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Einreb parked his little yellow Beetle in front of Troll Associates'
Lethbridge building in Mahwah and made his way to his cubicle, as he had
done nearly every workday for the past 10 years.

"Morning Yrral!" Einreb said as he passed Yrral Allemoc's cube at 10 to
9 on a Monday morning.

"Morning Einreb!" Yrral called back.

"Where's Gerg?" Einreb asked.

"I don't know; he's going to be late in a minute," the boss said.

Sure enough, the receptionist then announced over the PA system,
"Attention please! The time is now nine o'clock!"

Einreb poked his head into Yrral's cube, "Didn't Gerg say he was going
to a Grateful Dead concert over the weekend?"

"Yeah, I think so," Yrral answered.

"Ah! He must be out buying a new car again."

"Mmm," the boss muttered.

Einreb stopped over at Tnecillim's cube. "Hi Tneci! You got the wall
textures for Monster Maze for me?"

"Yup! Here!" she answered and handed him a floppy diskette.

Einreb booted up his computer and began to merge the artist's graphics
with his assembler code when Evets popped into Einreb's cube, handing
Einreb a floppy disk. "Here's the background midi for the boss fight."

"Thanks, Evets!" Einreb said as Gerg wandered in.

"Morning everyone!" Gerg said.

"Morning Gerg," Yrral answered. "What happened?"

"Sorry I'm late. I, er, had an accident this weekend."

"Hey Gerg!" Einreb called out. "That's three-for-three now. Three Dead
concerts and three wrecked cars in the past year. Maybe there's a pattern
there you can do something about..."

"Shut up!" Gerg sneered back.

Einreb loved his job as a computer game programmer for Troll. Sometimes
he longed to work for a company that people actually heard of, like Atari
or Activision, who made games for the Atari 2600 that people actually
wanted to buy. Still, he counted himself lucky to have been recruited by
Troll before he even graduated from Orange County Community College 10
years ago. Though graduating with Honors and on the Dean's list didn't
hurt either.

That the receptionist announced the start of work, breaks, lunch, and
end of day, was a joke among the professional staff. Still, it was a great
working environment. Most of the times, it was very laid-back. Though
things heated up as year-end ship-dates approached. Still, writing
computer games for a living sure beat cranking out business reports and
statistical analysis that was the norm of most programmers. Headhunters
often called him nearly every night trying to lure him into taking a
higher-paying mainframe COBOL job at UPS, A&P, or BMW. He always politely
refused. "COBOL? Ugh!"

He and Yrral often played Flight Simulator in linked mode during lunch
hour together. And it was a running joke how Gerg Xeurt _always_ wrecked
his cars coming home from Grateful Dead concerts.

Being a young group, the guys often invited each other to their bachelor
pads for parties.

Evets had invited the group to his house one Friday night after work for
a little party. Einreb, Yrral, Gerg, Mit, Ycnan, and Tnecillim were all
sitting around Evets' coffee table one Friday night after work as Evets
came out of his bedroom and lit a joint.

When Einreb's turn came around he said, "No thanks."

"What? You don't party?" Gerg asked in shock.

"I don't. But it's okay; I'm a Libertarian! I've no problem with what
other people do for fun. But I don't do drugs, myself."

"Oh, come on! One joint isn't going to hurt!" Evets insisted.

"You guys enjoy! Don't mind me!" Einreb replied.

As it was, the party ended early and Einreb headed home in his yellow

Autumn was well under way when Yrral was promoted to marketing Analyst,
and Gerg was promoted to manage the game development group.

The drop-dead ship date was 24 hours away and Einreb still hadn't fixed
that bug that the testers had found that caused the boss monster to run
around in circles when he was down to 1 hit point.

The receptionist announced five o'clock over the PA system on Wednesday
evening, but Einreb stayed at his desk. Within five minutes, the building
was completely empty.

Einreb continued to run compiles and tests. "Damn!"

