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.... WE had just left Maude-s home, from THE party... Booze..., drugs..., and strong coffee all played a part in our respective party lives.
.......By we; I mean the group of us...probably twenty or so friends and close acquaintances. Tonight there were a few more of us than usual... it is a big deal going to Maude-s house, hence THE party reference. Maude is about ten years older than our average ages as a group. She has a fantastic home. Once a year she treats us to a yard party, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, the works. Maude married well. She just throw-s open the doors to myself, my friends and many others whom she has had dealings with, some only casually.
......It is July and a nice summer night, so we are walking home..., not my first choice but whatever... Five couples from my usual group and three couples who tagged along and live in the same general direction; and a handful of strays, of which I am one. Buses do not run at this time of night..., 2:45 am. It is safer at night it large groups anyway, and cabs are too expensive..., plus, they break-up our party-ing mood.
......Bernie and Clarisse live in a modest home. Their home is closest to Maude-s; we bid them a good night and continued on our trek homeward. Bernie and Clarisse would be the closest friends Maude had at THE party tonight. Good people!
......My name is Phil; I have known Maude for about seven years. I worked for her and her husband until a year ago when the economy turned bad. I struck out on my own with help from Maude. { I am in the heating and ventilation business.} With Maude-s help it did not take me long to start making a good buck.
......My date this night is Monique; a black chick who doubles as a crack whore... Monique and I team up from time to time when it suites us. Tonight was one of those nights. Monique wanted to see this house Maude owned.
......Monique mostly lives on the streets so I bought her an outfit to attend this party. I invited her into my place to clean up before the party...Monique can be a pain, but I like her.
......In fairness to Monique, she behaved; surprise there, she actually had a great time without getting fucked up. Wonders never cease.
.......About half way to the next residence, Chad and Kerry-s..., Monique hung a left and blazed into the night. The others were concerned..., I was happy. It meant I did not have to look after her. Second miracle this night...There is a God.
......Webster and Daniel, that-s right, fagots, complained about the distance to their residence. Kerry invited all of us in for a night cap. She said we could stay the night at their house, if any of us wanted too.

-- You can sleep over at our place and head home in the daylight.., Kerry said.

...... Kerry is a calm, quiet, individual, with such a soft voice. Maybe the most in-offensive person I have ever met, and a knock out to boot.
......Three other couples, who lived several blocks away, decided to continue on home. Some had baby sitters so they had no choice. All the strays except myself went with them.
......I was torn between seeing these couples home safely, Marianne in particular, or staying the night at Kerry-s. I do not trust fags and I did not know the other people, so I stayed behind at Chad and Kerry-s; my protective instinct kicking in ...
......Those who went on their way said they would text or phone when they reached home. the three couples with children did . My fellow strays said not to worry and would fend for themselves, as we usually do. Great..., everyone is satisfied.
......Chad, the two fagots; Ben and Sherry enter a gorgeous bungalow. Chad seemed to get along quite well with Webster and Daniel. Ben and Sherry are unique; Sherry is a she-male. I had my concerns for Kerry, she..., she being only true female and so quiet. I watched the other couples disappear into the night before I entered Chad and Kerry-s lovely home.
......Chad and Kerry seemed like a very social-able couple. They offered drinks as soon as they had locked up.
......The seven of us sat in the living room drinking. The conversation was polite at first but after ten minutes or so Webster got a little crude. I was short with him and he made the necessary correction in his behaviour.
......I am not a big guy, just under six feet and one hundred and eighty five lbs. I have been down on my luck from time to time and lived on the streets; I can take care of myself.
......I do not like crude language in front of a lady; although from time to time I to can be pig. I think I was short with Webster because he is a fag.
......I had no sooner finished with Webster than the phone rang and it was Marianne. She said they were about three blocks from home, and were being harassed by a group of teenagers. She said they took refuge in a Convenience store and were afraid to leave.
......Now..., Marianne is a wet dream, of that there is No Doubt... Her man, Tristan is a great guy; but both are small in stature.
......Chad looked at me; I could see he was nervous about leaving. I said I would go and bid all a good night. Chad insisted I take the car, Kerry and Chad had two cars, both Fords.
{ one is perfect.}

