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By: StormHerald

Chapter 6

A stream of sunlight landed on my face and I smiled, stretching awake.
It took a moment to realize where I was but once I did I stretched my
arms out to my sides and found Damien not there. I sighed and got up
rubbing the tops of my sore arms before heading into the bathroom
and taking a hot shower.

I found a black towel and wrapped it around me drying myself off as
best as I could. I opened the door and realized that the room was a lot
warmer than earlier. I padded into the living room to see a large fire
burning away and a plate of eggs and toast waiting for me on the table.
I opened the note and smiled at the beautiful script on it.

I am sorry that I cannot be with you for the remaining of the time I have
you. I was spirited away due to a conflict in the North. I will make it up to
you when I return. I already took Desmond with me, so you needn't worry
about her threat. Isadora should be arriving shortly. I will see you soon.
Prince Damien

I closed the letter and grabbed a piece of toast and bit into it, holding it
in my mouth as I grabbed the handle of the knife I had noticed still in
the table and yanking hard, pulled it out. I touched the edge of the
blade then set it in my lap as I finished my breakfast. My Aunt stormed
into the room just as I was finishing looking around furious.
"He has some nerve to skip out on almost half of the time with you, and
taking that little tartlet with him."

I smiled at her, "Don't worry about it, he said he would make it up, and
I'm glad she's gone."

"Yes, well..." She looked around the place her eyebrows shooting up
and staying up in surprise. I followed her with my eyes as I drank the
last of the orange juice, "He really accommodated you, didn't he?"
I stood up and walked to her, "What do you mean?"

"Well, all the blankets for one thing. Most of the time vampires don't
have pillows or blankets on anything other than the bed, the fire, and
he even put in a television."

I laughed and shook my head, "We didn't watch it."

She suddenly turned and grabbed my hand, worry marring her features,
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't expect him to pick you first. Are you

She looked me over, noticing the faint bruising on my upper arms but
seemed satisfied that I was unharmed, "I am just fine, just would like to
get dressed, honestly."

She smiled and grabbed the plastic bag she had set on the couch when
she had walked in, "Care to divulge some details?"

I shook my head as she unzipped the bag revealing a dark blue satin
dress, "Nope."

She laughed and helped me into the dress and picked through my hair
as I brushed my teeth. She started to pick up the room and picked up
the scraps of the lace corset holding it up, "Oh my."

I blushed as she continued to hunt around finding the ripped panties

shortly after. She giggled and put them in the top drawer of the night
stand, "We'll just leave these here for him."

I covered my face with my hands and ran out of the room, too
embarrassed to say anything. My aunt followed me laughing as she
gathered a few remaining things in the room and left.


The next few days were uneventful, whatever was happening in the
north kept the Prince away for the rest of the week, Desmond arrived
as Yuki left, and I made it a point to avoid being alone in any of the
halls. I explained to my aunt the knife and then Desmond's threat,
manufacturing a story that she would possibly believe, she seemed to
be thoroughly impressed, as she made it a point to strap it to my thigh
in every single dress I wore.

Eventually the Prince did return, and upon his return there was a huge
ball thrown, Elizabeth had already been back for three days and the ball
was not only to commemorate the Princes return, but to also
commemorate the beginning of the courtship. I had asked my Aunt
how I would go about courting the Prince and all she could tell me was
that I needed to be proactive and seek the Prince out as often as I
could, rather than waiting for him to find me.

The night of the ball she dressed me in a form fitting, midnight blue,
velvet dress. It had a slit up to my hip on one side, and on the other my
knife was strapped. My hair was pulled up into a French twist with blue
diamond encrusted combs pinning it into place. The front of the dress
dipped into a low scoop, and thanks to a strong push up bra, my
cleavage held center stage. Sitting on my collar bone was my blue
diamond necklace and long diamond earring dangled from my ears.

My aunt left shortly after getting me ready, telling me she had to meet
with the family over a few things, and left me to find my way to the
ball. I decided then, that it would be a wise idea to be proactive and
instead of making my way to the ball I made my way to the Princes
chambers. I lifted my hand to knock but saw that the door was cracked
open and I sighed, thinking that either someone was already with him,
or that he had already left.

I had missed him, and still hadn't seen him since his return, so I entered
quietly, hoping to catch a brief glimpse of his face, if nothing else. I
heard a groan coming from the room and my heart beat faster realizing
that I may not have been the only proactive betrothed in the castle. I
debated whether to leave, but the desire to see his face was
overwhelming and I couldn't help but to peek around the corner into
his room.

