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(Sequel To Tuckers Island) The twins visit their father back home in England, only to meet their brother
Novels by Gail Holmes
“The Tucker Twins”
“Tuckers Island”

Notice to my Readers.
Dear Readers, If you have not already read “Tuckers Island” please stop here, as this story will make very little sense to you if this is the case. Please go back and read the main story
“Tuckers Island”
Thank you Gail Holmes

“The Tucker Twins”
Bristol Airport had been the easiest at the time; the twins had cherished the flight, although it had been a long haul. Ben had being staying on the island for nearly three months; coming home for just the occasional weekend; Fran his wife was the problem, couldn’t handle the up-evil of the travelling once month to see them both. To start with it was fine, however, Rodjana always made her feel somewhat awkward, as if she didn’t want her there. Ben knew the reason for this.
It had taken him quite a time to encourage his daughters to come on vacation to England, the other girls had brain washed them both into believing that England was a fast and violent place, the videos they’d watched on the cruiser hadn’t helped matters.
The airport had been busy when they’d landed, but Ben took them both into Bristol City, the idea was to tempt them with new clothes, neither of the girls had ever seen so many people, predominantly the traffic concerned them, they’d only seen the occasional car or truck when they’d visited any of the other islands.
Ben grew conscious of the attraction that they both stimulated with the passing males, mind you with their colouring, figures and long red hair who could wonder. It was a change for him to see them both fully dressed anyway; on the island there was no necessity for clothing everyone went nude anyway. However, with his agreement with Rodjana, he’d no chance with them on the island whatsoever or Elaine and Susan for that matter whom he’d fancied rotten, it was that time of the month that bothered him, Rodjana had broken her agreement with him on that score, she wanted him only for herself, mind you, he wanted for nothing, should the need arise, she was always in bed by his side, and an excellent lay, plus her other wonders for the wrong time of the month.
The girls we’re astounded by the array of clothing on show in the large departmental stores, never had they seen such an assortment, not knowing where to start, they couldn’t understand the need to draw the curtains when in the changing rooms, many passers by had cast their eye in the direction, Ben soon twigged their curiosity. Mind you he was getting quite lustful himself, the way they both tried to flaunt themselves in the sexy underwear. This was all so new to them, he recognized that he should have brought one of the other girls back with him, ideally Susan, but then it would have cramped his style, plus Rodjana would have got to know of his objective, he didn’t want to upset her in anyway.
Ben felt proud when they finally left the store, with both girls linked on his arms as he walked, they we’re causing quite a stir in their short skirts. He appreciated he’d only got them for a month, knowing they’d bend to his needs, he’d heard them with Royce at night, they’d certainly experienced what sex was all about. Nevertheless, could they both handle him he speculated?
“I think it’s time we all stopped for something to eat!” Ben looked down hugging them both as they walked.
“Rodjana; said we should try a “Burgerking?” smiled Penny.
He knew this wasn’t his cup of tea, preferring to go to a pub, it was a whisky he needed.
“Pub grub, and a nice drink at this time I think, you’ll both have plenty of time for the Burgerking’s on your stay. It’s not a healthy food anyway?” Ben mused.
Ben picked a higher class Inn rather that the average high street pub, finding himself a nice quite table in a corner away from most of the customers.
“I’ll go and get drinks you sit tight here, shouldn’t be to long!” Ben told the girls sitting them down at the table.
The twins sat and viewed the large room, there were quite a few people in the bar, it was nothing like they were used to, the taverns on any of the islands everyone sat out side, and it was slightly claustrophobic to them here, with so many people inside.

“What do you think then?” Jane smiled across the table towards her sister.
“Bit to busy for me, so many people. Why do they stare so, why are we so different to anybody else?”

“Can I get either of you ladies a drink?”
Both girls looked up hearing the voice beside them; the guy had observed that they were sitting on their own, thinking he’d a chance.
“You’re new here aren’t you?” He continued he’s eye’s roving over their firm young bodies.
“Thank you, but father has just gone to get us drinks!” Penny replied, pointing towards the bar.
He turned back to the bar viewing Ben, noting the size of him, then quickly turned away moving from the table.

“What did he want?” Ben quizzed as he placed the drinks from the tray onto the table.
“They are very courteous here, he asked if he could get us a drink!” Jane replied, looking back towards where the guy had sat down.
“Trying to get into your knickers more like!” Ben smiled. “You’ll have to get aware of this, don’t talk to any strangers, unless you’re with me.
The last thing that Ben wanted was competition at this stage. He looked back, but the guy had up and left.
“Why do people stare so Dad?” Jane enquired looking about the room.
“It’s not often people see young ladies as pretty as yourselves, and the two of you together, twins that is uncommon. Here have a look as this, find yourselves something to eat!” Ben handed them both a menu.
“The pictures look good enough to eat!” laughed Penny.

Fran heard the engine of the Mercedes came up the driveway, she’d thought that Ben would have been home long before now, he’d rang from the airport telling her that they had landed, when she saw the assortment of bags the girls were carrying she fully understood the delay.
“My, is there anything left in the shops!” Fran laughed, putting her arms around both girls in turn, hugging them tightly “Come on in, I’ll tell June that your all back, then she’ll be able to start the dinner!” June was the family’s cook, Ben had about five house staff, but June was the only one that actually lived in so to speak.
“We’ve all ready eaten dear, stopped off in Bristol!” Ben remarked.
“In that case I’ll show you both your rooms come on gather up these bags of yours!” Fran turned towards the house picking up a couple of bags herself.
Ben stood observing as both girls pursued Fran up the long stairway, however, what the girls had forgotten was to replace their panties before they’d left the stores. Mind you, Ben wasn’t complaining, it seemed more erotic seeing up their skirts after seeing them constantly nude on the island, the effect was real horny.
After Fran had given them both a tour of the house and introduced them to the staff, they retired to the living room. Neither realised as to the comfort that their parents lived in

“So, what do you girls want to do with yourselves whilst you’re here then?” Fran smiled towards them both, as they sat before her. Ben was out in the grounds somewhere at the time.
The girls looked towards each other, not knowing the degree of interest around them, having no ideas as to what they could do.
“You’ll have to get your father to take you to Bayliss, then you can do a bit of riding!”
The only riding they’d known of was with Royce and the boy’s, sitting on top of them so to speak.
“Bayliss!” questioned Jane. “Riding?”
“Sorry!” smiled Fran. “Bayliss is one of the farms we own, it’s in the New Forest area in Hampshire, and as for riding; I meant on horses!”
“Horses, I’d love that idea, is it far?” Penny enquired.
“I should think your father would more than likely want to stay over night, it’s quite a jaunt there and back in a day, and if you’re riding as well. You’ll have to ask him!” Fran chuckled. “I’m sure he’ll not turn you down, it will give him a chance to look over the farm anyway!”
“How many horses do you have?” Jane inquired.
“All told…heaven only knows, only your father could tell you that, but I think there are around 25 at Bayliss!”
The twins had only seen pictures of horses so far, not realising as to their size, but the thought of riding one appealed to them both, a young girl had ridden one in one of the films that they’d watched on the telly whilst on the cruiser.
“With luck you will see you brother Peter before you return to the island; he should be here on the 23rd of the month!” Fran smiled.
This excited the girls, they known about their brother, from Ben, but so far both had never seen him. He’d never visited the island.
“Sorry to trouble you Mrs Tucker, I have to go into the village to get a few bits for the kitchen, should you required any form of refreshments before I go?” June asked as she came into the living room, looking towards Fran and the twins.
“Now that’s an idea June! No…you pop off into the village, I’ll get drinks for the girls”
June thanked Fran and then left the room.
“Cokes or lemonade, the lemonade is homemade, June makes it herself!” Fran smiled to the girls as she stood.
The girls decided to try the lemonade, it sounded comparable to what they might have had on the island, they’d tried coke in the Inn, and neither had thought that much to it.
Ben joined them before Fran came back, sitting down in his armchair.
“All on your own then, where is everybody!” He enquired smiling at the girls as they sat on the settee.
“June’s popped into the village, and Mum has gone to get us some drinks” Jane replied adjusting herself to a more comfortable position on the settee, which instantly gave Ben a clear view beneath her skirt. He noted now that she’d put panties back on.
“Now that’s a good idea, I could do with a drink myself!”
“Can I get it for you Dad?” Penny smiled, looking around the room for the drinks cabinet.
“That’s sweet of you…over there at the bar in the corner” Ben pointed to the corner of the room to a small but very adequate bar. “You’ll find my whisky on the back shelf!”

