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First of all this is not my syory. The auther gives permissionfor his stories to be posted elswhere as long as he credited with the writing, also this is a long story so if you want short and sweet this is not for you. I hope you enjoy

Title: Melissa's Initiation
Copyright A Strange Geek, 2005
Last modified 10/11/05 (header adjustment only)

Feedback welcome! Please send email to [email protected]
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Please inform me if you wish to repost this work. Keep this copyright
notice intact on any redistribution.

Keywords: Mf, ff, nc, mc, oral, bond, humil, magic

"We've got all the bases covered, girls," said Susan Radson as she
locked the front door to the house. "My parents are out of town, all
your parents think we're having a sleepover at my house, and its after
ten, so no one's going to be calling us for fear of waking us up.
Aaaaand, it's a Friday night, so no school to get up for early in the

Ann Went nodded and grinned. "Not that my parents are going to
really care one way or the other," she said. "I argue with them so much
anymore that they're glad to get me out of the house for awhile."

Susan chuckled, and then looked over to the other girl standing
next to her friend. "What about you, Melissa? Still think you're okay
to go through with this?"

Melissa Hendell glanced nervously from Susan to Ann and back again.
Both were looking at her expectantly with small smiles on their faces,
the kind that told her that she was at risk for being cruelly derided
if she did not give them the correct answer. She was not simply
nervous, she was terrified. "I think so," she said tentatively. "I-I
mean, if this is the only way ..."

"It's the only way," Susan said firmly. "If you want to be part of
the Circle."

"Yeah, Melissa," Ann said with a slight smirk. "Otherwise you can
forget about trying some of that stuff we taught you, since we don't
let people do that outside of the Circle."

Melissa nodded mutely. She hated being the new kid in town. This
was not the first time it had happened, as her parents moved around a
great deal in the last five years. Unfortunately, their penchant for
moving came right at the time that she entered puberty, one of the most
turbulent times in a girl's life.

Melissa had trouble fitting in. She did not like many of the things
other girls did, like dating, makeup, and popular music. Her tastes
were far more eclectic than this. For these reasons, she rarely made
friends, and her timidness made her the victim of much humiliation at
the hands of her peers.

But things seemed to be different in Haven. Her family had moved
there during the summer, and almost immediately she had met up with
Susan, and later Ann, and something clicked. They seemed to accept her,
though they occasionally sent some barbs her way that hurt at first,
but when they kept it private and did not actively seek to embarrass
her in public, she learned to accept it. Ann tended to be worse than
Susan in this regard.

"So come on," Susan said as she fished out her parents' car keys.
"Let's get going."

"Hey, I thought you just had a learner's permit," Ann said to Susan
with a grin.

Susan waved a hand of dismissal. "Big deal. It's not like there's
going to be a lot of traffic at this time of night. This is Haven,
after all, where they roll up the sidewalks at night. So long as we
drive slowly and don't attract a cop's attention, we'll be fine."

Melissa smiled weakly at Susan's joke. She had spent most of her
life in Denver. Living in small towns like Haven was new to her. It was
still taking some getting used to.

They all piled into the car, Susan and Ann up front, Melissa in the
back. She felt her anxiety as a knot in her stomach. Part of her
questioned the wisdom of agreeing to do this. She tried to tell herself
that Susan and Ann were her friends and that they would not let
anything bad happen to her. If they said this initiation was required
before she could become a full member of the Circle, then this is what
she needed to do.

The Circle. Susan and Ann had let her in on this secret of theirs
as they started the fall semester at high school. Melissa was a
sophomore, not quite due to turn sixteen yet until after the start of
the new year. Susan and Ann were seniors, which was why Melissa was so
surprised that they actually wanted to associate with her. She was
doubly surprised when they told her about the Circle.

Susan and Ann were pagans. Melissa had learned this early on. But
what they had not told her until recently was that they were also
witches. Or attempting to be. They had obtained several old books on
magic and spells from some obscure publishers and were attempting to
teach themselves the arcane arts. Melissa had been skeptical at first,
until she was invited to one of their ceremonies. To her astonishment,
Susan and Ann, wearing strange robes and jewelry and after much
chanting over burning candles, conjured up several ghostly images in
the center of a pentagram drawn in chalk on the floor of Susan's

That had convinced Melissa that whatever they were doing, it was
real. And the more they told her about it, the more she wanted to be

"These spells really work, Melissa," Susan had confided in her at
one point. "There's spells that can make other people do what you want,
without them even realizing that you're pulling the strings."

She proved her claim, too, or at least as far as Melissa could
verify. Susan was enamored of a particular boy named Jim Haynes that
was already going steady with another girl. She let Melissa watch as
she went through the motions of casting a charm on him. Several hours
later, as Melissa was leaving Susan's house, who should arrive on the
doorstep but Jim, claiming that he needed to get some class notes from
Susan. Susan later claimed that she went over to his house with him on
the pretext of offering to tutor him in the class he missed, only to
wind up having sex.

"You can do things like that, too, Melissa," Susan had said with a
conspiratorial grin. "If you were in the Circle."

This had been too tempting for Melissa to pass up. She had wanted
more control over her life than she believed she had, and this seemed
like the perfect way to go about gaining just that. She was not sure if
she would use it to the same ends as Susan, however. She was interested
in sex, there was no doubt about that. At fifteen, she had filled out
very nicely, having inherited her mother's large breasts, long legs,
and honey-brown hair, and her father's deep blue eyes. But she did not
care for many of the boys she often found around her. She was attracted
to them physically, but their personalities put her off. Worse, she had
begun to suspect in the past year that she had bisexual tendencies. She
felt an attraction for Susan, and a lesser one for Ann.

Melissa was desperate to be accepted into the Circle. She was
desperate to feel like she belonged. So when she had informed Susan and
Ann of this, they promptly told her that there would be an initiation
first. It was not until a few days ago that they told her the details
of the initiation. Though there were one or two details that Melissa
still did not know even now.

Susan revealed one of them as they drove towards the outskirts of
town. "Melissa, the ceremony will take place in the Gilded Forest just
on top of the hill," she said. "Hope that doesn't spook you too much."

Melissa shook her head. The name meant nothing to her. "Why should

"Oh, she probably doesn't know about it," Ann said, turning her
head towards Susan and grinning. "She's new to town."

"How much do you know about Haven's history, Melissa?" Susan asked.

"Not very much."

"Some years ago, there was some sort of pervert loose in the
forest," Ann explained. "They said he would kidnap girls from the town
or from the campgrounds and fuck them while slowly strangling them."

Melissa blanched, and her hand flew to her bosom, where a small
pentacle hung from a chain under her blouse. She clutched at it through
the fabric, popping two buttons open. Susan and Ann had given her the
pendant soon after revealing the Circle to her, claiming it was a
protective charm. Indeed, Melissa did feel a little more secure and
confident when she wore it, though she had to keep it hidden from her

"That was, like, ten years ago," Susan said. "So not all that long
ago, actually."

"Did they catch the guy?" Melissa asked, eyes wide.

"Nope, never," Ann said. "Though I haven't heard of anything
happening recently."

"If there was anyone there, he probably moved on when they started
hunting for him," Susan said. "I wouldn't worry about it. Just makes a
great tale to tell people. Kind of like the hook on the car door handle
or the guy in the back seat."

"But those are urban legends," Melissa pointed out. "They're not

Susan just shrugged. "Maybe this one is too, I don't know."

"Oh, no," Ann said, shaking her head. "My Mom told me that she knew
a friend who's cousin died because of him."

Melissa opened her mouth to point out that that was the mark of an
urban legend, that it always happened to a friend's relative, or a
relative's friend, or any number of combinations of indirection. She
decided to remain quiet, knowing that Ann could be a real bear when
someone disagreed with her. Melissa did not want to do anything to
jeopardize her acceptance.

It was also possible, she admitted, that Ann was purposely trying
to scare her. Ann did things like that, though she claimed that she was
simply testing Melissa and "keeping her on her toes". "Magic is not
something you fool around with unless you know what you're doing and
you keep your head about you," Ann had told her once after Melissa had
admitted that something Ann had said to her had not gone over very

"We're almost there, girls," Susan said. "Melissa, you'll have one
last chance to back out of this."

Melissa nodded without a sound. She saw the trees loom up on either
side of them, dark, shadowy monoliths barely visible, outlined against
a moonless sky. Her heart started to pound and she shivered slightly.

Susan took them off the main road and down a graveled path. She
took them past a sign that clearly stated that the picnic areas were
closed at dusk, though there was no gate across the road. Melissa tried
to peer between Susan and Ann to see what was up ahead. She looked up
in time to see Susan flip on the brights and a split-second later lean
heavily on the brake as a deer appeared in the headlight beams.

Susan clicked her tongue as the deer stood staring at them. She
flipped her lights completely off and tapped the horn, then flipped the
lights back on. The deer had vanished.

"Damn things get dazzled by the headlights," Susan explained. "But
the sound they understand."

Susan went a short distance further and pulled over to the side of
the road, killing both the engine and the headlights, plunging them all
into darkness. Melissa heard someone open the glove compartment, then
there was a click as a flashlight was turned on.

"Okay, Melissa," Susan said, turning around in her seat. "This is
your last chance to back out. You give the word, we'll take you back to

"But you can't be in the Circle," Ann said. "And we can't be
friends with you anymore. It wouldn't work."

Melissa took a deep breath. Her heart was hammering in her chest,
and she was scared, but she was more frightened of being bereft of
friendship and missing an opportunity to belong. "I want to go through
with it," she said in a shaky voice. "Please."

Susan and Ann exchanged glances. "Okay, Melissa, we'll do it,"
Susan said. She took the flashlight from Ann's hand. "Let's go."

The air felt a lot more chilly up on the hill than it had in town.
It made the skin along Melissa's bare arms prickle. A breeze blew up,
rustling the leaves in the trees, and sending a shiver through
Melissa's body. "It's colder than I thought it would be," she commented

"It won't get really frigid tonight," Susan said as she stepped up
to Melissa. "It's too early in the season."

Ann came around the back of the car and stood on the other side of
Melissa. "Did you wear what we told you to?" she demanded.

Melissa nodded. "I have it on already under my clothes." She
swallowed and looked around nervously, though there was little to be
seen past the small circle of light that Susan shone on the ground from
her flashlight. "A-are you sure there won't be anyone else around

"Except maybe that strangling pervert," Ann said with a grin.

"Shush, you," Susan said, though she was smiling herself. "Don't
make Melissa any more nervous than she already is."

"I don't think that's possible, actually," Melissa said, her
anxiety so great that she felt tears begin to well up in her eyes. She
quickly blinked them away before anyone could notice.

"No, there's no one else up here but us," Susan said gently.
"You'll be all alone until we come get you in the morning."

The prospect of being alone was almost as bad as not being alone,
but Melissa accepted it and simply nodded.

"Let's get the stuff out the trunk, Susan," Ann said jerking her
thumb behind her.

"Melissa, you get your jeans and blouse off while Ann and I get
ready," Susan told her, then she and Ann went around to the back of the

Melissa took a deep breath to try to calm herself as she reached up
to undo the remaining buttons on her blouse. Her hands trembled so
badly that this simple act seemed to take her forever to do. As she
reached the last button, she glanced over to Susan and Ann, who stood
before the open trunk of the car. They were each slipping into their
witches' robes of dark blue. She swallowed and pulled her blouse open,
revealing a lacy black bra one size too small for her. She had had
trouble finding a full-figured bra size of this style and had to make
do, which had the effect of squeezed her breasts against her body until
it look as though they would spill over the tops of the cups.

