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Here it is, the final chapter. I hope you all have enjoyed my story. Remember your comments and feedback are the only payment we authors get.
My cock had softened quickly, and I felt it ooze out of Mindy’s back door. Tiffany got down, so Mindy could get up. I was expecting tears, as that had become the norm, but her eyes were dry. She looked haggard and frazzled, like she been in a fight. Her hair was wet, and tangled. She got up and came to me.

“Are you alright?” I asked tenderly, as I embraced her in a tight hug and kissed her gently on the lips.

“My ass hurts. You’re gonna have to register that thing as a deadly weapon” she replied as she grabbed my cock and smiled.

Mindy was going to be fine. I had been worried about her. Mindy is here with me, as my sex slave. Yes, I know that kind of thing only happens with people you don’t know or on television. But, when you are suddenly given close to 2 million dollars, strange things happen. Mindy needs $30,000. We made a deal. A weekend in Vegas, where the word “No” is not in her vocabulary, and she gets the money.

Mindy stole the money from her church building fund. The books are being audited tomorrow, and Mindy will be found out. The worst of it is she got access to the money through her live in boyfriend/fiancé, John. John is a born-again Christian, and the church treasurer. Mindy is a self described, 37 year old-church-going-soccer-mom. She has two kids, and a body that stops traffic. She has also had terrible luck with guys, being twice divorced. She is convinced that if she blows it with John, true love is lost forever.

Mindy started out with a very reluctant attitude towards this. Understandable, but she has gradually come around to actually enjoying herself. I was concerned because the way she talked it sounded like guilt over enjoying it, was going to eat her up and ruin her life. I wasn’t comfortable with that. I’m not a monster after all.

My goal was to enjoy her body in as many ways as I could think of. I had done a pretty good job of it. But now, after our ménage a trios with Tiffany, we are done. Well, that is not quite true. She still owes me 24 hrs of slave duty back home. It’s 1 PM on Sunday, a full 7 hours before the plane leaves, Mindy has fulfilled her obligation to me and there will be no more sex. As soon as I start to think more about that a little more, I’m going to be depressed. That’s the Reader’s Digest version, so here we are.

I released Mindy from our hug, and turned to Tiffany.

“You were fucking awesome.” I said as I gave her a hug and a kiss.

“You know, I had a great time” she replied like she meant it.

Who knows, maybe she did. I could tell this girl had a head on her shoulders, so I am sure she knew how to drum up repeat business.

“Can I offer you a shower?” I asked Tiffany.

“Oh, you’re such a sweetheart” she said appreciatively “But, I need to get going. Besides, I have a feeling you two want some alone time.” Tiffany answered

What the hell did she mean by that? I wondered. She found her dress pulled it on, checked her hair in the mirror, and was in my arms for a good-bye hug.

“Look me up, if you’re ever in town again.” She said as she walked out my door.

“I liked her.” Said Mindy

“I could tell by all the screaming, you did” I said with a wry smile

“Shut up!” she said with combination of annoyance and mirth.

“Are you OK?”

“This is all so much, so fast. I’ve never lacked for guys who wanted to have sex with me..” she started, and then glared at me when I gave her the “Duh” face.

“But, some bad anal sex and giving a quick blow job is as erotic as I’ve ever gotten. But, this weekend…..It’s been so much. I’m not sure how I feel. I’m almost numb.”

“Yeah. But, now it’s over. You’re a free woman.” I said with genuine sadness in my voice.

“It is. And I promised myself when this was over, and I had the money, I would call you every name in the book. I would spit in your face and maybe kick you in the nuts.” She said with a bit of fire, and then continued.

“But now, I don’t know. I know I don’t hate you. I’ve had the best sex of my life and I’ve learned a few things about myself.”

“Like you enjoy having your pussy eaten by another woman?” I asked baiting her. I was expecting attitude out of her, but she didn’t even raise her voice.

“Yeah. Maybe. I definitely liked what Tiffany did down there, but I don’t know about it being because she was a woman. It didn’t gross me out, like I thought it would.”

“You know, you’re no fun. I’m trying to bust your balls and you’re getting all analytical on me. That’s my job.” I said. Mindy was silent. Thinking.

“Now what?” I asked “We have five hours until we should be at the airport. Any thing special you would like to do?”

Mindy got a mischievous grin. If that grin had been on my face, we would be having sex in the immediate future. But, I didn’t think that was what she was up to.

“I never got to show you my bikini” she offered “Let’s go to the pool!”

I was game. In addition to Mindy, I imagined the pool would be filled with nubile young ladies, wearing almost nothing.

“Shower, first?” I suggested.

“Good idea. I’ll go first.” She said, and then saw my dejected look.

“Now, Now. A deal is a deal, right? We’re all done.”

“Yes, dear” I said sourly

Mindy got her suit out of her bag and headed off to wash our love making off her body. She was done in 15 minutes. I had changed into my trunks and was waiting for her when she opened the door.

Mindy had a wrap around her waist, concealing her butt and one hip. The other hip appeared to be bare, suggesting the lower half of her swim suit was of dubious size. Her top lent support to that theory, as it’s maker had not been hampered with the task of support. He had barely been constrained by the task to conceal.

Mindy’s nipples, and almost nothing else, were covered by two strips of cloth that started out narrow, at the top of her round, full, breasts. Those strips widened just enough to cover the areola, as they bisected either boob, and then retreated back to thin strips. Those became a string that looped around her neck. There was another that encircled her below her bust line, to hold the bottom of the strips. I had heard of the micro bikini, but I had never met anyone brave enough to wear one. Mindy’s chronically erect nipples only added to the sensuality of the garment.

“There is no way that is your daughter’s and there is no way you bought that for yourself!” I exclaimed in disbelief.

Mindy smiled confidently and spun around for me to see the back. Her wrap effectively hid her heart-shaped and bubble like ass, greatly disappointing both me, and Bruno, who had awaken to take a look for himself. She was barefoot, but her tan legs still looked great; the occasional definition of her calves and thighs making itself known as she moved.

“John bought it for me as a joke. He bet me a $100 I wouldn’t ever wear it.” She said, as I wondered where her blush was.

“Well, gimme your phone and we’ll send him a picture! What does the bottom look like?”

“Nah. That would be cruel to show you.” Mindy said as she picked up a towel.

“Coming?” she asked, starting towards the door,

Coming, I thought. I wish I was cuming. Jeeze, how am I going to go back to normal now?

I sighed and followed her out the door. We walked down the hall, called the elevator, and I attempted to squeeze Mindy’s ass, as I’d done so many time before. She swatted my hand away playfully and said.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! You can look, but you can’t touch.” She had the most self satisfied look I had ever seen.

