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I'm still not sure about becoming part of a menage a quatre
This is a sequel to “Menage a quatre” and “Menage a quatre 2” Please read them first.

Author's note: At the end of “Menage a quatre 2” Ron told his mum “I think I'll spend tomorrow night there.” He meant to say “I think I'll spend tonight and tomorrow night there.”

I got to work a bit early. As soon as I sat down at my desk, Sandra came into my office and shut the door.

“Good morning Ron. We've all missed you. Did you miss us? How was your night with your mum? Are you coming home with me tonight?”

By then she was standing beside me. Before I could answer any of her questions she leaned over and kissed me. I returned her kiss enthusiastically and reached for her inner thigh under her short skirt. I was not surprised to discover that she wore no panties; very little about Sandra's sexuality surprised me after the weekend that I had spent with her, her husband and his lover, Sandra's sister.

I was surprised when Sandra pulled away from me as I tried to finger fuck her, but her next move was to bend forward to undo my belt and my jeans. My cock leapt out as soon as she unzipped me.

“Oh! No undies! Who's a naughty boy? ”

“I was planning on coming to your place after work and somehow no undies seemed appropriate.”

The smile that was on Sandra's face told me that she liked my answer.

“And your cock looks to be ready for me.”

“Well yes! It hasn't been in you since Sunday. It misses you. I miss the excitement of being with you … all of you”

Sandra's smile grew even broader. Then she hitched her skirt up around her waist, straddled my legs, and impaled herself on my pole.

“Ah! That feels so good.” I said.

I was holding Sandra's hips and helping her to lift up and down. She was holding her hands over her mouth to muffle her moans. We didn't want anyone rushing into my office to see what was happening. Even though I'd had sex with my mum last night and again this morning, I was ready to cum again in no time.

I tried to hold off by thinking about filling out a tax return or paying my bills, but knew that it was futile as that beautiful feeling built somewhere inside me. Just then I felt Sandra's cunt muscles squeezing my dick and I finally let go what felt like an enormous load of cum. Sandra's muffled scream told me that she too was experiencing the same magnificent release.

“Thank you, Sandra, I needed that.”

“Me too. Tell me about last night.”

Suddenly I felt severely embarrassed. Incest is such a strong taboo. Still, I reasoned, if I was thinking of becoming a permanent member of their foursome, then I had better come clean. If fucking my mum disqualified me in their eyes then it would be best to get it out in the open early in our relationship, rather than trying to hide it and then being found out later, when we had grown closer.

By now my cock had softened and slipped out of her cunt. She stood up, licked my cock clean, then stuffed it back into my jeans and zipped them up. Then she took a tissue from a box on my desk and pushed it inside her cunt.

“To catch the drips.” she explained.

She took another tissue and used it to wipe the moisture from her inner thighs. Then she sat back on my lap and kissed me. I took a deep breath and plunged into the story of my telling my mum about our weekend.

As I told of mum's growing excitement as I described for her all the sex of the previous weekend, excitement that lead to our wanton behaviour, masturbating in front of each other, I was comforted by the fact that Sandra was still sitting on my lap holding me tight. Maybe she wouldn't be as shocked as I feared? When I told her about mum taking me to bed with her Sandra started giving me little kisses on my face.

When I told her about mum climbing on top of me and fucking herself, I looked at her face, expecting to read consternation in her expression. Instead I saw that she looked happy with a twinkle in her eye. I was so relieved to see that twinkle. When finally I got to how I woke up that morning, with my dick in mum's mouth and her cunt pressed against my face she kissed me full on the lips.

“Wow! I've got to meet that woman.”

“You're not shocked or disgusted? I was so worried that you would be.”

“Why? Reg, Maria and I are not very conventional in our sexuality. After all society does not have any rules about how a foursome should behave, so we can make our own rules.”

“By the way, my mum said several times, last night and this morning, that she wants to meet the three of you, too.”

“I think that we should plan to get together with her soon. I'll talk to Reg and Maria about inviting her with you next Friday. After I tell them about your fucking your mum I'm sure that they will want to meet her as much as I do. I hope that we can include her in our next orgy?”

“I don't know, but I would not be surprised if she would be up for that.”

“OK. Now about tonight. Reg, Maria and I want to try something with you. We feel that, with work the next day we need to avoid a full-on orgy. We'd like to try something a bit different. Tonight we propose to use a random process to select who fucks whom. It could either be you with me and Reg with Maria, or you with Maria and Reg with me. You and your partner can do whatever you both want together, tonight and tomorrow morning, but only with her.”

