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Naomi's boyfriends attempts to summon a demon work too well
“Nomi is that you?” Naomi’s boyfriend shouted, from his garage, as she knocked on the front door. He used her families pronunciation of her name, rather than the normal one. Naomi had spent her whole live correcting people when they said her name the usual way, rather than the ‘Nomi’ of her family. Ian had picked up on the proper way to say it very quickly after they had first met at the school disco. That had been nearly a year and a half and they were still together. Of course they were both looking towards college, then university after. Or at least that was where Naomi was heading. Ian was not so sure he wanted university. His aim was college then heading out into the world to earn his living. Naomi was not certain that their relationship would last much beyond then. For now she was happy, in love even, hoping that she was wrong in her worries. But she was only in her mid-teens, worrying about the future was not what she was interested in now. At this very moment she was more interested in why Ian was in the garage.

“Yes it’s me.” She said heading towards his voice.

“I’m in the garage, come on.” He said, sounding excited about something. She walked into the garage, her interest peaked even more by his excitement. She found him carefully examining a strange chalk design on the floor. Comparing it to a design on a piece of paper he was holding.

“What the fuck is that?” She asked him.

“A pentagram.” He replied without looking up.

“A what.”

“A pentagram, you know.” He said to her, again not looking up.

“You’re kidding me, you called me over for another of your stupid demon hunts.” She said, not even trying to keep her derision from her voice. She had learnt early on about his interest in demonology. He was constantly looking for someway to summon up a demon. So far he had never managed it. Which was not surprising really. Demons were a creation of the Judo Christian religion and like everything to do with religion they did not exist. Even though Naomi was by birth a Jew she had very quickly decided to have nothing to do with the religious side of her race. She only believe things that were proven by science, not mumbo-jumbo faith. However as a interest it was not that bad. It could have been worst, he was not some porn junkie, or having cyber sex. Instead he searched repeatedly for ways to summon up demons.

“Yes, but this time it’s different. This ain’t some half assed idea for summoning one up. This is the real thing, it actually works Nomi.” Ian told her, glancing up from the design on the floor. She let her disbelief show on her face. “Trust me on this, this is a real life ritual to summon a demon.” Naomi nodded, still not hiding her disbelief. He shrugged and went back to checking the pattern.

“What are you doing.” She asked after a few minutes.

“Making sure I’ve got the symbols right. If they’re even slightly wrong then the pentagram won’t hold the demon.”


“It’ll escape and we won’t be able to order it to do stuff.” Naomi raised one eyebrow, even though he was not looking at her. About a minute later he stood up and nodded.

“Right, it’s perfect so we can continue.”

“Great, and why am I here.”

“Because the ritual needs a female to work. It’s to summon up a Incubus and that means I need a woman.”

“What’s an Incubus?” She asked.

“A male lust demon, like a Succubus only male. You remember when I told you about Succubus’s don’t you.” Naomi took a moment to trawl through her memories of the different times he had told her about demons.

“Aren’t they some kind of sex demon. Like a vampire only they feed of sex with men.” Ian nodded.

“Yeah, an Incubus is the same only with women. The one I’m trying to summon up is kind of a big shot amongst them.” Naomi gave him a look of complete disbelief. “Come on babe, for me please.” He shot her pleading look, the kind he knew she could not ignore. Naomi took a deep sigh.

“Ok, for you, what do we have to do.”

“Well now we’ve got to strip off.” She did not reply, her expression said it all for her. “Look this ain’t a way for me to just get you naked. If I wanted that we’d be up in my room right now. It’s what it says on here.” He pointed to the paper in his hand. “And I mean totally, no jewellery, no earrings nothing. It says anything like that can disrupt the energy and stop the ritual working.” Naomi glared at him for a second as he began to strip. Finally she followed his lead, taking her clothes and jewellery off. They piled the clothing on the floor. Ian pointed to a spot in front of the pentagram. “You need to stand there, while I stand here and chant.” Naomi glanced over at him.

“Ok, you want me to stand right in front of where this Incubus will appear. A demon which feeds off sex with women.” She said, part mocking part unsure. This whole ritual seemed a lot more complicated that anything he had ever done before.

“You’ll be perfectly safe, that’s what the pentagram’s there for. It’ll trap him so he can’t escape when he comes to get you.”

