the way
gorgeous Shirley was mouthing baby-girl's tight young cunt!

Christ! They were so goddamned wrapped up in their three way orgy that
they hadn't even heard him open the door! Even Nomad's keen senses had
failed him in his ruttish heat! Goddamn, it was a cock-throbbing sight
all right: Lisa sprawled on her back with her young, cream-white thighs
yawning wide while lovely Shirley, with her beautiful rounded ass
thrust high in the air, lay with her face nuzzled tightly in the kid's
wet, hair-fringed loins! He could see the "loyal wife's" little tongue
licking furiously at Lisa's open pink cunt, while mounted behind
Shirley with forepaws clutching at her waist and hips, his long thick
animal cock jack-hammering between her quivering white buttocks to sink
its full length up into the liquid opening of her coral-hued cunt was
his own goddamned faithful old mutt fucking his heart out!

Though he'd seen and been involved in his share of sex carnivals,
Rivers couldn't remember anything to ever match this, nor had his
swollen cock ever reached a more painful hardness than it knew at that
moment. He clutched at its thickly jerking length straining in his
trousers as Shirley with head half raised emitted a loud moan,
beginning to chant and wail, her smooth naked curves starting to
spasmodically convulse!

"Ooooohhh ... I'm cummiiiinnnggg!" she cried out, slamming her rounded
young ass-cheeks back onto the German shepherd's savagely ramming cock
with a frenzy, and by the way Nomad was humping and squealing, Vince
knew the bastard mutt was shooting his load like a fire-hose up into
her heaving white belly!

Finally, she fell forward on those voluptuously mounded breasts,
burying her face once more in Lisa's dark-curled teenage loins as the
dog's wilting hardness slipped wetly out from between her legs, the
entire area of her ravished loins glistening with the thick oozing
moisture of their cum seeping from between the flushed lips of her cum-
drenched pussy. He reached down then and tore open the fly of his
pants, releasing the long thick length of his own pulsating cock and
said, "Is this a private party ... or can a house guest join in?"

Lisa jerked upright to her elbows, twisting her head to see him in the
doorway. She wasn't certain, but doubted that Shirley had heard him,
and as she stared in shocked horror for a second time that day the
obscenely sprawled teenager realized that the fly of his trousers was
open and he was holding his hardened, heavy looking penis lewdly in his
hand, his loins thrust slightly forward. Gasping out, her face turning
a shameful scarlet, Lisa tried to speak, but Nomad interrupted with a
vicious growl, his ears flattening and his fangs suddenly bared.

"Shut up you cock-hound and get in the comer!" the forgery artist
snarled at the massive animal, the latter hesitating only a moment
before obeying. With a lurid grin, the master walked toward the bed
gripping his lust-swollen member and watching the voluptuous Lisa's
almond-shaped eyes widening as they gazed at it in obvious, startled

It was then that Shirley had regained enough of her wits to realize
someone had walked in on them! She sat up quickly, her moistened lips
falling open to share Lisa's shocked horror, but even more so when she
saw who it was and what he was holding so lewdly in his hand.

"You! Get out of here you ... you bastard!"
Shirley choked in immediate rage, her cheeks a screaming red as she
realized that the very situation she'd hoped to save Lisa from she had
only helped to make worse! Her still liquor-slowed brain raced
frantically when she saw him beginning to strip off his clothes. "Damn
you! What do you think you're doing?"

"First of all, I'm not going to go through that routine with you again,
Shirley baby. We did all that last night, remember?" he calmly replied,
leering down at her. "And secondly, one look at my cock ought to answer
your question for you. If it doesn't, well ... in about a minute you'll
see for yourself, you little cunt-licking doll!" He dropped his shorts
and stood naked before the pair of lewdly sprawled girls staring at him
in stunned, shame-filled fear, his dark eyes gleaming lustfully as they
centered on Lisa's curved, lithe nakedness. "In short, Mrs. Douglas,
I'm going to fuck the little cunt you were just tonguing with a passion
... and by the way, what does Frank think of these secret talents of
yours? Or maybe Daddy doesn't know about the sexy games his girls play
together, eh?"

"I-It's not that way at all!" Lisa spat at him. "We've never done
anything like that before! I don't know what happened ... we just ..."

"Don't say any more, baby," Shirley interrupted, pressuring the younger
girl's naked thigh with her hand. "It's useless with the likes of this
vile creature. All right, damn you ... I'll make you one offer, Mr.
Rivers ... money ... a thousand dollars ... and me! But you don't touch
Lisa! She's just a child! Shove your damned lecherous cock in me if you
want, but you keep your hands off her!"

The well-built, handsome man sniggered down at her in his obscenely
exposed nakedness, his hand still grasping and luridly stroking the
huge length of his thick, hardened penis. "Some child ... too young for
fucking but just right for your lezzy tongue, eh, bitch? And what a
martyr you are! Did you catch that, Lisa honey? She wants to sacrifice
herself for you, the noble stepmother ... though I can't help but
wonder if it's not old Vince's stiff cock she wants all for herself!"

"You bastard!" Shirley spat, scrambling up off the bed to glare at him.
"I'd rather have that dog any time than you!"

"I know ... I just watched you," Vince replied, still grinning. "But
does your husband know? I mean, what do you think he'd say if he was to
suddenly find out some way that his new young wife and daughter enjoyed
eating each other's pussies and being fucked by dogs with big cocks?"

"Oh, I could kill you with no qualms, Vince Rivers!" the blonde girl
angrily hissed, tears of helpless rage stinging her glaring blue eyes.
But even as she spat at him, Shirley knew there was no scruples or
mercy to be expected of him. He was a loathsome monster.

Lisa had not moved. Though she heard their bitter exchange, it did
little more than register. From the first, she hadn't been able to drag
her fascinated eyes away from the long thick rod of blood-hardened
cock-flesh jutting out from their house guest's lean, hairy loins.
She'd really had no idea that a man's penis was that big, nor that the
sac holding his heavy balls could bloat to such proportions! Strong
sensations of hungering desire rippled through her yet unsatisfied
loins and belly at the promising sight, until she could almost feel its
filling hardness plunging up into the heated depths of her lust-incited
vagina just as Nomad's had that first time last night!

