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Live life to the full
I was born a year before World War 2, my life from the start was not to healthy, being pushed from pillar to post from day one, Okay there was a war on this was expected of children living in England at the time. Whether it be cause of my upbringing I can’t say but I was always shy of the opposite sex, one wouldn’t have considered that through the years however I was.

I was frown upon by my so-called friends, I didn’t go to dances, I rarely went anywhere where there was mixed company, I never knew what to say to girls. My first stab at sex was when I was around seventeen, my friend Eric and I had been to the movies, as to what we saw I cannot remember, it’s not relevant to my story anyway. However, he’d arranged to meet the girl, I went with him intending to leave when he met his date; trouble was she’d a friend with her. So they asked me to make up the group to which I did, by all account the girl was very religious; at least this is as to what she wanted me to believe.

Spurred on by my friend Eric; he told me that she was easy meat, gagging for it so to speak. However, we ended up in a park, after a while we got split up from Eric and his date going off on our own, okay push came to the shove and I was getting along fine even though it had taken me sometime, no being to sure as to whether my friend Eric was winding me up about the girl, so I trod very lightly at first, but the system was working, we kissed my hand went inside her blouse, I was really getting worked up with her, in these days most girls worn skirts or dresses, once I had my hand up her skirt and my finger into her pussy, I was revelling to go, we were both laid out on the grass, I’d undone my belt and just about to get into the saddle so to speak, she was more than willing when I moved up between her legs. It was then that shit happened, out of the blue Eric and the other girl came walking by.

“I’m off home” her friend informed her. “Are you coming?”

Needless to say I was gutted. This was my first attempt of getting laid and my mate blew it for me. The problem was his girl was blodwin (on her period) so he never got anywhere with her.

My next chance came when I’d moved to the country, my parents got a job for a Harley Street doctor, he’d a large house that his patients stayed to convalesce. My parents had a tied cottage on the estate, I had a job as a odd job man, I met one of the kitchen staff she was just eighteen, good figure and long dark hair, she was quite tasty, I managed to date her, never trying anything until three weeks later, I was a bit buck fisted, but I managed in the end, this was my first taste of sex, I really did enjoy it; trouble was in these times it was before the pill came into being; so you ether pulled out or wore a French Letter (Condom) as they were call in those days. Again in those times you either got them from the chemist or your barber. (Anything for the weekend he’d ask?) but as far as the chemist was concerned, more than likely a female would come to serve you and you lost you’re bottle, ending up buying a comb or something like just to get back out again.

However, we went out together for some months, I was then called up for National Service, so I only got sex when I was allowed leave, the last night I went out with her I had a kneetrembler, I’m sure you understand the quote, anyway it was pitch dark and I was in uniform, trouble was she’d never told me that she was blodwin. When I got back to barracks my front was covered in blood, I got seven days jankers (Prison) for being slovenly dressed. I never saw Mary after that, okay perhaps she was thinking of my needs, not realising that I’d become smothered.

My father changed his job and was asked out to dinner by his foreman, asking me to go also, the beauty if it was his daughter also came, she was a real beauty, first thing I did when I got back home was to have a “J Arther”. I did managed to work out a date with her; trouble was my shyness had come back, the thought of me trying my luck with her being my fathers foreman’s daughter, if she wasn’t up for it I’d be in really shit. However, I was soon to be posted to Germany, and the last time of seeing her we kissed in her front porch. When it was time to leave she told me that I was to slow and didn’t want to see me anymore, shit happens!”

With the two years I spent in the army I never got laid, and the twenty one months in Germany was really trying I had chances of plenty, but with my shyness and the language barrier it was hopeless, when I look back now I can’t believe my own predicament, however I did manage a date it was about six months before I got out of the army, I was ravishing for sex, and I was on leave from the army, I was back in England going back to my home which was now in Cambridgeshire. Meeting this girl she was a real stunner I tried my luck only to be told I’d have to wait until demob came around. She wanted to make sure that I wanted her, not just a one-night stand. So I waited; she was a lovely girl, again eighteen again, she’d long blonde hair wineglass figure, needless to say my first chance after demob was a knee trembler, but I nearly blew the roof off, God, I cum buckets, and what’s more she was a breathtaking fuck. She gave me the horn whenever I saw her after that, I think I could have fucked her too much and we fell out, not because of sex, I can’t remember for sure as to what it was over now.

