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A reluctant mother is gradually convinced by her son and daughter to teach them about sex.
Chapter 1

Brenda was a proud mother of two living in the suburbs of Chicago. Brenda and her husband built a great home with a pool in the back yard that came complete with a pool house and a guest house. Her son, Jason, was the younger of the two. He was a rather quiet kid. Outside of the home he was introverted and wasn't very good with girls. Brenda's daughter, Amy, was just finishing high school and most of the time was out partying with her friends. Brenda's husband was a very busy man who left the house early in the morning and came home late at night. He loved to barbeque with his family or take them to the beach when he wasn't to busy working. Brenda worked part-time at a bank down the street and usually drove Jason to school early in the morning, picking him up right after work. Jason had always been very close to his mother and could tell her absolutely anything. She was one of the few friends he had in his life and she knew it.

The pool in the backyard was surrounded by a small woods that tucked it away privately. When Jason's friends weren't over, he would stay in his room. One day, Brenda decided to drag him out to the pool. She wore a one-piece bikini because she did all her tanning in the tanning bed in the basement. Jason looked bored just lying there poolside and looked at his mom wondering why she was the only one wearing a one-piece, so he just blurted, "Hey mom, why don't you wear a two-piece, like every other woman in the world?" Brenda was kind of surprised by his comment and put her tanning lotion down for a second. "What do you mean? Only girls who like men looking at them wear those. I'm an older woman and it wouldn't be appropriate for me to wear one of those. Besides, I find that comment highly inappropriate." Jason felt he shouldn't have said anything and apologized. "Sorry, mom. How are you going to get a tan on your stomach, though?" Brenda answered. "Sweetie, that tanning bed in the basement doesn't just sit there, collecting dust, you know! Why do you want to look at my stomach, anyway?" Jason made a goofy face and started laughing. "You're the only girl here and there isn't anyone around. Don't worry, I won't be staring at you if you put on a two-piece." Brenda began to worry about her kid now and asked him about girls. "Honey, don't you have a girlfriend? I mean, there's gotta be some young girl out there just wanting to show off her body to you. I know what you're doing here and it's quite inappropriate, I must say." "No, mom. I don't have a girlfriend, and no, I've never had one." Brenda's anger turned to sorrow for the poor kid and she thought to herself, it wouldn't be such a big deal to throw on a two-piece with a nice top. Maybe she could even get his lazy ass to do some work around the house as a bargain. "Jason, honey, how about this? If you wash my car tonight, clean your room, and take out the garbage, I'll wear a two-piece tomorrow after school when we get home. Okay?" Jason smiled with excitement and said, "Of course, Mom! I'd love to do some work for that," and smirked at her, making Brenda regret what she had just said a little bit, but a deal's a deal. The next morning, Brenda was in such a hurry, she ran into her son's bedroom to wake him up wearing only a bra and a skirt, her hair still wrapped in a towel. "Wake up, lazy bones! We gotta go!" Jason opened his eyes to the sight of his mom almost topless and, since he always felt comfortable around her, he commented, "Wow mom, what a sight to wake up to!" Brenda covered herself with the towel, realizing she was in her bra, and in a somewhat serious tone, said, "Jason, stop horsing around! We're going to be late." During the ride to school, Jason kept glancing over at her legs as her skirt slid higher and higher up her thighs. Brenda's frustration grew worse sitting in a traffic jam. She noticed his glances and pulled her skirt down. Jason blurted out, "I can't wait to see you in that bikini today, because you know I did everything you asked!" Brenda sighed, a little bit annoyed. "We'll see. You have to behave on top of it all and don't push your chances with me, young man." Jason was getting more comfortable talking about her body with her. "You know you have very nice legs. You should wear heels more often." Brenda took a deep breath. "Wow, my son is a leg man, huh? I would have guessed differently, the way you looked at me this morning." Jason kept it up. "Tell you what mom. I'll wash the dishes after school but you have to wear high heels with your bikini today by the pool." "Honey, you're lucky you're getting me into the two-piece to begin with, so just stop pushing this." Brenda sat there, thinking. She felt sorry for her son, who had never even touched a girl before. Maybe if she treated it like a game, she'd feel more comfortable with it. "Sweetie, if you wash the dishes for the rest of the week, I'll put on some heels for you, okay?" She snickered a little. She dropped him off and kissed him on the cheek, after which Jason's palm accidentaly rubbed her breast while he was grabbing his bag. She slapped it away and took off.

After school, Jason did everything he said he would do and was relaxing by the pool. Brenda came out in a white bikini and her daughter's heels because she didn't own a pair of her own. Jason looked at her with a kind of uneasy facial expression and that's when Brenda finally realized he was turned on by this. She sat by his chair again, concerned, with her heels on and legs closed tight. "Honey, I'm sorry that you've never had a girlfriend, but you have to realize, I'm your mother, and looking at me in this way is something that I think could be illegal." "I'm sorry, mom, but I've never even kissed a girl and I'm so scared to even approach one. You are the only girl that I feel relaxed around and I feel like you understand me." Brenda smiled and hugged him. A warm feeling took over. "Tell you what, kiddo. I'll let you put some tanning lotion on my back." Brenda got up and walked over to her chair and laid on her tummy. The whole time, Jason's eyes scanned up and down her mature body. She was worried enough about her son that she was willing to participate in his game and help him become more relaxed around women. She didn't want her son to go through life afraid of women! Brenda's top was the kind that went up around her neck. She sat up on her chair and told Jason to come to her. "Don't be scared, silly! I'm your mom, remember? I'm not gonna bite you like the other girls at school. Now untie the knot behind my neck." Jason stood up with an erection, which Brenda noticed right away, but figured it was only natural. He walked over to her and sat behind her. His hands were shaking. He took one tie and pulled it, releasing the knot. Brenda grabbed her breasts, holding the top from falling off, stood up, and turned around. Jason just sat there, looking at her. She smiled and said, "Get up. I have to lay on the chair, don't I?" Jason got up as Brenda laid down on the mat. He took some tanning lotion and rubbed it on his hands. Brenda got comfortable and instructed him, "Don't be scared, honey, and, before you start, you have to promise me you won't tell dad that I let you put suntan lotion on my back. Deal?" Jason knodded and started rubbing her neck. Brenda's bottom was nothing like a thong, but it was tight enough around her butt that it showed off her curves. She kicked her heels off and said, "This is what you wanted, right sweetie?" Jason responded, "Yea, Mom. Thanks for letting me rub lotion on your back." Jason put some more on her lower back just above her panty line and spread it out to the sides. He then did her right arm, then her left. Brenda asked him about school. "How was school today? Did you do anything fun?" Jason responded, "The only fun thing we did was play basketball in gym and we also played cards during science class because Mrs. Heffner was out sick today." Brenda was becoming uncomfortable. It was starting to feel to good to her. Jason asked if he could put some lotion on her legs. "No, that's okay, honey. I think my back is enough for today. Thanks, though." Jason went to his chair and laid back, watching his mom lay there. "Honey, will you please tie my knot again?"

