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Mina's Chapter- Chapter Five
Author's Note:

First off let me thank all of the readers who read and comment on my stories. Now at the bottom you notice the comment section has been turned off. That is because a bunch of retarded losers think the comment section is for them to advertise phone numbers and how truly pathetic they are. To the losers out there doing this, and I don't need to name you, you know who you are I hope you catch the plague you are to stupid to continue living.

For Everyone else thank you for reading. If you have any constructive criticism on the story or any ideas you would like to see in a future story feel free to pm me with the link on my profile page. Any ideas sent to me will be considered with the exception of man on man action. So for those who sent me requests for this sorry but no can do. I have nothing against gay men but I am not and will not write about it sorry to disappoint. This is the fifth installment of this story to make sense of some of the elements in it read the preceding chapters.


Solomon's Daughters: Mina's Chapter

Anthony woke to the soft feeling of soft breasts in his palms and the warmth of a female back pressed to his chest. As the events flowed back into his mind he absently kneaded the soft globes. Patricia came awake feeling satisfyingly sore. At the feeling of his caressing she moaned in protest.

"Didn't you get enough last night," she whined at him but leaned forward to increase the pressure on her breasts.

"I could go a few more times," he whispered in her ear while he rubbed his erection between her legs. At the feeling of his cock rubbing her entrance she shivered in arousal. The clenching of her muscles however caused he to wince in pain. Noticing her discomfort Anthony stopped and pulling back turned her onto her back.

"Are you too sore," he asked. She nodded but wore a regretful look on her face at the admission.

"I used to be able to go all night then all the next morning too," she said sighing. Giving her an impressed look Anthony rolled out of the bed and looked at the clock. Due to a holiday there would be no more school for the girls or work for Patricia until next week. He walked into the bathroom and inserted the stopper into the tub. He began filling the tub with hot water. Walking back into the other room he paused at the door for a few moments to admire Patricia's lithe body in the sunlight. She lazed on the bed watching him with hooded eyes. She had one arm bend behind her head with her other hand resting on her flat stomach, tracing circles around her navel. Walking over to the bed Anthony leaned down and pressed his lips to her. Pulling back he lifted her into his arms. She shrieked in surprise at the sudden movement and wrapped her arms around his neck. Walking back into the bathroom he stepped into the hot water and lower himself to sit in it with her on his lap. He reached over and turned of the taps when the tub was full, while she leaned back and languished against him.

"I read somewhere this helps with the soreness," he said to her pulling her hair back behind her ear. She sighed with pleasure while they soaked in the hot water. After their bath was finished they returned to the room to find the bed had been made while they were in the shower and Patricia's clothes were clean and folded on top of Anthony's dresser. After dressing they headed into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning," Sar-Rah said turning from the pan of bacon she was just finished frying as she heard them enter the kitchen. She was dressed in black silk pajama bottoms and a black spaghetti string top. Lifting the bacon from the stove she deposited it on a pot holder on the table as she moved towards them. Walking up to Anthony she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him passionately. Anthony moaned at the feel of her soft body and pulled her tight against him. He could taste the bacon she had nibbled on as she cooked. Sar-Rah kisses him until her lungs began to protest at the need for air before she pulled back to catch her breath.

"I thought you would be at least another twenty minutes," she said to him playfully her breathing still ragged.

"We would have been longer but Patricia was to sore this morning to continue," he said and who had been standing behind him blushed at his words. Sar-Rah grinned over his shoulder at her and winked as she began to rub her body up and down his like a cat.

"My poor baby," Sar-Rah coo-ed into his ear, "No wonder you're so happy to see me," she said grinding against his erection. He growled deep in his chest at her teasing as lust flooded his body. She continued her sensuous motion against him as she giggled at him. Seizing her ass he lifted her from the floor and moved her back until she was pinned against the refrigerator door. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her joking demeanor vanished to be replaced by a hungry look.

Patricia stood just inside the kitchen door frozen in lust and shock at what she was witnessing. She didn't even hear as Liz and Eliza exited Liz's room both wearing tops matching Sar-Rah but neither of them had bothered with the bottoms, Liz wore black panties and Eliza wore white. The two women moved up beside Patricia as she stood transfixed by the sight in front of her. Anthony now had Sar-Rah bent over in front of him her palms braced against the door of the fridge. He undid his zipper and freed his erection, she moaned sweetly when he teased her by rubbing the tip against her smooth, hairless pussy.

"Don't tease me please," she begged him. She cried out in surprise and pleasure as he suddenly slammed hilt deep into her. He began thrusting into her fast and hard while his arms bracketed her body and his hands pinned hers to the fridge. Unused to him being so wild and aggressive Sar-Rah found her release in mere moments but Anthony did not stop or even slow. Her legs began to shake and her knees gave out but before she could drop more than an inch Anthony's hands seized her hits. Lifting her back into position he continued his pounding. Her legs still would not hold her as orgasm after orgasm racked her body. Feeling his orgasm approaching he began to grind his pelvis against hers with each thrust trying to drive her over the edge one more time before he climaxed. Her inner muscles rippled and tensed with another orgasm and he forced his cock into her tight tunnel until he bottomed out.

"Mine," he growled into her ear as he came inside her. She shuddered and her hips made little involuntary jerks, milking him, at his possessive words. When his climax ended and she could once again stand on her own again he released her hip and grabbed her bottoms and panties back into position from where they were, bunched up around her knees. Kissing the back of her neck as she leaned her forehead against the cool surface in front of her while she basked in the afterglow of their love making and allowed her breathing to return to normal. Anthony situated himself and zipped up his pants before remembering that they had company.

"Sorry, about that Patricia I don't know what came over me," he said turning to her and jerked in surprise. Their audience had grown from one to three. Heat flooded his and Sar-Rah's faces as she turned to face the observers of their show. All three of the women in the doorway were giving him predatory looks. None of them spoke and their stares at him were beening to make him twitch so he walked forward and gave Eliza and Patricia a scorching kiss on the mouth. Liz he moved to and kissed her on the cheek.

"After Patricia is gone," he whispered into her ear when he felt her tense when she did not receive the same treatment as the other two women. He moved to the table, and sat, and began loading his plate from the many dishes that Sar-Rah had made. The others joined him and soon they were laughing and talking together as they ate.

"Well, I have to be going. I will see you ladies next week at school," Patricia said when they finished eating. Standing she started for the front door motioning Anthony to follow. Slipping on her shoes she turned to him and pulled him into her arms and leaned down and kissed him.

"Thank you for the fantastic night," she said softly.

"You're welcome," he said grinning up at her. She gave a short laugh then ruffled his hair and turn and left. Anthony watched her pull out of the drive way then turned back to the kitchen. He helped Sar-Rah with the dishes and then headed for his room. Walking over to his desk were he had kicked his pants the night before to retrieve his wallet and keys he looked at the desk and paused. The bottle had once again changed colors, it was now a vibrant orange.