“That didn’t take you long, bit early in the day for that I’d have thought!” Fran sniggered as she came back into the room, noting Penny coming back from the bar with a more than large whisky. “Looks as if you have them trained well!”
Ben didn’t take to kindly to her words; the last thing he wanted was to be belittled by her in front of the twins. That was the only thing with Fran, she liked to rule him; with Rodjana she bent to his every need, literally, in more ways than one.
“Thank you Penny!” Ben smiled up as she offered him the glass.
“How can you tell which one is which? You don’t see then anymore than I, and I can’t tell for certain?” Fran enquired, feeling somewhat out of it, knowing it must be better for each of the girls to be called by their appropriate names.
Rodjana had educated them both into not saying anything about their father staying on the island whilst they were in England.
“Luck I suppose!” laughed Ben lifting the whisky up to his mouth.
“Dad! Could you take us to Bayliss, so that we could go riding?” Penny suddenly enquired.
The out come of this question traumatized Ben, he nearly chocked on his whisky as she spoke, not knowing as to where she’d heard of Bayliss. He’s very often taken his women friends there for dirty weekends.
“It was my proposition dear, they asked if they could go riding!” Fran grinned as Ben looked down checking that he’d not spilt his whisky.
“I don’t see why not; I need to look over the place, it will give them both a chance to see one of the farms!” He replied looking towards the girls.
What a fabulous idea he thought, he was delighted that Fran had recommended it and not he himself, this would give him the probability that he’d needed to be alone with the two girls.
It was after that that Fran noticed Jane’s position on the settee, realising that Ben was directly in front of her
“I think you’d better sit a little more elegantly young lady, haven’t those boys acquainted you about sitting smartly?”
Jane looked down at herself, not appreciative of Fran’s meaning or as to her visualization. Nobody had mentioned the way she’d sat before.
“Leave them in their innocence dear, on the island I shouldn’t think there is any necessitates for that sort of etiquette” Ben smiled.
“You would say that! I see your not complaining!” Fran looked back to Jane. “Come on dear, put your legs together!”
Thankfully for Ben, Fran couldn’t see the raging hard-on that he’d got through the scrutiny of her up skirt view; the arm of the chair had obscured it from her

It was mid-afternoon by the time they arrived at Bayliss, the grounds were all landscaped, trees and flowers everywhere, driving down the long entrance drive the girls had already noticed the fine horses soon after they’d gone through the main gates of the estate. Ben had arranged for a four-day stop over at the farm, Fran naively allowing him time to examine the estate, even though he’d other ideas in his mind. The car came to rest crunching the gravel outside a large building. Ben’s had his own quarters built, mainly for guests or women friends. Fran rarely came with him when he done his inspections.
“We’ll get settled in, then have a look around the stables, Ben bred his own stock, and was particularly proud of his stallions.
The girls admired the paintings around the walls inside the apartment and the horsy memorabilia, the form of horseshoes and bridle wear, not forgetting the brass buckles and whips. Once all sorted and a couple of drinks after the long journey he took the girls out to the paddocks to inspect the horses.
“They’re really beautiful Dad!” Penny said watching as the horses moved along the fence, curious of their visitors.
“You’ll have to have a couple of them on the island, I’ll see to it before I take you back.”
“Really…that would be wonderful Dad, I’m sure they’d love it!” Jane said with a note of enthusiasm in her voice.

“Good grieve!” Penny shouted out, traumatized by the vision before her. “You just have to see this!”
“What a matter?” Ben turned back quickly, thinking something was untoward.
“Look…look, that one…the one over there!” Penny pointed to one of the stallions in the corner.
Jane was just as taken back by her observation, the stallion was standing with legs jutting out, back and front, with a cock the size of a babies arm, it was black and enormous, any man would be extremely confident with himself to be kitted out with weaponry as such.
“Christ…that would put Royce to shame, my what magnitude!” Penny chuckled, breaking into a laugh
“Don’t say that…you’re making me yearn for home! I’m missing sex already” Jane laughed.
Ben observed the enthusiasm in the manner to which she leaned on the word yearned.
“And you’re going to let us have two on the island; I’ll know where to go if we get short rations!” Penny chuckled.
“Don’t worry yourselves I’ll see you don’t miss out whilst your here!” Ben replied.
“Dad!” Penny quizzed.
“Well! I can’t let you girls go short can I, you’ll never want to come back again?”
“Whom have you got in mind then Dad?” Jane enquired with a grin on her face.
“Well…not any Tom, Dick or Harry, me of course!”
“You, but Rodjana and the girls said that couldn’t be; I mean you’re our father!” Penny inferred.
“It doesn’t have to be that way, I’m missing Rodjana as much as you’re missing the boy’s!”
“Royce, more than likely, knowing Penny!” Jane sniggered. “She’s partial to big one’s”
“Then we’ll say no more about it then, we’ll just have to wait until this evening won’t we. However, I don’t think either of you will be let down, trust me!”
The girls looked toward each other with a broad smile on their faces.
“D’you think we could take a photograph back with us Dad, I mean of that horse, I’m sure Royce would be impressed.” Penny laughed.
“I’m sure he’s seen the equivalent of that!” grinned Ben, perceptive that the girls we’re in for a considerable surprise later, it’s just a shame that Royce wasn’t here to ready them for him.
Ben felt more than contented; neither of the girls had questioned or condemned his offer. To think of the times that he’d sought after fucking either of them, now he’d got them together.
Nevertheless, always Rodjana had stood in his way, okay they we’re his daughter’s but they hadn’t grown up with him. Of course he respected them, who wouldn’t, nobody could criticize him for his desire, now he’d four days with them. The ice was already broken, and what’s are more they we’re looking forward to it.
“Everything okay Mr Tucker?”
The voice startled Ben; it appeared to come from nowhere.
He turned suddenly, to distinguish who’d spoken, …it was one of the stable hands, she stood behind him with a smile on her face, her thumbs tucked in the top of her jeans, legs slightly apart in a provocative stance.
Ben had fucked her on numerous occasions. He knew she’d come to challenge any competition, which she’d thought the twins might have contested.
He smiled toward her, and then looked back to the twins. “This is Erica she cares for the stallions in my absence. Erica, this is Jane and Penny, my daughters!”
There was a look of ease on Erica’s face, however, she’d not realised Ben had daughters her own age.
“I’m very happy to meet you both!” Erica held out her hand as to shake theirs, but the twins we’re not familiar with the gesticulation, but took her hand anyway.
“No, I’m fine Erica, just come to have a nose around. Is everything okay?” Ben smiled toward her.
“Yes Sir, we thought we’d a problem with Roary” Erica pointed across to one of the stallions in the paddock. “Nevertheless, all is well now. Is there anything that you require, I’m not due to go home until 7 o’clock?” Erica looked down at her watch, shrewd that this was still two hours away.
Ben grasped her meaning only to well, should the twins not have been there, he’d have welcome the offer, however, at this present time it was crucial that he saved all his energy for the twins.
“I’m fine Erica, but I will have need of you next time!” he replied with a twinkle in his eye.
Erica nodded “I understand Sir, thank you” with that she turned walking back towards the stables.
Ben watched, his eye’s on her petite body, in particular her lovely rounded bottom.
However, Erica understood with her additional pay, she had to accomplish Ben’s every requirement, he didn’t come to the farm that frequently, and he expected her to justify her recompense at all times, regardless of Mother Natures inconveniences
“A moment Erica!” Ben called after her; he loved to see her sexy walk.
“Mr Tucker?” Erica smiled, turning back with a coy look on her face.
“Yes, the girls here, they’ve never ridden, I wonder if you’d be so kind as to give them a couple of lessons?”
“It would be my pleasure Sir! Will they be alright in what they are wearing?”
Both the girls were in shorts, they looked down as to consider as to a need to a change. Neither had ever seen any form of riding clothes so they themselves we’re at a loss.
“Will you be alright as you are girls?” Ben inquired.
“I’ll give them both a ride around the paddock, they’ll be alright I’m sure Sir, perhaps tomorrow I’ll kit them out, we’ll go for a ride in the forest?”
“The would be great Dad, will that be okay?” Penny jested, with a hint of glee in her tone.
“Of course, bring them back to the house when you’ve finished!” Ben smiled towards Erica
He watched as the three girls moved around to the paddock gate, then left them, heading for the house.
Erica went in the paddock collecting one of the smallest stallions, leaving the girls at the gate.

