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A bracelet with the power to grant you your deepest desires, just be mindfull of what you really want.
Note———— I am not the Author of this story. Actually, this story is from the same person that wrote DNA and DNA II. I’m not sure why she never posted this story on here, but I thought it should be shared, so that’s what I’m doing. ENJOY!!! ————

Bracelet Of Love by Stephanie

Diane had spent much of her time hunting down antique shops since we had arrived in England. In the four years I've known my wife, she has always collected strange bits and pieces from all over the place. She wasn't about to stop simply because we were on vacation. "So what did you get this time?" I asked her. "Have a look," she said with a smile. I opened her bag and took out several small metal animal figures and an odd-looking bracelet. I picked up the bracelet and tried to make sense of the carvings on the side of it. "What is it?" She shrugged. "I don't have a clue. It got me so intrigued, I had to buy it." The bracelet was two half-circles of what looked like brass, hinged at one end. There was no catch to hold the bracelet in place, and there was no indication that there had ever been one. "How's it supposed to stay on?" Diane leaned over and took the bracelet. "Don't know. When we get back home I'm really going to have a fun time finding out all about its history." She placed the bracelet around her wrist and held it closed. I'll always remember what happened next. The bracelet began to glow a bright blue. Diane jerked her hand back in surprise, but the bracelet stayed on her wrist. She turned to me. "David! What's happening?" I looked at her frightened face, and it was then that the change came over her. Her bust started to increase. She had never been that well-endowed, and while I love my wife, I had always wondered what she would be like with large breasts. Her blouse and bra were straining, and she was in pain from the constriction of her bra, which was now far too small for her. I pulled her blouse up and managed to get the bra undone. She pulled off her blouse, and we both gasped at her large mammaries. "Diane, how..." I stopped, lost for words. Had the bracelet somehow done this? It was impossible that someone could change so much in an instant, but I was confronted with incontrovertible proof. "Who cares?" she replied in a sultry voice. "I want you. Now." How could she think of sex after her body had been transformed by some unknown power? She stood up from the double bed and quickly pushed down the short skirt and panties that she was wearing. It was then that I noticed that it wasn't just her breasts that had changed. Diane's body had subtly altered. She was like an idealized version of the Diane I knew. She had been beautiful before, but now she was the embodiment of sensuality. I could feel myself growing erect, and I knew I had to have her right then and there. I stood, ripping off my clothes, and then we were locked together. We made passionate love, more intense than ever before. It was fantastic, and we went at it for ages. We came together several times before I collapsed. She was insatiable, and when I was too exhausted she played with herself until I was ready to go again.

Finally, even she started to slow down. It was dark outside. We had been making love for hours. She got up from the rumpled bed and stretched. Even now, she was still visibly aroused. At that moment, I was too exhausted to care. What happened next brought me fully awake again. Diane walked over to the far side of the hotel room, then she flickered and changed. Now, she was totally unrecognizable as my Diane. She was about a foot taller, with short black hair and brown skin. She was still turned on, and I could see the surprise in her eyes at her new change. I called out her name and ran over to her. When I was about two feet from her, she became the buxom version of her normal body again. "What's happening to me?" she whispered in shock. I lifted her arm which was wearing the bracelet. The hinge was on one side. On the other side where the clasp would have been, the two halves were joined into one by a silver-like material, as if the bracelet had been welded shut. Somehow, I had to get this off and break whatever spell had transformed my wife. I pulled at the two halves of the bracelet, and it snapped open. The silvery joining metal had vanished. Instantly, Diane returned to her normal self. I flung the bracelet on the bed and we stared at it in shock. Eventually, I broke the silence by saying. "I think you got a bargain there." Diane started giggling and we embraced. We sat back on the bed well away from the bracelet. I asked her what it was like. She smiled. "It was fantastic. Every single sensation turned me on. I've always wondered what it was like to have breasts that big. Did you notice we came together every time? When you've recovered, we'll try the bracelet again." "You're mad!" I exclaimed. "You have no idea what it will do to you!" "I know exactly what it will do. You'll have to get used to the big-breasted amazon who'll be sharing your bed from now on." "But, you changed when you walked over there." I protested. Diane nodded. "I got closer to the man in the next room than I was to you. The bracelet seems to turn me into the ideal sexual mate for whomever I'm closest to." She frowned. "There was only one problem." "What was that?" "I couldn't take off the bracelet. Somehow, I just couldn't make myself do it, and I couldn't form the words to ask you to do it." "It took control of you?" "No, not exactly. Everything else was me being driven by the desires of my body. I just couldn't do anything about taking the bracelet off." She picked up the bracelet and put it in a bag under the bed. "Well, we can experiment when we get back home."

I could tell that Diane was itching to use the bracelet again. I wasn't so sure that we should be using it at all. We had no idea where it had gotten its amazing power from, or what effects it might have on us. We took a shower and ordered a meal. We were so tired by our long lovemaking session that we went to bed early. It was still dark when I awoke. I could feel myself growing erect, despite the long session I had had the day before. I was filled with an intense need to make love to Diane. I reached over to her. She was already awake. She guided my hand down to her pussy. Over several long minutes, I massaged her to the point of orgasm. Then I could contain myself no longer and I moved on top, sinking my hard length into her. Again, it was heaven. The lovemaking session felt even better than it had when Diane was wearing the bracelet. I seemed to have regained my energy; I was unstoppable. It was as I was pounding into Diane a fourth time that I finally realized that something was different. There was something around my wrist. We came together in another explosive climax and then collapsed in each other's arms. I tried to reach the bracelet and remove it, but somehow I couldn't make my hand move towards it. I tried to ask her to remove the bracelet, but I couldn't seem to be able to form the words. Like Diane, I couldn't take the bracelet off or ask someone to do it for me. "Diane? I thought you were going to wait until we got back home." This was as close as I could get to even mentioning the bracelet. "I'm sorry, my love. I couldn't wait. It feels so good, doesn't it?" she said softly. "You're probably ready to go again." She was right, I could feel my erection starting to return. I held out my arm with the bracelet on, it was the most I could do to tell her I wanted it off me. Diane smiled, "In a minute. I just have to go to the bathroom."

I lay in bed feeling my sex urge returning. If she didn't hurry, I was going to jump her when she got back. I climbed out of bed and turned on the bedside lamp. My reflection stared back at me from the mirror built into the side of the wardrobe. It was recognizable as me, but I had changed greatly. My body was now an idealized version of my normal form. My body was more heavily muscled, and my prick had grown substantially in size. I walked towards the mirror so that I could examine my new self more closely. As I approached the mirror, the world shimmered, and I was dizzy for a second. Then it passed, and I looked again at myself in the mirror.

It took several seconds for me to register the fact that the buxom, dark-skinned woman in the mirror was me. What was going on? I looked down at myself in horror, already knowing what my eyes would see. Large perfect breasts topped with dark aroused nipples. I shivered and my breasts jostled. I raised my dainty brown hands to them and gently caressed my tits. I could feel my hands stroking my nipples, which were quickly becoming aroused. Desire sparked through my curvy feminine body, but the image that flashed through my mind was not of me pleasuring Diane. I wanted to be on my back with a strong man between my legs. I felt a yearning desire for something in the next room. It was the man whose fantasies had shaped my body. I had moved closer to the man than I was to Diane when I had walked over to the mirror. All I could think about was going next door and making mad, passionate love with him. I was getting really turned on by now, and it was all I could do to stop myself from running out into the hall and hammering on his door. I felt a strange tingling between my legs, and I ran my hand over the lips of my new pussy. It felt so strange to feel that between my own legs. As I stroked my fingers over the outside of my vagina, I was building up the nerve to explore further. Whereas just a few minutes before, sex had meant getting hard and penetrating a woman, now it meant opening my legs and being penetrated. I pushed a finger further into my vagina, and my resistance broke. I wanted that cock buried deep in my pussy more than anything in the world. I staggered over to the door and fumbled with the lock. "David!" I heard my wife call. "Wait up!" She rushed over to me, and suddenly I was back in the idealized version of my own body. It was almost as turned on as my female body had been. Diane reached over and snapped open the bracelet.

