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The gorgeous, extremely promiscuous mother of the bride-to-be, and the filthy rich single father of the groom-to-be, negotiate the terms of a prenuptual agreement, body to body

It was the morning after the party at Stone Davis’s mansion, an event hosted by Stone to celebrate the formal announcement of the date of his son Brad’s wedding to Suzanne’s daughter, Paige, who also is the reigning Miss California in this year’s Miss Universe contest.

Suzanne came awake from a deep, champagne spiked sleep. She looked over at her still sleeping husband, Walt, and then slipped quietly out of the huge bed leaving him there to continue his rest.

She went into the bathroom, naked except for the red panties she had worn last night, and stepped into a pair of high heeled bedroom slippers.

She brushed her hair, then turned and looked into the room’s full length mirror and smiled at the erotically curved sight reflecting back at her.

She had definitely won Mother Nature’s female body lottery, she thought appreciatively, as she slowly looked over her spectacular, voluptuous shape, from ankles to forehead.

Stimulated, she grabbed a silky white robe, wrapped it around her lush curves, tied its golden cord tight around her waist, and then swished downstairs to fix herself some coffee.

After she had drunk down a liberal amount of the refreshing, strong black brew, she picked up the phone and called her sister, Joanne.

When she heard a purring voice answer, she said, “Hi babe.”

Joanne, bubbled, “Well it’s about time you called. Now, get right to it and tell me all about the party.”

“It was absolutely spectacular,” she responded dreamily. “Stone’s house was beyond belief and the food and drinks were absolutely exquisite.”

“It was attended by a who’s who of California society, and I got to meet so many famous and beautiful people. The whole event couldn’t have turned out any better.”

“And did any of those rich and famous people notice you in that show-it-all-off dress you were wearing, and hit on you when Walt wasn’t around,” Joanne asked cattily?

“Hell, they hit on me right in front of Walt. Some of the guys were extremely forward and thought nothing of asking me to go to a spare bedroom and make out with them. A couple of them wanted me to go into one of the bathrooms with them and give them blowjobs,” she reported, with a laugh.

“In fact, I spent a lot of time at our table sitting on guy’s laps as they talked to Walt and copped plenty of feels,” she cooed.

“And how did your new husband take it all,” her sister asked, “Was he in shock?”

“No, he was impressed by all of the attention I received and thought it was great fun seeing how the rich and famous behave themselves, or rather didn’t behave themselves,” Suzanne laughed.

“And how about the extremely rich host, and father of the groom-to-be, Mr. Davis? As the world’s most eligible bachelor, was he as good looking as he appears to be in the pictures of him that I am always seeing in the media,” Joanne asked breathlessly?

“Oh God, the pictures don’t to him justice, at all. He is soooooo handsome and, as usual, was his perfectly charming, very formal self. Just looking at him made me hot.”

“So I take it that you would do him,” Joanne teased? “In a heartbeat,” Suzanne admitted, with a wistfully guilty sigh.

“So you are admitting that you would cheat on your new husband, with your daughter’s soon to be father-in-law, if Stone gave you the chance,” Joanne queried, with a wicked laugh?

“I am afraid that I have to plead guilty to that thought, because I probably would, darling,” she responded, with a smile.

“Oh, marriage hasn’t changed you a bit, you are just as sexually incorrigible as ever, sister dear,” Joanne said, accusingly.

“Yes, I guess I am, but no more so than you, Sis. If you ever got the chance to boink the dashing Mr. Davis, you would give it up to him even faster than I would,” she retorted.

She went on, “You know, I met Stone for the first time several months ago when Paige first started going steady with his son and, since then, I have seen him three of four more times. Each time he has been very cool, and has never paid the slightest bit of attention to me, at all.”

“He has been out with every movie star in the world, so thinking about having sex with him is obviously nothing either one of us needs to worry about, Sis,” she concluded, matter of factly.

At that moment, she heard the phone buzz in her ear, informing her that she had an incoming call. “Sis, there is someone calling, let me take it and I will call you right back, okay?” “Sure, baby,” Joanne responded, and hung up.

She clicked the phone and said, “Hello,” then heard a deep voice say, “Suzanne, this is Stone Davis.”

Caught completely off guard, she still managed to coolly respond, “Well hello, Mr. Davis, this is quite a surprise.”

“Well, first let me tell you how wonderful it was to see you again last night. You are a stunningly beautiful woman and it is clear where your daughter, Paige, gets her fantastic looks from.”

“Why thank you, Stone, that is so nice of you to say,” she responded with an internal blush of satisfied vanity.