“What do you think of Dad’s offer then?” Penny inquired of her sister.
“It could be fun, but someone his age, it’s more than likely shrivelled up to nothing now!” smiled Jane.
“Rodjana seems to like it, she makes a sufficient amount noise from time to time. Trouble is he never takes his shorts off, so you can’t tell; sometimes he looks as if he’s a huge bulge there!” Penny grinned.
“That’s Rodjana for you, I think it’s her that forbids him to take his shorts off, still we’ll know for sure later. I think I like Erica, I can tell that Dad does!”
“Here we are, I’m sorry I don’t know which of you is which, and I don’t want to sound rude not calling you by your own names!” Erica suggested, as she brought the stallion out of the paddock handing him to Jane. “He’s okay, he’s as gentle as a baby!” she smiled.
Jane took to the horse like a fish to water, walking up and stroking its forehead. “He’s beautiful isn’t he!” she grinned back to Penny.
“Don’t worry to much about our names we both answer to both, so we’ll take not umbrage if you get it wrong!” Jane laughed.
“We’d better go get some tackle, then you can have a ride!” Erica smiled. “I haven’t seen either of you before?” She inquired
“We’ve only just come back to England, our parents thought we’d both drowned in an accident some years ago, but we were marooned on an island!” Penny informed her.
“I thought I’d never heard of you! How long ago was that?”
“When we we’re both four, a little over fourteen years ago, we never saw a soul in all that time, until a couple of months or so ago. Now we’re both in partnership, owning the island!”
“With your father?”
“Heavens no, he’s just glad that he found us, we’d purchased the island before we met him again.
“I must be a little over a year older than yourselves! Erica smiled.
“How long have you worked for father?” Penny inquired.
“Started with the stables when I was 16, I never really had anything to do with you’re father until a couple of years ago. He’s a nice man, we get on well together” Erica implied, she really wanted to tell them both just how well, but thought better of it.

“So how did your rides go then?” Ben smiled when Erica dropped them both back to the house.
“We’ve had a wonderful time Dad, Erica’s a nice girl we had a long chat with her, she thinks the world of you!” smiled Jane turning toward her sister “Doesn’t she Penny?”
“Yes she does, she said she’ll call for us at 10 in the morning! Is that alright Dad?” Penny asked.
“Yes of course, we’ll eat now, I’ve had a Chinese meal brought up from town, I’m sure you’ll both love it!” Ben informed them, speculating just as to how much Erica had told them both.
Both absolutely enjoyed their meals, having lived so close to China and never had they tasted anything like it.
They watched a movie on the television, soon the time had crept up to 9.30, Penny was the first to speak, looking up at Ben with a twinkle in her eye.
“What time are we going to bed then Dad?”
“I’m ready when you both are!”
“Sure you’ll be alright with the two of us?” Jane grinned, a hint of scepticism in her voice.
“Why, don’t you think I’m up to it?” He smiled. “ I don’t think it will worry me young lady, it’s if you can both handle me!”
Jane looked at Penny and smiled. “ Well, are you coming, we’ll go to the bathroom first Dad!”
Ben watched as they left the room; he was feeling as horny as hell, knowing if he didn’t make with them, he’d be able to turn to Erica in the morning. Keeping his ear open for movement upstairs, he heard the girls go across the landing then headed up to the bathroom himself.

“My, you look like two fresh peas in a pod!” He grinned as he entered the bedroom.
Each of the two bedrooms in the house had king size beds, Ben had made it that way, often he’d bring a friend or two mistresses back with him, there was always plenty of room to move.
“Are you going to move over then, I’d like to be in the middle between you both” Ben stood beside the bed looking down at them, watching as the girls moved towards the edges of the bed.
“Aren’t you going to take you’re shorts off then?” Penny smiled.
“Not just yet, well have a little fun first!” He climbed over Jane a crawled into bed amid them both, placing an arm around each. “Now before we start, this is between just the three of us, nothing must be said about this back on the Island, do we have a deal here!”
As far as Jane was concerned, thinking she’d not the nerve, his cock more than likely so dominative it wouldn’t be felt, why was he so unyielding about the removal of his shorts.
“I’m sure that’s fine with us both, the last thing we both want is Rodjana on our back!” Penny smiled up to him.
“Yes, of course Dad, I’m with Penny” she replied. “We’ll say nothing!”
Ben pulled them both towards him kissing them both on the cheek, lifting himself up in the bed; he turned drawing the large duvet back from covering them. “This, I been waiting for, for months. If it all works out, I’m sure you’ll both want more!”
Both girls chuckled at his remark, but not for the same point of view, not realising as to what was to come.
He sat for moments inspecting their horny bodies, firm tight breasts, pussies that we’re indistinguishable from each other, he placed a hand down onto his cock, it was rock solid. Leaning forward he hovered over Penny’s breasts then took one in his mouth suckling soothingly, whilst placing a hand onto Jane’s manipulating it tenderly. Both lie back, their eyes closed, from one to the other he moved, hand then lips, the girls could but gasp for air, his motions we’re so sensitive and responsive, sending light shocks through their bodies. He rose slightly, allowing room to slither his hand down Penny’s body, permitting it to rest delicately above her pussy, manipulating the soft lips through the down with his fingers, pulsations pushed down to his cock, forcing blood along it’s length, as he sensed her dampness.
Penny placed her hand onto his; there was a glint of excitement in her eyes as she glanced up to him, sensing his finger dip inside her, it felt chunky easing her passage open. He’d waited months for this sensation.
“Dad Please! Don’t tease!” Penny could feel the tip of his finger just inside her pussy lips; her clitoris was tingling, responding to his placid movements.
Penny took in a deep breath as he unexpectedly eased it straight up inside, there was no pain, and in fact it was quite comfy due to her secretions within. Ben started to manoeuvre it in and out with soothing actions, Penny eased over on the bed, allowing herself room to open her legs wider, he withdrew his finger replacing it with two, but Penny was ready, this is the sort of treatment that Royce started off with.
“You’ll not need to that Dad, I’m sure you’ll have little effort after Royce!” smile Penny.
Jane sat up to watch as Ben started to finger fuck her harder.
“I think I’ll be the best judge of that my sweet!” Ben smiled down.
Jane thought to remove Ben’s shorts, hooking her thumbs over the top. Ben knew it was now or never, so he eased himself up off the bed allowing her access to he’s shorts. She moved around in behind him gradually peeling them down, he lifted his leg permitting her to pull them down from behind.

“For God’s sake!” Jane put her hand over her mouth as she spoke, she’d moved back up the bed in front of him.
Penny was still enjoying his rhythmic fingering; Jane’s shock seemed to go unnoticed.
“Penny! You have just got to see this?” She repeated herself. “Two in the same day, this is just to much!”
Penny gripped the bedding each side, pulling herself to a sitting position, hoping not to interrupt Ben’s tempo. Her eyes were glued to his cock.
“And I thought that stallion put Royce to shame. Jesus Dad! Is that for real…it’s not possible; is it!” She smiled towards Jane.
Jane leaned forward squeezing it in her hand; then looked at Ben.
“To much for you then?” Ben smiled to them both. “And you Penny; I thought this Royce of yours was God’s answer as far as cock is concerned?”
Penny looked at him with a silly grin.
“Its no wonder Rodjana keeps you under wraps, God it’s bloody monstrous?”
“Dad, I really don’t think I even want to try this!” Jane implied, her hand still gripping it.
“This reminds me of the time on the beach with David! Do you remember Jane; his cock was so bloated from what Rodjana had done to him, God, how I enjoyed that…that was the biggest so far!” Penny smiled, her eyes still glued to Bens cock.
“So how many cocks have you had, and what’s more who took your virginities?” Ben quizzed looking to both of them wondering if David had fucked them both before Paul and the others had arrived on the island. He knew his father wouldn’t have been anywhere near them, even though he’d fingered both for remedial reasons, helping each with their period, but however it was short lived once he’d sensed the effect it had on him

