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Part III
Dad and I split some kindling, started a fire and dropped the metal grill over the fire stones that contained the breakfast fire. Dad had me get some water from the lake as he put coffee in a pot and we took care of the beverage part of breakfast. I wasn't allowed to have coffe although I wasn't sure if it was because dad was a health nut and I shouldn't have the caffeen or what the reason. Dad did, however, insist I have grapefruit juice every day, twice a day preferablly fresh pineapple but in this case canned would do. As I said, dad was a nut for health and he always said that if it's in a can it's dead. But back to the campsite. With dad and I standing close to each other by the growing fire I thought I could see dry flakes around his lips and his cheeks like there was peeling from the skin in those areas; it looked like old sunburn. Just as I was trying to figure what dad had on his face mom emerged from the tent.
My jaw dropped as I watched mom, bent over to clear the small opening in the tent, stood up and walked toward dad and me. Where dad and I were wearing appropriate camping attire of jeans and t-shirts sporting some stylish dirt and campfire soot Mom appeared in a short freshly pressed and spotless mini dress.Her top four or five buttons were undone so when she had bent over to exit the tent dad and I could clearly see most of both of her heavy breasts as gravity pulled them down leaving everything but the tips and nipples exposed. “Wow†, said dad. “What have you dressed for?†“I’m dressed to be pampered†mom replied. “Think of me as the queen bee and you two are the worker bees to serve the queen†. My eyes were transfixed on her and the thinness of the fabric of the dress that clung to her every curve. “The eggs are in the cooler†, she said as she walked away from us. “Call me when breakfast is ready†. Then as she passed closer to dad I heard her say in a softer and lower whisper, “you asked for this buster and now you’re going to get it†. Dad and I stood there stunned for a moment as we watched mom walk away, clearly wearing nothing under her tiny dress. “You heard the woman†, dad snapped to me breaking my trance, “let’s get cooking†. I got back to the task on hand but as I glanced back at mom’s barely draped curves I felt strangely different about mom and dad’s presence there made me uncomfortable, almost as if I was on a honeymoon and everybody there knew I had stuck my dick in mom’s pussy and shot my hot cum in her.

I could fill volumes writing about breakfast; sitting around the fire trying not to stare at mom who sat across from me and dad in her dress that rode up almost to her waist when she sat down leaving almost nothing to our imagination. For my part I worked mostly on trying to conceal my ever present erect cock stimulated both by the image of my mom in front of me and my mind playing back the sensations of the night before. Added to that was my thoughts that as mom sat in front of me and dad she probably still had some of my cum inside of her at that very moment. Not something many sons could say about their mom.

After breakfast dad and I cleaned up and mom said she was going to take a nap and catch up on the sleep she lost last night. I wondered about what she said because as far as I could remember she had slept straight through the night and each of the times I alone had awoken to take care of “my problem dick†in the sleeping bag. While mom went off on her own dad suggested to me that we go fishing together to try to come up with a lunch treat. Dad had been teaching me for the past three camping trips how to fly fish. I had learned how to select and tie dry flies, how to make a roll cast and how to gently place the fly in the deep spot where the stream made a turn. When we got to our fishing hole we stood about 30 yards apart, casting upstream into the current. We fished like that without any strikes for about fifteen minutes before dad started to make conversation with me. “Your mom is a beautiful woman, isn’t she†was his surprise opening. I wasn’t sure how I should reply or how much I should admit I knew about her beauty so I carefully just said “She’s a great mom†. There was silence for a while and then dad said “She has really kept herself in shape†and then he added “she is a great example for you of what a mature woman should look like†. I had been concentrating on fishing when we first got there and it was a relief not to have to worry about a bulge in my pants or to be thinking about how to cover it up but with dad’s talk here I was again staring down at two poles and only one was for fishing. Dad made things worse by not picking up on my silence and continued with the topic. “You know son, your mom makes me proud when I look at her,especially when she has just stepped out of the shower†. “Where in the world could dad be going with this†, I thought. “I’ll tell you a secret you can’t ever let her know about†he said next. “Can you keep a really big secret†? I was being pulled into this whether I wanted to or not and at this point I was genuinely curious anyway. “One evening about a year ago†dad related to me while I tried to pretend to be still fishing, “I had one of my friends from work over, Marc, you might remember him from our Memorial Day picnic, he’s a pretty big guy in his 40’s with curly black hair?†I thought I might in fact remember him as pretty athletic looking although the only athletic thing we did that day was play horseshoes. “Well, anyway, Marc came over one night to watch a late night game on TV and your mom turned in early. The game went on for a couple hours after that and when it was close to the end I got up to pee. Before I returned to the living room I looked in to see how mom was doing and if the noise of the game was disturbing her. It wasn’t and she was sound asleep. She lay there with a small corner of the covers still on her and wearing only a short silky night shirt†. I continued casting, staring at the water and trying to fish although it was nothing but arm motion and reflex as dad went on with his secret story. “ looking in at her, her legs and the sides of her breasts exposed and her nipples pushing up on the silk underwear and I was filled with pride, the same pride I felt this morning looking at how beautiful a body your mom has†. “That night I was so proud of how my wife looked that I went back to the living room and called for Marc to follow me and he would see something really beautiful. He followed me to the bedroom and I wish you could have seen his face as he looked in on your sleeping mom†. “We both took in every curve of her body. I don’t know what possessed me but I found myself carefully touching the edge of her nightie and slowly pulling it up the small amount of her unexposed thigh until all of her legs up to her dark tuft of pubic hair was showing and still I pulled the fabric up until it reached her belly button†. I wanted to share the beauty of your mom but not just the site of her; I now wanted to share every aspect of her.†It took every bit of my inner strength to turn to Marc and tell him quietly that we better leave her before she wakes up†. We left together but I felt this strange feeling that I wanted to see Marc get on top of your mom right then and there; to enjoy her outside as well as inside.â€

