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Harry’s Ladies Part 1 Revised

Fifteen year old Harry Potter sat in Buckbeak’s room feeding/grooming his godfathers winged friend while Remus and himself was getting sloshed a few floors down. It was two nights to his hearing at the ministry at the boy was getting nervous. “Hey Harry” spoke His best friend’s sister who had been watching him for a few minutes while he groomed “beaky” as Hagrid called him.

“Hi Gin” said the green eyed young man, “What brings you up here?” He asked the red head.” I just wanted to tell you night but you looked so peaceful I did not want to interrupt you. Ginny bowed to Buckbeak who bowed back. Harry looked Ginny in her nightwear up and down noticing her breast growth and the womanly curves forming; he swallowed and adjusted his paints when she was not looking.
Ginny smirked when she saw Harry adjust himself when he thought she was not looking and decided to give his something to masturbate to. She turned and walked away acting like she was going to the couch in the room but she deliberately tripped herself Harry seeing this saw up her nightgown and got the first sight of her beautiful pussy and a glimpse of her large b cup breasts he instantly became hard and not the kind he could hide by adjusting himself. Ginny looked back to see Harry and her eyes were drawn to him very large bulge in his baggy clothes.

Ginny felt herself get wet and her hand absentmindedly went to her cunt and started stroking it. Harry seen this and felt himself become even harder. He watched until he could not take it anymore. He strode up to the masturbating girl picked her up and kissed her soundly on the lips. Her teen moaned into his kissed and quickly got into it. Harry forced his tongue into her mouth. He reached around and cupped her arse and squeezed it tightly. Ginny just could not believe that she was finally kissing the man of her dreams.

She about came when his magical hands found her arse and squeezed. She moaned into his mouth and ground her hand into her pussy harder until Harry grabbed her hand and pulled it to his face he sniffed her sent and found him-self enchanted by it. Harry sucked her fingers one by one until they were all cleaned of her juices. Harry felt Ginny grab his shirt and pull it over his head. She kissed her way down to his crotch and ran his hand over his bulge.
Harry by now was frightened it had went farther than he had originally planned but a force was compelling his to pounce on Ginny and ride her raw. He just keeps himself from doing just that. Ginny by now had his eight inch cock out licking on his head. The teen too had aspirations as to why it had gone too far but it felt so right.

Harry about came when Ginny finally took him into her mouth but just managed to keep himself from doing just that. Ginny bobbed her head for about four minutes and Harry erupted into her mouth. As soon as his semen hit her tongue the witch felt her magical core’s binding break and her core expand fivefold. The young witch looked at Harry shocked and she swallowed his cum.

“Harry have you ever had an orgasm before just now?” The petite redhead asked him. Harry looked embarrassed but shook his head but that quickly changed as his new lover ripped her nightgown off she straddled him possessed his cock head inside her vagina she looked into his eye and dropped.

Harry was tiring to stop her but it just felt so right and when he felt her hymn tear he held her close, even though his instincts . When Ginny finally started moving he thrust the rest of his dick into her, she squeaked wrapped her arms around her and started ridding. Harry had his hands on her arse moaning “oh Gin” over and over. Ginny was much more vocal writhing, shrieking, and yelling her pleasure for all to here, (Thank God Sirius silenced this room thought Harry as his orgasm approached.

Ginny who was biting Harry’s neck and clawing his back at this point unashamedly screaming Harry’s name at this point finally fell over the edge. Harry felt her walls clamp down on his manhood let go flooding her womb with its potent seed. Unbeknownst to the two of them a powerful magical pulse radiated outward in all directions destroying to ministry’s underage tracking device and was felt as far away of Ireland. Two half drunk men downstairs were knocked out of their seats. Dumbledore was work from a dream where he lived in a land of lemon drops and woolen socks; he was shocked to see his magical instruments shattered when he exited his bedroom. Bellatrix LeStrange smiled to herself when she felt her mind come into its own free of that pesky contract the insane witch laughed and was able to finally call on her animagus form and fly out of the window.

Tom Riddle felt the pulse and a shiver ran down his spine when he recognized half the magic. Sirius and Remus got up and ran upstairs to the epicenter of the pulse. Albus dressed then strode to her fireplace he grabbed the floo powder. Just as he was about to step in McGonagall came flying into his room. She said nothing as he took in her younger appearance he had de-aged at least fifty years. “Minerva what happened”? Whatever do you mean Albus said his lifelong friend and student. He pointed to the mirror and fainted dead. Albus sighed then asked Fawkes to take her to the infirmary.

“Gin I am so sor” harry began to voice but the witch grabbed his lips between her finger and thumb. Harry Potter don’t you dare try to blame yourself… I felt the urge to continue too, “Well since this has happened I guess it’s safe to ask you if you would do me a great honor and be my girlfriend”. Ginny smiled and kissed her boyfriend. That’s when Sirius,
Remus and Albus all came crashing thru the door.

Several things went through the adult’s minds, Albus’s signature twinkle was going full blast, Remus was just shocked, and Sirius was thinking (losing his virginity at fifteen, just like me and James that’s my boy Harry).

Harry quickly covered Ginny and himself with a blanket from the back of the couch. “We were ah” started Ginny but was cut off by her headmaster. Harry you and Miss Weasley get dressed and met us in the dining room. Harry nodded with his head down knowing he was in trouble.

Harry and Ginny walked into the dining room Dumbledore was sitting at the head of the table, Sirius and Remus at his right and left. Remus and Albus had disappointed looks on their while Sirius was bemused. “Sit down the two of you” Remus intoned. We would like to address the severity of the actions the two of you took. You both know from the talk with Madame Pomfrey about sex and pregnancy and its ramifications, its dangers and pleasures. What the three of us want you to explain your selves’ right now.

Harry started with telling the headmaster about how he and Ginny kissed but Ginny took over. “We both were not going to do more than kiss honest Professor but it just felt so right it was like neither of us could stop and I know I was urged on by something to complete what was started with a kiss. Albus looked shocked, he stood and paced a few times, on his fourth time he stopped and called out “Jiggs” a House-elf popped in and asked “What can Jiggs be doing for Headmaster” “Bring me book seventeen fifty-two a from my private library please”.

