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Greg comes to terms with his girlfreinds very large hole.
My name is Greg and this is a story about when I was dating my now wife Laura. This is from my point of view on how it all went before we got married.

My wife Laura is almost forty, tall, thin, very good looking with flowing blond hair, blue eyes and perky titties that just fill a C cup, an ass to die for and lips that can make you cream in a matter of minutes. I wanted her since the first moment we met. A year or so after we met and became friends we started dating. Two months into our relationship and countless nights of trying everything I knew I still had not got her into bed. The occasional hand jobs and blowjobs were nice, but I wanted the whole package. She refused to let me touch or dip my fingers in what I was sure to be a tight, sweet, juicy pussy. Just rubbing her clit from outside the panties to get her off was all she allowed.

Frustrated, I stooped to the low of looking up her ex-boyfriend Bill to see what magical ideas he might have to help me out. He was an old friend of mine and their breakup was a mutual idea so the conversation was not as bad as it could have been if the guy was a complete stranger. Even at that, it was still awkward.

I met Bill at the local sports bar and after some drinks and basic small talk about football and the weather. I finally asked him, “Hey buddy, you know I am dating Laura now right” He nodded his head yes so I continued, “I was wondering what you did to finally get her to sleep with you”

Bill just snickered looked down at his draft beer and swirled it around and around making a small head appear on the top of the golden liquid. After a while he turned and with a half grin and said, “Let me tell you something about Laura my friend. That girl is something else. We had some really good times together and the reason we broke up was because I could not please her, hell no man can please her for that matter. You will find out soon enough my friend”.

“Nobody could be that hard to please” I said back.

“You don’t understand” he said turning and looking me eye to eye now, “I mean sexually please her, she has the biggest pussy I had ever seen or heard tell of, it’s like your fucking air“.

I was shocked by his statement and the first thing that came to mind was this guy must have a really small dick. I am not huge by any means being just above average, but I have never had anyone complain about it yet.

I guess he saw the disbelief in the expression on my face and then asked me, “I bet she has not even let you touch it yet, has she”

“I wouldn’t be here asking you how if I had” I shot back.

Bill turned back to the flat screen that was hanging on the wall of the bar and sat quiet watching the game. Clearly he did not want to be having this conversation and at that point I thought this might not have been a good idea after all. After a few more minutes of the game and with one last chug we both finished our beers. As soon as both mugs hit the counter Bill slapped me on the back and said, “The only advice I can give is that you might want to put your hand in first and fuck it. That way you can actually feel something”. With that Bill stood up wished me luck and walked out the door laughing. Damn, he just told me my chick had a huge pussy and he even stuck me with the tab, what an asshole.

I sat thinking there is no way my girl could have a pussy that big. I have never even heard of one that size. If what Bill said was true, I wondered how in the hell it got so big in the first place. I could not even conceive what all she must have put into that little thing to get it that big. Now everything in the bar I looked at, I imagined Laura fucking it. Beer bottles, whiskey bottles and even the traffic cone sitting over in the corner. Above the bar was a trophy in the shape of a bowling pin and I wondered if Laura could take the whole thing or not. Before I realized it, I was sporting a major erection from the thoughts of my girlfriend fucking all these huge objects. I shook my head to get the pictures of Laura out of my mind and watched the game and waited for my dick to go back down so I could leave. I am sure nobody would have noticed anyway but just make sure, I waited.

After I left the bar I shut my phone off to avoid talking with Laura. In my state of mind all I wanted to do was go over to her house, rip her panties off and see for myself if Bill was bullshitting me or not. That was not a very good idea and I knew it so I decided to just go home and sleep on it.