“You don’t know how pleased I was when Brad told me that he had found someone he wanted to marry, and it turned out to be your spectacular daughter,” he said sincerely.

“But I must tell you that I was even more pleased when I met you a few days after that. Your daughter may be a beauty contest winner, but she can’t hold a candle to her exquisite mother. You are absolutely the most sensational, drop dead gorgeous woman I have ever met,” he said, with uninhibited enthusiasm.

“Well thank you again,” she replied, her clit beginning to tingle. “Your compliments are very much appreciated.”

Stone went on, “But, telling you how beautiful you are is not the only reason for my call. I know you fully realize that, under the vastly different financial circumstances of our families, my lawyers are insisting that Paige sign a pre-nuptial agreement.”

“That having been said, I know that these prenups can become the source of much contention and hard feelings between the families, and I want to head off any potential problems by having a meeting with you to discuss the issues so that we can resolve them, between the two of us, before the lawyers get involved and spin them out of control.”

“In fact, I would very much like to meet with you today and go over everything, so if your schedule will let you come over to my home at 11AM this morning, I’d like to have the meeting then.”

“If you can come over then, after we are finished, I’d like to take you to a late lunch and privately celebrate the happy occasion with you.”

“Well, I do have plans to do a few things with my husband this morning, but let me talk to Walt and I am sure that I can change things around in order to be able to meet with you. If you don’t hear back from me, right away, then expect me to be at your house at 11AM,” she promised him.

“Wonderful, Suzanne, I very much look forward seeing you again,” Stone said.

She hung up and immediately called her sister back and told her about the details of Stone’s call, and the prenup meeting he wanted to have with her.

“And you should have heard him, Sis; he said that I was the most beautiful woman he has ever met. Can you believe it, the powerful and distant Mr. Davis actually has been noticing me all along and really does like the way I look,” she said with excitement.

The two of them talked for a few more minutes, and then she told Joanne that she had to hang up so she could talk to Walt, then start getting ready to go. She promised that she would call her after she got back from the meeting with Stone.

She hung up and rushed upstairs where she found her 60 year old husband, who she had married just a year ago, still asleep. She hated to wake him but knew that she had no choice, so she shook his shoulder.

As soon as he opened his eyes she kissed him on the cheek, then told him about the call from Stone and the prenup meeting he wanted to have with her.

Walt, who was 21 years her senior, readily agreed to put off the things they had planned to do, concerning with her that the prenup meeting was much more important than anything else.

Suzanne kissed him again, then went into the bathroom, got naked and took a shower.

After she had dried herself off, she primped herself, then walked from the bathroom to her walk-in closet and began going through her outfits to pick out the right one to wear for this very special occasion.

Having been an exhibitionist all her life, her closet was filled with provocative, risqué outfits. She was from the school of thought whose mantra was “if you’ve got it, flaunt it,” and all of the clothes she had, did.”

She had undulated through life in tight, short, low-cut clothing that showed off her statuesque body, and as much flesh as the law allowed, and then some.

She never varied from her titillating dressing policy, even though her choice of erotic clothing sometimes provoked crass, vulgar reactions from guys who were watching her strut her stuff, always looking like she was asking for it.

She had always been willing to put up with the occasional outbursts of rowdy, offensive behavior by guys, feeling that these temporary, sometimes nasty confrontations were a small price to pay for her to be able to prance around looking like a very expensive, ripe bodied hooker, and make men crazy for her.

As a result of having gone through life as a walking prick tease, her closet had absolutely no conservative clothing in it, at all.

Knowing from the tenor of Stone’s compliments that he had obviously been really turned on by the topless, form fitting evening gown she had worn last night, as well as the other outfits she had been wearing when they had been together previously, after a thorough search, she selected a white latex outfit that bordered on being erotically vulgar.

She took the daring fetish costume into the bedroom and showed it to Walt. Her husband had no problem at all with the way she dressed. In fact it had been one of the primary reasons he had married her.

He whistled approvingly at the white latex selection, and nodded approvingly, partly because he had bought it for her, and had fucked her in it more than once.

Walt didn’t have a jealous bone in his body when it came to men admiring her looks. Marrying a 39 year old bombshell like Suzanne, at his age, he felt that as long as she gave him everything he wanted, he didn’t mind her getting her kicks by turning on the entire male population.

Having gotten her husband’s approval, she returned to the walk-in closet and stepped into a pair of white latex, bikini panties and worked them firmly into place over her prominent, sensitive, very hot clit, and her puffy-lipped vagina.

