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Nick held Jeza close and kissed her.
"Good Luck and I will see you when you get home" He said and kissed her once more.
"See you in a few hours" Jeza said and left about fifteen minutes later useing her key she walked into her parents house.
"Is that you Steve?" Her mother called out.
"No mum its me" Jeza replied nd walked towards the kitchen.
"Hey sweetie did you forget I told you I have a charity meeting to-night until eleven." She said and went about doing what she was doing.
"Yeah I forgot." She said and sat up on the bench.
"Your dad will be home any time now then I have to go." She said and looked over at her daughter.
'You ok sweetie?" She asked.
"Yeah mum Iam fine well Iam here now I will wait for dad and say hello" She said.
A few minutes later her father arrived home and came straight to the kitchen he kissed his wife and then kissed Jeza on the cheek.
"Hello chicken." He said and grabbed a beer from the fridge.
"Hey dad" She replied.
"Ok Steve I need to go your dinner is ready and I will see you just after eleven" She said and gave Jeza a kiss on the cheek.

Jeza watched her parents walk from the kitchen they were so different,her mother you would call a prude and very straight laced in her ways and her dad on the other hand was very laid back and very open.Hearing the front door close Jeza got down from the bench and picked up her father's dinner and walked out to the dining room table.
"Thanks chicken." He said and took his seat and began eating they spoke for about fifteen minutes then her father pushed his plate away and looked at his daughter.
"So you care to tell me what is wrong Jeza, you lovebirds having a lovers fight?" He asked.
"Nope not a fight just Nick coming to terms with something I have done" Jeza said.
"Ohh I see care to tell me what you have done?" Her father asked.
"Dad its not something I can discuss with you your my father." She said.
"Now Jeza you know my rule if you asked the question you have to take the answer whether you like it or not,and young lady a problem shared is a problem halved.' He said with a wink.
"I know your rule but if I was to tell you,you would look at me very different." She said knowing her father would push for her to tell him and he did for the next ten minutes.
"Alright your not going to let this go but be warned you will regret pushing me on this dad." She said.

"Two weeks ago Nick and I were at home watching some porn and having a few drinks.Well a conversation started up about sexual fantasies and off course Nick asked me about mine so I told him and he told me his.Now that is not the problem the problem is on Friday night I acheived one of my fantasies and Nick is still coming to terms with it." Jeza said.
Her dad nodded his head and sat back in his seat.
"Alright still does not tell me alot but I will ask this do you regret doing your fantasy?" He asked.
"No I dont dad and before you ask I would do it again in a heart beat actually I will do it again." She said.
"Look Jeza if you dont regret it well Nick will just have to comes to term with it,everyone has fantasies Jeza some people are lucky enough to acheive them some dont.Now maybe you should tell me what this fantasy was it will help me to understand this alot better." He said.
Jeza smiled.
"Always the doctor i am not a patient dad Iam your daughter." She said.
"Habit sweetie sorry" He said.
"Ok dad do you have fantasies maybe it will be easier if you told me your's I feel so damn awkward telling you." She said.

"Alright and yes I do,I have been married to your mother since I was twenty years old before her there was only ever two other women that were basically flings.Now you know your mother you have been here for twenty two years and you know she is very basic not adventurous at all.
So to answer your question my fantasy has always been to have anal with your mother, she was horrified when i asked her to try it,Another i have and I have never even bothered asking is to watch your mother have sex with another man,you do know I am the only man she has ever been with.I want her to be random you know its the same thing over and over and always in our bed just once I would love it if she just bent over this table or in the loungeroom but it will never happen." He said.
Jeza sat there stunned she really was not expecting her father to tell her everything.
'You know the rule Jeza if you ask the question your going to get my answer,now I have told you mine time for you to tell me about the fantasy you acheived on Friday night." He said.
" Alright a deal is a deal dad,Ok on Friday night Nick told me he was taking me out to dinner on the way there he said he had to make a detour first I didnt think nothing off it.We arrived at this old run down house outside of town.Inside he kept smiling at me and lead me into a room on the floor was a mattress and a few seconds later twelve naked men walked into the room and Nick smiled at me and said.
'One of your fantasies is about to come true." Dad my fantasy was to be gangbanged.Nick told them as they undressed me that they were to be rough and degrade me and use me anyway they wanted." She said and lowered her head.

Jeza.s father didnt say a word for the longest time.
'Damn was not expecting that at all Jeza,where was Nick when this was all going on was he invovled in it as well?'He asked.
"Well not really he sat on a chair and watched and video it." She said.
"Jeza do you regret doing it now?" he asked.
"No dad I dont and I want to do it again." She said.
"Damn." Was all her father said.
" I just dont know what to say Jeza,Ok lets change this a little you said you have fantasies what is the other one it cant shock me anymore then the first one." He said.
'It might dad" She said and stood up and unzipped the front of her dress and let it fall to the floor underneath she was naked.
"You are my fantasy dad." She said and walked to stand in front of her father then straddled his lap.
"Do to me all the things you want to do to mum just this one night dad its been a fantsy of mine since I was fifteen please just let me live out this fantasy." She said and put a hand down and squeezed his hard cock.