In an instant I was back in my normal body. The sexual compulsion diminished as I stood there looking at Diane. "Didn't I tell you it feels great?" she said. "It was very good." I admitted, but my mind was worrying about the feelings I had had just moments before for the man in the next room. "I must have gotten too far away from you and too close to whoever is next door." Diane smiled. "Yeah, I saw you slipping under the influence. It must have been a shock to suddenly find yourself all tits and ass. Where were you going?" I felt my face getting red from embarrassment. "I was going to the guy next door. I couldn't help myself." "It's okay. When I became that woman earlier I had the same compulsion. You got to me more quickly, before I succumbed to it. I didn't want to say anything at the time. I didn't understand why I was suddenly attracted to someone else." She picked up the bracelet and buried it at the bottom of one of the suitcases. "With something like this, perhaps it isn't a good idea to experiment in a hotel." She turned and walked back to me. "...but when we get back, we are going to have the time of our lives." We returned to bed. I don't know about Diane, but I had great trouble getting back to sleep. It was a relief to learn that I wasn't responsible for the yearning I had felt for another man when I was female. However, I couldn't stop thinking about the desires that had run through me. I caught myself wondering what it would be like to have sex as a woman. To feel a cock filling my most intimate place.

The next day, we went out sightseeing around the English town of Oxford where we were staying. It's a marvelous place, steeped in centuries of history. To be honest, though, our minds were elsewhere. I'm sure Diane was thinking about the bracelet just as much as I was. We had another week and a half in England, and I was sure we'd be experimenting with that bracelet long before we got home. All my concerns about the bracelet had vanished after the experience I had had the night before. We returned to the hotel shortly after lunch, and headed back to our room. The first thing that Diane did when we got in was to check that the bracelet was still where she had hidden it. She breathed a sigh of relief and waved it at me with a smile. She slipped it on, and I was confronted by an insatiable goddess. We made passionate love again. When she had virtually worn me out, she started playing with herself. As Diane ran her hands over her perfect form, I couldn't help but wonder what it must be like to have a body like that. The bracelet caused the wearer to experience the extremes of pleasure, and we were getting thoroughly addicted to it. After several hours, I reached over and opened the bracelet. Diane returned to her normal self, and slowly she came down from her heights of ecstasy. "We're not going to be able to take too much more of this." I said, only half-jokingly. "I think we'll manage." Diane said with a smile. "Your turn." She handed me the bracelet, and with absolutely no hesitation I put it on.

Again, I felt my body shifting into the well-hung idealized version of myself. The sex urge returned, as strong as ever, and I reached over to Diane. She smiled and pushed my hand away. "Hold on a minute. I want to try something." she said. "Well, hurry." I replied. "I don't think I can hold back too long." My hand dropped to my penis and started slowly to manipulate it. "Alright." she said. "Back when I was in University I once went with a woman." This was no news to me. She had told me years before. She had been to a party, gotten drunk, and had had sex with a friend of hers. Afterwards, both had been fairly embarrassed by what had happened and that was the end of it. "Let me describe her for you," she continued. I smiled, this was a favorite sex game of ours. My wife telling me, in intimate detail, how she had made passionate love to a woman. It had never yet failed to turn me on. "She had the most delicate cutest features. Her nose was small and pert. Her lips were full, and very kissable. Her eyes were blue and very sensuous. She had masses of curly, black hair, long and full." I felt a rustling on my head. I reached up to see what it was. My hand met a mass of hair rapidly pushing out from my scalp. Diane smiled as she saw realization dawning in my eyes. "Diane, I'm not sure..." "Shhh. Let me finish." I wanted her so badly. I must admit part of me wanted to experience femininity again. "Her voice was rich and high. I remember when we were making love, she made these quiet yelps as I licked her pussy." I felt my throat flex and change. "Diane, please..." I said and stopped in surprise. My voice was now totally feminine and I couldn't believe it was now mine. Diane was right, that voice was utterly sexy. "Of course," Diane continued with a wide grin on her face. "Her body was far less muscled than yours. She had no hair on her lovely body except for a delicate patch around her crotch." My body rippled and again my body altered to her commands. My body was now no larger than hers and my skin was indeed hairless and silky smooth. Diane ran her hand over my creamy, soft skin. I was wondering how far she would take this. "Tell me more." I said, in the voice of an extremely excited woman. "She had these long, shapely legs, running up to wide hips." My legs subtly altered shape and then I felt a pulling sensation in my hips. My wife drank in the new alterations and then continued. "She had curves in all the right places, especially her breasts," she paused. By now, my erection was almost painful in its intensity. Why wouldn't she continue her description? Then I realized she wanted me to ask her to carry on. "Please tell me about her breasts." I asked her. My voice was like that of a woman in heat. I could see the desire in her eyes as she spoke. "They were large, firm and very beautiful. Each one was topped by an erect, red nipple aching to be touched." I felt a tightening in my chest, and then it started to expand. We watched in lust as I grew two creamy, soft breasts. I reached up with one hand and caressed my new equipment. I moaned in ecstasy at the erotic sensations they gave. I was now turned on beyond control. I rolled over onto Diane. My breasts swayed and jostled as I did so, and this just turned me on even more. She was almost as excited as I was as she guided my aching prick into her hot pussy. In one slow movement, I slid inside her as far as possible. She arched against me and gave a breathless cry of joy.

Then, wrapping her arms around my neck, she drew my ear next to her mouth. She held me deep inside her as she whispered in my ear. "What I enjoyed most about our session was her lovely pussy. I spent hours lapping at it." I heard her giggle as she felt my penis start to retract. I pulled away from her and tried to grab it, but it had already changed into a vagina. "Why did you do that?" I cried. I desperately wanted to fuck my wife, and at the same time I wanted to be fucked. "I wanted to show you what it is like to be a woman. Once you've experienced this, you'll know how to please me even more." She reached over the side of the bed and produced her toiletries bag. From that she produced her favorite vibrator. It had a multi-speed setting and was shaped like an erect penis, even to the veins running along its length. "Diane, give me back my cock please." I begged. "Tell me truthfully, David," she asked, "You want this inside you, don't you?" My eyes were riveted to the vibrator. "Yes," I heard myself say. She shifted over and dropped her mouth to my nipples. They were standing stiffly like little erections and they were at least as sensitive. She nipped and sucked my nipples for ages. Her hair caressed my soft skin as she suckled. I found myself getting even more aroused. My new pussy was aching to be filled by something. It's hard to describe, but it was a little like an inside-out erection.

Finally, she let my breasts go and moved her attention down to my wet pussy. Then I felt the vibrator nudging my outer lips. She had warmed it with her hands as she had suckled on my breasts. Now she was running it slowly around the outside of my vagina. The need to be filled grew greater and greater. My legs were spread wide and I started begging my wife to fuck me. After what seemed an eternity of waiting, she granted my wish. The vibrator glided into me, separating the slick walls of my vagina. That first penetration was fantastic. It felt so strange, so different and yet so right. Then Diane switched it on. The vibrations intensified the feelings I was getting. Part of it was designed to stimulate my clitoris, and it was doing a very good job of it. Diane began to rub it in and out of my hot pussy as I slowly lost all control. As the erotic intensity increased still further, I began to fantasize that the vibrator was a real cock...that I was making love with a strong and powerful man. Diane continued to stoke the vibrator in and out of my pussy as she began sucking my nipples. This was too much for me, and I felt something explode in my crotch and shoot through my whole body. I thought I had had powerful orgasms in the past, but they were nothing compared to the one I was having at that moment. Diane didn't stop, though, and the waves of pleasure increased again. In the distance I could hear my new sexy voice moaning in ecstasy. I came several times, in short succession. Finally, Diane stopped and I lay there, feeling the last traces of my orgasms racing through my body.

