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Hey, what’s up my name is Daniel.

I feel like I had one of the best summers that any kid growing up could have. I thank my parents every day for their careers and what they have gained due to the work they have put in. My dad is a local prosecutor and my mom, while she didn’t have a career, did have a skill at baking and always had a steady flow of orders. With my parents salaries we managed to get a house in a neighborhood that surrounded a lake. Unlike the other lakes in the state that had hundreds of houses around it ours only had around fifty houses around it due to the woods being so thick. The only way to access the lake was through someone’s back yard. The neighborhood was developed in the 70’s and wasn’t really popular due to it being outside of the city, but as the city grew the neighborhood started looking better and better because of the different things it had to offer, fortunately though the developers couldn’t clear out room for more houses. My dad had grown up on the water and that was his way of relaxing whether it be on the lake or at the beach, and he wanted my sister and I to enjoy what he had when he was little.

The neighborhood now is older and very few kids actually live in the neighborhood. Although that doesn’t seem as great as what some kids in the suburbs who had hundreds of kids to play around with, but again my sister and I were lucky enough for there to be around 6 to 8 kids our own age in the neighborhood to play with. We all grew up together and spent every day with each other so we were real close. In the neighborhood there were two other boys my age and four girls so the guys and I did our own thing most of time but as we aged a little we included them more and more. They would say that they included us. My sister’s age group was even three girls including her and three guys. She was older than me by four years so we always kind of looked up to but mostly imitated.

With my dad being a waterdog as he would call himself we always had a boat and the toys to enjoy on the lake with. Growing up my dad was the one who taught all the kids how to swim and ski, which was great because we always had gas in the boat and the tubes, skis and ropes to use on the water. The summer of my freshman year my dad spent the money on a new ski boat. The boat had speakers and all the bells and whistles that my friends and I loved. That summer we were given the keys and were allowed to use it with my sister and her group’s supervision. That summer my buddy Blake had gotten a wakeboard and we all learned how to use it and actually got pretty good at it. It seemed to fly by and was the first summer that the guys and the girls spent every day around each other. Looking back on it now it was because we were all horny teenagers and just wanted something to look at even if we didn’t touch. That year we all grew close to each other and the school year was great.

I haven’t really told you anything about me, I have just told you about my background and surroundings. I am almost 6 foot and skinny as a rail. I have light brown hair which almost turns blonde during the summer due to the sun. I dressed like a traditional beach bum when I could. I was social and very well liked, but wasn’t in the popular bunch. But that was ok because I had a very tight knit group of well liked people.
Now here is the part that I want to really tell you about. The summer of my sophomore year my sister and her friends left for college. Even though it was summer they were either working to save money for school or were getting settled in their dorm or apartment, so the keys to the boat were ours. The last day of school we immediately headed home and cranked up the boat. We spent the whole day riding and sunning, which was a normal summer day for us. As the day ended we all organized what our next day would be and said goodnight.

The next day the guys and I went to grab gas for the boat and drinks at the nearest gas station. As we entered the gas station old man Lewis said, “Hey boys! Are yall starting up yall’s summer of mischief?” We all laughed because he also lived in the neighborhood and knew what we did day in and day out. Blake replied with “Yes sir.” Mr. Lewis said, “Ah, Ok, well Daniel who’s going to supervise yall when yall are on the lake?” “Well Mr. Lewis I guess we are, Bree is gone to college and Blake’s and Ryan’s siblings are also gone.” “Well I guess you boys are going to have an eventful summer.” Again we replied in unison with “Yes sir.” As we left the store, a U-haul truck drove into the neighborhood followed by another car. This was unusual due to nobody ever moves into the community. That day we spent the entire day on the water only going on land to my house to grill hotdogs for everybody. As we ate we could see that a new family was unloading their stuff into the house across the lake. So Kylie being the sweetheart she is said, “Let’s go see if they need some help.” So the girls threw on their shorts and tank tops and we drove the boat over there. As we got over there and tied up we could see the parents seemed to be around our parent’s age. We introduced ourselves to the dad and mother, they were Mark and Tracy Williams and they were from Texas. They had moved because Mr. Mark had gotten a promotion at a big business in the city but didn’t want his kids to live in the burbs like everyone else’s kids. As he talked with us Mrs. Tracy went inside to get their children to do introductions. As they came out of the house Mrs. Tracy was the first one out the back door and the two of kids followed. One girl who looked our age and a boy that looked to be about 13. As they made their way closer Mrs. Tracy stated, “This is Maci and Luke.” They both waved Luke looking like he had just woken up and Maci smiled a little as she waved. She seemed to be a normal girl. She was above average height and had long natural brown hair. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans and an oversized sweatshirt.

