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A few months later...
We catch up to John and his lovely women a few months down the road...

"We have a problem," Amber told me as she walked into my bedroom. Looking up from my laptop, I had to smile. Even at seven months pregnant, the woman was beautiful; her long red hair framing her small face, her pale skin glowing with the radiance that only pregnant women seem to possess, and her blue eyes always twinkling with some sort of mischief.

"What is that?" I ask. I can tell from her look that she isn't angry with me, something I try to avoid at all costs, since our one and only fight. I have heard that redheads are feisty, and I can attest to the truth of that, but somehow pregnancy has mellowed Amber out. Something my friends tell me is extremely unusual.

"We need a bigger place," she tells me, walking over and sitting on the side of my bed. "This place is big, but when the baby arrives, what then? I know she will sleep with me or you for awhile, but after that, she'll need her own room." Since I was dating all three women that lived here, we each had our own room. We had agreed on that arrangement early on to avoid jealousy issues. Whenever I was home, whichever women were also here had my full attention, dividing myself as fully as possible, except on Mondays. That was my day to relax, and to myself, if I so chose. Today was Friday.

"We talked about this. We can't afford it. Not with you not working for now. Even my raise to head bouncer doesn't make up for that. As soon as you are up to working again, then maybe."

A large smile split her petite face, and I suddenly grew worried. She had a plan, and from experience, my life was safer going with whatever plans put that look on her face.

"I found a place. It is big enough to grow into, and the rent is actually lower than this place. It is even closer to work!" I could see that she was excited, but I always have to play the devil's advocate.

"With a steal that great, it is either run down, or already taken. Have you called on it?"

"Of course, Cutie," I love that after all these months, she still calls me that, "The owner says there are all new appliances, new carpet, and it is in a more upscale part of town. All we have to do is come up with first month's rent, and it is ours!"

"Well, I guess it can't hurt to look," I said, giving Amber a wink. I barely had time to move my laptop out of the way, before she was in my arms kissing me. For a woman six months along, she was still pretty spry. Her kisses became more passionate the longer they continued, and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what she wanted. Amber was always horny, but ever since I got her pregnant, she has been even more so.

Amber's hands began to pull at my shirt, and I broke the kiss long enough to pull it off over my head. She then began to work at my pants, soon having them down to my ankles, then off. Kissing down my chest, the petite redhead then started to kiss around my groin, my balls, and even the base of my cock, but refused to do more, tortuously teasing me. Moaning, I let her know that she was winning. She was punishing me for debating with her, instead of just simply agreeing.

I placed my hands on the back of her head, not guiding, just running my fingers through her shiny tresses. This seemed to please her enough, and she slowly, ever so slowly, started licking up the underside of my penis. My low moan, turned to a groan as I felt her soft lips reach my head, and continuing her languid pace, took my head in her mouth. I felt her tongue poke at the hole at the tip, before swirling around the sensitive rim. Without warning, she dropped her head, taking my full eight inches down her throat at once. My groan deepened as the pleasure she was giving me multiplied. I couldn't help myself, and began to gently move my hips, leisurely fucking her mouth. Muffled sounds of pleasure came from around my penis, letting me know she was enjoying this too.

After a couple minutes, Amber released my manhood, and stood to remove her pants. I tried to lift her shirt, but she stopped me. "No," she said, "You know how I feel about--" I silenced her with a kiss, feeling her melt within my arms. She was self conscious about her belly, but I didn't give a damn. I thought it looked sexy on her, and her growing boobs were a pleasure to play with. It didn't take me long to have her top off, before we were lying in the bed together.

I pulled her face to mine again, and gently we kissed, as my hands roamed her back, and hers slid up and down my torso. I dug into my nightstand, and pulled out a small bottle of lube. Amber saw it and smiled. We were both too worried about my length and the baby, so anal was the only way for us.

Amber rolled onto her side, facing away, and I quickly lubed up my cock. Placing the head against her tight anus, I applied a little pressure, and popped past her squeezing sphincter. "Ooh," Amber moaned, and slid her rear back, taking more of me into her colon. I couldn't hold back my own moan, as I felt the tight ring of her asshole slide down my erection. I leaned forward, and gently kissed the back of her neck, and began to move my hips. I brought my hand around, and tugged gently on her nipple rings, smiling at the way her eyes still glazed over when I did that.

