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A story of several young men and women, all across the globe, being kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery by the infamous Master Petrovsky. In this chapter: A new master joins the group. Fauna makes a confession. Jack begins Cloud's lessons.
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March 28th, 2002
The slaves gathered early the following morning, in the same room which had been used the previous Sunday. They were all on edge, curious as to whom the new master would be. Would he be as vicious as Jack, or a man who showed care? Winter looked around at the group, seeing interest in their eyes. Basil and Dazzle were side by side, their shoulders brushing. Lotus stood near the back of the room, his arms crossed across his broad chest. Breeze, Pink, and Fauna stood near the wall to Winter’s left, glancing at each other. Beside Winter stood his closest friend, Rusty.

After several more quiet minutes Jack entered the room, holding open the door for the Grand Master, Hector Petrovsky. The man nodded hello to his slaves and waved a new man in, a stranger. Everyone realized who he was.. the new master. He looked Indian, with dark skin and a thin beard. His eyes were soft, and he didn’t have the normal demeanor of a master. “Hello, my slaves. I would like to introduce you to the new master, Amos Vidal.”

Vidal. The name rang in Winter’s ears and he exchanged glances with Rusty and Breeze. Breeze looked thoughtful, staring at the young man. “He is the son of Cadiir Vidal, and is here to learn the business of becoming a master and to run our website. I expect you all to treat him as well as you treat me, Master Jack, and Mistress Demi.” Petrovsky looked at each slave, staring them down. “Master Vidal.” He turned to the newest member of the house. “Please choose two or three slaves for the first scene which will be posted on the new site. Include performance photos to add to their profiles.”

Vidal looked at Breeze, his eyes staring into hers. “I would like her..” He pointed at Dazzle, then Lotus. “And those two.”

“Fantastic choices, Master Vidal. That is Breeze, and the other two are Dazzle and Lotus.” Petrovsky nodded to the slaves chosen that they should move forward. “If you go to the foyer you will find Mistress Demi. She will help you decide on a filming place on the grounds, and the outfits you would like for them to begin with. If you desire and props don’t hesitate to ask her.” And with that Master Vidal led Breeze, Dazzle, and Lotus from the room. “Jack, take Basil and Pink to Viper. Perhaps two can persuade her.”

Winter looked around, nervous. He knew that he had failed twice with Viper, but hadn’t he been gathering a repertoire with the girl? Winter was scared of Petrovsky, and afraid the next two to be sent out would be Rusty and Fauna, leaving him alone with the master. “Rusty. Winter. Take the day off. Get out.” Master Petrovsky ordered, his eyes on Fauna. Winter hesitated only a brief second before moving towards the door, glancing back at Fauna in pity. Whatever the master wanted with her, it couldn’t have been good.

After they had left Fauna looked up at Petrovsky, startled. “My Fauna.. my darling Fauna,” He sighed with adoration. “You love your master, don’t you?” He asked, stroking the side of her right breast. Her breath caught, but she nodded furiously.

“More than anything else in the world, my master.” She agreed. He quickly back handed her, the force throwing her to the ground.

“You’re a terrible liar, Fauna. There is someone you love more than me.” He muttered, annoyance seeping with every word. “Lotus.” He said, watching her eyes widen. “Don’t think I don’t notice how you look at him. How you lick your lips when his dick is large. Or how your skin blushes when his shirt is removed. I see it all, you dirty whore. You think I will let him fill your mind? You think he will replace me?” He scoffed. “You belong to me Fauna, and you betrayed my trust. On your hands and knees, skirt off.” He growled, unbuckling his pants.

“Please.. master, none of that is true. I love you. I love you.” She pleaded, only to be kicked hard in the side. She cried out but slipped the skirt off, revealing red panties. She went to her hands and knees, her head bowed as she wept.

Petrovsky dropped behind her, patting her right ass cheek and rubbing furiously, as if prepping her. “Oh, Fauna. You fucking, lying bitch. I am going to make you hurt.” He soothed oddly, then took hold of her hips, rubbing his hardened dick against the crotch of her panties, pressing at her pussy but unable to get through the cloth. She was terribly wet, soaking through her panties. Petrovsky reached around, twisting a nipple and causing her to cry out. He flicked it several times, making it hard and causing her breath to heave out heavily. “You want me.” He whispered, leaning over into her ear.

