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Not for the lighthearted

Karen frowned as she opened the door to her room at the end of
the day. She had been at The Covenant Boarding School for Young Women
two weeks now and was terribly homesick. She hated it! Why did her
parents have to get divorced? And then to pack her off to this School
while they fought over their possessions was no fair. She missed her old
house, with its stables out back and its open meadows stretching for miles.
She thought longingly of how she used to saddle up Countess, her mare, and
ride for hours, the wind pulling her long auburn hair out behind her, her
trim thighs clenching and unclenching to the natural rhythm of the
horse. Sometimes she would bring a basket of food, maybe some bread and
cheese with a little wine snuck out from the wine cellar, and lay out
among the grass, eating and sipping the wine, and imagining the clouds
above her were imaginary lovers come to take her away to imaginary lands
of beauty and fullfillment.
She even missed her old high school, Bokker, pronounced Boker,
High. She hadn't liked it too much, but managed to get mostly B's with a
couple of A's her freshman year; and her Sophmore year was shaping up to
be a great one before her parents had decided to destroy everything. She
had been assigned the same classes as her best friend Sandy, and she had
just begun to become interested in a "guy," as Sandy would say. She had
even made the second to last cut on the cheerleading squad. She hadn't
expected to make it, of course, since she was only a sophmore, but it was
fun, and she loved the exercise.
But now she was _here_, she thought as she dropped her bag on her
desk and flopped down on her bed, her plaid, checkered skirt flying up to
reveal trim, well-muscled thighs, just losing their tan and becoming once
more their natural creamy ivory. Her auburn hair, now, away from the
sun, a darker brown, fell in a halo about her face, framing it. A year
ago her face might have been called boyish, but it had been softened by
her maturation: her small, squarish chin had given away to a rounder,
almost dainty one, perfectly accenting her full, dull pink lips; a
small, sharp nose filled out, and revealing some old asian blood, did not
turn up, instead remaining faintly southern European in look. Large
brown eyes, which also revealed a hint of Asian blood, sat above high
cheekbones and pale, full cheeks, completing the picture.
Everything, she had to admit, wasn't so bad here. It was a great
school, with fully 80% of the girls going on to an ivy league school. And
the accomidations were great. She shared a nice large room, larger than
her room at home, with Su Lee Chen, who, because she too had joined the
school midsemester, had quickly become her best friend there. The other
girls at the school were not friendly at all, but she thought it must be
because they were new. She had seen a definate heirarchy among her
fellow schoolmates, with the senior and juniors bullying the freshman and
sophmores. Neither she nor Su Lee had been bothered yet though, and
Karen hoped they would just be left alone.
She thought again of Su Lee, and was glad she had at least some
company. Not this weekend, of course, since Su Lee had been picked up
earlier in the day by her parents, but she would be back Sunday night.
Su Lee, she reflected, was a small, attractive young woman, four inches
shorter than her own 5'6". Karen envied her hair, long, straight, black
hair hanging down to her thighs, which she kept in a french braid most of
the time. Her face was not completely Chinese--Su Lee claimed her
grandfather on her mother's side was white--and it showed, lightening
what would have been a dark olive complexion to a mellower color. Her
eyes also revealed the caucasian blood, being large and lidded. Her
body, though, was typically asian, slim with small breasts (she wore a
size A bra, Karen thought, remembering when she had accidently thought it
was one of her own. She herself had just switched to size B) and a firm
if flat behind. She was not as athletic as Karen, but her body showed
the firmness of youth, and although at 16 she was a year older than Karen,
she looked two years her junior.
She turned onto her side and looked at the clock: 7:00 o'clock.
She sighed and decided she'd better start studying soon, since she really
had nothing better to do. Sitting up, she started unbuttoning her blouse
with one hand while slipping off her shoes with the other. Shucking off
her shirt, she stood and unclasped her skirt, letting it fall down her
shapely calves to the ground. She stepped out of it, and reached behind
herself to unclasp her bra while standing in front of her dresser. When
she had pulled her bra off, she straightened and looked at herself in the
dresser mirror. She was, she knew, attractive in a clean-cut, athletic
kind of way, her firm breasts, with medium-sized pink nipples, perfectly
porportioned with the rest of her body. Sometimes she wished she could
have the willowy, exotic beauty of Su Lee, but she shook her head and
started to rummage around in her drawer for her sleeping t-shirt. She
found it, pulled it over her head, and smoothed it down until it fell to
mid thigh. She sighed, thinking of the long, boring weekend in front of
her, grabbed her toiletries, and headed down the hall to the commen
restroom. She was happy to find that none of the other girls were there,
and finished quickly to avoid them. She made it safely back to her room
and sat down to study. Three hours later she was tired and burned out.
Leaving all her study materials on her desk, she turned off the light
and crawled into bed, almost immediately falling asleep.
She was dreaming...she was swimming in a large pool of water.
She couldn't see the shore and she was very tired. She slipped under the
water...she couldn't breath.... Her eyes popped open--she couldn't
breath! Laying on her stomach, her face was pressed into her pillow,
suffocating her. As she struggled, she came fully awake and realized
that someone was sitting on her lower back and had pulled her arms behind
her back! Someone else had two hands on the back of her head and was
pressing it into the pillow. She panicked, thrashing around--what was
happening to her, what did these people want? flashed through her mind
as she felt a thin cord being wrapped tightly around her wrists and
quickly tied off. A hand on the back of her head gripped her hair, and a
second later her head was pulled high off the bed, straining her back.
As she gratefully sucked in a mouthful of air and prepared to scream her
lungs out, what felt like a large rubber ball was pressed against her
mouth. She reared back, almost dislodging the person sitting on her
back, but the hand gripping the back of her head pushed violently
forward, while the other hand slammed the ball into her mouth. She made
gagging sounds around the ball as her face was pressed back into the
pillow, and she felt someone pull two straps across her face and connect
them behind her head. She managed to turn her face to the side, her mind
a confused jumble, just before someone sat on her head. She felt the
person sitting on her lower back turn around, and she kicked her legs
back, trying to hit him or her. The person just grabbed both her ankles
and held them against his or her body, and Karen felt the bite of a cord
being wrapped around her ankles. Suddenly, the weight of the bodies was
off of her, and she started thrashing and grunting madly, trying to free her
hands or her legs. She couldn't see her assailants in the dark, but sensed
movement as someone punched her hard in the gut. Her nostrils flared as
she gasped for breath through the gag, and they took advantage of her
momentary disability by tying another cord around her legs just above the
knees. Two pair of hands then lifted her roughly and carried her across
the room, dropping her into a large laundry hamper on wheels. The air
rushed out of her lungs with an oomph as she landed hard against the
wooden bottom of the cart on her hip and shoulder. She looked up to see
the dark shapes of clothes fall over her trussed body. She felt and
heard the cart start down the hall.
She wimpered through her gag; what was happening to her? What
did they want from _her_? Her parents were wealthy, but not that
wealthy. And where was she being taken? Her wrists throbbed with pain
as the thin cord cut off the circulation to her hands, and her legs ached
for the same reason. Her jaw was sore, unused to being pulled so far apart.
She squirmed around, trying to get more comfortable, only scraping her
bruised flesh against the wooden bottom of the cart, driving painful
splinters into her thighs and back. She moaned and started crying,
softly sobbing into her gag. Suddenly she felt a cool breeze, and the
wheels of the hamper changed from a dull rolling noise to the staccio
chatter of rolling across cobblestone. She was outside, in the freezing
night; even through the pile of clothes on her her flesh raised
goosebumps, sending chills up and down her bound legs, and raising her
nipples to sharp points of hardness. She shivered as she sobbed.
Without warning the nightmare ride was over and she sensed hands
lifting the clothes off her. Lost in despair, she didn't know how long
she had been in the hamper, and she had no idea where she was now. She
stopped her crying and waited fearfully for her tormenters to reveal
themselves. Before all the clothes were removed, the hamper tipped over,
spilling her painfully onto a hardwood floor, blinded momentarily by the
bright lights around her. Lying painfully on her side, her legs bound
together and her arms tied behind her back, she blinked her large brown
eyes, now swollen with tears. She turned awkwardly onto her back and
peered up into the faces of her Abductors.
Karen registered shock as she saw Ingrid and Mercedes, two girls
from her school, standing over her. Although both were wearing the
school uniform--plaid skirt coming down just above the knee and a white
blouse--they could not have been different in appearance. Ingrid was a
Norwegan, her pale yellow, almost white hair cut into a short bob,
matching her face, which shone with a translucent pallor. Striking blue
eyes stared out from a handsome face, a full figured woman at 18 years of
age, with a hard, strong, shapely body. She was a senior at the school,
and her father was a senator. Now she stood her full 5'9" over Karen,
and smiled wickedly down at her. Standing next to her was Mercedes, her
southern Italian blood showing her up even darker against the color of
Ingrid. Mercedes was a slight, slip of a girl, standing only 5' tall and
weighing no more than 95 lbs, and Karen had always though she was a bit
mousy, with her wavy brown hair always pulled back into a pony-tail and
her small, angular yet pretty face adorned with a pair of spectacles.
Now, without her spectacles, holding a 3" double bladed knife in front of
her, and grinning bizarrly, she looked frightening. She was a Junior,
and Karen remembered, crazily, that she used to follow Ingrid everywhere.
As Ingrid knelt down beside her and leaned over, staring directly
into her eyes, Karen felt a chill go through her body, and tried to ask
"what do you want?" But all that came out was a muffled moaning. Ingrid
smiled at her, revealing two rows of perfectly white teeth, somehow
frightening Karen all the more: "I'm sure you're wondering why you're
here, aren't you, sweetie?" Ingrid smiled again as she reached down to
caress Karen's cheek, sending a shiver down her bound form. She could
not move, she was petrified, a small bird caught in the icy blue stare of
Ingrid's. Caressing the side of her face, Ingrid continued, "Well, to put
is simply, you're _ours_. Actually, you're the seniors'. We run things
around here, and we get to do whatever we like to little snotty
underclassmen like you." She smiled again, sending more shudders down
Karen's spine, "And we've decided we're going to have a little party, and
you're the entertainment." So saying, she stopped stroking Karen's cheek
and moved her hand down to her stomach, slowly sliding her hand under
Karen's sleep-T.
Ingrid's hand felt like it burned as it lightly brushed her
stomach. She tried to shrink away, and began shivering uncontrollably.
This couldn't be happening to her. They couldn't be this cruel. "My poor
little bird," Ingrid crooned, "are you frightened?" Glancing down at
Karen's exposed stomach, "So firm, so beautiful...." Her hand moved
higher, brushing gently against the underside of Karen's breast. "NO!"
Karen screamed into her gag, and began thrashing about, trying to roll
away from Ingrid's hand. Please, Nooo! she screamed in her mind. A
sharp "smack" echoed in her ears as her head was jerked to one side and
fiery pain filled the side of her head. She became instantly still as
she stared up into Ingrid's glaring countenance. "None of that, you
little bitch, or you'll get more pain than you can handle," Ingrid
Resuming her easy posture, Ingrid turned toward Mercedes and said,
"I don't think our little Karen really understands her position here.
Maybe a little caning will teach her." Karen froze at the word: cane
her? Wasn't it enough that they had bound her and were going to molest
her? Now they were going to cane her? She broke down, and started
sobbing again through her gag. Ignoring her, Mercedes and Ingrid rolled
her onto her stomach, and Karen felt the knife cut through the cord on
her wrists. Pain flooded her hands as circulation returned, and she
groaned as two strong hands took her wrists and put a leather cuff around
each. They roughly rolled her over and clipped the cuffs together in
front of her, then dragged her to her feet. Mercedes stood by her, knife
in one hand and the other helping Karen keep her balance, as Ingrid
walked over to the wall and began lowering a hook and pulley contraption
above Karen's head. "Now be a good girl and put your wrists over the
hook," Ingrid said. Meekly, keeping her eyes on Mercedes and her knife,
Karen did as she was told, and fell heavily against her arms as Ingrid
began pulling the hook up. Soon she was struggling to stand on the balls
of her feet, straining the muscles in her calves to save putting all her
weight on her arms.
Ingrid came over and said, "Cut her loose." Mercedes quickly cut
the cords binding her legs, and she again fell against her arms as
feeling came back into her legs. She regained her balance, her calves
and thighs burning with the effort, and stared in horror as Mercedes
brought the knife right before her eyes. She shuddered in fear as
Mercedes slowly ran the knife down her cheek, across her neck, and to the
top of her sleeping-T. Karen's heart nearly burst when, with a quick
motion, Mercedes brought the knife down, cutting her T-shirt down the
front. A few more quick cuts at the arms and her T fell to the ground.
She stood, stretched and bound before her two classmates, her breasts
standing out before their lewd stares...she moaned in humiliation, her
face turning red with embarressment. A slight breeze blew threw the
room, causing her nipples stiffen. Mercedes brought her head down, and
gently lapped at her right nipple. The warm, wet, pressure of Mercede's
tongue sent a shock through Karen, and she jerked back, trying to twist
out of the way, mincing on the balls of her feet to keep from unbalancing
Mercedes merely smiled cruely, and, grabbing Karen's underwear,
ripped them off mercilessly, causing Karen to swing out toward her and
land hard against her arms. She regained her precarious balance again as
her two classmates stepped back to admire her. She was stretched taut,
the strong muscles of her calves, thighs, and stomach straining to keep
her up on her toes, and her round breasts firm against her chest. Tears
began running down her face as they stepped close to her and began
running their hands up and down her body, sending chill shivers through
her. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't. It was all a bad
dream, and she'd wake up soon. Please let it not be happening. She
closed her eyes and tried to shut out the hands exploring her body,
running over her stomach, her back, her sides, caressing her breasts and
legs. Suddenly she was brought back to reality by a sharp tug at her
mouth. Ingrid was removing her ball gag! Another quick tug and it came
all the way out, trailing her saliva behind it.
She quickly swallowed and began pleading, "Please, let me go...I
won't tell anyone...Why are you doing this?...." At which Mercedes and
Ingrid burst into laughter. "Please...let me go..."
"Shut up!" Ingrid commanded as Mercedes handed her a long
switch. "I still don't thing you understand" she said as she brought the
switch swiftly across Karen's stomach.
"AAAAAHHHGGGG!" she screamed as pain flashed through her and she
fell again onto her arms. The world went fiery red for an instant before
returning to a dull throb through her midsection. She scrambled back
onto her toes and stared in horror as she saw Mercedes roll forward a
video camera standing on a tripod and turn it on.
Slapping her switch gently against her palm, "Maybe this will help
you understand what your position is here. You see, we tape everything
we do to you for the headmistress. She likes to see how her new students
perform." Smiling behind her, Mercedes picked up another switch and
walked around behind her. As Ingrid said, "You may begin," Karen's ass
exploded in pain. Throwing her hips forward to escape the pain, they
threw themselves into a blow from Ingrid, burning across the front of her
PLEASE" she cried again and again, the switches landing against her back,
her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, biting into her nipples, turning
her whole body into one fiery mass of pain. She twisted and squirmed
around on the end of the hook, unable to escape the punishing blows of
the switches as they flooded every nerve in her body with unendurable
pain. After what seemed like an eternity, she began to drift. The pain
raining down on her seemed to spread across her entire body, leaving her
in a sort of floating numbness. The pain was no longer was
merely sensation, feeling, engulfing her entire body, increased each time
a blow landed against her body.
She heard distantly, "I think that's enough for now"--she had
stopped screaming a while ago, she did not know how long, and, hanging
against her arms, uttered only grunts each time she was struck. She felt
her body being lowered to the ground, and two sets of hands carry it to a
large, cushioned table. Her arms and legs were affixed to cuffs in the
corner, binding her spread-eagled. Gently hands ran across her body,
sending shooting signals of sensation through her as they brushed against
her bruised, reddened flesh. Every touch seemed magnified a thousand
times by abused flesh, sending her higher and higher into a realm of pure
feeling. It seemed as if she were looking down at herself as Ingrid
gently took her right nipple into her mouth and began gently sucking,
concentrating what was neither pleasure nor pain at that one point.
Mercedes was leaning over the table between her legs, stroking her inner
thighs, and slowly, gently, placed her mouth over Karen's vagina. Her
tongue snaked out and licked up and down her slit, providing a
counterpoint to the sensation at her nipple. Ingrid stopped and the
sensation flooded into her groin, then moved back as she began sucking at
her other nipple. She began moaning softly as Mercedes pushed her tongue
between her labia, and a shiny coating of liquid greeted Mercedes as she
probed deeper. Ingrid moved from nipple to nipple as Mercedes moved up
to Karen's clitorus, now hard and quivering, mimicking Karen's body,
which was emitting low moaning sounds from her mouth. Mercedes pressed
her lips against Karen's clit and began softly massaging it with the flat
of her tongue, feeling Karen's thighs tense with this new sensation.
Karen did not know how long they caressed her body--she was above
it all, riding the waves of feeling which were slowly increasing. She
sensed a pressure building up from somewhere, slowly increasing, slowly
drawing her back to her abused body, criss-crossed with red marks and
throbbing, throbbing. Slowly the sensations around her tightened, grew,
and suddenly she was back in her own body as the sensations became wave
after wave of pure ecstacy. She screamed and bucked on the table, felt
strong fingers digging into her thighs and a quick tongue flicking her
clit, felt a mouth sucking almost painfully on her breast. She beat her
body against the table, thrusting her hips forward and back, forward and
back, thrusting her chest up and down, up and down, as all the sensations
of the night, every feeling which had burned its way through her nerves,
came back to her as almost unendurable ecstasy. Slowly her orgasm broke,
and her thrashing stopped, and she lay, bound to the table, her chest
rising and falling raggedly as she sucked in great gasps of air.