Her hand landed on my hip, & I could feel the urgency in her as she wanted me to pick up the pace. More than willing to oblige this redheaded beauty, I started to thrust my hips into her rear cavity, grunting at the effort. "Yes! That's it. Fuck my ass, cutie. Make me cum all over your big cock. Oh, I love how you fill my ass. Fuck me, cutie, FUCK me!" With her pregnancy, Amber had started to become more vocal in bed as well.

Amber began to convulse, and that was enough for me. I started to shoot inter her ass, convulsing myself, and lengthening her own orgasm. Amber somehow turned her body to kiss me, while leaving me inside her. Even six months along, she was still pretty agile.

"Mmm, I love how easily you can make me cum," she says with a smile, then separates from me.

We both get up, and head to the shower. I tenderly wash her, gently kissing her swollen belly; kissing our little child. When I had first found out that Amber had quit taking her birth control, and was pregnant, I was furious that she would do it without consulting me first. That was our first and only fight. It had ended with me somehow apologizing, with a swollen lip from not ducking swiftly enough. I have since come to regard the new child as someone to look forward to, and cherish.

We drove to see the new house, and I was surprised to see how nice it was: two and a half stories, six bedrooms, three baths, with a pool and hot tub in back. The street was obviously well taken care of, all of the lawns meticulously cut, and all of the bushes and trees trimmed.

"Are you sure this is less than our current rent?" I whispered to Amber as we followed the agent around the house.

The agent must have heard us, an attractive black woman named Betty. Her black hair was curly, and tied back, and she wore one of those business suits with the knee length skirt; everything about her screamed business. I was surprised to see her wearing such light clothes in winter, however. "There are no hidden costs. Utilities, cable, and internet are all part of the rent. I can show you the numbers again if you like."

I couldn't help but stare at her massive chest, thinking of something else I'd like her to show me. Amber elbowed me in the ribs, and I remembered that I had been asked a question. "Uh, yeah. I'd like that."

Betty laid the papers out on the kitchen counter, and no matter how much I went over them, it still ended up cheaper living here, and that was even without the extras.

That afternoon we held a meeting, Amber, Dixie, my sister Geo, and myself, and decided to make the move. It didn't make sense NOT to.

That night Dixie, Geo, and I worked at the strip club. Dixie had finally been promoted to dancer, and while she wasn't the best, a spot my sister still held, with Amber gone she was a close second. As head bouncer, it was my responsibility to make sure the other bouncers stayed on task, and the girls stayed safe. Ron, the last head bouncer, and Dixie's ex-boyfriend, had quit a few weeks ago, and moved out of town. He had never quite forgiven me for screwing Dixie, and I didn't miss him much. Especially not since I was then promoted to his spot. I still couldn't figure out why I had been chosen over some of the others, but I wasn't about to complain, and took my job seriously.

Dixie took the stage, and I turned my attention to her. She was wearing her schoolgirl outfit, one of my favorites, with her brown hair pulled back into two pony tails, her shirt unbuttoned, but tied just under her black bra, and an extremely short plaid skirt that flaunted her black thong underneath. An old 80's rock number came on, and Dixie... To say she moved would be an understatement. To be more exact, she swayed and rippled. Her hips moved in such a way that they seemed to be the driving force of every action, rippling out from there, thrusting her chest out with the music, as her eyes scanned the crowd. Her lithe legs would sweep around from time to time, as she swirled around the bar, sometimes jumping up to the top of it, and then gently gliding down with just the strength of her legs holding her on. She truly was a marvel to watch, and sometimes I caught myself so entranced by her movements, I'd forget to watch the crowd. Tonight was a relatively quiet night. We were busy, but the patrons were behaving themselves, and I could see the other bouncers were staying properly vigilant.

One of the bouncers came up to me, and told me that Larry wanted to talk with me. Larry was the owner, and I hadn't even known he was there that night. He owned a lot of businesses, and rarely came to this one.

I knocked on the door, and was immediately admitted in.

"John, good to see you," Larry greeted me with a firm handshake. He was an older man, grey and white peppered hair, and thick mustache. He was in his usual business suit, and jovial smile. 'Have a seat, will you. I have some things to discuss with you."

