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The Making Of A Teenage Slut
---Fantasy Fulfilled---
~The Making Of A Teenage Slut~

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Author’s Note: This story has everything from the slowest foreplay to the absolute dirtiest sh- well you’ll see. Anyway, if you get to a part that doesn’t suit your preference, don’t let it ruin the rest for you! Just skim through it and enjoy the parts that you do like! And PLEASE do me the favor of letting me know what you really think of my story. Thanks!
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“O come on, Hun! Why not?” Scott begged his girlfriend. He had been working her for almost an hour now, rubbing her tits out and licking her crotch and everything else that goes into good fore-play, and all he wanted in return was one little fantasy fulfilled. He’d always had the strongest desire to shit all over a girl, but Angela wouldn’t let him try it no matter what he tried.
“I said ‘No, Scott! Now stop asking me, that’s disgusting! Just hurry up and do me, I was so close to an orgasm…” She whined.
Finally, Scott couldn’t take it anymore. He had a good boner going and was so pissed off that he had spent all that time on her for nothing that he lost it. He grabbed her arms and shoved her backwards onto the bed. At first she just smiled, hoping he was just being forceful, but then he threw his left leg over her and put is knees on her arms to hold them in place. His butt was on her chest and his cock in her face.
“Scott, stop it! Just do me,” Angela said.
“Fine!’ He muttered, through clenched teeth. “I’ll do you…” And wrapped a hand around his dick. He moved his hand up and down it for a minute, despite his girlfriend’s angry protests, and, in no time at all, let a stream of sperm out, which covered her face and slid down her forehead into her hair. Feeling angry but a little better, he rolled off her and fell asleep, hearing her get up to go take a shower.

--- --- ----- --- ---

Two days later, Scott was horny again and busy indulging himself in his own little fantasies. He couldn’t believe Angela was so stubborn! Why wouldn’t she just let him drop one load on her? He did everything she wanted! But even if he could talk her into it, she was gone all weekend on a trip with her girlfriends from high-school and that was too long for him to wait anymore.
He walked back and forth across the room, glancing at the computer occasionally, thinking about getting on-line and having cyber-sex with girls who were into the same things he was, but it just wasn’t fun anymore. He wanted more. And he wanted it bad and he was just thinking through how bad he wanted it when his eyes fell on something new, something that gave him a wonderful, yet horrible idea.
It was a picture of his little cousin, Becky. He had never really looked at her in a sexual way before, considering she was only 13 and he was almost ten ears older, but now that he thought about it, she did have great boobs for her age and a cute, innocent little face. She had nice blonde hair and was pretty short and she had always struck him as quiet, too, which meant he could probably easily talk her into doing things he wanted. He thought about trying her younger sister, who was definitely more outgoing and wild than Becky, but there was just something about the older one he liked. He tried to push the dirty thought out of his mind, but it was too tempting and he eagerly grabbed for the phone…

--- --- ----- --- ---

Becky couldn’t believe her luck! Her cousin Scott, who she had always secretly had a huge crush on, had just called and asked if she would come help him clean up around his house, which was wonderful enough in itself, but the best part was that he told her to bring over her bathing suit so they could sit in the hot-tub together!
Becky ran upstairs to get ready. She dug through her closet for her bathing suit, but her stomach dropped when she dug it out. What was she thinking!? If Scott didn’t already think she was a total loser he definitely would after today! She always got too nervous to talk around cute guys and wasn’t ever sure of herself, but worse than that, all she owned were dorky, one-piece bathing suits, that made her look even stupider than she already did. She knew Scott was her cousin, but didn’t every guy want to see as much of a girls skin as they could? Well, she definitely wasn’t gonna ruin this. She knew she had to finally take a chance.
She ran into her little sister, Emily’s room. Emily loved to dress as slutty as she could and, secretly, Becky had always envied her. She opened her sister’s closet and rummaged through her thongs and bras until she got to the bathing suits.
“Perfect,” she whispered, holding up a white, probably semi-see through top and a bottom to match. She ran back to her room and pulled her shirt and pants off and squeezed herself into the little bikini. It was really hard, considering her sister was a year younger and had almost no boobs, but she got the top on without breaking it.
She turned to look at herself in the mirror and gasped. Her left nipple was poking out above the top! She tucked it back in, but it was hard to keep hidden.
“O well,” she thought, trying to convince herself to be more daring and foxy than she was. “It’s not like it’d hurt anything if it ‘accidentally ‘popped’ back out…”
She pulled her clothes on over the suit and ran downstairs to get her mom to give her a ride.