“I want you.” She repeated, and she did. She grinded back against him, moaning as his dick tried to push the cloth into her cunt.

“You want me to fuck your pussy.”

“I want you to fuck my pussy.”

“You want to suck my dick.” He slipped her panties aside, rubbing the large head of his dick into her wet folds.

“I want to suck you dick.” She nodded, gasping as his member connected with her bare, heated skin.

“You wish I was Lotus.”

“I wish you were Lotus.” She confessed, sobbing. Petrovsky thrust into her in one push, slipping his entire shaft easily into her soaking channel. He felt her walls tremble around him and attempt to suck more in, but he was as far as physically possible.

“That is right, whore. I knew it.” He said, grunting as he thrust in and out, her wetness leaking down both their legs. He had never seen the girl so turned on, so willing to accept him. Usually, during the few times they had been intimate, it felt forced, as if she were simply hoping to please him and leave. This was different, she truly wanted to believe he were Lotus.

“I’ll be your whore.” She groaned as their bodies slapped together, causing him to bottom out within her. “Oh.. Lotus.” He hardly heard her rasp.

“Lotus is fucking your pussy.” Petrovsky murmured and he bucked, feeling his cum boil within his balls.

“More, Lotus. Harder. Fuck me harder.” She cooed, rearing back to meet his thick strokes. Petrovsky took hold of her breasts, rolling her nipples between two fingers. Suddenly he grabbed her by the back of the neck, pulling her hands from the floor and forcing her into his lap, fucking her in a fury from behind. “Lotus. Lotus. More.” She gasped, but he pulled completely out, a string of her juices connecting his dick to her cunt. It lasted only briefly before he plunged her back down, stabbing into her cunt. He put his hands on her waist and continued do this multiple times before finally ejaculating deep within her, causing a warmth stronger than the sun to flow through her pussy. They breathed heavily together, staying joined for some time before he slipped out, limp.

“Such an ugly slut.” Petrovsky laughed, grabbing her by the hair to pull her head back. Their eyes met, and he saw immense shame and terror flash through her eyes. She had been lost in the moment, and was only now coming to the realization of what she had admitted.

“You will never be allowed to fuck Lotus. I so much as see you blush in his presence and you will end up like that bitch Viper, dying in the basement and living only because of my cum and piss. Do you understand me, whore?” He asked, wrapping his hand around her throat and squeezing. She coughed, her face turning red as she nodded furiously. He let go and pushed her from his lap, moving to his knees.

“I don’t think you do, so I am going to give you a little taste.” He watched as she crawled over, pulling his semi-erect dick into her mouth. He laid one hand on her head and released his bladder. She sputtered briefly but quickly drained the piss down her throating, tears springing to her eyes. It was disgusting, sickening, vile.. but he was her master, and she agreed the punishment was proper.

“Before you go you need to know that I have scheduled a new client for you tomorrow. It is at eight in the morning, so be prepared. Now get the fuck out of my sight.”


Jack exited the initiation room, leaving Pink and Basil standing above the sleeping form of Viper. She hadn’t been beaten in several days, causing her bruises to lighten up immensely and her cuts to scab over. She was still frail, however. Viper probably couldn’t remember the last time she had had a real meal, and it was causing her ribs and hips to jut out, showing off her sickly frame. “Wake up, Viper.” Basil demanded, nudging her shoulder. Viper groaned, stretching out and looking up at the young boy. He was staring down at her, his face grim. It was obvious to both Pink and the disobedient slave that he did not want to take part in this, but his commitment to his master was stronger than anything else.

“We are here to convince you to submit. If you don’t…” Pink shrugged, glancing at Basil.

“We will have to punish you severely.” Basil finished, his stare cold.

Viper looked down, appearing defeated. Several deaf moments passed, Basil and Pink more hopeful than they had been about the situation. Perhaps she would finally give up, her starvation and torture too much for her to withstand. They waited, and gave her time to consider. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Viper looked at them smiling in triumph. “Go ahead. Punish me. Hopefully you’ll accidentally kill me in the process.” She laughed insanely as the two slaves stared at her, eyes wide. But it was only a brief shock. They quickly went about their business, undressing.


