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Ever since I was just learning to speak I have called my sister Tayu, pronounced like the Ta U. At first I guess she thought it was cute, but as she grew older she lost her fondness for the moniker. Anyhow, I still called her that and she started acting like I was a royal pain in her ass. Maybe it had a lot to do with the two year (well, 1 ½ years actually but two grades) difference in our ages. When she was a senior in high school I was just a sophomore. I hated to admit it but Tayu was the hottest girl in school, probably the entire town! That meant all the other hot girls hung out with her. You know ... birds of a feather ... that sort of thing.
And I SO wanted to date one of the hot girls in school, but that just pissed off Tayu as she thought I was trying to horn in on her fun. She was wrong but looking back I can see her point. It was a wedge that pushed us further and further apart as she wanted to be with her friends without having to 'baby sit' her LITTLE brother! That pissed me off since I was horny, not in need of a baby sitter! Once I discovered girls as objects of desire - and boy did I DESIRE them - my sister tossed me out of at least five parties per year.
Sis went to the local college and reluctantly agreed to help save our parents some money by living at home. Being super-hot as she is, and a great dancer/gymnast she was able to make the varsity cheerleading squad as a freshman, and as such would make the team every year after without trying out. Once again this meant she was 'in' with a group of super-hot college babes.
She had the squad over to practice several times at our house and I soon fell in lust with Samui, same year as my sister and just as fucking hot! The first time I made a move on her Tayu came up and said in a sickening sing-song voice, "Oh Samui, you need to meet my LITTLE brother, Naruto, he is a JUNIOR at Flynn high school!" Samui's jaw dropped about four feet before she recovered and made a hasty retreat. Tayu then said, "Naruto, why don't you just let me have my life without trying to wiggle your way into it!" (After that the rest of the girls on the squad just ignored me as if I were part of the furnishings and not a person; guess they all got the word from Tayu.)
"But she is soooo damned hot! Almost as hot as you are!"
"Nice try you pencil dicked shithead! Flattery will get you nothing but a hard kick in your little balls!"
Time flies and I am now a senior while Tayu is a stuck up sophomore at the local college.
I suppose I should tell about myself. I used to be a little shrimp, the guy whose picture they put in the body building ads as the 'before' picture. Thus her unaffectionate nickname for me. Every time she is really pissed at me she calls me 'pencil dicked shithead'. Even though I have now, as an 18 year old senior in high school, filled out into a 6'2" 210 pound hunk of solid muscles she still calls me that. Trouble is, I no longer have the pencil dick that I had as a baby boy, instead I now sport a solid eight inches that is as big around as my wrist! (If I measured it down the underside to my balls it is nearly 11 ½" but that is probably cheating to measure it like that.) My balls grew right along with my dick and each is about the size of a small peach or large plum! (I need to jack off at least three times a day - usually more - just to keep them from getting too full and hurting like hell. It doesn't take much to work up a huge load of man cream.) When I am lucky enough to get a girl ready to fuck, I have to keep her from seeing my manhood or the night is over! Sort of like 'sticker shock' but I call it 'fucker shock'. If I can just fuck them first, they love it and want more, but if they see it first, it's over! Stupid high school girls.
Anyway, I have snuck into several parties at her college and each time was doing a good job of wooing the ladies up until my sister announced LOUDLY the presence of a high school kid and that always got me tossed on my ear out the door.
Today I heard Tayu and Samui discussing the Halloween costume party that they were going to on Friday night. Tayu was going as the genie from the "I Dream of Genie" TV show, and Samui was going as Elvira. (She certainly had the body for it) They were still talking about it when I stepped into the room carrying my own costume. "Hi Tayu..."
"It's TAYUYA!"
"Yeah, whatever, anyway, as I was saying, hi Tayu and hellllooo sexy Samui..."
"Naruto, I've told you before, STOP!" Tayu said as Samui smiled at me and blushed.
"Shit, can a guy never finish a thought around you? So you gals are going to a party too."
"You're going to a different one right, my DEAR brother," Tayu snarled at me, emphasizing the word 'dear'.
"I don't know, which party are you going to?"
Samui quickly said, "The one at Phi Jama Jama fraternity!" Then quickly got a glare from my sister and she shut her mouth tightly.
