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Nymphomania is named after a selection of minor
deities in Greek myth. So just how did these
creatures get connected to an uncontrolable sex drive?
What was the secret to these beings monthly romps in
the night with each other.


"Oh my," Kasumi said. "What an odd looking apple."
"Yes, it is an odd one," the vendor said glancing
at the truly golden apple before her. "I bought it
off a old man a few minutes ago. I was going to have
it for a snack I, but if a fine lady like yourself
would like to try such a delicacy."
For some reason Kasumi felt certain that she should
buy it. It was pretty and it looked so tasty. A few
minutes later it was in her possession and she was
enjoying the almost honey-like taste of the strange
She was feeling strange by the time she reached
"Tadaima!" she called out as she came into the
house, not minding that Nabiki was at school while
Soun and Genma were out doing whatever it was they did
while they were out, and Ranma and Akane had vanished
on some adventure earlier in the day.
She walked into the kitchen, her mouth feeling dry
for some odd reason. She set down her groceries and
started putting most of them away. She felt
altogether odd, and was starting to feel a trace
"Hello!" somebody called someone from the front.
"Is anybody any home?"
"Oh, Ukyou," Kasumi called out, setting aside the
groceries in her hurry to reach the voice, feeling a
strange urge to do so.
"Oh hi Kasumi," Ukyou said setting down her
delivery box. "I guess my clock is broken, I thought
Ranchan would be home from school by now."
"Excuse me," Kasumi said confused. She didn't pay
too much attention to what Ukyou said, she was
spending too much time noticing just how tight Ukyou's
Okonomiyaki seller's tights were.
"Todays one of the days they give me time off to
run Ucchans'" Ukyou explained. "I was coming to give
Ranma a little surprise."
"Oh I see," Kasumi said faintly. She had forgotten
that Akane and Ranma had gone chasing some random
martial artist earlier that day and so were not likely
to be seen for a week or two. That didn't matter
since she was not really paying attention anyway.
She was quietly shocked at her behavior, so openly
oogling another woman. But she needed something, and
she needed it bad. The need was getting worse as she
stood there, so she continued to stare.
"Are you okay, Kasumi?" Ukyou said coming closer,
and seeming concerned.
"Why do you ask Ukyou?" Kasumi asked, wrenching her
face to look at the chef's brown eyes.
"Because you look pale," Ukyou said. "And you
sound tired, and you keep looking down. Kasumi when
did your eyes turn gold?"
"Hmmm?" Kasumi asked, not paying attention to
anything else but Ukyou's face. Her descision had
been made, now just to see about implementing it.
"That's it," Ukyou said. "I'm putting you to bed."
Ukyou stepped forward to put an arm around Kasumi to
steady her and started walking deeper into the Tendo
household. Kasumi stumbled along wearily for a moment
before speaking.
"Ukyou-san," she said. "I do feel I need
"Yeah, sleep," Ukyou said, half-carrying Kasumi
"Not precisely," Kasumi said. Then she tapped her
index finger, and a sharp nail glistening as if
covered with something, into Ukyou's neck where it put
the shoulder.
"Ouch!" Ukyou gasped. "What the heck ar...."
Her voice trailed off, and Kasumi turned the chef
around to face her. Then she sunk the other hand's
index finger into Ukyou's neck on the otherside.
Kasumi smiled gently as Ukyou's eyes slowly changed to
a grassy green shade.
Ukyou was hers now.
Kasumi leaned forward and kissed the formerly human
chef passionately. She cradled Ukyou's head gently as
she greedily tasted the essence of Ukyou's lips,
instantly feeling better.
Ukyou moaned softly and reached her hands around
behind Kasumi as the Tendo girl lowered her to the
floor. Kasumi continued kissing the younger girl for
a minute before raising up over the dazed looking
Ukyou, straddling her.
"I don't know why," Kasumi said. "But I'm afraid I
need you Ukyou-san." She demurely unbuttoned her
blouse and carefully set it aside.
"Kasumi," Ukyou sighed, blinking. "What are you
doing?" As she asked she reached up to undo Kasumi's
bra as the elder girl removed her skirt.
Kasumi tossed her skirt aside and lowered herself
down to Ukyou's face, smiling. A slender hand
caressed Ukyou's face as another slipped into her top.
Ukyou gasped and arched her back as Kasumi's hand
brushed over the flesh on her breast.
"Do you want me to stop, Ukyou-san?" Kasumi asked
seriously. She knew somehow that Ukyou would not want
to stop, perhaps by some newly found instinct.
"No, no Kasumi," Nabiki gasped. "Don't stop."
Kasumi smiled and gently pushed Ukyou down, kissing
her on the mouth again, as she efficiently undid the
chef's top.
Kasumi found her newly sharp fingernails useful to
strip through the bindings hiding Ukyou's wonderful
breasts. Her other hand roamed down Ukyou's back,
sending exceptionally pleasant signals racing into
Ukyou's brain.
Ukyou shrieked in pleasure as Kasumi's hand slipped
around her front and down between her legs. The chef
clawed at the floor trying to find a grip as Kasumi
smiled down at her, gently and forcifully pleasuring
Kasumi's free hand finished with the chest bindings
and she began to quietly massage the girl's breasts,
taking them in turns, flicking the hard nipples and
gentling kneading the soft, pillowy flesh.
Ukyou took great panting breaths as her legs curled
and stretched in response to what Kasumi's other hand
was doing between her legs. Her eyes remained
unfocused as she gasped and shifted her body to move
with Kasumi.
