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story about the dawn of the femdom

...It all happened to me earlier in life, when i had very little idea and understanding of what real erotic meant. Ever since i was a child, i had this fantasy of being amongst a group of girls, who would humiliate, disregard, torture, abuse me, even beat me up. At the time i had no idea where this all came from, or what it meant. I could not make much sense of this all, and i´d still be in the darkness now, if it wasn´t for this one experience, which opened up the horizons for me, in regards to the femdom subject. It was a few sessions with a modern mistress, who was so kind as to introduce me to the real meaning of the female dominance based on the old tantric ideas and attitudes. The mistress explaned to me, what some of the rituals meant, how they originated, and what the general atmosfere was. And so i am happy to share this knowledge, and introduce to the interested people this very idea, this flavour of the not-so-common femdom, or shall i say, not-so-rediscovered yet...
…It looks like the whole female domination theme originates from the very old ages, where the society was matriarchial, and where the females really ruled. The reincarnation theory supports such view, advising that each soul collects and keeps within itself all of its past experiences. These are not easily discovered though, since they reside very deep in subconsciousness. And so we can only observe some "strange" or "foreign" features, desires and feelings within ourselves, without really knowing where they came from, and if we should somehow do something about them, or not. Apparently the most present time males carry inside themselves a vast portion of such a huge experience they went through a long time ago. Perhaps all of the males do have it inside. Only not all of them admit it, accept it, or even notice it. But those who do notice it, and especially those who do something about it, seem to have a more satisfactory life in general, since erotic fulfillment and satisfaction is very important to the overall well-being…
…In the old times there was this complete attitude of female dominance, spread all through the ancient society. The basic background feeling was love. Yes, it was the love we all need and want. The females of the past, the dominant matriarchial women, really loved and cared for their men. It was not based on money, it was not time limited. It was all pervading, ever-present, everlasting mode of life, it was the life itself in those times. There were no other options available, neither for the males, nor for the females. And what was real nice was that the both genders enjoyed their lives a lot and lived it to its fullest potential. And so, gradually, over time, there developed the whole programm of the male training and maturing process. The women put a great deal of attention to the proper male education and improvement, because it was in the best interest of those women, to have their men in the best shape and form, at all times. What was also interesting, the training and maturing was largely supervised and executed by the females of about the same age group as the males. This means that the boys were trained by the girls, the grown up men were matured by grown up ladies, and the old men were improved by the old women. This maturing and training process continued all life long. The basic concept was that there was always room for improvement, and since back then there was not much technical or informational progress, and not much to do anyway, except for hunting and harvesting their foods, a lot of time was spent on refining and polishing the male - female relationships in the society...
...The young girls were taught how to make boys better, so that the girls would do less and have more, making the boys serve them. The grown up women already new all of the finer details of the male maturing deal, and so they employed their skills accordingly, especially when some male needed an extra bit of exercise or improvement, or when there was some price to pay, some mistake to correct. The older ladies knew everything there was to know, about keeping the men where they belonged, - at the ladies´ feet. However the older males, too, knew better than to break the rules, misbehave or perform poorly. And so the most common useage of the old aged folks practise was such where the ladies controlled and increased the male sexual capacities, - which otherwise naturally decreases with age... As to the overall performance and possibilities of the males, the prevailing idea said that the more advanced and sexually capable a man was, the better he could serve the females. So the ladies kept their men very much under control and supervision, as they were very particular to the sexual condition of the men. There was one particular key point in older times, which made up for the half of the whole femdom matriarchial attitude back then. It was the no-relief policy. There was a total and complete sperm relief denial. All of the erotic and sexual activities which took place at the time, where "dry", meaning, there was no semen escaping from the males. Only in such a case was the whole male maturing and training succesful. Otherwise it was a waste of time, and the women didn´t like to waste their time. Therefore, the men were not allowed to masturbate, except when in the presence of the females, who could see that there was no release during the masturbation. Another very carefully observed and looked after point was, that the males were getting there daily dosage of testicular stimulation, or egg maturing, as it was called back then. The ladies knew that the male eggs, the balls, can be and should be constantly developed and trained, just like the muscles are. If worked on properly and steadily, beginning from the childhood, the testicles could also enlarge. And so, the main objective for the women was to enlarge and "load" the testicles so nicely, that this literally transformed their male-owners into the other level of being and concsiousness. The enlarged and well developed eggs produce much more male hormones than small and underdeveloped ones. There is also a very high internal pressure inside the unrelieved testicles, which literally drives the man to do things, make things for his woman, achieve more things in life, always be in better shape and health, - and a lot of other benefits. So the matriarchial mistresses actually stimulated the male testicles both ways: from the inside, by keeping the semen escape routes closed, and from the outside, applying all sorts of maturing and developing measures on the eggs. Those measures were of different effects and execution, varying in time, intensity and feel... The women actually used to be proud of themselves particularly then, when they managed to enlarge some male´s testicles greatly enough. There was even a kind of contest back then, kind of a competition. Something like "the biggest eggs of the village". Of course, there were also contests for the larger penises, harder erections, longer erections, etc, but the testicle issue seemed to be a very serious one, since the ancient females discovered this connection between the overloaded male eggs and the female power. The females also discovered a few other important connections. There was a connection between the testicles and the female feet, a connection between the unreleased unhappy testicles and the male behavior and performance, a connection between the male sexual drive and the female dominance itself, - to name just a few...
