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The next chapter
This one is a bit long, I suggest reading the previous chapters to fully understand, although it can be read separately. As always comments and suggestions are welcomed.

I woke up the next morning to Robby snoring underneath me. I slowly and carefully removed his still partially erect cock out from my pussy, which had dried considerably. I looked at Robby, sprawled out, legs partially spread, you could see every muscle he had, and boy was there a lot of them. His body was well toned, and he was strong. Robby fought MMA, but had never brought it home. Even way back when I was 8 and I was getting bullied on the playground, Robby didn't fight the kid, even though they were the same age. He warned the kid, and then the kid left me alone. I looked down again at Robby's cock, I really have to find out how big it is. He looked like he was about 7 inches. But it didn't matter to me, he filled me up perfectly every time. I did my morning workout for the first time in 3 days. It was Saturday now, the first day of winter break. I thought back to Thursday, when I had tried tricking Robby into having sex with me. He did have sex with me, but I only managed to trick myself into looking like a fool. Now I looked ahead to today. We would start packing, Robby was really clear about us not having any kind of sexual contact for the day. I wasn't happy about that, but I thought I have to prove I can control myself. Instead of taking my shower and cleaning his dries cum off of my pussy and my inner thigh, I walked to the kitchen and started cooking. What man doesn't want to wake up to thier woman naked with his cum all over her cooking him breakfast? I made him 3 eggs, fried of course, 2 sausage patties, then I went to out room, stole one of his clean shirts, and cooked him the bacon we had to use so it wouldn't go bad. Then I cooked he bacon that had past it's expiration date and fed the dog. I set the island table, and then cooked myself what I could manage to eat. 1 scrambled egg, a sausage patty, and some and the bacon. I looked at my work and smiled. Robby would be so proud of me. I took his shirt off, put it in the washer, and started the washer. With laundry going and breakfast ready, I went to go wake my wonderful knight. "robby wake up I have a surprise for you!" I lifted him up, or tried to anyway. He got up, went and brushed his teeth. After he had made himself presentable, I led him into the kitchen with his eyes covered. I sat him down and then uncovered his eyes. "oh wow.... Did you cook all of this?" Robby said. "yep, I made it just for you. Call it a thank you for last night." I said. "well.... Your welcome. But you didn't need to do all this. I am proud of you though, you managed to get up and cook breakfast before I woke up." Robby said. I was on he edge of my seat, and when he said he was proud of me, I relaxed. Having satisfied my desire to make Robby proud, I ate my food. I looked over in time to see he had finished, and had begun to wash the dishes. I went over, offering to help him. "I got this baby, why don't you shower. You have my cum all over you." Robby said. "nope, I'm gonna spend the whole day covered in your cum. I like the way it feels." I say. In truth, I wanted a shower really badly. But I had something else in mind for how to get this cum off of me. "we have to get ready to go, our plane leaves an noon, and Seth and Lexi want to hang out here until it's time to go." Robby was trying to get the grease off of the pan, it was actually kinda fun to watch him get angry with it. He decided he had enough with it, and put the rest of the dishes into the dishwasher. "I need to go over to a friends house to get something quick baby, I will be right back. Stay in my room with lopsey until I get back." Robby yelled then left to go to his friends house. I knew what he was going to get. That's what he says when he goes and gets beer or drugs. Robby was a good guy, and an amazing caretaker, but he hadn't been able to shake his addictions. He almost got caught driving while he was high, but he managed to escape capture, just barely. It wasn't 10 minutes later and Robby was back with 3 cases of beer and a book bag, which probably had some kind of drugs in it. "okay babygirl, we have a private flight, so I will be able to bring this stuff. I realized how hard it was going to be for him to do it, but I asked him anyway, "Robby, will you stop doing drugs?" "destiny baby, I don't do drugs." he said. "that's a lie Robby I saw you smoking. And you drink a lot. It isn't healthy and the drugs will take you from me and your all I have left so please stop, for me?" I said. I know he probably won't be able to, but he will at least contemplate it. "I.... I will. I will stop doing drugs baby. I will throw away what I have, but you have to understand, I'm going to go through withdrawals, and I'm going to be in pain, and I'm going to be a bit difficult to live with. I'm sorry baby" Robby said. We both sat there holding eachother crying. The doorbell rang and we looked at the clock. It was 9, and Lexi and Seth were outside the door. We let them in, and turned the heater up to make the place more comfortable. "so, this is the chick that's been riding robs dick, she's kinda small rob." seth said. Apparently Robby didn't like this, because he punched Seth square in the chest, knocking Seth back and knocking the wind out of him. "shut the fuck up. The next time you insult her, I will break