"Is everything alright, sir?" I asked. I wasn't too worried about anything. I ran a tight ship here, but this was only the second time I had been called into this office. The first was when I'd been promoted to head bouncer.

"Yes, yes, be at ease," he told me. "I am here for a couple reasons, and I need your help with both."

"Anything," I said with a smile, "just name it."

"Ho, ho! Don't be too quick to agree until you know my hand, John" Larry admonished. He grew serious then, and I wondered what he could possibly want. "As you know, I am rarely able to be here to keep a proper eye on things. That's what I rely on your for. What you might not know is that this is the first business I owned. From here I built my empire." I had no idea where this was going, and only nodded my head. Larry's eyes grew shrewd for a minute as he seemed to peer deep inside me. "I can see that you truly care about your job, as well as the women here, so I have a proposal for you." He paused for a few seconds before continuing. "I want to make you a partner in this place. What do you say?"

I sat stunned for a moment. Partner? Here? I counted the tills regularly, and knew what this place brought in. It would be a hefty raise, to say the least, and I would have more say in how things were run. Because Larry rarely ever came down here, he would be more of a silent partner.

"Earth to John, are you there?" Larry brought me back to the present.

"Yes! I-- Well-- Thank you!" I told him enthusiastically.

"Good, good." the older man said, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "I hope you don't mind, but I had my lawyers draw up the paperwork already. I had a feeling you would agree." For the second time that day, I poured over paperwork, and couldn't see any reason not to. I would become half owner, fifteen percent of my portion of the profits going to pay off the loan required for me to buy into this place, until it was paid in full. I would have full management rights, and as I had thought, Larry would become a silent partner, so long as this place continued to make a profit. I happily signed the documents.

"Now to the second item of business and your first action as part owner." Larry seemed to grow nervous for second, and then waved to the corner. I was startled to see a young Asian girl step forward. Somehow I had missed her being here the whole time. "This is my niece, Suzy. She wants to work here. I don't feel I can be a proper judge for her skills, her being family and all.

I stood up, and walked over to Suzy. She stood still while I walked around her, examining her. Her hair was dark brown, darker than Dixie's and about shoulder length. She was short, maybe just less than five feet. Her face was round and slightly cherubic, and her almond shaped eyes watched me nervously. She wore slimming dress, and I could tell that she had curves, more than angles, but that was alright, as some of our customers preferred a little meat on their women. That isn't to say she was fat, she just wasn't a beanpole either. I didn't know any of Larry's family, so I didn't know where the Asian genes came in, but guessed that Suzy couldn't be full blooded oriental.

I returned to me seat, and looked her in the eyes. "Let's see what you've got." I told her, and had to stop her as she started unzipping the side of her dress. "I want to see you dance. That can come as you move. I need to know you can at least dance, before I let you on the floor out there.

Suzy nodded without saying a word, and began to move to the music that was being piped in from the main floor. Her movements were jerky, and I could easily tell she was nervous. Whether from her uncle watching or me I wasn't sure. She stepped out of her dress, swaying her hips to let it fall to the floor, and I got a good look at her body. She had approximately C-cup breasts, being held up by a strapless bra, and she was wearing those butt hugger lacy panties that some women liked. As I had guessed, she wasn't too skinny, having soft curves here and there that looked really good on her. She moved her hands to the back of her bra, and hesitated. She looked at her uncle behind her, and he nodded. She undid the strap, and swayed her hips as she held it in front for a moment. She finally let it drop, and I had to stare in amazement.

She easily had the longest nipples I had ever seen. How her bra had hidden them, I couldn't understand. They had to stand out from her areolas at least an inch, if not more. Seeing women stripping on a regular basis had made me immune to getting aroused by it, but seeing the nipples on Suzy had me getting hard in seconds. She then turned around, and bending over, dropped her panties. I could easily see her inner lips protruding from her pussy, and even make out her clit. She was obviously turned on by her performance, and looking to Larry, I could see she wasn't the only one. The older man was slowly rubbing his crotch as he watched his niece.

The music ended, and Suzy stood back upright, turning to face me. I had to work moisture back into my mouth before I could speak. It wasn't that she was that phenomenal of a dancer, or even had the greatest body, but her nipples, sticking out from her dark smooth breasts had an effect on me. "I want you to--" I began before Larry cut me off.