What was amazing, was that both men and women used to always be in this state of paradise, bliss, pure joy and pleasure. They managed to find to the proper harmony, peace and understanding amongst themselves. Their sexual practices contributed to the greater health and spiritual development. As a result, the women were content and satisfied, while the men were always at their best, and also satisfied, although it was another kind of satisfaction, if you know what i mean... The satisfaction of being always unsatisfied... The satisfaction which comes from knowing that your woman, the one you serve, is pleased with you, accepts your services to her, keeps you, treats you kindly, works on your testicles and your general performance daily, uses you, and yes, keeps you always unreleased... This kind of satisfaction is far greater and finer than the "usual sexual satisfaction", where a man simply empties his testicles. It takes some will power and some practice to hold back ejaculation, but it is very much achievable and worth it... And the ancient peoples knew this, apparently. And so the males had to exercise their ability to hold their semen inside themselves, as the punishment for the sperm release was really bad. Yes, it looks like there was a castration penalty for those, who did release... The actual sperm release was considered the only sin. The male was considered weak, when he had problems holding his sperm inside, or when he complained about the discomfort in his genital area. So for such weak males, a castration was actually a cure of some kind. In other words, they´d be better off without balls, than with them. There was only one exception to this rule: only in the case of some woman wanting a child from some particular male, could such a privileged man empty his overloaded testicles inside the woman...
…Ever since their childhood, the young boys knew they belonged to and had to serve the girls of their famlily or village. Also the girls knew this and behaved accordingly. A bit princess-like, queen-like, mistress-like. They made the boys do things, fetch things for them. The boys learnt to carry the girls on their backs. The girls learnt how to manipulate with the boys´ testicles, however small and not ripe yet they were. The girls of the village would get together, in order to inspect and play with some boy´s eggs. The teen boys were not yet sexually active, but their testicles were on their way there, and so the young girls helped the boys slowly get used to their organs being controlled by the girls. The boys´ penises were tugged, stretched and pulled on, and the eggs received their dosage of manual stimulation from the girls. As a result, the young men grew up already used to such a state of things, where the gilrs were on top, and also their organs tended to grow bigger, fuller and stronger, - given the massage and stimulation of the female hands all the time. Sometimes the girls would test the boys for their pain limits, testing at the same time the boys´ ability to stay calm and not cry... With occasional slaps, pulls and kicks under the testicles, the young girls observed the boys´ reaction to pain in that area, learning to apply the right amount of force the next time, eventually heightening the levels of the boys´ pain limits. When the time came, and the young boys began to have their first erotic erections, the girls learnt to play with them, too. And they were cautious as to not let the boys ejaculate, even at such young age already. The older women taught the young girls about it all. And so the girls knew how to stop ejaculation in a boy, and the boys knew, that they were not allowed to cum... To make this rule more obvious and cared for, there was a penalty even for young boys, should they ejaculate. The boys had to employ all of their will power, and they also had to train their pelvic muscles constantly, so as to never let their young semen leave their bodies. They were daily controlled and checked, their eggs were daily tested for the signs of possible pressure drop. If happened at night, in the sleep, there was also a penalty for that. It was considered a sinful weakness, a night pollution. So the boys had to be extra cautious and careful not to release the semen at all. The unfortunate boy who disobeyed the no-release rule, was subject to a public ball caning, if it was his first such offence. Upon his second offence, the boy had to lose one of his testicles. So there were not too many volunteers for such treatments. The boys figured, they better keep their sperm inside, however hard it may be... And indeed, in such bitter cases, when there was a penalty, the whole village was gathered together for this event. The bad boy was secured to a kind of table, with his legs spread apart, and his genitals free for all to see. Depending on the particular punishment, the executing girl did then her job on the boy. In case of ball caning, the boy´s eggs were tied by a rope over the base of his ball sack, each ball separately, for better view and position. The girl would cane each ball separately, trying to cover as much of the ball´s surface as possible with her cane. Whenever the girl noticed the boy experiencing more uncomfort and pain from her strokes, she purposefully remained on that one spot on the ball, as if trying to make the boy get used to this pain she was giving him. As a variation of ball caning, the executing girl could poke the eggs with her cane, which caused about the same amount of discomfort to the boy, if not more, as when caned. The whole punishment took about an hour for both eggs, so it was about half an hour of caning for each. In case of castration, there was a more advanced preparation. And since there was not so much surgical progress back then, the job was done with an usual sharp knife. The executing girl would