For almost two years I had a stable relationship with my great love, Peter.
When I seduced my man I was almost seventeen years, Peter was 43 years old. Our report was made of short meetings, 15/20 days every two or three months, a report was fantastic, not only sex but true love, I was loyal to Peter and the whole time we were together I never had and loved other men.
Peter knew me as a boy a little silly, almost insignificant in my wanting to appear a woman.
During our first holiday together, Peter has hosted me in his beautiful home near the sea and after a few days has led me to make major purchases to help improve my feminine side.
In one day Peter has bought for me all very sexy panties and bras, pants and dresses and mini skirts, tights and stockings, shirts and blouses as well as several pairs of shoes with high heels. Peter has bought everything needed for my makeup, lipstick and mascara and eyeshadow with background color. Only the wig was not bought because I already had long hair.
In one day Peter had converted my boyfriend looks insignificant. Not only did I feel like a woman, even now I look like a very sexy girl.
Can not forget my great happiness. I remember the night we made love in the house but not in the garden and I was never tired of kissing my man to smell the lipstick on your cock between my lips, and the strong hands of Peter in my buttocks .
I wore a tiny white thong that brought out my tan, I covered the legs with a pink mini skirt, very tight, to cover the bra, white as the thong, I had a slight white cotton shirt that hid the shape of the small bra. My lips were covered by pink lipstick as her skirt, his eyes were magnified by the mascara on the lashes. All evening I had looked in every mirror in the house while Peter filled me with compliments on my fresh teen beauty.
Now Peter felt his hands caressing my body and I felt an indescribable joy as I felt my panties slide down her legs after the shirt was already set to show bra and mini skirt was rolled up on the sides. I just wanted to hear Peter's cock into me to convey to my man the same happiness that I was experiencing at that moment. Peter understood by my movements and I wanted to be fucked like the previous times has left me any initiative.
It was only a week I was with Peter and my little ass was getting used to my man's cock but still a pleasant and mild pain accompanied penetrations. I remember the pleasure of other fucking her ass, made later, but that Peter ever was one of the most exciting.
After a nice cock to suck my man knelt on top of Peter legs apart, I took my cock with both hands and I slid the tip wet between my buttocks up to meet the tight asshole. Feeling hot head of the penis in contact with my ass gave me an orgasm which lasted throughout the anal penetration. The cock seemed to flow with ease in my ass, perhaps saliva or maybe the lipstick I left with my lips, my eyes were fixed on the little white thong with the bra left on the grass of the garden and mini pink skirt rolled up to my hips. The sight of my female attire amplified my pleasure and my joy I felt moved to fucking Peter did not wait long to fill my body with the usual vigorous sketches and plenty of hot cum. As always after their orgasms we were hugging, exchanging kisses and caresses and laughing with happiness.
Peter would use these good times to list the entire series of obscenities that he and I were saying during every sexual act.
All this happened in the spring of the previous year. It was April of 1980.
We are now in the late summer of 1981, Peter was with me until 18 September, was released on 20 August. Now I was alone and very sad. Peter had to stay another week but an unexpected work commitment it made to return urgently to Switzerland.
Peter had a friend here in Sardinia Swiss owner of a famous tourist resort, a friend who also frequented the house of Peter and that Peter had not had any problems to let me know. A very cheerful person, always smiling, which often came to lunch or dinner with us or wanted to Peter and me in his resort guests. This person, whom I call Hubert - not his real name - knew my real sex but has never commented on my dress or my female sexual behavior. I dressed in a feminine way at home and rarely in public, in the presence of Hubert I never felt uncomfortable even though I have always refrained from kissing or being too expansive against Peter.
For Peter and Hubert was natural nudes in a beer garden and I have adapted to their habits.
I was sad going away even if Peter had said to be happy if I stayed in his house and he was sorry not to be able to come with me to the end of summer party organized by Hubert, and wanted me to go to have fun too.
For two days I wandered into the house as a prey to anxiety unbridgeable. I could not find peace. I opened the cabinets that contained continuously my lingerie, wearing some clothes, underwear, shoes with heels, I wandered into the garden and at home with the joy and excitement that gave me the presence of Peter.
My only consolation was to open a few beers or a bottle of wine and try to stun me a little while I looked, dressed and made-up women, large mirrors in the house. Without Peter the house seemed empty of everything.
When I saw Hubert's car was in the garden, wearing only tiny panties and a shirt open, I had long hair loose over her shoulders, and bathed the many plants under the large veranda surrounding the house. Hubert always smiling and at ease in the house of Peter, who knew the house better than I, went immediately to the general refrigerator in the kitchen to take two beers and returned to the veranda gave me a beer and sat in one of the big sofas.
"Laura, Peter phoned to say that you have come to the party, later calls to you to say the same thing."
Hubert though he knew my name, Matthew, and often I have seen naked, I was always called Laura.
I have not had time to answer the house phone Hubert Peter began to ring. "Laura is definitely going to answer that Peter" said Hubert and I already had the phone in his hand.
