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Abi has the interview from hell to land her perfect job
The Interview

The alarm barely had time to sound before Abi's hand darted at the off button. She was so used to waking up at 6.30 every morning that she no longer needed an alarm in truth. She preferred to start the working day abruptly however and so she used an alarm. As usual, Jason didn't even stir at the interruption to his slumber. She swung her bare legs out of bed and stretched silently. The sun was just starting to glow over the horizon and was causing her curtains to glow softly. The gentle light framed her naked body which, shuddering slightly at the spring cold, she forced out of bed. Her long dark hair floated gracefully down her waist. She stared at her reflection in her mirror and visualised getting dressed. This was another routine she practiced daily. As Abi's mother told her, “routine is good for the soul”.

She started the practice by thinking of her underwear. She imagined putting on a small black thong, translucent at the front but with a delicate lace frame. She thought to herself “I'm so glad I shave myself there or my favourite underwear would be rather ugly”. She mentally slapped herself at her own interruption and continued. She then imagined putting on a matching bra. Still thin and translucent, but easier on the lace. She had relatively large breasts and did not need to drag more male notice to them by having lace poking through her blouse.

Underwear sorted, she then considered what else to wear. She knew that today could be the day. The day she finally got her promotion in motion. All the right senior managers were in today. She just had to look the part. No excuses. She decided on a red silk blouse. It cost her a fortune and she last used it in the interview for her current job. She now considered it her lucky blouse as, amazingly, she had been offered a place at Thinemans, Bank of London at just 18 as a trainee corporate investment account handler. She finally settled on a short skirt. Abi was proud to look after her body. No harm in showing a temporary charm, she thought to herself. The skirt came only halfway down her thighs but at least had enough give in it that she could bend over relatively freely. She settled on a pair of 4 inch heels which pushed her height up to just under 6 foot. She preferred being tall – particularly when dealing with men. Men and interviews..., she admitted.

Abi's job was her life. Considered a mathematical prodigy by her school, she shocked and appalled her teachers and parents both when she declined University. A model student, few could imagine a better place for her to go. Abi wanted to work and felt that University was just delaying the inevitable. The job at Thinemans was exactly what she wanted. She earned enough to move out at 18 and was quickly known as a unusually skilled mathematician. None of the other trainees could beat her in any of her exams when it came to maths. Even though she was by-far the youngest trainee, Abi was determined to go far at Thinemans. She knew that the business was doing well and she wanted to be a big part of it's success.

Feeling confident, she stealthily navigated the bedroom and showered. Jason would sleep through an earthquake!, she thought to herself. Indeed, upon returning he was still asleep. Hardly surprising, he came in so late last night... She sometimes wondered if his late hours were simply the rigours of being a policeman or if there was more to it. A battle for another day, she decided.

The drive to work was, for Abi, the same as every other drive to work. Another routine of hers was to visualise the day. Today was a little different however as today could be the day. Someone in corporate investment had retired and all the trainees were told that interviews would be happening soon. Some of the trainees had already been told that they were not ready and thus would not be considered yet. Abi was not one of these people. This job was what she had wanted since she was at school. A real job. Not a trainee. A PA. An office. A company car. Everything. Abi lusted after this job like a teenager lusted after a boy. She needed it. She visualised getting called for interview. She thought of questions. She even spoke some of the answers aloud. Preparation is everything, thought Abi.

Abi arrived at work with 10 minutes to spare, just like every other day. She passed security and gave the man behind the desk a nod. He looked her up and down and winked but Abi pretended not to notice. At least that confirms I look OK today, even if I do get perved on, she thought. The could feel the guard's eyes following her all the way to the lift and was pleased when the doors finally closed.

Two floors up, Laura got in. The lift immediately started to fill with a scent of light roses – Laura's trademark perfume. Abi reflected, It would be a lot nicer if she didn't wear so much of it., It was common fact amongst the trainees and even some of the qualified staff that Laura despised Abi. Abi had spent a lot of time trying to work out why and even build bridges with Laura but all efforts were futile. Laura was cool to most people but to Abi she was freezing.

“Good morning”, said Abi brightly.

Laura didn't even acknowledge her other than a slight baring of perfect white teeth. Abi was not jealous of Laura but she could not help but admire how beautiful she was. Laura was a few inches taller than Abi but all those inches were in her legs. Laura was in her mid twenties but most would not have put her a day over 19. It was well known that Laura had modelled at university and that she still maintained the diet and fitness routine required of a model. Laura's breasts were a little smaller than Abi's, but she advertised them more. She wore a dark blouse, unbuttoned to show slightly more cleavage than the average woman could get away with. A white, lacy bra strained to show through the top of her blouse. Her skirt came even shorter than Abi's and was tighter besides. Now, she will have trouble bending over!, thought Abi smugly. Where Abi dressed for professional elegance, Laura dressed for professional sex appeal. Abi had heard the men speak in hushed tones about Laura on more than one occasion and the topic of conversation was never fit for the office. In fact, she had heard them speak about herself like that too. Men should think of something else sometimes..., reflected Abi.

