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Uptight big sister sticks her outraged nose in. She has to be enlightened...
(To read earlier chapters, or my other stories, use the yellow MrSoftee profile link at the top of the page)

You’ll get more out of it if you’ve read the story so far, but it does stand alone too.


“So what have you been up to?” I asked my little brother John.

Something about him was making me suspect he’d been spending time with my wilful younger sister Lettie and her promiscuous friend Janie Simmonds.

“Nothing!” said John, looking a bit guilty, “just playing with my friends.”

“At Mr Whitaker’s?”

“He’s very nice, Mum and Dad said so.”

That was true. Our parents did like him, even if John was dodging my question; and it was no accident John had mentioned them.

I’d asked if Lettie really needed to be spending so much time over there on her summer holiday project, and if she was really ‘staying at Janie’s’, and they hadn’t wanted to know,

In fact Mum and Dad had been rather clear that they didn’t want me to take too much of an interest.

They’re too lax with Lettie, I’ve always thought so. She thinks she can do just whatever she likes.

Now John seemed to be going the same way, if his cheeky grin was anything to go by. He’d seen that I had nothing much to go on and he could just fob me off – if I said anything to Mum and Dad they’d just start up again about us all getting on together.

That grin was Lettie’s bad influence!

But anyway I didn’t have any actual evidence so I had to leave it.

Still, I had a duty to keep an eye out, obviously. I’ll be eighteen in September and an adult, with responsibilities.

But then the next day my hand was forced. Completely forced.

I’d already spotted, the previous week, young Lara Green going into Mr Whitaker’s drive on her bike, so that was worrying enough: whether her parents were really keeping a close enough eye on her.

But this time there was a girl with her who’s from only the year above John’s, I was pretty sure. I knew her by sight, though not her name. She is a rather distinctive girl, being part Indian or Pakistani by the look of her. Or even completely I don’t know. She has rather a glamorous look to her anyway, and some noticeable development already; I can imagine her being a Sky weather girl in a few years.

Mum and Dad were out, so after a while thinking about it I felt it was up to me to do something and make sure the family was not being let down by my irresponsible young siblings.

So I went over to Mr Whitaker’s and rang the bell.

I had to wait quite a while, then I was rather surprised when it was Janie Simmonds who opened the door! And in a housecoat! Did she think it was her house now??

It was quite an immodest way to be dressed as well, in the middle of the day. Her breasts showed quite an amount of detail through the fabric, and her feet were bare.

“Oh hello Vicki,” she said. She smiled, in rather a forced way I thought, but didn’t invite me in.

“Hello,” I said. I wasn’t going to be put off what I’d come for: “I wonder if I could have a word with Lettie, please?”

Janie didn’t want to be rude by closing the door while she went to get her, I could tell, but at the same time she didn’t want me coming in. She hesitated, making that a bit too obvious.

A waft of smoke smell came out of the hall. Lettie’s druggie cigarettes.

“Can I come in?” I asked and just stepped in, brushing past Janie into the hall.

“Oh!” I heard Janie all surprised behind me but she stayed to close the front door and that gave me time. I could hear talking and laughing from a door that was open – one Janie had just come through probably – so I walked through into the kitchen, remembering it from my swim in June, and then quickly across and into the swimming pool room…

and there was a scene from, I don’t even know, some perverted top shelf magazine!!

Everyone was naked. Not a stitch on! There were breasts and genitalia on display everywhere. And there was sex going on!

In the pool were Mr Whitaker – presumably that was why he hadn’t answered the door - the Asian-looking girl and Lara Green. It looked as though the Asian-looking girl had been interfering with Lara - who was floating on her back - between her legs, but she quickly stopped when I came in, and Lara stood up.

Lettie and John were lying on a mat, with a space between them. Somehow I suspected that Janie Simmonds had been in that space when I knocked! And next to Lettie, I found it hard to believe, was one of our PE teachers from school - Mr Harris! Naked! With one arm over her naked body! I hadn’t even seen him arrive.

I was outraged. “So!!...”

“I just knew it!” Typically Lettie started talking straight away, cutting me off: “I just KNEW you wouldn’t be able to mind your own business! We’re here having a nice time, in private, and Miss Bossy Boots has to come and stick her nose in!”

Janie Simmonds had come in behind me: “She just pushed in, sorry.” Everyone was standing up. The three in the pool were getting out.

“I should just think I do have to stick my nose in!” I shot back. I knew I was right to come and find out. “What are you doing with John! And these others, you’re all having SEX with them! With men! And doing drugs too!”

“It’s none of your business!” Lettie was in my face now; she’s a bit shorter than me but she can really lose it sometimes. She knows I’m a bit of a lightweight too, but I held my ground.

“It IS my business!” I was almost shouting, “he’s MY brother too, and you’re all breaking the law: sex and drugs with children, it’s WRONG!” I was looking at Mr Whitaker and Mr Harris.