We made the trek to the pool area and found it almost overwhelming. The Bellagio has five pools, and acres of room. I saw that they had cabanas, and I was looking around to figure out how to snag one, when I spotted Brian.

“Brian!” I yelled.

Brian was in work clothes and came right over.

“Do not tell me you are working over here, too” I said, offering my hand

“No sir, making a delivery from the restaurant. Service is our middle name.” Brian almost sang.

“Tiffany just left and she was everything you said she’d be” I said as I reached for my money clip.

“Here’s a little something in appreciation.” I said handing him a $100.

“Sir, you have been very generous already” Brian said, but he took the bill.

“Perhaps you could steer us towards the person who can get us in one of these cabanas” I suggested.

“They are reserved 24 hrs in advance, sir” said Brian disappointed. “But, I can certainly check to see if maybe something is available.”

With that he disappeared. I scanned the water looking at all of the other bikinis around. It was a hot day, and there was plenty of bare skin to behold. Mindy noticed and asked

“See anything you like?” with a hint of sarcasm.

“I see lots that I like. But, what I want to see is what’s under that wrap.” I said motioning to her lower half. She just smiled knowingly and a took a step back out of my potential reach.

A man walked up to us and offered his hand.

“My name is Carl, sir. Brian tells me you would like a cabana?”

I took his hand, noticed the grip was a tad sweaty and limp, but answered in the affirmative.

“This way, sir. I have one available”

Carl got us all set up, I tipped him well, as I imagine Brian had spread the word and Mindy and I got settled in.

“This is nice!” Mindy said as she admired the amenities.

There were four loungers immediately outside, to lie in and soak up the sun. Immediately behind them was the cabana itself. Inside that was a table and chairs. On the table rested a nice plate of fresh fruit. Behind that was a small kitchen area, with sink, a stocked refrigerator, and an ice bucket. Above the kitchen was a flat screen TV. Finally to the right of the kitchen was a small, enclosed changing area.

“I would have been OK, just lounging by the pool.” She said with a touch of awe in her voice.

“A woman like you should have a place to retreat to. A place to avoid the crowds and enjoy a respite from the rat race. A place where everyone can see how special you are.” I said.

I did want to treat her special. I’ve always treated my ladies well, as far back as high school. But, that statement was a bit over the top. What the hell has gotten in to me this weekend? Money might not buy happiness, but it appears to ooze confidence. The I noticed Mindy was dabbing at her eyes.

“Are you crying, again?!” I asked in shock “What did I say?”

I of course thought I had insulted her somehow. Women.

“That’s the most originally nice thing anyone has ever said to me.” she said

“Uh, Thanks. What does “originally nice” mean?” I asked.

“I’ve gotten compliments on my looks most of my life. Guys are always telling me how pretty I am. I even get a few compliments on how smart I am. But it’s hard to take those seriously, as the guys always seems to be talking to my boobs”

“They are noteworthy” I interrupted and leered at her.

Mindy giggled “That’s what I mean. No one has ever said my boobs were ‘noteworthy’ before.”

And then turning more serious

“And no one, other than John and now you, has ever tried to show me that they thought I was special.”

“In their defense, I do have a little cash at my disposal. It’s not like I’m straining here.”

“But, that’s just it. You’ve already had your way with me. And in everyway I can think of, yet you’re treating me like you haven’t got to first base. That is just so sweet.”

“Maybe I just want to see what’s under that wrap.” I said as I ogled her body.

“I told you. It would be too cruel to show you. You would be over come with lust, and then you would walk funny the rest of the day.” Mindy said impishly.

I sighed

“But, you can rub lotion on my back.” Mindy offered.

“And your front!” I said with a flash of hope, that I knew would be dashed.

“I can handle the front…..and my legs”

Dejected I took the bottle and warmed the lotion with my hand, as she got into a lounger face down. Mindy’s wrap effectively hid her lovely ass, but it could not hide the flare of her hips, her narrow waist, or her gorgeous toned legs. Damn. I was hard again, and this time I would have to take a cold shower.

I got even more aroused as I leaned in and began to rub the lotion into her shoulders and upper back. I enjoyed the feel of her soft skin, and firm muscles. Her bikini top hid nothing on her back, and her wrap enhanced her sensual appeal as much as it hid her shapely bottom. Then the coconut smell of her sun-tan lotion hit me. You memory has a strong recall for smells. Memories of many barely clad women and my lust for them was stirred up by that scent. I was so hard, I was aching.

“Ohhhhh. That feels good.” she purred.

That helped. I thought sarcastically.

I spent much more time on her back than I needed, but Mindy did not chase me away. She did stop me as my hands wandered to the fabric of her wrap. By this time my cock was trying to punch a hole in my shorts so he could rip Mindy’s tiny clothing off.

When I finished with her back, Mindy took over and began her front. She almost seemed to be putting on a show. Because of the size of her top, she had to hold her breast still with one hand, and then slowly rub the lotion on. First one breast, and then the other. She was extra through, rubbing both sides, the top, and even underneath. I watched as each nipple hardened under the nothing covering them. It was frustrating to watch, and impossible to turn away.

She paused a few times, pointed her chest at me to ask if she had missed any spots. Fuck. I actually caught myself with my mouth open, as I stared. When I looked around to see if anyone had seen me, I wasn’t surprised to see that any eyes directed this way were on Mindy.

Mindy and I bounced from lounger to cabana, for the next hour or so. The pool didn’t seem necessary. It had been a long winter in Colorado, and enjoying the 80 degrees of Las Vegas, was more soothing than the water. My hard on had retreated to stand by mode. But I could not take my eyes off of her. She was so sexy in that barely there top. Each time she would roll over, it was like seeing her for the first time. And each time my hormones responded. I could have sworn she was doing it on purpose. Torturing me, probably to get even for what I had put her through. Finally she spoke.

“Do you want to do my legs?” she asked lazily, holding up the lotion. “I think they could use more sunscreen.

Hell, yes I wanted to do her legs. Then I wanted to do the rest of her.

“But, no higher than the tops of my thighs” she warned.

Fuck I thought “But, I had made my bed and I would honor my promise.

Her calves were firm and well muscled. Mindy’s skin was soft and smooth. Even just the feel of this part of her body was getting my back to granite status. I finished, and put the lotion down.

“Good?” I asked

“Perfect. Are you ready to go back to the room?” she asked like she was bored “We’ve lost the sun.”

It had gone behind the clouds, but it had been doing that all afternoon.

“Whatever.” I said, wondering why I just rubbed in more lotion “I suppose I can get on-line and check e-mail”

She got up, grabbed her things, and walked past me. Then she abruptly stopped, reached back and cupped my groin. I started and jumped back. Mindy giggled and said

“ I just checked my male. It’s still there.”

