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A mother and daughter are being neglected by their sports obsessed, aand probably cheating husbands. The trophy wives decide to cuckold their husbands with a famous, ribald punk rocdk band at the bands after concert private party (orgy)


Dale and his step son-in-law, Jerry, were seated in front to the 72 inch TV screen in Dale’s spacious family room. It was almost 5PM in San Diego, and they were getting ready to watch a football game.

Dale’s luscious wife of three years, Celeste, came strutting into the room with an ice cold longneck beer bottle in each hand, and gave them to her husband and son-in-law.

Immediately following her came the equally plush bodied Sonia, Celeste’s daughter, who Jerry had married 18 months ago.

Dale’s step-daughter was carrying a huge tray of cheese and crackers and other assorted things to snack on, which she put down on the coffee table that was in front of them...

Putting her hands on her full hips, Celeste looked at the two sports junky males, and said, “Okay guys, listen up. This is your last chance to change your mind. Are you two going with us to the Acid Droppers concert, Saturday night, or are you still planning to go to the Lakers game, instead?”

Dale looked at his fiery, built like a brick shithouse, wife, and responded, “For the last time, baby, Jerry and I ain’t going to go and watch no god damned punk rock band of drug heads jump up and down on the stage, playing some fuckin’ mumbo-jumbo jive that don’t make no sense at all, and sounds like shit, to boot.”

Celeste looked at her red-neck, narrow-minded, beer swilling husband, and replied, “Okay then, there are two cases of beer in the refrigerator, as well as plenty of sandwiches. There are also potato chips and donuts on the kitchen counter. That should be more than enough food and drink to last you through the ball game.”

“Now, while you two are enjoying your damned football game, Sonia and I are going to go to StubHub and buy our tickets to the concert, and then go shopping for some outfits that are sexy enough to wear to a crazy, demented, punk rock bash, like this one is promising to be.”

“Shit honey, Dale asked, “Don’t you two babe’s already have something in your closets that you can wear to that damned gathering of pot smoking, drug snorting, degenerates?”

“No we don’t,” Celeste responded, huffily. “We have to buy something really special, so we can look just as hot as the other women who will be attending the event. These acid rock concerts require the type of skimpy, erotic, dirty dancing outfits that we don’t have.”

“And, if we find the right sexy, sensuous clothes to wear, maybe we can attract some guys who will want to dance with us, since you two aren’t interested,” she said, hotly.

Dale laughed, “Well then, you two honey’s go out and buy whatever you want, and make sure that you get something that will look good while you are being bounced around in the mosh pit, getting your butts pinched by that bunch of lowlife riffraff.”

“Now get your asses out of here so Jerry and I can watch the football game in peace,” Dale ordered.


The two dismissed sports widows strode out of the family room and went upstairs to get ready to go on their shopping trip.

When they arrived in the large master bathroom, the very irritated Celeste said to her daughter, “Can you believe that Dale and your husband would both rather go to a basketball game, than go to a heavy metal concert with us?”

She went on, angrily, “Your step father’s total lack of consideration and interest in doing things that I want to do, makes me so mad that I want to go to that damned concert, on Saturday night, get picked up by a couple of long haired, weirdo, druggies, and then have filthy sex with them, to pay Dale back for his thoughtless, ignorant, insensitive behavior.”

Her hot, part-Latina blood now at the boiling point, she went on, “Your step father absolutely deserves to have me let a couple of sleazy crackheads stick their cocks in me, and use his private stock, trophy pussy to pleasure themselves with, then shoot their cum into it, cuckolding the hell out of him.”

Sonia, ignoring her mother’s passionate threat, replied, “I’m not really surprised that our husbands don’t want to go to the concert. Punk rock music is really not the bag of most men.”

“Besides, what do we care, we’ll have a whole lot better time without them,” she smiled, wickedly.

“We can dress as skanky as we want, enjoy all of the attention we attract, dance in the mosh pit, and really have the time of our lives, while we watch that hot, sexy band play. And we won’t have to listen to any of our biased husband’s snide, sarcastic remarks.”

She went on, excitedly, “I absolutely love the Acid Droppers band, and their leader, King Snake. It is far and away my favorite punk rock group of all time.”

“They were just voted the grossest looking band in the world. They dress so weird and wear such funky make-up, that they look like attendees of a grotesque Halloween Party for decaying corpses. Women go absolutely ape over them.”

“I know that I would have sex with King, in a heartbeat, if I ever got the chance. And he makes me so hot that I really do mean that, mother.”

“And, if I was to let King fuck me, and Jerry found out about it, Jerry would either have to bite the bullet and accept it, or just hit the road.”

Furthering her clit driven thoughts, Sonia admitted, dreamily, “Hell, I also love the drummer, Funk, and the lead guitarist, Gronk, and I would fuck either, or both of them, in a New York minute.”

“The sax player, Vinny, is a totally grossed out Italian pig, but the bass player, Soul Brother, and the piano player, Boner, are black guys with really great bodies.”

“The females in the audience all go crazy over the Soul’s and Boner’s big lips, long tongues, and nasty dance moves.”

“They also love the fact that the two Bros are so damned well hung that it looks like they’re wearing codpieces.”

As they stood, side by side, in front of the full length bathroom mirror; reflecting back at them were the images of two sisters, rather than that of a mother and daughter, even though Celeste was 40 and Sonia only 22.

Both were 5’5” tall, and had raven hair and copper toned skin that reflected their part Mexican heritage, Celeste being 50% Latina, and Sonia 25%. Both had stunningly beautiful faces and spectacularly ripe bodies, that made men’s eyes hurt.

Also exampling their strong Latina heritage was the fact they were extremely confident, totally uninhibited, pure prick teasers.

Their propensity to flaunt themselves was always evidenced by the curve hugging, cleavage displaying, extremely tight clothing they always wore.

This evening, both were dressed in ultra-tight, faded blue jeans and short, breast hugging tops, that left their bronze midriffs bare, from just below their belly buttons, to just below their jutting, pendulous, big nippled breasts.

Celeste was wearing calf high, 5 inch high heeled boots, while Sonia had on open toed, backless, 5 inch stiletto heeled shoes.

They were a breathtakingly sexy pair, who were head-turning, traffic stopping, total sexpots, who would have made fabulous porn stars, physically and mentally.

As they were finishing touching up their make-up, Celeste’s smoldering anger flared up again, and she said, hotly, “I still can’t believe that my husband and my son-in-law are acting like such blatantly un-caring jerks, who like all sports better than they do us.”

“I am so pissed at Dale that I really do want to get back at him, real bad. He deserves to be cuckolded for his lack of attentiveness and consideration, and your husband does, too.”

“And I plan to get my cuckolding satisfaction while we’re at Saturday night’s concert,” she promised, with angry finality.


Celeste continued to stew as they finished making themselves look even more beautiful.

When they had completed their primping, they went out and jumped in Sonia’s racy little sports car and drove to StubHub, where they purchased their concert tickets from an old guy who couldn’t take his eyes off of their skin tight jeans and their huge, half exposed, superbly toned breasts.

For showing such an appreciation for their bodies, they rewarded the old guy by really putting on an ass swinging show for him, when they sexily undulated out of the ticket office.

Their egos now having been well stroked, from there they proceeded to their favorite sex clothes shop, “Hot Stuff For Hot Broads.”

Inside they met Celeste’s high school classmate, and very best friend, Monique Vasquez, who was the proprietress of the extremely popular sex shop.

Both of them received a full, tit to tit, hug from the erotically dressed, statuesque shop owner, who immediately took them to a private dressing room, where she served them both a large glass of very chilled champagne.

Celeste and Monique couldn’t have been closer friends and there wasn’t anything they didn’t know about each other.

