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Becomming progressively closer, James and Ruth begin to experience new and wonderful feelings . . .

This is a fictitious story which I have based on true accounts from friends, along with personal experience. This is not a hard sex story, and although it does contain graphic sexual descriptions; it is the continuation of a romantic tale of first experiences and the feelings experienced by many, many people, when confronted by sexual situations and sensations for the first time. I hope you enjoy.

It was Saturday evening. The previous evening, James and Ruth had spent a pleasant time walking around the town, talking, kissing and gazing adoringly into each other’s eyes. They had spent half an hour in a coffee lounge, huddled up together, giggling when an older couple shot them disparaging looks. James and Ruth did not care. They were in their own world.

After leaving the coffee lounge they make their way through the historical part of the town. Ruth, who enjoyed history, gave James a fun filled lecture on the various buildings and their significance. By the time they reached the Rising Sun, they were completely starry eyed and wrapped up in one another.

Throughout the evening, they both wished to pet heavily as they had when by the river, only with it being a Friday evening, there were more people around. 'It doesn’t matter,' thought James. 'Just being with Ruth is good enough for me.'

Ruth, although wishing to get close to James and be intimate once again, also felt content to just walk and share the occasional kiss. 'He is just so lovely. I so want to lie next to him and feel him all over, but we can do that tomorrow night. Just being with him is a dream.'

At the end of the evening, they kissed goodnight in their usual spot, the hands of both parties wandering and exploring. James had one arm around the back of her shoulder and the other, lower down as he caressed her buttocks, sending torrents of pleasure and desire through her private area. Ruth did very much the same, feeling the same level of excitement as James when she pressed her pelvis against his, feeling his erection. Neither of them went any further. They both knew that they had the following evening to explore their new found sexuality further. Reluctantly, they parted, their eyes not leaving the other until Ruth disappeared from sight, walking up the path to her home. 'Tomorrow night,' she thought. 'I just can’t wait!'


Having left the house early, Ruth stood at ‘their’ corner, waiting excitedly for James to appear. She had worn a tight fitting white T-shirt beneath her jacket, and a loose fitting black silky skirt. She hoped that the shirt would accentuate her breasts, and had bought some sexy underwear, keeping it hidden from her mother, who she knew would disapprove. She planned to keep it at the back of her cupboard, where her mother never looked. James had worn his best jeans and a T-shirt that displayed the logo of a rock band.

Seeing James approach, Ruth ran towards him, the couple embracing and sharing a deeply passionate kiss. Looking at Ruth, James felt like the luckiest man in the world. She looked so sweet and incredibly sexy, her tight shirt showing her beautiful breasts off to perfection. Her long, almost blonde hair waved in the slight breeze.

“Shall we walk by the river on the way?” James said, looking into Ruth’s lustrous blue eyes. “It’ll give my folks and sister time to get out.”

“Okay,” Ruth smiled, kissing him once again, feeling a surge of passion.
“Good. We can put a Muse album on when we get back.”
Ruth chuckled. “You are so romantic.”
“You said you wanted to hear it.”

“I know. I was joking, silly.” Ruth took hold of James’s hand. “Come on. You can tell me all about your day.”

The smitten couple walked along, hand in hand, stopping occasionally to share a meaningful kiss. James reported on the football (soccer) match he had played in, scoring the winning goal. It was the first time that he had scored for the team. Being a specialist defender, he seldom got the chance to score; subsequently he was feeling on top of the world before even meeting Ruth. Now, having ‘his’ girl with him, James found himself experiencing a new and exciting high, which he had no idea could possibly exist.

By the time they reached the river, James and Ruth were completely relaxed and enjoying the warm evening. James spotted a trout, pointing it out to Ruth, who had never before noticed the fish right in front of her.

“You two can fuck off!” a male voice said.

James and Ruth spun around to see the rough looking lad and the slutty girl they had previously experienced an altercation with. James said, “It’s okay. We’re not sitting. We know it’s your bench.”