The lift arrived at Abi's floor and she walked smartly over to her desk. She sat down and began her usual routine of emails and in-tray, followed by low-value accounts and voice messages. A few of the girls came over for chit chat but Abi was a little shorter with them today than she normally was. I will not be found slacking today!, she vowed. She wondered if Laura had ever slacked. Abi may have been top of the class in mathematics, but Laura was a close second. Laura was renowned around the office for her clinical decision making. There was a reason that Laura had few friends. Abi had read the report on one of her corporate account handling. She advised the CEO to make 10 people redundant in order to increase overall profits by 3%. That said, Thinemans had made a good deal of profit out Laura's decision making and Abi knew that her and Laura were the favourites for the promotion. A soft chime from her computer roused her from her thoughts. An email from Mr Strachan!


Please come and see me in my office at 11:00 for an interview. It will last no longer than 30 minutes. I'm sure you are aware for what position the interview is for.

Please note that Mr Lovegood and Mr Kirtman will be advising in this recruitment process.

Please ensure you come appropriately prepared.


Nick Strachan
Senior Manager
Corporate Accounts
Thinemans Bank

Abi's heart skipped a beat. This is it! She could have danced around the office. 18 Months of hard work to get to this point. Do not fuck this up! She scolded herself for thinking negatively but that did not take away from the pressure that she was feeling. She looked down at the time. 10.30. Only 30 minutes to go! She looked around the office and was surprised to see so many disappointed faces. She overheard Charlotte telling Gina about how she was just sure that this was her chance and how Mr Strachan was a fool for saying she needed more development. Gina made sympathetic noises but her face looked otherwise. So did the tears on her face. Abi peered around her computer screen to look for Laura and was slightly surprised to see that she wasn't there. She look around the room but couldn't see her. Maybe she is having a break? She immediately squashed that thought. Laura never took breaks.

Abi wondered how exactly she was to prepare for the interview anymore than she had done over the last 18 months. She brought up the “About Thinemans” page on the Intranet but she knew it all by heart anyway. She considered visualising the questioning and answering process again but thought she might get some funny looks if she started talking to herself like she did in the car. She eventually decided on partly-validating a low-value clients tax return. My last low-value client... She thought wistfully. The clock on her computer dragged itself around to 10:55 and she decided to make a move. She only had to go up one floor but she felt it would be polite if she was a few minutes early. In the lift she couldn't help but put one hand over her stomach.

“Stupid butterflies...”, she grumbled.

The lift doors opened and admitted her to the hallway which led to the only office on the floor. She walked over to Mr Strachan's PA and opened her mouth to say why she had come but the PA got there first.

“Please take a seat Abi. Mr Strachan is interviewing another candidate right now. He will see you shortly.”

Abi barely had time to flatten her blouse and smooth her skirt before the office door opened. Laura walked out baring her perfect smile.

“Thank you Mr Strachan. I look forward to hearing from you soon”, Laura said sweetly.

“No later than the end of the day”, said Mr Strachan smartly.

Laura turned and walked past Abi and Abi could not help but notice the filthy look that she gave her. Abi returned a smile but for once actually wanted to return the look and maybe even a good kick to match. Why did it have to be her that got interviewed first!! She tried to force her face into a serene expression but thought it probably still looked as bitter as she felt. Her bitterness was eased considerably when she saw a damp, faintly white mark on Abi's blouse, just above her right breast. She puts so much effort into looking the perfect woman but when it counts ends up getting something on her top. Karma is a bitch... She thought vindictively. Her train of thought was halted by Mr Strachan.

“Abi, please go into my office and take a seat. I will be a few moments.”

“Yes, Mr Strachan”, she said obediently. She immediately regretted saying it as it made her sound like a schoolgirl. She had heard the whispers of the odd new trainee saying she was too young for such a serious job. Mostly, they stopped complaining when they heard how good she was. Mostly. Still, she found people talking about her age more than irritating and made a lot of effort to at least appear like she was the same age as everyone else.

She went inside Mr Strachan's office and sat down in front of his desk. It was huge – even compared to the qualified account handlers offices. He had 3 large windows looking over the London skyline. A large bookcase full of books filled one entire wall up to the ceiling. There were a handful of personal items she saw, a picture of his family, a small table, some comfier chairs and a mirror. Mr Strachan had worked for Thinemans for nearly 26 years and his office reflected his wisdom and seniority.

Abi started absent mindedly playing with Mr Strachan's stationary. Do I know enough? What did Laura say? Does she know something I don't. Mr Strachan's pen fell through her fingers and slid a few feet behind her towards the door. She stood up took and look at the rear of the door. A hierarchical structure of Thineman's management poster was stuck to the back. She smiled thinking, one day... She turned around and bent over and picked up the pencil. She felt her skirt slide up her thighs and wasn't quite sure if it stopped sliding where she thought it did. That will teach me for wearing such a stupidly short skirt! You are at work you silly woman, not a brothel! She stalked back to her chair.

“Sorry about the wait Abi. We will get started now. How are you?”

Abi jumped. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't even heard Mr Strachan come in. She wandered how long he had been at the door and flushed at the thought of him seeing her so exposed. The skirt didn't go that high... Did it?

“Not at all. I am very well thank you. Yourself?”, she said, trying to keep the note of surprise out of her voice. Mr Strachan's face was a mask of serenity.

“Well, thank you. Please call me Nick”. It was not a request – more of an instruction.

“OK Mr Str- Nick”. She blushed a little but thought, so far so good...