"D-Don't argue with him, Shirley ... I-I'm not afraid!" the teenager
managed in a husky voice, trying to keep the eagerness from its throaty
tone. "W-We can't let Daddy be hurt ... and he would ... you know he
would! God, he'd just die if he ever knew ... and how would we explain

"There! Now that gorgeous little doll's using her head, Shirley!"
Rivers exclaimed, ogling the teenager's voluptuous naked beauty with
hotly stoked lust. He wasn't fooled. He'd been watching her young
hungering eyes caressing his aching cock. Shit, the little bitch wanted
it bad ... bad enough, he'd bet, to fight for it if he offered to
accept her stepmother's compromise. Christ, he wished he had the time
to go through that scene, but time was getting to be of the essence. He
still had to hit the bank before it closed, and he wanted to be rolling
east before sundown.

"Y-You don't know what you're saying, darling!" Shirley exclaimed,
dropping down beside the younger naked girl who still lay sensuously
spread-eagled on the bed. "God, baby, you have to think of Paul ... and
yourself ..."

"I am thinking of myself!" Lisa hissed, her dark eyes limpid pools of
passionate excitement. She spoke so that only the young blonde mother
looking down at her could hear. "I-I want it, Shirley! God, I do ...
I'm so hot ... and it's so big! Please ... please? Let him do it to me
... as if he was raping me! Oh, please, Shirley!"

Wild emotions of easily rekindled sensuality raced through the young
wife, understanding what only another woman could. "I don't want you
hurt, Lisa baby!" she whispered back, running her fingertips over the
beautiful teenager's cheek. "H-He's a brute."

"I know! I know! Oh God, Shirley, don't try to stop him."

"Okay! Enough of this Goddamn whispering!" Rivers snapped. "And I don't
intend to argue with you bitches! Either she spreads them for fucking
or Daddy gets an earful! Now, decide and make it damned quick!" He
caught hold of Shirley's arm with a strong, squeezing hand and pulled
her up off the bed. "Well?"

"C-Come on! Rape me if you're going to! I'm not afraid ...!" Lisa half-
whined, glowing with lust at his lewd words and pledge. She stared at
him round-eyes, her line of vision fixing magnetically on his thick,
sinewy cock, and as she gaped through impassioned young eyes he drew
its heavy foreskin back, exposing the huge purplish rubberiness of its
head, causing minute pearlish droplets of seminal fluid to ooze from
the tiny split at its tip! A series of exquisite shudders fluttered
over her and she felt the gooseflesh standing out on her naked young

He crawled onto the bed still grinning and laughing inwardly at her
'rape me' routine. "You like that rape idea don't you kid?" he taunted,
moving between her spread white legs. "Kind of gives you a little
masochistic charge, eh?" He kneed in close and remaining upright began
to tease the fleshy, hair-lined pink slit of her tight girlish pussy
with his hardened cock-head clutched in his hand. She tremored and
gasped to the sensitive contact, lifting her head to gape down between
her softly mounded breasts, watching saucer-eyed as he tormented the
defenseless wet crevice. "You seem to go for the oral approach, doll
... maybe you'd like to suck a little cock first, eh?"

"Oooohhh," Lisa whimpered in a mixture of shame and sensuous desire.
"Do it if you're going to! Rape me ... fuck me!" she spat between
clenched teeth, the fire licking through her unsated young loins fed
all the more by the obscene position in which she lay helpless beneath
him. "I'm not afraid! Go ahead! Do it!" she half-cried up into his
leering face, wiggling her young buttocks in lewd invitation.

"You bet I will you little bitch!" Rivers hissed. "If it's rape you
want, doll, then rape you'll get!"

He reached down suddenly to press her shapely young legs back upward
toward her head before either girl hardly realized what was happening,
until her knees were flattened against her breasts and her calves were
locked back by his broad shoulders.

Lisa whimpered at the unexpected torment. Her young supple body was
bent back double, the sudden pain of her straining muscles raising
another agonized groan from her throat!

"My God! She can't take you like that!" Shirley exclaimed, her voice
quavering as she stared at the flattened plane of Lisa's wide-split,
glistening loins presented up to the con-man to ravage brutally with
his huge, heavy cock aimed directly at the upturned crevice! "Stop it,
Vince! You hear?"

If he had, it made no difference, the now terrified girl beneath him
thought in stunned panic, as suddenly his muscular body crushed down on
top of hers, flattening her full breasts tightly into her chest! She
felt his thick stiffened cock plunge up into her resistant cuntal
passage like a tree trunk, pushing the fluid flesh in wild ripples
before its blunt blood-engorged head!

"Aaaauuuuggghhh!" Lisa grunted painfully beneath the agonizing
impalement, her eyes gaping wide as its heavy blood-engorged length
soared up into her, ramming unmercifully against her tender cervix!
Again and again she squealed, completely shattered by the savagery of
the con-man's assault, but he never let up, even when Shirley tried to
pull him off her defenseless step-daughter.

"Rape she wanted, and that's ... what I'm giving her ... Mrs. Douglas!"
he choked out, pushing the blonde's struggling nakedness back away with
a sweep of his arm and healing her sobs of helplessness ...

Chapter 8

Though Lisa continued to sound out whimpers of pain to his heavy cock
fucking viciously up between her legs, Rivers knew they were growing
less distressful and more impassioned in their rhythmic gasps, tempoed
to his plunges skewering deep up into the clenching heat of her soft
little belly. The teenager's naked body in its defenseless, bent-double
position beneath him was beginning to respond of its own accord. Her
rounded hips and taut white buttocks had fallen into a gentle
undulation, rotating the clasping slippery walls of her young, tight
vagina around his pulsating hardness that was stuffing the wide-split
crevice clear to his aching balls.

While Shirley watched in sickened helplessness, she recognized the
change gradually creeping over her beautiful stepdaughter's once
grimacing face and cringing young body. The obscenely stretched lips of
her pussy had begun to slither wetly up to devour the huge rod of Vince
Rivers' torturous cock. His heavy sperm-bloated balls smacked down hard
into the damp, smooth crease of her naked buttocks, her moans now edged
with tones of masochistic delight.