For years they had occasionally double dated, often swapping each others companions, back and forth, during the evening, in order to double their sex entertainment and excitement

During the five year period preceding Celeste’s marriage to Dale, her very wealthy uncle in LA, Edwardo Gomez, on the last Sunday of each month, would send his Limo over to San Diego to pickup she and Monique, and bring them to a hotel suite, where they spent the whole day and night together having sex with him.

During those years they had spent many hours, face to face, licking each side of her uncle’s imposing cock, as well as his balls and anus, as they alternated sucking on his big organ.

When he laid on his back, they would take turns riding him, in the cowgirl and reverse cowgirl styles, which were his favorite sex positions.

While one rode his cock, the other would lick his balls and the rider’s anus, or clit, while the rider was getting her pussy or anus stuffed and ravished by his long, thick shaft.

They had also performed lots of extremely hot, girl-on-girl sex for him, spending untold hours with their tongues stuck deep into all of each others orifices.

They were rewarded for their steamy, uninhibited sex efforts, with lavish gifts of jewelry, furs and clothing. Celeste’s very kinky uncle was a very appreciative and generous man, who always financially recognized and supported true talent.

One peculiar event happened, during those years, when Monique had tried to play the roll of matchmaker for Celeste and Sonia.

Monique had a batchlor friend who had an 18 year old son. Since he and Celeste were single, and had grown children who were the same age, Monique thought that they should get to know each other.

So a month after each offspring had graduated from high school, Monique fixed the four of them up with a blind date.

On the appointed day, the father and son showed up at Celeste’s home, driving a Chevy 350 crew cab pickup truck.

She and Sonia, wearing their usual skin tight dresses and spike heels, had to be physically boosted up into the truck, Celeste into the front seat with the father, and the two 18 year olds sat in the back seat of the very large and spacious, vinyl interiored, work truck.

They had driven to a restaurant and had dinner. During the entire meal, the boy never uttered a single word, and showed absolutely no interest in the superbly stacked Sonia.

When they left to drive home, the boy whispered to his father that he wanted to sit in the back seat with Celeste.

She and Sonia, having already written the evening off as a complete waste of time, sat where they were told and were ready to be taken home.

As soon as the truck pulled out of the parking lot, the kid made a pass at Celeste, kissing her hard and wordlessly running his hands all over her body and under her short skirt, feeling her up.

Having thought through the meal that the kid had some kind of mental disorder, she had been so surprised by his sudden move, that she didn’t put up much resistance, and the next thing she knew, he was all over her.

Within a couple of miles of the restaurant he had her down on the vinyl seat, on her back with the crotch of her panties pushed aside and he was trying to slip his cock into her pussy, still without a word having been spoken.

This situation was so bizarre that it got her hot. Also, being a 36 year old cougar, she thought to herself that she hadn’t had an 18 year Old’s cock in her for years.

The wrestling and the cougar thoughts got her fully turned on and she finally quit fighting it, and she let him put his good sized prick in her hot vagina and then started getting hammered.

The two in the front seat were listening to this back seat make-out session, soon followed by the sounds of heavy breathing, flesh splatting intercourse, as the guy’s son did the nasty to Sonia’s mother.

The father looked at the full blown woman’s body sitting beside him, then grabbed Sonia by the back of the neck and pulled her head down onto his bulging crotch.

She had unzipped him, pulled out his short but fat cock, then went down and got a mouthful of cock meat, then proceeded to give him a very experienced, drooling blowjob, as they were both being stimulated by listening to her mother getting seriously fucked by the guy’s energetic son.

Except for telling his dad that he wanted to sit in the back seat, the boy never uttered another word the whole night, while he pounded Celeste and emptied his gun into her snatch.

Then he proceeded to get a blow job, followed by a reverse cowgirl ass fucking, as Celeste had leaned her arms on the top of the front seat and looked down and watched Sonia, on her back, getting fucked by the very verbal father, who screamed obscenities at her, as he nailed her gorgeous, humping ass, real good.

The next morning Celeste had called Monique and told her that, even though the sex had actually been very good for both of them, they were cutting the father and son off because, continuing to have sex with the kid, with absolutely no conversation at all, even a loud, dirty one like Sonia got from the obnoxious father, was more than Celeste could take.

All of these sexcapades came to a complete end when Celeste had married Dale.


As they sipped the ice cold wine, Celeste told Monique that they were there to buy something extremely sexy to wear to Saturday night’s Acid Droppers concert.

While she took more swallows, Celeste explained to her intimate friend how disgusted she was with her husband, and how insulted she was by his ignoring her and taking her for granted, and for his complete disregard of her needs and desires, as he filled his hours with watching sports, instead of filling her.

Then, even more importantly, she told Monique about her intent to cuckold Dale at the concert, on Saturday night, in order to exact revenge on him for his boorish, in-attentive behavior.

During her rant, she also told the dazzling, store owner about Sonia’s crush on the leader of the Acid Droppers band, and of her sincere desire to get fucked by him.

Her long time girlfriend listened very intently, as her voluptuous body strained mightily to escape the minimal costume she was wearing.

Finally Monique put her hand on Celeste’s arm and said, “Well, darling, there is a possibility that the two of you could both get what you want on Saturday night, by making out with the band, if you are willing to take some very serious risk.”

That statement caused both women to lean forward in their chairs, and Celeste responded, “That sounds interesting as hell, darling, and it is something I know has maximum appeal to Sonia, so please tell us more.”

Monique turned to Sonia and said, “Now, clarify this for me, honey, do you want to get some payback against your husband, like your mother does hers, or do you just want to get fucked by the band?”

Sonia answered, “Well, since our husband may be cheating on us Saturday night, I really want to do both, but I am mostly interested in getting a chance to fuck at least two or three of the band members.”

“If I were to get the opportunity to do that, I would jump at it, and not feel any guilt at all for having cuckolded my husband in the process.”

Monique, continuing to focus on Sonia, said, “Just in case you don’t know it, let me tell you a little bit about rock bands.”

“The band members get into the rock music business for two primary reasons, one, to make a lot of money and, two, because beautiful women will throw themselves at them.”

“These concert chasing women are so anxious to be screwed by the members of these bands, that they will do absolutely anything to get a chance to make out with them.”

“Once the boys get into the business, they quickly start taking full advantage of the beautiful women’s overt willingness to demean and degrade themselves, just to get the famous band members cocks in them, sometimes while their husbands or boyfriends are watching.”

“As time goes by, the sex gets wilder and grosser and becomes totally exploitive of the women. The band members get jaded, with ever wilder sex being needed as a fix. They literally become addicted to the filthy, female degrading sex.”

“To keep bringing in fresh meat to gross themselves out on, sexually, I know for a fact that the Acid Dropper’s band, during their concerts, has a couple of members of their staff go through the audience and find the sexiest looking women there.”

“When their Pussy Search Squad has narrowed the list down to the best of the best, they approach the chosen women and invite them to attend a private party that the band members hold in their motel suite, immediately after each concert is over.”

“If a woman is hot looking enough to make the final cut, and then be extended an invitation to attend the party, and if they accept the strict terms of their invitation, they get to go to the suite and mingle with the band members.”

“Then, if they are tempting enough to really turn the members on, they get chosen to make out with the whole band.”

“Now, here is the part that is extremely dicey, and poses a serious risk that the two of you must consider very strongly, before you make the decision to go to the suite, if you are invited.”

“If a woman makes it as far as the suite, and the band members end up not selecting her to fuck, by the terms of the invitation, and encouraged or bribed by the band’s promises that they might be brought back for another chance to make it with the band, the passed over females agrees to have sex with anyone else that the band wants them too.”