Mr Strachan frowned for a moment then sat at his desk. Abi look at him and thought to herself you might have been good looking once. He was around early 50's, hair beginning to grey at his temples but otherwise black. He had a slight paunch beginning but he hid it well through a smart, well fitting suit. She thought that there was something different about him than from when she saw him in the hall but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Mr Strachan began in a formal tone, “Abi, firstly, you should know that we are only interviewing you and Laura. You are our only candidates. You do not need me to remind you that this is an important position in the company and we will only accept the best candidates. I hope you understand that”.

Abi opened her mouth to agree but Mr Strachan continued.

“Secondly, this interview will not be about your knowledge of the company or evaluating your current skill set. You have been regularly examined in the last 18 months and you have come in the top 2 every time. This interview is more about assessing your... people skills.”. He ended the sentence with a wry smile.

“OK...”, said Abi. She wanted to say something witty but her brain was still trying to work out exactly what he wanted from her. Not assessing my knowledge?

“Are you familiar with Laura, Abi?”

Abi thought this was an odd question but replied, “err Yes! We erm.. chat sometimes. Kinda...”. She inwardly groaned at her less than polished response but he appeared not to notice.

“What do you think of her?”

This is weird... Thought Abi.

“She is very skilled at what she does, Nick. She is a good decision maker and quick with figures and solutions.” She said honestly. She added, “I think she could work on her people skills a little however”. She could not help but smile at her own joke.

Mr Strachan shared her smile. “Perhaps you are right. I guess I will find out soon enough. Tell me Abi, what do you think of Laura physically?”

There was a long pause. Abi tried to work out what he wanted to hear from her.

“She is attractive, I guess”. She laughed hollowly. What on earth is going on?

“I agree, Abi”. Mr Strachan shrugged his shoulders. “Anyway Abi, this interview is about you. Please stand, let me have a look at you. I saw that you had made a lot of effort with your clothes today. But then, you always do don't you.

Abi stood. He actually notices what I wear? She walked to the side of his desk so he could see her fully.

“You are a beautiful young lady, Abi”, Mr Strachan said, very matter-of-factly.

“er.. Thank you”, Abi flushed, somewhat embarrassed.

“I'm afraid I will have to be more forward. How badly do you want this job?”, he asked.

“More than anything”, she replied truthfully.

“Laura said the same thing”. He chuckled slightly. “She proved it too I think.”

Abi didn't know how to reply to that so she stayed silent. There was a long pause before Mr Strachan said quietly.

“A man in my position enjoys certain privileges. Perks, if you like. You trainees are my responsibility and thus, one of my perks. I am like the gatekeeper of your career Abi. If you please me today, I can open to gate so you can start collecting and enjoying your own perks. You do want to please me, don't you?”

Abi wondered if he could be suggesting what she thought he was suggesting. She hoped that it wasn't. “Of course!”, she said, a little too brightly!

“Laura pleased me very much, Abi. You have a lot of work to do if you want this job.”

Abi realised that she was still standing and was nervously toying with the bottom of her skirt, rolling it up an inch and down again. Mr Strachan's eyes had forgotten her face and he was largely addressing her skirt now. She stopped toying with skirt and smoothed it again. She looked at Mr Strachan's face and he looked hungry.

“How can I please you more than she did then Nick?”, she said, hoping to get a straight answer out of him.

“I won't tell you that but have you noticed that I changed my shirt?”, he asked rhetorically.

That is what looks different about him! Abi couldn't believe she didn't notice it before.

He continued, “In truth, I think she needed to change her top too but I think the embarrassment of walking around all day with my cum on her blouse might bring her down a peg or two.”

Abi's suspicions and her fears were confirmed. So that's what that damp mark was... That little slut!!! Mr Strachan seemed to be waiting for a reply from Abi. She needed time to think. How am I going to get out of this?

“er... It might I suppose...”, she mumbled.

“Needless to say, if it is obvious that you want it less than Laura, you will stay with the trainees until a new opening arises. If you breathe a word of this... arrangement to anyone, I will dismiss you and ensure you never get a job in any bank in London again. If you impress, you will be a significant step closer to getting the job. Am I understood?”. He spoke as if he was speaking to a waitress ordering food.

“I do understand Nick. Is there another way I can impress?”, she hoped fervently that he would have something else for to do.

He sighed and said. “Such a shame, Abi. You are so gifted. Perhaps next time.”. Her turned away from her. “Please leave my office.”, he added sadly.

Abi felt numb, everything she wanted was falling apart from her. She wondered if she really did want it that much. Would Jason understand? Maybe if it was just the once... Besides, if Laura did it then I guess I could to. Once it's done... She scolded herself for daring to think of doing what Mr Strachan wanted but she couldn't help her thoughts snowballing. No one else would know. Most people think that either Laura or I will get the job anyway. It's not like he advertises this arrangement. Besides, Jason is a bit older and Mr Strachan isn't that bad. She looked at the man who was old enough to be her father and tried to convince herself that what she just thought was true. Jason's extra 6 years of age was not the same as Mr Strachan's 30 years. Should I? God I want this job so badly.

Mr Strachan coughed loudly. She realised she been staring at the bookcase for 10 seconds and ignored his command to leave the office.

“Mr Strachan... er Nick sorry.. I err...”