The Elf nodded the popped away only to pop back in several seconds later to hand the headmaster a book that looked fairly new. Albus flipped a few pages the read for several minutes until Remus got fed up with waiting and asked “are you going to tell us what you think or are you going to just sit there and read?” The aged headmaster looked up and smiled saying “ I got this book about fourteen years ago as a gift from Lily and James the last Birthday gift they ever gave me it’s a detailed history of the Potter family, from its origins to its myths and legends” intoned Dumbledore.

The particular story that Harry’s situation pertains to is that of Maxims Potter and Alexander Longbottem in the year 630 A.D. ,the two of them were traveling along the coast after leaving Canterbury. They chanced upon a group of ten slavers, who were trying to force themselves on their “merchandise”. Enraged Alexander (whose wife had been killed by slavers) attacked the group despite the disadvantage. The duo while the two of them had never been formally schooled the two were magically powerful they Easley defeated the two wizards in the group and dismantled to others with swords.
When checking on the victims they discovered two of the two captives they that seen the men tiring to force themselves on were a Veela and a Woodland Elf and they were not just any two the two were Princesses Serene of the Veela and Emalia of the royal woodland elf’s. Alexander and Maxims knew that the nations had meeting to form peace between their races and the disappearance would result in failure and then all out war.

They quickly gave the Females their steeds and set about checking on the other captives. An hour later Alex had erected a camp and Max had successfully hunted a stag down, gather some wild eatables and they had stew over cooking over one fires and the rest of the meat roasting over another. Among the captive were two women named Shellena Ravenclaw and Gladus Hufflepuff pregnant wives of two lords. A few hours more and Envoy came requesting the two of them to come and meet the elders.

When the two of them met with the elders they were asked what reward they wanted. The two of them turned down offers of gold silver and jewels, when offered a Veela or Elvin bride they both rejected the offer. In a conundrum the elders met in a room and talked for a half an hour and returned. They offered them to do a ritual that would not let their family lines die out. Reluctantly they agreed. Runes were painted and cut into their bodies and they were set in a circle while the elders were standing around chanting. Alexander was shocked when the Veela princess straddled him impaling herself on his manhood. Maxims was likewise shocked when the elfin princess straddled him and dropped on his manhood. Several hours later and several rounds of sex the Duo left behind several satisfied pregnant wemen.

It wasn’t until Maxims’ death that the gift presented its self. Septamus Potter who was yet to be looking for a bride kiss a woman by the name of Cassandra Black and the gift was activated, Magic married them and them and the consummated their marriage right in fount of the bride family. Over the next several months Septamus and Cassandra traveled to find her sister wives and found three more. It was also discovered by Irgot the terrible that a pregnant Potter women could not be killed even if her husband still lived. But it did not stop him from raping her. Several hours into her capture Charlemagne Potter his other six wives and Fastion Longbottem broke into his fortress killed most of his followers rescued his bride and razed the castle after stripping it of all valuables. Charlemagne and Fastion them out later that they could not only draw magical power from their wives but read their minds too.
A nameless dark lord found out in 1822 that if there is only one Potter left alive he would be immune to death until his heir was born. He did not get to test the theory because Ernie Longbottem shattered this wards and killed the would be dark lord only a fortnight into his reign and took little Samson Potter away razing the manor as he left.

Albus put the book down and Harry looked at Ginny shocked and grabbed her stomach looking pale. Harry too looked pale but was holding on to Ginny’s other hand. “Harry we are going to be parents”. Muttered Ginny, OH MUM’S GOING TO KILL ME the teen shrieked. Dumbledore pulled his wand and cast a cheering charm on the distraught teen. Ginny stopped her hysterics at once and had a goofy grin on her face. Now Miss Weasley or should I say Mrs. Potter, Ginny got a even goofier look. “I will explain to your mother and father about the circumstance, just be glad you two shared your first kiss privately and did not end up like Edmund potter and share his kiss at the Ministry’s annual ball.
Harry and Sirius gave a chuckle. “But Professor how will I know who magic choose to be the other wives “asked Harry. Well young Harry there is a spell it requires a drop of blood and a few spells on your part, and since you’re now married you have no restrictions, Harry nodded and got to work an hour latter Harry dropped the list in shock. Thirteen he mumbled. Ginny grabbed the list and read

Ginavera Weasley…….Married and pregnant
Susan Bones
Daphne Greengrass
Hermione Granger
Kimberly Daniels
Bellatrix Black
Nymphdora Tonks
Lisa Turpin
Minerva McGonagall
Gabrielle Delacour
Padma Patail
Pavarti Patail
Katie Bell

Ginny was shocked at the names on the list most were severally strong or smart witches and Bellatrix Black? Did it mean LeStrange? Her musings were cut short by an owl and her parents arriving at the same time. “Author, Molly I need to speak to the both of you in the study” Said Dumbledore when he saw Molly about to go off on a rant for Ginny and Harry being up so late. Harry relived the owl of his burden and noticed the seal was that of Gringotts. He opened the letter and read.
Dear Lord Potter
We at Gringotts would like to congratulate you on your marriage to Mrs. Ginavera. We have took the liberty and set aside the amount previously agreed on of the bride price 10,000 galleons and are prepared to move it to the Weasley vault but need you to come and approve of the transfer’s . We have also been noticing some discrepancies in your account and have just finished the investigation. We require your presence to deal with this issue. We have the appointment set for 10:30am tomorrow see you then young Lord.
Account Manager Bladesinger

Harry passed the letter to Remus who read it and nodded. Ginny grabbed his hand when her mother came back into the room. The witch looked pale and had tears in her eyes. She hugged her daughter then Harry saying I still expect a real wedding you two. Harry smiled and nodded to his mother in law. Tired and knowing they had to be up early Harry grabbed Ginny’s hand and pulled her up stairs to an empty bedroom and both fell into a deep sleep.