5:00 PM quickly ran into 6:00 AM when Einreb finally got the game done.

Rather than drive home and then drive back to work again in a few hours,
Einreb curled up on the floor under his desk and fell asleep.

When Gerg came to Einreb's cubicle at 4:45 on the following Friday,
Einreb had a bad feeling. Whenever someone got fired from Troll, it was
_always_ at 4:45 on a Friday.

"Einrneb," Gerg started.

"What, Gerg?"

"I'm sorry to tell you, but we had a meeting with Yrral and got approval
from Mr. and Mrs. Retcehcs, and have decided that we no longer need your

"What!" Einreb said. "After I just put in a 32 hour day to get that
game done!"

"That has nothing to do with it."

"You're damn right about that, Gerg! It's because I won't smoke drugs
with you!"

"Clean out your desk and come with me, Einreb!"


"I didn't do it!" Einreb pounded on the table in the interrogation room
at the Piscataway police station.

"We have several witnesses who overheard you make a terrorist threat
this morning," Detective Llemtrac sneered back.

"It wasn't like that! We all knew that AT&T was handing out the layoff
notices this morning, and we were all making jokes about it; you know,
gallows humor. No one was making any terrorist threats!"

"But you did mention a bomb."

"Well, yes. But they tricked me! I didn't realize they were steering
the conversation to trick me into using the 'b' word until the police
showed up at my house! I was so close to saving the princess in Super
Mario World, too!"

"Why would they do that to you?"

"I explained that to you already!" Einreb said through clenched teeth.
"It's all because of the hazing! I told you that after I complained about
the Birthday Beatings to Dref..."

"Who?" the detective demanded.

"Dnanidref. He's the manager of another development group in the
department. I never worked under him, but we were sort of friends. I had
asked him to see if he could do something about the Birthday Beatings."

"Why didn't you ask your own manager?"

"Mij Htims? He was in on the hazing as must as the rest of the bunch!
They all said they were going to get back at me for asking Dref for

The detective leaned forward and stared into Einreb's eyes. "If you're
making accusations at your manager to get out of this, you're gonna be in
even bigger trouble!"

"Then give me a lie detector test, that'll prove I'm telling the truth!"

The detective ignored Einreb's plea and pressed on. "Were you ever in
the military?"


"Do you own any guns?"

The detective grilled Einreb on and on and finally left him alone in the
interrogation room for another half hour, then drove him back to the AT&T
building and turned him over to corporate security.

Lien Tnaf and Adnil Regnettip, the executive management team of the
division, were there and slowly read the report handed to him by the
detective. "Do you know evacuating the building this morning cost AT&T
over $100,000?"

"You're blaming _me_ for _your_ paranoia!"_ Einreb asked the suit. "You
made the decision to evacuate the building, not me!"

"You're suspended until further notice," is all he said in reply.

"I gave five years of my life to AT&T, Lien! I deserve better treatment
than this!"

The suit turned his back and left, and corporate security escorted
Einreb out.

Einreb cried all through the night. Six bottles worth of Nytol pills
sat, uneaten, in a big pile on his night table. He didn't even get a
chance to say "goodbye" to Airam. Being a shy loner, she was the closest
he had to a best friend, whom he went out to lunch with once a week or so.
Had she not been married, he often wondered if their friendship could have
turned into something more...

Eventually, though, things improved. His suspension ended and he
returned to work at AT&T, but assigned to a different department. Most of
the people he had known before had been laid off that fateful day. "Good
riddance!" he thought of most of them -- though he never got up the courage
to call Airam back again, nor did she ever call him. A few people asked
him if he really did it and what it was like to be arrested, despite
promises from Lein Tnaf that his privacy would be protected.

He even bumped into his former District Manager, Yrrab Remmir who
commented, "As a Christian, I believe AT&T did the right thing. Somebody
who can't go along with some simple office hazing fun without being a
whistle-blower about it deserves to die."