Peter gave me a long series of provisions in regard to the management of the home several times talking about said "our house"
and other things that I had been spoken by Hubert. Before closing the conversation Peter made me promise that I would come to the end of summer party organized by Hubert. I tried to say that I preferred to stay at home, in the end I had to promise that I would go to the party and that, as Peter wanted, I went wearing women's clothes that had given me.
I was moved not only for having heard my sweet man, I was moved by all the things I had said ahead of a part of what I would have said Hubert later.
Hubert with his affectionate and friendly voice told me
"Miss no tears, today is a day of celebration" and said this gave me an affectionate slap on the buttocks, buttocks and the small thong could not cover, and invited me to go get dressed for the party.
I knew from the first moment the great friendship shared by Peter and Hubert, spoke of how I understood that their knowledge was born at the time of adolescence and tied them to a great mutual respect. The gentle slap given by Hubert to my buttocks was for me an affectionate gesture of a dear friend.
The trust and friendship that Peter and the friendship with Hubert Hubert has shown on many occasions, towards me has convinced me to ask Hubert advice for how to dress. Together we went into the bedroom that I used with Peter
and where I had most of my clothes, my other clothes were in another room that Peter had set aside just for me and that was adjacent to a small studio overlooking the veranda.
With ease, without shame, I came out naked from the shower.
For a moment I looked at my teen body in the mirror while Hubert was sitting in the chair of the room and I was explaining what Peter had planned for my future as a student. Peter had decided it was his trusted friend Hubert, who lived all year in Sardinia, to follow me in the study and management of the house. In the days following the completion of my 18 years with me Hubert should open a bank account in my name.
Naked as I was out of the shower, I was motionless, listening to the words of Hubert and I was not able to hold tears of happiness. Hubert was also moved and gently hugged me saying he was proud of doing something useful for me and Peter and his voice weaker than usual said "the party girl who dresses ahead, Laura must be the most beautiful" and drank yet another beer.
Nude in front of the lingerie drawer I showed the complete Hubert I had chosen, a small white lace thong and bra on with two padded cups. While wearing panties Hubert finished the little hooks on the bra and advised me not to wear stockings because my legs were tanned and smooth and so beautiful were not hidden from nylon.
I opened the closet where there were the skirts and dresses and I have to choose between Hubert mini skirts and little short dresses, a black dress that I tried was very low-cut back enough to make almost see the little triangle White thong on my butt.
Hubert said with a laugh, "but that is fine sexy short dress is too flashy, best mini pink skirt" and moving the shirts hanging took off a white shirt of lightweight cotton and give it to me, Hubert said, "Laura with your tan white and pink are the perfect colors, under that mini skirt, your legs are gorgeous and the panties you wore not leave unsightly marks on nice round ass, you're really beautiful and elegant, Peter is a lucky man to have a girl like you "
I knew that the words of Hubert were sincere and I have refrained from kissing her cheeks.
After placing the shirt and the skirt I tried the shoes, like the pink skirt, with a 12cm heel, worn and I walked into the room in search of other compliments of Hubert.
The large mirror room gave me back my picture, I was really nice, now a touch of black mascara to the lashes that have thick
course and a slight veil of Indian land to remove shine to your skin and bring out the bright pink lipstick that gave color and more volume to my lips.
I was ready!
Hubert has called Peter on the phone "Peter, I must say that Laura tonight is wonderful, beautiful, elegant. Taking pictures for you" after described every detail of my clothing to Peter, including panties, Hubert continued, "You're lucky to get a girl As Laura, you do not close up your girlfriend Peter, your girl loves you "
The warm and sensual voice of Peter has filled my silence, I cried, "do not cry girl makeup is ruined," and then Peter said "I love fun at the party, you're beautiful and I'm glad you wore the same skirt , the same pants and same shoes of our first day of shopping, I love you Laura hours vai, goodnight my sweet love "
It was true, I had no choice as the first worn all day shopping spree with Peter made last spring.
Before leaving the house of Peter Hubert took a bottle of iced champagne and while I was in two large glasses, after sitting on the porch, I said "Laura toast the evening now because I will be very busy with all the other guests , you'll be for dinner at my table with a few other friends and girlfriends and not have to worry about anything or anyone, if anyone should bother you you make me a nod and I am speaking, but it will not happen. Laura fear not answer any questions as you see fit, many know Peter and nobody will judge him or you. Peter wanted your presence at the party and decided if it is because you truly love and no longer wants to keep hidden, you decide whether to be Laura and Matthew "
It was the evening of tears, and for the umpteenth time my eyes have become bright. How can one not love a man who has no fear of judgment of the people? Impossible not to love him. Hubert made me realize how important I am to Peter.
I just said to Hubert, "I'm Laura, Peter wanted this name for me and if they are Laura Laura for Peter for all"
The sparkling wine is over as the tears are over. It was time to go.