A thin chain ran from around her neck to between her mounds. She
tugged on the chain and plucked the pentacle from where it had been
trapped between them.

Melissa shed her blouse and put it on top of the car. She then
undid the button and zipper of her jeans and slid them down her legs.
She felt the cold air bite at her as more of her bare skin was
revealed, and she visibly shivered. At the same time, the cool air had
a mildly stimulating effect on her. Combined with the excitement over
what was about to happen to her, it had actually aroused her somewhat.
She was now at least glad that her panties were black as well. This was
the only think she liked about them, however. They were very tight,
hugging her crotch such that the fabric threatened to be drawn into her
slot if she moved the wrong way. They were also very skimpy, leaving
much of her buttocks bare. In her efforts to get her sneakers through
the pant legs, she accidentally backed into the car and gave a small
yelp at the feel of the cold metal against her rear end.

She finally got her jeans off and put them aside as well. She
reached down and tugged the top hem of each of her black fishnet
stockings to smooth them out. One garter had become undone. She
stretched it down and pulled up more on the stocking until she could
get the two of them connected again.

Susan came up to her. In addition to her robes, she had a coil of
rope draped over a shoulder and several large pieces of foam rubber
rolled up under one arm. "You ready, Melissa?" she asked.

Melissa nodded, then realized that it was dark enough even with the
flashlight that she might not have been seen. "I think so," she said.

"Nervous?" Susan said with a grin.

Melissa swallowed. She wrapped her arms around her, chafed her
hands up and down her arms. "And c-cold."

Ann came over and grabbed Melissa's clothes. "I'll put these in the
trunk." She stopped, and stared at Melissa. "Hey, Susan, shine your
flashlight on her."

Susan lifted the beam of light and drew it slowly up Melissa's
body. She squinted and averted her eyes when the beam struck her in the
face. Susan lowered the beam back down.

"Hey, Melissa, nice bod," Ann said with a grin. "I mean that. I
don't know why you go around in such unflattering clothes all the

Melissa blushed crimson but smiled weakly. She was indeed rather
attractive. In addition to her ample breasts and long legs, she had a
slim waist and gracefully curving hips. Her buttocks were tight and
firm. She knew on some level that she was pretty, but she had trouble
bringing herself to show it off a little. Plus she liked to wear things
that were comfortable, and many of the things other women wore to show
themselves off looked uncomfortable.

"Do you have the shoes, Ann?" Susan asked.

"No, I'll get them, and the tape." Ann rushed off to the trunk of
the car again.

Melissa looked confused. "Shoes?" she asked.

Susan smiled wanly. "Um, something we didn't tell you about, sorry.
We want to make sure that you don't decide to chicken out at the last
minute and try to run away from us."

"I won't do that," Melissa protested.

"I know you probably won't, but we really have to make sure. It's
... it's important for the ceremony."

Melissa hesitated a moment, then said tentatively. "Okay."

Ann returned carrying a pair of black shoes which she held up for
Melissa to see, grinning widely. They were angled very steeply, the
heel at least four inches high if not more, though the heel was thick
and had a flat base.

"I ... I can't wear those," Melissa said, stricken. "I've never
worn high heels before."

"Well, that's sort of the idea," Ann said. "Anyway, this thing is a
little easier than most, see?" She tapped a finger against the base of
the heel.

The two girls crouched down at Melissa's feet. They helped her off
with each of her sneakers and eased her feet into the shoes. Melissa
winced as she felt her toes pinch together near the front of the shoes
as she put her weight on them. Despite the wider heel, she still felt
like she was about to tip over. She looked down at herself, and
discovered that the shoes made her legs look even longer than they were

Susan shone a light on her legs and smiled. "Too bad you don't wear
them, Melissa," she said. "They look good on you."

Melissa heard a noise to the side and turned her head. Ann was
tearing off a piece of tape from a roll of duct tape. "Just to make
sure you can't slip them off," Ann said. She wrapped the tape around
the top of Melissa's foot and the bottom of the shoe between the toe
and heel. She wrapped a few more pieces in layers before doing the same
to the other foot.

Melissa took another deep breath, though it did her little good. In
these shoes she was as good as helpless, as she could not take more
than a few steps quickly without falling over. She was definitely past
the point of no return.

Ann slipped the tape into a large pocket of her robe. She reached
into the trunk and retrieved four large metal stakes and a mallet
before closing the trunk. "I think we got everything," Ann said.

Susan and Ann took position on either side of Melissa. Each took
one of her hands firmly. "I ... I'm ready," Melissa said.

Susan smiled at her. "Better be, since this is it. No turning back

"That's right," Ann said. "Not even if you wanted to. Come along

The two of them led her around the front of the car. Melissa had a
great deal of trouble keeping her feet moving straight on the gravel,
even with guidance from either side of her. They moved a little too
fast for her, and she stumbled, saved from a fall only by virtue of the
fact that both her hands were being held tightly. When the left the
road and started down a path of packed earth, it was a little easier,
though there were still plenty of rocks and holes to trip her up. The
flashlight that Susan held danced crazily before them, as she held it
with the same arm that was holding the foam rubber sheets.

Melissa started to get the hang of walking on high heels, though
they still pinched her toes painfully. The shoes felt tight around her
feet, so it may have been simply that the shoes were not the right size
for her. The path curved sharply one way and then the other, which
meant that she would not be visible from the road. Assuming nothing
went wrong until they came for her in the morning, this suited her
fine. The last thing she needed was someone finding her here.

They finally came upon a small clearing surrounded by trees on all
sides. Melissa glanced up and could see a patch of sky against the
dark, spire-like shapes of the pines, where hundreds of stars twinkled.
The setting was so peaceful and lovely that she was able to relax for a
moment and forget her predicament. It was short lived, for the next
moment the trees rustled as a wind blew through the forest, chilling
her to the bone as it touched her bare skin. The thin, porous material
of her undergarments did little to insulate her.

"Right here," Susan said, and she and Ann stopped walking. She
turned to Melissa and asked, "Think you can stand by yourself?"

Melissa adjusted her stance, moving one foot a little further from
the other. "Um, I think so."

Susan slowly let go of her hand, Ann following more quickly.
Melissa paused a moment and then nodded.

"Okay, now you stay right there. Don't try to go wandering off."

"We mean that, Melissa,"Ann said, her expression dead serious. "We
won't go chasing after you, you'll just have to get back to town
yourself in your underwear."

"I-I won't move," Melissa said sheepishly.

"Good girl," Ann said.

Susan and Ann left her, walking a short distance to roughly the
center of the clearing, where a picnic table stood. They conferred for
a moment and put down what they were carrying, including the flashlight
so they could pick up the table and move it to the edge of the trees.
With that out of the way, they set about preparing for Melissa's

Susan unrolled the pieces of foam rubber on the ground, using rocks
to prevent the wind from moving them. She pointed, tracing a rough
rectangle around the the spot, Ann nodding as she took the first of the
stakes and the mallet in her hand. She then walked to a point a few
feet from the foam rubber, to one of the corners of the rectangle. She
knelt on the ground and began to pound the stake into the dirt. It
sounded very loud to Melissa, echoing slightly among the trees.

Melissa's heart began pounding again as she watched the
preparations unfold. When Ann had finished driving the stake, leaving
about six inches above the ground angled away from the mat, Susan came
over and tied the end of the rope to it. She lowed the rope to near
ground level and tugged on it hard several times, and nodded when the
stake held. She measured off a length of the rope back to the mat and
cut it with a switch blade knife she had had in her pocket.

They repeated this for each of the three other corners, first
placing the stake, then tying a length of rope to it. Her eyes fully
adjusted now to the darkness, Melissa could start to see the setup as a
whole rather than just the pieces upon which Susan's flashlight shone.
Part of her wondered why she had let herself be talked into this.

Susan and Ann approached her. "It's all set up, now, Melissa,"
Susan said. "Come along."

Melissa took another deep breath as Susan grasped her hand and
pulled her towards the center of the clearing. Ann took her other arm
as she grew closer, their grip on her a lot more firm than it had been
before, as if they wanted to take no chance of her escaping. They
helped her down onto the foam rubber mats such that she was lying on
her back along its length, looking up at the stars.

"Put your arms above your head, Melissa," Susan said. "Spread them
and your legs."

Melissa complied, fashioning herself into an "X" shape. Her anxiety
began to turn to fear as she felt Susan pull an arm straight and begin
wrapping the loose end of the rope about her wrist. Ann did the same
with one of her ankles, forcing her to spread her legs as wide as she
could, until she could feel the tendons in her groin and thigh stretch.
Somewhere in the distance an owl hooted and made her flinch, nearly
pulling her foot from Ann's grip as she prepared to finish tying down
her legs.

"Hold still!" Ann said crossly.

"S-sorry," Melissa said. "The owl startled me."

"Fraidycat," Ann muttered as she tied the rope tightly around
Melissa's ankle.

Susan finished with Melissa's remaining wrist, and she and Ann
stood up and came around one side of Melissa. Susan shined her light
down on Melissa, starting from one end and slowly moving it to the
other. Melissa had been thoroughly staked down, her arms and legs
spread and stretched. The two of them smiled at their handiwork. "Can
you move?" Susan asked.

Melissa tried to pull at the ropes. There was no slack on them at
all. She could not even move her limbs from side to side on the ground.
"N-no, I can't," she said. She felt tears threaten to well up in her
eyes again, but blinked them away. She sniffled once, and tried to
cover it by clearing her throat. She tried desperately to ignore the
fact that she never felt so vulnerable and helpless in her life.

She felt something slide off one breast and a light tug at her
neck. Her pendant was dangling off to the side near her armpit.

Ann spotted the glint that the pendant made in the light of the
flashlight beam and crouched near Melissa's head. She reached down and
picked up the pendant in her fingers. "I don't remember us telling you
that you could wear this."

"But I always wear it, ever since you two gave it to me," Melissa
cried in a pleading voice.

"Melissa, I told you what to wear to this, and that's all I wanted
you to wear," Susan said reproachfully.

Ann grasped the chain and shifted it around Melissa's neck until
she found the clasp. "Here, I'll just take care of this."

"No, please!" Melissa nearly screamed. "Don't take it off! Leave me

The thought of removing the pendant terrified Melissa far more than
her predicament itself. She was not sure why this was so. Perhaps she
felt that the protective charm would help prevent anything bad from
happening to her until morning. Or it was simply something to provide
her with a little emotional solace as she lay there through the night.
Whatever the reason, its absence would turn her into an emotional and
perhaps a mental wreck as well long before her initiation could be

"Oh, stop being a baby, Melissa," Ann snapped and started to undo
the clasp.

"No, wait, leave it be," Susan said.

Ann looked up at Susan and frowned. "Why?"

"It's not really all that important. Here, just move it off to the
side so it won't interfere with the ceremony."

Ann sighed and gave Susan a dirty look, but turned it to an
ingratiating smile when she looked back at Melissa. "Fine, you can keep
it," she said. She moved the pentacle such that it rested on the ground
beside Melissa's neck.

Melissa swallowed and let out a rattling sigh, a few tears
trickling down her face. "Th-thank you."