Hardened to corporate life, Einreb continued to do his job. However, he
didn't make it through the next round of layoffs that AT&T held five years
later. Largely, he suspected, because of the lawsuit he had brought
against AT&T for the Birthday Beating hazing and for his false arrest.


(Hey! This is supposed to be a sex story! So where's the frigging

(Just hold on! It's coming!)


After being unemployed for nearly a year, and beating Metal Gear Solid,
and Final Fantasy VII and VIII, Einreb had found a clerical job at Guardian
Life through Kelly Services.

A few weeks earlier, Knarf Ollurec, the department head, offered him the
job immediately at the conclusion of the interview, and he accepted it.
The two-hour commute to Bethlehem was horrendous, but at least he was doing
a reverse commute from Piscataway to Pennsylvania along I-78. The traffic
in the opposite direction crawled toward New York in the morning, and
crawled back toward Pennsylvania in the evening, but for Einreb traffic was
light except for the occasional big rig pulling out of the truck stops that
lined the expressway.

Einreb parked his big white Cadillac DeVille behind the Guardian
building and headed toward the employee entrance. It was a relatively
stress-free clerical job, although it barely paid above minimum wage.

"Hey" Nairb called out as their paths converged toward the entrance of
the office, "Nice car! How's a clerk afford a Cadillac?"

As part of the settlement agreement, Einreb isn't allowed to talk about
his settlement with AT&T (but Einreb's friends are :-), so he just told a
different truth, "I got a good severance package from AT&T."

Once inside, Einreb and Nairb went their separate directions as Einreb
settled into his cubicle for the day.

"Hey Einreb!" Naoj called out from the cubicle across the aisle.

"What's up?" Einreb asked.

"How do I find special characters in SPF edit again?"

"Type _F P'.'_ ."


"No problem."

At work, the programmers around him had discovered that his 10 years of
mainframe programming experience at AT&T, and 20 years programming overall,
came in handy when they needed to know some esoteric detail about ISPF,

"Hey Einreb!" Rehtse asked while leaning over the cubicle wall from her
cubicle adjacent to his.

"What's up, Rehtse?"

"Do you know an easy way to insert sequence numbers into a flat file?"

"Sure, you can do that with ISPF. Just edit the file, turn number mode
on, then turn it off again."

"I already tried that. The file is too big for SPF, and I don't want
COBOL numbering."

"You could always use Syncsort."

"Syncsort? You can't put sequence numbers in a file with Syncsort!"

"Sure you can! I've done it plenty of times to build test data."

"Then why isn't it in Quick-ref?"

"It's in Quickref, but Quickref doesn't explain clearly how to do it."

"You're pulling my leg, Einreb."

As a clerk, Einreb didn't have a TSO ID. "Let me sit at your terminal
for a moment, and I'll show you how."

"I don't really have time for this, Einreb," Rehtse said. "But suit

Einreb sat at Rehtse's terminal and typed the following JCL into a
member in her JCLLIB PDS:











SORT FIELDS=(0001,010,CH,A)



"There," Einreb said. "Change the START and INCR values to suit your
needs, put a JOB card on it, put some test data in SORTIN, print the output
file with a GENER, and run it."

Einreb returned to his cube to continue transcribing his minutes from
this morning's budget meeting into an email to send out to all the

The rest of Einreb's day was filled by reserving conference rooms for
upcoming meetings, calling Xerox to request a technician for a belligerent
copier, and confirming that the cafeteria will serve coffee at tomorrow's
executive luncheon.

Ever since his gall bladder surgery a few years back, when he had
medical insurance at AT&T, Einreb sometimes has bouts of diarrhea at the
most inconvenient times. Taking Imodium helped when he had plans to do
something on a Saturday afternoon, but he didn't want to be dependent on
pharmaceuticals to live his day-to-day life. That evening, about a 45
minutes into his commute, nearly half way home, Einreb stopped into Truck
Stops of America along I-78 to use the men's room.