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Ingrid and Mercedes, her face glistening with Karen's juices,
smiled at each other over Karen's prone body. "What a slut," Ingrid said,
tweaking Karen's nipple, bringing a twitching response from her. At
Ingrid's words, shame and humiliation rushed through Karen. What had
happened? What had they done to her? Her body, covered with sweat,
ached from the beating she had taken. Between her legs her thighs felt
sticky and warm. She shuddered in revulsion at the way she had reacted.
The pleasure of a moment ago was forgotten, and she began to quietly cry
as she remembered her body's betrayal, remembered the way she had
screamed out during her orgasm, thrashing about, no better than some
worthless whore, cumming uncontrollably, unstoppably. She sucked in her
lower lip and thought: maybe now they'll let me go...maybe now...please let
them let me go...please.
She was interupted in her thoughts when she heard Ingrid say,
"I'm glad I asked a couple of my friends from Padduck over. They'll love
this cunt."
"Nooooo...," Karen moaned, "please...let me go...haven't you done
"Done enough?" Ingrid replied, "You loved it, you cunt. I've never
seen anyone pop her cork like you just did. Hell, watching you get your
rocks off turned me on...hmmm...maybe I will send you home for now; I'm
sure Merc and I can take care of my friends. I do need a good fuck."
"Wait," Mercedes broke in, "when I was sucking her off, I noticed
she's still a virgin."
Surprised, "What, she hasn't been popped? A slut like that?"
"Nope, and I really want to see her get stuck for the first time."
"Why not?" Ingrid shrugged, "I'm sure the boys will have plenty
left for us. Let's go get the bitch cleaned up for 'em."
Noooo, Karen thought, wasn't it enough that they had beaten her
black and blue, that they had turned her body against her, humiliating
her? Now they had invited men over to abuse her. She didn't know if she
could take anymore....
Ingrid and Mercedes quickly unclasped her arms and legs and
half-dragged half-carried her across the room and down a wide hallway.
They pulled her unrestisting body through an open doorway into a large
shower stall with nozzles protruding from every wall. They reattached
her wrist bands and, pulling her arms up and apart, clipped them to the
top edge of the stall.
Karen let out a sharp cry as cold water instantaneously struck
her whole body. She jerked her chin up to remove it from the painful
spray, and began shivering uncontrollably. The hard, pulsating spray
felt like it was flaying her alive, driving against her whipped flesh,
sending ice cold sparks of pain through her body. Slowly though, the
water began to warm, and her shivering began to subside. She noticed
vaguely, through the spray blocking her vision, Ingrid and Mercedes
leaving the room. Oh, God, let them not come back, she thought, and
began to relax for the first time since she had been kidnapped that evening.
The water helped, beating into her sore muscles, massaging her
bruised skin, sluicing down her stomach and thighs. She became more and
more relaxed, and hung her head, letting the water beat against her scalp.
She slumped down and began to doze off, the tensions of the evening, as
well as her own orgasm, draining her of energy. After she did not know
how long, the water snapped off, and she raised her head groggily.
Standing before her were Ingrid and Mercedes.
Ingrid stood bare-footed, attired in black stockings held up by a
black garter belt. Bikini leather panties barely covered her pubic hair,
and her stomach was bare. A black bustier squeezed her large, round
breasts up and together. Black lipstick adorned her lips and she had
touched her eyes lightly with mascara. She stood heavily on one leg with
her hip thrust out, her hand against her hip and a cruel grin on her
Beside her, Mercedes was completely naked except for a studded
black leather collar around her neck. Karen noticed with a shock that
she did not have any pubic hair, which, combined with her slight frame,
made her look like a young girl of 11 or 12 years. Her stance, though,
belied her slim hips and small breasts, for it was confident and sure.
She was holding a large towel, and walked casually up to Karen and began
to dry her off.
After her long shower, Karen's skin was hyper-sensitive, so she
squirmed away from Mercedes, who just more vigorously rubbed the abrasive
towel against Karen's tenderized skin. Finishing by drying her hair,
Mercedes then unclasped her wrists, leaving her leather cuffs on, and
Ingrid and Mercedes gently took her by the arms and began walking her
back to the main room.
She was beaten, physically and emotionally drained by her
experiences, and they knew it. Held between them, she asked, "Please can
I go back to my room now? I can't take anymore."
"Sure you can," Mercedes smiled, "we've got two virile young men
just waiting to fuck you."
Karen moaned, "Noooo...please..."; interupted by a stinging slap
from Ingrid, shocking her out of her daze and back into this horrible
reality where she was beaten and raped again and again.
"Shut up, slut," Ingrid growled, "and behave. It'll only be as
bad as you make it."
She had to escape. She just had to. She knew she couldn't take
anymore abuse; it would drive her crazy. Her body was still sore, her
shoulders aching from when she had hung her weight from them, her skin
burning from the aftereffects of the switching and the shower. Her
classmates weren't holding her too closely; she could easily twist away
from them. She was sure she could outrun them once she got away, and
then she would make it to the highway and someone would pick her up. She
would tell the police and they would be arrested. Even if she didn't
make it, even if she froze to death outside, it would be better than this
Her thoughts were broken by a long, low whistle: "Damn, you sure
did a number on her. She's a looker though." She jerked her head up at
the voice and beheld two young men, naked, their clothes piled on the
ground beside their feet. Both stood about 21 years old and 5'10, and where
one was stocky and brown-haired, the other was slim with blond hair. It
was the slim one who had spoken. Without thinking, she twisted from the
girls' grip, turning as she did so, and ran toward the door. She heard
cries of "Shit" and "Son of a..." and the sound of pounding feet on the
hardwood floor following her. She was halfway to the door when a heavy
weight hit her in the small of her back. Strong arms wrapped around her
as she fell forward. She barely got her hands under her as she fell, and
fell hard against the hardwood floor, knocking the breath from her lungs.
As she gasped for breath strong hands forced her arms behind her,
where her wrist cuffs were clipped together, and she heard Ingrid say,
"Stupid bitch...I'll fucking show her..."
"Wait," a voice broke in, "I've got an idea." She recognized the
voice as the slim young man's. Mercedes and the stocky man kneeled on
either side of her as she lay there, gasping for breath, and wrapped a
thick, leather belt around the crook of her elbows. Mercedes quickly
pulled the belt tight, bringing Karen's elbows together, sending a
painful strain into her shoulders, pulling them back and thrusting her
aching breasts into the floor.
"Roll her over," the young man said, and she was roughly rolled
over onto her back. She lay there, her arms crushed painfully under her,
her breasts thrust like an offering toward the ceiling, her lolling back
on the hardwood floor. Everyone stood up as she began to regain her
breath, and Ingrid and Mercedes grabbed her ankles, pulling them toward
her head. In a second, Karen was bent painfully in two, her knees beside
her head, her hair pinned down on the floor by one knee each from Ingrid
and Mercedes, who also pinned her calves to the floor with strong hands.
She struggled briefly, but found she could not move much. She was
trapped there with her ass and vagina stuck gaping into the air. It was
a humiliating position, and she closed her eyes, trying to block out the
world around her.
Ingrid leaned close to her face and hissed, "Now you're going to
get it," and Karen's eyes widened in terror as she looked between her
legs and saw the slim man approaching her backside holding a medium sized
belt in his hand. The other man was slightly behind him holding the
videotape recorder. Both of their penis' were coming to life as they
thought of the punishment they were about to inflict.
"You're going to have to learn your place, cunt," the man snarled
as the belt whistled through the air, landing with a dull, wet smacking
sound directly on Karen's cunt and mound. A blinding white flash of pain
seared through her guts and temporarily blinded her, her body thrashing
her hips up and out, trying in any way to escape the torment within
her. Her voice was not her own as a horrible shriek escaped her lips:
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG. It seemed to go on and on in her own ears, and
the pain kept building. She heard another dull smack and she exploded in
pain again as the belt dug into the tender flesh of her vagina, her voice
a siren wailing, her body thrashing around, banging again and again
against the hard floor. Another smack and her whole groin was on fire,
burning and aching, the pain overwhelming all her senses: she could not
hear nor see, all she could do was feel.
She wasn't sure if he hit her again, although he must have, for
the agony kept increasing, building to an almost inhuman level where she
thought her entire pelvis must explode, wished it would explode, just to
release the awful agony which was consuming her. It was beyond pain,
beyond sensation; it was as if at the end of every one of the nerves in
her pelvis area a little fire had been lit. The noise had stopped, her
mouth open in a silent scream. She half felt a weight lean against her,
two hands roughly grab her breasts, mauling them between strong fingers,
pressing them into her chest. She felt vaguely a jabbing around her
vulva, and felt her hymen tear, the pain of that violation subsumed by
the greater pain left from the whipping, merely adding more sensation to
her already overburdened nerves.
He was kneeling by her ass, his hands mauling her breasts,
pinching her nipples, causing her head to thrash back and forth as his
cock slammed mercilessly back and forth into her tortured vagina, thinly
coated with the blood of her hymen. She thrust uncontrollably back at
him, the fire within her an unbearable, burning pressure, a pressure
which she, without thinking, needed to burst. She began grunting at each
powerful thrust; her world had narrowed to the terrible, overwhelming,
consuming sensation centered in her cunt. Suddenly the pounding stopped,
and her voice rose into a kining, monotone wail. He pulled out, quickly
losing hardness, leaving her hips bobbing up and down, her cunt gasping
and sucking in air. Her mind screamed Nooooo...only a little more...a
little more and it would all be over...she would overwhelm her senses and
achieve oblivion...she needed just a little more.... Suddenly she was
filled again with one brutal thrust as the stocky man slammed his cock
into her to the hilt. He worked feverishly, slapping her tits, her face,
pinching her nipples, calling her whore, slut, bitch, cunt. She didn't
hear, didn't feel, didn't care, her whole body was on the edge. He
punched his cock into her and ground his pelvis against her clit, sending
her over the top. She froze, every muscle standing out in straining
relief against her body; she screamed as every sensation--the bite of the
belt into her pussy, the brutal tearing of her hymen, the slaps, the
pinches, the awful, overwhelming pressure was sucked down, like a
collapsing star, into one timy piece of flesh, her clitorus. Then it
exploded in wave after wave of painful ecstacy, and she felt her body
convulse with every pulse from her clit, her strength inhuman in the
throws of her orgasm. She was free of restraining hands, free of the
man's penis, which had filled her with seed the moment of her orgasm,
free to bang her legs and ass, her shoulders, her head, again and again
against the hard floor, flopping around like a beached fish.
Finally, she doesn't know after how long, or if she lost conscousness
as wave after wave of unbearable pleasure ripped through her body, she
came to her senses. Her whole body ached, especially her arms,
shoulders, and vagina, but she didn't care; she was removed from
everything, like she was caught in that strange land between sleep and
waking. Voices drifted down to her..."freaky...on tape?..every
twitch...what a cunt...bite my prick off...shit." Hands lifted her,
wrapped something around her, led her into chilly air which she hardly
noticed, laid her down on a bed where she quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Karen awoke at one o'clock Saturday afternoon. She could barely move,
she was stiff and sore all over. As she swung her legs to the side of
the bed and tried to stand, the awful aching in her vagina almost knocked
her over. Her mind was still numbed from sleep and pain when she looked
into the full-length closet mirror. Her large brown eyes widened in
shock as she saw herself: red welts crisscrossed her entire body,
concentrated on her thighs and breasts. Her vagina and the entire area
between her legs was a swollen, puffy red. Her eyes were puffy and her
face tearstreaked. Dried semen coated her inner thighs and stuck her
pubic hair together. The horror of last night came rushing back to her,
and she collapsed onto the floor, sobbing.
Every detail in crystal clarity pushed at her conscousness: her
kidnap at the hands of Ingrid and Mercedes, how they beat her and then
turned her body treacherously against her. The so relaxing shower
followed by the worst horror of the night, her attempted escape and her
punishment. She quivered, unable to stop the flow of memories, the
memories of the pain of the belt on her cunt, bringing her to a bizarre
desire for release; of her hymen ripping before a man's raping phallus,
of his seed filling her to be replaced by another man's phallus, and of
her final, mind-bending orgasm, which hurt so much but felt so strangly
good. She shivered at the memories as she lay on the floor, her chest
heaving with sobs.
Slowly she recovered, and, wiping the tears from her eyes, stood
up and staggered to her closet. She grabbed a towel and went over to her
sink, washing herself off as well as she could; she didn't want to go to
the showers, she didn't want to be seen. Her face flushed with