“Course it’s not wrong!” Lettie’s always so sure of herself, it’s infuriating. “Everyone’s having a nice time, being nice to each other and making each other feel good. John’s not smoking anyway and Lara and Seeta aren’t allowed much, just a taster. Everyone’s ready for it sex, who’s here, and just doing what THEY want to do. Not what YOU want.

”John was having wet dreams about Janie so he’s ready and she showed him how to fuck nicely, like David, and Seeta’s ready and having periods and everything and wanted to know about it and girls and so we’ve shown her too, how sweet it can be!”

“It’s wrong!” I repeated, feeling myself running out of arguments, as I always seemed to with her. “Grown men with children, having orgies. You ought to be locked up!”

They all looked pretty shocked at that, except Lettie.

“Oooh yeah!!” Lettie was laughing at me, “just because YOU’RE still a virgin you think everyone else ought to be!”

That was so unfair! “That’s it!” I stormed at them all, as they were starting to gather round me. I suddenly felt it was time to clear out. With Lettie, she doesn’t back down like other people even when she’s completely in the wrong. But I’d teach her!

“Just you wait!!” I flung at her.

I turned and headed back to the door.

“Stop her!” I heard Lettie call behind me. Janie got in the way, then I heard running feet behind me, male feet, and Mr Harris grabbed me by the shoulder. People always seem to do what Lettie says; that’s another thing that’s really annoying.

“What do you mean ‘just you wait’?” she demanded. “You’re not going to make trouble are you? Graham would be in deep shit if you did, being their teacher. He’d go to prison, even though he’s just here being nice and because I asked him. David as well probably.”

I realised I had to tone it down a bit. I’d just wanted to scare her, for once. But she wasn’t sounding scared; she was sounding more like scary.

“No of course I wouldn’t tell,” I tried to sound scornful but even to me it didn’t sound very convincing, “I just think you should stop, as it’s wrong.”

“Didn’t sound like that to me.” I might’ve known Janie would start a double-act with Lettie.

“Jesus Christ,” Mr Harris was sounding really alarmed, “I would go to prison, ‘position of trust’ and everything…”

“We wouldn’t tell, would we?” John was looking at Lara and Seeta.

“No of course we wouldn’t,” Lara was quick to confirm it and Seeta was shaking her head in agreement too.

“Yes I know,” Mr Whitaker was worried too, “but it’s a different thing when you’re down at the police station, just with your parents and everyone’s pushing you to say what they want to hear. They have people trained in it, how to get it out of you. If Vicki tells anyone and the police start asking questions we’re in for it.”

“I won’t,” I hated backing down but I had to, “it was just to scare Lettie. I think it’s wrong but I won’t tell anyone.”

“How do we know?” Janie’s a sweet girl normally, even being a complete tart, but she’s such friends with Lettie she’ll do anything if she thinks Lettie’s being threatened. They’ve been friends since playschool and are joined at the hip. Other parts too, half the school thinks!

“You have to join in,” Lettie had decided.

She could be so definite like that. “You have to join in and be part of it and we have to film you so you can’t tell anyone for absolute certain sure. You’re almost eighteen so some video of you forcing Seeta or Lara would drop you deep in it as well.”

“Forcing?” Mr Whitaker and Mr Harris said almost together.

“Well not really,” Lettie thought that was obvious, “we just have them tied up or something so it looks like forcing on the video. Assuming you’re up for it?” It finally occurred to her to consult the girls, “it’s quite vital.”

Lara and Seeta nodded; clearly they were quite corrupted already.

“How old are you, if you don’t mind my asking?” Mr Whitaker asked them. “It hasn’t mattered up to now obviously.”

“I’m fourteen,” said Lara.

“I’m thirteen, the week after next,” said Seeta.

“Twelve then,” I couldn’t shut up.

“See!” Lettie was on it in a flash, “you’re still all anti. So you have to be part of it. Really part so we can trust you not to go and blab about it.”

“Dream on,” I said; she had to be kidding. “Me part of your orgy? I don’t think so!”

“Well it’s your fault,” Janie chimed in again, “you came and pushed in so now what do you expect? It’s just been nice up to now; nobody asked you to come and find out and spoil everything, and now you have so we have to be sure you won’t say anything.”

“I hadn’t realised,” said Mr Whitaker, “it’s all seemed so natural and harmless, but really now we have to take it seriously, I’m afraid.”

Lettie had pushed him into it, one way or another.

“Well you’ve got my word so that’s it. That’ll have to do.” I tried to push past Mr Harris to the door but he kept moving to block me. I started to realise I was in trouble.

“I’m sorry Vicki,” he said, “but you have to see it from our point of view. It’s a serious risk, something that could ruin my life and David’s. You just have to go through the motions for us, that’s all.”

“No WAY,” I struggled with him but he’s a million times stronger than me.

“It won’t hurt,” Seeta tried to reassure me. It wasn’t what I wanted at that moment, to be patronised by a twelve-year-old trainee lesbian.

