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This is my first real story x.x I hope you like it, if I get enough people that like it I will continue with the story since I have a lot that I want to build on with this.

I groaned and sat up in bed, my head was pounding, almost matching the aches and pains slowly traveling throughout my whole body. " Fuck, what the hell did I get myself into last night?" I groaned softly to myself, stumbling to the bathroom blindly. I smirked and shook my head."Still amazes me I don't hit shit in the dark." I grumbled to myself, the only one to hear said comment my beautiful black and white wolf. Axel barked happily as I patted his head and leaned down, gently kissing the tip of his nose. "You're such a good boy." I cooed softly to him. " What would I do without you big boy?" I purred, rubbing my face into his thick neck fur.
'Come on Star, don't get me started.' he said to me gently through our connection. I guess I should explain that little part of our relationship.
When I was born I was born part werewolf part demon. My father was the leader of one of that most powerful and well known werewolf packs and well my mother was just another bitch demon in heat at the wrong time and here I am. I'm accepted by few of either of my fellow species and only my lovely man Axel knows what I really am. I have had few relationships and most of them have ended badly, you see sometimes I have this little problem when having sex, I either tend to shift partly into my were form or sprout horns and claws like my demon half. I still remember that fateful day I found Axel though.
It was a cold night in December when I heard a whimper. The wind was stinging my eyes and face like thousands of needles. " W-w- who's there?" I whispered out, my wolf half quick to rise to the surface. I had to bite my lip hard to keep from growling, not able to stop the way my eyes were now glowing a red color in the pitch black winter night. I sniffed the air slightly, blinking when I smelled blood and the potent tang of fear. I followed the scent and hissed out as I moved a spiky bush out of my way. I blinked rapidly as I easily made out the small, almost lifeless figure huddled up in the snow. "Aw, come here little fella." I whispered in a almost mother like voice, my motherly instincts instantly taking over. Axel whined and growled bravely, remembering what his mother had told him about humans.
"Hurry little one, we must go, you have to trust me." I pleaded softly, groaning as my wolf half shoved hard at me, so forceful that I felt fur slither across my arms for a split second. Axel blinked and sniffed my hand again, too weak and scared to be picky. He could smell the female clearly, confused because he smelled human, wolf, and something else he couldn't explain. He whined again, his right back leg bleeding badly from a trap he had been caught in trying to outrun the hunters that had killed all of his pack.
I shivered and picked the pup up, holding him close to my breasts, easily making a nice place for him to snuggle up to. I ran quickly, but quietly through the rain; a slush like snow covering the ground. I eeped and slammed my back up against a tree when I heard someone not far off yelling and screaming at someone else.
“Get the fuck over here, I know I saw a mutt run past this trap, there’s even a fucking blood trail!” the hunter hissed out, a certain cruel satisfaction flowing past the venom in his words. The hunters quickly ran through the slush, not caring who or what they killed as long as they retrieved the wolf.
I bit my lip again, knowing they neared me, I suddenly started bolting, hissing when I felt a sting on my arm from a bullet fired blindly I the darkness by one of the hunters. “Come on men, this way I just saw someone run!” one yelled. My breath heaved out as I growled deep in my throat, fur sliding across my skin as I started to transform. I had to stop, putting Axel down on the ground gently as bones started to break and realign. It only took minutes before I stood there in all my glory, now standing on four legs. I was beautiful by all standards even as a wolf, although very different looking than any normal wolf, and over twice the size of one. I have two were forms, I can either shift into a werewolf form that most are familiar with or turn into an actual wolf.
I growled loudly as I saw a hunter appear and I lunged, blood flying everywhere as I ripped through flesh like it was nothing. I made short work on the hunters, quickly regaining myself as I walked back over to the wolf pup I had saved. Axel whined softly and looked up at me, scared by the now huge wolf standing in front of him. 'Don't hurt me.' he whimpered out softly, a pleading note in his voice.
I blinked and looked at him, not believing that he had just talked to me telepathically. As a young girl I was told by my father that our pack had come from a long line of magical beings. He told me that one day I would be able to hear and talk to all animals in a way no one else would understand and of course I had never thought that that would happen because my blood was tainted. I shook my head and tried to take in the fact that I was actually hearing the little pup talking to me. He whined again softly, looking up at me with his big green eyes filled with fear. " Don't worry, I'll keep you safe, I promise. " I said softly as I gently picked him up with my muzzle. And so that begun our relationship.