That was quite a confession from dad and I’m not sure how much more of that story I could have listened to when thankfully we were snapped back to the present by a pull and a splash on my line since I alone had continued to fish while dad did his talking. As I fought with my trout dad ended the story with “so you see that you can never tell her what I did or what I almost did†. “Do you understand son?†“Of course dad†, I said and went back to the fish; at least part of me went back to fishing.
Returning to camp with our camp with our catch for lunch we saw mom reclined on a comfortable rock reading a book, her shapely legs exposed to the sun. Dad and I fried up the trout and we feasted. It was like the old times camping with my folks when things weren’t as complicated as they were now; when I was too young to think of anything besides fishing and campfires and bears.

After breakfast dad announced that he thought it would be really special for us if we all paddled the canoe out to Lindern’s Island for an overnight the next day. Lindern’s Island is a small deserted land mass silted over with trees and vegetation and a nice beach. It was about three miles paddle from our campsite and besides being peaceful and totally remote the fishing is superb. We had not been there in years and we would be assured of not meeting up with any other campers. Mom and I both thought it was a great idea but I couldn’t help but notice that mom and dad gave each other some type of look and I had no idea what they were communicating with their expression.

Mom suggested for now that we take a hike so the three of us put on hiking shoes; dad and I remained in our jeans and t-shirts but mom stayed in her short, thin and clingy dress. Not at all appropriate for a hike but I had no problem with it. I was kind of surprised, though, that dad didn’t say anything or object in some way either because it was a bad choice for walking in the woods or because it clung to mom’s every curve and was so revealing. I would have thought dad would have not wanted to have his wife’s body on display in front of anyone, particularly is son but when I thought back to our fishing talk I started to see a pattern to his casual behavior regarding mom’s dress.
We walked along a stream at first and the path went up and down slightly but it was an easy walk and fairly well cleared. Then at one part the trail either continued with the stream or went up steeply to a ridge that was high above the stream and afforded a terrific view of the woods below. Mom was in the lead, dad was next and I followed last. I chose to be last because I was in the best physical condition and didn’t want to move faster than my parents could and leave them behind or feeling out of condition. The steep climb up became an almost hand over hand operation. At one point dad stopped until I caught up with him while mom kept climbing. When I reached dad he had a grin on his face and said to me, “Remember when we were fishing and I told you how proud I was of your mother’s beauty and once showed her off to Marc?†. “Yea†, was all I could say. “Well, look up and tell me if you aren’t just as proud of how beautiful and sexy you mother is?†. He pointed up the hill we were climbing and, “My god!†, there was mom climbing only fifteen yards away and I could see right up her short dress. Not only could I see her long shapely legs and her strong calve muscles flexing, I could also see her naked ass and the dark fuzzy tuft between her legs. Mom had no underwear on! Mom, I suppose, had no idea of the show she was putting on for her two men but I was surprised that dad, rather than try to protect her privacy was instead pointing it clearly out to his son. But then, I thought, dad was being true to his desire to share his wife. In fact, dad then tapped me on the shoulder and told me to move up to his hiking place and enjoy the view. I was a bit in shock but I gladly moved ahead on the slope and tried to climb while looking up all the time. Sometimes when mom had to step with her feet further apart to avoid a rock or root I could see her entire slit covered with short curly hair and running from her front to her ass. Dad was close behind me and I know he saw almost everything I saw. When mom reached the top trail where it was level again she turned around to me and reached out a hand to help pull me the last couple of feet up. She couldn’t have known that in her position I was starring right up at her pussy and she was pulling me in even closer to it. Once I was up to her level mom put out a hand in the same way to dad but as he came up with his free hand he reached right out under her dress and touched her pussy saying “nice view from here†.At that point she had to have realized what she had been showing off. For my part, I was almost overcome with the desire to join dad in dipping a finger into mom’s slit. Maybe his action was a challenge to me to share mom as he had hinted. I wason the verge of reaching under her dress when the reality that I didn’t really know what last night, and for that matter, mom and dad’s bizarre behavior today was all about. All I knew for sure was that since we all arrived at the camp things I never could have dreamed about were happening. As all three of us stood at the top of the ridge and looked over the river and forest dad announced how beautiful it was up there. He added that one could see things up there you didn’t normally see. For me that phrase took on a whole new meaning.

Returning to camp, cooking dinner, sitting around the warm campfire was great but uneventful aside from the site of mom as she sat or moved around the campsite obviously showing off those womanly attributes that dad had talked about and was so proud of. As night approached, however, the most interesting thought occurring in my mind was what we were going to do when we turned in to sleep. Would my parents be foolish enough to keep the same sleeping arrangements with me and mom pressed naked together sharing a sleeping bag one more night? I think we were all thinking the same thoughts about sleeping arrangements when dad broke the silence by pointing out the night sky filling with stars as the darkness increased. Cygnus, Cassiopeia, theNorthen Crown and the Milky Way all laid out over our heads. It was one of the few moments on our trip that my mind was not consumed with thoughts of sex. It was a relief to revel in the beauty of something other than my mother’s body. But when dad said “the Milky Way†my teenage brain was back to thinking about my thick white cum inside mom and I was back to thinking about the previous night of sex with her and the simplicity of the sky was lost.
Mom left our star gazing and walked into the tent and as she entered she called to dad and me to “Put out the fire when you are ready.†Then she added, “I get a sleeping bag of my own tonight, boys†.
I actually got a physical pain in my stomach when I heard those words, my disappointment was unmeasurable. Needless to say, sleeping with dad was not going the be on the same level as the night with mom. With nothing to look forward to I stayed up with dad by the fire about forty minutes more. Dad was surprisingly quiet in his own thoughts and we both put out the fire embers and poured water on the hot coals. We were smothered instantly in darkness.

