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Not My Story
Eddie didn't usually pay much attention to the supermarket tabloids; you
know, the ones that claim that Elvis is still alive and living on Mars with
a family of space aliens. Yet today's headline was enough to catch the eye
of any red-blooded American male: countless women throughout the city of
Atlanta were stopping men on the street and offering to give them blowjobs
right then and there.

A few days later, the local newspaper reported the same thing. For one
week in September, women throughout Atlanta had been offering blowjobs to
men on the street. The article dismissed it as some sort of college prank
during rush week at Georgia Tech. Yet one fact that the article glossed
over was that it was being done by women from all walks of life, not just
college coeds.

The thrill died down for a while, then the same thing started happening
again a few months later in cities throughout the USA: Cambridge, MA;
Ithaca, NY; Pasadena, CA; Princeton, NJ; and Rennsselear, NY.

As time went on, the activity seemed to be becoming a national craze.
Arrests for public indecency flooded the courts. But, if anything, the
behavior was spreading.

It was a typical Wednesday afternoon searching for a programming bug in
a C++ program with some co-workers at his terminal in one of hundreds of
identical cubicles in the offices of Lotsatech.

The phenomena hadn't reached the Chicago suburbs, and Eddie had been
thinking idly of taking a couple of days off some upcoming weekend to take
a brief vacation to one of those cities in New York, New Jersey or
California, just to see what the fuss was all about, you understand.

Cindy pointed at the glowing code on his terminal, "There! I see it!
You coded _for (i=0; i<10; i++);_ when you should have coded _for (i=0;
i<100; i++);_.

"Yeah! Carol added. That sure looks like that would cause our bug!"

"Okay!" Eddie said, and made the change, and typed _make_ for the
umpteenth time.

Eddie's stomach growled just then. Looking at his watch it was about
ten minutes to noon. Almost time for lunch, and get away from C++ code for
an hour.

Eddie glanced back at the computer screen as the compile finished.
"Ready to try again?" he said.

He turned to face the women who were giving him the strangest look.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Can I give you a blowjob, Eddie?" Carol asked in a hushed voice, then
looked nervously around.

Eddie gasped and sputtered. "What?"

"No!" Cindy said and looked around nervously too. "Let me give you one,
Eddie! Please!"

"Hey!" Carol said a little urgently. "I asked first!"

It was one thing to fantasize about going off in search of the elusive
blowjob. It was quite another to be offered blowjobs by two female
co-workers in your cubicle at work in the middle of the afternoon.

"I, uhm, don't think so," he stammered. "I mean, it's not a good idea.
Not here at work."

"We can go into an empty conference room!" Carol urged. "Please!"

"Me too!" Cindy added with equal urgency. "Please, Eddie! I'd really
love to suck on your cock!"

Eddie got firm. "Some other time. You know the rules about sexual
harassment. I really don't want to get fired!"

The girls rushed out of Eddie's cube in a huff and disappeared in the
maze of cubicles.

Eddie headed down to the cafeteria for lunch. While waiting for the
elevator, it occurred to him that Cindy and Carol were probably just
teasing him. They'd surely heard the news. Shit, it was the biggest new
story since 9/11. They probably just wanted to get a laugh at his reaction
when he accepted their offers and they, then, said, "Fuck off!"

The elevator stopped on the way down. A woman entered and stared at him
for a moment. "Hey! You want a blowjob?" she asked.

"What? Here? Now?"

"Yeah! Now! C'mon! My husband says I give real good head!"

"Your husband? I don't think so," Eddie stammered.

"But why not?" she persisted.

The elevator door opened at the mezzanine level, and Eddie rushed out
down the hall to the cafeteria. The sexual energy in the air was
unmistakable. Women everywhere were arguing with men in hushed whispers.
Eddie had no doubts about what the conversations were about.

The server women were at their stations serving lasagna and carving cold
cuts, so this _compulsion_ wasn't totally overpowering. Yet pained looks
in their eyes showed that they'd rather be doing something other than
serving lunch.

Eddie picked a salad out of the cart and quickly paid the female
cashier, who was obviously struggling to maintain her composure, to find a
seat in the dining hall. The same sexual energy filled the air. Then.
Ohmygod! At a table against the far wall: a woman was under the table with
her head between some guy's legs with his trousers loosened. And over in
the corner, behind a partially open door: a woman was on her knees with her
head planted on some guy's crotch, with his slacks undone.