Twenty minutes later they were back in the house and Brenda started making dinner. Jason was now very anxious around his mother and wasn't sure about how to start a conversation after the awkward massage by the pool. "Mom? When was the first time you kissed a boy?" Brenda turned around, weirded out by the question. "Oh honey, I don't remember. It was such a long time ago." Jason took a bold step. "Mom? Would you show me how to kiss? I've never done it before and I don't want to be embarrassed the first time I kiss a girl." Brenda turned around, took her apron off and sat next to Jason. "Honey, looking at me in a bikini with my heels on is one thing, but a son kissing his mother intimately is completely different and I just can't do that. I'd love to teach you how, but I would be weirded out by it and it's just wrong." Jason put his head down, ashamed that he had even asked her. "Can I at least watch you get dressed in the morning, mom?" Brenda responded, "How is that any different than what you saw today by the pool?" "Well, the bikini completely covers everything and I already know what a bikini looks like, but I've never seen what's under the bikini." "Honey, that is no different than kissing me. I'm sorry, but you'll have to find yourself a girlfriend pretty soon because this has to stop. You're getting out of control." Brenda turned around and put her apron back on and returned to cooking. "Mom? Can I please see you? I swear, I won't tell anyone." "Stop hassling me, Jason! You're getting on my nerves!" She stood there in silence for a couple of minutes and then started feeling bad for yelling at him. Jason kept bugging her. "Please, mom? I'll do anything around the house. I'll clean up the garage and wash dad's car and your's again! I'll even straighten out the attic and mow the lawn." Brenda replied with shock, "You're gonna do all that just to see me naked? I can't let you see me naked, sweetie, but I'll let you see me in my underwear. Will that calm you down a little bit?" "But that's just like the bikini. You'll have to do something more than just stand there in your underwear." Brenda couldn't believe she was negotiating with her son. She just wanted to get it over with and agreed to it. "Okay. I'm going shopping today. I'll let you come into the dressing room with me. Okay?" Jason responded, "And will you let me see your breasts? You can keep your panties on." Brenda responded with a sarcastic laugh, "Oh, wow. Great. You'll let me keep my panties on, huh?" Jason smiled and Brenda started smiling too. "I'll let you take a quick glance at my breasts, after which you will clean up the garage, wash both cars, and the mini van, straighten out the attic, and mow the lawn, and you've got a deal." She couldn't believe she was going to do this but she also wanted to get Jason to feel more comfortable around the female form and to not be so wound up and introverted around girls. They got into the car and headed for the mall.

Brenda wore a fairly long sundress and a matching button-up shirt. Jason kept glancing over at her and asking her to pull up her dress so he could look at her legs. Brenda refused silently, but Jason wouldn't back down. About twenty minutes into the ride, Brenda got tired of his incesant nagging and stopped at a light. She scooted back her seat so she would have more room and pulled her dress up over her thighs. She pulled it up until the dress reached her panty line and stopped there. Jason said, "Please leave your dress up like that. You have beautiful legs!" She saw no harm in it because he had already seen her legs by the pool and in her bikini. Jason's cock started to grow in his pants as he became aroused. They finally got to the mall parking lot and got out. First they stopped by the Baby Gap store to get some presents for Brenda's sister's newborn. They also got chinese on the way. As they browsed the stores, they came across a beautiful dress at a more classy place. Brenda was all about it and wanted to try it on. While the sales lady was getting a smaller size for her, she whispered to Jason, "What are you waiting for? Go into the ladies dressing room and wait for me at the last stall, so they don't see us go in there together. They'll think we're part of some sick cult or something if they see us. Jason got up and did as he was told. He went to the very last stall, which was also the biggest. There were women's clothes all over the place. His mom knocked quietly and he let her in. She started unbuttoning her shirt and quietly whispered under her breath, "You better do everything you said you would." She slowly took off her shirt and exposing a lacy, black bra, covering her perky breasts. She unbottoned her dress and let it drop to the floor. Jason could see her nipples through the black bra, but could not make out her bush. Jason boldly asked her, "Mom? Do you shave?" "Of course. Every woman shaves." "No, silly, do you shave your vagina?" Brenda answered. "Since I'm already almost naked in front of you, I guess I can answer that question. Yes, I do shave, but not completely. Just enough so that the bush doesn't grow outside of the panties. Every woman who wears small panties like me shaves." "How do you do it? With a razor?" "It's none of your business how I do it. Now stop looking down there and look up at what we agreed on. " Brenda then slowly took her bra off, as her mature breasts fell out of it. She felt them with her hands. "There, see? No big deal. It's just a pair of breasts." "Wow, mom! I've never seen breasts before. This is a pretty big deal to me." Brenda noticed his penis getting hard in his pants. "Mom? Could I feel them, too? Just for a second." "Okay, honey, but I'll hold your hand. I don't want this to get too inappropriate." She took his hand and put it on her right breast, massaging her breasts with his hand. "You okay, baby? Do you want to stop? You look a little pale." "No, mom. I'm fine." Brenda was worried now. "That's enough, honey. You've done enough." She stood up, put her bra back on, and put the new dress on. She looked at herself in the mirror, liking what she saw. "I'm going to buy it." They went outside, paid for it, and started walking towards the car. "Mom? Is there a certain way to kiss a girl, and when I'm kissing her, is it okay to feel her breasts during it?" "Most girls love to have their breasts played with while they're making out with a guy." "Did you like it when I felt your breasts in the dressing room, mom?" "Well, honey, I can't get excited when my son touches me like that. I only did it to give you some experience. It has to be your dad that touches me like that for me to enjoy it sexually." "So, if you didn't enjoy it sexually when I touched you, there really isn't anything wrong if you teach me some more." "Yes, baby, but you're excited and that's what makes it wrong, you see?" "I'm not excited about you 'my mom,' I'm just excited about you 'the girl.' I mean, you're a girl and you just make me excited! It's only natural, mom." "I don't know about the kissing thing, baby, but I'd hate to see you discouraged and mess it up the first time you kiss a girl, so I'll tell you what. If I'm going to teach you how to kiss, you will have to start doing some more work around the house. Homework is to be completed by 8 pm and only after you finish your work will I consider showing you anything, and me taking my panties off is absolutely out of the question, okay?" "Okay, mom. Thanks. Can I touch your breasts now, mom?" Brenda gave it a thought for a second and realized it was dark out so nobody could see inside the car. She dimmed the lights and said, "Okay, sweetie, but be gentle and dont touch my arm. I'm trying to get us home in one piece."

Brenda put her right hand down and held the wheel with her left hand to give him easier access. "Mom? Can you pull down your skirt too?" "Don't push your luck, sonny." Jason smiled and put his hand on her tummy. He didn't have experience with girls but he had tons of experience with watching porn and somewhat knew what kind of fondling was sexy. He rubbed her tummy and went down to her hip. Brenda: "That's too low. Get that hand back up." Jason slowly went over her panties and went back up to her left breast. He palmed it and started to rub it very slowly and sensually. Brenda put the radio on like nothing was going on. Meanwhile Jason went back down under her shirt and back up over her bra. He then grabbed her right breast and started looking for the nipple with his thumb and forefinger. He twisted it and pulled on it. "Mom? Can I suck on them?" Brenda would usually say no but it was dark and nobody could see, so she agreed. "Just on the right one. That's the one you nursed on most when you were a kid." Jason put it in his mouth and started tonguing it. He sucked on her breast and kissed all around the nipple. She was starting to sweat and put her right hand on the back of his head and started running her fingers through his hair like she was combing it. Jason kept sucking and kissing her nipple. He then went over to her left one and licked it once. "No, sweetie. Stay on the right side. I'm still trying to drive, remember?" Jason knodded and went back to her right breast. He put his head up and started to kiss his mother's neck. Brenda knew it was enough and decided to put a stop to it. "That's enough, I didn't say you could kiss my neck, baby." "I'm sorry, mom. I just wanted to see how that would feel." "It's okay, honey." While they were talking, Jason still had his palm on her breast. They pulled into the driveway and Brenda put her clothes back together and told Jason to straighten out. They came in and John was sitting at the table, eating dinner. "Hey, sweetie." Brenda walked over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek."What's up, sport? What have you been up to today?" Brenda hurriedly answered for him, "Oh, not much. We just went to the mall and did some shopping." John got up and streched. "God, I'm tired, honey. Why don't you come to bed. I'll see you tomorrow, sport. Have a good time at school tomorrow." Brenda kissed Jason goodnight and said "Go to bed, baby. you've got school tomorrow."

at 7 am the next morning, Brenda burst into the room, waking Jason up. "Up you go, sleepy head! You've gotta go to school." In the car on the way to school, Jason turned to his mother and said, "Mom? When are you gonna teach me how to kiss?" "Kissing is very intimate, kiddo. You've gotta give me some time to get ready for that." "Can we do a quick one before I get out of the car?" "We can't right now, baby. All the kids are going to see us." "Aww, come on mom. You can park right here before you get to the schoolyard and do a quick one." Brenda thought to herself, 'what good is it to me.' "What do I get out of this whole kissing game?" "Whatever you say, Mom. I'll do anything for that. Please, please?" "Okay, I got a good one for you. You're cleaning the pool this week. We're going to give the pool guy a week off." "Mom? Do I get to feel your breasts during it?" "Sure, why not?" Brenda pulled around the corner and found a parking spot on a side street where kids weren't walking by. She shut the engine off and pulled her seat back. She leaned over Jason and pulled his seat back, too. "Okay, honey. Now lets try just a regular smooch on the lips." Jason leaned forward and closed his eyes. "No, silly. You have to keep your eyes open and look at me, like this." She leaned forward, looking him in the eyes, and planted her lips on his. Jason's penis was now fully engorged. She slightly parted her lips and licked his lower lip, sucking it for a half of a second, then backed off. "See? Now you can't be all shy like that. You've gotta relax if you want the girl to enjoy it. Now let's do a french kiss." She leaned forward, planting her lips on his and their tongues started twirling. Brenda liked to hum while she kissed. Jason's hands found their way to her breasts. He went under her dress and palmed her left breast as they continued their kiss. Jason's saliva was running down Brenda's chin and she backed off. "That's all you get for now, baby. Now go and try to concentrate in class today." Jason got out of the car with a raging hardon, not saying a word. In school, Jason couldn't get the kiss out of his mind.