Ann stood and frowned at Susan again, petulantly mouthing the
words, "Why did you do that?" Susan made a face and raised a hand
briefly, mouthing back, "Later."

"We will now begin," said Susan.

She stepped over to a point between Melissa's splayed legs. She
placed the flashlight on the ground carefully, aiming its beam directly
at Melissa's crotch. In moving Melissa into position on the mat, her
panties had been tugged into her slot, a deep indentation down the
center of the material. Enough of it had been pulled away from her
thighs that a few tufts of pubic hair were visible. A breeze blew on
Melissa, and tickled the hairs. Melissa bit her lip and squirmed in
embarrassment, both for the fact that they could see her partially
exposed, and the fact that the breath of air on her hairs felt mildly

Susan stood straight and extended her arms. She looked skyward. Ann
knelt on the ground at Melissa's waist and withdrew a long feather from
her pocket.

"We are here to bring a new member to our Circle," Susan intoned.
"We present her to the goddess in hopes that she will be found worthy."

Melissa's breathing steadied. Hearing the actual words of the
ceremony formally spoken in such reverent tones made her feel better
about it. Until that point, she was starting to have her doubts about
the whole thing, as none of what they were doing to her seemed to make
sense to her in this context.

After a pause, Susan continued. "We have prepared our young
initiate, Melissa, rendering her helpless before you, so that you may
accept her as she is. She has been laid bare before you, so that you
may touch her with your power and your grace."

At that moment, Ann started to lightly stroke the feather along the
inside of one of Melissa's legs. Melissa drew in a short gasp, her body
trembling at the extraordinary soft and sensuous touch of the feather.
She bit her lip to suppress a moan as the feather was drawn up along
the inside of one thigh and then down the other, and then back again.
She felt a tingling in her sex as Ann's touch aroused her.

"Your touch will be as light and gentle as this symbolic feather,"
Susan continued. "It will bring the wisdom that she needs to use her
power wisely."

Ann drew the feather up Melissa's abdomen and across her breasts.
Even though the fabric of the bra Melissa felt the feather's touch, and
was unable to suppress a soft moan. Ann paused for just a moment,
smiled to herself, and continued to ply the feather around Melissa's
body, touching her arms and face before bringing it back down to her
legs, where she very lightly played about Melissa's panties.

Melissa was fully sexually aroused now. She could feel the dampness
in her pussy when the breeze blew on her. Her skin tingled and she felt
flushed despite the chill in the air. /Oh, no, was this supposed to
happen?/ she thought, wishing she felt brave enough to ask.

"But to judge her worthy, goddess, you must see her as she is,
naked before you," Susan said.

Melissa's eyes widened at the word "naked", and hoped that Susan
had meant that symbolically. This hope was dashed when Ann put the
feather away and took out the switchblade. Melissa whimpered and
shuddered when she felt the blade slid carefully between her breasts,
the sharp edge upward. Ann raised the knife and gently sawed through
the black material. After only a few seconds the remaining threads
snapped and Melissa's breasts came spilling out over her chest. The
nipples were raised and erect, the skin around them taut. The cool air
blowing across them made her shiver with desire as much as with the

/They didn't tell me about this!/ she thought desperately.

Ann pulled the remainder of the garment from Melissa's body and
tossed it unceremoniously to the side. She proceeded to slide the knife
blade under the band holding the panties in place, feeling Melissa
shudder under her touch. Tears began to flow freely from Melissa's eyes
as the band snapped, first around one leg and then the other, exposing
Melissa's moist sex to the flashlight beam, shining on it like a

Ann noticed Melissa's state of arousal, and a positively wicked
smile came upon her face.

"We leave her now," Susan said, lowering her arms. "We leave her to
the trusted care of the goddess."

"Oh, but you forgot one last part of the ceremony, Susan," Ann
said, grinning up at her friend.

Susan looked nonplussed for a moment, until she caught sight of
Ann's unobtrusive gesture towards Melissa's exposed pussy. She smiled
slightly, though there was a hint of unease to it. "Um, yes," she said.
"Be so kind as to do the honors yourself, Ann."

"With pleasure."

Ann took the remains of Melissa's panties and began rubbing them
against Melissa's slot. Melissa gasped and her muscles tensed, pulling
uselessly at the ropes that bound her to the ground. She moaned loudly
and then cried out, "Wh-what ... what a-are you doing??"

"Be quiet until the end of the ceremony, Melissa," Ann said. "If
you want it to go right."

"Ohhhh ..." Melissa moaned piteously. She was so slick with
lubrication that even the rough surface of the outside of her panties
could stimulate her without chafing her. But just as she started to
rise, Ann withdrew the panties from her slot, leaving Melissa engorged
and sexually frustrated, as well as embarrassed beyond belief. Yet it
was nothing compared to what Ann did to her next.

Ann appeared at Melissa's head, holding the wadded-up panties in
one hand. With the other she reached down and pinched Melissa's cheeks,
forcing her mouth open. "Open wide!" Ann said, stuffing the panties
into Melissa's mouth. Melissa's eyes went wide and she screamed through
her nose, trying to force the panties from her mouth with her tongue.
Ann stuffed them completely inside and snatched the roll of duct tape
from her robe. She tore off a piece, pushed Melissa's mouth closed and
sealed it across her lips.

Melissa was crying. Everything had gone disastrously wrong.

"It's okay, Melissa," Susan said soothingly and with some haste.
"It's okay. This is part the ceremony. We ... " She glanced at Ann, who
smiled smugly at her. "We simply had some, um, disagreement over
whether to include it."

So desperate was Melissa still for acceptance that she looked up at
Susan with a hopeful expression in her eyes.

"You're, um, sexuality is tied to your magic power," Susan said.
"And accepting your own sexuality it sometimes not an easy thing to do,
so this is symbolic of that."

Melissa's tears had stopped. It sounded almost plausible to her.

"Yeah, that's right, Melissa," Ann said. "Sorry we didn't warn you
about it."

"Everything is okay," Susan said, smiling easily. "This is just ...
a modern variation on the original ceremony."

Melissa wanted to believe this. But the taste of her own sex and
the musky odor that rose into her nostrils each time she exhaled made
it difficult for her to concentrate. While part of her was disgusted at
this turn of events, another part of her thought it was extremely
erotic, and it was this part that kept her in such a heightened state
of arousal that it ached.

Ann stood up. "We better be getting back," she said.

Susan nodded. She picked up the flashlight. "Melissa, we're going
to leave you now," she said. "We'll return for you shortly after dawn,
and then you'll be a full-fledged member of the Circle."

Melissa took a deep breath through her nose, her anxiety at the
prospect of being left along returning. Nevertheless she snuffled back
fresh tears and nodded.

Susan and Ann smiled at her one last time. They picked up the
remaining rope and the remains of Melissa's bra and left the clearing.
Melissa listened to their footfalls as they went away, growing fainter
and fainter until she could no longer hear them. A few moments later,
there was the sound of a car engine starting, the crunch of tires
across gravel, and then nothing but the wind and her own labored

She was totally alone, helpless and naked in a forest under the
open sky.

She began to cry.

Susan and Ann remained absolutely silent until Susan had turned the
car around and was heading back to the main road. Then the two of them
looked at each other, and burst out into hysterical laughter.

"Ohmigod," Ann cried. "I was sure I was going to lose it a few

"You! I was the one coming up with that song and dance number on
the spur of the moment."

"Oh, Susan, you were wonderful!" Ann exclaimed. "And the bit with
you opening your arms and looking up, oh that was great. I
half-expected a shaft of light from heaven to shine on you."

"Well, not all of that was made up, you know," Susan said more
seriously. "I mean, I was raised pagan after all."

"Yeah, but you don't believe half that stuff, do you, really?"

Susan just shrugged. She smiled. "But it sure comes in handy for
times like this."

The two of them went off in peals of renewed laughter. "Okay,
okay," Ann said, grinning hugely. "Now you have to agree with me:
Melissa must go down as the most gullible little cunt in all of

"Jeez, she fell for the whole thing, didn't she?"

"That bit you arrange with Jim was sweet," Ann said. "You had her
convinced you really did lay a hex on him. Oh, man, I'm glad his
girlfriend was such a peach about it. She even pretended to be angry
with Jim as if he'd really had sex with you."

Susan gave Ann a smug little smile.

Ann's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. "You /didn't!/"

"Let's just say that Melissa is not the only gullible one," Susan
said. "And believe me, I did not have to use a spell on Jim to get him
to get into bed with me."

"Does Linda know?"

"No, she doesn't. Let's keep it that way."

"Oh, you bet. And Melissa will believe us, so there's no worry

Susan sighed. "Yeah, but we almost lost it when you pulled that
little stunt of yours with her panties. What the hell was that all

Ann shrugged. "Spur of the moment. Can you believe that that little
slut was actually getting off on it? I had intended that feather to
tickle her senseless and it just made her horny. Thanks for covering
for me, by the way."

"You're lucky I can think fast."

"So what's next, then?" Ann asked.

"Oh, we fetch her in the morning," Susan said. "Like we said. We
have to, else if we're get up there too late, someone else will find
her and we'll be in deep shit."

"Yeah, I figured that out," Ann said. "But what about after that?"

"We accept her as a member of the Circle," Susan said. "Then we
figure out some excuse later to kick her out. Maybe she'll displease
the goddess somehow."

Ann grinned. After a few moments her grin faded. "Say, Susan, why'd
you leave her the pendant? I think maybe one of the reasons I did the
thing with the panties was because I was mad at you for that."

Susan paused a moment. "I'm not sure, actually," she said. "I don't
know, maybe ... maybe I just wanted to be a little nice."

Ann made a face. "Why? It's not like she really matters."

"I guess I just thought that taking the pendant might be taking it
too far," Susan said. "Plus she thinks it really protects her, so maybe
it will."

Ann frowned. "You don't think she's, like, in danger up there."

"Probably not. No one goes up there at this hour." She smirked at
Ann. "Unless you really believe in that sex strangler character."

"I'm telling you, he was real," Ann insisted. "I mean, he's not
there now, but he was in the past."

"I think it was as real as the bloody hook story, if you ask me."

Ann folded her arms and pouted. "And who says that one is not real

Susan sighed, rolled her eyes, and promptly dropped the subject.

It was not very long before Melissa stopped crying. Partly this was
because she finally realized that no amount of histrionics was going to
change the situation she was in, and partly due to the fact that she
was sliding into a depression that was far beyond the ability of mere
tears to express.

It was slowly dawning on her that she had been a complete and utter
fool. This could not possibly be any initiation. It was simply an
excuse to humiliate her. She was surprised that someone else had not
already shown up to take advantage of her sexually, or worse, take
pictures of her to show the rest of the school or her parents. Yes, she
considered public humiliation to be worse than rape. For all of her
crying and all of her despair had failed to douse the flames of desire
that still burned inside her, ignited by a combination of her initial
excitement and the touch of that damnable feather Ann used on her.
Melissa had no idea she would respond to that kind of a touch in that

Melissa was willing to accept the possibility of sexual release in
exchange for her virtue if it meant that her experience would be kept

The night air had grown even colder, and she was shivering
constantly now. If it were not for the tape over her mouth, her teeth
would be chattering. Even in the darkness she could see her breath as
it briefly fogged her view of the stars overhead with each exhalation.
Melissa wished she knew why she was still aroused, why her pussy still
felt hot and engorged, why her nipples tingled with each breeze that
blew across them. First her so-called friends had betrayed her and now
her own body did as well.