I woke the next morning with thoughts of Laura already running through my head. My mind kept going back to Bill looking right at me saying, “She has the biggest pussy I had ever seen or heard tell of, it’s like your fucking air“. I sure did not want to break up with her just on hearsay alone, I had to see if it was true. I laid in bed still in a half sleepy daze and wondered how in the world she had gotten such a huge cunt. If it were true and I liked it, I thought of all kinds of objects I could use on her just to see just how big she could go. I wondered if I could fuck her with a full sized football or not or what she would look like sliding that monster hole up and down my bed post. I wondered if her ass was just as loose or if it was still at a normal size because I would not mind a big pussy as long as I got to fuck her tight ass whenever I wanted. Before I realized it I was slowly toying with my now hard cock. For some reason this giant pussy stuff was really turning me on and before long I was at full strokes fisting my cock with a real bad need to cum. It did not take long with the images of Laura down on all fours and me fucking her with a baseball bat before my hips were bucking up to meet my pounding hand that I was rewarded with a load of warm cum being shot on my chest.

My Saturday mornings usually started off with a quick jerk of my cock anyway, but this morning I had some major power behind it. While in the throes of shooting my load, I had a big shot of cum actually make it into my own open mouth. I sure the hell did not want interrupt this fantastic cum because they are getting far and few between. So I just licked it off my lips and swallowed it down. “You sick fuck” I said out as the last little bit of my juice dribbled out of the head of my dick and pooled at the base of my shaft. Maybe Laura and I are a match after all.

After a shower I turned my phone back on and instantly a flood of text messages came through. “Call me”,
“Are you there”, “Where are you at”, “Are you mad at me”, “please call me”, “Greg, I need you”, and the last one “Well, good night then”

I shot her a text back and said “Hey babe what’s up? Sorry, the battery died on my phone last night. Meet me at the café in 20 minutes for breakfast”.

“Okay” was all she sent back.

At the cafe she did not seem her normal cheerful self. She mostly played with her food pushing it one side or the other and did not talk that much. I wondered if she knew that last night her ex-boyfriend told me she had the biggest pussy he had ever seen. “Are you okay this morning” I finally asked her.

“We need to talk” she said in a low sad voice.

Oh shit, I’m busted I thought. “Okay, what do we need to talk about” I asked back.

“I need to tell you something but this is not the time or the place to do it” She said not making any eye contact at all and still looking down at her plate.

“It can’t be that bad now can it” I said with a half chuckle trying to lighten the mood some.

“It’s not for me but it might be for you” She said almost in tears at this point.

“Just tell me when and where” I said in a happy tone knowing full well what she had to tell me but I was going to let her do it her way.

“Just be at my house tonight at 9:00 and please come with an open mind. I like you a lot and don’t want to lose you over something this stupid” With that she got up and left. I watched her beautiful ass as she walked out the door and got into her car. I thought she might be coming back in to finish eating but she drove out of the parking lot and down the street.


I resisted the temptation to see if I can have another one of those great cums on and off throughout the day and I could not shake the taste of the fresh seamen that was, by mistake, in my mouth earlier that morning. I even caught myself wondering what a full load would taste like. I snapped out of my trance like state and called myself a sick fuck again just to insure myself that nasty shit will never happen.
Being I had the whole day to myself I took care of some much needed errands up till around 2:00 PM. I decided if I was going to be any good tonight I would probably need a nap. Being forty, I do not have the stamina I once had so if I was going to pull an all-nighter with Laura, I needed my beauty rest. Plus I had to get mentally ready for whatever she told me.

I laid there trying to get some rest but the thoughts of Laura kept coming back. I thought, what if she tells me she likes horses and that is how her pussy got so large. I don’t know if will just get up and walk out or embrace her past life and move forward. I really dig this chick and wanted to make a go of a great life with her. My first marriage ended in a failure like most do. My ex-wife was such a prude that sex was always the last thing on her mind and never anything more than a bump and squirt maybe once a month. She would never let me go down on her and getting head was like asking the bank for free money. I think in the ten years we were married I received maybe two blowjobs. Once when she was asleep with her mouth hanging open and the other when she was really drunk, both not lasting but seconds before she either woke up and cussed me out or said she had enough. You can forget about ass sex as well. That chick would not even get into doggie style because she did not want me to look at her little rose bud much less slip my cock in and pound the shit out of it.