A final touch to the makeup and a brooch in her hair to collect on one side. Before getting into the car with the usual laughter Hubert told me "you and Peter of women do not understand anything, you have never bought the nail polish, you two incompetents, luckily it's still early and one of the girls who worked for I will take care of your feet and your hands "and she climbed in the car Hubert continued," As we reach the village will put a bracelet, your will be a certain color, that means you can go anywhere, as my guest, and not you never have to pay, the first place to go is in the beauty salon for nails, I'll drive you, then you have to go to the boutique and choose nice things, I leave them alone and before dinner you will be accompanied in the room reserved for you leave the things you've got and if you have other needs, do not be shy Laura "
I left at other times in women's clothes but always in places where few if not isolated and Peter only twice. Today was my first real public appearance, in a very busy place. I was calm because in addition to knowing that Hubert would take care of me I knew I could meet people of my country.
By car the short mini skirt had risen up between my thighs and my legs I could see the white panties. For a moment I thought of arranging her skirt then my vanity won. I only asked Hubert if I appeared with the short skirt I vulgar. Hubert looked after well my legs told me "Laura you are a beautiful pussy" and even "if you see my underwear means that you're a girl and ordered rounds without underwear" and the usual laughter ended the argument .
As Hubert said on arrival in the hotel complex has been called a girl and I just figured they were talking about makeup and nail polish then after a brief conversation between them in a language unknown Hubert disappeared
The girl said her name Lydia, who had the same name embroidered in yellow shirt, I do not know what to say I have been silent, and I only follow it. Besides a series of doors and windows a large hall divided into many small salons was full of girls who were working, some other combed hair cut other put the polish on hands and feet of women young and old. I was scared.
Fortunately the girl after making me sit in a comfortable chair has a sliding door closed and we were just me and her. In the comfortable chair, but damn my little pink skirt was still up on my legs and my panties were increasingly visible, I continued with both hands to pull it down. It was a really embarrassing situation. Lydia was immediately aware of my struggles with her skirt and with a smile that seemed already to know I said "do not worry Laura, I am the daughter of Hubert, later at dinner we have time to make friends" and she started working with a lime all my nails.
Lydia's words ended the war between me and the mini skirt.
While speed and accuracy arranged my nails Lydia has just said "I and my brothers before assuming roles of responsibility we have to work for a period in all areas of the hotel, I end up in the beauty salon today and tomorrow begins my fifteen days as Maid to the rooms, your room is in my field, my father told me this afternoon to take in the boutique of lingerie and other nice things for you, after you walk you see her, Dad thought that you would not be gone alone to shop " .
Lydia laughed like Hubert.
The toenails were now a mother of pearl pink enamel, which created a nice contrast with the pale pink shoes, the same enamel Lydia had started putting in the nails of the hands.
Once finished with the polish Lydia I redid the eye makeup and arranged her hair. At the end seemed to another person.
Time passed quickly and Lydia, with the same speed that he fixed my nails and hair, took me into the room that Hubert had reserved for me.
It was a large detached house, near the sea, which was reached with an avenue surrounded by other similar villas.
The surprises were not over. The bed was full of lingerie, skirts and pants and shirts and sweaters, Lydia always smiling and happy showing me the things he had chosen for me and kept asking me if I liked. I had no words, I was dumb. I was very embarrassed when Lydia took off her panties from the packages and placed them on her skirt to show me how to be sexy. But I realized that no malice was in the gestures, treated me like a girl friend of hers.
Fortunately Lydia looked at his watch and said "we have to hurry Laura that my father does not tolerate delays for dinner, we have an hour to get ready and go to the table, you are ready and very pretty, Laura're really very elegant, do not worry about the skirt, if you give up the indifferent and no one will do case "then with an unexpected kiss on the cheek is gone, leaving me alone.
Find their way into that big tourist complex has not been easy, as I walked I seemed to feel all the eyes of people who just watched me. Lydia daughter of Hubert before fleeing to go get ready for dinner gave me a small purse where he set things up for the trick. I liked walking on high heels and now with her purse in her hand seemed to have a pace even more sensual. I did a long tour and I found myself before a large outdoor bar, was one of the sides of a huge pool and I approached the counter to ask for a glass of water.
In front of the bar a long row of high stools housed women and men who talked among themselves, women in mini skirts all had the same problem, the short skirt could not hide them, like my panties. Now I feel more serene.
I sat on one of the stools, I crossed his legs in order to conceal her panties, and a guy at the bar asked me what I wanted. "A glass of water" I told the guy at the bar while watching the colored wristband, which Lydia had put me in the room, and also my beautiful legs crossed. "Hello you are a guest of Hubert? For you then, no water, only sparkling wine for you," the laugh of the guy at the bar reminded me more laughter you hear that wonderful evening.
At the boy's wrist a bracelet like mine made me suspect that it was not a bartender any.
A gentle pat on the shoulder made me turn my head and smiling face of Lydia was before me. Lydia was wearing a short white dress, so transparent as to show the tiny thong she was wearing underneath and you could see well the shapes of her breasts that did not need the bra to stay upright.
Two swollen nipples seemed to want to force out from under the white dress and formed a kind of delicate embroidery on lightweight fabrics.