Melissa tried to stretch her neck and turn her head to see the
stakes that held her arms in place, but her hair blocked her vision.
She clenched one of her hands into a fist and tried to pull at the rope
that held that arm in place, then stopped. She repeated this several
times, hoping to work the stake loose, but after keeping at this for
several minutes, there was still no slack on the rope. She sighed and
attempted the same with one leg, again to no avail.

Melissa wished Ann had placed the pentacle from her pendant back on
her chest. She hated not being able to feel it against her flesh.
Occasionally she shifted her head and shoulders just so she could still
feel the chain around her neck and convince herself that it was really
still there.

A realization that Melissa had come to while she lay there was that
the forest was anything but silent at night. The trees rustled in the
slightest breeze. Insects buzzed and clicked in the thick grasses.
Occasionally some nocturnal critter scampered through the underbrush.
The first time this last one had happened, Melissa gasped and her heart
raced, as she was sure that it was someone about to walk into the

After this had happened several times, Melissa grew inured to it,
no longer reacting to the brief crackle of twigs and rustle of
underbrush. Thus she was not alerted when she heard a similar sound
somewhere behind her head, a single soft crunching sound of something
pressing down onto the sand and brush that littered the floor of the
forest beyond the clearing.

Yet in the moment that passed after this sound, Melissa became
slowly aware that something was quite wrong. The other sounds of the
forest, save for the wind, had ominously fallen silent. Then even the
breeze died, leaving her in a silence so complete that she could hear
her own heartbeat.

Melissa became aware of a presence. The feeling that she was not
alone crept over her and made her skin crawl. She shuddered and
whimpered, wishing she could at least call out and ask if there was
someone there. Worse, she was sure that whoever it was now watched her
intently, taking in every detail of her naked form.

Finally Melissa heard the sound of someone taking a step onto the
hard, dry ground of the clearing. Then another. They grew closer with
each step.

Melissa was terrified beyond any ability to think rationally. She
pulled desperately at her bonds, ignoring the pains that shot through
her tendons. She only knew she had to get away, before whoever it was
could harm her. But when the steps had approached close enough to her
for her to see her would-be assailant, she stopped struggling and
looked up with widening eyes mixed with fear and fascination.

Looming over her, standing not two feet from her torso, was a dark
figure. It was clad in slightly ragged gray cloak and hood. But these
were the only identifiable features on the figure, for under the cloak
and hood was nothing but utter darkness. It was not simply the darkness
of the night, but a blackness so inky that it was like a hole torn in
reality. It was as if the figure were there, but also not there.

The figure leaned forward. A tendril of the darkness in the shape
of a human arm emerged. The hand splayed its fingers and hovered over
Melissa. She saw it silhouetted against the stars above her. Despite
the fact that the hand was several feet in the air above her, she
shrank back from it in terror, as if trying to sink herself into the
earth to get away from it.

The hand was withdrawn. There was the sound of shifting dirt and
sand as the figure's leg-shaped appendages lowered it to its knees.
Melissa heard something like a deep, guttural groan from the
featureless face of the figure and shuddered. Its head appeared to
turn, as if shifting its gaze over to her feet and drawing it very
slowly up her body and back up to her face. Melissa thought she could
actually feel the specter's gaze on her, like ice just barely touching
her skin.

The figure's hand reappeared. It reached for her face.

Melissa lost what remained of her rationality and screamed against
her gag and through her nose. Yet instead of snuffing out her life as
she had expected, the fingers of the hand grasped an edge of the tape
sealing her lips and slowly peeled it off.

Melissa stopped screaming and dared to open her eyes. The hand
still appeared in form only, with no discernible details, as
featureless as a bottomless pit. Where the tips of its fingers touched
her skin, it was like being brushed with the smoothest satin, not at
all unpleasant. The hand finished peeling the tape from her face and
let it drop to the dirt alongside her neck. It then hovered over her
mouth, as if expectant.

It took Melissa a moment for her to pull her mind back from her
terror and panic and realize what he was waiting for. She opened her
mouth. The figure's fingers reached inside and pulled out the wadded
panties, dropping them to the side as well.

"Th-thank you," Melissa said in a slightly slurred voice, her jaw
muscles having trouble responding from the combination of being
stretched and the cold. "Wh-ho are you?"

But the figure did not respond to her. She heard only another
guttural groan, this one more urgent in tone then the previous.

"P-please, you're frightening me," Melissa pleaded.

The figure's hand was still hovering before her face. The fingers
clenched briefly, then unfolded again. It moved slowly over her torso
and lowered itself over one of her breasts.

"N-no, please ..." Melissa begged. "D-don't hurt me ..."

But when the figure's hand cupped itself over her breast, Melissa
gasped, and felt anything but hurt.

Like it had against her face, the hand was silky-smooth against the
skin of her breast. It slid over her mound as if oiled, the fingers
reaching around and squeezing the firm flesh, sending a shiver through
Melissa that was not at all related to the cold. The fingers probed her
breast everywhere, finally finding her nipple and caressing it until it
grew even more erect than it had been before. It then touched the very
tip of the nipple, her most sensitive spot, and teased it with its

Melissa moaned as these ministrations excited her almost as
powerfully as she had been frightened by the appearance of the figure.
Her body now begged for sexual release more than ever, her want so
great that her pussy ached with unrelieved arousal. Had she not already
been in a heightened state of arousal, she might not have responded as
strongly, but she was not sure of that. So soft was his touch and so
expert was his stimulation of her that he might very well have been
able to arouse her fully from scratch.

The figure's hand moved to her other breast and began fondling it
in the same manner. A second arm emerged from under the cloak, its hand
resting on the first breast, so that it now stimulated both of them at

"Oh my God ... " Melissa cried softly. "P-Please ... please don't

The figure turned its head abruptly towards her face, and now she
could see two tiny, burning red points of light under the hood. She
gasped and bit her lip to suppress a scream, and for a moment she could
not feel the sensuous massage of her breasts.

And then Melissa heard something. It was like a ragged, hoarse
whisper. Yet it did not come through the wind so much as it was the
wind, shaped into sound for her to hear. /You wish me to continue?/ the
voice said. /You wish me to give you pleasure?/

Melissa swallowed and hesitated. Was she getting herself into
something else again that she could not get herself out of. Yet now the
figure had stopped fondling her breasts, leaving her desperate for his
touch again. Finally she nodded.

/You ... are willing?/

"I ... I am willing. I-I need it."

The figure paused, partially withdrawing its hands. Despite the
lack of facial expressions, Melissa thought she sensed hesitation and
some confusion from it, as if this were a new situation for it. /Are
you for me?/ she heard it ask of her.

Melissa was not sure how to answer that question. She had no idea
who - or what - this figure was. For all she knew, it could be part of
the elaborate ruse that Susan and Ann had set up. Though that would not
explain the eerie look to the figure, or its unearthly voice.

"I'm not sure," Melissa finally responded, deciding that honesty
was the only option here. "I don't know how to answer that."

Another groan emanated from the figure. Finally it said, /I will
pleasure you. Then I will decide./

Melissa wondered exactly what it was to decide, but before she
could think to ask it, she felt one of its satin-like hands slide down
her abdomen. It moved like molasses, oozing with glacial speed. When it
reached her pubic mound, it sifted her hair through its fingers,
sending shock waves of pleasure through her body and making fresh
moisture drip from her already sopping slot.

The hand stopped moving and Melissa cried out in desperation.
"Please, t-touch me ... " she begged. "Touch my p-pussy."

It was the first time that Melissa had ever managed to bring
herself to say the word aloud, even in private, showing the depths of
her desire, as well as her realization that modesty was no longer
something she could hope to preserve any longer.

She felt the figure's fingers descend into her cleft of her sex,
her swollen clitoris stroked firmly and rhythmically. Melissa moaned
deeply and began to pant as the strokes were increased in intensity and
speed. She felt its fingers plunge into her vagina, penetrating her
deeply, two fingers at first, then three, coaxing her slot open wider.
With her legs spread as far as they were, there was little to stop him
from finger-fucking her into a frenzy. Melissa felt herself rise
quickly, like a rocket.

"Oh, God, yes ... " Melissa cried. "Please, don't stop ... don't
... ohhh ... /ohhhhhh!/"

Melissa cried out loudly as she crested over into orgasm. Her pussy
throbbed hard around the figure's fingers, feeling as solid inside her
as any normal man's might. He kept rubbing her slot, driving her orgasm
upwards, until she was climaxing more powerfully than she ever had
before. Her genital muscles were spasming so hard that she saw stars in
front of her eyes when she closed them. She was ready to scream for the
figure to ease off when it did just that, slowing its strokes and then
removing its hand.

Melissa's head lolled to one side. "Th-thank you," she said weakly.

The figure groaned, more urgent than ever. /Now there is my
pleasure to see to,/ she heard it say.

Melissa did not see the hand until it was before her face again,
and before she could ask what it was doing, the hand gently alighted on
her neck. She felt her fear return as her mind filled with horrible
visions of her throat being cut. Yet after a few seconds and a brief
tingling around her throat, the hand was withdrawn.

What Melissa could not see was what the figure had left behind.
Encircling her neck was a band, as impossibly black as the figure

The next thing she knew, the darkness was atop her.

She felt its body slide atop hers, like a silk sheet being drawn
over her skin, its touch light and sensuous. Despite having just
climaxed, her pussy was still wet, and she felt the sexual desire
renewed inside of her. She heard its guttural groan again, a rumble
hinting at powerful, barely restrained passion and lust. As its body
slid further over her, she was aware of something gently probing her
labia, still slick with her juices.

Melissa's eyes opened wide. "Oh my God ..." she breathed. Terror
mixed with her desire, and for a moment, terror one out. "N-no! Please,
no! Please don't ..."

In mid sentence, she opened her mouth and cried out in surprise and
ecstasy as she felt the figure penetrate her, its cock sliding inside
her like a hot knife through butter, sliding into her as if into warm
oil. She gasped as she felt his incredible length fill her completely,
more than any sex toy dildo she had used on herself in her
self-explorations. She did not think it was possible for anyone to have
a penis that long, and it convinced her that there was nothing at all
earthly about this figure.

/So you are not for me after all,/ she heard the figure communicate
to her, in a tone that was both mocking but questioning as well.

Melissa was too confused to reply at first. She felt the figure
slowly slide its cock outward again, the angle just right to stroke the
tip of her clitoris. She drew in her breath sharply and held it,
letting it go as a moan when he reversed and sank into her again.

Desire began to win out over terror again. He drew outward and
forward again, starting a slow but steady and firm thrusting. Each
penile stroke of her clitoris was like electricity crackling through
her. In all her fantasies, she had never thought her first time would
be anything like this. The realist in her never thought it would be
this /good/.

So taken with the experience that she failed to note a tightness
around her throat.

The figure began increasing the speed of its thrusts into her, each
thrust burying its cock as far as it would go and then withdrawing it
almost complete from her, as if maximizing her pleasure. Melissa moaned
loudly and deeply, giving her entire body and mind to the figure's
lovemaking, no longer caring who or what it was.

It took less than a minute, however, before her fear returned as
she finally became aware of the constriction around her throat. She
tried to draw in a deep breath and wheezed instead. Fear became panic,
panic became terror, and she tried to scream, but the band around her
throat only closed more tightly.