carefully open the boy´s ball sack with a knife. She would cut just enough skin for the ball to come out of the sack. Then she´d squeeze one of his testilces out of the sack and free it from the surrounding tissue, so that only the egg cord would be attached to the testicle. Holding the ball with one hand, the girl would pull it outwards from the groin area, making sure the sperm cord is stretched to its limit. With the other hand she would cut the testicle off, slowly shredding the sperm cord with the knife. Much finer ways and methods of castration were used on the grown up men. But for the boys there was mostly this one prescribed... It was very much humiliating and painful for the boys, having their balls caned or taken away by the girls about their age, and who lived right next do to them all the time. Sometimes it was a younger or older sister, wo punished. Of course, in the time after such a humiliating public punishment, the girls who actually punished the boys used to come over to those they just recently punished, and begin a conversation about it all. About how the boy felt during the punishment, about if it was not too bad for the boy, too painful, too humiliating. Sometimes, if the girl wanted so, she could take that same boy for another punishment, a ball caning session. If already partly castrated, with only one ball left, the girl would thoroughly cane this one remaining ball. This time there was even no need for the boy´s offence or misbehavior. It was only done as a support to the initial punishment a little earlier. And the girls knew that it was always best to repeat such ball caning session as soon after the first one as possible. In such case the beaten boy´s eggs were still very hurt and often quite enlarged, after the original beating. And so the girls then wanted to make it all even more profound for the former offender. Given the fact that the teens have problems controlling their emotions anyway, one can imagine just how much of an effect this kind of punishment may have been. Let alone castration, with everyone else watch and then know that this particular boy has only one egg left... However, this type of system brought its own fruits, and there uesd to be general sense of smooth and easy female domination in the society. The young girls became young ladies, the boys became young males, and the relationships between them grew more intense and profound...
...The young ladies knew a lot about the male sexuality, and they already had some experience with the boys anyway. Not sexual experience, but touch, pet, kiss, this sort of mild erotic games used to be very common back then, just like they are nowadays. The ladies did not hurry into their sexual life. They took it easy, waiting, observing the males, picking up the better ones, molesting the bad ones, neglecting the ones who were sexually weak. By the time the boys turned 20, their eggs were very well developed and overfilled with sperm and desire. Their penises were exercised and stretched daily, often reaching the size of a banana, when in the relaxed state. Their need and lust for the women at the peak, the unreleased sperm pressurizing their brains and driving them mad. And so the deal for the ladies here was, to keep up and to ever more increase, intensify, deepen this situation of intersexual tension in such a way, so as to use it and manipulate it in order to achieve and enjoy the better yet services, submission and admiration of the men. The men were not allowed to release... Their eggs were far beyond our normal "blue balls". The women discovered, that the male testicles do not produce much hormones anymore, once the balls are overfilled. There is a very slight increase of inner pressure and volume inside the balls, from week to week, over long period of time. The unreleased sperm circulates inside the balls and prostate. Part of it gets absorbed by the body, and so the new portions of sperm arrive at small doses, keeping the balls nicely packed and full at all times. If left alone, without any attention and stimulation, such full balls are actually not a big deal, really. Meaning, a man with full balls will eventually get used to this sensation, and that´s all. In the end there would be not much difference between the full and empty balls, paradoxically. And such is the case with all the people, who are denied or deprived any kind of sex. Their sexual performance, ability, and organs themselves simply degrade, when left alone, unattended and untrained. On the other hand, when allowed his release, a man feels some short pleasure, but is left very much behind on the whole scale. Tired, emptied, wasted, with no more desire and passion for women, his serving skills and powers lost, - such a man is actually no man anymore. He´d need another week or two to fully refill his balls with sperm again. And so the ancient wisdom came to realization, that only the middle way is the best way to go. The middle way sexually was such, where the men were always kept full and horny, stimulated and masturbated daily, always striving for perfection, for development, and denied the sperm release. The unreleased sperm, fueled by the daily stimulation, resulted in an extreme lust and passion for the women, and the women knew and used this very well. The ladies set it all up in such a way, that it was a kind of competition amongst the males. Whoever could satisfy a woman best, had more chances to be her chosen one... Whoever had a larger and fuller set of sexual organs, had more chances with women in general... Whoever managed to develop two really big strong eggs, was regarded as a possible case for a future at-last-release-sex. A sexual act with the purpose of giving birth to a child. Because the ladies were very touchy and particular about who they wanted to see as the father of their babies...
