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Sid leaves for the hardware store.
Escape for Passion

Part 3

Chapter 3A

After her shower, as she was standing, nude, at the kitchen sink, Judy heard Sid fumbling around in the exercise room. Sid was always messing around with something around the house or out in the garage/workroom. It really didn't matter to her what he did.

Judy was just happy to keep house for him and encourage him to screw her every chance he got. Knowing he was happy made her happy. She was totally wrapped up in doing nice things for him. She especially wanted to please her “Master” and do all the things he required of her. This gave her that safe, warm, secure feeling she used to have before she left home.

Even though her step-father was banging and beating her, she never felt threatened with more harm than she could stand. Deep down she knew he really loved her. It just got to be a bore every day so she departed for other places and other adventures. She never felt that secure with Renny and Dora.

Today was a bit unusual. They didn't usually fuck more than two or three times a week and here it was not even noon yet and she'd been had twice already. Sid must be getting ready to leave on another one of his extended trips and was trying to "make up some fucking time" as he put it.

Sid didn't talk about his business. He said he was wealthy, but every few months he had to be away for up to two weeks at a time. Judy was lonely without him, but she was not afraid to stay up on the mountain without him. She'd just never felt threatened up here. It seemed too beautiful to be frightening.

Before he left, he usually got her good and hot and screwed her so well that she was satiated for days after he'd been gone. Still, she was very horny when he returned. She was glad he didn't have to go out of town too often.

She heard him coming down the hall and into the kitchen. "I've got a project going in the exercise room and I've got to run into town to the hardware store for parts, did you want anything while I'm in town?" Sid asked as he washed his hands at the sink.

A trip to the small town about twenty miles away was something to take advantage of because it took about thirty minutes either way. They kept a running list of needed items on the refrigerator and Sid walked over to get it now.

"Just what's on that list and some soap for the bathrooms," said Judy as she continued to turn the frying bacon strips in the pan before her. She had put on a kitchen apron to keep the grease from spitting out onto her naked tits. Experience had taught her well.

"OK, I've got a special treat for you while I'm gone. As soon as the breakfast dishes are done, I'll help you get into it," Sid said with a big smile.

"Hmmm, sounds like something I might like." Judy smiled back and twitched her hips and pushed out her perky little ass at him.

Judy had a certain need to be bound or confined, then sexually stimulated and abused. Sid told her that it was probably because of the abuse she took from her step father and Renny and Dora. She had gotten used to the idea of submission with some pain as a way to get off and her body was insisting that it needed it every now and then.

The infrequent trips to town by Sid presented a perfect opportunity for her to indulge in her unusual fetish. Sid thought it was fine as long as she enjoyed it and it was safely done. If the truth were known, Sid probably enjoyed the preparation for it as much as she did.

After the breakfast dishes were washed and put away, Judy went back into the exercise room to find Sid amidst pieces of wooden chair rail and metal brackets, cushions and a menage of nuts and bolts. "Well, don't you look like a kid in love with a new gadget? Whatcha doing?" She asked.

"I'm making something for you. That's why I'm going into town. It's a surprise, so just march yourself right out to the playroom and I'll get you fixed up before I go. I've been thinking about what I'm going to do to you before I leave and I can't seem to concentrate on putting this together anyway," He replied.

When they reached the playroom and turned the lights on, Judy was reminded of how little real furniture they had in the windowless basement room. She went over to what looked like a tall workout bench, leaned against it and asked Sid, "Well, Master, what delights have you in store for your slave today?"

"Don't talk until you're told to slave!" said Sid as he slid into his role as Master with ease. The sound of his sharp voice and commanding tone sent shivers down the nubile teenager's spine and stood her up straight with wide eyes and bowed head. She once again entered that safe and secure place of submission that she had found as a haven from all of life’s troubles. She was perfectly content to let Sid do as he wished, even if it hurt her, because she knew that he wanted it, it pleased him, and no matter how much it gave her pain, she knew she would orgasm mightily from it. She always did.

"Get over here and stand before me respectfully, Slave!" he shouted.