After school, she came and picked him up. When Jason came in, she said, "I gave it some thought and I think it would be okay for you to see me with my panties off. There's nothing wrong as long as you don't touch me. Besides, what goes on inbetween a woman's legs should be something you're familiar with." "Wow, mom! You're really going to let me see your pussy?" "Now, since you were born I never allowed that kind of language in my house, and I won't allow it in my car either, so watch your mouth. Yes, honey, but I'll only take my panties off. And you can't tell your father about this because he wouldn't understand." "Okay, mom. Whatever you say, I'll do the dishes and the lawn and wash the cars. Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it." "Well, I appreciate the enthusiasm, honeym but this is for educational purposes. We're not making a bargain here." "Okay, mom, but I'll help out more around the house anyway.

That afternoon they were both lying by the pool. Brenda had her new peach bikini on and a pair of heels she recently bought at the mall that looked perfect on her pretty little feet. As she lay there on her back, working on her tan, Jason looked at her body. He was very anxious and couldn't wait for his mother to take her panties off. Jason finally blurted out, "Mom? Can I see your breasts again?" Brenda responded "I wanted to work on my tan, anyway." She sat up and turned her back to her horny son. "Why don't you untie the knot on my neck again, please?" Jason did it slowly and before he untied it, he grabbed her right breast. Brenda took his hand off and told him to behave. Jason took her top off and threw it on the ground next to them. Brenda relaxed and laid back, enjoying the sun topless. She took the suntan lotion and started applying it onto her breasts, clueless as to what she was doing to Jason. She went on for what seemed like forever, until her breasts shimmered with lotion. Jason couldn't hold out any longer. "Mom? Can you take your panties off now?" Brenda replied, "Did you wash the dishes?" "Yes." "Did you mow the lawn earlier?" "Yes." Brenda stood up next to Jason with her heels still on and slowly started to pull her panties off. She pulled them halfway down to her knees. Jason was speechless. Her mound was completely shaved. Her pussy lips were tucked in and Jason couldn't get a good look at them. His mother towered over him in the nude, with her bra laying on the ground next to them, and her panties pulled down to her knees. Jason was dying for his mom to spread her legs for him. "Mom? Will you spread your legs so I can see in the middle, there?" "No, sweetie, I think you've seen enough for today." She pulled up her panties and laid back down on the chair, leaving her bra on the ground. "Mom? Can I kiss you?" "Alright. Come here." She put her head up, supporting herself with her elbows, and let her long hair fall back. Jason knelt next to her and put his right hand on her tit. He brushed her hair off of her breast and Brenda smiled, saying, "You really love looking at my breasts, don't you?" They started kissing, which seemed to last long for both of them. Jason's hand wandered down her tummy close to her panties. Brenda took hold of his hand and angrily broke their kiss. "Jason, do you want me to stop this?" "No, I'm sorry, mom, but I'm so interested in seeing between your legs and it's killing me." Brenda got up and put her bra on. "Touching me down there when my guard is down is no way to go about it." Jason put his head down as his mother walked away, pulling her panties over her exposed asscheeks.

The next morning in the car on their way to school, Jason was getting bolder and bolder. "Mom? Didn't you say earlier that it didn't get you excited" "Yea, do we have to talk about this so early in the morning?" Brenda was wearing tight jeans, so she thought to herself, if she let him feel her, it wouldn't be that bad because she would barely feel it on her pussy. Jason kept asking her, "Mom? Can I just touch your legs, please? It has nothing to do with your vagina." Brenda kept driving without answer. Jason's pleading continued throughout the ride until Brenda finally agreed. "Ill let you touch my inner thighs, but please be gentle and don't ask for anything more. Jason was now the happiest kid in the world. He put his hand on her right thigh and started caressing her. He immediately went up to her crotch and felt over her mound. She slid down the seat to give him more access. She didn't expect to feel anything through the thick denim but she definitely felt pressure on her pussy. Jason continued caressing her and thought of a different idea. He told his mother to pull over to the same old side street where they could have a little privacy. "Mom? Since you won't let me see you down there, can I at least smell you? Brenda immediately responded without hesitation, "Absolutely not." Jason then said, "Mom? If you let me do this, I won't ever ask anything else of you." Now she was finally getting somewhere. She could finally shut him up about all of this and decided on a new idea. "Now I won't let you go near me down there with your face, but I'll let you take my panties to school with you." Jason was dumbfounded. Brenda got out of the car and got into the back seat of the minivan. She closed the door and now nobody could see her through tinted windows. "Don't look at me!" She screamed at Jason. She slipped her panties off under her dress and tucked them in a backpocket of his bookbag. "There! Now you can smell them all day if you want, but don't lose them. Those are my favorite." Jason jumped out of the car happily and ran off. On the ride home after school Brenda tried to avoid the conversation about her panties and, instead, simply asked, "You have them?" "Yes." She was a little irritated at herself and the whole situation. "Give them back." He pulled them out of his bag and gave them to her. She threw them in the back seat. "So, how was school, honey? Find a girlfriend yet?" "Actually, there is this one cute girl that asked me to go skiing this weekend with her and her family." Brenda thought to herself, maybe all these lessons she'd been giving him helped a little bit.

Saturday came and went. Sunday morning, Jason was still at home. Brenda didn't want to comment on anything but she could tell he was hurting. Jason explained to his mom that the trip wasn't going to happen and refused to go into detail. Brenda was now bummed out as well. "Sweetie, your birthday is coming up. Is there anything I could get you to help you get over this?" Jason just sat there, saying nothing, with his head down. "Honey, there's gotta be something that could cheer you up." Still no answer. Brenda sat down next to him. "What if I let you see my vagina the way you wanted to earlier? I'll spread my legs so you can get a good look. How about that?" There was finally some kind of response. "Mom? Will you let me touch it too?" She had a skirt on that rode up to her knees and an apron over it because she was in the middle of cooking dinner. She finally spoke. "Fine, but we'll do it my way. I'll guide you through it and no funny stuff." The second she finished the sentence, her husband, John, walked in, threw his bag next to the couch, and sat at the dinner table. "So, what's all the chattering about tonight?" Brenda's heart was beating faster. She was hoping her husband didn't overhear their little conversation. "Oh, nothing, sweetie. We were just talking about some birthday presents for our young man, here." Jason smiled at his mother and she smiled right back. "How nice." After dinner, John turned on the TV and focused all of his attention on it. Brenda cleaned up the table and put the dishes away. Jason decided to get up and help her. When they went into the kitchen, Jason felt her breasts. Brenda was shocked he would do this with his father in the next room. She took his hand away and whispered in a half angry tone. "Stop that right now!" Jason wasn't convinced of her anger and grabbed her ass. Brenda was now really angry, which Jason noticed, so he stopped. In a way, she was happy that she finally got her son cheered up and that was all that mattered to her.