Just the one time. Never again. Once this is done, no one can blackmail me again. Plus I can get one over Laura. Thinking of Laura gave her a little conviction. Maybe it will be worth 5 minutes with this... this... PRICK just to see Laura's smug grin wiped off her face. I am better than her and I deserve this job!

“I'll do it.”, Abi said shakily. She couldn't quite believe the words that were coming out of her mouth. “I will be better than Laura”. She surprised herself by saying that aloud.

“I hope you will be, for your sake”, said Mr Strachan simply. He turned his chair away from the desk and towards Abi. He looked expectant. “When you're ready, Abi”.

Abi swallowed and her conviction for what she was about to do grew. One time only. No one will know. One time... She was standing barely 2 feet away. She took a small step forward and sunk to her knees. Her shaking hands went to his zip. She looked up at him and saw him smile encouragingly. She pulled his zip down and undid his trouser button. He was wearing white boxer shorts which had the front button undone on them already. Laura's work, no doubt, she thought hatefully. Her small, delicate hand delved inside the large hole in the boxer shorts. She wrapped her hand around his firming cock and brought it out in front of her. It was neither large nor small but it had a pleasant amount of girth. She started running her hands up and down it slowly, feeling it rapidly harden in her hand. She adjusted her body position and leaned forward slightly. A familiar smell struck her – roses. Laura's perfume... Slut...

Abi had no intention of giving Mr Strachan hours of entertainment. I will do just enough, just better than Laura. I'm not a whore like her. The question is, what did Laura do? Mr Strachan was watching her intently. Abi kept up her caressing. She gripped his cock tightly, near the top and jerked him down and up, down and up, down and up. White pre-cum began to ooze at the tip of his cock. She thought to herself, hopefully all she did was give him a handjob. That way, maybe if I put it in my mouth a few times he will think that is better. She steeled herself mentally. Abi didn't mind giving blowjobs but she had never been blackmailed into giving one before.

Abi pulled down on Mr Strachan's cock and tilted it towards her face. She looked up into Mr Strachan's eyes. She noticed how grey and cold they were. He had no qualms about crushing her career, blackmailing her or even Laura for that matter. He had nothing to lose. Pushing thoughts of anger from her mind, she maintained eye contact and brought her face closer. Mr Strachan seemed to look at her more intensely. She could feel his cock pulsing gently in her hand. She licked his cock from the base slowly – all the way to the top. She stopped just before the pre-cum. No need to go overboard. Laura would never have don- wait... She could almost taste something on her tongue that was neither cum or cock. She closed her eyes and repeated the action, licking his cock at both sides all the way up. Her tongue fanned wide to capture the taste as much as possible. She recognised not the taste but the texture on her tongue. Like a silky oil that was the reward from deep kissing. She knew that someone else had been licking or sucking his cock and it didn't take a genius to guess who. That dirty whore!

Abi had no choice now but to give Mr Strachan the best blowjob she could muster. Mr Strachan was smiling. Abi wondered if she could read her mind from her facial expressions. Abi restored eye contact with him, smiled as sexy a smile as she could give and then opened her mouth wide. She then dropped her head into his lap until should feel his cock at the back of her throat. She closed her lips and then moved her head backwards. She then had just the head of his cock in her mouth. She then rotated her tongue, flat against against his head and moved it in circles. This caused Mr Strachan to grunt slightly which gave Abi a minor feeling of satisfaction.

Abi let some of her saliva slide down his cock. She had sucked enough cocks in her tender years to know what men liked. She pulled away and was pleased to see she had licked away the pre-cum. Which guy doesn't like that...?, she thought wryly. She raised her hand slightly to drag the saliva down the shaft and it began to lubricate her hand movements. She felt a pressure on the back of her head – Mr Strachan's hand... She yielded to the pressure, opened her mouth once more and took him deep. She then slid slowly back up to the tip of his shaft and then slid quickly down again, all the while caressing him with her tongue. Any time that Abi caused a grunt she made a mental note. This had to be her best work. Abi settled into a rhythm that gained a little speed. Mr Strachans hands were resting on her neck.

Abi could gradually feel Mr Strachan's fidgeting getting more urgent. He was starting to involuntarily press on the back of her neck in rhythm with her head. Abi was driving his cock to her limit, which was about a couple of inches from the base. Abi had deepthroated a cock before – she remembered it well. Her first boyfriend when she was 15 had practically begged her. That's what you get when you get with older guys... Abi didn't overly enjoy deepthroating though and felt that she was doing enough. Suddenly, her mouth completely full of cock, Mr Strachan pulled her head right into his lap. The final few inches slide down the back of Abi's throat. Abi coughed, somewhat unprepared and swallowed involuntarily. This made Mr Strachan give his loudest groan of pleasure yet. Somewhat affronted, she yanked her head out of his lap and looked up at him quizzically and as regally as she could master. It's hard to look regal when you have just spent the last 5 minutes whoring yourself..., she thought bitterly.

Mr Strachan looked at her and said cooly, “If you want the job, you must do better than Laura. She couldn't deepthroat. I think that you can though. Up to you of course but I didn't have you down as stupid”.

