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Terry's trouble continue
Maternal Instinct
Chapter 3

As the limo rolled down the road Denzell offered Marybeth some champagne. He advised her she really should drink a bit. Marybeth did a little bit and felt it hit her like a ton of bricks. Aargh empty stomach. Denzel offerd her some light snacks which she ate to overcome the alcohol. Marybeth got up the courage to ask why this was happening. Denzel smiled his big toothy grin then told her that his employer had picked her when he watched her and her spoiled brat daughter. He realized that the daughter could get anything she wanted and mommy dearest would do whatever was needed to get it. It was a sad state of affairs. Her downfall was maternal instinct and a brat who used it to her advantage. The whole game was to see what a mom would actually do to protect her daughter. The worst of it is what would she do even if she knew her daughter didn't give a shit.
Marybeth thought for a few minutes and explained that she was a respectable mom , married to a good man, she had a responsibility to protect her daughter. She would do whatever it took to protect her daughter. Denzel smiled again and asked her a hypothetical scenario of the daughter who didn't want to be protected, one who'd rather go out, party, raise hell, sleep around, etc. Would the moms sacrifice be a useless waste of her pride, respectabbility, her body? Marybeth felt anger build a bit. Denzel looked at her and went on to tell her all she had done that day. Marybeth was a bit taken back by what he described. He then leaned over to her and almost whispered "I bet you came more today than you've come in the last ten years" he coaxed a little and she shook her head slowly and admitted yes. Denzel then looked her in the eye and asked her if it wasn't for her being married, trying to be respectable, not protecting her daughter, etc that this actually would have been one of the most fulfilling sexual days she'd had in years. Marybeth looked at the floor and said nothing. Denzel grinned to himself then asked her to tell him he was wrong. This afternoon was the most intense sex she'd had in years..... She kept her eyes down not answering. He coaxed a bit more . She finally said in yes ina whisper. She then expanded by saying she was disgusted with herself for it too. Denzel went on and asked her why, she was a beautiful woman in her prime and should be able to enjoy incredible sex. He expanded by explaining that her husband would love the expansion of her sexual horizons and adventures. What husband wouldn't love a wife who loves sex, how to get it, how to enjoy it. Her guilt was unfounded and her daughter .... being respectable for her. What she never would know would never deprive her of her spoiled little life anyway. Denzel chided her by saying you should enjoy yourself, have a very active sex life, do anyone and anything that feels good and fuck this moral respectability bullshit. Marybeth just shook her head no very slowly.
They pulled up in front of a nice very large luxury hotel. There were alot of fancy cars in front and several people dressed very nicely milling about outside. Denzel looked at Marybeth and said we're here. This is your night in a way. She looked at him quizzically and he went on to explain. Your dressed in this nice expensive red dress, fancy heals, all made up etc. Your here as an escort to a certain gentleman. Your bought and paid for But..... his plan is to corrupt you. Your a married woman who he will wine, dine, and take up to his penthouse suite and seduce. Your duty will be to accept his advances, allow yourself to be seduced. You WILL do whatever he wants, however, whenever, until dawn. Marybeth shook her head no but Denzel looked at her and reminded her that Terry was still at his place under the care of his folks. One call and they might have some fun for the evening. Marybeth looked dismayed and asked why. Denzel looked at her and said your going to go in there and be a slut wife on the prowl looking for a night of unbridled sex. This is my way of teaching you how, even if you must be coerced. You'll stay here all night and my driver will be here with this limo in the morning to pick you up. In the meantime I suggest you not leave on your own. It's a very long way back to my place and we'll know when you leave. Marybeth asked how she would know the gentleman and Denzel said he will meet you when you walk in.
