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Blinding Lust 3 : Revelation

Natalia woke up to loud knock on the door...she looked around, and it was still dark...then the loud knock again...panicked, she jumped out of bed almost stumbling as she walked to the door...and there stood Lord Cedric, more handsome than even, Natalia just froze, couldn't believe that a man could get more handsome before one's eyes...and she find herself wondering if she'll ever gonna get used to his handsomeness...then he spoke, and she smelled liquor..."Why is this room locked?" he said firmly but obviously drunk...Natalia was shocked but found herself on defensice mode..."I'm sorry sir, I dont know how it happened but it wasn't me who locked the door...besides, why would it bother you...your room is across the hall...and pardon me sir, but isn't it inappropriate for you to be knocking on a lady's room this late hours?" realization hit her, Natalia felt scared...:"why would he be knocking on her door in the first place?", she thought.

he looked bewildered...she saw a hint of rage in his eyes but faded quickly as he spoke shyly yet composes..."I'm sorry Ms. Acres...wrong room..." just like that, he turned around and walked swaying towards his room...

Natalia watched him for a while but closed her door before he reached the bridge that connects the east and west wings of the mansion...she then leaned on the door and felt empty, which confused she the the bed, she was again shocked, she never noticed that the sheets were changed into velvet maroon...then memories of the dream filled her mind...she walked slowly as she felt her body burning with desire...she shook her head trying to dismiss the thought...thankfully she felt sleepy...she felt so weak all of a sudden...collapsing on the bed, she fell into a dreamless sleep...


Natalia ate her breakfast absent-mindedly...she kept thinking of that dream she had...and as she did, she felt something burning inside her...she kept wondering who could that person in her dreams be...and this irritates her...being confused and jittery not knowing irritates her the most...then her thoughts moved to the untiming and inappropriate visit she had from Lord Cedric...and she began to get more irritated, she had a lot of questions in her mind...and she saw Ramona and asked her of the Lord's whereabouts...Ramona informed her that he Left early morning...

"Yes, he should be ashamed of himself..." she thought, and was smiling at the thought, good thing Ramona went back to her chores, it would be very embarrassing if she caught her smiling...

It was raining hard, her plan of checking the entire estate was put on hold and so she kept herself busy in the office...there were too many files organize, but she liked it least she's busy doing something...

She was enjoying her time that she didnt notice Ramona came it startled her when she spoke also in shocked manner, more like a fearful way..."Ms. haven't touched your lunch?" that's when she noticed her holding a tray of food and another tray of food on corner table in the room...worst, she just realized that it was getting dark outside...but before she could giver her apologies, the door opened and came Lord Cedric in his usual handsome-ness....but what took her offguard was his accusing eyes..."how dare he give her such look, when I should be the one giving it?" she thought, but managed to say calmly, "Lord Cedric, good afternoon, I wasn't informed that you would be back soon..."

then to her surprise, he gave her that sheepish smile and said, "Why Ms. Acres, as far as I know I am still the owner of this house, thus, I have no obligation to inform any of my staff of my whereabouts...however, as The Owner, I am obliged to keep my staff well imagine how dismayed I was when I saw Ramona here carrying a tray of food to your office..." She tried to protest, she saw Ramona mouthed the word sorry to her.... but found herself bowing her head as he paced towards the untouched food on the table...then his tone became serious..."I don't mind you eating in here, or asking the housekeepers to bring you will never be an are entitled to such perks..." she can't help but raise her brow to that statement but she kept bowing her head even lower...not knowing that he's taking note of her every action..."What I cannot tolerate though is one forgetting to eat on time...and eating the food they were given...for me. it's being disgraceful..." She cannot believe what she's hearing...but she knew better than try to defend herself in the middle of his speech..."you are old enough to be reminded that you must eat Ms. Acres...I don't want to hear that I have been a negligent employer...if that's your intention, I'm sorry to disappoint...Ramona, I have lost my appetite...I expect my room ready when I get back..." and he was out before Natalia could even raise her head...she saw Ramona place the tray on the table and took the other one with her and silently closed the door...


Natalia had no idea what time it was...she made a mental note to ask for a clock for her bedroom...she felt though that it was past mindnight...she knew what's keeping her up...she's waiting for the arrogant, unpredictable and most nerve-wracking employer to arrive...and wondered why she felt like he hated her...if it was because of the incident the other could she possibly be hated when in fact it was his wrongdoing? She ask silently....

she fell to sleep eventually...and he arrived a few minutes later...


"Natalia..........Natalia................" that same husky voice...calling her from afar...and he kept calling her...