“Shut up,” I said. I was being manhandled by a naked man and my manners were suffering.

“Oooh,” said Lara. That was all, but it was enough to tell me they were all together against me. John hadn’t said anything to support me.

“Bring her over,” said Lettie.

This whole thing was HER. I remembered her talking all that time to Mr Whitaker at the party back in June; she must’ve been plotting it then even. If fact had she actually suggested the party in the first place?

Mr Harris is so strong; he does all weights and everything, and all sorts of exercise with being a Physical Education teacher. And he must be nearly six foot. I only weigh forty-eight kilos, so he could just move me around without even being rough. He gripped the tops of my arms, not that hard, and just manoeuvred me onto the mats that were all over the floor between a hot tub and a big TV on the wall.

“Right then,” Lettie sounded in charge even of our thirty-something teacher, “sorry Vics but you’ll just have to do a bit so we can film it.” She didn’t sound sorry.

“Clothes off,” she instructed. How she has the nerve to call ME bossy I don’t know.

I just stood there. I FOR SURE was not going to strip on her say-so!

“Here let me.” Janie Simmonds moved towards me, the skank, wanting to take my clothes off! She’d taken off her housedress again, for some reason, revealing her freckled skin with a slight tan all over.

I could hardly believe what was happening as Mr Harris got hold of my arms again, from behind, and held me while Janie started undoing my jeans from the side!

“Don’t you dare!” I felt so helpless and humiliated. “You’re just making it worse.’

“Worse?” Lettie latched onto it. “Worse how? Like what you’re going to tell everyone?”

“No! NOOOO!” was all I could say as I kicked and struggled. But I couldn’t stop Janie pulling my T-shirt up!

She pulled it up over my face and then Mr Harris forced my arms up and in a moment he’d let go, pulled the T-shirt right off and got hold again. I was in my bra with my jeans undone, and Janie was already pulling at those!

“Nooo!” I kept going, more of a gasp than a shout by now as I was struggling like mad. I pushed my knees apart so she couldn’t slide the jeans down, but she’d got them started and I could feel my panties being dragged down with them.

“Go on Vicki,” she was saying, “just join in a bit, everyone else is nude, it won’t do any harm.” She kept pulling for a bit but couldn’t get them any further; then she slid a hand in through the open zip and molested me!! Her finger slid right over my bits!!

I closed my legs, automatically, and that was what she’d wanted, the lezzie tart, she had my jeans down at my ankles in a flash! And my panties were half way down my ass.

Mr Harris lifted me up, right off the floor, and Janie started pulling my trainers and socks off, which I couldn’t stop her doing at all - my kicks went nowhere with the jeans bundled up down there, then she pulled my jeans again and they just came off.

Everyone else was standing looking as I was forcibly stripped! I was down to my bra and half-off panties.

They didn’t last long either. Mr Harris made space for Janie to undo my bra catch then she pulled the straps down my arms, and like before he slid his hands down my arms a bit then let go and took a fresh grip, too fast for me to do anything. Janie tossed my bra onto the floor with my other stuff.

No-one had seen my tits, ever, apart from in the showers when it’s different. Though the boys certainly wanted to!! Janie stood back to look, the cheeky baggage, and everyone else stood gazing, apart from Mr Harris who was peering over my shoulder at them. And I could feel something on my back I was pretty sure had to be his erect ….thingy!! I’d always thought he was a bit lustful about me.

“Oooh lovely,” Janie was taken with them by the sound of her; though they’re not that big, I’m a 30B that’s all.

“SUCH a lovely shape!” she carried on, “so pert, and so high. Are they sensitive?”

And she touched one!!! She moved to the side of me and started stroking over it! I could feel her tit on my arm as well, her nudity right next to me.

“Get OFF!” I said, struggling again.

“Do you think we ought to be, er, touching her up?” Mr Whitaker came to my rescue.

“Oh, I suppose not,” Janie giggled, taking her hand away, “sorry Vicki I got carried away. Your body is so gorgeous you know. I’ve always thought so.”

“Thanks a bunch,” I said sarcastically, “that means soooo much to me.”

“Well it’s a bit of a waste,” she wasn’t even slightly withered, “keeping it to yourself when you could be making people happy with it, giving pleasure. It looks just made to make people cum. Or even just look at. It’s a model’s body really, just a bit shorter.”

“Cum??” I was shocked, “it’s for me to live in, not for sex maniacs to perv over!”

“Well I think it’s very nice.” Lara Green was staring at me.

In the back of my mind I couldn’t quite stop myself thinking that Lara Green saying that, with her looks and figure, did make it a bit of a compliment.

“Anyway let’s have these off,” Janie took hold of my panties, “though they do look rather sexy half-way down.” She started pulling them down and I opened my knees to stop her.

She grinned up at me. “Do you want me to stroke your pussy again? I don’t mind.”

I hastily closed my legs and in a second I was completely in the nude. Mr Harris let me go and I took a step away from him. I saw everyone’s eyes go from me to him.