After doing what he had to do, he browsed through the small truckers'
store for a few minutes. Like a quickie-mart, they sold snacks and soda,
but they also sold truckers' log books, maps, CB radios, mud flaps
depicting naked women, and assorted other "truck" stuff. He excused
himself past the truckers browsing around, all big burly guys whom he
wouldn't want to piss off.

When he arrived home, he was thrilled to have a phone message from a
recruiter who had found his resume on

He called the recruiter back and, about 15 minutes later, had lined up
an interview with Unisys in Trenton the following day for a permanent
programming job with benefits.

With his interview suit still freshly pressed, he called in sick, headed
down Route 1 past the Quakerbridge Mall, and got off north of Trenton.

The HR manager, Nerak Klov, met him in the lobby and showed him in to a
conference room. She talked briefly about company benefits and such before
leaving to bring in the management team who would interview him.

The management team filed in and introduced themselves to Einreb. The
manager was Nylorac Nesredna, and the other members of the team were Ennayd
Yksnad, Ekim Sirrom, and Lav Veyilas.

Nylorac started by asking him what utility he would use to create a VSAM

"Everyone knows that!" Einreb answered. "You use IDCAMS."

Nylorac laughed and said, "Not everyone knows that."

The technical questions were pretty basic, but the pressure was building
during his first shot at a programming job in over a year.

"What is the difference between a join and a union?" Ekim asked.

Einreb answered, "A join takes two different tables and connects them
side-by-side, using keys in each of the tables to match up corresponding
rows, to make one wide table. An inner join only returns rows where keys
match on both tables, but an outer join returns every row of both tables,
even if there's no matching key on one table." He knew his answer was
somewhat imprecise and there was more to it than that, and he could go on
about left and right joins, but he didn't want to make a mistake and say
something wrong, so he left it at that. Besides, unions and joins are
really inefficient SQL, and no one hardly ever uses them if they can help

"And what about a union?" Ekim persisted.

"A union takes two tables with similar characteristics and stacks them
to make one long table." Again, he knew the answer was somewhat imprecise.
Most programmers would create a VIEW of the tables and create the JOIN or
UNION from the VIEW rather than the table itself, but anyone who knew DB2
would know what he meant.

Ekim continued asking about cursors, DML vs. DDL, SPUFI, DCLGEN, and
other aspects of DB2 programming.

Then their focus changed to CICS questions. His mind froze when Ennayd
asked him what TRANID he would use to debug a CICS program. He knew the
answer. It was on the tip of his tongue. But all he could say was,
"Sorry, my mind went blank."

Still, he knew that he had answered most of the technical questions

The personality questions came next. First came the dreaded, "Do you
prefer to work alone or in a team?" question.

Einreb was a programmer through and through. Like any self-respecting
techie geek, he loved nothing better than to be given a set of
requirements, a deadline, and left alone to code. "I love to work with
people," he answered. "I've worked on large teams, and I've worked alone.
I work well either way."

"What was your favorite assignment?"

That was easy. "The time I was the last remaining programmer on a small
project as a result of downsizing. I was assigned to a manager who knew
little about my project, so I met with my users, did software maintenance,
ran the daily production cycle, and my desk phone was the help line for the

The questioning went on like that for about an hour, then they asked him
if he had any questions.

Of course, he wanted to ask them the really important questions, like
how long the workday was, if they can wear jeans to work, and how many
vacation days they got a year. But he knew better. "What challenges will
I face on this assignment?" and "Have you done a risk analysis for the
work, and what contingencies have you identified?"

The interview finally ended and they thanked each other for their time.

Einreb started his car and his eyes suddenly brightened. He rolled down
his window and yelled out, "CEDF!" as if the people on the 4th floor of the
distant office building could hear, while drawing curious stares from
passers-by on the sidewalk.