--- --- ----- --- ---

“I’m glad you came,” Scott said, letting his cousin in. His heart pounded as he undressed her in his head, picturing every nook and cranny on her body.
“It was no problem,” Becky said. “What, umm, did you wanna clean first?”
“Well, I was thinking it’d be better if we went in the hot-tub first and relaxed before doing any work. Is that alright with you?”
Becky nodded and Scott told her to go get in and he’d be right out. She said ‘alright’ but then to his total astonishment started taking off her clothes right in the living room. He hung his mouth open, praying she’d drop her underwear too, but then all his hopes were crushed when he saw that she already had on her bathing suit.
“Be patient,” he told himself. “Soon you’ll have her…”
Still, he had to admit something had changed about his cousin. He’d never seen her in anything but a one-piece and she usually never talked to him. He started getting excited and ran outside in his boxers to get in by her.

--- --- ----- --- ---

Becky waited in the warm water, while Scott lowered himself in next to her. He sat so close that her legs rubbed against his. She didn’t dare move anything afraid she’d ruin it. She was so busy thinking about their legs touching that she never noticed until his fingers touched the top of her boob that his hand arm was behind her. Becky’s heart started pounding! This was all too much!
Suddenly, a rush shot through her body, making her take a sharp inhale. Scott’s fingers were tickling her and less than an inch from her nipple and getting closer! It felt too good to describe and Becky lost herself in it. A minute later, his fingers were touching her nipple and stroking it as they went back and forth on her boob.
“Does that feel good?” Scott asked gently.
Becky didn’t know how to answer. Afraid to upset him, she just nodded and kept her eyes closed. “You are not going to make him think you’re a wussy, little girl,” she told herself. “Just go along with it!”
Next thing she knew, Becky’s other breast was wrapped in Scott’s left hand, so that both his hands were furiously grasping and pressing on her chest. Becky decided she had to take a chance.
“Do you, uhh, like this?” she asked.
“O yea,” Scott answered, sliding around so he could face her and positioned himself in between her legs.
“Well, you can look at ‘em if you want,” Becky said, unable to believe the words she was saying.
“I already have been,” Scott said with a laugh and Becky looked down to see that both her breasts were in the open. Scott had pulled her top under them and she’d never ever noticed. “Has a guy ever done this to you before?” Scott asked her.
She shook her head, no, and looked at him. He slid his fingers down her body, giving her new feelings and urges and then he grabbed the edges of her bottom to slide it down. But quick as can be, Becky’s hand grabbed her crotch and stopped him.
“What’s wrong little ‘cuz?” He asked softly.
Becky was so scared. She hadn’t thought this was going to happen, but now that it was the magazine articles she’d read came back to her fast. “Well, I just…I’m having fun and I’ll do whatever you want,” She said, stumbling for words. She was so afraid he’d think she was a dork. “But I know guys don’t like hair down there and well…I have a lot…”
“Hmmm…” Scott said. “Well, yea it does make it less fun but I’ll look past it I suppose. If…you do something for me…”
“Anything…I mean I’ve done any of this so I’m probably no good, but…what do you want me to do?”
“Let’s get you inside and I’ll show you, alright?” Scott said, then licked both her nipples and stood up, pinching one of them and tugging her up by it. Becky stood up quickly and followed him inside, gritting her teeth to keep from saying how it hurt.

