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Adventures of a very powerful young man and his friends.
Note: ——I am NOT the author! There are several authors actually, I’m not so certain that any one of them is the creator, but I know it’s not me. I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on here. There will be 9 parts in total. I am doing some very minor editing, and will post them all as soon as I can. ENJOY———

Tim, the Teenage Part One By: Rass Senip

+++ Chapter I: 8th Grade, Spring 1985 Part 1 - The Beginning (mc, mm-masturbation)

My mother recruited my father into her household due to the fact my mother's gift had been much stronger than my father's. Several months later, another man, whose power was stronger than my mother's, took both my father and mother back to the headquarters of an organization of telepaths. My father had been a member, but that actually hadn't been the reason my mother had been busted. She had been tampering with the local government, and that was a no-no. The organization handed my mother over to my father to be his own slave, and it was during that time my mother became pregnant with me. But before anyone realized my conception, the organization had a change of heart and made my father release her. Since the organization was against meddling in the affairs of others with the gift unless they attracted undo attention, they simply made her believe that using the gift on others, especially others with the gift, was morally wrong, and were not to be used unless her life was in danger. They released her, expecting her to probably slip into a deep depression and later kill herself over the mixture of loosing the gift and the personal moral sins she had committed. They never knew about me, and they never checked up on us later.

Fortunately, my mother replaced the loss of the gift with something.. me. And as far as the "sins" she had committed, as all good Christians do, she confessed and went on with her life. These two things allowed my mother to cope and go back to a more or less normal life. My mother had obtained enough wealth that she wouldn't have had to work for the rest of her life. But to have kept anything more than what she needed to live on was morally wrong to her. She did keep some, but she later repaid a more than compensating amount. She had been a successful business woman before her gift surfaced, and with the help of several old business associates, she was able to support the two of us fairly well.

I was born with the gift switched on. As a matter of fact, I learned how to talk to peoples minds before I leaned how to talk with my mouth. Whenever I was hungry, didn't feel good, soiled my diaper, or any of the other reasons that a baby cries about, the people who were near me knew exactly what was wrong. In fact, the only time I cried was when I didn't have a real reason for crying but did it anyway. The people around me would generally get very upset then, anyone except my mother that is. She shielded herself from what she called my "emotional noise". She hadn't lost her gift, just couldn't use it on anyone. When I was starting to learn how to talk, I also learned how to transmit my thoughts to others. I have heard so many stories about how I had caused so and so to poop in their pants from my mental gibberish, or how many people my mother had to use her gift on to unscramble their minds. It was a very hard time for my mother. She couldn't allow innocent people to become vegetables because her son was just learning how to "talk". She went to confessionals everyday during my early years. I can't imagine how the Fathers she confessed to take her daily accounts of mental sin, but they never said a word to anyone. Once I reached four or five, I was disciplined enough not to use my gift. In fact I forgot about it for several years. Well, I say forgot about it, but it was more like I grew out of it. I believed it was just one of those things that I had believed in when I was little, like my invisible friend. It wasn't until I was in eighth grade that I accidentally rediscovered it....

"Mr. Brandton! Pay attention!" Mrs. Patterson bellowed. As my overweight English teacher finally lifted her accusing gaze from my face, I let the air out that I had been holding. I had been day dreaming about Suzi Aster again. I had tried to appear as if I was listening to what the old battle boat was saying, but my mind had switched off while my dick had turned on. Now I was sporting a hardon, and the bell was about to ring. "Shit," I breathed. I tried to imagine old blubber butt naked, and that shrunk it real fast. I noticed Joey Connor glancing over to me, and he smiled a knowing look. Joey and I were pretty close. We had been good friends since first grade, and we lived on the same street.

A couple of months ago, he invited me over to his house and shared his stash of pornos with me. Last week we started jerking off together, but our hands stayed on our own property. I definitely wanted girls, but some part of me wanted to mess around with Joey too. The bell finally rung, and I noticed Joey staying seated while Suzi got up and walked across the classroom. We both watched her ass while it went through the door. I looked back at Joey while he got up, skillfully hiding the boner he had, and we walked out together. "Who was it this time?" Joey asked while ogling Shannon Trist's well developed bust as she stood talking to her locker neighbor. "Ms Ass_ter, who else." I replied. "Heh, thought so. I was too. I think John and Brad must have been too, cause they both jumped when Patterson caught ya. Shit, so did I. And I noticed they were looken' at her with _that_ look." "What look?" "This look." He was staring directly at Suzi's ass again while she was getting things out of her locker. Joey looked like he was trying to will her to do something sexy, like getting naked or something. "You mean this look," I said as I gazed at her butt while imagining my hands touching, then squeezing her two cheeks.

Right then, Suzi jumped, turned around with her hand out to strike, and found no one to hit. Her eyes met mine, and I felt wave of... familiarity pass between us. I quickly broke eye contact, and I hurried through the lunch room doors. "Man, what was that all about?" Joey asked once we were in line for food. "I don't know," I responded. "I was imagining touchin' her bottom, and then it was like I was. It was weird." "Wow. Maybe you’re like psychic or something. Hey, tell me what I am thinking right now." "Your thinking about getting YOUR hands on Suzi's ass," I automatically said. "Holy Shit!" Joey said with his eyes wide open. "What? There wasn't anything magical about that!" I grinned at my friend. "I know you too well, you bonerhead." "Heh... Yeah I guess so," Joey replied. But I could tell he wasn't really convinced completely. And at that point I wasn't so sure myself.

After getting our slop, we went to our table and sat down with John, Brad, and Lex. As usual, we talked about girls and last night's ball game, with Joey being a little quieter than usual. As we were about to get up and go wait for the bell, Joey blurted out I had felt Suzi's ass. "I did not!" I said when the other three looked at me. "I imagined it, and it just so happened she turned around like she was going to hit someone. But I never laid a finger on her, and she was ten feet away from me!" "OKAY, okay, but what about that look you two gave each other? It looked... intense. I tell you guys, he's psychic." Getting a little tired of the conversation, I just shrugged my shoulders, and joined the other three as they had lost interest and were dumping their trash.