Then the vibrator was removed and replaced by something smaller, but much more flexible. Diane was eating my pussy. I wanted to reciprocate so I moved her legs until she was kneeling over my head. I grabbed her ass with my dainty hands and began to lick Diane's cunt. We didn't get any sleep that night. We were both insatiable. We tried many positions in our lovemaking, with Diane always in control. At one point, I was on my hands and knees on my bed, while she thrust the vibrator deep into me from behind. Between each bout, we'd lay in each other's arms, kissing, our breasts rubbing together and our pussies rubbing against each other's legs. Diane drifted off to sleep around about dawn. While she slept, I stayed as close to her as possible, dozing occasionally myself. The level of intensity that I had reached as a woman amazed me. Did women really reach a higher level of arousal than men, or was it just due to the bracelet? I was still heavily turned on, and as I drifted into and out of sleep, I gently felt myself up, slowly and dreamily massaging my clit.

At that point, I didn't want to go back to being a man. One thought was going constantly through my mind. What would it be like with a real man? As a man, I would have been disturbed by such a thought, but I was a woman in heat. I was far too turned on to be able to go to sleep. After an hour of lying awake, I began to feel a pressure in my bladder, so I got up to go to the bathroom. As I walked across the carpet, I was acutely aware of how different my body was. My breasts bounced and swayed with even the slightest movement. My hips were much wider than I was used to, and I knew that they gave me a sexy wiggle as I walked. In the bathroom, a small window was open, and I could feel the night air wash over my soft, sensitive skin. I stood over the toilet and reached down for my dick, which wasn't there of course. I sat down and even the feeling of my bladder emptying was erotic to me. I wiped myself down with some toilet paper and then headed back to bed. Despite my exertions through the night just ending, I was wide awake. In the faint pre-dawn light, I looked in the mirror. The woman I had become was gorgeous. What must it be like to live in a body like this full time, I wondered. To have men lusting after you? One of my slim, feminine hands dropped between my legs, and I began to masturbate again. I edged closer to the mirror so that I could see what I was doing to myself more clearly.

It was only when my body shifted and changed that I remembered about the other people in the hotel. My body had reverted to the brown amazon that both Diane and I had become earlier. I had gotten closer to the man in the next room than I was to Diane. As I stood there caressing myself, I could sense his presence on the other side of the wall. I had to go to him. If I had just taken two steps back towards Diane I would have been okay, but I just couldn't make myself do that. Instead, I went to the door, opened it and slipped out into the hall. The hall lights were still on. I squinted while my eyes adjusted. A quick glance either way revealed the hallway to be empty, which was something that I was glad for when I remembered that I was naked. The lust for whoever was in the next room was growing second-by-second. I quickly went over to the door of the next room and tried to open it. It was locked. I felt frustration at being separated from the man whose desires had shaped my body. I knocked at the door, quietly at first, and then louder. I was afraid that I would wake up the other guests, but I had to get in that room at all costs.

After several minutes I heard a stirring in the room. The door was opened slightly. "Who is it?" asked a very sleepy voice with a southern English accent. "Can I come in?" I asked in a rich, feminine voice. "I've locked myself out of my room and I could do with some help." The door opened wider to reveal a blond, fairly athletically- built boy in his late teens or early twenties. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw that I had absolutely nothing covering my smooth, brown skin. It took nearly all of my self-control to stop myself from jumping on him there and then. "Can I come in?" I asked again, trying to keep the desire out of my voice. "Uh...yeah, sure." He opened the door and stepped out of the way. I walked past him into the room, 'accidentally' brushing one of my hands against his shorts as I did so. It was impossible to mistake the hard lump that I felt there. Well, I was the very image of his desires, wasn't I? The room itself had the same layout as mine and Diane's except that there were two single beds instead of a double bed. I noticed, to my great surprise, that the far bed was occupied. It had never occurred to me that the boy might not be alone. The other figure stirred and sat up. "Who was at the door, Tim?" he asked. The curtains had only been half closed, and there was enough light to see the room's other occupant. My jaw dropped open when I saw that the boy in bed was the one who had opened the door. I turned around to see that he was still behind me. Twins!

Tim closed the door behind himself and asked, "How...uh...can we help you?" He was having a hard time trying not to stare at my breasts, with their proudly-erect nipples. He didn't realize that his own arousal was just as blatantly obvious to me. "I'm here for you." I answered, making my voice as seductive as I could. "For m-me?" he asked, as I approached him slowly. "For both of you." He was openly staring at my tits, and I was reveling in the feeling of being ogled. "Why?" he asked in a quiet voice as I reached him. "You ask too many questions, Tim." I replied, and then kissed him. He was too surprised to do anything as my tongue snaked into his open mouth. I pressed my breasts against his chest and held his head with one hand. My other hand ran down his back and into his shorts. He jumped as I cupped his ass in my hand.

A part of me marveled at what I was doing. Here I was, kissing and fondling a man, and yet loving every second of it. I wrapped one of my legs around his, and slowly rubbed my excited pussy against his rock-hard cock. His hormones had taken over. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling my body against his. I lowered him to his bed and yanked down his shorts. My mouth dropped open in desire as I beheld his fully-erect prick. I walked around to the side of the bed and dropped to my knees. All I wanted to do was to worship this masculine tower. I gently held it with one hand as I steered it to my mouth. It was the first time that I had ever touched a cock other than my own. On its head was a glistening drop of pre-cum. I ran my tongue over it, taking its salty tang into my mouth. Tim gasped. He was doing his level best to last as long as possible, but I knew that he would cum soon. I gently wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and sucked it deep into my mouth. For all of my thirty-five years of life I had never had any real homosexual thoughts. Now, I couldn't get enough of this stranger's cock. As I sucked Tim, I massaged my pussy with my free hand. Tim was straining and moaning under me, and it wasn't a surprise when hot, salty cum spurted deep into my throat. I swallowed it automatically.

When I had sucked him dry, I stood up, slightly unsteadily, and wiped a drop of cum from my lips. Tim was young, and I knew he would be ready to go again soon, but I was so worked up by now I couldn't wait. Fortunately, I knew that Tim and I weren't alone. I looked over to the bed where Tim's twin had watched the display of cock-sucking. His hand was under the bedcovers, stroking his own hard-on. As I got closer to the other twin, my body rippled slightly, but did not noticeably change. When I reached his bed, I pulled back the covers. I was glad to note that his cock was a twin of Tim's. He stopped rubbing himself and stared at me in lust. "What's your name?" I asked him. He looked at me, open-mouthed. I'm sure he couldn't remember for several seconds. "R-richard," he finally managed. "Well, Dick, I'm going to give you the fuck of your life." I was tempted to suck him off like I had his brother, but by now my cunt was aching with the need to be filled with a long hard cock. He didn't resist as I pushed him onto his back and straddled him. As I reached down and grasped Richard's cock, a part of my mind tried to resist. Here I was, about to make love as a woman, but what little resistance I had was quickly washed away by my body's desires. I was a woman, hot and sensuous. There was nothing else I could, or wanted to, be. I guided Richard's cock to the entrance of my vagina and then slowly sank onto its hard length.

Nothing had prepared me for the feelings that washed over me as his cock slid into my wet pussy. I felt like I'd taken a mile of it into me when I finally reached the base. We stayed locked together for what seemed like an eternity, with his cock filling me up. Then I started to pump my pussy on his dick. The feeling was beyond belief, and I was soon voicing my pleasure quite loudly in guttural grunts of pure pleasure. Richard's hands had found my breasts and were massaging them. My whole body was on fire, and every sensation just added to my pleasure. I felt myself reaching my own climax. It was even more intense than the one I had had with Diane. I shrieked my pleasure at the top of my voice. As the waves of liquid pleasure ran through me, I clamped down on Richard's dick with my pussy. He clasped me to him as he reached his own orgasm. I could feel his cock twitching as he came deep inside me. I lay breathless on Richard as I tried to recover my breath. Nothing could match that. We kissed gently for the first time. I considered giving up my life with Diane and just staying with Tim and Richard. The feelings that my body were causing were that strong. My mind was filled with the fantasy of the twins and me living together, and of servicing them all day long.