“It’s our fucking river! I don’t wanna see you here again.”
“Excuse me,” said Ruth, “but this is a –”
“Okay, we’ll go,” James said, cutting Ruth off.
“Good,” the lad sneered. “If I see yer again, we’ll do yer!”

Ruth was about to say something, but James squeezed her hand, surreptitiously shaking his head. They walked quickly away, remaining silent until they were well away from the aggressive duo.

“They can’t do that!” Ruth said angrily.

James kissed her on the cheek. “Don’t worry. Look, there’s more than one stretch of river in town, so we’ll just find somewhere new. Look, I don’t care where we walk, as long as you’re with me.”

Ruth hugged him tightly. “Thanks. I just hate being bullied, that’s all. I get enough of that from Mum and Dad.”

“They bully you?”
“Mentally, yes. They’re always telling me how sex is wrong.”
“What do you think?”
Ruth sighed. “I just want to find out for myself.”

“Well, just do it in your own time.”
“Thanks. I will. They’re not even keen on me having boyfriends.”
“Surely they must realise it’s natural.”

“I’ve told them that I will have one.”
“What did they say?”
Ruth chuckled. “They told me to wait until I’m eighteen. I told them that I wouldn’t.”
“Well, if you want to keep quiet about us, I’ll go along with it.”

Ruth stopped walking and turned to James, kissing him warmly. “You are so nice I keep wondering if I’m dreaming.”

James pulled her closer. “So do I.”

Ruth smiled and began walking again. “I’d like to meet your parents. I hope they don’t look at me and think: ‘He could have done better than that’.”

“Of course they won’t. They’ll wonder how I managed to get such a pretty and sweet girl to look at me without laughing.”

“You, James, are so sweet.” Ruth rested her head upon James’s shoulder, hugging him tightly as they walked slowly to his house, both looking forward to being alone, away from everyone else.


Arriving at James’s house, Ruth complimented him on the garden. He had told her that he often helped his father. Entering the house, James led her through to the kitchen, pouring a glass of wine for them both. James’s parents used boxes of wine, rather than bottles, preferring the value.

Entering James’s bedroom, Ruth smiled. “Wow. You are a tidy person.”

“I got fed up with Mum moaning at me, so this way I don’t get hassle.” James reached across and turned the music on.

Ruth sipped her drink, gazing around the room, which was predominantly cream. James had posters of bands and sportsmen on the walls. “This is nice.”

“So are you.”
Ruth smiled and sipped her drink before placing the glass on the bedside table. “Thanks.”
“No,” James said, “thanks for being my girlfriend.”
Ruth kissed James on the cheek. “It feels great.”

“It does.” James placed his arm around her, kissing her warmly on the lips.
“I think you should put your glass down,” Ruth whispered.
James smiled and reached across her, placing his glass down gently. “There you go.”

The couple looked adoringly into each other’s eyes, their heads moving together and their lips touching and brushing. They placed their hand on the respective legs of their partner as they continued to softly touch lips, finally pressing harder as their feelings accelerated and they became lost in the sheer joy of loving kisses. Their mouths opened and their tongues touched, sending torrents of desire through both parties. Ruth ran her hand through James’s dark hair, while James softly caressed Ruth’s back, detecting her bra-strap.

They lay back on the bed, thoroughly engrossed in the wonderful world they had created. They both felt each other’s thighs, the feelings of infatuation increasing with every excited breath. James, feeling his penis growing, gradually ran his hand from her arm, onto her chest, delicately caressing her breast, detecting her nipple and gently squeezing. Ruth felt overwhelmed by the sensation, a tingling radiating throughout her entire body. Possessed by a mixture of hormones and a yearning for this boy who had treated her more tenderly than she could ever have dreamed of, Ruth ran her hand up James’s leg, bringing it to rest at the top of his thigh, before moving it up, over his crotch and inside his shirt, which she slowly moved up, exposing his chest and feeling his erect nipple.