/No, /she heard the figure say. /No, you are enjoying this. You are
for me./

Melissa then made the connection. The one that Susan and Ann had
told her about. The so-called sex-strangler. She was about to become
its next victim. But even as the band around her neck began to shut off
her air, she felt herself rising towards another climax as his thrusts
continued to build uninterrupted. The intensity of the stimulation in
the midst of her suffocation was almost excruciating.

/No, you will not die, for you are mine./

Suddenly the pressure around her neck was gone, and Melissa gasped
in air. At the same time, she exploded into an orgasm so intense that
it hurt for the first few seconds, then became an all-consuming ecstasy
that rattled her to her core. Her throbs reverberated up her vagina,
into her cervix, into her womb, and from there seemed to radiate to her
hips. It was as if her entire body were trying to participate.

In the midst of this, the figure plunged into her and climaxed. She
felt hot seed fire into her depths, his throbs prolonging her own
orgasm until it felt like it would never end. She screamed her pleasure
and desperation into the night, until her climax finally started to
fade. She panted and gasped, trying to catch her breath from both her
near-suffocation and her mind-numbing orgasm. Tears flowed from her
eyes in relief as she discovered that the fires of her desire had
finally been doused.

The figure slid off her body. It reached a hand over her neck and
the band that encircled it disappeared. It then paused a moment. The
figure's pinpoint red eyes appeared, and it leaned in closer, its groan
questioning in nature. It reached down into the dirt and picked up the
pentacle pendant.

/Yes,/ it said. /Yes, I see. I understand./

Melissa swallowed and looked up at the figure. She did not dare say
a word. Something told her that the best thing she could do now was
stay quiet.

/You wish the Power./

Melissa's eyes widened. The wind-shaped voice conveyed the
capitalization of that word to her mind. Could Susan and Ann have been
truthful after all? Was this really what she was waiting for, for this
mysterious figure to come to her and bestow upon her what she needed to
become part of the Circle? Maybe mentioning the so-called sex-strangler
was just a way of giving her a hint of what was to come.

/Is this what you want?/ the figure asked her more insistently.

"Yes!" Melissa cried. "Yes, that is what I want. That is ... that
is what I have been prepared for."

The figure appeared to consider for a moment, then let the pentacle
drop from its fingers. /If you wish to receive the Power, you must give
me your innocence and virtue,/ it told her. /I already have taken your
virtue. Will you give me your innocence as willingly?/

Melissa swallowed, feeling her fear return as the figure began to
loom over her. There was no choice as to her answer. Her answer had to
be yes. She did not come this far to turn back now. "Yes," she said.
"Yes, I will give you my innocence as well."

The figure uttered another groan, this time a mixture of
satisfaction and pleasure. /You are the first,/ it said, and she sensed
joy in its "voice". /None before you have been willing. It has been a
very long time since I have had anyone./

It was then that Melissa realized that there was something going on
that was not what Susan and Ann had intended. This figure might very
well be the mysterious sex-strangler, but that his nature and his
motives were completely different from what everyone had assumed.

Before she could go any further with this reasoning, the figure
rose to its full height and extended a hand over her. There were two
loud snapping sounds from above her, then two more below her. At once,
the tightness on her extremities vanished. She was too astonished to
move at first, but when she finally did, she saw that the ropes no
longer held her limbs in place. She slowly drew her arms and legs
inward, wincing as her strained muscles protested.

She looked up at the figure. It was turned such that she could see
it almost in profile. She could see a single, long protrusion from its
shape at roughly waist level. She understood at once that she was
seeing the figure's penis. The figure now turned to her and gestured
silently for her to come forward.

Melissa understood now what was being asked of her. Her fear spiked
briefly, but it was more fear over her lack of experience in this area
than anything else.

She drew herself up to sitting position. Each of the four ropes
that had bound her had been broken in the center, so that she still had
a piece tied to each ankle and wrist. The knots did not look impossible
for her to undo, but the figure stood before her, continuing to gesture
for her to come to him.

Melissa was eager to complete her "initiation", though it had
turned into something quite different from what she was sure Susan and
Ann had intended for her. Pausing only to rip the tape from her feet
and chuck the shoes she hated to the side, she crawled over to the
figure on her hands and knees. She knelt directly before it, her heart
starting to pound. Despite how benevolent the figure had been to her
now, she still remembered that it had been about to kill her, and only
her enjoyment of his "rape" of her had saved her.

The figure stepped closer to her, and for the first time, Melissa
thought she could see some detail in the absolute blackness. She was
not sure exactly what she was seeing. It was as if she were seeing
patterns of energy, as if she were tracing the flow of the figure's
life force. In all of this, the shape of his massive penis appeared.

Melissa reached up with a slight trembling hand and cradled the
erection in her fingers. Like the rest of him, his skin was very smooth
and slippery, as if she were touching one of her dildos after she had
lubricated it. She let her fingers trace its shape. She drew her
fingertips along the underside, and was rewarded with a deep groan from
the figure.

/Remember,/ she heard the figure say. /You must swallow my essence
to complete your task./

Melissa had surmised that herself, and she wasted no time in
touching her tongue to the figure's erect member. She ran her tongue up
and down the underside of the shaft, feeling the skin ripple against
her tongue. Her hand sought out its testicles and cradled them gently,
massaging them slowly and carefully. She heard what sounded like heavy
breathing from above her, and hoped that meant she was doing it right.

She opened her mouth and took his erection inside, wrapping her
lips tightly around his thick shaft and drawing it inside with an
intake of breath, squeezing her cheeks around his penis as it slid
further inside. She could smell his musk as she felt the figure begin
to slowly thrust his hips back and forth. Melissa pressed her tongue
against the underside as it slid past, hoping to stimulate his more
sensitive areas more thoroughly.

/You give me great pleasure a second time,/ the figure told her
approvingly. /You do me a great honor./

Melissa was relieved, and it encouraged her to continue her
ministrations. She used her hand to caress the bottom half of his
shaft, as she could only accommodate about half of him inside her mouth
at once. She stroked the underside of the shaft at the same time that
she lashed at him with her tongue, letting his penis rest in her mouth
as she lapped at what she believed to be the most sensitive spot just
past the head.

She heard a low groan from the figure and felt its cock shudder
inside her mouth as it started to throb powerfully in orgasm. Large
globs of hot semen splashed over her tongue. Melissa moaned softly as
she felt her mouth fill with his seed. Eagerly she swallowed, feeling
the strangely spicy and sticky fluid blaze a trail down her food pipe
and into her stomach. Still more of his essence spewed into her mouth
as he continued to climax, and she lapped it up as quickly as it was
produced, swallowing as fast she she could.

Finally the orgasm began to fade, and the figure withdrew its penis
from her mouth. She swallowed the last bit that was in her mouth, and
slowly rose to her feet.

Melissa closed her eyes. After a pause, she opened them, and saw
the truth.

"They lied to me from the start," Melissa said. She looked at the
figure. "Susan and Anna. They lied. They were never my friends. Then
never intended me to be part of their little clique. This was all just
a joke to them, a sham, bogus! They /lied!!/"

Her voice had been steadily increasing in volume as she spoke, and
the last word was screamed at the top of her lungs. Her eyes blazed
with raw fury, an emotion that she never let herself feel. Until now.

/Innocence lost,/ the figure said.

Melissa felt like she was seeing everything that had happened in
her life from a totally new perspective. "I can't believe what a fool
I've been!" Melissa ranted. "All through my life! Now I see it. Now I
/really/ see it. Not one of the people that claimed to be a friend
really was a friend. There was always some ulterior motive. And I knew
it. On some level I knew it, and I just took it! I took it because I
could fool myself into thinking that just maybe I was wrong, and
someone thought I was worth knowing. I took solace in that, and
rationalized my way to happiness. But you know what? That was all
bullshit! Well, /fuck that anymore!/"

In her rage, the result of years of pent up emotions from the abuse
she felt she suffered at the hands of countless peers, she picked up a
rock that lay on the ground and hurtled it at a tree on the other side
of the clearing. The rock struck the trunk and exploded like a small
bomb in a flash of blue-white light, sending pieces of bark and
splintered wood in all directions, leaving a large crater in the side
of the tree.

Melissa's jaw dropped in astonishment and she stared, her fury
curbed for the moment.

/And with the loss of your innocence,/ said the figure, /you now
have the Power./

"Yes ..." she said softly as she searched her inner being. "Yes,
you're right, I ... I can see it ... I can feel it." She lifted her
hands before her face. She cast her gaze on the pieces of rope that
still were wrapped about her wrists.

After a few seconds, first one, then the other of the ropes
loosened and untied itself, dropping from her wrists into heaps on the
ground. Melissa viciously kicked at them. She willed the rope to
released her ankles, and they too fell from her body.

Melissa felt a rush of renewed excitement. She slowly closed her
hands into fists, She could literally feel powerful currents of energy
like electricity surging through her body, waiting for her to release
them, to command them to do her bidding.

"I have control," Melissa said, a smile spreading across her face.
"I finally have control of my life. I have control of it all! Whoever
or whatever you are, thank you for ..."

But when she turned her head towards where the figure had stood,
there was only the ordinary darkness of the night. She whirled around,
sweeping the entire clearing with her gaze, but the figure had
vanished. And as she stood and listened, the noises of the forest had
returned. It was as if nothing had happened.

But something /had/ happened. She was standing, freed from her
ropes, and with a new realization, a new outlook on her life. And she
had the Power. She could still feel it inside of her. She could still
see in her mind how to use it, and what its limitations were.
Nevertheless, a creeping dread came over her that she had dreamed or
hallucinated the entire thing.

Melissa looked down on the ground where the remains of her ropes
lay. She stretched her hand out over them and concentrated. After a few
seconds, one of the ropes started to twitch, then flew upwards and into
her hand. She held it in her grasp and made the rope slither and coil
like a snake as if it were alive. Then she let it go limp, where it
swung impotently in the breeze.

And now, as she stood alone, free from all physical and emotional
bonds, she pondered exactly what she should do next.

She looked down at the ropes on the ground and the piece still tied
to the stakes in the ground. She realized as she did this that she
could see far better in the dark now than she could earlier, much more
than she could account for by mere dark-adaptation. Either that, or she
was simply sensing everything around her in ways that she could not

The answer came to her. Susan and Ann had to be dealt with.

The old Melissa would have simply let it go and seek to avoid any
further contact with them. But to the new Melissa, this was
unacceptable. Now she had the ability to set things straight, to even
the score, even to take revenge if she so desired.

Melissa smiled, as evilly as Ann had when she had conceived of her
maneuver with Melissa's panties. The realization that she now had the
power and the freedom to make these choices excited her. It even
aroused her, even though she had already had more sex than she had
experienced in her entire life up to that day. Yes, there was
definitely something strangely erotic about having this power.

"Perhaps they were right when the said that sex is power," Melissa
said aloud.

Yes, she would deal with Susan and Ann. Many ideas were coming to
her mind, things that she would have been horrified to hear from others
before that night, things that she now allowed herself to contemplate
freely with no pangs of guilt or remorse.

She looked towards the center of the clearing where she had been
tied down. As much as she might have wanted to see the expression on
their faces when the saw her free of her ropes, she knew that this
would put them off, either by claiming that she had cheated somehow, or
by becoming frightened of her. While Melissa might have wanted them to
be frightened of her at some point, that would come in due course.