“After each concert, there are always guys hanging around in the motel suite. So called friends of the band; relatives, managers, wealthy male groupies, etc., who the band wants to have taken care of, sexually.“

“These vultures lurk outside of the main playroom, waiting for the chance to fuck the so called leftovers, said leftovers being the good-looking broads who didn’t get selected to be fucked by the band members.”

“The women who fall into this leftover category are sent into the room where the hangers-on are waiting, and they get passed around among the scum bags in attendance, who nail them in every conceivable manner, and in the grossest, most callous, and disgusting ways imaginable.”

“I mean, when these perverts are through using them, they have been completely fucked over, and cummed out. There isn’t an inch of their body that doesn’t have body fluids on it. They end up looking like they have been the primary target in a bukakke contest.”

“Now I can’t stress enough, while you are considering whether or not to accept the invitation, if it is offered, that these lecherous hangers-on are often times the absolute dregs of humanity.”

“Real dirt bags. Guys who are there to take full advantage of the fact that the women are gorgeous and have agreed to let themselves be used for their primal sexual pleasure, for the rest of the night, no matter how crude the sex acts are, or how obnoxious and disgusting the creeps are that they have to do them with.”

“Now, having fully warned you about the downside of trying to make out with the band, we must look at the upside.”

“As beautiful as you both are, if we dress you up in the right slinky, slutty outfits, you will not only have an excellent chance of getting invited to the party, you will probably be selected to let the band fuck you. In fact, I think that you two almost can’t miss.”

“I want to caution you one more time, if the band’s Pussy Search Squad approaches you, and you elect to pursue the chance to make out with the band, you must take into consideration risk you are taking.”

“You could end up being a leftover, and if you do, you will be stuck with putting out to these putrid pigs, and letting them use your bodies to perform all kinds of ribald sexual excesses on.”

“And, if that isn’t bad enough, if both of you end up as leftovers, the friends of the band will be told that you are mother and daughter and that will bring out the absolute worst in them. They will throw you together and make you watch all kinds of disgusting, perverted things being done to each of you.”

“But, even if you do end up being a leftover, the consolation is that you will have cuckolded the hell out of your husbands in the most horrendous ways possible, and will get all of the really rank revenge you could possibly want to get on them.”

“I mean, when this bunch of pond scum gets through with you, your husbands will be cuckold toast,” she laughed, “And it will have been done by a bunch of assholes who you would be embarrassed to have anyone even know that you knew, much less let them fuck you..

Knowing that there was no question about what the, bent on revenge, Celeste was going to decide to do, Monique asked Sonia, “I know that you are willing to fuck the band, but are you sure that you are ready to fuck these hangers-on, if the band doesn’t chose you to orgy with them”

Sonia quickly responded, “I will do anything it takes, just to get the chance to get in the suite and meet the band members in person. To also be chosen to be fucked by them would be absolute heaven.”

“But, if I get to the suite, and don’t get chosen to be fucked by the band, and have to settle for letting the hangers-on debauch me, it will have been well worth it, and I will be very willing to get into doing the hangers-on, with or without mother there to help, and performing whatever gross sex acts that I have to do for them.”

“I fully agree with mother that both of our husbands deserve some real payback for being such inconsiderate jerks, and being used by the hangers-on sure sounds like it would be one very nasty, alternative way for mother and I to get our revenge.”

“Fantastic, I would make the same decision if I were in your shoes. I am almost certain that, if you get the invitation and pass the test, that there is a 99% chance that the band will chose you two to fuck,” Monique said confidently, as she put her glass down.

“Well, darlings, we know what the goal for this evening is, so lets’ go out and see what we can find for you to tempt the band with.”

She got up and grasped Celeste’s face in her hands and gave her a quick, deep tongued, French kiss, then did the same to Sonia.

When she broke this last kiss off, she looked at Celeste and said, “Your daughter is just as spectacular as you are, my dear, and I feel like I want to eat her up, too, someday, maybe even right after the band is through with her on Sunday morning.”

“But right now we have some serious work to do, in order to make sure that you both earn the opportunity to get band fucked Saturday night.”

With that, Monique got the astonishingly well built pair on their feet, then paraded them through store looking for just the right risqué outfits to wear to the wild concert, and subsequently doing the cuckolding they had in mind for their respective husbands.

After much searching and trying on, they both ended up with scanty, scandalous garments that were so tight, revealing and vulgar looking that, if they wore them on the public street, they would be arrested for indecent exposure.

When the final choices had been made, all three women agreed that the selected outfits were perfect for attending and having a wild time at the depraved concert, with or without the band fucking them.

But they were very confident that, dressed like this, they would get the full attention of the band’s Pussy Search Squad, and start the process that would put them in the position to be orgied by the band, thereby cuckolding their sport lusting husbands.

Before they took the chosen costumes off, Monique knelt down in front of Celeste, pulled the crotch of her panties aside, then tongued her pussy for the first time in a long time.

When her tongue was fully coated with cuntal juice, she stood up and gave her very close friend a long, tasty, decadent French kiss, to celebrate having found the perfect outfits for both mosh pitting and cheating.

Then the superbly endowed store owner, with the sinfully erotic face, did the same to Sonia. But, in her case, Monique went back to the hot, wet pussy, a second time, and then stuck her loaded tongue in Celeste’s mouth and gave her a total turn-on, earthy, tangy, very sloppy kiss, that gave her a full taste of her daughter’s slippery cunt.

As she took them to the front door, Monique said, “There is one more thing that will help you get an invitation from the band. Be sure and wear your wedding rings, because the band always prefers using a married woman over a single one.”

“The reason that they prefer married women is that, if a woman is offended by the way she is being treated, or doesn’t like the way she is being fucked, or who she is being fucked by, if she’s a cheating wife, she can’t threaten to call her unknowing husband, or the motel manager, or the police. She is just stuck with no alternative but to let all the guys do whatever nasty, perverted things they want to do to her, like it or not.”

“Now you two have some very big rocks on your fingers, so big that the Pussy Search Squad will see them, like they were an inviting beacon, and those rings will get you put on the initial prospect list, and will get you even stronger consideration when they make the final cut.”

“So you can thank your husbands for spending all that money on your wedding rings, because their expenditures are going to help you get the opportunity to cuckold the hell out of them,” she laughed.

“By the way, the reputation of the Acid Droppers band is that the sex is truly gross, and is even much, much grosser with the hanger-on. They will offend you, but only your sensibilities will be severely abused, not your bodies.”

“Good luck to you both, although, with those bodies and faces, I don’t really think that you will need any luck at all. I’ll look forward to you telling me every dirty little thing that is done to you, on Saturday night,” she said, slapping their bountiful backsides, hard.


When Dale got home Friday evening, as pre-planned with his close buddy, Ronnie Levitz, he announced to Celeste that there was a change in the plans for the weekend.

Ronnie, who lived in LA, and was going to the Lakers game with them, had called a little while ago, and invited he and Jerry to come up to LA on Saturday morning and play a round of golf with him before they go to the Lakers game.

Then, after the Lakers game is over, we are going to his home and spend the night, then get up Sunday morning and play another round of golf, before they came back to San Diego, just in time to be able to watch the NFL Sunday Night Football game.

Of course Dale couldn’t let his spitfire wife have any idea that Ronnie was having some hot broads come over to his house after the game, to party with them, and provide he and Jerry with some fresh new bodies to get pieces of ass from.

As soon as Celeste heard the name Ronnie Levitz, her antenna went up. She and Dale had met Ronnie, for the first time, two years ago, at the Homebuilder’s Convention in LA, while Ronnie was the President of the Association.