At least most of the painful torment was passed for her, Shirley gave
silent thanks as she gaped in growing fascination at the lustful sight
of Rivers' pumping buttocks tensing heavily each time he drove forward
with cruel force to sink his long thick hardness into Lisa's greedily
accepting, stretched teenage channel. Sometimes, he didn't drive it up
into her to full capacity and Shirley could see a narrow white stretch
of the thick shaft showing beneath the sway of his semen-inflated
balls. Then, on the next stroke she would wince when his hairy pelvis
crashed down hard against Lisa's, and she stared as he withdrew and
thrust, withdrew and thrust in ever increasing rhythm, the underside of
his huge swollen cock-head becoming visible with each withdrawal!

The watching blonde wife sensed her own belly quiver rapaciously with
re-kindled sensations at the brutal tucking the lecherous no-good was
giving the helpless teenage girl pinned obscenely beneath him. But even
as her own susceptible loins began to tingle with smoldering desire,
the still furious wife tried to desperately conceive of some way to
stop this unscrupulous animal before he ruined all of them! Then she
saw him free Lisa's long shapely legs and quickly wrap them around his
hips, her heels pressed tight against the cheeks of his hollowing
buttocks, straining of their own accord to pull him back inside her
each time he withdrew.

The cords on the insides of her stepdaughter's smooth, white thighs
flexed tautly as she raised her skewered loins back up over his
glistening member, her quivering buttocks lifting inches off the bed
while she struggled in her effort to absorb the entire length back into
the fleshy Pink folds of her greedy cunt! A wet viscid sound lewdly
filled the room as they fucked, and then Nomad began to growl with
bared fangs beside Shirley, his unsuspected nearness startling her.

Absently, Shirley reached down to pet the massive head of the beast
beside her, his obvious dislike for his master and what he was doing
registering in her distraught, sensuous brain for the fast time. Of
course ... it was very apparent now when she actually thought of it!
The beautiful animal hated Vince Rivers ... and that was when the
wicked idea struck her!

"Up, Nomad!" Shirley hissed, bending down to whisper the command. "Up,
baby ... behind him! Go on ... up!"

Vince Rivers was too lecherously engrossed to even feel the weight
jarring the bed behind him. Nor was he aware when the massive animal
suddenly mounted him from behind, his powerful forelegs clinging to his
master's hips ... the pleasure of the con-artist's own plunging cock
was so lustfully overwhelming.

Salaciously and with obscene vengeful intentions, Shirley reached
beneath the huge German shepherd to curl her soft hand around his still
sheathed cock. She felt him lurch to the contact as she began to lewdly
stroke the long furry sleeve, while with the other hand she reached
between his legs from behind to gently scratch her finger nails along
the underside of his heavy balls! "Oh please, baby, make it hard for
me! Quick, darling," the blonde girl whispered, lewd impulses racing
through her now simmering loins and belly at the feel of the animal's
penis growing searing hot and hard in her caressing hand! It emerged
then, inching out more quickly as she stroked it, its wet, beveled tip
of raw glistening hardness more resembling a weapon than the beautiful
love-tool she knew it to be ... but this time, that was in keeping.

"Wh-What the hell is going on?" Vince Rivers gasped out, trying to
twist his head and look back, but Lisa's locking arms and legs,
scissored around him in her blinded passion, made that impossible. He
grunted, lurching ahead when the tip of something wet wormed up into
the tight little hole of his rectum, his brain beginning to race in
wild confusion. Christ, was that Shirley's finger?

By the time he'd decided that it couldn't be, it was already too late!
Shirley had guided the scarlet, tapered animal-cock into the hairy
opening of his anus, and before Rivers could break free or defend
against it, the stiffened rod of burning dog-flesh had buried itself
half-way up into his rectum while he froze and Lisa's upthrusting loins
sucked his jerking cock back into the omniverously milking channel of
her climax-building vagina!

Rivers gasped and swore while Shirley couldn't help but laugh in
vindictive delight at the absolutely obscene sight. Then, with his
fangs bared, Nomad threatening growled his disapproval at any
anticipated changes his master might be entertaining. Beneath the naked
man, Lisa began to whimper in tiny mewls as she clung to him like a
voluptuous human vine, her upthrusting young buttocks gyrating wildly
as her seething cuntal channel clasped and pulled at his ever-growing
cock! Again, he swore from the branding torment of the beast's reaming
hardness, and suddenly it lunged to the very depths of his belly right
up his painfully clenching anus.

Shirley slipped her hand between the handsome dog's spread hind legs
once more to tenderly caress the underside of his bloating balls,
simultaneously hugging him as he tucked with a seeming revenge of his
own up into the wide-stretched rectum of Vince Rivers with savage
animal thrusts!

* * * *

It was a dapper young man from a finance company who maintained he was
looking for a George Edwards, or William Avery, or Vincent Rivers, all
one and the same person, which made Frank Douglas head out in a hurry
from his office to the one he had been letting the man he knew as
Rivers use. He found it empty and the dapper one behind him smiled. He
didn't seem in the least surprised. But Frank Douglas was more than
that; he was shocked.

"I've been chasing that Continental for six months," the young man said
with a shake of his head. "Up and down the California coast. That
bastard's a shrewd one, but he'll wind up with the dirty end of the
stick sooner or later."

He was saying more that Frank didn't hear. An oblong piece of paper on
the floor had caught his eye. It struck out from beneath the desk where
it had probably blown from the breeze coming through the open window.
He picked it up and read it, his eyes slowly beginning to bug at the
sizeable figure embossed on it. Christ! And his signature ... but he'd
never signed this check ... nor any other made out to Vincent Rivers!

It didn't take long for the older man to put two and two together! One
son-of-a-bitch of a con-man had nearly gotten to him, and there was a
good chance the guy was packing his bags right at that moment in one of
the bedrooms of his very own home!

"Come on ... follow me!" Frank snapped at the dapper finance agent. "If
we hurry, we may not be too late to get that Continental for you.
Unless I miss my guess, Vince Rivers doesn't realize yet that he's lost
this gem!"

Frank drove like a maniac, actually hoping that a cop or two would fan
in behind him. In his rear view mirror, he could see that the dapper
guy and another seated beside him were having all they could do to keep
up as he raced over the freeway. Man, what a stupid fool he'd been all
along with his goddamn booze-numbing escape! Not only leaving himself
wide open to be taken, but exposing his family ... Shirley, Lisa, to
the likes of a crook like Rivers ... right in their own house. And ...
and what else had he possibly laid them open to?