While Joey was checking out Suzi again while dumping his trash, John mentioned that he had been thinking about Suzi in a bathing suit during English class when I had gotten busted. That got both Brad's and my attention. We both said "You too?" at the same time. Then all three of us were looking at each other with surprise when Joey walked up and saw our faces. "What?" Joey asked. John looked at me, then at Joey. To Joey he asked "What were you thinking of when Tim got busted by Mrs. Patterson? What was it exactly?" Joey had a confused look on his face, but then he grinned, leaned up against the wall and stared out across the lunch room at Suzi's back. He said in a sports commentator's voice, "Ms Suzi Ashton, in a blue bikini, stretching her arms so her tits standout. She gets up, bends over, and, oh! Look at that! Her bikini bottom string breaks, and the crowd goes wild over her full moon.."

The bell rang just at that moment, and Joey never saw the shock on our faces. He had just described in a slightly different style what apparently all four of us had been thinking of at the same time in class. The thing that Brad and John didn't know was that particular fantasy was my latest jerking off fantasy, and I was sure that I had somehow shared it with them. Brad and John were both looking at me, apparently remembering Joey's psychic remark earlier. I said, "Not a word of this to Joey. You got that? I don't want him going off again.. Like the time he thought John had made it with Lori Johnson. There has to be an explanation for all this." John quickly agreed, and while Brad and I headed for gym class, Brad agreed also after I reminded him I had kept his secret about his crush on Joey's mom.

We switched to talking about normal things, mostly baseball. After an awesome game of basketball in gym, the coach announced that we all stank and we had to take one of those mandatory showers today. Practically everyone groaned, but knew the faster we got in, the faster we got out. I actually didn't have a problem with taking a shower with everyone else. I knew I was a little more mature than everyone else and I got a kick out of everyone checking me out. With everyone watching me I don't really have to worry about getting a hardon. But this time, things happened a little differently than in the past. I was doing the basics, getting enough soap on everything so I would smell clean, without doing any real scrubbing.
Then all of a sudden I feel my dick rising straight up. But when I looked down, I saw it was only then starting to get a little hard. I look around, and my eyes got drawn to Brad who was facing the other way. His face was flushed, and I could tell he was hiding a hardon. Before I could stop it, my dick started rising up too. Feeling a little embarrassed myself, I try to hide it also. But I had picked the spot that had the least amount of cover, and pretty soon every guy in the shower knew I was hard. After they had gone through the surprise then amusement bit, they found that none of them could keep their own from getting hard.
Finding myself even more turned on, I figured I would show these guys what they had to look forward to. I started stroken my meat, making sure everyone in there noticed. Brad by this time had managed to have gotten himself soft, only to find himself getting hard again when he had turned back around. I started to imagine what it would be like if everyone in the showers would cum at the same time. I started to stroke in earnest then, feeling my dick go to full size to the amazement of my audience. When I noticed everybody had started beating their meats too, I felt myself getting close. The idea of everyone there was jerkin off with me put me into overdrive, and within another 30 seconds, I released my load with a groan that was amplified 22 times. I fell down from the intensity of my orgasm. It nearly knocked me out.

It took me about a minute before I realized that everyone had done the same thing. They all were sitting on the floor with their dicks in their hands, some of them with cum dripping off their hand. I got real scared right then. Something I did had made everybody share in a mutual orgasm. And then I realized that not only everyone in the shower, but the coach as well! He was sitting at the entrance of the showers with his back to us like usual. But even from here I could tell he had jerked off sitting there, and was right now starting to regain his senses. Everyone was then coming out of their stupor, and I heard a "Shit!" from someone when they had realized what they had done. No one seemed aware that I had caused it though. Everyone was real quiet as they finished their shower as fast as they could, and the coach had disappeared.
Actually there was one person that had put two and two together. Brad was giving me these real weird looks, but before I could talk to him, the bell rang and he didn't wait to talk to me. I was getting real worried about my new found powers. I didn't seem to have any control over them. I always prided myself on how self-disciplined I was. But now my urges were taking over not just me, but others as well. I sat through my advanced math class not paying attention to a single word Mr. Benson said. I really didn't socialize that much with anyone in this class, and Benson was cool. He didn't pick on ya if you weren't hanging on every word he said. As long as you did your homework and did well on the tests, he pretty well left you alone. Math was one thing I could always do without sweating about it. So I basically went into my own little world to think.

I was remembering things back when I was little, how I had imagined hearing others thinking, and talking to my mother without making a sound. I focused on these things, trying to remember what I did. I started to have a familiar feeling. Sorta like remembering what something tastes like after a very long time. I kept getting bits and pieces. After about a half an hour, I noticed the room was a bit noisier than normal. I brought myself out of my daze and realized that no one but Mr. Benson was talking. But I was "hearing" several conversations all at once. In fact, I was hearing two voices from Mr. Benson. I realized I had turned on another part of my power, and got real excited about this new discovery.

I started to listen in on the others around me. Most of them were basically following what Mr. Benson was saying. A couple of people were daydreaming, one about Mr. Benson. I checked out the looker in the class, Betsy Heite. Her thoughts were going back and forth between the stuff Mr. Benson was going over, and what she wanted to wear to the party at Jimmy's house that weekend. I spent the rest of the class listening in on everyone's thoughts, finding out some surprising things about a few of them, and basically getting a kick out of it all. By the time the bell rang, I was getting a little tired of listening to math, and had just realized that I could hear a few people outside of this room.

All hell broke loose when I tried to go out into the hall. Too many people. I was overwhelmed by the "noise". I struggled to get to my last class, but ended up falling over my own feet and knocking myself and two others to the ground. It just so happened that one of the two unfortunate bystanders had been Suzi. The other was a guy had never seen before. They were pretty pissed at first, but once they realized I hadn't responded to their insults and saw my face twisted with the agony of 200 people's thoughts being thrown at me, they quickly lost their anger and in a few minutes I was in the nurse's office.