Holy shit! It's really happening! Don't be a fool, man! Accept some
woman's offer before whatever's going on blows over!

He ate quickly and headed back to his cubicle. He considered how he
would handle the next offer. Perhaps he would suggest they find an empty
conference room, or go into that small one-only lavatory off by the

"Psst!" a woman's voice came from behind him. Turning, he faced a
somewhat older woman in a conservative gray skirt and blouse. "May I suck
on your cock?" she asked in a whisper.

Eddie recognized her. Holy shit! She was the division manager of the
Mid-Range Server Solutions Business Unit--something Jameson--his boss's
boss's boss. "Uh," he stammered. "Where?"

She looked around a moment and said, "My office. C'mon!"

Her office, he knew was in _executive country,_ that semi-private
corridor on the second floor that you get to by going through the
marble-tiled atrium overlooking the lobby. "Okay," he whispered back.

Eddie turned red when her private secretary gave them a knowing glance
as they passed through her outer office into her inner office.

Her business unit being one of the smaller, her office wasn't one of the
coveted corner offices, yet it was as spacious as his L-shaped living
room-dining room at home.

The moment she closed and locked her door, she dropped to her knees and
said, "C'mon! Drop 'em!" She glanced at her watch. "I have a
reorganization meeting in fifteen minutes!"

Eddie cautiously unbuckled his pants and slowly unzipped his trousers.
What if this was a huge joke, and he was about to show his pecker to the
big boss and get fired on the spot for sexual harassment?

He pushed his Jockeys down and let it flop out, semi-rigid.

Without hesitation, she leaned forward and engulfed it in one gulp.
Holy shit! Her continuous swallowing motion drew him to full erection in a
near instant. With her nose pressed tightly to his short hairs, it wasn't
long before he grabbed the back of her head and exploded deep down her
throat. She didn't miss a beat, either, and it ended all too soon.

He felt his body twitch as he tried to squeeze the last few drops out
the tip of his cock into her throat. After a moment, she slid her lips off
his shaft and looked up. She stood, brushed off her business suit, and
said "Thank you!"

"Uh, thank you, too!" he said.

In a flurry of activity, she grabbed some papers off her desk, and flew
out the door, leaving him alone in her office. So that's that. He zipped
up his slacks and headed for the door, and bumped into the secretary in the

"Sorry," he said as he tried to pass her.

"Wait!" she said. "Can I give you a blowjob, too?"

"Uhm," said Eddie.

She walked into the inner office and closed the door.

"Uhm," Eddie said again.

She reached for his belt. "C'mon! Linda won't be back for at least an

"But I just, er, came a second ago. I don't know if I can come again so

"It won't hurt to try, will it?" she asked. "Please!"

Before he could answer, she was on her knees, unbuckling his belt and
pulling his trousers down. His cock was still moist with Linda's saliva as
her secretary now swallowed it, again, to his short hairs.

No prior girlfriend had ever deep-throated him, even when they relented
to give him a blowjob at all. Now, two women in a row sucked the whole
thing down in one quick gulp. Wow!

He was, indeed, drained. It took nearly twenty minutes of continuous
sucking before he even got hard again, and another twenty to bring him to
his second orgasm. Past girlfriends had complained of fatigue after a mere
minute or two. How was this possible?

Upon draining him thoroughly, she, too, stood and said, "Thank you!" and
returned to her desk in the outer office as if nothing had happened.

He hurried out before any more women found him alone in that office.

He had to fervently decline blowjobs from two more women on the elevator
on his way back to his cube. When he got there, Joe was in Diane's cubicle
across the aisle, and she was on her knees giving him a blowjob. What the
hell is going on?

Upon sitting at his terminal, Human Resources had sent out a broadcast
e-mail saying that any employees engaging in lewd, lascivious, or
inappropriate conduct on company property will be terminated immediately.

An hour later, a broadcast came over the PA system announcing an early

Eddie rushed out of the office, declining several more blowjobs along
the way, got to his car and headed home. It was hard to miss seeing the
occasional woman giving the occasional man a blowjob right there on the
sidewalk. His short commute brought him out of the downtown area into the
suburbs where, if random blowjobs were in progress, they weren't as visible
as in town.