James groaned and copied Ruth’s move, gliding his hand up onto her bra and slipping it inside. The sensation of James’s hand upon her flesh excited Ruth immeasurably, and she began removing his shirt, breaking away from their kiss to remove both shirts. Their lips moved together again as James ran his hand across her back, struggling to unclip her bra, which was black silk with red lace. As it came away, Ruth felt a new and strange sensation. 'I’ve never been half naked with a boy. I like it.' The surge of emotion continued, increasing in strength. Unashamedly, she moved her hand down to his crotch, feeling the erection that James had acquired. James felt a shudder, and ran his hand up the inside of Ruth’s skirt, instantly escalating the tingling around her vulva. She could feel the wetness inside her silky panties, which matched her now discarded bra.

Feeling a longing to touch James’s penis, Ruth unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down his zip, as her partner’s fingers reached the silky panties. They both gasped. James, whilst stroking her pussy through her panties, began kissing and licking her neck. Reaching inside James’s briefs, Ruth opened her legs, her skirt riding up and exposing her smooth legs. Feeling a penis for the first time, Ruth’s excitement increased tenfold and she could feel that her new panties were very wet. She was fascinated with the feel of his erection, but felt cramped. In order to allow her hand to move freely, she began working James’s jeans and briefs down, James lifting his pelvis to aid her in her plight.

Now virtually naked, James felt no inhibitions. The girl of his dreams had her hand upon his six inch penis and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. Slowly, he began easing Ruth’s panties down, feeling female pubic hair for the first time in his life. He ran his fingers through it, thinking: 'This is incredible.'

Ruth, meanwhile, had placed her hand upon James’s pride and joy, delicately wrapping her fingers around it, running her hand up and down his shaft, being surprised at how easily the skin moved up and down. Curious, she let go of his member, and ran her fingers down to his scrotum, gently feeling his mobile testicles, circumspectly rolling them around, feeling surprised at the size of them. She then felt his bush of thick pubic hair before returning her hand to his swollen penis, placing her hand upon the end, where his foreskin had retracted slightly. She felt a wetness on the end, wondering: 'Is that the same as when I get wet?'

James, experiencing feelings that he had never dreamed of, detected the elasticated waistband of Ruth’s skirt, and began to pull it down, Ruth lifting her bottom to aid him, just as he had done for her. Once halfway down, Ruth manoeuvred her legs, ridding herself of the garment, longing for James to touch her. Ruth lay there, softly touching his erection, opening her legs wide, thinking: 'Please touch me.' James, who was softly kissing Ruth’s neck, glided his hand across her tummy, arriving at her pubic hair once again; only this time he slid it further down, feeling her prominent inner lips that were slippery. 'Fucking hell,' he thought, 'I’d heard the guys saying about girls’ pussies getting wet. This is incredible!'

Feeling James’s hand touch her clitoris and minora, Ruth groaned. She thought: 'Oh my God. That’s lovely!' Astounded by Ruth’s wetness, James advanced his hand on down, utilising his finger to detect her vaginal entrance, bending his fingers upwards and inserting it slightly. Hearing Ruth let out a whimper, James advanced his finger in, utterly astounded at how warm, wet and padded it felt. James was in heaven, and moved his finger in and out, feeling the slippery juice squelch.

Ruth, now fully aroused, tightened her grip upon James’s stiff manhood, pulling his foreskin right back. Whilst kissing so passionately, she had no idea of the human mechanics of his genitals, yet what she could feel, she loved. 'It’s so big. It’s enormous. I could never fit that in me.' Hearing James groaning as he kissed and pleasured her, Ruth became completely lost in their young passions. She broke away from their kiss and began nibbling James’s neck, sending him wild with previously undiscovered emotions and feelings that emanated from his groin, travelling to each nerve in his body.

