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"Not really, I did not know her for longer than a few hours. But she seemed to be a good person, and I am thankful that she loved me enough to want to save me. I think I would have liked to have known her. But I am with you now, the one who would make my mother's wish come true. I have no regrets."

George thought that he should say something that would console her. But she didn't seem to be upset at all. The memory of her long dead parent wasn't some weight that held her down like it did George. It made him remember his father, and curse his own weakness.

"So, that instrument, it's called a tar?"

"Yes, a Persian tar to be more precise. It is a precursor to your modern guitar actually."

"Lucky for me it plays almost the same way. So you were inside that thing for..." George did some figuring in his head, "over two thousand years?"

"Yes. But the passage of time is not felt inside the vessel. Nor did I have any knowledge of the outside world. It is difficult to explain."

"So, you only know what the Major Genie wanted you to know?"

"Almost. I also have a basic understanding of the world, as told through your experience. Once you opened the vessel, certain types of knowledge where imparted to me. For instance: language, customs, technology, mathematics, and history. Of course, there are still a few blank spots. Slang, for starters."

George laughed, "That's gonna be fun. So, why did this genie make you into a genie servant? I mean, why didn't he just make you healthy, so you could live with your mother?"

Dawn stopped eating to think. "That's a good question. Genies can be prone to doing things on a whim just like humans can be. And their whims tend to have more of an impact on the world. However, in this case, I am not so sure it was just a whim."

"What do you mean?"

"It is ... difficult to explain. I have this feeling that you were chosen for more than just fulfilling my mother's wish. As wonderful as you are, I am sure that another could have come before you. Perhaps the major genie required that I be in this time. I wonder..."

George wondered along with her. "Maybe ... maybe something happened to your vessel, and it was lost."

"That is a very remote possibility. The magic of the vessel is extremely powerful, if limited in it's scope." She wondered for a bit longer, but eventually gave up with a shrug. "It is probably nothing. If it was truly important, my creator would given me the knowledge."

"Alright, so you were in the vessel for two thousand some-odd years, and then I released you?"

"Exactly," Dawn said as she chewed, "when you played the tune, you released my essence, my incorporeal form, which is raw potential at that point. I had no thoughts or senses, only the need to find a Master. Part of the magic of the Genie's vessel is to facilitate a Genie's intended owner in actually receiving the Genie's essence. This mostly means that you needed to be alone and safe. Once I was free, I took on the physical and mental characteristics that would make me you're ideal partner."

"My perfect woman huh?" said George.

"Well, I would not presume so much as to say I am perfect. But as far as you are concerned, I am nothing more or less than exactly what you need at any given moment."

"So that's what you mean when you say you are created to my specifications?"

"Yes," she said simply.

"But I didn't even know what my ideal match would be until I met you."

Dawn leaned over and kissed him quickly, "Then you are pleased?"

The meaning of what he had just said struck him. "Dawn, so far I couldn't be more pleased."

She flashed a delightful smile as she giggled nervously. "Thank you very much George. But you are right, because your experience with love had not gone beyond longing, I was forced to dig deeper into your desires then is normal. Most of what I am has come from your subconscious. And I had to fill in the gaps when there was something that had never even occurred to you on any level. It is possible that there may be a few things about me that you are initially put off by. But as we spend more time together I will learn more about what you want and need, and you can always make a wish if you prefer that I act differently."

"Let's not do that. That seems pretty unfair to you. Everyone deserves the right make a few mistakes."

Dawn didn't say anything. She took a few more bites of her food and George could see that she was having trouble keeping her smile in check.

Eventually, Dawn asked, "George, if you don't mind me asking, how did you come upon my vessel?"

George ate his food as he spoke. "I found it at my work. I was cleaning up so I could go home for the day when I found this weird looking guitar sitting right out in the open. I figured somebody left it behind on accident, so I was going to bring it with me on Monday to try and give it back. Fat chance of that happening now."