I could tell my sister was pisssssssed off so I quickly said, "Hey, guess it's your lucky weekend, sis, I'm going to one over at Udon's parents' house! Too bad as I know how much you like it when I show up where you are." I easily ducked her punch and swatted her ass before stepping back and saying, "Look, I've even got my costume ready, I'm going as the cowboy Hop-A-long Cassidy."
Tayu turned up her nose in disgust saying, "Very um, original, Tex," then both of them broke out in raucous laughter. I left them alone and was soon finding out everything I could about Phi Jama Jama fraternity. Then I called around town and found a costume place with a Spiderman costume in my size that came as a top, bottom and head covering. For what I had planned I didn't want to be in a complete body suit!
Friday came and Samui and Tayu were getting ready for their party. I noticed that Tayu had a jacket in her room and it wasn't really cold out, hmmmmm. After donning my cowboy outfit I knocked on her door as I turned the knob and pushed it open. Tayu jumped as she applied her makeup, putting a big streak of blue shit on her cheek. What I really noticed was that THIS Genie had a fairly easy to see through top and when she jumped her luscious boobs bounced nicely making her bright pink nipples move all about under the shear fabric.
"Damn sis, even YOU look sexy tonight!" I said as she glared at me and tried to cover her chest. "Too late, sis, already saw them both! They're nearly as nice as Samui's are!" Samui smiled and blushed again. "You two make me wish I hadn't volunteered to help with the party at Udon's place! I'd love to be there at Fly Yama Bama tonight! Oh well, have fun and watch out for spooky monsters! Elvira, you look soooooooo hot!"
Then I was out the door and gone as Tayu threw something hard at her door with a loud thud. As I walked down the hall I could hear her cussing me out as Samui said, "I think he's kinda cute!" I couldn't catch her words but I could tell Tayu was really letting her have it for even saying something nice about me.
I drove over to Udon's house and thanked him for holding onto my Spiderman costume for me. "You just promise to let me know if this charade works, you cocky bastard!" he said with a huge grin. We both thought my sister was hot but he is short and not at all good looking, so I doubt he would have a chance of getting up to the plate with her. Can't blame him for hoping though. I changed into my Spiderman outfit and he looked at me and said, "Jesus fucking Christ, didn't they have one in your size?"
I looked where he was looking and saw my five inches of soft flaccid dick tucked down my left thigh and laughed at him. "This did fit good, until I had the costume lady take it in for me because I wanted it tight. She didn't want to until I let her, um, feel the problem. Then she agreed to do it as long as she got to properly measure it so that the costume would look perfect on me. She took several measurements, about five with her tape measure and two time consuming ones with her throat!"
"Bull shit!"
"True as the day is long! First she had to suck me to find out how big I get and then measure it. She couldn't stand the sight of me sticking out like that so she finished me off letting me blow my wad right down to her stomach as she managed to get about seven inches into her mouth and throat before gagging. After she made the alterations, she blew me again to make certain that it fit properly, and then happily finished me off once more. She isn't much to look at but two blowjobs are two more than I expected to get so I had no problem with it. Besides, she wasn't butt ugly or anything like that."
"Fucking lucky bastard!"
"No, I become that if I get into the party and somehow manage to fuck Samui tonight. That frat house is the wildest one on campus!"
I checked my reflection in the mirror and then left with him bidding me a hearty "Good luck!" I drove around for a while and went to the drive up at Burger King for a Whopper and a Coke. No way did I want to get there on an empty stomach and get drunk from one drink! Finally about 9:15 I parked down the street from the frat house and donned my tight fitting hood mask, then walked up to the door with a group of about seven other people in costumes. The guy at the door looked us over and said hi to the ones whose identity he could discern, then let us all in. He never gave me a second look as I was the tallest of the group.
Nearly instantly somebody handed me a beer and a topless girl ran up and gave me a tongue filled kiss! She broke the kiss and said, "Hi Spiderman, I'm Eve! I lost my Adam, will you take his place?"
I looked her over quickly and said, "Maybe later Eve, but right now I'm trying to find somebody. Nice tits though," I said as I boldly reached out and pinched her right tit.