He swung into his drive, surprised when the finance boys wheeled right
behind him, hopping from their car and jogging toward the Continental
to confiscate it before anyone or thing could interfere.

"You boys want to come inside?" Frank called to them. "He must be in

"Nope," the dapper one grinned, "This is all we want! He's yours, Mr.
Douglas ... and thanks for the help!"

Frank burst into the house with all intentions of shouting at the top
of his lungs, but thought better of that. Instead, he quickly made a
systematic tour which finally narrowed his search down to the bedrooms.
The rest was horrifyingly simple, for Lisa's door was partially open,
and he just stood there staring, paralyzed, leaning his hand against
the framework while he gaped at the incredulously obscene spectacle
before him ...

* * * *

Rivers had never known anything like this in his life! He'd never been
sodomized even by a man, let alone a fucking dog, but the sensation was
about to set him wild! The goddamn brute's horrendous cock was taunting
his prostate toward something unimaginable! With single-minded
viciousness, he began to plunge up into the hungering wet heat of
Lisa's tight girl-cunt, clutching at her roundly working ass-cheeks and
listening to her groans of pleasure as she undulated her buttocks in
wide circles beneath him! The room began to spin before his gaping eyes
as the huge impaling animal cock dug another inch up into his screaming
rectum, sending crazy spasms of lust skyrocketing
through him.

"Oooohhh ... Shirley ... Shirley! I-I'm going to cuuummm! Oooohhh ...
!" Lisa wailed, her nostrils flaring wide as she screwed herself up on
Rivers' battering rod of flesh and clung there while the clasping walls
of her craving vagina milked desperately around it like the mouth of a
starving child!

The urge to rant, rave and kill, Frank Douglas had never known before
in his life, but he did at that moment! A great red fire was amassing
before his straining eyes even as his huge cock which had hung
practically lifeless for six months leaped into a burning, throbbing
hardness that threatened to rip out the front of his trousers! No less
than a brute animal sound choked up from his throat to fill the room,
but only his naked, blonde-haired wife heard it!

When she swung around to see the almost insane expression contorting
her husband's crazily enraged face she fought to hold back the scream
building up inside her! He started forward like a bull ape as she
charged with open arms to stop him, expecting to be beaten to the
floor, but his maniacal eyes were fixed on only one individual in the
room ... Vince Rivers!

"Oh God, no, Frank! Don't, please!" Shirley begged as she clung to him,
staying between him and the obscene orgy on the bed that was rapidly
drawing to a climactic finale. "Listen to me, darling ... it's my fault
... all mine! Lisa isn't to blame."

"I'm going to kill him! I'm going to rip his cock off and shove it down
his throat! Get out of my way! The bastard is raping my baby!"

"Oh God, Frank! Please listen to me! Please!" Shirley sobbed as she
continued to bar his struggling way. "Don't you see? He's getting more
than he ever bargained for from Nomad! Look at his face! Lisa won't let
him go! And look at Nomad's! He knows he's punishing him! We all hate
him, darling, and we love you, but he trapped us into it! Oh God,
darling, keep your head ... we don't want anything to happen to you! We
love you! Please, let us punish him."

Love you! Punish him! Look at his face... Love you! Love you! The
exclamations raced through Frank's delirious brain in a tormentful maze
as he gaped through blinding anger at the ravaging of his own naked
daughter and tried to make sense from his imploring young wife's words!
Keep your head ... we love you.

Rivers' pain-charged brain whirled in an impossible sucking vortex that
was drawing him down even as it was propelling him upward! He heard the
kid's gasping squeals beneath him, and then a powerful growl from the
mutt he was going to kill behind him, feeling the increase of his
thrusting, sodomizing animal loins! Suddenly the fucking beast shot his
scalding dog-cum up into his agonizingly stretched rectum to the very
depths of his belly -- hot, splurting sperm that burned in his guts
like boiling oil! The sensation triggered his own orgasm and he sensed
his raging semen begin to travel the distance from his heaving balls to
the tip of his jerking cock-head, spitting in thick viscous squirts to
splash against the soft walls of the kid's wildly quivering vagina, her
climax convulsing her frantically hugging body under the violent force
of his unleashed load ... !

Why he hadn't murdered the son-of-a-bitch, Frank Douglas would never be
able to answer, but he was to later reason that Shirley had saved him
from committing that unforgivable crime which in the end would only
have hurt them the worse. Though at that moment he was still beyond the
realm of civil rationalization, he held himself back to the pleas of
his nakedly voluptuous wife who was almost passionately embracing him
as they watched the teenage Lisa fall limply into a merciful faint and
the powerful German shepherd leap to the floor!

Vince Rivers began to struggle from the bed, mouthing foul oaths
between vicious declarations of what he was going to do to the massive
German shepherd that stood waiting with flattened ears and bared fangs
behind him. The con-artist's rectum burned as if it had been reamed and
scorched with a hot poker. He moved like a man who had ridden his first
horse a nonstop hundred miles. The terrible rage in his eyes somehow
didn't match the agony twisting his too-handsome face ... and then, he
saw Shirley's white nakedness standing inside the protective arm of her
huge incensed husband and all of the violence seemed to drain from
him ...!

"First of all, you're still alive, Rivers ... Edwards ... Avery, or
whatever the hell your name is," Frank hissed through clenched teeth,
"and only by the grace of this girl beside me! If you're still in this
house two minutes from now, there won't be enough left of you to feed
to that dog, because I'll tear you apart piece by piece!" Frank pulled
the forged check from his pocket and before the other's gaping eyes
tore it into small pieces. "So much for that bit of evidence, which
could have put you on ice for a few years. The finance company is
outside picking up your car! Pull on your pants, you bastard, because
that's all you're going out of here with ... the rest of your things
we'll burn ...!"

"Now wait a minute, Frank ...!" the trapped forger half-whined, only
partially beginning to realize the desperate situation he had put
himself in, unable to believe his stupidity in leaving that check
behind. He'd been so goddamned anxious to fuck Douglas' virgin

"Now you've got a minute and thirty seconds left! I wouldn't advise you
to waste it if you value your life you son-of-a-bitch!" Frank roared.