"You could if you wanted to," she added, "I am not tied to the vessel anymore now that I am bonded to you. So someone else having the tar would make little difference."

"Well that's good to know," he chortled. "But what I meant was, I'm not going to give you up to whoever owned the thing before, even if they were some Major Genie."

She smiled happily, "Thanks, Hotstuff!"

George rolled his eyes again.

"But seriously, George, you do not know how happy it makes me to hear you say that. You really do not know what it means to have control of a genie servant, do you?"

"I guess not. If I'm doing something wrong you'll correct me right?"

"That is what I am talking about George. Do you not see? You cannot do wrong by me. Whatever you think is correct is what is correct. My affection for you will never change no matter how you treat me," she sounded a bit exasperated.

"I understand what you're saying, but if I can't do anything to upset you or hurt you, can I really do anything to make you happy? I mean ... I'm trying to say ... is what you and I feeling real if it can't be contested?"

She thought for a moment before answering, "I am afraid I cannot speak for you George. As for me, I know how I feel, and it feels real. That is all I need. And there is no other way that I can be, so we might as well accept that I will always feel this way." She moved closer to him and looked up at him with her gorgeous eyes, "Is that not comforting? Is that not what true love is?"

George looked away feeling embarrassed. "I'm sorry Dawn, I'm just not used to this type of thing being so easy. You were right when you said that I haven't had much luck with women."

"There is no need to be sorry. I am not your typical woman in any case. And besides, I know what you really mean. I feel similar. I was not prepared to find out that my Master would treat me so well. If you like, I can give you some advice."

"Yeah, please do."

"Thank you. I have not known you long, but I can tell what kind of person you are. If it is your desire to make me happy, just as it is mine to make you happy, then you are doing a very good job. You should do what you think is right by you. And if that means making me feel like the luckiest girl on earth," she placed the back of her hand on her forehead in an exaggerated woe-is- me pose, "then I am prepared to bear that burden."

George couldn't help but laugh.

"And George, remember that we've known each other less then 24 hours. Many of these questions will be sorted out in time." She smiled and finished eating her food. "This was really great by the way. Thank you very much for lunch." She hugged him again.

"You helped. What do you think you want to do for dinner?"

"I do not know," she thought out loud, "There is so much I have not even tasted."

"I think I might have an idea. My Mom has an account with a local sandwich shop that delivers. She often gets food for me and my sisters from there and charges her account. I know the owner, he won't mind if I use the account too. Does that sound good?"

"That sounds great! Do they have any fruit?" asked Dawn excitedly.

"Yeah, they actually make really great smoothies there. I bet they even have one with apples, oranges, and grapes. Sans peels and cores of course."

"Ooh, you said that with great significance," she said. She smiled wryly as she pointed a finger at him.

"I'm just saying," laughed George, "Okay, I'll go order for us." He called the sandwich shop and ordered four different kinds of sandwiches, two large soups, a smoothie for each of them, and some bread for dipping. He wanted to have a large enough spread so that she could try lots of different things. He thought about how strange it was to enjoy himself so much. Even mundane actions like eating seemed like an adventure around her. Everything felt new and exciting. He hadn't felt so alive since he was a child.

George returned to the kitchen to find Dawn still sitting in her chair. Something was different about her though. She was facing him, her perfectly shaped thighs clamped together. Her back arched, and she thrust her breasts forward. George could see a bit more cleavage peaking through the top of her over-sized dress shirt. She held on to the bottom of her chair with her arms rigid at her sides.

She looked at him innocently and seductively. "George, I am still hungry," she purred.

"Oh, uh, I think there is still a few grapes around here somewhere."

"Hmm, I was thinking more along the lines of something meaty."


"Yes, something nice and long that I can taste for a while. Something that I could wrap my lips around and feel sliding over my tongue. Something warm and hard, with a gooey center. Do you have anything like that for me?"

George gulped and stepped towards her. Her innuendo was so thick that even he could picked up on it. He was still nervous, but his cock became hard almost instantly.