I shook my head and followed as she led the way back to the room. The walk back and ride on the elevator was marked by constant stares, from men and women alike. Mindy seemed oblivious to it all. I was not. All of those eyes feasting on Mindy only increased my appetite. I had taken her before. I was the only man in the city that had tasted her fruits. I am the only man who had a chance to do it again.

We made it to the room, and the cool air hit us. My eyes went to Mindy’s chest and I was rewarded with the sight of her nipples constricting into tight points under the two tiny strips protecting them from my stare. I was so hard my cock hurt. I took a step to the bathroom. I needed relief and jacking off in the shower was sounding pretty good. But Mindy skipped in front of me, looked over her shoulder, smiled, and lifted the back of her wrap and flashed about half of her ass. If she was wearing anything under that garment, you could not prove it by me.

“Me, first!” she said as she danced in, and closed the door.

Fuck! I thought. Her ass looked so good. Mindy was playing with fire. I might be a man of my word, but Bruno was not. He was offering some most ungentlemanly suggestions.

Mindy was out in just a couple of moments. Strange, that I did not hear the toilet flush.

“What do you think?” I turned and as my eyes found her, she let the untied wrap fall to her feet.

This was cruel. The bottom part of her suit was as tiny as the top. Around her waist was a single thread that served but one purpose; to hold snuggly the thin piece of material that dove between Mindy’s legs. It was maddeningly narrow, only wide enough to cup her labia, and nothing more. She turned slowly to show me the back. There was nothing there. Mindy’s two swells had swallowed whatever material there was, leaving her looking naked from the waist down.

I swallowed. I was speechless.

I wanted her. I walked closer to her. I inhaled the muted musk of her arousal, her subtle perfume and the lust instilling coconut smell of her sun tan lotion.

“Don’t toy with me, Mindy. You’ve got me too close to the edge.”

She smiled, closed the distance between us, looked me dead in the eye and whispered two words that almost buckled my knees.

“Rape me.”

That was the last thing I expected to hear and I hesitated. So she repeated her command, in that same lustful whisper, this time with an encouraging nod of the head and an eager smile

“Rape me.”

That broke the spell and I took the final step towards her.

“No!” Mindy yelled with fear in her voice and panic on her face.

I was on her before I finished that last step, reaching for her head, grasping her hair and pulling her into me for a kiss.

“No! Stop!” she said as my mouth covered hers, and tried to push me away. I stabbed my tongue into her mouth and muffled her pleas for me to leave her alone.

My free hand quickly moved to find the small piece on cloth covering her pussy. Mindy immediately turned her attention to that area, but my hand was already between her legs. Even through the cloth I could tell her pussy was ready, almost pleadingly wet. I jerked on her hair, pulling her head back, and startling her for an instant. My fingers jabbed the small cloth of her bikini bottom into her pussy, and the air was instantly filled with her musk. It’s effect was like gasoline to a fire.

“Noooo! Stop! That hurts!”

I pulled her back into a kiss, with her pounding on my chest, and trying to push me away. I still controlled her head with one hand and my free hand withdrew from her cunt, and found one of Mindy’s barely covered breasts. I grabbed and squeezed it hard, sending a flicker of pleasure through my body, and a jolt of pain through Mindy’s

“Owwwww! Nooo! Don’t” Mindy exclaimed as she tried to wrest my hand free of her firm melon.

With a flick of my hand her breast was bare and her gumdrop nipple was exposed, waiting to be taken by me. I wasted no time and inhaled her breast, and feasted on the hard jewel. It felt like a cherry on my tongue so I sucked on it greedily, trying to extract juice from the forbidden fruit.

“Nooo. Please. Don’t do that! Leave me alone! I don’t want this!”

I mauled her breast and I rose to kiss her deeply as she struggled to keep me at bay.

With no warning, I threw her backwards. She lost her balance and tumbled on to the bed. I dove on top of her, getting in between her splayed legs, which were hanging off the bed.

“No! Please don’t do this!”

I caught one wrist as she tried to hit me, and pulled it across her body. I took my free hand and slapped the side of Mindy’s exposed breast, hard.

“Owwwwwwww! She screamed and tried to cover up.

I caught her other hand, transfer both wrists into my left and yanked them above her head. With her breasts now completely unprotected I attacked them, mauling the left one while I sucked on the right. Her tits were still firm, even at her age, and the feeling of squeezing one, while I suckled the other gave me only modest relief from the wave of lust trying to break over me.

“Noooooooo! Owwwwwwww! You’re hurting me!” she yelled as I twisted one nipple.

I was becoming drunk with the power I could exert. Mindy was mine for the taking. She had spent the afternoon teasing me, daring me to take her; daring me to violate her without consent. It was time for that to happen. I could wait not a second longer.

I startled Mindy, by releasing her hands, backing out from between her legs, and then attempting to flip her over. She fought back trying not to expose her tender ass, and barely covered pussy to what she knew would be a relentless pounding. But, she was not strong enough. I captured both arms and held them behind her back while I release my throbbing cock.

“No! Please! Don’t do this!”

I released her again to remove the tiny covering, and she tried to scramble away. I pulled the bikini bottom down revealing all her glory and she continued to kick and fight. I yanked hard on her legs spreading them and noticing that her bunghole was oozing a clear gel. She had lubed herself up!

‘Bitch! I’m tired of this!’

I said as I pulled her hard to me, her legs going on either side and opening up her cunt. I grabbed both hips, aimed, lunged and felt myself sink deep into her pussy. I felt goose bumps appear as the tightness and heat enveloped my cock and the exhilaration of knowing I would be empting my seed shortly overcame me.

When I breeched Mindy’s orifice, I expected a scream, but instead heard a deep moan.


“You want this don’t you, you little bitch.” I asked.

Mindy was silent as I began to pump in and out. She was not fighting anymore, just laying there, relaxed. She was a prisoner to her own pleasure. She would fight now, but only to gain her own release.

I pulled her hips up to gain a better angle and Mindy moved with me. My hands had a firm hold on her hips as I sawed in and out of her. Mindy gradually raised her ass higher and higher to make my assault more pleasurable.

“Ohhhh. Please.” Mindy moaned again.

“Rub your wet cunt, bitch!’ I said in a sharp voice.

Mindy complied immediately, getting up on her knees, and sticking her ass up high enough that I now had to kneel on the bed. This opened her cheeks wide and her lubed rosebud was begging for my attention.

“You want it up your ass, don’t you?!” I said

“No.” Not there.” Mindy moaned out the words, making it clear she was only just still able to keep up the charade. She wanted her ass filled with man-meat.