Thankfully, the bell rang and everyone had gone to their last class. I was starting to recover, and discovered that I was still hearing more and more people, but they were not as loud. I also found out that the nurse was about to call my mother, and was seriously considering sending me to the hospital. I didn't want to go to the hospital, and I didn't really want my mom getting upset over this. I tried to say something, but it only came out as a groan. The nurse looked over at me, and our eyes met. It happened again. A strong feeling of familiarity, and that time I felt something else. Something passed from me to the nurse, and the nurse suddenly decided that I would be okay after a little rest. After we broke eye contact, the nurse made me comfortable and told me to just to lie there until I felt better. I could only nod and close my eyes.
I felt an ocean of minds around me. At first all of this was pretty cool, having switched on this mental radio. But now I couldn't turn it off. I couldn't even tell what any specific person was thinking anymore. It all was a low roar in my mind. A part of my mind started to ache that never had before. I put my arm over my forehead like I sometimes do when I have a headache. My arm partially blocked some of it out, so I put both arms up to block the incoming noise. I felt much better then, and the ache started to fade. I laid there for about ten minutes, then the nurse came over to me to see if I was feeling better. I was able to speak a few words to her to let her know I was better, then the nurse got up and closed the blinds.

The afternoon sun had made its way to the window and was starting to heat up the room. The blinds gave me an idea. I imagined closing some blinds between me and all those minds. It instantly shut them out. Relief washed over me, and I must have sighed or something because the nurse looked over at me and asked me if I was okay. I gave her the standard sorta better line. I didn't really feel like going to class now. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the bell was ringing and the hall outside the door got noisy. I got up, told the nurse I was okay. She said she wanted to talk to me tomorrow morning, but I could go home now.

I hurried to get my stuff from my locker, and barely made it to the bus. Joey as usual had saved me a seat, and I plopped down next to him. "What happened to you?" Joey asked. "Suzi came in late to seventh hour, and passed me a note saying you had like passed out in the hall or something." "Yeah, well I didn't pass out, I just tripped and fell on her and some dude, and, uh, his elbow got me in the balls," I lied. "I was in serious pain, man." "Ha! That's what you get for staring too long at her ass while walking behind her. 'Course I would have done the same thing, but I wouldn't have tripped!" Joey said with a grin. "Yeah, but you wouldn't have gotten to feel her butt for real, either!" I said with an even bigger grin. That part wasn't a lie, but at the time it happened, I hadn't really cared.

As we talked about more normal things, I started wondering what Joey was really thinking. I imagined looking through a crack in the blinds and peered out at Joey. At first I only got bits and pieces, but then I imagined the crack a little wider and started to get his thoughts pretty much whole. All of a sudden our eyes met and I found myself in two places at once. I could feel Joey's body like I could feel my own. He was saying something to me about the test we would have in English, and I heard myself respond. That was cool. I was like talking automatically without having to concentrate about what I was talking about. And I could see his questions before he actually asked them. And a few questions that he didn't ask. He was dying to have another jerk off session, and had a hardon because of it. But he couldn't ask me because he didn't want to scare me off.

I found out that Joey wanted to do more than just jerk off with me, and I felt inside him the same frustrations I had been feeling about wanting to do more. I had no doubt that he was straight, but he wanted to experiment before doing it with a girl. He had jerked off a couple of times thinking about our jerk off sessions, and wanted to jerk me off while I did the same to him. We only had made eye contact for a split second, but I didn't need eye contact to listen in on his thoughts. I sensed we were approaching our bus stop, and figured I had peeked enough so I closed my gap in my mental blind. We got off the bus talking about some of tonight's homework, and I found myself with a woody that wouldn't stop. I peeked inside his head again to make sure he was still hard, and he was.

I got his attention with a grin, which got the expected reaction. "What?" he asked. "You know, we both seem to have a problem today." I said. "Huh? What are you talking about" Joey said totally confused. "We seem to have something very large in our underpants," I said in a hushed voice. As his eyes flickered from my face to my crotch, then back to my face. His mind flickered from confusion, to enlightenment, then went straight to horny. I felt his dick jump in his pants, and started to get real hard from the idea. We stopped by his house to get the "reading material", then went to my place where we wouldn't be disturbed until my mom got home around six. As we poured over the newest addition to his collection, I could feel his doubts and fears holding him back.

We were just lying on my bed on our stomachs looking through the Playboy. Neither one of us were concentrating on the pictures though. We were both real horny by then, and I saw him make a decision to get started one way or another. "Fuck this," Joey said as rolled onto his side. Joey opened his jeans and took his dick out of his underpants. In a few moments, I did the same. Our eyes were locked on the centerfold, but my mind's eye was looking in his mind. He wanted to reach over and touch my dick so badly, but he couldn't make himself do it. And I wanted him to touch me more than anything else in the world at that moment.

He felt my eyes on his face, and we made eye contact again. I felt my mind touching his in a different way, and saw his doubts disappear as he understood I felt the same way. We both reached out to each others meat and the moment we made physical contact, our mental link disappeared, replaced by a more physical one. His hand felt ten times better than my own. And his dick, while not as developed as mine, was in itself a whole new sensation that I had never imagined feeling that good. After a few minutes we had gotten the hang of it, and Joey had started to thrust into my hand a bit. I felt his lust overwhelming him and I started to concentrate on pleasing him. I had him stop stroking me, and had him roll over with his back to me. I pushed our underwear and pants down to our knees, then took his dick in my hand again and started to pound his meat as if I was pounding my own.

When I pressed my dick up against his bare back side, and we both gasped at the same time. I hadn't thought of this when I had pulled our pants down like that. I had done it to get them out of the way. I could feel he was getting close, and while he was thrusting his dick forward into my hand, he also was getting me close when his butt came back against my dick. We were both breathing hard, and I was inhaling his clean shampooy scent from the back of his head. All of a sudden, he lurched forward as he started to cream, and my dick flopped straight out and slipped between his legs when he went back a moment later. The intense feeling of his thighs around my dick sent me over the edge, and I humped him with more energy than I thought I had. I sent five huge streams across the room, while Joey tightened his grip making the feeling even more intense.