"Oh, it looks like you just might. Do you think I could have a little taste? Just a little? Please?" She licked her lips lightly. George was so suddenly horny that he wanted to just rip her clothes off and take her over the kitchen table. He thought she looked so cute and sexy. But he restrained himself. He wanted to see where this encounter was going.

"Well," he said, "I suppose. But only because you asked so nicely." He strode forward until he was standing over her thighs and pulled his pants down just enough to let his cock out. It pointed directly at her pretty face.

She beamed at him. "Thank you, George. If I behave myself do you think I could have another little taste later?"

"We'll see, you show me how much of a good girl you can be and I'll consider it."

"For you George, I can be the best girl." She leaned forward and wrapped her succulent lips around the head of his cock. She wasted no time and slid all the way down his shaft sucking and slurping obscenely as she whetted his length.

Like the blowjob she had given him the previous night, she didn't use her hands. Her arms remained rigid as she gripped the bottom of her chair. But unlike the first, this was much more messy and vigorous. "Mmph, Mmph, umph," were the sounds she made in her cute, breathy, muffled voice. She bobbed up and down quickly and sloppily. Drops of saliva and precum mixed together before dripping down on the front of her shirt, then down into her cleavage.

"Ugh, hey Dawn, you are going to ruin my shirt like that."

"Mm thowy Horthe," was all she could manage with his big cock down her throat. Without moving her hands, the buttons of her shirt unfastened themselves one by one until her beautiful tits were exposed. George reached down and ran his large fingers through her hair and held it back so he could watch his cock slide all the way in, and then all the way out again as her tits bounced wildly.

The visual was quickly pushing him over the edge and he grunted in ecstasy. She must have known how close he was, because she slowed down and held just the head in her mouth until he came back down. Then she returned to her exuberant blowjob.

George desperately tried to think of ways to prolong the experience. Suddenly he had an idea. Why not ask her about her abilities now? It would help get his mind thinking about other things at least.

"So, uh ... as my Genie, oh ... what kind of things can you, whoa crap ... do?" he managed as she bobbed up and down.

She swallowed all of him and held there for a moment which elicited a gasp from George. Then she pulled out slowly and started licking his shaft top to bottom. "My ... slurp ... primary ... mmph ... abilities are for ... umph ... giving you any physical..." she took him all the way in again and he could feel her tongue swirl around him. She pulled out again and continued, " ... or mental pleasure."

"Ugh ... I got that part. What else..."

Dawn kept up her messy tongue bath as she continued, "I can change your ... slurp ... appearance as well as my own ... slurp ... to anything you like. Mmph..." she moaned as she took his head and swirled her tongue around it again. "I can also ... slurp ... facilitate sex with any other person ... mmph ... that you desire."

"Okay ... ugh ... can I wish that you feel what I'm feeling right now?"

Her eyes went wide, "Mmm-hmm."

"Do it. Holy shit!"

Suddenly, Dawn started to squirm and quiver as she worked his cock harder and faster. She moaned loudly and uncontrollably as she could feel what it felt like to give herself a blowjob. George realized this might not have been such a good idea because now nobody was in control to bring them down. He thought quickly.

"Wait wait, tell me what else you can do! Neither of us can cum until you tell me everything!"

He said this just in time because he could feel himself about to blow. Now they were both trapped just before the point of no return. The pleasure was intense and made George's head foggy.

Dawn groaned in frustration as she sucked him hard in a vane attempt to get herself off. Finally, she pulled away and went back to licking him. "I can ... mmph ... create fictional scenarios ... mmph ... without limit. I can read ... slurp ... minds, I have ... mmph ... abilities for blending in to my ... hmmm ... environment. Mmph ... I could suck your big beautiful cock forever!"

She lost control of herself for a moment. She was panting and sweating, and she screamed with George's cock in her mouth. Her eye's watered. When she regained some semblance of control over herself she continued. "I can slow down time ... hmmm ... I can protect you from harm ... slurp ... I can keep you young until we die! I can do anything! Just let me feel you cum down my throat! Please!"

