Sex Joke
Author's infos
Gender: N/A
Age: N/A
Location: A drinking town with a football problem
Posted Sun 18th of September 2011
Here are a couple of jokes for you guys, they are not my original work, but I thought they were funny. So please enjoy them.
Why do lesbians shop at Gander Moutain?
A: Because they don't like Dick's.
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur?
A: A lick-a-lota-pus.
A gay couple and a lesbian couple are both going from San Francisco to New York who gets there first?
A: The gay guys, they had their shit packed the night before.
What do West Virginians like to do on Halloween?
A: Pump-kin
What do Cats and West Virginians have in common?
A: They both like to lick their PAWS.
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