The rest of the week, Jason was checking out his mother every chance he got. He couldn't wait to unwrap his birthday present. His birthday party was no big deal; just close family and a few of his friends from school. They had a poolside barbecue that his father organized. It was quite a day. Jason was happy about all the presents he got, but couldn't get the one his mom promised him off his mind. The next morning, the pool area was a mess. It was going to be a long clean up session. John was upstairs, sleeping, while Jason and his mom were cleaning up all the pop cans and garbage. When they finished, Jason looked at his mom and asked her politely, "Mom? Can I unwrap my gift now?" "Not while your father is in the house." "Oh come on, mom! You know dad's so asleep that nothing's going to wake him." Brenda knew that her husband was sound asleep, so she told Jason to wait for her in the basement while she went upstairs to put her robe and underwear on. Jason sat down on the couch. His palms were sweaty and he was shaking a little bit. His mom walked down the steps in heels and a bathrobe. Under the bathrobe, she had on only a bra and panties. Jason stood there, his jaw dropped. Brenda walked up to him and told him to relax. She undid her bathrobe and sat next to him, crossing one leg over the other. "Now, honey, you have to be gentle and, if you want to stop, just say so. I don't want this to get weird." Jason just knodded. Brenda leaned back against the couch, lifting her hips up, and pulled her panties down all the way off, putting them on the couch next to her. She put one leg over the other again and looked at Jason. "Are you sure you still want to see my vagina, honey?" "Yes, mom. I'd really like to touch it too." "Okay, sweetie. One thing at a time." She was now sitting next to her son, naked from the waist down. Brenda uncrossed her legs and told Jason to lean over. "Give me your hand." Brenda guided his forefinger to her and lightly went over her slit with it. She leaned back a little bit to give Jason better access to her whole pussy. "See, honey? That's my butthole right there." Jason took his finger and felt over it. "It's okay, you can put your finger in my vagina, but remember: do it slowly." Jason took two of his fingers and started to push them in and out, slowly. He could feel her wetness. "Mom! You're wet down there." "Well, honey, I'm only human. You're fingering me!" Jason kept it up and picked up the pace a little bit. "Mom? Can you take your bra off?" Brenda unclasped her bra and let it fall to her thigh. Jason knelt in front of her, spread legs, and started fingering her faster. He stopped for a second, which surprised Brenda. "What's wrong, honey?" "Can I put my little finger in your ass, mom?" "What have I told you about cursing in this house?! Nothing is going up my butt, understand? She stood up. "Pull your pants up and go wash up before breakfast." She walked over to the sink and put the towel in warm water, soaking it. Jason ran upstairs and waited for his mom at the kitchen table. John came down soon after. "What you been up to, kiddo?" "Not much, dad. Just cleaning up after last night." Her husband's kiss on her neck and slap on the ass freed her of her deep thoughts. Their 18 year old daughter, Amy, walked into the kitchen in her bikini. "Why don't you put on some clothes, honey? We're not at the beach." Amy wrapped herself in a towel and sat down to eat. "Who wants to go to the beach today," Brenda asked upon seeing her daughter's breakfast attire. Jason kept glancing at his sister's breasts. "Sure, I wanna go to the beach." John: "Awesome, Jas'! Why don't you go help your sister load the van." "Dad can we bring the umbrella?" "Yeah, that's a great idea. Put the second row seats down and put all the stuff behind my seat."

