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------- Synopsis: Eddie Spedman thought he was living the American Dream; owned his own business and married to his highschool sweetheart with two wonderful kids. Until a freak event made him realize that he was living the American Nightmare. However that freak event also gave him something he didn't believe in; Sex Slaves -------

This isn't my story, however I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it.
It has 24 chapters and you can find it on storiesonline. The First 2 chapters did not have any mind control, however I the theme is relevent to the remaining chapters. I hope you enjoy the story.


by Pariahsolo

-------Chapter 3: The Grey Ooze

About two weeks after I recovered from my bad fever, Ann started complaining that I stunk 'down there'. Because of my job, I take two showers a day, once in the morning and once when I got home. Ann knew this and still said I stunk, specifically between my legs. After a week of her complaining she started sleeping on the couch because she couldn't stand my smell. When I asked Barbara and Chad if I smelled, Chad just shrugged his shoulders and Barbara told me she noticed the smell but didn't think it was that bad. Finally, I asked Dish, who works with me moving other people's stuff around. She is quite burly for a woman and she has been the best employee I have ever had. She has been with me when I was sweating profusely lifting a baby grand piano up too small of a stairway; if any one noticed a change in my smell, I thought it would be her. She simply said that she liked the way I smelt and when back to eating her bacon sandwich.

So I went to the Family Doctor who constantly complains about my insurance whenever I had to take the kids in to see him. Ann of course had insurance from her office but Dr. Williams never complained about her insurance. Doc Williams didn't noticed

anything but told me to call him if something changed. Three days later the change came. My penis started dribbling a gray mucus out of the end, I found my boxer briefs was getting soaked by this liquid and while it wasn't rushing out, it was very copious. That was enough for me; I called Dr. Williams who immediately referred me to an urologist. Here is the kicker; the only urologist in town who took my crappy insurance was Dr. E.E. Cole.

Imagine my surprise when I found out E.E. stood for Elizabeth Ellen. Dr. Cole was a very matronly woman. About five foot four, hips and belly that said she had delivered a child or three, backed by very full bosom that she didn't mind showing and a very motherly looking face. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers, indeed, the term M.I.L.F fit her to a tee. And I was going to have to drop my pants for her.

She was quite the professional but had a great bedside manner that made the visit with her so pleasant, even though she took four samples. The urine and blood one I was expecting as I was the sample of the pre-cum grey mucus matter, though I did not enjoy her sticking the q-tip up the tip of my penis, but it was the sperm one threw me for a loop.

Masturbating was nothing new to me, indeed, it was the only reason I could keep my dick in my pants for all these years, but having to do it in a sterile office with a female doctor and her equally female assistant outside the door knowing you are doing it can be a bit disconcerting. Finally, forty five minutes later, after handing Dr. Cole's cute young blonde assistant my sealed container, I walked out of there with a follow up appointment for the next week.

Needless to say I was startled when Dr. Cole's assistant called me in for an 'emergency' follow-up the next day. I was in the middle of a move when I got the call and dropped two pieces of furniture and nearly crashed my moving truck three times before I was able to get to the doctor's office at six thirty that evening. The assistant, Shannon Gunther thought the whole thing was a bit odd and told me that Dr. Cole was acting rather peculiar all day; other then that, she did not know why I was called back in so abruptly.

Dr. Cole shared her medical office inside a remodeled ranch house with her husband's optical practice. His practice was in the front of the house, sharing the ground floor with their realty business, while her practice was in the basement. When I arrived, I saw Mr. Cole leaving with his staff. Dr. Cole came out, told Shannon that she was free to leave if she wanted, while Dr. Cole took the needed samples. By the look on her face Shannon was all too glad to leave, which she did.

When Doctor Cole sat down in her office, I was able to get a good look at her and noticed how flushed she was looking. I also noticed that while she had her lab coat buttoned at the waist, her blouse buttons were not and the middle of her lace bra could be seen. She just sat there with a semi dazed look on her face, licking her lips.

About ready to burst, I ask the doctor what the emergency was, and why she needed the additional samples I heard her tell Shannon.