Natalia tried to look around but it was too dark for her to see where he was...but he kept calling her..."I am here my lord..." she was shocked as how she addressed him but she was not given time to think about it when the voice stopped calling her...she panicked...she wanted to hear him again and again...and so she started running in the darkness..."where are you?" she called out, panick is obvious in her voice..."please don't stop...where are you?" she couldn't believe the need she was feeling to make her beg like that...she kept running...

"Stop!" the voice was now furious...she stopped almost at the same time he heard him...she was out of breath but somehow managed to say, "Please..." although this time she has no idea what she's begging for...

"Please what Natalia?" he said coldly...

"Please don't be mad at me..." yet again Natalia froze by the words she just said...

she heard nothing in response...she waited...too afraid that she might make him more mad...and what seem like forever...the wind blew around her...and somehow she knew he was the past nights...although this time she can't see anything but darkness...

"Never my dear..." she froze even more not only because he spoke but because she felt his breath on her if she could feel his lips there...she knew she was in from of him, she can sense him...yet she found it hard to move...out of desperation she said, "Please, Let me see you..."

"You will see me when you're ready..." he said calmly...

"What do you mean?" she asked desperately.

"It's out of my hand my's all up to you...when you finally know what you want..."

and it hit her, she knows what she wants..."I want you." she said firmly...

"I know my dear...and I want you as much as you do...but it's not all about have to solve the puzzle on your own...and when you do, you will see me..." he sounded sad and Natalia just melt and ached to touch him...

"Can I touch you?" she said, as she reach her hands out for her disappoint, he wasnt there...and in panic she stepped forward as she said, "Where ar you?"

"Im here..." he was at her back..and she can feel him breathing at the back of her neck...but just his breathing..and before she could turn around to face him, he said in all seriousness, "Do not move..."


"what you're asking me would mean a danger to you...and i dont wanna harm you...." his nose nuzzled on her nape...

"How could a touch possibly harm me?" her breathing was getting deeper,matching his.

"You don't know what you're asking for..." she can feel his lips brushing lighly through her hair.

"Then show else would I know?" she wanted so badly to turn around but she doesn't want to defy hit her...she would do anything for this man...

He felt stiffened...somehow he knew that she had realized it...and from behind, he wrapped her hands around her shoulders...

she gasped as she felt her entire body crashed to his with the sudden contact...he knew he was tall but then she was surprised by how tall he was as she her head rested on her chest, she can not only feel his heart beat, but she can hear it...his chen rested on top of her head...his hands around her felt so solid...she reached up to hold his hands...and he started smelling her hair...trailing kissed towards her right ear and stopped to say..."I need you to trust me..." spoken so softly that her knees weakened...but soon found her wits to respond, "I don't know how but I trust you..."

"No, Natalia, I want you to know why you trust's too early for you to be sure...but it's a good start...'

Natalia snapped...tried to walk away from him but he was just to strong..."Let me go..." and he did. She felt him move away but she knew he was still her, she can hear him breathing...she was too enraged to think of anything else... "First, you dont want me me to see you..telling me it's all up to me...then you want me to trust you...when I said I would go telling me it's too early? I know it's too sudden and I can't believe myself either...but what makes me really mad is this wanting that i have no idea of...and what's worst...i know im just me fool but dreaming or or no trust...all I know is that I want you with me...and I want you to...." before she could finish, his lips was on soft...his hands around her waist, pulling her as close as possible to his body, so solid, so cold but sending shivering warmth to her entire body...

instinctively, she wrapped her hands on his neck...opened her mouth to welcome him...and they kissed hard, passionately, tongues dancing, moaning in their mouths...her knees lost their strength to hold her up...but he swoop her legs up and wrap them around his waist...never stop kissing her...both hands on her butt...

he can feel her reluctance through their was all new to her after all...but he wanted he guided her every step...and much to his delight, she was reacting accordingly...he could go on kissing her but her being mortal, she needed to the time he let go from their kiss, she was out of breath and laid her hear on his shoulder, panting...he took one hand to soothe her back as she catch for breath...

"Ready?" he asked, speaking right on her ear, when she was breathing normally yet still deep...

without hesitation she said..."I trust you..." and she felt him smiling...then wooosh, they were moving fast...wind was blowing her hair...she can hear the leaves flying along their path...she can't see anything still but somehow, surprisingly, she felt as ease as long as she can feel him...