Upon returning home, he made a few changes to the thank-you letters he
had already saved in his PC, printed them out, and dropped them in the

Upon arriving at work the following day, Noaj called over to Einreb from
her cube. "Hey Einreb, can you come over for a second?"

Thankful to take a break from figuring how many bagels he needed to
order from the cafeteria for next week's department status meeting, Einreb
across the aisle. "What's up, Noaj?"

"My TSO session's locked up recalling an HSM'd dataset! Ever since
Desktop Services re-imaged my PC to XP last month, I lost my PA2 key! They
say you're good at this PC stuff too. Do you know how to get my PA2 key

"I'll try. Let me have a seat," Einreb said.

Einreb had never used _IBM Host On Demand_ before, and he preferred
Rumba, but he knew that these TN3270 emulators all worked much the same.
He clicked on EDIT, then PREFERENCES, then KEYBOARD."

"I tried that," Noaj said, "I don't see any of the AID keys listed."

Einreb clicked on the drop down menu under CATEGORIES and selected HOST
FUNCTIONS. He scrolled down the list until he found PA1 and highlighted
the row. He pressed ALT and F1 together, but nothing happened. He rubbed
his chin and then clicked on ASSIGN KEY. Again he pressed ALT and F1
together and the key sequence appeared in the row for PA1. He repeated the
steps for PA2 and PA3.

He clicked on APPLY and ended out of the menus back to Noaj's TSO
session. Pressing ALT and F2, he broke out of the HSM wait.

"There! ALT-F1 is your PA1 key, F2 is PA2, and so on."

"Thanks Einreb! You're a life saver!"

"No problem," Einreb answered and went back to counting bagels.


After several days had passed, he sent an email to Nerak Klov asking her
if they had reached a decision yet.

Her reply the following day was that they had chosen another candidate.

He replied asking her for some feedback why he was passed over, and she
replied again saying that he wasn't very strong technically.

"Damn!" Einreb said to his computer. "I'm as strong as anyone! I'm
just not a good salesman."


Several weeks passed without any further job leads when Mit Nahanahs,
his immediate supervisor at Guardian, stopped by his cubicle and asked to
see him privately.

Mit spoke in his thick London accent, "Einreb, we've had some complaints
from the head of maintenance about the bathrooms."

"What about the bathrooms?" Einreb asked.

"He says you've left messes in the bathrooms on two occasions."

Einreb thought quick. There had been a few times that his diarrhea
after an occasional heavy lunch had overwhelmed a toilet in the men's room
and caused it to overflow. But remembering advice that his lawyer gave him
after the settlement of his frame-up by AT&T, he knew the best defense
against almost any accusation was complete denial. "You've got the wrong
guy, Mit. I don't know anything about any messes in the bathrooms!"

"You were seen by the security guards on two occasions leaving the
bathroom. The cleaning lady complained, and the head of maintenance made a
big stink to Knarf."

"But I don't know anything about this! What does the head of
maintenance have against me? What did I ever do to him?"

"If you were a regular employee, you'd be able to appeal. But since
you're a temp, we have no choice but to let you go."

"What! You can't be serious, Mit! Over a toilet overflowing?"

"I need your badge, Einreb. Please follow me out of the building."

In addition to heavy eating, stress also triggered his ailment. He
pulled into the Bloomsbury truck stop on his way home early that day.
Einreb pondered his predicament while sitting on the throne. "Could I sue
Guardian for violating the Americans With Disabilities Act? I wonder if
lacking a gall bladder counts as a legal disability. With my luck, I bet
it doesn't! Shit!"

On his way out, he stopped at the Burger King counter and ordered a
burger and fries.

Making his way to the little dining area, he took a seat and watched the
big rigs drive in and out of the truck stop through the plate glass window
while he ate his burger. "Well," he thought to himself, "I have plenty of
time to finish playing Halo. Maybe I'll stop at the mall on my way home
and pre-order Halo 2."