"Your previous sample was ruined prior to the tests being completed, so another sample is required for the testing," is what she told me. When I asked her why, her answered floored me. "I ... I couldn't help it, curiosity got the better of me and I dipped my finger into your sperm sample to taste it. The smell was quite strong and pungent; I wanted to see how bad it would taste."

"Do you normally taste your patient's samples?" It was obvious that she was as embarrassed as I was shocked.

"No! Never! But there was something about yours. It smelled so bad, but something about it that didn't smell bad. I just had to taste it."

"So why do you need a second sample if you just dabbed the first one with a finger? Was that enough to contaminate the first one?"

"No, I put my coated finger on my tongue and the sensation was incredible, such a strong taste that was so overbearing on my senses. I couldn't help my self. First I sucked everything off of my finger and then I devoured ever drop in the container."

"You ate it all?"


"And now you want me to give you another sample for the tests?"

"Yes ... no. I want two samples. One for me and one for the tests."


"Yes. Please. Let me have two more samples."

"But you are married. Aren't you happy?"

"Oh definitely. I know my husband cheats every now and then, but it doesn't bother me because he always pleases me whenever I want it. Both of our practices are doing well and our real estate venture is the real money maker. Yes, I have been quite happy with my life."

"But you want to eat another load of my seed?"

"Want? No. Need, yes!"

"Need?!? Are you addicted to it or have you cheated on your husband before?"

"I don't know if I am addicted, but I have never cheated on my husband. Before we had our two children when we were first married, we went to a few orgies, but I stopped that when the kids were born."

"And yet you want to suck me off right now. Why?"

"I never had a desire to get sex outside of my husband, but with you, I can't help myself. I need you. I need to taste you again."

"But why does my wife think I smell so bad?"

"The smell is very strong, but each person responds to smells differently. I take it she has not tried it."

"Oh no, her mouth goes near my dick very infrequently."

Licking her lips, "Then let me make this offer to you. I will help you provide both samples, one in my mouth and one in the container."

With that Dr. Elizabeth Cole, wife and mother of two, unclasped the front hook of her white lace bra and freed her magnificent breasts. I wanted to say no, to get up and walk out of that quack of a doctor's office, but I will be honest, I kept thinking of Leticia Gladfelter and those luscious lips on my dick. God I missed that, I missed someone who was eager and willing to suck me off. And I wanted to feel it again. So I said yes.

Dr. Cole literally dived between my legs and starting sucking like she was a dying woman and my dick held within it the secret of life. I stopped her though. Told her the first load was for the container and she could have the second load however she wanted. She reached behind her and grabbed the container off of her desk, putting it on the chair next to me; she smiled at me as she went back to slobbering on my dick.

I arrived home at eight thirty that night. Elizabeth did indeed get two loads out of me. She wanted a third. I asked her what she would do for a third and her screamed response of "ANYTHING" scared me. Images of her killing Ann inundated my imagination which was enough to get dressed and leave while Elizabeth told me things that she would allow me to do to her; things that equally scared and aroused me.

When I got home Ann of course was not home, she was out with the cousins.



Chapter 3: The Grey Ooze

About two weeks after I recovered from my bad fever, Ann started complaining that I stunk 'down there'. Because of my job, I take two showers a day, once in the morning and once when I got home. Ann knew this and still said I stunk, specifically between my legs. After a week of her complaining she started sleeping on the couch because she couldn't stand my smell. When I asked Barbara and Chad if I smelled, Chad just shrugged his shoulders and Barbara told me she noticed the smell but didn't think it was that bad. Finally, I asked Dish, who works with me moving other people's stuff around. She is quite burly for a woman and she has been the best employee I have ever had. She has been with me when I was sweating profusely lifting a baby grand piano up too small of a stairway; if any one noticed a change in my smell, I thought it would be her. She simply said that she liked the way I smelt and when back to eating her bacon sandwich.

So I went to the Family Doctor who constantly complains about my insurance whenever I had to take the kids in to see him. Ann of course had insurance from her office but Dr. Williams never complained about her insurance. Doc Williams didn't noticed

anything but told me to call him if something changed. Three days later the change came. My penis started dribbling a gray mucus out of the end, I found my boxer briefs was getting soaked by this liquid and while it wasn't rushing out, it was very copious. That was enough for me; I called Dr. Williams who immediately referred me to an urologist. Here is the kicker; the only urologist in town who took my crappy insurance was Dr. E.E. Cole.