At least his evening at home was normal. The news wasn't much different
from previous nights. Occurrences of public blowjobs were on the rise in
more and more places across the country, but nothing specific to his town
was mentioned.

He called the company hotline the following morning: Lotsatech was
closed again, so he rolled over and returned to sleep.

Of course, when he stepped outside in the afternoon to get his mail from
the cluster box, he waved to his new neighbor, Sally. She was single, and
really cute. He had hoped to get a chance to meet her. But now, she
hurried over to him. "Hi! Want a blowjob?"

"Uh," he said, then shrugged. "Sure, why not."

She dropped to her knees. "C'mon! Whip it out for me!"

"Not here!" Eddie gasped. "Can we go inside first?"

She looked around, as if she had accidentally neglected that detail.
"Oh! Sure."

With mail in hand, she followed him to his unit and they went inside.
He was getting used to the routine, so he dropped his trousers standing in
his living room, and she immediately dropped to her knees and engulfed his
rigid member. After 24 hours since his last orgasm, he was primed again,
and she didn't have to work much to get a belly full of his jism.

When she had sucked the last possible drop from his gonads, she stood
and said, "Thanks!"

"Want to stay for lunch?" Eddie asked.

"Ah, I can't," she said. "My boyfriend's on his way over. Maybe some
other time."

"Oh, sure," he mumbled as she headed out his front door.

He ensconced himself inside for the rest of the day to ponder the
meaning of what's happening. What has gotten into women all of a sudden?
What a mystery!

The news, that night, reported that the blowjob phenomenon had spread to
points throughout Europe: Cambridge, England; Paris; even Moscow.

Lotsatech reopened the following day. A subsequent broadcast e-mail
that morning rescinded their termination policy rather than fire every last
employee, but had asked that people engage in sexual activity "discreetly"
and not let it interfere in their work duties.

The following night after work, as usual, a woman approached him,
dropped to her knees, and said, "My throat needs your cock jammed down it!
C'mon! Give it to me!"

But he then realized that he had to take a piss. He should have taken
care of that before leaving. Now, signing back in after 5 PM, just to use
the men's room, would involve a huge rigmarole with corporate security,
signing in and getting approval and all that. So he said, "Sorry, I gotta
pass. I gotta take a leak first."

She smiled and said, "I don't mind. C'mon!"

"But it's a hassle to get back in to use the men's room, even if you're
willing to wait. Some other time, maybe."

"No, silly!" she said. "Take your leak in my throat, okay?"

Eddie was at a loss for words. That's disgusting! "I don't think

"Please!" she begged as she knelt there on the sidewalk in front of him,
right in front of the main entrance to Lotsatech. "Please!"

"Okay, okay," Eddie sighed. "But not here! C'mon!"

There was a wooded area in a park across the street and half a block
down, so Eddie and the woman went into the woods where they were well
secluded. Although it had become perfectly acceptable to give blowjobs
right on the street these days, Eddie still had a hang-up about sex in

She dropped to her knees again and fully engulfed his member. Having
never peed in someone's throat before, it took Eddie a while to relax his
bladder to let his piss flow. She just knelt there, patiently waiting for
it to happen while her throat muscles massaged his glans.

He felt his pee slowly flow down his haft and splash out the tip of his
cock. She tensed slightly at that moment, but held his cock in her lip
lock while his bladder slowly emptied into her throat.

She seemed to sense when he had finished peeing, for she then began
sucking. He was already on the verge of climax from having her tongue and
throat massage his cock that whole time, so he exploded almost immediately.

She waited until he was completely drained, then pulled away, stood, and
said, "Thank you!"

He replied, "You're welcome," and they both went their separate ways.

Over the following weeks, law enforcement, as well, gave up enforcing
public indecency laws.