Axel sighed and licked my cheek gently, nuzzling into my neck. I shivered slightly and blushed, scolding myself internally for letting myself go too deep into the past. I tended to do that too often, usually recalling painful memories better left in the past. 'Star, you know what that does to you.' he said in a worried tone.
" I know Axel. You have always been too nice to me." I said and smiled, yawning as I stood up and stretched. I slowly pulled my shirt off, groaning at scratch marking and bite marks I had on my right side from a fight that I had gotten into the previous night with a male werewolf that had decided he was going to try to rape me." Well those don't look too good." I grumbled more to myself than anything. ' They look like someone took a fucking knife and carved them into your fucking skin.' he growled out loudly, walking over to lick them lovingly. I hissed slightly in pain and Axel muttered a sorry to me. “You know you have always been too protective over me for your own good.” I sighed softly to him and finished stripping, stopping short when I saw myself in the mirror. I grumbled and ran my fingers through my long, pitch black hair, my beautiful red eyes staring back at me.
I am a beautiful woman by many standards, being about 5"11' in height. I have a strong build, the nights I spend in my gym at my home doing me some good to keep me fit. My werewolf blood also keeps me fit and energetic but I have to expel that energy in some way. I blinked and gently hefted my DD breasts up gently, noticing how my nipples beaded in the cool air that was circulating in the bathroom. I shook my head and blushed when I noticed Axel staring at my body, noticing how his cock was poking slightly out of the sheath. He failed to notice me looking back at him, licking his chops as his tail wagged slightly. I shook my head, "Guys." I muttered out loud, a note of humor in my voice. He smirked in that wolfish way he tended to do often and layed down on the floor, watching me intently as I went about my bath.
I climbed into my huge tub, filling it up with hot water and adding a hint of bubbles. I moaned softly as I let my body sink down slowly into it, turning on the jets. I hissed softly as my wounds were submerged into the water, gritting my teeth until they finally stopped throbbing painfully. Axel watched me closely, never ashamed that he loved the way I looked even in my human form. He came over quietly, thinking I didn't notice, and sniffed the air. He shivered slightly, taking my scent deep into his lungs. For some reason ever since that day I had found him there was something about my scent that seemed to intoxicate him. I always played it off, thinking that it was just my hormones or something simple like that. Axel moved closer and licked my neck, making me jump slightly. I opened one eye and watched him, smiling because of his huge size. He is roughly the size of a full grown male tiger, although I have nothing to fear with him but I can't say the same to anyone else that comes around him. I smiled and let him lick my neck, shivering when he moved his head down, staring to lap gently at my nipples. I bit my lip slightly, trying hard to move my chest up just far enough that my nipples would be fully out of the water.
He smirked at the action and latched onto one nipple, sucking on it with his surprisingly talented and gentle mouth for such a large animal. His tongue snaked out and flicked over it, his beautiful green eyes looking up at me. He shifted a bit uncomfortably and stood up, his cock slowly dripping pre-cum as he become aroused even further. I noticed the change and looked down at his huge cock, almost moaning as I imagined that monster of a cock thrusting inside of me. I gently pushed him away and kissed him full on the lips, thrusting my tongue into his mouth. We both fumbled unsteadily for a few minutes, our mouths so different, before we figured out a way to kiss effectively. I moaned softly into his muzzle, teasing his tongue with my pierced one and moved my hands all over his neck, getting his thick fur wet slightly. Axel growled in pleasure and suddenly jumped into the tub with me.
' Get on the side of the tub now.' he growled out, the tone of his voice in my head daring me to defy him. My breath shuttered out and I did as he said, getting up onto the side of the tub like he had ordered. I shifted and bit my lip hard, his demands secretly turning me on. He shoved his head between my thighs, wasting no time before he thrust his tongue deep into my pussy. I cried out loudly, my body arching up hungrily onto his greedy tongue. I panted, my fingers threading through his soft fur as pleasure pulsed through my body in waves. "Axel!" I moaned out, unable to stop the pleading note in my voice. Axel smirked and licked up and down my slit, his tongue finding every crease and greedily licking every drop of dew my pussy provided for him. My hips fucked his tongue desperately, making sexy movements up and down as he gave me the best fuck of my life. He licked my clit quickly, growling deeply against my pussy as he looked up into my eyes. ' now cum for me!' he growled into my head, my body suddenly started gushing out cum. I screamed as an orgasm assaulted my body. I shuddered and shook in pleasure, having to grab onto Axel desperately as I tried to stay on the side of the tub. "Fuck me Axel!" I screamed out hoarsely, my pussy squeezing his tongue as I continued to cum. I finally shoved his head away, unable to take anymore on my overly sensitive pussy. I panted hard, feeling as though my heart was going to leap right from my chest. Axel growled as I sunk back into the tub, his cock twitching and leaking pre-cum in an almost constant flow.