Through the pines and close to the horizon in the East was a faint glow where the almost full moon would be coming up in an hour or less. The same moon that the night before afforded me a view of mom’s nipples. Dad and I found our way to the tent with only a small keychain light so as not to disturb mom who was fast asleep by now. Although it was comfortable during the day the nights got real cold real fast once the sun went down and dad and I definitely needed to share the sleeping bag although I was doubtful we would both fit. “If you sleep with clothes on it will just take up more room in the bag and make it impossible for either of us to move†, dad explained to me. Anxious to maintain my modesty I quickly got all my clothes off and slid into the sleeping bag we had to share. Dad stripped down next and wiggled his way into the bag in front of me with his back to me in the same position mom had been with me the night before. We both stayed perfectly still and I could hear mom’s quiet breathing close by in the crowded tent. It was impossible, however, not to be touching dad’s ass no matter how hard I tried to push back on the bag and leave a gap between us. Once again the unavoidable problem was that my dick was against naked flesh and was growing. Damn, damn, damn, this was my dad. How could my dick be so stupid as to grow hard at a time like this? Shit! As I lay pressed to dad I could feel my dick inch its way up his ass crack as it got harder and longer. All I could do was stay silent and as still as possible and pretend it wasn’t happening and that he wasn’t noticing the problem also.
After about twenty minutes of this insane situation dad whispered to me, “were not going to get any sleep this way†. “Gee dad†, I answered, “this is gross but I can’t help it, it’s kind of out of my control†. “I understand†, he said. “I have a cock and I was a teen once myself, you know†. “Let’s wait a little longer and maybe it will just go away†, dad added.
Unfortunately, while I lay there my mind started to play back my night with mom and I started thinking about the feel of her nipple between my finger and the bliss I felt sliding in and out of her wet pussy ever so slowly and for so long a time. So, after another twenty minutes instead of having less of a problem I was stiffer, longer and more in need of release than earlier. Then I blurted out something really stupid to dad. “This is the same problem mom had with me last night†. The minute the words were out of my mouth I realized what I had let out. There was a long heavy moment of silence in the tent then dad said, “So your hardwas pressed against mom and kept you and mom awake last night also?†. I had to answer but all I could think to say was, “not all night†. That proved to be another stupid thing to say and there was another long silence from dad. Then he said, “So how did you two solve the problem?†. Now I was in checkmate. I couldn’t say I left the tent, dad knew that wasn’t true so I had only two choices; one was to lie and say I jerked off on mom or I could tell him the truth that I came inside her. All I can say now in my defense was that I was still a kid and my reflex to tell my parents the truth overrode my ability to clearly see the situation I was in. “We couldn’t get to sleep without me cumming and mom didn’t want to sleep in a puddle so she told me to put it inside her†. Dad said absolutely nothing for a real long time.
Out of nervousness I finally added, “It was the only thing we could think of, there was nothing to it†. “Mom was just trying to make sure your sleep wasn’t disturbed†. “I’m sure she just did it for you dad†. Another very long silence from dad. I could almost hear him thinking, or getting angry; I wasn’t sure. Then he spoke to me and caught me completely off guard with what he said next. “Well†, he said matter of factly, “if you two decided that there was no other solution I guess we have to do the same thing†. “Same problem requires the same solution, doesn’t it†, he added. “Holy shit, now what did I get myself into, I thought. If I present a different idea for our dilemma I’m admitting