That was all the invitation I needed. I pulled out, pushed her flat onto the bed, and spread her ass cheeks. My cock touched her sphincter and I plunged in with one motion. I felt her ass tense and try to squeeze my cock in two as she screamed.

“Nooooooooooo!” Mindy wailed.

I am sure it hurt, but I was past caring about anything now, as I started to pump her ass. The tight sensation around my dick as my hands were filled with Mindy’s ass was electrifying. My hips would collide with my own hands and her butt, adding to my arousal. I released one cheek and dug my hand under Mindy’s chest to find her tit and I squeezed it, trying to coax another ounce of pleasure from this moment.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh” Mindy moaned, betraying that her pain had been pushed into a corner by the lust that filled her mind and soul.

I moved my hands to Mindy’s hips, as I began to pound into Mindy’s ass, trying to make her scream, in pleasure or pain; I did not care which. But then I heard her say in a labored voice.

“Please. Please turn me over. Do my ass from the front.”

I was not so deep into my bloodlust that I could not stop. But it took the thought of violating Mindy’s ass deeper to make me want to stop. So, I reluctantly did. As soon as I was out and clear of Mindy, she immediately turned over, pulled her legs back and offered me her still distended anus. I was back in her bowel in an instant, with Mindy’s legs now draped over her shoulders. I was able to get so much deeper and I was burning with the desire to unload.

Mindy’s motivation was her own release, as one hand was now working her pussy as I pounded her asshole with every bit of energy I had left. Her breasts was complete free and bouncing to the rhythm of my thrusts. I reached in, captured one, and mauled the orb; trying to make it spurt the orgasm that was building in me.

Mindy moaned louder and then started to voice her pleasure.

“Yes! Fuck my ass! Harder! I’m almost there!”

I could not go any harder, so I settled for pushing her legs up higher, and pounding deeper into her ass. I release her breast and fought to get her ass up higher and to stab harder and deeper.

“Ohhhhh! Yeah! Keep going!”

And then she tightened and stopped me dead. It hurt to try to push. I could only make micro thrusts as Mindy yelled

“Yessssssssssssss! I’m cumming!’

She writhed as her orgasm took control. When she relaxed, I had come down from the brink, so I pulled out and buried myself deep into Mindy’s cunt. While not nearly as tight, it was much more wet with arousal, as the lube in Mindy’s ass had broken down. I was now able to fuck her unrestrained, and I took full advantage.

Almost insulted that she had not gotten me off yet, she grabbed her own legs and pulled them back until her knees were to her ears.

“Fuck my pussy! Make me hurt! Harder!” she yelled

It took only moments to ramp me back to the brink, I felt myself approach climax, and at the penultimate moment I released her hips, grabbed both breasts and squeezed the orgasm out of me.

“Yawwwwwwwwww!” I yelled and bore my hips into Mindy, trying to poke my cock through her back and flood the room with my cum.

I opened my eyes and saw Mindy looking at me with a grin.


“Uh, huh.” she said, as I released her breasts and she dropped her legs.

I fell on top of her and kissed her tenderly.

“Did I hurt you?”

“I’ll live. I just hope my boobs don’t bruise. That’s some grip you got there” she grinned at me as she rubbed her tits.

“You’re ass?”

“It hurt before. I’m OK” she said kissing me.

“If it hurt, why did you practically beg me to fuck it, by lubing it up?”

“I kind of thought I wouldn’t have a choice. You really like it up my butt, and I thought if I worked you up again, you might forget and rip me in two.” she said, pulling me down for a hug.

“Probably right.” I relied matter of factly, and then turned slightly edgy as I asked “Now, you want to tell me what that was all about?”

“Didn’t you like it?” she said with a girlish pout to her voice.

I just raised my eyebrows and gave her the Get-on-with-it look.

“You have your fantasy and I have mine.” she said plainly

I shook my head as I responded.

“If I’d only known. I’d have raped you years ago and saved myself a lot of money.”

Mindy playfully slapped my shoulder.

‘I figured this was my chance. My fantasy doesn’t include having the man I love turn into a rapist, so I could never ask John. Plus, what would he think of me? So I teased you, seduced you, and then got what I deserved.”

“So, you used me.” I said with a grin

“Yeah, How does it feel being on the other end?” she asked accusatorily

“Kind of like you have felt for awhile now; I liked it” I threw back at her.

Mindy got a introspective look on her face and just sat silent. Her eyebrow raise accompanied by a shrug gave me at least part of the answer to my suggested question.

We got up and took a tour of the shower again. This time we did it together; much to my delight and surprise. She was acting like we were a couple. I was fucked out, so there was nothing but a little mutual soaping going on. I was wondering what was going through her pretty little head of hers. I decided she was just coping, and as we were so close to the deadline I didn’t really care.

Check out, taxi, airport security were not only boring, mind numbing and de-humanizing, but they had the effect of further punctuating the fact that my fantasy was coming to an end. I was a bit depressed and as tired as I had been in years. Sure we had slept, but I had had more sex this weekend than the last half year with my dear wife. I loved her, but I should have slapped her silly for telling me what we had been doing all those years was sex. I had no idea what “normal” was now going to be from now on.

We had “A” boarding passes on Southwest, and I wanted to sit up front and beat the crowd. But Mindy drug me all the way back to the last row and we took an aisle and the window; daring someone to sit in between us. I usually like the aisle seat, so I have a little room, but Mindy playfully nudged me across. I got buckled in and settled back feeling fatigue start to take me over.

When I would open my eyes I noticed that Mindy seemed a little anxious and was keeping an eye on the crowd filling the plane. When I tried to reason out what was going on, I came up blank. Our companion row was empty, and so was the entire row in front of us. Maybe she was worried about crying babies.

Mindy got up and went to the restroom behind us. I hadn’t noticed her being a nervous flyer on the trip into Vegas. She came out, tossed her purse on floor, and headed up to the front of the plane. I saw her talk to what looked like the senior flight attendant, motion in our direction some, and then come back to her seat with a cat-canary grin.

“What?” I asked

“Never you mind. Just sit back and enjoy the flight.”

Then she scooted into the seat beside me.

“Get your ass, back in your own seat” I said. “It’s tight enough over here”

But, Mindy ignored me. Instead she leaned over kissed me, and took my left hand and put it on her chest. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Then her hand was in my lap, feeling me up through my shorts. I thought I was too tired to get an erection. I was wrong. The unique feel, weighty and firm, of a woman’s free breast, Mindy’s aggressive kissing and her hand rubbing my penis; had me wide awake and hard in moments.

I broke the kiss and asked

“What are you up to?” I asked suspiciously

“Me?” she replied with exaggerated innocence and pulled me back into an embrace.