Melissa took the rope that was still in her hand. She brought it
over to one of the frayed ends of a piece attached to a stake. She
pressed the two torn ends together and concentrated.

The strands of the two ends of rope twitched. At first the motion
was random and chaotic, like snakes slithering around each other.
Finally, slowly, the strands of rope began to twine about each other,
knitting the rope together. After about a minute it was done, and the
rope looked as though nothing had happened to it.

Melissa did the same with the other three, until she now had four
whole pieces of rope again, just as Susan and Ann had laid them out

Melissa smiled and calmly assumed the same position she had when
bidden before. She stretched her arms and legs, spreading them apart.
She closed her eyes and reached out with her mind to the ends of rope.
She lay quiet and still as the ends of the ropes slithered around her
ankles and wrists. She felt them pull her limbs into the same positions
as before as they knotted themselves. When it was done, Melissa
appeared exactly as she had before the shadowy figure had descended on

Unlike when she was first placed into this position, she felt
relaxed, and she looked up at the stars in admiration of the clarity of
the sky. She knew she could free herself with a thought at a moment's
notice. She was now in control.

She turned her head and glanced over to where her panties lay on
the ground and she frowned. As much as she wanted to avoid anything
appearing out of the ordinary, she refused to put the panties and tape
back on her mouth.

Melissa willed one of her arms to be released. She picked up the
tape and stuck it on the panties. She then grasped the panties and
threw them into the underbrush. She let the rope entwine about her
wrist again.

She waited.

The car raced through the flashing yellow light of the intersection
without slowing down, tires squealing as it took the turn in the road
beyond it still traveling at the same breakneck speed.

"Jesus, Susan, are you trying to get us killed?!" Ann shouted, her
left hand over her pounding heart, her right hand holding the door
handle with a white-knuckled grip.

"Maybe I should be asking you that question!" Susan retorted. "That
was just brilliant, Ann, simply brilliant."

"Well, fuck, how the hell was I to know he'd let it slip?"

"Ann, your boyfriend Brad's age is higher than his IQ. And thanks
to you and him, we have exactly twenty minutes to collect Melissa, calm
her down into a semi-coherent state, and hope to God that she`ll cover
for us with her Mom."

"Why are you always picking on Brad?" Ann cried.

"I'm not, I'm picking on you. How stupid can you be, Ann??"

"All right already!" Ann screamed. "I said I was sorry! What the
fuck more do you want?!"

Susan took a deep breath and forced herself to ease off the
accelerator as they headed up the road into the forest. She almost
wished Ann had not come clean about her spilling the beans to her
boyfriend about what they had planned for Melissa. She would have
preferred to have lived in blissful ignorance of why Susan had been
rudely awakened to the sound of the telephone a full hour before dawn
and forced to deal with Melissa's distraught mother.

Melissa's mom had gotten the idea that Melissa was in some sort of
trouble, that Susan and Ann had perhaps taken her someplace they
shouldn't have. Susan had tried to reassure the woman that this was not
the case.

/"If she's all right, then let me talk to her," her mother demanded
at that point./

/"Melissa is still sleeping," Susan had said./

/"My Melissa has always been an early riser. She'll be getting up
soon anyway."/

/"We ... we were up late last night."/

/"What were you doing to all hours of the night?!" Melissa's mother
demanded in a panic-stricken voice./

/"Nothing! I mean, nothing bad, just talking," Susan replied. "We
just ... lost track of time. She was really tired."/

/There was a long pause. "All right," Melissa's mother said
cautiously. "I'll give her another half hour before I call back. But if
you won't let me talk to her, I'll be over there like a shot!"/

"Ann, you better hope that the little stunt you pulled with the
panties didn't, like, send her over the edge," Susan said darkly.

Ann frowned. "You really didn't like me doing that, did you?"

Susan sighed. "No, I didn't. You were way too hard on her."

"I didn't see you stopping me."

"Because it would have screwed everything up even worse. Look, I
don't want to argue anymore. Let's just get up there and fetch her. And
listen to me, Ann, listen real hard. We treat her like a queen this
morning. She did what we asked of her and she's in the Circle. We make
her feel really good and maybe she'll convince her Mom she's okay. Got

"Yeah, I got it," Ann grumbled. "Treat the little cunt like the
belle of the ball."

The light of false dawn was just starting to brighten the sky as
they pulled off the road and up the gravel path. Susan drove a little
recklessly, the back end of the car fishtailing and sending up plumes
of gravel and rock behind them.

When the reached the path that led to the clearing, they scrambled
out of the car, grabbing the robe from the back seat, and ran up the
path. In the back of her mind, Susan felt a twinge of fear over what
she might find. Sometime during the night, she began having a severe
attack of conscience. She had several bad dreams where they came up to
fetch Melissa only to find a bloody corpse, or a skeleton, or nothing
at all. Now she entered they same notions, but with the addition of
Melissa's mother crying over Melissa's dead body.

None of these things greeted her when the reached the clearing.
Instead they found Melissa as they had left her, staked out naked on
the ground. Both Susan and Ann came to a stop at the edge of the
clearing, staring. Susan held her breath until she saw Melissa's chest
rise and fall steadily.

Susan paused, took a deep breath, then put on her best smile and
strode forward, Ann following her, but mustering only half a smile that
was not very convincing. "Oh, Melissa!" she sang. "We've come for you.
We've come to free you and accept you into the Circle! You've made it!"

There was no response for a moment, and Susan's smile started to
fade and her panic mount. Ann gave her a worried look.

"Good morning. You're a little early, aren't you?"

Susan and Ann exchanged glances. They were not sure what it was
about Melissa's voice that frightened them. Her voice had been
perfectly calm, even serene. Or perhaps that was it. It was certainly
not the kind of voice they expected to hear from a wuss of a girl that
had just spent the entire night in the forest tied up and naked.

Or perhaps it was the realization on Susan's part that they should
not have expected a response at all from someone that had her mouth
taped shut.

"Um ..." Susan said, having lost what she was going to say. "Um,
yeah, we ... we came early for you."

"We were just soooo eager to welcome you into our ranks, sister,"
Ann said in a lilting, sarcastic voice.

Susan slapped Ann in the arm and gave her a dirty look. Ann stuck
her tongue at her friend.

"Yes, the Circle," Melissa said. "You were right, Susan, this was a
wonderful experience."

"I was?" Susan said, confused. "I mean, um, yeah, of course."

"Ooo, did the goddess come to you?" Ann asked, grinning.

Melissa paused. "I was visited," she replied. "And was shown

Susan felt nervous. She was not sure what to make of that answer.

"So are we going to stand around or are we going to free our newest
member?" Ann said in a low voice to Susan.

Susan blinked. "Oh, Jesus. Yes, let's untie her quickly ... so we
can get this warm robe around her."

Susan started to untie Melissa's feet, while Ann did her hands. Ann
looked over to Melissa, who smiled at her. Ann felt a shiver pass
through her as she saw that smile. It was not a pleasant smile, or a
humorous smile. It was the smile of someone that was entertaining a
private, amusing, and unflattering thought of another. Ann knew it
quite well, for she herself was very good at such smiles.

"What are you looking at?" Ann snapped in a soft voice.

"One of my Circle sisters," Melissa replied. "Am I not?"

Ann swallowed, then suddenly came to a realization. "Hey, what
happened to the tape and your panties?"

"Ann, please hurry up!" Susan hissed.

"All right, all right." Ann gritted her teeth and set her face hard
as she struggled to untie the ropes from around Melissa's wrists.

"Is there a problem?" Melissa asked.

"Um, no, not really," Susan said as she finished, picking up the
robe again.

"You just seem in a terrible hurry. I was hoping I'd be left for a
little longer. I was starting to enjoy it."

"Figures you would," Ann muttered. She looked up at Susan, pointed
to Melissa, then encircled a finger around one ear.

Susan pressed her lips tightly together. As soon as Ann finished
releasing Melissa, Susan stepped forward and held the robe open for

Melissa slowly stood up, moving as effortlessly as if she had never
been tied up. She did not appear in any hurry whatsoever, looking up at
Susan and the robe for a few moments.

"So what are you waiting for, your majesty?" Ann sneered.

"Ann, shut up!" Susan exclaimed.

Melissa gave another of her strange smiles. "Such contention among
the Circle. Has something gone amiss?"

The more Melissa spoke, the more anxious Susan became. This was not
like her at all. Even before they had taken her here Melissa did not
speak like this. The hesitation in her voice was gone, as was the
perpetual submissive undertone they had found so endearing. She did not
even seem the least bit nervous about her nudity. She even appeared
comfortable with it. Had Melissa actually lost it sometime during the
night? Was she actually sane any longer? Was it just a matter of time
before she exploded?

Susan decided that the only way to get Melissa moving was to tell
her the truth.

"Look, Melissa," Susan said urgently. "I think something got back
to your Mom about all this and she's going to call the house really
soon. If you're not there, we could all get into deep trouble."

"And I for one don't want to get into trouble just because you're
still communing with the goddess," Ann said sharply. "So get up and
let's /go!/"

Melissa looked up at Ann and flashed a grin and a wink. Ann's mouth
dropped open slightly and stumbled back a step when it felt as thought
an ice-cold wind had drilled into her to her very core.

Melissa stood and let Susan help her into her robe. "All right,
let's head out," Susan said. She placed an arm around Melissa's waist
and hustled her down the path.

"What about the stakes and rope?" Ann asked as she jogged to catch

"Leave them! We'll come back later and get them. We've got less
than ten minutes to get home!"

They put Melissa in the back seat before spinning the car around in
a U-turn that made smoke issue from the tires. When the car bumped back
onto the paved road leading back to time, Ann turned around and frowned
angrily at Melissa. "You better not cross us on this, Melissa," she
said darkly.

"Ann!" Susan cried, exasperated. "Look, Melissa, we told your Mom
we were up late talking and you were tired."

"Yeah, and you better say you had a wonderful time," Ann added.

"Oh, but I did," Melissa said. "I had a most wonderful time after
you two left last night. That was the best thing that had ever happened
to me."

Susan glanced briefly at Ann. Ann took one more look at Melissa and
her strange, secretive smile, shuddered, and remained quiet the rest of
the trip home.

"Oh, Jesus, the phone is ringing already!" Susan cried as she burst
through the front door of the house, panting. "Melissa, you better get

Melissa calmly strode past an anxious Susan and upset Ann, in no
particular hurry, letting the phone ring another three times before she
finally reached it and picked it up. "Hello? ... Hi, Mom."

Susan blew out her lips in a relieved sigh. She shut the door
behind them and collapsed into an easy chair. Ann passed her and
plopped herself down onto the sofa, making a face as she stretched
herself out, her back up against one of the hand rests.

"Of course I'm okay, Mom, why wouldn't I be?" Melissa asked as she
twirled one of the ends of the terrycloth belt on her robe. Her voice
was completely calm and self-assured. "I've been here the whole time,
with my friends."

Melissa turned her head towards Susan and Ann and smiled, dropping
a wink. Ann rolled her eyes but looked relieved nevertheless.

"No, Mom, I haven't been out at all, not since I got here
yesterday," said Melissa. "Why would you get the idea that I was out?"

Susan gave Ann a dirty look. Ann sneered back a response.