to dad that fucking mom was not the only way out and that mom and I were both just engaged in incest. Dad had me by his logic; if mom and I were forced to relieve my hard on by cumming in her then I had to do the same with dad. “You better get going because I’m going to be really unhappy if I’m exhausted tomorrow morning and can’t enjoy my camping days off from work†. I was caught between a rock and a hard place, or rather, a rock hard dick and an ass. Well, we did both need sleep, and this was the same problem as the night before with mom and since dad was taking the lead on the solution the same as mom did I was sort of relieved of any thinking and just had to get on with taking the pressure off my balls and allowing everyone to get on with their much needed rest.
Dad stayed perfectly still while I tried to find enough space in the bag to move away and direct my dick from pointing up his back to aiming at the center of his ass crack. As usual the head of my dick was slick with pre-cum and it helped as I slowly pushed into dad’s crack looking for his round bud. The tip of my dick finally touched it and as I pushed more forcefully dad tilted his ass into the ideal position for penetration just as mom had tilted her hips to let me into her last night.
It wasn’t like entering mom at all. With mom I passed through the soft folds of her pussy and it was easy pushing all the way into her. But with dad I was at the opening of his ass and there was so much residence I didn’t think I would get in until something finally gave way and I slid all the way up to my balls in the one push. God he was tight; and warm too, not something I expected. Tighter than mom. I was afraid I had caused dad some pain because of the low moan he made. The moan was loud enough that had mom been awake she would definitely had heard it and probably would have asked if someone was not well. I stayed with dad impaled on me for about thirty seconds not sure what would be the next thing to do when dad solved the problem by slowly moving up and down on my shaft. I didn’t have to move at all and as he kept at his movements he would let a little moan escape to the point where I almost told him to be quiet or he would wake mom for sure. But, of course, I said nothing and just lay there with dad riding me. It felt good; not as good as mom but good enough that I had to remind myself that the point was not to continue like this but to cum and let us get to sleep. I started to meet dad’s pushes with my own thrusts in and out as much as the restriction of the sleeping bag would allow and with a final push I stopped, held myself inside his ass balls deep and started to throb and pump my hot teenage flood into him. Dad must have felt my strong jets of cum shooting inside him because he squeezed down on me like he was milking it all out of me; which he was. I shot thick ropes of hot cum deep in him for a while and suddenly we both just collapsed locked that way and motionless and silent. I hadn’t had an opportunity to cum all day and between that and mom prancing about in front of me almost naked and dad’s talk about mom I had built up torrents of hot cream that was finally being released. I guess dad was happy to get it finally over with because he let out one last moan and while I was shooting inside him he said, a little too loudly for my liking, “that’s it son, shoot it all in me†. I nervously looked toward where mom was sleeping and thought I saw her move a bit in the dim light but since she didn’t say anything I’m pretty sure she hadn’t heard anything from dad or what we had just been doing. It was a stroke of pure luck that mom didn’t know what was going on right next to her.
I started to pull out of my father when he pushed back with his ass against my dick and said, “In this tight sleeping bag we would probably have more room if you just let it stay in me†. I had no desire to argue or to make noise by talking and waking mom so I just stopped trying to pull out and stayed locked in dad that way. We must have been exhausted from the day because within minutes I was asleep and I’m sure dad was as well.