Being we all had been introduced we asked if they needed any help moving in. Mr. Mark said that there was a piece or two of furniture that we could help with, but other than that they could get it. The guys went with him and began to move the couch and entertainment center into the house. After we got that placed Mr. Mark said that he could get the rest of it, but we told him that we could stay and help if he didn’t mind, and with that we helped finish moving in the rest of the furniture. As the guys and I moved furniture the girls were helping Maci with her stuff. Once we got through with the furniture the girls had just finished up with Maci’s stuff and the Williams’ thanked us and as we shoved off the girls said, “See you tomorrow Maci?” As we looked at the girls in confusion,

Maci looked at her dad for approval. He nodded and she shouted back “Yea, What time?” The girls replied with “We will pick you up around 10 in the morning.”
The next day the guys walked into my room at 8 in the morning yelling, “Wake up!” I jumped to attention and hopped out of bed. I threw on some board shorts and a tee shirt and grabbed my wallet and keys and we headed to get gas. As we made our way back the girls were at the house and we fueled up the boat, grabbed the tubes and boards and headed across the lake to get Maci. Once we tied up, Maci was shoulder deep in water and was breathing hard. She swam up to the dock and pushed herself up. What seemed average the day before, turned into a rocking body. Her breasts were full and shapely and fit her slim body well. Her stomach was flat with some tone to it that was connected to two long slim muscular legs that went for days. Even with a modest two piece bathing suit it was still hard not to stare at her.

We threw out the tubes and started the day as soon as Maci got in the boat. I was sore from the day before so the guys, Nikki, and Alexander hopped on the tubes leaving me, Maci and Kylie. I drove them around the lake a few times getting the water good and stirred up while Kylie found a song to start playing over the speakers. I was too busy paying attention to the boat and tubes to really pay attention to the conversation that Kylie and Maci were having but it must have been something secret because they were whispering back and forth among each other. It was no time before lunch came and we pulled up to my house for some grub. We all joked around and Maci started to loosen up around us some before heading back out to the lake. That day was spent joking around and then Blake and Ryan started showing off while Alex, Nikki, and Kylie tried their best to interrupt the guys show boating. We ended the fun for the day and went to drop Maci off.

As we tied up, Ryan said “Are we meeting up at Blakes tonight?” We all froze to think about it and finally I said, “Yea why not, if it’s ok with you?” “Yea its fine I just need to get the chairs out.” I said, “Alright we can help you with that.” We dropped the girls off and went to Ryan’s to get the chairs out. As we moved the chairs around, the guys struck up a conversation. Ryan started it with, “Well what do yall think about Maci?” Blake said, “Dude she is smoking hot.” “Well yea she is, but that doesn’t tell me what you think about her.” I then interrupted their argument with, “She seems ok. I mean she seems to fit in ok.” With that Blake said, “Why does it matter to you Ryan? Aren’t you and Nikki an item?” With that I laughed out loud and said “Yea they are, they have been since we were five or six.” With that he got defensive and shut up. After a short silent moment, Blake asked, “Hey Daniel will you bring your guitar?” “Yea, I guess I can, it’s not like you know the songs that I play anyway.” “Well I’m sorry that Lil Wayne doesn’t make old rock songs.” Not long after that conversation we finished up setting out the chairs and fire pit shortly before dark. I ran back home and showered, threw on some jeans and a tee shirt before boating back over there guitar in possession.

Blake grilled tonight which was unusual because normally his parents just ordered pizza for us, but they had their own outing that they had to be at so we unintentionally had the house to ourselves. After we ate on the patio Blake, Ryan and I set the wood ablaze and everyone migrated to the pit. We started talking about random things for a while before I picked up my guitar and began to pick. I was just going through some of my favorite songs before I heard someone softly singing the words to the song. I looked to my left and saw Maci wrapped up in the music; she was singing every word without missing the beat. Not only was she gorgeous but also listened to the same music I did. I had to take a break. I had started missing notes and wasn’t playing as good as I was used to.