"Liz, Sar-Rah, Eliza come here," he yelled down the hall. When they walked into his room he grabbed Liz and pulled her into a passionate kiss before he released her.

"That was for before," he said to her.

"What did you need Anthony," Sar-Rah asked curiously as Eliza looked at the two of them with amusement. Clearing his throat Anthony pointed at the bottle on his desk. They all looked in the direction he pointed but didn't seem to understand what he wanted them to see. Liz noticed something first.

"Hey Anthony when you got it from that garage sale that bottle was purple," she said. At her words Sar-Rah's and Eliza's eye lit with understanding.

"It looks like the bottle is charged enough to release another of Solomon's Daughters," Anthony said walking over to the desk and picking up the bottle.

"I wonder who it will let out this time," Sar-Rah speculated.

"Judging by the two of us and the order in which we seem to be freed, youngest to oldest, I would have to say Jasmine," Eliza told her. Anthony reached into his desk and pulled a pocket knife out and cut the pad of his thumb right where he had done so to release Eliza and dripped a drop of blood onto the new symbol on the seal. Setting the bottle once more onto his desk he pulled the stopper free and retreated to stand next to the others. They all watched in fascination as the smoke built into a woman.

"Jasmine," Eliza whispered as the smoke began to take shape. After a few moments before them stood a beautiful five foot ten inch beauty. Her breasts were large and her hips round while the rest of her was slim and firm. She had long silver hair that fell down her back in a shimmering curtain and her eyes, though not yet clear of the magic daze, were turquoise. She had the same tanned skin as her sisters but if they passed on the street Anthony wouldn't have known they were related.

"Why doesn't she look like you two," Anthony asked Eliza.

"Different mothers," she replied. The mist finally cleared and Jasmine's eyes focus and she looked rapidly around the room, her eyes fixed on him as she began rapidly speaking, in that foreign language Sar-Rah and Eliza had first used, to Sar-Rah and Eliza. Anthony stood there and watched as they spook several times during the conversation Sar-Rah or Eliza would gesture toward them. After a while the flow of words slowed and Jasmine moved to stand in front of Anthony. She ran her gaze appraisingly from his feet to his face.

"I am Jasmine, but you may call me Mina," she said looking him in the eye.

"I'm Anthony, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said.

"If I have to have a husband fine, at least your handsome," she said to him. Anthony looked questioningly at Sar-Rah.

"Actually from what Sar-Rah told me, and maybe there was a miscommunication, you don't need to marry me only see does for everyone to be free. All of you would need to sleep with me to turn me into a High Djinn, but that isn't exactly need for you to be free," Anthony told her.

"They need to sleep with you to be completely free as well," Sar-Rah interjected, "they will be released if only I marry you. But when you die the energy that you have already received from Eliza and myself will return to us and we along with any of the others that are freed will be dragged back into the bottle. So unless your transformation to High Djinn is completed which will complete the spell we are only free until you perish."

"I'm sorry," Anthony said to Mina.

"Why are you apologizing to me," she asked him.

"I don't really know I just felt like I should."

"Alright," said Liz from the doorway, "so what are the plans for today?"

"I was going to try and make contact with the goblins today," Anthony told her, "also I was going to ask Sar-Rah to make a lab facility and factory attached to the basement. You said you wanted to go shopping today so I was gonna ask you to take them with you after they finish with that so you have some company and they could get anything they want. Since Mina is here now I'll take her with me, as long there are no complaints, so we can get to know each other. I won't need a translator since Eliza taught me every language."

At all the nods of approval he had Sar-Rah change Mina's clothes into something she could wear outside. Handing each of the girls a checkbook for the new account he told them that debit cards for the each of them would arrive next week. Taking Mina's hand he led her to the front door and started off to the bus stop. Mina watched Anthony as they walked. Eliza had transferred all the knowledge she could want about the modern world, so they also told her of everything that had happened since Sar-Rah's release.

"Well you can ask me anything you want and I'll answer truthfully," Anthony said to Mina as they waited for the bus.

"How long have you been in love with your sister," she immediately asked him. He jerked at her question at looked around furtively to make sure no one was close enough to overhear. He moved closer to her and chuckled.

"Going straight for the throat with the first question huh? I'll answer as promised but don't say sister say Liz so people around us won't catch the fact that I have a relationship with my sibling. Now as for how long I have been in love with Liz, I don't really know. At first it was me and my mother and father. My mother was kind and beautiful, warm and soft, and she looked exactly like Liz does now. When my mother died I looked after my sister because I my mother always said as a man of the family to take care of your sister. I also loved her as a piece of my mother that remained after my mother was gone."

The bus arrived and they boarded finding seats in the back where he could watch anyone who came near enough to them.

"As time went on and I continued to protect and take care of her I began to see her as her own person, not just an extension of my mother. She grew into a person much like my mother. She is beautiful, kind, and caring, I know she worries about me all the time. When she was twelve years old I got badly sick and collapsed while she was at school and couldn't go pick her up on the bus like I usually did before. By the time she got home she was worried sick. Calling a doctor near the house who had been friends with my mother she tried to get me to the bed but being so small and only twelve she couldn't budge me so she sat there with my head in her lap and waited for the doctor. When the doctor arrived he helped her get me to the bed and gave her the medicine for my sickness and told her it would be a few days before I was better. She didn't leave my side for three days, she called into school and pretending to be our father told them that the whole family was sick and she wouldn't be in school until she was better. She cooked soup for me, it tasted horrible, and helped me to the bathroom when I needed it. She spent hours wiping the sweat from my body and torso. She read a few of my books to me and when she wasn't reading she talked constantly. Her soft melodic voice was my only comfort in my sickness. Those three days caused my feeling to change from loving her to being in love with her, she is the only person aside from my mother who has taken care of me."

"So why didn't you make a move on her before," Mina asked him.

"First of all I didn't know she harbored the same feelings for me until that night Sar-Rah blindfolded me and I did not want her to come to hate me. Secondly she is the only family I have left worth mentioning and she is reliant on me, I would never want to make her uncomfortable around me. Last but not least she was too young before, she was only a child," he said.

Reassured by his words and the love on his face when he spoke of Sar-Rah and his siter she leaned against his side and snuggled in closer to him on the seat. Putting his arm around her shoulders he held her to him as the bus brought them closer to their destination. The bus pulled to a stop at the city's central park. A five by ten mile chunk of land dead center of the city it was a small forest. The entire park was surrounded by a three foot stone wall to keep a car from jumping the curb and driving into the park. Trails for bikes and walking ran throughout the park while there were three squares for gathering inside were the paths all converged on one another. Their destination was the squared located in the center of the park.

"And here I thought all the trees were gone," Mina said.