“Ruth, Ruth,” James whimpered, “I’m going to cum.”

Ruth continued with her rhythmic hand action and moved down to his chest, licking and sucking his sensitive nipples. She didn’t mind that he had removed his finger from her pleasure tunnel; she wished to see his sperm emerge from the end of his truly beautiful penis. She looked down in awe, and moments later, James cried out, violently jerking his hips into the air, his intense orgasm hitting him with such ferocity that he screwed his eyes up tightly.

His first burst of semen shot from the end of his glans, landing just in front of Ruth’s face. Ruth continued to move the skin on his throbbing penis, mesmerised as she watched a second rope of thick white cream emerge into the world, this time landing close to the nipple furthest away from her. He shot two more sizable wads of semen, before smaller drops squirted. Watching James writhe uncontrollably, Ruth continued to massage his length, and a final large spurt launched from him, travelling less distance, being impressive, nonetheless.

“Ah, oh, ah,” James murmured. “Oh, Ruth.”

Smiling at her boyfriend, Ruth kissed him. Her nose picked up on the aroma of his semen. 'It smells weird. It’s like bleach or something.' She had heard of her friends having their boyfriends ejaculate into their mouths; however, Ruth did not possess the confidence to taste James’s natural juice.

“Was that good?” she asked, placing her finger upon the sperm that was close to her.
“Christ, yeah. It’s never been like that before.”
Hearing that her James had enjoyed her attention, she smiled. “Good.”
James moved closer to her. “Did you . . .”
“No, but I will. I want to.”

James kissed Ruth with passion, the couple once again becoming locked within their personal paradise. With one hand he fondled her breast, while gliding his other up and down the inside of her thigh, before arriving at her still wet pussy. James had seen porn in magazines and on the internet, having researched both male and female orgasms. With is penis returning to a flaccid state and receiving no stimulation to cloud his thoughts, James remembered that females require attention to the clitoris, which he could recall was a small hard lump at the front.

With the image of a diagram fixed within his thoughts, James nervously inserted his finger into Ruth’s vagina. He felt her squirm with delight, and sucked her nipple a little harder. 'What if I can’t find her clit?' He thought. 'I hope I don’t do it wrong. Be gentle, it had said.' James slowly withdrew his wet finger and delicately moved it up between her floppy inner lips, arriving at a hard fleshy button. Is this it? Guardedly, he softly caressed it, running the tip of his middle finger around her clit.

“Aaaaaaaah, James, oh.”

Encouraged by Ruth’s reaction, James continued to play with this incredible part of his girl, a part that he had overlooked while she had been pleasuring him. Feeling it becoming dry, he lowered his finger to her vaginal entrance, picking up her natural lubricant and transferring it to her pleasure button. Once again, Ruth groaned. James continued to stimulate her clitoris, gaining in confidence as he began moving his finger down to her tunnel and back to the prize. Within a minute, he was performing the act in one swift movement, his finger moving from the wetness and up to her clitoris, where he would encircle and gently rub it, returning for more of her slippery fluid.

Ruth, meanwhile, was in her own world. This wonderful boy, her boyfriend, was loving her, arousing her, pleasuring her. James’s movements had taken Ruth into a new sphere of sexual excitement, and the feeling between her legs was intensifying and emanating from her nether regions. Her legs felt different and she experienced the most peculiar sensation in the pit of her stomach. The feeling of James’s finger entering her vagina was incredible, yet when he touched her clit, she felt herself jolt each time.

James left her breast and slowly kissed her, arriving at her neck, where he kissed, licked and gently nibbled as Ruth made soft, sweet sounds. Feeling her hips moving rhythmically, James sensed that she was close to her climax. He was now utilising both index and middle fingers, inserting the middle finger into her hole, and putting her power button between the two fingers, moving them up and down, also pulling on her inner flaps.