She knew from experience, that he was a handsome, single, wealthy, whoremongering, womanizing, skirt chasing, smooth-talking, extremely confident, insufferable jerk, who had taken the opportunity, every time he had been alone with her, to grope and proposition her, unmercifully.

She had resisted all of his advances, but he had been so aggressive that his fingerprints were all over her body.

His dedicated pursuit of her had reached a point where she thought that the only reason Ronnie had made Dale his friend, was so he would get to see her as often as possible, so he could continue to try and get her to make out with him.

Even though she was now absolutely certain that her husband was up to no good, knowing that she had already decided to cuckold him, she kept her tongue, and just re-dedicated herself to making sure that she cuckolded him to the absolute maximum degree possible, just in case he and her son-in-law actually did cheat on them in LA, as she was absolutely certain that they planned to do.

Early Saturday morning Jerry brought Sonia to the house, and then he and Dale quickly departed for LA.

Although Celeste was now really on the warpath, the men’s early morning departure actually provided she and Sonia with all of the uninterrupted time they needed to get ready for their sinful night out at the concert.

Their husband’s election to spend Saturday night, and most of Sunday, in LA, also gave them all the time they needed to get totally fucked, and to completely cuckold their ratfink husbands, before they returned home.

While they were pampering and preparing themselves to party hard, Celeste told Sonia of her suspicions about their husbands plan to cheat on them.

Sonia, still much more trusting than her mother, tried to downplay it by telling Celeste that she was probably jumping to unwarranted conclusions.

But, by the end of their discussions, both women were totally dedicated to letting themselves get totally fucked over tonight, and cuckolding the hell out of their husbands, for all the reasons they could think of, real or imagined.

A maximum cuckolding now being a given, as they prepared themselves for the big night out, they were both filled with excitement.

No matter what happened, the concert was going to be a wild affair, and they were going to get right in the middle of it and have the time of their lives, hopefully with the help of the Acid Droppers band.

They were going to be totally free to listen to the dirty music, get hit on, hopefully meet the looks requirements of the band’s Pussy Search Squad.

If they did get selected to party with the band members, they were going to let them have their way with them, for as long as they wanted, and every way that they wanted.


When they finally had their micro-mini dresses on, Celeste’s being of a molten gold color and Sonia’s a bright yellow, both of the vulgarly dressed, voluptuous females felt confident that they were dressed indecently enough to be very competitive in the Pussy Search squad’s efforts to find the most outrageously dressed, best stacked, most beautiful women there.

When they got to the event, they were disheartened by the fact that there were so many gorgeous women in attendance, women who were not only beautiful, but were dressed just as trashily and vulgarly as they were.

During the first two of the three Acid Dropper’s music sessions, in spite of the fierce competition, many men were dancing with them, hitting on them without letup, and coping plenty of feels.

They ended up on the edge of the mosh pit, hotter than hell, and playing with each other’s bodies as they watched concert goers being tossed around like life sized sex toys, and doing everything in the pit but actually fucking.

While they were watching the raunchy action, the guys around them began aggressively feeling them up and taking many liberties with their curves stacked on curves, bodies.

Nearing the end of the second Acid Dropper’s session, two guys pulled them into the mosh pit and had them dancing with each other, and making out with each other, while the men stood behind each of them, running their hands up under their minimal tight skirts and squeezing their pussys and strumming their clits.

When the second intermission finally arrived, they got away from all of the octopus like males, and escaped into a restroom to freshen up.

As soon as the came out of the toilet, two sleazy looking young boys, who appeared to be in their mid-teens, tapped them on the shoulders and introduced themselves as being members of the band’s concert staff.

The two repugnant looking youngsters quickly showed them their concert staff credentials, then one of them said, “We are here to tell you that you have been invited to attend an, after the concert, private party’ that was being thrown by the band members.”

The mother and daughter nearly gave each other high fives when the magic words were uttered. Absolutely ecstatic, they heard one of the boys say to them, “If you are interested in attending the party, follow us.”

The youngsters began walking away, briskly, with the to gloriously, barely clad women eagerly following behind them. They were led down into the bowels of the concert facility, to an office in the maintenance area of the huge old structure.

The small, stark room had no windows, and was furnished with only a small, cheap desk and two straight back metal chairs.

The room was apparently used as a place for workers to eat their meals, since it was littered with food wrappers, empty plastic bottles, and other debris.

When the door closed behind them, one of the pale skinned runts asked, “Are you two sisters?”

Celeste responded, “No, we’re mother and daughter.”

Startled by that news, the kid said, with a pasty grin, “You’re shitting me. Jesus, which one of you is the mother?”

“I am,” Celeste confirmed.

The incredulous youth looked down at the two beautiful broad’s hands, and stated, “We assumed that those big rocks you’re wearing on your left hands, really are wedding rings?”

“Yes they are,” Celeste assured him, with a knowing smile,

Looking her up and down, as he shook his head in disbelief, the kid said, “Damn, you are the finest looking MILF I have ever seen. Shit, the band is going to love finding out that they are going to get a shot at a married mother/daughter combo. It’ll drive them totally crazy.”

Suddenly getting very serious, the weasel looking juvenile said, “Now lets’ get down to business, ladies. We want you to understand that the party, if you agree to attend, will be a wild one, and the band members don’t want anyone attending the affair who isn’t willing to perform whatever sex acts the band members want them too, without hesitation.”

“They don’t want to be partying with no god damned reluctant virgins. They only like hot, willing, uninhibited, experienced amateurs to play their sexual games with.”

“They particularly like to fuck other men’s wives and you two, also being a mother and daughter, will be an extra special bonus prize for them to exploit.”

“That being understood, if you want to attend the party, you must first prove that you are ready and willing to do whatever is demanded of you.”

“And the way that you prove yourselves, is by sucking the two of us off, right now. As the Chinese say, “no sucky, no party,” he leered.

Celeste and Sonia looked at each other in complete surprise. They had come there hoping to have sex with one or more members of the band, but having to suck off two ugly, repulsive, teenage punks, like this nauseating looking pair were, in order to let the band fuck them, had never crossed their minds.

Celeste looked the two teens over. They were short, small framed, skinny and still had acne. In their stiletto heels, she and Sonia were much taller than the pallid, wiry pair of runts.

They also each weighed quite a bit more than these two appalling looking lightweights, who couldn’t have topped out at any more than 95 pounds each.

The grubby juvenile delinquents were dressed in dirty jeans and T-shirts, and were wearing shabby tennis shoes, without socks.

They were both uglier than sin, and this cock sucking test they were proposing that she and Sonia perform, in order to prove how far they were willing to go to get the chance to party with the band, seemed like some kind of demented game of the revenge of the ugly middle school nerds on the homecoming queens.

The real possibility of getting to fuck a famous band member appeared to be within their grasp, and all that they were going to have to do, to seize the opportunity, was suck off these two disgusting looking geeks, and drink their cum.

They both swallowed hard, knowing that they had a quick decision to make. It was now or never time. It was suck the cocks or hit the bricks.

The thing that made the women hesitate was the fact that there was a real possibility that these two mangy stooges weren’t really legitimate representatives of the band. They could end up sucking off the two creeps, only to discover that their credentials had been fake, and that she and Sonia had been the victims of a, cum in their belly’s, hoax.

It was a very iffy situation to agree to eat these two bozos meat, based on the limited amount of information they had to go on. But to turn them down meant the absolute end of their hopes of getting to fuck the band.

As she quickly mulled it all over in her mind, Celeste arrived at the conclusion that, whether the two kids were legitimate or not, sucking off these two vile little jerks, would be the perfect way to cuckold their husbands, and get the revenge that she so badly wanted.