Just in the short time I have been with Laura, I have had six blowjobs with her swallowing every time and several hand jobs. I think I almost love her already. I have to play tonight just right and yes, I will have an open mind no matter what she tells me this side of being a porn star. After my mind was clear on the direction I was going to take it was easy to fall asleep knowing I had it all figured out.


I woke refreshed and looked at the clock, 7:00 PM. Wow, I cannot believe I slept that long. I jumped in the shower for quick rinse paying special attention to the manicuring of my ball sack. I thought to myself that if I was a chick I would not want to go down on some smelly, nasty, un-kept mess so I make sure it is pleasant for her if that does happen. Feeling good about my sack, I toweled off and got dressed. I grabbed my phone and noticed a text message from Laura. I guess I did not hear the phone go off while I was in the shower. It read, “I can’t wait any longer, please come over now”. “I am on my way” I texted back.
Outside her house I sat in the truck for a few minutes preparing for what was to come. The next couple of hours will determine the next thirty years of my life. I was finally getting nervous about this. I could only imagine how Laura felt all day. As soon as I knocked on the door it opened, she must have been waiting for me. A quick peck on the lips from her as I walked in told me she really was nervous about tonight. She quickly turned and headed towards the kitchen yelling back over her shoulder that dinner was almost ready and to have a seat at the table.

Almost all the way through our meal she was quiet. I finally asked, “So what did you want to talk to me about”.

She shot me quick glance then looked away just as fast and said “just wait”

I tried my best to lighten the tension by talking, laughing, telling jokes and even tried to start a food fight. I could see she was relaxing just a little and after dinner we retired to the couch to have some wine.

“A few glasses of Wine should do the trick” I thought to myself.

Many glasses and almost a full bottle later I could tell she was really getting relaxed and now having some fun. She was sitting closer to me and touching all the right places for me to get excited. We started making out like high school kids on their parents couch. I unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off over her shoulders. She was wearing a little summer dress that was already hiked up showing off her pink panties and I could clearly see a growing wet spot starting to form. A few more minutes of some very heavy petting and I guess I was so wrapped up in the whole thing I didn’t even notice that she already had my pants unbuttoned and halfway down until she reached inside my boxers and pulled out my hard cock. I stood up and took my jeans the rest of the way off including my boxers and knelt beside her on the couch holding and waving my cock for her to come get it. She shrugged off her bra, took hold of my dick and shoved it straight down the back of her throat like a mad woman starved for meat. The feeling was out of this world and I have never met a woman who loved sucking cock as much as this one does. She continued to bob her head in record speed making all kinds of nasty noises in the process. Not to waste the opportunity, I leaned down and started rubbing her pussy through her now soaked panties.
Laura pulled my cock out of her mouth and in an out-of-breath voice said “I need to tell you something before we go any further”

I hushed her and told her it could wait and grabbed the back of her head and guided my spit slickened cock back into her open mouth. I could hear slurping noises and slight gagging and even some choking before I realized I was holding her on my cock too tight and too long. She was starved for air so I took my hand off her head so she could catch her breath. This was so hot, I was not going to stop at just rubbing her pussy this time. I ran my fingers up to the top of her panties and slowly inched my way down to her clit. She was completely soaked and even the couch was starting to get wet from of her love juices that were pouring out. As soon as I reached her little nub, her hand cupped mine stopping it from going any further.
Again, she pulled her mouth off my cock and leaned back opening her legs a little further so I could get better access. I kept rubbing her clit faster and faster and I could barely make out what she was trying to say but I think it was “Please stop, Oh God, Please we need to talk, Oh I can’t, oh yes that’s it”. It was hard for her to say anything and I just kept up the attack on her clit. I did not want to give her the chance to ruin the mood.

“We will talk later” I said to her as a got off the couch and pulled her to the edge. I opened her legs a little more and crawled up to where my dick was now grinding against her soaked panties and putting pressure back on her very sensitive clit. She knew what was coming next.