…Meantime, on a daily basis, the men were nicely trained and matured by the ladies. There was daily masturbation for the most males. The idea was to train the males to hold back their sperm at all means, all the time. For this, a lot of very advanced and refined masturbation practices were invented. And the ladies took great pleasure in masturbating their men, lovers as well as ordinary slaves. Hundreds of different masturbating techniques were used. Spicy oils were applied on the masturbated cocks. The spice would inflame the cockhead. The cocks were bent down and back so much they came out from under the anus, looking backwards, being fully erect. The pre-cum was milked out of the cockheads dropwise. The ladies competed about who could milk out the most pre-cum out of a man. Most pre-cum usually ended up on the female soles. The ladies even told the males when exactly they were supposed to deliver a drop of two of their pre-cum, kind of counting them in… The females trained and matured almost all of the males, except those few, who either had already been castrated before, or who had obvious sexual weaknesses and disadvantages. For example, the guys, whose penises or balls were very small, had no chance of being played with. Such unfortunate men had to suffer their fate alone: they would never be chosen by the ladies for the passage of genes on to the next generations. They were only used as floor cleaners. In such a way the natural selection took place back then. And so the vast majority of all males strived hard to be the best, the strongest, the finest for the ladies, so that they had their chance to be trained and matured on and on, to become a father once in the future time, or, to become the one most favorite lover of a woman. The women, on their part, trained the males in such a way, that over a period of time there was a clear picture of which male was the best for a particular female, and which males were second best, third best, and so on. There was this kind of scaling and positioning amongst the males. Over time, the best or second best was chosen to be the lover, while all the other males were usually kept as service slaves to the female. Oftentimes, a group of males, some 10 to 15 men, had to masturbate in front of a single female, who observed, supervised and gave orders to the males. The mistress would tell them to speed up or slow down their masturbation, to direct their cocks up or down, to work the cockhead or the whole shaft, and so on. Such masturbation sessions went on for hours. Back then, the proportions between the sexes were apparently different than now, with the females being slightly less than males in population. Therefore the females were really in minority, but always in charge of the males, always on top, always commanding, ruling. Such uneven proportions were there inside each family, as well as within each village, each commune. There was no questioning the female superiority. The females were simply regarded as Goddesses. And they behaved accordingly, too. Thus, even for the majority of the males, being the servants, pony-boys, feet-cleaners of their mistresses, they were really the happiest beings on Earth, and could not wish for a better life. The eventual jealousy towards the chosen lovers of the females was also used for the training and matirung of the males. One good example of such an event was where the mistress was having a very fine and intense sexual interplay with one of her chosen ones, while the jealous and greedy males had to sit beside and observe the whole thing, silently savouring the pleasures they´d never have. Sometimes, during such a scene, right in the middle of the sexual intercourse, the lady would stretch out her foot towards the eager males sitting next to her. This was a sign that each of the present males was allowed to worship the lady´s foot for a short while, which the men gladly did and how! This was the closest they could get to the real thing with a woman. Apart from that, during their daily practices, the females would often use the vulnerability of the males´ testicles, in order to teach a male a lesson of letting go of the jealousy and greed and egoism. Manipulating the balls, a woman reminded a man that he was not supposed to even show his jealousy, instead, he should have been strong and nice, silently going through his maturing practice, and getting used to his ever increasing passion and need for sex being unanswered... A lot of the men had problems coping with exactly this. Their sex drive at their highest, their balls overloaded, enlarged and heavy with desire, their cocks masturbated daily with no relief, their mistresses riding them and using them in all possible ways, - but there was never this final release, the end, the peak, the orgasm...... Yes, the males were denied their orgasms. At the same time the ladies often employed the so called mind sex with the males. Verbal teasing…, questions about the degree of passion of the men for the women…, questions about the feel in the testicles…, questions about the fantasies and secret wishes…, encouragements to remain strong and masculine, and to cope with the enormous lust…, laughs about the men being as horny as wild goats in spring…., and so on. Such mental teasing was supposed to somehow add to and enhance the overall training and maturing of the males.
...Besides, the most men were trained to achieve multiple orgasms with no relief, whereby the orgasmic sensations were felt through the whole body, repeatedly, many times during one single session, the prostate gland would pulse and contract, and partly relieve itself. But the sperm would not escape the body, the penis. In such a heightened form of sex, a man does experience an utmost satisfaction and pleasure, trains and energizes his sexual organs as well as his whole body, and on top of that his sperm remains inside of him, - thus being the ideal type of sex possible. It took some practice to learn how to "multi-orgasm" instead of "sperm-orgasm". The women kindly taught the males the pleasures of such an experience. And so the multi-orgasmic males of the past were more than happy to love and serve their charming and loving mistresses. During such a multiple orgasm, a prostate gland gets naturally engaged and massaged. With the daily pelvic muscle contraction exercices, one was sure his prostate remained healthy and active. Apart from that, the females took pleasure in manual prostate massage oftentimes. An external massage was a type of massage when some steady, firm, massage-like movements were made in the area between the testicles and the anus. An internal kind was when a finger or two entered the anus and massaged the prostate from the inside. In this case, however, one should be careful as to not give too much pressure on the gland, so it does not empty itself accidentally. Parallel to the prostate massage, the ladies took their time to work on the males´ rectums. With the help of fingers, toes, or other objekts, the ladies explored and stretched the rear end of the men. It was yet another symbol and sign of submission, of course…