As we both came down off the ceiling, I felt my dick shrinking between his legs. His dick on the other hand, had stayed hard, and my hand was still wrapped around it as we laid there for what seemed like forever. I gently stroked Joey's dick a few more times before letting go, then brought my hand up to my face and examined Joey's cum before wiping it off on one of my socks I had taken off. Joey rolled over onto his back, his hardon finally deflating, and kept his head turned so I couldn't see his face. I looked inside his head, and found he was filled with a rapidly shrinking feeling of happiness, guilt and fear growing in its place. "Hey," I said softly as I took my hand and started rubbing his chest through his shirt. "Joey..... I.. I.." words started to fail me when I felt his guilt turn to grief. I just took a hold of his jaw and turned his head to face me.

As I leaned partially over him, our eyes met again for a moment, but this time the only thing I did was to smile to let him know I didn't hate him. His eyes had teared up, but now he smiled back and started to recover. After wiping the tears away and sniffing a few times, he said softly, "Timmy, do you think we..." He couldn't finish, but I knew what he was saying. "I've read that some guys do this at our age, but most of them grow out of it and never really mess around with guys later. Its.. Its.. _normal_ Joey.." Joey let out a whoosh of air that he had been holding in. "Good. Cause I really do like girls, but I really wanted to do what you and I... You know.." Feeling the bond had grown between us, I wanted to know even more about him, and to reveal some things about myself.

Joey was starting to pull his pants back up, and I noticed it was a bit chilly down there for me too. But I was starting to get hard again thinking about what I wanted to do next. "Joey, stop," I said when he was about to snap shut his pants. He looked at me, then saw my rising dick, smiled and said, "Man, sometimes you're hornier than I am." Then with a serious face, "I don't really think I want to do anything else today. I gotta... think about this shit." "OK, no more horny stuff, but I do need to talk to you about some other stuff," I finally said as I got off the bed to finish my own fixing of my pants. "You thirsty?" I asked when I finished. "Yeah, let’s grab something, then head over to the fort," Joey replied. "OK, but I really need to tell you some stuff without anyone around." We grabbed some soda, and headed out to the group of trees in the nearby woods that we called our fort. We hardly spoke a word while we walked side by side to the fort.
When we got within site of it, I was glad to see no one else was there. I followed him up into one of the trees that held the platform we and five others had built last year. We sat up there swinging our legs back and forth hanging over the edge of the platform drinking our sodas, not saying a word. I peeked into his thoughts and was surprised to find he was horny again, but the guilt had returned a bit and was troubling him. I chugged the rest of my root beer and tossed it off the platform. Then I laid my arm across his shoulders in the buddy style kind of way, and began with, "Do you remember me in Kindergarten?" "Huh? Yeah, I guess" Joey replied. "What do you remember about me?" "Um, kinda quiet. Didn't really say much, and you didn't seem to want to play with anyone. Why are ya asking?" "Before I tell you, tell me one more thing. What did you think about me back then? I mean why do you think I was like that then?" "Uhm... I don't know.." he said frowning. I could see he did remember, but he didn't want to say. So I said it instead. "I was weird. Everyone always felt strange when I was around. They like knew what I was going to say before I would say it, and vise versa..." Joey looked at me with his eyebrows up and said, "Yeah.. But it was like everyone got used to it, and then it didn't happen anymore.. Then we became good friends in first grade, and I hadn't really thought about it since."

I sat silently while watching his mind make connections between then and now. He sat there staring at me while I stared straight ahead. Finally he said, "So, what.. What are you getting at? I mean, are you like telepathic? Or an alien or something?" I looked at him, smiled, and for the first time since I was five years old, I spoke without using my voice. 'I'm not an alien, you bonerhead.' Joey's jaw dropped, and for a few moments I didn't know what he was going to do. But finally, he closed his mouth with a grin, then said, "I was RIGHT!" He got up, pranced around yelling "I WAS RIGHT!" and screaming his head off. When he nearly knocked me off the platform I sent him the message 'SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" If he had been any closer to the edge when his legs just went out underneath him, he would have fallen butt first to the ground himself. My face must have been as surprised as his, but his started to show fear when he realized he couldn't get up or say anything. I quickly sent him another command canceling my accidental one, and verbally asked him to come back and sit next to me again.

With a little hesitation, he did so, but I could tell he was still a little afraid. "Joey, you're my best friend.. You’re like my brother, you know? I need your help figuring this stuff out. I promise I will never do that to you again. I didn't even know that would happen." He still sat there real quite, not looking at me. I didn't peek into his thoughts, partly because I didn't want to invade his privacy again, and partly I was afraid what I would find. So I just grinned at him and said, "I guess you were right.." With that, he looked up at me and gave me a weak grin. I looked deep into his eyes, and without realizing it I, made a connection with Joey. I calmed his panic as it started to rise, then found myself sweeping into Joey's mind and removing all his fears and bad feelings he had about me. His face softened and I pulled out, feeling a little guilty myself about it. Now it was my turn to be disturbed while we sat there.

Joey recovered pretty quickly, and he seemed to get excited again, but sat quietly waiting me out. Finally, I decided I might as well tell him the rest. "Until today, I always thought I had imagined other people’s thoughts. I remember in kindergarten, knowing that everybody disliked being around me because of it. I was so lonely, that I guess I started to ignore the voices, and after a while, I didn't hear them anymore. "But today, I was sitting in fourth hour, thinking of my favorite jerk- off fantasy. Suzi was at the pool sunbathing in a blue string bikini. Then she gets up, stretches, and I can see her nipples through her top as she pushes her chest forward, making her tits look even bigger. Then she is bending over to get the sun tan lotion out of her bag, and her bikini bottom is stretched too far that the string breaks. Her bikini bottom falls off without her knowing it, and I get to see her perfect ass. Just as she was about to turn around to ask me to put the suntan lotion on, Mrs. Patterson yelled at me." Joey's gaze had never moved from my face, but his hand had moved to his crotch and was pushing on his hardon through his pants.