Harry awoke to Ginny bobbing her head down his length he smiled at her then ran his fingers thru her hair. He groaned when she started humming and wrapping her tongue around his cock he pushed on the back of her head trying to get more into her mouth when Tonks but into the door looking for a place to sleep. The startled witch stood shock still then closed the door removing her clothes the young metamorph stood over them fingering herself. Ginny pulled his cock out with a pop and stroked it. Tonks straddled Harry and dropped her hips and engulfed his cock with her hungry cunt. She rode Harry like a stallion while Ginny teased her nipples from behind. It was not long before Harry and Tonks were both screaming in ecstasy. Harry pulled Tonks close and kissed her on the lips and just as the night before a pulse of magic exited the two but this one was less powerful.

When Harry was over his orgasm he felt different like he had just and something returned to him that he had sorely missed. Harry groaned when Tonks walls stiffened him back to full mast. The older witch hopped down and Ginny took her place. Tonks straddled Harry’s head and smashed her pussy on his face. Taking a hint Harry stuck his tongue as far in as it would go. Tonks eye went wide as she felt his tongue reach father than any had before him and she rode it to completion. Ginny had switched positions and was ridding Harry reverse cowgirl Harry grabbed her hips and helped the young witch bounce. When Tonks finally removed herself Harry changed positions. He put Ginny into the doggie style position and thrust deep into his lover. With each thrust Ginny squealed until she young witch finally went overboard pulling Harry with her. Tonks stood shock still about to have a panic attack. The witch would not calm down until Harry explained the circumstances behind the copulation. The witch was grateful to me married to a kind considerate lover and took it in stride.

After bathing Tonks went to sleep on the bed and Ginny and Harry showered together the descended to the smell of Mrs. Weasley’s wonderful cooking. Harry loaded his plate full and dug in while holding Ginny’s Hand Fred and George rushed into the room and hugged the both yelling congratulations mum’s just told us. Yea ickle Gin Gin has finally found a way to snag the man of her dreams. Ginny stood and pointed her wand and yelled Bates muco , several large flying bats burst out of her brothers noses and started flapping around. The only thing that save them from having their nasal cavities from bursting was they had two shield gloves on they were trying to test out.

Harry cast the counter curse and told them just how lucky they were. The pale twins took off to their room to change their under draws Ron came down at a sedate pace the sat down. He sighed and said just don’t hurt them mate he said talking about Gin and Hermione. Harry nodded the returned to his bangers and eggs. After a second plate Harry and Ginny both went and dressed for the trip to the ally.

Harry dressed in his best which was his Hogwarts shirt and slacks. He met Ginny on the stairs she too was dressed in her best summer dress which was made by her mother last year. Harry met Remus, Kingsley, and Mad-eye in the kitchen then flooed to the Leaky Cauldron. Harry and Co were making their way down the alley when they met Neville coming out of the Dirty Herboligest Harry greeted his friend and seeing he had a few minutes stopped to chat. Agreeing to meet up on the train the two separated.
Harry waited in line for a free teller when he arrived to be helped he recognized the goblin. “Hello Griphook how are you today? Harry intoned. The goblin looked stunned that he was addressed by name. “Hello Lord Potter may your gold always flow” remembering the traditional response replied “And may your enemies fell only pain and steel”. The goblin looked shocked. Then said “You are here for your meeting with Bladesinger are you not?” Harry nodded. “Rippaxe and his warriors will escort you their its embarrassing to say but our halls are not safe right now, or at least until the purge is complete. Harry did not know what to say to this but nodded his thanks.

Harry, Ginny and his guard were escorted thru the halls by eight burly Goblins in full battle dress. This made Harry a little nervous but they arrived in due time to the meeting. The Goblin nearest to the door knocked and they were called in. Harry entered a medium sized conference room were two goblins were sitting. “Greetings honorable account manager Bladesinger may your gold always increase and your enemies fell your wrath” Harry spoke remembering the traditional greeting. He almost laughed thinking Binns was good for something. The head goblin chuckled the replied “Thank you for the greeting but I am not Bladesinger he is” said the older goblin pointing to the Goblin to his left. “I am Ragnuk Lord of Gringotts and head of the goblin nation of Briton. Harry bowed then said” My apologies my lord for the mistaken identity”. The Goblin nodded then said sit down Lord Potter we have much to discuss.
Harry sat down across form Bladesinger and Ginny beside him the others sped out over the table and room. “Ok Lord Potter when your vault was randomly selected for a full accounting Account manager immediately noticed something was off. When your parents were killed the total potter assets were counted in the hundreds of millions of galleons. The total was 596,891,935 galleons 20,258,249 Sickles and 239,947,784 knuts”. “Manager Bladesinger’s job is to randomly select an account then check them over”.

After a full accounting Bladesinger came to a shocking conclusion your vault had only five million galleons left! We instantly took the account from your previous manager Slipknife and tracked the money down. We found that the money went to several thins and people. Lucius Malfoy, Cornelius Fudge, Antony Parkinson, Deloris Umbridge, Doulas Goyal and Septum Crabbe, and last but not least Slipknife.
“You have had only used about 16200 Galleons and sixteen sickles for tuition and school supplies’ and that was out of your trust vault which was only accessible by your key, so it does not count to your family vaults total”. “We have tracked down every knut taken from you and it will be returned with double interest then their vaults will sealed off to count them to see if they are swindling any more money from anywhere”. “Just sign here with this quill, beware it will sting as it is a blood quill and it it’s illegal to use outside contract singing”. Harry enraged quickly read though the papers and signed. He grimaced when he felt the letter of his name cut into the back of his skin.

“Now onto Slipknife, He has been executed along with his family except this babe and daughter. The child will be placed with a proper family”. His daughter on the other hand is a different matter. She will either be sold as a slave or she can marry you and swear on her life she will not try to harm you or any of your friends or family. Ginny thought it was a good idea to keep the Goblin because she had read that they were excellent felid medics and that the females were rather fiercely protective of their family.
Ginny passed to knowledge over the bond as did a sleepy Tonks who had just woken up. I will take the female as a wife; no sentient being should be slaves. Ragnuk smiled then nodded he clapped his hands and a tall almost human looking female goblin entered the room. She was just shorter than Harry at 5’9”. Figa as she was named knelt before Harry and spoke in rapped Gobbledygook and a golden aura surrounded them and she stood up. Shed look human if not for the golden tan and pointed ears.