Then she put on the ultra-thin, white latex skirt, that fit itself to her body like a second skin, with a hem that was almost crotch exposing short.

Next she put her arms through the shoulder straps of a white latex, vest-like top, and then pulled the full length front zipper all the way up. The risqué fetish top had a half-moon shaped bodice that exposed much pure white, jiggling cleavage.

She sat down and pulled on a pair of matching white latex boots that came to the tops of her calf’s. The shiny boots had 5 inch high heels that contributed to giving her that virtual prostitute look that she so loved to emulate.

Sexually hot from dressing herself in the mind-boggling costume, while she thought about getting to spend some time with the handsome and interested Mr. Davis, she grabbed her big white, matching latex purse, kissed her husband goodbye, then went out and jumped into her Mercedes and drove towards the Davis mansion at a high rate of speed.

Filled with excitement, she pranced up to the front door and rang the bell. In just a few moments, Stone himself, opened the door. He looked her up and down, then whistled and waived her inside with an appreciative smile.

He watched his son’s voluptuous, soon to be mother-in-law, strut inside looking her sensuously sexy best, then quickly closed the door behind her.

As soon as the heavy door clicked shut, he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back up against the closed door.

He pressed one hand against her throat to keep the back of her head pressed firmly against the door, while he ran his other hand down under the ultra-short skirt, until its palm was pressing firmly against her latex covered pubic mound,

Then he squeezed the hand hard, digging his fingers into her vagina and pushing some of the slick panty material up into her cuntal slit.

He then used his firm crotch hold to push her ass cheeks against the door, as he assertively pressed his lips against hers.

She was so surprised by Stone’s unexpectedly aggressive moves that she had no time to resist his advances, at all.

Pinned hard against the door and being lewdly kissed, her lips automatically parted, letting him insert his tongue fully into her mouth.

She then responded to his hot French kiss by locking tongues with him and returning the raw, earthy smooch, hungrily.

After much spit swapping, Stone finally pulled his head back and said, “That’s to thank you for coming over on such short notice.”

Licking her lips, hotly, she gasped, “You’re very welcome, Mr. Davis.”

With that utterance, he crushed his body against hers, pushing hers flat against the door, and then kissed her again.

This time both of them ground their bodies against each other, passionately, and literally steamed up the room as they rubbed their pubic mounds together.

As their very turned on bodies squirmed against each other, they tried to swallow each other’s tongues.

While responding hotly, she wondered what else the very confident and assertive father of her soon to be son-in-law, had in mind for her today, besides the prenup meeting.

When Stone broke this torrid kiss, he pulled her away from the door, grabbed her by the back of the neck and forcefully guided her into the living room.

As she was being pushed along, her host said, “Let’s take this opportunity to sit down for a few minutes and continue to get to know each other a whole lot better, before my lawyer gets here to meet with us about the prenup.”

When they reached the living room, he took her over and sat her down in the middle of a plush couch, then went to the bar that was in the room, and poured two glasses of chilled champagne.

He returned, gave one to her, then held up his glass and toasted, “Here’s to the pleasure of getting to know the most beautiful, tantalizing, enticing woman I have ever met.”

They clicked their glasses together and both took a long swig of the exquisite, bubbly grape, before he moved over and sat down in a chair directly across from her.

From that perfect vantage point, while they chatted and finished their wine, he looked over the amazing set of curves that was seated in front of him.

The sight was a veritable ocean of lush, mouth-watering, minimally clothed, female flesh, centered by a white pantied crotch that had been fully exposed when she had crossed her legs for his benefit. The resulting upskirt view was awe inspiring.

Her tits were spectacular in the low-cut top, and her lush, full thighs went on forever. This was his son’s statuesque, prick teasing mother-in-law from heaven, or from a stripper’s pole in Las Vegas.

He noted that, except for the color of her hair, she was the spitting image of her daughter. The two women’s spectacular, magnificently curved bodies were almost identical, in every way. In fact, they looked like sisters.

The primary difference between them was that the mother had a cool confidence and classy demeanor born from years of very successfully dealing with all kinds of men.

Having now fully viewed the wondrously sinful sexual pictorial that Suzanne was, he got up and moved over to the couch, sat down next to her and started stroking her lush thighs.

A minute later, he put his hand on her chin and turned her face towards his, then said, “I invited you over to talk to you about the terms of your daughter’s prenup agreement, but we have something much more important to talk about, first.”

He went on, “Suzanne, let me be very frank with you. Once it became evident that Brad was very serious about marrying your daughter, I had my chief attorney, Herb Davis, who is also my cousin, hire a firm of private investigators to check you and your family members out, in infinite detail.”