She reached out and stroked my limp dick and gasped when she watched it grow down my leg. "WOW Spidy, if you don't find her, you come find me, please?"
After nearly an hour I thought I had finally found Samui's Elvira only to discover the girl was supposed to be Lilly Munster! She didn't let that deter her as she kissed me hard and ground our bodies together for a long time. When she finally broke our embrace she reached down and ran her fingers the entire length of my dick and asked, "Is this all you? It's not nice to fool with Lilly," my cock head twitched as she slid her fingers around my tip and she groaned out "Ooooo, it IS real! Come find me when you are done with Elvira!"
Surprisingly, I bumped into Samui as she stumbled around wanting to know who was looking for her. She gave me a once over and then dropped her liquid impaired eyes to my crotch again and said "Just who is this gorgeous Spiderman that is looking for me?" I deepened my voice trying to keep her from recognizing me and we chatted briefly as we tried to dance. Finally she ground her mound against my third leg and said, "Oh god, come with me. I have got to try some of your huge cock!"
She led me through the throng of people and finally we entered a darkened room with mattresses on the floor. My eyes adjusted to the dimness and I realized people were sucking and fucking everywhere around us. She led us over to one side of the room and gave a couple engaged in a heated 69 a light kick and said, "Hey Shika, Tay, move over a little and give a girl with stud in tow some room!" My sister was on top and lifted her sexy eyes from the guy's 5 inch dick and said, "Hello Spidermannnnn! How did I manage not to see you before? Samui, you are soooooo lucky!" Then she dropped her head back onto the cock before her and resumed sucking on him.
My costume's mask had a hole for the mouth so I could get down to business without having to remove it and I rapidly put that to use. In less than ten seconds I had Samui's top off and was sucking both of her luscious tits, my head moving quickly from one to the other as she groaned in pleasure. Suddenly she shoved me away from her breasts and onto my back then groaned out, "I must see your cock!" Then she pulled my costume bottoms down and gasped loudly, making my sister and several people around us look over. Several male and female voices softly said, "Holy fuck", or "Jesus H..." and Tayu softly said, "Samui you lucky shit! Good luck!"
By then my cock was in Samui's mouth as her tongue worked my cock head madly. She pulled her dress up and climbed over me in reverse cowgirl position, then gripped my shaft and put my tip at her entrance. Just before she would have sunk onto me I pulled my cock from her grip and huskily said, "No, turn around! I want to see your face!"
As quickly as she could due to her tipsy status, she turned around and leaned in to kiss me while once more guiding my cock to her fuck hole. "Like this, Spiderman? You want to watch me fuck your huge cock?"
"Oh yeahhhhh," I groaned as she sank down onto me. I was in heaven but also thought Tayu had glanced my way briefly. It wasn't until her fourth full thrust down that I realized I had spoken in my normal voice, shit! My sister was back at her blowjob on her guy as he sucked her pussy and Samui was in another universe as my cock gave her pleasure she apparently had never known existed before. Her voice started out in soft, quiet tones a she cried out "Oh my god, you are so BIG! Nobody has ever been so deep in me before ... Oh god ... oh GOD ... Oh shit I'M CUMMING ALREADY!" and she was screaming in pleasure as she rode me to her first climax. My hands were squeezing her gorgeous tits and then I leaned up and began sucking on one hard nipple then the other as her climaxes rolled on and on. By the time Samui was crying out in the midst of her third orgasm, practically every one of the girls were looking over at me wondering why it wasn't them that was happily fucking herself on my cock. The guys got pissed and soon the room was nearly empty. Only Tayu and her guy remained along with two couples who were out cold, having passed out in the middle of their fuck. Tayu had moved on top of her guy and was trying to ride his cock but I could tell she wasn't getting any pleasure from her efforts. In reality, she was watching her best friend bouncing on my shaft as orgasm after orgasm racked her beautiful body.
Suddenly Samui tensed as my cock grew even bigger inside her and she screamed out, "OH YES! OH FUCK, SPIDERMAN, GIVE IT TO ME, GIVE ME YOUR CUM! OH FUCK ME AND FILL ME WITH YOUR CUM!" She was rocking her pussy on me, her opening tightly attached to me as if we were one body. My balls erupted into her, blasting torrents of cum against her cervix as she screamed in climax once again! Samui arched her back and her head fell back letting her long hair tickle my legs as she shivered in ecstasy as wave after glorious wave of bliss washed over her.