Two minutes later we were interrupted, and I was listening to a flight attendant tell us how to operate a seat belt and that we could not smoke in the lavatories. My hard on was making it difficult to keep my attention focused on anything except the attendant’s tits and Mindy’s hand that was now down my shorts.

“What ARE you doing?” I asked puzzled, but not trying to stop her.

“I’m conducting an experiment on hydrodynamic tendencies. What does it feel like I’m doing?”

“It feels like you are trying to get raped, for real.” I responded.

She gave me that innocent “What, me?” look and kept going. She did stop for the seat belt check, done prior to take off. I hid my erection as best I could.

Mindy continued fondling me and allowing me access to any part of her body for a few moments at a time. She was keeping a constant look out for prying eyes and would break things off if a flight attendant turned their attention rearward.

Twenty minutes into the flight, the Captain turned off the seat belt sign and passenger movement curtailed my more graphic displays of passion. Mindy unbuckled her seatbelt slid over and with a little help from me released my cock. Mindy leaned in and took it into her mouth. Her mouth was warm, wet and tight. It felt so good, and I shivered with anticipatory relief. But Mindy was not working to expel my lust; she was teasing me to greater anxiety. She would only take about half of my organ into her mouth. When I tried to “help”, Mindy would pull back out and tell me to behave or she would leave me, as she but it “blue balled”

Mindy stopped completely when I warned her of our stewardess’s approach. The lady took our drink order and moved on. She sat back up and I seemed to feel my balls turn an azure hue. I had thought we were going to join the Mile High Club, but now I was sure she had chickened out.

But, a few minutes later when the drink cart passed us from behind, the stewardess smiled and nodded at Mindy. Mindy got up and said.

“Come on!”

Mindy took me by the hand and practically pulled me out of my seat. She led the way the very short distance to the restroom, opened the door, and went in. She put the toilet seat down, knelt on it facing away, and urged me to follow. That was an easy argument to win. My shorts were still undone, and my cock was trying to poke it’s way out.

Mindy was wearing a skirt, which she was lifting in an invitation to take her from behind. This was going to be less than ideal, but it was so incredible erotic to be having sex with a crowd of people behind us. I spread my legs as wide as they would go to get lower as Mindy reached back to guide my engorged organ into her. I felt her wet pussy divide and allow me in as far as the angle and Mindy’s sexy bottom would allow.

As soon as I was in Mindy said

“Now fuck me, but do it quietly!”

I began to thrust up, searching to spear Mindy a little deeper, feeling myself slide in, and then back as her vaginal muscles tried to capture my cock for it’s own devise. I reached under Mindy’s blouse and found a breasthold. With her nearly upright, I could feel the full weight of her melon, with her areola falling right in the crook of my thumb and fore finger. As I massaged it, while driving my cock into her cunt, I felt the nipple constrict into a tight knot and Mindy let out a soft moan.

Mindy had her hand rubbing her own sex trying to reach her own climax. My short thrusts were not satisfying her, but they were more than enough for me. I pistoned faster and faster, slapping my hips against Mindy’s ass, and making more noise than I intended. The noise was secondary. I was captured. Mindy’s hungry body had mesmerized me and I was compelled to keep pumping that insatiable little hole, to feed it once again.

I needed to find more of Mindy’s body to conquer, so I lifted up her blouse to pull it over her head. She eagerly complied. I used both of Mindy’s breasts to pull her into me, feeling a chill as the warmth of her body met mine. We were cheek to cheek as I continued my upward stabs into her love tunnel. It was maddening not to be able to take her mouth, to feel our tongues intertwine, so I settled for biting her ear gently and wetting that erogenous zone. I was rewarded when Mindy moaned.

“Ohhhhhhhhh! Don’t stop! God, fuck me hard. I’m getting close.

Her words came out broken and fragmented, as her own lust sapped all but her base instincts. I felt my orgasm start to build. It would be only moments and that thought spurred me to a new level I had not known I possessed. My legs were burning under the awkward angle, but I ignored their protests. Something as trivial as pain was not going to stop me from filling Mindy with my juice.

I erupted gunfire into her cunt and expected a cry of pain from it’s force. There was none. But my rigidity and hip lock signaled my orgasm to Mindy. The knowledge that she had gotten me to cum yet again, burst her own dam. I felt her pussy squeeze my cock, and her body go stiff.

We held this position until the pleasure wave passed, and reality began to creep back in. My sense of time returned. I had no idea if we had been in our little love shack for a minute or twenty. There had been no knock at the door, but I could not help wonder how much noise we had really made. I found toilet paper for the hygienic portion of this act, and we were quickly adjusting clothes. Mindy looked radiant, with a satisfied smile that I wonder if sprang from her orgasm or the fact that she had pleasured me again. I wondered for the millionth time why John had not taken this woman out of circulation. I thought for a second on that and concluded he must be gay. That’s Mindy’s problem.

I took a breath, unlatched the door, and stepped out. There was no applause, no one waiting, and no one except the two flight attendants in the aisle with their beverage cart. The senior one looked up at me, smiled meekly, and then went back to her duties. As Mindy got out, I saw this same flight attendant, nod to Mindy, and look pityingly at me. We sat down and I spoke for the first time in what felt like an hour.

“That was great! But, at the risk of sounding ungrateful, Why?” I asked

“Call it a ‘Thank You Gift’” said Mindy

“I don’t understand. Thank you for what? You aren’t exactly here by choice” I rebutted.

“Yeah, I know. But here is the way I see. First forget the money. I earned it, so we are on even ground there. You WERE mean to me, and I hated some of the things you did, but you were also sweet and tender, too. It’s s a lot of money, so it wouldn’t have been realistic for this to have been easy. But you could have made it a lot worse.

Second, and I don’t know if you believe this, but I don’t think I will ever gamble again. I don’t have the urge.”

I don’t believe that. I thought, but what difference did it make.

“Plus, I think I learned a lot about myself. I’ve never really enjoyed sex before. With you, I almost had to enjoy it; to survive what you were making me do. I know that sounds weird….”

She had seen the look on my face. It did sound a little off, but I kind of knew what she was getting at.

“..but, if I can enjoy stuff like, anal sex, with someone I don’t love, I can certainly enjoy it with the man I will marry. I never really had that attitude before. Sex was always a duty. When my first two husbands and all the others wanted something different, I always resisted, gave in, and when it was unpleasant, I was resentful. Or I didn’t give in and they were mad at me. With you, I learned to relax, and enjoy it. I still don’t understand how that was possible.”

“So, I’m fucking Dr. Ruth now? I said kind of bewildered, and amused.

“Maybe. The point is I got a lot of positives out of this weekend and that’s what I’m going to dwell on.” Mindy finished.

I didn’t know what to say, about that so I changed the subject.

“Weren’t you afraid of getting us arrested or something? It might be a little hard to explain to John?”