So I started to go towards the kitchen to grab a drink before I got out of the circle I asked if anyone needed anything and everyone said yes. As I started off to the kitchen Maci shot up and said she would help me. As we walked into the house she spoke up,
“Hey! I didn’t think anybody around here our age listened to the Ramones and the Who?” I smirked and spoke up, “Yea, well that is true. Most people are into Wayne and Drake, but I just can’t appreciate that shit music. I know its old music but they actually put time and effort into their music.” She smiled and nodded her head in agreement. As we stood in the kitchen for about 5 minutes talking about our favorite musicians, and really lost track of time. As we stood there talking, the door flew open, and Ryan yelled, “Break it up! I better see a you two arms length apart.” As if he was a parent. I was used to this behavior by him and just smirked, but it startled Maci until she realized it was Ryan.

I passed around the drinks that were now slightly cold instead of the ice cold that they were initially. They grabbed their drinks and started back out the door with Maci and me following in pursuit. We spent the rest of the night strumming and small talking. As the night ended, all Ryan and Alex had to do was open the gates on either side of Blake because they were his neighbors, Nikki walked over with Ryan to his house to spend some time with him and we all knew they were not just hanging out. They were going to go spend some time at Ryan’s and then they were going to hop in his truck and ride to the woods edge of the neighborhood. Once there they would fuck each other real quickly so no one would suspect anything because it only took a few minutes to get through the neighborhood which had a speed limit of 15 mph. Kylie nodded to Maci and said that she was going to walk back home. I was the misfit house because I lived across the lake from them. So I offered to boat Maci back over to her house which she agreed to with a smile. As we got in the boat I took it steady trying not to waste any fuel that we wouldn’t have to buy. Yes, I can be cheap at times but that makes it better on us when it comes to my parents.

As we directed toward her place Maci spoke up and said, “Let’s go drop off the tubes and ropes before you take me home you will need help with all of it.” While I said that I could handle it she insisted on helping me. So I changed directions and docked up at my place. As we tied up she grabbed the ropes and placed them on the hooks and I grabbed the two smaller tubes. As I placed the two smaller tubes, Maci grabbed hold the largest tube, which was still connected to the boat and threw it on the surface of the water. As she held it in place she placed herself on the tube and just lay down. Confused I looked over and said “What are you doing?” “I’m stargazing.” she replied. Again still confused I said, “How can you do that with a full moon?” With a grin she said, “Well when you live in the middle of nowhere it doesn’t matter?” Knowing that she was joking I said “Well I guess you are going to be there for a while?” she just nodded as if she was lost in space. I walked inside to grab a blanket and some pillows. As I came back out I tossed her the blanket and pillows and slid onto the tube.

“Why did Kylie decide to walk back home?” “I don’t know.” she said. “Come on, I saw the nod that you gave her. What was that about?” she smiled and said, “If I wanted to get you alone, she would walk home so I could get you to myself.” I was blown away that this girl I just met was so into me. We had the exact same interest and we were both attracted to each other, but going this fast was unique to me. As she laid there looking up at the stars I could feel her shift closer into me. As we came into contact I could feel how her soft skin felt on fire even with the cool of the lake. I was locked on her I couldn’t take my eyes off of her and as I watched her I noticed she was constantly running her tongue across her top lip. I took a deep breath and took my shot. I lower my lips towards her placing them softly on her lips. Not to be a softy but it wasn’t like any other first kiss I’ve ever had. As we kissed for a minute she changed. She was a little more flustered than I initially thought. She took control and pushed me onto my back and threw a leg over my body straddling me. I ran my fingers through her long brown hair letting them run all the way through. As she pushed her lips onto me I began running my hands along her sides and down her back. I could hear her breathing starting to change.

She was starting to take shorter breaths and was starting to rock a bit causing the tube to start to move a little in part. As we sat out there kissing and petting, my mom became worried that something was wrong because it usually took me all of 5 minutes to put everything up and it had been closer to half an hour since we pulled up. As she walked out onto the patio she yelled “Everything all right down there Daniel?!” We both tensed up with the question, I yelled back, “Yea I’m just checking out the lake.” As Maci smiled at my dumb remark she leaned back on my lap and pulled the tube back closer to the boat and said, “I think it’s time I get home.” I was a little disappointed and it was obvious in my response with, “Are you sure?” She smiled and brushed her hair back saying, “Yea, It’s getting late.” “Alright,” I said, “Let me tell my mom I have to run to Ryan’s for a second and we will head out.” As I went to the patio I told mom I left my phone at Ryan’s and that I would just take the boat across. She reluctantly agreed and walked back into the house. I headed back towards the boat thinking about if I wanted a girl like Maci. I mean I usually didn’t like girls that were easy, but she didn’t seem easy because of the control she had over herself. I hoped in the boat and she too seemed to be in deep thought. As I untied and drove the boat over, it was a silent ride over to her place, as we pulled up I asked, “Hey do you want for us to come by and get you in the morning?” She shyly replied “Yea, just tie up when you get here in the morning.” Smiling she turned and walked back into the house. I wheeled the boat around and went back home. As I tied up, I trudged into the house, exhausted from the day of focus and excitement.