The two finally exploded as their climax overtook them. George pulled her head all the way down his cock and held her there. Dawn, with her arms still rigid at her sides, cried out in muffled pleasure. Long ropes of his cum drained into her and she gulped it down gladly. George could see her tummy contract and shake as her own orgasm crashed through her.

As his cock softened George, backed away slowly. Inch after inch of his cock slid out of her warm wet mouth. The head popped free and Dawn gasped for breath. "Wow," she breathed, "I am really good."

They both laughed as they tried to catch their breath. George said, "Let's keep that wish going from now on. Whenever you make me feel any sort of pleasure, you feel it too. Will that work?"

He felt the tingling again. "Yes George, and thank you for that. I really loved giving you blowjobs before. But now I think I am really REALLY going to love it!" The magical wash cloth appeared once more and she cleaned both of them slowly and deliberately. She gave his flaccid cock a sweet little kiss before putting it away. "Bye bye hotstuff Jr, I will see you soon," she said in a sing-song voice.

He laughed again, he had never laughed so much in one day. "Where did that come from? I mean, I'm not complaining at all, it was incredible, but I didn't even wish for that."

"You are not the only one who desires, George. I wanted to thank you properly for being such a kind and generous Master. And I realized it had been almost an hour since I had your cock in me, so I decided to show a little initiative. Part of my makeup suggests that you would like your woman to show some initiative from time to time."

George knelt down between her sexy legs and rested his hands on her thighs. He leaned in and kissed her flat stomach. "That's true, but you didn't have to give me a blowjob to thank me."

"Oh but I wanted to George! I really love sucking your cock! If you would let me, I would be fucking your brains out all day long! Oh, sorry, I got a little carried away. Please excuse my vulgarity."

George reached up and massaged her tits. Dawn moaned in response. "You know, you try to look innocent, but you are really a dirty girl."

"I am sorry George. I just cannot help it. I want to be good, really. But when you touch me like that you make me so wet." Her shirt had fallen almost completely off and it hung uselessly around her elbows while she ran her fingers through George's hair.

"Wow, you are really sensitive there huh?" he said as he pinched her nipples.

"Uh-huh," she moaned. "I will admit that I was surprised to see how large my breasts were when I first materialized. But I like them, and I really like the way you like them." Dawn leaned her head back and moaned as George took one in his mouth. "Oh George, please fuck me again! You are driving me wild!"

"I'll do you one better. I wish to, how did you put it, fuck your brains out?"

Her eyes flashed gold and the tingle returned. She gasped and began to tremble. "Oh yes George! Take me to paradise with your big thick cock!" He became hard instantly. Even though he had just cum he felt totally rejuvenated.

George reached underneath her legs and picked her up off of her chair. He then wiped the dishes off the kitchen table in one swoop of his arm, letting them crash to the floor. He laid Dawn on top of it and ripped her boxer shorts off. He was on fire. He couldn't even think.

Suddenly, something in him began to guide his movements. First, it showed him the precise angle from which to enter her from. Then, it told him what to do with his hands as he caressed her big tits. Finally, it revealed what his lips were for, and he kissed her passionately before moving down to suck on her nipples. Dawn cried out again and again as she could feel the pleasure she was giving George as well as her own.

The invisible guide controlled George like it was training him how to make love to Dawn. Everything it showed him was exactly what he needed to do to bring Dawn closer to a climax. And climax she did. She screamed as her whole body quaked with the waves of her orgasm. George felt her pussy contract and moisten even further.

But George wasn't done. The guide told him to flip her over and take her from behind. He obeyed unconsciously, his only thoughts where of admiration for Dawn's incredible body, and the sweet wordless moans and screams she made. He reached forward and took hold of her silky golden brown hair, gripping it tightly. Dawn could do nothing but brace herself as George held her off the floor and ground his cock into her, stimulating every part of her exactly as she needed it. His hands held on to her hips and ass, and massaged her as she came again, this time even harder than the first.