After about ten minutes of kissing and cuddling, I felt Richard's cock returning to life. I was more than ready to go again. It was then that I felt a third hand on my back. I turned my head to see Tim. He was just as ready to continue as Richard. I smiled, grabbed his cock, and pulled him onto the bed. It was a tight squeeze for all three of us on one bed, but we managed it. I rolled on top of Richard, and Tim moved behind me. I didn't know quite what he had in mind until I felt him hold my ass cheeks apart. Any worries about whether or not that would hurt were lost when I started sliding up and down Richard's pole again. There was a feeling of pressure, and then Tim's cock was entering my anus. It should have hurt a lot more than it did. Maybe it was due to the bracelet, but it didn't hurt at all. Instead, it felt great! I now had two cocks thrusting deep into me, and the feeling of fullness was sending me to new heights. I was sandwiched between two male hunks, and loving every second of it. I orgasmed several times, and I can remember seeing stars in front of my eyes. Richard came next, again filling my pussy. Then he had to wait while Tim rode me to his orgasm. Tim gripped my hips tightly as he finally climaxed inside me.

And so it went on. Over the next few hours, as the sun rose outside, Tim and Richard made frantic and passionate love to me. I quickly lost track of which one of the twins was Tim and which one was Richard, but I truly did not care. All that mattered was there were two cocks that needed to be serviced. To their credit, they lasted until past noon before they collapsed from exhaustion. I lay there, cradled between Richard and Tim. I was satisfied for the moment, and I was able to think about what to do next. By now, Diane was probably awake and wondering where I had disappeared to. I had to get back to her, but I found it difficult to leave the twins. Their desires had shaped my body. I was literally designed for their pleasure, but I had to get back to Diane.

I concentrated on my memories of her, and I finally gathered enough mental power to climb out of the tangle of limbs on the bed. The boys stirred, then reached out for me and found each other. I left them embracing each other, still fast asleep. I often wonder what happened when they woke up. I pulled a sheet off of Tim's bed and wrapped it around my shapely body. An image flashed through my mind of me sucking Tim's cock on that bed. I almost turned around and went straight back to the twins. I barely managed to keep control. I opened the door and looked out into the hall. A maid was cleaning the carpet right next to the door of my room. There was nothing to it, I had to get back to Diane before my body's urges completely overpowered me again. I walked out into the hall and towards my room. The maid's eyes widened as she saw a woman, wrapped only in a sheet, walk towards her. Her eyes widened even further when the woman shifted and changed shape. I had an image of Diane fixed in my mind. All I had to do was retain control just long enough to get back into my room, and I'd be safe. No one would believe the maid if she told anyone about someone changing shape.

The plan fell apart when I started shrinking. I fell to the floor as the transformation rushed over me. When the dizziness passed, I was wrapped in the sheet that I had been wearing. My body felt very odd and different, but before I could work out what was going on, the sheet was pulled off of my head. I looked up at the maid standing over me with a look of utter surprise on her face. Something was wrong with my vision. All the color seemed to have drained from it. I could feel my sex urge returning, and I was relieved to feel my penis becoming erect. That relief disappeared when I looked down at my body. The bracelet had shrunk so that it wouldn't fall off my vastly- changed wrist. Except that it wasn't a wrist now -- it was an ankle. I had four legs, covered in dark fur. I was a dog! The maid looked up quickly, and then ran to one of the rooms. She opened the door, and then came back for me. I was standing on all four legs, trying to co-ordinate myself. She scooped me up in her arms before I had a real chance to get away, and then she bundled me into the room. She slammed the door behind me and looked at me in wonder. "What are you?" she asked in amazement. I tried to answer, but I could only manage some growls. She had seen me transform in front of her. I have no idea what she thought I was, but she knew I was something special. My sex urge was growing again. I could think of nothing else except mounting her. In the back of my mind I was dreadfully embarrassed, but what could I do? Her own growing excitement was obvious on her face.

She spent the next few minutes stroking my fur-covered body before gently touching my erection. Then she raised the skirt of her maid's uniform and kneeled on the floor. She wasn't wearing any panties. I needed no other invitation. I climbed onto her back and coupled with her. I held onto her sides as best I could with my paws and fucked her for all she was worth. She gave a long series of moans as she climaxed. We remained locked together for quite some minutes before I finished and pulled away from her. When she had recovered, she went into the bathroom to clean up. I spent the time trying to get used to walking on all fours. It's not as easy as it looks. When she re-emerged, she said, "You're my dreams come true. Now you be a good boy and stay quiet. No one is booked into this room, so you'll be safe here. If no one reports you missing, I'll come back later and take you home. We're going have some fun together." She was careful not to let me out as she was leaving. I was extremely worried about being stuck as a dog. Of course as she moved away, I fell under the influence of another.

As I felt myself transform I realized that this was my chance to get back to Diane. My body rearranged itself into a well-built, middle-aged man. I ran to the door, opened it, and lurched across the hall to my room. I hammered on the door. I knew that she was inside even before the door opened, because I changed back into the idealized version of my own body. The door opened, and Diane pulled me inside. "Thank God!" she cried as she wrapped her arms around me. "I thought I'd lost you for good." She could feel my stiff cock pushing into her side, and she realized that I wouldn't be able to keep control for much longer. She quickly snapped the bracelet open. I returned to my original form. We hugged for several long minutes, and then we collapsed on the bed. "Diane, I..." I started to say. "It's all right," she said, "I should have taken the bracelet off before I fell asleep last night. I looked all over for you. Where did you go?" "Well, you know the woman we both became when we walked over to that wall?" I asked, pointing to the wall separating our room from that of the twins. "Oh." she replied quietly. "What was it like?" "Diane!" I exclaimed. "Hey, don't be embarrassed about what happened. You couldn't control yourself. So what was it like to make love as the opposite gender then?" "Actually, it felt incredible." I said. My face felt hot with shame, even though Diane was right. It wasn't my fault. "Especially when he entered me. It felt so...different." She kissed my forehead. "We'll just write this one down to experience. When we use the bracelet again, we'll be a bit more careful." Neither of us actually considered not using the bracelet again. We were both already addicted to the pleasure it could bring.

Despite the fact that I had been up all night, I didn't feel tired. I decided that I would have a shower, and then we would go down to the restaurant for lunch. After the shower, as I toweled myself down, I looked at myself in the mirror. Somehow, I could see the slut I had become in my reflection. To be honest, I was a little confused over the way that I was reacting to what had happened. I had had a protracted bout of sex as a woman with two willing young men, but neither Diane nor I were overly worried about that fact. I think that somehow the bracelet had permanently loosened our inhibitions. Even so, we were a little quiet sitting down to eat lunch. We couldn't really discuss the bracelet in the middle of the restaurant. Especially as two twin brothers were arguing over whether there really had been a woman in their room that morning. "Look, we both remember the same thing, Richard." "Perhaps," said the other, unconvinced, "but how likely is it that a naked woman will knock on our door, come in, have sex with us and then disappear again?" "It happened. Look, she had to be a guest. If we look hard enough, we're sure to find her." Diane was doing her best to stop from laughing. "You didn't tell me there were two of them." she whispered. "You didn't ask," I whispered back, embarrassed. I was beginning to wish that she would take the situation more seriously.

After lunch, I wanted to go out and get some fresh air. Diane, however, didn't want to leave the bracelet alone in our room. She suggested that I go out on my own, but I didn't want to leave Diane alone with the bracelet, so we returned to our room. Diane sat, holding the bracelet, while asking me endless questions about my encounter with the twins. Finally, I agreed to tell her all, and I laid back on the bed and described it in intimate detail. I decided against telling her about the maid. Just dealing with my encounter as a woman was enough. I was a little disturbed to notice that I was getting an erection from thinking about Tim and Richard. We really didn't know anything about the bracelet, so we had no idea what, if any, long term effects there might be. Had the bracelet affected my mind and turned me gay? Or was it just a natural reaction to the erotic sensations that I had experienced with the brothers?