Marybeth walked into the hotel lobby and a large very well groomed hispanic man walked up and smiled a very nice smile. He held out his hand and introduced himself as Samuel then said "Welcome to my hotel Marybeth, Please come with me, our dinner is waiting." He lead her to the elevator and pushed the button for penthouse. Before she knew it the were in the luxurious penthouse. Samuel was incredibly handsome, well dressed, groomed, and wore a cologne Marybeth had never smelled. It was an incredible aphrodisiac she was convinced. Samuel lead her to a beautiful deck that overlooked the ocean. There was a splendid table with candlelight set for two. Samuel pulled out her chair and urged her to sit. He sat down and as soon as he was seated a waiter appeared and poured wine for both of them. Marybeth had an incredible dinner on the deck overlooking the ocean. She couldn't believe the luxury and the situations seemed so surreal. She had many glasses of wine during dinner and was feeling no pain. At the conclusion Samuel asked if she would like to go dancing. To prolong the sexual aspect of the evening she agreed. Samuel lead her to elevator and they descended. During the trip she could feel incredible sexual tension in the elevator, at least she thought so, maybe it was her nerves, maybe he would just take her to a room and ravish her. She had no idea and her nerves were on end. Maybe he was like a cat playing with a mouse he knew he'd already caught. She finally settled on that theory as the most likely. When their eyes met she knew this was a powerful, rich man, with plenty of confidence. She was his little prize and they both knew it. He had dark penetrating eyes and when he looked at her she actually felt her kneesw weaken. This man could seduce any woman he wanted. She was so confused about "Why Me?" She could figure out why he didn't just take her and brutally used her to satisfy his obvious lust and then just send her away. Why the pretense of a luxurious seductive evening. Her head spun and her mind worked overtime.
The hotel had a full club downstairs with a live band and a couple hundred patrons. It was very popular night spot. It looked like about 75% tourists and some of the well off locals. They were escorted to a private table and ordered drinks. Marybeth finally looked at Samuel and asked "why all of this.... Just to bed me?" Samuel laughed a huge hardy laugh. He finally looked at her with very intense eyes and said "I could have you in bed yes... but the challenge is to get you actually interested in being there." "If I do everything right you may relax and actually enjoy yourself." Marybeth shook her head no in very slow movements and couldn't see how she could be coerced into sleeping with this man willingly when her daughter was a captive and she was here knowing she was bought and paid for. Literally a sex slave in fancy clothes. Samuel took her hand and lead her to the dance floor. They danced a few faster dances and then some slow tunes came up. They danced close and as she rubbed against him she could feel even in his gorgeous suit he was a powerfully built man. His arms were big and strong and as she put her arms around him she could feel his chest was massive as well. The drinks she'd had were taking their toll and she had a huge buzz going and dancing close like this the cologne he was wearing was hypnotic. She and Samuel began rubbing together more as they danced. When a fast song came up again she moved away from him almost grudgingly. When she started moving and dancing she began to feel the wetness in her panties. She was embarrassed and even shocked her body was responding like this. She hurriedly left the floor taking Samuel with her using the excuse she needed another drink. In a way she did. She had another tall fruity drink as they sat at the table. The drink was strong and was really kicking in. She was getting drunk and knew it. Sam had talked to the waiter in spanish when they ordered and she thought nothing of it. As she got near the bottom of her drink a slow tune was played and Samuel led her to the dance floor. In no time they were dancing very close. He rubbed against her and took alot of liberty with his hands. He cupped her ass several times and even ran a hand up between them and rubbed her breasts. Marybeth did not object and found herself dancing even closer and rubbing up against Samuel. She'd recover her wits in little bursts from time to time and chastised herself for acting like such a slut. In no time he'd be rubbing against her and she became so aroused she was almost dilerious. The sexual tension and little bits of sexual attention were like a drug. Samuel had on hand around her and was rubbing her ass then reached the other between them and began rubbing her left breast in earnest. She put her head on his chest/shoulder and hung on tight to him. Her legs were getting weak. Samuel nuzzled her neck and ear and she turned to him and without any thought began kissing him. He was an incredible kisser and in no time she was feeling intense passion in both their kisses. Samuel put his arm around her and danced her from the floor and over to a side door and before she knew it they were in an elevator going upwards. The lights were low in the elevator and in no time her and Samuel were kissing passionately. They arrived at the penthouse and Samuel led her from the elevator as they continued kissing. Marybeth barely noticed as her dress was slid off her shoulders and Samuel kissed her neck then shoulder then breasts. Her bra disappearred as Samuel expertly kissed and kneaded