“Lord Potter we have a complete list of charges compounded in this file and can send it off to the DMLE at a mounts notice but it will probably be file 13ed in a few moments so we ask you to pass it off to your other wife, a Mrs. Nymphadora I believe. Harry nodded taking the file. Now we have to Galleon transfer authorization here just sign here and here. “Up the amount to seventy five instead of ten for both Ginny and Nym, shocked the Goblins nodded and changed the amount. Harry signed the paper; just as he was done a knock came from the door. Two goblins entered with smug smiles carrying stacks of files.
Bladesinger and Ragnuk read over the files and started laughing, tears rolling down their faces. The two of them finally composed themselves after a few minutes explained what was so funny. “It seems that the bubbling fool fudge paid of the entire Tri-wizard tournament with Lord Potter’s money. Also all but two can’t pay back the full amounts owed so their seats on the wizengmont will be turned over to you, even their properties will be taken and sold. The goblins started laughing again and Harry joined. In one day he had taken out most of the Death Eaters fanatical support.

“Ok Lord Potter here is the Potter’s headship ring and the other for Mrs. Ginavera Harry and Ginny slid on their respective rings and felt magical serge. Harry’s scar burst and black mist poured out but not before all the memories that Tom Riddle had up to the day he gave Harry the scar was “downloaded” into his mind, in a desperate attempt to shield him-self from the memories Harry constructed a wall around them and the pain finally stopped.

The goblins looked shocked the started talking in Gobbledygook again until they issued commands to search every suspected and convicted Death Eaters vault. The Goblins nodded then they took off. “Ok now that that over, your scar was a abomination of nature apparently Voldemort made a Horacrux”. When Harry looked lost the goblin explained. “When a being kills in cold blood remorselessly its soul is split. Then the being, through rituals, can remove its soul half and place it into a object. The being then cannot die as long as the other half of his soul is still earthbound the being is still alive. That’s how he survived.
Ginny went pale, “Harry the diary” she mumbled. Harry went still. Then well it seems that he made more than two. The goblins looked astounded then asked him to explain. Harry gave them the back-story on the chamber of secrets. He told them of the Basilisk and how he killed it when he reached the part of the diary the goblins were entrapped with the youth. They just could not believe that harry has killed a sixty foot basilisk until harry showed them the scar and swore a magical oath.

“Lord Potter what happened to the carcass of the beast?” Asked Bladesinger, it’s still in the chamber rotting said Harry. The goblins laughed then said “a highly magical creacher like that would not be rotting yet, it would still be prime for harvesting”. Oh said Harry. So does the snake have any uses? Does it you damn right it dose the hide can be made into the finest armor and its bones make wonderful swords and knives, the meat is a delicacy and the venom can be made into a cure al for poisons and I mean cure all. Its blood can be used to make the best bloodstones for warding , its organs can be used for food and rituals. If the beast is half as big as you say it could be easily worth a hundred million galleons.

Harry was shocked to the estimate, but asked “when do you think we should harvest the beast”? Right away, the fresher the better so I will have a team assembled immediately. Harry nodded and asked “what will the cost of the harvesting and time is”? Ragnuk chuckled then said five percent of the value and an additional ten for the processing and sale. Harry nodded and said take an extra five percent and we have an accord. Ragnuk was stunned but nodded his head then said the team will be ready in about three hours. I will meet them at the gets of Hogwarts; I have some shopping to do.

After visiting the Potter family vault Harry and Ginny left Gringotts with two sacks full of money, several bank drafts, and a debt card for muggle purchases, Harry strode to Madame Malkins to finally buy him-self a new wardrobe. Entering Harry made a bee line for an assistant seeing the Madame was busy with a costumer.

“Hello welcome to Madame Malkins what can I do you for?” “Yes I need a complete wardrobe five heavy winter cloaks in black, red, blue and green in your finest material, and a plain white one. I also need dress slacks again in your finest material. I also need new dress robes eight sets of regular everyday robes various colors, and light cloaks. Also several pairs of woolen boot socks and three new wizard hats the Potter family crest should be set in the traditional place”. “and a pair of black business robes”. The assistant went wide eyed at the amount of items thinking about her new bonus she would be getting.
“Now I need my wonderful Ginavera to pick out her new wardrobe also I forgot to mention I want warming charms self fitting, anti rip and expansion charms placed on them too”. Harry smirked when the young woman fainted. Remus woke her with a enervate the woman quickly took her order and Harry made a reluctant Remus pick out a few robes for him-self saying “Your spending your time guarding me so I am paying you ten galleons an hour when you’re on duty and you can’t say on I will hex you otherwise”. “Oh I forgot again I need Wizengamont robes to with the Potter crest in the left chest pocket”.

By this time the assistant was swooning with joy. This very large order would secure her not only a hefty paycheck but the promotion to EA of the shop. Harry about laughed as the teen sauntered off to Madame Malkin with a smile on his face. Harry made his way over to an odds and ends store to browse and was amazed to find a pensive, an Auror grade foe-glass, and two regular invisibility cloaks. Harry left several thousand galleons poorer but happy with what he had bought.
Ginny was having a blast watching harry spread the wealth he tipped Tom a galleon when he paid for their lunch. Noticing they still had a little under two hours to be at Hogwarts Harry made his way to Ollivanders. When reaching the shop Ginny looked at him with the wtf look. “I seem to recall that your wand was once your Grand mums”. When Ginny heard this she gave Harry a long snog then rushed into the store.

After about thirty wands Ginny finally found her perfect match Ebony and unicorn tail hair 13 1/3 inches rigid quite useful for defensive magic and charms. Harry had also bought two polishing kit’s and the highest grade wand holster’s they had.” Mr. Ollivander I was wondering where I could get dragon hide armor in the ally”? Asked Harry, the old man looked at the young man then said “well there are two”. Averters that are up on Black Street but his stuff is just for show if you want real protection you need the Xavier’s Tannery in Knokturn alley”. “Xavier Greengrass is a master armor maker he even weaves enchantments into the hide. It is just inside the alley two stores down to the left”. Harry thanked the man then they rushed off to Xavier’s tannery.