I looked round. He did indeed have a disgusting hard-on. It jutted up, waving around slightly. It was the first one I’d actually seen.

“Sorry,” he did at least apologise, “it’s the contact.”

“And holding me while I get stripped naked!” I spat.

“Well Vics,” Lettie had been quiet for too long already, ”it’s just a natural reaction. Fact is you are rather gorgeous, you know. In fact if you weren’t my sister…”

“Oh great!” I said, “Lettie Mellors would do her pervy thing with me if only I wasn’t her freaking sister! That makes me feel SOOO warm and fuzzy inside.”

“Well it’s nice to look nice, don’t you think?” Seeta wasn’t going to stay shut up. “If you’re going to be doing me on video then at least...”

“Yeah,” Lara joined in, “if the video did get out then at least it’d be hot!” She giggled, nudging Seeta next to her.

God! The awful plan came back to me. It was fun to them but I’d never done anything and I was NOT a les. Sex was something for life partners anyway, that was my view.

“Well let’s get arranged,“ Lettie was focussed on my downfall, “who’s it going to be?” She looked at Lara and Seeta.

“Me!” They both said together, then looked at each other and laughed. They were competing for it!!

“Let’s start with Lara,” Lettie said, looking at her, “as you’re a bit more experienced and you cum so nice and easily. We’ll make it up to you after, Seet. What can we tie you to Lara?”

They all looked around. I couldn’t help thinking there was a bit of enthusiasm building up.

“Pool steps,” said Janie, “and some cushions under?”

“Mats,” said Mr Whitaker. I noticed his appendage was looking bigger than it had been, even if it was still dangling. I had a sinking feeling his protection was wavering. He was looking at me rather like Mr Harris was!

And so was John, the little beast. And his little willie was sticking out a bit as well!

They moved the mats over to the pool and folded one in half to make a pile a foot or so high. Lara lay on them on her back with her knees over the edge and her arms over her head. Mr Whitaker went into the house and reappeared with some ties. Formal neckties. I nearly told him he was going to ruin them, but stopped myself in time.

Lettie tied Lara’s wrists to the handrails of the steps, then tied two together for each ankle and led them round to the base of the rails. It looked as though they were holding her legs open, even though they probably weren’t really.

Anyway there she was, the fourteen-year-old school beauty: small, blonde and helpless, ready to be ravished. It was hard not to stare. She was tanned all over, every inch.

I tried not to look at her little blonde bush and her labia, but they kept drawing my eye.

But anyway I wasn’t going to do it!

“Forget it!” I said, shaking my head, “I said I’m not going to and you can’t make me.”

“Well you’re not going until you do,” Lettie said.

“You have to let me go sometime,” I pointed out, “so I only have to wait until Mum and Dad wonder where I am, and then how long before they wonder about here?”

There was a silence while they realised I was right and they couldn’t actually force me to abuse her. I felt a huge rush that I’d beaten Lettie, the little madam!

But I should’ve known, really, that with her when you think you’ve won you’ve probably only raised the stakes.

“Alright well you’ll have to be the one that cums then,” she said, motioning to Mr Harris with her head. “You cumming with Lara or Seeta eating you will do just as well, you won’t want that all over school will you?”

While the awful meaning was sinking in Mr Harris grabbed me again. I couldn’t think of anything to say to stop them, just ‘no,no,’ and they took no notice! If I complained or threatened Lettie’d just say it proved I was going to tell.

In a moment Lara had been untied and I was on my back being tied in her place!!

Next thing I was as helpless as young Lara had looked! And I’d been wrong about the leg ties: they tied them just below my knees and they did totally stop me closing my legs. My most private place was completely exposed and vulnerable.

And Mr Whitaker had helped! So no rescue from him now. John was just watching. Well he’d always had a thing for Lettie even though I’ve always loved him too. Actually now I looked again it rather seemed like he had a thing for me after all, but not in the right way!

“OK we can make this a lesson, as it’s Seeta’s first day,” Lettie was still bossing everyone about, but they didn’t seem to mind. “Do you want to give her a demo, Lara?”

I watched as five of them came together in a line looking at me: Mr Whitaker, Janie, John, Lettie and Mr Thomas, all intent on my tied, naked body and having a great time by the look of it, while Lara and Seeta closed in on my pelvic region.

Nobody had ever touched me there, since I was a baby and I couldn’t remember that. I had my pride though. I wasn’t going to plead, and give my bossy pervert little sister the satisfaction; I just wouldn’t respond. That would teach them. They’d get fed up and untie me, and I’d put my clothes on and walk out in dignified silence.

Lara put a hand on my bush! I stopped looking and lay my head back. I’d concentrate on not responding.

“So we can just comb her bush a bit, to start with,” I heard Lara, all fourteen years and five feet one of her, start giving her lesson to the eager twelve-year-old: “just very lightly, fluff it up where it’s been squashed by the panties and then comb our fingers through it.”