both her breasts then he proceeded to run his hands down over her shapely ass as her dress fell to the floor. Samuel lowered her to the couch and continued kissing her breasts then down her belly. Before she even realized it he was using his tongue on her wet pussy right through her lace panties. She groaned and began moving her hips. Marybeth was definitely lost in lust and rocked her hips to the attention his tongue was giving her through her panties. Samuel moved her panties to the side and began licking deep into her pussy folds. In no time he had her clit. Marybeth let out a moan and began rocking her hips in rhythym as Samuel licked her pussy and rubbing over her clit. Marybeth wasn't even aware she'd raised her hips when Samuel removed her panties. She noticed he pulled his tongue away as he removed her panties over her high heels but he was back to tonguing and fingering her almost instantly. In no time at all she had a strong orgasm. Samuel kept licking her pussy even after her climax. While he was down there he had removed his jacket, tie, shirt, and began undoing his pants. He stopped licking and stood up taking Marybeths hands and placing them on each end of his belt next to his unbuttoned pants. She grasped the pants as he began kissing her passionately. Marybeth could smell her strong pussy smells on his face and she could smell his cologne. Lust overtook her and she began working his pants down his legs. Samuel kicked of the pants then placed her hands on his hips and without further instruction Marybeth worked his underwear down behind his knees. He stepped out of them easily and began kissing him passionately again. As the kissing became more intense he layed her back on the couch. They were wrapped around each other and Marybeth could feel his large cock rubbing aginst the opening of her pussy. He was hot and she was so so wet. She could feel him rubbing around her pussy and rubbing between her pussy lips. He finally ended up holding his cock in the entrance of her pussy. He stayed right there and didn’t move. Marybeth moved her hips a bit as the head of his cock held it’s place in the entrance of her pussy. She finally let out a little whimper then pushed herself upwards onto Samuels cock. He held still and she literally had to push herself up onto him. In just a moment she had her hands on his ass and pulled him into her. Once she had his ass in her hands she fucked him as much as he fucked her. In no time at all she had a powerful orgasm. He never removed himself from her but began kissing her passionately as he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and a bed. He remained buried in her and laid her on the bed and continued kissing her passionately. Once on the bed he held his cock deep inside of her and didn’t move. Samuel disengaged their kiss and began talking to her. Marybeths eyes were a glaze of lust and she answered with out even thinking as Samuel asked questions and talked to her. Ever so often he would make a couple of slow deep strokes in and out of her then would bury himself deep and hold still. Samuel aske dher if her husband had ever suggested she fuck other men. She nodded yes. He asked if she’d been tempted. She shook her head yes. He asked that now that she’d had this much sex with someone other than her husband would she actually do it if he asked. She whimpered a bit and whispered I shouldn’t, it’s wrong. He asked again by saying he wanted it why not. She whimperd that she might lose control and become a slut again. This intrigued him. He pursued it. He asked about the slut again comment. He stroked into and out of her a bit then she groaned and answered. When she was in college she got so addicted to sex she slept with many many men. She had spiraled to the point she had several gang bangs. Some nights when she drank she had no idea how many men had had her. One of her low points was a group of basketball players who video taped her. They tried to use the video to blackmail her into doing really rude porn with really rude, rough black men. When she found out she was pregnant she told them and they all but disappeared. She left college and had the baby girl, Terri. Terri had saved her from descending into a drunken life of doing porn and god knows what. She shook her head and said I can’t go back to that. Samuel began fucking her a bit more regularly and kissed her passionately. He and Marybeth came right together as she clawed his ass and tried to pull him even deeper. When he was done he pulled out and laid next to her. He whispered to her that she had a husband to help participate, he would enjoy it and help keep her from spiralling into trouble. She whimpered a bit more and said I’m not on anything. I’ll probably get pregnant from all of this. He’ll hate me. He chuckled and said not if you make it well worth his while. You better learn how to be a total slut again and make it interesting for him and he’ll never leave. Marybeth shook her head and said she didn’t know if she could. Samuel rolled her on her belly and kissed her back and shoulders. She moaned a bit and he stated you’ll have to get to where you crave sex and make him know you want it. She shook her head yes. He leaned in close and asked if she liked her sex rough. She whimpered and said I hate myself when it happens but yes I do. Samuel slammed his cock into her violently from behind. Marybeth let out a yelp then a kind of growling groan as he pounded in/out of her for a few. He raised his voice a bit and asked how rough... how rough.... Marybeth grunted out really rough.... oh god yessss....