I had just told Diane about how I had taken both Tim and Richard at the same time when I felt her hand running up her leg. I didn't have to look over at her to know that she had put the bracelet on. By now, I was getting turned on myself, and I thought a good bout of normal straight sex would help to put my earlier experiences behind me. So I rolled over onto my side and looked deep into my wife's eyes, which were light blue in color rather than brown. Her hair was much shorter and had turned blonde. It wasn't my wife, it was one of the twins! I looked again. The blonde man was wearing the dress that my wife had been wearing. "Diane?" I asked. She shrugged. "Don't blame me. This is your fantasy." She got off the bed and started to strip. "I'm not sure we should be doing this." I said, fairly weakly. "I didn't hear you complain that much when we had an all-girl session last night. Anyway, if you don't like it, why don't you turn me back into a woman?"

I did try to turn Diane back into a female, but my mind was still filled with images of the twins. Diane took off her bra and ran her hand over her flat chest. "Wow! This feels so weird." She climbed onto the bed wearing only her panties, which were under severe strain from her erection. "I can see why you got so turned on as a woman," she said. "Everything is so different and so erotic." Diane began pulling off my own clothes. "Relax," she said, "I am still me in here, so don't worry about it." I found myself agreeing with her. Finally, she threw my shorts into the corner of the room and grasped my cock in her strong hand. Slowly, at first, she started to masturbate me. I slumped back and luxuriated in the sensations. I wasn't wearing the bracelet this time, so I suppose I could have pushed Diane away, but she was right. This was my fantasy. The fact that my wife was inside this athletic man made things easier, but that didn't stop me from feeling very odd as I reached into her panties and grasped her cock. I pulled the panties down and began to jack off Diane. This was a totally new sensation to her, and she was soon moaning in ecstasy. I pulled her to me, and we kissed long and passionately. Rather than the soft, curvy body I was used to holding, Diane now had a taut, male body with well-defined muscles.

After a few minutes, she pulled away with a familiar grin on her unfamiliar face. She turned around on top of me and grabbed my cock. We had always enjoyed oral sex. 69 was one of our favorite positions. This time, however, it was going to be a little different for me. As Diane's lips wrapped themselves around my cock, I reached up and grabbed hers. I wasn't under the influence of the bracelet, so I felt a little reluctance in doing this, but not much. Perhaps the orgy with the twins had unlocked homosexual desires in me. Diane released my cock long enough to say, "Come on, suck me off!" I balked at that. Doing it while I was a sex-mad female was one thing, but in my uninfluenced male body? Diane saw my hesitation and shouted at me to suck it. I held it gingerly in one hand to guide it into my mouth. I had planned to suck it slowly into my mouth as I built up courage, but Diane had other plans. She pressed down with her pelvis, and suddenly her hard length was as deep into my mouth as it was going to go. My apprehension vanished, and I started to suck cock. I cast my mind back to early that morning when I had sucked one of the twins off. The memory was so strong that I could almost feel the heavy breasts that I had had at the time I was milking him. Diane returned her attentions to my own stiff tower. She gave a long, deep moan as I concentrated on her prick. I ran my tongue over the head several times. I could feel her tensing over me, and I knew she was about to cum. She lifted her head and growled, "Oh my God!". Then my throat was filled with what felt like a gallon of cum. I had little choice but to swallow. As I gulped down the salty fluid, I reached my orgasm. Diane had been licking the head of my cock; I came all over her face. We lay there for several long seconds, both completely shattered.

Now that my sex urge had been satisfied, I began to feel a little self-conscious about what I had done. I concentrated on Diane. Thankfully, she shifted into her perfect version of herself. She turned around on the bed, and I had to laugh when I saw cum all over her face. I reached over and took the bracelet off of Diane. I didn't want to drift off to sleep and risk her coming under the influence of someone else, like what had happened to me. "So that's what it's like for a man." she remarked. "What do you think of it?" "It's like...everything is concentrated in your cock. Nothing else exists." "I know what you mean. When I was a woman, my whole body seemed to explode." I shivered as I remembered the force of my female orgasms. We were quiet for several long minutes as we thought about the session we had just had. I was content to just lie on the bed and doze, but Diane wanted a shower.

It was Diane's voice that woke me half an hour later. "David, come and have a look at this." I hauled myself off the bed and went into the bathroom. Diane was standing naked and was still wet from the shower. She was staring intently into the mirror. "What's up?" I asked. "Look at my face. Really closely." I shrugged. "Okay, but why?" "Just look." I leaned closer and studied her face. "I don't see anything." "It's changed." "Changed? Don't be..." I stopped as I realized she was right. The change was ever so slight. I'm sure no one but Diane and I would have noticed it. Her jaw was ever-so-slightly broader. Her nose was ever- so-slightly larger. Her eyes were a shade lighter. While I had been studying her face, Diane had been examining mine. "You've changed as well." "What?!" I turned to the mirror and stared at my own face. My features were ever-so-slightly refined. Was my skin slightly darker, or was that just a tan? My face was still masculine, but I could see just a hint of the woman that I had been the previous night. Thankfully, it seemed I hadn't been a dog long enough to affect my appearance, but I had spent several long hours as a woman. "I think we had better leave the bracelet alone from now on." "No way!" she exclaimed. "We just have to be a little more careful once we get back home. We can really start experimenting." I wasn't too convinced that this was a good idea, but Diane finally talked me into trying to reverse the effects. I put on the bracelet, and she turned me into the muscle-bound version of myself. Of course, I was as horny as hell, and we made love all afternoon. It wasn't until the early hours of the next morning that she took it off of me. By now we were exhausted. We slept until it was almost noon. A close examination revealed that the small, feminine touches to my face had been reversed. After we had repeated the process with Diane, which we both found equally enjoyable, she was restored to full femininity, though she did complain that her bra was tighter than it had been before. Over the last week of our holiday, we tried to resist using the bracelet too often, and we managed to keep from using it more than once a day. At my insistence, we didn't swap genders. Diane wanted to try it as a man again, but I was having none of it. Perhaps if I had relented a little, Diane wouldn't have done what she did when we got home.

When we arrived back in Florida, I didn't leave our house for several weeks. I had thought that Diane had some plans for the bracelet, but I had never thought that she'd go as far as she did. She put her plan into operation almost a week after we got back home. We were looking after her sister's baby for the day while her sister and her family went shopping for furniture for their new home. We both love kids. I think they're great -- if you can stand the smell and the noise, that is. I was doing some work on the computer when Diane came up to me and said, "Susan forgot to leave any baby food when she brought Timmy." "Don't we have any milk?" I asked. "No, not a drop." she replied. Now, I knew that wasn't true, so I went to the refrigerator to check. There had been three cartons in there that morning, but now all of them were gone. "Diane, where did the milk go?" I felt something go around my wrist and my body started to shift. "Diane! Not with the baby in the house!" I was back in my idealized male body and horny as hell. "It's because of the baby I'm doing this. He's hungry." She took me up into the bedroom where Timmy was. He didn't appear to be hungry at all. Diane pushed me towards the baby and then took several paces backwards. Timmy gurgled. I realized that I was closer to him than I was to anyone else, but I didn't think I'd have anything to worry about. He was far too young to have anything approaching sexual desire. Well, I was right about that, but Timmy did have something on his mind. Lunch. I felt a large weight growing on my chest as I grew two very large breasts. My shirt got tighter and tighter. I felt the pressure building, and I knew that my shirt wouldn't survive long. The buttons shot off, and my huge mammaries were revealed. As I felt the rest of my body shift and change, I looked in the mirror and saw Diane's sister staring back, except that she didn't have breasts anywhere near this size. I ran my hands over my body and found that Timmy had got a few facts about his mother's body wrong. The breasts were the size of beach balls, and were almost pulling me over. Between my legs I found that I still had a penis. It was small and undeveloped. Timmy obviously thought that everyone was like that down there. How could he know any differently? A desire was flooding though my brain, but it was not a sexual one. At least, not overtly. As I cupped my breasts in my hands and lifted their huge weight, I felt a warm wetness on my hands. I pulled them away and looked at the white fluid on my palms. It was milk. I picked up Timmy and held him against one of my magnificent breasts. He found the huge, erect nipple and managed to get it into his mouth. Then he started feeding. It was an absolutely incredible sensation to feel milk being sucked from my breast. It was also extremely erotic, but I didn't have the equipment to really do anything about it. The sensuous feeling just grew and grew until I was moaning in ecstasy. Finally, Timmy was full. I maneuvered him around my mountainous breasts to my shoulder, where I successfully burped him. My breasts were still heavy with milk. All I wanted to do was find someone else who would continue to drink it from me. Diane came to my rescue. She took Timmy from me, and then stood between the baby and me as she cleaned him up so that I returned to the muscled version of my own body. She took him to the spare bedroom and then returned.