Vince Rivers didn't wait.

Chapter 9

Frank Douglas sat behind the locked door of his study staring at the
Scotch bottle before him. He jiggled the glass in his hand, sloshing
the cubes of ice through the amber liquid he had been consuming off and
on most of the afternoon. He wasn't drunk, he knew, at least not yet to
his usual extent, but neither was he feeling any physical pain.
Mentally ...? That was a different matter.

It hardly seemed credible to the big, middle-aged man that it had all
happened that very day under his own roof, and with the heavy silence
that hung throughout the house since he had turned his back on his wife
and daughter and walked into this room, he had been able to hear them
sobbing off and on ... crying together ... his beautiful young wife
whom he'd loved with a foolish idolation, and his own vivacious
daughter who by all right should disown him! Christ, he'd nearly
destroyed them both with his blindness, and if it hadn't been for
Shirley's levelheadedness, he would have done worse by killing the
worthless bastard who had nearly ruined their lives.

Well, all of that was behind them now, just as his usefulness to anyone
was behind him! Shit, he was nothing more than a living vegetable, dead
from the loins down and numb from the guts up! He gulped from his
glass, determined to blot it all from his tormented brain in usual
fashion. Then he remembered how his futile cock had actually jolted
into almost pain-racked hardness when he'd gaped through the bedroom
door and seen the goddamn wild orgy taking place on Lisa's bed. Both
girls in their soft white nakedness ... Shirley watching while the
bastard Rivers brutally fucked his lusciously curved young daughter ...
and she taking the no-good son-of-a-bitch's huge cock like a real
trooper! At the time, he hadn't realized she was being raped ... he
hadn't realized much of anything in fact, except a blinding rage! But
it'd been the sight of that massive dog sodomizing Rivers, or whatever
his name was, that had really set off some still-live wire in his
impotent loins! Christ, for one whole minute his throbbing penis had
been as hard as a teenager's on his first trip to a whorehouse!

Once he'd thrown the half-naked Rivers from the house, he hadn't said a
word to either girl. Shirley had been too concerned with bringing her
stepdaughter back to normal after her fainting spell and he supposed
that was the way it should be. He'd simply walked into the study and
locked the door behind him, truthfully not knowing what he was going to
do next. Several times, Shirley had knocked and called to him, but he
hadn't answered. He couldn't face her ... either of them. He had no
right to, but he'd always love them. He could only hope they didn't
hate him for bringing this all upon them.

* * * *

"I'm going to find Paul," Lisa softly answered the tearful blonde girl
who sat beside her on the couch and whose hand she held clasped in her
own. "That is, when I leave here ... but I'm not leaving, Shirley,
until things are absolutely worked out between you and Daddy!"

"You're a darling, Lisa ..." the young stepmother half-whispered with
deep sincerity. "B-But I don't believe that's going to happen. I-I
doubt if your father has much use for me now, not after all that's
happened. He won't even answer my knocking or speak to me ... and I
don't know as I blame him, after what I let that ... that pig do to

"My God, how could you stop him?" Lisa asked her for the umpteenth
time. "You know it was more my fault than yours, Shirley! I wanted it
... even begged you to let him rape me, didn't I?"

"Now listen to me, young lady! Don't you dare tell your father that!
I'll never speak to you again if you do, I swear it!"

"But it's all right for you to take all the blame, isn't it? When it
wasn't your fault at all!" Lisa insisted.

Nomad whimpered from the floor in front of them. Automatically, both
girls reached down at once to pet him. "Please, let's not you and me
argue, baby!" Shirley managed with a little smile. "Even this big
darling feels it. He knows now how close we are now."

"Oh damn," Lisa quietly cursed, getting to her feet and tightening the
belt of her wrapper around her. "It's not just making Daddy understand
that bothers me ... but his not being able to make love. God. Shirley,
you're almost as young as I am -- so beautiful and alive. Even if
everything works out, what's going to happen to you? Do you intend
becoming a celibate or something?"

The older girl couldn't help but smile, though in all truth it was no
light matter to her. Still, her problem wasn't for this beautiful young
creature to burden herself with. She had her Paul to catch and walk to
the altar, and that was about all she was going to be able to handle
for awhile. Shirley said, "It's not all that bad, darling ... I haven't
told you this, but when Frank stormed into your bedroom I turned to
him, and the front of his pants was bulging like I've never seen
before. I-I'm sure that if circumstances hadn't been what they were ...
he would've been able to ..."

Shirley didn't finish. She raised her eyes in the middle of her
statement and saw the sparkling black ones of her stepdaughter suddenly
flashing down at her. A little quiver rippled over her own robe-covered
nakedness at the undeniable licentious gleam!

"That's it!" Lisa hissed. "That is it, Shirley honey!"

"What's it? What're you trying to say ... and I don't like that look in
those devilish eyes ..."

"Daddy has to be shocked! Or stimulated! Or whatever in hell you want
to call it! And that's what we're going to do!"

"Now, Lisa, listen to me ...

"No! You listen to me, Mother! It's about time that I made good use of
myself around this house ... and I can't think of any way I could enjoy
it more than bringing happiness to both of you!" Lisa wildly
proclaimed. "This is going to be my party, and it's going to take place
right in your bedroom, Shirley! We, you and me, with the help of Nomad,
are going to seduce Daddy into making love to you!"

"Lisa! That would be incestuous ...

"Oh, don't talk like an ass, darling!" the teenager excitedly
exclaimed. "We're not living in the dark ages, and it isn't as if Daddy
doesn't know his little girl's all grown up, remember? Besides, even
the Egyptians resorted to it a few thousand years ago to keep their
dynasties intact ... and I intend to keep this one solid!"

"Oh God, Lisa! What are you thinking?" Shirley breathed, unable to deny
the stimulating thrill the young girl's professed intentions stirred
inside her own easily aroused loins.

"Don't argue with me! Just do as I ask ... please, Shirley? Remember,
he's my Daddy as well as your husband, and I want him happy, no matter
what the price!"