“I got the senior flight attendant to kind of look the other way” she replied

Seeing my skeptical expression, Mindy continued.

“I told her you were just diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease, and joining the Mile High Club was on your bucket list. She was very supportive.”

I busted out laughing and said;

“I’m speechless”

The rest of the flight was uneventful and boring. I tried to sleep, but I don’t usually do that on airplanes. The seats just aren’t that comfortable. We landed and went to my car. Mindy had called John to pick her up, but he would be at least another 40 minutes. I had kept the money in the car, because if you travel with more than $10,000 you risk attracting TSA attention. You end up answering a lot of questions and it would be a real pain in the ass. I had worried a little about it being stolen, but my car is a 10 year old Pontiac and needed to be washed; not exactly a prime target. As I got the bag with the cash out from under the seat, I asked Mindy

“You want me to bend you over in the backseat for old time’s sake?’ Which I quickly realized was only a bit over two days ago. What a weekend.

“No, Thank you” she responded with a grin. But she did give me a chaste kiss before she turned around and left.

My last week at work sucked. I could have blown it off. It’s not like I would need a reference. But, that’s not my style. I give my word and I keep it. I expect the same of others. But, my heart was not in it. I did my part to pass on my knowledge to the lady replacing me. I was not surprised at all when on Friday afternoon a retirement party was thrown in my honor. I had been with the company for over 20 years, and the circumstances of me leaving tugged at the heartstrings of most people.

Mindy and I had not seen much of each other during the week. When we did, only someone paying close attention would have noticed that our interaction has changed. The smiles we gave each other had changed from polite to knowing. We met each other’s eyes and then looked away guiltily. Had this gone on for weeks, and someone maybe catching us in conversation, it might have alerted someone to a possible affair. Had they only known.

Mindy was in attendance for party. As a matter of fact, she was helping to serve the cake. She brought me a piece and said formally, as she extended a hand;

“Good Luck. It was nice to work with you”

I played the part and kept my expression neutral as I returned the compliment. A few minutes later, I went to dab my mouth with the napkin Mindy had brought with my plate. I noticed something written on it.

“North Storage Room 5:05 PM sharp. Need to talk to you” The word ‘need’ was underlined

“Oh, Goody.” I thought sarcastically “What now?”

I was instantly on guard. My first thought was that she was going to try to back out of her commitment. I was ready for that, and she would not be pleased. My second thought was she wanted to give me a special going away present. My conscience bitch- slapped my sub conscience for suggesting that. Mindy was not going to willingly have sex with me again. She might have enjoyed it, but she did not love me. I knew that. I didn’t love her. I did love fucking her, though. I was looking forward to our rematch.

5 PM came and plenty of people stopped by to say their final good byes. So, I didn’t get down to the storage room until about 5:20. I opened the door to find Mindy sitting on some boxes; crying. She looked up and I could see she was instantly overcome with relief.

“Thank God! I thought you weren’t coming. My note said 5:05 sharp.” she snapped

Annoyed, because I’m not on anyone’s clock anymore, I snapped back.

“Woman, who do you think you are? It’s my last day at this fucking place. I’ve had more people in my office saying good-bye than have been in there in the last 10 years.”

This turned on the waterworks again.

“Knock that off, will you?” I said softer, but still with a hint of annoyance. “I’m here. So what’s with the cloak and dagger note? You couldn’t pick up a phone or walk over to my office?”

Mindy sniffed. “I didn’t want to risk being overheard saying what I needed to say, and someone finding out I was telling it to you.” She said

“Tell me what?” I said completely mystified as to what she would ‘need’ to say.

“I’m pregnant.” She said bluntly

I was shocked, but not because I thought I could be the father. My wife and I had long ago decided not to have anymore kids. It’s minor surgery for a guy to get fixed and that’s the way we went. I was shocked because it came out of left field. I never gave that any thought with Mindy. I knew it couldn’t happen. She didn’t and was obviously worried about the possibilities.

“It’s John’s” I said confidently.

“You’ve had a vasectomy?” she asked hopefully

“And had it confirmed. It was fun getting the sample to send in. I actually talked my wife into spitting into the test tube. It was the only time I got to cum in her mouth” I said with a whimsical smile.

“Thank God……and you’re a pig” she said obviously very relieved

“Oink” I replied. Then Mindy looked serious again.

“I still have a little problem. I’m guessing you are going to hold me to my Extra-Day Promise.” started Mindy.

I nodded and gave her the “What-Do-Think-Face”

“I’m not trying to get out of it…”

“You better not” I warned “I told you I would be ruthless if you did”

“I need some time. I’m still coming to grips with all that happened last weekend, and how it affects John and I, and now a baby, at my age. I’m 37..”

“Yes, I know. And you’re a church going soccer mom. Got it. Why is that my problem?”
I cut her off.

She got misty eyed again.

“Please. One year…”

“A year!” I yelled much too loud “I was thinking next weekend!”

“In a year the baby will be born. John and I will be solid and I will be able to handle anything. But, another full day of having to do whatever you desire again. I just don’t think I can bare it right now.” And then she started to cry.

“Fucking women and their tears.” I thought “This tactic should be outlawed”

“Dammit, Mindy. “I’ve held up my end and I expect you to hold up yours.” I said more calmly.

“Please? Can’t we work something out” she said through sobs.

“Fine!” I said bitterly “Take off your clothes”

“What? Here? Again” she said, the surprise turning off all emotion except shock

“Yes. If have to wait a year for my reward. I want a down payment now. Take it or leave it” I said with a tone of finality.

“I’ll do it” Mindy said as she started to unbutton her blouse “But, I think you’re a bastard”

“And that will cost you ten swats with a paddle.” I said matter-of-factly.

Mindy just scowled as she continued to unbutton her white blouse. My stares made her uncomfortable as she finished off the last of the buttons and started to turn away.

“Face me” I commanded.

She did as she was told and shrugged out of her blouse, letting me see her ample C-cup breasts trying to spill out of her conservative white bra. I held out my hand for her blouse. She gave it to me without a thought.

Mindy reached behind and in a well practiced move unhooked her bra. I saw it’s support give way to gravity and her chest fell perceptively and then she unceremoniously threaded the garment through her arms, unveiling her milky white globes.

Mindy liked a nice tan, but was a bit shy, so even in the salon she wore a bikini. This had the erotic effect of highlighting her most sacred areas when she was naked, doubling the effect. She glared at me as she handed me her bra.

In another well rehearsed motion, both hands went behind her skirt to work the clasp and zipper that kept her knee-length cotton skirt covering her tan, toned legs, and her heart shaped bubble ass. She stepped out of it, careful that it did not touch the dusty floor.