-- You can drop it off in the morning; we will serve breakfast...say 10:30 Phil.
-- Great ! I said...., and off I went to rescue Tristan and Marianne.
......I pulled into the Convenience store. Sure enough there is group of about ten hanging out in front of the store, just kids having fun. I knew about half of them...hell some had been to my place for a gathering or two.
......I went in and brought Marianne and Tristan outside and introduced them to the kids ... I told all that Marianne and Tristan were personnel friends and to treat them thusly...the kids are alright..., I winked at Maxine, a dark angel. She stops in frequently..., I think she has a crush on me; but she is too young.
..... By the time Marianne and Tristan got into the car they felt much better; they had new acquaintances. Marianne was a hit, no surprise there.
......Most of these kids are local kids with some street smarts, a big plus for a couple like Tristan and Marianne; your basic yuppies.
......I looped the block to drop off my passengers and noticed my roomy had a GATHERING happening at our place. As it turns out, Marianne and Tristan were my neighbours; they live one block away from my place. Who knew.
......Tristan and Marianne lived in an expensive walled off condo development...I lived in an older home, not so nice. Manny and I liked our had a large back yard...with a huge patio...most of the yard backed onto a ravine..., hence the gatherings at our place. Our neighbourhood was a bit rough, but not too bad for a city this size. We had great neighbours... regulars at our parties.

-- Tristan.., you and the wife should come in for a bit, you will meet some fun people. There will be booze... [ I paused for a second. ] ... It would be a plus to know some of these folks. They look out for one another, you too if they know you, they are mostly locals, just like the kids from the Convenience store...

......I saw them look at one another.
-- Do not worry; I will look out for you !

......I introduced Tristan and Marianne to most of the crowd. They fit in right away. Seems a couple of our regulars live in the same complex as Tristan and Marianne.
......My roomy, Manny... was in one of the bedrooms fucking his girl.
......I made Tristan and Marianne their drinks ... no spiking..., the way Marianne looked I knew to keep an eye on her.
......I wandered around talking with friends, and I kept an eye on Marianne and Tristan...well mostly Marianne ... I did not want her falling prey to some of our less scrupulous friends. I have lots of those.
......During my wanderings I found Jodi. Jodi is a lady I have known for several years. We used to go together but I strayed...that pissed her off for a long while. Over the past year or so Jodi has been trying to re-kindle our relationship. I guess she is desperate... lol.
......Jodi works until 2:00am serving drinks at - Mario-s Bar & Grill - , about a mile from the house. She never misses a chance to attend one of our Gatherings.
......Jodi was sitting on an ottoman in shadows, head down, knees up, and her dress draped between her legs covering her. Her pose was sensual, and that would be accidental I surmised..., she looked tired. I looked at her for a second:

-- Hey You ! ... I said as I neared.

......Jodi looked up and I could see her spirits soar. Her smile moved like a sunrise and seemed to illuminate that shadowy corner. She quickly looked about and opened her legs, pushing her dark dress down to cover herself. I smiled back at her.
......Her black heels looked worn from all the time she spends on her feet. Jodi is tall for an Asian lady...five nine I think...,and drop dead gorgeous. Actually, if memory serves, I think Jodi has some German in her; that would account for the nice ass on her; which I tried to fuck one drunken night and got punched in the mouth for my efforts, but I digress.
.....Jodi keeps her hair short with one blonde-red streak..., it looks a little like a rising Sun.
......Squatting between her legs I moved her knees in tight to my ribs, under my arms, and placed a hand upon each thigh, about the mid-thigh.

-- How ya doing honey ? ...

-- Tired Phil, but happy to see you... I thought you were not going to be here tonight... That really flattened my mood !

-- I went to a party a Maude-s ..., with Monique. I wish you would have been available Jodi that would have been great... [Her eyes lit up.]

-- You mean it Phil, I miss you allot lately!