As Samui shook hard above me she soon lost the ability to speak in any language, her sounds having no meaning at all. Still her body was forcing her pussy harder and harder onto me as her climax pounded her body into submission! Finally she slowed her movements and straightened her body. Her eyes came back into focus and she looked down at me with her face aglow with love and lust quite briefly before she keeled over and passed out, exhausted from our lovemaking and her thunderous climaxes.
Samui slowly dropped between my body and that of my sister's fuck mate and she breathed deeply with a contented smile on her face. Making certain to keep my voice deep I said, "Hey, Samui, are you alright?" I was getting worried when my sister reached over and gently put her hand on my arm.
I looked into her lust crazed eyes as she said, "Don't worry about her; it has happened before, just not from fucking. I sucked her clit once till she passed out, just like she did now. You must have really rocked her world to put her out like this!"
Not wanting to sit around and talk to Tayu, I slid out from under Samui's leg and patted her fine ass as I said deeply, "You were great doll, hope you wake up soon." I started to pull up my costume bottoms when Tayu reached over and grabbed my cock in her delicate hand.
My eyes met hers and she said "Do you really have to leave already? My guy here passed out and turned into a limp noodle under me; trust me that is not good for a girl's self-esteem! I could really use a good hard fuck, and I know I can make you feel REAL good!" As she spoke her hand was slowly stroking the entire length of my still hard cock. Before I could make up my mind - I mean I didn't come here to fuck MY SISTER, just Samui and her sweet pussy - Tayu leaned over and inhaled my shaft to the back of her mouth and bobbed several times on me as her eyes searched mine through my mask.
She must have sensed it as just before I was going to push her away and finish dressing she moved a bit to her side and then pushed forward not stopping until her nose was pressed tightly to my pubic hair! No girl had ever swallowed my entire cock before! I jerked up into a sitting position and emitted a huge groan of pleasure and Tayu pulled off of me and quickly gave me a passionate kiss, her eyes still searching mine. Finally I thought, 'What the fuck, why not do it? She's a bitch who deserves it after all the shit she has dished out to me over the years. She'll never know it was me.'
So I decided to make her beg me to fuck her. "Oh, I don't know," my deep voice said, "your friend was a great fuck; I might not be able to keep it up for you!"
In desperation my sister pleaded, "Don't you worry about that, Spiderman, I can suck you back to full strength as often as I need to!" and to prove it she dove back onto me using her lips, tongue and throat muscles to work my cock into a harder than steel shaft. I glanced at her passed out fuck buddy and gave her a look that screamed 'doubtful'. She pulled off of me and said triumphantly, "See, no problem with that! Don't worry about him; he's just one of the guys. But I've always wanted to suck and fuck a cock like yours, just never thought I would EVER see one."
Again I moved as if to leave and she jumped up and straddled me then dropped her pussy right onto me, not stopping until she had over half of my cock up her velvet tunnel. "Oh fuckkkkkkkk that's so good! Oh PLEASE don't leave yet! Please fuck me with your wonderful cock, PLEASE!" All the while she begged me her pussy was pumping on and off of me, slowly working more of me in until she sat there with about seven inches stuffed inside of her. "Please, let me fuck you and then after I climax I'll suck you off and swallow your cum...oh god PLEASE!"
In my deep voice I slowly said, "Well, you do feel really nice like this. And you can suck cock extremely well. Okay, you're on!"
Boy was she! Tayu was pounding her hips onto me over and over as her tunnel opened fully and took me to her deepest realms, my cock head bruising her cervix as she slammed onto me in a frenetic pace. I watched her face contort as several small climaxes hit her, then she scrunched up her face in pleasure and screamed "OH MY GODDDD I'M CUMMMMING! I'M CUMMING SO FUCKING HARD! OH GOD YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, yes, yes, yes, yes, FUCKKKKKKKKKK!" My sister kept bouncing wildly on my shaft as her groans went on and on until finally her body began to slow and her head slumped down against her chest.
I lifted her head up and said deeply, "Don't even think about passing out on me! You've got a cock to suck and a gallon of cum to swallow!"