From experience Harry knew that Knockturn alley was a little dangerous. They all walked down the street with their wands drawn. Harry noticed their destination was nestled between a wand crafters store and aexotic pet store. Harry and co entered the store ringing the bell that hangs over the door. “Hello Potter, Weasley” said a voice behind the counter. Harry looked to find Daphne Greengrass behind the counter sitting on a stool reading from her transfiguration book.

Harry strode up to the counter then said “Hello to you too Miss. Greengrass how is your day”? The young girl noticed the ring on his finger and said “very well Lord Potter, let me fetch my father for you”. Harry smirked at the witch as she disappeared to the back of the shop hips waving back and forth a little more than she usually did. She returned with a tall man whose eye she shared.

“Greetings Lord Potter, what can I do you for” Well i would like to know if you could make some basilisk hide into about fifteen suits of armor. Harry knew that it would bite into his profits but did not care. The man looked shocked the said there is not enough hide available in the world for that much. Harry smirked then said “I am sure you have heard about the chamber of secrets being opened a few years ago” the man nodded. “Well the monster within was Slytherin’s Basilisk”. Xavier looked shock then stuttered “th-the thing w-w-woul-would have been over sixty feet long”. Harry nodded then the man let out a booming laugh saying using Slytherin’s monsters hide to protect your own from the man heir brilliant”. The man and harry talked price they were took into a room for fitting Daphne did the measuring. When it came Harry’s turn the witch jumped him giving his along wet snog.

It progressed from their and soon Harry was munching on her twat making the witch writhe in pleasure. Daphne grabbed his hair the forced it back and forth over her cunny. Harry had a idea and he started his hissing in parselmouth and the witch came unglued squirting all over his face. Harry stood up and positioned his cock at her entrance and thrust in to the hilt. Daphne bit his shoulder so hard it drew blood. Harry waited until she finally removed her teat and nodded her head. He thrush in again and she groaned, but by the fifth stroke she was thrusting back screaming at the top of her lungs “FUCK ME HARDER” “SLAM MY CUNT” “HARDER HARDER HAREDER” Harry keep thrusting away but he felt his orgasm approaching so he thrust a finger into Daphne arse and it sent the witch over the edge. She screamed bloody murder and her cunt muscles milked his sack dry.

Leaving the room after the measurements were done he noticed the look on the others face. Xavier Greengrass stepped forward and said “silencing charms were made for a reason kids” They both blushed. Also I expect you to be coming over for dinner in two days the floo address is Rowan hill. Harry nodded kissed his new wife then left saying “I will bring the address of my home for a few weeks over then to show you, and if you ever need a safe place go their”. Xavier went wide eyed and nodded.

As they were leaving Daphne caught up to them saying that she was coming with them to see Slytherin’s fabled chamber. Harry cheeked his watch and they still over forty-five minutes left before the meet. He entered the wand crafters and was greeted by a man that looked the twin of Ollivander. Sigmund Ollivander was shocked to see Harry Potter in his store he knew from his brother that his wand shared a core with Tom Riddles. The man then decided to craft his wand extra specially to finally get rid of the old coot’s mistake. “Ok Lord Potter let’s make you a wand that is worthy to take down that menace once and for all. He had Harry pick out woods that felt right to him.

Harry ran his hand over several blocks but none felt right he moved to the next row and instantly felt a pull from two blocks of wood. One was apparently elder wood and the other the last piece of Yaggdrisl left in the world. He then had Harry pick out a solid core liquid core and a gem stone. He ended up with an wand of Elder wood with a tail heir of deaths steed twined with unicorn hair a liquid core of basilisk venom, with a stone of diamond, a true deathstick. His other wand had Griffin feather with demguise hair and dementor cloak thread twined around it a melted scale of a Egyptian black dragon of the liquid core, the stone was a blood red diamond a wand for defending and warding.After Ginny and Daphne got their wands picked out they had fifteen minutes to make it to the school. Harry paid fifteen thousand galleons ½ the total price up front and learned that the wand would be completed within a week they made their way to the nearest portkey point.

They arrived with eight minutes to spare and Dumbledore was already waiting for them. Hagrid was with him. They witted the other few minutes chatting and Albus showed Daphne the secret of the headquarters. The goblin team arrived right on time with them was a potion’s master, who turned out to be Hannah Abbots mother, Bill, and another cursebreaker then the goblin team with Ragnuk and Bladesinger in tow. They all made their way to the bathroom. When they got there, they were met a crying Myrtle who had flooded the bathroom. Albus vanished the water and Harry opened the chamber. He conjured a mat to sit on saying the pipes were really slimy.

After everyone had arrived down Albus and bill started vanishing the rocks and using permeate sticking charms stabilized to roof of the cave. Arriving at the shed skin the goblins harvested it citing that it could be used for fashion instead of armor Harry shrugged then continued on. Reaching the outer door Harry hissed and it opened. Lights he hissed and the whole chamber lit up. Everone gasped at the size of the snake and the potions mistress started directing the goblins while Bill and t=his fellow cursebreaker started exploring the sub chambers.

Twenty minutes later they arrived back excited about something. Ragnuk motioned for him to follow them. Bill led them thru a series of tunnels marked on the sides of the wall with arrows. They came upon a door which was locked open hissed Harry the door opened to find a room that was at least twice the size of myrtles bathroom and it was filled to the brim with jewels unprocessed gold silver and coins galore. Harry entered and noticed a piece of paper. It read

Dear heir
I have hidden this wealth here for the marked one who will defeat the pretender dark lord he is of my brothers line not mine so is not permitted to take things from here. You will find his anchors in the vault of Le Strange, House of Black, Gaunt shack cursed beware, and his loathsome snake but the Ravenclaw diadems in this room it can be purified with a drop of basilisk venom it won’t hurt the piece, the same goes for the Perevell ring make sure the old coot dose not put it on . Thank Row for this information. You can find her painting behind her statue in Ravenclaw tower. The password is courage before loyalty, cunning before courage and intelligence before all. Inside the bust of my father you will find mine and Godric’s paintings. Helga’s is in the Room of Requirement. And you can find our collative works in the vault behind my and Gyrif’s portrait. I hope this helps you young heir.
Salazar Slytherin

Harry was shocked the reread the letter the said “Bill do you see that Diadem just there, levitate it out to the main chamber we have another horcrux to destroy. Bill gulped the dun as he was told. Ragnuk and Bladesinger was giddy looking at all the gold and jewels the duo produced a trunk the filled it with what it could fit, closed it then opened another compartment and filled that till the room was empty. They handed to trunk to Harry to carry out after shrinking and lightning. After passing the wards Harry handed to trunk back. We will appraise the items for you and get back to you with the number. Harry nodded then said I noticed several things were Goblin made keep three of them that you want and I will but the rest back. Both goblins were shocked again by the wizard in front of them. They nodded their heads giddy again to be returning with three lost pieces of their treasure.