"Oh my," Kasumi gasped as she felt a pair of hands
trail down between her legs and rub at her sex through
the panties. She smiled sunnily, still energized from
the taste of Ukyou's lips and arched her back
slightly, looking up and enjoying the feel.
They continued like this for a few minutes, heavy,
panting breathing punctutated by a few sharp cries.
Then Kasumi felt her lover's breasts starting to
"I think you're ready now," Kasumi said, as if she
were finishing up in the kitchen. She lowered herself
down again and kissed Ukyou, staring into the younger
girl's adoring face before closing her eyes.
Then she broke the embrace gently and kissed her
way downward. She licked the hollow of Ukyou's throat
eliciting a low moan of appreciation as Ukyou's hands
moved around to Kasumi's back and snapped the bra
loose, before travelling lower to remove the panties,
tearing those off.
"Oooo!" Kasumi gasped as her undergarments were
ripped off. "Ucchan, be more careful."
"Hai, Kasumi," Ukyou said apologetically in the
pause. She leaned upward to kiss Kasumi, but the
older girl gently guided her back down.
"It's alright," Kasumi said lowering her head back
"I'm sor...RrIEE! Oh! Oh! Ohhhh!" Ukyou's eyes
popped wide as Kasumi set her mouth around her nipple
and began to drink. The taste of Ukyou's milk was
wonderous, like nutmeg and cinnamon, and Kasumi could
feel herself filling with power and life as she move
both her hands around to hold Ukyou's back upright
after Ukyou jolted them into a seated position.
"Oh Kami, Kasumi!" Ukyou gasped, her breath
continued to come in sharp with soft moans in time to
Kasumi pulling milk from her breasts. She was given a
brief moment to pause and catch her breath as Kasumi
switched breasts, then she was gritting her teeth and
bucking again while Kasumi gently massaged her.
Kasumi's hands travelled low and gripped the tights
and panties underneath this time, briefly and
reluctantly removing her mouth from Ukyou's breast. A
thin streamer of golden-white milk dripped from her
mouth and landed on Ukyou's breast as Kasumi firmly
pulled the tights down from Ukyou's waist. A little
more oozed out of Ukyou's nipple and began to mix with
the sweat coating her chest.
Ukyou catching her breath again arched her back
slightly to help Kasumi removing her last item of
clothing. And then they were both completely naked.
Kasumi slipped one leg between Ukyou's and entwined
with the other as she bent down to eagerly lick up the
golden treat that was lightly smeared across Ukyou's
breasts. Then she returned to the rock hard needles
and the milk still within.
Ukyou and Kasumi bucked their groins against each
other stimulating their lower regions. Kasumi had to
fight to keep from pulling away from the breast and
its milk and howlind in sheer ecstacy a few times.
Ukyou, had no such job for her mouth and she
uninhibitedly screamed out her pleasure while
clutching at Kasumi as if her life depended on it.
Then Kasumi broke off from Ukyou's breasts. She
smiled up at the exhausted seeming chef who gave
Kasumi a questioning, but adoring look wondering why
Kasumi was doing this to her, but not complaining.
Kasumi traveled down lower until her face was
between Ukyou's legs. She smiled sunnily again, and
licked some of the golden-white milk off of her face
in a manner that was both demure and seductive. Then
she ducked her head down, her hands gripping and
massaging Ukyou's rear end.
Ukyou felt the tongue begin to explore her inner
most self and moaned, eyes rolling back as she dropped
from her half sitting position to hit the floor.
Small nips sent occasionally spikes in the overall
pleasure that consisted of her buttocks being neatly
massaged while she was being orally examined.
"I suppose you're almost ready again," Kasumi said
raising up for a moment and smiling as Ukyou's legs
wrapped around her tightly.
One hand travelled from Ukyou's firm ass and then
Ukyou felt something larger than a tongue slipping
inside her and exploring deeper.
The tension was enormous, and despite her calm
exterior, Ukyou could vaguely sense it in her lover as
well. She wanted to release that tension but first
Kasumi needed something else from her, or at least so
Ukyou felt.
Ukyou held back her cries against the growing
tension trying to let it build to a peak before it
released. She was feeling herself break, and held
back. The longer she held against it, the better it
would be, but it was so hard. She didn't want this to
be over yet.
And then Kasumi took her fingers out of Ukyou's
sex. Before the chef had time to lose her momentmum,
however, Kasumi dipped her head lower and virtually
attacked Ukyou with her tongue in a passion and fervor
that Ukyou hadn't thought Kasumi possessed.
Then Ukyou exploded with a loud piercing cry,
releasing into Kasumi's face. Kasumi greedily licked
up the vital liquid. It's taste and vigor were a
hundred times more vital than the taste of Ukyou's
milk, a thousand times more so than her lips.
Ukyou slowlly and surely came down from the climax,
muscles relaxing and falling limp as she recovered.
Kasumi sat up over the insensate Ukyou and virtually
pawed at herself like a cat to swallow all of Ukyou's
She was still burning with desire, both more and
less incessant than the original drive of what she now
recognized as hunger. There no longer a fear of
fainting away and possibly dying, but she perhaps
needed something else now even more so than before
from Ukyou. She remained pawing at herself, clutching
desperately at her own groin and rubbing at her
breasts, desirous of relief.
As she thought of that Ukyou recovered, her martial
artist stamina bringing her back quickly, and saw
Kasumi masturbating in front of her. She quickly
wrapped her arms around the other girl and licked at
Kasumi's tits, her hand moving lower to massage the
older girl's mound.