What I saw stunned me, the Prince was alone, wearing nothing but a
pair of pants fallen to his ankles. He was sitting on the bed and one
hand was working up and down on the glorious member I'd had
multiple dreams about. But it was what was in the other hand that
stunned me, in his other hand were the panties my Aunt had left him,
he had them pressed to his face and was breathing them in deeply as
he worked on his hard member.

I stepped forward and with no thought what so ever knelt down in
front of him and stopped his hand. His eyes flew open as he jumped
startled until his silver eyes landed on my face. He lowered the panties
from his face and I stood up enough to capture his lips with mine. He
grabbed me and ravenously pressed my body to him, our mouths
ravishing each other, saying with more than words how much we had
missed each other.

He broke the kiss and I pulled back sinking back to my knees and
moving his hands away from his beautiful cock. I licked the glistening
head, closing my eyes and tasting the sweet liquid that had pooled
there. I licked down his member until I was to its base, and then I pulled
away to look at the large, heavy testicles hanging from him. I nuzzled
them softly before licking up the textured flesh. He moaned and I
looked up seeing him watching me, his eyes pure bright glowing silver,
and his fangs fully exposed.

I opened my mouth and softly sucked in one ball, caressing it with my
tongue before switching to the other. I nuzzled in the hair for a
moment, breathing in his spicy scent before returning my attention to
his now throbbing cock. I licked up the vein and swirled my tongue
along the ridge of the head. I again licked at the pooling liquid at the tip
and then slowly engulfed him in my mouth. He was hot, and the feeling
of his thick shaft moving down my throat until my nose was buried in
his curly black hair, was amazing.

I felt my body respond by heating up my stomach and the junction
between my legs. I swallowed and nursed on him until I pulled up,
sucking hard as I pulled him out of my mouth. He groaned loudly and
grabbed the back of my head and pushed me back down. I inched as
close as I could and began to move up and down on him, swallowing in
pleasure as his hot shaft reached into my throat, and sucking hard as it
pulled out. Soon Damien was moaning my name and I felt my slit drip
wet as his member thickened and his hot seed filled my mouth.

I moaned and stared straight into his bright silver eyes, as I suckled on
him, draining every last bit I could from him before releasing him and
licking my lips clean. He groaned at seeing me and grabbed the back of
my head and forcefully pulled me against his mouth. He attacked my
mouth, sucking and nipping at my lips, and I did the same in return,
gasping and moaning as his tongue ravished mine. Too soon he pulled
away and held me away from him. I set my hands down onto his knees
and sank back onto my folded legs, sitting and waiting patiently for him.
He ran is hand over his face as his still silver eyes looked at me and his
fangs in plain view.

I shuddered and smiled at him, "I missed you."

He frowned and stood up pulling his pants up and fastening them
quickly. I stood up and followed him into his closet watching him pick a
black button up shirt and putting it on. He buttoned it up without
looking at me and I stood in his way in the door way. Finally he looked
up at me and I nodded, "I can leave if I'm bothering you."

He shook his head and softly pushed passed me and walked into the
bathroom and pulled his hair back. I walked in with him and looked in
the mirror, fixing the few stray hairs that had escaped my hairdo. He
walked out and I continued to straighten myself out before nodding
then walking out seeing him put on his boots. He wouldn't look at me
and I sighed and walked to the door, "I'll leave you to it then."

I turned and walked out getting only three steps before warm, strong
arms wrapped around me, "Don't go yet."

I turned in his arms and looked at him, "Okay," laid my head against his
chest and then kissed the nape of his neck before he dropped his arms
and turned away, finishing getting dressed. I sat on the edge of the bed
and watched him pull cuff links out and put them on and then pull out a
very formal looking jacket and put it on. I played with my necklace
catching Damien's eye.

"I have been hearing a lot of things about you, while I was away."

I looked up at him curious, "I'm surprised you heard anything up where
you were at. What was it?"

He nodded to me, "That this particular shade of blue seems to be your
favorite color."

I smiled, "It is, and silver, blue and silver."

His eyes narrowed, "Silver huh?"

I ignored his sudden mood change and leaned back on my hands
thinking back to my room back home, "Yes, my whole house is black
and red except my room. I have these beautiful blankets that are just
the perfect dark blue and then stitched all through them are silver stars
and flowers. They are my absolute favorite."

"Tell me more about your home." He sat next to me and I smiled at him
and sat up.