"Worldwide compared to the number that there used to be, they are almost all gone," Anthony replied. Smiling at her he took her hand and pulled her onto the path that would lead them to where they wanted to go. They walked mostly in silence only occasionally making comments about their surroundings. Arriving at the square and hour later they headed to the large fountain in the center. The statue that stood on it made Anthony burst into laughter while Mina giggled. There on a block of black marble stood a white marble goblin. It stood there with its hand placed on its groin to hold open its trousers as water shot from the open void. The over all effect made it look like the goblin was taking an eternal leak into the basin below. After his laughter subsided Anthony walked to the northern side of the fountain and began searching the basins edge for the glyph Liz had described to him as he explained to Mina what they were searching for.

"It is here," Mina called out to him from a few feet to his left. Walking over he looked at her find and knelt in front of it. Running his hand over it he spoke the nonsensical word that Liz had told him would summon a goblin to talk to him. Her art teacher had made her repeat it a bunch of times until she could repeat it back perfect and Liz had made Anthony do the same. After doing this Anthony took a seat on the lip of the fountain to wait.

"What now," Mina asked sitting down next to him.

"Now we wait Liz said that she was told that it may take a little while for the messenger to arrive."

They sat and watched as the afternoon sun played over the water in the fountain. A few minutes after they arrived, a jogger ran into the squared and exited on a path opposite from the one she had come in on. Shortly after her departure Anthony noticed a glitter in the trees. It bobbed up and down but came no closer to the square that this might be the messenger they were waiting for. As he came closer to the bobbing sparkling creature he began to here high pitch shrieks of fear. Picking up his pace he moved quickly toward the cries of panic. What he saw brought his blood to a boil instantly and the world became tinted in red with his rage. Ten feet into the woods on the ground outside what looked like a little straw hut three little men held down a small winged woman wearing a flowing white dress. Out of the house a fourth man dragged two small struggling winged girls by their arms. The four men were maybe six inches tall and the three winged females were even smaller. One of the three men holding down the larger fairy, Anthony guessed she was a fairy, ripped open the top of her dress baring her breasts and he leaned down and roughly grabbed them. As her scream of pain and despair pierced his ears Anthony growled angrily deep in his chest and rushed forward. Before they even knew what was happening he was upon the one who had hold of the two smaller fairies. Grabbing the little man's head he lift the man who was unable to keep his grip on the girls in his panic. Anthony tossed the little creature as hard as he could into the forest uncaring whether the little man survived his flying lesson or not. Staying on his knees, so as not to crush the two freed fairies by accident Anthony leaned forward and flicked the small man who had been assaulting the larger fairy in the torso he was lifted from his feet and flung into the underbrush of a nearby tree. The other two small creatures ran for the trees, seeing the blood on the fairy as she tried to hold her dress closed enrage Anthony further. Picking up a stone close at hand he lobbed it at the fleeing figures. It struck the one on the left, who cried out in pain at the blow and fell. His companion continued on without a backward glance.

"Are you okay," Anthony asked the small winged woman as she pulled the two smaller girls to her while trying to hold her dress closed at the same time. Mina stood behind him and watched as he tried to calm the fairies. Suddenly a noise from the brush near the tree were the second assailant had land drew Anthony's attention just in time to see the little bastard throw what looked like a javelin at the fairies back. Anthony's hand shot forward and encircled the three kneeling fairies just in time for the javelin to embed itself an inch in the back of his hand. With a cursed Anthony ripped free the tiny projectile and hurled it back at the creature which cried out in agony as it's shoulder was nailed to the tree behind it.

"Are you okay," Mina asked Anthony. She moved around in front of him careful to avoid the fairies on the ground as she took his damaged hand into hers and examined the it.

"It is fine," he murmured absently as he dug around in his back pocket. Confused at his actions Mina released his hand when he pulled out his wallet. Warmth at his kindness flood her when he pulled out a packet of tissues from his wallet and handed one to the fairy woman.

"Sorry, they are a little old but they are clean," Anthony said told her as she wrapped the tissue around her chest like a towel. She looke dup at him in trepidation as soon as she finished.

"You're not going to hurt us are you," she asked softly. Now that she was no longer distressed her shrill piercing voice sounded like wind chimes.

"Nope not going to hurt you or try to capture and study you either," Anthony said smiling kindly down at her. He looked around at the destruction of her little clearing and the front door of her little hut appeared to have been kicked in. He examined the bacl of his hand, which still pulsed with pain as if the javelin was still embedded in his flesh.

"I would suggest you move to some place less violent, however. The survivors of this little raid will probably return with reinforcements soon," Anthony told the tiny woman. His head turn back to the woman with a jerk when he heard her sob. As the fairy broke into racking sobs Anthony motioned frantically to Mina to help him. His distress at the small woman's tears would have been cute if not for her obvious distress.

"Please don't cry," Anthony begged her, "just tell me what is wrong and I will try to help. Just please don't cry."

"We have nowhere to go," the fairy said between sobs while clinging to the two smaller ones. "My mate died several years ago and I have not been able to find a new one to fight off the trolls."

"Trolls," Anthony ask in confusion.

"Those things your fought off before were trolls. Pixies and fairies are the same species, the Fey, but fairies are female and pixies are male. So these three are fairies while her deceased husband was a pixy. Pixies have a much lower birth rate then fairies so there are many more fairies then pixies. The trolls are the inverse female trolls having an extremely low birthrate. The trolls and the fey can interbreed so the trolls war with the Fey to capture their women. However you saw the way they acted most trolls are savage like that. Not all mind you but most of the wandering bands of trolls are vicious like that. If you want to meet a civilized troll you would have to find one of their hidden homesteads," Mina explained to him.

"You could come with us. I would protect you," Anthony said to the fairy. She looked up at him uncertainly while she stroked the hair of the other two. Anthony still had not gotten a clear look at their small faces because they kept them down looking at the ground and avoiding his eyes.

"Your word you won't harm us in anyway," she asked them. As Anthony was about to answer Mina grabbed is arm and squeezed tight to stop him.

"Be very careful about giving your word to the Fey it is binding to them as well as you," she warned him and released him at his nod. Turning back to the fairy he considered her question for a moment before speaking.

"I promise not to harm the three of you in anyway as long as you do not knowingly harm or endanger me or any who I claim as mine," he said looking down at her. She looked at him for a while as she pondered his offer.

"Agreed," she said standing. As she stood her right wing drooped slightly and she grimaced as it shifted. She folded it to her back but when she released it once again extended and dropped causing her to wince in pain again. The two little ones still clung to her skirts.

"What is your name little one," Anthony asked lowering his hand to the ground in front of them so they could get on. Hesitating for only an instant the fairy picked up the other to and climbed on to his palm. Standing Anthony walked back to the fountain and sat once more on the lip and settled the three fairies on his knee.

"My name is Sunshine, and these two are my daughters Moonlight and Wind," she said shift so she could sit without putting pressure on her damaged wing. The translucent dragonfly wings on the backs of the three fairy glittered with every color he could imagine.

"Could you fold you wing back into place," Anthony asked her as he lift the hem of his shirt to his mouth. As she slowly complied with his request he bit down on one of the stiches in the hem and gave a jerk tearing it. Slowly pulling the thread free so as not to break it he managed to an eight inch strand before it snapped. While Sunshine held her wing in place he gently wrapped the sting around and around her tiny body and tied her wing firmly to her back.