Kasumi's ministrations were firm but gentle.
Ukyou's came on like the sea raised to fury by the
winds. She voraciously attended Kasumi's breasts with
her mouth while sending one hand slamming into
Kasumi's self and the other strongly gripped at her
rounded rear-end, not so firm as Ukyou's but surely
nothing to laugh at.
", Ukyou-chan," Kasumi
gasped as her momentum built like a steam-rolling
train. "I can't...can'...OOHHHHHHHHHHH
MYYYYYYIEEEEE!!!" Kasumi bent forward, physically
spent but feeling incredibly recharged.
Ukyou held her, still seeming both confused and
uncaring at the same time.
After a few minutes Kasumi kissed Ukyou lightly and
pulled away from her. With her life force filled and
refreshed a race memory, mostly magical, but partially
genetic, had made her aware of many things.
She was a nymph now, having eaten one of the golden
apples, Ukyou was her first dryad. Ukyou would love
her, forever, and feed her forever. She would need to
taste Ukyou's lips, milk and honey to refresh herself.
Once a month, at least, she would have to call Ukyou
to her like this in order to continue to live.
Ukyou would not be able to feed her alone, however,
not without killing her. Fortunately, Kasumi had just
enough venom left for one other dryad, and that was
all she needed. Which was fortunate since she would
not rebuild another charge for the next fifty or sixty
She briefly thought about warning Ukyou about her
needs, but wondered what the point was. Ukyou would
receive the same knowledge she had after seducing her
first naiad, and she would be just as desperate to
proceed as Kasumi had been.
"Kasumi," Ukyou asked panting. "What just
happened?" Kasumi smiled and reached down to kiss
Ukyou lovingly. She hoped that Ukyou would come over
more than once a month.
"I needed you, Ucchan," Kasumi said, once more
using the nickname. "Thank you. Now, I believe you
need to return to your restaurant to handle business."
"Hai, Kasumi," Ukyou said wearily. "Ummm...thank
you too." She stood up and collected her clothes,
which Kasumi had made sure not to damage.
"Let us wash up in the furo before you leave,
dear," Kasumi said.
"Hai," Ukyou said dreamily, already imagining that


Kasumi waved the confused Ukyou off and smiled
gently before turning inside. She found herself
facing Nodoka, and recognizing what she was.
"Kasumi-ch...sama," Nodoka said. "How did you
become a nymph?"
"I bought an apple from a street vendor today,"
Kasumi said. Nodoka was naiad already, and not
connected to anyone that Kasumi could see, meaning she
was born that way. It certainly explained Ranma's
appetite. "He said he bought it off an old...Ranma
goes by that place most days."
"In girl form to acquire cheaper prices," Nodoka
said. "He does make very good unconscious use of his
"Happosai," Kasumi sighed.
"He was probably hoping for a permanent,
sex-crazed, Ranma-chan," Nodoka sighed.
"It would have been interesting to have seen
Happosai's face when it didn't do anything to Ranma,"
Kasumi said smiling. Nodoka nodded and considered.
"Do you have anything in the collective memory that
would say what would happen if we triggered Ranma's
race memories," she asked. "He already feels like a
naiad in both forms. So the curse allowed the
transformation to sort of transfer to his male body."
"Hence the huge appetite and the incredibly
powerful chi reserves," Kasumi sighed. "The naiads
are best suited to war. I am sorry, Nodoka-san, I
know nothing of what would happen." Nodoka looked
down after Ukyou.
"Is she your first?" Nodoka asked. Kasumi nodded.
"Perhaps, if you take Akane as your second..." Kasumi
made a highly distasteful face at the suggestion.
"Even if I were inclined," Kasumi said. "She is
gone with Ranma.
"I understand," Nodoka sighed apologetically.
"Please forgive the suggestion, I worry about her and
Ranma sometimes, and if she needed him, or rather her,
in a more immediate manner..."
"She doesn't need to be a dryad to convince her to
marry Ranma," Kasumi said. "And it would be a poor
idea to convince her to do so by such means."
"Then I'll leave you to your privacy to acquire
the second," Nodoka said
"Thank you, Nodoka-san," Kasumi said, relieved.
"Tell me, Nodoka-san, would you be willing?"
"If Ukyou or your second somehow waste their
changes," Nodoka said. "I'll be willing to step in
and help them live until the venom recharges, but I'd
rather avoid any permanent ties. I rather like
avoiding attention."
"Thank you, Nodoka-san," Kasumi said again. Naiads
had it relatively easy, all they did to recoup their
life force was eat a tremendous amount of food. At
least there was a safety net for her love.
"I shall be by again tomorrow," Nodoka said then
she smirked knowingly. "Be sure to take your fill,
Kasumi-sama." Kasumi blushed brightly as Nodoka
walked away.


"Ukyou-sama," Konatsu said wearily. "Are you
okay?" The chef was leaning wearily against the
counter and staring dazedly into space. And what had
she done to change her eyes to that orange-gold.
"I'm just feeling a little...strange," she told her
She glanced down at her finger nails, they were
slightly longer, and she thought harder and sharp.
She felt oddly tempted to flex her fingers but some
instinct warned her against doing so wastefully. She
didn't know what it would waste however.
"I see," Konatsu said. "I heard that Ranma and
Akane are again out of the area."
"Oh damn," Ukyou snapped angrily, coming out of her
weary daze for a moment. "If weren't coming down with
something I'd out after them in a flash."