“So, I'm planning to stay two nights. Do I get to fuck the other one of you on the second night?”

“No. We use the same random process again every night that you are with us and we have work the next day. It will mean that you'll sometimes get runs of two, three or more nights with the same partner, but over a long time it should average out to equal time with Maria and me. What do you think?”

“My god. You people are kinky. I got the impression last weekend that Reg and I had equal access to you and Maria.”

“At weekends you do. This is a bit different for week nights. We hope that it will increase the sexual tension, watching one of us get fucked but not being allowed to fuck her yourself until, perhaps tomorrow night, perhaps not until the weekend.”

“Well. The three of you have decided this. I guess I'm outvoted, even if I don't like it.”

“Hey! It's not set in stone. We want to try it for a week or two. Then we'll discuss how well it's working. Your opinion will carry as much weight as anyone's. We could decide to scrap it or modify it or just keep it. OK?”

“OK. At least I get to fuck either you or Maria.”

“Of course. The thing that we want to avoid is any hint of jealousy.”

Then she went back to work, leaving me to try to work too, despite the weird ideas competing for my attention – ideas of watching Sandra or Maria fucked by Reg, while I held the other girl against my naked body.

Sandra came back to my office at lunch time. I was ready for her; my pants were around my ankles and my dick was hard and ready to fuck. She pulled the tissue out of her cunt, dropped it on the floor and was fucking me seconds after she came into the room. It occurred to me that if I landed Maria as my fuck buddy tonight, then I would have had both of them today. We didn't say anything to each other until we had both cum.

“You know Sandra. There is something very special about fucking you or Maria. I've never enjoyed myself as much with anyone else as I do with you two. I think maybe it's because you're both so very sensual. Thank you.”

“There's no need to thank me. I really enjoy fucking you too. Changing the subject; I've spoken to Maria and Reg and they were both very excited about your fucking your mum ...”

“What! You told them that?”

“Of course. I told you that they would be as excited as I was, and I was right. They both want to meet your mum as soon as possible. If we invited her for the weekend, starting Friday night do you think that she would be OK with being naked with us?”

“Well, as I said, she and I are comfortable with each other's nudity. I think that she might be. Why don't I ask her?”


“Hello Mum. I'm on my lunch break. Sandra is with me, she has just invited us both for the weekend, starting with dinner on Friday night. You said that you want to meet them and they all want to meet you too, so this is your chance, and theirs.”

“Wow! Ron! That's exciting!”

“I hoped that you would say that. The thing is that at their place every one has to be naked, as you know from what I told you about last weekend. The question is, are you OK with being naked with a group of naked people that you don't know yet?”

“Ron. I already know that I want to be naked with the people that you've told me about. What should I wear?”


“I mean, what should I wear to get there?”

“Why don't you wear the short shorts and the halter top that you were wearing the weekend before last. That way, if we all go out together for a break from all the sex, you'll have something informal to wear. And stuff a bikini in your pocket, in case we go to the beach, or sailing. OK?”

“I can't wait. Are you coming home tomorrow night?”

“No. I'm going to stay two nights with my new friends. I plan to sleep at home on Thursday night. OK?”

“OK. I look forward to being with you again. Bye.”


Later that night, I was, lying on my side with Maria's naked body pressed against mine. We were both watching as Sandra and Reg fucked. I was propped up on one elbow so that I could see over Maria's body.

Earlier they had rolled a die after explaining to me that, if the number on the die was even, then Reg would be fucking his wife and I would be fucking Maria; if the number was odd then Reg would be fucking his sister-in-law, and I would fuck his wife. The die rolled to a stop with a 4 showing, so it was Maria and me.

Reg and Sandra had watched me fucking Maria, missionary style, and now we were watching Sandra on top of Reg and apparently really enjoying fucking with us as her audience. My hand strayed to Maria's nipple and I played with it, squeezing it gently and tugging lightly.

After a few minutes like that Maria turned to me and managed to kiss me behind her. I really got into kissing Maria back and was caught off guard when Sandra started screaming and Reg started groaning as their simultaneous orgasms struck.

“You know, you guys.” I said once Sandra and Reg were back in the land of the living, “rather than feeling jealous, I felt really happy that you two enjoyed that so much. I'm beginning to think that this foursome thing can really work.”

“You didn't before?”, asked Maria.

“I was pretty sure that the three of you could form a foursome, I just wasn't sure that I could be the fourth member.”

“And now you are sure?” asked Maria again.