…The females were also big time experts in manipulating and maturing the guys´ balls. Since the ladies knew that the male testicles were the very center and foundation of the whole male sexuality and personality, all sorts of stimulation were used upon the testicles. The most grown up males had already quite enlarged balls, after being constantly ball played by the young girls, during their childhood and teen years. Continuous handling, massaging, squeezing and tugging, done for a few hours every day during their youth years, resulted in a dramatic increase in size and power of the testicles. So once really grown up, each male´s eggs were normally the sizes ranging from a large hen egg to an average apple each, - just as full, firm and hard. The young girls also stretched the ball sacks and the sperm cords of the boys, so that the most young men had their balls hung very low, sometimes up to one third or even half the distance from the groin to the knees. But while the young girls were only testing the grounds, only preparing the balls for the future actions, the grown up balls were definitely experiencing all kinds of sensations which were available back then. Everything possible was employed in the ball maturing process. The idea was, that a man with large, heavy, low hung, strong, mature balls, was basically a real man… Weights hung under the balls, ropes tied across and around, separating each ball from one another, squeezes, pulls, slaps, shakes, pokes, pinches, massage, all sorts of manual stimulations. Sometimes, when the pressure inside the balls got too impossible to cope with, the women could do another little trick on the testicles, to help a particular male better adjust to the testicular discomfort. The females actually knew when it was getting really really bad for some male. They saw it, they felt it. So one of the tricks was such, when a female would insert a needle or two inside each ball. The resulting sensation was supposed to diminish the overall discomfort in the area. The male with needles in his balls would go on serving his female as usual, for the whole day. At the end of the day, the needles were taken away, and it was a good time then, for a ball massage by the female feet, whereby the balls were gently rolled from side to side, and carefully squeezed by the feet. This act was supposed to let out the remaining discomfort, caused by the no-release policy to this guy. The female feet played a very important role in the testicular training. Apart from ballbusting and ball massage by the feet, all through their daily lives, the female feet tended to be close and around the male testicles. Brushing across them, slightly tapping, mildly kicking, gently rubbing the balls, and all sorts of other similar moves were totally usual and common. Balls were commonly used as footrests, too. The females simply laid their feet on some male´s testicles whenever possible, and kept them there, eventually moving the feet around, changing the angle for more comfort of the woman. At home, during their classes, while working, while harvesting, the ladies always found time and possibility to bring their lovely feet in contact with the males´ balls. This was another way of stimulation and activation for the guys. And of course, the men loved it, and how! The unwanted erections, which happened during the ball maturing or foot worship sessions, or, for that matter, which occured at times, other than during a masturbation session, - those erections were treated with some special nasty and slightly poisonous liquid, applied by the supervising female onto the tip of the erected cock. The burning sensation went into the whole cockhead and into the urethra, causing the erection to disappear very soon…
...One other interesting area of action was the foot worship theme itself. Ever since they were teens, the boys were taught the etikette of worshiping and admiring the female feet. Basically, all of the males with no exceptions, were in love with the female feet. It was the usual practice for the males of all ages, to bend low and kiss the female feet on all occasions, when greeting, departing, asking for something, receiving something, begging forgiveness, etc. Besides, the ladies were using their feet in order to test the males, to see if a particular male could be a candidate for the servant staff or not. Most common features of such useage were, when a woman would gently masturbate a guy for some short time, bringing his cock to its full erection. Then she´d place her foot next to the erected cock and see, if the cock was much shorter than her foot or not. Basically, if the man´s cock was equal or longer than the female foot, then such a lucky guy was instantly taken by the lady, and would probably be her chosen one some day. The thing was, the females loved large, full and long penises to play with. However a penis this large a size could cause a lady some discomfort during the intercourse, unless she had a very large vagina, too. So the deal was, the owner of the large cock had to learn to use it inside the woman in such a way, that the female would not feel even a close sign of discomfort. In other wirds, the big cock was only supposed to enter partly into a woman, and to never move carelessly inside. This was not so easy indeed, and a lot of times, when such a big cocked guy disappointed his mistress, causing her some unpleasant sensation by his huge cock, there was a price to pay, a punishment to execute... Another way of using the female feet when choosing the males for their service staff, was when a woman put her foot right into the open mouth of her possible future servant. The woman then watched for the signs of oral development in the man. If his mouth opened up widely and freely, if his lips stretched to their limits evenly, if the lady´s foot could dip into the mouth very deep, if the expression on the male´s face was pleasant during all of this, - then the lady might take him in. Because such signs indicated a good oral condition. But if the guy´s face turned pale or red, if there was expression of fear or disgust on his face, if his mouth would try to not accept the female foot, if there were teeth the lady felt on her foot, - then this all indicated this particular candidate was not so good yet, and needed some serious oral maturing. In such a case he would not be taken to be the servant for this woman, but instead, he was given to the special oral training school, where the males´ oral skills were improved and worked on. Oftentimes such schools were managed and led by some older women. It was very much like a modern school class. A teacher, an older woman, would have a bunch of men on front of her. Only instead of learning some subject like math or physics, there