These two pieces of sub-human debris, were so revolting looking, that they were the perfect tools for nastily cuckolding their redneck, unappreciative husbands, Dale and Jerry, while they were watching the Lakers game..


Celeste had just opened her mouth to tell the pair of ugly punks that they were ready to suck them off, when the door opened and in walked the absolutely dreadful looking leader of the Acid Droppers, King Snake, himself.

Immediately recognizing her number one heartthrob, Sonia’s knees almost buckled, she was so excited. Even Celeste knew that it was King from the albums she had seen at Sonia’s house.

When the door closed, the Punk Rock God announced to his two young pussy talent scouts, “I’m here to take a look at tonight’s merchandise.”

The boys pointed at the two gorgeous, and very relieved women, and said, “There they are, King, and you are really going to like the extra bonuses that these two broads are bringing to you tonight. These two hot looking bimbos are married, and they are a mother/daughter duo, too.”

King turned towards tonight’s volunteer Cunts, looked them up and down then, licking his lips at the awesome sight, said, “Damn guys, you have really outdone yourselves this time.

You’ve sniffed out the best looking, most outrageously built, cheating wives we have had on this year’s tour. Man, what a pair of racks these two beauties have got.”

King went over to Sonia, grabbed a tit in each hand, and then exclaimed, “Damn, these babies are real.”

Hefting them, he said, “Shit, they couldn’t be any better.” As he turned them loose, he gave them each a cleavage rippling slap, then watched them jiggle.

He looked into Sonia’s sex clouded eyes and asked, “Are you the mother or the daughter?”

“The daughter,” she responded, with an “I want to be fucked” expression on her face.

“I’m your biggest fan, King, and I am crazy for you.” she blurted out. “What I want, more than anything, is to party hard with you, tonight.”

King looked at his two pussy hounds and said, “Benny, have you and Ezra explained the entrance test to them yet?” “Yes,” Benny replied.

Looking back at Sonia, King said, “Well, if you pass these two boys sex test, and earn the right to attend our orgy, I promise you that you are going to get all of the partying you want, from me and the rest of the band members.”

“We have a pact that every volunteer Cunt will get each band members cock stuffed into all of their openings, and that each band member will get their rocks off in the slut, at least once.”

“How does that sound to you, honey,” he asked with a devilish grin? “Oh God, it sounds wonderful,” she gushed, ready to climax if he touched her.

He then turned to Celeste, looked her over, and said, “Damn, are you some kind of super MILF, or what?“

He circled her, running his hands over every inch of her, from knees to chin, then said, “Mother, you have one sweet fuckin’ ripe body on you.”

“You and your daughter both look like you could handle getting fucked by a water buffalo. Damn what a pair of asses and tits. You two Cunts are going to bring out the absolute worst in the guys, tonight.”

Looking at her face more closely, King said, “From the looks of you, you and your daughter must have a lot of Mexican senorita blood in you.”

“I’m half Latina and my daughter is one-forth,” she told him.

He ran his hands over her lush body parts, some more, while he told her, “The band loves to do Latinas. You hot assed sluts put out the finest pieces of ass in the world.”

“The black guys, in particular, really love to give it to you Mexican honeys, because they know how much your peons hate having big black dongs stuffed into their women’s orifices.”

He looked them both over again, then said, “Damn, being Latinas, and a mother and daughter duo, plus being married, is going to drive the band to a very high level of sexual debauchery. Man this is going to be some kind of hot, filthy sex night, of total excess, tonight.”

King grabbed Celeste by the chin, and asked, “So, MILF, are you two trophy wives going to take these boy’s sex test, and pass it, and earn our invitation to come and party with us?”

“Yes we are,” Celeste responded, for the two of them. “My daughter wouldn’t miss your party for the world, and neither would I. We are both more than ready to be put into play, so I promise you that we will pass their test, with flying colors.”

Still holding her chin firmly in his hand, King explained, “My boys love to gangbang MILF’s, more than anything, and you are so incredibly well stacked and hot looking, that they’ll want to fuck you until they’re brain dead. And, with the body you’ve got, you are sure equipped to handle everything they want to do to you.”

He then stuck his tongue in her mouth, and they swapped spit, for a minute, then he turned to the two young members of his Pussy Search Squad,” and said, “Don’t look for any more women for tonight. These two can handle everything we throw at them, without any problem.”

“Spend all the rest of your time loosening up these honey’s pussys and anuses, so that they will be all ready for us to violate.”

“Now, remember the preparation rules. You can pump as much of your jism into these two fuckin’ broad’s mouths, as you can. A belly full of your cum will help get them real hot, and in the proper mood to be totally dirty sluts for us.”

“But don’t shoot any cum into their pussys or asses. That is reserved strictly for us at the beginning.”

“And absolutely no rimming. Their giving rim jobs to anyone, is only for us to authorize.”

“And no physical abuse of any kind, period. We want them delivered to us in perfect condition, and in the mood to get gangbanged, and be taken full advantage of.

He turned back to the party’s eager sex objects, and said, “Now you two Mex broads suck these boys off, real good, and show them how dirty you can get, so that you’ll come to the party fully ready to be pure whores for us.”

With a wave of his hand he said, “So, for now, I am going to leave you two hot babes in the hands of these two nasty little peckerheads, while we go and play our last session, for them to work over and get your sexual attitudes totally in the gutter.”

“Now, you two do exactly what these two dumb asses tell you to do because, if you don’t, they have the full right to throw both of you out on your asses, in spite of how much I want to fuck you.”

As King started to leave, Benny told him that he needed to ask him something, outside.

When they got out into the hall, Benny said, “Since you don’t want us to line up any more girls for tonight, who are we going to hand over to the hangers-on to molest?”

“Shit, man, now that I have gotten a look at those two Latina honey’s, and have seen the how sexy looking they are, and what incredible bodies they’ve got, I have the whole night worked out in my mind, already.”

“First we are going to toss them on the round bed and orgy them. After each band member has got off in each of them, we are going to have you take the daughter in the living room at throw her to those hangers-on, dirt bags, and let them pass her around and do all of the nasty things they want to her.”

“While they are having their fun degrading the daughter, we are going to gang bang the mother, six on one, and give her a full session of triple penetration fucking, until we have pumped at least six more cum loads into the gorgeously hot assed slut.”

“Then we’ll take the mother in to the room the hangers-on are using, turn her over to them, then sit down and watch both of them get worked over and totally debauched by that pack of hyenas, and get more cocks stuffed in them than a brothel whore.”

“And what makes it all so god damned perfect, is that fact that you can see in their eyes that these two bimbos not only love to fuck, they came here with the full expectation that they were going to get totally wasted by us.”

“And, shithead, we are going to make sure that we do everything we can to help them achieve their goal, including, for the first time, letting you and Ezra fuck them, too.”

“Damn, Benny, I haven’t been this inspired by a woman in a long time. I’m telling you, that Mexican slut mother is so damned hot and well built, that it is driving me absolutely crazy. She has really got my head spinning. I have never seen a bimbo that I wanted to debauch so bad.”

He slapped his geek pussy scout on the shoulder and said, “I have got to go. Lets’ keep all of this a secret until it is time to break the news to them, that we have appointed them to also be sex fodder for the hangers-on.”

“Damn, these are some kind of great looking Latina sexpots. I wish we could make them our groupies, and take them with us.”.


As soon as Benny and King had left the room, Sonia, totally hot from King’s affirmative visit that assured them that the band was going to select them to fuck, was now more than ready to earn her ticket to get band fucked, walked up to Ezra and asked, eagerly, “Okay, do we do you two guys right here.”

Grinning broadly, the nasty looking little creep said, “You sure as hell do, you fuckin’ Latina slut.”