In no time they stopped...then waves from the sea echoed around them...she knew then that they must be in an eclosed room...

he put her down...and she felt the softest surface right under her feet...she doesn't know what it was and if it's some type of rug, it was as soft as a cotton ball...

she felt him walk around her and she can feel his eyes on her...she wanted to see him, to see everything but she knew it was not the right time...then he stopped behind her, close enough for her to feel his presence..."You really trust me?" more like a confirmation than question...she just nodded..."Let's see how true it is...close your eyes and I will tell you when you can open them...We will know how true you are to your I said my dear, It's all up to you..." his voice slowly faded in the air but she can still feel him but a bit farther...her other senses became more sensitive...the waves was now louder...she can feel little vibration the waves made as they hit some stone wall...most especially, she can feel him walking around in a distance...he heard him took one deep breath before he said, "Open your eyes..."

Slowly she opened them, it was still dark, but unlike she can see silhouettes...they were like in a cave...she still can't see what the floor was made of...she was facing a narrow tunnel-like opening leading towards a darker path...she knew they came from there..maybe the garden was somewhere at the end. she thought...then he heard the waves...she turned around and saw a much wider opening that opens to the was still dim but as she's now well-adjusted to the dark...she came closer to the edge of the wider opening, holding onto a glass railing...she gasped as she looked down bellow, the cave was on a cliff and waves crashed to the stone wall...she was right after all...

"You were true to your words then..." she almost jumped upon heearing him...his deep, cold yet soothing, soft, husky voice... she looked around but cannot see anything aside from the shapes of some furnitures...her eyes widened, she just noticed they were in a bedroom, just that it's on a cave...her eyes focused on the very very large bed on the right side of the...four or people can sleep on it, she thought...the he heard him laugh, obviously, he can see her reactions..."Why can't I see you?" she sounded frustrated...

her eyes widened again as she saw his silhouette moved towards her, naked she could tell. her eyes got wider than ever as she saw him open his eyes, it was blazing it was on fire...he reached a hand to her which she took quickly...she pulled her to him immediately...and she felt him...and she saw him smiled, his perfect white teeth somehow glows in the darkness...he knew what she felt...and shyly, she burried her face on her chest...he then put his hand below her chin as he gently lifts her head up to meet his blazing eyes..."What you're seeing is a result of the depths of your trust...I cannot force you to it...Like I said, it's all up to you my dear..."

"I trust you..." all she could respond.

"I know, Natalia. But it takes more than saying it..."

"What do I need to do?"

"Submit to me..."

"What do you mean? How?"

"Someday you will know my will present itself to you...and when it does, you have to be sure of what you want...but right now, you made me very happy knowing you were true to your words..."

"you know what I want..." she said truthfully, looking to his eyes...

he took a hold of her hair, pulling her back as he bent...brushing his lips along her neck to her chin then to her waiting lips and said, "Natalia...." she felt him grow harder and bigger as his member between their bellies brushed up and down along with his movements...she closed her eyes feeling every sensation..

Then she heard something crashed...she opened her eyes...and grief, desperation, frustration engulfed her as she was now awake...she wanted to cry...but she's very confused...and thought she's going crazy for feeling that way..."how could she possibly feel that way towards a dream? Was it just a dream? What's going on?" then she screamed...before she realized what she'd done...she heard knocks on her door...she heard Ramona calling her...Then Lord Cedric shouting at Ramona, telling her to get the keys...upon hearing that, she got really scared knowing she didnt lock the door...remembering the incident again with Lord Cedric...she wanted to get out of the room as fast as she could...she jump out of bed...and she stepped on something, and she screamed once again out of pain...she dropped on her knees...she looked over her shoulder and saw some broken glass and water spilled around the floor...she heard the door opened and came rushing Ramona, quickly kneeling by her injured foot...then came Luisa with some medicine kit...but she became oblivious to what they're saying and doing as she heard Lord Cedric say, "What have you done?"

like a magnet...her eyes looked towards his...and she was beyond shocked, his eyes were red as blodd but blazing like fire...then right before her eyes again, it changed to black...and very her an accusing look...she had to shake her head..she couldnt believe what she just saw...and caught herself speechless and holding her breath...she just watch him leave as he said..."You take care of her Ramona, make sure she won't hurt herself again..." and she felt the pain again...but not as painful as what she felt when he looked at her coldly before he left the room.

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-09-19 00:50:28
Are you planning on writing a next part? Because I wish you were

Anonymous readerReport 

2015-04-14 17:59:30
This dude has a serious testosterone problem. It is interfering with his personality disorder. Gripping story, but your male lead needs a smack behind the head.

Anonymous readerReport 

2014-04-28 01:08:52
can you tell me if there gonna be a next part to this story? I love it.. please have another part tht continues

anonymous readerReport 

2012-09-01 13:01:43
Well sounds like but let's see where she's's a bit of mystery to me...its rare to have authors who can write

anonymous readerReport 

2012-08-28 10:20:51
Am I the only one that thinks this is oddly like fifty shades of grey?

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