Suddenly, Shirley felt as if she'd drunk a dozen of Rachael's brandy-
laced coffees! Her mind began to swim with the utterly forbidden
thought of it, even as tiny erotic impulses began to race through her
sensually hungry young body. God, she loved Frank Douglas so much! "Wh-
What do you want ... to do?" she repeated.

"I'm not sure yet ... play it by ear, maybe ... but I know it's going
to be one of the happiest moments in my life!" Lisa hotly whispered.
"He's my Daddy, and you ... you mean so much to me now, darling!"

Shirley swallowed tightly, senseing the erotic heat beginning to build
inside her. "H-He's probably drunk! He's been in there all afternoon."

"Good! That should help!" the teenager commented. "Like Lot's
daughters, Shirley ... that's what we are, except you and I are going
to revive Lot and make him the happiest man alive! Come on, let's go
get him!"

Shirley felt like a child clinging to her stepdaughter's hand as the
latter led her half-running to the door of Frank's study. She heard the
teenager's determined knock, and then a second time, not surprised that
there wasn't an answer.

"Daddy! Open this fucking door or I'll take a chair and break it down!"
Lisa half-screamed, while Shirley hung to her, too aghast to get out a

The door opened and he stood there gaping open-mouthed at the
curvaceous girl facing him. "You're coming with us!" she snapped,
grabbing hold of his hand. "It's just about time that you started being
a husband as well as an overseeing father around here! The wife you
picked is a young girl, remember? Now, do you want her making love to
you ... or winding up with a Vince Rivers who she doesn't want?"

Frank Douglas wasn't too keen wit-wise, but he knew and recorded every
painful word his enchanting young daughter spat at him. He wanted to
answer but could think of nothing to say, and then they were leading
him, each holding to one of his hands, taking him into Shirley's ...
his own ... their bedroom!

"Daddy, you've got a problem! I know all about it and I want to help
... in fact, I'm going to!" the long, dark-haired girl whisperingly
exclaimed as she began to remove her bathrobe.

Frank couldn't believe it! His own daughter knowingly stripping herself
naked before him! The rounded whiteness of her curvaceous young body
was abruptly exposed in its entirety in front of his drunken eyes, they
magnetically moved downward to the silken black triangle shrouding her
soft teenage loins! He staggered, but Shirley's helping arm supported
him. Then, she was unveiling her own goddess-like beauty, tossing her
robe to one side, both of them smiling in their breathtaking nakedness
as they moved slowly toward him.

"We're going to undress you, Daddy," Lisa's shimmering moist lips said.
"We're going to make love to you because you mean so much to both of
us! We want you for our Daddy in our own way forever! There's nothing
you can do but stand right there!"

And he did, unable to even think as they plucked the clothes from him
like an attacking swarm of birds ... until he was naked, and he knew
that his loins hung as useless as ever!

"Well ... there you are, loving girls! You've picked the bones and now
you've gotten the skeleton! What would you like to do for an encore?"
Frank said in liquor-thickened tones, his embarrassment apparent to
both lust-inciting young women holding affectionately to him.

"Get on the bed, Daddy!" Lisa excitedly ordered. "We're going to show
you all about encores, you darling!"

Frank couldn't refuse because they had no intentions of letting him.
Neither girl seemed to find it necessary to speak as he dropped onto
his back and they lay down on either side of him, their soft warm
contours moving close to possessively caress his big tanned body. Then,
they raised on their elbows to look at one another above his chest, the
gleams of anticipation and excitement in their faces contagious. It was
his own daughter's small hand that lovingly curled around the flaccid
length of his heavy cock first, causing Frank to grunt aloud at the
forbidden sensation filing through him! Then, Shirley's slender hand
smoothed down over his stomach, raising gooseflesh on him as her
fingers trailed lightly through his pubic hair to cover Lisa's small
hand fondling the still unresponding length of his thick penis! Christ,
it was the goddamn lewdest thing that had ever happened to him ... and
he didn't want it to stop!

Suddenly, his wife tenderly kissed him on the mouth, her hand holding
his cock coming back up to brush at his cheek, but before he could wrap
his arms around her, the blonde lovely was easing down on the bed!
While Frank watched in lust-mounting fascination, Lisa held his limp
cock upright and Shirley lowered her face over it, her tongue-moistened
lips parting to slip right down onto it, abruptly enclosing the entire
blood-engorged glans in a hot, lip-locking pressure.

The big man choked out an uncontrollable groan, reflexively lifting his
naked loins upward as the hot moistness of her ovalled lips closed in a
pressuring suction over the sensitively swollen cock-head! Gently,
Lisa's fingers and palm stroked up and down the now rapidly hardening
rod while Shirley's beautiful lips slid down to meet them, beginning to
suck it steadily, rhythmically ... up and down with a wild twisting
motion of her little tongue at the peak of each up-suck!

Christ, it was actually coming alive, the hot blood beginning to roar
through its heavy veins with a pounding force, and he tensed his loins
in disbelief. Lisa leaned above his face then, smiling fervently down
at him as she pressed one voluptuous white breast with its hardened
little berry-like nipple to his gasping lips. Frank couldn't resist
sucking it lustfully into his mouth and between his teeth to nibble it,
while his naked daughter whimpered with shortened breaths at the sharp
pleasureful pain of the incestuous act.

Below, and overjoyed at the growing hardness of her husband's long,
thick cock, Shirley eagerly slaved, moaning as she began to suck
harder, nipping now and then with the edges of her teeth at his
pulsating rigidity. Frank, with his eyes wide and straining to see
around the resilient soft mound of smooth flesh he was mouthing, saw
that his cock was white where her teeth scraped the blood away, and a
rich purple at its sleek turgid head. He felt his wife's eager hands
cupping and cradling his aching balls while she plunged her mouth down
onto his throbbing hardness! He raised his head slightly as he
continued to lick and nibble at his daughter's firmly rounded breast
which she held to Ms mouth as if feeding him, hungry to see his massive
penis nearly vanishing right down Shirley's voracious throat!

From somewhere in the bedroom, he heard the dog whimper and he
remembered the sight of the powerful German shepherd sodomizing Rivers,
but he could think of little else but what was happening to him!
Shirley's tongue, with that final swiping lick, was making the glans of
his jerking rod vibrate and pulse with a lewd desire. He watched her
beautiful toiling face stuffed with his huge, proudly rigid cock,
working over him greedily, her lush lips being pulled out wide by its
obscene thickness, her white cheeks hollowing as she sucked him in
obvious wanton delight ... and then suddenly, she stopped!