Tayu looked down at me and a big grin swept her face before she softly said, "I thought you would never ask!" Slowly she pulled her well fucked pussy from me and knelt between my legs. Then she looked into my eyes as she slowly took my cock into her mouth and all the way to the base in one continuous movement. God but I groaned when she did that! "Oh, do you like that, S-man?" I guessed that saying Spiderman would take her too long so she had shortened it up a bit, not that I minded. Instead I just nodded my head and she happily resumed her oral work.
I do have incredible stamina when I want to, and since I had just filled Samui's pussy with a huge load, I knew I could hold out for much longer than my sister expected her mystery man to do. I found a clock hanging on the wall and was laughing on the inside as twenty minutes passed and my sister was still doing everything she could think of to make me cum. I could tell she was frustrated that it was taking so long and I stoked the fire just a bit by gruffly saying, "Hurry up bitch! You said you'd make me cum and swallow it all! Come on, let's get to it!"
She looked up at me with desperation written all over her face as she said around my cock head, "I'm twying, honesth I yam. I'll do bedder, sthoon ou'll be clummin." She dropped back down fully onto my shaft and she was hungrily trying to drain my balls down her lovely throat. Her eyes were begging to me as she frantically jerked my shaft with both hands while she swirled her tongue rapidly around my cock head, her lips sucking hard on my bulbous head. Then she would release her hands and slam down onto me driving her nose into my abdomen hard as she bounced her face on me.
I decided to let her have my load (I had been holding it back just to torment her) and she felt it as my cock swelled even more between her lips and she groaned around me "Ummm hmmm. Ummm hmmm!" I grabbed her head and held her nose to my pubic hair as my first four blasts of cum rocketed straight into her stomach. Then I pushed her head back about six inches and held her there as the remaining five huge ropes of cum filled her mouth to over flowing time and time again. Tayu's eyes bulged out as she desperately worked at swallowing everything I had to give her and I gave her a lot!
I released her face and she gently worked her tongue and lips round and round my cock head making certain that she had fully drained me. "Holy shit," she said finally pulling her well stretched mouth from my cock, "you really did have a gallon of cum in these things!" She squeezed my balls lightly as she said that.
Deeply my voice said, "That was really nice, slut, but now look what you've done!" She looked at my cock in surprise wondering what she had done wrong and I continued. "Just how the hell am I to get this back into my pants? Now I need to fuck you once again!"
I pulled her down onto her back next to Samui and took position with my cock just at the entrance to her pussy. "Well, bitch, what do you want me to do?" I huskily asked.
MY slut sister grabbed my hips and wrapped her legs around my ass then used all four appendages to pull me hard into her as she cried out, "Oh god, fuck ME! Fuck me harder than I've ever been fucked before! Make me cum on your cock till I can't cum anymore!" Funny, that was what I had just decided to do to her I thought to myself with an inward chuckle.
As I started thrusting into her I glanced at the clock on the wall, it showed 10:45. In no time Tayu was gripping tightly to me as she shook violently under her first climax of this go around. I just kept right on going, paying her no mind as I drove my cock hard into her core. She grabbed my face and pulled us together kissing me fiercely as our bodies worked in unison as we slammed into each other. My right hand pinched her left nipple before I gripped it really hard and pulled it out about 2½ inches. She screamed as her back arched and her pussy clamped onto me harder than she had before, her second orgasm coursing through her tight young body as I just kept pounding into her.
As her climax waned she began moaning out "oh my god ... oh my god ... oh my god ..." in time with my cock bottoming out inside her pussy. I looked once more at the clock and it showed 11:05 and I knew I was in for the long haul. Soon my never ending thrusts had her groaning hard into my shoulder and she was urging me to make her cum once more. My hand snaked in between us and quickly found her clit, making her eyes bulge in surprise. The first time I rubbed it between my thumb and forefinger she stiffened as she cried out "OH GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! OH FUCK ME I'M CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMING! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OH! OHFUCKYESOHGOD! YESSSS FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARDER ... HARDER ... THAT'S IT, FUCK ME AND MAKE ME YOUR BITCH!" Her cries rose in pitch and soon became inaudible as her body shook violently beneath me.