humiliation as she thought of Ingrid or Mercedes seeing her and smiling
their knowing smiles, laughing at her, at how they wrung two terrible
orgasms from her, at how they beat her and tortured her and finally gave
her to their friends to play with. She almost broke down again, but
caught herself. She lay down on the bed and began to think.
She couldn't go outside, not with Ingrid and Mercedes around;
they might grab her again. Thinking that, she looked at her door--it
didn't have any locks. She stood up quickly, ignoring her aching body,
and wedged a chair against the doorknob, then returned to bed, curling up
into a fetal position. She could tell the headmistriss, Ms. Ellsworth,
but if Ingrid had been telling the truth, she already knew all about it,
and approved. She couldn't turn to anyone at the school, and Su Lee was
gone for the weekend. She couldn't call anyone either, since the girls
weren't allowed any outgoing calls. If only her parents called her she
could have them come and pick her up, take her away from this hell; but
they hadn't called in two weeks, and were probably too busy with the
divorce to care about her. She could try to hike to the nearest town,
or to the highway, but that would take four or five hours, and she had no
doubts that she was being watched. She couldn't escape.
She stayed in her room all day, leaving only when she couldn't
hold her urine or her bowels any longer, afraid each time that she would
see Ingrid or Mercedes. Gladly, they were nowhere to be seen. She
didn't eat and she had a hard time sleeping that night, but the next day
finally came. It was a repitition of the previous day, except hunger
pains drove her to the cafateria, where she quickly grabbed some rolls
and fled back to her room. Su Lee came back that evening, talkative, as
she seldom was, excited by her weekend with her parents. Karen was in no
mood to listen, but kept up a pretence of interest: she didn't want Su
Lee to find out what had happened to her. Finally, though, Su Lee's
energy began to wane, and they both began getting ready for bed. Karen
waited for Su Lee to leave the room for her toiletries before changing:
Su Lee was bound to notice the ugly welts covering her body
The school week passed uneventfully: Ingrid and Mercedes were
seldom seen and ignored her completely. The rest of the world went on as
if nothing had happened. Still, Karen cringed every time she had to go
out into the halls and every time someone called her name. Finally
Friday came when she received an unexpected note in the mailbox: it was
from the headmistress' secretary stating that the headmistress wished her
presence in the faculty lounge that evening at 7 pm. At first she was
scared to go...what if Ingrid and Mercedes were telling the truth, and
she would arrive there to suffer more abuse at Ms. Ellsworth's
hands...but what if they were lying, and the headmistress had found out
what happened to her...then she would be saved...and if she knew nothing,
then Karen could tell her everything...she had to go...had to find out.
She resolved herself to go over dinner in the cafeteria. She wished Su
Lee had made it to dinner so she could ask her what she thought it meant,
but she was probably busy studying.
When Karen returned to her room, she was surprised to see Su Lee
absent, but she was worried about her meeting with her headmistress so
didn't think twice about it. She went to the mirror to check out how she
was healing: not bad, all but the worst of the welts were completely
gone, and she didn't even feel those any more. She stretched and waited
until seven, then left to meet the headmistress.
The faculty lounge was in the same building as the faculty
apartments, about a five minute walk across campus from the student's
dorms. She made it in under three at a jog, and was shivering in her
oversized jacket outside the door marked "FACULTY LOUNGE", knocking
hard. The headmistress' secretary, Paul, a tall, stocky man, about 6' tall
and 185 lbs, with sandy brown hair and a handsome face, opened the door and
smiled down on her. "Right on time. Come in, come in." He held the
door open for her and ushered her into a short, wide hallway with another
door at the end. "Let me take your jacket," he said, and Karen
gratefully gave it to him to hang on one of the hooks on the wall; it was
much warmer inside. She fell into step beside him as he walked down the
hall toward the other door. He opened it and waved her through,
Karen stepped through the door and began to face forward, feeling
Paul following her, when she was pushed hard in the back, throwing her
off her feet to land hard on her hands and knees, her hair falling over
her head to obscure her face. She grunted as her hands and knees hit a
soft, padded floor, much like the gym mats she had practiced on when she
was young. Oh God, not again, she thought as she scrambled to her feet.
As she stood, ready to flee, she felt a strong hand grip the back of her
neck, causing her to freeze. "Now, now Karen, don't do anything
foolish. You remembered what happened last time," Paul said, holding her
tightly. She trembled slightly, remembering; "Now put your arms behind
your back," he said, and she acquiesed meekly, feeling a pair of metal
handcuffs quickly binding her wrists. Still holding her neck, Paul
brushed her hair from her face, giving her her first good look at the
faculty lounge. She gasped as her eyes took everything in: it was a
large room, maybe 200' by 200'; several single parallel bars, about
waist high, were bolted to a floor carpeted with gym mats; large
eye-hooks protruded from various places on the floor and walls; several
ottoman-like objects, surrounded by eye-hooks, sat bolted to the floor;
endless amount of rope hung down from eye-hooks on the ceiling, 15' up;
a ladder leaned against the left wall, which was lined with glass cases,
filled with dildos, vibrators, canes, whips, pins, gags, clamps, and
things she had no idea what they were. What drew her attention
immediately, though, was the object which dominated the center of the
room: it was two large steel hoops, each about 10' in diameter,
intersecting each other at their diameters. One hoop, standing straight
up, was securely bolted to a thick column, itself bolted to the floor,
which was capable of rotating; the other was attached to the first hoop
so that it could be spun around within the first hoop. She stared,
aghast, at this contraption, for Su Lee was tied spread-eagled within it,
getting fucked by the slim young man who had violated her!
Su Lee's body was stretched to the breaking point, her slim legs,
arms, and stomach straining against the pull of the ropes binding her
spread-eagled to the hoop and against her own weight, for she was
suspended in the air, her groin tilted slightly upward and her head
hanging back, her hair cascading to pile on the ground. Welts marked her
small breasts and her thighs, and her beautiful asian eyes were closed
tightly, puffy from the tears which were streaming down her face to
mingle with her hair. Her mouth was distorted around a large ball gag,
pulling her full lips tight around the gag. The young man was standing on a
small stool between her legs, slowly pistoning his cock, coated with a
thin film of blood, down into Su Lee's pussy. Su Lee was turned
sideways to her, and she shuddered...not Su Lee too...oh was
too much.... "You like that," Paul said, his voice hard, "you like
seeing your friend get pronged like that?"
She shook her head, "Nooo...nooo."
"Oh, come on, I saw the films, you loved it."
She cringed, he had seen the video tapes, a red blush of shame
crept into her face, and she tried to drop her head, but he held it up,
forcing her to watch Su Lee being viciously raped. She saw the tendons
on Su Lee's inner thighs straining at her position, her small girlish
breasts rise and fall with her struggling breath, her pretty, petite face
distorted by the gag stretching her jaws obscenely apart; saw a cock,
glistening red with Su Lee's hymen blood, mercilessly slide again and
again into the space between her thighs. She choked down a sob at the
sight, and felt a tingle crawl up her spine as she thought of her friend's
"Ah, her comes Ingrid," Paul said, drawing her eyes away from Su
Lee to Ingrid coming through a door at the other end of the room. Karen
stared in horror as she met Ingrids piercing blue eyes and saw her
smile. Ingrid stood there for a second, her statuesque figure seemingly
carved from ivory, the pure whiteness of her nakedness broken only by a
black bodice, drawing in her stomach and pushing up and together her
impressive breasts; she then began walking toward her. Karen began to
struggle in Pauls strong grip, but he merely dragged her by her neck
over to a parallel bar, slamming her thighs painfully into it. Ingrid
reached her a moment later and quickly grabbed both her ankles and jerked
them apart, attaching them to the cuffs on the vertical bars of the
parallel bar. "Please," she whined, "don't do this to me. Please."
Paul ignored her, and Ingrid answered by grabbing a handful of her hair
and dragging her torso down waist level, pulling her hips painfully
against the parallel bar. She was now stretched taunt across the bar,
helpless as Paul pushed her skirt over her hips and began rubbing his hands
across her ass, pinching it through her underware. She squirmed at his
touch and tried to pull away from Ingrid as, still grasping her hair,
she began to unbutton Karen's school blouse, revealing Karen's strong
stomach and firm breasts, hanging slightly within a plain white bra.
"Two virgins in two weeks," she heard a voice, the slim young
man's, say, "and that one, let me tell you, is tight."
"Greg, be quiet and get me a pair of sissors; I want to get these
panties off," that was Paul. She began squirming as Paul began gently
slapping her ass and Ingrid began pinching her nipples through her bra,
but there was nothing she could do, her arms pinned behind her back and
her ankles firmly secured wide apart to the bars. Held there, her mind
began to wander, so she did not even notice as her bra and panties were
cut off. She thought about Su Lee, and imagined what it had been like
for her: to be strung up, practically pulled apart on that metal hoop,
hanging like a piece of meat to be used by anyone; to feel the stinging
bite of the whip burning across your skin; to twist and squirm and try to
escape the punishment, knowing you couldn't, knowing there was nothing
you could do as a man drove his cock mercilessly into you, ripping away
your virginity.... She was suddenly brought back to reality as she felt
Paul slide a finger easily into her cunt.
"Damn, she sure is ready to rumble," Paul exclaimed.
Ingrid replied, "I told you, this one gets off on it. I bet
she's thinking about how much she'd like a hard cock up her right now."
She turned as she heard the door at the opposite end of the room open,
and said, "Oh oh, here comes Mercedes; this should be fun." Turning
toward Karen, she knelt down, and placing one hand between her shoulder
blades, pulled her head up so she was looking toward Su Lee and
Mercedes: "You see, Mercedes _hates_ asians." Then she smiled, and
said, "this should be fun to watch."
Karen's back had begun to ache, and her neck was hurting, being
pulled back at that awkward angle, but worst of all was the warm feeling
which was radiating from her vagina as Paul began to rub his fingers,
well lubricated by her juices, against her clitorus. How could she be
enjoying this? Poor Su Lee, poor her...what was wrong with her? To be
turned on by these animals? All these thoughts ran through her mind as
she watched Mercedes, carrying a large bullwhip, walk slowly toward Su
Lee. She was wearing a dark red corset, which made her waist practically
disappear, attached to which were garters supporting red stockings; her
hair was done up in a severe bun, and she had her glasses on. When she
reached the hoop, she adjusted it so that Su Lee was hanging upside down,
her cunt pointing toward the ceiling. She was so tightly bound to the
hoop that it barely relieved any of the strain on her arms. Karen saw
her friend bound, every muscle in her body pulling against the strain of
the bondage, and thought, she didn't know why, she is beautiful, so
beautiful. She had always thought Su Lee had a willowy, exotic, beauty,
but now she was captivating, and Karen felt little pins and needles
travel up and down her spine as she watched her, feeling Paul's penis
rubbing up against her cunt, sliding back and forth against the slippery,
swollen lips.
Mercedes walked around to the side of Su Lee and unlimbered the
whip; suddenly, with a skill Karen found amazing, she drew her arm back
and forward, the whip following to strike with a SNAP Su Lee's upper
thigh. Su Lee screamed through her gag and her beautiful almond eyes popped
open, and Karen could see the pain and fear reflected in them. A small
bruise began to blacken the red mark the whip had left, and blood started
to ooze out of the broken skin. Again a SNAP, and Su Lee's body
trembled, a high keening sound echoed from her throat, through the gag,
as her right nipple began to ooze blood. Su Lee's keening softened to a
ragged sob, then resumed with another SNAP, as her other nipple was
struck. Then Mercedes moved in front of her, a little to Karen's left,
and raised the whip in her arm again, bringing it down this time with a
THUNK, directly on the front of Su Lee's vagina. Karen saw blood
splatter up from Su Lee's cunt, and Su Lee howled and shook against her
bonds. Shaking like a leaf, sweat pored down her body as she sobbed into
her gag. Karen jerked against the hands and bonds holding her at the
sight of that blow, and she gasped as a soft wave of pleasure crashed
against her was good, so good without the pain driving her
Putting down the whip, Mercedes went over to the cabinet and took
out a thick leather strap, and returned to Su Lee. Ingrid turned to her,
and saying, "Damn, now I'm really hot," sat down on a pillow almost below
the parallel bar, pulling Karen down with her by the hair. Adjusting
herself and spreading her legs, she looked Karen in the eyes: "Now,
bitch, you're going to suck me off, and if you don't make me cum in five
minutes, Paul up there is going to fuck you in the ass." Karen stared at
Ingrid, fear coming into her eyes as the strong scent of sex wafted up
from Ingrid's pussy to her. She couldn't, they couldn't expect her to do
_that_. She tried to twist her head away but Ingrid just let out a short