“It is okay, Cloud, all girls do it sometime.” Jack whispered soothingly to Cloud. He was on the edge of the bed, his pants pulled down and his cock standing at attention in front of the new slave Cloud. “Just take hold of it, like this.” He said, demonstrating by wrapping his hand around its girth. “You can do it, sweety.” He reassured, taking her hand and placing it on the shaft of his member. It jerked slightly, causing Cloud to jump. He placed his hand over hers, hushing the girl.

“Now you go up and down, slowly first.” He said, guiding her hand up and down like he had explained. “See if you can do it on your own.” He moved his hand away and leaned back, admiring the girl’s work. She was slow going, and her rhythm was off, but this was her first sexual experience, and he had to give Cloud time. Petrovsky was right, younger girls worked better with sweet affection than harsh domination. “Smoother strokes make men more happy.” He patted her head softly. She looked up at him, a brief smile lighting up her face. She looked back at his penis, concentrating on getting the movement perfect. Jack purred with pleasure, feeling his dick throb.

“Now listen, Cloud. I am going to cum soon.” He murmured softly.

“Cum?” She questioned curiously, a nervous edge in her voice.

“Yes, you’ll understand soon. Don’t move.” He sighed loudly, letting himself cum. The girl gasped and whimpered as it spurted onto her arm and onto her shirt and chin. She stopped moving, but Jack quickly took hold of her hand and forced it to move once more. She was staring at his cock, her eyes wide with confusion as several smaller spurts shot out, dribbling down the shaft and over their clenched hands. Jack removed his hand from hers and lifted it to her mouth. She shied away, repulsed. “It’s good, Cloud, trust me.” He guaranteed, pressing his palm to her lips. She hesitated, but flicked her tongue out, tasting his salty seed. “See?” He grinned, watching as she lapped it up.

“You’ll be such a wonderful slave, Cloud.” He smiled at her, and realized just how disappointed he truly was that she was still pure. If it weren’t for that he might have been able to convince Petrovsky to let him keep her. But she was worth too much, and Jack knew it was impossible for Petrovsky to accept such a loss of money.


“Submit, Viper, and we will stop.” Basil demanded as he pounded into her mouth. She was gagging on his slim dick, and had vomited up a mixture of water and stomach acid twice already. It was the only stuff in her stomach, with the exception of a little cum, perhaps.

“Do what he says, Viper, or I am going to rip you in half.” Pink shouted at her as she bucked into her pussy with a twelve inch long, three inch wide strap on. She had buried only seven inches in, and had more than enough to convince her. Viper looked Basil in the eyes, staring blankly. She didn’t attempt to fight his intrusion, but she also didn’t accept it.

Basil glared down at her and his cum shot into her mouth and into her throat. He forced her head closed, keeping her lips tight around his shaft.

“A bet a bath sounds fantastic right now. You stink.” Basil declared, disgusted by the sight of her. “You could probably do with food, too. I am sure you are hungry for something other than me.” He grinned, fucking her face hard as his dick hardened once more.

“Just say the word, Viper. Say it and-“ Pink was interrupted by Basil’s loud shout. He jumped from Viper, holding his dick. Teeth imprints were near the base of his dick, tinged with red. He held his limp dick and doubled over, on his side.

“Fuck her up, Pink.” He grunted in pain. It didn’t take much persuading for Pink to shove deep into her, causing Viper to scream out as the dick pierced her flesh, causing her to bleed severely.

“Repeat every fucking word I say, cunt.” Pink began, pumping in and out of the girl. “I am a slut.” Pink commanded her to repeat. “Say it!” She screamed at the girl, twisting her slightly bruised nipples.

“I am a slut.” Viper cried, laying her face against the wet, disgusting floor.

“I am nothing but a pussy to be fucked.”

“Fuck you.” Viper responded softly, her eyes wavering.

“Say it!” Pink shouted.

“Fuck you… Fu..” Viper closed her eyes, drifting off.

“What the fuck did you do to her?” Basil asked, startled. Pink pulled out of the girl, staring at her limp form. They watched for several seconds and realized she would be all right, she was simply exhausted. “Here, let me take a turn. We can’t let her think she has control over herself, even in sleep.” Basil took the place of Pink, and pulled Viper’s hips up, lining her bottom up with his dick. He spit on the pink ring of her anus, and slid roughly forward. Her muscles were naturally clenching around of him, making it difficult to thrust too far.

“Basil. She will die down here. It is no use.” Pink said softly, staring at Viper’s gaunt face.