Imagine my surprise when I found out E.E. stood for Elizabeth Ellen. Dr. Cole was a very matronly woman. About five foot four, hips and belly that said she had delivered a child or three, backed by very full bosom that she didn't mind showing and a very motherly looking face. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers, indeed, the term M.I.L.F fit her to a tee. And I was going to have to drop my pants for her.

She was quite the professional but had a great bedside manner that made the visit with her so pleasant, even though she took four samples. The urine and blood one I was expecting as I was the sample of the pre-cum grey mucus matter, though I did not enjoy her sticking the q-tip up the tip of my penis, but it was the sperm one threw me for a loop.

Masturbating was nothing new to me, indeed, it was the only reason I could keep my dick in my pants for all these years, but having to do it in a sterile office with a female doctor and her equally female assistant outside the door knowing you are doing it can be a bit disconcerting. Finally, forty five minutes later, after handing Dr. Cole's cute young blonde assistant my sealed container, I walked out of there with a follow up appointment for the next week.

Needless to say I was startled when Dr. Cole's assistant called me in for an 'emergency' follow-up the next day. I was in the middle of a move when I got the call and dropped two pieces of furniture and nearly crashed my moving truck three times before I was able to get to the doctor's office at six thirty that evening. The assistant, Shannon Gunther thought the whole thing was a bit odd and told me that Dr. Cole was acting rather peculiar all day; other then that, she did not know why I was called back in so abruptly.

Dr. Cole shared her medical office inside a remodeled ranch house with her husband's optical practice. His practice was in the front of the house, sharing the ground floor with their realty business, while her practice was in the basement. When I arrived, I saw Mr. Cole leaving with his staff. Dr. Cole came out, told Shannon that she was free to leave if she wanted, while Dr. Cole took the needed samples. By the look on her face Shannon was all too glad to leave, which she did.

When Doctor Cole sat down in her office, I was able to get a good look at her and noticed how flushed she was looking. I also noticed that while she had her lab coat buttoned at the waist, her blouse buttons were not and the middle of her lace bra could be seen. She just sat there with a semi dazed look on her face, licking her lips.

About ready to burst, I ask the doctor what the emergency was, and why she needed the additional samples I heard her tell Shannon.

"Your previous sample was ruined prior to the tests being completed, so another sample is required for the testing," is what she told me. When I asked her why, her answered floored me. "I ... I couldn't help it, curiosity got the better of me and I dipped my finger into your sperm sample to taste it. The smell was quite strong and pungent; I wanted to see how bad it would taste."

"Do you normally taste your patient's samples?" It was obvious that she was as embarrassed as I was shocked.

"No! Never! But there was something about yours. It smelled so bad, but something about it that didn't smell bad. I just had to taste it."

"So why do you need a second sample if you just dabbed the first one with a finger? Was that enough to contaminate the first one?"

"No, I put my coated finger on my tongue and the sensation was incredible, such a strong taste that was so overbearing on my senses. I couldn't help my self. First I sucked everything off of my finger and then I devoured ever drop in the container."

"You ate it all?"


"And now you want me to give you another sample for the tests?"

"Yes ... no. I want two samples. One for me and one for the tests."


"Yes. Please. Let me have two more samples."

"But you are married. Aren't you happy?"

"Oh definitely. I know my husband cheats every now and then, but it doesn't bother me because he always pleases me whenever I want it. Both of our practices are doing well and our real estate venture is the real money maker. Yes, I have been quite happy with my life."

"But you want to eat another load of my seed?"

"Want? No. Need, yes!"

"Need?!? Are you addicted to it or have you cheated on your husband before?"

"I don't know if I am addicted, but I have never cheated on my husband. Before we had our two children when we were first married, we went to a few orgies, but I stopped that when the kids were born."

"And yet you want to suck me off right now. Why?"

"I never had a desire to get sex outside of my husband, but with you, I can't help myself. I need you. I need to taste you again."

"But why does my wife think I smell so bad?"

"The smell is very strong, but each person responds to smells differently. I take it she has not tried it."