The feeling between Ruth’s legs was now at fever pitch, and Ruth knew that she was about to orgasm, only it felt more intense than it had been when she had performed upon herself. Involuntarily, she moaned and swayed her hips around as the climax drew near. The tingling had transformed into a pulsation, which grew stronger with each movement of James’s fingers. Finally, her nether region exploded with joy. Ruth softly cried out and lurched her hips into the air, holding them there for several seconds, before falling back down onto the bed. Every nerve fibre in her body was on fire as her climax continued.

“Ah, ah, oh, ah, oh,” she whimpered, holding James’s head close to her. When the feeling became too intense, she closed her legs and lay there, breathing heavily as her vulva pulsated. Ruth’s legs were weak. James kissed her on the cheek. Ruth melted, opening her eyes and looking at his handsome features. The feeling she had at that point in time, was alien to her. She was completely smitten with him. She wanted him. She wanted to hold him and never let go. She wished to feel his warm flesh next to hers for the rest of time.

James initiated a long and meaningful kiss, Ruth responding positively and holding him tightly as the intensity of her orgasm subsided, leaving her feeling totally fulfilled and relaxed with her partner. She was completely naked, yet she felt no embarrassment. If anything, she felt proud of her body. Until meeting James, she had considered her breasts to be too small. Her friends’ boobs were all larger and boys noticed them, whereas Ruth had felt inferior, sad and irritated by her B-cups. Now, though, she did not care. 'My boobies are shapely and firm. They don’t sag like Mandy’s. James likes them as well.'

As their lips parted, Ruth whispered, “That was amazing.”
James held her tightly. “Was that alright?”

“Mmmmmmm, yes,” Ruth said, looking dreamily into his eyes. “It’s not been that good before.”

James kissed the end of Ruth’s nose. “Me neither. What you did was . . . brilliant.”
Ruth snuggled yet closer. “Do you, you know, do it a lot?”
Feeling embarrassed at being asked about his masturbatory habits, he said, “Quite a lot.”
Ruth, now totally at ease with James, said, “How often?”
“Most mornings and some evenings. Sometimes before I go to sleep.”

“Wow,’ Ruth said, smiling. “You do it a lot. I’d heard that boys do. What do you think about?”

James gently fondled Ruth’s breast. “Internet porn, magazines . . . and you.”
“Yeah. I always used to dream of meeting you and what we’d do.”
Ruth felt flattered. “God. Was I as good as you imagined?”
“Better. So, do you do it much?”

Suddenly, Ruth felt embarrassed. 'What do I say? Will he think I’m backward if I tell him the truth? No; he’s sweet and will understand.' “Don’t laugh, but I’d never done it until the other night.”

James felt intrigued. “Which night?”
'It’s now or never,' Ruth thought. 'You can tell him. He won’t laugh. He’s too nice for that.' “It was the night we first kissed. I’d never kissed a boy before, and I went all tingly. When I felt your dick against me, it got stronger. When I got to my room, I felt myself and it happened.”

“That was your first time?”

“Yes. My mum told me from an early age that girls should never touch themselves because it’s dirty. My friends at school used to do it, and it sounded good, but mum’s words stayed with me so I never did. That first night with you changed me. I suddenly realised that it isn’t dirty. I wish I’d done it sooner.”

James kissed her, running his fingers through her long, silky hair. Well, you have me to do it for you, now. Did you shave your pussy?”

Ruth kissed him back. “Yes. It was so thick it was difficult getting in.”
James began to laugh, and hugged Ruth tightly. “I’d have liked to have seen it.”
“No you wouldn’t. Anyway, I don’t like my pussy.”
“Why not?”

Ruth grimaced. “Because it’s different to all of my friends.”
James ran his hand down to Ruth’s thigh. “What do you mean?”
“They all have normal ones. They have a slit. I don’t. My inside bits poke out.”

Having seen many photographs and videos on the internet, James knew what Ruth was referring to. “That’s normal. I’ve seen lots of girls like that. From what I’ve seen, there are all different shapes of pussy. I like yours the best.”