"She's not done, yet, John."

Confused, I looked back to Suzy and watched as her hands began to roam over her body. She began to tug at her elongated nipples, pulling them up and down, making her tits shake. I sat captivated by them. Then her right hand dipped down to her shaved pussy, and spread her thick lips. She brought her left hand to her mouth, and sucked on two fingers, moving them in and out as though they were some form of phallus. Then she trailed them down her chest and stomach, leaving a trail of saliva, till she reached her spread pussy, and began to rub her clit.

Surprised by the turn of this interview, I looked to Larry, and saw that he had his slacks around his ankles, and his cock in hand, lightly stroking it. Feeling a little uncomfortable, I returned my eyes back to the woman in front of me.

Suzy now had two fingers buried in her cunt and her other hand was vigorously rubbing her clit. I looked up to her face, and saw that her eyes were closed, and her mouth open in a silent moan.

My cock was pressing uncomfortably against the front of my jeans, and I figured if the boss could do it, then so could I. At the sound of me unzipping my pants, Suzy's eyes flew open and the locked on my crotch. She licked her lips as I pulled my massive member out. I only had time to stroke myself a couple times, before Suzy dropped to her knees, and a low moan escaped her lips as she came on her fingers.

As she recovered, she crawled seductively over to where I sat, and replaced my hand with hers. I smiled at her encouragingly, but I doubt she saw it as her eyes were locked solely on my penis. She began to lick the underside of my erection, and I noticed for the first time that she had her tongue pierced. I sat back and enjoyed the sensation of my first blowjob with a pierced tongue.

"She's really good at that, isn't she" Larry said, and I opened my eyes to see him standing behind his niece.

I didn't want to tell him I had had better, so I just nodded, and moaned to encourage her.

Suzy moaned around my cock, and I saw that Larry was rubbing himself against her pussy. It didn't take long before he had himself hilt deep in his niece. He began to pound into her at a steady rhythm, making her moan more and more around my cock. She had a second orgasm, and I had to lift her head, afraid she was going to choke on my cock as she shivered uncontrollably.

Suzy then pulled away from her uncle, and finally looked at me. "I want that monster in me." She said; her first words to me tonight. Her voice was soft and delicate. I just nodded and pulled her towards me. She straddled me on the chair, and I couldn't resist taking one of her long nipples into my mouth, even though I had to bend way over to do it, with as short as she is. She pulled my head to her breast, as I sucked and nibbled on her teat. I felt her fat lips touch the head of my cock, and moaned as they started to slide down my erection. It took her a few moments, to get past the head, and I feared I might not be able to get the whole thing in this short woman. She seemed determined though, spurred on by my voracious appetite for her long nipples. I just couldn't get enough of them. When she had me halfway in, she stopped, held her breath, and then slammed down hard. I could feel myself hit bottom, and then suddenly kept on going. She screamed, half in agony, half in rapture it seemed, and held still, except for her body shaking in my arms.

I continued to nibble her tits, and I felt her fingers digging into my scalp, trying to pull me in tighter to her. After a few moments, Suzy began to rock her hips, moaning in delight at the fullness she felt. For me, I didn't know what to think. I was in her as deep as I could go, and then some. There seemed to be an extreme tightness inside her pussy that I couldn't compare to any other sexual experience I'd ever had.

"That's right, Suzy, suck my cock. Taste your own juices, and take my cum." I guessed Suzy was blowing her uncle by his words, and a few seconds later he came in her mouth by the sounds of his grunting. I didn't want to think how close he was to me right then, so I concentrated on the feeling of Suzy's pussy undulating on me, and the feel of her wonderful nipples against my tongue. She really must have enjoyed this, as I felt her pussy get much wetter, and she began to moan in my ear.

"I'm going to cum," I warned her. Suzy jumped off my lap, and began to suck on my cock furiously. It only took a couple seconds before I was blasting down the back of her throat. Suzy kept sucking till I had gone completely limp, fully cleaning my member.

"You've got the job," I told her, feeling completely drained. She jumped up and down clapping her hands, and doing wonderful things for her body, in excitement at my news. We all got quickly dressed, and I told her the rules, and that she would start tomorrow, as a bartender. She would practice dancing with the other girls before we opened, and when she was good enough, I would let her take the stage.

