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I am Deepika, a 16 year old girl and I live in Kolkata, India. I had been fucked in the school bus and in a public transport during the first two days of my initiation into the world of sex. My reputation in the school had also undergone a sea change. Rajiv and his friends as well as some of my seniors knew me as a whore for hire
I am Deepika, a 16 year old girl and I live in Kolkata, India. I had been fucked in the school bus and in a public transport during the first two days of my initiation into the world of sex. My reputation in the school had also undergone a sea change. Rajiv and his friends as well as some of my seniors knew me as a whore for hire. Moreover I was ready to do anything, gangbang, anal, strip show (invariably followed by a fuck), blowjobs and that too for free. I didn’t exactly set out to be the slut of the school but I got a strange kind of thrill being naked in front of people I knew and that too among a group of people. I had begun to like and enjoy the embarassment. Infact I used to flash my assets to everybody and anybody whenever I got a chance. I used to wear short skirts with no panties, and made sure to bend over or spread my legs apart in public to the eyes of those people who would try to stare up my skirt or down my blouse. It would always be an innocent and innocuous looking action of mine which would have their gazes transixed at my butt, pussy or thighs but would give no hint to anybody else. Also although my reputation at school was in tatters I was careful enough not loose any of that in my locality or in my house. But I was brave enough to still provide some glimpses to the milkman, laundry man and the young man who worked at our house. The action were such that everyone enjoyed the free nude show but no one suspected that it was intentional. Little did I know that my acts of bravado would lead me to becoming a full fledged whore who will be on call all the time. Not that I was very unhappy with the developments which were about to happen.
Raja was a man who used to work at our house, he used to take care of almost all the household chores including groceries, cooking, washing, driving, odd jobs etc. He used to live nearby. He was about 26 ears of age and was big and strong guy towering over me at about 6 feet. He was quite a plump fellow who was very genial and almost like a gentle giant. I liked him a lot, mabe because he provided me special attention. He used to talk to me and would do most of my work like cleaning up m room etc. which would keep me in the good books of my parents and he would do it for free. I had a faint idea why he did it because once I had seen me looking up m skirt tring to get a look at m pussy while I was asleep and the door to my room was open. Actually I was wide awake, he had not realised it and hence he had even tried o push up my skirt. Had he not got a call from my mother I am sure he would have pulled up my skirt and seen what he wanted. I suspected being in m good books gave him a chance to rape me with his eyes. Anyway, one Saturday which is a school holiday I was in my housedoing my chores and Raja was doing his own when mother called me down and said that she will be leaving for the day along with my brother to my aunt’s house and will return only during supper. She knew I never wanted to go to aunt and hence she did not ask me. Instead she said that if I went to a friends house I can just call her and she is taking the duplicate keys. Raja was standing in the hallway and had heard it and smiled at me. I amiled back, said bye to my mother and went back upstairs. Soon I had the house to myself. Raja took the car and drove m mother to her destination. It was around 12 o clock that Raja returned with the car.
I had just got out of the shower and had heard the car stop at our gate. I was wet and clad in onl a towel and heard Raja open the collapsible iron gate and come in to keep the car keys. Normally he just kept the car keys down at the table near the door. I knew he had gathered I am alone in the house and he was always eager to be around me for obvious reasons and I half hoped he would come up to my room. Immediately I devised a plan to tease him a bit and fulfill my exhibitionist urges. I ran to my mother’s room and fortunately found her closet open. I rummaged through her hidden drawers to find her sexy lingerie, I knew because I had worn them before when I was alone. I wanted it to be short and sexy which can pass off as a comfortable but sexy but not too raunch for a school girl. I found just a perfect piece made of satin with no panties which I thought would not be necessar as I was not planning on an upskirt views. I assumed it would fit me perfectly as I had the same height and almost the same full figure as my mother. I just took it ran to my room, removed the towel and as I was completely naked and about to wear the lingerie when I heard footsteps on the stairs. My door was simply closed but unlocked and I knew I had just enough time to pullover the lingerie as my guess had proved correct, Raja had indeed decided to come up to my room. I quickly pulled over the satin single piece lingerie and was adjusting it while thinking that Raja will knock on the door before opening it. But I was wrong as just as I had covered my self the door swung open and I was taken aback. Standing at the door was Raja but he was not alone. Along with him were 4 more guys whom I recognised immediately. One was our neighbourhood tout and liquor shop owner Sunil, another was the tea shop owner near our house Ashok, Papai our school van driver and the last one was the pan shop owner Benarasi. All three were of the same age group and were big and burl men. I was dumb struck at why the were in the house and I was beginning to wonder about m predicament. I was standing in my room in a satin lingerie which was more than an Tshirt and less than a frock. In fact I had now realised that the constant sucking and fucking which I had undergone during the last few months averaging about twice everyda had really filled my body out. My butt as well as my boobs has increased in size to take care of the increased physical workload. So basically the nightie which was already quite short was not enough to cover my substantial assets. It was barely below my pussy and fromm behind I could feel that quite a good portion of my ass was visible. Infact I could feel my big round ass was out there in the open as I had no panties on, moreover the lingerie was backless so my soft back was also naked. I had begunm to realize wgy thee pieces are called negligee. I knew I could not turn my back anmd was standing right in the middle of the room with nothing to cover myself, so the only thing .which occurred to me was cover my boobs, which were almost falling out of the clothes with my hands. But as I did so the lower portion of the nightie moved up ever so slightli to reveal a bit of my snatch so one of my hands reached down to cover my pussy. Everything which mattered was out there in the open for meveryone to see and admire.