Arriving back in the chamber core Harry noticed the basilisk was de skinned and all the blood was drained into buckets. Harry strode to the pile of fangs picked one up and gave it to Ginny. She stared at him the picked it up and placed the tip on the Diadem a piercing scream came from it as the venom in the fang did its work. After the soul was gone the diadem flashed white and appeared looking new. Harry picked it up and turned it over to the Headmaster who had tears in his eyes as he accepted a old family relic. “Harry not many people know this because it’s dangerous for my family but you have just handed me back a lost heirloom Harry’s eye went wide. Yes my mother may have been a muggle born but she was descended from a long line of squibs until she came into her power. She had a large family but the only known survivors of that line because of wars over the years is one Hermione Granger and her mother Selene and Selene brother Dan.

So Hermione is like a cousin of yours abet distantly. Albus nodded “ell you two will just have to share it”. The old man laughed the stuck the relic into his robes. “Oh and professor the Perevell ring is in the Gaunt shack but it is cursed do not put it on even though you want to. Albus eye went with he took a fang and ran off Fawkes flashing in and out taking the old man with him.

Harry walked up to the bust and spoke speak to me Slytherin of the Hogwarts four. The mouth opened and a bridge appeared out of the water Harry and Ragnuk entered to opening. “ABOUT BLOODY TIME GET US DOWN FROM HERE” Yelled a voice. Harry looked and saw two paintings at the end of a long wide space. Several more shed skins were in their which Ragnuk had a helper collect. “Godric please lower your tone” “Hello heir I am Salazar and this ponce is Gordric just call us Sal and Ric”. “Please take me with you; you don’t know what it’s like to live with this arse for over a thousand years. Harry laughed at the two antics. Wait thought Harry did not Gryffindor kill Slythrin. “Why are you two friends”? History tells us you two fought and Godric killed you. No my son on the other hand he did. My son’s best friend sent him a letter begging for his help one day. He and his new bride rushed to his friend’s aid only to find him burning alive at the stake and when he finally extinguished the flames he man was dead. He looked around and saw that Xena was held captive by his friends dad the man yelled out death to all daemons and slit her throat.
“It was the last straw he went mad and killed the whole village. He slaughtered them all even the wemon and children. When we found out what we he had done we confronted him”. “He attacked us but was no match for the two of us and a stray curse killed him” Godric took over. We latter found plans to attack and kill as many norms as passable in London and York during trades meet and market day”.

“I guess the story got twisted with time eh Sal”. “Too right it did” Harry took their portraits down and moved them outside. “Well I see Daisy is being out to use” said the green clad man” “Daisy” muttered Harry this one need to meet Hagrid he thought.
After acquiring the book and scrolls that were hidden Harry watched the Harvesters finish up. Bill and Galen (the other curse breaker) came back with several more relics like Slytherin’s sword, Helga’s Daggers, and Ravenclaws looking glass. They all headed up to the surface and was met by a ecstatic Headmaster who had tears in his eyes. He gave the paintings to the headmaster when they left

Harry returned to Gringotts so Ragnuk and a team could appraise the jewels and gold in the vault. After waiting twenty minutes in a conference room Ragnuk came in with a grin on his face. “Well my Lord Potter you have just returned three of the most important relics that have been lost for centuries”. You are now considered a goblin friend and are now given better interest rates and privileges if you want we will forge a sword for you to use in the old way, and we will train you to use it with Agento. Harry was shocked then smiled and nodded. That will be excitable. The goblin smiled and handed several memories over to Harry he took his wand stuck it in a vial the pulled out the memory.

After absorbing seven memories of great swordsmaters harry had a pounding headache but a little occlumency helped that. Now lord Potter there were two other goblin relics in the pile of gold a necklace and a ring they value on the two items since you are a goblin friend if ten thousand Galleons and ten sickles. Harry nodded and said take it out of my account. Along with another ten as a down payment for another that is in the Potter vault. The goblin nodded head said “it shall be done”.

“Also you have added another two hundred thousand to you total liquid assets”. Harry nodded then said” I would like to keep about twenty square feet of the hide from the Basilisk to make armor. Ragnuk smiled then said we have already sent it to Lord Greengrass Also when have came up with a idea to sale the hid at premium price and keep the prices high by not flooding the market with Basilisk parts. Harry nodded and said do what you will to get the best price available”. The goblin just grinned. Also I noticed that #97 was available to buy, I would like to purchase it and deed it to Fred and George Wesley for their joke shop.

After stopping at Madame Malkins to pick up the clothes and paid two thousand galleons for them the exhausted team returned to # 12 to a feast Molly was whipping up. While Harry was away Dumbledore had Dobby clean and restore the master bedroom for Harry and Ginny. Harry went to his new room to drop his stuff off and was met by a naked Hermione. He smirked closed the door then put up a silencing charm he walked to his best friend declothing to whole way. Harry kissed her tenderly the one full of passion for he knew deep down he had always loved her. Their copulation was slow and tender like a couple that had been together for years and knew what buttons to push to make the other cum. While in the shower on the other hand it was raw and passionate his new lover was thru with the genital stuff and as Harry pounded her pussy raw she was digging long bloody gouged in his back and batting his neck adding to his multitude of hickys. After drying off Hermione rubbed some ointment on his back to seal the wound she had given him. The duo descended to eat. The dinner was a loud affair freed and George were ecstatic to receive to deed to #97 which they were going to rent. Ron was smiling because Lavender wrote him a note asking to meet up tomorrow afternoon. Sirius because Remus finally had new clothes to wear, Tonks entered the room and tripped into Harry’s lap he smiled and pulled her into a sitting position and feed her from his own plate.