“I took this precautionary step in order to make sure that nothing existed in your family’s background that would bring discredit to my family’s name, after Brad and Paige got married.”

“Fortunately, the investigator’s field work did not turn up anything that was a real problem with any of your family members.”

“But, during their efforts, the investigators did find out that, from the time your husband died, two years after your daughter was born, and your marriage to Walt, a year ago, you were an unbelievably sexually promiscuous woman.”

“Before I received their report I had already met you and your husband two or three times, and I had been completely smitten by your incredible looks and sensuous persona, so much so that I wanted a piece of you so bad I could taste it.”

“But because you were the mother of my soon to be daughter-in-law, I was reluctant to approach you in any way other than formally, so I didn’t overtly pursue you, in spite of my burning desire to have you.”

“Then my cousin hands me this goddamned report from the investigators that paints you as being a wild party girl who was a total round-heeled slut.”

“I was shocked at this news, but my cousin Herb was so offended by this report of your sexual misconduct, that he immediately took the position that I should insist that Brad break-off his engagement and that you and your daughter should be caste out.”

“I would not immediately agree to Herb’s rush to judgment, and told him that we should have the team of investigators expand the scope of their work and dig up all the information and dirt they could on you.”

“I have to admit that my motivation was not to try and refute Herb’s negative position in the matter, it was to find out how bad a girl you really were, just to satisfy my own curiosity.”

“During the expanded stage of their project, the investigators interviewed many of the men that you dated, over the years, and found out that, without exception, your dates all gave you the highest possible ratings on your sexual skills. To a man, they said that you were the best looking, hottest, slutiest and finest piece of ass that they have ever had.”

“From this exhaustive interviewing process, the investigators determined that your single requirement for a man to qualify to date you, was that he be financially loaded. The way they looked didn’t matter at all. Apparently the more money they had, the less ugly they became to you.”

“If the potential dates passed the wealth test, whether they were married or single was irrelevant. You would not only date them, you were also very willing to put out for them, from day one.”

“And, finally, the investigators determined from their many interviews that you not only put out for your dates, you were a very, very bad girl, as well.”

“All of the guys affirmed that, once they got you turned on there wasn’t anything that you wouldn’t do for them. Apparently you are in that category of people who think that sex is dirty only if you do it right.”

He then leaned in front of her, putting his face directly in front of hers. He placed one arm around her waist and grasped her by the back of the neck with his other hand.

“So, you gorgeous, hot assed bitch, right now I want to get a full sample of your cock sucking skills and see if they are as good as advertised by your many free tricks,” he said, as he proceeded to lustily French kiss her, again.

She had already been turned on before she got there, and Stone’s assertive moves had made her even hotter. Now, listening to him discuss all of the evidence about the low lights of her sexual past, had her in a total melt down stage.

She was extremely concerned about how all of this dirt about her past risqué sex life was effecting Stone, especially since he had already told her that his attorney and cousin, Herb, wanted she and Paige caste aside, because of it.

But, at the moment, this very handsome and powerful man wanted to have sex with her, and she was hot to get fucked by him, so she put her concerns aside, for the moment, and pressed her body against his, returning his kiss, with vigor.

As their tongues worked in unison, he removed his arm from her waist and ran his hand down over her stomach and onto her pubic mound.

She immediately uncrossed her legs and parted her thighs, completely exposing her white pantied crotch to his roving hand.

He moved the exploring hand down between her spread thighs and began stroking the lips of her pussy and her throbbing clit through the thin, shiny latex material of her panties.

Her lush body squirmed in response to his lips and hand, and the two of them began began acting like a couple of over-heated teenagers on a first date, as her hot body wordlessly confirmed to him that she was ready to be had.

Stone then moved his mouth down over her neck and onto the vast expanse of white cleavage; kissing and licking it as he used his teeth to work her nipples out of the top of the latex then began sucking on them.

At the same time, he ran his fingers under the crotch of the latex panties and slipped two of them into her very wet cuntal slit. She began humping his fingers and moaning softly, as she let the invading fingers fuck her.

After a few minutes of this make out session, he pulled his dripping fingers out of her pussy, unbuckled and removed his pants and briefs over his shoes, then went around behind the couch until he was standing directly behind her head.

He reached down and cupped his left hand under her chin, then pulled her head back towards him, until it was resting on the back of the couch, and her face and eyes were looking straight up at the ceiling.

He then placed the heel of his right hand on her forehead and pressed down hard, forcing the back of her head firmly into the cushioned back of the overstuffed couch.