"When we get back to my home Sar-Rah can probably get you a real bandage and mend your clothes. Until then this will have to do. It isn't too tight is it," he asked when he saw her fidget with the stands of string wrapped around her.

"No it is fine, that was very thoughtful of you thank you," Sunshine told him.

"No problem at all I find I enjoy helping beautiful damsels in distress," he said down to her. He grinned when her face reddened noticeably. The fairy was saved from further embarrassment as a waist high green man appeared at the edge of the woods drawing all of their attention. He had a flat face and a large pointy nose with ears that were eight inches long and the pointy tips stuck well above the top of his bald green head. A pair of fangs protruded from his upper jaw to overhang his lower lip even though his mouth was closed and none of his other teeth were visible. He watched them with hate filled yellow eyes. He was dressed in brown pants and a small white shirt. Gently handing the fairies to Mina Anthony rose and approached the diminutive creature.

"What do you want human," the goblin asked gruffly before Anthony had a chance to speak.

"I wish to make a bargain with your clan. So I want to speak with your queen," Anthony told the goblin.

"Wait here and I will deliver your request to the queen."

Anthony moved back to the lip of the fountain as the goblin disappeared once more into the trees.

"What is your aspect anyway? I meant to ask you earlier but it slipped my mind," he asked Mina.

"It is of non-living creation. That means I can summon up any substance in the world but it cant be alive. I could even summon up another you which would be an exact copy of you but it would be completely dead. Plants and animals would be the same," Mina told him. He smiled at her in happiness.

"That is the perfect ability for my current needs," he told her. The goblin reappeared at the edge of the forest and motioned Anthony to him.

"The queen as agreed to grant you an audience. If you are polite and do not cause any trouble in our realm you and all those with you will be free to depart unharmed, by decree of the queen," the goblin said to him as soon as he was within hearing distance. Anthony motioned to the others to join him. When they were all there the goblin turned back into the woods with Anthony and the others following behind him. The goblin lead them to a cave and then inside. They followed a tunnel that descended gradually into the earth as it snaked back and forth. After what felt like hour bur Anthony's watch said was only half an hour they began to see bright lights ahead. They passed by rooms filled with goblins that looked so much like their guide Anthony would not have been able to tell them apart. They passed forges were goblin hammered away at red hot metal and rooms were the goblins inside sang in discordant voices while drinking from hammered metal cups. They continued on until they came to a set of massive metal doors blocking the tunnel. In front of the doors stood eight goblins decked out in plate armor. Their guide stopped in front of the guards.

"Those who have been granted an audience with the Queen," the guide said motioning back at them. The guard looked them each over and nodded to the others. They all turned and began to open the doors it took all of them to open the doors four goblins to a door. When the doors were opened the guard that the messenger, who had vanished the way they had come while the doors were opened, had spoken to motioned for them to proceed. One of the guards went before them and another followed behind leaving six at the door. They walked down a hall, that had obviously been carved from the rock, for a few minutes before entering a large throne room. At the far end from their entrance sat a golden throne atop a dias.

"Wow," Anthony said as he continued forward following the guard. He scratched at the back of his hand were the Troll's weapon had punctured his skin as it was starting to burn now. His gaze fell on to the figure on the throne. He had expected the queen to look like the other goblins they had seen so far but she did not. She lounged on the throne a silver goblet in her hand as she watched them approach. Her eyes were yellow and her skin green and she was only about waist high on him but other then those three similarities she looked nothing like the other goblins, she was quite lovely in an exotic way. Her short hair was fire engine red and shimmered in the torched light that lit the room. Her small delicate hands had black finger nails. She grinned at Anthony's appraisal of her and he noticed another similarity between her on the other goblins, she had fangs in both her upper and lower jaw where her canine teeth should have been.

"Welcome to my realm humans. My messenger said you had a deal to offer me. What is it," she asked.

"Thank you for allowing me to put forth my proposal. But first why do you keep calling us human," Anthony asked her. She narrowed her eyes at him before studying them closer.

"You're not human," she asked unable to sense anything from him to say he wasn't.

"Well as for me that is a little complicated," he said scratching at the back of his hand," however Mina here is a genie and the fairies don't even come close to looking human."

"What do you mean it's complicated," she said narrowing her glittering yellow eyes at him. He had back his first impulse to be flippant.

"Well tanks to a spell after a number of events happen I will be a High Djinn and since two of those events have occurred I am at the moment two sevenths of a High Djinn to technically I am human but I'm not completely human."

"Let's here your proposal," the queen said leaning back in her throne.

"Yes, well it is...," Anthony's words trailed off as he became dizzy and the room spun around in his vision. He couldn't hear anything and his vision began to dim. The last thing he felt before he slipped into the blackness was his knees slamming into the floor.

"Anthony what's wrong," Mina shout as she rushed forward and grabbed him before his face could hit the floor of the cave. The queen was on her feet watching.

"Look at his hand," Sunshine voice shrill with distress sound from her shoulder where she and her daughters were seated clutching her shirt. The back of Anthony's hand had a bump that looked like an insect bite in the center. What was really alarming was the black color slowly creeping along his veins outward from the wound.

"What do we do," Mina asked the fairy who shook her head with sorrow. The queen swiftly came down the steps to look at his hand. Gripping it in hers she examined the wound for a few moments before gesturing to the two guards. Take him to a guest room and summon a shaman to remove the poison and heal him. The guards easily hefted Anthony's inert form between the two of them and carried him from the room. When Mina made to follow after the queen grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"There is nothing you can do for him and we must speak. How did he come to be infected with Troll venom?"

"He saved these fairies," Mina told the queen and then related the tale of what had happened as they waited for her messenger. Sunshine spoke up to verify the story when Mina was done telling it. The queen moved over to a set of chairs off to the side of the room and motioned for Mina to take one as she took another.

"Do you know what his proposal for my clan was? If not please tell me the story of how a human became the companion of a Djinn and how he is becoming a Djinn," the queen requested.

"As to his proposal I don't know much about it or him other then that he is a good man. I only just met him today. As for the other that I can tell you," Mina said. She told the queen everything that Sar-Rah, Eliza, Liz had told her of how the events before her release had played out. The queen listened without interrupting and wondered what the strange human wanted from her and her people. As Mina finished relaying the story a hunched white bearded goblin entered the room leaning heavily on a staff twice the short creatures own height.

"My Queen, the human has had the poison removed but magic in his body is not allowing for mine to enter him and heal him. So while he will not die from the poison he has a fever that should pass in the night. If everything goes well he should be well by tomorrow."

"Thank you shaman you have done well," the queen said to the old goblin and he left the room. The queen stood and motioned for Mina to follow her. She led them back into the tunnels to a door. Opening the door they found Anthony tucked into a canopied bed in a lavishly furnished room. The queen allowed them to enter before telling them not to leave the room until they were summoned the next day. Placing one of the pillows form the bed on the night stand next to it she lowered Sunshine, Moonlight, and Wind onto it before crawling into the bed next to Anthony.