Sam suddenly stopped and Marybeth let out a disappointed mew. Samuel rolled her over and looked into her eyes. He grinned an evil grin and said rough huh? How bout rough gangbangs? She whimpered again and said yes, but I get so sore. He leaned close and said what about rape fantasies? Marybeth shook her head no. Samuel asked “so you don’t like it?” she whimpered then admitted.... I like it and get to crave it, I let a group do a gang rape on me once, the black guys I told you about, I loved it, came so many times I passed out.... woke up with a guy fisting me. Was so sore I couldn’t pee or sit. She went on to explain after she healed she wanted to try it again. She let a couple guys tie her up and simulate a gang rape. She loved it but they left her tied up in dorm. Guys came through the night and fucked her over and over. She is sure that is the night she got knocked up.
After Samuel and her were spent they went to sleep in each others arms. Marybeth woke at 7 AM to someone knocking on the door. Samuel was gone. She wrapped in a sheet and answered the door. It was Denzel. He instructed her to get dressed and follow him. In no time they were in the limo and ended up back at her bungalow on the beach. Denzel explained to her that she was to be naked in bed when her daughter got back to the bungalow. She was told her daughter would be with two girls who were her friends. They would ask her if she could go out on a friends yacht for a day cruise. Marybeth was to say Yes and give her a gift of an outfit she’d picked up the day before and it would be perfect for her boat trip. Marybeth looked at Denzel very warily and he said if you don’t I’ll step out of your closet naked and ask who it was. Marybeth would be caught in bed naked with a large naked black man hiding in her closet. Her daughter and her friends would get a shock. Marybeth agreed. When they got into the bungalow Denzel looked at his watch and told her to lose the red dress quick and get in bed naked. She did as she was told. Denzel turned and entered the closet. A few minutes later Terry came into the bungalow. She found her mom in bed and asked excitedly if her and her friends could go on a cruise. Marybeth asked the obligitory questions, was introduced to Terri’s friends Ann and Cassie. Marybeth consented and then told Terry she had an outfit for her to wear on the boat. Terri was excited and took the package. She ran into her room and came out wearing a little red string bikini, wrap around red skirt, and a white and red floral shirt. She also had a bottle of sun tan oil that had been in the box. She walked over and hugged her mom, who was still wrapped in a sheet, and said it was perfect. Her mom made sure she used the oil so she didn’t get burned. Terry looked concerned and asked what Marybeth would be doing and she answered shopping and keeping busy. Terry seemed relieved and grabbed her bag and headed out with Ann and Cassie.
Terry felt all was well even though she had a nagging suspicion she’d done or had something done while she was passed out last night. Her pussy and tits didn’t feel quite right this morning when she woke up in a room at Denzels this morning. Ann and Cassie were in the room. She didn’t know them but they seemed to know her. They gave her a bad time about partying and drinking so much. It was about time she woke up. She asked who they were and they acted offended. They explained they were Ann and Cassie and they had partied all afternoon and evening. She better get up and have some breakfast or they’d miss the cruise. She looked at them curiously. They explained their friend had invited all of them for a day cruise on his yacht. Terry was going over to ask her mom this morning and get some things. They chided her some more about drinking so much and forgetting all this. Terry played along. She had her yellow bikini on and her light button up shirt on over it. She reasoned nothing must have happened. It was just her imagination. They jumped in Ann’s VW and drove over to Marybeth and Terry’s bungalow. Terry was a bit surprised to find her mom in bed naked. When she talked to her she thought her mom almost looked guilty about something. Her mom looked like she’d had a romp in the sack as her friends called it. Terry didn’t know for sure but looked around. She had just spotted a pair of mens shorts next to the closet door when her mom gave her the outfit in a box. She became distracted and didn’t pursue the issue of the shorts. She checked the bathroom when she got changed. The toilet seat was up. Hmmm... Her mom was getting some. What a slut... When she went back to her moms room to show off the outfit the shorts weren’t there. Her mom complimented her outfit, chit chatted, then Terry azsked her what she was going to do with her day. Her mom looked nervous and said shopping and keeping busy. Terry nodded OK and walked away knowiing her mom was having a fling and the guy was still around somewhere. Ann