Abi knew she was trapped now. Ha! Something that I have that Laura hasn't! She knew that he had a point... I had best get on with it... I have got this far I guess. Somewhat forlornly, she breathed deeply, opened her mouth wide and did just has her friend had told her when she first did it. Breathe Abi. That's it. Breathe. Then open as wide as you can but make sure your lips are wet. Then pick a point at the base of his cock. Aim his cock exactly down your throat. Slide it in to your limit. That's it- perfect. Now swallow and half way through, slide forward that last few inches. Mr Strachan tilted his head back and moaned. Don't try and breathe too much. Try and draw your surname out on his cock with your tongue before you go back for air too. Abi resisted the urge to gag. If this doesn't get me the job I don't know what will. Abi pulled back for air and repeated the same procedure. This time, she flicked her tongue out across the base of his shaft. To try and gain a bit more breathing time, she then put just his head in her mouth and sucked it in hard but wet. She teased all around his head with her tongue, starting to feel the taste of cum again. He must be getting close now, she hoped.

Abi got back into a rhythm of sucking, teasing and ramming it down her throat. There were no complaints or interruptions from Mr Strachan and Abi could tell he was getting closer. Suddenly, his desk phone rang. Abi was not entirely sure whether to stop or not, so she paused with her mouth half full. Mr Strachan picked up the phone and leaned back again in the chair. He then put some pressure on Abi's head. Keep going I guess...Abi tried to repeat the sucking motions smoothly and without noise. Harder than it looks!, she realised.

“Yes?”, Mr Strachan answered gruffly.

Abi could just hear the answer over her own activities.

“I have some messages from Mr Lovegood and Mr Kirtman. Would you like them brought through?”

Abi recognised the voice. It was Mr Strachan's PA. Just keeping up pretenses... He will get rid of her... Abi was not really prepared for what Mr Strachan said next.
“Yes, please bring them through immediately”.

Abi didn't have time to even get her head out of his lap before the door opened and the PA walked in. Her wet lips, guilty expression and close proximity to Mr Strachan's bare cock spoke volumes. The PA took a look, smiled hawkishly and walked over to the desk as Mr Strachan returned the phone to the hook.

“Your messages, Mr Strachan”, she said smoothly.

Abi felt more pressure on her neck. He wants me to continue??? She was so embarrassed she thought her cheeks were on fire. She could tell everyone!! I wonder if Laura had the same treatment... She realised that if she resisted, she could ruin all her hard work so far. I can't believe I'm gonna do this. She saw out the corner of her eye that the PA was watching her smiling. Abi closed her eyes, gathered her conviction once more and tried to imagine that she was in a locked room that was 300 miles away from another soul. Reluctantly, she opened her mouth and slid half of Mr Strachan's cock in her mouth. Last time someone watched me give some a blowjob was when Kari was teaching me to deepthroat... That was when she was 15. Different circumstances now... She thought bitterly.

Clearly satisfied with Abi's response to the interruption, Mr Strachan said, “Thank you, Kelly.”

“Will there be anything else? Perhaps some condoms are required?”, she said innocently.

I am actually going to hit her when I'm finished here... He will not be screwing me! If Laura didn't let him then I won't either! She carried on sucking Mr Strachan in half motions – as delicate as she could manage. She realised after a few seconds that Mr Strachan hadn't answered her. She saw that both Mr Strachan and Kelly were looking at her expectantly. The question was directed at me!

She pulled away from Mr Strachan. “err... No they won't be required..” She mumbled feeling silly. She looked Mr Strachan in the eyes and said firmly, a little louder. “At all”.

Kelly clearly had seen this all before. How does Mr Strachan get away with it?, wondered Abi.

Kelly closed with, “Thank you Mr Strachan” and promptly turned on her heel and left just as abruptly. Somewhat relieved to see her go, Abi continued a bit more earnestly. She was a little deflated to see that the interruption had caused her to lose a bit of her momentum. He was still as hard as a rock but he was not as tense. I can't quite believe I am willing him to cum! She thought. This job better be worth it...

Abi returned to her rhythm of deepthroat followed by massaging the head of his penis with her tongue followed by deep, smooth and wet sucking. She could tell she was doing it all a bit more vehemently now. She wanted him to cum and it to all be over. She didn't think her cheeks would ever stop being red. Abi had Mr Strachan's cock in her throat when he surprised her by speaking.

“You know, Abi you are impressing here. Laura was most rude to Kelly.”

I bet she was... For once I couldn't blame her!, thought Abi bitterly. She didn't really know what to say to that she just bleated in consent. It sounded a bit strangled with her mouth full but it seemed to satisfy.

“Plus your mouth is so... accommodating.”. he sounded almost mocking.

She pulled off, smiled her sexiest smile and slide him back in again. He didn't call me here for conversation... Just get on with it, girl...

“It's just such a shame that as it stands, you and Laura are equal in my book”, he said. He didn't bother to hide the malicious grin from his face.

Abi caught unawares, coughed his cock out of her throat. Equal?? I am on my hands on knees, blowing him, deepthroating him, with a boyfriend at home despite the fact that I am better than Laura and he thinks we are EQUAL???

She grabbed his cock in her hand and massaged it, determined not to lose her momentum again. “Equal?”, she couldn't hide the hurt, surprise and anger in her voice.

“Yes. Unfortunately for you, Laura had the good sense to take her clothes off before satisfying me. I know that you have come dressed...”. He looked down at her bare thighs and the skirt which had ridden up well past modesty. “appropriately. However, whores generally look their best in their skin, don't you agree?”