"Oh Christ, baby, d-don't quit!" he groaned, knowing for certain now
that he was going to make it.

Shirley smiled as she raised her head, tossing her long blonde hair
back over her shoulders. "I'm not stopping, lover ... I'm just

"We're just beginning!" Lisa quickly put in to remind her, "you're not
cutting me out of this party now ... in fact, remember it was my idea!"

Shirley laughed, getting to her knees as Lisa did the same on the other
side of him, while Frank gaped from one to the other at their lustfully
incited smiles. "All right, what'll we do next to make your party a
real winner?" the blonde young wife feverishly questioned her beaming

"Well ... really it's this big darling's party, so maybe we should ask
him," Lisa said, gazing lovingly down at her naked father. "I know!
What was it that made your ... your cock get hard when you first walked
in on us this afternoon, Daddy?"

Frank could only stare at his gorgeously intoxicating daughter, the
sound of the four-letter word coming from her tender lips firing him
all the more. He heard her plead again for him to tell them and before
he realized it he was babbling out the whole thing about Nomad
sodomizing Rivers, and the way it had affected him. All he could think
of was a goddamn slave being taken by a brute animal to please a
watching queen ... and Shirley standing there had been that queen!

Lisa's eyes locked wildly with Shirley's, their lewd thoughts known to
each other with out a spoken word! Almost hissingly, Lisa said: "You or

"Me, damnit!" Shirley gasped. "After all, I am the wife here, young

Again, they both laughed and Lisa said, "All right! And Daddy, you just
lie right there! You're the king and we're slaves who have to please

Wild spasms of unbelievably, forbidden lust twisted salaciously at
Frank Douglas's liquor-infused brain. "You're going to kill me between
you ... but don't let that stop you, because I'm loving every second of
it! Go ahead ... please me you beautiful dolls!"

Lisa's naked flesh tingled hotly as she said to her stepmother, "Get on
your hands and knees, darling, so that I can get it all wet and ready
for Daddy's big handsome cock! Hurry ... let's not waste time thinking
about it!"

Shirley felt a shudder of inflaming delight as she quickly moved around
in the bed to do as her stepdaughter had ordered. Lisa, too, got to her
knees behind her, never hesitating as she remembered the lewd act from
performing it earlier. Then, Shirley was wiggling her rounded white
buttocks expectantly back to where the dark-haired teenager knelt while
her father watched in drunken spellbound lust!

They were soft, smoothly ovalled white buttocks to Lisa, and she gazed
at the puckered little mouth between as Shirley lowered her shoulders
to the bed, thrusting the enchanting vision up and back at her. Lisa's
eyes lowered to the long coral split of her desire-moistened cunt with
its blonde, curl-fringed lips only partially opened, but enough for the
teenager to once again see the sensitive pink flesh within. Small
droplets of viscous cuntal moisture clung to the flushed, fleshy lips
and she moved eagerly toward them. The musky, perfumed scent stung her
nostrils as she knew it would and she lashed out with her greedy little
tongue, pressing deep toward her voluptuous stepmother's tiny erect
clitoris, just as Shirley had done to her earlier while Nomad had so
thoroughly fucked her! Lisa found the pulsing pleasure-bud enclosed
between the delicate inner-petals, her lips coming in contact with the
hair-fringed folds of hot flesh as she stretched her tongue to its
entirety, its tip stabbing lewdly at the quivering nerve-center,
raising a deep gasp from Shirley's throat.

Slowly, Lisa swept upward, flicking her tongue-tip several times
against the twitching clitoris, then downward toward the ovalled wet
opening of her nibbling vagina. She plunged her tongue in far enough to
feel the clasping walls of hot flesh grasp at the obscene intruder,
then drew it out to taunt the moaning blonde's urethra before traveling
on up the satin-smooth valley of her widespread buttocks to the tiny
convoluted circle of her working anus.

It might have gone on indefinitely, Frank was thinking, if he hadn't
suddenly decided that he couldn't stand to watch anymore! He had to get
his hotly throbbing cock into that beautiful cunt he was jealously
watching his own daughter tongue! "Goddamn it ... get up over me,
Shirley doll before I blow my nuts just watching you two! Hurry, get
this log of agony up into that hot little pussy!"

Shirley gasped and laughed happily at the same time as she quickly
started to climb on top of her big fired-up husband.

"No! Not that way, honey!" Lisa corrected.

"Face your back to him so he can watch
better ... especially when you put it in your asshole."

"Oh Christ!" Frank choked, Lisa's lewd words wildly goading him on.
Never with Mavis or any other woman he'd ever known had he dared to try
sodomy, though he'd damn sure wanted to plenty of times! "Do it now!
We'll fuck that luscious pussy later, baby!"

Never hesitating, Shirley positioned herself with her legs on either
side of her husband's widespread white buttocks looking at him like
twin moons as Lisa reached to grasp his pulsating rod of flesh in her
small hand, aiming it's blunt-tipped head at the tiny circle of her
puckered anal mouth.

"Reach back and spread your ass-cheeks, darling!" Lisa whispered hotly
as she gaped at the lust-intoxicating sight, holding her daddy's rock-
hard penis in her hand and watching as Shirley's clutching fingers
lewdly obeyed, pulling at the yielding flesh of her smooth mounds to
stretch the nether ring part way open. She heard her father grunt and
curse as they both watched Lisa worm the bulbous cock-head into the
tight expanding opening while Shirley squirmed and wriggled her
straining buttocks downward in her effort to skewer the hot spear of
solid cock-flesh into her tightly resisting anus.

Ragged gasps of breath burst from the obscenely positioned blonde wife
as she determined to lower herself down onto her husband's impaling
hardness, her tormented whimpers only further charging her audience.

"D-does it hurt, honey?" Lisa whispered in her ear, reaching around to
caress one of Shirley's full swaying breasts with sympathetic, if
masochistic, envy. "Tell me ... should I ever let Paul do it to me?"