"Oh no, her mouth goes near my dick very infrequently."

Licking her lips, "Then let me make this offer to you. I will help you provide both samples, one in my mouth and one in the container."

With that Dr. Elizabeth Cole, wife and mother of two, unclasped the front hook of her white lace bra and freed her magnificent breasts. I wanted to say no, to get up and walk out of that quack of a doctor's office, but I will be honest, I kept thinking of Leticia Gladfelter and those luscious lips on my dick. God I missed that, I missed someone who was eager and willing to suck me off. And I wanted to feel it again. So I said yes.

Dr. Cole literally dived between my legs and starting sucking like she was a dying woman and my dick held within it the secret of life. I stopped her though. Told her the first load was for the container and she could have the second load however she wanted. She reached behind her and grabbed the container off of her desk, putting it on the chair next to me; she smiled at me as she went back to slobbering on my dick.

I arrived home at eight thirty that night. Elizabeth did indeed get two loads out of me. She wanted a third. I asked her what she would do for a third and her screamed response of "ANYTHING" scared me. Images of her killing Ann inundated my imagination which was enough to get dressed and leave while Elizabeth told me things that she would allow me to do to her; things that equally scared and aroused me.

When I got home Ann of course was not home, she was out with the cousins.

Chapter 4: The Cousins

I had received a football scholarship to Indiana University, a year later Ann joined me having transferred to IU from William & Mary. Her presence on campus validated all of the pussy I passed up my freshman year. And let me tell you, there was a lot of offers; half of the football team thought I was queer until I showed up the next year with the petite little spitfire that was Ann. Then the whole team, especially the brothers were jealous of me, the brothers couldn't shut up about Ann's very curvaceous butt. Even today, that is Ann's best feature but she has always known that.

Ann's parents died within two months of each other that year and she quit taking her birth control pills, which lead to Barbara. After I dropped out of IU, Ann was enjoying her job as an office manager and didn't want to go back to Suffolk County. The only thing she was missing was the Cousins. Not our cousins. Teresa Quigley was Ann's best friend from childhood and Terry (Quigley) Somers was Teresa's older cousin by two years. Throughout middle school and high school, the three were as thick as thieves.

The joke was that Ann was the only one between them that knew how to pick a guy. Teresa only had a few boyfriends but each one was a loser. Terry on the other hand liked to play the field. No, Terry liked sex and didn't hide it. The girls in high school called her nasty names while their boyfriends stood in line to be blown by her. Between their personalities and looks, oh, I didn't tell you? They are both on the fugly side; they were not liked by the 'In' crowd.

Terry has a large mole on her right check that has nasty hairs growing out of it and Teresa has her own mole on the side of her left nostril and lips that look like she is part fish. So why were guys interested in them? Boobs. Both of them had tits galore. In high school Teresa's were probably the same size as Leticia's while Terry's were probably a tad bigger, but both of them were more rubenesque in shape vice the definitely more slender hourglass shape of Leticia which helped make her mountains look all the bigger. The older they got the larger their chest grew.

A few years after Ann had her cancer, Teresa showed up with her bastard child Kerry in tow. Somehow the welfare mother was able to scrounge up enough money to move her lazy ass to Indianapolis. They stayed with us until the State of Indiana added a new welfare mom to their rolls and then she found a house in a better neighbor hood than ours that took Section H. For some reason, the fact that Teresa was able to move into a better area then us really pissed Ann off.

Then three years later Terry and her two unkempt girls showed up in town from Suffolk County.

It seems their father, a loser by the name of Jason Somers had emptied their bank account, loaded up the mini-van at 3am and left to meet up with some obese chick in Florida he met playing an online computer game. When their landlord kicked them out on the street, Teresa and Ann brought them back to Indy. Thankfully they stayed with Teresa because Terry's daughters took after their mother and aren't the cleanest of little girls. Well actually not so little anymore.

The three 'cousins' were back to being as thick as thieves, which meant that Ann was gone even more. This didn't seem to bother the kids or I because Ann turned into a screamer; sadly, not in the bedroom. Any time Ann would want something, she would demand it and if we were slow, she would start screaming her demands. Before I knew it, her requests were starting with her screaming. So now, I think it is safe to say, the kids and I were happier when she wasn't there.