I wasn't sure how he was going to take this, but he finally whispered "Cool.." I felt really close the Joey right then. I reached out and gave him a hug like I give my mother, and said "Thanks man. I really needed you to be with me on this." Joey returned the hug, and then I noticed his scent again like I had when we were messing around. I felt I had to do something more, something to let him know how much he meant to me now. So I pressed my lips against his cheek, and kissed him there. His body kinda went rigid for a second, but then he relaxed and said, "Tim, I think I... Umm, I mean, I guess... Shit." He pulled us back so we were lying on our backs, then scooted his body away from the edge so his legs could lay flat. I followed his example, and we were lying on our backs next to each other. He looked at me, and I looked back at him. Without saying a word, mentally or verbally, we turned on our sides towards each other and gave each other another hug sorta. This time he kissed my cheek, then I kissed his again.

After four or five more kisses like that, our lips met and we kissed for real. I felt his hardon pushing through our clothes against mine, and then felt his mouth open slightly. I made my move and slipped my tongue in, seeing the surprised look on his face, then watched his eyes close as he started to explore my mouth with his tongue. Suddenly he became aggressive and rolled me onto my back with him on top. His hardon pushed heavily into mine, and I was feeling really great. He broke our kiss to get up on his hands so he could rub his lower body against mine. We started to hump each others dick through the clothes. I felt my third cum for the day starting to boil, and I gasped to Joey, "I'm gettin close!.... Man this feels good!..... Faster Joey, faster!" His eyes opened wide as he began shootin his wad in his pants, then shut them as he groaned. His humping changed to jerks, then he grinded to a stop and collapsed on top of me, panting and sweating all over me. Desperate to get off as good as last time, I was kissing, then licking his face while taking his ass in my hands and manually getting him to hump while I hump back. He tried to help, but was too tired to do much. So I rolled him off me and onto his stomach, then got on top of him and start humping his butt. I felt myself getting close, but Joey complained it was starting to hurt from the wood rubbing too much. "Joey, I'm close man, just, a, little, bit more!" I grunted out. But then I started to loose the feeling. After cumming really hard twice already today, I knew that I wasn't going to get off that time. "Fuck! I give up." I said a minute later. I rolled off Joey and laid on my back staring up into the trees.

After about ten minutes of silence, I found myself really tired of the platform, and a little tired of Joey too. He had rolled over and had been waiting for me to speak. He finally couldn't wait any longer, so he asked me, "Tim, what exactly can you do? I mean, can you read minds? Can you make things move?" He paused, then said real soft, "Have you.. done something to me?" I looked at him in surprise. "No!.. Well I don't think so.. I mean, I did peek into your head earlier, but I haven't since we left my house. And I guess I did some how made you stop being afraid of me. But I wouldn't do anything..." My eyes started blur with tears as I felt my guilt catch up with me. "I gotta go.." I said as I choked up. I felt so tired, and all I wanted was to go home in case I had to cry. "Timmy, wait up!" as Joey followed me down the rope to the ground. I didn't stop, but I didn't hurry up either. Joey caught up with me, and made me tell him everything.
By the time we walked into my yard, I was feeling a little better, and Joey was getting all excited about the possibilities. I realized right then that I didn't want anyone else to know about this. Joey was a pretty big blabber mouth, and I was sure he wouldn't be able to keep this to himself. "My mom won't be home for another half hour." I started. "Will you come in for a while? I need to ask you something real important."

Joey looked at me funny. He had expected to go inside with me anyway. Something in my voice told him he wouldn't like what I had to ask. "Please?" I said. "I won't do anything you don't agree to first, okay?" That scared him a little, but then he got a hold of himself, swallowed hard, and whispered, "Okay."
I opened the door and led him into the living room where we sat down on the couch. Joey looked scared, and that made it too hard for me to look at him as I talked. "Joey, I gotta have time to figure things out. I don't know what will happen, but if people find out... Well, I don't want people to find out..." After a few moments of an uncomfortable silence, I went on. "Do you remember when you caught Dave cheating? Remember how he had begged you not to tell anyone? He said he had never done it before, and he wouldn't do it again. You didn't tell anyone for a whole week, then you accidentally let it slip to Margaret. She went right to Mrs. Mollen, and she made you spill your guts. "Joey, you're my bestest friend, and I had to tell you about this stuff. But now.. I.. I.." I stuttered. He had a tear rolling down his face as he stared at the blank TV. "You don't trust me," he said in an even voice. "Nobody trusts me. I can't keep a secret, and everyone knows that. I can't even keep my own secrets." Another tear traveled down his cheek. His eyes had not moved from the TV. He hadn't even blinked. "Hey," I said as I forced him to look me in the face. "You are the most honest person I know. Your conscience never let you keep a secret because every secret you ever had was something bad. I do trust you. I just had to make you see that telling anyone, ANYONE, would be bad. This secret is a good secret. A secret that the only good thing to do is to keep it." I then said mentally to him, "I need to know, Joey. Can you keep my secret?" "I don't know," he said softly. In his mind I said, "Joey, I am going to give you a choice. You understand that I have to do this to protect myself, and you are not scared about it."

As these suggestions sunk in, I knew they had worked. So I continued to say in his mind, "I can either let you forget everything I have told you today, or I can fix it so you wouldn't be able to tell anyone, accidentally or purposely." I let his thoughts be his own while I waited for his answer. It didn't take long. "Fix it so I can keep your secret, and others too, please? Please don't make me forget. I think I would die if I forgot today."
Well, Joey never did let another secret out. The funny thing was that I never did a thing to him. When I went back into his mind, I found that he had already believed he could never reveal another secret, and I knew he was right. Okay, I did to one thing. After I left his mind, I smiled at him and said, "Done."