Lydia was elegantly dressed and with a youthful face just made up, now that I watched carefully was really a beautiful girl.
The presence of Lydia gave me peace of mind back in that unknown to me.
"Albert did not do the jerk with the guests of Father" Lydia was saying these words melted my doubts on the bartender with the colored wristband.
Lydia said, turning to me, "Chris is the least of my brothers"
Sitting cross-legged on a stool while talking to the children of Hubert I realized that the most feared accidents would happen. The position of my thighs and little thong no longer holding back my penis, which, though small, was almost completely out of the panties with the scrotum and testicles.
Moving slowly with your legs together to get off the stool I told Lydia that I had a problem and I had to immediately go to your room. Lydia with naive curiosity, I asked if I had to pee and I could use one of the toilets of the pool.
My embarrassment was obvious, I had my legs crossed and hands held tight and short skirt down, seemed unable to move.
Lydia has realized the problem and then laughingly told me "take your shoes off and run immediately in the room, we must act quickly because soon start dinner"
Lydia has also kicked off her shoes with high heels and took me by the hand to run to her room, closer to the bars of my own.
Lydia's room was like mine and once I entered Lydia said "hurry up and get in the way your system" but did not move and I had the courage to turn down my panties and show my male nudity.
"Laura do not be silly we have to do soon," said Lydia, and saw that I did nothing came close and firmly raised my mini skirt.
My penis and scrotum were completely out of the panties, my embarrassment was skyrocketing.
Lydia's hands have also lowered my thong and a voice clear and firm Lydia said "I have the solution to the problem, we put the patch that I use to cover my vagina when I wear tight shorts and hide the lips and the cutting of the vagina "I could not get property act was overwhelmed with shame, I saw all my alleged femininity collapsing in front of a girl almost unknown.
I looked at my penis hidden in the small bush of pubic hair and I felt ridiculous with little pants down to his knees.
My reflection in the mirror was really violent, I was just a stupid guy dressed as a woman unable to hide the small penis.
Lydia's hands between my legs were like a violent blow to my dream women. Lydia was out of the bathroom with a razor and a roll of tape and already was shaving my pubes "sorry Laura, but we do not have much time, now I take a quick little hairs to adhere the patch between your legs and place the your inconvenience. " Lydia immobility acted without ignoring my embarrassment when I said "Laura like you usually to hide the testicles and penis?", I automatically spread my legs and I've pushed the testicles under the skin of the groin, then I took the penis with one hand, passed behind the seat, and I shook his legs slightly to hide his penis between the thighs pulling the anus. Again I pulled my penis that Lydia's hands were already placing the large band between my legs. The patch started from above the root of the penis.
The skilled hands of Lydia, who have placed a large band aid to cover my penis and scrotum were now settling, the inner base of my buttocks, the final part of the patch.
For the first time I saw a little sign of disturbance on Lydia's face as I said
"Laura is now all set, return the panties and go because it's late."
As we walked towards the great hall for dinner Lydia with a friendly smile and sweet I said "Laura do not feel embarrassed, I've seen more penises than yours, now it's all settled, and the incident is closed, you're beautiful" The kiss of Lydia leaned on my lips as I pointed to our table.
Hubert was already seated at a large round table in the center of the large living room with eight other people, I recognized the boy Albert's bar.
Hubert on our arrival sternly addressed not only to Lydia said "Lydia lose your delay so that you and Laura are too beautiful," Hubert raised a glass of champagne and proposed a toast to our beauty.
My place at table was between Lydia and Alberto and I sat in front of the third son of Hubert, who introduced himself saying is William.
Over dinner Hubert spoke with everyone in a friendly manner, occasionally turning to me asked if everything was fine, so I am comforted by friends replied that everything was ok and that the evening was wonderful as the whole company.
Almost everyone has wondered why Peter was not present, I told Peter that he had work commitments and gone. To everyone present it was normal that I was a friend of Peter
Lydia often put his hand on my bare leg, and bending his head to my ear he whispered to me "Laura's all right with the way?" Then laughed. I responded only with a big cheery smile.
The method of the patch between my legs worked perfectly. I felt my penis still between his legs still in my groin and testicles, for the first time I felt his scrotum out from the edge of her panties and when I was standing in the mini skirt was no longer that annoying ugly swelling at the groin. Lydia with her speech made me rediscover the joy.
Towards the end of dinner, Lydia got up to go to the toilet, saying he took me by the hand and brought with her.
As I walked away I looked Hubert to see his reaction but might not have even noticed that I got up there and Lydia.
The toilet of the restaurant was full of women in front of a large mirror sistemavano their appearance, they put some lipstick others combed, almost all women entered in pairs down the toilet and when Lydia told me she had to pee, holding my Hand entered the toilet and I did a little resistance, Lydia pulled me stronger and closed the door behind us. I have my shot with his back to Lydia, who, speaking in a low voice I said "My little Laura not be timid fool, I'm just a girl who pees" and made me turn to her still sitting on the toilet. Taking its elegant white dress hips lifted Lydia got up from the toilet and cleansing wipes with which he had prepared earlier has gently cleaned her vagina.