Abi didn't know what to say. Her heart sank. Even if I finish him off we are equal? It's too late to take my clothes off now. She realised that she would have done it too. I guess him seeing me naked doesn't compare to giving a blowjob... Maybe if I started now, he wouldn't mind... But I am not a whore! Her hands moved to the buttons on her blouse. She just undid past the halfway mark before Mr Strachan interrupted.

“I think it's a bit late for that now Abi... Your interview is nearly over. If you want to be sure of my support, you will have to think of something else. Either that, or you can gamble and hope that how quickly you agreed to this situation will go in your favour. Obviously I cannot guarantee that.”

Interview is nearly over? Clearly that means he thinks he is going to cum soon... Abi began to wish that she could start again. How am I in this situation?? Did I agree quickly? She tried to cast her mind back to the start but couldn't remember what she said. How long did Laura take to agree? Abi suddenly felt all of the whore that Mr Strachan clearly felt she was. Her self-respect seemed to vanish and all she wanted was to beat Laura. She didn't care any more. This is all that stuck-up bitch's fault. I HATE her.

Abi stood up and looked at Mr Strachan. He was smiling smugly and was holding his erection. Abi closed her eyes and tried to think it was Jason sitting in the chair. Her hands returned to her unbuttoning as she felt ridiculous with her blouse half undone and would have felt more ridiculous to do it back up and then do what she was about to do. She moved the folds of her blouse away to expose her breasts in her thin, translucent bra. Her nipples were clearly visible through the material. Abi opened her eyes and saw that Mr Strachan started to slowly masturbate.

She lifted her skirt up higher. She realised that it had ridden up when she had been kneeling and the PA would have seen more than Abi bargained for. Not much I can do about that now... She rolled her skirt up onto her hips. Mr Strachan drank in the soft teenage skin on her lean thighs. Abi's black thong was no less translucent than her bra. Mr Strachan could see her bare mound and her perfect rear. Abi pinched the lace frame of her thong and pulled it down to her ankles. She stepped out it and lightly kicked it out of the way. Mr Strachan looked at Abi's pussy hungrily. Abi knew it was wet from habit. Normally giving guys head means I will get a good time too... I don't think that is going to happen today. She stuck two fingers in her mouth and ran it through her pussy, making sure it was lubricated. She turned towards the table and put her hands on it. She pushed her ass back and formed a perfect curving line with her back.

“I'm on the pill so don't bother with condoms. Just get on with it.”, she said angrily. She refused to give him the satisfaction of addressing him with his title.

Mr Strachan stood up and walked the few paces to where she was stretched out, leaning on the table. He stood behind her and Abi heard the sound of his belt hitting the floor followed by his boxers. She felt his hand grab her side roughly and then shortly felt a pressure at her wet opening. Mr Strachan did not tease her or stand on ceremony. He drove his cock deep into her pussy in one fluid motion. Abi was pushed further onto the table. Abi felt his cock inside her and was felt grateful for her own exuberance when blowing him. He was so rough with her that her saliva acted as a somewhat necessary lubricant. Mr Strachan was hammering her from behind. Each time he drove him, Abi was pushed further up his desk. Soon, she was pinned against the side, held in place by Mr Strachan and the desk. The hard wood pressed against her hips painfully but she refused to cry out. Abi was eye level with Mr Strachan's family photo. She slammed it face down onto the desk. Now is not that time to be thinking about that... Mr Strachan's balls were slapping against her pussy. Abi felt every inch the whore. One time only... Never again... Mr Strachan was grunting and breathing hard. Abi could feel him tighten inside her and knew he was getting closer to cumming. Abi took a hard slap on her ass by surprise. It stung like hell. I will not cry out! I will not give him the satisfaction! I won-

Abi surprised herself when she let out a moan of ecstasy. She hated feeling a whore. Hated being bent over a desk for a job. Hated having the taste of cum in her mouth. Hated what she was having to do to beat Laura in this stupid contest. But that doesn't stop being fucked feeling so good... She vowed to not let another moan slip out but she had already given Mr Strachan what he wanted. Her head was yanked back as her grabbed her hair.

“You filthy slut!”, she whispered loudly in her ear. “Ahhh... Yeah....”

She could fill her tight pussy begin to feel warmer and fuller. Mr Strachan did not let up as he pumped as much cum into Abi as he could. Abi was surprised how much there was as Laura had already taken a load barely half an hour before. I bet Laura had it easier... She just had a little bit on her top. She wondered where the rest had gone and remembered that Mr Strachan had to change his shirt. She might be a whore but she refuses to swallow! She felt somewhat victorious about this. Abi, under normal circumstances, had no qualms about swallowing cum.

Abi could feel Mr Strachan's cum sliding towards her opening. She counted 6 spurts of cum being pumped into her before he was spent. He slid out of her with a wet sound. It's over... That job is mine! I deserve it after this! Abi was breathing heavily, still leaning against the desk. She heard a click behind her.

She turned around and Mr Strachan was holding a camera and smiling smugly once again. He had kicked off his trousers and underwear. He was sweating from his efforts but his face said that he enjoyed nailing such a young teenage beauty. Abi surged with anger. I did not say he could take a photo! What if someone sees!