your jaw." Robby said, in a rage. "alright, damn crybaby." Seth said, and Robby drew his fist back, true to his word Robby was about to break seths jaw, but Lexi stepped in. "okay rob, enough. I need Seth in one peace for my vacation remember? I want to have fun too. Don't go killing him before I get what I want." Lexi said, and then hit Seth. Seth looked like he wanted to hit back, but he had a rude awakening moments ago when he found out that Robby wasn't joking around. I decided to calm him down, so I jumped in his lap. "that reminds me, destiny, your birthdays comin up. We will be at the cabin during your birthday, so what do you want? I will order it so it will be here when you get back." Robby said. I was about to ask for a cellphone, but then I changed my mind. "I don't want anything, my dreams were filled when you told me I was your girlfriend." I said. He smiled at me, then kissed me for a long time. I pulled back to see what Lexi was doing. She and Seth were getting hot on the other side of the room. I stuck my head next to robbys and whispered, " can we go to a different room? It feels weird with them in here." Robby laughed, then whispered back, "I told you we weren't having sex. Your not tricking me into bed today Missy." Robby laughed again then we went back to kissing. I was still really sore, so a day to recover was probably a good idea. "can we just cuddle then Robby? My stuff hurts" I said putting on my very best sad puppy look. He simply replied, "of course." he laid across the couch, and I curled up on top of him, and I fell asleep. I awoke to a moaning, and, pretending to still be asleep, I looked up at Robby. He was sound asleep, so I got up and began searching for the source of the noise. The noise was coming from Robby's room, where Lexi was sprawled out on the bed completely naked, and Seth had his head between her legs. I quickly went back to the couch and woke Robby up. "what is it baby? We still have an hour before we gotta get ready." Robby said, rubbing his eyes. I didn't respond, I just grabbed his hand and led him to my room. My rooms a typical little girl room, pink everywhere and all the stuffed animals I had collected over my life thrown about randomly. He sat on my bed with a questioning look, so I sat on his lap and kissed him. "baby we can't." Robby said. "please" I said biting my lip. "maybe oral sex for awhile, but no penetration." Robby said, giving in to his obvious desires. I kissed him again, then slowly began to kiss down his body. Robby almost never wore a shirt, so his tanned body was exposed. I kissed down his chest and slowly made my way to his shorts. They were easy to get off of him, and with that done, I was staring once again at one of my favorite things, Robby's  cock. It was hard as stone again today, and I couldn't wait to have it. This time, instead of going strait to sucking it, I gently kissed it everywhere, and massaged his balls. Then I slowly sucked each one of his balls into my mouth, looking up to see Robby's response. He had thrown his head back and was moaning slightly. I took that as a good sign and continued sucking on his balls for another 10 minutes. I was starting to enjoy the taste when I felt his hands grab my head and redirect me. He pushed my head to his cock, and asked me to take care of it's stiffness. I did as he asked, sucking as much of him into my mouth as I could, massaging his balls as I did this. He enjoyed the treatment, because he was soon lifting his hips off the bed. I tilted my head a bit, and pushed, plunging his cock deep into my throat. He was close, listening it him moan was enough to give me a high. I sucked using my chest to put pressure on the tip of his cock, and he responded by pulling his cock out of my mouth and then re inserting the tip, before blowing everything he had into my mouth. He shot stream after stream into my mouth, and I was afraid I would spill. Right as my mouth filled completely, he pulled his tip out and lifted me up. "swallow for me" he said. I swallowed like he asked. He lifted me up, and dropped me on my pink blanket. He then reached under my skirt, and removed my plain white cotton panties. Then he stuck two fingers into my mouth, which I sucked on eagerly. He pulled them out, sucked on them himself for a moment, then gently slid them into my wet pussy. He only put one finger in, but when you compare the size of that one to the size of my pussy, it might as well have been a cock. He gently pumped his finger in and out of my hole, and I realized that even with just one finger my pussy had a death grip on it. Robby put his knee between mine, making it impossible for me to close my legs, which was fine with me. Robby started to pump a little faster, and I began to wiggle. He looked at me and I made an "I'm not making a single noise" look, which got Robby started. He slipped another finger into me, and my hips started to move by themselves.  