He felt conspicuously out of place sitting among the grubby looking
guys, presumably all truck drivers. But he kept to himself while he
nibbled on his burger.

"Hi there," a voice came from behind him.

Looking up from his burger, a tall black woman was standing over him
carrying a tray. "Want some company?" she asked.

"Uhm, sure," Einreb replied, quickly studying the muscular woman wearing
a gray coverall and heavy black work shoes.

Sitting down, she said, "I'm Tamila."

"Einreb," Einreb said looking into her eyes and guessing that she was
about his age.

"Do you know how many truckers it takes to change a light bulb?" she

"Uh," Einreb stammered. "No."

"None. They pay lumpers to do it!" and let out a giggle.

"Oh?" is all Einreb said.

She leaned forward and whispered, "Hmm, you're cute."

Einreb gasped, "Really?" He picked a little trucker slang in the handful
of times he had browsed through the truckers' store, and wondered if she
was what they called a lot lizard.

"Yeah, you're the first guy I seen in here in a long time what's got all
his teeth," she whispered and laughed.

That wasn't totally true, Einreb thought; most of the truckers seemed to
be reasonably ordinary looking guys. Though there was also more than a few
who seemed rather seedy, with a fair share of visibly missing teeth. At
that, Einreb took a closer look at her. She was fairly attractive, though
not glamorous. And, yes, she had all her teeth, all pearly white. Her
hair was in cornrows on the top, and hung down all in braids along the side
and back. "Well, you're pretty attractive yourself," Einreb said.

"Thanks," she said. "So what you drive?"

Einreb leaned back. "Drive? Uhm, a Cadillac. Why?"

She let out a loud laugh. "A Cadillac? That's a good one!"

"What do you drive?" he asked.

"A Volvo," she said with a smile.

"Oh?" Einreb remembered considering between the Cadillac, BMW, Benz,
Volvo, and Lexus, when he bought his Cadillac. "Volvos are really nice."

"Yup!" She said, "The best! And I only got 185,000 miles on it."

"Oh? So you've had it for quite a few years then!"

"Nope! Bought it brand new last year," she said, beaming with pride.

"Last year?" Einreb choked back his amazement.

"Yeah, got an Eaton-Fuller ten-speed and a Cummins 540..."

Einreb was never one to trick out his cars, and so had no clue what she
was talking about.

"...and," she reached out and slid her index finger down his hand toward
his fingers, "a double sleeper condo upstairs."

"Oh!" Einreb stammered, finally catching on.

Finishing their burgers, Einreb was frantically trying to think of a way
to get out of there without causing a scene.

"So," she said with a grin, "your truck or mine?"

Einreb, having no truck, said, "Your Volvo sounds good."

"Then come on!" She grabbed his arm and practically pulled him through
the truck stop, into a hallway in the back, past a lounge where truckers
were watching a big-screen TV, and out into the parking lot in the back,
jam-packed with 18-wheelers.

She led him to a truck emblazoned with the logo of a gigantic woman
carrying a truck trailer on her back like Atlas carrying the Earth. The
name under the logo said, "Big Mutha Truckers."

"Welcome to my home," Tamila said upon entering the cab of the truck,
whereupon she wrapped her arms around Einreb and slammed her mouth against

Mouth to mouth, Tamila pulled Einreb up into the sleeper berth up above
in the back of the cab. A little 9" TV hung down from the ceiling facing
the head of the bed.

Einreb didn't know where to begin. He had never been with such an
aggressive woman before. And he had never known many black people, let
alone had had a black girlfriend.

"You're shy!" she suddenly said as they fell into the bed overlooking
the interior of the truck cab. "That makes me so hot!"

Before Einreb had a chance to react, she had unzipped her coverall down
to her navel letting her bulbous breasts wiggle into view. Her nipples had
already swollen bigger than he had ever seen nipples be.