"Well the canopy of my bed is this light blue, and then this rich emerald
green. I didn't used to like green but one year the farmers that owned
the fields around our house all decided to plant wheat at the same
time." I sat up and waved my arms in front of me, "The whole world
was just this beautiful sea of deep green that would wave in the breeze.
It was amazing; it was so green that it even filled the house with green,
every time the sun was out, and the house was filled with green. Then
the wheat turned golden yellow and it was just amazing, I felt like I
lived in a sea of gold for a while."

I leaned back on my arms, "I didn't go to school, like the rest of the
humans, I went mostly online. We lived in the middle of nowhere, the
nearest house being a good three miles away. I spent a lot of time
learning how to be a proper vampire princess from my mother." I gave
Damien a sideways look and smiled, "obviously I ignored those lessons.
I also learned different things too, like vampire history, my family’s
history, and self-defense."

Damien looked down at the black watch he wore and sighed, "We need
to get going."

I stood up and straightened my dress and Damien grabbed my hand,
"Thank you."

I leaned forward and brushed my lips gently against his before
straightening up and smiling at him, walked out of the room. I walked
to the ballroom and was instantly the center of attention as hundreds
of pairs of black eyes turned to look at me. I straightened my back and
glided to the best of my abilities to the area where my aunt told me to
meet her. I tried to subtly check myself, making sure I didn't have any
evidence of what had happened on me before being grabbed into a
bone crushing hug by my aunt.

She whispered into my ear, "We have a problem."

I pulled back looking at her and to nodded towards three very tall men,
the most noticeable having dusty blonde hair, a full beard, and sharp
green eyes. I knew instantly there were Lycans, wolves most likely, or
maybe even lions. I gave my aunt a dark look, "I thought that was what
the Prince was up North taking care of."

My aunt shifted uncomfortable and gave my four relatives a very black
look, "They are here for you."

I spun around and grabbed my aunts hand and glared into her black
eyes, "What?"

"It seems that while my side of your family has offered your hand to the
Prince, your mother’s side has been talking to the Lycans about you

marrying one of their leader’s sons."

"What do you mean?"

My cousin stepped forward and pulled the two of us back a few more
feet into the shadows, "My uncle, your uncle, has been up north
working on peace with the Lycans. He had mentioned that you were
human, not vampire, and because of that reason, the marriage oath
was changed to allow the Prince an option of choosing a vampire
instead of you. When he said that the Lycan leader was immediately
interested, my uncle has basically promised that if you aren't chosen by
the Prince, then you will be married to one of his sons."

She nodded to the three Lycans and they zeroed in on the movement
their green eyes locking with mine. They all smiled and I felt my pulse
begin to quicken as I backed up into my cousin. I began to look
frantically for a place to run to, only partially noticing Damien making a
very obvious, straight line to the three men. I started to shake as I
realized I was cornered and suddenly my aunt was in front of me
looking at me worried, "Lilly?"

I didn't look at her, but instead kept my eyes zeroed in on the lethal
movements of the three men that were getting too close. Suddenly I
couldn't catch my breath, and the world began to spin before the edges
of my vision blackened. I was panicking, I had never panicked this much
before in my life, but their movements, their bodies, everything, was
different than anything I had seen before.

My aunt was tugging on my hand, "Breathe Lilly, Lilly?"

She looked past my shoulder, "What's wrong with her?"

I felt my legs give out and my aunt caught me suddenly realizing I was
fainting, "Oh my Hades, someone, get a glass of water or something.

It was the last thing I heard as the blackness at the edge of my sight
moved to cover my entire vision, and my body went slack.
I felt cool hands on my face, as another set of hands lifted my head and
water was poured onto my lips. I opened my eyes staring straight into
the familiar black eyes of my aunt, the worry lines on her face fading as
she saw me wake up.

"Oh thank all that is undead, I thought you died." I took a few more sips
before sitting up and recognizing I wasn't in the ballroom anymore. I
grabbed my Aunts hand, 'What happened?"

My aunt chewed on the inside of her cheek and looked down at me
worried, "Promise not to faint again?"

I nodded, "I'm not being stalked by some oversized lion looking man
with no place to run."

My aunt sat down with a huff, "Well, the Prince went up north because
the Lycans leader had told him he wanted to make peace. So of course,
the Prince went and when he was there he was told about your Uncles
offer of your hand should the Prince not want you. This was, of course,
an inappropriate time to discuss that sort of thing because the Prince
had just met you. So instead the leader gave him an ultimatum, if he
would allow three of his sons to court you, as you and the three
vampires courted him or else..."