Raja and his friends were also aghast at this sudden development. I think Raja .had come to enjoy a uuuick view of mme but the show which I had put on must have pleasantly surprised him. From the faces of the rest of the fellows I could see that they were uite ready to fuck my brains out if given the slightest invitation. I had already messed up big time with my attire and decision to tease Raja. On the contrary Raja .and his friends played it real smart. (Raja was the first to shake evryone out of the stalemate.
“Hello Deepika bitiya, I hope we did not disturb you, perhaps you were trying out your mothers clothes. I must say ou have grown up uite a bit and have become a very beautiful woman’
I was stunned as I back tracked to my bed and puicked up a pillow to cover myself better. I was a whore but I knew better than to become an exhibit in my locality. My parents would have thrown me out on the streets. I had to get myself out of this embarassing situation.
I feingned innocence and said “*Raja Bhaiya, I was just putting this on as I had no clothes to wear, Anyway it is good to see youu. You can just keep the car keys on the table and go on with youur day, you must be busy? ’
Raja “Oh don’t worry about me bitiya. I am always at your service. Mabe youu are feeling alone so I brought some of my friends so that we can keep you company”
“No No Raja bhaiya, its ok I am fine and I have to study”
Raja “Ok Dear, but there was another thing. We had bought 5 movie tickets but one of our friends is sick so we thought since ou are alone maybe you canm come with us and enjoy, We will return back in about 4 hours before youur father is here”
“No Raja Bhaiya, I have to do somme homework”
Raja “Offcourse, I under8stand that you are a very good school girl. No problem I will just let your parent know that you are growing up and trying out your mothers skimpy outfits and since you don’t like wearing panties maybe they ought to buy you something else” and he smirked
I clearly understood the vieled threat, I was more afraid of the fact that they were four guys of our locality and since they had already known about my being pantyless most of the time I couuld well imagine how long it would take for the rest of the male population of the locality to know.
“No No Raja Bhaiya, just let mme change and I will comme with you. It will be a real pleasure”
I asked them to wait outside and decided that mmaybe I can get out o this situation with my clothes intact if I played it correctly. I was quite afraid to think about the conseuences if one of these bastards spilled the beans in my locality.
I decided to dress a bit more decently than usual. I picked out a knee length skirt and a T shirt and made sure that I wore my panties and bra. I knew they had seen me semi naked and might try to get into my panties one way or the other but I had decided to play innocent as well as a virgimn. I was quite sure that they had no inkling that I enjoyed being fucked apart. Although I was uite thrilled to know that even my locality ruffians found me so sexy so as to summon enough courage to take me to a movie and come up to mmy room. But all of them were unattractive, mmiddle aged and had huge bellies. Everyone of them was about one and a half times as big as me atleast. I could only imagine how big mthere cocks could be. I knew it would be difficult restraining them as well as me. Provocation would mean that in all probability I would be a certified whore in my locality.
I walked out of the gate and saw they were already seated in the car with Ashok standing outside. Sunil and Raja were in the front , Benarasi and Papai were sitting at the back chewing pan. I went and sat inside at the back along with Papai and Benarasi and thought Ashok wouuld sit at the front. Instead Raja turned and said
“ Deepika Bitiya, why don’t you sit on somebody’s lap as 3 persons at the front will be dangerous.”