She silently went to stand before him, naked and cowed, with her head lowered and her hands at her sides.

"Turn around slave!" he grunted. "Bend over, slave!" he growled again when she had complied. "Grip your ankles slave!" he exclaimed as she went down to the floor and took a firm grip of her ankles. "Spread 'em slave!" he barked as she spread her feet about three feet and kept her grip on her ankles.

Sid leaned back and spread her ass cheeks as he said "Now, tell me what a bad girl you've been this week!" This was a key phrase that her step father had used on her for years as a purge of her conscious before he beat her. "I've been so bad master!" She moaned. "I need to be punished for what I've done."

"And just what have you done?" Sid asked as he walked over to a cupboard mounted on the wall.

"I've not washed and ironed my clothes as I should and I gossiped with Lucy about Tommy ......" and a long monologue of imagined and real crimes was spewed from Judy like a prayer from a priest.

While she went on, Sid had returned with a few things from the cupboard. As she continued listing her misdeeds, he fastened leather cuffs around her wrists that locked with audible clicks. Then he did the same to her ankles and neck and waist. These were the normal trappings of their little games. The snug fit of these implements once again restored a greater sense of security in her.

They reminded her of the many times she had worn them before and how exquisitely she had orgasmed, with them around the different parts of her body. As he snapped a metal pin through the wrist and ankle rings in the cuffs to make sure that each leg was attached to the same side wrist, she felt her pussy once again juicing to the point that she could feel cum drool running down the inside of both her legs.

Sid tightened the buckles that pulled the ankles and wrists tightly together to make sure she stayed in that bent over position. Then he placed the string to her emergency release rope in her right hand and wrapped it around her middle finger. This was the escape mechanism she knew she could use if something got to be too much for her when he was doing something else, or away from the house.

She resolved to endure whatever he had in store for her. When he stood up behind her again, she trembled at being a helpless victim and her cunt started to get wet. She was beginning to run out of things to say that made any sense. Her submission was complete and she began to run down verbally as her cunt heated up to sloppy arousal and sidetracked her thoughts.

"That's enough bitch!" he exclaimed as he went back to the cupboard. "I've heard enough of your drivel." Coming back to her, he reached around her neck and head and slipped a ball gag effectively into her mouth and pulled the elastic strap tight around her head. This forced the hard rubber ball between her teeth and shut off her monologue.

"I will have some piece and quiet with that in you." he declared. Then he stepped back to look at his handiwork and, not satisfied, he grabbed one of the ropes hanging from the block and tackle sets he had permanently installed in the ceiling of the playroom. He connected the hook into the ring on the back of the wide leather belt around her waist and took the tension out of the line. Then he hoisted her up an inch or so until she was on her toes, but not entirely supported by the rope.

"Now Miss naughty bitch, I have a solution to your problems!" And he stepped over to the cupboard again. He came back with a metal bar that he attached between her ankles to keep her legs well spread. Of course, since her wrists were attached to her ankles, she was spread completely from both ends. He bent over and clipped a hook in the middle of the bar to a ring set in the floor to keep her from squirming around too much.

Then he picked up a short, hard, leather clad riding crop and came back over to stand at her side. He slowly administered twenty sharp cracks to her ass and the backs of her legs. Not hard enough to leave welts and definitely not hard enough to break the skin. Each stroke was laid in with love and affection and only stung enough to let her know it could really hurt if he wanted it to. Judy, of course cried and screamed around the ball gag in her mouth as she imagined the pain she could have been in if he really wanted her to feel it. She imagined that she could not get away from the “terrible beating.”

All during the love beating, she kept feeling safe and secure in the knowledge that her Master would not permanently harm her, and that what she was doing was pleasing her Master. She was content to let him take charge and direct this little interlude to their fucking life. The certain feeling that he would not really do her serious harm revved up her engine and her feeling of arousal that he did not do so ran the spectrum from fear to extreme love. It mostly translated into love knowing that he did not harm her seriously.