was a more simple act of orally servicing the old female´s feet, working on them over a long period of time, while all the other males were watching and masturbating. Such classes took a long time usually, and it was very common that a man who needed to have his oral skills improved, had to work on each foot for about an hour or more. Basically, the teacher lady would stick out her foot towards the student, and she would tell him exactly what she wanted him to do on her foot. The type of moves, their intensity and strength, the time he needed to spend doing just that one move, - all of that was clearly said to the male student, and he simply had to follow the orders. The females back then seemed to have the same or similar preferances as the modern mistresses, in regards to the foot worship. A widely used and common ritual of total subordinance and submission was heel licking. The female would simply present the heel of her one foot to the male, and proceed doing whatever else she wanted to do, paying actually little or no attention to the oral service the man was giving her. There was a general attitude of mild disregard of the males, who were at the females´ feet. Such males were regarded as foot rests, human carpets, floor cleaning pieces of cloth or something. However the foot worship was serving the two main purposes. One was to actually bring physical pleasure to the female, giving her feet nice sensations. The other was to make clear, to point out the supremacy of the females over males. And so foot worship was a combination of these two, varying from time to time, from scene to scene, in diffenrent proportions of pleasure and submission. Another way of worship common back then was a tongue-to-sole massage, whereby a male would massage the sole of a female´s foot using his tongue. It was just like a foot-reflex-zone massage, only done by a tongue... Back to the foot-to-mouth class, there was of course more of the submission training than pleasure there. Although, one should not forget, that it was indeed a pleasure to the older lady, whose feet were orally cared for by the younger men... And it was also a pleasure for the horny and unsatisfied males, who dreamed of being close to the feet of a mistress, to actually orally serve some female feet, however older and perhaps not as nice looking those feet may have been... It often happened during such a class, that the teacher lady had both of her heels licked at the same time, by two males positioned under her feet on the floor next to each other. With the female heel right over their mouths, the men had to rythmically lick to surface of the heel, over and over again. This went on for hours. Sometimes the woman had very unclean or dirty feet. The student had to clean her feet up with his mouth. Other times the student had to clean in between each toe of the teacher, using his tongue and lips. Another similar practice was toe sucking. Beginning by one single toe, normally a big toe, the student male would begin to suck on it. No teeth were allowed during the oral care. Soon the second toe entered the hungry mouth, then the third. The aim was to train the mouth of the male so good that the whole foot could easily enter the mouth, without ever touching the teeth. All of the five toes had to be inside the mouth. In the cases when the student´s mouth seemed to be too narrow and tight, and could not stretch so much, the teacher lady then moved her foot inside the mouth in such a manner, that she actually stretched it with her foot, eventually. Usually the females with large and broad feet worked on the stretching capacities of the males´ mouths. Just as a woman wears her new pair of shoes, eventually making the shoe take the shape of the female foot, stretching it this way and that, so would the lady work her foot inside the male mouth, eventually making it wider, bigger, looser. To have all five toes inside a mouth was only the beginning. What followed was to have as much of the foot inside as possible. The female toes would touch the throat of a student, and then continue their way deeper inside yet. The women used to have their informal competition about it, too. Whichever female could put her foot further into the mouth of her servant, won the deal. As the legend has it, there were cases where the whole foot was inside some mouths, - the whole foot including the heel! Of course, there were also some negative cases, too. For example, when a guy would try to stop the female fort from entering further into his mouth. Or, when his mouth was so narrow that the female foot could not enter much anyway. In such cases, of course, there was some special treatment of the males. The punishing procedures were strict and sharp as usual, with no exceptions or mercy at all. The most common methods of punishment included ballbusting and severe ball canining, which was much more painful than the ball caning the males experienced when they were young boys. So, in case of the student trying to interfere with the female foot entering his mouth, or using his teeth on the foot of the teacher or mistress, there was almost immidiate punishment coming. When it occured during a foot worship lesson, the offender would be taken aside, still in the same classroom. Another female would be called to execute the punishment, while the other male students continued their lesson with their teacher, only this time they could see and hear the sufferings of their unfortunate classmate right next to them. In case of ballbusting, the woman would normally position the man in front of her, either standing tall, or on his knees. The lady would be barefoot, and, as usual, give her feet to the offender for kissing first. Upon brief kissing ritual, whereby both female feet were nicely kissed all over, the session began. The lady administered her kicks under the eggs of the student, while at the same time telling him to open his mouth more and more and wider and wider, as she kicked him in the balls. This way the necessary connection in the male´s psyche was established, between the punishment and his oral training. In case of ball caning, sometimes the combined method was used, in order to make the male more careful and understanding next time around. During such a punishing session, one foot was actually inside the mouth of the student to beat, sometimes even both feet together, as far as they could go inside his mouth. And with a lengthy cane, the woman would adminish her very strong strokes right onto the male´s testicles, which were securely tied and prepared for beating beforehand. The man would be laying on the floor, right under her feet, with her feet actually on his face and inside his mouth, while his balls were getting their share of caning. All the while, the student was told to open up wider, to hide his teeth, to try to accept the female foot deeper into his mouth. The acompanying strokes of the cane made sure he complied nicely.