“Then what.”

“Then we make him give us something before we let him go.”

“Like what.”

“It’s a lust demon so something to do with sex.” Ian said with a shrug. “Like I could ask to be bigger, or for you to be able to swallow all of my cock when you suck me off.”

“Why not ask for me to love blow jobs while you’re at it.” He smiled.

“Or maybe you could ask for multiple orgasms every time, or for me to last longer or something. Hell you could even make it so you could attract any guy you wanted.”

“Or any girl you wanted.” He shrugged again, looking sheepish. She glared at him for a second. “Though I do like the idea of multiple orgasms.”

“Well I want to be able to not cum until I decide to. So we can do it longer.” He told her with a wicked look in his eye.

“It’d be nice if you could go more than a minute.” She said with a teasing voice. He snarled at her in fake anger. “Could we ask for more than one thing, assuming this works of course.” Which is would not, of course.

“It says we could but not to go for too many things. Keep the ones you want firm in your mind all the time so you can enforce the demands on the demon.” Naomi nodded, of course this was all fantasy. No demon was going to turn up. But hell, what girl would not want multiple orgasms every time. And, being able to pull any guy she wanted might come in useful at university. She glanced over at Ian, and just may be being able to give him a full blow job might be worth it. Just to see the look on his face.

“You ready.” Ian asked, Naomi nodded slowly. He began to read from the paper. Strange words that she had never heard before. It sounded a little like Latin, but seemed wrong, different to any Latin words she had ever know. Naomi let her attention wander as Ian chanted behind her, nothing was going to… She started in shock when she saw the thin wisp of mist appear in the middle of the pentagram. No way, she must be imagining it. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. No, there was definitely something there. Now it was a curl of white smoke.

“Oh my god something’s actually happening.” She said incredulously as the curl of smoke grew into a small column. It curled around in the centre of the pentagram. Twisting slightly as it did. Behind her she could hear Ian speaking louder, almost shouting the words. The smoke darkened sharply, twisted violently, then it moved. It curled upwards, over the pentagram, over her head. Naomi turned to watch it with a mix of amazement and horror. A horror that increased as the column of smoke surrounded Ian.

“Ian!” She shouted taking a step forwards. She froze at the scream he let out. A sound of intense pain and fear. Naomi froze to the spot as the scream suddenly ended. The smoke spread outwards, growing in size. It began to congeal into a shape, rapidly turning from black formless smoke into a solid form. Then, stood in the exact spot Ian had been was a monster, a demon. Ian had vanished completely. The thing that had taken his place towered over Naomi. It’s skin was black, it looked like leather. It glistened in the light. Two huge wings spread out from it’s back. It’s body was massive, muscular, terrifying. It’s feet had long claws instead of nails, as did it’s hands. It’s face was the worst. The sharp angular lines of it’s face seemed totally wrong to her. It’s mouth was filled with sharp fang like teeth. Two sharp tusks pushed up from it’s cheeks. And it’s eyes, it’s eyes were red like fire. They seemed to burn in it’s sockets.

Naomi wanted to scream, to run. Only her body was frozen by fear. The thing stretched, flexing it’s muscles for a moment. She could see them ripple as it moved. Knew that it could tear her apart with out any worry. It turned it’s gaze on her, looking straight at her. Naomi gasped in shock at the heat from that gaze. She could feel it on her skin, like standing too close to a fire when it was lit. The demon moved it’s gaze slowly down her body, then began to move back up. As it did Naomi felt her body react. Not with fear, but need and lust. Her skin seemed to tighten under the hear of it’s gaze. She shifted her legs, parting them slight. Felt her pussy grow warm, wet as it’s gaze flashed up passed it. Her breath grew deep, slowing down. When the gaze reached her breasts she felt the nipples grow almost painfully tight. She gasped at the sensation, as if someone has just licked over them. Then the demon was looking into her eyes. Instantly her fear vanished. Instead she felt need, it’s need and lust for her. Her body responded in reply.

Naomi had never deluded herself that she was sexy or anything. She had still got most of her puppy fat, which gave her a rounded appearance. Her breast were not pert, or large. Instead they were round, slightly downward pointing with small nipples. Her face was ok to look at, but she was by no means a stunner in the looks department. However, at that moment she felt like the sexiest woman alive. Her gaze flicked down to the rapidly growing erection the demon was getting. She licked her lips at the sheer size of him. It just added to her body’s lust for him. Unconsciously she tilted her shoulders back, pushing her breasts towards him. He smiled at her and stepped forwards. Naomi breath in deeply, heat already spreading between her legs. God she had never felt this turned on before, not even with Ian.