“Paul…the girls said it was his right, however we’ve had all three of them now!” Penny replied. “But this I am going to enjoy!” Penny lifted her hand from the bed taking his cock into it.
“God, that’s chunky! Mighty meaty matey!” Penny chuckled, watching as her sister kneaded the huge organ within her hand.
“In that case you’d better have a couple more fingers!” Ben laughed, offering a third into her.
“I’ll just watch if you don’t mind!” Jane said, easing herself away from them both.
“Are you saying that I’m not going to get to fuck you as well?” Ben inquired with a smile, slipping his fingers back up Penny.
“I’ll…I’ll hang on if you don’t mind; we’ll see how Penny fairs, if she’s in no anguish with it, I might…might try it, and I mean might?”
Ben arranged himself between Penny’s legs as he started to finger fuck her in long sensual thrusts, Penny moved herself back down on the bed, her hips lifting each time his fingers went deeper. How many more do I need then?” She winched, beginning to feel the strain.
“Just the one!” smiled Ben, as he tried to insert the fourth.
Penny eased her thrusting, as she felt the tension on her pussy when he started to force them up her. “Gently does it Dad…Christ, it can’t need that much, can it?”
Jane could only but watch, she did wonder if he’d end up pushing his whole hand up her. Placing her hand up to her mouth, seeing her sister’s uneasiness, she could still feel the huge organ pulsating within her hand; nonetheless, this was making her feel even more lustful. Ben noticed the look of apprehension on her face, moving his free hand up between her legs, inserting just one finger. Jane didn’t see his movement, but sensed his finger travelling up inside her, sitting still she accepted the pleasure from it.
“I think your ready for a try!” Ben smiled down toward Penny.
Penny adjusted her herself moving slightly to the middle of the bed, widening her legs as she did so.
“This had better not hurt Dad!” Penny grinned, watching as he moved over the top of her. His hand went down between them grasping his cock directing it to her pussy. Penny sensed pressure, as her outer lips spread. She didn’t want to illustrate any signs of discomfort knowing that it would concern her sister, so far they’d shared everything, wanting this to be no exclusion.
Ben knew she was experiencing some form of tenderness, so he withdrew, taking it in gentle nudges, assuring that his cock accumulated her juices on each forward movement.
Although she was in slight pain, the pleasure was more rewarding. She reached across the bed, holding her sisters hand.
“God! This is really going to be something. You have to try it Jane!” smiled Penny, feeling Ben’s cock starting to move without to much restraint inside her, knowing the worst was now over.
Taking his full weight onto his arms Ben started to fuck her in long slow strokes, assuring she took as much cock as achievable. After Rodjana, Penny was surely tight but so enjoyable. He noticed the uneasiness on Jane’s face had now disappeared, seeing the look of pleasure on Penny’s face, as she lie beneath him.
“God…Dad this is so…so good” Penny was struggling with her words; her breath was laboured.
Jane could feel Penny’s hand gripping hers tightly as went through her first orgasm, looking down at her sister as her back arched, her face riddled with pleasure. Jane could tell by the tell tail moans, Penny’s hand left hers reaching up toward their father’s gripping his wrists strongly.
“Faster…faster; God, Dad fuck me harder!” Penny squealed out, her hips bucking up to meet his every thrust, beads of sweat we’re now seeping profusely from Ben’s brow.
He could only imagine that her sexual demands were in her blood…sharing that of his own, he responded to her needs; fucking her hard and swiftly, thrusting deep, the more he fucked the more she moaned, muttering to herself, he could barely comprehend the filthy words she was trying to say, only wondering as to where she’d got them.
Thankfully he’d not tried this on the island; she’d surely have woken the dead with the noise. Suddenly she pulled herself up the bed away from him, clambering back down towards him grabbing the swaying organ taking it up into her mouth. Penny started to suck, never, never ever had Ben been sucked so hard, he placed his hands to each side of her head; it was he himself who now did the moaning. His seed started to rise; he’d lost control.