After dinner Harry handed Tonks the file on the Ministry employs who had stolen his money, he giddy witch knew this could be a big promotion for uncovering this kind of corruption. The witch flood directly to Amelia’s house to give her to files, she knew the witch would be breaking out the fine wine because she finally had something on Fudge that would stick.

Amelia Bones was sitting in her easy chair contemplating the trial of one Harry James Potter, she could see it was a farce she had already received a note changing the time and venue a full adult trial for a simple case of underage magic it was ridiculous and she believed the boy.. nay young man had not even received the note changing the time.
Suddenly the fire sprang to life and Nymphadora Tonks came out flat on her arse. She had a file in her hands and a grin on her face. Mam you’re not going to believe this but we got him she said handing her a Gringotts certified file she picked it up and read a smile formed on her face until she burst out laughing how she could not wait till tomorrow’s hearing now. “Tonks please sent a note to Mr. Potter that the hearings time and place has changed the Venue in now old court room ten and the time is now eight thirty.
Susan Bones heard her aunts laugh and went to investigate she listened on the plain and smirked maybe the hearing tomorrow was ok to go to after all. Especially of Harry was going to be their thought the buxom witch.

Harry woke in a tangle of leg and arms Hermione was on his left and Ginny the right. Daphne and Tonks were snuggled up to their sides. Harry smiled feeling happy Tonks opened her eyes to notice Harry’s hair was shifting through color related to happiness her eyes went wide. “Harry you’re your hair” Harry looked in the mirror and freaked, “What the sodding hell” yelled the teen. Tonks to him aside and explained. “Harry you’re a metamorph too” His eye went wide, “really” he asked. She nodded and said let’s get the other up and dressed then down to breakfast we have an hour and a half to the start. Harry nodded and could not believe that his yelling did not wake the others.

Mrs. Weasley was in the kitchen cooking already when they arrived Harry was in his business robes Ginny in her new dress and Daphne borrowed a dress of Ginny’s since they were the same size. Hermione was in a little black dress, and Tonks was in her auror robes. The all flooed to the ministry the teens had their wands checked then Tonks shepherded them to the elevators.
Tonks led them out when the voice said DoM. She stopped outside the door and said Daphne and the others would have to stay here if they wanted to keep their marriage secret. Ginny and Hermione took his hands and Daphne put a hand on his shoulder. They all entered the room together. The room was like the one in the pensive Harry viewed. Daphne went up to sit with her father. Fudge looked shocked to see them there on time. “Thank you Auror Tonks for escorting the accused hear.

Fudge threw her a scathing look but turned back to Harry. He whipped out his wand and conjured three chairs for himself and the wives to sit in. “NOW SEE HERE YOU KNOW THAT YOU CANT BE USING MAGIC OUT SID EOF SCHOOL WHILE UNDERAGE, AUROR ARESST HIM. “Sorry minister Lord Potter has full authority to use magic now that he has claimed head of house ship. Fudge paled “imposable” fudge spat “the only way he could do that was if he was emancipated or married

“Oh I am married to four beautiful and talented wemen. “QUIT LYING POTTER YOU ARE NOT MARRIED” Just then a Dumbledore arrived, Minister Fudge hear is valid proof Lord Potter is Married to Ginavera Potter nee Weasley, Nymphadora Potter nee Tonks, Daphne Potter nee Greengrass,and Hermione Potter nee Granger. Fudge looked over the documents and ripped them in half.
“DOSE NOT MATTER THIS WELP BROKE THE STATUE OF SECREASY”. “Ah but under extenuating circumstances. If he had not his and his cousins souls would have been sucked out by a Dementor. As Proof of this hears is the pensive memory of the night. After a solicitors pensive was found the memory viewed fudge was red faced and saying memories can be tampered with”. “But not without damaging them minister said Amelia”. Fudge blustered the said “He blew up his aunt for Merlin’s sake”. “But you kindly waved it off Cornelius”.( Excerpt from JKR Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix) “All-in favor of convicting” Barley a third raised their hands. “All opposed” sated Madame Bones. Everyone else raised their hands. Accused cleared of all charges Fudge slammed his gavel down. Just then Kingsley Sacklebolt strode in with a crumpled up Luciius Malfoy. He threw him in the chair which bound the struggling man.

“What is the meaning of this release my advisor at once”. Belay that Aurors said Madame Bones and arrest Minister Fudge, Madame Unbridge, Antony Parkinson, Doulas Goyal and Septem Crabbe. You are all charged with theft from the Great and Moste noble house of Potter. How do you plead? Not guilty spoke all the voices. Ok as evidence here is a official Gringotts file acquired by Auror Tonks-Potter. The chief Warlock(Xavier Greengrass)looked it over and said “this evidence is sufficient enough but I suggest that we hear it straight from the hippogriffs mouth . Weasley bring me Vertiserum a new sealed bottle so no one can suggest tampering with the phial”. Percy ran out of the court room and returned a few minutes later with a phial.

“Auror Tonks administer the potion”. She poured three drops of the liquid on Fudges tongue. “Is your full name Cornelius Oswald Fudge”? “yes”, “Did you knowingly steal from Lord Potter”? “yes” did you accept bribes to postpone new polices or the raising of more auror forces”? “yes ,did not believe they were needed anyway”. Name all your crimes. Theft, Slander against any who opposed me, Rape of minors, mostly young muggleborn or muggle girls under ten who I murdered after”.

“Also framing Sirius Black for those murders ten years ago I also slipped in a clause in a contract I wrote up for Bellatrix Black, it stated that the witch was to have no free will of her own she was to do as her husband thought and told her. I also embezzled money from Author Weasley when he was supposed to get a raise I diverted it to my other account under the name Timas Maxwell”.