She was confused at the intensity of her feeling
for Ranma. She loved Kasumi, didn't she now? Yes,
she did love Kasumi. In fact, she had loved Kasumi
twice already, though the second time wasn't so
satisfying as the first.
Kasumi could have told her that nymphs, dryads and
naiads often married and bore children, but Kasumi
wasn't saying anything, expecting Ukyou to learn on
her own after her first naiad of course.
She was distracted from her thoughts about Kasumi
and Ranma by this growing, aching need in her gut.
She thought briefly about how Kasumi had seemed before
she they had made love. Ukyou gasped and stood
straight up.
"Konatsu," she snapped. "I need you to go and find
"But, Ukyou-sama," Konatsu started.
"Now!" Ukyou said. "I can't watch him myself, and
probably couldn't find him feeling like this, but you
can, go, watch him and make sure he isn't doing
anything I wouldn't like."
"H...hai, Ukyou-sama," Konatsu said bowing and
moving to collect his things.
He expected that Ukyou just wanted privacy for a
couple of days, that was usual way of things. He
wished she could keep her temper in check better at
Ukyou watched him go with mixed relief and
trepidation. She thought she knew what was going on
now. Kasumi had needed her, and now she needed a
girl, too. Just by chance, Ukyou knew of one such
girl that was coming to her place tonight and smiled
Ukyou had grown up among boys, and now that her
instincts were going along the same lines as the act
she had kept up. It was easy to accept and desire it,
as more than just something to keep herself alive,
which she felt it would do.
She put the closed sign out front and ambled
upstairs hoping that her guest wouldn't take to long
to get there.
Ukyou licked her lips in anticipation, imagining
the coming visitor's imminently fuckable body, one
which she couldn't help but consider now, even if the
girl tried to stay out of view. Ukyou was already
anticipating her taste.


Nabiki walked into the restaurant arching an
eyebrow at the closed sign as she passed the unlocked
"Ukyou," she called out, looking around. It was
time to help the local business girl with her taxes
again, after all, no one knew more about saving money
than Nabiki, and Ukyou needed all the money she could
get to keep this place running. Nabiki's fees were
somewhat less expensive.
"Up here, Nabchan," Ukyou called out. Nabiki
arched her eyebrow again and frowned slightly. She
mouthed the nickname as she turned toward the stairs
up to Ukyou's room and took the steps vowing to get
Ukyou for that little remark.
She turned toward the little room Ukyou had
upstairs, turning her back on the hallway and stepped
inside. She looked around irritably wondering what
the chef was playing at.
"What's with the game of hide and seek?" Nabiki
asked irritably. "You know this is going to
Suddenly two sharp points jabbed into her skin and
she felt something pumped into her body. Nabiki took
a deep breath as she felt a tingle spread through her
body. Neither she nor Ukyou could see it but her eyes
turned a clear blue as the venom changed her species.
When it finally cleared she turned around to give
Ukyou a piece of her mind, though she had no edge to
the complaints. For some reason, suddenly all her
thoughts of Ukyou were quite affectionate, even
Nabiki's words stopped cold in her mouth as she
turned to get a load at Ukyou standing behind her,
with nothing but a smug, anticipating grin. Nabiki
noticed worriedly that Ukyou didn't look to good, in
fact she looked quite tired. Somehow she felt she
could fix that.
"Wanna fuck?" Ukyou asked teasingly. Nabiki
blinked and nodded dumbly, already feeling herself
aroused by looking at the young woman. "I thought
you'd say that."
Ukyou stepped forward swiftly and roughly grabbed
Nabiki into a firm passionate kiss, pushing her
backward and putting them both onto the bed. Kasumi
had been in charge between the two of them, but Nabiki
was UKYOU'S, and she would set the pace.
Nabiki's eyes stayed open wide in renewed shock as
Ukyou's tongue dueled with her own for space in her
mouth. Ukyou's hands roamed freely and grabbed at the
Furinkan high outfit that hid Nabiki's slender form.
Nabiki had just reached her arms around Ukyou when
the chef sat up, and ripped the dress apart between
her hands. Nabiki clutched at the bed under her mind
still trying to catch up as Ukyou's hands smoothly and
forcefully rubbed their way up her stomach towards her
The sudden gentleness was in contrast to both the
destruction of Nabiki's dress that came before, and
Ukyou firmly grabbing at Nabiki's bra and snapping it
off in a straight grab.
"AHHH!!" Nabiki gasped as the bra snapped her flesh
before Ukyou tossed it away. A flash of remorse
crossed Ukyou's face at the sound.
"Nabchan," Ukyou said gripping Nabiki's chin and
turning the girl to face her.
There was love and adoration there, like she felt
for Kasumi, but there was an underlying fear behind
it. Ukyou frowned at that, she wanted to be a little
more...passionate than Kasumi, but she didn't want to
scare Nabiki.
"Did I scare you?" she asked, firmly holding
Nabiki's eyes and massaging her breasts. "Tell me the
"Hai..." Nabiki said, wondering why she was
admitting that. Ukyou frowned and nodded.
"Sorry, Nabchan," she said. "I just need you so
Ukyou kissed Nabiki's mouth again, shivering at the
pleasant taste of Nabiki's lips. Nabiki closed her
eyes and moaned softly at the contact, no longer
Ukyou held Nabiki to her, and stoked her back
gently, kissing her lightly in between words. Ukyou
slipped a leg inbetween Nabiki's and ground her crotch
against Nabiki's panties, a barrier which wouldn't
last long past Ukyou reassuring her Nabchan.