“No. I'm not sure yet, but I'm optimistic. So far I can enjoy playing by your rules, whatever they are. I like your attitudes and your enthusiasm.”

“So what will it take to make you sure?”

“I think maybe, that it's only necessary for me to get to know you better. I feel that I know Sandra, and like her, well enough that I would be willing to move in with her....”

“But you don't like Reg or me?”

“Don't put words in my mouth. What I know of you and Reg, I like very much. I just don't think that I know you well enough yet. I guess that I just need to spend more time with all of you.”

“Like now?”

“Like now, again tomorrow night, and then this weekend with my mother here too. After that I'll probably be ready to move in, at least on a trial basis, judging by the way that I feel now.”

Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday. Sandra fucked me again in my office, first thing and again at lunch time. We travelled home together, enjoyed a dinner that Maria had prepared, washed down with a couple of glasses of wine. When they rolled the die again, I was again paired with Maria.

“You know,” I said, “I'm sort of glad that I get to be with Maria tonight, because I've already fucked Sandra twice at work, today. I hope that that is OK by your kinky rules?”

“Well,” Reg replied, “our rules only apply to the night and the following morning, so I guess that makes it OK for you to fuck during the day. I'm rather jealous of the fact that you two work together and can fit in a fuck at work.”

Sandra giggled. “Believe me, it's a tight fit.”

On Thursday evening I arrived home early.

“Hi mum, I'm home....How come you're naked?”

“After the other night, I didn't think that you would object. I need to practice being naked around other people to be ready for this weekend with your new friends.”

“But you and I have never been embarrassed about seeing each other naked.”

“So, I hope that you are not embarrassed now. Why don't you join me?”

I went to my bedroom and came back naked.

“How come your cock is erect, Ron?”

“You're one of the three women who I've fucked this week, you're naked, and you're hot. Sexy naked women do that to me.”

“It's nice of you to say that I'm hot. I'm old enough to be your mum. In fact I am your mum.”

“You must have been very young when you had me, because you are still very young. How old were you?”

“I was 15 when I got pregnant, 16 when you were born. I never saw your father again after I told him that I was pregnant. Fortunately my parents took it very well. They helped me through the early years, insisted that I finish school and go to university, while they baby sat and paid for everything, so that now I have a well paid job and can support us both.”

“You never wanted to get married?”

“No. As you know, I've had a series of boy friends. I need the sex, but I've never found anyone with whom I'd like to share my life. Maybe, now that you have grown up and will be moving out, I might be interested if I met someone special, but I'm really not looking for someone.”

“If I do move out, and my new friends want me to move in with them, wont you be lonely?”

“Well, I hope that you'll come and visit me fairly often ...”

“Of course. You really are the best mum.”

“ … and with my part-time boyfriends, and with the people that I'm friendly with at work, I reckon that I'll be OK.”

By now I was standing behind her, my chest pressed against her back as she continued preparing our meal on the bench in front of her.

“Ron. I think that we'd better do something about that weapon you're pressing into my bum crack.”

She turned around, knelt in front of me and took my cock into her mouth. I was delighted. This wasn't the first time my cock had been in my mum's mouth, but it was still amazing to me.

“Oh! Mum! I'm … going … to ...cum.”

She just kept sucking and moving her head back and forth. Moments later I was pumping my baby juice into her mouth.

“Wow! Mum! That was great! I bet not many mums give their sons blow jobs.”

She almost choked, trying to laugh with a mouth full of my cum.

“I bet that not many mums have their grown-up sons sleep with them in their beds, but that's what I want to do tonight … if that's alright with you, that is.”

“First you give me a blow job to 'help' me with my stiff cock, then you tell me that you want me in your bed and I'm hard again.”

“I'll take that as a 'yes' then.”

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To be continued in “Menage a quatre 4”

Dudley DowrongReport 

2018-06-27 12:25:38
Again, as I said earlier, "Now that's what I'm talking about"; two (or more) couples so in love with each other that their goal is to make sure everyone in the group is satisfied by the experience & action.
Previously I had thought about "Mum" & one of her boyfriends making the quartet a sextet. I guess a quintet will be fine for now with both Ron & Reg DP his Mum. What are the sisters going to do in this "trio time"? How stupid of me, 69 of course!
I love it. Well written, tastefully presented, good character presentation in a timely fashion, good spelling, grammar, & syntex. Another important factor is Ron's looking at the other aspects of the relationship other than just raw sex. "I need to get to know you better" Just a little early for total commitment! More married couples should have looked at each other simerally would mean fewer separations across society.

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