"Goodnight," she said to the fairies and was answered with a chorus of good nights. Curling her body around his hot one she wrapped her arm around his muscled chest and clung to him until she drifted off to sleep.Solomon's Daughters: Mina's Chapter

Anthony woke to the soft feeling of soft breasts in his palms and the warth of a female back pressed to his chest. As the events flowed back into his mind he absently kneaded the soft globes. Patricia came awake feeling satisfyingly sore. At the feeling of his carressing she moaned in protest.

"Didn't you get enough last night," she whined at him but leaned forward to increase the pressure on her breasts.

"I could go a few more times," he whispered in her ear while he rubbed his erection between her legs. At the feeling of his cock rubbing her entrance she shivered in arousal. The clenching of her muscles however caused he to wince in pain. Noticing her discomfort Anthony stopped and pulling back turned her onto her back.

"Are you too sore," he asked. She nodded but wore a regetfull look on her face at the admission.

"I used to be able to go all night then all the next morning too," she said sighing. Giving her an impressed look Anthony rolled out of the bed and looked at the clock. Due to a holiday there would be no more school for the girls or work for Patricia until next week. He walked into the bathroom and inserted the stopper into the tub. He began filling the tub with hot water. Walking back into the other room he paused at the door for a few moments to admire Patricia's lithe body in the sunlight. She lazed on the bed watching him with hooded eyes. She had one arm bend behind her head with her other hand resting on her flat stomach, tacing circles around her navel. Walking over to the bed Anthony leaned down and pressed his lips to her. Pulling back he lifted her into his arms. She shieked in surprise at the sudden movement and wrapped her arms around his neck. Walking back into the bathroom he stepped into the hot water and lower him self to sit in it with her on his lap. He reached over and turned of the taps when the tub was full, while she leaned back and languished against him.

"I read somewhere this helps with the soreness," he said to her pulling her hair back behind her ear. She sighed with pleasure while they soaked in the hot water. After there bath was finished they reurned to the room to find the bed had been made while they were in the shower and Patricia's clothes were clean and folded on top of Anthony's dresser. After dressing they headed into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning," Sar-Rah said turning from the pan of bacon she was just finished frying as she heard them enter the kitchen. She was dressed in black silk pajama bottoms and a black spagetti string top. Lifting the bacon from the stove she deposited it on a pot holder on the table as she moved towards them. Walking up to Anthony she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth down to hers and kissed him passionately. Anthony moaned at the feel of her soft body and pulled her tight against him. He could taste the bacon she had nibbled on as she cooked. Sar-Rah kisses him until her lungs began to protest at the need for air before she pulled back to catch her breath.

"I thought your would be at least another twenty minutes," she said to him playfully her breathing still ragged.

"We would have been longer but Patricia was to sore this morning to continue," he said and who had been standing behind him blushed at his words. Sar-Rah grinned over his shoulder at her and winked as she began to rub her body up and down his like a cat.

"My poor baby," Sar-Rah coo-ed into his ear, "No wonder your so happy to see me," she said grinding against his erection. He growled deep in his chest at her teasing as lust flooded his body. She continued her sensuous motion against him as she giggled at him. Seizing her ass he liftted her from the floor and moved her back until she was pinned against the fridgerator door. She wrapped her legs around his waste and her joking demeanor vanished to be replaced by a hungry look.

Patricia stood just inside the kitchen door frozen in lust and shock at what she was witnessing. She didn't even hear as Liz and Eliza exited Liz's room both wearing tops matching Sar-Rah but niether of them had bothered with the bottoms, Liz wore black panties and Eliza wore white. The two wemon moved up beside Patricia as she stood transfixed by the sight infront of her. Anthony now had Sar-Rah bent over infont of him her palms braced against the door of the fridge. He undid his zipper and freed his erection, she moaned sweetly when he teased her by rubbing the tip against her smooth, hairless pussy.

"Don't tease me please," she begged him. She cried out in surprise and pleasure as he suddenly slammed hilt deep into her. He began thrusting into her fast and hard while his arms braketted her body and his hands pinned hers to the fridge. Unused to him being so widely and agressive Sar-Rah found her release in mere moments but Anthony did not stop or even slow. Her legs began to shake and her knees gave out but before she could dropp more then an inch Anthony's hands seized her hits. Lifting her back into position he continued his pounding. Her legs still would not hold her as orgasm after orgasm racked her body. Feeling his orgasm arroaching he began to grind his pelvis against hers with each thrust trying to drive her over the edge one more time before he climaxed. Her inner muscles rippled and tensed with another orgasm and he forced his cock into her tight tunnel until he bottomed out.

"Mine," he growled into her ear as he came in side her. She shuddered and her hips made little involuntary jerks, milking him, at his possessive words. When his climax ended and she could once again stand on her own again he released her hip and grabbed her bottoms and panties back into postion from where they were, bunched up around her knees. Kissing the back of her neck as she leaned her forhead against the cool surface in front of her while she basked in the after glow of their love making and allowed her breathing to return to normal. Anthony situated himself and zipped up his pants before remembering that they had company.

"Sorry, about that Patricia I don't knpw what came over me," he said turning to her and jerked in surprise. Their audience had grown from one to three. Heat flooded his and Sar-Rah's faces as she turned to face the observers of their show. All three of the women in the doorway were giving him predatory looks. None of them spoke and their stares at him were beening to make him twitch so he walked forward and gave Eliza and Patricia a scorching kiss on the mouth. Liz he moved to and kissed her on the cheek.

"After Patricia is gone," he whispered into her ear when he felt her tense when she did not recieve the same treatment as the other two women. He moved to the table, and sat, and began loading his plate from the many dishes that Sar-Rah had made. The others joined him and soon they were laighing and talking together as they ate.

"Well, I have to be going. I will see you ladies next week at school," Patricia said when they finished eating. Standing she started for the front door montioning Anthony to follow. Slipping on her shoes she turned to him and pulled him into her arms and leaned down and kissed him.

"Thank you for the fantastic night," she said softly.

"Your welcome," he said grinning up at her. She gave a short laugh then ruffled his hair and turn and left. Anthony watched her pull out of the drive way then turned back to the kitchen. He helped Sar-Rah with the dishes and then headed for his room. Walking over to his desk were he had kicked his pants the night before to retrieve his wallet and keys he looked at the desk and paused. The bottle had once again changed colors, it was now a vibrant orange.

"Liz, Sar-Rah, Eliza come here," he yelled down the hall. When they walled into his room he grabbed Liz and pulled her into a pasionate kiss before he released her.

"That was for before," he said to her.

"What did you need Anthony," Sar-Rah asked curiously as Eliza looked at the two of them with amusement. Clearing his throat Anthony pointed at the bottle on his desk. They all looked in the direction he pointed but didn't seem to understand what he wanted them to see. Liz noticed something first.