Only a narrow strip of central and short hair that covered his crotch with Lydia, who was covering delicate gestures and loose with wonderful white panties.
Arranged her dress Lydia told me to pee so I also do for the rest of the evening would not have problems.
Actually I need to pee but did not want to pull the patch that was giving me so much peace of mind. Lydia having almost guessed my thoughts calmed me by saying "you can remove the patch and put on several occasions has a pretty tight even if you're sweaty."
I raised the mini skirt and with great ease after lowered the white thong I released my penis from the patch and I'm sitting in the toilet.
Lydia standing in front of me had prepared some wipes and while I raised his hand approached the towel to my penis with one hand I held the precious patch and Lydia having difficulty in my wipe with one hand he clutched in wipe my penis slid my foreskin and sometimes turning the hand has cleaned up my penis.
With the same speed and skill had room Lydia has repositioned the patch between my legs and buttocks, and I have verified the correct placement of the testicles with the scrotum and penis.
In front of the sink where we washed our hands Lydia has passed my lips lipstick taken from my purse and holding my hand brought me back to the big table where no one seemed to have noticed our absence. Everyone was talking and laughing happy, the two waiters who took care of the table filled the glasses constantly.
Lydia asked me if I was happy and in her sweet eyes I saw a big sincere friendship. I took the glass of champagne and I approached her softly whispered "thank you my sweet friend, I love you" Lydia has not responded, he approached his lips to my mouth and for a moment I felt her warm tongue and a few drops of sparkling touch my lips.
Many stood up from the tables and danced in the great hall, others were going out to dance by the pool, I do not know how to dance at the big table and sat listening to Hubert, who told of travels and adventures. I knew that Hubert's wife had died some years before, in Africa, because of a high fever. Lydia was the star of the evening and his merry laughter of joy filled the whole room.
I looked into dinner from time to time Hubert to see if my behavior was ok, her smiles gave me peace of mind.
It was like living a fairy tale, I elegantly dressed women in one of the most important festivals in the area. Other guests at the table stood up and Hubert with a glass of champagne in his hand called me near him, "Laura Hubert come to toast" I went over and the arm of Hubert made me sit on his legs.
For the first time I have not thought about the short skirt that inevitably went up on the legs and even less to the panties that were seen between my thighs.
I had a moment of confusion when I asked Hubert if I could kiss her cheeks, I had the fear of making a gesture too affectionate in front of his guests and especially in front of his children. Hubert hugged me, doing even more to raise my legs now completely uncovered, and his kisses on my cheeks are echoed throughout the hall.
Lydia had come behind us and after drinking a whole glass of sparkling wine and refilled his cup and mine took me by the arms of his father and with his usual cheerfulness scolded Hubert said, "Dad what are you doing, attempting to seduce my friend? "All three of us drank champagne again and Lydia Hubert turned to me and said" girls go to have fun and do not think us old "when Lydia Hubert then turned away a little from us has been telling me" Laura I Lydia finally saw it again and really happy with the smile that makes her even more beautiful, thanks to you Laura. Laura Lydia tries to love as you love Peter. Lydia really need a true friend "
It was the first time I saw Hubert happy for the joy of his daughter and me to accompany Lydia turned back to us even more seriously, saying "girls try to become great friends because you need one another" with a kiss on our cheeks and a slap on our asses sent us away with the hope of good fun and a good night.
Lydia also confirmed to me that he found happiness again with me. With his arm around my waist Lydia told me "you have Laura back the joy in me, have you as a friend helps me a great sadness for the death of my mother. My mother was my greatest friend, I did not secrets from her and my mother would be proud to see our two friends "
Without myself realized we had made the road in front of the chamber Lydia.
From the beach as the pool came the sounds and voices of the party that went on despite the late hour and the heat of this great night of late summer.
Lydia came in the room was immediately thrown on the big bed and using the dress as a fan was given a little rest.
Every time you move the dress beautiful legs Lydia remained completely uncovered and tiny panties not hiding their transparency with his groin swollen and velvety. I asked if I could use her bathroom and Lydia seated at the center of the bed I said "great idea a shower" and a single movement has taken off her white dress and has been dressed with just the tiny transparent white thong. I said "Lydia the shower while you are doing I try to call Peter, I just wanted to tell all my happiness."
My words have dropped a hint of sadness in the face of my new friend that maybe she felt for me less important than Peter.
Lydia alzatasi out of bed looking for something in her drawers, rummaged in the cupboards and many bags he had, I saw her beautiful female body.
I was full of admiration for its great beauty and sweet friendship and I said, "Lydia is perhaps too late to call Peter, you better look me his call."
At this time Lydia has turned her face toward me, his cheeks were furrowed with tears in her hand and had a long gold chain with a pendant shaped like a small teddy bear, Lydia has approached me and
hung the chain around my neck.
"This chain is the gift that my mother gave me my first day of menstruation. Laura I want you to hold you to me today is a day of imported and you are also important for me."