Jane could but watch in sheer amazement, never had she seen her sister so frenzied, her hands, her mouth all working in chorus. She herself now wanted to join in the pleasures but she knew it was too late. Her father’s head was thrown back; his loud moans should be heard for miles. Jane looked back down to her sister who was now spluttering and chocking with her mouth spilling over with his thick cream.
Penny fell forwards onto her arms, her face next to the duvet, she was chocking. Jane reached down swiftly slapping her back.
“Penny for God’s sake…Penny!” Jane shouted slapping her violently.
“I’m Ok! I’m okay!” Slowly she managed to sit back up again. “Honest, I’ll be alright shortly!”
Ben was sitting back on his knees, looking down at his cock; never had any woman blown him in this way. He looked toward Penny, her mouth, chin and even her neck and breasts, completely smothered in spunk; the bedding was awash with it.
He had to catch his breath before he could speak.
“Young lady…you could suck a dead man back to life!” he smiled.
Penny’s eyes were full of welling tears; she stretched forward to take his arm.
“Christ, Dad…that…that was something else!” She looked back to her sister. “Jane you must…just must have some of that!”
“You needn’t tell me…anybody could see that you enjoyed it. But is there any left?” She looked first to Ben, and then down to the duvet, even Penny’s arms were covered with it.
“Well, not just yet I imagine, will you be the same?” Jane smiled.
“Jane, believe me you must…he’s the best!” Penny grinned, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
“Hey! It’s me you’re talking about…I’m you’re father I’ll have you know! Ben chuckled.
“Dad, when we get back to the island…in no way is Rodjana keeping you to herself!” Penny blurted out.
“Penny! It’s not quite as simple as that! This is why it has to be our secret!”
“You mean that when we get back…that’s it?” Penny implied.
“We’ll see what Jane thinks when she’s ready!” Ben smiled.
“How about now Dad?” Jane beamed, looking down at his wilting cock
Ben smiled toward her, realising her keenness after observing Penny’s performance, who was more than ready herself. He knew it would take him at least a couple of hours to revitalize his bollocks. He understood she’d be a little more than tight, he’d heard of her shyness with Royce, and he was less than half his size.
“Perhaps a sleep then we’ll continue! It was a long drive for us all; you’ll enjoy it more if you’ve rested.
“I could always go and get you a small whisky Dad!” Penny sniggered.
“You’ll do no such thing, never do I have a small one!”
“That we can see!” laughed Jane. “Come on Dad! You can’t let the side down. You only have three weeks you know?” Penny smiled.
“Three weeks, how say you!” Ben asked.
“Well…if you remember we’re always on together, you’re not on the island now. That’s of course unless you’ve someone else in mind,” Jane stated.
“In that case!” Ben smiled “I think we’d better all take a trip to the bathroom. A shower might help waken me up somewhat; we’ll use the other bedroom; you’ll not make a mess like this Jane, in fact I’m sure you won’t” smiled Ben, looking down at the condition of the bed.
“What’ll we do with this?” Penny asked pulling the duvet straight.
“Don’t worry your little head about that; the cleaner will sort that out in the morning. It’ll only need to be washed.
The girls stayed behind when Ben left for the bathroom trying to pull the bed back together.
“Are all right?” Jane inquired. “I thought you were going to die there?”
“Never, ever…would I have thought sex could be so orgasmic. Christ, he’s good. I was on cloud nine that for a while, my whole body was a wash with the pleasure of it!”
“But why did you pull off of him; I thought you were chocking to death in the end!”
“I don’t know…I just had to have his cock in my mouth, the need to taste his seed I suppose. Believe me it was good though!” Penny brought her hand up, wiping her mouth. “You go the whole hog though, we can’t make another mess like this!” Penny said looking at the bed with a smile.
“But didn’t it hurt, I mean to start with, it’s the sheer size bothers me, it’s massive!” Jane stated
“Ok, it was a mite uncomfortable to start with! But hell it was dam good when he got going. I don’t like the idea of Rodjana keeping him to herself though when we go back home. I mean we share the others!”
“Well in her eyes we have the best of the deal, we have two men, to share she’s only one” Jane replied.
“When you’ve savoured Dad; I’m sure you’ll alter your mind. I used to think Rodjana was a noisy cow! Nevertheless, now I can understand as to why. Its little wonder she gets up knackered so would I!”
“Are you two going to chat all night?” Ben stood in the doorway with a large bath towel around him. “I’ll see you in the other room, don’t be long!” Ben pulled the towel open and smiled. His cock was rampant once more.
Both girls scurried of as fast as their legs would carry them, both showered without getting their hair wet. Neither wanted to waste time drying it.
Ben was lying out stretched on the bed when they finally arrived, the towel still over him, with what looked like a broom handle underneath it.
Penny was the first on the bed, ripping the towel to one side exposing his manhood; her mouth went straight over it. Ben pulled Jane down beside him, toying with her breasts, then drawing her on top, spreading her legs across his chest, pulling her forward so that her pussy was over his mouth, a rose by any other name still smells sweet. The fragrance hit his nostrils sending her perfumed aroma to his brain. Lifting his tongue jiggling it up to her clit, Jane reached up to her breasts clasping then in each hand, the nipples were already standing out like chapel hat pegs as she tweaked them.
Ben knew he could take all the sucking that Penny could administer, in the end Jane was to get his full load, which was now pending. He placed his hands around Jane’s bottom raising her slightly, conveying his finger up between them, and leisurely easing it up inside her.
Jane started to lift up and down; already she was moist. Ben quickly placed another beside it catching her on the downward stroke. Jane threw her head back shaking it, allowing her long hair to fall back over her shoulders; the additional finger she’d not noticed. But Ben identified her pussy had, by the low moan. He eased her to the side of him, without moving his hips too much, leaning over kissing her lips passionately; Penny was steadfast not moving away from his raging cock.
Ben’s hand went back down between her legs, this time offering three, but very tenderly; just encouraging the tips to mingle in the dampness wriggling them just within her pussy, Jane turned slightly placing her arm around his neck, kissing him hard on the lips.
“It’s good Dad, you’re a pro!” Jane muttered softly in his ear.
Ben recognize that she was in a world of her own, now was the time to work in the fourth, his hand was a wash with her juices. Steadily he laid the fourth finger amidst the other three; Jane’s hips rose slightly sensing the sudden demand, nevertheless, her pussy adhered to the abrupt strain. Jane ignored it, knowing soon; very soon she’d be sensing that of which her sister had endured, her mind was bursting, the thought of her fathers immense cock, and as to how Penny had nearly chocked on his seed. Jane loved the inner feelings of ejaculated cream welling inside her, thinking only of the utter volume that her sister had undertaken.
Penny lifted her head, turning up toward them both, watching as Ben’s hand twisted and turned within her sisters pussy, her own ached for the want, but she understood her sisters need at this moment hearing Jane’s low moans, lifting she moved herself off his legs, knowing his need was now paramount.
Ben sensed the movement, easing himself across Jane’s body hovering above her, his legs between hers. Penny moved up to their side, he’s huge cock swung leisurely, reaching out she took it into her hand, directing towards Jane’s moistness as Ben lowered his hips down toward Jane, Penny looked into his eye with a smile on her face; leaning across to him as he felt helmet and pussy meet kissing Penny tenderly on the lips, he lowered himself just slightly.
Jane stirred, sensing the fullness of his cock as it entered her, spreading her outer lips slipping effortlessly through. Ben turned back glancing down, her face was a picture of innocence; her dark eyes gazed up to him. She reached up cupping his cheeks in her hands, easing him down to her kissing him hard, his cock slithering within her tight but very lubricated vagina. Ben fucked her with slow thoughtful strokes. Penny slid back down the bed watching as the enormous organ came and went, detectable then undetectable as it vanished inside up inside her sister.
Jane’s breathing became laborious as he started to lunge deep, giving her sharp jabs; her pussy lips hugged his every move, peeling the inner to the outer as Ben’s huge organ rocked back and forth.
Jane suddenly squealed, he reached down sliding his arms under hers, Bens arse was going quick time, bobbing up and down in quick time; this was her first real orgasm, Royce yes, she’d had them with all the boy’s but this…this was incomparable to anything so far.
Her pussy felt like a mini power station, with a capillary of wires in the form of nerve ends, travelling from one end of her body to the other. Her legs, arms, neck even her hair roots; tingles could be felt. Her body twisted and turned, with hips bucking, and eyes rolling, her screams filled the house, orgasm after orgasm. Ben never faulting his stroke, his cock had never felt so good to him or Jane. Although now very wet, her pussy gripped him like a limpet. She cried out to Penny.
“I can’t take anymore, my body aches with the indulgence of it, never have I felt so weakened. But, God it’s good!”
Penny took her hand; kissing her finger tips, her arm, then across to her breast, sucking soothingly. Again, another orgasm, then multiple orgasms; Jane lie semiconscious her body racked with pleasure, her mind in another world, she could feel his movements but her body was numb.
Bens felt his cock twitch, his balls ached, climax was close, he continued his pace, knowing his spend this time would not go to waste. Heaving his cock deep on every thrust, his balls filled, the walls of his cock bulged outwards allowing his seed freedom of movement; he sensed it rush along his shaft, easing himself forward, assuring her full penetration, he then downloaded his full load, creaming it directly into her womb.
Jane felt the infusion as it welled inside her, she could but moan loudly, her eyes flickered then she passed out. Ben leaned over her panting; it was as much as he could do to catch his own breath.
“Get me a whisky quickly! He sighed towards Penny, trying to pull himself to one side of the bed before collapsing beside Jane.
“Is she aright Dad?”
“Be as right as rain in a few minutes,” He smiled. “Get me that whisky sweetheart, I feel parched!”
Ben looked down, pulling Jane’s hair from across her face; she looked like a baby sleeping. Never had two women, or girls for that matter exhausted him in such a way. Nevertheless, both were an excellent fuck. They really do put Rodjana to shame, although he couldn’t say that to her, or them for that matter.
“Here Dad, your whisky! Has she come around yet?” Penny sat on the bed beside Jane, running her finger down her cheek.
Jane’s eyes flicked, then looked up to Penny. “My that was really something, never has it been so pleasurable. Placing her hand down to her pussy expecting it to be awash with cum.
“You didn’t cum Dad!” There was a look of regret on Jane’s face. “All that and you didn’t fill me?”
“Believe it!” Penny grinned. “He did, I’ve seen him do it before, you had it alright, I could tell by the look on your face at the time, your full to the brim!”
“God Dad, you can’t deprive us when we go back to the Island, that would be vindictive, knowing, we both know what a good fucking now is!” Jane reached up, her arms around his neck gripping hard.
“As I have told both of you, it’s not that straightforward. I have an agreement with Rodjana, if I fuck either of you other than her, she’ll not let me back on the Island!”
But Dad why?” Jane sat back onto her elbows as she spoke. “She could still have you, as well as Royce, Paul and David?”
“Rodjana wants me to herself, full stop; she wanted me to leave your mother. I know you don’t understand the implications of that, but business wise it would surely clean me out, should I leave her. She thinks it’s a matter of just up and go!” Ben replied, placing his hand down on Jane’s knee, then looking at his watch. “I think it’s time we all went to bed, it’s nearly 2 o’clock,”
Jane had to be lifted and placed into bed her legs were so weak, she couldn’t stand.