With that, Sonia pushed her curvaceous body against his skinny little frame, then bent her head down and shoved her long tongue between his teeth and began giving him a long, sloppy French kiss and sucking his tongue, totally ignoring the fact that the little turd had a face that was the ugliest one she had ever seen.

Ezra, whose sixteenth birthday was tomorrow, put his hands to work feeling up the dynamite looking bimbo, while he tongue fucked her mouth.

He had been with the band for nine months, both as a gofer and pussy talent scout, and was always amazed at how far a beautiful woman was willing to go to demean herself in order to get a punk rocker’s cock stuck up her ass.

While he was helping himself to the daughter’s plush body, over her shoulder he watched the totally dazzling mother, standing their waiting, looking like a porn star slut in her molten gold mini-dress.

The band’s lead pussy scout then returned to the room and grabbed the luscious mother and said, “We have plenty of time, you gorgeous cunt, so we are going to have a little fun warming you two up, so that it’ll be easy for the band to stick their cocks into your receptacles.”

Looking at his bodaciously stacked, temporary sex mate, Benny barked, authoritatively, “Now, you hot assed MILF, bend over the desk and lets start working on loosening up your cock receptacles and bringing out the total bimbo in you.”

Submissively, Celeste pushed the lunch wrappers and plastic bottles off of the desk, then bent forward at the waist and lowered her upper body until she was face down on the small desk, and her huge tits were pressed flat against the desktop.

The anxious little slime ball quickly pulled his pecker out of his jeans, then used a fist full of her thick black hair to pull her head up, then held it in place so he could dry fuck it.

He quickly pressed his odorous scrotum against her mouth, and began callously humping her face, and rubbing his cock shaft and balls all over it, as well as on her head and neck.

She quickly realized that she and Sonia were going to be treated worse that cheap tramps, as part of making them prove what total sluts they were willing to be for the band.

But, at that, she had to admit that even this degrading act was making her hot, as she moved closer to realizing the pure satisfaction she was going to get from cuckolding her probably cheating husband, first with these two little degenerates, and later with the of ugly, cartoonish looking band members.

Celeste sighed, knowing that they had no choice but to give to get, and must resign themselves to spending the next hour letting these two lowlife slugs use them, and then make them swallow their cum.

The worst part of this task was actually having to look at the ugly young faces of these two nerdy looking semen carriers, while they were being put through the paces.

Where was a glory hole when you needed one? It would certainly come in handy, right now. They could just suck cocks and never have to know how ugly the body was that the dongs were attached too.

She then heard the punk humping her face say, “Stick your tongue out and lick my balls while I’m giving you this face fuck.

She did, and soon felt his hairy balls and pallid cock being rubbed all over her wet tongue.

The other little bastard, Ezra, who had been watching Celeste get face fucked while the MILF’s anxious to please daughter tongue sucked him, as she rubbed her body against his, said, “Now, you prick teasing tramp, lets see you give your mother some oral pleasuring and start getting her holes all warmed up for us to work on.”

“Pull her golden panties off, then get behind her ass and bend over at the waist. That’s it, now shove your face in her crotch and give it a good kissing and licking.”

Both boys watched intently as the stunning, outrageously built daughter buried her face between her mother’s superb ass cheeks, sticking her nose into the winking anus and her tongue into her pussy.

After three of four minutes of noisy slurping, Ezra ordered, “You are doing a great job on her, you trophy slut. Now stick your tongue up her ass and give both of her orifices a good tonguing.”

Sonia, warming to the pleasing task, immediately began spearing each of her mother’s lower orifices with her long tongue, and driving it in deep, as Celeste’s body began to hump its crotch against the daughter’s face..

She soon noticed that she was humming as she ate pussy lips, licked clit and forced her tongue and nose up both of her mother’s lower sexual openings, as far as they would go.

After her drool had been spread all over her mother’s crotch, Ezra interrupted her by tapping her on her shoulder and saying, “It’s time for me to start loosening up your mother’s cock receptacles, bitch.”

The ugly teen grasped her by the hips and moved her body 90 degrees to the left, while keeping her wet face close by her mother’s glistening crotch.

She then saw the skinny little teen unzip his jeans and pull out a fully erect, long, thin prick, then watched the stiff tool go right past her nose and directly into her mother’s cunt.

At the same time, over the top of her mother’s perfectly rounded ass, she could see the other repugnant juvenile shove his own cock between her mother’s parted lips and start face fucking her.

Sonia wasn’t exactly sure when cuckolding officially occurs, but certainly she had just witnessed her step father’s wife get double penetrated, during this pre-ejaculation phase of cuckoldry.

The pale dick that was right in front of her face, was now sliding in and out of Celeste’s pussy, to full depth, as she watched it take her..

Soon the boy jerked the glistening cock out of her mother’s already wet hot pussy, then turned and, as she was licking her lips, stuck the cuntal juiced soaked tool into her mouth.

She was sure that, when the wet cock had disappeared between her teeth, she had probably orally cuckolded her own husband, even if she hadn’t yet swallowed any cum shots to truly finalize the deal.

The crude youngster mounted on her face, happily watched her suck on his prick, saying, “I sure hope you like the taste of your mother’s snatch, you beautiful cock sucker.”

She did! Her mother’s pussy juice tasted exceptionally good as she sucked the smallish, pure white cock completely clean.

She got to enjoy tasting her mother’s cuntal juices for quite a while, as Ezra pulled it out of her mouth and then repeated the “fuck then suck” process, many more times.

Minutes later, her pussy skewering, face riding jockey, jammed his slim boner into her mouth again and, while she was sucking on it, she watched him dip two fingers into her mother’s oozing cunt, then extract them and stick the two dripping digits into Celeste’s anal channel and begin shoving them in deep and reaming it out.

As she sucked and watched, he repeated the pussy to anus fingering process several more times, then pulled his cock out of Sonia’s mouth and replaced it with the wet, tangy fingers.

While she sucked on the ass to mouth digits, she watched him easily shove his cock up her mother’s, cuntal juice slickened, anal passage, and begin slowly humping it, with a smile of conquest.

After a few stabs into the well prepped rear door, the cock was removed from Celeste’s tight rear channel, and then stuck into Sonia’s mouth to be sucked off some more.

Benny, standing at Celeste’s head getting a first class cock sucking, said, “Okay, bro, ass fuck her a few more times, then lets flip the bitches around so I can have my turn sticking my pecker into the daughter’s orifices, and start loosening her up for King and the boy’s cocks to tear up.”

Soon they grabbed Celeste by her hair and neck and pulled her torso up off of the desktop, and then had Sonia pull her yellow panties off and get on the desk, on her back.

Benny told Celeste, “Now get over there and put your face into your daughter’s crotch and eat her pussy out, real good, you round-heeled Latina whore.”

The turned on Celeste wasted no time bending forward and sticking her nose into her daughter’s, cock drilled crotch, and then start eating it, while the boys watched the hot incestuous action.

A couple of minutes later, Sonia’s fucker, Ezra, went and stood behind her head, which was now hanging down off of the edge of the desk.

The experienced fifteen year old band gofer, promptly stuck his cock into her upside down mouth and, with his balls lying on her nose and forehead, let her suck on it, as he got himself some deep throat, while he watched her mother eat pussy.

Soon Celeste was put in the same position Sonia had been in earlier, and was now watching, close up, the boy’s cock take her daughter’s pussy, then her back door, then turning after each penetration, then sticking his slick dick into her mouth, giving her a full taste of her daughter’s cuntal juices and easily plowed anal channel.

After having watched her daughter get her lower orifices fucked, and was now experiencing it herself, Celeste surmised that these two lucky bastards had been selected for this job on the basis of the size of their cocks.