The phenomenon eventually spread to all inhabited areas. Reports of
people, mostly women, but some men also, fleeing to wilderness areas where
the compulsion didn't seem to be present were numerous, but those people
soon discovered that wilderness living was more like _Survivor_ than
_Gilligan's Island._ even if you go with a Hummer stocked full of food,
clothing, and the latest survival gear

Eddie soon came to enjoy the benefit of walking in the park, and not
having to use one of those hot and filthy public restrooms built from gray
concrete blocks. All he had to do when he had to relieve himself in public
was to pick out any woman passing by and saying, "Excuse me, I need to

Most women would understand his request without further comment. Though
once or twice, he had to explain, and then she would happily comply.

Other bizarre behavior started occurring as well. Cruise ships at sea
were routinely being hijacked by groups of women refusing to let the ships
return to port. When the ships ran out of food, fuel, and supplies, the
hijackers relented and allowed themselves to return. Upon being arrested
when the ships docked, the women had no explanation for their actions.
Likewise, women passengers on board planes frequently tried to hijack the
planes, curiously, only involving overseas flights while far from land.
The hijackers didn't seem to want to go anywhere in particular, just to
keep the planes in flight over international water for as long as possible.
Only when the planes became dangerously low on fuel did the hijackers
relent and allow the planes to land. It was not uncommon for planes to go
down over sea after running out of fuel. The government had to promptly
reinstate many of the provisions of the Patriot Act--only, instead of
Muslims, all females were prime suspects.

This behavior gradually became an accepted part of human nature over the
years that followed. One could hardly imagine a time when women didn't
routinely offer men blowjobs throughout the day. Many large corporations
set aside small conference rooms as "privacy rooms" for their employees'
lascivious activities during their breaks.

Eddie was never one to be sexually aggressive with women. But he had
grown comfortable, on the rare occasion that a woman didn't offer him a
blowjob during the day, to simply approach some attractive woman, and ask
her for one. And they were always delighted to be so requested, even
apologetic that no woman had offered him one yet in the day.


It was almost ten years later, when he had just arrived home after work
on a hot summer evening. There had been record highs every day for the
past week, often topping 115 degrees each and every day. The sky looked
angry, like it was going to burst any second.

Wendy, another young attractive neighbor, was just getting out of her
car as he was getting his mail. Eddie didn't know a woman to give a bad
blowjob, but Wendy's tiny throat always squeezed his cock so tightly! "Hi
Wendy!" said Eddie.

"Hi Eddie! Sure is hot! Want a blowjob?"

Eddie laughed. "I thought you'd never ask! Hurry in before the sky
opens up!"

The clouds ripped open no sooner than they got inside. She had his cock
down her little throat as the first clap of thunder shook the house. The
second thunderclap a moment later took the electric power with it, plunging
them into near darkness.

Immediately, she fell back coughing and sputtering, just before he felt
his orgasm come on.

"You okay, Wendy?" asked Eddie.

She looked around, nervous, and shaken. "Yeah, but..."

"You want to try again? I'm almost there! C'mon, Wendy!"

"I," she stammered. She put his cock back in her mouth, but only the
head up to the glans. She slowly sucked and drew his orgasm out into her
mouth, but Eddie sensed that something was wrong--that she wasn't really
into it.

She pulled her mouth off while his orgasm was winding down, before he
shot his last spurt. She ran into his kitchen and spit it out into the
sink--something he had never, ever, seen a woman do before.

"Is something wrong, Wendy?" Eddie asked again/

"I'm okay," she squeaked. "I'm sorry if I wasn't as good as I usually
am. I gotta go. We'll try again some other time, maybe. Okay?"

Wendy rushed outside into the furious thunderstorm. With no power, and
no television or computer, Eddie lit a candle and ate a bowl of cold cereal
and a cup of hot cola from his closet rather than open his fridge with the
power out. He sat in the darkness watching the rain and the lightning out
of his living room window for the next hour or so, then went to bed early
as there was nothing else to do.

The storm was over by the next morning, but the power still wasn't back
on. He brushed his teeth with toothpaste and Pepsi, and combed his matted,
dry hair as best as he could.

Eddie didn't know whether Lotsatech would be open or closed due to the
blackout, and the phones were out. Still, he was looking forward to a
blowjob or two, so he decided to risk heading in; the worst thing is that
they'd be closed and he'd just head back home again having gotten his rocks
well off.