"Like 'em?" she asked.

"Yeah!" Einreb said. "They do look tasty!"

"Then what you waiting for?" She leaned forward pressing him onto his
back and pressing one of her coal-black nipples tightly down against his

Einreb sucked the huge nipple in his mouth for all he was worth, causing
it to swell even bigger.

A few moments later, she lifted her muscular chest up and lowered the
other nipple to his mouth.

By then, she was laying on top of him. After he had teased her other
nipple to swollen proportions she lifted up and said, "So, you going to
show me what you got, or what?"

He was already harder than he had ever been in a long time, and he hoped
she would be impressed, or at least not disappointed. He sat up, pilled
off his shirt, kicked his shoes off, unbuckled his belt and started to pull
his Dockers down.

"Hurry up already!" she said. With a laugh, she added, "I got to get my
load to Detroit by tomorrow!"

Einreb pulled his Dockers off, then she grabbed his BVD's and finished
the job, letting his member spring to attention before her eyes.

"Ohhhh!" she said with a grin and grabbed his cock. She stroked it a
few times, and Einreb felt the pressure building quickly. In another
second, he was going to explode into her hand.

She stopped, and kicked her shoes off, letting fall to the floor below,
then unzipped her coverall all the way off and tossed it down too.

She swung her naked black body onto his, with her ass over his head and
her head at his crotch, and settled onto him.

He gasped as she pressed her muff against his mouth, squeezing his head
between her thighs, as she looked up directly into her deep dark black ass
crack hovering just above his face. Then he moaned when she plunged his
cock into her mouth. She took it all the way down her throat and began to
suck on it. Being well primed already, he let go, exploding deep into her
throat, with spasm after spasm.

She sucked him dry, then sat up, sitting on his face.

"Now you eat me!" she commanded.

Her soaking pussy was pressing down directly against his mouth with the
force of the, not inconsequential, full weight of her body.

He began to lick slowly, then more forcefully. He wasn't a total dweeb,
and so knew his way around a woman. He licked up and down her slit, poking
his tongue up into her pussy, then down again to flick her clit.

"Oh! Just do that!" she moaned.

He flicked her clit a few more times, then drew it into his mouth,
sucking on it like a lollypop. He continued to suck it deeper and deeper,
while flicking, licking, and teasing it with his tongue.

"Oh yes! Oh yes!" she screamed.

Einreb continued, and was soon rewarded with her quaking madly while
sitting on his face.

Einreb was about to pass out from holding his breath when she fell
forward again. She lay on him panting for a few moments, then crawled
around on top of him to lay back on him facing him.

"God! You know you're good at that?"

"Actually," he admitted, "I've been told by past girlfriends that I'm
pretty good at giving head."

"Damn right you are!"

Again, she leaned down and began to kiss him once more. They spent a
good five minutes swapping spit and wrestling tongues when she lifted her
torso up and reached up into a compartment over the bed.

Einreb recognized the little packet as she asked, "Ready for the grand
finale? Or do I need to get you hard again?"

"It's been a while, so I'm hard again right now."

"So you are," she laughed, squeezing his hard cock between her thighs.
"You want to put it on, or me?"

Einreb smiled. "You can put it on if you want."

"Then hold your breath again," she said as she quickly swung her ass
around and sat on his face again.

The intensity of her weight bearing down on his face as she unrolled the
rubber onto his cock almost made him come a second time before she was
done. Fortunately, she put it on him quickly and lowered herself onto his

She grabbed his cock and slowly lowered herself onto him, guiding his
member into her pussy as she settled onto his lap.

Feeling himself deep inside her, he began to thrust into her, lifting
her with each thrust, and even causing the massive truck to shake with each

Once again, she drained him and then fell on top of him. For the third
time, she planted her lips to his and sucked his tongue into her mouth.
They kissed a little more and then she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Good night, lover."