“What the hell are you doing?” she said half indignantly. She realised that it was hard to be taken seriously when your blouse was open, skirt was around your waist, your bare pussy was on display and you were full of cum.

“I have one final... challenge for you in your interview.” he said smugly. “You can choose to either, allow me to post this photo on the internet...”. He paused slightly and Abi's world swam.

Post on the internet? But... Oh my God!! Anyone could see! My family!! Jason! He can't find out about what I've done...

“Alternatively, you can bend back over that desk and and allow me a bit of... free reign.”

“What does that mean?”, she asked, somewhat worried. Nothing goes on the internet. That bastard, I have completed the interview! I did better than Laura!

“Exactly as I said”, Mr Strachan said simply. “What is it to be?” He clicked the camera once more and just smiled.

Abi was filled with rage and fear. This wasn't about a job. This was about Mr Strachan and getting what he wanted. However, her hands were tied. I have no choice... Getting the job is pointless if no one respects me because they think I'm some kind of porno girl. Abi was shaking with fear and rage. There is nothing I can do. I cannot let anything go on the internet!! Not a single thing!

“Promise me that after this, it ends.”. Abi's voice shook with anger but it held tones of resignation.

“Regretfully, I promise. You can even have the camera – including the pictures.”

Abi turned around again and leaned against the desk. Now that some of the heat had gone, she felt very exposed to her boss. She felt completely powerless. Her mind was filled with preventing those pictures going anywhere but the rubbish bin.

She heard Mr Strachan walk forward and come close to her. She wondered if he could really manage another round. Round 3 for him..., she thought. She silently gasped when she felt something slide inside her. She recognised them as fingers. Mr Strachan pushed two fingers deep inside Abi. She felt his other hand come between her thighs and flick her clit. Abi bit her lip to stop herself from making any sound. Anything to stop the pictures...she told herself. She involuntarily contracted from the attention. She was still full of Mr Strachan's cum and her contraction forced her to push it out of her. Mr Strachan's fingers were rubbing against her G-Spot and this was causing her to contract more. Soon, she could feel all of his seed trickling out of her. Mr Strachan was rubbing Abi's clit feverishly. It was all she could do not to scream out in delight. Oh god that feels so amazing.. I can't show it or he will think I want this more. I will never be free. Must stay focussed on getting those pictures...

After a few minutes, Mr Strachan pulled his fingers out of Abi and stopped the attention to her clitoris. Abi couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed.

“Turn and face me and get on your knees”, he commanded in a tone that brooked no argument.

Abi did exactly as she was told. She looked up at him. She schooled her face into a dutiful and obedient expression. It's nearly over...Mr Strachan was smiling malevolently. He was still naked but for a shirt and his attentions to Abi's pussy had begun to awaken his stiffening cock. Abi noticed that he was holding his hand out in front of him slightly, palm up. He tilted it down towards her and she saw the unmistakable clear white wetness of cum over it. So that's what he was doing...

“I want to watch you clean this up. Orally. Once every last drop has gone, you can have the camera and you are free to go.”

I should have seen that coming... Abi thought bitterly. She could hardly believe that she had sold her pussy to him and let him fill her up with cum only to return to what she was doing in the first place. Abi didn't mind tasting herself before – indeed she occasionally did so on lonely nights with her vibrator. That said, she had never told anyone that before and she had never been ordered to do it. Abi saw the camera in Mr Strachan's other hand. I just have to lick his fingers and then that is it. Finished. No pictures. The job. Laura screwed over. Everything.

Abi swallowed, steeled herself and leaned forward. She felt like a puppy begging for its master. She grabbed his wrist and pulled his palm towards her face. She opened her mouth and held her tongue out. She chose a the largest pool of cum on his palm and slid the flat of her tongue along it. She tasted her own juices but predominantly the taste of his cum. I'm not sure if I'm ever going to stop tasting cum... She swallowed and she saw him lick his own lips. Abi could tell she was being blackmailed into fulfilling her boss' fantasy. Abi could feel her eyes starting to well with shame. She closed her eyes and took his index finger in her mouth, more roughly than she intented. It tasted stronger of her own juices. She sucked each and every finger greedily, eager-to-please, and, as she did so, watched his cock grow back to firmness. She finished off by licking the last of his palm clean and swallowed. Finished!, she thought. Please just give my the camera and let me go...

“Every last drop of it, Abi”, Mr Strachan said with a sneer.

Abi was close enough to Mr Strachan's cock to know what he wanted. She sighed and opened her mouth. This was all the invitation that Mr Strachan needed. He shoved his cock in her mouth and she dutifully rolled her tongue around it. Mr Strachan grabbed Abi's head and pulled it towards him hard. Abi just prevented a gag by swallowing repeatedly – exactly what Mr Strachan wanted. Three more times he repeated this before he was satisfied. He pulled out and Abi closed her mouth. Totally deflated, she didn't have it in her to wipe the single tear from her eye. Mr Strachan laughed at her and tapped her on the cheek with his wet cock before turning away.

“Get dressed please and leave my office. The camera is yours. You will hear about the job by the end of the day.”