Mindy stood to face me, almost asking if she was done. She knew the answer and put her thumbs into the waistband of her thong panties.

“Turn around.” I told her.

Mindy complied. I was rewarded with the sight of her near naked ass. The ass I had worshiped for the past decade and violated so many times the previous weekend. I was hard as a rock, knowing I would once again feel it’s tightness around my cock and the experience the intoxicating power I felt as my cock penetrated her forbidden opening.

She danced out of the panties, and turned to face me, and handed them to me.

“Go bend over those boxes” I said motioning to a stack of printer paper boxes about waist level.

Mindy took a step over, spread her legs slightly, and bend completely over at the waist, offering her most sacred orifices for my pleasure. I did not fail to notice that she assumed this position in the manner in which I loved; her forehead resting on her hands, and both on the front edge. This caused her ample breasts to hang and sway with each movement.

I walked over, and reached underneath her chest, capturing one of her swaying fruits and gave it a squeeze. The now familiar weight and firmness tickled the pleasure center of my brain and I took in a small breath.

I stepped back, and Mindy tightened, expecting me to impale her at any moment. But I took one more step back, opened the door and said quickly.

“Now stay that way until I get back! Going to Wal-mart! Bye!”

Mindy’s clothes and I were out in a flash, and I slammed the door between us. I heard her yell “Noooooo” once, and then she was silent.

Mindy was not dumb. She was naked, at work, and we had a night watchman who might hear a commotion. She would have also figured out, in very short order, that I would be back in half an hour or so. So, if she was quiet there was a high likelihood that no one would find her.

But, it still made me walk funny all through Wal-Mart as I pictured Mindy naked, both praying I would return and dreading what would happen when I got back.
Twenty five minutes I was back. I had two bags. One held her clothes and one the goodies I had just purchased from Wal-Mart.

I opened the door to find Mindy crouching in a corner, trying to cover herself up.

She let out a huge sigh of relief and then I saw anger flood into her eyes

“Dammit! What if someone found me like this?” she asked, very annoyed.

“Blowjobs cause amnesia.” I responded just a little proud of myself for the quip.

I earned a dirty look, as Mindy put her hands on her hips, unconscientiously comfortable being naked in front of me, and cocked a hip defiantly. I marveled for the 100th time at her body, admiring her full round breasts, with the brown pink areolas. Mindy’s nipples always looked like they were hard through her clothes. Her nubs were about half an inch long, and when cold or aroused they constricted into tight gumdrops. They were not that way now, but I was hopeful. I longed to feel one in my mouth, after a week’s absence.

My gaze drifted to her still bare pubic mound, highlighted by the tan lines of her absent bikini bottom; and then followed the lines of her long tan legs, toned by her time doing aerobics and other leg exercises. Mindy interrupted my stares when she asked with a tone of impatience.

“Okayyyy. Now what?”

I snapped out of it, regained my focus and ordered.

“You know what. Bend you ass back over those boxes.”

She did as she was told and I watched as her boobs swayed gently with her graceful movements.

“I’m sorry I called you a bastard.” Mindy said sincerely “Do you have to spank me?”

Her words were barely out of her mouth when the sound of the paddle meeting her ass resounded in the small room.


“Owwww!” Mindy cried

“I don’t have to. I want to”

I said as I watched her right cheek turn red where the round shaped ping pong paddle had impacted with Mindy’s shapely ass.

Whack! Went the second blow. Mindy winced and drew in a breath. She was resigned to her punishment and resolved not to draw attention. I was drawn to the way her breasts jumped when she convulsed with the impact, so my gaze was there when number three was delivered.


“Uhhh” Mindy grunted out and she lurched forward slightly. I watched and waited for her breasts to come to a rest. Then with eyes on her bottom I delivered three quick swats.

Whack! Whack! Whack!

“Oww! Please not so hard! That really hurts!” cried Mindy as she danced and reached back to rub her bottom.

“Move that hand!” I barked “You aren’t allowed to rub anything except your cunt.”

She turned her head to scowl at me, and I punctuated my point with a much harder blow.


“Rub you cunt!” I said sternly

Mindy reached back and started to rub her clit with two fingers, entering her pussy, but focusing on her love button. I paused her spanking and checked her pussy for myself.

“You’re awful wet to be complaining so loud.” I said.

Mindy was silent, but kept rubbing. I reached under her chest and took her weighty breast into my hand and massaged the globe. Her nipple had constricted and I could feel the contrast between it’s hardness and the soft firmness of her breast.

Mindy kept rubbing; maybe a little faster.

“Beg me for the last three and maybe they won’t be so hard.”

“Ohhhh” Mindy began feeling the pleasure her own hand was giving her and almost purred

“Please spank my little ass”


I delivered a softer, but still firm swat to her behind. Mindy’s hand was definitely moving faster.

“A..a..another, please.” Mindy begged around a ragged breath.

Whack! I answered her plea and Mindy moaned loudly.

“Is spanking your naughty ass, going to make you cum?” I asked, wondering if it was true.

“Hurry! Spank me again!” Mindy said tensing up and as her ass cheeks clenched together in orgasm I landed the final blow. I could feel the difference as her hard ass stopped rather than absorbed the blow.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” she cried in orgasm or pain. I couldn’t tell which.

As Mindy was relaxing from her climax, I dropped my pants and moved in behind her. Mindy was breathing hard from her efforts and afterglow.

“Keep rubbing your cunt.” I ordered. Mindy reached back complacently and began a slow rub of her sex once again. I thumbed her little rosebud, building her tension with the question of which orifice I would be violating. I answered the question when I plunged deep into her wet cunt, bottoming out and holding it.

Mindy jumped in surprise and let out a low groan.

I let out my own groan as the slick tightness caressed my organ and a shiver ran down my spine.

“What do you want, Mindy?” I asked softly, but firmly.

“Fuck me. Fuck me hard.”

I pulled out and gave her a hard short thrust, in answer to her request. Both of my hands had found Mindy’s hips and they made ideal handles to pull Mindy’s body into mine, impaling her on my stone member.

After a few satisfying stokes, I moved my hands inward to knead Mindy’s ass, revealing and then concealing the ultimate object of my lust; her tight little ass. That thought had me unconsciously grinding my hips into Mindy, pushing her into the boxes.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh” Mindy moaned as my cock found it’s way deep into her love tunnel as she continued to molest her own body. I felt the wall of pleasure build behind me, pressuring me to pound harder, but I resisted. I had one more conquest to make.

I withdrew quickly, slapped her smartly on her ass and commanded Mindy;

“Turn over! Get on those boxes!”