After she came back down I eased up just a bit and then gently reached under her legs and lifted them up and back until her knees were pressed to the mattress on either side of her shoulders. "Oh my god, you are in me so deep," she groaned as I resumed my slow thrusts, my cock pulling back until just my tip remained inside, then I reversed until my base pressed hard against her opening. After getting her going that way I dropped my hips an inch or so thus changing the angle of penetration. This forced my cock head to rub hard against her g-spot on each inward and outward stroke. My first stroke made Tayu emit a deep and raspy groan of pleasure while I slowly picked up my pace once more.
"Oh my god, you fucking stud, I'm going to cum again! Oh my god YYYYEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!" and her vaginal muscles clamped down onto me like a ten ton press! It was difficult, but I managed to continue moving in and out of her tight passage while she cried out continuously in the beautiful agony of her climax. My sister's head was rolling side to side as she groaned and her climax slowly faded away.
Suddenly her hands came up and grabbed at my mask, trying to somehow get it off of me. "Show me your face! I have to know who it is that has fucked me so good! Tell me who you are!"
I drove my hips forward forcing my cock deeper than ever into her and making her gasp. At the same time I grabbed her hands and said as deeply as I could, "It's Halloween, bitch, that's why we wear masks!" Then I quickly pulled out and flipped her onto her hands and knees before slamming my cock forcefully back into her dripping wet pussy. After giving her two more thrusts she was no longer thinking about my identity.
"Oh god yes, fuck me from behind! I love this position! Don't stop, whoever you are! Just fuck me and don't stop fucking me! Oh god help me, I love your massive cock! Say you'll fuck me forever!" She powered her hips back at me as she called out once more, "God damn it, SAY IT!"
I was pounding relentlessly into her and could only managed a grunted "Forever", in my real voice. My sister jerked her head up and started to turn to look at me just before she screamed out, "Oh fuck yes, I'm cumming! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck my fucking ass!" She continued crying out and groaning in pleasure as her climax pulverized her tight body until she could only hang her head as she struggled for breath.
My hand gripped my shaft as I pulled fully out of her before I changed the angle and pushed right back in, this time shoving about two inches of cock up her ass before she cried out, "Oh shit, not there! You're too big, please not my ass!"
I gripped her shaking hips tightly and slowly increased my pressure with my hips as I said, "Bull shit, bitch! You just told me to 'fuck your fucking ass' and that is exactly what I am going to do!"
"Oh god no! I didn't mean it!" she cried out as I slipped another inch into her tight little ass. Then I held my position firmly as she moaned and continued begging me to pull out. I reached forward and grabbed her messy but still tied "genie' style hair and pulled her head back.
"You asked for this, and now you are going to get it, bitch," I said in my deep voice and as I continued pulling she eased her ass back onto me another inch or so. "Come on sexy, you've only got an inch to go (it was really more like four but why tell her that), you know you want it! Come on bitch, shove your ass back and take all of me!" I was concerned that part of my speech was more normal voice than the deep one I was using but she was so into getting her ass pummeled by me that she didn't seem to notice. She wiggled her ass before groaning as she pushed back against me and soon I gruffly said, "Good girl, you've got my entire cock up your ass hole!"
"Oh my god, you are so fucking huge!" my sister groaned as her body quivered on my cock. I loosened my hold on her hair and she let her head fall forward as she started slowly pulling off of me and then pressing back onto me. Only an inch or so at first but soon she was pounding nearly my entire shaft into her sexy ass. In minutes she was working her ass on my shaft in a blur just before her body stiffened as she screamed in climax once more. I took over thrusting into her as she could no longer manage it on her own.
After her climax was over I slowed and waited for her to regain her composure before resuming my full thrusts into her delectable ass. She tried to turn her head but simply couldn't and so she just let it drop as she softly asked, "Why haven't you cum yet? Every guy I've ever been with would have cum ten times by now...that is if he could still keep it up."
"I'll cum when I'm ready!" I told her. "As for me, right now I just want you to know you will NEVER find any guy who can fuck you like I am tonight!" Damn, a few words weren't deep enough and I thought I saw her react to them. She groaned hard as I resumed my hard and deep thrusts into her well stretched puckered hole.