Geo spied me coming out of the owner's office, and I couldn't help but pat the new key that resided in my pocket. My own key to that office.

"What did he want?" Geo asked. She must have been coming from a private session, as she had a robe draped around her body.

"Tell everyone that there will be a meeting after work tonight. And no one is to disturb Larry tonight either." The older man wanted some more time alone with his niece. I could tell that Geo was hurt that I wouldn't come right out and tell her the news, but I wanted to save it till everyone was together, so I didn't have to say it a hundred times.

The rest of the night went pretty smoothly; Larry and Suzy leaving around midnight, and no one getting rowdy. All-in-all, a pleasant Friday night. The only problem I saw was that all the employees seemed to be on edge. At one point, the DJ even played the wrong song, and Geo snapped at him as I hadn't seen her ever do.

I locked the doors, and walked into the dressing room. All eyes turned towards me, and for a second I froze, forgetting why I had called this meeting.

"Larry is selling this place, isn't he?" Geo asked, and suddenly everyone's nerves made sense. They all thought they were going to lose their job. I wished I had foreseen this, but as they say, hindsight is 20/20.

"Yes, and no," I told her, and hurriedly continued to forestall any second guessing. "I am the new part owner."

There was dead silence in the room for a moment, and I wondered if they were mad, happy, or just what was going through everybody's minds.

It was Dixie that finally broke the silence. "Let me get this straight. All night we have been on pins and needles, just so you could tell us you were part owner?"

I could only nod at the accusation I saw in her eyes. This was not how I had seen things going. Cheers maybe, and some congratulations, or at the worst, indifference. I didn't expect hostility.

Dixie grabbed a shirt that was lying close to her, and threw it. Not at me, surprisingly, but at Geo. "You brat! You told us Larry was selling the place!"

"Wait!" Geo tried to fend off the attack. "John came out of his meeting white as a ghost, and extremely serious. What else was I gonna think?"

We all laughed as Geo and Dixie went at it for a moment, only to finally turn and congratulate me along with everyone else.

At home Amber met us at the door, and flung her arms around me, planting a big kiss, and congratulating me as well. One of the other girls must have texted the news to her. Geo poured drinks, and Amber drank simple juice as we began to celebrate our good fortune.

"So not only are we moving into a bigger place, with less rent, but our wonderful John here, has been promoted and is getting a tremendous raise?" Geo asked, her words slurred from the amount of alcohol she had imbibed. "Damn, aren't we lucky!" She leaned over, and gave me a passionate kiss. Amber was sitting on my other side, and demanded her own kiss, from her 'cutie' as soon as Geo had released me.

I happily obliged, enjoying the feeling of our tongues wrestling with one another, and felt hands at my belt. I opened my eyes without breaking the kiss to see Dixie trying to get my pants off. I lifted my hips, and broke the kiss long enough for Geo to get my shirt off.

Dixie immediately went down on me, sucking in my swollen head, and Geo dropped down to join her, licking my balls. I moaned into Amber's mouth, placing both my hands on her cheeks, as our kissing became more passionate.

I started to undo the buttons on Amber's shirt, but she stopped me, pulling away from our kiss. "No. You know how I feel about my body right now," she told me.

"And you know how *I* feel about your body," I retorted, going back to her buttons.

"You're crazy," she told me, but didn't stop me this time, even though she did blush deeply as I revealed her torso.

I had to smile as I gazed upon my pregnant girlfriend. "I like you that shade of red," I told her, referring to her blushing, and then immediately kissed her to forestall anything she might say.

Dixie moaned around my dick, and I looked down to see that both she and Geo had gotten naked, and Dixie was sitting on Geo's talented mouth. Dixie had one hand in Geo's strawberry blonde hair, and her other one cupping my sack.

I turned back to Amber, and decided her bra had to go. Luckily it was one of the front clasping kinds, and I soon had her pierced breasts revealed. I bent and took one in my lips, tugging on her rings gently with my teeth. I used my hands to pull down her maternity pants, and gain access to her crotch. Amber moaned loudly as my fingers found her clit, and began to rub.