laugh and jammed Karen's head into her crotch and began to rub her wet
pussy all over her face. At the same time, Paul sunk his dick, in one
smooth motion, into Karen's pussy, and began to slowly thrust himself in
and out of her cunt. They were serious, completely serious. They would
actually fuck her there, and they expected her to lick another woman's
pussy; it was awful. Ingrid cuffed her upside the head as Paul continued
slowly fucking her, "Come on bitch, use that tongue."
Tenatively she pushed her tongue between her lips and tasted the
sour, slippery wetness of another woman. Ingrid let out a low moan as
Karen began to run her tongue back and forth against her pussy lips, the
slap of leather against flesh and Su Lee's awful, muffled screaming
counterpointing the slow fucking Paul was giving her. Karen began to
settle down into a rhythm as Ingrid slapped her ears as she told her what
to do--lick up and down the lips, rubbing her nose against Ingrid's clit,
then close on the clit with her mouth, suck it gently into her mouth and
flick her tongue back and forth across her clit. Then do it all again
when Ingrid slapped her on the head. It wasn't so bad, she thought,
the cock pumping slowly in and out of her sopping cunt relaxing her. Her
postition was awkward and uncomfortable, but this was so much better than
the whipping...poor Su Lee...she could still hear the slapping of the
belt followed by Su Lee's muffled screams. As she thought about it,
about her bent across the bar, force to lick a woman's cunt while a man
used her cunt for his pleasure, Su Lee's screams in the background,
warmth began spreading through her loins and she began to tremble.
Suddenly, though, Paul pulled out, "Time's up," and, grabbing her
asscheeks, pulled them wide apart, exposing her tiny asshole.
Karen began to panic...just when it was feeling so good...why
couldn't they just fuck her?...why did they have to hurt her?...and tried
to pull away from Ingrid. Ingrid merely gripped her head more firmly and
thrust her hips forward against her face, "Come on," she said, "I was
almost there." She kept struggling but she couldn't do anything to stop
this violation of her ass. She froze with horror, receiving a few blows
to the head from Ingrid, as she felt Pauls slick dick prod against her
anus. She tried to yell, to say no, stop, but her voice was muffled by
Ingrid, who pushed her face against her pussy, effectively muting her.
"Come on, slut, keep moving that tongue," Ingrid urged as Paul pressed
his cock harder against her small, puckered opening.
"Give her ass a little incentive to open up, Greg," she heard
Paul say, then jerked forward hard against the bar as pain exploded in
her lower back, and the sickening slap of the belt came to her ears. Her
anus spasmed at the blow and Paul shoved his cockhead in, bringing a
grunt of pain from Karen. Ingrid was growing angry at her for stopping
her licking, and began to cuff and slap her ears, "Come on, bitch," she
growled. She jerked forward again as the belt drove more pain into her
lower back, and Paul drove his dick farther into her tormented ass. The
blows against her head were disorienting her, distracting her from the
pain in her ass. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick again, and
felt Ingrid relax, holding her head tightly between her thighs.
Almost without her knowing, Paul had sunk his cock its full
length into her ass, his balls hanging against her swollen pussy. She
felt so full, like she did just before she deficated, her anus stretched
painfully around his cock. A strange shiver of pleasure and pain went
through her as he slowly began to slide his cock back, seeming to draw
her innards with it, and she grunted into Ingrid's wet cunt as he slammed
his cock back into her ass. He grabbed her hips in strong hands,
bruising her, and began to fuck her ass with abandon, each forward stroke
bringing a grunt from Karen. It was so different: it hurt, his plunging
cock hurt, but it also felt good, like when she took and extra big shit;
she felt an orgasm begin to build deep within her guts, a hard knot of
pleasure slowly increasing with each pounding stroke of Paul's cock. She
began to lick fervently at Ingrid's clit, sucking the soft flesh into her
mouth and flicking her tongue wildly across its bulging head. Ingrid let
out a gasp and pulled her head even harder against her cunt, thrusting
her hips into Karen's face as she came. Feeling Ingrid come around her
face sent Karen over the edge, the hard knot of pleasure bursting,
consuming her entire body, causing her to jerk against the bonds and
hands holding her, her ass spasming around Paul's penis, bringing his
seed spilling into her ass. Slowly she came down from her orgasmic high,
her body tingling with sensation. Ingrid stood up uncertainly and Paul
pulled out of her ass with a gently POP, leaving her feeling empty, hanging
over the bar at the waist, too tired to raise her body to a standing
She knew she should feel humiliated, ashamed, but she was too
numb, too tired, to care. These people could use her all they wanted, a
small part of her _wanted_ them to use her, to beat her: she shuddered
inwardly at this thought, resisting it. She didn't want this, no matter
how much her body betrayed her, she didn't; she wanted to be home, safe
and secure, to be a normal teenager again, not subject to the sexual
whims of a group of sadists. She came back to herself as she felt a rope
thread between the cuffs connecting her wrists, and moaned in discomfort
as her arms were pulled from her back, dragging her upper body with them,
until she was parallel with the floor. She didn't resist, didn't even
respond, as a collar was attached to her neck and a rope run through a
ring on the collar to another ring between her legs. She moaned again as
her arms were pulled further from her body, until they were at a 45
degree angle from her back, and the rope pulling them was tied to the
rafters overhead. Her head was then dragged back by her hair until her
face was directly forward, her mouth open to relieve the strain on her neck,
her hair tied around the cuffs on her wrists.
She opened her eyes as Ingrid began gently stroking her cheek,
"It looks like Merc has something special planned for your friend,
Karen," she said, her voice smooth and mocking. Still in a state of
mental numbness, of mental abstraction, Karen saw what Ingrid meant: Su
Lee was bent over a something like a strange looking ottoman, her knees
bent wide under her, her knees held to the floor by leather cuffs, her
arms spread at right angles to her body and also cuffed to the floor at
bicept, elbow, and wrist, pressing her chest into the ground. Her head
was propped by her chin on a padded chin gaurd, so that Karen could look
directly into her eyes, only 6' away and swollen with tears. Her pretty
asian face was still distorted by the ball gag, making her, Karen though
wistfully, look almost alluring. Her ass was elevated high in the air,
causing her back to curve painfully back and exposing her abused vagina
and her anus.
Karen closed her eyes for a moment, feeling her own aching body,
with Ingrid's juices drying on her face, Paul's semen leaking from her
bowls down her pussy lips, her head pulled painfully back, her body bent
obscenely over the parallel bar: a wave of tired resignation passed
through her--she couldn't do anything, she was helpless. She opened her
eyes and saw Mercedes, grinning, rub a rag up and down Su Lee's exposed
vagina. She looked into Su Lee's large, black, almond eyes and saw fear and
pain and hopelessness in them, and a terrible yearning to be let go. She
heard herself whisper "Su Lee," before the sight of Mercedes opening the
back hall door snapped her out of her resigned complacency. Horror and
an awful realization struck her as she watched a german shepherd come
bounding across the room toward Su Lee's bound body. "You can't," she
cried, "Noooo.... Please don't...." She began struggling against her
bonds, painfully trying to free herself. She struggled harder as she saw
the dog stop at Su Lee's exposed ass and stick his nose right into her
cunt, snorting and licking. Su Lee jerked forward, horror widening her
eyes and bringing short gasps from her flaring nostrils. Karen froze,
her muscles tense with her struggles, as she saw the dog mount her
friend, claws scrabbling painfully against Su Lee's narrow waist, hips
thrusting wildly against Su Lee's ass. Then she saw the dogs narrow, red
penis slide home into Su Lee's pussy, and as she looked back into Su
Lee's eyes, she saw the horror and disgust and pain in her tearing eyes.
She heard Greg let out an exclamation and then she felt him sink
his dick into her still wet pussy. She grunted at this invasion, but she
was still spellbound by the image before her: the german shepherd
gripping Su Lee's waspish waist with its forelegs, its neck thrust forward
to nip at Su Lee's shoulders, its hips a blur of motion, driving his
slimy penis in and out of Su Lee's pussy at an incredible speed. Su Lee
had her eyes closed, tears running down her cheeks, curving away from the
bulging gag. Mercedes knelt right next to her head, her face almost
against her ear, whispering Karen knew not what to her as she was raped by
a dog. Suddenly, the dog began to slow its thrusts, and then slammed
hard into Su Lee three times and held its hips to hers. Then the dog
pushed itself off Su Lee and staggered off a little ways, the tip of its
penis engorged into a large bulb. Mercedes remained next to Su Lee as
Paul led the dog back to the hallway, only to release another german
shepherd, which came running straight for Su Lee.
Karen couldn't take her eyes off Su Lee, her face twisted in an
agony of humiliation, her body covered by a dog frantically thrusting
into her, Mercedes in her red outfit kneeling by her ear, whispering
poisons. She shuddered as she felt Greg's hard penis slide in and out of
her. She couldn't stop thinking...what if it was her tied down to the
floor being mounted by a dog, its wet, slimy cock poking against her
pelvis, its claws scratching and gripping at her waist, its teeth nipping
her neck and shoulders, with Mercedes whispering "dogfucker, whore,
slut," into her ear, telling her how much she liked it, to be fucked like
that. She felt a wave of pleasure consume her as she orgasmed, but she
still could not stop staring at the sight before her. Her arousal began
anew as the dog finished and another was brought in, and she came again,
with Greg slowly fucking her from behind, adding to the stimulation from
her mind. A fourth dog was brought in, and she saw the expression on Su
Lee's face change ever so slightly. Karen gasped out with another orgasm
as she thought she saw a flicker of pleasure cross Su Lee's face. She
was! Karen could see it, could see Su Lee's closed eyelids flutter,
could see her face tense around her gag, her brows contracting. Karen
began to gasp in excitement as Greg began pounding into her from behind
in earnest. She heard a low humming coming from Su Lee through the gag,
and it ended in a muffled cry as her face twisted in a paroxism of pain
an pleasure, her whole body tense as a wound spring. Karen heard Ingrid
and Paul laughing as her own orgasm hit her, shaking her entire body, her
cunt spasming around Greg's dick, sending him spurting shot after shot of
cum deep into her pussy. As she came back to herself, Karen saw that the
dog had finished, and was being led back to the hallway. Su Lee was
sobbing miserably through her gag.
Karen was sore and exhausted, mentally as well as physically, as
hands began to release her bonds. They lifted her up and pushed her,
staggering, out the door, her blouse still open and without her bra or
panties. As she buttoned back up her blouse, she felt the twin loads of
cum begin to drip down her thighs, and staggered back to her room,
stunned by the events of the evening, but even more by her reactions to them.
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Back in her room, Karen undressed and, wrapping a towel around
herself, went directly to the showers. She didn't care who saw her this
time; she was too tired and dazed to care. The shower revived her
somewhat and when she finally lay in her nightshirt on her bed she
reviewed everything that had happened to her that night.
That the headmistress's secretary, Paul, was in on these bizarre
sexual games was without doubt, and she had to assume the headmistress
also knew about everything that had been done to her. The entire faculty
must know, and perhaps everyone in the entire school participated on some
level. She couldn't believe that, but what Ingrid had said to her, that
she was the Seniors' to do with as they desired, certainly suggested it.
If so, there was nothing she could do but run away, and she thought they
would know if she tried, would stop her and torment her worse than they
had done; perhaps they would even do to her what they had done to Su
Lee. To be bound to the floor and fucked like and animal--she shuddered,
shying away from her own reactions to what she had seen. But they kept
coming back to her: her arousal to being fucked, and the horrible orgasm
which she had when Paul had fucked her in the ass; her multiple orgasms
as she saw Su Lee being mounted by dog after dog, and her surprise, and
yes, she admitted to herself, her arousal, when she saw pleasure cross Su
Lee's face. She couldn't understand her own arousal at the brutal
treatment she had received, how could she understand Su Lee's?
She shook herself as she felt her vagina grow damp and her labia
swell at these remembrances. She curled up again and tried to drive the
pictures of Su Lee's abuse from her mind. It was awful what they had
done to her, she thought, her mind becoming cloudy with sleep, awful....
She became groggily aware of people entering her room carrying a large
bundle, which they threw on Su Lee's bed. Sleep pulled her back to
unconscousness before she could see what was happening. She awoke early
the next morning to see Su Lee curled up into a fetal position on her
bed. She lay there asleep, naked, and Karen could see the ugly marks of
whips and cane covering her body. She wanted to go over and take her in
her arms, to hold her and comfort her; but what could she say? What
could she do? She was there to see what had happened...she pulled back
and shook her head, her brown hair swinging across her back. No, she
couldn't. Then she noticed an envelope on her dresser; it wasn't there
when she had come back last night. She fearfully opened it and read:

Dearest Karen,

Greetings to the Covenant School for Girls from your headmistress
Samantha Kane. I have seen the tapes and know that by now you have been
introduced to the main extracurricular activity at our school. In case
you are in any way confused by your present situation, this letter is
designed to clear up those confusions. First of all, let me make it very
clear that your main purpose here, besides obtaining a first class
education, is to service myself, my secretary, the faculty, the seniors,
the juniors, and the members of Delta Sigma Pi, in that order, in any way
they desire. Let me repeat myself: you are to obey the preceding
without question.
Now I realize that certain demands that we may make upon your
person may cause you certain discomfort; practice patience and
forebearance, and realize that no member of the above will be allowed to
permanently injure you in any way, or to impact your schoolwork
negatively. Also realize that next year you will be a Junior here at our
school, and therefore free of certain of the strictures which now apply
to you, as well as gaining social superiority over the Freshmen and Sophmore.
Now that I have reassured you on the main points of your
situation, let me follow with certain simple rules you will be expected
to follow while you are a student here.

1) You will wear no underclothes except that provided by one of
the above persons.
2) You will speak to one of the above people outside of the
classroom only when spoken to.
3) You will refer, outside of the classroom, to the above people
as master or mistress, depending on the sex of the person.

If you break any of these rules, realize that you will be punished severely.
One final note, in case you are thinking about revealing our cozy
setup here to anyone: we have tapes of everything that has been done to
you. Far from being self-incriminating, these tapes will, properly
edited, reveal you engaging in consenual, if kinky, sexual escapades,
and enjoying yourself immensely. Any story of members of this academy
forcing you into unwanted sexual contact will be dismissed by us as
either malicious spitefulness, overactive imagination, or "day after"
regrets over your sexual experiences.

Respectfully yours,

Samantha Kane

p.s. Please bring this letter with you to my office at 4:00 pm this

She shuddered as she read the letter--it seemed hardly possible.
Then she looked over at Su Lee, her naked body covered with welts and
bruises, and realized it was not only possible, it was. She sat down on
the edge of her bed, stunned, vague thoughts and worries running through
her horrified mind. She sat unmoving for perhaps an hour, and when she
finally did move, it was like an automaton. She had closed her mind off
to the world around her; she had pushed everything that had happened out
of her mind so that she could cope. She would do her schoolwork and the
like and then she would meet with the schoolmistress at 4:00 pm--beyond
that her mind refused to function.
At 2:00 two senior girls whom she did not know well came and
carried Su Lee away; Karen ignored them, and ignored Su Lee's feeble,
sobbing cries for help. At 3:55, she rose from her desk, checked to make
sure she was wearing no underwear, and walked unthinkingly to Samantha
Kane's office. When she arrived she saw Paul sitting at his desk, his
boss's large wooden office door directly behind him. He stood up when he
saw her and leered. Karen shied away and murmered, "I'm here to see Ms.
"I know," he said, moving from behind the desk to put an arm
around her. She flinched, but let him guide her passively to Ms. Kane's
office door. She didn't even react when he ran his hand caressingly up
her outer thigh to massage her naked buttocks. "Too bad," he murmered,
"I almost hoped you would disobey." Still massaging her buttocks, he
opened the door to Ms. Kane's office and gently pushed her through.
Standing in the headmistress's office, Karen looked up as she
heard the door <snick> closed behind her. Her protective complacency
shattered as she beheld what was before her, and she backed, shocked,
into the door. She had remembered the headmistress as a stern, older
woman, about 40 years old, 6' tall and exceedingly handsome. She
remembered when she had first seen the headmistress, her brown-blond hair
carefully done up, her piercing blue eyes staring sharply at her from
amid small wrinkles webbing her face, her full and firm figure
gracefully controlled, her full length dress tasteful and unrevealing.
The picture before her could not be more different.
Samantha Kane was in the throws of rapture: her medium length
hair spilling over shoulders, her face flushed, a small, catlike smile
playing on her lips, her back arched back as she kneeled over the face of
one of her students, her hands gripping her student's breasts harshly,
her own large, full breasts standing out proudly from her chest, her
large round nipples distended in pleasure, her ass crushing down into her
face, the outward extending penis gag fully embedded in her moist cunt,
her juices flowing down onto her helpless student's face. Samantha Kane
shuddered in her orgasm while smiling lazily at Karen. Slowly she rose,
her pussy sliding easily from the plastic dildo, and moved toward Karen.
Karen was transfixed by the sight of her approaching
headmistress, but she couldn't help but glance at the hapless student
bound on the floor behind her. A sudden chill went through her as she
recognized Su Lee, a penis gag, now covered with Ms. Kane's juices, 1.5"
in diameter and extending into as well as 7" out of her mouth. She was
lying on her back, her calves strapped with wide leather belts tightly
against her thighs. Her thighs were pulled up and back against her
sides, pulling her ass into the air, and strapped there with another
leather band running just under her small breasts, which also held her
arms against her sides. In this position her pussy and ass were obsenely
exposed to the several videocameras stationed around the room.
Ms. Kane's voice cut through her thoughts, "Hello Karen, I've
been wanting so much to meet you." Her voice had a silky, catlike
quality to it, and Karen submitted meekly as she gripped her upper arm
and led her around the large desk which Su Lee was lying in front of.
Here she could not see her friend, but another sight caught her
attention: a stool, one foot high, stood bolted to the floor where a desk
chair should have been, and thrusting up from it was a shiny metal
dildo. It gleamed in the dim light of the office, and as she followed
it down she saw that the chair was "padded" with what looked like small
bed of nails, with what looked like a seatbelt attatched to the side.
"Kneel down on the stool, now, dear," Ms. Kane said, positioning Karen
over the stool, each leg on either side of it. Karen looked pleadingly
at Samantha Kane, seeing there only determination and a complete lack of
mercy. "You know what to do," said the headmistress as Karen knelt over
the stool, her firm thighs flexing under her skirt. She looked up at the
headmistress and lowered her pussy right over the medal dildo as Ms. Kane
nodded. She shivered as the cool, smooth metal touched her labia, and
she blushed in shame as she felt the slickness of her tunnel as it
eagerly accepted this foreign invader.
"Look at me," Ms. Kane said sharply, both hands resting on her
shoulders, "look at me!" Karen looked into her sharp blue eyes and
gasped as Samantha Kane pressed her violently down on the dildo, driving
her ass into the nails protruding from the stool. Pain flashed through
her ass, mingling with a curious, cool pleasure radiating from her cunt.
She froze, the nails pressing painfully into her flesh, and the metal
dildo feeling slick inside her pussy, as Ms. Kane strapped her loosely
onto the stool, leaving enough slack to allow her to ride the dildo, but
not enough dislodge it. She then strapped her knees and ankles to the
floor and tied her wrists to the sides of the stool. Throughout this,
Karen was afraid to move, and her mind focused on the sensations coming
from her ass and groin. Each nail around her ass and thighs was like a
little fire on her nerves; the dildo was a slick, cool invader inside
her, causing her pussy to spasm involuntarily around it, sending pleasure
shooting through her body.
"Ingrid says you suck cunt pretty good, slut," the headmistress
said coolly, rolling a chair forward in front of Karen and sitting down,
her legs spread wide apart on either side of Karen and her groin resting
on the front edge of the chair. "Well, get started!" she snapped, "and
don't forget to fuck yourself on that dildo. If you don't, I'll be very
upset," she smiled. Karen knew resistance was useless; it would only
bring her more pain. Slowly she leaned forward and kissed Ms. Kane's
labia while moving her own hips up and down on the metal dildo, careful
to avoid the sharp nails at its base. The sour, pungent odor of her
headmistress's pussy assaulted her as she licked at her swollen,
glistening lips. She swirled her tongue around and then, stiffening it,
drove it deep into Ms. Kane's cunt, mashing her face against her pussy
in the process. Ms. Kane groaned and grabbed the back of her head as she
licked at the inside of her pussy. Karen worked her way up to Ms. Kane's
clitorus, rubbing her face all over her cunt as she moved her mouth
toward her stiff bud. Her headmistress shuddered in pleasure as she took
her clitorus between her lips and began to gently suck on it, running her
lips over the small fleshy protuberence.
Karen broke out into a cold sweat, her own thighs shaking with
the strain of working her cunt up and down the dildo without striking the
spikes at its base. She closed her eyes as she worked her tongue over
Ms. Kane's clit and concentrated on her dildo inside her. It felt
strange, running back and forth across her inner flesh, so smooth. She
worked her hips around, trying to get something, some feeling, out of
it--it was vaguely unsatisfying, so cool and smooth, so inhuman. She felt
desire build in her...she wanted to be fucked...she wanted to come...she
didn't want this teasing metal cock sending cold chills down her spine,
making her yearn for the real thing. Frustrated, she slammed her hips
down hard against the stool, sending the nails stabbing into her flesh,
sending a delicious pain shooting through her cunt. It hurt, but it was
fire compared to the ice in her cunt. It sparked her to frentic action:
she began sucking and licking her headmistress's pussy with abandon,
earning gratifying moans from Ms. Kane; she also sent her hips into a
flurry of action, her young, muscular thighs sending her cunt slamming
hard down on the dildo and the nails again and again.
A cold chill seemed to grip her body as she fucked herself
mindlessly on the stool, pain flowing in wave after delicious wave
through her body, each wave sending a thrill of warmth through her. A
gut wrenching cramp took hold of her guts, and she grunted with her
efforts, her body covered in sweat. Ms. Kane was crying out oh yes
aaahhggg ooohh as she rocked back and forth in the chair, her thighs
clenching an unclenching around Karen's head. Karen suddenly jerked and
cried out as the pain in her gut cracked, and a painful, nerve-wracking
orgasm overcame her, sending her shaking in release upon the stool. Oh
god, she thought, it was so draining. She felt
wrung out, squeezed.
"You are good," she heard Samantha Kane say, a lazy, satisfied
smile playing on her face, "I think I'll give you a reward." Karen
watched her stand up and remained still as Ms. Kane released her from the
stool. As she stood up, she felt her ass a flaming mass of pain, and saw
her drying blood on the tips of the nails and felt it drip sluggishly across
the back of her thighs. She stood there dazed as Samantha Kane removed
her plaid skirt and white blouse, leaving her standing naked. She yelped
and jumped as she felt a sharp, stinging pain in her ass as Ms. Kane
rubbed a damp towel over it. "Don't flinch, dear, this is just some
bactine to clean you up. I don't want you bleeding all over my office."
Karen drew her lower lip into her mouth and wondered what else her
headmistress had planned for her.
She didn't have to wait long, for after finishing cleaning up her
ass, Ms. Cane opened the top drawer of her desk and pulled out a large,
strap on dildo. "Put this on," she commanded, handing it to Karen. She
obeyed meekly, gasping as she felt a tiny ridge press against her
clitorus when she pulled it snug against her. She allowed herself to be
led around the other side of the desk, her fake cock swinging from side
to side. She wasn't really taking part anymore...she was just acting out
her part in this bizarre play designed by Ms. Kane. She saw herself look
down at the still bound form of Su Lee...she had forgotten about
her...and register shock as Ms. Kane reached down and pulled out a
buzzing vibrator from Su Lee's pussy. Su Lee moaned as the vibrator was
removed, arched her back, and shuddered. Her headmistress merely smiled
and removed another vibrator from Su Lee's ass, receiving a grunting,
thrashing response from Su Lee.
Samantha Kane handed her the vibrators, one slick with Su Lee's
juices, the other coated with a light film of oil, both still buzzing
insistantly. "These are for you," she purred, "put them in for the
camera," she said as she moved behind one of the cameras and focused it
on Karen's crotch. Karen blushed furiously but moved to obey, taking
part in her own humiliation. She spread her legs and lifted up the
plastic strap on with her left hand, putting the tip of the buzzing
vibrator against her labia. She shuddered as she felt the vibrator slip
easily into her cunt, sending its vibration humming through her body.
She pushed it in as far as she could, her fingers pushed up to the first
knuckle in her own pussy, and felt it touch her cervix, sending a shiver
through her bones. It felt awkward inside her, but she dutifully took
the other vibrator and pressed it against her anus. It made her want to
defacate, and her asshole spasmed as she shoved the buzzing cock into her
ass. She pushed it all the way in until her asshole closed over the end,
and then she stood there, the two vibrators seeming to numb her insides.
"Good, good," she heard Samantha Kane say, "now put your cock
into your friend there." She saw Su Lee's dark, exotic eyes widen at these
words, but moved, as if she were an automaton, to follow her
headmistress's instructions. She walked awkwardly, the two vibrators
filling her up, deeply massaging her innards, until she stood near Su
Lee's upturned ass. She knelt down, her legs on either side of her ass,
and placed her hands just below Su Lee's bound knees, leaning her weight
there. The warmth of her friend's skin brought her out of her
objectivity, and she hesitated, looking down at the large plastic dildo
hovering just millimeters from Su Lee's exposed cunt. She quivered as
she realized what she was doing, but realized she had no choice. She
pressed the fake cock against Su Lee's swollen, dark red, slippery labia,
and gently pushed forward with her hips, gasping as she felt the ridge on
the top to the dildo press into her clitorus. Su Lee began grunting and
squirming around, but Karen bore down, putting more of her weight on Su
Lee's legs and pressing forward harder with her hips. My god, she
thought, the vibrators spreading the pleasure pressing against her clit
throughout her body, I'm splitting her in half. She was entranced by the
sight of the dildo, seeming so large compared to Su Lee's oh so narrow
hips, sliding slowly into her cunt, her juices bubbling out around the
edge of the cock as it forced its way into her. She shuddered in
pleasure as she sunk the cock all the way into her friend, feeling it hit
her friend's cervix, sending a jarring sensation against her clit. A
soft orgasm blossemed in her clitorus, was grabbed by the vibrators and
spread throughout her guts. Her stomach muscles and thighs spasmed and
she fell heavily onto Su Lee, ending up staring directly at the penis gag
obscenely jutting from Su Lee's mouth.
She felt a hand grab her head and force her mouth over the gag
and press down slowly, forcing her mouth wide. As the hand began
pressing her throat down on the plastic dildo, she began to panic, and
placing her hands beside Su Lee's head, tried to push herself off. "Stop
that," Ms. Kane said sharply, "swallow, come on, swallow." Karen felt
bile rise in her throat as the hand on her head forced the dildo
inexorably into her throat. Her gag reflex took over and she began to
heave, her hips still attached to Su Lee's by the strap on. Ms. Kane
relented, and Karen was able to recover, swallowing the bile that had
risen in her throat. Again the hand pressed her head down...she couldn't
do it, couldn't take that thing in her would kill her....
She began swallowing madly as it pressed against her throat, and felt a
strange, warm tearing sensation as it slipped into her throat. She
couldn't breath, her throat spasmed involuntarily around the intruder,
and still the hand pressed down, forcing it further into her throat.
"Breath through your nose, slut," she heard, and gratefully sucked in a
lungful of air, her nostrils distending with the effort. The pain in her
throat lessened and the hand stopped pressing her down, but by now she
had taken the whole thing down her throat, and her lips were pressed up
against Su Lee's, her nose pressing against her friend's.
Her whole body felt filled, her throat stretched around the
plastic dildo and the vibrators in her bowels and pussy sending a humming
numbness through her guts. "Now fuck her," she heard Ms. Kane growl, and
jerked her hips back, feeling Su Lee twitch under her. She pressed her
hips forward again and moaned as the plastic ridge pressed against her
clit, letting out a sharp gasp through her nose as she bumped up against
Su Lee's cervix. She began moving her hips back and forth, driving the
strap on slowly into Su Lee; the dildo in her throat made her seem
somehow connected to Su Lee, impaled and impaling, every hole stretched
and filled. She felt Su Lee begin to rock with her thrusts, and moan
each time Karen brought her hips to press firmly against Su Lee's slender
body. She felt her own nipples and Su Lee's stiffen as they rubbed
against each other, and Karen felt a boiling pleasure begin to build deep
in her guts.
Suddenly with a load SMACK, pain exploded in her tenderized ass,
sending her hips slamming into Su Lee's, driving the plastic cock deep
into her cunt. Her scream around the penis in her throat was echoed by
Su Lee when their hips met with a painful slapping sound. For a moment
Karen didn't know what had happened, and froze in place, her fake penis
shoved as deep as possible into Su Lee's pussy, her throat distended
around the plastic penis gag, her lips touching Su Lee's at its base, her
body pressed, sweating, hard against her friend's. Then she realized
what had happened--Ms. Kane had used a belt on her poor, torn, ass--and
Karen knew what she would do if she didn't keep fucking Su Lee. So she
tenatively pulled the strap on out of Su Lee's pussy, only to have her
ass explode in pain at its apex as Ms. Kane brought the belt across her
tender cheeks. A matching pleasure shot through her clitorus as her hips
slammed forward into Su Lee's to escape the pain, another cry coming from
her gagged throat, echoed again by Su Lee.
She pulled back again, SMACK, pain flashed through her ass,
melding with the sharp pleasure at her clit, spread through her groin by
the vibrators in her guts. SMACK SMACK SMACK...her hips humped up and
down furiously, driven by the belt biting into her ass. She grunted in
unison with Su Lee, each downward thrust bouncing her off her friends
slender hips, sending more pleasure shooting through her body. She was
like a driven machine, sweat dripping off her body, her breath coming in
great gasps sucked through her nostrils. She felt a low kining come from
Su Lee through the gag into her own throat, and felt her friend's body
tense beneath hers. Su Lee cried through her gag, sending chills down
Karen's throat, and began bucking wildly beneath her as Karen slammed the
strap on again into her cunt. Answering fire exploded in her own clit as
she felt her friend twist beneath her, pinioned by her bonds and by the
driving phallus she wielded. The vibrators were a strong wind sweeping
her pleasure like wildfire through her entire body, engulfing her ass in
painful pleasure, her groin a countering cool wind of ecstacy. Her body
spasmed in the throws of her orgasm, taunt and firm, and then she
collapsed, exhausted, onto Su Lee.