--- --- ----- --- ---

Scott pulled his little cousin by the tit into his master bathroom and lowered her onto the floor. He pulled her bathing suit bottom down and gazed at her forest of pubic hairs. It wasn’t all that bad. He ran his fingers through it twice and then found her wet vagina lips, which he massaged with his fingertips. He looked up and saw her close her eyes again in pleasure, which was a relief because he could tell she was getting nervous a minute before. He couldn’t afford her to back out now.
He slid a finger into her slit and rubbed it around, then pulled it back out and brought it to her face.
“Lick my finger,” he said, testing to see how far she’d go. She opened her mouth and licked her own juice off his hand without a second thought. Scott smiled and asked, “Becky, have you been having fun?”
She nodded, breathless trying to reach her pussy to rub herself. Scott moved his hand down and massaged it while asking, “Will you do something for me, then?”
“Anything,” Becky sighed.
“I want to piss in your mouth...” Scott paused. Becky waited a second then, welcomingly opened her mouth without a word. “Good girl,” Scott said. “After that, I want to poop all over you… and then we’ll see where it takes us, ok?”
Becky nodded, with her mouth still opened and Scott stood over her and lowered his dick into her mouth. He let out a good bit of piss fill her mouth, which she quickly swallowed and then opened again. Scott looked up and down her body, savoring the moment. Her legs were spread far apart, waiting for him to thrust himself inside her. Her chin had a trickle of warm pee running down it and her nice, c cup boobies were a sight for him to enjoy, topped with her hard, little nipples.
Scott slapped her twat twice, then squatted down over her chest. He shoved her boobs together and pressed in on them as hard as he could, then started opening his butt hole…

--- --- ----- --- ---

Becky was in a dream world. She knew this was so wrong, but it felt so wonderful! Even when she had to swallow his hot piss, she was happy, but letting Scott shit all over her? She wasn’t sure she could stomach all that. Either way she knew she’d find out because his balls were dangling over her face and his butt was right above her chest. He was pressing in on her boobs so that anything that came out his butt, would roll right onto her neck. She gazed up at his balls again and decided to take another chance. She lifted her head up and licked at them playfully.
“Stop it, Becky,” Scott said, coldly. “Look, I appreciate it, but I don’t want to miss. Put you face back down there.”
Becky obeyed and watched his butt open and close three times before a long, dark log poked out. It lowered itself an inch until it hit the crack between her boobs and slid down it toward her face.
Mi..Minigolf?” Becky asked, trying to sound fun and excited about the concept of filling her mouth with nasty poop. She opened wide and waited, amazed at how long his shit was. He must have been saving for days for this.
Finally, it broke off, just before reaching her mouth. Becky, quickly shut it, causing Scott to shout, “Hey, you don’t think you’re done do you?”
“Oh, no…” Becky said, trying to think how to sound sexy. “I’m sure you don’t want to wipe your butt with toilet paper, do you?” She reluctantly stuck her tongue out and Scott put his butt in her face. He kept opening and closing it and she began licking away the poop that was left. It tasted horrible but thankfully was in small enough quantities that she didn’t mind it too bad. She tongued his butt hole a few times to convince him she was having fun and then told him it was good and clean.
“Good job! Ready for your reward?”
Becky nodded and Scott moved back down to her legs. He slapped her pussy again and slid a finger around the entrance. He tickled it and watched her fall back into a trance, before pulling back out and going back to her face.
“Don’t worry,” he said. “We’ll get it real hot in here in a second, but for now, you have a little more work to do.”
He pinched a piece of the shit on her chest between two fingers and put it to her lips. Becky swallowed hard and opened her mouth, feeling totally ashamed and afraid that Scott was really only doing this to embarrass her. He dropped the poop in and she swallowed fast then opened again.
“You like this, huh?” Scott asked.
“I’ll do anything you want, remember?”
“Good, because there’s plenty more coming.”
Then Scott broke the log in half and wiped half of it all over her crotch and cunt and butt and the other half he forced into her mouth. This time she did start to gag but controlled herself and swallowed it slowly, licking off his fingers, in the process.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get what I put down there soon enough, babe?”
“Good,” Becky said, licking her lips. “What now?”
“Now you just wait…”