Ruth felt relief flood through her. “Really?”
“Yes. I’ll show you if you want.”
“Maybe later. I’m more interested in you.”

Looking down at his penis, which had begun to twitch again, James felt his insecurity regarding the size, returning. “Ruth, you don’t think I’m . . . small, do you?”

Ruth was shocked. “Small? I thought it might be too big.”
“Big?” James was astounded. “No, I’ve got friends with bigger ones.”

'Oh, he’s so sweet,' thought Ruth. She then thought about their current situation. 'We’re both naked. People do sex when they’re naked, but I can’t do that yet.' “Look, I’m not saying that I want to do it yet, but when I felt your dick, I thought it would never fit in me.”

James hugged her meaningfully. “We don’t have to. I just love being with you.”

Ruth moved her hand down to James’s rapidly growing penis. She gripped it and pulled the skin down his shaft, a shiny purple helmet appearing. She looked James in the eye and smiled. “Is that your foreskin?”

“Mmmmmmm, yes.”

“It’s funny the way it goes backwards and forwards. It’s like looking at two different dicks. What do you like best?”

Seeing that he was now fully erect, James said, “It depends. I do different things.”
Ruth kissed him. “Can I do different things?”

James reciprocated the kiss. “You can do whatever you want. Ruth, I really like you. A lot.”

The couple placed their lips together, closing their eyes as they embraced warmly, feeling each other’s bodies once again. Ruth continued to caress James’s penis, retracting his foreskin and feeling the shiny glans. James’s hips twitched. Sensing that he liked his purple end being touched, Ruth continued to hold it, feeling a dribble of precum touch her fingers. Intrigued, she broke away from their kiss and licked her finger. 'Mmmmmmm. It’s sweet.' She returned her hand to James’s genitals, cupping his scrotum and moving his testicles around.

James, enjoying the attention, could not resist feeling Ruth’s pussy, running his hand down and feeling her pubic hair. Reaching the end, he felt the top of her clitoral hood, pulled it back with his index finger, while placing his middle one upon the now exposed target. 'I wish I could see it,' James thought. 'I’ll bet it looks amazing. I’d love to try licking it like they do in the films, but Ruth’s too nervous.'

The couple continued exploring each other, all inhibitions regarding their nakedness having been left behind. Ruth loved the feel of the erect shaft, and those juicy mobile testicles that had provided her with a glut of semen when her boyfriend had ejaculated so dramatically. Whilst at Mandy’s house, she had seen films of men ejaculating, but James seemed to produce more than she had seen.

For the next fifteen minutes, the couple explored and fondled, teasing each other. The tingling that Ruth could feel was more intense than it had been earlier in the evening, and James’s touch had become increasingly proficient. He had taken note of what made Ruth squirm with pleasure, and used the moves sparingly, wishing to prolong her enjoyment. He knew that circling her prominent clitoris with a wet finger drove her wild, and she also enjoyed her inner lips being tugged and stroked. His finger inside her vagina seemed to cause her to jump when he arched his finger upwards. He continually licked his fingers when they were not kissing, feeling addicted to her free flowing nectar.

Ruth also, had learned what James enjoyed. Feeling his scrotum and tickling it seemed to have a positive effect. He seemed to like his naked glans being given attention, only she had the feeling that too much of this would cause him to climax too quickly. To prevent this, Ruth would place a circle made from her index finger and thumb at the base of his penis, and move up and down fractionally. James also enjoyed his foreskin being pulled forward, and then back. She loved seeing it clip back behind the crown of his glans.