"He agreed?" Was all I could squeak out before my aunt hushed me.

"It was that or full on war Lilly, which would you have picked?" I
nodded accepting that the ultimatum left little to be desired.
"Someone could have warned me."

"Well I was going to but you had disappeared out of the room, and I
couldn't find you in the ball room either."

I looked around and realized I was in an office lying on a soft leather
sofa, "Where am I?"

"Damien's study, he told me to send for him when you woke, which I
did so he should be here soon."

My aunt looked at me strangely for a moment, "is there something you
need to tell me before he arrives?"

I looked at her confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well, his reaction to you fainting was pretty, obvious. He about killed
the three Lycans, thinking they had attacked you. On top of that, when I
picked you up, you are absolutely covered in the Princes smell."

Before I could say anything the door opened and the Prince strode in
looking over my entire body as if trying to find a mark. I stood up and
narrowed my eyes at him, ignoring the crowd, watching from just
outside the door.

"You..." I hissed and was promptly grabbed by the shoulders and held
immobile as I tried to kick Damien in the shin, 'You could have warned

My aunt quickly walked to the door closing it, "Nothing to see, you
would be pissed off too if you found out..." Her voices faded as she
walked out of hearing distance.

"You are right, I should have. I didn't expect them to be here so soon."
He held onto me as I tried to aim another kick at him.
"And so when you get Desmond, I end up with some fricken Wolf, or
Lion or whatever those guys are."

Damien ground his teeth together, "I didn't have a choice."
I slumped down defeated and Damien quickly picked me up and sat me
on the couch next to him, "I know about your choice, my aunt told me.
It’s just, you may not have much of a choice, but I don't have any

I felt tears well up and fall down my cheeks, "I feel like some prized cow
being sold off to the highest bidder."

Damien didn't say anything, and instead let me cover my face and weep
for a few minutes before the door burst open. I automatically jumped
up with a cry and grabbed at my dagger, assuming the Lycans had come
for me. I held the knife up only to see Desmond glaring daggers at me.
I moaned and slumped back down next to Damien and played with the
tip of the dagger as he grabbed her and pulled her to just outside the
door. I didn't hear much of the conversation beyond Desmond whining
about needing a dance partner and how I would be fine with my aunt,
but Damien said something to her and eventually she left.

I was starting to entertain some pretty morbid thoughts about the
dagger when Damien grabbed it silently from me. I looked up at him
startled and he touched my chin, "I didn't like the look you were giving

I moaned and slumped back, "It’s an option." not really meaning the
words as they came out, I was being sullen, and I figured I had every
right to be, damned undead!!

"No its not." Damien's voice was cold and I ignored it, covering my eyes
with my hands.

He sat back down beside me and grabbed my hands holding them in
his, "I sorry this has happened."

I nodded, "I know, its my uncles fault, not yours."

He nodded, "I will introduce you to the three of them, and I won’t leave
your side while you speak with them. It will be good for you to get to
know them."

I swallowed a lump in my throat, Damien was trying to get me to like
one of the suitors so that he could marry Desmond without guilt. I
nodded and stood up, taking a deep breath, and putting the dagger
away. I took another sip of water then straightened my shoulders,
"Alright, introduce away."

We walked into the ball room, arm in arm and he led me directly to the
three Lycans. They bowed and apologized for frightening me and
eventually introduced themselves, as Lucas, the tall one with the sandy
blonde hair and full beard, he was the Lycan leaders second son. The
third son was William, he was quieter and darker than his brothers, but
smiled and bowed low to me saying very little and not lingering over
me at all. The last one was Gabriel, the youngest, he was about my age
but stood a good foot taller than me. He bent down, and smiled at me,
kissing my hand, his green eyes sparkling with amusement. His fingers
were long and slender, making me think of an artist’s hands rather than
a warrior princes hands. I smiled back at him and the other two
groaned and traded coins with each other.

I looked back to Damien but his eyes were the color of steel as he
stared at the three, and kept his hand on the small of my back and I got
a sense of possessiveness as well as protectiveness from the gesture. I
turned and thanked him for helping me and nodded to a fuming
Desmond, he looked at her then back at me, his face flashing with
conflict before nodded to me and dropping his hand.

"If you need anything..." He let the sentence hang and I thanked him.
I turned back to the suitors and suddenly felt very overwhelmed by
how they towered over me. They all three smiled and offered to take
me to the balcony for fresh air. I thanked them and followed Lukas,
William and Gabriel flanking me on either side. I turned my head
looking at them confused and Gabriel shrugged, "it's a pack thing, its
not threatening."