It’s funny really we never got back together, I’m sure she wanted to, my heart still goes out to her in my twilight years. Anyway, after that I just messed around with my mates, usually ending up at a café for espresso coffee, we all used to meet there, one of our friends was a tall girl called Carol, by all accounts she was a nymphomaniac, and the beauty was she’d taken a shine to me, we arranged for a date, however, she stated it was just for sex. At that time I was more than gagging for it, the chance of just sex suited me fine; well we met up and found a nice haystack; we were lucky in those days. Well I got to fuck her, never in all my life have I come across such a drenched pussy, I could hardly feel anything but it didn’t stop me cumming, before we’d start she informed me that I couldn’t cum up her, which was a real downer. She was just about 21 at the time, both being the same age.

Well I’d had enough of the town and decided to move back to my birth place see as to what the crumpet (Girls) was like there. I got a job in a grocery warehouse, meeting a girl in the offices; we were made for each other. We dated and after a couple of weeks I tried my luck, she strung me out for weeks, however when it did happen, I found her to be a virgin. In these times it was hard top find a suitable place to get your leg over, thankfully her parents and brother were out for the afternoon, we managed her bedroom to do the honours, by Christ she was tight, we messed her bed up somewhat, I was grateful that the house was empty, with the crying, she didn’t enjoy it one little bit. However it didn’t put her off, we did it when ever possible, we were in the front room at one stage and her brother happened to walk in, she was on my lap, Christ I nearly shit myself, he saw nothing but we had to stay in that position for an hour; nice you might say, but it would have been better if I could have moved, my cock just went soft, and there we sat. She couldn’t get up knowing that all the front of my trousers were open and my cock out.

Nevertheless, we married, but the weekend before was something special to me, we were up in some woodland it’s floor covered in fern, the world was ours, a beautiful sunny afternoon in late August we decided the time was right so down we went. This was the first time I ever blown my load into an unprotected pussy; it felt real good, my future wife wasn’t to please with the idea. I then considered myself a man, I told her in a week we’d be married so what of it. I know better now, still it came to nothing.

Within a couple of years our first child came along, a little girl; I was real proud, in seven years we had two more children two boys, thankfully then the pill came in. My wife was a bubbly person and had lots of female friends; the dilemma was that when I came home from work the house was always full. My wife was doing part time work on a friend’s smallholding, he took a fancy to her and they both done a runner for a week with the kids, when she came back it settled down again

Trouble was now was I was getting itchy feet; I wanted a younger women again, I was working as a rep for a firm, it was only small with one girl office staff, she took a shine to me, it was just what I wanted at the time. The rep’s job took me out at night sometimes, which became very handy, as I would take the girl in the office with me. You might not believe this but she was also a virgin, it took me a week to break her in, in the end I had to get advice, I just couldn’t break my way through it, the advice was take good stab at it, which I did. By Christ did she holla out, needless to say that was my last virgin, there aren’t that many about. She was 23 and myself at 31 at the time, the idea was to stay away from my wife for a while then come back as she’d done. I really wanted to back to my wife though; I called to make an arrangement to meet up, which we did, it was almost clinched and then she asked if I bedded the girl, thinking that honesty always pays I told her yes. Needless to say that was my down fall, even though I’d never asked her if she’d bedded our friend the smallholder.

As time went on I married the girl from the office, it was a few years until I got the urge again but however I did. I taken up in photography my work was figure work (Nude) believe me, I had many up coming young models, I’ll come back to that later. I’d also taken up a career in transport, metalwork and building reservation in the form of building cleaning. It was funny as soon as I’d become a good business director I had women coming out of the cracks in the wall, okay now I’m 40, and my nieces friend had a crush on me she was but eighteen once more, I took her to a motel some 30 miles from my home, it was just a quick fuck I’d wanted it lasted but two hours but again she was extremely tight one hell of a fuck, when I took her home she informed me that she’d never been fucked by a managing director before; I found that quite funny, there are plenty of managing directors about, I’m sure they wouldn’t have minded one little bit. During this time I think I fucked at least seven women, but one once again I lost out, one was a vicars daughter of 19, she moved to London to take up teaching, I arranged a date to take her out to dimmer, she invited me back for coffee once again I lost my bottle because she was a vicars daughter, I’d seen her at a party with a mate caressing her breasts, she’d not let him go any further as I can only assume she was blodwin. Even with that in my mind I couldn’t make a play for her, in case she rejected me.