Forty five minutes later, Jason and Amy finished loading up the van. The second row seats were down and full of beach stuff. Towels, tanning lotions, a couple of tents, beach balls and an umbrella, that was completely blocking the rear left seat. The only seats left were the driver's seat, passenger's, and the rear right seat, which was now behind a mountain of blowup floats. Amy yelled, "I'm sittin up front!" Brenda: "Alright. Me and Jas' will sit in the back." John: "What are you two gonna do back there?" Brenda: "I'll just have Jason sit on my lap." They got into the van and took off. John looked into his mirror "You guys okay back there?" Brenda: "Yeah we're good." About 5 minutes into the ride, Brenda turned to Jason. "Honey, my right leg is asleep. You've gotten very heavy in the past few months." "Do you want to switch, mom?" Brenda whispered: "Okay, but no funny stuff now. Your father can see us in the mirror." They switched and Brenda was now sitting in Jason's lap. His erection was at half-mast, but she could still feel it. Her knee-long skirt and low-cut shirt that covered her bikini top weren't helping much either. Jason tried to take his mind off of his mom's ass, so close to his crotch. John looked in the rear-view mirror at his wife. "Honey, did you bring my tanning lotion?" "Yeah, it's gotta be somewhere in this pile. "I wanna get a good tan today, so I'm not even gonna put any lotion on." Brenda could feel Jason's erection getting firmer and the pressure on her thigh was growing. "Well, you'll burn without lotion. Have you heard about the rise of skin cancer? At least put on SPF 15." "Okay, mom. I'll do that." Jason whispered to his mom. "Dad can't see your breasts, mom. Can I feel them?" Brenda shook her head 'no.' Jason wasn't convinced that she meant it, so he put his hands on her hips. She took her hands off the seat and put them on his, prying his hands off of her. "I can't believe I even considered that this morning. No more fondling, especially around your father." She whispered back at him. Jason's prick was now at it's hardest as the road got bumpier. He put his hands on her hips again. Brenda thought he was just trying to keep her balanced. He kept sliding his hands up and down her hips. She thought nothing of it and didn't protest. Jason's hard cock was right on her pussy. Brenda moved to the side as she became aware of her wetness. She couldn't believe she was getting wet. It was a while since she and John had had sex, so any friction easily caused her to get wet. She was so ashamed, she got up and scooted a little bit lower, trying to avoid her son's hard cock. she was about to slide off Jason's lap, so she leaned back onto her kid. Her juices were now soaking her panties. "This was a bad idea, Jason." Jasons hands moved higher up her sides. He reached her tits and squeezed each from the sides. "No, honey. Not now! I promise, I'll let you, later." "When, mom?" "I don't know, when we get home." She didn't feel right, letting her son touch her breasts in this aroused state. Her belief was to let him learn and have fun but it would be wrong if she let him do it while she was aroused. The time flew by for Jason, but for Brenda it was the longest ride of her life. "Were here!" John yelled. Brenda got off of her son's lap, turned around, and whispered to him, "Stay in the car until you calm down a bit." she glanced at his penis, indicating that was what she meant. "Okay, mom. I get it." "What's all the whispering in the back?" Amy asked her mom. Brenda ignored the question and Amy looked at the two of them with a smirk. They all grabbed the stuff from the van and headed for the beach. Amy had on a yellow bikini and high-heeled sandals. Brenda turned to her, "Sweetie? Don't you think that's a little inappropriate?" Amy responded, "I'm 18, mom. I'm not a little kid anymore." "Fine, honey. If your father's fine with it, I'm fine with it too. They situated themselves on the beach. Amy lied on her belly right next to her mom. John opened up the newspaper and that was it for him. Jason went into the water. Amy turned to Brenda. "Mom? Will you put some lotion on my back and then I'll do you too? "Sure, sweetie. No problem. Brenda knelt down next to her daughter. She untied her top straps and let them fall to the side. "What are you doing?" Brenda: "It's okay, honey. You don't want tan lines, do you?" Jason was coming out of the water to a hot scene. His mom was putting lotion on his sister's back in a massaging motion. After she finished, Amy got up and did the same to her mom. Jason couldn't get enough of this. "Mom? When are you gonna do what you promised?" Amy turned around. "What's he talkin' about, mom?" Brenda: "Nothing, honey." "No seriously, mom? What is it?" "I don't know. He wanted me to buy him something when we were walking by the beach stand over at the parking lot." Jason nagged on. "Awww, mom. Come on! Are you done tanning?" Brenda: "No, I'm not, as a matter of fact. I told you to be patient. If you keep asking me, you won't get anything." John: "What does he want, Brenda? I'll buy it for him. What is it, ice cream?" Brenda: "No, honey. Don't worry. I'll take him. Come on, Jason. Let's go. Amy. Honey. Do you mind tying my bikini strap?" Amy responded in a very suspicious tone. "Sure, mom." Brenda got up with an annoyed expression on her face. She grabbed Jason's hand and almost dragged him up the stairs. "What did I tell you?! I said, don't be silly and don't fool around. Your father picks up on alot of things. You'd be surprised." "I know, mom, but you promised you would let me feel your boobs after the ride." "I said, when we get home.""Why can't we do it here, mom? There's a spot behind the parking lot in the woods. Nobody will see us." Brenda "What is it that you want to see, anyway?" "I don't know, mom." Brenda: "I've already let you feel my breasts a couple of times. I even let you finger me.." Brenda realized she said that a little loud because there were some kids walking past them, so she lowered her tone. "I even let you finger me." "Mom? I think there are condoms at that grocery store over there." Jason pointed to a deli. "So? What do you need condoms for?" Brenda responded with a grin. "You said you would let me have sex with you if I had condoms." "I never said that! What are you talking about? I didn't mean to imply that at all." "Well you sure fooled me." "Aww, I'm sorry, honey, but that wouldn't be right. What if the condom broke accidentally? What would we do then if I got pregnant with your baby? You didn't think about that one, did you?" Jason responded, "But that won't happen, mom! I'll be very careful. If we do it on the way home in the car, you could sit on my lap and it wouldn't even be like we're having sex because the car ride alone would be creating friction and plus it would be a great learning experience for me." Brenda wasn't completely opposed to this idea. She remembered the car ride to the beach and even thought it might be fun. Plus she was still wet from the car ride to the beach. "You would be able to get an erection with your father 10 feet away in the driver's seat?" Jason was optimistic. "Of course, mom. I think I'll have no problem with that." "Wow, I can't believe I'm gonna let you do this. Where is that store?" Jason was so happy, he jumped up and hugged his mom. She was smiling now, too. "Follow me, mom." He lead her to the store where they bought some condoms. An hour later, they all finished packing up the van and climbed in the van. John looked in the mirror and saw that his wife was sitting on Jason's lap. "You're gonna suffocate him back there, Brenda." She responded, "No, honey. He'll be fine." Amy, you okay up front?" "Yeah, mom. I'm good. I think I'm gonna get some sleep." That was the last of the conversation for a while. In the back of the van Jason finally managed to reach his condom's from his back pocket, but now he had another problem. He was completely limp. Brenda could feel the lack of a hardon and turned around. "What's wrong? Are you nervous? I knew you'd be nervous because your father can see us in the rearview mirror." "No, Mom. I'll be fine. I just need some stimulation." Brenda didn't want to do any more than she had to. "What can I do?" "I don't know, mom. Use your imagination." Brenda stood up off his lap and pulled her panties and dress down all the way to her ankles. Her bare ass was sitting in Jason's lap. "Stand up again, mom, so I can get my swimming trunks off." Jason whispered to his mother. Jason pulled them down and felt his mom's warm ass on his penis. She slowly started to grind her ass on his crotch and, sooner than she expected, she was getting a response. Jason reached around and cupped her breasts. She was now giving him a lap dance while smiling at John in the rearview mirror. Jason reached in between her legs and found her clitoris. He started rubbing it slowly and then picked up the speed. He could feel his mom's now hardened nipple with his left hand. Her pussy juices were now all over his fully erect cock. Brenda stood up a little to give Jason enough room to position himself and took hold of his cock, aiming it at her pussy. She was now very wet and worked up. She rubbed his cockhead up and down the length of her pussy lips teasing him. Jason took hold of her hips and pulled her down slamming his thickness all the way into her depths. She let out a quiet sigh which john heard. "You guys okay back there" Brenda immediately responded. "Yeah honey my foot fell asleep." Jason sat there with his mother impaled on his dick, both of them motionless. The forgotten condoms laid on the seat next to them, unopened. She sat up and then down again, a little surprised at the length of his cock. After a few seconds, she noticed John's attention was on the road. She did it again, but this time repeating it 3 times. Jason's cock was throbbing. Brenda turned around and whispered to him, "It's okay. Dad's watching the road now." She didn't want to wait for the car to hit bumps for her to enjoy it, so she took things in her own hands. She leaned back onto Jason and started bouncing on his cock. Her face was getting redder and sweatier. Jason held her hips and helped her bouncing motion. Quiet slaps echoed through the back of the van as their fucking continued. Jason was close to cumming and sad, "Mom? I'm gonna cum!" "You can't cum yet! Slow down." She sat on his cock, motionless for 20 seconds, then started bouncing again. This time, Jason managed to hold his orgasm. Brenda sped up her bouncing and now they were fucking hard. She put her head down as her breathing quickened. She leaned on him again and grabbed his left hand, putting it on her left breast, grabbing the back of his head with her right hand. She whispered in between breaths, "Faster, honey. Don't finish yet." "I'm almost there, mom." He kept fucking her hard. Brenda could feel her orgasm building up, so she quickened her grind. Just a few seconds later, she started cumming. Her jaw dropped and her body shivered. She put up the best effort not to squeal, and put a hand over her mouth. Her orgasm was losing steam now, but Jason kept fucking her. The cloth seat was drenched with the juices of mother and son. Jason wanted to make her cum again, so he reached inbetween her legs and started fingering her clitoris. Brenda was right back into it. She noticed that they were getting really close to home. "Jason sweetie, we're just down the street from our house." He snapped out of his trance and realized she was right. "Okay mom just a couple more pumps." Before he had the chance to finish saying that, he felt his orgasm building. He started shooting cum into his mom and, the second she felt it, it stimulated her G-spot, so she came on his cock again. Spurt after spurt, Jason filled his mother with hot semen. After about 30 seconds of cumming, the both of them were done, and breathing very heavily. Brenda got off Jason's cock and quickly pulled up her skirt and panties. Jason did the same. His mom's juices were all over his balls and pelvis. Brenda turned around and planted her lips on her 13 yearold, saying "I hope you've learned enough because we can't repeat this again. And I had better not be pregnant, or you're grounded, mister." Jason responded with a shy, "Thanks, mom." They both quietly got out of the van.