This was the first blow of the evening, I could not argue as cops here were strict, not to mention it was dangerous too. I stood up inside the car, with my ass in the face of Benarasi, He asked me to hold tha pose for a second while holding my thighs balance me. Papai put both his hands cupping my ass to support me further while I was bending over revealing my cleavage to the 2 persons sitting at the front. Ashok took a long time adjusting himself and as he closed the door, Raja accelerated the car as I was pushed back and plomped on the lap of Papai and Benarasi such that I was like a child sleeping on two persons laps and on me back. Ashok said,
“You can stay thay way if you are comfortable”. My skirt was upto mid thigh, legs apart facing Ashok, while I was laying on Papai and Benarasi lap, with my T shirt ridding up and my smooth and soft navel visible. I uickly got up and adjusted myself, but they would have none of it. Papai just grabbed me tightly and pulled me completely into his lap like a child. I knew there was no use fighting 5 grown up guys who had already seen me semi naked.
Then started the small talk, as all the guys formally introduced themselves, all the while pinching my cheeks as if I was a child.
“So yo are in class X. That’s great, you look like a mmature young lady already”
“Oh she is a young lady, don’t you patronize her. She is also beautiful”
‘’I bet you mhave a boyfriend. No?”
“I must tell you all these boys will try to fuck you, just be careful”
“Mind your language in front of this child”
“Oh common, she is not a child , she is already in class X, she must have already been fucked a thousand timmes. The school she studies in is a whore house anyway”
“Ohh cmon, not everyone who studies in thaht school has been gang banged. I know Deepika is a very good girl, she must have been feeling a bit horny so must have tried on that nightie. But we will not tell anybody nor even her parents. The pictures which we will have will be a private collection for us only”
I was sitting on the lap and listening to everything with bated breath as everybody was trying to find out whether I was horny enough to get fucked when suddenly the talk of pictures had my ears at attention. I asked Raja
“Raja Bhaiya, what pictures are you talking about?”
Papai pulled out his cell phones and began to show me about 20 pictures of me in thaht skimpy lingerie in my room. The pictuures clearly showed my pussy and boobs . There was nothing left to the imagination. If those were put on the internet I would be finished. I cursed myself for that silly idea, and started to beg, it was a sign that I had surrendered. They were holding all the aces.
“Raja Bhaiya, please delete those pictures. I will give you all the money I have, just delete those and tell me what you want?”
“Oh , don’t get us wrong, Papai will only have those pictures for personal purpose. I will never tell anything to anybody. Just relax. Enjoy the movie which we will be watching. For get about the pictures. I know you will do wahtever we ask of you. ” and everybody laughed
Papai just held me tighter, this time his hands had gone below my tshirt and now they were already on my navel and he had started to caress my stomach. With each passing bump his hands were mmoving up to my breasts. After about a minute or so his hands were already touching my bra and my t shirt was up till my chest such that my entire stomach was visible. Whenever the car swerved someone or the other would bump into me, touching my skin or my boobs or would put their hands on my naked thighs which were placed such that one of Papai’s legs were in between my two legs so Basically my ass was cradling in his lap such that my butt crack was over his semi hard penis. Evrytime someone put their hand on my thigh they would push up the skirt a little bit higher. By then half of my milky white and smooth thighs were on show and everyone was just putting their hands o and caressing them whenever they felt like it. I was In no position to adjust and I knew all attempts were futile and their threat was also ringing in my ears.
Somehow we reached the cinema hall and nobody had touched my boobs or pussy yet, but I had an inkling that I would be gangraped very soon. I was just trying to avoid being fucked in a public place as the cinema hall was not very far from my locality and I used to frequent the nearby areas almost daily. I couldn’t risk being recognised. Somehow I got out of the car. But was again wedged in between the group of five and Papai’s hands were still on my stomach as if we were like boyfriend and girlfriend walking in a park. We entered the ciname hall and even in dim light I could see that the crowd in the hall was full of our locality ruffians and the people from the nearby slums and all of them were males apart from maybe two or three girls or women who were also sitting in corners with their partners and by the looks of their faces and their postures they were being fucked or fingered or sueezed. I was suspicious as even outside the movie posters were not something which I recognised of any special movie.
“Raja Bhaiya, what movie is this?”