“I am Assurus, your name is?” He said in a deep voice that filled the garage.

“Nomi.” She told him softly.

“Umm, nice name.” He said as he stopped in front of her. Towering over her completely, she craned her neck back to look up at him. “And what is it you want from me Nomi.” He said slowly looking her straight in the eyes. “Let me see, ah yes multiple orgasms, to be able to attract any man you want. The usual then, oh this is unusual. To had the ability to deep throat a man, even though you don’t enjoy the experience you want to make it as good as possible for the man. Interested, but you will be glad to know I don’t require you to suck me off.” Naomi nodded, struck dumb by the sheer presence of this sexual being stood in front of her. The pure lust coming off him was overwhelming. She felt light head from it. She watched as he lifted one hand up. Hissed when he ran one claw across her breast. A thing red line appeared where he had cut her. He lent down and licked it, then circled his tongue over her breast. Naomi gasped, arching her back to offer her breasts to him. He took the offer, drawing her breast into his mouth. Sucking deeply on it. His tongue curling around her nipple. Naomi murmured at the deep sensation, feeling the heat growing between her legs. Slowly he lifted his head back up, watching her all the time.

“You seem very responsive Nomi. I think I might find out how responsive.” He said to her, as he spoke she felt his hand run down her stomach. She parted her legs as she felt him rubbing between them. For a moment she felt a slight stab of fear that he was going to push a claw into her pussy. He did not, instead he ran on finger along her pussy. Then pressed it against her clitoris. Naomi gasped softly at the touch of his finger. Like fire pressing against her. He circled her clit, rubbing firmly against it. She gasped louder, half closing her eyes as ripples of pleasure ran up her body. He rubbed against her, seemingly knowing exactly how she liked it. Softly circling her clit, then rubbing up and down against it. Her gasps grew deeper, louder with each stroke of his finger. She could feel him watching her intently. When she looked up he was looking right into her eyes. His gaze caught hers and held it. She could not pull her eyes away from his. Even as his touch increased the pleasure inside her to breaking point. His finger pressed hard against her clit, rubbing over it in a tight circle. Sending waves of feeling through her. She peaked rapidly under his knowing touch.

“Fuck, oh fuck cumming.” Naomi gasped as her body burst into orgasm. She gasped rapidly at the release of pleasure flashing through her. Just as she felt it was dying a second orgasm erupted in her, taking her breath away. It was followed by a third which left her shattered totally. As she came again and again she saw him drawing in a deep breath. It seemed as if his skin glowed, he looked like he was savouring her orgasm. Then he seemed to grow bigger, taller, his muscles expanding. Only slightly, but it was noticeable that he had grown. When the third orgasm died down she was clinging to his arm to keep from falling. His skin felt hot under her hands.

“Multiple orgasms, just as you wanted.” Said to her as she gasped for breath. “Do you like them.”

“Yes, god yes.” Naomi gasped between breaths. He smiled, a smile that did not reach his eyes. For a moment that worried her, but then the thought flew away as he spoke again.

“Now my little Nomi I want to fuck you. Do you like that idea.” He said to her, Naomi nodded quickly. He reached down to curl his hands around her waist. With a quick, easy movement he lifted her up. Holding her to him as she felt him guiding himself against her pussy. His cock felt so hard, so thick against her. She chewed softly on her lip as he lowered her down onto him. Gasping as she felt her pussy stretch around him.

“Oh fuck me you’re so big.” She gasped once he was in her fully.

“Is that a problem.” He asked, she shook her head. His hands curled up her back to wrap around her shoulders. He firmly pulled her backwards until she was arched away from him. Then he thrust up into her deeply.

“Oh fuck me shit.” Naomi gasped as his cock pushed into her. He began slowly, building up his speed rapidly. Soon he was thrusting up hard into her. His cock pushing deep, burying fully inside her. Naomi gasped as her pussy stretched to take him. She tilted her head back mewing and moaning at the sensations flashing through her. His thrusts grew harder, pushing up into her with fast deep movements. Piercing her body fully with his hard cock. He grunted softly with each thrust. Naomi cried out as her body responded to the feel of him deep inside her.