“Until that time comes I will not stop.” Basil replied, not looking up from his work on Viper’s ass. Pink was startled by his coldness, but said nothing.


Winter and Rusty looked out onto the yard from the second floor. Below them, near the pool, was Breeze, Lotus, and Dazzle, with Master Amos Vidal filming their performance. Breeze was hugged between the two, tall slaves with Lotus deep in her ass and Dazzle stroking in and out of her cunt. She was putting on a loud and stunning performance, moaning and rubbing up and down their bodies, tangling her hands in their hair and biting onto her lip. Lotus held one of her breasts in his hand, flicking her nipples. Occasionally he would tug, causing her to whip her head back. Rusty and Winter looked at one another, smirking. “I expect they will be getting a lot more clients once the video is posted.” Winter presumed as they backed away from the window and sat on two bean bags in front of a large, plasma television. Jack had bought them a PlayStation 2 the day before, and during their free time they had been in front of the screen, battling it out in multiple racing and wrestling games. For the most part Winter was victorious.

“It is going to fucking suck when our turns come up. I really don’t like it when we are forced to perform with each other. Especially if we have to pretend like we enjoy it.” Winter grumbled, pressing the power button on the console.

“Yeah, well, that’s part of being a slave.” Rusty grunted.


“Mm, more.” Breeze moaned for the camera, grinding against the two man who had sandwiched her together. She would occasionally turn to one of them and they would kiss, sharing saliva. “C’mon, baby. Give it to me.” She gasped as Lotus thrust into her with all his might. She wrapped her arms around Dazzle’s body, digging her nails into his back for support as Lotus fucked her ass brutally from behind. Despite much of it being acting alone, Breeze had to admit that Lotus was a gifted man, and his strokes were lovely.

He roared loudly, cumming in her ass before slipping out, allowing it to drip onto the ground. Breeze moaned, wrapping her legs around Dazzle and nibbling his neck. Dazzle gently went to his knees, laying Breeze beneath him as he screwed her tiny cunt. She smiled, rubbing her breasts and occasionally looking into the camera. Amos Vidal was staring at her intently, his face flushed. Breeze noticed the bulge in his pants and licked her lips for him, causing him to nearly drop the camera into the nearby pool.

“I am going to cum..” Dazzle groaned, bucking into her.

“Give me your cum.” She replied as they once again kissed, wrapping their tongues around one another.

Suddenly Lotus dropped beside her head, his dick hard once more. He pressed the tip to her lips, and she greedily licked at him, beginning to swirl her tongue around his head.

Dazzle grunted, pumping several more times before shooting her full of sperm. He pulled out, allowing the last few spurts onto her stomach and breasts.

It went on for some time after, them switching positions and taking momentary breaks before Amos called it a day and began to pack up the camera equipment. Lotus and Dazzle left the back yard and into the house, leaving Breeze alone, only garbed in a silk robe. “Master Vidal.” She said softly, waiting for him to turn to her. He nodded for her to continue. “I noticed you were stirred by us. Would you like anything of me before I go for a shower?” She asked, brushing the top of the robe open to reveal her right breast.

Vidal looked on for several seconds before turning back to his camera equipment. “No, Breeze. I am sure you are exhausted, and I must be on my way.” He replied gently, tucking the camera into its case.

Breeze was shocked, but also surprisingly proud of Amos. It was unusual for such a young master to deny an offer, but she didn’t question him vocally. “Yes, Master Vidal.” She replied, tying her robe once more and heading up the patio towards the house. Amos looked on, watching her with a smile.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-19 15:43:52
Can you please start writing then again.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-06-29 00:40:12
I just found this story today and every chance I got I read it. I love your writing. Please continue...

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-01 14:03:22
your stories while written with very good language and grammar, something which i find is quite rare amongst most amateur authors is quite frankly terrible. you clearly have a very over generous view of your story and a quite grandiose view of your own personal writing prowess. Your stories are nothing more than a half assed attempt to validate your own massive ego. And believe ghe reason you have stopped writing them is because of their failure on this site. A failure which has left you dejected and unable to continue this story and quite frankly i'am thankful for it.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-11-01 13:54:36
okay its been 8 months since the last update so i think igs safe to assume this story is at an end and will probably never be finished its shame though because it was a really good story

anonymous readerReport 

2012-09-04 23:39:23
please write the next chapter

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