I took to answering adds in a magazine call Experience, I followed up one; she was quite dishy, she said it was unusual that I wanted to fuck her twice one straight after the other. With a mate we drove 80 miles way to two girls in Norwich or which one was very young, she never known anyone like me for staying power I exhausted her before I cum. It was around that time that I meet up with an Irish couple, he couldn’t cope with his wives needs; once again she was a nymphomaniac, hell she could go.

When I took up photography again (I was trained by Kodak) I had girls coming out of my ears, and believe me I mean it. At the time I’d a mistress of 20 I was going on forty at the time; they say life begins at forty, hell, I’d three of them on the go plus satisfying my wife to boot. Trouble was one day I went home with scratches on my back, I think it was done purposely; needless to say my wife noticed and there was hell to play. It was then that I met a real beauty; she was 18 long blonde hair with the most beautiful of brown eyes a figure that would make any man leave home, I was around 46 at this time; to start with it was just my photographic skills she was after, mind you one didn’t need to much skill she had it all, after two weeks I managed to fuck her, God she was wonderful in bed, she’d taken a real shine toward me, telling me that I was the best lay she’d ever had, she was another that I could fuck and five minutes later I could fuck her again, she was a true blonde her pussy was so petite, just a slight fissure and with the sprinkling of blonde down, she’d pull any man. Needless to say I left my wife and we lived together for a while. Mates told me that I was mad, did I really think I’d got her for life, they’d always be some bastard out there to take her from me, local photographers couldn’t see what I had, always out with a young girl on my arm.

Again I married, it was a plush wedding, I’d three photographers doing the wedding shots, even my second wife was there, news got to the Sunday papers and Radio Luxemburg which was then one of the most sort after radio stations at the time all stating that I was superstitious, I didn’t want to get married in a year with a one in it.

The first thing she sort after was a baby, this I didn’t want I didn’t think I could cope with a baby at that age. However, unbeknown to me she was dropping the pill down the toilet each morning and very soon it happened, a baby girl. So adamant was she about losing her figure she never breast fed the baby, three weeks later we had to call the doctor out, whit a suspected cot death baby, I carried her around in my arms manipulating her tiny body willing her to survive, when the doctor arrived all was well, he told me that it was with luck that I had the sense to manipulate her body, My wife decided that she would try and breast feed her; but it was to late her milk had dried up. I never played around with that wife, well not until the end, I had to go on a seminar in Scotland, it was then that I met a another nice young 18 year old who was assisting the Holiday Inn where the seminar took place, how I did it God only knows, I bedded her that night, something I’ve never been able to do on the first night, still I was lucky the seminar only lasted one day.

Soon after this my wife and I split up, she said she’d lost respect for me as whatever she wanted she had, life was to easy. After this I opened my first Studio, I had a young 18 year old as my assistant, she’d been brought up in Australia and was studying Biology, she had a way with her, in that she never respected her posture when sitting. One day I went into the studio to check some negatives, she was sitting on the floor with her legs spread checking an order, a more hornier sight I couldn’t have wished for, she just sat there talking to me, she knew as to where my eyes were but never budged, she was plain but very sweet looking. Couple of days later managed to take her out for the evening, I was dieing to get her to bed, on our way back I thought I’d try my luck we were on a straight road, which was no problem, I eased my hand down onto her legs gradually moving it upwards, she never battered an eyelid, I asked her if she wanted to go straight home or would she like a coffee at my place. At this time I had a bachelors flat with my own four-poster bed, I was the talk of the town with the younger females. Needless to say I got my wicked way, we had an ongoing fling for about four months, I must say up until this time she’d been the best fuck I’d ever had, but she was so noisy, at least I knew I was doing the right thing.

I was still doing my modelling, my ex-wife’s sister asked my to lunch saying she would like to see me. When I got there she a friend staying, we all sat down to lunch, afterwards her husband had to go out, it was then that she pulled me to one side, telling me that her friend desperately wanted sex but with no commitment, although I was in now great need I did fancy her, I can’t for the life of me remember just as to how it happened but we were in the bedroom, I’ve never known a girl so willing and a good fuck to boot, again she was noisy. Anyway I had a trip to Denmark planned and asked her if she’d like to join me, of course the answer was yes, never in all my life have I fucked a girl so much, she was insatiable. When we got back to England she told me she had a friend who’d like to become a model, so we met up, Christ she was gorgeous never have I seen such long legs on a girl, and everything else was a okay to boot. I did get some lovely shots and they sold well, Again, yes I took her to bed, she came regularly not only to be fucked but also to model. By this time, I appeared to be bombed out with young women.