...Also, a pretty interesting form of erotic interaction often occured between the older women and men. With their hormon levels declining, their sexual drive and activities also diminishing over time, they still managed to keep it up and how! The older females were going smoothly through their climaxes, while using their servants to accomodate their every wish and whim on a daily basis. Of course, the older men had their problems, too. Very rarely was any of them lucky enough to have emptied their overfilled and enlarged balls, during their whole lifetime. Their sperm was turning to foam and steam, of all that unsatisfied and unreleased passion they had accumulated during their whole lifetimes. Their cocks, although daily and nicely masturbated, were as eager as ever. The females made sure each male got used to the constant sensation of this heavy dull pressure inside the genital area. Oftentimes, some less stable males would literally lose their minds, while treated this way. Still the ones who made it to the older ages in life, however unsatisfied and sexually deprived, made very good servants to the older generation females, - the ones who actually ruled the whole society back then. There were also occasional cases of cross-aged sessions, where the older males were dominated by some younger females, and the other way around, too. But normally the age difference would not be great. And so, when some older man was beginning to perform his duties poorly, or his sexual abilities began to drop, then such a male was subject to the intensified care. The idea was to keep his hormon and activity levels as high as posible, so as to slow down the effects of the aging process. And here, once again, the no-release policy was the best golden cure ever possible. The less a man loses his sexual essense, the more active and healthy he remains in life. A lot of older men back then reached some impossible ages, way past 100 years old, and still having solid and strong erections, - although their sperm would for ever be inside themselves, never to leave their cocks... One way of giving that extra bit of stimulation for the aging males, was when the females would play with the male testicles with their feet, applying some pretty hard and strong moves. Both the female feet and the male balls have seen the world by then, and both got quite hardened and rough towards the end of lifetime. So this extreme foot-to-ball care gave the aged balls some extra bit of stimulation and circulation they needed, making the testicles increase their inner pressure and productivity even higher... If there was a case for severe punishment amongst the older males, which was very rare anyway, there was the feared castration there. It was applied to the most grown up and older males, who commited very serious offence or misbehavior towards the females. Done publicly as well, with the whole world watching, it was not the nicest thing one could wish for himself. And so such cases happened not too often, but still.... The grown up and old men castration was done quite brutally. The man had to suffer full time, and to experience his utmost pain in his genital area, - for being a bad student, a bad servant, a bad male... A few common ways of disabling a male were used. Sometimes a man would be literally hung up by his balls. Of course, the ball sack with the balls would then break loose, and the man would fall down ball-less. Other times the females stepped or jumped upon the testicles so brutally that they would pop. Sometimes two horses were used for the testicle removal. One was pulling the poor male to one side, the other horse had the man´s balls tied to its saddle, moving in the opposite direction. As a result the balls would be quickly but painfully disconnected from the male´s body. Another way of castration was leaving a rope tightly secured and tied around the balls. Left for a long time, overnight or something, the ropes would cut the blood supply to the balls, and the latter would slowly die off. The ladies even knew the colouring of the dying balls. Blue balls were still ok, dark blue were also ok, red, violett, purple, dark purple…., but black was the final colour. Black balls were then carefully removed from the ball sack, as they were no good anymore, anyways… There were also other methods for that scary deal, varying in their degree of brutality and the pain experienced. But in all of the cases the male was losing his balls for good…
…And so the old ancient eroticism still comes across, over to our times, here and now. The societies are very different, the technologies, information, tools, sets, the whole lifestyle is so much different now… But there is still this eternal lust and drive within some of us, the dream, the fantasy, the meaning of life itself, - revolving around the same old song…. To always be at Her Feet……

When asked about some advice and tips or instructions for myself and guys like me, who look for their mistresses and who want to better themselves, the beautiful mistess told me this, which i am happy to share with all of you, who is interested:

-Learn the dry multiple orgasm technique. It is the best present you could ever wish for yourself, sexually. It will bring you health, happiness and satisfaction, - without release of sperm!
-Hold back your semen at all times, do not allow yourself ejaculation, whatever it takes. Should you accidentally begin to actually cum, should you feel your sperm begin to move towards your penis, there is one last thing you can do right then, to stop your ejaculation. You bring your middle and index fingers towards your perineum, and you press the both fingers directly into the secret point, which lies about half way between your testicles and your anus, but a little closer to the anus. You press in your fingers about an inch deep into your perineum, with quite a firm force, and hold it there while you orgasm. Allow yourself the orgasm. If done properly, you will experience an outstanding full body orgasm, which will last about twice as long as usual, and your sperm will not be able to leave your penis. If you see the sperm leaving the penis, then you either pressed at the wrong place, or applied too weak a force while pressing in. After you come down from your orgasm, massage your prostate thoroughly. However, do not use this secret technique too often, - it is for emergency only! (there are good tantric and taoistic books on the subject, with instructions for the exercices for multi-orgasm, ejaculation control, etc.)