"Hey Anthony when you got it from that garage sale that bottle was purple," she said. At her words Sar-Rah's and Eliza's eye lit with understanding.

"It looks like the bottle is charged enough to release another of Solomon's Daughters," Athony said walking over to the desk and picking up the bottle.

"I wonder who it will let out this time," Sar-Rah speculated.

"Judging by the two of us and the order in which we seem to be freed, youngest to oldest, I would have to say Jasmine," Eliza told her. Athony reached into his desk and pulled a pocket knife out and cut the pad of his thumb right were he had done so to release Eliza and dripped a drop of blood onto the new symbol on the seal. Setting the bottle once more onto his desk he pulled the stopper free and retreated to stand next to the others. They all watched in fascination as the smoke built into a woman.

"Jasmine," Eliza whispered as the smoke began to take shape. After a few moments before them stood a beautiful five foot ten inch beauty. Her breast were large and her hips round while the rest of her was slim and firm. She had long silver hair that fell down her back in a shimmering curtain and her eyes, though not yet clear of the magic daze, were turquiose. She had the same tanned skin as her sisters but if they passed on the street Anthony wouldn't have known.

"Why doesn't she look like you two," Anthony asked Eliza.

"Different mothers," she replied. The mist finally cleared and Jasmine's eyes focus and she looked rapidly around the room, her eyes fixed on him as she began rapidly speaking, in that foriegn laguage Sar-Rah and Eliza had first used, to Sar-Rah and Eliza. Anthony stood there and watched as they spook several times during the conversation Sar-Rah or Eliza would gesture toward them. After a while the flow of words slowed and Jasmine moved to stand in front of Anthony. She ran her gaze appraisingly from his feet to his face.

"I am Jasmine, but you may call me Mina," she said looking him in the eye.

"I'm Anthony, it is a pleasure to meet you," he said.

"If I have to have a husband fine, at least your handsome," she said to him. Anthony looked questioningly at Sar-Rah.

"Actually from what Sar-Rah told me, and maybe there was a miscommunication, you don't need to marry me only see does for everyone to be free. All of you would need to sleep with me to turn me into a High Djinn, but that isn't exactly need for you to be free," Anthony told her.

"They need to sleep with you to be completely free as well," Sar-Rah interjected, "they will be released if only I marry you. But when you die the energy that you have already recieved from Eliza and myself will return to us and we along with any of the others that are freed will be dragged back into the bottle. So unless your transformation to High Djinn is completed which will complete the spell we are only free until you perish."

"I'm sorry," Anthony said to Mina.

"Why are you apologizing to me," she asked him.

"I don;t really know I just felt like I should."

"Alright," said Liz from the doorway, "so what are the plans for today?"

"I was going to try and make contact with the goblins today," Anthony told her, "also I was going to ask Sar-Rah to make a lab facility and factory attached to the basement. You said you wanted to go shopping today so I was gonna ask you to take them with you after they finish with that so you have some company and they could get anything they want. Since Mina is kere now I'll take her with me, as long there are no complaints, so we can get to know each other. I won't need a translater since Eliza taught me every language."

At all the nods of approval he had Sar-Rah change Mina's clothes into something she could wear outside. Handing each of the girls a checkbook for the new account he told them that debit cards for the each of them would arrive next week. Taking Mina's hand he led her to the front door and started off to the bus stop. Mina watched Anthony as they walked. Eliza had transfered all the knowledge she could want about the modern world, so they also told her of everything that had happened since Sar-Rah's release.

"Well you can ask me anything youwant and I'll anawer truthfully," Athony said to Mina as they waited for the bus.

"How long have you been in love with your sister," she immediately asked him. He jerked at her question at looked around furtitively to make sure no one was close enough to overhear. He moved closer to her and chuckled.

"Going straight for the throat with the first question huh? I'll answer as promised but don't say sister say Liz so people around us won't catch the fact that I have a relationship with my sibling. Now as for how long I have been in love with Liz, I don't really know. At first it was me and my mother and father. My mother was kind and beautiful, warm and soft, and she looked exactly like Liz does now. When my mother died I looked after my sister because I my mother always said as a man of the family to take care of your sister. I also loved her as a piece of my mother that remained after my mother was gone."

The bus arrived and they boarded finding seats in the back where he could watch anyone who came near enough to them.

"As time went on and I continued to protect and take care of her I began to see her as her own person, not just an extension of my mother. She grew into a person much like my mother. She is beautiful, kind, and caring, I know she worries about me all the time. When she was twelve years old I got badly sick and collapsed while she was at school and couldn't go pick her up on the bus like I usually did before. By the time she got home she was worried sick. Calling a doctor near the house who had been friends with my mother she tried to get me to the bed but being so small and only twelve she couldn't budge me so she sat there with my head in her lap and waited for the doctor. When the doctor arrived he helped her get me to the bed and gave her the medicine for my sickness and told her it would be a few days before I was better. She didn't leave my side for three days, she called into school and pretending to be our father told them that the whole family was sick and she wouldn't be in school until she was better. She cooked soup for me, it tasted horrible, and helped me to the bathroom when I needed it. She spent hours wiping the sweat for my body and torso. She read a few of my books to me and when she wasn't reading she talked constantly. Her soft melodic voice was my only comfort in my sickness. Those three days caused my feeling to change from loving her to being in love with her."

"So why didn't you make a move on her before," Mina asked him.

"First of all I didn't know she harbored the same feelings for me until that night Sar-Rah blindfolded me and I did not want her to come to hate me. Secondly she is the only family I have left worth mentioning and she is reiant on me, I would never want to make her uncomfortable around me. Last but not least she was too young before, she was only a child," he said.

Reassured by his words and the love on his face when he spoke of Sar-Rah and his siter she leaned against his side and snuggled in closer to him on the seat. Putting his arm around her shoulders he held her to him as the bus brought them closer to their destination. The bus pulled to a stop at the city's central park. A five by ten mile chunk of land dead center of the city it was a small forest. The entire park was surrounded by a three foot stone wall to keep a car from jumping the curb and driving into the park. Trails for bikes and walking ran through out the park while there were three squares for gathering inside were the paths all converged on one another. Their destination was the squared located in the center of the park.

"And here I thought all the trees were gone," Mina said.

"Worldwide compared to the number that there used to be, they are almost all gone," Anthony replied. Smiling at her he took her hand and pulled her onto the path that would lead them to where they wanted to go. They walked mostly in silence only occationally making comments about their surroundings. Arriving at the square and hour later they headed to the large fountain in the center. The statue that stood on it made Anthony burst into laughter while Mina giggled. There on a block of black marble stood a white marble goblin. It stood there with its hand placed on its groin to hold open its trousers as water shot from the open void. The over all effect made it look like the goblin was taking an eternal leak into the basin below. After his laughter subsided Anthony walked to the northern side of the fountain and began searching the basins edge for the gliph Liz had descrubed to him as he explained to Mina what they were searching for.