Ben had given Penny a good filling before they all got up the next morning, she was as pleased as punch, a full load with no damp knickers to worry about.
It was 9.15 when Ben’s mobile phone rang, he was outside getting some fresh air, and Penny answered it quickly thinking it would be Fran.
“Rodjana! I didn’t expect it to be you. How’s everyone one on the Island?”
Jane turned as she mentioned Rodjana name.
“It’s Rodjana from home!” Penny grinned to her sister. “So how is everyone?”
“Is Ben there!” Rodjana replied, without answering her, the phone crackled as Rodjana spoke.
“Out in the grounds somewhere. We’re on one of his farms; he’s going to send some horses back to the Island for us all. Can I give him a message?”
“I suppose you might as well know, everyone here does,” There was a chuckle in Rodjana’s voice. “I’m pregnant, checked for sure yesterday!”
“Pregnant, really! You jammy beggar!” Penny laughed.
“Don’t tell him; asked him to ring me. I’d like to break the news to him myself!” Rodjana replied. “Promise!”
“Yes we promise!” Penny smiled to herself.
“What was all that about?” Jane inquired, when Penny put the phone down.
“She’s pregnant, I don’t know if that is a good thing or bad, but it will be fun to have a baby on the Island!”
“We’d better tell Dad when he comes back!”
“No, Rodjana wants to tell him herself. Another sister then?” Penny grinned, clasping her tummy knowing that she’d had a good charge from her father earlier
“What’s all the excitement?” Ben smiled as he came in the door.
“It’s Rodjana, she wants you to ring her!” Penny replied with a broad grin on her face.
“Is something wrong?”
“Far from it!” Jane laughed. “You ring her, you’ll be pleased!”
Ben picked up the phone and started to ring her number, it was quite a time before response was made, but this was normal. No one ever carried the phone it was always left in the cabin.
“Paul, its Ben, is Rodjana there?” Ben asked.
It was a couple of minutes before Rodjana answered; Ben just sat and listened to what she had to say. His face appeared to go white; he knew he couldn’t appear to sound anything but happy. Telling her how delighted he was.
“Isn’t it great Dad?” Jane inferred, sitting on his lap as he placed the phone on the table. “A baby on the Island, and a sister for Penny and I?”
Ben was angry beyond words, but he knew he couldn’t show it, he knew Rodjana had done it to try and have a hold on him. Knowing it would cause difficulty on the Island as none of the girls had any idea as to how to care for such. It would mean the employment of a nanny; this would open up all manner of problems. She’d need holidays; he’d have to get an English one. The thought of anyone knowing of his private life didn’t appeal to him, and as to the rumour of it getting back to England. Well he dared not think of the implications.
“Dad!” Penny quizzed, seeing the look of apprehension on his face. “What’s wrong; your happy for her, aren’t you?”
“Yes, yes of course I am. I know it’s what she wanted!” Ben smiled, easing Jane back off his lap. “Come on Erica will be here soon!”

Yes Ben knew it was what Rodjana wanted, they’d talked of nothing else for weeks, but he’d downed the idea from the word go. It was silly idea; besides, there were no necessities for a baby on the island. He’d never thought as to how his own father brought up the twins and David. Civilisation wasn’t that far away from them now, especially with the cruiser on the island.
The four days went fast, both girls made sure they got their more than their share of sex. Ben was literally shattered by the time they’d all returned, Fran told him he’s aged 10 years, which didn’t go down to well with him. However, he knew that he was now in for a rest.

On the following Thursday Peter returned, the girls couldn’t get enough of him, going everywhere he went. He was older than the twins, himself being 27, but a more athletic man they couldn’t have wished for, most of all he loved his tennis, teaching them everyday. Trouble was, the impression on him with their short white skirts and filly little knickers made him more than lustful, plus they’re nasty habit of sitting open legged before him, this didn’t help matters. Fran corrected them whenever she saw it.
Peter suspended his desirers, going to the bathroom whenever the need got to crucial, giving himself instant hand relief, should the twins have realised this, they wouldn’t have thought to kindly of him, as they themselves were more than frustrated, after Ben’s magic cock at Bayliss.
Already Fran had got wind that Rodjana was pregnant, wondering as to which of the boys were accountable, she’d anticipated that it hadn’t been young David; he’d been a to nicer boy to do anything like that, she’d told Ben.
There were but days left before the girls knew they had to return to the island, needless to say by now they were more than annoyed that Ben hadn’t been able to serve either of them. Their hopes were set on Peter; they’d presumed, he was engrossed by both of them by his looks at times, they assumed they were both naked he’d a way of undressing them with his eyes.
“We have to do something. Rodjana has always said; by doing the right things, we could get any man into bed!” Jane surmised.
“Nevertheless It’s alright for her to say that, but what are the right things?” Penny laughed. “She’s been at it longer!”
“Well Fran is always snapping at us if we sit with our legs open!” Jane suggested. “There has to be a good reason for that?”
“What are you saying…we should walk around spread legged all day, as if we’ve a lump stuck up us!” Penny had to laugh at her own remark, just the thought of it.
“Penny think about it; it’s always when a male is in the room with us, that she has a go. This is what upsets her…perhaps there is something in it. Tell you what…tonight; in the lounge, I’ll sit with my legs slightly apart opposite Peter. If he gets up and goes upstairs…we both know what he does up there. I’ll follow, with luck I could get him into the bedroom!”
“So that’s you sorted; what about me?”
“Penny he can’t tell us apart. Make sure we both wear identical clothes tonight, even down to knickers. After I’ve had a session with him…I’ll leave him, go to the bathroom, you go in and take over!”
“Your incredible! You really think he’d go for that?”
“I see why not…come on it’s worth a try, we’ve had our father, why not Peter…we’re both on the pill. It’ll be fun, especially if he thinks he’s only had one of us, and, not to sure as to which?” Jane smiled “Where’s your sense of adventure!”
The girl’s thought that Peter wasn’t coming down, they’d sat for nearly an hour. Ben and Fran were absorbed in the telly, Penny and Jane had taken up their position on the settee, virtually opposite Peters chair.
Neither of the girls took that much notice of Peter when he sat down, making out that they were engrossed in the telly. Jane was in the vantage point, but never moved for at lest 10 minutes. Peter had brought a book downstairs with him, as soon as he picked it up and started to read, Jane repositioned herself, allowing just a foretaste of up under her short skirt.
As soon as he saw Jane move he put his book down to lift his glass of whisky, noticing Jane’s stance, he decided to move to one side of his chair. Jane observed out of the corner of her eye he’d swapped his position, knowing from his new viewpoint that he’d full view up under her skirt. He took up his book and acted as if he was reading once more, Jane worked out that he was in fact looking over the top of the book. Both girls had worn the sexiest pair of panties they could find; white satin with a light blue lace trim.
“I think I’ve got him hooked!” Jane whispered across to her sister.
“But will he take the bate!” She mused.
“I hope so…I’ll enhanced the view for him in a minute!”
Jane never took her eyes from the telly, putting her hand down between her legs giving the inside a little scratch, opening them a smidgen more as she did so, then removed her hand. Any full-blooded man would have given his eyetooth for Peter’s position. It didn’t take to long, Jane was certain the satin panties were doing the trick; Peter was getting very fidgety.
“For goodness sake Peter sit still!” Fran summoned across to him. “Your like a cat on a hot stove!”
Jane thought she might have observed her posture, and had a word with her, but thankfully she was more involved in the telly than to look at her.
Peter’s cock was playing merry hell in his shorts, no matter as to how he sat, something was hindering his hard-on, and he didn’t want to leave the room. He’d complete freedom of scrutiny, never had he had such a horny display, he could see the whole of the gusset, exposing the best shufti that he’d experienced in his lifetime; even the glimmer of the red tuffs showed through the thin material.
He’d been mummy’s boy all his life, and as far as girls were concerned, he’d been to shy. Ok, he’d watched the movies, seen it all happen, but never done it himself. A virgin and proud of it. As Fran had said, save yourself! The right woman will soon come along, fine looking boy like him.
To many films, horny films at that but to have this before him, young and beautiful…he’d wanked over all the sluts on the movies, but this! Or should he say these, they were the most fuckable little creatures he’d ever seen. What would his father say; should he have known of his depraved feelings.
Still he couldn’t pull his eyes away, he’d fuck the life out of his pillow tonight.
“This is going to take all bloody night at this rate, you might as well go and sit on his lap. What the hell is wrong with him…it’s apparent that he’s got a raging hard on. I wonder what time Fran and Dad are going to bed?” Penny heaved a sigh as she spoke. “I’m getting wet myself; he’s got to be taking the piss, being offered it on a plate and he just fucking sits there!” (This was a word she’d picked up from Rodjana) However, it seemed to fit the occasion.
“This is making my bloody legs ache sitting like this!” Jane implied, whispering over Penny’s shoulder. “I hope all this is all going to be worth it, he’s cock had better be the equivalent to his father! Never know! It could be bigger, with the amount of wank’s he must have had in the last week or so. Remember David’s, that had a crook in it through wanking to much” Jane mused.
“Cherish the thought…God, shut up Jane…you’re a horny cow! What in hells name is he waiting for?
“I think I’ll have to take the lead!” Jane mused.
“How! What with Fran and Ben here?”
“Noooooo…I’ll make for upstairs, give him a wink and nod as I go passed! If that doesn’t spur him on nothing will.” Replied Jane.