"I needed a girl, Nabchan," Ukyou said. "You don't
know how badly I needed a girl. And you're the best
girl I know besides Kasumi and myself."
"Th...ank you," Nabiki said, gasping and hesitantly
reaching her own arms around behind Ukyou. She was
being incredibly submissive all of a sudden, and it
didn't bother her.
"I like things a little fast, Nabchan," Ukyou
explained, whispering into Nabiki's ear and rubbing
her own chest against Nabiki's. while picking
strategic massage points on her back. "If I scare
you, just yell stop, okay?" Ukyou was eager to go
on, she was still feeling that aching need despite the
charge she felt in kissing Nabiki.
"Mmmm," Nabiki sighed. "Hai, Ukyou." She was
speaking dreamily moaning quietly as she clutched at
Ukyou's back and leaned her head to make it easier for
Ukyou to lick at the hollow of her neck.
"Are you ready then?" Ukyou asked seriously, one
finger teasing tracing the crack in Nabiki's butt.
"Whenever you are, Ukyou," Nabiki said with a
slight catch as hers and Ukyou's nipples flicked each
other. Ukyou leaned up to her ear and, smiling
vicitoriously, she whispered into Nabiki's ear.
"Here it comes," she started. "For once, someone
is going to be milking you Nabchan."
Nabiki would have smirked at the joke, but then
Ukyou pushed her back down to the bed and disentangled
from her long enough to remove Nabiki's panties.
Nabiki idly wondered if there would be any comment
about her coming home in clothes burrowed from Ukyou.
Ukyou firmly gripped both of Nabiki's breasts,
larger than they appeared under her sweaters and
concealing clothes, and massaged them roughly but in a
way that seemed oh so good to Nabiki, who arched her
back and kicked her legs, gasping at the sensations.
"Well I can see you're really enjoying this," Ukyou
said. "Nice and full already."
"Wh...ennnnhhhh....what?" Nabiki panted.
Ukyou pulled Nabiki shifted to catch the "Y' of her
crotch again in Nabiki's and then gripped with her
legs as well as she could to force their sexes
together again, without the panties this time.
A hand pressing against Nabiki's rear, kneading the
well-conditioned butt appreciately, helped the
friction along and both girls cried out as they
collided. Then Ukyou set a steadying hand behind
Nabiki's back and lowered her head down to the tits
standing in upright attention, just beckoning her.
As the mint and cream taste of her naiad's milk
past her lips, Ukyou understood why Kasumi had so
greedily and forcefully drank until her own supply had
been exhausted.
In contrast to her forceful and quick, sharp
motions through most of their encounter, Ukyou slowed
down and let herself savor the taste. The sound of
Nabiki's long, building and ecstatic moans and cries
did nothing to detract from the wonderous taste of
Nabiki's milk.
Ukyou continued on, bucking against Nabiki and
switching from one breast to another, for what seemed
like forever to Nabiki.
Occasionally Ukyou would allow some the
green-tinted milk to spread out over Nabiki's breast
to mix with the salty taste of her sweat. She
efficiently and thoroughly made sure to cover every
piece of flesh as she took in the liquid.
Nabiki and Ukyou felt the tension building
interminably. It was sort of an unbearable pressure
of acquired pleasure that needed a release. When
Ukyou rose her head up without that release coming,
Nabiki felt let down.
"Is that all you have, Ukyou?" Nabiki asked,
"That's all you have," Ukyou said, smirking, but
also visibily wearied. "There at least."
Ukyou stood up away from Nabiki who lay against the
bed catching her breath and trying vainly to hold onto
the built pressure, not wanting it to fade away. She
wanted it to burst.
She heard Ukyou walking around the bed, but
couldn't figure out what she was doing until Ukyou's
upside down head appeared in her view and lowered to
kissed her.
"Care for a little 69, Nabchan?" Ukyou asked.
Nabiki smirked mischievously and darted her tongue
into Ukyou's mouth.
Then Ukyou broke away and began to kiss her way
down Ukyou's body, pausing at the breasts to kiss and
suckle at them for a few more minutes. She gasped at
the feeling of Nabiki doing the same to her breasts,
and smiled as the minute amount of lost momentum
quickly built up.
Finally she moved down, smiling coolly at Nabiki's
grasping hands as she shifted her body, and bent down
between Nabiki's legs to taste the delicacy of her in
most self. It was moist and wet and Ukyou eagerly
tasted the nectar even as she waited for something
She grasped under Nabiki's legs firmly and dived
down into Nabs' crotch, trying to seek out her
clitoris and curl it around in her mouth. She could
feel Nabiki holding apart her lips for better access
and shifted her grip to allow that.
Nabiki's grasp became erratic quickly as the
pressure built beyond her physical discipline's
capability to control. Ukyou shifted about her body
to aid the distracted Nabiki's attempts to bring her
to peak.
It worked to a point.
Ukyou did not have the thunderous release that
Kasumi had given her, but the girl under her, however,
was another story. Nabiki's cry pierced the night,
and had they not been inside padded walls, Ukyou would
have worried about attracting attention.
She eagerly swallowed the female cum that spread
over her face. She slowly and carefully cleaned up
Nabiki's legs with her tongue, stroking the soft brown
down of her muff, as Nabiki caught her breath.
She sighed finally and stood up, noting the mess
they had made of her bed.
"Ukyou," Nabiki said wearily sitting up. "Just why
did you suddenly decide to fuck me blue?" She spoke
dryly, but the adoration Ukyou felt for Kasumi, and
strangely now, Nabiki, was still there.