I expected her to remove the bracelet, but instead she just concentrated on my body. Again, it rippled and changed. I had two firm breasts. Large, but not nearly as big as the ones that I had had moments before. Looking further down I could see a soft curving belly leading down to wide feminine hips. I thrust a hand down my pants and found the soft mound of my feminine sex. Diane stood me in front of the mirror. My eyes widened in surprise at what I saw. I now looked like Diane, except that I was a little better endowed. "Diane, what are you up to?" "Just a little experiment of mine, my darling sister. I want to see how far the body will change when the bracelet is left on for a few days." "No!" I exclaimed. I tried to tell her to take the bracelet off, but nothing would come out. By now, my sex urge was overpowering and I was already fingering myself. Diane took me back to bed and brought me to orgasm after orgasm with her vibrators. After a while, she got dressed and did a few chores around the house, leaving me to masturbate on my own. I had to stay close to her or risk being influenced by the neighbors. I considered several times making a break for my neighbors. That way I'd get out of Diane's influence, but I had no way of knowing how they'd react. Or what their deepest fantasies were. I decided it wasn't worth the risk. Diane tried to get me to help her clean the house, but I was far too turned on to be of any use. She had to lock me in the bedroom when her sister and her husband returned to pick up Timmy. Susan's husband came upstairs to use the bathroom at one point, and I was transformed into his fantasy. His desires made me a cute young Asian woman. It was all that I could do to resist calling out to him. Thankfully, they left soon afterwards, and Diane reasserted her control over my body. I tried many times to get her to take the bracelet off of me in the days that followed. I couldn't say that in so many words of course, but she knew what I was on about. On the third day, Diane told me of her eventual plan: "We're going to swap places for awhile." "What?!" I cried. "I found being a man very interesting." she told me. "I'd like to know what it was like to be a man and make love to a woman. Since we only have one bracelet and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else but you, I have to make you the woman. Relax. In a day or so I'll take the bracelet off and wear it myself. Then I can find out." "I won't do it. I'll keep you as a woman. I won't turn you into a man." "Look, you need me to become male again. Besides, in just a week you'll be male again and no one will ever know." She smiled. "Besides, I can tell you'd like to have a cock inside you again." I denied it vehemently, but I did feel a desire to have a man between my legs.

We make a fairly good living writing technical manuals together. We tend to do most of our work from home, so she knew that she would have time to pull this little adventure of hers off. For the next few days I remained in a state of high arousal. I'd spend hours playing with Diane's vibrator. The feeling of it gliding into and out of my hot pussy never failed to send me into ecstasy. When I awoke five days after Diane had turned me into a woman, I was beginning to worry that I was enjoying it too much, and that I might become addicted to sex as a woman. I sat up and bed and I could feel my heavy breasts jostling at my every movement. The slightly-cold morning air caused my nipples to spring erect. Diane had tried to get me to wear her night-dresses, but fortunately I was too well-endowed for any of them to fit. Diane was already awake and was watching me with a smile on her face. "Diane, I've been thinking and I really don't want to do this. Please take the bracelet off me." It took several seconds for what I had said to sink in. I had been able to ask Diane to take the bracelet off. I looked at the wrist where the bracelet had been for the last few days. It was gone. I reached between my legs, but I already knew what I would find. I still had a pussy. I was still female. I looked over at Diane in shock, and she held up the bracelet for me to see. Then she clicked it shut around her own wrist. I concentrated on the idealized version of Diane, and my wife shifted to that shape. I was still annoyed at the way that she had carried out her plan, and I was going to stop her from having any fun if I could help it. She ran her hands over her large breasts. She was clearly very turned on, but she wasn't very happy. "Come on, David. The sooner you let me have my way, the sooner I'll turn you back." "No!" I said as firmly as I could in my feminine voice. "You didn't even ask before you did this to me!" "You'd have never agreed to it. You never were as adventurous as me. Think about it, though. You did enjoy your first time as a woman. Don't you want to experience that again? Remember how it felt to have a long, hard cock thrusting deep into your hot cunt?"

I knew exactly what she was doing, and it was working. Ever since I had gone with the twins, I had caught myself daydreaming now and then over what had happened. Diane was reawakening those memories, I could almost feel the two young men pressing their bodies against mine as they thrust deep inside me. "That's better," said a masculine voice beside me. I felt a strong hand rest on my thigh and I turned to look at the blonde man in bed with me. My eyes were riveted to Diane's erection as she started getting even closer. "Diane, this isn't right." "Of course it is. We are husband and wife, after all." Despite all my protestations, I did want to feel that delicious cock filling my most intimate place. I allowed Diane to push me onto my back. She then climbed on top of me. We kissed hungrily. Her hands roamed all over my curvy body. One of them made its way between my legs and started to massage my clit. As the sensations grew inside me, I was very aware of Diane's red-hot cock pushing into my side. Instinctively, I spread my legs as the sensations started to grow. Part of me wanted to push Diane away, but it was washed away by the desire to enjoy being made love to. "Now! Fuck me now!" I virtually screamed in her ear. Her hand left my cunt. Slowly she guided her cock into my aching pussy. I realized now that my desires had made it significantly larger than the cocks that the twins had had. Diane slid in easily to the hilt and I reveled in the feelings of fullness. I clenched my vaginal muscles and I felt Diane gasp with pleasure. Slowly, at first, Diane started to thrust into me. I could do little more than hang on. She started to increase the speed and frequency of her thrusts. It was so alien to the way I normally had sex, but it felt better than any experience as a man. Diane dominated me fully. I had let her into my most private and intimate place. At that moment I belonged to her utterly. I wrapped my legs around her and pulled her deep into me with every thrust. I forgot all about my reservations about being female as I began to feel the unmistakable build-up to my orgasm. When it hit, I shrieked my pleasure and held onto Diane for dear life. She reached her own climax at the same moment, and I could feel her seed being pumped powerfully into me.

For minutes afterwards, I held on tightly to Diane's muscular body as we recovered. Finally we pulled apart. Diane was almost ready to go again. I could still feel the delicious heat radiating out from my pussy. I looked over at Diane and got quite a shock. She was no longer a copy of one of the twins. She now wore the idealized version of my body. It was very odd to see my own face on someone else. Diane had only just noticed the change and was examining herself. She had been changed by my desire to stay in Diane's body. To do that she would have to replace me. It was giving me an idea to get back at Diane for turning me into a woman. Looking back, it wasn't a very good idea and perhaps my mind was affected after spending so much time as a sexy woman. When Diane had first turned me into a copy of herself several days before, I had been furious. Now, for the first time, I was thinking about staying female for a little while. Being on the receiving end of a royal fucking like the one I had just had was influencing my thinking a lot. "Wow!" Diane breathed. "That was fantastic. I had always wondered what it was like for a man." "I'm glad you enjoyed it, because you going to stay that way." I told her. "I'll keep the bracelet on you for a few days." "Don't you want to be male again?" she asked me in surprise. "Well, yes. Its fun being female, but I don't intend to stay this way. I'm just doing to you what you did to me. Then maybe you'll ask in the future." I tried to sound angry, but I don't think I succeeded. We spent the next few hours making love. It was noon by the time we finished.