"Cornelius fudge you are hereby stripped of your position of minister of magic your name will be stricken from the books and family name erased you are hereby sentenced to the veil. Several gasped but no one opposed. Moving on, Tonks again forced three drops of the potion down Umbridge’s throat. “Is your full name Deloris Jane Umbridge” asked Amelia? “Yes”. “Did you knowingly steal from Lord Potter”? “Yes”. “Name your other crimes”. I cast all three unforgivable multiple times, I cast hate and animosity charms on Lord Potter’s relative’s tom amp up the underlying feelings hoping the muggles would kill him”.
I have ordered dementor to attack people who hurt me in life, I have ordered Grayback to attack several people and often provided the Wolf’s bane potion for him to use”. The nost notable attacks were the Lupins so I could gain their power and wealth, The McKinnon’s and I have helped Peter Pettigrew set up Gideon and Fabian Prewitt ambush resulting in their death”.I have gladly murdered up and comer muggleborns on Lord Notts orders. The said Lord Nott was quickly stunned and bound. “I have helped traffic sex slave muggle-borns Metamorphmagus’s and the occasional pureblood”. “That is all” Veil again” intoned the Chief Warlock.

Kingsley quickly dosed Parkinson. “Are you lord Antony Jones Parkinson”? “Yes” Di you knowingly embezzle form Lord Potter”? “I did not know from who the money came but I accepted it anyway” “Why”? “The Dark Lord drained my family vault dry with his constant need for resources”. “So you were a Death-Eater”? “Yes” “Ok name your crimes” said the Chief Warlock.
I have killed, raped, stole and blackmailed. Used the imperious curse on a father and made him rape his twelve year old before slitting her throat”. “I used my position to block and hide the Weasley family vault from them while embezzling from it. “I set up the Bones murders, I raped Ashlyin Bones, I kidnapped her, she is still alive in a secure room under my bathroom floor”. The man fell silent. Amelia was shaking with rage Ashlyin Bones was her daughter and was three when she was taken. Amelia immediately sent a patroni message to Savage to raid the manor and reclaim her daughter. “ Kiss” muttered Amelia

During this time Crabbe and Goyal were questioned and sentenced to Azkaban. Then it was Notts turn, He admitted to rape, and murder. Several supposed muggle-borns were his children. He also admitted to killing Samantha Greengrass when she would not accept his advances. He ammited to bribery of several ministry official’s and gave their names, Dawlish, and Smith being the main ones. He had also forcefully rapped and impregnated Nattily Burbage then erased her memory so when she showed her husband, who had been away to America, believed she had been unfaithful. The too was sentenced to Azkaban.

Then it was Lucius. He admitted to stealing knowingly from Harry, being a Death-Eater. He also confessed his part him killing the Prewitt brothers, Raping Sara Bones before stabbing her to death with daggers imbued with the flame brand curse. Helping the Lestrange brothers subdue and torture curse on the Longbottem’s and leaving before the auror’s got there. He admitted to trafficking in Veela and succubus slave along with several class c de and e trade able substances, having several hidden caches of money supplies and another vault in the name of Himrick Livinston at Gringotts and another in Sweden with the dwarfs. “Veil “ everyone chanted.
In the end Lucius, Unbridge , and Fudge were tossed into the veil on their collective backsides. And the others were shipped off to Azkaban to be processed or kissed. “Now we have had a new minister is decided. For right now Amelia Bones is acting Minister for Magic”.

Harry and co were asked to meet in a conference room beside the court room. Inside waited Amelia and Xavier. Harry set down beside Amelia and Dumbledore right across from him. “Now down to business, Harry we need your help getting Amelia into office, Fudges and Unbridge’s departure left a power vacuum and it need to be filled with people we can trust”. I know the Dark Lord is back, he has came several times to my home and tried to get me to join his cause but so far I have played the neutral card but I can’t after today so we need strong people to get the job done

“Rufus will just be trying to look like he is doing something instead of doing it and Newcalk is a contributor to Voldemort’s cause”. Harry nodded then said “ I believe Madame Bones will be the best bet but who will fill the Undersecretary spot”? “I will spoke Xavier I intend to offer Albus his job back. Harry nodded his head then said “You have my support, but you have to give Sirius a fair trial”. Just then three aurors arrived with a young and somewhat healthy woman. She spotted Amelia as said “Mummy” in a childlike voice the girl threw herself onto of Amelia sobbing into her neck. Amelia too was crying holding on her for dear life.

Susan was watching her cousin hold onto her aunt and mother with a sad look on her face. “Done said Amelia and Xavier. Harry walked up to Susan and asked would you like to stay the night at my place while they get reacquainted? The buxom witch nodded and Harry escorted her out.
Twenty minutes later they were in front of Grimauld place and showing Susan the secret. The witch went wide eyed when she met Sirius but knew he was innocent. Harry led her upstairs pushed her against his door and kissed her red head. She groaned into his mouth as he started feeling her up. He unlocked the door picked her up and carried her to the bed. Her red hair made a halo around her head and harry removed his robes Susan just removed her blouse and knickers. Harry smirked at her kinkiness. He slowly kissed his way up her thighs until he reached the junction then he teased her clit for a moment the slid up to her DD mounds. He played with them.

After teasing her for a while he slid back down and used Parcletounge on her cunny, “OH MERLIN” screamed Susan as he back arched up she wrapped her leg around Harry’s head grabbed his hair and forced his face into her quim. Harry continued this until she was writhing in orgasm. He slowly sheathed his cock into her before she took over and thrust the rest of his cock into her cunt. Harry surprised looked at her,” broom accident a year ago” she explained. Harry shrugged and concentrated on his task. Susan flipped him over and started ridding the poor boy. “FUCK ME HARDER FUCK ME HARDER, HARDER HARRY HARDER” yelled the witch as Harry’s throbbing now eleven incher slid home again and again, until the felt her walls contract clamping his rod in a vice. Harry quickly came with her as orgasm rode over her.

Breathing hard harry led her to the shower to get cleaned up. Harry met everyone downstairs and had a feast, the twins were throwing a massive beach ball around yelling he got off . Until the door bell rang and in came Tonks escorting a young Bellatrix Black and Minerva McGonagall . The trio made a bee line for Harry and took him upstairs for a very vagarious work out…

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2012-09-17 18:44:25
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2012-09-04 17:01:55
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