Mindy did not question or hesitate. Our past weekend had taught her what I desired and she was anxious to give herself to me. I handed her the tube of KY Jelly I had picked up and told her to get herself ready. I undressed, and watched as Mindy lubed up a finger and worked into her anus, trying to breakdown the muscle. She applied a dollop to her forbidden hole and worked it in. Finally, as she worked her cunt with her left hand, she put the head of the tube in her ass and squeezed until it oozed out from the sides.

As Mindy began to writhe under the machinations of her own hand, I took a liberal amount of the goo, and masturbated myself slick. A final Hershey’s kiss-size dollop on her backdoor was as good as it was going to get.

“Pull your legs back!” I snapped. Instantly Mindy grabbed the back of her thighs, pulled and offered herself to me.

I lined up, touch the cool gel protected orifice, and pushed hard. I broke through the protective muscle instantly and felt the tight opening constrict my cock. I pushed all the way through and squeezed my way to the bottom of Mindy’s incredibly tight ass.

“Ohhhhhhhhh” Mindy moaned in pleasure and she released one thigh to manipulate her cunt once again.

I reached with both hands underneath Mindy’s hips, lifted and pulled her back into me to gain the best penetration and angle of assault. I ground my hips into her ass for a moment, enjoying the tightness of Mindy’s canal, the sight of her playing with herself and her breasts bouncing to the rhythm of her ministrations.

Mindy’s nipples had contracted into tight cherries, whose points quivered on top of Mindy’s melons. As I began to pump Mindy’s ass, my conquest realized and only the final assent left to achieve, I latched onto one breast and squeezed lustily, using it and Mindy’s opposite hip to leverage my cock as deep into her bowel as I could.

I thrust harder into Mindy’s bowel, watching as my thrusts translated into a jolt on Mindy’s body, and a violent shock to her free breast. Each time I bottomed out I was rewarded with a jolt of physical pleasure and the answering shimmy of Mindy’s entire body as my powerful lust was transformed into kinetic energy.

“Don’t stop!” Mindy begged “ Just a little more! Ohhh! Ohh!

Her vocals spurred my desire to climax and I released her breast to gain greater purchase of her hips. The forward stab of my rod was met with me pulling Mindy’s hips into mine, with a staccato; Slap! Slap! Slap! Each sound ticked me higher as I scaled the wall of lust and made ready to have the final pleasure drown me.

‘Harder. Harder. Harder’ I thought. “I’m almost there” Then a switch flipped and

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I grunted out and locked my body into Mindy’s ass straining to push my cock into her brain. I felt myself spurt hot magma deep into her ass, and then Mindy’s own orgasm clamped her sphincter around my organ as points of light began to pop in front of my eyes. I shot a second line and then a third, each punctuated by a tiny thrust trying to push my juice deep in to Mindy’s tense body.

Reality crept back into view, and we both relaxed. Mindy rested her legs on my shoulders and I used her breasts to once again coax my heart rate down, and my breathing back to normal. I looked down at Mindy, who was sweaty and a bit disheveled. Her own expression told me she was just now refocusing as well. I saw a weak smile come to her face.

“Have you given John any of that, yet?” I asked mischievously.

“Not yet” she answered as I let her reject my cock and my juice began to ooze out of her distended opening. “I’m taking him slow. I don’t want to throw everything at him at once. He might start to wonder about what happened in Las Vegas”

I dug into the Wal-Mart sack and took out some wet wipes and carefully began to clean the majority of my semen from Mindy. She eyed me a thank you and continued.

“I did wear the micro-bikini for him, two days after the audit. It went well, by the way. They only checked the balancing entries and verified the bank balance. I didn’t have to explain anything.”

“That’s good” I commented. I gave Mindy another wipe so she could finish and began my own hygienic attention. “What did John think of the micro-bikini?”

“He pulled it apart getting it off of me.” She grinned “Wearing it let me explain my baldness down there, and he paid off the bet” she added

Thinking of the only orifice I had not violated today I had to ask;

“Did you show him your new oral skills?”

Mindy actually blushed again.

“I gave him a blowjob on our way home that night back. I figured that would be the best way to satisfy him and to let my body heal awhile. My butthole was just getting to feel normal again” she said giving me a mock scowl.

“I’m not the least bit sorry” I said smugly “Well, I am sorry I won’t be using your body again anytime soon”

“Yeah. Thanks for that. I really think it will help.” Mindy said as she leaned in to kiss me.

She got up from the boxes and went to the second bag to retrieve her clothes. I came up behind her and found both breasts and massaged them tenderly.

“Are you trying for round two?” Mindy asked with maybe a touch of concern. It was getting late and I doubt she had called ahead.

“Nope, just saying my good byes. I have always liked your boobs” I answered

Mindy giggled, but did not resist. She leaned back and let my hands enjoy themselves as I thought to myself.

I doubt I will ever collect on my extra day. This year hiatus will just let too many things change. I could insist, and I still have that video I made. She would end up doing anything I wanted. But, was it really going to be worth it, a year from now? Maybe. She will be a year older, squeezed out another kid, and where will I be? I won’t be a monk. I may meet someone else. Ah, well. I got my fantasy. Mindy is happy. I guess we will just see what happens.

I let go of her boobs, pushed away from Mindy and swatted her smartly on her still red ass.

“Owww” she whined and rubbed her butt. I started to get dressed. Mindy followed my lead.

“I’m sure gonna miss you.” I started “Too bad, you don’t have a sister. I have another $30,000.” I said trying to push her buttons.

“Oh, I have a sister” Mindy said smiling “And I’ll make damn sure she never meets you.”

I chuckled and we finished getting dressed. Then Mindy left with only a nod goodbye and a smile.

I was alone. It was then that it hit me. My life, which had been in limbo while the lawyers fought, and then was distracted while I waited for my check, and then turned upside down by Mindy, was ready to start again.

“What will come in the morn? I thought as I walked out of that room and towards a new beginning.

The End

These 10 chapters were my first attempt at an adult story. I think I improved greatly as the story evolved and I figured out what I was doing. All constructive criticism is welcome. If you feel the need to leave Negative feedback, drop me a hint with a suggestion on how to improve. Thanks for reading.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-12-16 01:28:44
I really liked to read through this stories. Very good and entertaining writing.
No boring sections and kept me wondering what's next.
Thanks, very good.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-08-14 21:21:10
Awesome story. I loved how she grew to like the treatment at the end. I hope she realizes that Brian can no longer fill her needs and moves in with yhe stud lol. I can see this becoming a book. Keep up the great work. Bravo

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-05-14 00:55:09
Very good series Sirra!

I noticed that the more you wrote, the better you got at it, using more than just simple, plain words.

Keep up the great work!

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-23 05:31:53
Awesome story read it all

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-07-06 02:21:51
So good I cumed like 15 times I'm so damn wet

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