As I got upstairs there was Bree, “Well did you have fun?” “Yea just another summer day, you know how it is.” She laughed and said, “No, I am not talking about the entire day, I’m talking about your lake watching you told mom you were doing.” “Shit you saw that?” “Yea, little bro, I can’t believe that a girl would actually let you get near her let alone kiss her.” Even though Bree and I were really close she was always joking around or picking on me. It was something that she picked up from our dad. “Well, what do you think about her?” I was still puzzled about what I really thought and said, “Well, I just met her and have already gotten this far with her, I mean I think she could be a slut.” Bree kind of understanding what I meant said, “Well let’s hope she isn’t. I saw Kylie walking home from Blake’s house and decided to give her a ride back.” “Yea, she walked back.” I said. “Yea, she told me why. Are yall going out on the water tomorrow?” “Yea, I guess.” I said, not knowing if we were or not because I really didn’t want to get my hopes up about Maci if she was not going to be what I hoped she would be. Bree could tell I was deep in thought and said goodnight. I went to my room and tried to get some sleep, but Maci was the only thing that was on my mind.

I tossed and turned trying to get some sleep, but all I could think about was her. Even when I finally did fall asleep there she was in my dream, which was unusual for me. Once I woke up I was groggy and still exhausted. I looked over and it was already 10 o’clock in the morning and my phone was ringing off the hook. I had messages from everyone except Maci, which makes sense because with all the hanging out we had done I still hadn’t managed to get her number. As I hopped in the boat I hit the throttle heading over to Maci’s house. As I pulled up there she was sitting on the dock kicking her feet into the water. As I slowed down to dock the boat she smiled and I threw her the rope and as she stepped in she said, “Does everyone want to go out on the water today?” “Yea, they have been blowing my phone up all morning asking. I am still tired from last night.” She replied, “Well do you want to go grab some food in a minute?” “Yea, that sounds good.” Maci looked away and then asked, “Are your parents home?” Puzzled I said, “No, they are both at work.” Then she shyly asked, “Do you mind if I get ready at your place?” “No, I don’t mind just grab your stuff.” As she went in to grab some of her stuff, I nervously waited for her, not knowing what the plans for the day were.

Once we got back to my house I let her use my bathroom and just went into my mom and dad’s bathroom. I showed her how to use the water in my bathroom. Thanks to the builders my hot water is the opposite of what the knobs say. I left her in the bathroom and was getting some of my items to go shower in my parent’s room. Once I got out of the shower I wrapped a towel around me to go grab some shorts as I made the turn into my room I almost ran into Maci. We both caught each other before running into each other. As we caught each other my hand when straight to her ass and she caught my arms. Out of the surprise we both just stood there for a minute in nothing but towels. My hand was half covering the towel and half on her bare skin. As we stood mere inches away from each other she leaned in to kiss me. As we stood there kissing for a minute she finally pulled me into my room. As we fumbled with each other’s towel, she pushed me onto the bed. My dick was beginning to build in size as she moved closer to the bed. As I lay on the bed she crawled onto the bed running her hands up my legs getting closer and closer to my cock.

Once she was fully on the bed she slid her body up against mine. I could feel that she was obviously turned on by the heat coming off her skin. She continued to kiss my lips, going down my neck as she positioned herself on top of my now fully erect cock. She shifted her weight back onto my dick, her pussy was tight, she wasn’t a virgin but had maybe only fucked one maybe two other guys. Her pussy was almost like glue to my dick. She moaned due to the feeling of being full. I was no small dick boy. I had an above average cock that had both length and width. As she adjusted to the full length of my cock she began to grind her clit into my pubic bone. As she grinded I could feel her starting to stretch a little getting fully acclimated to the size of my cock. While grinding on my dick she ran her hands from her clit up to her flat stomach, cupping her tits and pinching her nipples along the way, before stopping to running her fingers through her hair. She was beginning to lose her composure. After a few more circles she placed her hands on my knees and threw her head back. With that she began to ride more of my cock only taking about three inches out before lowering her pussy back to the base. I was in no hurry, the look on her face was as if she wanted to have a mind-blowing orgasm and knew exactly how to get one. So again I didn’t want to rush it by slamming in and out of her like it was a sprint. As I let her build herself up, I could tell she was picking up the pace because the added pace was beginning to make the cum build up in the base of my cock. I usually bust the easy first load during oral sex but she skipped that and went straight to the sex.