"It is here," Mina called out to him from a few feet to his left. Walking over he looked at her find and knelt in front of it. Running his hand over it he spoke the nonsensical word that Liz had told him would summon a goblin to talk to him. Her art teacher had made her repeat it a bunch of times until she could repeat it back perfect and Liz had made Anthony do the same. After doing this Anthony took a seat on the lip of the fountain to wait.

"What now," Mina asked sitting down next to him.

"Now we wait Liz said that she was told that it may take a little while for the messenger to arrive."

They sat and watched as the afternoon sun played over the water in the fountain. A few minutes after they arrived a jogger ran into the squared and exited on a path opposite from the one she had come in on. Shortly after her departure Anthony noticed a glitter in the trees. It bobbed up and down but came no closer to the square that this might be the messenger they were waiting for. As he came closer to the bobbing sparkling creature he began to here high pitch shierks of fear. Picking up his pace he moved quickly toward the cries of panic. What he saw brought his blood to a boil instantly and the world became tinted in red with his rage. Ten feet into the woods on the ground outside what looked like a little straw hut three little men held down a small winged woman wearing a flowing white dress. Out of the house a four man dragged two small struggling winged girls by their arms.

The four men were made six inches tall and the three winged females were even smaller. One of the three men holding down the larger fairy, Anthony guessed she was a fairy, ripped open the top of her dress baring her breasts and he leaned down and roughly grabbed them. As her scream of pain and despair peirced his ears Anthony growled angrily deep in his chest and rushed forward. Before they even knew what was happening he was upon the one who had hold of the two smaller fairies. Grabbing the little mans head he lift the man who was unable to keep his grip on the girls in his panic. Anthony tossed the little creature as hard as he could into the forest uncaring wether the little man survived his flying lesson or not. Staying on his knees, so as not to crush the two feed fairies by accident Anthony leaned forward and flicked the small man who had been assaulting the larger fairy in the torso he was lifted from his feet and flung into the underbrush of a near by tree. The other two small creatures ran for the trees, seeing the blood on the fairy as she tried to hold her dress closed enrage Anthony further. Picking up a stone close at hand he lobbed it at the fleeing figures. It struck the one on the left, who cried out in pain at the blow and fell. His companion continued on with out a backward glance.

"Are you okay," Anthony asked the small winged woman as she pulled the two smaller girls to her while trying to hild her dress closed at the same time. Mina stood behind him and watched as he tried to calm the fairies. Suddenly a noise from the brush near the tree were the second assailant had land drew Anthony's attention just in time to see the little bastard throw what looked like a javelin at the fairies back. Anthony's hand shot forward and encircled the three kneeling fairies just in time for the javelin to embed itself an inch in the back of his hand. His a cursed Anthony ripped free the tiny projectile and hurled it back at the creature it cried out in agony as it's shoulder was nailed to the tree behind it.

"Are you okay," Mina asked Anthony. She moved around in front of him carelful to avoid the fairies on the ground as she took his damaged hand into hers and examined the it.

"It is fine," he murmured absently and hes dug around in his back pocket. Confused at his actions Mina released his hand when he pulled out his wallet. Warth at his kindness flood her when he pulled out a packet of tissues from his wallet and handed one to the fairy woman.

"Sorry, they are a little old but they are clean," Anthony said told her as she wrapped the tissue around her chest like a towel. She looke dup at him in trepidation as soon as she finished.

"Your not going to hurt us are you," she asked soflty. Now that she was no longer distressed her shrill peircing voice sounded like wind chimes.

"Nope not going to hurt you or try to capture and study you either," Anthony said smiling kindly down at her. He looked around at the destruction of her little clearing and the front door of her little hut appeared to have been kicked in. He examined the bacl of his hand, which still pulsed with pain as if the javelin was still embedded in his flesh.

"I would suggest you move to some place less violent, however. The survivors of this little raid will probably return with reinforments soon," Anthony told the tiny woman. His head turn back to the woman with a jerk when he heard her sob. As the fairy broke into racking sobs Anthony motioned franically to Mina to help him. His distress at the small woman's tears would have been cute if not for her obvious distress.

"Please don't cry," Anthony begged her, "just tell me what is wrong and I will try to help. Just please don't cry."

"We have no where to go," the fairy said between sobs while clinging to the two smaller ones. "My mate died several years ago and I have not been able to find a new one to fight off the trolls."

"Trolls," Antohny ask in confusion.

"Those things your fought off before were trolls. Pixies and fairies are the same species, the Fey, but fairies are female and pixies are male. So these three are fairies while her desceased huband was a pixy. Pixies have a much lower birth rate then fairies so there are many more fairies then pixies. The trolls are the inverse female trolls having an extremely low birthrate. The trolls and the fey can interbreed so the trolls war with the Fey to capture their women. However you saw the way they acted most trolls are savage like that. Not all mind you but most of the wandering bands of trolls are vicious like that. If you want to meet a civilized troll you would have to find one of their hidden homesteads," Mina explained to him.

"You could come with us. I would protect you," Anthony said to the fairy. She looked up at him uncertainly while she stroked the hair of the other two. Anthony still had not gotten a clear look at their small faces because they kept them down looking at the ground and avoiding his eyes.

"Your word you won't harm us in anyway," she asked them. As Anthony was about to answer Mina grabbed is arm and sqeezed tight to stop him.

"Be very careful about giving your word to the Fey it is binding to them as well as you," she warned him and released him at his nod. Turning back to the fairy he considered her question for a moment before speaking.

"I promise not to harm the three of you in anyway as long as you do not knowly harm or endanger me or any who I claim as mine," he said looking down at her. She looked at him for a while as she pondered his offer.

"Agreed," she said standing. As she stood her right wing drooped slightly and she grimaced as it shifted. She folded it to her back but when she released it once again extended and dropped causing her to wince in pain again. The two little ones still clung to her skirts.

"What is your name little one," Anthony asked lowering his hand to the ground in front of them so they could get on. Hesitating for only an instant the fairy picked up the other to and climbed on to his palm. Standing Anthony walked back to the fountain and sat once more on the lip and settled the three fairies on his knee.

"My name is Sunshine, and these two are my daughters Moonlight and Wind," she said shift so she could sit without putting pressure on her damaged wing. The translucent dragonfly wings on the backs of the three fairy glittered with every color he could imagine.

"Could you fold you wing back into place," Anthony asked he ash hel lift the hem of his shirt to his mouth. As she slowly complied with his request he bit down on one of the stickes in the hem and gave a jerk tearing it. Slowly pulling the thread free so as not to break it he managed to an eight inch strand before it snapped. While Sunshine held her wing in place he gently wrapped the sting around and around her tiny body and tied her wing firmly to her back.

"When we get back to my home Sar-Rah can probably get you a real bandage and mend your clothes. Until then this will have to do. It isn't too tight is it," he asked when he saw her figdet with the stands of string wrapped around her.

"No it is fine, that was very thoughtful of you thank you," Sunshine told him.