I was getting some much needed sleep until dad’s snoring woke me up. I had no idea how long I had been asleep but I knew it wasn’t close to morning as it was still only the moon light in the tent.
My dick was still inside my dad’s tight ass and as I lay there trying to get back to sleep over his snoring my teenage dick started to betray me again. I foolishly thought that since my dick was out of the way, so to speak, I could maybe just relax and fall back to sleep. No such luck. So, I would just have to handle things the way I did the night before when I woke up in the middle of the night wrapped in my mom’s pussy. I found out that night that cum is a terrific lubricant as I started to slowly slide in and out of dad’s ass a second time. I was careful not to wake him up. I tried to hurry up and cum but he was so wet inside and his ass stretched out from my dick being inside it that it took a while longerto deflate my dick by cumming. At last I went over the top and my dick started throbbing deep inside dad. I came a lot again but by keeping my dick like a plug all the fresh cum as well as the previous load stayed completely inside him. I was most happy with the fact that dad had slept through the whole thing and had no idea how I had used him for a second time. An added bonus was that just before I came I noticed dad had stopped snoring so I would have no problem getting back to sleep.

I slept like a log after that and only woke up when mom yelled out to dad and I “OK sleepy boys. Pull yourself out and get a fire going for breakfast†. Mom once again had made an accidentally insightful choice of words in telling us to “pull out†because that was exactly whatI did. In fact, it was more like extrication as dad simultaneously slid himself off my pole and bounded onto his feet in the tent. If mom only knew how accurate her words to us were. Mom was already wearing her now standard camp attire of only a short thin clinging dress. Dad threw on a t-shirt but nothing else and as he left the tent he called after me, “That means you too, sonny†.
I got dressed and joined dad in our usual task of building the campfire, putting on the coffee and preparing eggs and maybe some toast. At some point in our work, however, I noticed streaks of wet running down dad’s legs. Even I could pretty quickly figure out it was the huge load of cum I had deposited slowly starting to trickle out. Dad had to have felt the cum dripping down his legs and had to see the wet lines running all the way down to his ankles and onto his feet in spots. I was embarrassed but more than that confused and worried why he would leave it and take the chance mom would notice. Dad just kept working on breakfast like there was nothing unusual.

Mom finally arrived for breakfast and she and I sat down while dad moved about the site getting coffee and serving up the eggs from the pan. It was, of course, impossible not to notice the wet on dad’s legs and holding a cup of coffee in one hand mom said to dad, “What did you get on yourself?†At the same time she was saying this she reached out and slid two fingers up his leg tracing on of the wider wet lines. A small puddle quickly formed on her fingers. Dad made no reply and I wanted to sink into the earth and disappear. Mom lifted her fingers to her nose. Then she raised an eyebrow and made a slight smirk with her face almost a smile. Then the shocker, she slipped the two wet fingers into her mouth licked her lips and then completely ignored dad and the situation and turned her attention to the eggs on the plate and our breakfast. Dad, for his part also acted like nothing was different and we ate as a family the way we have some many times while camping except that this time mom was sitting almost naked in front of me, dad was dripping my cum down his legs and I knew what moms tits and nipple felt like as well as her tight pussy. “Where could this go from here†? I thought.