and Cassie rushed her out to the VW and started chattering as soon as they started driving. Terry stopped them talking and told them about the shorts and her moms look. They laughed and hooted about mom getting some loc al nooky. Terry just shook her head and mumbled about her mom being a married prude. Ann and Cassie both said in unison “Bullshit” she’s gorgeous and could get any guy on this coastline. Mom was a Cougar MILF as the guys would call her. Terry was floored. They just laughed and said let her have some fun, we’re going on a cruise and can have fun ourselves. They all yelled yeah! As they headed toward the docks. Terry still felt strange about the whole situation. New friends she knew but didn’t, her mom in bed naked looking like she’d just had sex, her funny feeling between her legs and the tenderness in her nipples. She wondered but couldn’t put anything together. They pulled up to the dock and walked down to a huge sailing yacht. Once onboard the girls introduced the 6 guys who were already on board and passed around drinks. Terry had a Pina Colada and it tasted really good. The guys fired up the motor and headed out of the harbor. Once clear of the harbor they set the sails. The girls all peeled of their dresses and shirts and rubbed oil on each other. They flirted unmercifully with the guys. They explained to Terry that she had met all 6 guys at the party the night before. The oldest guy the boats owner was named Samuel. He was a very strikingly handsome man and certainly powerful physically as well as his prescense. He had a easy smile and joked with everyone. Samuel offered to rub some oil on Terry’s back while two other guys helped Ann and Cassie with theirs. She had done her front so her back would be fairly safe so she accepted. Samuel rubbed her oil on her and by the time he was done her head was spinning. Everything was funny and she laughed alot. The guys handed each of the girls several drinks and they drank them greedily. Terry knew she had a buzz going but something else was kicking in too. Everything seemed so surreal like she was sitting next to herself. She watched herself laugh and carry on. Wierd. After a while the boat stopped in a small cove and dropped anchor. Ann and Cassie took Terry downstairs to the main cabin. It was huge and luxurious. At the front of the cabin was the biggest bed she’d ever seen. As soon as they were downstairs the guys came down bearing more drinks. Terry took her’s from Samuel and they chatted for a while. She told Samuel she was staying at a bungalow with her mom. He asked why she didn’t bring her. Terry lauhed and leaned close and told him about her suspicions of mom having a fling. Samuel laughed and said “Good for her” “At least she’ll have all day and evening to enjoy herself” Terry laughed about that then Samuel said “Everyone can have a great day.... So how much fun do you wanna have Terry?” She held up her drink and said “Lot’s of fun” everyone raised their glasses then drank. She looked around and realized Ann and Cassie were missing their tops and a couple guys were kissing or feeling them. Samuel leaned in and began kissing Terry. Terry felt wierd but went ahead and kissed him back. It was like she was sitting acrossed the room. All she could think was “What did they give me???? It can’t just be the Pina Coladas?” She saw/felt Samuel remove her bathing suit top and began sucking on her tender nipples. It felt great but she came back to herself for a second and mumbled “No I can’t be doing this” Samuel moved back to her mouth and began kissing her passionately. In no time all resistance was gone. She realized after a few minutes that Samuel was kissing her yet someone else was licking and sucking on her nipples. Terry thought to object but couldn’t as a hand began rubbing her pussy. She hadn’t even realized her legs were wide open. She looked at Ann and a guy had his face between her legs licking her pussy while another was kissing her and rubbing her tits. She was whimpering and moaning. She looked over at Cassie and she was laying on top of one guy obviously having sex while the other was running his hands all over her ass and pushing her onto the guy under her as he massaged her ass. Cassie was moaning and groaning. By the time Terry was done watching the other girls she realized her suit bottoms were gone and a couple fingers began playing in and out of her pussy. Samuels kissing and someone sucking her tits while playing with her pussy was exquisite. In no time she was rocking her hips and hearing a loud squishing noise from her pussy. Terry wanted to scream no but her body was saying yes. Whatever they had given her had taken away her ability to say no. Inwardly she cried out no as her body said yes. A third finger entered her pussy and moved around at will. She blinked for a minute, she thought it was a minute, and opened her eyes to find she was sitting on Samuel with her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately. She