Each stroke was delivered to a different place on her buns and a thirty second pause was adhered to in between each to give her time to anticipate and fear the next one. Judy clenched and twitched her ass cheeks to stop the stinging pain, but nothing she could do would stop the fingers of fire that blazed across her butt. The stinging fire spread down to her cunt and started it juicing and twitching. Every time he hit her, her whole body jerked and jumped in futile efforts to get away from the pain, but the feelings of subservience and safety remained to soften each blow and make her more and more horny.

By the end of the twenty strokes, her ass was stinging and prettily red, her cunt was aroused and wet and her eyes were filled with tears. Knowing that she had completed the task of enduring the strokes her Master wanted her to have made her feel as happy as she could have possibly been. The very last stroke was delivered across her churning cunt and that was the blow that sent off skyrockets and spasms of orgasm that delighted and exhausted Judy.

As she came down from the high of her orgasm, she heard his zipper being lowered and noticed him standing next to her ass. Sure enough, a greased cock was slowly working its way up her shit chute and stretching her ass wide. Her ass chute widened slowly as Sid slid his slippery rod deeper into her. She felt the walls of her anus snap in place behind the corona of his dick and thrilled deep in her gut as he pushed on into her bowels with deliberate slowness. Goosebumps rose down both legs and arms as he advanced his large log into her guts. Some cramping began as he neared the end of her bottom chute, but these just added to her overall sensations of total helplessness and made her hornier that ever.

When he was in as far as he could go, he worked it back and forth a time or two, to make sure he had the correct angle of attack, and then began a steady rhythm up and out of her shit chute. Sid added to her horni ness by frustrating her. As she would approach orgasm, Sid would slow down to slow stroke her pussy entrance with his hand while stopping the sawing action in her ass. That made her back off of her cum just a little. As he felt her fall back a bit from the edge or orgasm, he would speed up and then slow down again as she got nearer to her big O. Then he would push deep into her bowels and hold it there until she cooled off once more. He was deliberately not going to let her cum with his prick stuffed up inside her ass.

Then he started long fast strokes in her ass and she was on her way back up to orgasm, but before she got there, she heard him grunting and moaning and felt him cum up her butt before she could get her own peek. Then he pulled out and casually walked over to the cupboard to put up the crop leaving her hanging both literally and figuratively in the middle of the room. When he returned to her, he held out a complicated set of straps attached to a large, nine inch dildo with a set of hairy, testicles attached.

Resting the dildo on her butt as if her butt were a table, he casually spread her cheeks with one hand and ran a finger into her cunt slowly. It stung from the cruel lash he had just administered, but she was still high from the quick ass fuck and the sting just added to her stimulation. When he was all the way in, he turned and twisted it back and forth and slid it in and out of her dripping pussy. Then he withdrew it and moved up to the loose hole of her anus with the white cum milk slowly oozing out of it.

He not too gently probed and pushed about a half inch of three of his large digits into her and began moving back and forth like a wide cock fucking her asshole and stretching it even wider. She saw the reason why when he removed the fat, long dildo from her butt-table and showed her what looked like a horse cock that he was going to use on her.

Judy creamed her snatch further and cried into the ball gag as sensations of lust went off in her that she could not and did not want to control. Fear that she could not take the large dildo up her ass without substantial damage raged through her brain. On the other hand, she was excited that it was going to happen to her and looked forward to taking it all for her Master.

She loved the feel of a good hard anything up her butt and it really turned her on when she was tied up and made helpless while she got her ass reamed, but this was going to really be a large pain in the ass! The burn in her ass cheeks had spread to include her ass hole and she squirmed delightfully, but fearfully.

Sid reached down and grabbed her hand and said, “I’m going to put this dildo up your butt. It will be very painful. Squeeze twice if you want it done. Do nothing and I won’t, but I will be very disappointed in you.” This was their safe word and Judy knew that with the gag in her mouth he had resorted to touch as a way to communicate and make sure she was OK with what he was going to do. She didn’t hesitate. She squeezed as hard as she could twice and Sid stood back up behind her.