Chapter 2

The next day, Jason woke up with a hardon. His sister, Amy, was still asleep in the bed across the room from him. He promised his mom he wouldn't tell anyone about their sexual episode in the back of the family van, but he was very close with his sister and usually told her everything. He glanced over at her and saw that she was sleeping in only her panties and a tank-top. He had always fantasized about Amy, but that was the only thing he never told her. He often masturbated in the family room while sniffing her dirty panties. The sound of him turning over in his bed and rustling the sheets woke his sister up. Amy glanced at him, which he noticed. She noticed he was smiling as he laid there, looking up at the celing. Jason was thinking of the smell of his mother's juices, which his penis was drenched in last night. Amy knew he was hiding something. "What are you smiling about, you little twerp," she said with a chuckle in her tone. "Hmmm, nothing," responded Jason. "Oh come on, what's the smile about? I know you wanna tell me something." "Yeah, but this is one thing I promised mom I wouldn't talk about." Amy was a little puzzled after he said, 'mom.' "What do you mean, 'mom?' What happened? I promise, I won't tell!" Jason responded. "What do I get from you if I tell you?" Amy smiled. "I don't know. What did you have in mind?" "How about you show me your boobs?" Amy was kind of disgusted, but not utterly. "You pervert. Stop playing around and tell me what you and mom are hiding!" Jason was serious now. "Do you want me to tell you or not?" "Of course I want you to tell me." "Then flash your boobs at me. It's no big deal." Amy didn't say a thing for a few seconds. "Okay fine, but I'm just going to flash you." She pulled up her tank-top, exposing her young 18 year old breasts to her 13 year old brother. They were nice and firm; just the right size. Jason was drooling as he looked at his sister's naked breasts. "That's enough. Now tell me the big secret." Jason had to tell her because he had promised. "Okay, fine, but you're never gonna believe me." Amy was getting more excited by the minute. "Just blurt it out already!" "Okay, fine. Remember yesterday when I was asking mom to get me that thing?" "Yeah, what was the thing?" "Well, before we went to the beach, mom promised she would let me have sex with her, and on the way home, we went to a store, bought a condom, and mom let me fuck her in the back seat. That's why she was sitting on my lap!" "You can't be serious." "I swear on my life. I kept begging her and begging her to teach me about it, and that was the only way she could shut me up." "Oh. My. God! It totally makes sense! Believe it or not, I totally sensed something weird was going on." "Yeah. I'm no longer a virgin, and I lost my virginity to mom!" Amy was initially repulsed by the thought of her brother and mother fucking, but then started to find it interesting. Arousing, even. She couldn't believe she felt that way, but there it was. She kept asking questions. "It's illegal for people to have sex with a minor, let alone their kids. How long did you guys do it for?" "I don't know. Pretty much the entire ride home. She pulled her panties and skirt down and just sat on my dick. Then she bounced on it for the duration of the ride." "Oh my god, that slut! Did she enjoy it?" "I don't know. She seemed like she was enjoying it. Mom even let me feel her tits while I was fucking her." Amy couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was ashamed, but it was definitely turning her on thinking about her mature mom, impaled on her young son's cock. "Was she wet down there?" "Yeah. Her juices were dripping all over my dick and stomach. It was a total mess back there." Amy was naturally curious about her brother's penis size, considering he made their mature and experienced mom cum. "Can you show me your dick, Jas'?" Jason pulled his shorts down and his cock sprang out. It was rock hard and was moving to his heartbeat. Amy laid her eyes on his 6 inch hardness. She wasn't exactly impressed, but thought it was fairly decent-sized. "Wow. That's pretty good for your age. I bet mom wants some more of that right there," she said with a sarcastic giggle. Jason responded, "Oh, you think it's funny huh? She came twice, you know." "Oh, really? How could you tell? That was your first time." Jason was getting frustrated with his sister. "I don't know, exactly. All I know is, there was a lot of water everywhere. On the seat, on my balls, and stomach, so you laugh all you want." Amy responded. "Wow, that's pretty interesting. I wanna see mom's tits too." "Why would you want to see them? You've got a pair of your own." Amy responded, "I don't know. I think it would be kind of neat to see them." They continued their conversation until about 10:30, when their father interrupted them. "Come on kids. Mom's got breakfast ready. let's eat." They looked at each other, winked, and followed their father down into the kitchen. Amy purposely didn't put on any shorts and went to the kitchen in only her panties and a tank-top. She noticed her father looking at her as she made her way down the stairs. "Okay. You're not a little girl any more, sweetie," her father told her. She jumped on top of him and threw her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist, forcing him to carry her into the kitchen. "Just let me eat my breakfast and then I'll put some shorts on, daddy." They walked into the kitchen. Brenda looked at her daughter funny, smirking. Shortly thereafter, Jason walked in with jeans on. He was trying to conceal his hardon, but his sister sitting next to him in a tank-top and panties wasn't helping much. They finished breakfast quickly and John got up and said, "I'm gonna go read the paper by the pool. Can you make me some coffee, sweetie?" He turned to his wife and kissed her on the cheek. Brenda responded, "Oh sure, honey. You kids want some coffee?" Both of them nodded 'no.' Jason got up and said, "I'm gonna join dad by the pool." Brenda noticed, Amy was looking at her differently. As soon as John walked out of the kitchen, Brenda looked at her daughter. "Okay, what's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?" Amy kept smiling, but didn't say anything. Brenda was still in her robe and only had panties on under it. She leaned against the counter and slurped her coffee with a smile while she looked at her daughter. Amy broke the silence. "Mom. I know what you and Jason did yesterday and I have nothing against it, but I want some lessons too." Brenda didn't expect this at all. She put her coffee cup down and walked around the table to sit next to her daughter. "Did Jason tell you about us?" "Yeah, mom. It's no big deal. I promise I won't tell anyone, unless…" "Unless what?!" Amy kept going on, "I promise I won't tell, but only if you let me see and touch your breasts. I mean, come on, mom! It's only fair, after what Jason did to you!" Brenda couldn't believe what she had gotten herself into. She wasn't even thinking and blurted out, "I'm gonna kill that little brat!" "Don't blame him for everything. I noticed something was strange myself. I would have eventually found out." Brenda leaned back in her chair and undid her robe. Before she continued, she said, "you have to promise you won't tell daddy or this ends now." "I promise, mom." She leaned over the table and kissed her mother on the cheek. Brenda pulled the robe partially away from her body, which was enough for Amy to see her breasts. She then took her daughter's hand and put it on her breast, feeling it over. Amy's mouth fell open as she kept feeling up her mom. Brenda grabbed the back of Amy's head and pulled it closer to her. "It's okay, honey. I know you want to," Brenda added. Amy planted her lips on her mom's nipple and took it in her mouth, suckling on it. Brenda thought it was a bit too loud, and scalded her. "Shhhhh, your father might come back to get his coffee." Brenda's tit was still in Amy's mouth, so she just hummed "mmmhmmm" and continued sucking on her mother. Amy was getting bolder and placed her right hand on her mother's left knee, and began a slow approach to her pussy. Brenda grabbed amy's hand and pushed it away. "Just this for now, okay, honey?" Amy knodded and took her lip off the nipple. She planted a short wet kiss on her mom's lips, but Brenda did not kiss her back. "Okay, that's enough, honey," she said as she stood up and tied her robe together. "Now I'm going shopping. I'll have to talk to you kids after your father leaves." Amy had been planning to go shopping all week. "Mom? I need to go shopping, too." Jason burst into the kitchen. "Who's going shopping?" Brenda's plans for a peaceful afternoon of shopping were now ruined. She invited her kids along. "Fine. Let's all go shopping." Jason added "Mom? you know I need a new formal suit for the school dance on friday." She just nodded and told them to hurry up and meet her in the van.

The ride to the mall was pretty quiet until Brenda broke the silence. "Okay, you two. I have to talk to you about something. Now Jason, I don't appreciate you spilling the beans about what we did." Jason tried to interrupt her, but she cut him off. "Let me finish! You sister told me what you said to her and I'm not thrilled about it." Jason looked at his sister with an angry smirk. "Bitch!" he muttered under his breath. Amy stuck her tongue out at him. "I'm talking right now!" Brenda repeated herself. "Now, we have to keep this between the three of us. We can't let anyone else know. This is incest and I could go to jail for letting Jason, well, you know." Amy and Jason giggled quietly. "We won't tell anyone else, I promise," added amy as she looked at Jason for confirmation. "I won't tell anyone mom. The only reason I told Amy is because I tell her everything. Shes my sis and I love her." Brenda was proud of how close her kids were. "Well, it's not that bad, I guess. We're family, after all, and if you can't trust family, who can you trust? Now who needs what I'm buying today to seal our secret pact?" Jason said, "I just need the formal suit mom, but thanks for the offer." Amy needed all kinds of things. "I need everything, mom, from shoes to panties." Brenda looked in the rearview mirror and smiled, "That's fine, honey. We'll get you what you need. Just don't forget our deal. And they drove on happily. Brenda was feeling more relaxed about her sexuality with her son.

As they walked through the mall, they stopped by almost every other store. Brenda bought Jason the new shoes he liked, and they stopped and got chinese. As they continued through the mall, they came across Victoria's Secret. Amy looked at her mom. "Can we just try on a few things, mom? I promise, it wont take long." Brenda was in a hurry to get home but said, "No problem, sweetie." As they walked in, an attractive woman in her late 40's greeted them. "Hey guys. What can I do you for?" Brenda looked around at all the bras and panties and answered, "Well, my daughter needs some panties. She's been growing out of them lately. The sales lady responded, "Oh, no problem. Follow me, please." She took them to the back right corner of the store and started showing them some of the sexier panties and bras. Brenda looked at the sales lady and added, "This will do fine. By the way, where is your dressing room?" She pointed to the back right corner and walked away. Amy already had her eye on a few pairs. "Mom? Look at these! I wanna try these on." Brenda rolled her eyes, taking the panties in her hands. "I can't believe how revealing these things are today." Jason could already picture his sister in them. "Mom? I wanna try them on." Brenda grabbed two pairs of bras and said, "Let's go to the dressing room." Jason's cock was getting harder and harder trying to picture his mom in those bras. "Mom? can I come too? I promise, I'll behave," he said with a sincere look. "Okay, fine, but you just sit there and don't say anything. They went to the last stall in the back of the dressing room and all three went inside.