With every pistoning motion she began to inch more of my cock out of her pussy before sliding back down to the base. With every inch she removed from her pussy she would breathe in as if she was trying to control how quickly she came, but that was beginning to catch up to her finally as she slid both hands back down towards her clit; working her clit she took one long last stroke out with the head of my cock hitting her clit just right. Her pussy clamped down on my cock and she turned bright red in the face. She let out a squeal as she came all over my dick. Not going to be left out I pulled out and she grabbed hold of my dick and began to stroke it in her hands up and down before lowering her lips to the tip of my penis. Almost as if she was nervous she took the head of my cock into her mouth, tasting both her cum and a little bit of precum I had developed. This must have been the first time she had ever tasted herself before because she was a little reluctant.

She had obviously given head before because she was doing all the right things in order for me to shoot my load. As she began to pick it up I was starting to lose control; I was now thrusting more into her mouth that she was lowering her lips on me. What was the final blow; she withdrew all of my cock out of her mouth, as the cold air brush up against my swollen cock, I could feel the cum rush up the shaft of my dick, and just as she quickly as she withdrew she was back sucking on my cock. As the head of my cock brushed up against the back of her throat, I knew I couldn’t hold back anymore. My cock spasmed in her mouth and with that she withdrew all the way to the head of my cock sucking down hard all the way to the tip. With that I shot 2 quick massive loads into her mouth before my cock involuntarily came free of her mouth shooting another 3 or 4 loads onto her tits before finally stopping with a load on her stomach.

As she got up off the bed to grab one of the towels to wipe away the cum, my cock shot back to life and was back to its solid state. So I grabbed her by her hips and swung her over to the bed. Once over the bed I bent her over and rubbed my newly revived cock against her still wet pussy. As I teased her with my cock she let out small moans that could barely be heard. Once I inserted my cock into her, she clawed the bed sheets trying to get the noise down. Our first romp was quiet because she was in control, now I was going to show her what it would be like to just fuck.

As I began to drive in and out of her, she started to squirm and continue to claw the bed as if she was trying to get away. She was not used to being the one on “bottom” or submissive, but she was about to learn now. After a few minutes of me plowing into her, she began to meet my thrusts with thrusts of her own. As we began to fuck each other, I changed up the position a little by placing her on the bed in a similar position with her face down and ass up. With this new position it threw her even more into her building orgasm. With this position I was able to get good access to her slick pussy, which was being filled with my cock with each stroke, but even with that she wanted more. As I continued to thrust my cock deep into her she began to message her clit. This caused louder and more frequent moans. She went from just letting out soft moans to loudly moaning, almost screaming. As she flicked her clit, her body began to shake and fluster. I wanted her to have another orgasm, because they were so strong that it almost felt as if I was having it. I was beginning to grow impatient and grabbed a hold of both of her tits, rolling and pulling her nipples. With all of this she stiffened up, I withdrew my cock for one last final forceful thrust, as I shoved my cock back into her pussy she lost control over her orgasm and collapsed, squirting all over my dick and bed. I was soaked and she was passed out. I withdrew from her and went back to my bathroom and hopped in the shower, while I showered I jacked off cumming as much as the first load I shot.

As I got out of the shower, Maci woke back up and also hopped in the shower quickly. We quickly got dressed and called up the rest of the crew to meet us at Slappy’s which was the local hamburger joint. As we left my house, we walked hand in hand.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-05-21 08:59:05
Too messy and not descriptive enough. I had to quit on it. It had potential to be good, but with all the flaws and information you didn't add it was just to hard to read any further.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-02-19 20:14:52
this is one of my favorite stories on the site. keep up the good work.


2012-01-29 16:17:21
Readers, I will try to get a sequel together. I haven't been very happy with some sequels i have tried before, but I will attempt one due to the positive response that this one has received.


2012-01-29 16:16:39
Readers, I will try to get a sequel together. I haven't been very happy with some sequels i have tried before, but I will attempt one due to the positive response that this one has received.


2012-01-27 01:01:16
very nice story. Hot, sexy, and awesome. I wish I knew where there was a place like this next to me. lol

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