Three weeks later, Karen lay on her bed at the boarding school,
thinking about what had happened to her after she had left the
headmistress's office. She had had to go to the nurse to get the
vibrator removed from her ass, and she blushed at the remembrance,
remembering how she was told to lean over the back of the chair while the
nurse reached inside her with a metal device. When she had returned to
her room, Su Lee was not there, and when she did return, wouldn't speak
to her. Karen badly wanted to tell her friend that she didn't want to do
what she had done, but she had been forced to; she wanted to tell her it
would be all right, that they could stick it out together; but Su Lee
merely curled up into a ball on her bed and ignored her. Karen felt
awful, but there seemed nothing she could do. What surprised her most
was that, for the first time, other of her classmates stopped by to talk
to her. She remembered how wary they all were, and how they looked at Su
Lee with pity. She remembered how each one empathized with her, and let
hints drop about how things worked at the school, and what her role was.
Her spirits were bouyed by these visits, and she felt a growing sympathy
with the rest of the underclasswomen at the school.
She learned that the original headmistress of the Convenant
School for girls had had a son who was a member of Delta Sigma Pi. It
had apparently been his idea to turn the school into his own and his
fraternity brothers' private harem, and got his mother to agree. They
then began setting up the social structure they had now: first they
approached the more sadistic and easily influenced teaching faculty and
convinced them of the benefits of having a whole school of young cunts at
their disposal. They then picked out several of the senior girls who
were especially cruel, and subtly encouraged them to dominate the rest of
the student body. Following the sly suggestions of faculty, and
receiving absolute support from them, these girls brutalized the entire
school, offering admission to their clique only to other seniors, and
some juniors--the alternative to being with them was to be against them.
Eventually they began actually torturing those girls who they disliked,
or who did not jump when they wanted them to. It was a short step from
there to sexual domination.
At first the school had trouble keeping these activities from
reaching the parents, but by imposing what was essentially a police state
at the school, they managed, until there was no thought of escape, since
there was no hope. At this point they were ready for the next step--the
introduction of the members of Delta Sigma Pi to these sexual games. It
wasn't hard, since by this time the seniors were wallowing in their
sexual domination of the underclasswomen. They knew that nothing was
more humiliating and degrading than rape, so, at the suggestion of
faculty, brought over rapists. This act broke most of the
underclasswomen, and no more resistance was made; most accepted their
lot, holding the hope that when they were seniors they would be able to
revenge themselves on the younger generation.
The headmistress and faculty even had a plan to keep the senior
girls from getting out of line. It was simple: they would
occassionally, maybe once a week, choose a senior girl who had displeased
them in some way, and tortured and sexually degraded her. Long before
this stage though, the faculty who were not willing to play along were
dismissed, and more amiable teachers were hired. Everything was pretty
much set now; the only thing that was needed was to codify the rules the
faculty had instituted.
The headmistress, her secretary, and the faculty would have
unlimited use of any of the girls they wanted. The members of Delta
Sigma Pi had unlimited use of any of the sophmores or freshmen. The
seniors had the same priveleges as the Fraternity. The juniors were a
special case: they were free from everyone except the faculty at the
school, yet they had no priveleges with the underclasswomen. There was
an arrangement, though, where a junior could become a slave of a senior,
who would then allow her to use, at the senior's descretion, any of the
underclasswomen. Pregnancies were a problem at first, but the pill, and
then the day after pill, took care of that; the day after pill was a
godsend, since it did not artificially mature the young girls like the
pill did, leaving them their girlish selves.
She also learned something about the personalities who were
presently at the school. Ms. Samantha Kane, she learned, was reasonable,
if sexually demanding. Paul, her secretary, was a bit of a sadist, and
played favorites. His favorite, and the favorite of most of the faculty,
was Ingrid, whom everyone was afraid of. She practically ran the school,
getting everything she wanted, but the girls were most afraid of the girl
Ingrid had taken under her wing, Mercedes. Mercedes was a true sadist,
delighting in bringing pain to the underclasswomen. The faculty, over
the years, had been weeded out to all hardcore dykes. Some of them were
nicer than others, but they all liked to dominate the girls.
The social politics at the school grew out of the fact that the
girls were expected to maintain their grades, limiting the amount of time
the underclasswomen could be put to sexual use. Animosities would grow
over a favorite freshman or sophmore, and the underclasswomen usually got
caught in the battles between the seniors. The sophmores were used to
the setup, and even enjoyed it to a degree. They made sure to make
friends with a junior or two, so when they advanced a grade, they could
make a deal. Also, in their role as sympathizers with the incoming
freshmen, most of whom were traumatized by the attention paid them, they
found girls ripe for seduction. The freshmen adjusted after the first
few weeks, when they realized there was nothing they could do about it.
She also caught hints about what happened to Su Lee. Su Lee had
refused to move from her bed for two straight days, not going to class,
not eating, not speaking. They had carried her away a day later, and
Karen had not seen her since. From what she could gather, they had taken
her to the D.S.P. Fraternity house and kept her drugged and tied in an
underground room, where anyone could come down and use her as they
pleased. Hard cases, and cases like Su Lee, who just couldn't come to
terms with their predicament, were sent for either breaking or
desensitation. After a month of being tied in a drug haze, being fucked
almost constantly in one manner or another, they usually returned quite
docile, willing to do anything.
Karen felt sorry for Su Lee, but was kept too busy to think about
it much. Her schoolwork increased, and she, being new, became an
instant, if temporary, favorite. She was taught cunningless until she was
a pro, and found that there were endless ways her body could be made to
orgasm. The few men from the frat who came over and used her were the
best though, and every time she was penetrated she thought about how much
better the real thing really was. Two times a week she and a few
freshmen were driven over to the frat house and taught how to please a
man. Not only did she suck and deep-throat countless men, and learn how
to move her hips, squeeze her pussy, keep a man on the edge of orgasm, etc.,
she also learned how to flirt. She learned to be an innocent flirt, a
haughty, take-me flirt, a sexy flirt, a slutty flirt; she learned what to
say to turn different men on, and what to do. She learned how to act
during the sex act: astonished and pleased, scared, wanton, a
combination of those. She learned what to wear and how to walk. Most
important of all, she was taught how to reach orgasm, until with even
the slightest stimulation, whether pleasure or pain, she could come.
She still wasn't completely reconciled with it all though. Each
nerve wracking orgasm held it's own satisfaction, but a part of her mind
still dreaded it, dreaded seeing her kneeling naked before some man, or
on all fours, screaming and gasping as a cock was buried in her ass, or
lying on her back while she licked at another woman's vagina, or bound in
some byzantine way and beaten and teased until she screamed in release.
Most of all this part of her mind dreaded the way she reacted, the way
she degraded herself before these abusers, the way her body danced to
their manipulations, coming again and again. Deep down it made her feel
ashamed, made her feel like a whore, a slut, a worthless sex crazed bitch
who cared only about getting off. At the same time she secretly relished
what was being done to her, and her qualms just seem to add a tingle of
excitement to everything. She wasn't quite resigned to her fate, but she
knew she was close.