could feel the head of his cock between her pussy lips. He held perfectly still yet kept kissing her like she’d never been kissed. Samuels hands worked their way down her sides to her hips and as they rubbed their way down she felt herself lowering onto him. By the time his hands were on her hips he was inside her. He was bigger than she imagined. Her mind screamed “No” yet her body didn’t. Samuel massaged her hips and rocked her forward and back then up and down. In no time Terry was doing all the rocking herself. She craved more and pressed herself down onto him. He was big and she couldn’t seem to fit him all in yet something pushed her on and on. She worked for a long time and finally felt his huge balls against her ass. She had to hold still and pant for a moment with him that deep in her. Samuel lifted her up then lowered her back onto his cock a couple times. Terry groaned when he got deep. Samuel whispered in her ear and told her to fuck him like a true slut. He began kissing her tits then raising her up and down faster and harder. In no time his hands were rubbing her ass and she was forcing herself up and down at a furious pace. She was surprised when she came. She couldn’t catch her breath and the feeling deep inside her was incredible. She clung onto Samuel. Samuel was sucking her tits when another guy began kissing her lips. The sensation was incredible. She was shameless as she felt Samuel come deep inside her pussy. He stroked in and out and out for a bit then stood up holding her onto him. He turned her over on her back. He was standing up straight while she laid on the bed. The other guy kissed her some more then worked down to her tits. The feeling was incredible to have one guy burried in her as another worked over her lips and tits. Terry was having a great time. In no time she came like she’d never cum before. Samuel groaned and blew a huge load deep inside her. Terry was still feeling the high from climaxing as another guy took up Samuels spot and began fucking her. Terry wanted to object but it felt so good. The guy rolled her over on top of him and held her close as he fucked her deeply from beneath. Terry was working her hips and could her the slurping sounds her pussy was making due to her juices and Samuels cum sloshing around in her. She was reaching for another orgasm when a set of hands began working on has ass. Fingers played around her pussy lips as the cock slid in and out of her. She wanted to object but just couldn’t. The guy beneathe her was kissing her passionately when afinger entered her ass. She squealed a bit as the finger worked in and out of her. In no time at all she continued rocking her hips with a cock buried deep in her pussy and a finger in her ass. After a few minutes her ass felt stretched a bit more but she wasn’t sure. She then realized a second finger was in her ass. She felt warm liquid on her ass and realized someone was pouring some kind of warm oil on the fingers and her asshole. The guy under her began sucking on her tits very hard. It sent zings of pleasure through her and the guy began pumping her pussy harder. Terry reached an earth shattering climax as he pumped hard into her, sucked her tits, and the fingers in her ass worked in and out in a frenzy. She’d never felt anything like this before. She was in climactic bliss. The guy in her pussy slowed down to near stillness burried deep in her then the fingers were slowly removed. Terry rocked her hips a bit trying to get him going again. As she did that she felt the finger touching her asshole again. As it began pushing back in she felt a little more stretched. It hurt a bit yet felt awesome. She looked back and realized a large hispanic man was right behind her. It wasn’t his finger this time. He was fucking her ass. The other guy was still in her pussy. As her ass was filled she felt so badly stretched then the guy in her pussy began moving. Terry whimpered “Oh god no, no, no, It hurts, stop....” Both men began pumping in and out and she whimpered no a few more times. They picked up there pace and Terry groaned a bit they both went balls deep in her. The expression on her face was a combo of pain and bliss. Terry groaned “Oh god, it’s too much, oh god, oh oh oh” ass they filled her in and out. Terry began whimpering as the guy below her sucked on her tits very hard. Hands were parting her ass so wide and her tits were in agony from the hard sucking. Terry cried out “Oh god please.......” as she came in an earth turning orgasm she whimpered ot “fuck meeee......” Both men picked up there paced and slammed balls deep in her repeatedly. Terry was laying on the guy below her nearly limp with a look of pure agony on her face as they slammed her harder and harder. In no time the guy burried in her pussy groaned and blew his load. Tery was still in blissful agony. The guy in her pussy shrivelled and fell from her pussy. In a great manuever the guy in