“Deepika bitiya this is an educational and romatic movie and is English. You will enjoy it and it will be a novelty for you. You will learn a lot of things which will be helpful to you in your future relationships. You will come to know soon”
We sat down such that I was again in the middle of Papai and Raja and they began to talk to me about my school and stuff while putting their hand on my thighs. It was hot and humid and the fans inside were not doing a good job, and maybe the activities going on inside the theatre were also not helping matters. Bythen I had already spotted some pairs and groupd with girls who were sprawled on the seats or in the corners and were being sueezed, fingered, licked and fucked though not openly and such that they could cover up if anybody went too near. It was like a public porn show. I had not idea that the theatre was so seedy. Anyway I was sweating profusely. All the males with me were already half naked with their shirts and t shirts hanging on the seats in front and Benarasi and Ashok who were in lungi ahd pulled it up till half their thighs such that their thickset muscular and hairy thighs were visible. I was anxious and hence was not even moving from my postion although I was very uncomfortable. My panty was almost wet with sweat and was moving up my ass and my boobs wanted to be let out in the open as the bra was old and since I had last worn that bra I had grown my breasts almost thirty percent so it was very tight. Also because of that my breasts were looking enticing than usual as they were pushed up due to the tight bra. Anyway Raja sensed my dilemma and provided a very easy solution
“Deepika bitiya, why don’t you open your shirt and cool off a bit. Nobody can see anything in this darkness and anyway you are just a child so nobody will mind. Anyway you havent started wearing bras and must be wearing something more girlish so you will not be naked”
I was again aghast at his courage to ask me virtually for a strip show in a movie theatre. I blurted out in no uncertain terms
“No, I am wearing a bra but I am very comfortable, Thanks or your care”
Papai chimed in
“Ok all right, why don’t you take out your bra and then you would be more comfortable, Anyway your shirt is already very wet and if you keep wearing it maybe after sometime it will not matter whether you are wearing a bra or not as your wet shirt sticking to those huge boobies of yours will mreveal evrything. Don’t take us otherwise we are like your big brothers, nobody will harm you here even if youu parade naked in this theatre with your watermelon like ass and your boobies like ripe mangoes”
The way he described my assets in front of everybody and loudly enough for anybody to hear I did not know wehther to be embarrased or appreciate his poetic rendition. I realised what he was saying was the truth and I ha to get rid off my bra and maybe I will slip my panties off as well as I half haoped that they did not grope me in the car, they would not want to do it in a crowded theatre to a girl who was below the agem of consent. They would not notice the difference.
As a I stood up everybody stood up with me and came along
“We don’t want you to run off to your house”
I smiled and went into the ladies bathroom. As I entered I was stunned to see a lady being fucked doggy style by a man inside the chamber. The door was closed but the door did not cover anything below the knee so 2 pairs of legs and their postions as well as the mmoaning and screams told the entire story.
I uickly went into a chamber and removed my undergarments but immediately was in a predicamment about were to keep it so I just took them in a hand and came outside. As soon as I stepped out, Ashok grapped the pieces of my undergarments from myt hands
“Let me hold it for you. I will keep it in my pocket” I reluctantly agreed but regretted it soon as I saw everyone having a good look at my bra and panty in full view of the theatre staff as we made our way inside. As we sat down I was again sandwiched bewteen two guys who were literally falling over me. Then started the small talk again
“ Your boobs don’t look this small. I have fucked a number of girls from your school so I know. Even from your shirt I can say your boobs are one of the biggest and tightest I, and I know since I have squeezed a lot of those”
“Ya, I agree and also the girls from her school grow big pretty quickly just like her, I wonder why”
“They get fucked a lot, that’s why they grow big. I bet Deepika also is a slut like the rest of them. Just look at her, sitting with no bra and panties”
“Oh cmon, leave her out of this. Deepika bitiya is a very decent girl. She is not like the rest of the girls we have fucked. She is young and developing into a fine sexy woman. Maybe she is on some medicines. I know her well. I bet she is a virgin” Raja defended me
“OK then I bet 1000 bucks she is not a virgin. Lets check it right now, I bet even now she is horny as hell and is wet and sloppy ready to get fucked”
“Yes lets do it, lets check her cunt ” veryody joined in
“OK lets ask her whether she wants to have her cunt checked over here os somewhere else” Raja bhaiya intervened
I didn’t know whether to thank him or to slap him. They were talking aout checking my cunt in a public theatre like they were going out on a lunch and were ordering a dish. I was just amazed, when Raja bhaiya spoke
“Bitiya, these ruffians think you are a slut but I know you are not. Ihave to convince them that you are a decent girl. I request you to let us examine your cunt and e satisfied that its not wet and you are a virgin, and then I will slap each one of them. Moreover each of them will also pay you a 1000 bucks.”
I was dumbstruck at the ridiculous offer. But before I could say no I remembered their threat and I was sure that I was not wet and also that it would be impossible for them to identify wehther I was a virgin or not without fucking me. So reluctantly I just pushed my head down and sat there. They took this gesture as a meek surrender.
So 2 of them went behind my seat and pulled my head back such that my head was resting on the seat head rest and I was looking at the ceiling. They also held my hands up and above my head and held them tight so that I would not be able to use them. Most of the people who had heard the conversation were now eagerly looking at me to see what would happen. Through the corner of my eyes I could see many had even took out their cell phones. I could hear the moans of the girl being fucked on the creen and had realizwed that it was an adult movie theatre.