Chapter 5: A Father's Nightmare

I was relieved that my wife was not home because I wasn't in a mood for listening to Ann scream because if she did then I thought, rightly so, the torment I felt for cheating on my wife, would dissipate. That scared me because if I didn't care about our relationship enough to cheat on it, why would I stay in such a failed marriage? Sure the ultra tight pussy that Ann gave me sporadically was tighter then a virgins, but was it worth it all? Would the kids be better off if we weren't together? That was a question I was not ready to face. So I made sure the kids were doing all right before showering and going to bed early. Chad was fine as always. Homework was never an issue with him though I disappointed him by not playing a game of Madden with him.

Barbara on the other hand, was not so fine. I found her in the family room crying her poor little eyes out. As soon as I sat down next to her she put her head on my chest and really let the waterworks out. Growing up, I thought Chad was going to be the emotional one since he was such a mamma's boy and Barbara was my little tomboy. Then puberty hit and Chad started to sprout and that extra size seemed to buoy his confidence. Barbara also sprouted, going from my little girl to my little woman. She also sprouted something that Ann never had much of on the top side. Ann was flat chested and bloomed a bit more each time she had a child and then when she gained weight after the cancer they got to their current size, a size that I am quite happy with and I would be happier still if she allowed me to play with them more.

What Barbara sprouted made me worry. She was bigger than Leticia was in high school. Much bigger. While at the same time being much smaller all around; she has literally been called a freak, which has made her cry for hours when her breasts started to really grow a couple of years ago. I stood by her, consoling her whenever she needed it. I also cried because I recognized my little girl was gone and I would have to be careful around her. I was her father, but I was also a male and her body was trying to give the outrageously proportioned Barbie doll a run for its money and I used to love Barbie as sprouting boy.

Thinking someone else had called my baby girl a freak, I caressed her hair while shaking my chest back and forth, rocking my baby. When the water works slowed I asked if she wanted to tell me what had bothered her. She said no and I went back to rocking. A bit later, she spoke the words I dread to hear. "It was mom." I had tried talking to Ann about her yelling at the kids so much, but she ignored me. How much more could I let her do that to them?

"We got in an argument. She wants me to have a boob job."


"She wants me to have a breast reduction."

"Do you want to have a breast reduction? Are you still harassed because of your chest?"

"That was two years ago Dad. No, I don't want a breast reduction, I like my breasts."

"But they cause you so many back troubles."

"And you make those troubles go away. You are such a wonderful dad, if I complain about my back you willingly massage the pain away. Why would I want to give up massages from my daddy?"

"I won't stop giving you massages just because your back doesn't ache baby."

"But I do like my boobies' daddy. I don't want some doctor carving them up."

"Why did your mother suggest you go through the procedure?"

"She didn't suggest daddy, she was walking out the door to go shopping and she said that she set up an appointment for me next week with a plastic surgeon who was going to cut those 'abnormalities' off of me and make me a more normal girl!"

More crying. She said that. Why was I not surprised? She knew how much it hurt Barbara when she was called a freak two years ago and she still called her that.

"I am sorry that your mother called you breasts an abnormality baby."

"That is okay daddy, that didn't bother me. I mean look at me..."

Did I have to?

"I know the size of my chest is not normal. Do you know how many times I have guys coming up to me, wanting to pay me to model them, especially naked? I know why they ask me that and I am okay with that. My boobies are nothing to be ashamed off. I LIKE the reaction they cause."

"Barbara, these guys..."

"Don't worry about it, daddy. I tell them my age and the legit ones either run off right away or give me their card and tell me to call them on my eighteenth birthday and the creepy one's who get all excited about my age, I simply tell them I have a very protective father who use to be the starting offensive tackle for IU and likes to beat people up. That always sends them running."

"Baby, it was guard and I didn't start. What do you do with those cards?"

"The guys that come off as dodgy I throw away, but I have kept a few of them."

"Do you ... do you want to pose nude?"

"Well, I think about it sometimes. I mean I really like the thought of guys looking at me, so why not naked. You told Chad and I not to be embarrassed by nudity, that it was completely natural. Would it be okay with you daddy if I wanted to pose naked?"