++++++++++++Part 2 - Controlling One's Power (mc, m-solo (sort of))++++++++++++

After Joey left, I started setting the table for dinner. Mom was bringing dinner home that night, but I sometimes cooked for us when we felt like pancakes or spaghetti. My head was a buzz of what happened that day so much that I didn't even hear her walk in. I jumped a foot off the ground when she said "I hope you feel like Chinese." During the meal, I kept feeling her eyes on me. The dinner talk was normal, but she seemed to sense something was different about me. Finally, while we were cleaning up, our eyes met, and I felt that feeling again. This time though, it was her mind that spoke to mine. "So you found them. I had prayed you would never find your powers after forgetting them, what, six years ago?" she said in my head. I could only stand there with my mouth open. Then out loud, she said, "We better have a talk. Good thing we had our the birds and the bees talk last month. I don't think I could have handled both at the same time. We went over to the couch and sat down.

I was feeling pretty... Well I don't know what to call it. Embarrassed? Scared? Shy? I felt like I had been caught jerkin off, which had never happened to me at the time. "Before I ask what you have done so far, I suppose I should tell you about my... life before you." She explained pretty much what I said at the beginning of my story, except she didn't mention my father had the power too. She then went on and explained how bad it was to change another person, even a little bit. That God had intended for others to be the way they were, and we shouldn't tamper with God's work. She ended with, "It is also very bad manners to spy on other people’s thoughts when they don't know. That is why... Why I ask your permission before I examine yours. Is it all right if I look for myself and see? Nothing you have done could make me angry at you, or change the way I feel about you. You should know that." I sat there, feeling like I have been asked to open my hand so she could see it was red (handed).

I was looking at nothing, feeling her mind all around me, touching my cheeks, my ears, my nose, my hair. But never entering my mind. The only thing I could do was slowly nod my head once without looking at her. As soon I had, I felt something warm touch my mind, then was gone in an instant. "Oh I am so proud of you!" she said as she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. "Hurg?!?" came from my mouth, a result of the surprise and the hug. This was the last thing I had expected. "When I had first discovered my powers, the first thing I did was to enslave one of my coworkers. But you didn't harm anyone, or make anyone do anything they shouldn't or wouldn't have. You even resisted using it on Joey. I must say I am surprised about the boy stuff since all I ever got from your mind was images of girls. When you were in your room, um, doing your thing, your mind leaked very badly. That's why I knew it was time to give you the sex talk last month. "I feared you had made some poor little girl your love slave. Or just messed with someone's head for the fun of it," she added.

"But.. I don't understand," I finally said. "I did make others do things. Like.. Like in the shower and stuff." "Did you do it on purpose?" she replied. "No. But I guess I had wanted it," I said. I didn't want to admit anything more. "Timmy, you did good on your first day. Please believe me. Feeling guilty about these things means you probably won't do them again. You know what is right, and what is wrong. Don't let yourself be tempted to do evil like I had. "God gave you this gift. Once you learn how to control these powers, you should use them only when your heart tells you it is OK, and when your mind agrees. Don't use them to control others, but to help others if they ask for it. Everyone has the right to be themselves. You may even find someone who will want you to alter them. But never alter them if they do not wish it."

We talked on through the night. I actually learned a great deal from her. She showed me how to shield my thoughts from others. How to control my own body, and to some extent hers as well. I saw through her eyes, listened through her ears, and even once spoke through her mouth. Everything she showed me I understood instantly, and wanted to learn more and more. Finally she called a halt to it. It was after midnight on a school night. While she drove me to school the next morning, she made me swear I wouldn't use them while I was there. If I behaved, she would show me more after school once I had proven it to her by letting her peek into my mind. Then after we spent the weekend going over everything, she promised she wouldn't ask to peak into my thoughts unless I was obviously screwing up other people. It was a good thing she made me promise too. I wanted so badly to show off some of my new "tricks".
My resolve lasted until Mrs. Patterson's class, then I could not resist myself. Mrs. Patterson had just finished telling us how disappointed she was in our latest paper, and we would have to rewrite it, and add to it. No one was particularly happy with this. The thought just jumped into my head and instantly I issued the command. Just as Mrs. Patterson was sitting down, she let out the longest and noisiest fart any of us had ever heard. As the entire classroom rolled with laughter, Mrs. Patterson's face turned red. And when she shifted in her chair to try and regain order, I couldn't help myself as I made her make little baby farts every time she moved. By this time, several people had fallen out of their seats and were rolling on the floor, including me.

Then I noticed that Mrs. Patterson was not finding this amusing, nor even distasteful. She was virtually near to tears. I felt the pain she was feeling, and decided that I had to fix that. I made her realize the amusing side of the situation. I guess I shared a little bit of my immaturity with her. As I felt the image repeat in her head several times, the pain grew less, and just as most of the class had lost the ability to laugh anymore, Mrs. Patterson exploded in laughter. And when I say exploded, I mean, it was like a bomb went off. I saw a new side of Mrs. Patterson that day. And it was beauty-ful. Her scraggly face became one large smile that forced her teary eyes to squeeze shut. Her tubby body shook like jello as her booming laughter echoed around the room. She laughed so loud the windows shook, and even rocked herself so hard in her chair that she fell backwards. That only renewed the classroom laughter, and several people were choking on their own joy while Mrs. Patterson rolled around the floor laughing. As everyone finally ran out of energy and breath and the people who had come to investigate the ruckus had left, we all just sat there smiling at Mrs. Patterson as she did the same to us. No one spoke for several minutes, partially because we couldn't. Finally, Mrs. Patterson said as the bell rang, "Perhaps those papers weren't so bad after all," and we all understood the implied message. Joey gave me a questioning look as we walked out the classroom. All I did was smile and shrug.