I left Diane masturbating, and went and had a shower. I enjoyed washing my soft and curvy new body, although it took me ages to dry my hair. I even got a little turned on again when I toweled myself down. I felt odd when I looked into the bathroom mirror and saw the beautiful woman I had become. Well, it was only for a few days. I studied the soft curves of my new body. This was the first time I'd had a long look at it, even though I had been wearing it for five days. Before, I had been too busy fucking or masturbating. It gave me a strange feeling to think I was now totally a woman. Finding something to wear proved a little difficult. It was obvious that none of Diane's bras were going to be anywhere near big enough to contain my breasts. I did need some form of support to bring the wobbling masses of flesh under control. I managed to get Diane's attention long enough for her to come up with an idea. She gave me one of her checkered shirts to wear, and then knotted it just under my breasts. It displayed a surprising amount of cleavage, but it did control my mammaries to a certain extent. I felt a little odd when I slipped into a pair of white lacy panties, but they fitted much better than a pair of my boxer shorts would have. Diane tried to get me to wear a short skirt, which seemed to be little more than a wide belt, but I decided on a pair of tight jeans instead. Finally ready to face the world, I turned to the mirror to see if I was okay. My jaw dropped open when I saw my reflection. I was beautiful. My long hair cascaded over my shoulders. My bountiful breasts seemed on the point of bursting out of the shirt I had on. My midriff was bare exposing my sensuous curves. The jeans only accentuated my wide hips and shapely legs. I knew that I could have any man that I wanted if I put my mind to it. I was slightly disturbed by that thought. I couldn't blame such thoughts on the bracelet anymore.

Diane was still masturbating when I left her to go downstairs. I locked the bedroom door behind me. This was something we had both agreed on to stop any more accidents like the one that had occurred to me in the hotel in England. I did some tidying up downstairs, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Diane, upstairs. I knew it wouldn't be long before I went back upstairs and impaled myself on her hard length again. The only other person that I talked to that day was a door to door salesman. All through his sales pitch, he was eyeing me up. It felt very odd to have a body that caused such desires in other men. I caught myself thinking that he wasn't that bad-looking for a man. I could even see that he had an erection from the bulge in his pants. I think he saw me looking, because he asked if I was alone. When he offered to come in and give me a full demonstration of his 'equipment' I dropped an unsubtle hint that my husband upstairs might not like it. He wasn't in a good mood as he left, and I'm sure that he called me a prick tease under his breath. My heart was racing as I closed the door. I nearly went straight back upstairs to take the bracelet off of Diane, but I managed to stop myself. I didn't want to show Diane that I couldn't handle being female. I was worried that I had led the salesman on, though. Was that simply him trying his luck, or had I sent him some sort of unconscious sign that I was available? Had wearing the bracelet so long warped my thought processes?

I spent most of the afternoon trying to work on the manual that Diane and I were writing. Too often, however, I got side-tracked by my new body. I found it difficult to work around my large breasts. Eventually, I headed back upstairs to Diane. She was sleeping, but she woke up as I entered. My encounter with the salesman was still worrying me. Being a woman was fun, and sex from the other side was... interesting, but I'd be glad to get back in my own body. Until then, however I was going to give my gorgeous curvy body a good workout. I still felt a little odd "making it" with a man, but the knowledge that 'he' was really my wife removed a lot of the guilt. Our first bout together was quick and furious. She held my wrists with her hands as she pounded into me. The feeling of being totally in the power of a strong man only added to my pleasure. I just wrapped my legs around her and hung on for dear life. Afterwards we rested. Well, I rested. Diane was ready to go again almost instantly. She held back as long as she could before flipping me onto my hands and knees and taking me from behind. Her strong hands dug into my soft breasts as she brought me to several powerful orgasms. I was completely shattered after this round, so I simply watched as Diane stroked her engorged cock to several more explosive climaxes.

It was as I was watching her that an idea crept into my head. One thing I had experienced with a former girlfriend had been a tit-fuck. I'd would have loved Diane to do that to me, but she had never been well-endowed enough for that. However, I had tits large enough to do it to Diane. I watched her reach yet another climax. Where did all that cum come from? We were going to have to throw the bed sheets away. As she rested, I crawled up her firm body and pushed my tits together around her cock. She gave a long, low moan at the feeling of her cock stuck between my breasts. I rubbed my soft flesh around her hard cock, occasionally stopping to lick its head. Diane grabbed my head as I milked her. It wasn't long before her body tensed, and her cum spurted all over my face. I licked off most of it, enjoying its salty tang. I must have drifted off to sleep at around this point, because the next thing I remember it was the next morning. Diane was making soft, delicate love to me. I had responded in my sleep and I was already highly aroused when I became fully awake. And so it went on for several days.

On the fifth day, I removed the bracelet, and Diane stayed male. I was surprised to find that I was a little sad to be losing my female body, but it would be good to get my own body back. I ran my hand longingly over my smooth, erotic body. Time to become the old me. "You ready to change me back?" She nodded, "I'm sorry I did this without asking, but I think you'll want to do this again as much as me." She was right, but I didn't reply. I closed the bracelet around my wrist. Nothing happened. The silvery joining metal wouldn't appear. The bracelet just fell from my wrist. What was going on? Was I stuck like this? Diane's eyes had widened in shock when she saw what was happening. Or rather, what wasn't happening. She tried to put the bracelet on me and failed. My heart was racing. Was I going to be a well-stacked woman for the rest of my life? Diane tried to put the bracelet around her own wrist. It worked on the first try. She regained the idealized version of her female body. Why did it work for her and not me? Was there some time limit on it? I had worn it for slightly longer than her.

By now, I was starting to panic. Diane managed to calm me down and then suggested a course of action. "I'll stay in this form until we can work out what is going on. That way, there will be one Diane and one David." She was right, of course. There would be untold trouble if either Diane or I appeared to vanish. The next few days were very tense. We made love several times. I found it hard to enjoy it much, because it only reminded me of what I'd lost, perhaps forever. We worked out how long each of us had been using the bracelet, and Diane used it for a few hours every night. It continued to work for her, even though she had used it for longer than I had. Diane said that she might have an idea, but she refused to tell me without doing some research. Ever the practical one, she realized that I was going to need some new clothes to fit my larger breasts. I thought that we ended up spending too much money on clothes, but Diane reasoned that she would have to have breasts as large as mine when we sorted out the problem. People would notice if her bust size reduced again. She didn't seem too worried by the idea. The shop assistant must have been totally bemused by the husband and wife who had entered her lingerie department. The husband knew everything about female underwear, while the wife didn't even have a clue what bra size she was. Diane dressed me in the lingerie and new clothes in the changing rooms of the shop. The bra certainly helped to control my large breasts. I did wish that Diane had chosen something a little less sexy. The sight of those breasts enclosed in beautiful silk and lace turned me on, even though it was my own breasts I was ogling. "Are you ready for the dress?" Diane asked. I looked at her. She was grinning. "This isn't funny! Just give me the jeans and the blouse you bought and let’s get home." "Okay." she said, before scooping up all the purchases and skipping past the curtain of the cubicle. "Diane! What are you doing?" Her hand poked around the curtain and threw a bag at me. I opened the bag and pulled out a knee-long summer dress. "I am not wearing that!" I hissed. "It's that or nothing. I'll meet you out by the counter." Then she was gone. Diane does have a very lively character. It's the main thing that attracted me to her in the first place, but she can go too far sometimes. I really had no choice. It was this or my underwear.

I worked out which part of the dress was the front and then pulled it on. The hem tickled my legs. I smoothed down the dress with my hands. I checked in the mirror to be sure that I had the dress on perfectly. It was a very attractive dress, and it suited my current body, but I felt very self-conscious in it. I had to build up some courage before I headed back to the counter and to Diane. I felt very undressed as I walked through the shop to where she said she was waiting. I felt far more vulnerable and exposed in a dress than I had ever felt in jeans. Diane was nowhere to be seen, so I stood nervously at the counter, waiting for her to reappear. She turned up a few minutes later, walking downstairs from the upper floor of the shop. "Where have you been?" I asked. "Just getting a little something. You look good in that. It really suits you." I felt annoyed at the grin on her face. "This isn't funny. I could be stuck like this!" "I'm sorry. Let's get a bite to eat and then we'll head back home." We went out into the mall and headed over to a small cafe. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed several men admiring the curves of my body. I managed to avoid looking at them. I was finding the attention I was getting from men to be fairly embarrassing. As we ate a light lunch I tried to ignore the glances I was continuing to get. I was half-convinced that everybody who looked at me saw a man in a dress. Diane wanted to do some more shopping, but I managed to talk her out of it.