In the studio one day a young girl came in with a friend, she asked me if she could train to be a model, okay she was good looking, but a little on the short side, her face and hair were her main high-quality points, her dark her went down to the middle of her back. I told her that she was idea for modelling but being on the short side she’d never make the catwalk; telling her to get herself latched on to a photographer an use him to get her portfolio.

I’d been asked to a wine and cheese party by the local mayor and councillors; telling me the invitation was for two, I’d asked my girl in the studio if she’d like to come, however that particular evening she’d already made plans for; then she told me to ask the girl who visited me two days prior who’d been interested in modelling, I rang her and she’d agreed, I knew the only reason for my invite was because of my photographic skills, mayors and councillors are very self conceited, they always considered themselves to be prominent in the neighbourhood, knowing I never went anywhere without my camera, and my connections with the local papers I was in. However, my partner was out of her depth; to her, these people were the aristocracy, I knew she felt uncomfortable in their presence. So we left early and went for a drink at a local hotel. When the time came to go home she asked if she could see this four-poster of mine that she’d heard so much about, never the less I was gob smacked by her request but take her home, and yes, I did but this time she ravished me, I didn’t complain, but she stayed the night.

When I’d suggested that she latched herself onto a photographer in the studio; little did I consider that it would be me?

Well to cut a long story short yes I married her, three more children later, not of my doing really as she played the same trick as my third wife with the pill going down the toilet. The trouble with her was that she was jealous of any other woman even looking at me, she rant and rave over studio portraits that I took of women, seeing as to how I’d made the look. The marriage broke up after about 6 years.

I had to get out of the career of photographer, it was having a toll on my life, and this wife was out to clean me dry, so I took on a job as a salesman, but also took on another as a manager of a roadside restaurant, but only disclosing the revenue from the managers job, of which the pay was diminutive compared to my earnings as a salesman.

Whilst at the roadside restaurant I met a young girl again of 18 she herself took a shine to me again, although to start with we we’re just friends, she needed a shoulder to cry on and I needed female company, it developed into a sexual relationship, At the time I was getting a lot of grief from my ex-wife, she’d not let me see the children life was hell, and it wasn’t as if she was a good mother to them.

Five years on I decided to move further a field, the girl stated that she’d like to come with me, to which she did, it was funny really she felt so insecure. Yes again I married her, life was sweet for sometime although the choice of work wasn’t, and the pay horrendous. Which didn’t help matters, we moved to a local town and things started to get better we both made friends, but our work took up so much of our time, plus it was seasonal, so we had six months of the year on the state.

My wife had an 18-year-old friend, she wanted to try the lesbian side of life and ask me would I mind, I decide to yes. However only as a joke; and I mean a joke. I said I’d agree if I could have the girl with her. Little did I realise that they both agreed, at 65 I’m fucking a girl of eighteen and she really was the fuck of my life.

However life’s a bitch; now I’m on my own again, the young girl still comes and visits me; but a couple of years ago I had a heart attack, and the pills that I’m on have ruined my sexual drive, the thoughts there, but that is about it!

I think I’ve had a good inning as far as women are concerned; the majority being just eighteen; I’ve been envied by hordes of men, but at the end of the day where am I, now in my twilight years and on my own. To think I started off being so shy about women and sex, little did I realise I’d have such a sensual sexual satisfying lifestyle.

However I’m not proud of it!

Readers....please I would like feedback for this guy he wants to know of your thoughts toward his lifestyle, condemn them as he does, or perhaps you think his life was good? From my own point of view if the girls were willing why not (Even at 66 he’s still a good looking!)

Anonymous readerReport 

2009-09-20 07:05:13
I know Britons have the National Health service; does it cover vasectomy? This guy's been a one man population explosion.


2007-09-26 09:48:05
What the fuck is wrong with reader 09-05-07 is he or she a two year old. they must be if they are finding this story "too hard to follow".
It was well written, historical facts were correct, spelling and grammar are good. 10/10


2007-09-15 04:48:40
Wtf that was too hard to follow! You suck.


2006-07-04 15:22:41
i'm also 66 but not have not lived that well mirred at 28 now can't get even bad pussy


2005-03-08 17:46:32
My pussy's on fire now thanks doll!

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