As we walked to the lunch room, I gave Joey a quick run down about what happened after he left the last evening. When we approached our table, John, Brad, and Lex stopped their talking and watched me approach. I felt a chill run down my spine from the weird vibes I was getting from them. I wasn't peaking at their thoughts or anything either. They definitely had a problem with me. "Uhmm, what up guys?" I said as I set my tray down. Joey wasn't really sure what to do, but followed my example and put his tray down. He kept his mouth shut too, which before yesterday would have been impossible. John glanced at Brad, then said, "Seems like there were a lot of things 'up' yesterday." "Urr? Look, what's going on?" I said, playing dumb. Joey had sat down, but I was still standing. I wanted to check out their thoughts, but somehow I felt that it would be the wrong thing to do. Beside, I had made a deal with my mother.

"What, can't you just read our minds?" Brad said. Then he turned to Joey and said, "How about it Joey. You were trying to tell us about our friend here, the psychic. I figured we wouldn't be able to shut you up for a week about it." "Fuck you," Joey replied. "We spent the whole day after school yesterday trying to send each other a telepathic message. All I got was a headache." "Well, you asked for it," I said, trying to follow his lead. "You wouldn't leave me alone about it until we tried it. I guess it was kinda fun, even if it was a complete waste of time." Then I sat down. "You dork!" Lex said as he backhanded John on the upper arm. "You had me almost believing you." John and Brad just looked at each other, then Brad said, "But we had the same fantasy about Suzi! At the same time! All four of us!" "We did? I mean, yeah, I was thinking about Suzi. But I'm always thinking about Suzi in that class. She sits two chairs in front of me." I said. "You can't tell me that you weren't imagining Suzi in her bikini and that you didn't imagine her bottom string breaking so you could look at her ass." Brad said. "Hey, that was my fantasy!" Joey interrupted. "I told you that one yesterday! But I didn't tell you the best part," he said with a grin. "What?" Lex said, taking the bait. He had perked up at the possible change in the topic. "She had a tattoo of a heart that said 'Joey'. She was at the beach with me, and she was, like, my girl.." Joey paused as he was blushing. But then he said, "Well, it was just a fantasy."

For a moment I wondered if I had been accidentally getting some of his fantasies instead of the other way around. John then said "That's not what mine was like. OK, I give up." Brad stayed quite then. I guessed he was either feeling unsure about it all, or maybe realized he would have to have something more to back up his claims. I didn't dare try and peek at his thoughts. I might give myself away accidentally. We finished lunch with the regular chit chat, with Brad not joining in too much. As we were leaving the cafeteria, he tagged behind me for a minute, then caught up with me. "So, what do you think happened yesterday in the showers?" Brad finally asked. I looked at him a sec, then said, "I think... I think there were a lot of horny studs that just had to spank their monkeys at the same time. Shit, I don't know."

After a moment of silence, I faked a little anger and said, "OK, I might have started it by doing it to myself, but I can't make anybody else do it! I am sick of this shit. First Joey, now you! If I can read minds and make people do things, why the fuck am I here! I would be fucken my brains out with every fucken girl in this fucken school. So FUCK OFF!" And with that, I left a stunned Brad at the door to our health class. After a moment, he came in and sat down next to me. I avoided looking at him, and played it cool with him for the rest of the class. Just as we were leaving, Brad pulled me aside and apologized. I apologized too for telling him to fuck off, then we split up to go to our next class.

By the end of the day, I was ready to burst in anticipation. I raced home, leaving Joey far behind. Of course I knew I had another 2 1/2 hours to wait before my mother got home, but I wanted to try out a few things on myself. If there was one thing I really enjoyed, it was taking a good piss. It took me about a half an hour to drink the entire 2 liter bottle of cola. I had done this once before, but I had only got half of the bottle down. But this time, I experimented with what my mom had shown me the night before and figured out how to fool my body into thinking it was still thirsty. I had a few problems keeping myself from getting sick, but I managed to keep it down. By the time I swallowed the last drop, I already needed to go. I managed to rise off the couch and wobble to the bathroom. I was pretty uncomfortable. But it was also kinda cool as I could let out a really long burp every minute or so. But a couple of times I nearly let out more than just air, so I spaced them out a little bit. "Bbbbbbbbrrruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppppppppppp!" I said after getting my pants and underwear off. I sat down on the commode, then started to open the flood gates.
As I started to piss the almost clear liquid, I started concentrating on slowing the rate down. I wanted to take a real long piss, without any pauses. I was trying to find the right set of... commands, I guess that how I thought of them back then. At that time I didn't know anything about the symbols, and certainly couldn't 'see' them. But, as with everyone with the gift, my mind was able to send these 'commands' that mixed with the other neurological elements of a nervous system and alters the processes within. This experiment on myself sparked my interest in finding how it all worked. It marks the beginning of what has become my life's work. I really don't attempt to figure it out for a couple of years from this point in time, but the question of how I could do these things was always in the back of my mind. Anyway, I had to physically hold it back when I finally got it to work. It turned out not to be as pleasant as I suspected. After sitting there for 20 minutes while my dick had a constant, but weak stream coming out, my ass was starting to itch, and I was just plain tired of pissing. So I pulled the stops out, and finished up after another two. Afterwards, I was feeling pretty wild from all of the caffeine and sugar. I literally ran around the house naked until I finally dropped onto my bed.

My mind was going a mile a minute, and after another quick pee, I wound up beatin my meat while thinking of Suzi slowly turning around while slipping the shoulder strap of her bikini top off. Pretty soon I was lost in my fantasy with my hand going a mile a minute on my cock. I slowed down when I felt that familiar feeling at the base of my cock. I let it grow, keeping myself near the edge. The image of Suzi revealing herself to me, then pressing her naked body against mine was bringing me to the brink of ecstasy. When I imagined her skin touching my dick, I suddenly felt the pleasure triple, triggering the largest orgasm I had ever experienced up to that time. My vision blurred with overlapping images of my surroundings. I moaned in an entirely different pitch I had ever made before. My entire body felt indistinct, as if it was floating between two different places. As I thrust my hips and my cum shot up into the air, I felt a new sensation. I could feel a wet emptiness, clutching, squeezing inside the base of my crotch. As my fourth stream shot out, I discovered my hands were not only pounding my meat, but cupping my balls, fingering my ass hole, twisting one of my nipples, and slipping inside my pussy all at once. The shock of my realization quickly broke whatever connection I had made. I laid there a little scared of what had happened to me. Or more like worrying about who else experienced it.