Su Lee returned a few days later, a brokenspirited girl shambling
around, doing what she was told. She wouldn't speak to Karen, wouldn't
speak to anyone; she did her schoolwork and she answered the demands of
her superiors, but that was it. Karen was kept busy with her own
schoolwork and other responsibilities, but she was still hurt by Su Lee's
reticence. Over the next couple of weeks, she discovered Mercedes'
interest in Su Lee. In fact, Mercedes' was practically the only one who
used Su Lee. The other girls whispered it was because Su Lee _hated_
what was being done to her, and used her passivity as a weapon against
her tormentors. Mercedes saw this as a challenge, and delighted in
turning her body against her, making her orgasm. She videotaped every
session she had with Su Lee, and made the girl watch herself be abused
over and over. She even kept photos of Su Lee at the moment of orgasm,
using them to further torment her. Karen remembered seeing some of the
pictures, each one revealing Su Lee's orgasm in the expression on her
face, the still life straining of her body, her spasms frozen on film.
There was one picture of Su Lee hanging by her ankles from the
ceiling, her slender legs tied together at ankle, knee, and thigh, her
arms strapped behind her back, her long black hair cascading to the
ground. Whip marks covered her body, and two large, vicious clamps were
fastened about her nipples, but the photo showed her mouth open in a
silent cry, her body tensed, just beginning to jackknife at the waist,
the rope leaning back at a slight diagonal, obviously jerked there by Su
Lee's thrashing. Mercedes had labeled it "Vibrator Ecstacy". Another
picture showed Su Lee hogtied and rolled awkwardly onto her back, all her
weight resting on her arms. Her head was laying back and a ring gag held
her mouth wide. Multiple streams of urine coming from the naked bottom
halves of men splattered against her body, little sprays bouncing from
her glistening ivory teeth, her small, hard nipples, her flat, narrow
stomach, her thighs and her legs. A small, womanly hand held a fire
poker plunged into Su Lee's cunt, Su Lee's body blanched, tense and
arched to meet the invading poker. Mercedes called this one "Stoking the
Fire". She had complete video tapes of these scenes, but carried the
pictures so that she could show whomever she wanted whenever she wanted.
Karen understood her friend's horror, but wished she wouldn't be
so stubborn. If she only gave in, accepted Mercedes' attentions instead
of resisting her, Mercedes would lose interest in her. Hey, she herself
had had plently of horrible experiences, but she wasn't going to let it
keep her down. She learned and thought all these things in a little over
a month, managing to keep her grades up throughout it. Then she learned
she had been picked to be prey in the Hunt.
She stood at the setting of the sun at the southern edge of the
forest which stretched across the northern side of the school. She was
wearing only a pair of sandels laced up to mid calf, her pleated, plaid
skirt, and her white school blouse. She shivered in the cold, goosebumps
all over her body, her nipples hard rocks beneath her blouse. She stood
among four other girls: Su Lee was there, stoic and seemingly uncaring;
Andrea, a young doe eyed french girl with long blond hair and a boyish
figure, stood, freezing, with her arms across her small chest; Kelly, a
large curvy girl, plump in all the right places, squatted on the ground,
looking scared; and Diana, a tall, dark haired girl with classic southern
european features, well formed and knowing it, stared defiantly at the
group of thirty D.S.P. members standing just twenty feet away from them,
some holding hunting dogs tightly on leashes.
Karen had found out that the hunt had become a tradition carried
from the earliest days of the school, when fraternity members had to hunt
down real runaways before they could escape. Now, the frat voted on
their five favorite girls, and all the college juniors and seniors gave
them a ten minute head start and then chased them down, the first to
catch each one got dibs. The girls were then carried back to the frat
house for a weekend of debauchery. She also found out there were
rewards: if any girl managed to make it to the road eight miles distant,
or make it to the frat house without getting caught, that girl
immediately gained senior status for her entire stay at the school.
Karen started as the command to begin was bellowed, and turned
and dashed into the woods. She ran straight into the woods, quickly
loosing sight of the other girls among the trees. She started to pace
herself, figuring in her mind...ten minutes...six miles per hour...I can
make about one mile...only seven left to the road...could never make
the frat house...I'll have to slow down a't keep this up
forever.... She had planned to make a straight run for the road; she
was in good shape, strong, and if she could outdistance the other girls,
the guys would waste time with them. Her legs flashed beneath her as she
ran, and she felt her muscles working in her thighs, in her stomach, in
her back. Her arms pumped, and her eyes searched the way ahead for
obstacles. Cold air bit into her lungs, to be expelled in a warm
breath. Adrenaline began to pump through her, and an exhilarating
feeling rushed over her: she was flying through the woods, her body the
furnace powering the engine of her legs, spreading warmth and wellbeing
through her. She felt like crying out in joy; she felt like she could
run forever.
About twenty minutes later, her elation, as well as her
adrenaline rush, had worn off, and she was leaning against a tree,
panting, feeling the chill of approaching night on her sweat dampened
skin. She heard the sound of dogs behind her, she didn't know how close,
but she knew they couldn't be that close. Straightening up, she began
walking as quickly as she could toward the unseen road, and victory. She
walked like that for what seemed forever, occassionally breaking into a
trot, her apprehension growing as the sounds of pursuit increased. She
must have traveled five miles, she thought, she was so close. Five miles
in no more than an hour...they couldn't be that close...if it wasn't
longer than an hour...just keep She was feeling
pretty good, but couldn't do more than a brisk walk for any length of
time...and she wasn't sure she was going in the right direction...she may
have veered off the the right somewhere...she had to keep running was pretty dark now...made it hard to see...slowed her down.
Twenty minutes later she looked back, fearful at the growing
sounds of pursuit, the baying dogs and the call of voices back and forth,
and saw the light of flashlights being playing among the trees.
Adrenaline instantly surged through her, and she bolted away among the
trees, panic gripping her. She could barely see, though, dark as it was,
and slowed, her heart racing wildly. Suddenly a beam of light caught
her, and she blinked, frozen, temperarily blinded, then she began to
run. "There she is" she heard someone yell, and suddenly she felt a
surge of people close on her, the exposing light now fixed on her, now
bobbing before her, now behind. She heard scurrying in the underbrush
behind her and something cannoned into the back of her thighs, knocking
her from her feet. She landed heavily in the dirt and began rolling
across the ground as canine teeth nipped at her, canine bodies swarmed
around and over her. Her arms covered her face as fear and panic
overtook her, the growling of the dogs and the play of the flashlights
disorienting her.
Hands grabbed her, pulled her up from the press of dogs. She
squinted into the blurred faces of six young men, all panting and
grinning and laughing. They dragged her, struggling and kicking and
screaming, her head thrashing her hair wildly about her head, and slammed
her hips over a large fallen log. She hung there, still struggling, the
bark of the log tearing into the tender flesh of her stomach as they
ripped off her cloths, until she lay there, as if over someone's lap,
completely naked and exposed.
Everything was a madhouse around her: the lights zigging her,
zagging there, the laughter and catcalls of the boys, and the curious
snuffling noses of the dogs. "Hey," she heard in a daze, "Caesar caught
her, Caesar should have first shot!"
Answering calls of "Ya!", "Let Caesar fuck her", "Goddamn slut",
"Bet she gets off", echoed through her head as she felt a furry weight
land on her buttocks, and a narrow, slimy _thing_ slide into her cunt.
"Noooooooo!" she screamed, feeling the dog's paws lock around her
waist and the dog's hips begin crashing into her buttocks, sliding its
slippery penis in and out of her pussy. She struggled and cried, trying
to buck the animal off of her, but strong hands held her down. The dog
quickly finished, and she trembled as she felt its hot seed gush deep
into her. The animal was pulled quickly off of her and she felt a man's
cock drive deep inside her now lubricated sheath. Rough hands grabbed
her hips and pulled her ass back to meet the driving phallus, dragging
her stomach and breasts across the rough bark. The chase, the lights,
the dog, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins, all overpowered
her, sending her into a daze. The world whirled around her and all that
was left were the sensations assaulting her body.
Her stomach and breasts chaffing against rough bark, tearing at
her tender skin; strong hands gripping the top of her hips, squeezing and
kneeding and pulling; hips slamming against her buttocks, driving her
clitorus painfully into the log, sending brief flashes of overwhelming
sensation through her body; a large dick stretching her cunt wide,
churning her insides up, sending a warm, melting feeling through her;
someone grabbing her hair, pulling her head up, shoving their cock into
her mouth and down her throat. Buffetted back and forth between two
pistoning cocks, bent naked over a log, pandamonium surrounding her, she
shuddered and came.
The cock in her mouth slammed again into her throat, sending a
shock of pain to mingle among the awful scraping across her front, the
pain crashing into the overwhelming sensation of painful ecstacy
radiating from her groin, and she came again. She came as she felt seed
shoot into her stomach, and again as another cock forced its way past her
anus, sending tingling pain through her body. She came when warm come
squirted down her throat, and when another cock forced its way into her
mouth and down her throat. She came and came and came. She couldn't
stop coming, not when each guy took a second turn with her, not when they
set the dogs loose on her, not when they shoved a thick branch up her
cunt, sending splinters driving into her tender flesh. She was a
flopping, jerking, coming piece of meat for she didn't know how long, and
when she finally stopped coming, she was being half carried, half dragged
through the woods back to the frat house, her body still wracked with
tingling pleasures.
In her semi-conscous state, she hung between two men, thinking it
was oh so good, she wanted more; and before she passed out, she thought
to herself: I can't wait...get me to the frat house...please....


Su Lee ran along the highway shortly after dusk, her breath
rasping in her lungs. She had known about the hunt and had planned how
to confuse the dogs, how to escape the hellhole known as the Covenant
School for Girls. Now she was almost free; she just had to get far
enough away. The lights of a bigrig roared past her, then slowed to a
stop on the side of the rode before her. The passenger side door swung
open and she gratefully ran to it and climbed in: she was safe; she was