"Geo, you are good at that, but I need some cock in me now!" I heard Dixie say, as her lips left my swollen member. Moments later I felt her climb on top of me and a hand take hold of my penis, aiming it for her honey pot. Even after all these months, Dixie felt exceptionally tight, and it took her a few moments to work the head past her lips.

I placed my hands on Amber's hips, and gently guided her higher up on the couch, kissing her belly, and then down to her crotch as she moved. I laid flat on the couch, feeling every centimeter of Dixie swallowing me inter her body, and Amber repositioned to sit on my face.

I used my tongue to gently lick Amber's swollen lips, sucking her into my mouth from time to time, listening to her moans. By the time I finally reached her clit, I was fully buried into Dixie's slick slit. Dixie began to rock her hips atop me, and I felt someone grab my hand, and knew that Geo wanted some of my attention. She started to suck on my fingers, swirling her tongue around them, and then guided my hand down to her own pussy. I easily slipped two, then three fingers into my sister. By the time Amber had her first orgasm, I had four fingers in Geo, and as she began to climax, I slipped my whole fist into her.

"Oh, yes, John! I love the feeling of my brother's whole fist in my cunt. Gawd, keep opening and closing your hand like that! Yes, yes, YES!" I loved the way Geo talked when she got off.

Dixie came soon after, and I had to fight to hold my own back, as her vaginal muscles began to milk my erection, demanding my cum.

Dixie climbed off me, and Geo removed my hand from within her, but kept hold of it, pulling me out from under Amber. "I want to feel my brother do me from behind with his massive cock," she told me, and smiled as she dropped onto all fours. I obligingly knelt behind her, and slid all the way in with one push. Geo grunted as I hit bottom, and then pushed back harder, trying to get as much of me in her as possible. I knew how she liked it, and started to pound into my older sister as hard and fast as I could.

I looked back to the couch to see both Amber and Dixie, their legs spread, and a hand on the other's crotch, their eyes slightly glazed as they watched the incest before them.

"Fuck me brother. Fuck me hard! Oh, how I love how deep you go! Oh, gawd, you're gonna make me cum again! Yes, I can feel it! Ahhhhhh!"

I could feel Geo's juices soaking out around my penis, and knew that I was going to cum soon after. "Ah, Geo, I'm gonna cum too!" I told her.

"Yes," She screamed as she turned and looked at me, a fiery lust burning deep in her emerald eyes. "Cum in your big sister. Cum in me brother! I want to feel it shooting deep inside me!" Her hand reached around, grabbing my hip, trying to make me go faster.

Despite her demands, I pulled out of her, and sprayed it along her back as she whimpered in disappointment. I collapsed back, and smiled in amazement as I saw Dixie get up, and start to lick Geo's back clean.

"Why won't you cum in me, John?" Geo demanded as soon as Dixie was done. This was an old argument, and I just looked at her, not answering. "I know! You don't want to get me pregnant," her tone had turned sarcastic, then to seriousness. "I have been doing some research, and the chance of us having a baby with genetic problems is very slim. We don't even have any of that stuff that runs in our family!"

I got up, and walked over to my older sister, then bent down, and cupped her chin in my palm. Looking deep into her eyes, I pulled her face up to mine, and kissed her. At first her lips remained still, refusing to kiss me back, but as I kept going, I felt her slowly begin to return it as I knew she would. I pulled away, and looked into her eyes. "I love you. I will always love you. Please let that be enough." She nodded, but I knew this wasn't the end of it from her.

That night as I lay trying to get to sleep, I began to imagine the changes I would make to the club, and began planning the move to the new place.
As always, please leave a comment below. Even if you vote negative, at least tell me why. And check out the forum for my stories at:

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-25 04:26:20
My name is Ashley Mister I am a white girl who used to strip in bmore that's when I had my first black cock and I am hooked

Clover ErnestReport 

2016-01-19 09:32:08
in response to the anon asking about the length problem.... in the first one he stated that it was 8 inches. it may in fact be a continuity error though, because i too recall reading 10 at some points, and 8 at others. guess ill have to go back and check


2015-10-07 06:07:09
Keep the story going

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-07-24 22:21:35
Bwst series ever

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-05-01 02:20:54
So in an earlier chapter you said that you had 5 inches into one of them and that that was only had of you, which would make you 10 inches long total. Now you say you're 8 inches long.... Which one is it?

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