They were watching a movie on the couch. She snuggled closer when
the movie got scary, and he put one arm around her to comfort her, and
they stayed that way as the movie went on. But as it reached the
romantic part of the movie, he pulled her closer, and suddenly she was
sitting on his lap. She looked up at him, and was shocked as their lips
met for the first time. She started to pull away, but his arms were
wrapped around her. Slowly, she began to kiss him back, and put her
arms around his shoulders as the kiss deepened. She had never known a
kiss could be like this.
Panting slightly, she broke the kiss long enough to whisper,
"I've never...done this before." He began to pull away and she said, "No,
wait.." and pulled him back, and the kissing resumed.
She slid her hands along his back, and his hands began to slide
towards her waist. Her heart was thundering in her chest now, as his
hands reached the edge of her shirt. She ran her hands over his torso,
feeling him, as though she were trying to memorize every muscle.
Slowly, clumsily, he began unbuttoning her shirt. After he fumbled the
buttons a few times, she unbuttoned the rest for him, while he tugged
his shirt off over his head. Their kissing resumed, even more
passionate than before. His hands were all over her back, and realizing
what he was searching for, she leaned closer to give him better access.
He unclasped her bra, and she was lost in kisses and sensation as she
felt his strong warm hands massage her breasts. Then she felt her heart
skip a beat as his hands began to move down towards her waist.
Suddenly, he broke away, shaking his head slightly. "We should
stop," he said, and began reaching for his shirt. But she shook her
head and said, "No, it's fine." He looked at her uncertainly. "It's
alright," she repeated. "I want this." He looked in her eyes, and it
was like for a moment they were frozen in time together. "Are you
sure?" he asked. She answered by kissing him, long and hard, and
wrapping her arms around him. The next thing she knew, she felt his
mouth on her breasts, and she leaned into him.
He made a little sound, then spoke, his voice filled with
something she couldn't identify. "Not here." he said, and surprised her by
hoisting her into his arms. She held on with her arms around his
shoulders as she found herself being carried down a hallway towards his
He set her down on the bed gently, as if she were a delicate
flower and was afraid she might break. He turned away and she heard
something unzipping. A moment later he returned and her eyes grew wide
when she saw that he was in his underwear.
Her first instinct was to pull away, but something held her in place.
She looked into his eyes and what she saw there made her fears melt
away. Slowly, she slid closer and put her arms around him, her head on
his chest. Neither of them spoke for a few moments, then she looked up
at him. Their eyes met and he kissed her passionately, fiercely,
longingly. He began to caress her tenderly, and she ran her hands
through his hair.
She hesitated again when she felt his hands work their way into her
jeans. He stopped and began to pull away, but she stopped him. "No,"
she said, "don't stop, please." and she moved even closer, turning
slightly to give him better reach.
"How can you wear such tight jeans?" he mumbled, having difficulty
tugging them off her. She laughed and got up to take them off. Then she
laid back down and they resumed.
Her breath caught in her throat as his mouth began working its way
down her next, his lips creating little fires wherever they touched.
She had to remind herself to breath when his mouth closed over her
right breast, and his tongue traced little circles around her nipple.
He switched to the other one as his hand found its way into her panties
and he began stroking her.
She was shaking now. Not with fear, but desire. Her body arced as
his mouth traced little kisses further down her body. "Wait..," she
said. "What is it?" he asked, his voice a husky timbre. "Can...can you
turn down the lights?" He went still for a moment, and she said
"Please, I'm-" but he shushed her, pressing a finger to her lips.
He got up and turned on a small lamp before flicking off the light
switch. "Thank you." she said, quietly. He began kissing his way along
her leg, working his way up until he paused. She squirmed out of her
panties and suddenly he was kissing her there. She moaned as he flicked
his tongue inside. For a brief moment, her only coherent thought was
that this must be what it feels like to be eaten; then her mind went
blank. She heard herself cry out for release, feeling pressure building
inside her, and it came.
She laid there for a few minutes, panting, unable to think. Then
she felt him move between her legs, spreading them apart to make more
Her eyes widened, and she barely had time to think "When did his
underwear come off?" before she felt him enter her. " hurts..."
she gasped, as he pushed further. "It will be okay." he said. She
squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her head against his chest. Her arms
wrapped tighter around him, holding on tight. She felt a strange
sensation; there was pain, yet pleasure unlike anything she had ever
felt before.
She cried out again as she felt him push home. His mouth found hers
and they stayed that way until the pain was gone. He moved slowly at
first, but steadily grew faster. She forgot the pain she had felt at
first, and knew only pleasure. She realized her hips were moving on
their own, matching his increasing rhythm. Their desire kept building,
until they both cried out as they reached a crescendo, and they fell
back onto the bed as one.
Then they lay there, staring into each other's eyes. He brushed a
strand of hair from her face, and she laid her head on his chest, his
arms around her. They knew how each other was feeling; there was no
need for words. They stayed like that, wrapped in each other's arms,
until they lost track of time, and slept.
Yes, Indythedog was posting for me^.^'
I just made an account after he told me how many people had already read my story. I wrote it with two teens in mind^.~
Soft, sweet, sensual. A wonderful piece of composition.
I would have added an "Erotica" tag to the mix, as it's more of that category than anything pornographic -- which is what this site is supposedly all about! I'd also question the "teen" tag, as it could be two peole of almost any age, which lends the writing to lean towards Romance and Erotica more than anything else.
Do I understand that you are not the writer, but posting for someone else? Get "her" signed up, as I'd love to see more of her work!
Also, the anon that wrote the comment "It wasn't incest._." is the person that wrote the story, so all credit to her. I only posted the story because I wanted to spread this great story, which wouldn'tve happened otherwise.
Indeed, this is not an incest story, if it were I would've tagged it as such. its simply a short story about two teenagers in love, and their first time.
I just made an account after he told me how many people had already read my story. I wrote it with two teens in mind^.~
anonymous readerReport
I would have added an "Erotica" tag to the mix, as it's more of that category than anything pornographic -- which is what this site is supposedly all about! I'd also question the "teen" tag, as it could be two peole of almost any age, which lends the writing to lean towards Romance and Erotica more than anything else.
Do I understand that you are not the writer, but posting for someone else? Get "her" signed up, as I'd love to see more of her work!
Thanks so much, Indythedog