"Oooohhh ... Goddd!" the young wife moaned. "It ... it's ... ooohhh ...
horrible ... beautiful ... I love it there ... and ... and you let Paul
do ... do anything he ever wants to you ... you hear, young lady?"

"Yes! Yes, darling, I will ... I promise ...

Frank gaped in salacious pleasure as he watched his beautiful slaving
wife gyrate her hips down ... down ... until the soft white mounds of
her ass-cheeks were flattened against his upper thighs and pelvis. Then
he began to gently work with her in an effort to widen her tight back
passage with his aching cock thrust to its full length up into the
futilely clenching rectum.

"Christ, baby ... I-I never dreamed it could be like this for us!
Goddamn ... listen, if it's hurting too much we can stop!" Frank
blurted, a sudden wave of shame rising up inside him at her pitiful

"No! No, I want it there ... love it there, darling!" Shirley
vehemently insisted, squirming her naked buttocks down even tighter to
his loins and forcing his huge cock further up into her grotesquely
stretched rectum. "B-but ... it might come right out my mouth, oh
king!" she added, slowly leaning back and rotating her hips and
buttocks lewdly to please him more.

He caught at her slender waist, slipping his hands up her smooth rib
cage while she strugglingly straightened out her legs, then his big
hands cupped her full, thrusting breasts and he drew her back down on
top of him, while Lisa stared at them in a loving lust all her own.

God, he'd never know the agony he was bringing her at that moment,
Shirley determined, because simultaneously he was heaping her with all
of the enchanting joy she had ever hoped for! And the beautiful young
girl beside them watching was responsible for it, had made it all a
reality, had caused incredible pain to become a magnificent torture of
masochistic pleasure!

Suddenly, Lisa was moving between their extended legs, her dark
sparkling eyes fixed on Shirley's golden-curled pussy staring up at
her, its softly curved pink slit arching down to the fleshy cheeks of
her white buttocks spread wide now with her Daddy's huge hard cock
splitting them ... holding them apart ... its thick length buried to
the hilt in her forever stretched rectum, and the heavy testicles that
had sired her pulsating bloatedly before her. The teenager couldn't,
had she wanted to, contain herself from one last lust-loving oral
caress. She dropped forward, nestling her face to her stepmother's
sweet-scented loins, starting her fiery tonguing at the tip of her
father's sperm-bloated balls, taunting the exposed half-inch of his
rock-hardened shaft not yet swallowed up into Shirley, then into the
hot, fluid open cunt and upward, finally sucking the inner-lips and
tiny erect clitoris into her young mouth with a wet little slurping

Shirley whined out to the added delight, working her buttocks up and
down on her husband's revitalized cock, and as she did this she pressed
her wetly glistening pussy, that was now flowered open with the
pressure from her wide-splayed legs, down against Lisa's passionately
devoted mouth. Almost with a fanaticism, the teenage girl lashed her
tongue around, over, up and into the older blonde's spicy tasting
cuntal passage, her own desire reaching a feverish peak in her youthful
belly and so recently awakened loins!

She reached down to find her own quivering little clitoris and began
stroking it before suddenly remembering! "Nomad, darling," she gasped,
elevating her naked buttocks lewdly upward and spreading her legs wide.
"Huffy, baby ... Lisa needs you!" she gasped, then again buried her
searing tongue deep up into Shirley's clasping vagina!

They all sensed the bed give when the massive German shepherd
responded, both Frank and his prostrate wife on top of him gaping at
the handsome animal's almost pleased face as he mounted the offered
white mounds of the naked girl bent slave-like before him. But it was
the lustfully incited teenager who thrust her buttocks back high and
felt Nomad's hardened, wet animal-cock ram and slip between them. Again
he floundered, whimpering loudly, until she spread her shapely thighs
wider ... and this time, it didn't miss!

"Uunnnggg!" the dark-haired girl winced before the tong thick ravager
soaring up into her, lancing her wanting vaginal walls apart like a
flint-tipped spear!

Ooohhh! Her first lover ... magnificent Nomad! God, she would always
love him, she knew, as she licked and sucked shamelessly at the
delectable wet pussy breathing out its heated essence into her flaring
nostrils. She heard Shirley begin a series of telltale whimpers and her
daddy's guttural grunts ... heard them in the faint background of her
mind, for her animal-lover was hammering up into her welcoming cunt
with rapid, battering thrusts that were jabbing at the underside of her
soft, tremulous belly! His splendid, big cock was beginning to swell
and throb blindingly inside her, growing larger and larger, hotter and
hotter, filling her entire vagina as it burned savagely up into her,
driving her closer and closer toward a bursting bubble of ecstasy.

Maddeningly, Lisa licked and sucked until Shirley wailed: "Oooohhh ...
I-I'm going to cuummmm, darlings ... ooohhh ... I'm cuummmiiinnnngggg!"

"Christ! Don't stop, baby!" Frank bellowed. "Don't stop! Keep that
gorgeous ass humping! Fuck it hard, honey ... I'm going to cuummm
withhhh youuuu."

"Yiieee ... oohhh ... yesssss!" Lisa cried out as Nomad fucked brutally
up into her, his huge animal-cock suddenly long and longer ... thick
and thicker inside her flooding, clasping cunt channel, those
magnificent battering lunges never lessening! And then, she felt the
German shepherd's stream of hot cum squirting unceasingly up into her!
Long jets of it scalding the milking walls of her youthful vagina,
filling her belly with a violent force, its steaming heat setting her
off until she wailed in loud helplessness!

* * * *

Neither Frank Douglas nor his voluptuous young wife were actually aware
that they were alone in the house, until some hours later when they
emerged from their bedroom to partake of needed sustenance if they were
to survive the long delayed consummation of their marriage. No
newlyweds were ever more happy than this pair who together read the
warm note Lisa had left them. She had taken Nomad and gone to find her
Paul ...

But it was the telegram which arrived from Las Vegas the following
morning that thrilled them most. It read: "Congratulate us! We have
been married two hours and thirteen minutes! Nomad was the best man!
Naturally! He sends
love ...! Lisa and Paul Fulton."

The End

anonymous readerReport 

2011-06-17 14:43:50
Intresting....a little too long. I'd break it into parts so people would guess and get into the story. It was pretty good....considering the stepmother and Lisa thing......all well. Good job.

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