'Um, Okay." It was weird, but probably harmless. At least that's what I
told myself.

We all stepped out onto the balcony and I took a deep breath, feeling
the cool breeze cut through me but enjoying the fresh air anyway.
"It’s pretty strange."

I looked at William curiously, "What is?"

"Well, your uncle made it sound like you being born a human was more
of an embarrassment than anything else. But as soon as we arrived the
whole place has been scrambling to make sure your safe. I don't think
anyone even thought about the other three betrothed." Lukas nodded
agreeing with his brother.

"We came here thinking you would be brow beaten at the least, maybe
we could be your dashing saving heroes. Instead we get rumors about
you being the precious blue diamond princess."

I moaned and rolled my eyes, "My aunts to blame for that one. She
plays up how unique I am, and if there's anything a vampire loves, it’s
to possess something unique."

All three brothers nodded, "Yeah, we were pretty surprised actually to
hear about you. It isn't every generation one of you is born, but to have
two of you born in the same generation, is pretty special."
Gabriel sat on the edge of the balcony and nodded, "Yeah, not only is
the great Prince born a vampire, something that hasn't happened in
what did the old coot say, a century?"

The two brothers nodded, "But then a human is born from two
vampires and that hasn't happened in about a millennium. For
creatures that prize rare things, the Prince really doesn't seem to
appreciate you."

They all agreed and I narrowed my eyes at them, "So you are here to
charm me into marrying one of you?"

They nodded grinning, "Great, and what if I don't want any of you?"
Luke rubbed his beard for a moment, "Well in a month if we haven't
made any progress with you, one, two or three of our other brothers
will show up and have a go at it."

"How many of you are there?"

"Not counting my older brother who is on his honeymoon right now,
there are eleven of us, seven of us brothers, we have four sisters too."
My jaw dropped, "Are you serious?"
They nodded and I leaned back against the balcony, "Wow, that's a lot
of kids."

They laughed and Luke put his hand on William’s shoulder, "William
here isn't interested in getting married, so no offense to you, but in a
month he will be leaving. I was going to leave to, but..."
His eyes roamed my body for a moment and he smiled wider, "I've had
a change of heart."

I looked at Gabriel who's squatting beside me on the balcony ledge,
"And Gabriel?"

Gabriel hopped down and held his hand out, "Gabriel wants to dance."
I smile and hesitantly put my hand in his and shyly let him guide me
back into the ball room. Damien and Desmond were already there
dancing, and I looked at Gabriel who squeezed my hand gently, "Don't
worry Princess I don't bite."

I chuckle and let him pull me close and begin to move to the music. I
was surprised at how well he knew how to dance and by the end of it,
the combination of dancing and Gabriel's constant snide remarks about
the different vampires had me smiling and laughing with him. He spun
me into another dance and continued to talk about himself and his
seven brothers and four sisters.

I felt the hair on the back of my neck rise and looked behind me to see
steel gray eyes staring at me. I smiled at him and nodded before he
turned away. Gabriel didn't miss the interaction and snorted, "His loss,
he must be absolutely crazy to be dancing with that bleached out stick
figure over you."

I pushed Gabriel away a little as he leaned in too close and smiled, "I've
been raised vampire my whole life, Desmond is stunning by vampire

He snorted and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, whatever, I got the better end of
the deal anyway."

I blushed and suddenly a cold hand was on my shoulder, "May I cut in?"
Gabriel frowned but nodded, turning on his heel and stalking back to
his brothers on the balcony. I turned and looked into steel grey eyes
and smiled, "Hi."

He spun me and then pressed me against him in a slow waltz, "You
seemed to be enjoying yourself."

I looked up at Damien and nodded, "They look worse than they are."
"I don't like how that pup was looking at you." I sighed and put my hand
on his chest and pulled back to look at him.

We stopped moving as we stared at each other, "I'm just trying to make
the best of the situation I'm in Damien."

He closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them again his
eyes had returned to their grey, "I know, just remember that you are
supposed to be courting me, along with them courting you."
I smiled up at Damien, "As if I could forget."

He's eyes flashed silver before he dropped my arms and stepped back. I
looked after him, watching him grab Yuki's hand and move with her
onto the dance floor. A very large hand dropped onto my shoulder and
I looked up to see Luke staring darkly at Damien.

"Wanna dance?"

I laughed and nodded, "Sure."
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