"No prolem at all I find I enjoy helping beautiful damsels in distress," he said down to her. He grinned when her face pinkened noticably. The fairy was saved from further embarassment as a waist high green man appeared at the edge of the woods drawing all of their attention. He had a flat face and a large pointy nose with ears that were eight inches long and the pointy tips stuck well above the top of his bald green head. A pair of fangs protruded from his upper faw to over hang his lower lip even though his mouth was closed and none of his other teeth were visible. He watched them with hate filled yellow eyes. He was dressed in brown pants and a small white shirt. Gently handing the fairies to Mina Anthony rose and arrouched the diminuative creature.

"What do you want human," the goblin asked gruffly before Anthony had a chancce to speak.

"I wish to make a bargain with your clan. So I want to speak with your queen," Anthony told the goblin.

"Wait here and I will deliver your request to the queen."

Anthony moved back to the lip of the fountain as the goblin disappeared once more into the trees.

"What is your aspect anyway? I meant to ask you earlier but it slipped my mind," he asked Mina.

"It is of non-living creation. That means I can summon up any substance in the world but it cant be alive. I could even summon up another you which would be an exact copy of you but it would be completely dead. Plants and animals would be the same," Mina told him. He smiled at her in happiness.

"That is the perfect ability for my current needs," he told her. The goblin reappeared at the edge of the forest and motioned Anthony to him.

"The queen as agreed to grant you an audience. If you are polite and do not cause any trouble in our realm you and all those with you will be free to depart unharmed, by decree of the queen," the goblin said to him as soon as he was within hearing distance. Anthony motioned to the others to join him. When they were all there the goblin turned back into the woods with Anthony and the others following behind him. The goblin lead the to a cave and then in side. They followed a tunnel that desecded grudually into the earth as it snaked back and forth. After what felt like hour bur Anthony's watch said was only half an hour they began to see bright lights ahead. They passed by rooms filled with goblins that looked so much like their guide Anthony would not have been able to tell them apart. They passed forges were goblin hammered away at red hot metal and rooms were the goblins inside sang indiscordant voices while drinking from hammer metal cups. They continued on until they came to a set of massive metal doors blocking the tunnel. In front of the doors stood eight goblins decked our in plate armor. Their guide stopped in front of the guards.

"Those who have been granted an audience with the Queen," the guide said motioning back at them. The guard looked them each over and nodded to the others. They all turned and began to open the doors it took all of them to open the doors four goblins to a door. When the doors where opened the guard that the messenger, who had vanished the way they had come while the doors were opened, had spoken to motioned for them to proceed. One of the gaurds went before them and antother followed behind leaving six at the door. They walked down a hall, that had obviously been carved from the rock, for a few minures before entering a large throne room. At the far end from their entrance sat a golden throne atop a diaz.

"Wow," Anthony said as he continued forward following the guard. He scratched at the back of his hand were the Troll's weapon had punctured his skin as it was starting to burn now. His gaze fell on to the figure on the throne. He had expected the queen to look like the other goblins they had seen so far but she did not. She lounged on the throne a silver goblet in her hand as she watched them approach. Her eyes were yellow and her skin green and she was only about waist high on him but other then those three similarities she looked nothing like the other goblins, she was quite lovely in an exotic way. Her short hair was fire engine red and shimmered in the torched light that lit the room. Her small delicate hands had black finger nails. She grinned at Anthony's appraisal of her and he noticed another similarity between her on the other goblins, she had fangs in both her upper and lower jaw were her canine teeth should have been.

"Welcome to my realm humans. My messanger said you had a deal to offer me. What is it," she asked.

"Thank you for allowing me to put forth my proposal. But first why do you keep calling us human," Anthony asked her. She narrowed her eyes at him before studying them closer.

"Your not human," she asked unable to sense anything from him to say he wasn't.

"Well as for me that is a little comlicated," he said scratching at the back of his hand," however Mina here is a genie and the fairies don't even come close to looking human."

"What do you mean it's complicated," she said narrowing her glittering yellow eyes at him. He had back his first impulse to be flippant.

"Well tanks to a spell after a number of events happen I will be a High Djinn and since two of those events have occured I am at the moment two sevenths of a High Djinn to technically I am human but I'm not completely human."

"Let's here your proposal," the queen said leaning back in her throne.

"Yes, well it is...," Anthony's words trailed off as he became dizzy and the room spun around in his vision. He couldn't hear anything and his vision began to dim. The last thing he felt before he slipped into the blackness was his knees slamming into the floor.

"Anthony whats wrong," Mina shout as she rushed forward and grabbed him before his face could hit the floor of the cave. The queen was on her feet watching.

"Look at his hand," Sunshine voice shrill with distress sound from her shoulder where she and her daughters were seated clutching her shirt. The back of Anthony's hand had a bumo that looked like an insect bite in the center. What was really alarming was the black color slowly creeping along his veins outward from the wound.

"What do we do," Mina asked the fairy who shook her head with sorrow. The queen swiftly came down the steps to look at his hand. Gripping it in hers she examined the wound for a few moments before gesturing to the two gaurds. Take him to a guest room and summon a shaman to remove the poison and heal him. The guards easily hefted Anthony's inert form between the two of them and carried him from the room. When Mina made to follow after the queen grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"There is nothing you can do for him and we must speak. How did he come to be infected with Troll venom?"

"He saved these fairies," Mina told the queen and then related the tale of what had happened as they waited for her messenger. Sunshine spoke up to verify the story when Mina was done telling it. The queen moved over to a set of chairs off to the side of the room and motioned for Mina to take one as she took another.

"Do you know what his proposal for my clan was? If not please tell me the story of how a human became the companion of a djinn and how he is becoming a djinn," the queen requested.

"As to his proposal I don't know much about it or him other then that he is a good man. I only just met him today. As for the other that I cna tell you," Mina said. She told the queen everything that Sar-Rah, Eliza, Liz had told her of how the events before her release had played out. The queen listened with out interupting and wondered what the strange human wanted from her and her people. As Mina finished relaying the story a hunch white bearded giblin entered the room leaning heavily on a staff twice the short creatues own hieght.

"My Queen, the human has had the poison removed but magic in his body is not allowing for mine to enter him and heal him. So while he will not die from the poison he has a fever that should pass in the night. If everything goes well he should be well by tomorrow."

"Thank you shaman you have done well," the queen said to the old goblin and he left the room. The queen stood and motioned for Mina to follow her. She led them back into the tunnels to a door. Opening the door they found Anthony tucked into a canopied bed in a lavishly furnished room. The queen allowed them to enter before telling them not to leave the room until they were summoned the next day. Placing one of the pillows form the bed on the night stand next to it she lowered Sunshine, Moonlight, and Wind onto it before crawling into the bed next to Anthony.

"Goodnight," she said to the fairies and was answered with a corus of good nights. Curling her body around his hot one she wrapped her arm around his muscled chest and clung to him until she drifted off to sleep.
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