(Don't bet on it. See Schoolgirl 2.0 for the further adventures of Su Lee.)
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Tom Sanders watched as Su Lee scrambled into the cab of his truck
and waited until she was settled. He started up his rig and asked, "So
where you goin'?"
Su Lee gave a little start at the sound of his voice, and darted
a quick look at him, "Uh...down to see my Aunt in Frontsburg," she
answered, stumbling over the words, her breath coming in ragged gasps.
Tom looked over at her, "You okay? You're not a runaway or
anything like that?"
"'m fine. I was getting a ride with some friends when
their car broke down.... They got a hotel room and called for a tow
truck; I decided to hitch it."
"Well...okay then. I'm headed in that direction for awhile, so I'll
drop you off at Gravesville where you can catch a bus or something.
Sound okay?"
"Yes," she said, and smiled at him, showing two rows of even,
white teeth, "and thanks."
"No problem," he answered, "and by the way, my name's Tom, Tom Sanders."
"I'm Su Lee," she answered, and they rode in silence for a while,
the gentle motion of the truck on the highway lulling Su Lee to sleep.
Tom heard her breathing even out in the passanger side of the
truck, and glanced over to see if the girl he had picked up were asleep.
She was. Going to see her Aunt my ass, he thought, and smiled. She was
certainly a runaway, probably from that cunt rich bitch school he knew
was snuggled deep in the woods from her outfit. He smiled again as he
looked over at her, thinking my luck certainly is holding up. His eyes
took Su Lee in as she lay slumped in the seat: her slender, smooth legs,
with their muscles firm beneath silky skin; her waspish waist tapering
out to narrow hips and up to a small busom. Her large, dark eyes were
closed now in her asian face, her lashes lying long and dark on her
face. She had a small, beautiful, smooth face, and her hair was a raven
darkness which crowned her head and cascaded down her back to her
waist. She was just a wisp of a girl, Tom thought, he could probably
reach all the way around her waist with his hands. Would've thought she
was maybe twelve if it hadn't been for the uniform: that puts her at
fourteen or fifteen. Anyway, she was a prime, grade A piece of meat; he
did have all the luck.
As he drove through the day, Su Lee sleeping beside him, Tom
thought about pulling over to the side of the road and raping her then
and there--god knew his cock was hard enough just thinking about it. He
was a pretty big guy, even though he was only 5'10", with a slight paunch
showing his profession. He could just imagine himself pinning he slender
body to the ground, his thick cock splitting her in two, her pleadings
and cryings as he rammed her full of his meat. He resisted the impulse
though; he was only a few hours from the shack. If he took her now he
would have to tie her up for the rest of the trip, and that was a pain.
Besides, even if some of the others were there, he would get first shot
at her.
His mind wandered and he thought about the shack. There were a
lot of hitchhikers on this route, a fair share of them lookers.
Occasionally he or one of his friends would require payment for a
ride--only fair, but Ed Banks had taken it farther, had shown them the
way. Ed had picked up a buxom redhead of about twenty five or six, and when
she had refused his advances, as well as his badgering, he had taken what
he wanted anyway. He had gone so far as to tie her up in the back of his
rig and keep her there, fucking her whenever he wanted, for a week. When
he finally told his buddies, Tom being one of them, it had given them an
idea. There was a small, abandoned shack with a cellar just off their
route. They occasionally crashed there. Now wouldn't it be great if
they could keep their own puntang there for rec purposes? And when they
needed to dispose of the pussy they brought there, well, Pedro had a
friend down in Mexico who ran a whorehouse--he'd buy any used pussy they
had. And the cops could be taken care of too, for Tom had a friend who
was Highway Patrol, and who wouldn't mind being part of a deal like
this. They set it up immediately, with the redhead as their first piece
of meat. She went into the cellar with a lot of fire, but a week later
when she came out she was a broken woman--they even got $100 for her from
Pedro's friend. That was a couple of years ago; since then, they had had
numerous cunts in the shack, few for longer than a week, most runaways of
some sort, young and tender with pussies that tried to eat your prick.
This Su Lee was going to be one of those, he thought, looking greedily
at her slumbering form; hope she screams.
Su Lee awoke with a start, awakened by the sudden stop of the
truck. It was approaching darkness and they were off the main highway,
stopped before a small wooden shack.
"You awake girl?" Tom said, "I'm not gonna make it to Gravesville
tonight. Too tired. This here shack's where I crash sometimes. Come on
and you can get some real sleep inside."
Su Lee, still groggy from sleep, let Tom help her out of the
truck, a foreboding touching the back of her mind. She dismissed it
immediately--Tom had been nice to her--there was no danger here. They
walked to the front door and Tom unlocked it, opened it, and waved her
inside. Following her in, Tom shut the door behind himself.
"What have we got here," Al, a large, burly lumberjack type
called out, "who's your friend Tom?"
Su Lee was taken aback by the presence of the other two men in
the shack: besides Tom and the one who had just spoken, there was
another man, blond, blue eyed, cleanshaven, but small and wizened
looking, like a weasel.
"Al, Dick, this is Su Lee. She's going to be our guest for
tonight. Then I'm taking her to Gravesville," Tom said.
Su Lee stepped back, frightened, as she saw evil, predatory grins
spread across Al and Dick's faces, only to bump into the solid body of Tom.
"Now now, don't be frightened," Tom said, gripping her small
shoulders in his hands as she twisted her neck to look up at him, "no one
here is going to hurt you...much."
"Nooooooo!" she cried out as he spun her around like a rag doll
and threw her to the ground. She landed hard on the dirt floor, crashing
with her back and her buttocks into the hard-packed dirt. Hands grabbed
her arms and dragged them apart above her head, while Tom dropped to his
knees between her legs, grabbing the front of her thighs in his large
hands and pinning her to the ground. "Please don't do this to me," she
begged, twisting and fighting against the restraining hands, "I haven't
done anything to you. Please let me go."
Tom merely grinned down at her an flipped up her skirt, exclaiming as
he saw she was without underwear.
"She's prepackaged cunt," Dick laughed.
"Let's see the titties," Al grunted and reached over with one
huge hand an ripped her blouse open, exposing her small breasts. "Not
much there, but she is a fine catch, Tom."
"You've got all the luck, Tom," Dick said. "Now don't break
her," laughing.
Su Lee began screaming. This couldn't be happening to her: she
had escaped the madhouse of the school only to be raped in the dirt by
these animals. Her mind recoiled in horror at her predicament, and she
thrashed desperately on the ground, trying to get loose. Tom released
her thighs and fell heavily on top of her, knocking the air from her. She
spastically tried to close her legs, but they were held apart by Tom's
knees and thighs. She was nearly smothered by this hairy bulk of a man
lying on top of her, and she whimpered as she felt his cock press against
her dry, tight pussy.
Tom pushed his hips forward, driving his cock against her
opening, grunting in satisfaction as he felt the head of his cock slip
roughly into her dry channel, scraping harshly against her dry labia. He
reveled in her scream as he penetrated her, and felt her thrashings under
him as those of a small, trapped animal. He loved dry fucking young
cunts like this.
Su Lee was practically out of her mind with the pain. Her cunt
felt like it was being torn apart, and she could feel every inch of his
cock against her tender insides as he agonizingly thrust his way further
into her. She was screaming and bucking, but it was no use, she was
trapped beneath his weight. Her legs flailed at his sides, and she tried
to kick him with her heels, but he just ignored her, and continued to
force his cock into her shredded hole.
The cunt was going crazy beneath him as he drove his cock into
her pussy to the hilt. He loved the feel of her legs flailing against
his sides, the sound of her wimpering, screaming, begging. He ground his
pelvis against hers, feeling his cock squeezed as if by a vice in her
teenage pussy.
Feeling him grinding against her she wimpered and begged,
"Please...please stop. I don't want this. Please...." He ignored her,
and began slowly drawing his dick from her tortured sheath, feeling like
it was pulling her guts out with it. She moaned and twisted on the
floor, feeling small pebbles dig into her buttocks and back, increasing
her misery. She screamed as he bore his full weight down on her, driving
his shaft hard into her guts, scraping mercilessly against the tender pink
flesh of her sheath. He pulled out again, bringing a moan of pain from
her lips, followed by another scream as he plunged back into her. She
kept begging, pleading with him to stop, but he didn't, he just kept
riding her, smothering her, pounding her into the dirt floor.
Damn the cunt was tight, Tom thought as he dragged his cock back
and forth across her innards. What a good fucking cunt, he thought
again, listening to her screams and feeling her still struggling beneath
him. He was close to coming--these young screamers really turned him on.
Su Lee felt Tom tense above her, and felt his cock throb as it
spurted load after load of cum deep into her cunt. It was almost a
relief, like cool liquid flowing over her burning inner flesh. She tried
to shrink into the ground, humiliated. Now that this man had taken her,
what were they going to do to her?
She didn't have long to wait as Tom lifted himself off the now
unmoving girl: "That is one of the best fucks I've had in a long time."
"Come on, roll her over," Al said excitedly, "I want that little
pouty gook mouth."
Hands quickly rolled her onto her stomach and then jerked her to
her hands and knees: she was a limp as a ragdoll now, all the fight
fucked out of her by Tom. She felt Al grab her head and force his large
dick into her mouth, while behind her Dick had grabbed her asscheeks and
was pulling them apart. She gagged and jerked back in pain as Al shoved
his rod down her throat, banging his hips against her small nose. She
wimpered through the cock in her throat as she felt Dick pressing the
head of his penis against her anus. Searing pain shot through her body
and she screamed, feeling Dick's cock pop through her ass, tearing at her
Al began fucking her mouth in earnest, slamming his cock in and
out, in and out of her throat, making her gag and flinch in pain each
time his dick rammed through into her throat. His balls slapped against
her chin, adding to the humiliation surging through her mind. Behind
her, Dick began to work into a rhythm, his cock lightly coated with blood
from Su Lee's injured anus.
Su Lee went into shock, her mind unable to cope with the
battering her body was taking. She seemed to be looking down at her
body, sandwiched between two men. She saw her lips in a wide O around
Al's cock, and she saw her throat distend as Al drove his cock down it,
his balls slapping against her chin, his hands practically engulfing her
tiny head. She saw Dick kneeling behind her draw his blood-slimed cock
out of her asshole, then plunge it brutally back in, his hands circling
her small waist, pulling her back against him violently with each
thrust. Her body was jerked back and forth between the two men, her
small breasts hanging pathetically from her chest. She felt distantly
wave after wave of pain come from her ass, travel up her body and crash
against the pain in her throat.
It was too much, too much, the pain crashing through her, and
something else, something more primal, beneath the pain, like a strong
tidal pull, or the beginnings of a whirlpool, sluggishly moving beneath
the violent waves of pain coursing through her body. She became dizzy,
and saw herself flash before her eyes from all angles: now she was
above, seeing her back, seeing her body jerked back and forth; now she
behind, seeing Dick's ass pumping back and forth, and seeing her legs
spread obscenely on either side of his; now she saw her stomach heaving,
her small breasts swaying, the nipples distended by gravity, Dick's hairy
balls slapping against her crack; now from everywhere at once, her body
being used, abused, tortured by cocks plunging, driving, hurting her
body. Her cunt spasmed, remembering its rape, its torment. Her body
jerked, taking on a life of its own.
Her mind was engulfed in waves of pain, it was awash in agony.
She felt a tug on her mind as she drowned, a tug pulling all her pain
down, down. In her mind she gasped as all the pain, all the suffering,
all the humiliation which was engulfing her was sucked down into the
center of her being, into the pit of her stomach, and exploded in orgasm,
spitting everything back out as a fount of ecstacy, washing over her,
drowing her, engulfing her.
The piece of meat that was her body spasmed, jerked, bucked, roasted on
the spit of two cocks, which began filling her with seed. It still
quivered and twitched as the men pulled out, and kept shaking as it
slowly collapsed onto its stomach, giving up and dragging Su Lee's mind
from the waves of ecstacy it was riding into darkness.


Mike Chan stepped out of his patrol car in front of the shack at about 9
pm that evening. He saw three rigs there, Tom's, Al's, and Dick's, and
thought that they might have a nice piece of white cunt in there for
him. He certainly hoped so, since he was horny as hell. His agreeing to
this deal was probably the best thing that could have happened to him.
He smiled to himself as he stepped through the door and saw his three
friends asleep on cots they had pulled out. He walked quietly through
the shack and kneeled down before a trap door in the floor, pulling out
his flashlight as he did so. Gripping his flashlight, he remembered when
he had shoved it up some white bitch's cunt--she had had the bad luck to
look vaguely like one of his police coworkers who had turned him down,
petite, short brown hair, green eyes and freckles, just because he was
Chinese--and then flipped her over and raped her ass. He smiled at the
remembrance, his penis growing hard.
He pulled up the trap door and shined his flashlight into the
dark, 20' x 20' cellar. He saw a bowl of water, some food on a plate,
and a small, teenaged girl huddled up in the corner, her legs folded
under her and her hands holding her shoulders, her arms covering her
small breasts. Tears had poured down her face, leaving streaks through
the dusk which covered her. Damn damn damn, Mike thought, they had got a
chinese girl. Sure he didn't mind the others: the white girls, the
uppity bitches, deserved it; the blacks and koreans and vietnamese, even
the japanese, well, they were hardly human, so they didn't matter. But a
chinese girl--he just couldn't leave her here. But then again he
couldn't just set her free. He knelt there thinking about his options,
and, decided, started down the ladder to the cellar.
When he stepped down, he pulled out his gun and pointed it at the
girl, motioning her to climb up the ladder quietly. She obeyed, and she
could see hope blossom in her eyes, hope he was not about to encourage.
When they reached his patrol car, luckily without waking up any of the
truckers, he, to her surprise, hancuffed the girl's hands behind her
back. When she tried to speak, he shoved a rag into her mouth and
covered it with electical tape. Then, still holding his gun, he motioned
for her to step into a large duffle bag he had unzipped and placed on the
ground. She looked at him with tortured eyes, but she obeyed, sitting
down in the bag, then laying on her back, pulling her legs up until her
knees were beside her head. He zipped up the bag and threw it beside him
in the car, and drove off.
He didn't want her sold off to that mexican they usually disposed
of the girls to, didn't want her to end up in some whorehouse, servicing
50 men a day, not his people. No, he had a friend a couple hours away
who had Yakuza connections in Thiland. He owed Mike a few favors, and he
thought, since she was young and in good condition, he could have his
friend sell her off to some bigwig in Japan, there to be a nurse maid and
occasional mistress. Much better than what had been in store for her,
and it was the best he could do.
He thought about her again: not bad for a Chinese girl. Maybe
he would relieve himself once he got to his friends....


2020-05-23 08:17:20
Hot hot hot wish it was me all the pleasure you can get with domination and become a slave of sexual pain and so mutch more Fg.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-13 12:46:51
I read online (computer problems) positive feedback about your resource. Didnt even believe it, and now saw myself. It turned out that I was not fooled!....

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-13 12:24:11
I read online (computer problems) positive feedback about your resource. Didnt even believe it, and now saw myself. It turned out that I was not fooled!....

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-13 12:01:37
I must admit, the webmaster is a cool guy..!!

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-13 11:38:53
I decided to help and sent a post to the social bookmarks. I hope to raise it in popularity!!....

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