Once again I reached around her and found her pussy dripping with her juices. God she was soaking wet! Her body jerked in surprise when I slipped a finger into her pussy, then two and finally a third as I was fucking my hand into her cunt in time with my cock's fucking into her ass hole. When she was groaning non-stop from her double fucking I moved my thumb up to her clit and rubbed it fiercely as I pounded both of her holes.
Tayu let out such a blood curdling scream that I thought it would bring the entire host of partiers running into the room, but nobody arrived. Well, nobody came but my sister who babbled incoherently as she shook violently on my shaft and fingers. As she came back down to earth I pulled my fingers from her pussy I sniffed them and then licked her juices from them as Tayu turned her head to watch me.
One might think I had been doing it for years instead of just the past seven months when I pulled fully out of her ass and said, "Suck my cock." She did it after slowly turning around, her talented mouth taking me fully down her throat as she removed all residues from her ass. "That's enough, now I want your pussy," I said in my deep voice and she expertly spun around then shoved right back at me forcing my cock into her pussy all the way to the bottom. "Ohhhhh fucking hell," she moaned as I bottomed out. This time I was pounding her pussy with only one goal in mind, I wanted to cum! Minutes later Tayu cried out and then shook violently again as she came without a word, her teeth biting her lower lip to remain silent.
The room was echoing with the slapping sounds of our bodies smacking against each other over and over. Tayu was mumbling gibberish as her passion swelled once more. My cock began to grow inside her and she perked up her head as she softly said, "Oh please, give me your cum! Shoot your seed into me! Do it, I want to feel it when you blast my insides with your cum!" I gave her three more hard full thrusts into her pussy and she tore the mattress covering open when she clenched her fists as she cried out "Oh fuck, I'm cumming again!" just as my balls powered up and my fire hose cock blasted her insides with one huge stream of cum after another.
Each blast from my cock was received with a loud groan and a shudder from Tayu! Soon she was sobbing into the mattress as both of our climaxes reached their Zenith and began to recede. I was afraid I had hurt her but then I could hear her sobbing, "Nobody's ever fucked me like this, NEVER! And I don't even know who you are. Please take off your mask so I can see you! Please."
My deep voice softly said, "No, my mask stays on! But you my dear Genie were one fantastic fuck!" I looked to my side and Samui was watching us through glazed eyes. "In fact, you were almost as good as Samui here is!" I leaned over and gave her a kiss on her lips and she just looked back at me and then at my sister sprawled before me. When I pulled out of her fuck hole, Tayu simply fell forward onto her face with a groan, her lips trying to move but nothing was coming out of them.
I pulled my costume bottoms back up before I bent down to Samui once more and deeply said, "I hope you are okay, I didn't want to hurt you!" She formed a weak smile on her dazed looking face and nodded to me. Then I leaned down and put my face right next to my sister's as my hand rubbed her ass and then slid up and rubbed the side of her 32D breast.
She looked like she wanted to speak but I put a finger on her lips and used my deep voice to say, "Thanks for begging me to let you suck me off and fuck you! You are one fantastic fuck ... for a bitch." Her eyes blinked when I called her that and she tried to focus on my eyes once more. Then I resumed in my deep voice but slowly reverted into my real voice as I softly said, "It's not so bad that you never saw my face. You can always ask some pencil dicked shithead to help you out if you get horny!" Her eyes grew wider than I had ever seen them as she tried to find my face as I started to standup. My hand reached down and pushed her face back into the mattress as I whispered "See you at home, Tayu!" I was gone in a flash, but not before I glanced at the clock, which now read 12:25.
When I stepped through the open doorway and closed the door behind me the entire crowded hallway broke into applause and cheers at the stud in the Spiderman suit. The girls just stared at me in awe with their mouths hanging open. I acknowledged them and made my way through the mass of people, many of girls grabbed at my cock bulging in my pant leg as I passed them.
Not expecting to be out so late, I simply went home in the Spiderman outfit, instead of swapping it at Randy's place. Our folks were in bed so I didn't have to explain the outfit I was wearing, or its unusual fit. Instead I just hung it on a hook in my bedroom and went to sleep in the nude like usual. Man did I sleep soundly with a huge smile on my face!
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