“I’m off to bed,” Fran said as she lifted slowly from her chair. “You can watch telly all night, I need my sleep!”
Fran looked around the room noting Ben’s loud snoring and paid no heed.
Jane swiftly altered the arrangement of her legs, not making it to obvious, assuring Peter didn’t appreciate that she knew the implications of her posture.

“What happens now?” Penny quizzed, thinking that they couldn’t go up to the bedrooms.
“Give her fifteen minutes or so, it’ll be okay, she goes out like a light anyway!” Jane mused.
“What’s your book Peter?” Penny asked as to make conversation.
“Nothing really, something from work that I’m brushing up on!” He replied, shifting uncomfortably in his chair.
Penny smiled back to him, and then turned back to the telly looking to her father, he was well gone; head back in his chair, the sounds almost as if he was in a sawmill.
“See Dad’s out for the count!” Penny nudged Jane secretly in the ribs.
Jane looked over her shoulder towards Ben, nodding to Penny with a smile.
“Now’s a good time I think!” Turning back she notice that Peter was scrutinising her legs once more, which were slightly apart. She looked up to him and smiled.
“I think we need to put a couple of things together!” Jane said with a grin as she stood, permitting her legs to open just that much wider as she did so. “Come on, upstairs, I think you’re need is as burning as my own!”
Peter placed his book to one side on the arm of the chair, looking across to his father, assuring that he was in fact actually asleep. Once he’d confirmed this he got to his feet, looking at Jane with a meaningful eye.
“Your need…burning?” Peter replied.
Jane took his hand and led him to the stairway. Once up the top she looked back making sure that any noise had not woken her father.
“Come on!” She insisted, making her way to Peter’s bedroom, entering it then closing the door quietly behind her. “Now no noise, over to the bed!”

Jane pushed him back onto the bed; he was quite taken back by the suddenness. Leaning over him she tugged the top of his shorts. Peter put his hand up to the waistband.
“Someone might come in!” Peter stuttered.
Jane reached up and turned off the lamp that he’d switched on, and then went back to him.
“Like who, mothers in bed asleep, and Dad is sound asleep in his chair!”
There was very little light in the room, Jane felt around his lower torso, astounded when she finally took his cock into her hand. Not, as she have hoped as well blessed as his father, but its length! That really astonished her.
Without more ado, she went straight down on him; his cock had wilted to some extent after being dragged so quickly upstairs with him not perceptive as to the grounds for her behaviour. Very soon the head of his cock heaved itself skywards, Jane realised in measurement she could step it with three handholds, with plenty left, to her that was more than substantial.
She become conscious of her need, quickly clambering up over the top of him, spreading her knees either side of his hips. Reaching under her skirt, pulling the gusset of her panties hastily to one side’ and then unhurriedly lowering herself onto him. Peter gave out a loud gasp; the abruptness of her deed had taken his breath away.
“Penny someone will hear!” he whispered.
Jane took no notice of him; knowing now that he surely didn’t know either of them apart.
Her rhythm increased as to his entirety, she knew under no circumstances could she handle such length, only using the amount essential. Nevertheless, with its measurement lengthwise she played, winding herself around on top of it, assuring her pussy full cooperation, leaning it hard against her moist walls, spreading her outer pussy lips, extending them, gyrating herself around and around. The rude noises her pussy was composing would have entertained audience.
Penny had already positioned herself outside Peter’s bedroom; awaiting her sister’s retreat, with her ear pinned to the door she could hear the vulgar noises, but could only assume her sister was in point of orgasm. She turned quickly as she heard movement on the stairway; Ben had woken, making to his bedroom; swiftly she walked back to the head of the stairs, meeting him at the top.
“Dad you finally woke up then!” Penny smiled, she knew he’d have to pass Peter’s bedroom to get to his own, stopping him was essential, should he hear the sounds, he’d surely want to investigate.
“What are you doing wandering about at this time of night, you should be in bed young lady?”
“I will that’s if you’d like to join me!”
Penny knew it was an offer that he’d more than probably accept, opening her bedroom door, looking up to him with a smile. Ben knew she couldn’t have chosen a better time, with everybody else in bed, hopefully asleep. He said nothing, stepping into the room behind her, Penny moved towards the bed, Ben following close behind, neither had thought to switch the light on, due to the position of the room it was lit by the moonlight.
“Get into bed Dad, I must go to the bathroom!” Penny eased him onto the bed as she spoke.
“Don’t be long mind!” Ben whispered up to her as he started removing his clothing.
Jane had just come out of Peter’s bedroom, meeting Penny in the hallway.
“Everything okay!” Jane asked. “Where’s Dad?”
“Need you ask?" He’s in my room; just manage to catch him at the top of the stairs. How’s Peter?”
“You wouldn’t believe the length of his cock, Christ, he’s loving it!” Jane sniggered. “You go down to his room, stay dressed, I’ve been sitting on top of him with his cock up the side of my panties, God, he’s some fuck!”
“You’d better go in with Dad, I haven’t started anything yet; told him I was going to the bathroom!” Penny laughed in a low tone. “This could be our best night yet, see you in about ten minutes!”
My, you’re bloody wet young lady!” Ben chuckled when he put his hand under Jane’s skirt. “What in heavens name has got you so worked up?”
“Dad, just lie back, you might at least hang on until I’d got into bed!”
Jane stood back away from the bed and started to peel her clothing off, such as it was. Climbing into bed, snuggling up tightly to him. His cock by now inflexible, Jane held it in her hand squeezing it tenderly.
“You have some meat their Dad, can I try to get it in on my own?”
“Not as if you’d not done it before is it?” Ben chuckled, thinking that it was still Penny.
Jane moved diagonally over the top of him, taking the huge cock between her slender fingers then presenting it up to her open pussy lips, with a little wiggle it went straight in. Gripping his shoulders, she sunk down very gradually until she captivated the thick shaft, sitting for an instant considering Peter. Should she work to hard, he’d never feel her when she went back to the bedroom with him.
“Well, are you going to sit there all night?” quizzed Ben.
Jane knew between Penny and herself, they’d taken on a mammoth mission, how would they gratify the two of them with cocks so dissimilar, but both with their own rewards. She knew should Ben have own his way, one could drive a bus up either of them when once he’d finished.
“I want to try my pussy muscles out on you!” Jane pleaded, in the hope that he’d submit to her wishes.
“So Rodjana has been teaching a thing or two you has she?” Ben chuckled, trying to lift his cock up deeper inside her.
Jane sat; assuring he was completely inside, wriggling her hips down onto him, her legs now each side of his broad chest, with knees together clutching them with her hands. Concentrating hard, gripping her inner pussy muscles strenuously. Ben could sense the tightening, however she’d not learnt the technique of the ripple that Rodjana had acquired, flexing her muscles up and down his cock.
“That tremendous!” Ben mused, knowing she’s only got half of it right. “You hang in there and let me do the work!”
Jane knew this is not what she wanted, pushing him back down on the bed. The feeling of his giant cock filling her insides felt orgasmic, she’d have been contented to park herself there all night. But this wasn’t Ben’s idea, he needed to blow, Jane would have loved it, but there was Penny to think of. She could just make out the time on Ben’s watch, it had been longer that the fifteen minutes, she visualised Penny waiting outside of the door.
Jane lifted herself to one side, dragging his cock as she did so, knowing she’d have to let Penny take over. Ben quickly clasped her by the waist.
“Hang on! Where are you off to now?”
“The bathroom Dad, please…. or I’ll wet myself!” Jane leaned forward kissing him gently on the lips as she eased herself leisurely over him.
“Thought you were in there for the night!” Penny said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“Sorry! I’m in a bit of a quandary here; I haven’t really let him fuck me as such, just sat on him with him up me fully. If he fucks either of us, Peter will never feel a thing from either of us will he? Dad is so worked up in there; he’d blow within seconds given the chance” Jane replied.
“What do you propose then?” Penny inquired.
“We can’t not let him have it can we, Christ, he’d go ape shit!” Jane stated.
“Say you go in with Peter, give him a dam good seeing to, and I mean good, he’ll never cum as much as Dad, then when you go back to Dad, I’m sure he’ll still be able to sense the feeling, and hopefully not twig what they were both up to” Jane implied.
Penny held onto the door handle. “Don’t be to long this time if Dad’s the way you say he is. You might as well have both loads!”