He whined and looked at me, I bit my lip and reached out, my breath pausing in my throat as I wrapped my small hand around his huge cock. He growled out in pleasure and stood still, his back legs widening for me. I watched my fingers move up and down his cock, forcing his sheath back to bear all of his glorious red cock to my gaze. I shifted slightly, my pussy swelling and starting to leak moisture into the water as I became almost unbearably aroused. Axel licked my neck again and nipped me, growling as he bit down gently, but hard enough to leave a very noticeable mark. I moaned loudly, my wolf side rising up at the show of dominance he was showing. My wolf growled slightly but accepted Axel as a superior male. I focused on my work, my hand never stopping it's movements. I panted in short, hard bursts as I leaned closer, watching as his hips started to hump frenziedly into my grip. I moaned and sucked his cock into my mouth suddenly, drawing a growl like moan out of Axel's throat. I shoved his cock all the way down my throat, gagging slightly before I relaxed. He whimpered and continued to thrust, panting hard before he suddenly growled and started squirting all of his wonderful cum down my throat and into my waiting stomach. I drank all of his cum greedily and finally pulled away, cleaning him slowly as his cock refused to soften. He panted and looked at me, nuzzling me lovingly before he laid down, leaning his large head on my huge breasts. I breathed hard, my pussy still pulsing hard, feeling so empty." Axel......I empty." I said softly, a blush creeping into my face. He smirked and licked my face.'Clean up love and get out and I'll show you just how much fun you can have with my cock.' he purred. I smiled and hurried through my bath, almost shaking with excitement.
When I finished cleaning and washing my body I dried off, smiling slightly as I watch Axel rubbing across a few towels he had pulled down. He huffed at me and continued drying off. I shook my head and headed to my room, Axel trailing close behind and shoving his muzzle between my legs ever so often to lick my soaking wet pussy. I moaned and shuddered when I finally made it to the bed, throwing the towel that had been around my body onto the floor as I climbed up onto the bed. I plopped down and spread my legs, purring in pleasure when he jumped up and licked my pussy lovingly. I moaned and shifted, getting onto my hands and knees quickly. 'So ready to have me fuck you?' he growled softly, licking my pussy one more time before he mounted me, his hips starting to move frenziedly until he shoved into me. I moaned out loudly, my nails digging into the sheets under me.
He fucked me hard, his knot growing quickly. 'You are my bitch!' he growled out and a whimper can from my lips, not really wanting to admit it but knowing that it was true. I shoved back against him suddenly and he growled, biting my neck to hold me still. I smirked and did it again, eeping slightly in pain when his knot was shoved deep into me. He moaned and hissed in pleasure.' I wasn't going to force you to take my knot yet but it seems you have sealed that fate for yourself!' he growled as he continued to fuck me hard, panting hard as he swelled to his full size inside of me. I moaned and looked down, noticing a bump every time he thrusted into me, knowing that his cock had to me at least 10 inches.
He smirked and growled as he suddenly started filling me up with his cum. I screamed out, feeling his hot cum soaking my insides and making me cum over and over again. I fell limply onto the sheets, my body shaking and sweating had. He licked my neck again and stayed on top of me for what felt like hours before his cock slipped free of me, allowing for what felt like a gallon of cum to pour out of me. “Well.... I never expected that.” I moaned out softly and laid down, my body feeling as useful as jello at the moment. He purred and licked me clean, forcing me to get up and curl up in his large plush bed that was on the floor. I yawned and could do no more than pass out against him.
Axel sighed and nuzzled me, yawning as he too fell asleep, his ears twitching as he listened for anything that could hurt me, my lover and my protector.

Anonymous readerReport 

2016-01-11 05:00:48
Love it. Write more if you would please

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-09-25 04:33:50
good story

anonymous readerReport 

2012-04-03 14:19:05
Can't wait for the next chapter. I do agree though that it would be interesting if Axel somehow ends up being a werewolf.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-04-02 21:31:45
I have to agree with the rest of the comments here. Wonderful story, amazing plot line. There were some spelling errors but nothing that really took away from the story.Only thing is try and format it better so that it's easier to read. Other than that, a job well done, and I'm looking forward to more chapters. ~ Ash

anonymous readerReport 

2012-03-30 15:53:53
really great story please continue but can axel turn into a human because he is a werewolf too? i just though it might be abit interesting if that happened but either way love your story

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