"Why, what did you hear? ... Oh, /really/ now," Melissa said with a
grin. "What a fantastic story. I mean, the very idea that my friends
would be so cruel as to take me out into the forest and leave me

Susan shifted nervously in her seat. There was something in
Melissa's voice that made her uncomfortable. Moreover, she felt an odd
sensation along the back of her neck. The only other time she had felt
something like that was when she was practicing magic, and believed she
had come close to actually achieving the effect she had wanted. It had
started soon after they had picked up Melissa.

Ann just rolled her eyes again, but even she started to look a
little nervous. She did not feel any of the odd sensations that her
friend did, but she was growing increasingly uncomfortable having
Melissa around. She intended to go home very soon after Melissa got
done with her call.

"Now, mother, do I /sound/ like someone that just spent the entire
night alone in the forest?" Melissa asked.

/No, you don't,/ Susan answered in her own mind. /And that's the

"Well, I was late in getting up because we were up late last night.
Yes, I know that's unusual for me, but how often do I do things like
this?" said Melissa, sounding slightly annoyed. "Look, everything is
obviously okay with me, so why not just drop it? ... Really? I
certainly don't think so ... Anyway, I'm fine, and I'll probably be
over her for awhile longer."

Susan tried to hide her distress at hearing this. She had hoped
that Melissa would be eager to leave. The longer Melissa stayed in the
house, the more nervous it made Susan feel.

"Okay, I'll call if I'm later than that. I'll see you later.
Good-bye, Mom."

Melissa quietly hung up the phone and turned towards the others
with a smile. "Well, that's all taken care of."

"Thank you, Melissa," Susan said sincerely.

"Yeah, thanks," Ann said half-heartedly.

Melissa came around the other end of the sofa and sat down. Ann
drew her legs towards herself, as if afraid of being too close to
Melissa. There was total silence in the room for the next few seconds,
so heavy that Susan could almost feel the weight of it upon her
shoulders. She finally broke the silence when she said in a contrite
voice, "Hey, Melissa, you ... you've been really good about all this."

"Well, it's not like she didn't agree to do it," Ann said.

Susan sighed. "Yes, Ann, but we could have been a little nicer
about it."

Ann just shrugged and folded her arms.

Melissa simply smiled. "Oh, no, please, I should be thanking you
for that experience," she said. "I quite enjoyed it."

Susan leaned forward in her chair. "Um, Melissa ..."

Melissa fixed her steady gaze on Susan. "Yes?"

Susan paused a moment as she locked eyes with Melissa. She felt
that tingling on the back of her neck grow worse. "What, um, exactly
happened to you in the forest?"

"Oh, what I'm sure you had expected, at first," Melissa answered as
she turned herself to face Ann more, her back against the hand rest. "I
was cold, I cried my eyes out, I was terrified, I was humiliated."

Susan swallowed. Though Melissa's voice was calm, her eyes had a
hard edge to them that sent a shiver down her spine. "I'm ... I'm sorry
about that."

Melissa shrugged. "Like I said, that's how it was at first. Then
the power came to me, and I was no longer upset. It was a wonderful

Susan nodded slowly. She both wanted to know and didn't want to
know the details about how this "power" came to her and what exactly
she was talking about. For the moment, the latter won out.

Ann, however, was not smart enough to keep her mouth shut in
similar fashion. "Melissa, what the hell are you talking about?"

Melissa turned her steady gaze to Ann. Ann appeared to grow nervous
at this scrutiny but did not flinch or retreat. Part of her mind was
still trying to believe that Melissa was the same weak-willed wimp that
she was the day before. "What do you mean?" Melissa asked.

"What's this power that you keep talking about?" Ann demanded.
"What, you can work magic now?"

Melissa smiled. "Wasn't that the whole idea?"

"Yeah, sure. So show us some magic then."

Susan's eyes widened. "Ann, please, stop it," she said softly but

"Don't tell me to 'stop it'!" Ann snapped. "We go through all this
trouble for Melissa to get her into the Circle, so I think we have a
right to see a little proof that the 'power' really came to her." She
grinned malevolently. "And if not, she's out."

Susan felt control of the situation completely slipping away from
her. She looked to Melissa to try to discern what the girl might do
next. Was this where she blew up at them when she could not produce
anything? Though at this point, with the way Susan felt herself
reacting, there was no guarantee that Melissa would not be able to
demonstrate some sort of ability.

"So you want proof of my power, do you?" Melissa asked darkly.

Susan never felt more frightened by a single sentence, spoken in
that way, in her entire life.

Ann faltered for a moment, hesitating, shifting nervously in her
seat. She drew her legs up, her knees to her chest, as if going into
some defensive posture. "Yeah," she said in a lower voice. "Show us

"What about you, Susan?" Melissa asked. "Do you need a
demonstration too?"

Susan shook her head. "No, you don't need to prove it to me any

Ann gaped at Susan. "What the hell are you talking about? It was
your idea to think of some reason later to kick her out." Susan gave
Ann a stricken look, and Ann's mouth dropped open. "Why ... why did I
say that?"

"Ann, tell me," Melissa said. "That bit you did with my panties,
was that part of the ceremony like you said?"

"Y... Ye ... N ... No," Ann sputtered, as if struggling against her
own mind, trying to repress the words tumbling out of her mouth. "It
... I ... I did it because I was just being mean to you ... Why am I
saying this??"

"You said you wanted a demonstration of my power," Melissa said
with a serene smile.

"She can't lie to you?" Susan asked warily.

"She can no longer lie, period," Melissa said.

"Stop it, whatever you're doing to me!" Ann shouted. "You're ...
you're scaring me!"

"If you don't want to be scared, I can arrange that."

Ann stared at Melissa, her eyes widening. "What ... what do you
mean by that?"

Melissa smiled evilly. "What it means, dear friend, is that I have
complete control of your mind right now, and I can make you feel or
think anything I wish."

Ann did appeared frightened, but when she heard this, defiance
mingled with the fear in her face. "You ... you can't do that. I don't
believe you."

"Oh, jeez, Ann, don't provoke her!" Susan cried.

"So you believe I can do it, Susan?" Melissa asked.

Susan stated at Melissa, and felt fear clutching at her as well. "I
... I can feel something happening, Melissa," she said cautiously and
in a very soft and deferential voice. "I'm not sure I can explain it
completely, but I know you're doing something."

"You're just as nuts as she is, Susan," Ann snapped. "If you really
believe Melissa can ... " Ann paused and sniffled. "That she can ...
make me ... " Tears welled up in her eyes and began to roll down her
face. "Th-that ... I ... oh, God !"

Ann dropped her face into her hands and began to cry hard enough to
make her whole body tremble, tears pouring out of her eyes. She wailed
in anguish as overwhelming feelings of sadness and despair flooded her
consciousness. Every bad thing she ever did in her life came back to
her in cruelly crystal-clear images in her memory, and intense feelings
of remorse now engulfed her psyche.

"I'm so sorry!" Ann wailed. "I'm so sorry for anything I ever did
to you, Melissa! Oh, God, please forgive me!"

Melissa smiled. "Much better attitude, Ann. Much better."

Susan could not stand looking at Ann suffer any longer. "Melissa,
stop it!" she cried. "Please! Don't do this to her!"

"She did it to herself," Melissa snapped, her eyes like ice. "She
brought it on herself. But don't worry, I have no intention of letting
her cry her little eyes out for much longer, not when there's much more
useful emotions for her to be feeling."

Slowly, Ann's crying abated. She sniffled and wiped her eyes on the
sleeve of her shirt. "I'll ... I'll never be mean t-to you again,
Melissa," Ann said. "I ... I realize now what ... what a wonderful
person you are." Ann smiled weakly at Melissa, her eyes betraying only
a small amount of residual fear, and a great deal of dreamlike

"So, Ann, am I still a 'stupid cunt' in your mind?"

Ann cast her eyes down. "No, Melissa," she said, hunching her
shoulders and appearing submissive. "I should not have called you that.
If anyone is a stupid cunt, it's me."

Melissa looked thoughtful for a moment. "Yes, you're right," she
said. "Yes, Ann, /you/ are the stupid cunt around here."

Ann smiled more broadly. "Yes, I am. Th-thank you."

A sycophantic, submissive Ann was even harder to deal with for
Susan than an arrogant, stubborn one had been. "Melissa, is this ... is
what you did to Ann permanent?"

"For as long as I choose to leave her that way," Melissa replied
smoothly. "Considering her old personality, why would I want to change
her back?"

Susan felt her heart pounding loudly in her chest as Melissa kept
her unwavering gaze on Susan. She took a deep breath to try to calm
herself before asking, "Melissa, do you intend to do the same thing to

"You were kinder to me that Ann was," Melissa said. "And you left
me my pendant. You'll be interested to know that it was the one thing
that allowed me to acquire the power that I did, so in a way I owe you
for that. So no, I will not do to you what I just did to Ann."

Susan nodded. "I ... appreciate that. And I am sorry for what we
did to you. I hope you can tell I'm being sincere."

Melissa paused a moment and then nodded once. "You are. But it
still does not take away from the fact that you did do it to me, and
you will have to suffer for that."

"Pl-please, Melissa," Susan pleaded. "Think about what you're
doing. Think ..."

Susan stopped. All of a sudden, her entire body felt flushed. Her
heart hammered in her chest, and she felt a tingling in her nether
regions. Her emotions began to swing wildly, distracting her from
coherent thought. Whatever she was going to say to Melissa next, it was
quickly lost among the chaos.

Ann was also reacting to something similar. She let her breath out
in a long sigh and closed her eyes. She spread her legs slightly. "Oh,
Melissa ..." she said in a breathy whisper. "Something's happening to
me ... I'm ... " She sighed again and placed a hand lightly over the
crotch of her jeans. "I'm ... I'm getting wet ..."

Susan groaned as she shifted in her seat, her thighs rubbing
against each other with a faint squishing noise. She felt heat in her
sex, and dampness in her panties. There was a tingling in her breasts,
and her nipples rose to erect points, poking at the fabric of her bra
and shirt, causing two prominent little knobs on the surface. She felt
the words form in her mind and travel to her mouth despite her attempts
to suppress them. "I'm ... g-getting wet, too ... my pussy feels really
hot ..." Susan looked over to Melissa with languid eyes. "You're ...
you're not making me say that, are you? You're just ... just taking
away inhibitions."

"Oh, must you analyze everything, Susan?" Melissa said with a
smirk. "Yes, that is what's happening. But I can choose to make you say
something simply by planting the thought in your head. Like this."

Suddenly Susan blurted out, "My pussy is so hot, I want to stroke
it over and over again until I cum. I want to cum again and again until
I go insane!" She shuddered and blushed bright red. "Oh, Jesus,
Melissa, please don't do that to me again."

"I will do as I please, Susan. And what pleases me now is for Ann
to take her clothes off."

"Yes, Melissa," Ann said obediently. "I do whatever you want me to
do for you."

Susan watched as Ann stood and slowly stripped off her clothes.
Susan felt the urge to touch herself, desperate as she was for sexual
release. So sensitized was she and so engorged was her sex that the
least movement in her chair was enough to stimulate her. She resisted
the urge to masturbate, yet she found herself unconsciously squeezing
her thighs together and rubbing them against each other and her pussy,
giving her a low but constant level of stimulation.