--- --- ----- --- ---

Scott started tickling her nipples again. He slipped down to where her legs opened and massaged her butt cheeks. There was shit spread throughout all her holes and seeing it excited him to finish what he’d started. He rolled her over and pulled her backwards until she was on all fours. He was so hard now, he couldn’t stand it and thrust his boner into her vagina.
“Owwwgh…” He heard his cousin cry.
“Do you want me to stop,” he asked after getting a good, thrusting pattern down.
“Oh, no it only hurt…at first,” she moaned. “Ohh…go faster, actually.”
Scott, listened carefully to her breathing and rocked himself inside her until right before he could tell she would orgasm and slid out, moving up to her butt.
“Open your butt like you have to poop,” he said, looking up at the full length mirror in front of them. “Then look up and see what a nasty girl you really are…”

--- --- ----- --- ---

Becky, looked up and got a rush. She loved what she saw! Seeing a hot guy ramming his dick up her butt and looking at the look on her face, made her feel wild and sexy. Her hair in her face and her boobs hanging low, which Scott grabbed and fondled almost every other minute, only added to the sight and thinking it was her cousin made her feel the most wild of all. She felt like a real slut for once and she loved it! It even took away the guilt she felt from being shit all over.
“Faster, Scott!” She begged. “Give me an orgasm and I’ll suck you’re dirty dick ‘til you cum in my face!”
“You did it, Becky,” she thought. “You became everything you wanted to be.”
She rocked herself against Scott’s thrusts, letting him bury himself even deeper into her. She moaned and did everything sexy she could imagine, including giggle when he kept repeatedly slapping her ass cheeks. Eventually though a surge of good feelings erupted throughout her body and her eyes got too heavy to keep open. She lost the energy to hold herself up and laid down on the floor. Scott kept humping his dick into her asshole, but she didn’t care. She kinda liked feeling used.
Finally, a little squirt of warm cum trickled it’s way through her butt and Scott pulled himself out.
“Are you done?” she asked, totally out of breath.
“No,” he said. “I’m saving some for you mouth.”
“And my face if you want, ya know?” She said, sweetly. Becky got up on her knees and jiggled her boobs for him making his dick bounce in the air a little and then he walked forward, pushing it in her face. She gladly opened her mouth and let him rock in and out of her. She tried to be good but had no idea what a good blowjob was like. Thankfully, he put both his hands around her head and started controlling her movements for her. She could taste the shit from her own butt as well as the bunch he had rubbed in there before, but she didn’t care anymore. She could hear him moaning and going, “O yea…” and it made her happy. She started licking his head and then went back to a perfect little circle that he pounded in and out of. At last, he shot a first burst of cum against the back of her throat, which she swallowed immediately. He pulled on her hair and pulled his dick out of her mouth. He stood with it over her face, still cumming unstoppably and letting thick wads of it land all over her face. Becky fought the urge to move away or close her mouth, which was harder than she thought, but she stayed firm until he was totally finished and her face was drenched and then she licked the last bits off his dick and stood up.
“Let me look at you,” Scott said. “I want to remember how you looked after the first time I fucked you…”
“Why?” Becky asked, spreading her legs far apart to give him a good view. “There’s gonna be plenty of times to see me like this again…”

---The End---
~Let Me Know What You Think~

anonymous readerReport 

2011-03-22 14:39:05
that was amazing i'd love to see more from you i'm still soaking wet

Anonymous readerReport 

2008-09-19 19:16:31
i'd love to have him shit on me , i have done it before and love it. i want to be shit on again soon .


2007-12-15 13:38:00
good one .........i wish i had a similar chance


2007-11-21 03:51:05
Well written. The content is just not my cup of tea with the whole poop thing.


2007-08-15 11:58:45

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