“My God!” said Peter, trying to sit up on one elbow.
Jane knew the problem; she didn’t really have to ask. Ben had spread her to wide, Peter went in without any difficulty whatsoever, in fact she hurt herself, letting him hit bottom.
What’s a matter?” she asked.
“One minute you’re as tight as hell, now it feels like a jar of oily worms”
“Well thank you to, you shouldn’t get me so worked up should you!”
“Really!” Peter mused. “I got you like this?”
Jane knew she’d have to do something, trying her pussy muscles once more, in the hope that she could confine the gap between her legs.
“That’s nice, it’s back the same again now!”
Jane started to lift and fall onto his cock in quick sharp movements. Peter tried to sit again, but her forceful movement restricted him. The sense of his cock now came back; even she herself went through orgasm.
“Slow down if I’m hurting you!” Peter didn’t realise the implications of her orgasm. But felt somewhat proud that his cock was making itself felt.
In no way was she going to slow her pace, she was enjoying him, but she needed him to cum, his cock felt so lengthy she had to focus fully on each and every downward thrust. Peter started to groan, gripping her by the waist, little did he appreciate that it was two pusses taking his virginity, neither of the twins realized as to what they’d done either. He started to buck his hips to meet her dominant plunges, twice he hit bottom, and Jane squealed feeling the intense pain, but paid no regard; pain of this nature was pleasure to her.
“Jesus Christ! I’m cumming!” Peter grabbed her waist and started fucking her like sex was going out of fashion; lunging into her at a breath taking velocity.
His moans became growls, he’d become an animal, thrusting his hips up to her, Jane threw herself forwards gripping his waist trying to lift her pussy off the stabbing cock, the more she pushed, the more he pulled her back down onto him, thrusting like a man insane. The pain within as he thumped into the bottom of her pussy was astronomical; his growls now became gutterish howls. Jane knew he couldn’t last much longer, looking down his face was now screwed up, and his lips seemed to curl at the edges. Still he pumped, she managed to lift herself, he blew violently at the same time his cock went like an un-held fireman’s hose, swinging this side and that. Spunk smothered her, jetting all over her lower body, and up her tummy.
Peter threw his head back onto the pillow, gasping, as thick globules of spunk spurted high into the air from his cock.
“God in heaven…never, ever would I have thought it would be anything like that?” He cried out.
Jane quickly jumped off him dabbing her pussy on the edge of the bedding; at this moment it didn’t matter to her, it wasn’t her bed anyway. She’d to go back to her father, he’d think she’d been to the bathroom, no way could she go back in this state.
Without more ado, she lent over Peter kissing him hard on the lips.
“Was that nice big boy!” she whispered in his ear. “See you in the morning!”
Penny was already in the hallway waiting as Jane came out of the bedroom.
“Sorted!” She grinned.
“God! He’s a messy sod, it went everywhere, I’ll have to clean myself up. Come into the bathroom; I have to make sure there’s none left on me!”
“Trust me, Dad’s going to be the same, that’s unless you allow to cum deep?” Penny tittered, with a grin.
“Are you sure you don’t want it?”
“No, the pleasure is all yours; I had it last time if you remember!” Penny laughed. “Anyway, I need my beauty sleep. Go get him tiger!”
“Ok, I’ll see you in the morning, it should be good; neither will know that they’ve had the pair of us. That Peter’s a mite slow though didn’t you think!”

“What the hells up with you tonight, all these bloody pees, it really gets a man frustrated. I hope that’s the finish of it!” Ben laughed when Jane got back in beside him.
Ben was taking no odds this time; he raised himself over her then lowered his cock. Jane felt somewhat sore after Peter’s onslaught; Ben wasn’t being that gentle either, fucking her hard and fast, the difference in the two cocks was overwhelming, Jane though she’d a prize marrow up inside her now.
“You’re going to get a unequalled load here young lady, I’ve not had it for over two weeks, it might even blow your head off, really you should have thought to share it with your sister, however, it makes a nice change to give one of you a good fucking. I don’t know which of you is the best fuck!” Ben implied without pausing his strokes.
Jane could but lie back, her vigour had virtually gone, and she let him have his way, just relaxing or as the saying goes, lie back and think of England. But her mind was back on the island; knowing before long she could have sex whenever the need arose. Her father was an exception, sex with him was different; his cock spoke for itself, there’s not much a girl could do once she’d that stuck up her.
Orgasms started, her body was raked with the sensations, electrifying pulsations from her head to her toes, Jane jumped with every thrust, his cock reaming her fanny, the large forceful helmet siphoning her juices, causing a vacuum deep inside. Her gut felt as if it was being turned inside out. Sharply Ben withdrew, literally throwing her over onto her knees, then straight in. Jane had pulled her knees up under her chin; Ben gripped her by the hips, fucking her hard, then even harder.
Jane’s head started to spin, dizzy from the rocking to and fro. She screamed as he went into turbo, burying her head into the pillow as to muffle her cries. Suddenly he thrust deep and held; Jane anticipated the outcome, gripping the bedding, the intenseness was overwhelming, when he’d told her an unequalled load, he definitely meant it, even then her pussy couldn’t but hold the capacity, blowing a colossal fanny fart that reverberated around the bedroom before her womb decided it’d had it’s fill.
The next morning it was tranquil around the breakfast table, normally everyone was in high spirits. Ben appeared as if he’d been out on the tiles all night, Jane was arched over, as if her back was breaking in two, Peter looked drained, it was only Penny and Fran that seemed cheerful.
“Lazing about all night, in front of that bloody telly!” Fran chuckled. “And what time did you go to bed young woman?” She quizzed turning toward Penny
“Not that late Mum, I don’t know what the others were up to, but I wished they’d have turned the telly down a mite!” Penny grinned to herself. “The noise was incredible, must have been one of those horror movies they were watching!”
Peter’s eyes were firmly fixed on Jane; she ignored him completely. The thought of going through that sadistic form of love making again didn’t fascinate to her one tiny bit. The noises Penny had informed her of earlier had really turned her on.
“The man is an animal!” She enlightened her “Ben and his son, they we’re two different people when it came to the bedroom”

The weekend was soon upon them, Fran and Peter, escorted the twins and their father to the airport, watching as the plane scored into the clouds. The twins were excited wanting to get back home to the island, to tell David and the others of their exploits, well some of them, definitely not all. Ben had arranged for two horses to be shipped to the island which they thought could be fun, especially after seeing the one in the paddock. They both watched as the towns and fields pasted beneath them, their father pointing out special landmarks. After what had seemed hours, they reached the main island, Royce could be distinguished below; the cruiser was already waiting on the quayside.

Rodjana walked down the gangplank as the group came down on the quay. Making straight for Ben, with a broad grin on her face
“Nice to have you back home Ben!” she smiled holding her tummy as she walked up to him, then throwing her arms around him.
Ben hugged her tightly, he was pessimistic about her condition, but she was young, and its what she wanted, it would work out, he thought.

“So how is everyone then?” Ben remarked walking up on the deck, taking Paul by the hand and shaking it.
“Fine, we have lot’s of things to show you, Royce has done wonders! You won’t believe the developments on the island”
Susan and Elaine scurried up to the twins, grabbing each of their arms, chatting about Rodjana baby, and inquiring as to their stay in England. The old country, as it was now known as on the Island.
“D’you know what I actually fancy!” Ben grinned, clasping Rodjana’s hand lightly
Rodjana looked up sheepishly toward Bens face and laughed. “A large whisky!” she nodded in a girlish manner.
“That’s my girl!” He grinned hugging her tightly around the waist.
“Careful!” she whispered with a smile. “That’s our baby in there!”
It was a wonderful sight as the island finally came in to view on the horizon, the twins were ecstatic to be home once more, and there was lot’s to talk of. But most of all, they both craved for their freedom of sex, and to be able to shed their clothing once more


2005-12-26 00:16:18
Wow, this was a really slow story. Good in parts, but just not enough action or sexy buildup.


2005-10-31 00:36:38
holy hell! you need to shorten it up. i've never read a story that took so long for just background stuff. 1/10


2005-05-10 22:01:14
that was a hell of a story 10/10


2005-02-14 05:45:46
Would have been awsoun if the fuck scens were much more detail.
Will you please forward me the "tuckers island" in full


2005-02-05 04:57:56
For those of you who have not read "Tuckers Island" in full do please email me and I'll make sure you get the full version
Thank you

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