As more of Ann's body was revealed, Susan felt her thoughts swing
in a new direction. It was as if she were seeing Ann in a completely
new light, like looking at her for the first time. With all of her
mental barriers down, she was helpless to prevent her from speaking
thoughts as they came to her mind. "You're rather sexy-looking, Ann,"
Susan said. "Nice tits ... I like your ass ... Oooo, look how wet your
pussy is."

"God, yes, isn't it?" Ann cried softly as she sat back down. She
spread her legs and started to slowly stroke herself. "Mmmm, that feels
really good ..."

Susan felt mortified beyond belief, both at the things she heard
from her mouth and from having to watch Ann masturbate, yet at the same
time feeling very aroused by all of it, having to fight the urge to do
as Ann was doing. Susan wondered if Melissa had purposely left her this
tendril of reason, able to still think independently to some degree.

With her inhibitions lowered, she did not hesitate to make her
thoughts known. "You've turned Ann into a mindless slave," Susan said
accusingly. She felt her pussy ache and groaned, adding in a softer
voice, "Which really turns me on ..."

"She's not completely a slave," Melissa said with a sly grin. "I've
left her old personality intact, tucked away in the back of her mind,
forced to watch what's happening to her. It would not any sort of
punishment whatsoever if she did not know what was happening to her."

This sent a shiver down Susan's spine. "You really are cruel, you
know that?"

"No more so than the two of you were to me."

"Ohhh ..." Ann moaned. "Ohhh, this is nice ... I love stroking
myself ..."

"See how wet she is, Susan?" Melissa asked in a husky voice.

Susan swallowed, her eyes drawn to Ann's hand as it slowly stroked
her sopping slot. "Y-yes," Susan breathed. "It's really wet."

"Remember what Ann did to me before you both left me?"

Susan's eyes flickered to where Ann's panties lay on the floor.
"Yes, I do."

"Do it to me!" Ann cried. "Please, Susan, do it. Make me suck on my

"I ... I ca ..." Susan tried to speak, but the words would not come

"Oh, yes you can," Melissa said. "You want to. Look at Ann's pussy,

Susan stared at it. She slowly licked her lips. "It's ... it's
really nice ... I l-l-ove her pussy."

"Please, Susan, "Ann begged. "Wipe my panties on my pussy and make
me eat them."

Susan groaned and stumbled out of her chair, falling to her hands
and knees. moaning when she felt her thighs rub together and send a few
dull throbs through her pussy. Her panties were completely soaked, the
crotch of her jeans becoming damp as well. She crawled over to where
Ann's panties lay and picked them up with a trembling hand.

Ann took her hand away from her pussy and spread her legs wide,
looking eagerly at Susan.

Susan crawled forward. As she neared Ann's glistening crotch, she
caught the aroma of Ann's aroused sex. She breathed it deeply, savoring
the odor, the most delightful thing she had ever smelled at that

Susan slowly pressed the cloth of the panties into Ann's slot and
ran it slowly up and down. Ann threw her head back and moaned. "Ohhhh
... that feels so nice, Susan ..."

Susan started to pant. The urge to stroke herself was overwhelming.
When the panties were soaked with Ann's juices, she brought it to her
own nose and sniffed deeply before lifting it to Ann's face. Ann
eagerly opened her mouth and allowed Susan to wad and stuff the panties
into her mouth.

"Mmmm!" Ann murmured in pleasure.

Susan stumbled back and started to remove her clothes. "I'm too
horny now," she cried softly. "I have to stroke myself as well."

"See how much fun Ann is having, Susan?" Melissa asked.

Ann's jaw moved as she purposely squeezed her panties, milking all
the absorbed juices from it as she resumed masturbating. "Mmmmm ...
mmmm ..."

"Oh, yes, I do ... Look how wet my panties are ..." Susan murmured
as she stripped. Once she was naked, she took her wet panties, inhaled
deeply of them, then wadded them up and stuffed them in her own mouth.
She then laid herself out on the carpet and started masturbating in

Melissa watched the two of them, smiling broadly. "So this is what
it feels like to be in control," she mused. "I like this feeling much
better than what I had felt in the past. It's too bad that neither of
you will ever feel in control again."

Susan felt despair despite the intensity of her arousal and the
sensations generated from her pussy. She wished she had never thought
of the idea of Melissa's "initiation" in the first place. She wished
things were the way they had been only a day ago. She felt foolish that
as close as an hour before they were to take Melissa to the park that
she had been reconsidering this whole course of action.

Susan had been rising quickly as she stroked herself, but suddenly
the level of stimulation dropped precipitously, as if her pussy had
become numb. She groaned with unsatisfied need and gave herself firmer
and faster strokes to gain back what she had lost. Ann was also making
desperate noises through her nose and rubbing herself so fast that it
could actually be heard.

"Oooo, now I didn't expect this," Melissa said. "I can even control
your pussies directly. I was just thinking what exquisite torture it
would be if you were this horny but you couldn't get yourselves to cum.
Now you'll feel a little like I did when I was left aroused by Ann's
little stunt and no way to satisfy it."

Susan panted as she stroked herself so quickly that her hand
started to ache. She could barely feel herself rising again. Ann had
tears coming out of her eyes as she resorted to using both hands in a
vain attempt to get more stimulation.

"But I actually have a better idea for you two. Stop masturbating
and take your panties out of your mouths."

The two girls did as they were told, albeit reluctantly. Ann
started crying again. "Please, Melissa, let me cum!" she wailed. "I'm
so horny it hurts!"

Susan tried to catch her breath. She drew her legs under her and
moaned, her pussy still hot and dripping with moisture, begging to be
touched again. She brought her hand to her face to wipe a strand of
hair out of her eyes and smelled her sex on her fingers. She licked
each one of them clean, which only increased her arousal to painful

"I have charmed the two of you so that hand will no longer work,"
Melissa said.

"Then how can we cum?" Susan asked. "Please, Melissa ..."

"You know, I just adore it when you two beg. Now think, you two.
Only hands will not work. What else may you use that you have on your

Ann's eyes widened and she gasped. "You ... you can't mean ..."

Susan felt a shudder pass through her. "Oh, God, she does," she
groaned. "You ... you want us to ... l-lick each other."

Ann slipped off the sofa and came over to Susan. "We have to,
Susan," she panted. "If we want to cum, we've got to eat each other

"B-but ... n-no ... I ..."

"You have to, Susan," Ann said huskily. She slid her arms around

"No, Ann, s-stop, I ..."

Susan was interrupted when Ann suddenly planted her lips on hers,
moaning deeply. Susan fought it at first, until Ann pressed herself
against Susan, forcing her back down onto the carpet. Susan felt her
desire rekindled and wrapped her arms around Ann. She opened her mouth
and thrust her tongue into Ann's mouth.

Ann was the first to break off the kiss, panting. "Let me eat you,"
she begged. "And you eat me."

Susan felt her will collapse. Her body's needs were too great.
"Then turn yourself around," she said. "So I can taste that wonderful,
wet pussy of yours."

Ann smiled and quickly turned herself around. Susan eagerly
extended her tongue as Ann's pussy descend on her, feeling Ann's tongue
probing her at the same time.

"Oh, you're delicious!" Ann squealed.

"Mmmmm, nice ... " Susan moaned.

Ann and Susan lay on the floor entwined about each other, their
faces buried in each other's mound as Melissa looked on with glee. "Oh,
this is delightful!" she cried. "You two are so entertaining. I could
watch this all morning. Or at least long enough for me to tell you
exactly what I intend to do with you."

"Mmmpph! ... Mmmm ..." Susan cried softly. Ann's juices were
trickling down her face as she licked and sucked at Ann as if starved.
Her nose was filled with the strong aroma of Ann's arousal. She tried
to listen to Melissa to find out what was to become of them, but with
as overwhelmed as her senses were, it was difficult.

Melissa steepled her fingers and looked thoughtful. "Hmmm ...
First, I believe a curse is in order. An extension of the charm I
placed on your pussies. How about this: The both of you will not be
able to cum unless its by the other's tongue. You'll never cum by any
other means. Oh, and your pussies will not be able to make anyone else
cum. What does that mean? It means you can kiss your precious
boyfriends good-bye. No matter how much you let them fuck you, you'll
never get off and he'll never get off. How does that sound for

Susan felt tears welling up in her eyes for the first time since
this started. Melissa just ruined her sex life. Susan was very sexually
active, having sex with her boyfriend at least twice a week, plus the
occasional affair outside their relationship.

Ann made a distressed noise but did not cry. The two of them
continued to lick each other, both slowly rising now.

Melissa smiled evilly. "And to be even more cruel to you two, I
also place a second curse on you two. From now on, you two will be
horny little bitches in heat. You'll get massively aroused at least
once every day or two. Since the only way you can satisfy it is by
doing what you're doing now, you two better get used to being
passionate lovers from this point on."

Ann and Susan began moaning in earnest as they rose higher, swiftly
approaching climax. At the same time, there was a despairing tone to
their voices as Melissa's words reached the parts of their mind not
under her control.

"I won't be so cruel as to say that this is a permanent
arrangement," Melissa said. "I'll give you two a chance to have me lift
the curses. It was all depend on how nice you are to me from this point
on, and how willing you are to do as I ask of you. And never, but never
beg me to lift the curses. The first one of you to do that will make
the curses permanent for both of you." She smiled and leaned back in
her seat. "Now that that's taken care of, you two may cum."

The two of them had been hanging just short of orgasm, moaning and
whimpering, licking each other with abandon, trying desperately to push
each other over the edge. Now finally they each crested, their bodies
spasming and writhing, their pussies throbbing hard and strong. They
each gave guttural cries through their noses, still clutching each
other and licking, prolonging their orgasms. After nearly a full
minute, they finally slowed and stopped, and fell away from each,
panting, exhausted, and spent.

"Oh, God ..." Ann groaned in despair, tears rolling down her
cheeks. "M-my life is over ..."

"No, Ann ... " Susan said. "We'll ... we'll get out of this. We'll
do as she says and we'll be okay."

"Very good attitude to have, Susan," Melissa said. "And I have
indeed eased my control of Ann. I daresay, however, that she had been
humbled by this experience."

Melissa stood. She strolled over to where her clothes sat on the
table, sans her underwear. She shed her robe and slipped into her jeans
and blouse.

Susan struggled to sit up as Ann continued to cry softly into the
carpet. "Are you leaving now?"

Melissa finished buttoning her blouse before she replied. "I think
I've had enough of your hospitality for now," she said. "Oh, believe
me, I will be in touch very soon."

"Just what ... what are you going to ask of us?"

Melissa smiled. It was a smile totally devoid of warmth or
friendliness, a smile that sent a chill through Susan, making her
shiver, fear clutching at her heart. "I have a great many things to
explore about my new power," she said as she moved to the door. "I have
to have someone to practice on, don't I?"

She waved at them and showed herself out, closing the door behind

END (?)


2022-07-17 04:53:15
Woo so nice to get even and have control over those two little bitches. Hope you will continue there is a lot more to explore. Fg


2022-04-03 02:07:07
A brilliantly written story, I'm praying that this is just a start to more exciting chapters.


2022-04-03 01:47:17
A brilliantly written story, I'm praying that this is just a start to more exciting chapters.


2019-02-06 00:10:56
A wonderful story! I hope there’s more to this! Thank you!


2017-02-11 22:20:50
great story.well told, Would love to read more on this.

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