I pulled my legs up, bending at the knees. Robby kissed me for awhile, then he moved to put his head between my legs. I knew he just wanted to make me talk or moan, and I wasn't about to lose this fight. He blew hot air onto my pussy, which Felt nice. Then he kissed my pussy, taking a moment to suck on each of my pussy lips, before taking his fingers out and spreading my pussy out. The cold air from my room was uncomfortable, but I couldn't wait for what he was gonna do. He kissed the inside of my pussy, and began licking all over. After a few minutes, Robby shifted positions again and suddenly my hips were bucking. He was biting and licking part of my pussy, and I lost the fight right then. "oh my god baby what are you doing to me? Don't stop don't stop oh yea baby" was all I could say. He took his free hand, dipped two fingers in my wetness, and gently pressed his middle finger into my butthole up to the second knuckle. "uhh" was all I managed. The pleasure I was getting from being eaten for the first time was masking the pain of having a finger inside my butt. Bs pulled them out and backed up before pushing my knees to my shoulders and instructing me to hold them there. I did as I was told, and Robby went back to licking my pussy and fingering my butt. After awhile of this, I let go of my legs and begged him to finish me with his cock. He denied me, and instead made me cum with his fingers. He stared at me for awhile, then got up, put his clothes on, told me he would be a few minutes, and left. I got up and pulled my blanket off, and took t to the laundry room. After I put it in with some fabric softener, I walked back into the living room and sat on the couch with my legs spread slightly. I was sitting there watching tv when Robby's bedroom door swung open and Seth walked out. He was smaller then Robby, and a lot thinner. he looks over at me, laughed and went back to Robby's room. After a moment I realized he was laughing at me. I was naked sitting on Robby's couch. I went back to my room and looked for something to put on. Right as I found a pair of panties, Robby came in. "here, I want you to put these  in." Robby was holding 2 buttplug looking things. After I looked at him dumbfounded, he laid me on my back and rubbed the bigger one against my pussy, and I waited for the penetration. To my surprise, instead of going into my pussy, he moved it south and pushed it into my butt. I whined a little, but then came the considerably smaller one, which got no special treatment, just a quick push into my pussy. He then dressed me and told me 10 minutes until we leave for Alaska and to finish packing. I did as I was told And soon we were in the fully loaded car driving to the airport. We met up with Justin, who was working at the airport and would drive Robby's car home. "high Justin! I yelled and jump hugged him, he easily caught me. Like Robby, Justin was an MMA fighter and was in great shape. Justin was a bit darker skinned then Robby, but not by much. We boarded the plane, which as Robby had promised was a private flight. I'm still not sure how he got it though. We watched a movie, ate supper, and all talked on the cramped plane. The pilot, apparently an old friend of Robby's, joined in on the conversation, and before I knew it we all had become friends. We landed with no trouble, although I had never been on a plane before I wasn't scared at all. Robby held me close the whole trip, so I wasn't cold, despite there being no heater on the plane. After we had landed, we got into a small van Robby had rented, and drove for another 2 hours. I almost fell asleep on the way, but right as I was about to slip into sleep he pulled into the small lot. I opened my eyes, yawned, and started to unbuckle my seatbelt to get out but when I turned to open the door, it swung open and I was lifted into the cold air. "ahhhhhhh what are you doing?!" I yelled, then realized who it was when I got a swift smack on the butt. "don't yell at me Missy." Robby said playfully. I looked at him, craving his touch. I was tempted to yell again to get him to spank me, but I wanted to know what he was doing first. He carried me into the cabin, and set me down on the small chair in the room. I felt him put his jacket over me, and realized it was extremely cold, and I was still wearing a miniskirt. After several moments Robby came back with all of our combined stuff on his left arm, dangling on the bags. I looked at his arm, the muscles were fully flexed and straining, but he carried it as if he didn't feel the weight. I giggled a little bit, which caught his attention. He looked over at me, and I just gave him a sexy smile and a wink. He excepted them gladly, and went and put our stuff away. Then I remembered what I was going to do tonight. I ran into the small room he was unpacking our stuff into, and I grabbed the small suitcase that had my shirts in it. I ran with it to the bathroom, locking the door. I stripped, noticing that my body seemed a bit curvier in all the right places; my hips were starting to show. I have to go in for a checkup after we get back, maybe I even grew an inch. I looked at myself again, my pail white skin was almost paper colored, but it looked good when contrasted to my dark blonde hair, and it made my light blue eyes look so much better. I opened my suitcase and pulled it out; a pair of panties I had Lexi buy because I wasn't old enough, they had a special design, missing the crotch, making it easier to get to my pussy. I put them on, I felt really embarrassed, and I could feel the cold air moving over my pussy. Then I pulled out the bra, it had a plastic hook so that you could pull it off without ruining it, and it took less time to take it off. I put it on, smiling when I thought about how fast Robby would rip it off of me. Then I put on tho low cut top, it jus barely hid my nipples, my bra was exposed because the shirt really only covered my belly. Then I put on the little skirt. It was a silk skirt, tight, but it would be easy to get off. Then I pulled the two plugs Robby had put in me out. The one in my butt hurt coming out, but I was okay with that. Then I put on the heels, which was the most uncomfortable part of the outfit. Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought I was a whore. I took a deep breath, and went into the room Robby was in. He was just siting there on the little bed. Staring at the ceiling, trying to sleep. "hey Robby, can you help me with something?" I said in my little kid voice. He sat up, looked at me, and then stood up. "what do you need baby?" he said, as if my outfit didn't look out of the ordinary. "can you help me with this shoe? I can't get it on, and I can't do my little dance for you if I'm not dressed up." I said. Robby mumbled something, then came over, knelt down, and started fumbling with my shoe. I grabbed the front of my skirt and lifted it so he would see; he looked up and his jaw dropped. "destiny?" he said. "yes Robby?" I said. "do you have to do your dance?" I smiled as he said that. I shook my head no, and he licked me up and carries me over to the bed. "not yet Robby" I said. I kissed him, and pulled his hands off of me. I kissed his nose, then pulled my other shoe off, and started to do the dance Lexi had shown me. It was mostly swaying from side to side, lifting up my shirt as I swayed. Robby was staring at me, Lexi said that was a good sign. I finished pulling my shirt off, and walked over to Robby. Without a single word, I pulled on his shorts, and he lifted up and pulled them off, leaving him naked from the waist down. I reached over him and turned on his iPod, playing the song pursuit of happiness. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, still swaying from side to side. I pulled back, and started dancing to the rhythm of the song. After about 5 minutes, I hooked my thumbs on the hem of my skirt and played with it, flashing Robby once or twice. Then I unbuttoned the skirt, letting it drop to the floor. Then I held my arms up, presenting myself to Robby. He stared for a long time then said quietly, "oh my god baby, your so beautiful. I love you" doing the dance had me horny, and I could feel myself getting wet. "thank you" was all I said as I started to dance again. The song changes to all we are by one republic, and I motioned for Robby to dance with me. He got up, pulled his shirt off, and swept me into his arms, swaying with me. We just held each other for the rest of the song, eventually I rested my head on his shoulder. I felt so safe, it felt so right to be Robby's. I whispered that I loved him with all my heart, and that I wanted to know how I could prove it to him. He didn't say anything, he didn't push me onto the bed, he just held me tight and danced with me, although he was carrying me more then anything. He just held me, not trying anything at all. He just wanted to have me there, and at that moment, I felt so safe with him that I never wanted it to end. " I love you so much Robby, your amazing. You took me in when I lost everything, and now your giving me everything I have ever wanted. I love you so much. I want to show you somehow. Please tell me how? I will do anything to prove it I swear." I said, without moving my head. "you already gave me your virginity baby. I know you love me, I just don't know if you understand how much you mean to me." Robby said, squeezing me tighter. "I don't have very much left either, I don't want to lose you Destiny. I don't know what I would do if someone tried to take you away from me. I love you and nothing could ever change that. I promise I'm going to change. I'm gonna learn how to cook so I can make you breakfast like I should, and I'm gonna break my bad habits so that I can get a better job and get you all the things you want. I'm sorry I didn't have it all ready for you when you got here, it was a mistake I won't make ever again. I'm sorry." Robby said, as he kissed my neck. I broke into tears. Robby actually loved me. He wasn't just trying to give me what I wanted, he wasn't just letting me use him. He wanted me, and I wanted him. I cried there in his arms for at least an hour before I stopped. I wiped my eyes, and pulled my head from his shoulder. Robby's eyes were also watery, so he had been crying too. I kissed him softly, not knowing if he still wanted it. As I tried to pull back, he pulled me toward him, kissing me deeply. We kissed for a long time before the old drive I had came back. I pulled away and looked at him with lust in my eyes. I could barely hold myself back when I asked him if we could. Bs didn't reply, he just started gently massaging my pussy. He had the same lust in his eyes as I was feeling. I was as wet as I had ever been, and I kissed him again. He held onto each movement, savoring the feeling. Let go of him, dropping onto the bed. I wiggled my butt, signaling for him to pull my panties off. He did, and I basically ripped my bra off, it came off without the slightest bit of resistance. I pulled him onto me and he kissed me. I spread my legs and pulled me knees up into the air so Robby had easy access to my pussy. I felt him poke me with his cock, and moaned. We were safe here, I could be as loud as I wanted. I felt free. I pulled his head down to me again and started kissing him deeply. He kissed back, then his mouth went lower. He kissed between my boobs, and all around them. He took his tongue and traced circles around my nipples, and was rewarded with several more moans from me. I couldn't help it, i was so turned on, if he had bit my nipples off, I would have liked it. He gently massaged 2 fingers