her ass burried himself deep in her then lifted her up off the lower guy. He never slipped out of her ass but stepped back and sat in a lounge chair. He lifted Terry’s legs over the arms and sat there with his cock burried in her ass. He grabbed her tits from behind and made her lay back onto his chest. As he squeezed her tits another guy took his place in front of Terry. Terry tipped her head back onto the hispanics shoulder and closed her eyes. She opened her eyes and looked up as a cock began pushing into her pussy. Her head snapped up a bit and looked into the eyes of a large black man. He started pushing into her and she screamed “Oh god no.... “ He worked a few more strokes into her as she looked down at her pussy and saw what looked like a black arm working into her. She cried and whimpered as the huge thing went slowly in and out of her. Her words were “No no no it hurts, oh my god, oh god...” Then some incoherent grunts. After a few minutes Terry’s head was back on the hispanics shoulder and her eyes were rolled back in her head. She was breathing hard and fast and whimpering. The guy in her pussy worked in about 8 inches yet had a couple more inches. He was slowly working in and out and the juices running out of Terry’s pussy were running down over the guy below her. He leaned forward and pushed a bit more in her. Terry let out a little groan and her face grimaced. The guy in her pussy and leaned forward and whispered “Do you like that?” Terry whimpered “No... no.... too much too much” He asked her “You want me to stop?” as he made a few quicker strokes she whimpered and said “No... it (grunt) feels soooo good. (grunt) Oh god....” The guy picked up his pace a bit and Terry moaned and groaned for a couple minutes. He leaned forward and asked “Are you a slut?” “Are you?” He sped up his strokes a bit and the guy in her ass began moving a bit too. Terry shook her head side to side to say no bit whimpered “ Oh god... I am. I’m such a slut...” She began moving to match their movements but couldn’t move much. She put her hands on his arms as he lleaned forward and whispered “Do you want the rest of it?” “Are you ready slut?” Terry grabbed his arm tight and whimpered “Yes (Ungh) yes... Fuck meeee.....” She flopped her head back on the guy behind hers shoulder as she let out a low groan. The last two inches was pushed up into her and he was ablls deep. He held still for a minute. Tears appeared in the corner of Terry’s eyes as she held them shut, her face looking torward the ceiling. Both men were balls deep in her pussy and ass and holding perfectly still. At least a full minute passed as the guy below her held her waist and held her down on him very firmly and the guy in pussy was pressed up inside her to the hilt. No one moved but Terry had tears in the corner of her closed eyes. After about a minute and a half she tried moving her hips a bit. She finally whispered “Do it....” The guy behind her whispered in her ear “Do what?” Terry shook her head a bit then rocked her hips a bit and said “Oh god fuck me.... fuck me hard..... oh god please.....” They guy behind her asked “Hard... how hard?” Terry shook her head and said “Hard... god I’m a slut and deserve it” she then whispered “Hurt me.... hurt me...” Both the guys looked at each other and shook their heads. The guy in her pussy withdrew to leave just the head of his cock in her and held it there. After a few seconds he whispered “Hard? Slut?” The others had gathered around Terry and Anne and Cassie were whispering “go for it.” Terry shook her head yes. With her head back on the guys shoulder facing toward the ceiling, eyes shut she whimpered “Yes.....” The other girls cheered “yes... take it slut” The guy in from of her slammed into Terry balls deep. Terry screamed in pain as he withdrew and did it again and again. The other girls cheered “Take it slut... your getting fucked now slut...” Slam in/out. Terry was screaming then growning. The other girls held her legs wider and the guy in her ass held her firmly on him and buried balls deep in her ass. After about ten powerful slams into her pussy Terry was stil crying out with tears running down her cheeks then surprisingly she cried “Yes..... Oh god yes....” I’m gonna cum”. Terry threw her head side to side and let out a crying groan as she climaxed. The guy in her pussy slammed some more then groaned and blew his load. Everyone worked her up and down a bit and the guy in her ass finally blew his load. By the time they lifted her off Terry was limp and nearly unconscious. She was laid on the bed Between Anne and Cassie. All three had there legs raised and were fucked deeply simultaneously. It was a beautiful sight but Terry was completely incoherent. As the last guy blew his load in her sopping pussy she passed out completely.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-21 01:43:30
has to be good but very hard to read.

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