Suddenly I felt somebody spreading my legs apart, and they were put on the hand rests of the adjacent seats. So my skirt was somehow covering my crotch as it was quite long, otherwise it was already above mmy mid thighs. I could see people gathering closer to mme to get a closer look at the bitch in the theatre. My breathing was getting heavier in anticipation as I was hearing the lewd commments being passed around. Somebody had already placed a bet on whether I would cum even before I would be fucked. My face was flush not out of embarassment but out of sexual anticipation. My head was forcibly held in such a position that I would not be able to see anything but the ceiling or the face of the person who was standing holding my head, at this time who was Ashok. Just as I was wondering, I felt a la9rge rough hand on mmy minner thigh just below my pussy, it was very gently caressing my thighs. I was forced to close my 9eyes as immediately I was aroused at this unexpected event. I was prepared to get raveged in this movie theatre by all the ugly people and was already mentally prepared to get roughed up and raped, but this gentleness was completely out of the blue. The hand kept caressing my thigh while another hand started doing the same around my navel and stomach just below my boobs. I had begun to moan as I was getting more and more areoused. I had already half slumped in the seat trying to reach the hand which was just below my pussy but the hand also kept mmoving away. And as if on cue the hands on my stomach and navel were caressing my just below my boobs but were never touching my boobs. They were tantalizingly close to the most erotic and stimulating portions o a girls body but never touched those. This went on for about 5 minutes while I squirmed and tried to widen my legs even more in the hope that maybe they would 9finger my pussy and squeeze my boobs but to no avail. I was being held firmly but gently. The comments were flowing thick and fast.
“Look at this bitch, she is in heat, take her picture”
“I have already taped a movie”
“I told you she is a whore, look at her go, she is a fucking bitch in heat. Lets do her now, she wants it more than us”
“Ya, she allowed her cunt to get fingered pretty quickly”
And then finally, some one had mercy and he pulled my skirt up to my stomach in one swift motion and I was butt naked in the theatre. To anybody it looked like I was not wearing anything below my navel. My pussy lips had already parted and someone put a finger to my clit and exclaimed loudly
“She is sloppy wet, You keep massaging her tits and their will be a flood in this city” Evrybody laughed. I was myself quite embarassed but had kept my eyes closed. Raja bhaiya spoke out
“It appears our little school girl is really a slut. Look at her glistening cunt. Lets start with her honeymoon.”
I was pulled upm roughly and made to stand up bend over with my hands on the seat for support, my tshirt was just pulled up and over my head sch that I was now only in my skirt which was anyway bunched up till my stomach. I was about to comprehend the situation when Raja Bhaiya just shoved his big and thick dick inside my cunt. I let out a scream, although my cunt was wet but this was by far the thickest dick which had penetrated me and it appeared that I had been ripped apart. My eyes were tightly shut trying to get through the pain when somebody shoved his thick smelly and black dick in my mouth. I was plugged in two of my holes. I had seen movies and heard of double penetration, but this was the first time I had myself got a dose although I had been gang banged before. But they were all boys my age.
They began to pound my harder and harder as I was jerking to and fro. In my mind I was begging for mercy as it appeared that I was choking to death. But there was no respite. Somebody was pinching my nipples flat in between his fingers while Raja Bhaiya who was fucking me was also fingering my clit like there was no tomorrow.
After about 2 monutes the cock in my mouth exploded and it shot out loads of cum. Again this adult load was too much for me. I tried to pull my mouth o but the person just held me in place and kept on shooting spurts. The goo was anyway intoxicating and I liked tasting the cum so I somehow goblled it all up. As they pulled out their cocks, 2 more cocks replaced them.
For about an hour I was fucked like a bitch in the theatre. I assumed that I was fucked by almost everybody who got a chance. As I lay on my seat exhausted, Raja Bhaiya whispered, better get out of here while the movie is going on or else everybody will recognise the bitch who was fucked like a whore. We just picked up my clothes and scrambled one by one so as not to arouse suspicion. I strolled naked to the gents bathroom as the theatre staff looked on stunned, wore my clothes and went to the car and sat down. They dropped me at my home beofre my parents returned promising me that this was just the beginning.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-16 09:21:52
Do the forth part...waiting for it from months

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-10-23 17:50:59
can u upload ur pic pls

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-01-30 10:50:29
From months wating for next part
Please do the needfull

anonymous readerReport 

2013-07-17 17:52:19
Nice story. Anymore chapters?

anonymous readerReport 

2013-07-07 01:04:27
MORE!!!!! Please write more!!!

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