Dawn looked back at George with a delirious look and tried to string some sort of sentence together. But all she could muster were the beginnings of a few words that didn't make sense to George. A few tears had escaped her beautiful lust filled eyes. But George was still not finished. He was close to his own orgasm and the invisible guide prodded him toward one last position.

George picked her up carefully and brought her over to the living room couch. He laid down face up and held her so that she was facing away from him. He then lifted her up and lowered her on to his pole. Dawn's breathing was erratic and quick. She gasped and wailed as he forced her up and down his shaft. Adrenalin fueled his muscles as he gripped her by the hips and worked the proper angles as he was guided.

He could feel the pressure in the pit of his stomach, and he knew he was going to cum soon. He suddenly had the urge to say something to her to push her over the final barrier. He sat up and whispered through her feathered hair, "Master has you."

Her body went rigid and she let out a broken lust filled scream. Her spasming pussy pushing him over the edge, and he exploded within her. Dawn rode out the intense pleasure. When it was over, her body went limp. Her arms fell uselessly to her sides. Her head fell back against his shoulder. All of her primal moans ceased. She had passed out.

George laid on the couch with Dawn lying on top of him for a few minutes as he caught his breath. He was tired and sore, relieved and content. As his senses gradually returned to him he began to realize that Dawn was still not moving. "Dawn? Dawn!" She did not stir.

George was now starting to get very worried. He slid out from under her and knelt beside the couch. He could see that she was still breathing. He checked her pulse and her heart beat seemed fine. He shook her a bit and called her name again. Nothing. "Oh no," he thought, "I've fucked her into a coma."

George began to panic. He thought that maybe he should call a doctor. But what would he tell them? "Well you see, I was fucking her brains out when she lost consciousness. You think there is a connection?" He racked his brain trying to think of something that could help. Then he remembered, "What about a wish? Did she have to be awake to grant them?"

"I wish for Dawn to be safe, healthy, clean, and comfortable," he declared.

Dawn was suddenly clothed in a comfy looking set of light blue cotton pajamas. The top was a tank top with the belly cut out of it and the bottoms hugged her curves lightly. A pillow appeared beneath her head. She breathed softly and evenly. Her body was no longer sweaty and flushed; it was clean and relaxed, just as he wished. George let out and audible sigh of relief.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Delivery from Walt's Wiches," came a girl's voice.

George recognized it as Lindsey, the sandwich shop owner's daughter. George had gone to high school with her. She had been the closest thing that he ever had to a girlfriend prior to Dawn. George quickly fixed his disheveled clothing and composed himself as best he could before striding to the front door.

"Hey George," said Lindsey happily, "I've got your order. How have you been? You look good." Lindsey had always had the habit of talking very quickly whenever she was around him. George never had a clue why. He had always liked her, as she had been one of the few people who ever stood up for him in high school. But she was always a nerd herself and her voice never had much clout, no matter how right she always was.

However, George was shocked when he caught site of her. She had always been cute in that nerdy girl sort of way, but she looked downright sexy as she stood in the doorway. She had long deep red hair which she always wore up in a pony tail. Her freckly face was devoid of glasses and George caught site of her pretty green eyes for the first time. He had never remembered her for her figure, but the skin tight jean shorts and small bright yellow polo shirt brought them into full focus. Her legs look toned and tan.

Apparently, George had stared too long because Lindsey quietly let loose an, "Ahem."

"Oh right! Sorry. You look ... good ... too Lindsey," stammered George.

She giggled, "You always were a charmer. Mind if I come in?" She pushed her way past George and set the bag full of food on the kitchen table. She looked around in bewilderment at the level of devastation. The Kitchen walls were covered in fruit guts, the contents of the pantry were partially sprawled out over the floor, and several dishes were smashed. "Jesus, what happened in here?"

"I uh, was making lunch and uh..."