In the face of Lydia's smile had replaced the tears
My silence was paired with the silence of Lydia, to keep the window closed in room air conditioning did not prevent the pleasant music of the feast to come down to us. Me and Lydia stood, her almost naked and sad-faced, I am sorry for making her feel unimportant to me, we continued to watch our eyes veiled by emotion and slowly we approached.
"Laura you know I was 23 years old are still a virgin?" Lydia's words surprised me but the surprise was yet to come for Lydia continued, "I talked to my mother of my little interest for boys, sometimes I thought to be a lesbian because I have always preferred the countryside of the girls even though I've never tried a real physical attraction to them. My mother always told me that one day I realized what I wanted and that until that day I was not anything wrong , is a guy who a girl. Laura me one night I heard that Peter was talking about you with my father, my father used with Peter's own words that my mother had told me. Laura I think my day is came because I want to lose her virginity now with you and see if love man or woman that you represent together "
Lydia and I were sitting on the bed and Lydia hugged me to her bare breast as she spoke, and still had not finished it, my accomplice silence, he continued, "Laura I do not want to intrude between you and Peter, I do not want to be an obstacle to your love. When I saw you this afternoon I felt great emotion, never felt before, and at first I wanted to make love to you, was the first time I felt my vagina wet. Laura and I do not betray Peter, he's a man for him and you're his girlfriend. Laura for me you're more of a brother or a sister, Laura you to me are my sweet secret, just the two of us know what could happen between us. Laura I ask only love of power even once, then I'll be more aware if you love a man or a woman. Laura please, now I ask you a big help, help that only you can give me my friend "
I was totally shocked, unable to respond to Lydia. Me with my age of seventeen, no man and no woman, with only limited my only experience with a woman without ever having had sex complete with women, how could I help Lydia?
The sincere words of Lydia reminded me of my first encounter with Peter. Even before I had prayed for Peter resistors, almost begged my new friend to take my body and make me feel happy in women. Lydia wondered the same thing.
The phone rings in the chamber Lydia he almost frightened. Lydia spoke with his brother Alberto, Lydia and I wanted to party on the beach to witness the birth of a new day. Lydia said that because of too much champagne drunk was not well and who preferred to stay in the room to speak with me.
The short break has given me the opportunity to reflect on how to respond to Lydia.
"Lydia I never had sex with a complete woman only once, before I met Peter, I have been with a man and a woman. She has just touched my small penis and held it for a little time mouth, the man took me from behind after he held his penis in my mouth. dear Lydia I've always loved being a woman and I do not think being able to do with you man, I love Peter because with him I feel like a woman "
I talked to Lydia and her hands were removing my shirt, his face seemed to have regained the cheerful smile, our mouths were getting closer and closer and the smell of melted lipstick on our lips were touching. The skilled hands of Lydia in a few moments have freed my breasts from the bra and young Lydia, hard tits caressed my body.
My mini skirt fell soon after and my belly covered by small white thong has become the place where Lydia has spent all the attention.
"Laura whatever happens today, the two of us we have to stay friends, do you promise?" I've considered my friend Lydia and I was difficult to answer that promised to remain her friend.
Immediately after the first time our lips would come together and to the pleasant flavor of language of Lydia joined the scent and flavor of lipsticks that covered our lips. The Lydia kisses were different from those of the only woman I kissed, Lydia sucked my tongue with force, he did so with such force that just a little air came into the mouths felt a popping sound.
They were different even those kisses that I gave to Peter. In Peter kissing our tongues were to look as if to join and form a knot.
Lydia jumping on the bed after a long series of increasingly sensual kisses and caresses so many who have given us the opportunity to fully explore our bodies began screaming "I'm happy, I'm happy," while I was worried and did not remember that the rooms were small and independent villas that no one could hear our cries.
Remained kneeling on the bed Lydia has her panties removed before and immediately after my even with the patch that did hold my penis, the patch also removed my testicles have taken their place in the scrotum does not flatter.
Lydia's belly before my eyes was even more beautiful than when I saw him in the toilet of the restaurant.
The short hair formed a small strip that stopped well below the navel. The fleshy lips of the vagina formed a small hill between his legs, and I have not managed to hide all of my curiosity in seeing up close a pussy, look at it and touching it.
The pussy of the woman on the beach, sight two years ago, remembered very open and her lips swollen and velvety like those of Lydia.
With your fingers I opened the lips and the inside of pussy Lydia has appeared to me a nice bright pink color, almost red in the middle depths.
While exploring her pussy Lydia was my great thrill in touching the clitoris and is excited to hear that in my fingers.
Such was my curiosity and when penetrated with the tip of the tongue in the pussy I have repeatedly touched her clitoris Lydia raised her pelvis, moaning with pleasure, to help licking my lips and my pussy has long been attached to the well to collect the pleasant liquid that flowed in abundance.
Lydia was up with the same curiosity still not my penis erect, gently slid the skin to uncover his head, squeezed his balls and stroking my thighs.