I was lying on my bed trying to remember any detail that might clue me on to who I had connected with when the phone rang. "H..Hello?" I said while trying to steady my nerves. "Tim?" Joey's voice said. "Were you just, like, doing it?" "Um, why?" I said, even though I was pretty sure I knew why. "Cause a few minutes ago I did, and for a minute I could have sworn I was in your room. And I felt something weird." "Um, like what?" I barely said. If Joey saw my room... "I felt like I was wanking yours, and then I felt like I was in your room. Then just as I started to get there, I felt this warm wet feeling down there. It was awesome. Hey, can we do this again tomorrow? It's like we can jerk each other off without leaving home!" "Shit," I whispered. "Joey, I don't know how I did it. I didn't even know I was doing it until I felt my fingers go in to my..." I stopped as I figured out whose hand that really had been. "Oh Shit!" we both said as we both realized the same thing. "Do you think she knows?" Joey asked. "And what about John?" "Huh?" I squeaked. "What about John?" "What? Didn't you know? I remember seeing John's computer and his fish tank. His dick felt different too. It was curved different or something." "I don't remember anything like that. What else do you remember?" "I, um, well... I remember touching my hole... I don't think it was me... And I saw a playboy centerfold. I think it was Miss May... I don't remember anything else except your room, and feeling wet... Wow. That's what a girl's pussy feels like.... Wow." "Fuck. What am I gonna do? If I can't jerk off at least once a day, I'll like die or something. But if others found out, especially like that..." "Well? Couldn't you tell them to be quiet? Like when you made me sit down?" "Joey..... I can't do that. It would be wrong. Besides, my mom would kill me." "Okay. I don't know what else you could do. Maybe your mom will know... Awe, man... She knows I jerked you off, doesn't she. Shit. She isn't gonna tell my mom or anything is she?" "Umm, no. Hey Joey? I gotta go pee. I'll call you back later, K? "All right. Hey, you want me to call John to find out what he knows?" "NO!" I almost screamed. "Don't breathe a word to him about it! You know we just got them off my back about that kind of stuff. I gotta go real bad. Bye" "Oka.." click.

I leapt to the bathroom, and just as I started to take another massive leak, the phone rings again. I managed to stop the flow, with my bladder complaining about the uncomfortable pressure. I got to the phone on the fifth ring and picked it up just as the fear it might be John sprang up in my mind. "Hello?" I said. "Timmy? Hi, this is Suzi" "Oh Shit," I breathed. "Uhm, hey Suzi. What's .. up?" "Hah, um, nothing much. I was just thinking about 4th hour, and I .... remembered your accident the other day. You're okay, right?" "Yeah. I'm okay now. I just had a bad headache got real dizzy. My mom thought it was from not eating enough that day or something. No big deal." "Good way to get out of seventh hour though. Did you see"... Suzi and I talked for nearly two hours. After the first ten minutes, my concerns faded away. In fact I totally forgot about everything that had happened, even when my mom came home. Suzi and I really had a lot in common. We really clicked. I knew what she liked, and she knew what I liked. We finally hung up when her mother called her down to dinner.

During dinner, my mother brought up something that reminded me of what we had planned for the evening. The rest of the evening and almost the entire weekend she spent with me, teaching me everything she knew, which actually was not all that much now that I look back. Most of the time was spent telling me the harm I would be doing if I actually used these powers on people without their consent. I took her words seriously, but yet I didn't really commit myself to follow them. By Sunday afternoon, I felt confident that I could control my own powers. I also began to find that my mother's understanding of the powers were actually quite limited. I could see short cuts on how to accomplish things. A few times I even startled my mother when I did something she thought no one could do. Such as when I made a plant sitting in full sun close its flower heads as if it was night time. (Actually, the thing with the plant was completely different from reading and controlling minds. Since plants don't have a brain or nervous system, I used a different ability I had mistaken to be part of my mind control type of powers. In any event, I didn't actually control the plant. I just tricked it.) Joey and I went to a movie Sunday evening, and nothing special happened. I had talked to Joey on the phone twice since Friday, and also had talked to Suzi for about four hours Saturday night. I didn't know it then, but I was starting to fall in love.

On Monday, if John suspected anything, he didn't let on. Things went back to normal for a while at school and at home. The only time I really even messed with my powers was when Joey and I were horny. We got into a routine where one of us would call the other and arrange a time, then I would connect to him and we would jerk each other off. The combined orgasm we shared together brought us closer than ever before. But after a few months of this, Joey began to push me for more than that. That brief moment where we had experienced Suzi masturbating was constantly on his mind, and mine too. It frustrated him that I felt I shouldn't use my abilities on others. He never really understood that this protected him as well as everyone else from my tampering. Lucky for him I value my friends like I do when I did start messing with other people's minds.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-05 22:08:50
I know for a fact there is only one author: me, Rass Senip. You can find my home page at I also post to and

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-27 14:16:50
Thanks for copying to this site.
Story developing well: As another has pointed out, a bit different "Mind Control" story. Some typo's but acceptable.


2014-04-20 06:56:20
nice, very nice. cant wait to read the rest.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-05-22 13:30:19
I have many fine skills but mind reandig isn't my strongest, wretched. It's my besetting sin, I'm sure. So I have no thought what you're after. Brown haired actors who weren't on the disney channel ? Well, okay James Dean, David Gandy, Taylor Kitsch, Greg Grunberg, Mark Dacascos, the Berries and Cream guy, Mike Tyson, Ezio Auditore, strong of Laurel and strong, Mojo jojo, Shane Dawson, and Jacob Wick.


2011-10-13 16:04:46
Well written story. My only complaint is that I like the sex more, so I wished there was more of it, but hopefully that will

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