That's it? It's over? Abi could barely believe it. Abi stood quickly and tried to regain some modesty by pushing her skirt back to where it belonged. She found her underwear and put the small black thong in the gap between her front and the waistline of her skirt. Just want to go and get clean...She wondered if she would feel clean again. She had whored herself out for a job and she knew it. This will be worth it... She tried to ignore the spots of doubt in her mind. Is any job worth what I just did? She did her blouse back up and flattened the clothes. Mr Strachan was already dressed and standing by the door. Upon seeing she was ready he opened it and smiled a false, broad smile.

Abi grabbed the camera and walked through the opened door, not looking at him.

“By the end of the day”, Mr Strachan said smartly.

Abi ignored the knowing smile from Mr Strachan's PA and headed for the lift. She got in and pressed the button for her floor. She was surprised to see that she had only been gone 30 minutes. It felt like hours. The walk back to her desk took her past Laura who give her a quizzical, level stare which she returned. You will know soon enough, you slut...

The hours seemed to crawl by. She just wanted to get the confirmation and go home. To shower. To celebrate. To destroy that camera. To forget. Abi still couldn't shake the taste of cum and the sensation of Mr Strachan's penis sliding in and out of her mouth. Finally, she received an email from Mr Strachan, of which Laura was also a recipient.

My Office in 5 minutes please.


Nick Strachan
Senior Manager
Corporate Accounts
Thinemans Bank

She saw that Laura had already stood up and was adjusting her clothes. She noted that she hiked her skirt up slightly. Abi stood up, gritted her teeth and copied. Mr Strachan has seen a lot more than a few extra inches of thigh today... The journey in the lift with Laura was a silent but tense affair – made no better by them being the only occupants. It was made no less awkward by Abi having a good idea what Laura had done to Mr Strachan in her attempt to get the job. And it's not like she is in the dark about what I have got up to either..., she thought ruefully. Mr Strachan was outside his office already.

“Thank you for coming Ladies. Come inside. Please”. His tone of voice was such that you would never have guessed that he had them both sucking his cock just hours before. Abi followed Laura into Mr Strachan's office and was surprised to see it already occupied by two older men. One was quite short and fat and the other tall and thin. They looked almost comical standing next to each other. Laura seemed to recognise them and offered them a curt nod. Abi didn't bother and just stared straight ahead. Just a few minutes and then that's it. Goodbye Laura. Hello promotion. The butterflies in her stomach dared to come back, rejuvenating her spirits.

Mr Strachan closed the door and stood slightly in front of the two men, facing Laura and Abi.

“Ladies, this is Mr Kirtman and Mr Lovegood. As you have been made aware, they act as my recruitment advisors.” Mr Strachan's pointing demonstrated that Mr Lovegood was the fatter man. Abi noticed he was sweating slightly. Abi recognised their names from the email she had received earlier in the day.

There was a pause before he continued.

“I'm sure you are both aware of the... strenuous interview that you both had to do today.” Abi fidgeted uncomfortable and felt Laura clench. I bet you don't even feel bad for it, you bitch...”A decision has been made.”

There was a long pause.

Mr Strachan smiled broadly, “Congratulation's Laura!”.

Abi felt numb. She must have misheard.

“Mr Strachan – wha-?”

“I'm sorry Abi. You were, in my opinion much more... obedient. Not to mention offering a much wider range of entertainment.” Abi flushed. “However, Laura has the good sense to take a hint and offered her... services to both of my advisors. I voted for you but they both voted for Laura.” Abi felt cold. “Amazing what a well placed blowjob can do for your career, isn't it Laura?”, Mr Strachan said sweetly.

Abi looked at Laura venomously. Laura hardly looked embarrassed. She noticed Mr Lovegood and Mr Kirtman looking at Laura lustfully. I did all of that for Mr Strachan and lost. Abi remembered the handjob, the blowjob, the deepthroating, the screwing, the creampie, the fingering, the clit rubbing, the cum swallowing, the shame, the hate. She felt used and useless. She had been discarded because she didn't think to sink to her knees for three guys. Abi felt like she knew what prostitutes felt like when the client didn't pay.

“Until next time, Abi”, said Mr Strachan with an air of closure. There will be a next time... she realised. She hated what she had to do, but not as much as she hated Laura and Mr Strachan. Not as much as she wanted the job. The ice had been broken.

“Until next time, Mr Strachan.” She flashed her teeth at him in what she hoped was a smile. After a slight pause she added. “Mr Lovegood. Mr Kirtman.” and offered them a barely perceptible wink. Abi saw from their expressions that they had noticed it.

Abi knew that wink would make another “opportunity” come up quickly. Laura and Mr Strachan were going down. If she had to give head to every male in the office, Abi would get her revenge against them both. Remembering Mr Strachan's expression as she swallowed both his and her own juices from his fingers, she knew that an opportunity for revenge would be soon.

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-24 05:13:03
NbiYYJ I cannot thank you enough for the blog article.Much thanks again. Want more.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-13 06:25:14
Could you write another one? I love this story! Maybe have some anal in it?

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-15 08:54:34
Pretty good, if you made it into a series I would read that, should have got her to eat out the PA

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-15 07:24:05
Both the cruelty tag and the prostitution tag, do not seem to fit this. Cruelty is usually for extreme physical or mental damage, and she was never paid for her services so its not prostitution.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-13 22:19:16
Very hot ;) txt me @ 512-948-2073

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