"I told you I needed you," Ukyou said. "Go get a
good meal and you'll figure it out." She smirked,
having had the same awareness pop into her head that
Kasumi did. "You'll need to eat a lot fairly soon
"Well, well, well," a voice said cockily. "If it
isn't the mercernary sister of that wretched Akane and
my so-called competition the serving girl." Nabiki
winced, though strangely enough Ukyou merely smirked
at Kodachi's arrival. "What an interesting
development this is."


Shampoo set down her delivery box and blinked
around in surprise. She was quite certain that she
had been called on a delivery to the Tendo dojo, and
she had come at a run, certain that her Airen had
called for her.
She never sensed Kasumi coming. The first sign she
had was the feel of two sharp points jabbing into her
skin. Then she was filled with an overwhelming love
and physical desire for the most unlikely person she
could think of.
"I am sorry for the deception, Shampoo," Kasumi
whispered behind her, casually unbuttoning the
Amazon's chinese top. "But I sincerely do need the
"Ka...Kasumi?" Shampoo gasped. "Meal in box."
A pair of gentle, massaging hands reached up to
knead her massive breasts, lightly pinching the
nipples. Something wet and warm flicked into her ear
and trailed a slow path out. She could feel Kasumi's
bear breasts pressing against her back, informing her
that Kasumi was also naked.
"No, I'm sorry, Shampoo," Kasumi said, turning the
girl to face her. "The meal is you."
Yellow eyes met green for an instant as one of the
hands caressing Shampoo's breasts shifted teasingly
down farther and undid the draw string to her fighting
pants before slipping in between her legs to pet the
puff of purple there.
Shampoo's eyes registered confusion for a moment
before Kasumi's lips met hers and the eldest Tendo's
tongue slipped around within Shampoo's mouth,
delicately dancing with her own.
Kasumi pulled back to fall into a soft chair that
was conveinently behind her. Shampoo's hands let out
to cushion her fall and then she lowered herself down
ontop the larger and older girl.
Kasumi drifted her hands around from Shampoo's
breast and vagina and shifted around to her back and
rear, pulling Shampoo softly down toward her. She
slipped her knee up between the Amazon's leggs and
smiled briefly as Shampoo arched her back up in
Kasumi gently brought Shampoo back down through a
mixture of coaxing and physical guidance. She pulled
the cat-girl's head back down and held the kiss while
moaning as Shampoo's hands began to roam themselves.
They were finding some interesting places that Kasumi
had not known about herself.
"Aiya," Shampoo gasped as Kasumi faded away from
the kiss and gently directed Shampoo to sit up.
Shampoo was blinking to clear her head, wonder if
there were some sort of perverted dream, when Kasumi
began to draw milk.
As before with Ukyou, Kasumi was still gentle
overall, but by contrast she suckled greedily at
Shampoo's swollen breast, holding tightly and doing
her best not to part from the action until she was
finished. Shampoo's milk also tasted of cinnamon and
nutmeg, though perhaps the more forceful taste of
cinnamon was more dominant, while Ukyou had a more
subtle, sharp taste.
Shampoo's gasps came in ever increasing volume
until she was crying out and her entire body was
shivering from the pleasure. She clutched att
Kasumi's back and wrapped her flexible legs around the
girl's waist and leg to hold them together and brush
sex to sex.
Shampoo's vigorous activity almost distracted
Kasumi from her suckling as one particularly powerful
surge of emotion and sensation sent a shockwave
through her. She arched her back crying out
ecstatically and then pulled herself back up to
greedily lick up what milk had spilled in the shock.
Instead she found herself crying out again. She
blinked in mild fright as she realized that she's
building up to climax already.
Fighting to ignore, or rather act with, the
overwhelming surges of pleasure Shampoo was sending
her, she bent forward and latched onto Shampoo's
breast to draw out the last drop of her dryad's milk.
Then she let herself fall back a moment almost losing
her self in the sensations.
"Sha...Sha...Shampoo," Kasumi gasped. "I need to
be down there."
Shampoo responded with a bright sunny smile,
strained through the physical activity. Then she
disentangled herself from Kasumi and flipped about
somehow, leaving Kasumi sitting on the chair under
her. Shampoo's head hung upside down in Kasumi's lap
as Her legs gripped the chair on either side of
Kasumi's head.
Kasumi blinked and then smiled as she leaned
forward to taste of Shampoo's flower and her hands
reached down to knead and caress Shampoo's ample
breasts. Shampoo had her own hands arched back in a
angle impossible for a martial artist and continued
caressing Kasumi from her upside down and backwards
Shampoo gritted her teeth as Kasumi's tongue
explored her, and the sensations built up. She drew
in a breath, held it, and then cried out. Then she
drew in another breath, held it and cried out, each
breath sharper and faster as her body rocked under
Kasumi's ministrations.
Then she exploded, and by what she felt from her
hands, so did Kasumi. She let herself sink in
relaxation, too spent to be again aroused by the
sensation of Kasumi licking up those fluids of hers
that had spilled back down, covering her crotch and
inner thighs.
Finally, Kasumi released her and fell back herself
panting wearily.
"Shampoo is confused," Shampoo said falling off the
chair and sitting at Kasumi's feet. "Happy, but
confused." Kasumi leaned forward and patted her.
"You'll figure it out soon," she said. "And I
imagine you're feeling a little peckish so..."
"Tadaima," someone called out tentatively. "Give
me a T give me an A give me a D A I give me an M A!!
What's that spell!? Tadaima!"
"I ordered out already," Kasumi said smiling.