"Yeah I see that," she interjected, "maybe you should leave the lunches to us, ey?"

George had always been unsure of how to handle Lindsey's prickly demeanor. Though she was always nice to him she was also headstrong and intimidating. "Yeah, suppose so."

The two stood in the kitchen for an uncomfortable moment before Lindsey began again. "So ... what have you been up too? It's been over a year since I saw you last. Did you get into any colleges?"

"No," he said meekly, "I tried community college for a semester but as it turns out, a lot of people from our high school go there too, They didn't make it easy on me."

She looked pissed, "You know that really bites, I never understood why they laid into you so much."

George shrugged, "Easy target I guess."

"What about a university? Your grades were good enough to get into State."

"I thought about it," said George, "But I couldn't leave my mom. She's had a hard time ever since ... well, you know."

"Yeah I know," she said dejectedly.

"But what about you, how are you liking State?"

"Oh I love it. I'm like a whole new woman. I joined a sorority, and things are never dull."

That explained the new look. "That's cool. So are you home for the summer?"

"Yep," she said happily, "I'm earning a little money at dad's shop so that I won't have to work so hard during the school year. He really needs the help anyway. What about you? You work?"

"Uh yeah, I teach kids how to swim down at the wellness center."

"Oh wow! I can definitely picture you doing that. You've always been good with kids. But things are good?"

"Well, things have been pretty much the same."

She cringed, "That bad huh?"

"Yeah, but lately things have been looking up."

"Well, that's good at least. I really missed you George." She looked at him bashfully for a moment, "We uh, we should hang out sometime, before I have to go back. We can catch up."

"Uh yeah! Definitely ... need to do that."

"Always the charmer." She laughed. "Well, I'd better get going. The shop doesn't really get anything done unless I'm there." She started to walk back towards the door, but stopped when she noticed Dawn sleeping soundly on the couch. "Oh, what's with sleeping beauty?"

George suddenly felt like this might not end well, "Oh, um, that's Dawn, my girlfriend."

She looked at him in shock. "YOU have a GIRLFRIEND?" she dragged out.

"Yeah, I mean I think so."

"Uh-huh, and where did you find her? She's ... hot," admitted Lindsey reluctantly.

George thought about telling her about how she sprung forth from a two millennia old Persian tar to grant him all his sexual wishes, but thought better of it. "Actually, she sort of, found me."

"Oh, well ... that's great! Good for you George," she said unconvincingly. "Well, I'll um ... call you."

"Yeah, definitely."

"Um ... bye," she said. She moved for the door rapidly and let herself out.

George couldn't help but feel relieved. Normally he would have been glad to see Lindsey, but he was too focused on Dawn to really give her the attention she deserved. He looked over to where Dawn was sleeping with the hope that she would be awake. But she lay there blissfully. He decided that he would let her rest when he noticed the mess Lindsey had pointed out to him. He wandered around the kitchen and cleaned up as best he could while Dawn slept.

After a short while however, George became very lonely again. He kept shooting glances at the couch hoping to see Dawn stir, but she didn't. With his heart definitely not in to the cleaning, he walked back over to Dawn and sat on the floor next the couch. He could see a small contented smile around the edges of her mouth. George desperately wanted to kiss her or touch her or talk to her, anything to stop him from thinking about how lonely he was without her. Eventually, he settled on stoking her pretty hair.

As his large hand caressed her, he thought about all that had happened in the past few hours. She had come into his life so swiftly that he could scarcely believe that she was real. But he had too. The alternative was just too painful. It made his insides ache just to think about it.

"Dawn," he said softly, "I don't know if you can hear me or not. I guess it doesn't matter. I just really need to say this. I think that if I don't do it now I may never have the nerve to again." He breathed heavily as he continued, "I made a mistake when I was young, and I've been paying for it ever since. There was someone that I loved very much, who loved me very much, who I took for granted. It was my dad. I assumed that he would always be there, that no matter what happened I'd be okay with him around.