"Good night," he answered, but she had already fallen asleep on top of


Einreb awoke to the sounds of trucks idling outside. The part about
"sleeps two" was a tad of an exaggeration. Tamila was still lying on top
of him when he awoke.

Tamila let out a yawn, kissed him, and leaned up, her ample breasts
jiggling in his face. "Morning, lover!"

"Let's get the inspection out of the way before we go have breakfast,


"Help me do my inspection, and we can have more fun before we go our
separate ways. Okay?" she asked.


She slipped back into her coverall and climbed out of the tractor cab.
"Check my brake lines and the fifth-wheel for me, while I check the back of
the trailer."

The truck had 18 wheels, and Einreb had no idea which one was the fifth.
At least, he saw her glance between the back of the cab and the front of
the trailer at the red, blue, and green coiled cables that connected the
truck together, so he climbed up and looked them over. The green cable
just pulled out of the plug when he tugged on it, so he plugged it back in
snugly. The red and blue cables were a little odd; he managed to twist one
off and realized that they were air hoses. He wondered why on earth the
trailer had to be connected to the tractor with air hoses, but he twisted
the connected back on snugly. He did the same with the other, and they
seemed to be connected securely.

Tamila had walked around the trailer. "Start the truck for me?" she

Einreb shrugged; how difficult could it be to just start a truck? His
Beetle had a stick, so he knew how to start a standard. But man! There
were more gauges than on a jet plane! He wondered what the two big knobs
were for -- the red one shaped like a stop sign, and the yellow diamond;
they looked pretty important so he figured it was best not to touch those.
He jiggled the stick shift and wondered what the switch on the knob was
for. He stepped on the brake and the clutch and reached around the steering
column, but couldn't find the key on the column. Looking closely, he saw
the key hanging from a simple keyhole under the dash. He turned the key,
but it only went one click and wouldn't go any further. The truck didn't
start. And some alarm started buzzing loudly.

Tamila climbed in the passenger side. "Something wrong?"

"Look, Tamila. I got to tell you something."


"I'm not a truck driver. I just stopped in to the truck stop yesterday
to get a burger at BK. I haven't a clue about trucks."

"Oh? Then what do you do?"

"I'm a programmer."

"Yeah? Where?"

"Well, do you want the whole story?"

"I'm all ears, sugar!"

"I started at a company called Troll up in Mahwah. I refused to do
drugs at a party at this guy's house after work, and when he got promoted,
he fired me."


"Then I worked at AT&T in Piscataway until I complained about some
office hazing."

"Double shit!"

"Then I got a clerical job at Guardian out in Bethlehem; but I got fired
because I had diarrhea a few weeks ago, and the cleaning lady complained
about me causing the toilets to overflow."

"Man! Talk about a hard luck story! Hey! So you know what
discrimination feels like now!"

"Well, I guess your right. I guess I do."

"Going to sue the bastards? I ain't no lawyer, but what that last
company did was definitely against the ADA!"

"Yeah, maybe. But I don't want to play victim or sue anyone. I just
want to put it behind me."

"So what you going to do now?"

"I was on my way home to sign up to collect unemployment, that's what."

"I got's a better idea than that!"


"Ride with me!"

"Ride with you?"


"You mean, in a truck? This truck?"

"Sure! Lots of people team up. Make more money that way!"

"But I don't know how to drive a truck!"

"Then I'll teach you. It ain't hard." She paused and added, "Well,
double-clutching while downshifting's a bitch, but I'll do all the alley
work until you get good at it. And you don't got to put up with no
corporate bullshit no more! C'mon!"

"Well, okay. If I can hook my XBOX up to your TV in the back, you got
yourself a partner!"

"Yeehaw! Let's sign the deal with a kiss."

* END *

anonymous readerReport 

2012-07-31 18:05:21
Monkeys monkeys monkeys! What is it with you dumbass people!? Negros are inferior to the rest of humanity, don't you people understand that.

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