Would I? The conversation went from bad to worse. Would I? How much of a hypocrite am I? I used to love going to the strip clubs to see all of the bouncing boobies. Back then the big ones were mostly silicone and a fair amount were poorly done but to a guy whose girlfriend was a thousand miles away, they were a godsend. And my baby girl wanted my approval on something that should be a nightmare for fathers.

Chapter 4: The Cousins

I had received a football scholarship to Indiana University, a year later Ann joined me having transferred to IU from William & Mary. Her presence on campus validated all of the pussy I passed up my freshman year. And let me tell you, there was a lot of offers; half of the football team thought I was queer until I showed up the next year with the petite little spitfire that was Ann. Then the whole team, especially the brothers were jealous of me, the brothers couldn't shut up about Ann's very curvaceous butt. Even today, that is Ann's best feature but she has always known that.

Ann's parents died within two months of each other that year and she quit taking her birth control pills, which lead to Barbara. After I dropped out of IU, Ann was enjoying her job as an office manager and didn't want to go back to Suffolk County. The only thing she was missing was the Cousins. Not our cousins. Teresa Quigley was Ann's best friend from childhood and Terry (Quigley) Somers was Teresa's older cousin by two years. Throughout middle school and high school, the three were as thick as thieves.

The joke was that Ann was the only one between them that knew how to pick a guy. Teresa only had a few boyfriends but each one was a loser. Terry on the other hand liked to play the field. No, Terry liked sex and didn't hide it. The girls in high school called her nasty names while their boyfriends stood in line to be blown by her. Between their personalities and looks, oh, I didn't tell you? They are both on the fugly side; they were not liked by the 'In' crowd.

Terry has a large mole on her right check that has nasty hairs growing out of it and Teresa has her own mole on the side of her left nostril and lips that look like she is part fish. So why were guys interested in them? Boobs. Both of them had tits galore. In high school Teresa's were probably the same size as Leticia's while Terry's were probably a tad bigger, but both of them were more rubenesque in shape vice the definitely more slender hourglass shape of Leticia which helped make her mountains look all the bigger. The older they got the larger their chest grew.

A few years after Ann had her cancer, Teresa showed up with her bastard child Kerry in tow. Somehow the welfare mother was able to scrounge up enough money to move her lazy ass to Indianapolis. They stayed with us until the State of Indiana added a new welfare mom to their rolls and then she found a house in a better neighbor hood than ours that took Section H. For some reason, the fact that Teresa was able to move into a better area then us really pissed Ann off.

Then three years later Terry and her two unkempt girls showed up in town from Suffolk County.

It seems their father, a loser by the name of Jason Somers had emptied their bank account, loaded up the mini-van at 3am and left to meet up with some obese chick in Florida he met playing an online computer game. When their landlord kicked them out on the street, Teresa and Ann brought them back to Indy. Thankfully they stayed with Teresa because Terry's daughters took after their mother and aren't the cleanest of little girls. Well actually not so little anymore.

The three 'cousins' were back to being as thick as thieves, which meant that Ann was gone even more. This didn't seem to bother the kids or I because Ann turned into a screamer; sadly, not in the bedroom. Any time Ann would want something, she would demand it and if we were slow, she would start screaming her demands. Before I knew it, her requests were starting with her screaming. So now, I think it is safe to say, the kids and I were happier when she wasn't there.


Chapter 5: A Father's Nightmare

I was relieved that my wife was not home because I wasn't in a mood for listening to Ann scream because if she did then I thought, rightly so, the torment I felt for cheating on my wife, would dissipate. That scared me because if I didn't care about our relationship enough to cheat on it, why would I stay in such a failed marriage? Sure the ultra tight pussy that Ann gave me sporadically was tighter then a virgins, but was it worth it all? Would the kids be better off if we weren't together? That was a question I was not ready to face. So I made sure the kids were doing all right before showering and going to bed early. Chad was fine as always. Homework was never an issue with him though I disappointed him by not playing a game of Madden with him.