“No wait, I need to tell you something first” I pulled her up putting my mouth over hers and shoved my tongue inside so she could not say another word. I reached down with my other hand and pulled her panties to the side. She started trying to talk while my tongue was in her mouth but finally giving up and giving in letting me do it. In one easy thrust I slid my aching dick all the way to my balls.

Normally when I have sex it takes about three or four strokes for me to get all the way in, not this time. At first I thought I missed my target altogether and had to break the kiss and look down to see where my cock went, I was in alright. I looked down to see my pubic hairs were right up against her smooth shaven mound. I felt my nut sack resting tight against her ass and touching the couch cushion. It was weird to say the least. I even pulled myself back out a couple of inches to make sure I still had a dick because I could not feel anything. I wiggled my hips side to side and then I finally felt my dick hit the sides of her cavern. I looked back up at Laura and her eye to eye stare told me I better do something quick or this will be the end of it. I knew she was waiting for my next move.

I pulled out and the quick thought of “It’s the door or her” washed through me. I did not hesitate, I chose her and went down head first and started sucking her clit like it was a cock of its own. That must have been the answer she was hoping for because she let out squeal that could have woke the dead.
On my way down I got a quick look at where I just had my cock and I have never seen anything like it. Her pussy just hung open like a cow after it has given birth, it was huge. Bill was not bullshitting me on this one. Bill, that’s right he did give me some sound advice. Laura was on the brink of orgasm so I slacked off the attack on her clit to hold her right there on the edge of an orgasm. I started to insert my fingers in her sloppy open cunt and to hell with starting at just one. Four fingers met very little resistance and using only her natural lube, I pushed my whole hand inside. She was warm and very wet but still not tight at all. In my mind I compared it to sticking my hand into a bathtub of warm water. I went back to sucking her clit and started to fist fuck her with my balled up hand. I could actually feel the sides of her juicy cunt just touching my knuckles. I curled my fist up and rubbed it along the top of her cunt wall hoping to hit the G spot if it was even still there. She was going ape shit bucking her hips up to meet my thrusting arm and my sucking mouth. She pushed my head away and started to rub her clit so fast her fingers were a blur. She screamed “OOOOOOOh shit here it cums, deeper you fucking asshole, fuck the shit out of me, fuck it, fuck it, fuck it”

Holy hell, I have never heard her talk like that before and out of been scard more than anything I shoved my fist up her cunt as far as I could and watched most of my whole forearm disappear inside the woman I now loved. A few seconds later she reached down yanked my fist out and left me staring straight into an open abyss. She let out a guttural yell and squirted a gallon of girl cum all over my face and chest.
“Holy shit, Holy Shit, Oh my, I’m sorry, Oh wow, I have never, Holy shit, cum that much in my life, mother fucker” she kept saying over and over. I was covered in her cum and loved it. I was hard as a rock and needed to cum so bad my nuts were hurting. Taking the advice Bill gave me, I put my fist back in her drenched, slacked pussy and slipped my dick into the palm of my hand and jacked myself off inside her over sized hole sending a very full load of cum into her bottomless gap.

I withdrew my hand and my dick and collapsed on top of her. We were both breathing heavy trying to catch our breath until she finally spoke, “I guess we don’t need to talk about my big pussy anymore now do we”

After much thought all I could say in return was, “Will you marry me”

As soon as she said yes I felt a glob of cum fall out of her very open pussy and land right on my dick. I just smiled, slid down and started to clean our mixed juices from her overused cunt with only my tongue. I mumbled to myself, “You sick fuck” .

This was just a quick story I thought up. Let me know what you think and if I need to write another one from Laura’s point of view.

anonymous readerReport 

2011-12-08 16:45:40
Good, but it kind of stopped in the middle. You need a section about them working through her, um, handicap, and where they go from here. Also, the whole "gallon of girl cum" thing is a bit over-used.

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