It wasn’t too bad. It was a novel sensation to be honest but nothing to get worked up over.

“Now we just lightly brush over it, just like to tickle it, touching the ends.”

I could almost imagine if it had been the love of my life doing it, I’d have enjoyed it. But it was alright.

“OK now we just run our fingers down over the hood of her clit, like this.”

I jumped; it was impossible not to.

I saw the lights go on and heard movements. I looked up to see Lettie and Janie pointing their phones at me.

“I’ll do video shall I?,” said Lettie, “and you do photos?”

“OK,” said Janie. They were both grinning like Cheshire cats. I lay back again, ignoring them.

“So you run your finger down,” Lara continued, demonstrating, “just lightly, feeling with your fingertip, then on the way back up you rub a bit harder and lift this little hood back a bit, see?”

I couldn’t quite keep still. I realised this must be what ‘playing with yourself’ involved but I’d never done it. I didn’t want to be that kind of girl. And I still didn’t!

But I wasn’t going to beg. I knew Lettie anyway; she wouldn’t stop just because I asked. All I could do was resist and run time off the clock until she had to give up.

“OK you do it for a bit,” Lara was giving her pupil hands-on practice. I concentrated on the roof while Seeta’s finger rubbed up and down my private places. It went on for a few minutes, and I just about managed to block it out.

So far, so good.

“OK so now we’ll go the next step, in her pussy!” Lara sounded quite keen.

I sensed a shuffling as the rest of them moved closer to my exposed genitalia. No doubt the whole perverted lot of them were thinking of it as a ‘pussy’ too.

“So you run your finger down again, but this time when you get to here you feel for the hole, where it is, even though it’s closed, and run your fingertip round it. Then if it’s still dry you lick your fingertip and do it again. And just keep going until you can get your finger in. Have you been doing yourself?”

“Oh yes,” the twelve-year-old seemed to think it was an odd question, “for ages.”

“OK well it’s the same obviously, so just go round it, and play with her clit as well, use a bit of spit, you know, till you can get a finger in, and then just do the things you like, but to her.”

Well I held out for quite a few minutes, clenching my ‘pussy’ closed but eventually Seeta managed to penetrate my defences. Her finger pushed in!!

Then she started doing things that I really wasn’t prepared for.

Suddenly my vagina was wet, I’d never felt anything like it. My clitoris was sensitive, like some sort of button that had squirted a drug into me! An amazing drug! The blood was rushing through my head, it felt like!

I moaned and writhed about, I couldn’t help it! I was gasping. The sensation got stronger and eventually I had to look: she had THREE fingers in me!!

Lettie and Janie still had their phones on me. The men and John were ALL playing with their equipment, which looked completely stiff. I looked at them but they didn’t care, even my little brother, even my teacher, and even my sixty-five-year-old neighbour!

They were all lean, I had to admit, and Mr Whitaker and Mr Harris were quite hunky to the likes of Janie I daresay, and looking rather tanned and masculine. Still I was dismayed that they were getting to ogle me like this, being so outrageously taken advantage of.

Lara was grinning at me, Seeta was earnestly molesting me internally, and my sister and her sex-mad friend were grinning shamelessly as they recorded my helpless arousal.

But I didn’t orgasm. I was wet, and I writhed about and gasped a lot, pulling on the ties, but I didn’t climax! Whatever a climax was, but I knew I hadn’t had one as my feelings hadn’t really changed - just gone up and up and then on and on.

After a while Lara had a go, and then Janie, who got me really close but still I didn’t go over the edge. I could feel the edge was there, sort of thing, but I never let go that last bit that would’ve given my depraved sister the victory.

After what felt like half an hour she put her phone down. “OK let’s take her off there and spread her out. Let’s put the mats back and carry on over there.”

When they got me up I realised I was tired. I staggered a bit and Janie put her arm round me. “Are you OK?” she asked.

I leaned on her a bit. I was a little confused, after all the blood rushing through my head.

My body was tingling all over, and I was feeling a bit shaky.

She propped me up while the others spread out the mats. She’s a kind person even if she is easy. She got me to lay down and then lay down next to me. Her leg was touching mine but I didn’t bother about it. Lara lay down on my other side, so I could feel a warm body each side of me.

“OK let’s have a look.” Lettie was opening a laptop like it was hers, though it wasn’t.

She turned the TV on and fiddled with her phone and the laptop. A picture appeared: the start of a movie.

It was starring me, nude, tied to the pool steps and being interfered with by Lara. I tried not to look but I couldn’t help peeking.

She started it playing and the sound came out of some big speakers. I heard my gasps echoing round the room.

The picture was wobbly but it did show a slender girl with long brown hair - clearly ME - being turned on by two other, younger girls. It zoomed in to between my legs, showing it glistening and looking a bit swollen in places, and the fingers abusing me, and out again. My gasping got worse. Christ!

Would it satisfy them? I certainly would NOT want this going viral!

The others seemed to be worrying about it though.