Her father just stared at her.
'Damn Jeza your my daughter this is not done, my god Jeza." He said but he had not attempted to move her from his lap.
"So what Iam a adult you say you dont want this but your cock is saying something totally different." She said got of her father lap and bent down to her bag and pressed a button on her phone.
Turning back to her father she open her legs and grabbed one of his hands and put it between her legs.
"Feel how wet my pussy is you did that dad,no-one will ever know dad everything you want to do you have the chance to do it now with me.Please dad I want this so bad and so do you dont let the fact Iam your daughter stop you,You want to fuck me as bad as I want to fuck you or you would be off this seat by now." She said never taking her eyes of her father.
"Jeza what about your mother I cant do this" He said.
'Alright dad I will go and this will never be spoken of again.' She said and stepped back and picked up her dress just as she was about to put it on her father grabbed her by the wrist.
"Stop Jeza" he said and pulled her back to him.
"You sure dad?" She asked.
"Iam sure,part of me is screaming dont do this but the other is screaming just do it and if I dont I will regret it." He said.
Jeza smiled and dropped to her knee's and unzipped her father's pants and pulled his cock out.
"Iam going to take you in my mouth dad please dont back out again I want to feel this cock inside me soon." She said and put her mouth over the head of his cock.

Her father closed his eyes as Jeza took him in her mouth, a few minutes later Jeza stood up and bent over the table and spread her legs.
"Fuck me dad." She said and smiled as her father stood and pushed his pants further down and stepped behind her.
Jeza let out a long moan as her father pushed his seven inch thick cock into her pussy and began fucking her fast she knew he would not last to long the excitement of fucking his daughter was going to make him cum fast.
It only took about two minutes for her father to cum when he pulled out of her and stepped back Jeza got up and bent down to his cock and sucked what cum was left then stood and looked at her father.
"Dont want to waste a drop of your cum daddy,now what do you want to do next?" She asked.
"Shower with me.' He said Jeza picked up her dress and her bag and followed her father in the bathroom.
Once in the hot shower her father pushed her against the wall and pushed a finger inside her and began fingering her fast.
"Oh god put another one inside me." She said and and let out a yell as her father inserted another.
Jeza came a few minutes later she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down and kissed him deeply her tongue exploring his mouth.
After the shower he lead her to the loungeroom and sat down on the lounge.

"Sit on my cock Jeza." He said Jeza nodded and walked over and straddled her father and lowered herself down on his hard cock.
He grabbed her tits and squeezed them hard as Jeza moved up and down on his cock.
"My god this feels so good." He said and grabbed Jeza by the waist and bounced her hard and faster.
"jeza can I do anything to you were you serious about that?" He asked.
"Yes dad you can." She said and let out a groan.
'Stop Jeza I want to lay on the floor and eat your pussy while you suck my cock I want to cum in your mouth." He said going a little red at using the language he was using with his daughter.
Jeza stopped and got off and waited as her father laid down on the floor she lowered herself down on his mouth and then took her father's cock in her mouth.
It took another good five minutes before both of them almost came at the same time.
'My god that was fantastic I have never had a woman cum in my mouth before." He said and touched Jeza's cheek.
"The night is still young and we still have some serious fucking to do,you said you have toys I want you to use one on me while we wait for you to get hard again then I want you to fuck my ass." She said with a smirk.
"Damn Jeza you always like this.?" He father asked leading her up to his bedroom.
"I know what I want dad if i am having sex I will tell you what I want." She said and watched as her father pulled out a eight inch black vibrator.

'Bend over" he said and pushed the vibrator inside his daughter.
'Ohh god put it all in dad." She said and pushed back on the vibrator her father fucked her hard and fast with the vibrator Jeza shuttered about five minutes later and exploded over the vibrator.
'Roll over Jeza." Her father said.
'Now open your mouth." He said and pushed the vibrator into her mouth.
Finally he took it out and bend down and began licking and sucking on his daughter's pussy.
'Dad laid down I want to suck your cock for a little bit." She said.
Taking her father again in her mouth Jeza took him as deep as she could and played with his balls,her father grabbed her head and moved her faster up and down in her mouth Jeza could feel her father getting so hard.Finally she lifted her head and crawlwd up to look down at him.
"Time for you to fuck my ass dad,you need to play with it first and put a finger in to stretch me but once your in you fuck me hard I love anal." She said and got on her hands and knee,s
Her father did exactly like she told him and once he was all the way in he fuck her like a mad man.
'Why wont she let me do this to her." He said between thrusts.
Finally he came inside Jeza and stayed there for a few moments trying to catch his breath before pulling out and collapsing on the bed.
Jeza sat up and smiled down at her father.
"Do you have any regrets on what we have done to-night dad?" She asked.
"Hell no I dont you have just about got all my fantasy covered.'" He said.