Ruth was the first to climax. James had been introducing a second finger into her tunnel, which to begin with was difficult, yet with a little perseverance, he managed it, also not hurting his lover as he performed the erotic act. With two fingers inside her vagina, Ruth wriggled around, and cried out loud when he ran his index and middle fingers either side of her button. Ruth uncontrollably waved her arms around as her legs also flailed into the air and her pelvis bucked. “Aaaaaaaaaaagh, oooooooooooh.” Aware that she had reached a momentous crescendo, James removed his hand and hugged her, kissing her neck and breasts as she slowly calmed down.

Recovering from the intensity of her dynamic and gargantuan climax, Ruth kissed James and ran her hands across his body, stopping when she reached his erection that continually oozed clear fluid. Once again, Ruth scooped some up and licked her finger, enjoying the taste of her new best friend. Watching James move his head around, with a look of ecstasy on his face, Ruth felt good. At that precise moment, Ruth felt like a woman for the first time in her life. Previously, she had considered herself to be a girl. Now, however, she felt different, and wished to pleasure her man to the maximum. She stroked his shaft in a sensuous fashion, speeding up when she saw him wriggle, and begin to breathe faster. She also saw that his testicles had retracted.

James’s climax was spectacular. He grunted loudly as his first salvo launched from his engorged member, landing close to his neck. Several long ropes followed, with spurts of clear fluid that just kept coming. Mesmerised, Ruth lost count after ten, slowing down with her hand action and admiring James’s penis as she milked the final drops from him. Feeling yet more confident, Ruth scooped up some semen from James’s chest, licking it from her finger. 'Hmmmmh. It’s salty but sweet. It isn’t that bad.' She scooped up a little more, smiling as she tasted it. 'Maybe sucking a dick and having it cum in the mouth isn’t as bad as I thought.'

Swirling the sperm around in her mouth, Ruth moved closer to James, laying partially on top of him, uncaring that she was lying on his produce. If anything, she considered it erotic, and began smearing it over him, rubbing her body against his as she initiated another meaningful kiss.

“Fuck, Ruth,” James gasped. “That was out of this world.”
Ruth smiled. “It looked like it. You certainly cum a lot.”
“I always have done. I used to wank with my mates, and I always made the most.”
“I can believe that.” Ruth placed her lips upon James’s. “I think you’re lovely.”

Hearing those words, James felt a warm glow from within. “So are you. You’re perfect.”
Ruth lay there in another world. “Thanks for being my boyfriend.”
“Thanks for being my girlfriend.” James hugged her. “Shall we have some of our wine?”
Ruth began to laugh. “I’d forgotten all about it. You’re better than wine.”
“So are you.”

For the rest of the evening, the couple remained naked. They talked, laughed, joked, kissed and explored one another’s bodies. Although they stimulated each other whilst lying side by side, they displayed no coyness when getting up to visit the toilet. They were both completely relaxed with their bodies and being seen. A beautiful relationship was blossoming, and they both harboured thoughts and desires that more was to come.

'Maybe I should try sucking him sometime,' thought Ruth. 'It’s going to be a big step, but doing it for James will be good.'

'I’d love to lick her pussy,' James thought. 'I won’t push it just yet, but it’s something for the future. I’ll bet she’ll cum even harder.'

For James and Ruth, a journey had just begun, and there would be much to come. The couple would become closer than they could ever have imagined, and their journey would take them to places they could never have foreseen.

PLEASE leave your comments, especially if it is a negative vote, as negative votes mean nothing without a reason. Also, feel free to message or email me. I reply to all messages. Thank you for reading. Douggie.

Trib FanReport 

2022-12-09 16:11:57
Fantastic part two!
There is absolutely NOTHING like first love with a boy & girl smitten with each other like in this story. You just feel on top of the world!
I pray that all of us can share that kind of affection with someone.

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-12-07 18:02:57
as others have commented, WHERE are parts 3 and 4? We have missed the defloration, it seems? :(

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-12-07 17:58:48
wonderful young love!!!

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-06-19 03:08:41

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-02-28 05:31:19
Why does it go straight to part 5. Where are parts 3 and 4. Please make more parts

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