Barbara on the other hand, was not so fine. I found her in the family room crying her poor little eyes out. As soon as I sat down next to her she put her head on my chest and really let the waterworks out. Growing up, I thought Chad was going to be the emotional one since he was such a mamma's boy and Barbara was my little tomboy. Then puberty hit and Chad started to sprout and that extra size seemed to buoy his confidence. Barbara also sprouted, going from my little girl to my little woman. She also sprouted something that Ann never had much of on the top side. Ann was flat chested and bloomed a bit more each time she had a child and then when she gained weight after the cancer they got to their current size, a size that I am quite happy with and I would be happier still if she allowed me to play with them more.

What Barbara sprouted made me worry. She was bigger than Leticia was in high school. Much bigger. While at the same time being much smaller all around; she has literally been called a freak, which has made her cry for hours when her breasts started to really grow a couple of years ago. I stood by her, consoling her whenever she needed it. I also cried because I recognized my little girl was gone and I would have to be careful around her. I was her father, but I was also a male and her body was trying to give the outrageously proportioned Barbie doll a run for its money and I used to love Barbie as sprouting boy.

Thinking someone else had called my baby girl a freak, I caressed her hair while shaking my chest back and forth, rocking my baby. When the water works slowed I asked if she wanted to tell me what had bothered her. She said no and I went back to rocking. A bit later, she spoke the words I dread to hear. "It was mom." I had tried talking to Ann about her yelling at the kids so much, but she ignored me. How much more could I let her do that to them?

"We got in an argument. She wants me to have a boob job."


"She wants me to have a breast reduction."

"Do you want to have a breast reduction? Are you still harassed because of your chest?"

"That was two years ago Dad. No, I don't want a breast reduction, I like my breasts."

"But they cause you so many back troubles."

"And you make those troubles go away. You are such a wonderful dad, if I complain about my back you willingly massage the pain away. Why would I want to give up massages from my daddy?"

"I won't stop giving you massages just because your back doesn't ache baby."

"But I do like my boobies' daddy. I don't want some doctor carving them up."

"Why did your mother suggest you go through the procedure?"

"She didn't suggest daddy, she was walking out the door to go shopping and she said that she set up an appointment for me next week with a plastic surgeon who was going to cut those 'abnormalities' off of me and make me a more normal girl!"

More crying. She said that. Why was I not surprised? She knew how much it hurt Barbara when she was called a freak two years ago and she still called her that.

"I am sorry that your mother called you breasts an abnormality baby."

"That is okay daddy, that didn't bother me. I mean look at me..."

Did I have to?

"I know the size of my chest is not normal. Do you know how many times I have guys coming up to me, wanting to pay me to model them, especially naked? I know why they ask me that and I am okay with that. My boobies are nothing to be ashamed off. I LIKE the reaction they cause."

"Barbara, these guys..."

"Don't worry about it, daddy. I tell them my age and the legit ones either run off right away or give me their card and tell me to call them on my eighteenth birthday and the creepy one's who get all excited about my age, I simply tell them I have a very protective father who use to be the starting offensive tackle for IU and likes to beat people up. That always sends them running."

"Baby, it was guard and I didn't start. What do you do with those cards?"

"The guys that come off as dodgy I throw away, but I have kept a few of them."

"Do you ... do you want to pose nude?"

"Well, I think about it sometimes. I mean I really like the thought of guys looking at me, so why not naked. You told Chad and I not to be embarrassed by nudity, that it was completely natural. Would it be okay with you daddy if I wanted to pose naked?"

Would I? The conversation went from bad to worse. Would I? How much of a hypocrite am I? I used to love going to the strip clubs to see all of the bouncing boobies. Back then the big ones were mostly silicone and a fair amount were poorly done but to a guy whose girlfriend was a thousand miles away, they were a godsend. And my baby girl wanted my approval on something that should be a nightmare for fathers.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-11-05 06:19:09
If you were going to repost someone else's story, you could have taken the Time to fix errors like removing the duplicated sections of the story (ends of ch.3 & ch 4).

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-25 00:19:48
UEC5Qm Im obliged for the post.Much thanks again. Awesome.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-01-15 19:06:18
Anon... Dude. Lay off the all-caps man. Also, your level of douche-fuckery is entirely uncalled for. You, Sir and/or Ma'am, can eat shit and screaming in a fire.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-03-11 03:08:27

anonymous readerReport 

2012-03-06 20:07:54

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