“It’s sexy,” Lettie was saying, “but we can see who Lara and Seet are, so that won’t do. My fault. And she doesn’t cum, that’s obvious, so it’s like limited really how much she’s a lezzie enjoying underage girls. She could say it was forced and people would believe her.”

“That’s because I’m NOT a lezzie!” I squeaked. It was going to be a shout, but it didn’t come out right because Janie had just started on me again! Her fingers were between my legs again, with her knee between mine.

What’s more Lara had started stroking my right breast. I realised they’d left my tits alone before, but it was getting a bit tingly as she stroked her fingertips over it!

I didn’t try and fight them off, I knew I’d just be overpowered again. Anyway I was starting to feel a bit used to it. I just lay there being played with, gasping again and feeling the blood rushing through my head. I’d let them get bored and then leave.

It was a bit different now, with two experts instead of one and a trainee. And with them lying next to me they could kiss my neck, lick my tits and actually nibble my nipples! All the time with their fingers in me and on my clitoris and everywhere.

Lettie had started filming again, holding her phone a bit closer to keep Janie and Lara out of it. Through my tingly haze I thought that meant at least she’d had to give up the underage girls idea. A first victory for ME!!

Well, unless arms and hands could look underage? My confidence wavered. And I was starting to moan, I realised. I was losing control of my own body!

But although they took me to a higher peak than the first time, I still DIDN’T CUM!

God, I was starting to think in their perverted language though.

They changed round and Janie put her face between my legs and performed cunnilingus on me, and I felt her tongue going over my clitoris and IN me, and her teeth nibbling me even, but still I held off!

I bucked around and gasped and groaned, but still I didn’t get to that big release that felt just round the corner all the time.

Lara KISSED me, deeply, and I even let her, it didn’t seem worth fighting over. I felt her tongue in my mouth and her lips with her little mouth all over mine and her little hands all round my neck and in my hair. But it didn’t push me over the edge.

After about another twenty minutes they stopped. My feelings had if anything started to drop off a little.

“You’re not going to go, like that, are you?” Lettie was wearing her thwarted face. Lettie does not like to be thwarted; that generally means she’s going to take things to the next level. But so far, I was winning. “Let’s take a break. Tea?” She asked.

So she went off with Janie, without consulting Mr Whitaker, just as though it was their kitchen.

I looked over for John, thinking I ought to have been keeping an eye on him. He was with Seeta, whose face was just coming up from his groin. She was licking her lips and he was panting. I didn’t even want to think about what they’d been doing, but judging by the smiles on their faces they were both happy with it.

They cuddled together, ogling my nude body, the young monkeys.

And talking about cuddling, that’s pretty much what Lara was doing, lying half on me with one leg on mine. Her left hand was still on my right tit, I noticed. Well I didn’t mind, just this once. I was too tired to do anything about it and there wasn’t much point objecting to intimacy with her, after what had gone on already. She is a sweet girl, at the end of the day. I put my arm round her, to reassure her that I understood the position my depraved sister had put her in, and felt her firm but soft little body snuggle into me.

The men were still standing, with their probosces (you know what I mean) not sticking right out any more but still big and not hanging straight down. It occurred to me they must be quite frustrated. Serve them right!

Anyway they were just standing looking at me and Lara, and over at Seeta a bit. Mr Harris saw me looking and smiled at me, and Mr Whitaker did too. I knew what they were thinking, the perverts!

I dozed for a few minutes, then Lettie and Janie came back in with a tray full of cups, a teapot and some little fancy cakes. As usual they were giggling together about something.

They put the tray down in the middle of the mats and everyone sat round it, cross-legged, except Mr Whitaker who was too stiff and knelt instead. I thought everyone would look at my private area but they didn’t, so after a while I forgot about it.

Everyone was nude, after all; it was an hour since they’d stripped me, and I suppose I was getting used to it, absurd though that sounds I expect.

Lettie poured the tea and passed me a cup and saucer first. Well I was the senior woman there. “Space cake?” she asked, offering the plate, and I took one and said “thank you” almost as if we were at home! It had an M&M on top which presumably was meant to be a spaceship. Children can be so imaginative.

Janie was still giggling about something till Lettie prodded her and gave her a cup to pass along.

We ate and sipped in silence for a minute or two.

“I bet your garden could do with some rain David,” Lettie was even starting an afternoon-tea type conversation. Trying to be grown up!

“That’s right it could,” I could hear Mr Whitaker sort of wondering why Lettie had started talking about it. “It’s still quite green though, fortunately.”

“It’s a lovely garden,” she said to me, “we could have a walk round after tea. Another cake?” She seemed to be trying to make peace, so I accepted. I might’ve thought about making an escape, but I’d have to stop and get dressed and I couldn’t see how I could do that. Running home across the road naked was not an option! There are so many lascivious people about, not to mention explaining it to Mum and Dad!