Amy started to unbotton her jeans and Brenda took off her shirt, revealing a black, almost see-through bra. Jason sat there, half embarrassed about his hardon, which was getting worse by the second. Brenda looked at him and kind of felt sorry for the little guy. "Oh my god, look at him. His penis is hard already. I guess it's because of his age." Amy giggled, "Yeah, you okay there, buddy," she said in a sarcastic tone. Amy sounded sarcastic, but was getting turned on by the entire scene. She glanced over at her mom, who was nunclasping her bra slowly, revealing her 40-some year old, but still quite perky, breasts. Jason was getting more and more uncomfortable and started fidgeting. His rock hard cock wanted to burst out of his pants. Brenda was now topless as her bra fell to the ground. She put on the new bra and glanced at herself in the mirror. "Wow, this looks pretty good on me, huh?" Amy was in her panties and started to slide them off. She kicked them to the side, next to her mom's bra, and put on the new black laced panties. She pulled up her shirt and revealed her tight stomach in the mirror. Both women were now half-naked, standing in front of Jason, who was sitting down on the side bench. Amy looked at her brother again and then looked at her mom. "Mom?" Brenda recognized that tone and looked at her young daughter with concern. "What is it, sweetie?" Amy looked at her brother and then back at her mom. "You know that I'm a virgin, right?" Brenda was a little bit surprised. "Well, that's okay, honey. You're too young to have sex, anyway. It's dangerous. There are all kinds of diseases out there these days, not to mention getting pregnant." Amy looked at her mom again. "What if you let me do it with Jason? He has no diseases. He's only done it with you." Brenda was a little weirded out, but didn't completely dismiss the idea. "I don't know about that. He's your brother, for crist's sake. I mean, it's wrong!" Amy saw that her mom wasn't completely against it. "But why not mom? You did it with him. It isn't fair," she said with an almost angry tone. Meanwhile, Jason just sat there speechless. He couldn't believe what was going on in front of his eyes. His sister was begging her mom to let her have sex with him. Her brother! Brenda kept on arguing with Amy. "Honey, you're a virgin. Do you know how much it hurts when you're a virgin?" "I don't care, mom. I just wanna do it." Brenda added, "We don't have any condoms here." "That's okay, mom. You'll be here to make sure nothing bad happens." Jason tried to get into the conversation. Brenda turned toward him and said angrily, "You sit there and be quiet." Jason put his head down. Brenda looked at her young daughter and now noticed she was braless, because her young nipples were poking through her tank-top. She sat to the right of Jason and patted the empty seat on her right. "Come sit down, sweetie." Amy sat next to her mom, still only in her panties and tank-top. "Okay, you guys can do it, but there are a couple of rules. First, Jason, you just sit there and don't touch your sister until I say you can." Jason nodded. "Okay, mom." Brenda continued, "Second, when you have to cum, let us know so we can pull her off of you in time. Third, you have to be very quiet. The dressing room is quiet right now, but there are people coming and going all the time." Brenda turned to her daughter. "Honey, do you think you're wet enough for him to get in there without too much pain?" Amy was a little puzzled. "I don't know, mom." Brenda responded "Okay, let me see." she took hold of her panties with her right hand and pulled the elastic open, glancing down at her daughter's young bush, which was nicely trimmed. She slipped her left hand down her tight stomach and found her slit. She felt over it with her fingers and inserted her middle finger into her daughter's tight virgin pussy. She pushed it in and out for a while. Amy's breathing started to quicken, her head rested on her mom's shoulder. Jason's jaw dropped. He kept drooling over the hot scene in front of him. Brenda decided that her daughter's pussy wasn't quite moist enough. "Honey, you aren't quite wet enough. It's gonna hurt a lot." Jason tapped his mom on the shoulder. "I got an idea. What if I lick her vagina to get it wet enough?" Brenda responded angrily, "No! You just sit there. I'll get her wet enough." Brenda got up and stood over her two kids, who were sitting on the bench. She still had her new bra on and her business skirt. She knelt in front of her daughter's legs and pushed them apart. "Scoot down a little bit, sweetie." Amy scooted down and got her pussy closer to her mom. Brenda grabbed her panties on the sides, said, "Lift your ass off the seat for a minute," and slid her panties completely off. She got down closer and kissed her clit. "Spread them a little, baby." She licked all over the length of her slit. Amy let out a loud sigh. "Shh quiet," said Brenda, and continued to lick her slit. She put her arms under Amys legs and lifted them up over her shoulders, then spread out her young pussy with her hands. Brenda planted her whole mouth on it and started sucking it. She went all the way down to her asshole and way back up to her slit as her licking and sucking intensified. She stuck her tongue deep into her daughter and sucked her juices for another minute or two. "Okay, you're ready now." Amy was a little bit dizzy from her mom's tongue as she helped her up. Jason's cock was already out and rock hard. Some precum was on the tip of his head, oozing down it's length. Amy put her leg over her brother and was about to impale herself on his hardness when Brenda stopped her. "One second. Before you do that, we gotta get his penis wet, too." She took her son's cock with her left hand and took the head in her mouth. Her tongue worked around his head and then she took his lengh all the way down, deep in her throat, and started bobbing her head up and down. Jason was in heaven. For the moment, his mother's mouth would suffice over his sister's pussy. He felt the familiar sensation; that tingling in his balls. "Mom? If you keep at it, I'm going to cum in your mouth!" Brenda slowed her bobbing, pressed the tip of her tongue in his pisshole, and waited for a moment. Then she took her mouth off his cock and a loud pop echoed through the dressing room. "Okay, go ahead, but slowly." Amy positioned herself over her brother's cock, her back to him. Brenda took hold of Jason's rod and smeared his precum all over his sister's slit. Then she put her hands on Amy's hips and slowly pushed her down. "Ohhhh, mom. It hurts." "It's okay baby, that's normal. Don't stop. Go all the way down." Amy sat on her brother's cock and let out a silent scream. "Shhhh," Brenda put her fingers on amy's mouth and helped her up again. Jason tried to grab Amy's tits but Brenda slapped his hands away. Amy finally started the up and down motion on her own as their fucking got wetter. Brenda put one hand on amy's tit and said "It's okay baby, just relax." Amy looked at her mom sexily as her brother continued fucking her. Brenda put a finger on Amy's clit, which put her over the edge. Amy exploded in an orgasm, which was the best feeling she ever felt in her young life. She was a squirter like her mom. The fucking came to a slow stop as Amy's knees were getting weaker and weaker. Brenda noticed Amy's knees were quivering as she helped her off Jason's cock. Amy looked at her mom and said without hesitating, "Mom? You wanna go next?" Brenda was a little bit surprised. "I thought this was just about your virginity. I've already had sex with him, regrettably," she said as she smirked at her son. "Come on, mom. it'll be quick. I doubt he can last much longer than 30 seconds, right buddy?" Amy said as she looked at her brother. "How much longer can you last, Jas'?" Brenda looked at him. "I don't know, mom. She's probably right; about a minute more, maybe." Brenda sighed loudly, as if she were doing Jason some big favor. "Jesus, I can't believe I'm about to do this!" She pulled her skirt up and slipped her panties off. Amy threw the panties on the floor. Brenda kept her bra and skirt on because she felt ashamed of being naked in front of her kids. She threw one leg over Jason and straddled him, impaling herself on his cock. "Ohhh." She was surprised at how much bigger it felt this time around. Jason was smiling as he looked at his mom. "Wipe that smile off your face," Brenda quietly scalded him. "This better be over quick." She started bouncing up and down on his cock, relying on her feet for balance and support. Brenda positioned herself so his cock was rubbing her clit, and almost started a slow grind. "You guys okay in here?" The voice of the sales lady came from the entrance end of the dressing room. Brenda stopped her motion and just sat there on her son's cock. "We're just fine." Brenda answered. The sales lady spoke again. "If you guys need anything, just let me know. I can help you decide what looks right and what doesn't." Brenda was worried about the sales lady coming closer and told her daughter to leave the stall and talk to her for a minute. Amy put her panties back on and walked into the hallway. "How do you like these panties?" The sales lady was surprised to see the young 18 year old. "Oh, they look great on you, honey! Have you tried any bras to match?" Their conversation continued as Brenda sat on her son, motionless. She