He began to slowly run the head of the soft, latex cock around her ass hole and tease her with it. Judy was able to gain just a little leverage with her toes on the floor and managed to swing back onto the very tip of doubly frustrated by not being able to do it herself.

Sid replaced the dildo again with his fingers into her butt He pushed deeper and lengthened the strokes into her body. When he felt her begin to loosen up even more, he slid his finger back out and pushed four fingers back into her anus. She groaned loudly as he stretched her tiny asshole further with his fat fingers. Meanwhile he watched her for signs that she did not want him to proceed. They had also worked out a safe signal of her tossing her head up and down to indicate she wanted him to stop. Her head shook from side to side, but not up and down.

When she appeared to be accepting this four finger ravishment with relative ease, he reached up and placed the dildo at the entrance to her snatch. He rubbed the two and a half inch head of the dildo around her pussy lips to lubricate it from the juices that overflowed her cuntal orifice and ran down her legs. When the overlarge cock head was sufficiently greased, he moved it up to her distended asshole and pushed slowly to start the log of love up her shit chute.

The muscles of her ass were stretched mightily by the big dick and it really burned and was uncomfortable to her to be pushed open that wide. She moaned louder around the ball gag and tried to move her ass forward and away from the big intruder. Sid paused to see if she wanted him to stop. When she remained still, he resumed a steady pressure on the dildo going into her ass hole.

As he pushed her parallel to the floor, the rope attached to her waist belt stretched tighter and her toes left the floor and her weight swung forward. She was swinging free of the ground now and all Sid had to do was hold the big cock still and watch her body and gravity cause more of the big dick to be driven up her shit hole as she swung back onto it.

The ring around her anus stretched to the point of breaking and finally popped over the wide corona of the plastic cock, bringing another scream from around the ball gag that seemed like real distress, even to Sid. Again, he paused to let her accommodate the large dildo and to see if she would use the signal to stop this exquisite ass torture. When she did not, he left the dildo with about three inches in her ass and went around to her front and temporarily pulled the ball gag out of her mouth and asked “What was that slave bitch, were you trying to say that you wanted cock or mercy?” he sneered at the incoherent sounds emanating from her mouth. She was practically delirious with lust.

When he recognized that they were sounds of pleasure, and not pain, he replaced the ball gag and said, “OK, my little split peach, if it’s more you want, Then I’ll let you have it all.” Even though Judy shook her head no, she did not give their safe signal and they both then knew that she wanted, more than anything, for him to continue the slow rape of her asshole.

Her muffled cries were even louder and her struggles to get free of her bonds were more pronounced as the cock head slid up her dark hole. Slowly she accepted the large and long cock up the open end of her large intestine to lodge deep in her inner bowels.

Judy was stuffed and she knew it. About two inches of the prick remained sticking out of her ass before the big hairy balls would stop their constant advance. Her ass was stretched to the limit and she could feel the hard rubber cock way up into her belly as Sid applied and tightened the elastic straps attached to the artificial cock to the leather belt at her waist and around her ankles so that it was constantly being pressed further into her ass.

As he cinched each of the three elastic straps tighter and the plastic prick pressed deeper into her, the pain of her penetration almost made her pass out. She clamped her ass cheeks together to stop the advance of the intruder up her backside. It stopped its inward march up her shit chute just as Sid had tightened the straps all the way. There was constant inward pressure on the prick from the tightened straps, but for the moment she had stopped the relentless intrusion into her body.

Sid leaned over and grabbed her tits from between her spread legs and began massaging them and pinching her nipples. Then he took out some fishhook shaped wires and ran them through the holes he had pierced through her nipples several weeks ago. A short piece of string hung down toward the floor in front of her face. Each string had a bobby pin tied to the end of it with the string in the middle of the length of the pin.

Sid took several quarters from a box in his hand and began sliding the slits he had cut in them around the strings. This added weight to her nipples. As he added six quarters to her right nipple, it stretched down in front of her face until she thought it would split wide open. Sid reached over to add another and Judy shook her head vigorously and looked at him with pleading eyes. He placed it on the string anyway and said, "I like the way your nipples are stretched so long after a few hours of this treatment slave. Shall I add another one?" he asked as he reached for another one.