So we finished tea and then walked slowly round Mr Whitaker’s big garden. It was all screened by trees and bushes, so although it seemed totally weird I almost got used to being nude outside, surrounded by other nude people who’d ganged up on me and tried to molest me to orgasm.

I had a word with John, as I felt was my duty, and he seemed quite happy; very happy, in fact. Other conversations came and went among the others, with Lettie talking to Mr Whitaker, giggling girlishly and then sounding reassuring. Janie and Mr Harris were chatting away as well, then I found myself talking with all of them about the shrubs and flowers and sunshine.

After that we had a shower and a swim, then lay down on the mats again. Everyone was waiting for something and I just knew it was Lettie they were waiting for.

She put some music on, some blues, and then said “it’s just about an hour.”

Normally I’d have been suspicious any time Lettie said something that didn’t seem to mean anything, especially when she’d been thwarted, but I was beginning to feel rather, well, mellow.

Lara had lain down next to me again, and Janie too on my other side. They were both in contact with me, and it did feel quite nice and affectionate, I had to admit. A lot of people, boys and girls, would have felt quite privileged to be in my position.

Lara moved around a bit to get comfortable, and ended up with her leg over mine again. I didn’t mind. I found myself looking at it and thinking what a good shape it was. And how fine her skin looked, with its all-over tan. She has green eyes, with big pupils and full eyebrows; her eyelashes are really long too.

“You’re a pretty cool person,” Janie said in my ear, “really, aren’t you Vicki?” Her breath in my ear felt quite nice.

“Do you think so?” I turned my head to look and she kissed me quickly on the lips! Well there was nothing to object to, was there, in that quick touch, so I didn’t. Janie’s eyes are grey.

“You look ever so good nude,” she continued, “really you must look after yourself, to be so perfect.” As she said that she stroked her hand down my side and then, ever so slowly, onto my bush. Well it was done so politely, I couldn’t take offence.

I felt Janie’s thigh move onto mine, meeting up with Lara’s; it’s quite a big thigh, but a pleasing shape somehow. Then she moved her head and was kissing my neck! Her hair draped over my shoulder. It’s very luxuriant hair, all dark red, thick, wavy and glossy. Some of it fell on my face and without thinking I sniffed it. It smelt very nice, so I sniffed it some more. I turned my head the other way and sniffed Lara’s blonde hair. It was different, but equally nice.

A pressure from one of their knees made me open my legs. Well there hadn’t been quite enough room for both of their legs while mine were closed. Also Janie’s fingers needed a bit of space.

My pelvis gave a little thrust up, of its own accord. What? Oh God, I was being seduced, I realised. Hazily realised. What was going on? I didn’t feel normal at all.

Janie’s fingers slid into my no my vagina! It was open and wet straight away, as though I liked it!

Lara’s little hand was on my tit again, stroking over it and playing with the nipple. It was making it stick up, all tingly again. I heard myself groan.

Lettie was standing there with her phone again, grinning. “Feeling a bit spacey, Vics?” she asked, “a bit chilled, cool, and less uptight than usual?”

‘Spacey’? Shit. How had I missed it? Space cakes! “You baggage,“ I slurred, “you doped me, you total cow.”

“Just a bit of cannabis in them, we keep a stock,” she smiled happily at me. “It’ll help you get into it then we’ll all be happy and safe.”

So I was taken on another wild session of lesbian sex, but drugged this time, with Janie and Lara working expertly over my pussy – alright I might as well accept calling it that – and tits. The sex was roaring through me again, more than ever, and Janie probed and squeezed and pistoned with her fingers while Lara stroked and licked and even bit my tits.

I writhed about gasping and moaning; I even put my arms round them, but like before when I seemed to be getting near a release the release didn’t quite arrive and I just carried on at the same jangling level. I was quite out of it on the dope and the sex, together, but not orgasming even though I was beginning to really, really need to!

After some minutes of it, ten or fifteen perhaps, I was in a complete state. Goodness only knew what I looked like. I was perspiring, my hair was all over the place, and everything was completely soaking, slurpy and swollen down there!

Lettie spoke again. “OK we have to bring in the cavalry. Take a leg each.”

Janie and Lara stopped what they were doing, leaving me gasping and desperate, and got up to be kneeling, each holding one of my knees, wide apart. I was open, wet, and beside myself with strange, manic feelings! Then Mr Harris came into view.

He looked completely lust-crazed! His thing was sticking up at about forty-five degrees, looking a good six inches long and over an inch wide, while his face was just INTENT, that’s all you could say, he was just madly focussed on me and I could see he was beyond reason or pleading. Well he was drug-crazed too of course.

“Oh God!” he was saying as he crawled up between my wide-spread thighs, muscles rippling. “Vicki, God!” like this, all emotional!

“What?” I was saying, but literally I only had time to say that ONCE before his whatsit - yes alright cock - was pressing into me.

I had no idea it could happen so easily. One second I was a virgin, and the next I wasn’t!