......Jodi moved forward giving me a gentle kiss. I kissed her back and moved in tighter. Jodi-s legs opened wider as I pushed myself in close. We kissed again, a lingering kisses...the way people in love kiss. Jodi cupped my face as we kissed...I moved one hand to the nape of her neck ... the left hand.
......The right hand found her pussy through her dress. Jodi startled and buried her face in my collar. I touched Jodi gently, stroking her pussy through her dress and panties...feeling those soft lips. Touching her pussy has always been a pleasure for me...Her pussy lips are flat...especially when she is spread.
......I did not push into her...I massaged Jodi-s pussy, sliding my fingers along the axis of her crotch, her softness sent a tingle through my fingers. I love the heat of a woman. I made love to Jodi-s sweet pussy in those shadows...Jodi came she always does.
......People walked by us but no one said a thing...they all know that Jodi was trying to get back together with me... Most of the women here think I am a jerk for cheating on Jodi.
.......The things a woman will allow when she is trying to capture a man; it always amazes me... I love the power.
......Jodi wears panties one size to big. She likes the comfort they offer. Her thigh hi-hose help to keep her cool at work... and hot to touch... she really is very accommodating...I should hook-up with her again... I am such an asshole; one for the ladies.
......Jodi and I talked in our little corner for perhaps half an hour. Our conversation was interrupted by some guy yelling about how wild some chick was dancing.

......... Oh ..., shhh-it..., Marianne! I said out load.
...I explained to Jodi in a few words and headed for the patio.

-- Phil, can come along ?
-- Sure you can. I answered.

.......Jodi and I emerged from the house onto the patio to see Marianne flying across the patio ...she certainly had captured the attention of every male present. Jodi and I looked at one another:

-- Someone as given her something......Jodi proclaimed.
......For the next half hour, more or less, Jodi and I kept a careful eye on both Tristan and Marianne..., especially Marianne. I knew my crowd and some of these guys would drug her to get her..., and that appears to be the gist of what is happening.
......She kept up her supersonic dancing. I turned my head for a few seconds and when I looked back Marianne was chug-a-lugging some ones drink

-- NO MORE ALCOHOL ! ...I yelled.

...I got some crude remarks and Marianne stuck her tongue out at me before yelling:

...... She danced solo on the patio..., almost everyone watched. ..., Marianne was soaring...fuck could she fly.
...... Her black dress barely covering her under-garment; although through glimpses we all knew she was wearing white. Christ she is hot...
..., ..., ..., then someone played White Rabbit.., a favourite with this crowd. Marianne fuck-n flew .., I did not think she could move any quicker..., I was wrong. Marianne dug down deep, giving us a little bump and grind... I am sure she had an orgasm while dancing on the patio.
.......Marianne must have taken dancing instructions, and a lot of them; she is good. The gathering, some thirty plus souls...went fucking nuts...
..., and in keeping with our gangs penchant for all things sordid... the Gathering sang along with - White Rabbit - in an uproarious fashion, changing the last two lines ... from Keep your head..., to give us head...
.......Marianne tipped her head back and feigned swallowing while sucking cock ...I thought she was going to be raped... Marianne proved that old adage of safety in numbers.
.......The sun was rising by the time Marianne cooled her jets. Tristan had passed out about a half-hour before Marianne ran out of fuel. Someone covered Tristan as he lay sleeping on the grass. Jodi and I woke Tristan and walked a staggering Tristan to Chad and Kerry-s car. It was a struggle but Jodi and I got Tristan to settle into the backseat. Tristan assuredly liked Jodi.
.......Marianne is such a dream..., light as a feather..., and smells so fucking good... I told Jodi I could eat her... Jodi-s response:
-- Why don’t you?
.................................I was surprised..., no..., more like shocked.
......Marianne was not unconscious but she was exhausted. Jodi helped support her head as I carried her to the car. Her pretty legs dangling, skirt up enough to show a hint of her underwear; white with frills and flounces...,those white panties of hers extended along her thighs three or four inches.... good thing too because Marianne-s panties caught the eye of many a male, and some females, as Marianne-s erotic dancing roused the group. If she had worn form fitting panties it would have been a fist fight with some of my friends to keep her clothes on.
-- Why don’t you, I am going to give Tristan a bj... Jodi smiled.
....... I give her a questioning look. I am sure my mouth was open.

-- I have changed my outlook on life since I was raped Phil.
....... I did not answer. Who in the hell was this woman, not the Jodi I know.

......We got Marianne and Tristan home, Tristan on the bed... Marianne still to be put to bed...I was in no hurry...salivating like I was having a fit... Fuck she looked good lying on her sofa in her black dress.
......Stunning legs on that woman; I said to myself. A fucking little Angel...I just know she has a gorgeous pussy.

-- Phil, let’s give them some relief..., I love sucking small cocks..., and you are right, Marianne is a dream...if I was a lesbo I would fight you for her......