Kodachi smiled superiorly, holding a packet of
paralysis powder in her hands as she walked towards
them. She flicked her look from Ukyou to Nabiki.
"Now what would you be willing to do to keep
this..." Kodachi's speech was interrupted as she
turned to look at Nabiki.
The Tendo girl saw Ukyou flash forward and sink her
index fingers into Kodachi's flesh. She glanced at
her own shoulders and noted the two small injuries
that Ukyou had given her. And now that she thought
about it, the same marks were on Ukyou.
Nabiki panicked, wondering if she too was going to
hunt down some girl to turn into a love slave. Then
she decided it didn't matter if she could be Ukyou's
love slave. Again, the thought came without any
amount of disturbance.
"Nabchan," Ukyou said leeringly. "I think you'll
want to clean up and go home, unless you want to join
Koda-chan and me." She turned to Kodachi, whose clear
blue eyes gazed lovingly up into Ukyou's green ones.
"Uh," Nabiki said. "I should probably eat first,
besides, if you have Kodachi to play with, it'll
probably be too much for me."
Ukyou's smile and Kodachi's expectant look
certainly agreed with that assessment.
"I have a Furinkan girl's uniform in that drawer,"
Ukyou said as Nabiki turned to go for the bathroom.
"I think you need to be punished, ne Koda-chan?"
"Hai," Kodachi said looking up at Ukyou with a
confused but desiring expression.
"I love your taste in clothes, Koda-chan," Ukyou
said smirking as she unzipped the leotard and let it
"I am glad of that, Ukyou-sama," Kodachi said in
tone she usually reserved for Ranma. Ukyou cupped her
chin hard and smiled before pulling Kodachi back with
her and sitting on the bed.
A moment later Kodachi had been pulled over and
laid across Ukyou's knees. Ukyou rose her hand and
then paused, looking to Kodachi's preparatory face
before she let fly.
"You tell me if I start going too hard," she said
"I shall do so, Ukyou-sama," Kodachi said, she was
touched by the concern in Ukyou's voice when the young
woman had temporarily dropped the act there. Then she
let her hand fly smacking into Kodachi's rear end.
The hand flew several more times and was still
flying when Nabiki walked in. Strangely, the sight of
Ukyou with a naked Kodachi across her lap and spanking
her aroused her slightly. She momentarily regretted
telling Ukyou she was frightened as she saw the weird,
though ecstatic expression on Kodachi's face.
Some instinct told her she would need to eat
quickly and in great amounts, so participating would
be a bad idea. Maybe next time, she decided, if she
didn't like it, she wouldn't do it again. So saying
she left the other two to their games. This time she
didn't even notice that the thought "next time" hadn't
bothered her.
She did try it next time, but decided she
definitely did not like either doing it or having it
done. She preferred control through more subtle and
delicate means if she was going to do any sort of
control. Ukyou shrugged and followed a to each their
own belief and kept the S&M games between her and
Kodachi, who was happy as well that she had something
unique to offer.
Considerate that Kodachi's butt was probably
exceptionally sore, Ukyou shifted around to come under
her when she first started kissing the girl. Her
hands roamed over Kodachi's pale white back while
Kodachi reached out to grasp at and clutch Ukyou's
She broke away from the kiss to lick and nip her
way down to Kodachi's breasts, viciously pinching
Kodachi with a smirk when the gymnast tried to
continue the embrace. Kodachi glanced at her with a
smile that clearly expressed her satisfaction at that
small pain.
Again, Ukyou paid Kodachi's milk the attention a
gourmet wine-taster attended a fifty year old bottle
of a rare vintage. The mint and cream was basically
the same, though the sharper taste of mint was almost
overwhelming in Kodachi's flavor. Ukyou appreciated
the difference artistically. Her Nabchan, for all her
outer Ice Queen act, was a little more refined and
traditional when it came to sex. Her Koda-chan was
the one that liked things kinky.
"W...what," Kodachi gasped clutching at Ukyou's
back and wincing in pleasure as her red bottom
contacted something. "Have I become?"
"My naiad, sugar," Ukyou said, pausing her
attention to Kodachi's breasts to answer for a moment.
Then she smirked and returned to her activity.
Kodachi sucked in her breath and gasped out with a
suffocated laughter as she felt Ukyou's tongue lap
delicately over her skin, every so often sucking at
one or another of her tits and wrapping her tongue
around them. Ukyou's hands, forgetful of the
treatment she had given Kodachi, travelled done and
grapsed Kodachi's ass, massaging it forcefully and
sending waves of pleasant pain through her body.
Ukyou pulled away regretfully as she had finished
drawing on Kodachi's milk. She rolled over gently to
put Kodachi under her and slid down smoothly with a
smirk on her face.
Ukyou rubbed the inside of Kodachi's thighs,
resisting the desire to just dive in. Kodachi moaned
at the touches, which maintained her arousal without
increasing to the point of climax and release.
"You belong to me, Kodachi," Ukyou said. "After
all the shit you put me through, you belong to me.
Don't you?"
"Yes, Ukyou-sama," Kodachi gasped with a sharp
intake of breath. She closed her eyes and gripped the
blankets about her in a bundle.
"What should I do with you, Koda-chan?" Ukyou asked
slipping one hand into Kodachi and shifting around.
"I should take your payment out of my hide,
Ukyou-sama," Kodachi said with an expectant smile.
"Good idea," Ukyou said. "But you're too pretty to
ruin, so perhaps something else for now."