There was a strange feeling then I felt his pelvis connect with mine, his skin on the inside of my thighs, right at the top, and at the same time an incredible sensation grew up, starting in my pussy, DEEP in me, and then welling up through my whole body.

God!!! I realised that entire six inches was buried inside me.

Guilty words and phrases tormented my mind. I was deflowered; possessed; taken! My innocence was stolen! A man was having his way with me. I was letting him! Underage lesbos had corrupted me! My purity had been shattered. My morals had been a thin veneer! I was going to be a licentious young woman like Janie!

I lost track of everything but my body and his. He started to move and my body went mad. He was getting hold of me and pulling me up to him, slamming into me so that it ought to have hurt but my disgraceful body just wanted more!

Then suddenly he was going “urrrggh” and all jerky, several times. He stopped moving and pressed into me, really hard, for several seconds, groaning like an animal.

“Graham!” Lettie was sounding reproachful. “You came in like a minute!”

“Sorry,” he apologised, “it’s been such a buildup, two hours you know, and with the dope and everything, and the way she looks, I’ve been looking at her for years; it was just too much!”

He pulled out and stood up, a bit unsteadily, and I looked down to see the blood from my stolen maidenhood. But there wasn’t any. Just some pale white goo oozing out. His sperm!

Christ! I’d been FUCKED!

Mr Whitaker came round to my feet, his cock looking out of proportion waving around on his trim, average-sized body. “Looks like you didn’t have a hymen,” he said, cool as a cucumber, “lots of girls just don’t by your age.” His speech was a bit slurred as well.

“OK all in,” said Lettie, “she’s so close we’re not going to give up now. On your knees please Vics, David from behind, Janie under and Lara and Seet up top, tits and neck. Nibble, bite, whatever it takes! Go!”

I was bewildered. What was I supposed to do? And why?

Mr Whitaker rolled me over, with a helping shove from Janie. Then he grasped my pelvis and lifted. I was on my hands and knees. He held me there with a firm hand on my sacrum and I felt his knees pushing in between mine. Oh God!!

I was going to be mated like a dog!

I was still thinking ‘Oh God’ as he entered me. I pictured his cock as I’d seen it a moment before - a good inch longer than Mr Harris’ and looking twice as thick.

Surely I was too small to be impaled by that!! But no, it was sliding in, I could feel it, a massive presence going right inside me, an inch at a time, filling me with amazing sensation.

“Aaarrggh” I went as he bottomed out, his pelvis on mine. Then he slowly drew it back, then in again, still slowly. His hands were on my hips, telling them to keep still and get fucked!

Janie slid in under me and in a moment I felt her sexy fingers on my clitoris.

Fingers stroked my right tit and pulled on my nipple. I looked down – Lara. She was gazing up at me, so beautiful.

Fingers on my other tit and a kiss on my neck – Seeta. The gorgeous young girl with her long black hair and rather delicious brown skin.

This time I was finished, I knew. Four people working me over, and Mr Whitaker – David – was an expert, even on my first time – second time already, strictly speaking – I could tell. He pistoned slowly in and out, and each stroke sent a burst of ecstasy through me.

God. Lettie looked sexy too, moving round with her phone, her tits sticking out and her big thighs...

John was playing with himself and watching, hard again already the little sex monster. Graham standing there like a Greek god, his eyes rivetted on me and his member still quite big.

I was bombarded with sensation, to a level I thought couldn’t even exist. Christ. This must be why people made such a fuss about sex.

It went on and on, my tits on fire as Lara started nibbling and Seeta copied her, little stroking hands and more nibbling on my neck, my clitoris being squeezed and nipped and goodness knew what but totally on fire as well, and that huge cock pumping in and out, setting my whole insides alight, pressing in hard each time.

My brain just dissolved with it all. I started a climax. It was so natural, finally.

And once I started I kept orgasming. The whole afternoon’s sex was cumming to a head!! I came, and came some more, and some more after that, making huge gasping and gulping noises as my body just convulsed.

I felt David banging hard into me and I knew he was cumming too, pumping HIS sperm into me on top of Graham’s. I’d be full of it; chock-a-block with multiple men’s semen in my little spasming pussy!

‘Uuurrrgghh!’ we went, together. And again, and again, and again.

Gradually we ground to a halt. I was panting hard, swaying, until I sagged down between Seeta and Lara, feeling David pull slowly out.

“Epic!” I heard Lettie celebrate her victory, “I couldn’t keep everyone out of the video, but I don’t think that’s going to matter after all.”


Continued in Part 6

or via my yellow MrSoftee profile link at the top of the page.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-26 01:05:08
They are all on stories online now. Admins deleted ch6 here, for age.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-12 17:20:21
How is chapter 6 listed on Storiesonline ?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-12 17:12:34
Looking for part 6. "" is a dead link.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-10-28 09:37:47
I've always enjoyed your stories and have read them multiple times. Could you repost the ones that you've taken down?

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-22 19:25:26
Go to Advanced Search @jackwatchu and search for author Daydreamz :)

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