With the power out so long, the government must have declared a national
emergency. Police cars were screaming down the streets everywhere. For a
couple of blocks, he got stuck behind two black FBI marked cars slowly
escorting some kind of black FCC marked van with a large spinning radar
thingy on top of it. Whoa! What's up with that? The power's out, and the
FCC is hunting for illegal ham radios and cable TV thieves?

Fortunately, Eddie got to work on time, and Lotsatech had their
emergency generator running when he got there. Everything was business as
usual. Almost. But the strangest mood was everywhere. Women huddled
together in groups. He could almost see daggers shoot out of their eyes at
him whenever he made eye contact with one. Their icy stares clearly said,
"Stay away from me if you value your life!"

Eddie made his way to his cubicle. Upon taking his seat, Pete leaned
over the cubicle wall. "Hey Eddie! What's going on with the bitches? I
asked one for a blowjob a few minutes ago, and she damn near knocked my
head off swinging her purse at me!"

"Ain't got a clue, Pete!" Eddie shrugged.

Eddie didn't know what to make of this development, so he just stayed at
his desk all day, grabbing junk and soda from the vending machine in the
break room.

By the end of the day, Eddie was as horny as a wild rabbit. He had
never had less than three blowjobs by the end of the day, and usually more
than that. His sexual angst was demanding release. He exited the building
and paused before heading to his car.

Aha! He spotted a lone woman walking out of the entrance. "Excuse me!
I bet you'd like to give me a blowjob!"

She just glared at him for a split second, and then hurried off down the
sidewalk toward one of the parking lots.

So he started walking down the sidewalk toward his car. He spotted
another woman scurrying to her car, her head down, avoiding eye contact
with anyone.

"Excuse me!" Eddie said. "Can I have a blowjob?"

She stopped and glared at him, giving him a look that could have
terrified the devil. At that, she yelled, "Here's your fucking blowjob!"
and instantly swung her purse, smacking him on the side of the head,
sending him sprawling on the concrete.

Eddie gasped, catching his breath, brushing the stones out of the cuts
in the palms of his hands.

"Oh dear!" a woman, a cute little redhead at that, came rushing over to
him. She knelt next to him, pulling a tissue out of her purse and rubbing
his bloody palms.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"No problem," she said as she took his arm and helped him stand.

"Thanks again!" he said. "This was really kind of you."

She smiled and looked down. Eddie turned to walk away.

"Wait!" she said.

"Yes?" Eddie said.

"I'll, uhm, give you a blowjob."

"You will?" Eddie said.

"Yeah, I always loved sucking cock, even before it became a national
public pastime."

"Well, that's great!"

"But not here! In private, okay?"

"The woods?" Eddie suggested.

"I guess that's okay," she said. "I really don't like doing it in
public, but I've given more blowjobs that I can count over in those trees,
so I guess it's okay."

They headed over to the park down the block and she looked sheepishly at
him for a moment. "What's your name?" she asked.

"Huh?" No woman had ever cared about his name before. "Eddie. What's

"I'm Lisa. Ready?"


Lisa knelt while Eddie dropped his trousers. He'd been hard all day,
eager for a blowjob. She plunged his cock down her throat in the way that
women had done for as long as he could remember. She didn't have to work
it to bring him to orgasm. And she sucked him dry, waiting for him to
squirt that last satisfying drop out before pulling her mouth off.

"Wow, Lisa! That was really good! Thanks! "

"I'm glad you liked it. I had lots of practice."

"So, uhm, what now?"

"I don't know," she said. "What now?"

"Hungry? Care to get something to eat? If we can find someplace that
has power, that is."

"Sure. It's been about ten years since I've been on an actual, uhm,
date," she said and looked down.

"Where are you parked? Want to follow me? Or should I follow you?"

"Let's just walk," she suggested.

"Okay," he agreed and they headed down the sidewalk past stores and
businesses closed because of the power outage. Police cars, and FBI cars
were still everywhere. One black government-type car screeched to a stop
on the street, and two men in FBI jackets got out and approached Eddie and
Lisa. "May I ask you some questions?"

"Sure," Eddie and Lisa said together.

"The questions are personal, and there'll be no action against either of
you no matter how you answer. And it's important that you answer
truthfully. It's a matter of national security. I hope you'll

"Of course," they both said.