She smirked as she shifted her fingers in a sudden
thrust deep within Kodachi. Kodachi's entire body
shook with the thrust and the next, and the one after
As Ukyou watched Kodachi reacted so strongly to
this she decided to maybe buy something of the
appropriate size for the next time.
She watched, with a slowly building arousal of her
own as Kodachi's reactions grew stronger. Kodachi was
holding back as long as possible to let the sensation
build, but Ukyou moved too fast and too forcefully to
resist long.
She burst in a long howling laughter, before fading
back into small "ha's" and catch her breath as Ukyou
bent to the task of catching the fluids their activity
had released. She was about to let herself fade back
into unconsciousness when she heard Ukyou's voice.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Ukyou said. "You're not finished
yet Koda-cahn."
Kodachi sat up, wincing at the burning still coming
from her ass, and saw Ukyou sitting on a chair and
giving a come hither gesture. The girl was leaning
forward, emphasizing her groin, and smiling.
"You have to finish me off now," she said. Kodachi
smiled and padded over to kneel in front of Ukyou.
"Hai, Ukyou-sama," Kodachi said with twisted good


Nabiki came home to confusion. Hers and the
places. Genma and Soun were still gone, no surprise
there, but that fortune teller girl from school was
there for some reason. And there was some shouting
going on upstairs.
She glanced up at Nabiki with blue eyes, and Nabiki
shook her head in realization. She sat down with Miyo
at the table. Apparently she was waiting for dinner.
"So, do you belong to Ukyou too?" she asked. She
still thought it was funny that that concept did not
bother her.
"No, Nabiki," Miyo said. "Shampoo graciously
accepted me as her lover, though I have not yet
figured out why. I am told that after a good meal
that I shall understand things better."
Nabiki heard the goings on upstairs and frowned.
Ukyou she could forgive anything, even seducing her
older sister, but Shampoo that was another story.
"Dinner is ready," a familiar voice called out. It
wasn't coming from upstairs. Kasumi walked in and set
out a large platter before Miyo. She glanced at
Nabiki and gasped. "Oh my! I assume that my Ukyou
must have taken you?"
"Your..." Nabiki blinked. "You mean this is YOUR
fault? I thought sure this would come down to Ranma!"
"I'm afraid that I ate something that Happosai was
intending for Ranma," Kasumi explained. "Everything
else was necessary."
"Can you explain how?" Nabiki asked, though she
felt even more subservient to Kasumi suddenly than she
had to Ukyou. Perhaps that was because this was her
owner's owner.
"Eat," Kasumi said smiling. "I need to prepare
another helping."
The house was split by an earth-shaking cry, that
was spelled out. Everybody looked up and blinked.
"And I suppose that means that Shampoo is settled
for this month," Kasumi said in relief. She
disappeared into the kitchen leaving behind two very
confused girls that were soon joined by Shampoo and
that cheerleader martial artist with a goofy looking
grin on her face as she sat on the other side of
Shampoo from Miyo.
"This had better be one hell of an explanation,"
Nabiki muttered.


"Tadaima," Akane called out as she and Ranma came
"Just come in like we haven't been gone a coupla
months," Ranma said with a smirk.
"Have you been taking lessons from Nabiki?" Akane
"Oh," Kasumi said coming down the stairs and
looking rather embarrassed for some reason. "Ranma,
Akane, you're back!" She rushed forward and hugged
them tightly. "I was beginning to get worried."
"All we did was elope and go on a honeymoon," Ranma
"Oh, that's nice," Kasumi said, blinking. Ranma
and Akane looked at her strangely.
"That's what everybody's said," Akane muttered.
"Oh, you've spoken to the others?" Kasumi asked.
Though Shampoo's reaction had been the expected
flaring angry...for about two seconds followed by an
"I can live with it" reaction. And Cologne had said
something about Shampoo being beyond the tribes laws
or something. The words "minor kami" had come up for
some reason.
Akane was still trying to figure out why Shampoo
had told Mousse, "we go on date when I clear with
girlfriends" after being dropped by Ranma. It was
half an attempt to get him jealous and more than half
Kodachi had been even stranger. She had ranted,
raved and threatened, as expected. And then she had
taken a big breath and limped over to her desk to grab
a bouquet of flowers and one of those toilet seats
hospitals give people with injuries in a sensitive
area. She handed these to Akane with instructions to
tell her sister that she apologized wholeheartedly.
"The only person we haven't talked to yet is
Ukyou," Akane said finally.
"Hey, Kachan, I'm really sorry about the silk
nightdress," Ukyou said coming down stairs, holding
the destroyed garment. "I was just a little over
eager, that time of the month you know, and maybe I
forgot I was with you not Kodachi and...well...what
are you pointing at?"
Ukyou turned to see a wide-eyed Ranma and Akane.
"Uhhh...." Ukyou said nervously. "I should be
going...Kodachi is meeting me at a cafe...I
already...uh...saw...Nabiki so...ummm...." The
wide-eyes grew wider. "I should go now before I
swallow my leg..." A curious light came into her eyes
as she said that and then left the building,
practically fleeing. Ranma and Akane didn't like the
look of that light, they turned toward Kasumi.
"Some explanations are in order I suppose," Kasumi
said, blushing red.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-05 23:08:14
Sex alamin

anonymous readerReport 

2011-07-09 01:02:01
If Nivek_88 says its great, then it must be, and it was! OMG that was really good, what a bunch of freaks!


2011-07-04 08:20:03
was this your first lesbian story? this was great! i liked kasumi the best. you should definitely do more lesbian stuff

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