But he died. I've never been able to feel that way about anyone ever since." He swallowed hard, "I was too afraid of losing it. That's why I don't have many friends. At times its been really hard to carry on. I thought about ending it once or twice.

But ever since you came around with your sweet voice, and your pretty hair, and your hot body ... and your eyes, I can feel those barriers I put up falling away. And I feel myself needing you more and more with each passing moment. I don't know if you know this, but I almost cried this morning when you weren't there. God that's so pathetic, but it's true. And then I heard you singing and I wanted to run away, because I thought that if you were real then it couldn't last, I would lose you.

But I'm tired of running. I'm going to make a promise to you, and to myself. I promise to never take you, or your abilities, or any part of you for granted. I promise that I won't push you away. In fact, let's make it a wish. I wish to never take you for granted. I wish for every day with you to be at least as amazing as this one."

He had begun to cry and hastily wiped his eyes on his shirt. "At the very least, I want to thank you for making my life worth living again. You came at a time when what I needed most was for someone to take a chance on me. You saved me. I'll never forget that."

Just then George heard a sniffle come from Dawn. She opened her eyes slowly. A torrent of tears winded their way down her cheeks. "Sorry, I was listening," she said softly.

George held her hand and continued to stroke her hair. "For how long?" he asked.

"Ever since you called me your girlfriend," her voiced cracked heavily.

"Is that okay with you? I mean, if it's not I understand I just..."

"Stop it," she said quickly, "I am yours. In whatever way you want, I am yours."

He merely nodded.

"You do not believe me?"

"It's not that. I..." he tried desperately to get the words out, but Dawn's heavenly gaze brought him closer to a place he had been afraid to go for so long. "I don't know..." he whispered.

Dawn raised herself off the couch so that she was at eye level with him. She looked deep into his eyes, and was about to say something when George stopped her.

"Don't..." he interrupted.

"I am sorry. You are my Master, and your wish is my command. But you need to hear this, as much as I need to say it. Please, do not stop me."

He couldn't fight it anymore. He couldn't even speak. All of his past guilt and self-loathing was silenced for a moment. For the first time, George wanted someone to love him. All he could do was hang his head and wait.

Dawn made him look at her by pulling his chin forward with a gentle nudge from her delicate fingers. She then held his hands tightly and gave him a look that he could swear was familiar. It was gentle and fearless. It was forgiving and shameless. It was everything she was in its purest form. It was absolute heaven.

"I do not care if you believe me or not. I do not care if you have earned it or not. I love you. I always will. And someday, you will realize how much."

George didn't know what to do. Part of him wanted to run. Part of him didn't want to believe it. But one overwhelming part of him began to hope, and it took him over. Finally, after years of feeling fearful, and lonely, and broken, he was whole. He wasn't completely fixed, but the missing pieces were finally there. He could see his whole life laid out before him as one long string of glorious experiences with Dawn by his side.

His thoughts broke him down, and his veneer of cold self-sufficiency melted away. All that was left was the belief that he was loved. He cried. He cried harder then he ever had before. Dawn pulled him close, kissed his forehead, and held him tightly. They stayed that way for a long time.un

anonymous readerReport 

2013-10-26 11:39:45
p986IO Im obliged for the article post.Thanks Again. Want more.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-20 09:52:22
there has to be more to this story. Please find the rest and upload it asap

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-19 01:23:42
Dude he should b like john like i would i mean if i found out i could wish to change my apperence i would wish to be thin and strong and have a perfect body and hair and stuff and nothing tht i do would change it like i could eat a whole chinese buffet but neva get fat thts the first thing thn id want a cock tht differs in size for every woman if one wants a big cock ots big but if a nother wants a small one it would b he should do tht or u should change it a little also post ur story man i liked tht one

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-18 22:59:49
Hope its not the end cause I know what happens with Lindsey and when his mom comes back.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-18 11:35:58
Is that the end I hope not I want to see how his family reacts to her

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