She shook her head vigorously back and forth and made pleading sounds around the gag and begged with her eyes, but she did not use the safe signal.

"Another one it is." He said as he slipped the eighth one onto her nipple string. Her nipple stretched and felt like it was on fire as the additional weight was put on her tortured nipple. The same treatment was given to her left nipple and Sid left the room to the agonized groans of the tied, suspended, helpless girl with the whipped ass, and the stretching dildo with pulling straps, and weights on her nipples.

He returned a few minutes later with a long piece of wire and plugged something into the wall. "I was using this in the shop, but you may borrow it until I return slave." Then he plugged it into the end of the protruding dildo and turned on the switch. The dildo immediately began to hum with a low intensity vibration that had her shaking and clenching her ass cheeks together even harder. Sid cruelly pulled the horse cock almost all the way out of her hole and let the elastic straps snap it back into place.

It did not penetrate back in quite as far, but the shock of its fast re-entry almost overcame her with its sudden pain. By this time, the pussy juice around the outside of her asshole had dried and it was relatively easy to stop the advance of the artificial horse-cock up her shit tube.

"Ta Ta slave, I'll see you in a couple of hours. Have fun now!" He said as he left the room, dressed and she heard him drive off.

Judy had been left alone in an isolated house trussed up with a vibrating, artificial cock rammed up her butt hanging from the ceiling by a rope so that her toes barely supported her weight. She spent a few minutes shifting her weight from her toes to the belt around her waist. She was getting dizzy and her arms were going numb from being stretched down to her ankles.

She was glad that she had no tummy to bend over. The fire in her ass from the cropping didn't seem to lessen and she burned and itched all the way down the back of her legs to her knees. Her grip on the safety string was strong and memorable as she contemplated getting out of this position, but she wanted so badly to please him. If this is what he had in mind for her to do, that’s what she’d do.

The vibrating machine in her butt hummed merrily and she could feel the vibrations up and down her backside and belly. She felt her ass muscles going numb and stretching. As she did, the cramping up her backside relaxed and the cock slipped into her a bit further. The cramping began again and she clamped down on her ass muscles again to halt its advance. She now realized Sid's devious torture and had to admire him for it. She would slowly allow the advancement of the large vibrating dildo up into her ass over the course of the next two hours.

Then she orgasmed! It was the first of many to come over the course of the next two hours.

Slowly, more and more of the plastic vibrator was pulled into her clenching and increasingly numb ass by the elastic straps he had used to secure it to her body. It moved inexorably in until it was literally balls deep into her. Each time it had advanced a bit, it caused pain down deep and she clenched to halt its advance. She was forced to torture herself in this manner, slowly for two hours as the machine continued to creep-slide deeper and deeper.

She hurt so well! Her pussy was drenched with its own juices. She was a deep submissive, and Sid had devised a most exquisite form of submission for her. She loved him even more for it! She never thought to pull the release string wound around her middle finger. Escape was not what she wanted. She wanted to please her Master.

It was now almost two and a half hours later and the vibrator was all the way into her and the balls had even begun to try to open her wider. The humming never ceased and the vibrator was getting hotter and hotter. It felt scalding inside of her. The pain deep in her gut had gone away as the last few millimeters of prick had slid into her.

The nipples of her tits were on fire as the weight of the quarters kept pulling them ever further toward the ground right in front of her face. Every movement caused them to swing wildly about and pull in different ways at her nipples. She could see them lengthen visibly right in front of her eyes. In spite of the pain and discomfort, she watched excitedly as her body slowly stretched to conform to the desires of her Master’s wishes. She felt proud that she was doing what he wanted so well!