-Masturbate daily without release. A masturbation session should not be too short or too long. Before you develop big powerful balls and a strong prostate, 15 to 30 minutes a day is a nice time to let your sexual energy circulate around your body and energize your whole self. Once you master the multi-orgasm, you could go on masturbating non-stop for ages. Still, stop masturbating soon after you´ve experienced some pleasant sensations. Always remain horny and willing. Do not drain your desire. Cherish it. Employ different stimulating moves on your cock, massage and caress it all over, not just the head. Use the olive oil for your masturbation. See if you can produce a drop or two of the pre-cum, on tip of your cock. It is a good sign for you to stop soon. With time, you will notice that when you hold back your sperm, there is still another clear liquid coming out of your cock sometimes, by small portions at a time. Learn to hold back that liquid, too.
-If you learn the multiple orgasm technique, your prostate gland will be in perfect condition anyway. But if you don´t master the multi-orgasmic masturbation, then you should carefully and thoroughly massage your prostate during and right after your masturbation.
-Do the pelvic muscle contractions, as often as you can. The strong pelvic muscle alone can hold back your ejaculation, when you contract and hold it just before you´d ejaculate. The strong pelvic muscle will also provide you with nice long lasting and very strong erections whenever you need them. So it is your golden muscle, really. Exercise it all the time, while seated, while waiting, while watching tv....
-Use your imagination while you masturbate. Visualize all the scenes and actions you´d like to happen to you, or to someone else. Feel yourself being there, doing it, too, - while at the same time controlling your ejaculation. It is fine to use erotic pictures or movies, as they increase your sexual energy by a lot. However, limit your visual stimulation to no longer than half an hour a day. Too much of seeing sexy women will bring you down eventually. The subconscious depression about not being able to touch and love all those women is a serious drawback of the visual stimulation by pornography.
-Learn to live with the steady feeling of dissatisfaction and heaviness in your groin area. Accept that there will be no relief in sight, and it is good for you this way. Learn to redirect your unfulfilled sexual passion to the other areas of life.
If you know how to multi-orgasm dry, then you will be the most satisfied man on earth. Until then, train yourself, masturbate yourself into ever more intense levels of desire and passion.
-Massage your balls as often as you can. This will increase their productivity and the sperm count. At the same time, such a testicle massage does relieve some internal pressure, which you will definitely feel most times inside your balls. Allow each ball some 15 to 30 minutes of massage each day, and you will see the results for yourself pretty soon. But be prepared to deal with your increased lust and sexual powers... If you can, ride a bike! The bike naturally massages your balls and your prostate as you ride. All the bike riders perform really nicely sexually.
-Another good thing you could do for your balls is slapping. Light, short, repeated slaps on your balls, from the front, sideways, from under the balls, done for some time every day, will do you a lot of good.
-Whenever feeling really really horny and unsatisfied sexually, just sit still, concentrate on your balls, and hold your attention on them. This is a testicle meditation. Enter this heavy feeling, accept and enjoy it. Feel the heat inside your ball sack, visualize this heat turning to steam, and then slowly penetrating and saturating your whole body.
-Exercise daily. Jogging, gym, and all the other physical exrcises increase your sexual power. However, do not bring yourself to the extreme tiredness and worn-out feelings. The training should be short, intense and pleasant. Learn to breathe beginning from your belly and into your belly, during your daily life. Relax your stomach and move it in and out along with your breathing. This energizes and massages the lower part of your body, where your sexuality resides.
-Try to get as much sun as possible on your skin. Sunshine directly increases your sexual drive, power and lust.
-Eat a lot of garlic, especially if you don´t deal much with people. Garlic, just like the sunshine, increases your sex by a lot. There are also some other afrodisiac foods, but you should find out, which ones are ok for you, and how much of it you should consume, and when. For example, chillies, peppers, nutmeg, curry, - all act as sexual stimulants. If you do use those or others, be wise, and do not get addicted to them. Stay away from alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and artificial stimulants. You don´t need those. Also too much sugar and sweet foods will cause your libido to drop. It is up to you what you eat and how, but if you are on the sexual programm, with partner or alone, - then it makes a lot of sense to be wise...
-When the time comes, you´ll find yourself your mistress. There is nothing like the feeling of being dominated by a beautiful and charming mistress, nothing like being at Her feet at all times. But while on the search, while still alone, make use of the time. Exercise yourself, train yourself, mature yourself and your balls, so that you have a better chance of meeting and then staying with the right mistress for you.

Always happy to hear Your opinions and comments, always open for a contact, sincerely Yours, John.
(my email: [email protected])

anonymous readerReport 

2012-06-04 14:45:57
Would have been better if formatted in a more readable fashion. Separating into paragraphs would help. Also, the word is not "afrodisiac". Look it up: a-p-h-r-o... :)

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