"Did either of you engage in oral erotic activity in the past 8 hours,
either together or with others?"

Lisa blushed and looked down.

"Please answer the question," one of the FBI agents said.

"Yes," Eddie said. "We did together. Just a little while ago. Why?"

"What was the exact location?"

"That little park down the street from Lotsatech, two blocks north of
here or so?"

"Do you recall the exact time it happened?"

"Not really," said Eddie. "Maybe about a half hour ago. A few minutes
past five when I got out of work."

To Lisa, he asked, "Do you feel a compulsion to engage in erotic oral
activity right now?"

"No. Not now," Lisa said, and giggled.

"Thank you," the FBI agent said. They both jumped back into their car
and spun around in the direction of Lotsatech in a cloud of burning rubber.

"What was that all about?" Lisa asked.

"How do I know?" Eddie laughed.

Eddie and Lisa walked a few more blocks and came to the college. Police
and FBI jackets were swarming like locusts through the campus and had taped
off the entire campus block. Students were milling about on the sidewalk,
in seeming stunned confusion.

"Hey, what's going on?" Eddie asked one of the college kids.

"Dunno! Cops raided all the dorms this morning. But won't tell us
shit." The kid turned to Lisa. "Hey! Will'ya give me a blowjob?"

Lisa snickered. "Sorry, I'm spoken for." Then she took Eddie's hand in

"Sorry," the kid shrugged. "But how come you girls stopped giving
blowjobs ever since the power went out?"

"I don't know," Lisa said with a giggle. She tugged on Eddie's hand,
and they continued down the sidewalk watching the police activity within
the campus. Every so often, they spotted cops and FBI jackets carrying
computer and other electronic gear out of dorms and other buildings, and
loading them into SWAT trucks.

Once they got past the college, they finally found a diner that had its
own power generator and was open for business.

Inside, most of the patrons were single people, or either groups of men,
or groups of women. Eddie and Lisa were the only mixed couple.

Having had only one blowjob that day, Eddie was still feeling horny.
"Say, how about we sneak into the lavatory for another blowjob before our
food comes?"

Lisa smiled oddly and whispered, "Actually, Eddie. I've given dozens of
blowjobs every day for years, but I can't remember what it's like to have
my pussy eaten. I think you guys owe us girls big time!" Then she blew him
a kiss.

"Okay, it's a date!" Eddie said. Eddie actually remembered loving to
eat pussy, but had never had to chance to do so since the blowjob
phenomenon started ten years ago.

Their dinner came, and they spent most of their time remembering what
life was like before the blowjob craze--what it was like to be in a
committed relationship and plan for the future.

They avoided the college on their way back to their cars. Eddie wasn't
sure what to say, so he said, "Will I see you again, Lisa?"

"What do you mean? You promised me a pussy-suck! Remember? The
question is: your place or mine?"

They agreed on her place, so she drove them there and jumped straight
into bed. Eddie was a little clumsy, indeed they both were. But to use a
cliche, sex is a lot like riding a bicycle, you never really forget. After
kissing for a while, Eddie crawled slowly down her belly, licking all the
way. When he got to her muff, he shoved his face in and found her clit
with his tongue. He sucked the little nub into his mouth with his breath,
and sucked on it like he was giving a blowjob to a tiny pecker. Lisa
exploded almost immediately, grabbing his head and pulled it even tighter
to her muff while squeezing his head between her thighs. She wrapped her
legs around the back of his head and squeezed, pushing his face into her
crotch all her might. Eddie continued sucking, swallowing nearly a
mouthful of pussy juice before he was done.

Her body rocked with every suck of her pussy. What a joy is was to be
able to play a woman like that--to have her body under his total control.
What a rush!

Soon thereafter, he crawled up her body and lay upon her. "Shall I fuck
you now?"

"Gosh!" she said. "I used to be on the pill, but not any more. I don't
know," she whimpered.

"It's okay," Eddie said. "I understand."

"No Eddie, you don't. I want to fuck you so bad! It's driving me
crazy!" She paused a moment. "Do it, Eddie! Fuck me! Fuck me like
there's no tomorrow!"

He did. His member was so hard after eating her pussy that he plunged
his hips down and was inside her. A few motions later, he was exploding
inside her pussy.