......I laughed.... I would lose, Jodi has a Black Belt; she got very serious after she was raped.

-- Come on, I will help you take her panties off... I want to see that pussy of her-s. You have gotten me curious Phil...

.......I was completely flabbergasted, and how in the hell did she know Tristan had a small cock?
Jodi and I talked, I mean Jodi talked..., I was too dumbfounded to put up any kind of argument. The result of the discussion was that I would sit in the living room and ogle Marianne while Jodi blew Tristan.

....................I hear voices, the voices got loader.... the voices become quiet ... I heard slapping ... [Tristan is being spanked ... I smile]... grunting... [That has to be Tristan]... more quiet, then just the sounds of the bed moving...
......One more very load slap followed by an: - ouch! - I could not tell if it was Jodi or Tristan.
......Waiting patiently, looking at Marianne; time is slipping by and my dream girl has nodded off... I hear a little giggle from Jodi and the door closes. Jodi heads straight for the bathroom...

-- Fuck it !
......I knelt on the carpet beside Marianne, looking at her legs, her bare feet, and her hem-line. Leaning in close I kiss her lovely toned thighs..., so white, so bare; the light illuminating those tiny hairs we humans have... Sliding my lips along the length of her thigh..., my lips tingle... I stop to rub my lips..., erasing the tickling sensation.
......I rest my cheek on her upper thighs looking at her face, feeling the warmth and softness of her body. My nose is adjacent to her hem-line...I inhale deeply...the mild scent of a woman, after all that dancing...., sweating, a mild scent...I am in love. I look past her hem-line to her breasts..., her stomach so flat. I watch her body move as she breathes.
......Looking up her dress I see that white under-garment she chose ..., frilly..., lacy.
......Looking to her lovely face, those hazel eyes closed..., her lips slightly apart revealing a hint of her perfect teeth. Her light-brown her partially covering her face, parted by her nose; just reaching her mouth.
......I look at her hand lying across her tummy; slender in and of itself; delicate fingers, a hand a model would love to have...

-- She does have a slight Emma Watson look to her...,I whisper to myself; or so I thought.

......Her hand moves to the back of my head and she simply says;
-- Emma here.

......I look up smiling...
......Moving my face to her tummy, pressing my nose into her warm soft abdomen, I mumble:
-- I am so in love with you !

-- You are !...... she says.

...... I look and see her smile, a gleam in her eyes... her smile changes to a devilish grin.
-- Ya..., you are an Angel. God I want to eat you !

......At that precise moment Jodi enters the room with a one word exclamation;
-- NEXT !
......Followed by an uncustomary laugh.

......Marianne looks towards Jodi with that smile.
......I never changed my is all Marianne for Universe lies right in front of me, under that beautiful black dress.
-- We are going to take those fancy panties of yours off and lick your pussy sweetie !...... Jodi say-s to Marianne...

......I turn my face and nuzzle Marianne-s tummy. Her dress moves with my face. Her hand never leaves my head, in fact, a second hand touches my head.
-- Lick away..., she says.

......I pull away, looking at Marianne.
-- My, what big eyes you have; she says..., laughing.

......Jodi laughs. Marianne lifts her hips.

-- Let me take your panties off Marianne, I want the pleasure of taking off what so many others dreamed of doing... I said.

-- Sure ! ...Marianne says and winks.

......Jodi has moved beside me...
-- I have got to see this pussy of yours Marianne ....Phil thinks you are a goddess !

......I never checked for reactions, I was in heaven. I reached for those fancy panties slipping my fingers under the waist band. Marianne-s panties began their journey off her hips, showing her toned tummy..., revealing the hollows near her hip bones... smooth blemish free skin. The slow descent yields a patch of light brown hair, small in area, soft, and easy on the eye. My nose finds itself rubbing and enjoying her mound with just a hint of her sex.
......Her panties move along her thighs..., stopping, I leer at Marianne’s sexy body.
......Sliding Marianne-s panties past her knees; inching them along..., down her calve-s.
...Fucking gorgeous legs on this woman, I think to myself, or maybe I spoke, as I heard a thank-you from Marianne.

......Marianne crosses her ankles stopping the removal of her panties. I look at her face, she smiles at me. Marianne lifts her legs straight up pointing her toes to the ceiling; holding her panties high in the air like a flag on a mast.
....................... She opens her legs into a beautiful vee..., her panties taunt between her ankles. I can see her pussy... my GOD..., I mutter.
................................ GASP !