When we got home Diane convinced me to stay in the dress for the rest of the day. I didn't feel so nervous in the privacy of my own home, so I agreed. It was towards the evening that Diane pulled out a small box from one of the shopping bags. "I got this while you were in the changing room. I think it's why you can't change back." She threw the box, and I caught it by reflex. I looked at it and then nearly dropped it in shock. It was a pregnancy detector kit. "Y-you're not serious?" "I can't see that it could be anything else." Diane replied. "I've worn that bracelet for over a day longer than you have, and it still works for me." When she saw the utter shock on my face, she came over and held me. "It'll be all right. If you are...pregnant, at least we'll know why you can't change back. It'll mean you won't be stuck as a woman forever." Only for nine months, a corner of my mind remarked. Diane led me upstairs and we did the test. I watched her stare intently at the indicator. "Well? Am I or aren't I?" I asked her. Diane looked at me.

"Congratulations, you're going to be a mother." Thanks to her fast reflexes, she managed to catch me before I hit the floor. I was dimly aware of Diane leading me into the bedroom and gently putting me on the bed, but all I could thing about was the fact that I was pregnant. I broke the silence after a few minutes, "What are we going to do?" "It's okay. I can arrange an abortion." She held my hand. "Everything's going to be fine." She was trying to calm me down, but I could tell me she was almost as dazed as me about this. I nodded, but said nothing. Diane's suggestion was the best way out of this predicament. What else could we do? The only alternative was for me to stay female for the next nine months and give birth to the baby. Our baby. I ran my hands over my soft, curving belly. It was impossible to feel the new life growing in there, but already I could feel some attachment to it. An idea crept into my head. I was absolutely astonished by it at first, but second by second I was warming to it. "Diane, you know how much we've wanted a child." She looked at me, "Yeah." "Perhaps, I could...keep our baby." I said quietly. Diane's jaw dropped open. "David, do you have any idea what means?" "Not entirely, I admit. We've been trying for a baby for months." She wrapped her powerful arms around me and hugged me. "Well, we don't have to make a decision just yet." I could tell that she was excited about having kids as I was, but she was worried about what effect it would have on me. I was becoming more and more convinced that this was a good idea. I was a little apprehensive at the prospect of giving birth, but I thought that it would surely be worth it for a child.

Over the next few weeks, she kept questioning me about whether I was doing the right thing or not. I grew more and more adamant that I was keeping the baby, and soon she stopped asking me. We managed to settle into a routine. Each morning she'd choose my clothes and do my makeup. It was several months before I felt confident enough to do my own makeup. When we went out, it was always together. In my pregnant female body, I felt far more vulnerable than I ever had as a man. I was always acutely aware of the attention I was getting and, it flattered me and embarrassed me at the same time. We had spent many an evening coaching each other on mannerisms. I think we both overcompensated; I minced all over the place while Diane swaggered. We must have looked totally ludicrous. As the months passed and my pregnancy began to show, Diane and I continued to have sex almost up until the birth. In later months this was mostly restricted to oral sex, but I came to love sucking Diane's dick.

In the last month or two, Diane used the bracelet to become female for a couple of hours each night. We were like twin sisters, the only difference between us was that I was heavily pregnant. Our lovemaking would be slow and very sensuous. We'd spend literally hours, just moving softly against each other. The pre-natal classes were very weird for me at first, but I soon became friendly with some of the other mothers-to-be. It’s only after going through a whole pregnancy that I realized how amazing it really is. All of the hormone changes in my body left me a little cranky during the final months, but Diane was patient with me. There are aspects of a pregnancy I could do without. Having to sleep with a bowling ball strapped to your stomach, for instance. Or the fact that I had to pee every half-hour. I had learned a lot from my classes, so I recognized the contractions when they started. Diane flew into a blind panic when I told her that the baby was on its way. We had decided against finding out what gender it was. To be honest, I think it would have been safer for me to drive to the hospital than it was for Diane to, but we managed to arrive without hitting anything major. I managed to keep fairly calm and concentrated on my breathing exercises while Diane fretted. I know how helpless she felt. It's one of the most worrying times for an expectant father. His wife is in pain and he can't do anything. All he can do is panic about his wife and his child.

It does hurt. Don't let anyone tell you differently. During the birth, Diane was holding my hand and whispering encouragements. I was holding her hand so tight that I think I almost ripped it off. Then there was the anxious second before our baby started crying, and I knew that it was okay. I lay exhausted for a few moments before our child was handed to me. There was my son, Michael. It was a truly magical moment. All three of us were utterly exhausted, but I've never been happier. When we returned home a couple of days later, there was a slight tension between Diane and me. It took me a week to realize what it was. I could now be transformed by the bracelet. It was time for us to regain our original bodies.
About two weeks after we returned home, I found Diane in the living room with the bracelet. "I suppose we should change back." she said. I was surprised at the lack of enthusiasm in her voice. I nodded, but said nothing. I wasn't filled with a great desire to change back either, but it wasn't right for each of us to be in the wrong body. I took the bracelet from her and I sat down beside her feeling the now familiar sensation of my breasts jostling. I tried to build up enthusiasm by thinking about being male, but my thoughts kept drifting to the wonderful sex I had had as a woman. I didn't want to be my old male self again, I wanted to be female. Yes, I had found the whole pregnancy moving and very emotional, but I was still surprised at the strong desire within me to stay female. "You don't want to do it either, do you?" Diane said. I jumped slightly and looked up. I had been so involved with my thoughts I had almost forgotten she was sat next to me. "Not really," I replied, "but we have to swap back." "Why?" she said simply. I thought about that for a moment, "Could we do it? What about Michael?" "He'll grow up with a Mom and a Dad. You're a good mother. We've both tasted the other gender and we both like it a lot." she, no he, held my hand. "...and it will always be there if we want it." I added. That was that. We locked it in a sturdy box and hid it in the basement. Very occasionally we get it out for a play, but with Michael growing up we really don't have the time to really transform each other permanently. Not that we want to. I'm much more comfortable as Diane's wife. I'm not sure if we'll ever tell Michael or his younger sister, Helen, about the bracelet. I'm not sure how well they'd handle learning their mommy used to be a man. Michael is five now and Helen is two. I think I've settled into the role of a mother quite well. All our friends say we've never been happier. I think they're right. THE END


2015-11-18 02:12:03
I might be gay I am the female in bed I would want to go back to male sooner or laterbut the idea of pregant sure turns me on.......

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-06-13 08:28:21
Wow..that was such a hot story..made me cum twice!! All of them heavy m..congrats

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-05-07 04:47:06
please write another one!!! I know it has been awhile but maybe you could write one where the son gets the bracelet

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-25 20:26:19
That was an excellently conceived and written story. The plot was, although a fantasy, quite believable due to the fullness og the characters.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-03-17 13:58:11
"Bracelet Of Love" - David and Diane - (Husband and Wife)

This is a great story...from many perspectives! The writer's ability to development the idea of transporting from a male to female, female to male, even to a dog, with all the necessary physical equipment of the new amazing!

Should they ever tell their son and daughter, Michael and Helen? There is no reason their children should know--until at least they are adults!!
Unless they decide to change back to their original persons, then it won't be necessary.

Personally I think they should change back to their original forms, for no other reason than to give the real Diane an opportunity to become pregnant, at least once, or more, so she will have the experience of the full motherhood phenomenon!!

In fact that would be kinky--two children born of their father and the younger two children born of their mother!!

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