Hi my name is Sean and this is the story of the first time I had sex and the last time. I was twenty years old and it was with the love of my life. The last time I had seen this girl was junior high. Her name was Sara. The first time I met her in collage was junior year. I had just come out of the library and plopped down under the big Oak tree when I saw her. She stood 5’ 1 and ½” her hair was golden yellow and in a very boyish cut. She was warring a tank top and very short shorts. Though she wasn’t very tall she had very sexy long legs. Her breasts were probably a B or C cup and maybe 34-36 around. She had the most beautiful green eyes and full red lips. She kept walking when one of the football players came out from around a corner.
“Hay Sara,” he said.
“Hi mike,” Sara said angrily, “What can I do for you today?”
“You can Fuck me that’s what!” Mike said loudly.
“I told you earlier we are over! Get it through your thick skull Mike!” Sara Yelled. Mike grabbed Sara’s arm and said.
“No! You’re my little Fuck toy and we’re not over till I say we are.” Mike yelled. I’m a gentleman and I wasn’t about to let a man treat a woman that way so I walked toward them.
“Hay Mike!” I yelled.
“Hi Sean what do you want this is none of your concern.” Mike yelled. I’m only 5’ 9” and weigh about 160 pounds; Mike on the other hand stood at least 6’ 3” and had to weigh 200 pounds at the very least.
“I want you to let go of the girl Mike,” I said. Now I was fairly muscular I went to the gym for at least an hour and a half every day. I hid that by warring big sweaters and jackets. I also take martial arts classes and have mastered every one I’ve tried. Mike let Sara go and charged I easily flipped him on his back.
“Thank you so much Mr.?” Sara said.
“Now Sara is that any way to greet an old friend?” I asked.
“Do I know you?” asked Sara. I was hurt the love of my life the woman I had dreamed about Fucking since I knew what it was didn’t even remember me.
“Sara come on it’s me Sean 5th till 8th I was your boyfriend. It’s only been 5 years,” I said.
“Oh no way Sean is that you its been a long time,” Sara said smiling with that same beautiful smile I remembered for junior high.
“Crap! Hay I’ve got to go but I know a little bar called O’Malley’s we can catch up there you know the place?” I asked.
“Ya I know it how’s 7:30?” Sara asked.
“Sure see you there.” I called after her as she walked away. I went off and read under the Oak tree until about 6:00 it was a pretty normal day for me. Little did I know that later that night I would lose my virginity. When I showed up at the two bedroom apartment my friend Jake who shares the rent with me was no where to be found until I heard a few faint moans form behind his bed room door it was cracked slightly. Now I’m no pervert but I have a lot of girls who are friends of mine and normally one of them is who Jake was fucking and I was just curious to see who this was. I picked just the right time too. Right when I looked in she climaxed her back arched and I got a great view of her face she screamed so loud I think that everyone in the building could have herd. I had no clue who she was but she had jet black hair and very dark eyes. She was so hot she probably was about 5’ 8”- 5’ 9”. She had C cups and very big lips. I walked away and turned on the TV and about 20 minutes later the girl came out of Jake’s bedroom in just her panties. When she saw me she gasped and hid back in Jakes room.
“I don’t mind if you don’t.” I called to her. She came out of the room and plopped herself down on the couch next to me. I had never seen her before I don’t even think she went to our collage I guess that Jake could actually get a date of his own that was a surprise. I didn’t have time to talk it was 6:35 I needed to get ready for that night and give myself 15 minutes to get to the bar. I got up and got ready and when I came out there was Jake eating out the mysterious girls pussy and right as I shut the door she climaxed with an ear-shattering scream. When I got to the bar. Sara was already sitting at the counter.
“Hope you haven’t been waiting long.” I said sitting down next to her
“No just got here.” she said. I won’t go into detail about what we talked about boring catching up stuff. At 11:30 Sara looked at her watch.
“Shit! It’s late I’ve got to run.” Sara said finishing off her 7th glass of Scotch and hobbling toward the door. I hadn’t had a drink all night I don’t like to drink never have.
“No your drunk I’ll take you home.” I said. I picked her up and took her to my car, and drove her home. I took her to the door and began to walk away.
“Where do you think you’re going?” she asked.
“Home,” I said.
“Not without a goodnight kiss!” she yelled. I walked back and our lips met I was just going to give her a peck but she grabbed me and held my lips to hers. I had no choice I opened my lips to allow her long tongue entry into my mouth. Her tongue entered and rapped around mine. After about a minute she pulled away but kept a tight grip on me. She placed her hand on my cheek.
“Have you ever had sex before Sean?” Sara asked I just stood there stunned, “Well?”
“No,” I whispered.
“What?” Sara asked.
“No. I’m a virgin I’ve never had sex,” I said. She looked up at me with her stunning green eyes.
“Well I think I should change that,” She said removing her hand form my cheek and pulling me closer. She pulled me into the house and led me upstairs to her room. She sat me down on the bed and left to door wide open. She was warring a very short and sexy red mini skirt and matching tight tank top and red panty hoes. She walked and sat on my lap and rapped her long sexy legs around me. I had a massive hard on and when she sat down she let out a little oh. She rubbed her hip into my hard on and it got even harder. She then knelt down in front of me and unbuttoned my pants with her teeth and unzipped my fly and pulled my pants around my ankles followed by my boxers she sat for only a few seconds before taking the whole thing into her mouth in one swoop. As her passed tongue passed over the head for the first time it had to have been the best felling I had ever had up to that point and when she started to move her head in a fast up and down I knew I was getting my first blowjob. It felt so good I arched my back and placed my hand on her forehead and tried to stop her but she just hit my hand so I allowed her to continue she kept it up for about 20 minutes until I blew a load of hot sticky cum right down her throat. She then striped off her skirt and startled my cock and effortlessly shoved it into her pussy. That was the best felling I have ever had the girl, no woman who I had dreamed of having sex with ever since I knew what it was, was ridding my cock completely in love with me. My cock was completely immersed in the warm wet hole of Sara’s pussy she began to slide up and down on my rod I was in haven she removed my shirt and her tank top she wasn’t warring a bra and her beautiful round tits were now bouncing with the same rhythm of her body. At that moment it was as if Sara and I were the only people in the world she continued her rhythm like the beating of a drum. I could fell the cum moving form my ball into my cock ready to explode.
“I’m guna cum! Stop please!” I yelled. Sara stopped her up and down rhythm.
“Why?” Sara asked.
“Because, I’m not protected and I don’t want to get you pregnant,” I said caressing her cheek with my hand.
“I don’t care I want you to Fuck me and Fuck me now!” Sara said starting her up and down motion again just about a minute later I blew the most massive lode of my life deep into her a moment later her body also shivered in orgasm and collapsed onto my chest her hard nipples pressing into my body she was panting as I stroked her head. My cock softened and slipped from her pussy I flipped her on her back and moved my head down to her pussy she was very wet form her last climax but I didn’t care she smelled great I pushed 3 fingers into her wet warm hole and softly rubbed the inside of her thy that’s when her clit poked up for its hiding spot I began to lick it slowly and softly whale continuing to finger fuck her. She began to lick it slowly wale continuing to finger fuck her. She began to breath heavily again she bit her lower lip she climaxed and grabbed my shoulders digging her fingernails in to them and screamed. I left around 2:30 little did I know that was the last time I would see her. The next day she was shot and killed in a convent store robbery. I’m now 35 and haven’t seen anyone since I lover her too much I don’t think I can ever love anyone again.
Your spelling sucks so bad, I couldn't follow the story, plus your action is too fast, no punctuation, or not in the correct place. I didn't rate this story.