int my pussy, and started to push them in and out. I finally had the feeling I wanted, but it wasn't the feeling I craved. He wouldn't take the initiative, so I would. I reached down, grabbing his cock firmly. I pulled up on it until his balls were level with my pubic bone. Then I lifted up. I flipped over under him, causing him to move away from me. I stood on my hands and knees, and spread my legs enough to expose both my butthole and my pussy. "what do you want me to do baby?" Robby asked. "put it in my butt, but go slow and be really gentle with me please?" I said. "are you sure baby?" Robby said. I nodded yes. He put some lube on, and massaged my butt for awhile, then put several pillows under me so I could relax. Then he slowly and gently started to push his huge cock into my butthole. I winced in pain as it entered, but after the first couple of seconds, it stopped hurting so much. He pushed completely into me and I yipped in surprise. His penis had never been completely inside of me, there was always an inch or so that didn't get in, but this time, when he was putting it in my butt for true first time, he was completely inside of me. I didn't understand why it got deeper into my butt then my pussy, but I did know that from now on, this is where I wanted it. He held there for awhile. "am I doing good Robby?" I whispered. "yes baby your squeezing me so tight. Am I hurting you babygirl?" Robby said. "no baby I like it. Go a little bit faster, but be really gentle with me, I'm still a little girl" I said. Robby took the permission, and began to pull out of me, making me feel empty inside, before he pushed back in. He went slow at first, but every 5 strokes or so he would pour a little more lube onto his dock and go a little bit faster. He started to rub my back, adding to my pleasure. I was breathing with his motions, every time he pushed in, I breathed out, and when he pulled out, I breathed in. I have no idea how long we spent doing this, but I felt Robby's strokes get faster, and less gentle. It didn't hurt; the rougher he was, the better it felt. Soon, except for how deep it was in me, I forgot it was anal, and felt like he was just having sex: it felt like this is what I wanted. I no longer cared if he was in my pussy or my ass, it was all sex, and I wanted sex. I felt Robby push particularly hard and then heard him say "can I cum in your ass baby?". I bit my lip, because I knew that right before he came he was going to be very rough and it would hurt. But I whispered back, "I will take your cum anytime, any place I can get it." he began pounding into me, I'm not gonna lie it hurt and I cried a bit, but it wasn't very long until he pushed deep into ms again and started to blow. I felt him cumming in me for what seemed like a full minute. His cock slipped out of me and he collapsed on me. I rolled over underneath him and opened my mouth to ask him if he liked it and he shoved his tongue deep into my mouth, after the mouth sex, he moved his hips and I felt him slip into my pussy, causing my hips to buck hard against him. I started moaning instantly. "baby please make love to me. Will you? Will you make love to me, and make me a true woman?" I asked. Some people call what he was doing rape. I didn't want sex, I wanted him to make love to me. Wanted him to stay buried inside my pussy for as long as his heart desired. He kissed me, and my wish came true. He buried his cock deep inside my pussy and started to pump in and out. It wasn't the same as earlier, he wasn't as aggressive with it, but he also wasn't lazy about it. The way he was doing it can only be described as the perfect sex. When he did it rough it felt good, and gently felt great, but this was like my own special pace. I moaned softly at first, and as I started moaning more, he just kissed my neck. I was about to orgasm when he pulled it almost al the way out and slammed back into me as hard as he could. I screamed, no tin pain but in ecstasy. It was like he forced ms into an orgasm, and I loved it. I was screaming unintelligible words as Robby started to cum in me again. This time, instead of just tilting our heads back, we kissed. As I was going through the best orgasm I had felt to date, I was sucking on his tongue. As he was shooting load after load into my pussy. His pleasure rod just never seemed to end, feeling like it was going deeper and deeper. I know it wasn't moving at all except for the little bit of motion from the twitching, but I felt as if he and I were connected.he came down from his high first, and had begun kissing my neck and lips alternating between the two. I did the same, when he kissed my neck I kissed his, and then we would meet in the middle. I looked up into his eyes, and my heart melted. I kissed him and fell asleep knowing I had found my perfect true love. 

So what do you think guys, should I continue or end it there?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-04-20 22:08:17
it is hard on the eyes without spacing

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-13 00:13:00
Honestly, I loved the story and would love to read more. Thats just my personal opinion though. As long as theres a good story line w/o too much miss spelling so a person can actually read it Im not going to slam a persons story.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-06-26 18:54:34
Didn't read this as it is just an incredible long wall of text.
Formating the text would go a long way..

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