Their passion continued through the night, and they finally fell asleep
in each other's arms. Then every light in her house came on at around 3
AM, startling them both awake.

Eddie was relieved that the power had finally returned, but a strange
fear nagged at the back of his mind. "Lisa?" he said sleepily. "Want to
give me a blowjob?"

"What?" she also asked sleepily. "Now?"

"Yeah, now!"

"Oh, Eddie, I'm exhausted. Not now, okay?"

Eddie smiled as though he'd been given a second life. "That's perfectly
okay! Let's turn these lights off and go back to bed."

"Sure!" She paused for a moment. "Hey Eddie! Let's both call in work
tomorrow and stay home. If you suck my pussy like you did last night, I'll
be glad to give you that blowjob you want!"

"Sounds like a plan! And if you don't mind, Lisa, with this heat wave,
and not having had a shower in two days, I'd kill for a shower now that the
power's back."

"Me too!" Lisa said with a crooked grin.

The two new lovers showered together and repeated their lovemaking. The
following morning, while Lisa was making them breakfast, Eddie turned on
the TV.

"Lisa! Come here! Quick!"

Lisa ran into the room. Special news reports were on every channel.
College students were being rounded up by the hundreds around the world.

Details were still sketchy, but ten years ago, engineering students had
invented a mind control device and had programmed it to cause women to have
an insatiable appetite to give blowjobs. These engineering students had
slowly and clandestinely shared their technology with students across the
US, and eventually around the world. The signals, originating from
thousands of college campuses, had quickly spread to cover almost all
populated land. Successive generations of students kept the systems
operating, often in ignorance, as their forbears hid the equipment in racks
in networking closets and server farms.

"Wow!" Eddie and Lisa said together as they watched the unfolding news
story through the day. But hungry for genuine romance, the two agreed to
move in together immediately.

In the days that followed, Eddie wondered what implications this new
technology will mean to society. The genie out of the bottle, as they say.
How will they keep government and companies from abusing it?

When 5 PM came upon Eddie a few weeks later, he was anxious to get home
to Lisa. While a part of him missed getting numerous blowjobs from willing
multiple women throughout the day, Lisa made up for it. As he stood, pins
and needles shot through his legs from sitting continuously for 8 hours
straight. His stomach growled, for he hadn't had a bite to eat since
taking his seat in his cubicle this morning at 9 AM. Indeed, he hadn't
once left his chair the entire time, and his bladder was near bursting.
And there was _always_ a long wait to use the restrooms at 5 PM any more.
He wondered why it was never like that before. Oh well.

As he stepped out onto the sidewalk to head for his car and home to
Lisa, the strangest impulse nagged him. He'd love to suck the pussies of
every woman in sight. The drive to offer to suck someone's pussy was
overpowering, yet he knew better than to just approach some strange woman
and say, "Would you like me to suck your pussy?"

He looked around thinking about taking a chance and asking some woman
who might be inclined to accept his offer. Maybe this woman who was
walking toward him. She was rather odd looking, wild eyed, and wearing a
large knapsack with all kinds of wires and antennas sticking out of it.
Doesn't that usually suggest a suicide bomber or something? But something
prevented him from running away from her as she neared him.

His dilemma was solved when she walked right up to him and said, "Hi!
Would you suck my pussy?"

"I'd love to?" Eddie dropped to his knees in front of her on the

"Not here!" she said. "Somewhere more private."

"There's a little park down the street from here, with lots of trees for
seclusion, where women used to like to give blowjobs? Is that okay?"

"Sounds perfect! Let's go!" she said.

* END *


2014-02-17 08:49:31
That was a good story wnt let me give a posative rating but would if i could

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-04 17:12:11
Thank you for sharing this it is actally my fave story and i need to find more like it

anonymous readerReport 

2012-10-04 16:34:29
Thank you for sharing this it is actally my fave story and i need to find more like it

anonymous readerReport 

2012-09-15 17:05:59
Hard to steal free shit, but somehow you figured it out, congrats. This story was so good I'd like to thank the writer for creating it, but I can't. Bummer.

Hard to stay logged in on XNXX.

anonymous readerReport 

2012-08-17 22:02:37
well thank you for shareing it i have yet to find a site with free stories

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