Her entire world revolved around the dildo in her gut and ass and the fire in her titties and the stings on her ass and legs. She was on fire all over. She was so dizzy she felt she would pass out any minute. At times, over the last two and a half hours the feelings had been so intense as she came over and over that she felt as if she were in a world all her own. A world that revolved around the hard cock vibrating in her ass and causing deep gut cramps as it crept into her and made her orgasm repeatedly until she was totally exhausted. The tearing fire of the nipple stretching that she was going through just added to her overall sensations and made her feel even more submissive to her Master’s will.

Finally, the sounds of Sid coming back roused her from her near trance. Hope of a quick release arose in her as she heard him coming into the room. "Ah yes, there's my little bitch now, doesn't she look a sight." He said to no one as he played the part of Master well. "I see you've managed to take it all in. Would you like me to relieve you of some of that?" he asked.

She pleaded with her eyes as he approached her and knelt near her numb titties. He un-hooked the nipple of first the left then the right tit and massaged them back to life. This set fire off in both nips as the circulation returned and intensified the sensations she felt.

He reached up to her cunt and dipped his fingers into her squishy well of fire to see if she was still excited. Then he rubbed some of her juices over the sensitive clit at the top of her vagina and watched her squirm some more.

"What's that, slave? You'd like some more? Well I can accommodate you on that one. How about a little bit more vibration?" he said as he turned the switch from low to medium on the back of the vibrator. "Do you want more? Ok!" he said with glee and turned it up to high.

The vibrator danced and bounced around in her asshole until she thought she'd go nuts. The deep gut cramps returned in spades and she almost passed out from the intensity of the vibrations as they drove her to yet another series of unending orgasms. When she saw him reach down to her clit once more, she thought he'd stroke her again. Instead, he used one hand to spread her cunt lips and uncover her clitoral hood. With the other hand, he reached in and pinched her bare clit, hard.

She screamed around the gag and her whole body began jerking and twitching as she orgasmed over and over again. He pinched her clit again and she just got louder and more vigorous. The third pinch to her clitty caused her to go off the deep end and she passed out.

She hung limply by the rope from the ceiling with her whole body twitching and spasming from her climax. Sid reached up and grabbed another piece of rope and clipped it to the hook on the bar between her ankles as he un-clipped it from the ring in the floor. Hauling down on this rope pulled her up by her arms and legs. This reversed her from the position of head down to head up and started the blood that had collected in her arms and legs to return to the rest of her body. More fire of returning circulation coursed through her aching arms and legs as the feeling returned to those extremities. She awoke screaming from the pain of the fire.

The vibrator in her ass still hummed loudly and her cunt dripped with juices as Sid hoisted her up by both ropes until her cunt was about chin level. He tied off the hoist ropes and, while she was still coming awake, he began munching her sloppy box.

When Judy awoke fully, she noticed the fire in her arms and legs and screamed around the ball gag over and over. She also noticed a completely different orientation of her body and dizziness that went with the new position. Then she felt the vibrator up her butt going strong and sending sharp thrills up her spine and down to her cunt.

The cramps deep up her bowels had stopped and she felt nearly numb there again. Then she felt Sid gnawing savagely at her pussy lips and dipping his whole face into her greasy cunt. That sent her off again into another set of orgasms that went on and on and on. Her body clenched into a tight ball and her moans and screams were loud even around the hard rubber gag.

After what seemed like twenty minutes of cumming repeatedly without let up, her exhausted body's contractions seemed to be dying down and Sid lowered her down to about prick height and rammed his cock as far into her cunt as he could. She screamed around the ball gag again and roared right back into orgasmic heaven as Sid rode her back and forth over the length of his rock hard cock.

The vibrations of the big, artificial cock next to his cock in her body just about sent his cum into her as soon as he got balls deep, on the first stroke. He just barely held onto his control and knew that it wouldn't take many strokes in this hot and vibrating furnace to pop his load. Sure enough, after about eight or nine long, deep strokes into her spasming cunt-hole, he unloaded.

When he regained his composure, he noticed that Judy had nearly passed out again, but through the ball gag and the exhaustion she felt, there was still something of a smile in her eyes and lips on what parts of her mouth the ball gag did not hide.
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