"That's good dad because I have a confession to make I had every intention of seducing you to-night everything I told you was true about the gangbang now there is one more thing you need to know dad.' She said and leant down from the bed and went into her bag.
"Babe are you there?" She asked.
'Hell yeah Iam Mr P how was it fucking your daughter?" He asked with a laugh.
"My god Jeza Nick heard all that..why?" He asked.
'Yeah he knew what I came over here for and he wanted to hear you fucking me." Jeza said with a smile.
"Mr P dont sweat it it made me come twice and I heard your other fantasy so on friday night be at our place at seven thirty and you can watch me fuck your daughter only if you want to off course." Nick said.
"I will be there" Jeza's father said.
"Ok cool i will have some beers cold for you,babe you coming home soon?" Nick asked.
"Soon babe we have enough time for dad to fuck me again one more time then I will be home." Jeza said.
"Ok have fun and babe your ass is mine when you get home." He said.
"Looking forward to it babe see you in a little while" She said and cut the call and looked at her father.
"So the next fuck my pussy or my ass?" She asked and bend down and took her father's cock in her mouth again.
"Your pussy." He said.
Once in her pussy it took him ages to finally come much to Jeza's pleasure.
"Ok we better get this bed cleaned up and get dressed then I would like a hot tea." She said.

Forty five minutes later her father walked her out to her car.
"Jeza that was amazing beyond words." He said.
Jeza smiled and looked around and grabbed her father's cock in her hand again.
'It was and I lied to you I would like you to continue fucking me,now before I go I want to do this." She said and dropped to her knee's and pulled her father's cock out over his pants and took him in her mouth.
"Jeza for the love of god we are outside someone will see us." H esaid and moaned a little.
Jeza stood up and grinned and pulled her dress up and bend over the hood of her car.
"You better be quick then fuck my ass again dad,you said you like random acts well this is random now put that cock inside me." She said and let out a soft moan as her father pushed inside her the excitement of fucking his daughter outside was almost to much for him and he cum hard and fast.
" Good lord Jeza" he said.
Jeza pulled her dress down and smiled at her father.
"See you Friday night." She said and kissed his cheek.

Jeza left and her father stood in the driveway just staring it was not until he heard a voice that he snapped his head around his neighbour was looking at him.
"Steve that was awesome how long you been fucking your daughter for?" He asked.
Steve walked to the fence and sighed.
"To-night was the first time please dont say anything Jason." Steve said,Jason laughed.
"Mate I have fucking my daughter for the passed three years,But I would really like to fuck your daughter she seem's pretty wild maybe we could swap daughters?" Jason asked.
"Yeah I seen a side of her to-night that I never knew exist,all I can do is ask her Jason,but i am not ready to fuck your daughter I am still coming to terms about just fucking my own four times to-night.' He said.
Jason grinned.
"Damn four times and I bet she loves it in the ass too my daughter is not to keen on it at all,well let me know Steve" He said and went back inside.
"Yeah she does,ok will do" He said and went back inside and and took a long hot shower and thought only about his daughter.

Jeza walked in her apartment and smiled as soon as she seen Nick standing there naked.
"I hope you have not showered I want to fuck you with the smell of sex on you babe." Nick said and walked towards her.
"No I have not showered yet,So you fucking me right here or in bed?" She asked undoing her dress and letting it fall to the floor.
"In bed I plan on fucking you until the early hours listening to you and your father fucking has me so fucking horny." He said and walked to their bedroom as soon as Jeza was on her hands and knee's Nick was inside her ass fucking her hard.
"In two nights I hope one of my fantasy will come true." He said.
"Just tell her the truth babe." She said and cried out as Nick went harder and faster.
"Iam so damn fucking horny." He said and grabbed Jeza by the hair and pulled her head back and fucked her for the next fifteen minutes.
Nick pulled out and lent back on his feet.
"Suck my cock babe." He said and played with Jeza's hair as she took him in her mouth.

"I love you Jeza and am so glad we have the sort of relationship that we can do this." He said.
Jeza lifted her head and got to her knee's.
"But we never do anything with anyone without the other being there or knowing about it stop talking and get ready to fuck me again." She said and went back down and took his cock in her mouth.
"I promise Jeza." He said and thought about what was going to maybe happen in two nights.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-06-12 10:52:36
punctuation is your friend. hard to read all the sentences that run together, when someone is talking, occasionally there would be a , in there. couldn't read it, sorry, gave it a negative

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