After breakfast dad and I usually do all the cleanup but this time mom pitched in as well which was fine with me because it involved a lot of bending over both from the front and the back and gave dad and me wonderful views of her unclad breasts pussy and ass under the nearly nonexistent dress. After the cleanup mom announced “What this family needs is a bath†. “Follow me†, and she marched off; dad falling in behind and me following because I didn’t know what else to do. “What about suits†I got the courage to ask my folks. They either didn’t hear me or had nothing to say. When we reached the lake mom pulled off her dress and dropped it while not missing a step towards the water. Dad pulled off his t-shirt and joined her march into the water. Their white asses in front of me were almost comical as they both continued until only their heads were above the surface of the water. The two of them started horsing around, splashing and diving. In spite of the dream like things that had taken place during this camping trip I was still uncomfortable being naked in front of my parents so I took their water play as an opportunity to slip into the water unnoticed. Seeing I was in the lake mom and dad swam over to me. At first the water surface was so disturbed that it was opaque but as we three stood there talking the water flattened out and became transparent revealing full frontal nudity of both mom and dad. I could see everything on both their bodies and in some ways the water actually magnified things like dad’s dick and mom’s nipples. I realized quickly that they could see me as clearly as well so I turned and swam off making up some reason for it. As I swam, my stiff dick stuck straight down like a keel on me. When I finally looked back at my parents I found that they had left the water and were walking hand and hand on the small pebble beach. By the time I was walking out of the water and about waist deep mom and dad had taken up on a large smooth rock and were looking right at me. “This is a problem†, I thought. “Am I supposed to just walk right up to my parents sporting a huge erection†? Should I cover myself up, turn around, or what? I saw dad lean over to mom and say something and she smiled. With that I turned my back on them and continued walking backwards. “No, no, don’t be like that “dad said. “Now, son, there’s no need to be ashamed or modest with your parents†mom added. Reluctantly, I turned and walked towards them “There is no reason to cover up when we are alone together†dad said. “Look at us†, he explained, and in fact they both were stark naked. This was certainly a new twist and a new rule for the family but I thought I could certainly get used to it very quickly; especially if mom adheres to the rule. “It’s not just being naked in front of you that is the problem “ I said as I looked down at my stiff dick. Then mom threw me for a loop. She called for me to come closer to her and as I got close she reached out and grabbed my dick with one hand wrapping her fingers completely around it and squeezing it quite firmly. As she squeezed she started to stoke me with her hand and with each stroke she said a word. She said, “This is as part of nature as the river and fish, trees and sky†. As she continued to talk and hold my dick I was horrified to look down and see that I was dripping pre-cum on her fingers. “Remember, son, we are a family and we should have no secrets or reason for embarrassment for things we do as a family†. “And†, dad added, “as a family we should be comfortable sharing everything†. I knew exactly what dad was alluding to with that addition to my parent’s talk. With that mom took her hand off my dick, brought her hand up to her lips to lick her fingers clean, she looked into dad’s eyes and the two of them walked back to the campsite hand and hand and still naked. This was a new page, I knew, in our family relations.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-08 07:13:36
fuck you gay piece of shit such shitty gay ass story.. i would love to shoot all gays right in their gay ass heads

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-03-28 18:33:41
Hot controlling mom, sharing mom with son, cum drinking. This story has it all. Thanks

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-10-16 00:04:54
Thank you for your FIVE duplicate comments completely misspelled and spouting medical knowledge. Perhaps you can also comment on stories where men cum "buckets" or " for almost a minute" or "pumped a dozen times". This person wasn't under 10 but I guess you never had the sex drive of a teenager either.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-18 14:32:10
Wow this is nice but the part of fucking either one in the ass and staying there the intier night is bullshit! Any
man will tell you after a man reshes orgasims withen
20 to 30 minuts if not less the body relesses a flow of ierren too clean the urritha tubs so I,m thinking the
perdon that typed this was under say

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-08-18 14:31:24
Wow this is nice but the part of fucking either one in the ass and staying there the intier night is bullshit! Any
man will tell you after a man reshes orgasims withen
20 to 30 minuts if not less the body relesses a flow of ierren too clean the urritha tubs so I,m thinking the
perdon that typed this was under say 10 years of

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