..............S L A P !

......................................... O U C H !
--- F U C K - J O D I !

--- P I G ... !

.......I dove at Marianne, inhaling her fragrance..
.......Marianne; panties hooked across her ankles, legs up, and that perfect pussy looking at me, winking at me... I smile.
.......I was too busy licking her to notice that Jodi and Marianne had taken Marianne-s dress off her shoulders ....when I came up for air I saw Jodi sucking Marianne-s tit. I looked at Marianne...she was looking into deep space; her passion was turning her body a beautiful pink-ish hue...
.......Swooping in, devouring Marianne-s pussy..., licking..., sucking..., poking..., rimming; I was drooling all over Marianne-s crotch. Bathing her in my saliva, my tongue invading each and every fold..., massaging her little clit.

......Jodi looked at me briefly, repositioned herself and resumed her assault on Marianne-s nipples...
......Marianne-s hips went into overdrive when she had her orgasm. She thrashed about, her mind quietly unleashing fire-works.
......Burying my face between her legs licking that little cunt of hers...I cannot get enough of her.
......Resting my head between her legs..., thinking I was done..., my shorts drenched with pre-cum.
......Jodi and Marianne continued. Soon Marianne-s body was rocking again. I looked to see what was going on and saw Jodi working those breasts. I flicked Marianne-s clit and she jumped..., her hips moving in more of a grinding-fucking motion.
......I heard groaning and looked to see Jodi nearing orgasm...Marianne had her hand under Jodi-s dress.
......Jodi reared back; letting out a soft groan...her body quivering as she came, and then as if on auto-pilot, back to Marianne; attacking her tits...biting them ...Marianne yelped... Marianne never missed a beat on her way to her second orgasm...
................................Me; I licked Marianne-s pretty pussy, slobbering lick a drunken foul.
......I started to leave to go home and shower, I had a car to return. Jodi and Marianne bonded ... or something. When I left the girls were on that large sofa intertwined, limb for limb...sleeping.
......I stood and looked for a moment at these two beautiful young women together on the sofa...then with a chuckle I thought, and people think there is no GOD.
......Only a GOD could create such beauty..., and the Phil-ster was with them both in one night.

......I bounded down the stairs feeling the euphoria of my close relationship with GOD, OR AM I GOD...
I slowed my pace..., just in case.
...................................................AH, euphoria.
................I phoned Chad and Kerry to explain that I would shower and then bring the car one answered so I left a message.
......It was near noon by the time I arrived at Chad and Kerry-s house. I rang the door bell, no answer... What to do?
......I had B & E - ed ... too many places in my life to think about walking casually into some ones home.
......I walked through the side gate into the back yard...,..., again no one... although I could see were someone had been sipping on a coffee... I figured Chad might have had an early morning brew before hitting the sack.
......What to do with the car keys? ... I did not want to leave them outside or in the mail box... I thought maybe I should take them with me.
......After some thought I tried the patio was unlocked...concerned, and surprised, I went inside their home...what is the worst that can happen...I scare them half to death.
......I decided to check out the house to see if someone was home..., and safe. Taking off my sandals, I walked about the house for several minutes... No one around, I even went into the basement...still no one.
......I thought for a minute. Maybe they are visiting a neighbour and they leave the patio door unlocked for easy entry when they return... hell I do not know. I decided to leave. I placed the keys on the kitchen table on my way out.
......I noticed a picture of Kerry in her University colors, so I decided to have closer look.
......Approaching the mantle I saw toes peeking over the arm of the chesterfield in their den. Female toes. so it must be Kerry. I quietly walked over to the chesterfield, the one place I never looked. Sure enough Kerry was sleeping on her chesterfield. She had a throw covering her.
......I glanced at the picture on the mantle...I wanted a better look so I carefully snuck over for a closer look at her picture... Nice I thought, I did not recognize the school...I never went to I never really paid much attention.
......I turned to leave and bumped into the metal thing-s they use in the fire place...making one hell of a noise... Kerry screamed... , I jumped knocking into them again, making more noise ...Kerry screamed again...
......I looked over at her and smiled, sheepishly...what else could I do. Kerry was sitting up, wide eyed, her hands clasping her throw to her chest. I could see I scared the shit out of her. She looked like a Guppy breathing in a fish tank... gasping for air...