“Oh god, fuck me, yes, fuck yes.” She cried out as he thrust in again and again. Each thrust sending heat out into her body. Spreading waves of warmth and pleasure that slowly filled up to overflowing. “Oh, oh shit, oh fuck going to, going to…CUMMING!” Naomi squealed as she burst into another orgasm. She gasped hard, mewing at the pleasure flashing through her. Again another followed straight after, building on the first. Then another, making her cry out in passion. Her body jolting at the sensation flashing through her. “Oh Christ, fuck me.” She squealed at the final orgasm build to it’s peak then died slowly. Again it seemed that he was absorbing her orgasm into him, feeding off it. His skin now glowed faintly. He was taller, his chest wider, and his cock thick inside her.

He slowed his thrust, just for a moment. Giving him enough time to quickly turn her round on him. Now she was hanging face first over the floor. His cock deep in her pussy. His hands wrapped around her breasts. She could feel his claws pricking against her skin. With a hard thrust he began fucking her again. She squealed at the feel of him ramming into her. His cock was so thick it pushed her pussy to it’s limit. Her body rocked with each thrust, shaking with the power he was putting into them. Naomi groaned, squealing as his thrust grew in strength and depth. His cock pushing totally into her.

“Oh fuck, oh god so hard, God oh my god.” She cried out, squealing with each thrust. Her hands clinging to his arms. Her leg wrapped around his waist as he rammed into her. She felt his hands move up to around her shoulders again. His claws now pressing into her throat. If he wanted he could tear it out with a single movement. She sensed that he had no intention of that. His grunts of pleasure filled the room as he rammed into her again and again. Burying himself to the very hilt in her young teenage body. Stretching her pussy wide with each thrust.

He seemed to have unlimited endurance, slamming in harder and faster. Pounding her body repeatedly. She rocked with each thrust, right to her core. Her cries becoming shrill, melding into one continuous squeal of passion. She arched her head back, crying out, gasping wildly as she felt him ram into her again, and again, and again. Each thrust slamming deep inside her. She felt herself building towards another series of orgasms.