He looked down into her lust filled eyes and said, “Now, stay in that position, open your mouth wide and keep it open.” She did as instructed.

Stone then removed the hand from her forehead and swung his left leg over the back of the couch, planting his shoe on the seat cushion next to her hip.

Then he grabbed the shaft of his cock in his hand and guided its head until it was directly over her upturned, open mouth.

When she saw his tool for the first time she was startled. It had to be at least 10 inches long and was as thick as a beer can. She had never seen a cock anywhere near the size of this monster, and she could feel herself begin to drool in anticipation.

He then eased his huge dong straight down into her mouth, in a piledriver move, sliding it between her lips and teeth, forcing it in until her tonsils stopped its downward progress.

He said, “Now, you nasty slut, act like I am one of your many dates and just keep your mouth open while I fuck it.”

She did and he began probing her drooling oral orifice with his massive boner, as she dutifully held it in place for him to use.

He callously stirred her mouth with his lip stretching tool, pushing her tongue around with it, and forcing the big head against the inside of her cheeks, making them bulge out.

“Damn, baby, stabbing your mouth this way is so goddamned hot and dirty,” he groaned with gratification.

Soon he pulled his cock up out of her mouth and slapped her upturned face with it, a few times, then callously stuffed it back down into her open mouth, like she was a paid whore.

After a few minutes of this saliva swizzeling, cock slapping sex game, he said, “Now lets’ see you deep throat it, baby, and I want you to swallow it down, all the way, until my balls are laying on your upper lip and nose.”

She relaxed her neck and let the 10 inch prick begin penetrating her waiting, very experienced throat.

With each piledriving thrust, the cockhead plowed further down past her tonsils, expanding her deep oral channel, as the thick shaft followed it in.

Now hotter than hell she saw, close-up, the broad shaft sliding in and out of her mouth, while she watched the big sack of balls get closer and closer to her face, with each throat stretching stab.

Her mouth made a wet, sloshing sound as the thick prick shaft plowed in and out of her throat, without even gagging her.

Finally she felt the big bag of balls begin to slap against her nose, softly at first, then harder and louder as they began to smack against it, forcefully.

Her lips, nose and face were soon being buried in his thick, curly black pubic hair, on each downward stroke.

He instructed her, “Now I am going to sink my dong in to full depth and hold it there for as long as you can take it. When you need some air just tap my leg and I’ll pull it out and let you catch your breath.”

She eagerly nodded her understanding and, while she held her breath, he ground his mound down hard against her face, trying to squeeze a little more cockmeat down her throat with each bottom seeking face fuck.

The pressure his prick kept exerting on her lips and throat had her cheeks and neck distortedly swollen each time her passageway was filled by the thick, rock hard, demanding cock.

Finally, she tapped him on the leg and he dutifully pulled it out. As she spluttered and gasped for air, he said, “Damn, Suzanne, it feels so gratifyingly filthy to ram my cock down your throat and hold it in there, that it is all I can do not to ejaculate into your mouth.”

“Your being so incredibly beautiful, and having been such dirty girl, takes sexual gratification to a much raunchier level than I have ever experienced before.”

“You are one fantastic Cunt, and everything that the investigators said about you has proven to be true, so far. You are one fine world class cocksucker.”

With that he rammed his bone back down her throat and ground his pubic mound against her face, hard, as he continued getting his lewd kicks trying to piledrive in even deeper.

Stone was able to keep this hot, filthy oral domination game going, nonstop, long enough to cause her to boil over with a body shuddering climax.

Shaking his head in amazement, he exclaimed, “God damned, baby, you are really something; I have never had a woman climax giving oral sex before.”

After her oral cavity had been thoroughly reamed out, he reached down and grabbed her throat in one hand, while he slipped the other hand under the back of her head, for additional leverage, then he forced his prick back down her throat, to maximum depth, and shot his cum volleys directly down her gullet.

When his balls were completely empty, he pulled out of her gasping, glistening wet mouth, released her head and dismounted from the back of the couch

She lifted her head and watched him come around the sofa, while she choked and licked her well stretched, puffy from hard use, lips.

When he was directly in front of her, he said, “Now let’s go into my study and continue reviewing the investigators damning evidence about you, and talk seriously about the very negative implications it has on your daughter’s planned marriage to my son.”


anonymous readerReport 

2011-10-27 17:51:41
And I was just wodneirng about that too!

anonymous readerReport 

2011-10-08 16:18:41

anonymous readerReport 

2011-10-01 16:31:55
Great story write more

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