-- Sorry !.......... I noticed your school picture..., I dropped the car keys off.
......I was fumbling for the right words to comfort her.

......No reply, Kerry was still doing her impersonation of a Guppy. I carefully navigated my way past the hearth to Kerry, leaning forward placing my hands on her shoulders, hoping to calm her.
.............Stooping, I said;
-- It is me, Phil..., you know from last night-s party...I borrowed your car...

......She still was not talking but she did nod..., good news I thought... I stood..., and checking behind me..., stepped back giving her some space.
......Kerry grabbed my hand as I retreated, pulling herself up. She wrapped her arms around my body holding onto me tightly...Kerry was shivering...
......Jeez I thought, I really scared her...I felt bad.

-- Hold me Phil ! [ She continued to shake]

......It is summer, I had showered and intended to walk home and enjoy the sun. I wore a light shirt with shorts, no underwear...just me and two pieces of tailored cloth.
......Kerry was in my arms wearing a thin nightie..., her breasts were pressing into me as we hugged. Young firm breasts; her throw had fallen to the floor between us.
......Kerry is a tall girl with shoulder length dark brown hair. Her face is narrow, her nose is prominent. She is small boned, has narrow square shoulders, long slender arms and legs, a narrow waist with a gentle flare to her hips...,and no kids. She could be a model I suspect...but then again, I think that about all pretty women.
-- I thought you ... ... to rape me; she said, stammering.

......I do not know what came over me, I picked her up and carried her down the hallway to her bedroom, kicking the door closed behind me, noisily as it turned out... Kerry just looked at me, her legs and arms dangling as I carried her.
......I put Kerry down on her bed, she quickly got off the bed...she stood her bedroom, wide eyed and panting...or was it hyperventilating...was she scared or excited ?

......In ten seconds I was naked in front of her, shirt off, shorts on the carpet by my feet... Kerry stood still, frozen in the moment..., her eyes fixed on my cock... There were no signs of fear that I could detect..., and yet..., her eyes never left my erection..., and I had on a beauty, pointing straight at her.

......I stood still, looking at her, watching her nostrils flare as she took each breath... Her mouth, slightly pursed... Kerry-s need was glaring..., or so it seemed to me... I slip the straps of her nightie off her shoulders and stepping back..., watching her nightie move down her body, catching for a millisecond on her erect nipples...
......Picking her up I lay her on the bed she shares with her husband... ...My mouth takes in her nipple... teasing it with my lower lip...pushing her firm tits about with my lips, sucking her nipples..., and at the same time moving onto the bed, putting first one, then a second knee between her legs... Kerry-s legs move apart.
......Kerry gasps, Kerry eyes flutter, her back arches...

......Spreading her legs farther apart..., looking down at her flawless skin...,her open thighs; damn she has a body on her ...,fantastic... Staring at Kerry-s tongue touches my upper lip for a moment..., those eyes...,staring at me... ... I am going to fuck the ass off this woman...
....................................her lovely dark brown bush..., covering her..., taking a moment..., spreading her lips, pushing any hair aside... I quickly lick Kerry ... Mmmmm ...
......Kerry seems paralyzed, looking inward..., waiting for good..., or evil, I do not know which.

......I move the head of my cock against her...pushing against her soft, warm pussy..., my cock slips past the muscle guarding her sacred place... She resists my entry..., my cock loves it... I love the tightness..., pushing hard... I take Kerry in one motion... the head popping through into her cunt.

......Grabbing Kerry-s wrists..., she does not struggle....... I fuck her.
......Her eyes..., her eyes blink, and blink...her eyes roll back..., almost all white..., her lips purse... Kerry-s breathing is odd, and almost none-existent.
......Kerry-s hips move ..., in jerking motions:

--- Uh...uh...uh, uh, uh, uh, uh ..., huhnn !
......I c u m ... ... it feels so good ... feeling myself squirt into Kerry. Putting my cream into this lady.
......Laying with Kerry..., my balls empty..., my proud cock limp..., I begin to vilify my actions. I lay there..., waiting for Kerry-s reaction... too being raped...
......I wonder, am I going to jail ?

............ I feel a hand...,..., a gentle touch... she rolls on her side. I look at Kerry... She lifts her head kissing me softly on the cheek.

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