We touched and we looked to get a mutual pleasure, but also our mouths, after many caresses, took part in discovering the flavors and smells of their sexual organs.
Lydia's pussy smelled like the kisses of his saliva, a scent that I had never heard, coming in nicely in the nose and that if I paid attention seemed to perceive the body of Lydia, maybe I had found the scent of woman.
My hands went to Lydia caresses her crotch on those hard breasts. I liked to touch and excite a woman's breasts, I have always wanted a woman's breast and now touching the breasts of Lydia dreamed of my touch.
The hardness of the nipples and breasts the size of Lydia gave me a feeling of envy while my mouth greedily sucked her breasts.
Maybe one day my flat chest would be soft tits sucking, including my man's cock could enjoy and directing sketches of sperm directly into my mouth.
I said aloud to my feelings and Lydia told me about her the same way.
Lydia had been surprised by the taste and smell of my cock, a taste that said he could not describe the smell and the smell reminded her strangely of a great man, a good smell said.
Lydia's mouth initially took only the head of my cock that Lydia has defined not small, as I have said, because he said he has watched so many guys on the beach naked and cocks his opinion was more or less like mine.
I had already reached full erection and see my dick in the hands of Lydia, before the mouth welcome him almost anything, really gave me the impression that my cock was normal.
In the movements of the mouth and hands Lydia on my dick I saw all my initial experience in touch and make men's cocks blowjob.
Not an inch of our bodies had been neglected by our caresses and I was amazed at how Lydia and I were talking about each other's sexuality. It was the first time that I could tell my sexual desires and listen to those of a real woman.
Lydia was touching my ass realize the pleasure that the gesture was causing me and gently increased the number of fingers slipped inside. Once, almost timidly, asked if it hurt.
Talking with Lydia had convinced me that I was betraying my love for Peter.
Strangely, I considered this new sexual experience as complementary and necessary to my desire to be a woman.
Although extremely excited I deliberately neglected to bring my cock to her pussy Lydia, my fear was a fear but real stupid.
The pain I felt the first time I have had my cock in my ass I thought it was the same as Lydia would have tried to take the first cock in her pussy.
When Lydia told me she wanted to feel my cock in pussy in me came the panic. Lydia knew that I had never fucked a woman or a man and that all my experiences were limited to only doing blowjob and receive Peter's cock in my ass.
Lydia told me, between a kiss and the other, who had read somewhere that standing and holding her under her legs bent dick in pussy penetration was facilitated. I am thinking of my ass and help they gave saliva penetration I moved my body to lick the pussy of Lydia but as I put the language I understood that it would help much.
Her pussy seemed to have ejaculated and also Lydia's thighs were all wet, I kept my mouth a little bit between the legs of Lydia and the flavor that I had heard earlier was now much stronger and intense.
For a moment I wanted to feel the heat of Peter abundant sperm filled my mouth.
"Laura stop wasting time, I already had the chills several times tonight - Lydia calls shivering orgasm - and you never yet, even now you must have the chills (orgasm), Laura when you shudder to stay within the my vagina because I do not use birth control "
Lydia was clear and his body as his mind was ready to make the step towards the loss of virginity.
Lydia's naked body lying in the big bed, her face smiling and happy for the short but continuous orgasms - that Lydia called chills - the breasts hard nipples erect with excitement that I did not stop sucking, legs slightly spread and bent to put in prominently the amazing little pussy open and clear for the continuous flow of vaginal secretions have finally resulted in me the desire to approach my swollen cock and erect groped for our first penetration.
Lying on the body of Lydia felt her breath hot breath on my lips, my body slightly off to one side with one hand allowed me to drive my dick between her swollen wet pussy lips of Lydia's an exciting and comfortable warmth began to be transmitted the head of my cock.
Lydia felt the nails penetrate the meat in my back and the pleasant pain I felt was compounded in my mind to the good feelings that come from my cock slowly slid into her pussy Lydia.
Finally I understood the pleasure of penetrating a partner, I was feeling now if same pleasant sensations that could convey with my body to my cock lover Peter.
The tip of my cock inside her pussy was all Lydia and only a slight resistance hindered my movements push to let the
rest of the cock. I felt the skin on my foreskin had finished its run on the head of my cock and now the hot and wet pussy wrapped inside of a moderate pressure with nearly half the length of my cock.
A tremor of the body accompanied by muffled groans from the mouth of Lydia Whisperer "Laura, my love I can feel your body going to my love please stay inside me" and the increasing pressure of Lydia's belly to my groin did enter pussy in that part of my cock that had not yet enjoyed the pleasant warmth and wet pussy embrace that Lydia gave me.
Suddenly I felt a more intense heat at the tip of my cock and pelvic Lydia took a regular rhythm and no more shots, my body followed the rhythm of the body of Lydia in the slow approach and that she ran away completely My dick in pussy Lydia now seemed more warm and wet.
As Lydia paralyzing his body even I stood still and the sound of our breaths and moans of Lydia as a music filled the room.
The pauses of our sensual movements lasted less and less while increasing the pressure of the nail of Lydia in the flesh now torn from my back.