The two pricks were very long, but much thinner than average. The band members obviously wanted their owners to use them to loosen orifices and warm a woman up, without stretching out their pleasure providers, so that the band members could reserve that gratifying plundering job for themselves.

She had to admit that the cigar-like cocks were certainly working on her. Her channels were being smoothly penetrated, her cuntal juices were being stirred, and she was getting hot and slutty for these nasty little slobs.

Certainly, as had been the plan, the band members were going to get delivered to them a pair of nice, still very tight, well lubricated channels to be ravaged and exploited, to the maximum.

Celeste told herself that she would like to be doing all this with some movie stars, but right now it was she and Sonia’s fate to get fucked by these lowlifes. They would have to go with the flow of cum just try to make the best of it


Celeste knew that the two boys would soon be reaching the point of no return, and were going to be ready to stick their cocks in she and Sonia’s mouths, and shoot their thick, tangy spunk down their throats.

In spite of the fact that she was getting fucked by two pieces of human sludge, and was well on the way to consummating Dale’s cuckolding, by swallowing the punk geeks cum, she was still consumed with anger at her husband for his being so inattentive and inconsiderate.

That anger had been multiplied ten times over by the real possibility that he was going to cheat on her tonight, while partying with his despicable friend, and cunt hound, Ronnie Levitz.

So while she and Sonia were getting dicked by these two sleazy nerds, she was still plotting ways to make the cuckolding of her husband, as disgusting as possible.

The next time the boy pulled his cock out of her mouth, in order to turn and stick it into Sonia’s pussy, Celeste interrupted him, saying, “Boys, please hold up for just a minute, because I need to ask a favor of you.”

Benny responded, grumpily, “We don’t follow no policy of granting favors to you volunteer Cunts, so there had better be something real nasty in it for us.”

“Well, please hear me out for a minute, and you may find something in what I am going to propose, that you will both really enjoy doing.”

She quickly went on, “You are just about ready to orally cuckold my husband, and when you do it, I would like you to help me really rub his nose in it, even if he won’t necessarily realize it is happening to him.”

“What I want to do is call him on my cell phone, and when I get him on the line, I want you two, one after the other, to stick your cocks between my teeth, while I am talking to him, and shoot your cum loads into my mouth, so that you both get your rocks off in me, while he’s listening.”

“It will really make my day, and I think you two will enjoy the hell out of doing the nasty to my husband, almost as much as I will.”

“You aren’t ever going to get another chance to cuckold a guy this way, so I think you should seize this opportunity and get yourselves some real dirty fun and gratification out of it.”

Trying to make sure that Benny would agree to do this with her, she came up with some additional sex enticements, that she thought should win him over.

“If you will do this for me then, after I hang up, the next time you are ready to dump your cum loads, you can pump them both into my daughter’s mouth, and orally cuckold her husband, too, while you’re at it, and double you pleasure.”

“You just let me know the next time you are ready to empty you balls, and I’ll cocksuck you to the point of ejaculation, then put your cocks in Sonia’s mouth for you, then you can spray your cum in it, while I keep your cocks properly inserted and aimed, so that she doesn’t spill a drop.”

“Now, while you are unloading in her, she will hold all of your cum in her mouth. After you are through, she’ll get up and you can watch us make out with each other.”

“We’ll kiss and spit your joint jism loads, back and forth into each other’s mouths, until you are ready for us to swallow it all down.”

“Now, how does that sound to you? Is it hot and nasty enough for you,” she asked coyly?

Benny erupted, “Damn, you Latina sluts really know how to make a party real dirty. Shit, baby, where’s your phone, lets’ get it on?”

She sat down on one of the chairs, pulled her cell phone out of her purse, and hit her husband’s speed dial button.

Soon she heard Dale’s voice over the background din of the Lakers crowd, and said, “Honey, it’s Celeste, how’s the game going?”

“Great,” he responded, in surprise, “we’re winning big.”

“That’s fantastic! Darling, Sonia and I are here at the concert, and we just wanted you guys to know that we are having an absolute blast.”

“Now baby, you’ll have to excuse me for just a moment. Two real young concert workers have just brought me something to drink, so give me a minute while I swallow it down, cause I’m very thirsty.”

Keeping her cell phone in place, she leaned forward, parted her lips, and let the little turd, Benny, shove his cock between her teeth, then felt it begin shooting thick, salty cream into her mouth.

Much to her surprise, for his diminutive size, the little asshole delivered a series of thick cum volleys into her, that splattered against her tonsils and made her eyes pop wide open.

As he continued to fire his spunk into her, she choked it down noisily, then, clearing her throat, said to Dale, “Damn that was some kind of delicious drink he just gave me, darling. These concert workers really do know how to give a woman what she wants.”

“Oh, now I must ask you to wait another minute, honey. This second guy is in a real hurry, so let me drink his stuff, right quick, before he spills it on the floor,” she gushed.

Ezra pushed his slim boner in her mouth, just in the nick of time. She had barely got her lips closed around the cockshaft, when it began ejaculating a flood of semen onto her tongue, in volumes that she was able to gulp right down, with lip smacking gusto.

As she was opening her mouth to let Ezra pull his spent cock out of it, she heard Ronnie’s voice in the background, along with the sound of a close by female’s loud laugh.

Infuriated, she said, “Dale, I just heard Ronnie’s voice. Why don’t you give him the phone and let me say hello to him?”

As soon as she heard Ronnie say hello, she said sexily, “Why hello Mr. Levitz, I haven’t seen you in quite some time. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all of the trouble you are going to, to show Dale and Jerry such a good time.”

“I want to suggest that you come over to San Diego sometime soon, and let me show you a good time, in return.”

The shocked pussy chaser cupped his hand over the phone and said, softly, “Honey, I’ll call you on Monday and see what kind of good time you have got in mind.”

“Please do, handsome, and I promise you that you won’t be disappointed,” she assured the obnoxious cunt hound. “I’ll be anxiously looking forward to getting your call on Monday, then seeing you real soon.”

She clicked the phone off and leaned back in the chair with a wicked smile of satisfaction. Under any measure, there was no question that her husband had just been nastily orally cuckolded, she thought to herself, with delight.

Not only had he been cuckolded, but it had been done by two disgusting looking teen pukes, who her red necked, right wing husband would classify as poor white trash.

But, putting these two ugly punks into whatever category her husband might choose, the fact of the matter was that their twin semen loads were now sloshing around inside of her beautiful belly.
But the revenge was only beginning. She was now going to turn her husband’s trophy body over to a lot of men, to be gangbanged and totally defiled, for starters.

Then, next week, she was going to let his skirt chasing buddy get in her panties, and into everything else he wanted, and cuckold Dale, again.

Of course she knew that the womanizing, Ronnie, wasn’t going to settle for one session with her. There would be plenty more sex with him, for as long as she wanted it.

Plus, Uncle Edwardo had started calling her again a couple of months ago. He dearly wanted to get her to entertain his dick again. Just two weeks ago, during his call, he had talked to her about giving her money if she would agree to start doing him again.

She should pickup Monique and drive over to LA and visit him again, for a few hours, and see what kind of high dollar deal they could cut with him. Taking cash would make them real whores, and that’s a good thing.

Ah, total revenge was going to be, oh so sweet. A husband shouldn’t get on the bad side of a Latina wife.


Their balls having been relieved by the super hot Latina mother, the two diminutive, satisfied teens seized tonight’s volunteer sex providers by the arms, and led the two voluptuous Cunts back over to the small desk.

They each grabbed a fist full of raven hair, then used it to force them to bend down over the front of the desk, side by side, until their stomachs were completely face down on the desk, with their lips pressed against the grimy desktop, and their ultra-short skirts bunched up around their waists.