“Oh god, god, going to cum again, oh god again. So hard, fuck, FUUCCKKK.” She screamed as she came. Digging her nails into his arms, she sensed that she made no impression on his skin at all. He continued to pound into her as she came. She screamed out her passion as her orgasm grew, building until it burst into a second stronger orgasm. She gasped for breath as her head span with the power of the orgasm. When a third hit her she arched upwards crying out wildly. Then a fourth orgasm slammed into her, her head span as she fought to breath through the wild passion. Behind her she felt him drawing in her orgasm. Swallowing it, growing further. His cock expanding in her, as his claws stretched further around her shoulders. Pulling her back into his thrusts hard. Ramming himself fully into her again, then again as her orgasms swept over her. Just as she felt she could not take any more he slowed down. Pulling out of her slowly. Naomi gasped hard for the air her lungs now screamed for. Drawing it in with deep gulps. Her body was covered in a layer of sweat and she was so shaky that she doubted she could stand.
He sank down to the floor, pulling her down with him. Naomi turned to face him, gasping at what she saw. He had grown massively, his chest was huge. One clawed hand could wrap around her waist. As for his cock, it was big. Bigger than anything Naomi had ever seen, even in the porn films her boyfriend had got her to watch. Her eyes went wide as she wondered just how she had taken it in her. No wonder she had cum so hard, it was so big it would fill her totally.
“Ride me Nomi.” He said in a commanding voice she just could not say no to. Even though she was not sure she could actually take him in her Naomi did as he told her. Moving to straddle him, positioning herself over his hard cock. She felt him pressing against her, so thick. Slowly she sank down on him, gasping sharply as she felt herself expanding. Her pussy stretching to take him in, being pushed to it’s very limit by just how thick and long he was.
“Oh god.” Naomi gasped as she moved down him. She stopped before he was fully in her, no way could she take all of him. Slowly she began to ride him, sliding up and down him. Feeling her pussy stretching around him. As she did it became a little easier to take that bit more of him. Each time she was able to go a little further down, letting him fill her that little bit more. He was watching her carefully, never taking his gaze off her face. She so wanted to do well, to give him a good fuck. She began to move faster, sliding along him. She still felt unable to take all off him in her. Even thought she wanted to, wanted to feel him filling her totally.
“You want all of me don’t you Nomi.” He said in a low voice. Naomi nodded quickly, oh how she wanted it.
“I’m not sure I can take it all though.” She whispered back to him.
“Let me help you.” He answered, his clawed hands sliding up to wrap around her waist. Naomi took a deep breath in as she felt him gripping her. With a single hard pull down he speared her onto him. Pushing her down until he was totally inside her.
“GOD!” Naomi cried softly as her pussy stretched to take him. His cock pushing into her, filling her totally. It felt so hard, so thick inside her. She was certain the head was pushing into her womb. He pushed her up, then pulled her back down. “Oh god, fuck.” She gasped as she felt him entering her again, then again as he set up a quick tempo. After a few seconds Naomi took over, now feeling able to match his tempo. She moved up and down on him, gasping hard each time she sank down onto him. Her body reacting rapidly to the feel of him inside her. Heat flashing out from her pussy to every part of her. She felt herself rising towards another massive orgasm.
“Oh god, god I’m going to, god cumming.” Naomi gasped digging her fingers into the rock hard skin of his chest as she came again. She arched her head back, gasping with her orgasm. He reached up to press her small breasts into her chest. Squeezing them tight with his fingers. The orgasm was rapidly followed by a second, just as strong and then a third. Each drawing her breath away, overwhelming her totally. He ran his hands up, curling then around her shoulders tightly. Then he thrust up hard into her.
“FUCK, GOD!” Naomi squealed as he began to fuck her hard. Ramming his cock up into her deeply. Pushing it further inside her, it felt as if each thrust drove his cock deep into her chest. Naomi squealed, crying out at the power of his thrusts. “God, oh god, fuck, oh god.” She cried, not getting the irony of calling to god while being fucked by a demon. “Fuck, fuck god, again oh god again.” She cried as his hard thrusts brought her to the verge of another series of orgasms. Her body was begin pushed beyond it’s limits. The orgasms flashed through her, pushing her further to the edge of her endurance. Her head span and her vision blurred as each orgasm burst in her. She could only claw her fingers against his hard skin. He was grunting hard, thrusting up into her like a piston. Ramming in and out. Pounding her harder than before.
“No, please, please no, oh god not again, no, unnn.” Naomi cried as his thrusts triggered another series of orgasms. This time the orgasms brought pain with it as she was driven to level her body was not able to take. He gasped under her, groaning as he thrusts grew harder and wilder her. Suddenly he sat up. His wings curling round her holding her tight into him. He pulled her down on him as she felt him cum inside her. Hot cum flashing into her, filling her. The heat spreading out through her, until every part of her seemed to be on fire. She gave a single scream as his orgasm consumed her totally.
Assurus sighed as he absorbed her into him. Slowly opening his wings as the last of her spirit and flesh soaked into his skin. It had been a long time since any female had given him such pleasure. She was definitely suitable for more than just a play thing for his hordes. With training and time she would make a very good succubus in his service. Until then he would have the pleasure of her training, and from this display it would be a pleasure. As for the boy, his spirit was too weak for anything. Yet, Naomi would need someone to practice on, to be her first victim. Yes, the boy would do very well for that.
He turned to pick up the piece of paper that the boy had used for the summoning. Assurus smiled as he looked at it. Oh how he owed the succubus who had arranged for the mistake to be included. A single phrase that was changed. Meaning that instead of trapping Assurus in the pentagram it allowed him to possess the summoner. Of course Assurus made sure no one ever knew of this. The paper burst into the flames in his hand, the flames consuming the paper totally. Then Assurus waved his hand over the floor. The pentagram faded and vanished, as did the clothing the two had removed. As he opened the portal back to his own realm there was no sign of what had happened in the garage. It was as if the two lovers had simple vanished.


2017-11-20 16:14:39
Excellent story. Looks like she will have an interesting future

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-09-17 09:32:45
This is my downright favorite on here, I love how detailed it is.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-31 03:41:00
Subscribe to Leafy is here for a free sex demon

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-12 19:50:41
She said "god" too much.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-12-20 07:13:24
beautifully horrifying

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