Strangely I did not think my orgasm even if the pleasure I received was a very intense, I had no fucking insensitive because so many good feelings were transmitted to all my body, I received also each vibration the body of Lydia voice increasingly feeble and sensual always called me "my love Laura"
A sudden release of the body of Lydia surprised me in the wonderful thoughts and emotions I was feeling at the base of my cock and scrotum along a nice wet heat has given me an exciting new sensation.
The sensual but firm voice of Lydia told me "I want to hear Laura now your thrill (orgasm) in me, my love please do not abandon me now, stay all inside of me" and the movement of his body has taken a rhythm Slow and steady allowing my cock out almost immediately from the hot pussy and back in full length.
When Lydia kissed my mouth with his open, I heard the language property is ready to receive the caresses of my tongue so I increased the movement of my pelvis and the fast rise and fall of my cock inside her pussy Lydia me soon caused an intense and unstoppable orgasm.
I felt the sperm along my cock as nails Lydia again penetrated my flesh and the pleasurable pain was compounded
the thrill of my first orgasm was fucking a woman.
The groans of pleasure from Lydia even though almost suffocated by the kisses she gave me was the nice confirmation that our orgasms were simultaneous.
In my hug the body of Lydia was totally abandoned, relaxed and happy
The first light of day came, filtered through the curtains into the room from the large window that connected the room to the garden to the beach and the first warm rays of the sun caressed our naked bodies exhausted and still together.
By moving our bodies to put us up in the side and face to face and our hands have taken a long series of caresses and our mouths were never satiated with kisses
Lydia smiling as I touched my hand stroking her pussy, I liked to run my fingers through her pubic hair just short of Lydia and feel the velvety smooth swelling of the lips of her pussy. I was excited to hear a belly as I wanted without my dick.
Lydia still enjoyed my caresses, and when carrying out his hand to my lips has seen the tip of his fingers covered with a little blood "Laura, my love with my fingernails I hurt your back, love you had pain, forgive Laura looks at my hand with your blood "in saying that Lydia made me turn his back towards her and when I heard a loud cry and I are really scared. I felt the pain caused by the nails of Lydia, but I could not imagine that any injuries were such as to scream Lydia.
I just uttered the words "do not worry Lydia ......."
a new cry that startled me further and while my amazement grew Lydia stood up on the bed and always crying but now with the happy smiling face and said "my love, my love Laura is not your blood is my blood , your back is not injured, my love is my blood "and shouting even louder and happy continued" Laura is my blood, my legs look, look at my vagina love, love watching '.
My caresses her pussy Lydia had smeared a little blood
also between the thighs and when Lydia took my hand we saw the palm of the red blood of Lydia. The joy of Lydia grew so huge when she saw that my cock was slightly red with blood. Standing and jumping on the bed Lydia continued to scream full of joy "Love does not have her period I had the last week, Laura, my love is the blood of my hymen broken, Laura is no longer a virgin, not virgin anymore, thanks love thanks my love, I love you I love you Laura "
The constant movement of Lydia and her constant jumping for joy were doing slowly out my cum from her pussy misty white from red blood residue left inside the pussy.
All the weariness of the night of celebrations continued in bed having sex had disappeared. Lydia took me in the shower continued to kiss my mouth and to caress her thighs and her pussy sticky with semen and blood.
Before opening the hot water jet Lydia is back in the room and sought his and my panties. Lydia has returned close to the shower clean her pussy and the insides of her thighs with our panties, then he passed gently on my cock.
"Laura, love, our panties with your sperm and my blood will be the best memory of this great night, I'll put them in a sealed box with your name and my"
After a hot shower for the many many kisses and caresses lasted an almost infinite time Lydia has chosen in her panties as much for me. Before wearing a beautiful black thong Lydia has stuck a finger in her pussy and checked if he had traces of blood, the finger of Lydia came out clean as it was entered and a sensual gesture Lydia took him first to his mouth, then to mine and with that finger caress my lips before kissing her again. Wearing the black thong Lydia tried a bra to match then quit saying "Laura put my bra because today I want to feel your hands caressing my tits."
I was still naked and Lydia on the black thong she wore what was to be his motto for his new job as a waitress employed to the rooms, a black skirt and white blouse embroidered with his name.
"Laura hurry to go to breakfast, I'm so hungry, I love all your fault that you made me sleep."
Lydia despite the sleepless night he had lost his good humor and you have chosen your panties to the patch I had in my hands to fix what he called "your obstacle" that is my penis.
As I finished getting dressed Lydia has little makeup on her face, as she said, looking in the mirror, finally today was more enlightened. I was wearing the same pink mini skirt and the same white shirt over the white bra I was wearing the night before, only the thong was different, a tiny ivory-colored thong, thanks to the patch that Lydia had put in my legs, I can easily contained my penis and the rest of the genital tract.
Before leaving his room Lydia has checked that I had around his neck the gold chain he had given me the night before, then a few drops of perfume for her and for me and hand in hand we went to breakfast.
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