looked down at him and saw that he was almost done. She began a slow, but quiet grind on his cock. "Shhh," she urged him not to make any noise. Jason put his hands on her hips and helped the fucking motion. The voices of her daughter and the sales lady in the hall were drowning out the wet fucking, which was picking up in pace. "Okay, thanks," Amy said to the sales lady as she walked away and went back into the dressing room. "Amy, he's never gonna cum from this position. I gotta get down on the floor." Brenda got up off her son's cock, which sprang up and hit him in the stomach, and positioned herself on the floor. She pulled her skirt all the way up and spread her legs. Jason rubbed his cock over her slit and asshole, which annoyed Brenda, so she reached over and pulled his cock towards her pussy, inserting it all the way in. Jason started to fuck her fast now, their pelvises slapping against each other violently. Amy was getting more and more turned on and she bravely reached around for her mother's ass, finding her asshole. Brenda gently took her hand and pulled it away. A few seconds later, Amy grew bold again and tried the same thing. She found her mother's asshole and inserted her middle finger, looking at her. She could tell she was feeling it, so she went deeper. Soon, Brenda's juices were flowing down to her asshole, which made Amy's finger fucking smoother. She inserted another finger, after which Brenda let out a loud sigh. "Shhh mom," Amy beckoned, and continued fucking her ass with two fingers. Jason's thrusts became more erratic and quickened. Brenda noticed this and tried to say, inbetween breaths, "You... better pull out in... time." Jason just knodded and kept fucking. Suddenly, the stall door next to them opened violently and hit their stall wall, startling them and causing Brenda to freeze again, pushing herself back on Jason's cock and pinning him against the opposite wall. She could feel him throbbing, deep inside of her. A woman's voice called out, as if to no one in particular, "Oh, terribly sorry!" Brenda listened carefully to the music coming from the woman's earbuds and was certain that she couldn't here them at all. Still, it frustrated her immensely. She wanted so badly to cum and now she'd have to do it with an audience. The thrill of being caught only encourged Jason, who started fucking his mother with a newfound fervor. "Oh, I'm gonna cum!" He whispered loudly. "Not yet, Jason! I need it. Don't cum yet!" She wrapped her arms around his pelvis, trying to slow him down, but he was unstoppable. "Mom?" Jason questioned her intentions, still pounding her like it was his first time. "Oh, Jason. It feels so good," was all she could manage, trailing off in extasy. Jason came deep inside Brenda, spewing rope after rope of cum beads inside of her. Brenda just laid there, unsatisfied and embittered. She stood up, not realizing how much cum her young son had just deposited. Familial seed ran down her wanting pussy, staining her skirt. Brenda got up and walked over to her purse, where she had some napkins. She wiped her pussy over and over trying to get his come out, then she did the same with her skirt, but it was useless. "Oh god. Now I have to buy this," she added. Amy got up and put her jeans back on while her mom took the new bra off and put her old bra and shirt on. Jason just sat on the floor, naked and exausted from fucking the two women. Brenda never came, but she was impressed at how he made his sister cum and almost got her off again. Brenda grabbed Jason's hand and helped him up. "Come on baby, get dressed." They somehow put him back together and walked out of the dressing room. Brenda handed her new bra to the sales lady at the register and noticed the sales lady had a smile on her face. They grabbed all the rest of their bags and headed home. As they walked through the mall, Brenda felt very uncomfortable. She didn't cum and some of her juices were oozing down her thighs. Amy noticed something was wrong with her mom and she gave Jason a look. Jason made a gesture like he didn't know what was wrong with her. "Mom? Are you alright?" Amy asked Brenda. "Yeah, honey. I'm just fine...why do you ask?" Jason got into the conversation. "You didn't cum, did you, mom?" Brenda turned around and told him to keep his voice down. "For your information, I did not. But it's okay, Jas'. I know it's hard to handle two of us, but you did just fine, honey." She hugged her son as they walked out into the parking lot. "Mom? I can go again, if you want me to." "Yeah, I'm okay with that, mom. I'll drive us home and you guys can go in the back and finish your business, if you want." Brenda really needed to cum because she couldn't think straight so worked up. "Okay. We'll put the seats down on the floor and you can drive." They got in the van and threw all the bags in the trunk area. Then, Jason flattened all the seats, which were designed to go into the floor. Brenda laid on the floor and Jason got on top of her. He put his face close to his mom's and started to kiss her neck. Brenda took hold of his face and planted a wet kiss on his lips. She was so horny, she lost all control. Jason slid out of his jeans and underwear, pulling his t-shirt off as Brenda took her skirt off and removed her panties, one leg at a time. Laying on the car's carpet irritated her bra clasp, so she took that off too. The two were entirely naked. Amy adjusted the rearview mirror so she could see the action. Brenda's jaw dropped as her son entered her again. He felt like a hot knife slicing through butter. Jason flexed his penis a few times inside of her, really working Brenda up. She met her daughter's eyes in the rearview mirror and felt ashamed, but she was too aroused now to let that get in the way of her orgasm. Brenda was surprised by how hard he got in such a short time. Jason started to fuck her as the van rocked with the motion. Brenda's pussy was already very sensitive from the earlier fuck and she was about to cum. No more than two minutes into it, she started to cum on her son's cock. "Oh god, I'm cumming." She said quietly. Her sqirt splashed all over Jason's stomach. The orgasm went through her like an earthquake and her chin quivered. Suddenly, the guilt washed over her. She pulled herself up and pushed her son gently off of her. "But I'm not done, mom!" She looked at her son. "I'm sorry, honey. This is just so wrong. I'm sorry, Amy. This was wrong of me!" She suddenly felt like a worthless mother. The episode in the dressing room could have gotten her young daughter pregnant, in fact both mother and daughter could be pregnant right now, for all she knew. Amy pulled the car over. "Then you drive, mom. I'm going to finish what you started." "No, honey! You can't! It's just as wrong for you to do it as it is me," Brenda pleaded. "I don't think you're in a position to argue with me," Amy reminded her mother. Brenda wiped herself off, put her clothes back on, and switched places with Amy, who was out of her clothes in the blink of an eye. "Hey, brother. Are you ready for me?" Jason could only stare at her breasts. He wasn't sure how this could have happened, but he wasn't going to fight it. She laid down on her back and guided Jason into her. Jason grabbed onto the seat in front of him for support, causing his mother to feel his thrusts through her headrest. Annoyed, Brenda chimed in, "Are you two finished yet? We're nearly home!" "Oh God mom, it feels so good." Amy's voice faded as she shuddered, about to climax. "I know, honey. But it's so wrong." Suddenly, Jason's thrusts became erractic, his thrusts faster, but less controlled. Brenda recognized what was happening and tried to stop it, but it was too late. Jason yelled out, "Jesus! I'm cumming, sis'. I'm cumming so hard!," and blew his load entirely in his older sister. "Don't stop, Jason. I'm about to cum, too!" "I'll try, sis'." Jason fucked her past his threshold, trying to please his sister the way she had him. "Oh yes, Jason. That's it. I'm cumming, too!" Amy's fluids drenched Jason's pubic hair, her thighs, and everything around her, cleaning her out. "We're in the driveway, kids. Please, put your clothes back on." They dressed eachother and exited the van, which smelled of damp sex now. Brenda's love of her children and trying to be a good mom and competing for her kid's love with her husband; it all clouded her thinking and judgement. She wasn't sure what to do, now that her kids weren't interested in stopping this.

"Mom Agrees to Help" originally by Erotic Story Teller, modified grammatically and for content by leatherbound.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-25 16:44:36
One of my all-time favorite reads. Wish there were more stories like this out there.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-12-03 03:35:15
I love it I love to yr bro Amy and be a son I want more. The best story ever and the best 3some ever . My sperm is free

anonymous readerReport 

2013-12-03 03:34:57
I love it I love to yr bro Amy and be a son I want more. The best story ever and the best 3some ever . My sperm is free

anonymous readerReport 

2013-12-03 03:34:43
I love it I love to yr bro Amy and be a son I want more. The best story ever and the best 3some ever . My sperm is free

anonymous readerReport 

2013-11-29 05:33:03
to long...
but a good one nonetheless

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