The boys pulled their jeans off, then dragged over to the desk, four small, heavy boxes to stand on.

They put one box behind each of the hotties upturned asses, and one in front to each of their faces.

Then they went behind the spectacular asses, stepped up on the boxes, took their cocks in hand, then sank them into the waiting vaginas.

With their cocks buried in the two snatches, they grasped each of them by the hips, and began slowly skewering their twats, as Ezra said, “Damn, Benny, we are really getting these two Mex Cunts hot and wet. Shit, they are going to be some kind of hot pieces of ass for the band.”

“Yeah,” Benny responded, “These bimbos qualify as being genuine amateur whores. The damned daughter wants to get band fucked so bad, that I think she’s going to climax for us.”

The two punks then proceeded to play their own version of sexual musical chairs, without the chairs.

In full orifice stimulation mode, they smoothly fucked the slick pussys a few times, then jumped off of the boxes, swapped places, and drilled the two female’s anuses, several times, stepped down again, walked around to the other side of the desk, plugged their juice covered cocks into the waiting, wide open mouths, and got themselves sucked, as the fucked the two Latina’s faces.

When mounted behind the two perfectly proportioned women’s bodies, fucking them, the two little punks, while standing on the boxes, looked like dwarfs performing an act in a carnival side show.

It was a ludicrous sight but, never the less, the beauties were getting well fucked by the pair of rodent looking juvenile delinquents.

Each time around the desk, the little sex openings pluggers changed the order of their hole stuffing, as very flavorful body fluids were randomly being sloppily stuck into each females receptacles.

Sure enough, during this slut warm-up game, first the daughter and then the mother erupted with major climaxes, drooling vociferously as their bodies shook for the two little weasels, who gave each other victorious high fives.

Then the pair of vile scum dismounted, and Benny said, “Alright, Celeste, its time for you two hot assed sluts to play that “two dicks in your daughter’s mouth” game that you promised us.”

They pulled Sonia off of the desk and pushed her down on her knees, on the floor, then had her lean back on her hands, with her face looking straight up at the ceiling, and her mouth wide open.

Celeste got up and moved over in front of the now, shoulder-to-shoulder, juveniles, bent forward at the waist, grabbed a cock shaft in each hand, then alternated giving the ready to explode cocks that she was holding, a few last, close to ejaculation, heavily pre-cum oozing, sucks.

When the band’s pussy warm-up team told her that they were ready to shoot their wads, Celeste used the hand holds she had on each of their dongs, to lead them over to where they were standing on each side of Sonia’s waiting mouth.”

“She pushed both of the cockheads between her daughter’s wide lips, stretching them, then held them firmly in place, as she watched the ugly little degenerate’s cocks erupt, and start sending their separate loads of semen into her daughter’s upturned cum receptacle.

The miserable little slugs fully drained themselves into the very accommodating oral container, filling the full lipped mouth with their jism, right up to her teeth.

After the last of the joy juice had been deposited, Sonia closed her mouth, got up, then she and Celeste stepped into each other’s arms, pressed their lips together, parted them, and Sonia let half of the two deplorable teens hot, creamy, foul tasting cum spill into her mother’s mouth.

The two ogling juveniles stood and watched the mother/daughter duo make out with each other, in total heat, French kissing erotically, as they spat the teen spunk back and forth into each others mouths.

Their boners still rock hard, the boys let this extremely hot, girl-on-girl action go on for some five minutes, before the they told the two totally hot, part-Latina's, that they wanted to see them swallow their cum.

The now sex intoxicated bimbos closed their lips to trap the cum loads, dropped to their knees, tit to tit, tilted their heads back, opened their mouths, and let the boys look in and watch their tongues stir their cum around, erotically.

Just before they swallowed it down for them, the two little assholes spat into their open mouths, and laughed uproariously.

During the few minutes that were left, the boys got the two sex drunk broads onto their feet, then had Celeste lay down on her back on the desk. Then they put Sonia on top of her, in the 69 position.

Moving a box to each end of the luscious female body sandwich they had just made, the boys spent the rest of their time circling the desk, getting on the boxes, then fucking each end of the dual, triple orificed, sex object that was before them.

The voluptuous, mother/daughter stack, watched very close-up, as the youth’s stiff dongs got stuffed into the pussy, and then the anal passage, that were right in front of their faces.

After the two well prepared sexual openings had been deeply forked, they opened their mouths, let the eager cocks in, then sucked them clean while they were getting their throats fucked.

Some time later, during this non-stop action, the two women heard wild cheers coming from the concert crowd, and knew that the band’s session was finishing.

As they began to hear the noise of the crowd disbursing, the two extremely turned-on little dorks grabbed the slut’s heads in their hands, stuffed their long, stiff cocks into the open mouths, and fucked them to a cum splattering climax, cuckolding each of their husbands, for the third time.

As a cock fucked her mouth, Celeste thought how great it would have been if Dale had been here to watch this little, 15 year old puissant, use her mouth to pleasure himself, then shoot it full of his cum.

Her bastard of a husband should have been here to see it, she thought angrily, as the homely kid began ejaculating into her mouth. She savored the youth’s spunk to the last drop, with a vengeful flare.

With some of the ejaculated cum running up into her eyes, she wished that her rednecked, racially intolerant, husband could be here to see Soul Brother and Boner stick their big black cocks into his trophy pussy, and give it the nastiest, completely callous plowing that it had ever gotten, then spew their seed into it, to overflowing. Now that would really be total justice, she smiled.

Setting vengeance aside, she was very anxious to get a mouthful of those big, jet black dongs. She had never done interracial before, and she was really looking forward to making a mindless whore out of herself for the two black band members.

She just hoped that their pricks were as big as they looked in their tight pants. God she could only imagine how they were going to feel, getting shoved up her ass. Dale’s trophy orifices were never going to be the same again, she smiled, with total satisfaction.

Revenge was sounding so sweet to her that, after she had sex with Ronnie and Uncle Edwardo, next week, she was going to tell Dale about everything she had done to cuckold him and, if the marriage survived, she was going start bringing guys to the house and making Dale watch himself get cuckolded. Now that would be the icing on the cake.

With their orifices having now been perfectly prepared to be used at tonight’s punk rock band fuckfest/sex orgy; and with three loads of cum in their belly’s, already; the two sex drunk females had to admit that the experienced little woman defilers had managed to turn both of them into complete bimbo sluts, for the band to soon enjoy.

Mouths now emptied, and while licking their cummy lips, the mother and daughter climbed down off of the desk, picked up their panties and put them back on, straightened out their clothing, freshened their make-up, and were more than ready to meet, and party with, the horror show looking members of the grotesquely made up punk rock band.

Sonia, with her bright eyes sparkling, couldn’t wait for the band to violate her, for as long as they wanted, as they did everything they wanted to do to her.

The more revenge driven Celeste was extremely anxious to put her husband’s trophy body in the hands of the group of randy males, and let them gross themselves out on it, and commit the most disgusting sex acts they could think with her, and thereby provide her with the gloriously nasty revenge she so badly thirsted for.

SEE CHAPTER 2 – Totally cuckolded, in every possible way


2015-04-18 09:18:00
man i thought it was a fantastic storie sexy women getting ruined awesome please write the next part and make there bodys pay big time lol love it may be a lil spit on them and some toilet licking

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-12-28 15:33:47
"cheese and crackers"? Are you fucking kidding me? What idiot would write that about snacks for a football game?

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-28 02:28:33
just more proof that all women are total whores!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anonymous readerReport 

2012-01-21 23:32:59
The author must have down syndrome.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-11-28 09:55:41
how long til VIR 6? please put it up soon

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